[REBOL] Wait Port Re:(4)

2000-10-08 Thread deryk

> On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 11:00:25AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > There is no timeout on the select()? If not, for those rolling their own
> > protocols, should there be the option at the higher Rebol level? :)
> You can specify a timeout in the wait block.

Cool beans, thanks for the info Holger. :)


[REBOL] Wait Port Re:(2)

2000-10-07 Thread deryk

> On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 05:29:47PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Does anyone know what the default time is that the wait commands polls the
> > port for data.  Im not talking about the timeout but the time it check the
> > port to see if data is coming.  How fast is that and can it be changed.
> Wait does not poll at all. It blocks until any of the ports you specify
> have data. This is done by calling an operating system function, not by
> busy-looping in a poll loop.

There is no timeout on the select()? If not, for those rolling their own
protocols, should there be the option at the higher Rebol level? :)


[REBOL] Bug? Update button on Rebol/View always gets a new copy of Rebol/View Re:

2000-10-07 Thread deryk

> Update button on Rebol/View for Windows always downloads a new copy of
> Rebol/View.
> This might have something to do with time zones, as I'm currently at +11
> hours GMT, NZ Daylight Saving Time.

I cannot reproduce this but I too get unexpected results (/View linux x86 glibc2).  Two days ago I selected Update and was
told that my version was current as expected.  I spy your mail today
trying to confirm your bug, but when selecting update again I get told
that that function is only available for Windows.


[REBOL] View 0.10.35 - Many fixes. Re:(2)

2000-10-01 Thread deryk

On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Sun, 01 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > Just posted a new View.  Major fixes, changes too.  See "Changes" icon.
> > By far the most important change is support for Proxies.  However, I've
> > only done limited testing, and I could use your help testing it with
> > other firewalls.  Please give it a try.
> It works cute with my generic-proxy setting (squid, no authentication).

I've been using rebol with squid for a few years now with no trouble.


[REBOL] how to run rebol on qnx rtp Re:(4)

2000-09-29 Thread deryk

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Actually, I got it to work m=now...but... It seems buggy. First off, it doesn't ask 
>for all the info needed to make networking work. I tried setting this up but could 
>not get the simple command

It asked me all the expected questions regarding user.r setup just fine.

> send [EMAIL PROTECTED] "test"
> to work. Can Anyone do this with rebol on qnx rtp? Where did you put the files on 
>your hard disk? 

The test message worked for me.  I created a directory called rebol and
extracted the tarball there.


[REBOL] how to run rebol on qnx rtp Re:

2000-09-29 Thread deryk

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Works fine for me and it's fairly snappy. :)

Make sure you're running it with the proper path or that your current
directory is in the path (i.e. ./rebol).


> I download rebol/core for qnx rtp and extracted it out. When I try to run "rebol" 
>from the
> terminal...it doesn't work. How do you run rebol in qnx rtp?
> rishi

[REBOL] FTPing all files or selected files in a directory? Re:

2000-09-29 Thread deryk

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello, 
> I've been transferring files using ftp and i noticed that it keeps on 
> connecting for every file being transferred. Is there any way to just 
> connect once and then do all the transfers?

Nope.  That is the way that the FTP protocol operates.  It hasn't changed
in yonks and probably never will.


> Currently i have something like this:
> filelist: read ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 
> foreach file filelist [write/binary file read/binary join 
> ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ [file]]


2000-09-05 Thread deryk

I've written one for the Amiga.  RFC 1459 is what you're after and is
available (among other places) here:



- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 9:45 AM
Subject: [REBOL] IRC

> Has anyone made a client for IRC or know the handshaking involved.  Is it
> possible to create an IRC client with REBOL?

[REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available Re:(2)

2000-07-27 Thread deryk

> Hey!!
> This is really exciting Carl!
> And and I can just barely imagine how much work
> this must be to set this all up.
> Here's a thought something that programmers
> might pay some money for...
> The ability to compile Rebol binaries into
> C, C++ etc. It would extend legacy code
> with all of rebols features. I'd sure
> like to be able to do that with either
> Windows or Linux Platforms.
> I could foresee testing code with the interpreter,
> with all of those advantages, then compiling it
> into an executable, with those advantages.
> Best of both worlds, y'think?

I would have to agree with this request.  Companies like to protect
their IP and being able to compile it in one way or another would aid in
that issue.


[REBOL] Converting date to Unix timestamp Re:

2000-07-12 Thread deryk

> Is there a function for converting a date to a unix timestamp?
> Doug

Attached in private email to you.  Original code was by [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[REBOL] Can rebol print files? Re:

2000-07-10 Thread deryk

> Hello,
> Does anyone know how to let Rebol print staff?
> My script is generating a new file, how can I let the script print out the
> generated file?
> Thanks a lot.
> Tiana

Not directly, no.  The way around this is to open your printer device
handler (LPT1:, PTR, lp, etc..) and print to that as it were a file.


[REBOL] Boredom leads to creativity..

2000-07-09 Thread deryk

Simple contact manager, available at:


do http://users.iitowns.com/deryk/rebol/contacts.rip

Have fun. :)


[REBOL] Odd results Re:(4)

2000-07-08 Thread deryk


> VID is a dialect; the syntax is not the same as that of "normal"
> REBOL code. It allows you to execute code to calculate parameters
> for styles, but it is made to layout styles, not to execute REBOL
> code.
> The function LAYOUT interprets the block you are passing to it in
> its own way; you can't expect it to execute it as it was a code
> block, because it isn't: LAYOUT has its own interpreter (wich you
> can see with SOURCE LAYOUT if you want).

Okay, thanks for putting it that way.  I can understand that.  Now what
I would like to know is why if the VID dialect is not able to handle a
particular issue is it not passed back up the tree to the root
interpreter?  That would be the ideal situation so one could then
mix/match /core and VID syntax at any time and place (see also PERL,
ARexx, etc..).


[REBOL] Odd results Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

> Hi Deryk,
>  One of the reasons you are getting errors is that an 'inform dialog cannot
> be shown as the first/only face. But as below shows you can re-use you
> dialog as much as you like after it has a parent face.

Yup, okay, I can understand that (don't know why, but can comprehend..)

> ; this works
> view layout [
>button "this" [inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text."
> "Okay"]
>button "that" [inform-error "Title Text" "You pressed 'that button."
> "Okay"]
> ]

Yup, so it does.

> Another thing to remember, 'Layout is for creating a 'face using VID or VID
> styles.
> If you look at your layout. You can see that you are not providing a style
> in your layout block.
> Hence the unrecognised style errors in...

Yup, thought (and noticed the style bit) about that also.  But, as you
notice, inform-error is a function which should "in theory" be able to
be called and executed from within the view layout [] context.  It
appears to me that the parser is pulling out the pieces it wants and
disregarding the rest for the most part as unneeded.

If we do:

view layout [
  button "Howdy Gang!" [print "Rebol is cool"]
  button "Quit" [quit]
  inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text." "Okay"

We still will not get the inform-error function called which really was
the part that confused me the most as the parser (interpreter) perceives
this as a 'style.


[REBOL] what type of tcp port's best ...? Re:

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

> Or is it better to generate the script-file? But then I would have to
> save image data and load it into /View from harddrive. I just thought
> delivering whole data thru tcp/ip port would be faster, but that's the
> question ..

Hrmm..thinking about this..(.oO(---)) <-- empty thoughts lol

Okay, depending on the size of the script you could do it one of two

1. Build script, send through to waiting /view

poke, prod..yeah?
catch!  okay, receiving..
I'm doneyes, you are, doing script now, cya

2. Build script, save to disk, tell /view where to find it (one line..)

(builds script,
saves to disk)
poke, prod..yeah, what?
do this please  uhmm..sure, not a problem
thanks  cya
    delete file(s)


[REBOL] Does rebol --do "print 123" for e.g. work for ya? Re:

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

> Hi,
> I am just curious if running rebol with command line parameters work for
> you? I get following error:
> rebol --do "print 123"
> ** Script Error: print is missing its value argument.
> ** Where: print
> ** Press enter to quit...
> Thanks,
> -pekr-

[newlook@trek test]$ rebol --do "print 123"
REBOL/View 1-Jun-2000
Copyright 2000 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
Type DEMO to run demo if it is disabled

works fine on this end.


[REBOL] Odd results

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

'lo gang.  Here is a wierd one which has me stumped.  Why will the
following not work?

  Title: "InformeR"
   File: %informer.r
   Author: "Deryk Robosson"
   Date: 04-Jul-2000
   Purpose: { A simple menthod for providing simple requesters }

image-path: http://www.google.com/images/Title_Paint.gif

inform-error: func [
  {Displays an error requester}
  ttext [series!] {Title text}
  itext [series!] {Text to be displayed}
  gatext [series!] {Gadget Text}
  /local error-img
inform layout [
subtitle ttext
across image image-path text itext 'return
button gatext [hide-popup]

view layout [
  inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text." "Okay"

results in:

Unknown word or style: inform-error
Misplaced item: "Title "
Misplaced item: "This i"
Misplaced item: "Okay"

The window opens but nothing is displayed.  I'm still baffled as to why
one cannot just mix and match /view and /core at any time and place.


[REBOL] FAQ Generator/Editor

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

Another tool I use around the shop for easy editing and creation of



do http://users.iitowns.com/deryk/rebol/faqr.rip

To change final generated page layout, edit the variables at the top of

Comments, suggestions, and modifications are as always, welcome.


[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

> Hi,
> Again I'm re-impressed with rebol. I spent yesterday and today parsing Rich
> Text Format files with rebol and it works a treat.
> Although I only got as far as loading RTF into Rebol blocks and words - but
> I'm still impressed.
> The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
> company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
> yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
> with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
> some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
> haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
> content + presentation.
> I'd appreciate any comments on other peoples experiences with this sort of
> thing.
> I hope others may yet find a use for the code I've generated so far, so I
> placed it at rebol.org. And if you can use it let me know - I need the
> satisfaction :)
> The script can be found at http://www.rebol.org/general/rtf-tools.r


Word can also export as XML which you could parse much easier with
Rebol. :)


[REBOL] Inherit global var? Re:(2)

2000-07-05 Thread deryk

> Deryk wrote:
> > If I declare a global variable in one script, then do another, is that
> variable inherited by the done script?
> Not exactly inherited, but it's able to be accessed in the 'do-ne script.

Thanks Andrew.  Knowing this allowed me to clean up a project I was
working on. :)


[REBOL] tab delimited records Re:

2000-06-30 Thread deryk

> Didn't get a reply awhile ago on this so I'm going to ask again (seems
> everyone got caught in the CSV discussion :)).

Disregard that message..I managed to get it sorted out with some trial
and error.  Wonder why it sometimes takes longer than a day for messages
to reach the list..odd.


[REBOL] other ftp related issues ... Re:

2000-06-29 Thread deryk

> Hi,
> played a little bit with ftp today and have dealt with following issues
> we have quuid proxy here. I use following code to transfer my files:
>  foreach file read %. [if not dir? file [print file write/binary
> friend/upload/pekr/:file read/binary file]]
> Thanks,
> -pekr-

In order to delete a directory (and anything under it) you will first
have to find out the contents of that specific tree.  Then you can
delete each (from the bottom up). Unfortunately it's the nature of the
FTP beast.

Squid is a good proxy.  I use it at work, home, and would recommend it
to anyone.  However, it too has to be setup to handle FTP.  On the Rebol
side, setting the proxy type to none does the trick for me.


[REBOL] Building a better Internet channel between businesses and custome rs. Re:

2000-06-27 Thread deryk

> I love the new slogan at http://www.rebol.com/   main page.
> The one you had up last week was kind-of weak/obtuse/sluggishly-sloganish.
> I was just getting ready to complain about the old slogan... and then
> somebody at REBOL came up with the new one.
> It's looking better every day!

"Things are getting better.", President Starkey


/me ducks and runs for cover ;)

[REBOL] using tcp:// with an unknown port Re:(2)

2000-06-19 Thread deryk

> Hi Deryk,
> Not sure if this is what you mean or not..
> If no port-id is specified, an available port will be allocated
> (This example works in Rebol/View)
> my-conn: open tcp://
> my-conn/port-id
> ==2664
> >> my-conn2: open/lines tcp://
> >> my-conn2/port-id
> == 2665


Yeah, that's exactly what I was hunting for. Perhaps this should be
documented. :)



[REBOL] using tcp:// with an unknown port

2000-06-19 Thread deryk

I am not able to locate anything in regards to how to make Rebol open a
port with no known number.

For example, we have a known port:  my-conn: open/lines tcp://:4321

So far, so good, but, how do we do this with an unknown port number? In C,
we just call socket(), bind(), then listen() on our socket and the stack
will have a port allocated in this process for us.


[REBOL] Curious Re:(2)

2000-06-17 Thread deryk

>   Yup.  That's a bug. I forwarded your message to feedback so
>   it will get put into our Rebol Automated Master Bug
>   Organizer.

R.A.M.B.O.? lol

>   I'm surprised that that one hasn't shown up before for
>   someone... or maybe it did and they didn't realize what was
>   happenening.

Yes, I wasn't sure whether it was supposed to be 'none or index.html is
just used as a filler until it actually has a value (from site
perhaps?). index.html did seem like a logical choice to me as well,
hence the query first. Thanks Jeff.


[REBOL] Curious

2000-06-17 Thread deryk

Tooling around, I noticed the following:

>> port-spec: make port! [
[  scheme: 'tcp
[  timeout: 0:10
>> net-utils/url-parser/parse-url port-spec http://www.iitowns.com/
== none
>> print port-spec/host
>> print port-spec/target

Now, knowing that index.html is _usually_ the desired target, it isn't
_always_ the target itself.  Index files can be almost anything the web
server has support for, i.e. .php, .php3, .asp, .shtml, etc.  Why was
this chosen to be a fillin and not what the server itself returns to be
the _actual_ target?

Not that any of this affects anything I'm doing, I'm just curious is
all. :)


[REBOL] Time Re:(2)

2000-06-14 Thread deryk

> > I've just ran into a brick wall.
> >
> > Where is the epoc time support in Rebol?
> >
> It's easy enough to do, Deryk... Here's to epoch time:


Danke, you're the man for the day! :)

(I still think it should be a normal function in rebol ;))


[REBOL] PAM links Re:

2000-06-14 Thread deryk

> Hi deryk,
> The links do not work.
> Brett.


I tested both links from a couple of my offshore shell accounts and they
worked just fine.


[REBOL] Time

2000-06-14 Thread deryk

I've just ran into a brick wall.

Where is the epoc time support in Rebol?

>> tot: to-time 958465679
== 266240:27:59

is fine sorta, except it's not exactly a localtime() or date() call :)


[REBOL] PAM authentication & REBOL

2000-06-13 Thread deryk

daemon, rebol test file, and rebol function available at:

Conventional Browser: 3337 bytes



REBOL: 4326 bytes

do read http://users.iitowns.com/deryk/rebol/rebolauthd-1.0.rip

Running the daemon on a server and using these scripts, one can
authenticate against it.  Have fun. :)


[REBOL] REBOL and the unix shell Re:(4)

2000-06-12 Thread deryk


> > second, - you don't need to do such counts, rebol is much smarter -
> > "length? res" will return the same  ...
> >
> > > print rejoin [i " chars wide."]
> >
> > I told you rebol is much, smarter, no? :-) "print [i "chars wide"]"
> >
> > so, just one line:
> >
> > print [length? res: parse/all read
> > http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html " " "chars wide"]
> >
> > Kapito? :-)
> Much neater hehe I had a general idea it could be condensed quite a bit
> but didn't realise how much. :)

print [length? res: parse/all read http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/ "0"
"chars wide"]


  The above actually displays the correct result that my original
version did as well.  Had to look at things again. You were parsing for
spaces.  The page referenced above displays 1234567890(repeat...) hence
the reason I was parsing for "0" and returning the count from there. 
Actually, the count should be multiplied by 10 to get the correct


[REBOL] REBOL and the unix shell Re:(3)

2000-06-12 Thread deryk

> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > Say folks: I put up an article I wrote this weekend on using
> > > REBOL with the unix shell.  It's a part of some other domain specific
> > > REBOL materials I've been assembling.  Have a look and please feel
> > > free to send me any feedback you have.
> > >
> > > http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html
> >
> > 3000 chars on your ~whip/index.html cute :)
> hmm, not so sure :-)
> >
> > REBOL [
> >   Title: "Count"
> >   Date: 12-Jun-2000
> >   Author: "Deryk Robosson"
> >   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   Purpose: {
> > Count the width of Jeff's site.
> >   }
> > ]
> >
> > res: parse read http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/ "0"
> wrong imho - above line tries to parse the string by "0" char. The result
> is:

I just found the common item and used parse to count it.

> ->> res: parse read http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/ "0"
> == ["123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789"
> "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "1
> 23456...
> so 3000 of the same items ... hmm, what's that? :-))
> ha, now i got it - it's different page, you surely wanted to grab following
> one:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html
> > i: 0
> > foreach result res [
> >   i: i + 1
> > ]
> >
> second, - you don't need to do such counts, rebol is much smarter -
> "length? res" will return the same  ...
> > print rejoin [i " chars wide."]
> I told you rebol is much, smarter, no? :-) "print [i "chars wide"]"
> so, just one line:
> print [length? res: parse/all read
> http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html " " "chars wide"]
> Kapito? :-)

Much neater hehe I had a general idea it could be condensed quite a bit
but didn't realise how much. :)


[REBOL] REBOL and the unix shell Re:

2000-06-12 Thread deryk

> Say folks: I put up an article I wrote this weekend on using
> REBOL with the unix shell.  It's a part of some other domain specific
> REBOL materials I've been assembling.  Have a look and please feel
> free to send me any feedback you have.
> http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html

3000 chars on your ~whip/index.html cute :)

  Title: "Count"
  Date: 12-Jun-2000
  Author: "Deryk Robosson"
  Purpose: {
Count the width of Jeff's site.

res: parse read http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/ "0"

i: 0
foreach result res [
  i: i + 1

print rejoin [i " chars wide."]



[REBOL] Size literals in REBOL Re:

2000-06-11 Thread deryk

> I tracked the problem with build-lib.r to syntax errors uncovered by
> load/header when encountering size literals of the form x. REBOL
> clearly doesn?t understand them:
> >> val: 1x10
> ** Syntax Error: Invalid integer -- 1x10.
> ** Where: (line 1) val: 1x10
> >> val: [ 1x10 ]
> ** Syntax Error: Invalid integer -- 1x10.
> ** Where: (line 1) val: [ 1x10 ]
> I find them in numerous scripts as sizes. Is this a construct that only View
> understands? Is there any simple fix to build-lib.r?

It is a pair! datatype available with /view.


[REBOL] load/save objects

2000-06-08 Thread deryk

Quick question..

I've only found a couple blurbs on the ml archive on this subject but no
real snippets of code to toy with.  Anyone with such a thing? Didn't
find anything on either the rebol.com nor rebol.org sites in regards to
this type of thing.

On another quick note, anyone know how with /view to center a text
object? I've browsed through the object itself but can't seem to
properly mix /core and /view commands to calculate an 'at offset to
'text to.

BTW, Bo, if you read this one, you rule..I love the new system
browser..came in handy for dumping /view tree out to my printer :)



2000-06-08 Thread deryk


The setting of REBOL_VIEW env var worked fine, thanks.

Shouldn't there be the common variable between all versions though?


[REBOL] Rebol/View Win32 and REBOL_HOME envvar Re:(2)

2000-06-08 Thread deryk

> Try setting REBOL_VIEW instead of REBOL_HOME... that work better?

I'll test it when I get to work shortly and let you know the results
later on. Thanks. :)


[REBOL] Rebol/View Win32 and REBOL_HOME envvar

2000-06-08 Thread deryk

I managed to track down a nifty util called WINSET that allows me to set
an evironment variable during the netlogon procedure. The variable is
visable to any application launched after it is set (i.e.
start->run->command, type 'set' and REBOL_HOME will be there) but
Rebol/view doesn't seem to honor the setting as it says in the docs (var
first, current dir second).  Anyone have any insight on this matter?


[REBOL] TextPad syntax for Rebol Re:(3)

2000-06-06 Thread deryk

> what the heck is TextPad?  Is that like notepad for Linux?

One of the better editors (there is also UltraEdit) for the Win32
platform.  Under Linux/X, I prefer to use J which is a java based

Deryk Robosson

[REBOL] TextPad syntax for Rebol Re:(2)

2000-06-06 Thread deryk


> Deryk - how does this work? I copied the file, but don't see any way to enable
> its use (TextPad 3.2.0; is this old?)

It was based on a 4.0+ file downloaded from their site and the current
version is 4.2.2 so I'd place that as the safe bet.

Deryk Robosson

[REBOL] TextPad syntax for Rebol Re:(2)

2000-06-06 Thread deryk

> Hi Deryk,
> Excellent 
> according to the help file rebol.syn should be put inot the user directory
> I also had to create a document class and enable syntax highlighting

The infromation at the bottom of
http://www.textpad.com/add-ons/syntax.html doesn't specify exactly where
to place the syntax files and some of the others I had downloaded used
the System under the TextPad dir so I just followed suit. :)

Deryk Robosson

[REBOL] TextPad syntax for Rebol Re:(2)

2000-06-06 Thread deryk


> One question though ... I got a bit stuck yesterday in getting it to
> recognise { } as quote characters rather than brackets. I notice your
> definition doesn't either ... do you know is this possible with
> TextPad?

Hrmm..I think I tossed those into the bracket category (being a C/C++
person by nature it was habit). I'll peek at the docs for the syntax
file later on at work.

Deryk Robosson

[REBOL] TextPad syntax for Rebol Re:(2)

2000-06-06 Thread deryk

> Deryck,
> Thanks - I did do my own one but I never found time to iron out the quirks
> with it. May be worth mentioning the version of textpad as well - the
> StringSpan option and possibly others are not available in TextPad 4.0. I
> should upgrade to 4.2 and register.
> Have a look at http://www.textpad.com/add-ons/syntax.html - could always
> put it up there as a good download location.

Ah, yes..this was for version 4.2, sorry for not mentioning that.  Yes,
I might just do that (the upload to their site), but got tied up working
on some client machups with /view for work. :)


[REBOL] TextPad syntax for Rebol

2000-06-05 Thread deryk

For those that might be interested, I just whipped up a
syntax definition file. Available at the following url:

in rebol:
write/binary %rebol.syn read http://users.iitowns.com/deryk/rebol/rebol.syn

in a normal browser:

Then copy the file to the System directory of TextPad.

I got tired of the bland black and white ;)  Hope someone else can make
use of it as well.

Deryk Robosson

[REBOL] BUG char input events never reach object of current focus Re:(2)

2000-06-05 Thread deryk

> > View version: REBOL/View 1-Jun-2000
> >
> > Synopsis:
> >   Defining a shortcut key for a button and selecting a field,
> >   the field will never receive the char, if typed, as specified by
> >   the shortcut.
> >
> > Code to reproduce:
> >
> >   rebol[]
> >
> >   view layout [
> > button "test" #"t"
> > across text "Text Field:" tab tf: field
> >   ]
> >
> hmm, now that's interesting - after playing with above code (except
> rebol []) inserted to console via clipboard, I got /View hard crash.
> btw: functionality of above code is strange. Events for button are
> reflected inside of field?

Events of button (input char 't' in this example) are reflected in the
above field, yes.

If we change button to:

button "test" #"t" [quit]

and then run the app: rebol test.r

type activate the field by clicking inside of it, then typing 't', the
application will quit. :)


[REBOL] BUG char input events never reach object of current focus

2000-06-05 Thread deryk

View version: REBOL/View 1-Jun-2000

  Defining a shortcut key for a button and selecting a field,
  the field will never receive the char, if typed, as specified by
  the shortcut.

Code to reproduce:


  view layout [
button "test" #"t"
across text "Text Field:" tab tf: field

Attempting to use the letter 't' in field will show what I mean.

Deryk Robosson

cc'd to feedback@ (could not find info on a bugs@ address)

[REBOL] Stupid Question Re:

2000-06-04 Thread deryk

> Hi,
> I am starting programming in Rebol and have the following problem:
> I have a file with an email adress in the first line
> How can I grab the email adress and use it ? The following seems not
> to work - no idea why
> snip-
> message: read %/F/Apfel.txt
> file: read/lines %/F/Apfel.txt
> to: first file

Change the above to:

to: make email! first file

or see below.

> header: make system/standard/email [
> To: to
> Subject: "Test Mail"
> Organization: "No one"
> X-mailer: "[Test Mailer v0.01]"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: "text/plain"
> ]
> send/header to message header

send/header make email! to message header

I think that should work also (been awhile since I've toyed with email.)


[REBOL] Annoucements Re:(2)

2000-06-03 Thread deryk

> > A few quick announcements:
> >
> > 1. REBOL/View B4.1 is now available from our website.
> Interesting, but what kind of file was it that I downloaded for the
> Linux version?
> --
> Da Katt

A binary. Run it.
