[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:(5)

2000-02-12 Thread newlook

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Darn.. I hate it when people go "Dave" on me.
 ("Dave" as in the Space Oddysey - "Something wonderfull")

Are you sure that you're not having flashbacks to the SCA virus? hehe

Deryk Robosson
// http://linux.tc3net.com/newlook

[REBOL] What about Rebol/Command? Re:(2)

2000-02-12 Thread robert . muench

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 1:32 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] What about Rebol/Command? Re:

 I am using my RValue class to convert C++ values to/from
 REBOL.  This has
 been completely re-written since my announcement a few weeks
 ago; memory usage
 has been halved and I have added a few value types.  Each
 value only takes
 takes 8 bytes on 32bit systems (type pointer and uns32
 data/pointer), plus the
 storage for words and strings.  Blocks are stored in an
 STL-like vector of RValues.

Hi, this sounds interesting, can you post a link where we can have a look
at it?

Robert M. Muench, Karlsruhe, Germany
== ask for PGP public-key ==

  When do you want to reboot today?

Use the free portable GUI Library
OpenAmulet from http://www.openip.org

[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:

2000-02-12 Thread ingo

Hi Volker,

this is the email I got from [EMAIL PROTECTED], sending them 
a message should still work. At the start they checked mails
against "me too"s, manually, so it may take some time till 
you get an answer. If it doesn't work, drop a short note to

Beta View testers, 
It's here!  Actually, the Windows version 
is here and the Unices will be right behind it... 
In order to receive a copy of the Windows Beta 
version, please send a message (do not hit reply) 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: 
send view031.zip 
If you'd like a copy of a Unix version, please 
email [EMAIL PROTECTED], and we'll send you a notice 
as soon as the testing for the "X-Windows" 
version is completed. 
Thank you for your patience and we look forward 
to your feedback, 
The REBOL Team 

Those were the words of [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Can't find it on the webpage. Peoples here are talking about.
 how can i test it?
 Gruss Volker
Hi Rebols,



--  _ ._
ingo@)|_ /|  _| _  We ARE all ONE   www._|_o _   _ ._ _  
www./_|_) |o(_|(/_  We ARE all FREE ingo@| |(_|o(_)| (_| 
http://www.2b1.de/Rebol/ ._|  ._|


2000-02-12 Thread bpaddock

I wrote a paper on

  (Extensible Markup Language)


Why would we here care about a thing such as XML?  The article covers
such things as XML-RPC which is a Remote Procedure Calling system, and
Distributed Objects.

Any one want to run a big job on lots of computers using Rebol
maybe? :-)

Alas I wrote this paper in early December before I started using Rebol,
would have been good to get it in the article.

What is XML-RPC?

XML-RPC is a Remote Procedure Calling protocol that works over the Internet.

XML-RPC Specification:  Simple cross-platform distributed computing,
based on the standards of the Internet.

It's a specification and a set of implementations that allow software
running on disparate operating systems, running in different
environments to make procedure calls over the Internet. It's remote
procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding.
It's designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data
structures to be transmitted, processed, and returned.

An XML-RPC message is an HTTP-POST request. The body of the request is
in XML. A procedure executes on the server and the value it returns is
also formatted in XML.

Ken MacLeod has more about XML and Distributed Objects on his site.

SAX 1.0: The Simple API for XML

SAX 1.0: a free API for event-based XML parsing.

SAX is a standard interface for event-based XML parsing.

What is an Event-Based Interface?

There are two major types of XML (or SGML) APIs:

tree-based APIs; and

event-based APIs.

A tree-based API compiles an XML document into an internal tree structure, then
allows an application to navigate that tree. The Document Object Model (DOM)
working group at the World-Wide Web consortium is developing a standard
tree-based API for XML and HTML documents.

An event-based API, on the other hand, reports parsing events (such as the
start and end of elements) directly to the application through callbacks, and
does not usually build an internal tree. The application implements handlers to
deal with the different events, much like handling events in a graphical user

If your XML document were 20 MB large (or even just 2 MB), it would be
very inefficient to construct and traverse an in-memory parse tree just
to locate this one piece of contextual information; an event-based
interface would allow you to find it in a single pass using very little

You can find more at the link above.

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] Rebol Project Submission Form

2000-02-12 Thread ptretter

Lets Collaborate! I have made a new submission form for submitting your
favorite idea for a Rebol project.  This will allow for an orderly way to
allow all users to jointly make robust Rebol applications.  This effort is
dependent on group participation.  Submit your projects at Paul's Rebol

Paul Tretter
Paul's Rebol Page

[REBOL] (E)BNF of valid email addresses?

2000-02-12 Thread censel

Hi Rebols,

I'm working on an cgi-application and want to do some reasonable error
checking on what users type in my html-form as their email address.
Relying on rebols email! datatype and email? type-tester is not enough.  

Surely someone on the rebol list knows where I can find the (E)BNF syntax
specification or something similiar.

Thank you in advance,

Christian CHE Ensel

- Germany -

[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:(9)

2000-02-12 Thread kracik

Thanks, I'll certainly try REBOL there.

  I'm afraid that no free hosting service allows user CGI. If you find
  any, please let me know.
 If you success in running Rebol cgi there, tell me how...

Michal Kracik

[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:(10)

2000-02-12 Thread laidback

They don't currently run Rebol as Rebol didn't run  on their operating
system when last they checked.  I believe it is Freed BSDI(?) or something
like that.  A free Unix that aint Linux anyway.

If Rebol does run on their OS then I think they would be open to running it

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 8:28 PM
Subject: [REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:(9)

 Thanks, I'll certainly try REBOL there.

   I'm afraid that no free hosting service allows user CGI. If you find
   any, please let me know.
  If you success in running Rebol cgi there, tell me how...

 Michal Kracik

[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:(11)

2000-02-12 Thread stephens

Some of the available free Unix's are:

Note that the following NON-COMMERCIAL versions of freebsd, openbsd, and 
netbsd are all open-source - you get the source code with the O.S. for free.

FreeBSD at http://www.freebsd.org - this is the one that runs sites like 
Yahoo, etc ... and the closest thing to the actual Berkeley Unix. The book, 
"The Design and Implementation of 4.4BSD Operating System" can even be used 
as a reference guide to the internals of this operating system. It has 
complete SMP support. This one is targeted squarely at x86 systems, only.

OpenBSD at http://www.openbsd.org - this one is targeted for secure 
environments. The entire source was subjected to a 10 person, 1-1/2 year 
audit for security issues. Considering the latest attacks, if security is 
of concern, this is probably the guy to have. This one, is multi-platform.

NetBSD at http://www.netbsd.org - this one is targeted for cross-platform 
support, and probably is implemented on more platforms than any other Unix 
known, bar-none.

The commercial "version" of BSD is at http://www.bsdi.com - this one runs 
Thunderstone software (http://www.thunderstone.com) for ebay, and 
http://www.zdnet.com, probably the two busiest sites on the internet! In 
fact, this version probably supports most of the BIG commercial sites on 
the internet. The cost of this O.S. is based on traffic. An unlimited 
traffic license will set you back about $3000.00 for binary only and 
$5000.00 for source and binary. Full SMP (of course), with just about every 
IP-control bell and whistle possible. An all-in-one ISP package, for sure.

At 12:54 PM 02/12/2000 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
They don't currently run Rebol as Rebol didn't run  on their operating
system when last they checked.  I believe it is Freed BSDI(?) or something
like that.  A free Unix that aint Linux anyway.

If Rebol does run on their OS then I think they would be open to running it


[REBOL] Assurance of portable rebol scripts

2000-02-12 Thread luke

Dear rebolers

Before I start I would like to say how much I am enjoying rebol
and seing how it can solve pratical web programming problems in a
simple manner. So far so good. The rest of my email seeks to
stimulate some debate on some of the trust/security issues of
mobile code.

What is the perceived model for assuring rebol scripts as they fly
'round the web doing their clever messaging and powerful
programming thang?

Certainly the problem of mobile and possibly malicious code hasn't
started here (ActiveX, javascript etc), although isnt the inbuilt
networking capabilitie one of the selling-points of rebol. Ergo
there needs to be a model of how we can make best use of the
technology, whilst maintaining a certain level of trust in the
software as we download and run it.

I see two possible limitations within the current rebol
programming space as currently defined (please correct me if I'm

1. Rebol scripts are text-based and interpreted. As well as this
being a great feature in terms of portability etc, it is also a
limitation in as much as it means scripts can be easily altered,
possibly in a malicious manner as they flow around the internet.
At least with standard programs there is less of a risk of reverse
compilation and modification.

2. There is no interface to external modules (e.g. native
applications, the command-line etc). In the pursuit of
cross-platform portability perhaps - it has been decided that
there is no native interface to third party modules written in
other applications. This means it will be difficult to digitally
sign rebol scripts (e.g. PGP?) to ensure they are received as
intact and as the author intended.

Just think of the damage caused by melissa and her ilk - what
might be the analagous scenario in rebol - is it conceivable?? How
do we convince the corporate world that there is a solid security
model behind the rebol approach?

in anticipation,

Luke Emmet

[REBOL] Your invaluable assistance Re:

2000-02-12 Thread KGD03011

Hi Tim,

I enjoyed reading your description of your personal history and
your project. I don't know very much about web programming, but
I'll help when I can.

You wrote:

P.S. I've got some ideas for a rebol "librarian",
that could fetch reusable subroutines like the one
the Eric wrote, and insert them into a project file.
More about that later.

I'm not sure how necessary a project file is for REBOL programming,
at least at this stage. I never got to the point in C where I needed
a project file, but my understanding is that project files are handy
to speed up the process of compilation (so that you don't have to
recompile files if their code hasn't changed), and to link in compiled

I think with REBOL you don't have to do (can't do) anything more
complicated than including files. A lot of us have written utilities
for this. I have one on rebol.org called dore.r that is a big help.
It indexes all the *.r files below the REBOL home directory. Then you
can do my-script.r with just:

   dore my-script; takes a word! argument


   dore/maybe my-script

will do that script only if it hasn't been done. This is the statement
I use as an equivalent to an include statement. Also,

   dore/list my-script

will print out a list of functions and objects defined in that script.
I could send you the latest version if you're interested.

See you,


2000-02-12 Thread krobillard

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote a paper on
   (Extensible Markup Language)
 Why would we here care about a thing such as XML?  The article covers
 such things as XML-RPC which is a Remote Procedure Calling system, and
 Distributed Objects.
 Any one want to run a big job on lots of computers using Rebol
 maybe? :-)
 Alas I wrote this paper in early December before I started using Rebol,
 would have been good to get it in the article.

Great, someone who knows about XML and REBOL!  I have just begun researching
XML and was thinking about how it relates to REBOL.  Can REBOL be
used in place of  XML?  I would like to hear other's thoughts on the matter. 

Here are my comparisons for some of the 7 points about XLM listed on

1. XML is a method for putting structured data in a text file 

  REBOL can be used in exactly the same manner.

2. XML looks a bit like HTML but isn't HTML 

  Looking like HTML is a bad thing in my opinion.  Having to match the
word of start and end tags is brain-dead.  It takes more space and makes it
inconvenient to change tag types.  REBOL's open brace/close brace is
as clean as you can get.  In my text editor I can easily find the end of a
REBOL block by using the 'jump to other bracket' command.

3. XML is text, but isn't meant to be read

  Unlike XML, REBOL claims to be readable by non-experts.  I'm not really sure
if REBOL can live up to this claim; it is a computer language and uses
punctuation in 'weird' and very specific ways.  However I think it is a noble
goal to strive for.

4. XML is a family of technologies

  Are the examples given (Xlink, XSL, etc) equivalent to REBOL dialects?
REBOL seems to be its own "family of technologies."  Witness REBOL/View,
REBOL/Command, etc.  Extensions and dialects are created in REBOL itself. 
REBOL/Command seems to be the equivalent of DOM.  DOM is described as "a
platform- and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to
dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents". 
If you're scripting you'll be using REBOL itself to do this job. From compiled
languages you'll access REBOL scripts and databases via REBOL/Command.  Will
Command be usable for compiled languages other than C/C++?

5. XML is verbose, but that is not a problem 

  This point talks about how the text format of XML is larger than binary
formats and how with compression and large hard-drives this isn't an issue.  The
same applies to REBOL, but even more so since it is less verbose than XML.

10. XML is license-free, platform-independent and well-supported 

  The most important statement in point 10 is "The large and growing support
means that you are also not tied to a single vendor."  REBOL Technologies
is trying to be platform independent by producing binaries for popular
platforms, but this is no substitute for being free and open-source. 
REBOL/Command is a most vital REBOL component and may not be freely available
as REBOL/Core is.  Once you've chosen REBOL you're committed big-time.

-Karl Robillard

[REBOL] hostname parse rule

2000-02-12 Thread peoyli

Tried to translate BNF

 hname ::= name*["."name]
 name  ::= let[*[let-or-digit-or-hyphen]let-or-digit]

to a parse rule...

let-char: charset[#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z"]
let-digit-char: charset[#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"0" - #"9"]
let-digit-hyph-char: charset[#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"0" - #"9" #"-"]

hname-rule: [name-rule some ["." name-rule]]
name-rule: [let-char [none | [[some let-digit-hyph-char] let-digit-char]] to end]

The problem is that it returns "true" too often...

 parse "a" name-rule
== true
OK  match first let-char, and none

 parse "-" name-rule
== false
OK  does not match the first required let-char

 parse "a-1" name-rule
== true
OK  match the first let-char, the allowed extra chars, and the required
letter or digit at the end

 parse "asdfg" name-rule
== true
OK  match the first let-char, and allowed extra letters digits or
hyphens, last character is a let-char, so that is ok

 parse "asdfg-" name-rule
== true
ERR!last character is not one of the allowed ones

 parse "a%$#" name-rule  
== true
ERR!none of the characters following the "a" are allowed

The result of the rule seems to be like I have written it as
any-char: complement charset[""]
name-rule: [let-char [none | [some let-digit-hyph-char]] to end]

What is wrong with the rule generating the too-many true's ?


[REBOL] RValue 2.0

2000-02-12 Thread krobillard

At Robert's request, here is RValue 2.0.
RValue is a C++ class to load and save a sub-set of REBOL values.
The code and associated HTML documentation are in an archive at

-Karl Robillard

[REBOL] hostname parse rule Re:

2000-02-12 Thread icimjs


you wrote:
let-char: charset[#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z"]
let-digit-char: charset[#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"0" - #"9"]
let-digit-hyph-char: charset[#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"0" - #"9" #"-"]
hname-rule: [name-rule some ["." name-rule]]
name-rule: [let-char [none | [[some let-digit-hyph-char] let-digit-char]]
to end]
 parse "asdfg-" name-rule
== true
ERR!last character is not one of the allowed ones

 parse "a%$#" name-rule  
== true
ERR!none of the characters following the "a" are allowed

What is wrong with the rule generating the too-many true's ?

Your name-rule requres a let-char then it permits for none and then goes to
end. In both ERR! cases let-char is fulfilled, then at some point the none
part of the following bracket is fulfilled and then to end is performed. No
wonder you end up with true in both cases. Compare to:

 parse "abcdefg" [none to end]
== true

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] hostname parse rule Re:

2000-02-12 Thread Al . Bri

 name-rule: [let-char [none | [[some let-digit-hyph-char] let-digit-char]]
to end]

let-char any [let-digit-hyp=char]

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169