Re: [WSG] [OT] What happend to WebDesign-L?

2007-01-18 Thread Donna Jones
I had a subscription to the WebDesign mailing list at Suddenly, a couple months ago, I stopped 
receiving any mail from the list. I have tried to re-subscribe, with no 
response. I have tried sending messages to the list-mom at both his 
list-mom address and his private address. I get a series of responses 
that my mail can't be delivered.

Hi Carl:  I have a problem with that list - I can receive messages but 
can't reply back.  One night I did some researching and my ISP was on a 
spam list, but like nearly two years ago - but I think that may be the 
reason.  I belong to many other lists though, css, wisewomen, evolt, etc 
and don't have any problems with them, so not sure what to make of it. 
I wish I could figure out how to clear it up, but like you I tried 
writing Steve Cameron directly and couldn't get through.  But, haven't 
agonized too much about it since I have plenty of other places to 
participate and at least I can read the messages.

Maybe someone might see these messages and contact Steve?  I really like 
him as a "list Mom" and would be nice to contribute occasionally.


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Visited Links and Accessibility

2007-01-10 Thread Donna Jones
One of the points in accessibility checks is that information conveyed 
using colour is also conveyed without.  The most common way of doing 
visited links is to have them be a slightly different colour.  It's my 
opinion that in a purely visual sense (because I don't know how screen 
readers announce visited links) this approach is inaccessible.

Its become a major pet peeve of mine that people are not styling visited 
links at all, many times, now-a-days.  I give as an example a recent 
page I was looking at of Google's.

In the "old" days the browser would automatically tell you what was 
visited or not.  Now, with css many times people aren't including them 
and so  very aggravating.  I find that "visited" information 
crucially helpful when visiting a site, especially something like my 
example, above.

So, not sure what the best way is, but, I myself, tend to go with a 
lighter shade of the non-visited.  Just do something!  :)


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] The Decline of Print Styles

2006-12-03 Thread Donna Jones

One of the problems with it ... a lot of
internal folks had a hard time figuring
out why what was on the screen was not what
was coming out of their printer.

LOL! I take it, by "internal folks" you
mean faculty types with, as one would
expect, an education somewhat beyond a
high school diploma. Not much hope for
us external folks, then, is there?

I ran into the same issue with my main clients.  The woman that sends in 
reports of various grants was in the habit of printing off a copy of 
whatever she was writing about and sending that with the report.  She 
was "taken back" the first time it didn't work.  I ended up making a pdf 
and sending it to her, but it has "taken me back" because it threw me 
into a dilemna about how to deal with it all.  I see her need and feel 
like its a legitimate need.  and was I able to explain to her what was 
going on  I don't think so! :)

Other times I've put "print this page" button on the page because 
apparently "no one" knows how to print without that, much less to do 
print preview!  (it doesn't help that the local newspaper has "print 
this page" which takes someone to a separate, all text, html page - 
style sheets?  what are style sheets?)

its a uphill road, i tell ya!

BUT, I did get major points recently from a new site I did.  I'd told 
her (and she's a good friend) that I was making "print style sheets" and 
she didn't have to understand what that was but it was a *good* thing. 
A bit later she'd had to do some research and was very underwhelmed at 
trying to print various pages and at using so much ink.  All of a sudden 
she *got it* what I had done and like I said "major points"!  So, 
sometimes the road levels out a bit. :)


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] The Decline of Print Styles

2006-12-01 Thread Donna Jones


After browsing some favored CSS sites, some by Standards Evangelist,  
there seems to be a decline in the use of print styles. Has some  
movement escaped my research?

Hi, don't know about the Standards Evangelist but I do think people in 
general just haven't got there yet.  For me, at least, there was a whole 
lot to learn before I approached making separate styles for print and 
I've just been doing it routinely very lately.

That said, here's one I did just about a month ago that I'm particularly 
proud of and I just "know" that probably no one has seen this except me 
and the woman I did it for, so a bit of a chance to show it off (it was 
a conversion from an Excel sheet).  As I look at it though, I also 
realize its probably not accessible for a screen reader, sigh ...  the 
ones that other organizations did in Maine, though, were pretty much 
accessible to no one!

and here's one that I like, too.  this whole area "should" 
print well. :)  i got rid of the menu completely, substituted a black 
and white logo and took out color, etc.  There was an issue with the 
logo substitution on a Mac in Firefox (if I'm remembering right) sort of 
shadowing itself.  Ended up letting it go just because it would effect 
so few people.

In looking at both of these, I see things I wish I had done differently, 
 that's one of the "problems" with this work, one never seems to be 
able to get it perfect and i quickly become dissatisfied with work from 
only a few months ago.

Anyway, I would like to see more discussion about print styles on these 
lists and problems/issues with the various browsers.


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] WebSite Feedback

2006-11-25 Thread Donna Jones

Everyone should use Gmail, it would solve annoyances 1 to 4.

but then we get a new annoyance, invariably.  people who post two or 
three times because they're not seeing their initial message from gMail. 
   I vote for "just be tolerant".


On 11/25/06, Tee G. Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Nov 22, 2006, at 3:36 AM, Luke wrote:

> I would like to remind you that there is a advertisement in you e-mail
> signature.

Your message implied that the message from Marvin was a disguise and
that his true intention was to advertise some service.

FIY, webmails like Yahoo, hotmail, MSN and many others auto insert
advertisement at the bottom of the email and Marvin was using hotmail
- there is nothing he could do about the advertisement accept unsub
from hotmail. If it bugs you, you have the following options"  1)
unsub; 2) make a  complaint to WSG admin, have them block members who
use yahoo, msn, hotmail and so on - let's pray god that your voice is
heard and your existence at WSG is essential to the WSG existence so
that it makes certain your compliant be heard and action be taken
accordingly by WSG admin; or 3) be tolerate; nobody steps on your toes.

And I would like to ask, which one annoys you most:
1) people who use html email with his/her big company logo and listed
20 lines of the service he/she offers
2) people who didn't turn off vacation notice
3) people who don't trim their messages in reply
4) people who uses hotmail or other webmail services and is innocent
like Marvin but being accused by you


Tee G. Peng

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Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] ie dev tool for ie 6 standalone?

2006-11-24 Thread Donna Jones

Related - IE7 came down the Automatic Update pipe yesterday, so can anyone
point me in the direction or a reliable standalone IE6 that will run 

next to IE7, 5.5 and 5?

here you go:  I'm running IE6, 5.5 and 
5.1 as standalones and the main thing I was concerned about was that 
they read Conditional Comments correctly and it appears they do.  Oh, 
you have 5.5 and 5 already - I did too, but the installation of IE7 
"broke" their condtional comments bit - the download fixes all of them, 
plus they come with the version number in the title bar (you don't have 
to go in and edit the registry like before).

I, like Tee, would like to know if anyone knows how to get the 
Developer's Toolbar to work with IE6.


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] CSS resources for Graphic designers?

2006-11-13 Thread Donna Jones
Hi Susie:  I think I'm in a similar position to you with a website that 
will be re-designed soon by the "print" designer.  She's great and 
really knows her stuff and understands the web somewhat (probably more 
than most traditional designers) and I've been thinking of trying to 
collect a few urls that might help broaden her (and them) out of the 
fixed layout bit into new, standards compliant design.

I've just collected one at this point, perhaps you're familiar with it, 
I know a lot of people on this list would be.  I plan on pointing 
out how the background is fixed, the menu bit in the top right (helps 
keep the regular menu from being so big and I'm always having to "fight" 
dropdowns, too, so helps in that).  and I'll point out how it shrinks or 
expands to fit the browser.

If this is the sort of thing you're looking for good, maybe you'll get 
some more urls (i could use them, too).  Either I didn't understand or 
just about everyone else was not "on point". ;)


Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:

Hi there

Where I work (Qld Uni) we work in a team to develop websites, which usually
consist of an instructional designer, a graphic designer, and a web
developer and/or programmer. The graphic designers do the graphic
design/layout, and the web developers/programmers do the programming,
including CSS.

Up till recently our graphic designers have been used to designing for a
table layout ­ producing a Photoshop file that we then cut up. They have
varying degrees of CSS knowledge, but mostly very little, so they¹re not
really aware of what Œgraphic effects¹ can be created using CSS. Lately
they¹ve been creating an ImageReady layout file and associated stylesheet,
which I find completely unusable!! I always have to start again from

We¹re having a GD/programmer meeting tomorrow to try and broaden people¹s
knowledge, and work out a few guidelines about the Œrubbery line¹ between
the GD and the Programmer¹s CSS responsibility. Does anyone have any
experience here, or can point to any resources that might assist?


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Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Replacing target attribute in form

2006-11-13 Thread Donna Jones
I have a little online store paying through Paypal, using their shopping 
cart. So the buy button opens up a new window and you're into Paypal.

Hi - i've been looking at PayPal lately and thought i haven't done a 
cart I've seen that PayPal automatically sets the target in the form. 
If I was setting one up, I would just take that out (test to make sure 
it still worked, I would think it would) and then you'd just be opening 
in the same window, which feels much better.


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 freezes liquid, jello

2006-11-02 Thread Donna Jones

It would be great though if someone who has both IE7 and Opera could  
tell us how the Zooms are similar or different.

IE7 zooms your page right off the right edge of the screen creating a  
horizontal scrollbar. :/ Opera confines its zoom to within the window.

Are you sure about Opera?  My Opera creates a horizontal scrollbar 
(granted I need to upgrade it) but it seems "logical" to me that a Zoom 
would do that (after all its increasing *everything* on the page, text, 
graphics, everything).  If opera confined its zoom to within the window 
how would one know there was other material available?  Or does the 
latest Opera have a different type of Zoom maybe, a magnifier  


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 freezes liquid, jello

2006-11-02 Thread Donna Jones

Liquid designs, sized with percentage width, and the brilliant "Jello
layout" from Mike Purvis[1] behave in a bizarre manner in IE 7 when 
page zoom is applied. It's as though the entire page grows or shrinks

regardless of the window constraints, throwing a horizontal scrollbar
when zoomed in (Ctrl +), and occupying only part of the browser window
when zoomed out (Ctrl -).

Even Nick Cowie's "Elastic fluid design" [2] suffers this fate.

Does anyone have a solution?

Hi David:  I'm curious how this differs from Opera's zoom.  That's the 
way Opera seems to work to me.  I don't even have IE7 yet but have been 
thinking that its having "Zoom" will mean a lot more attention paid to 
dealing with its Zoom.  I saw in a screen shot that the Zoom is very 
"out-front", being on the bottom-right of the status bar, so that means 
more people will be using it.

Its a totally different thing than increasing the font-size and I'm 
assuming there will be more discussion of it, as IE7 becomes more 
prevalent.  Just realized I have my "invite" from MS to download IE7!! 
That little update icon has been showing for a bit but I hadn't bothered 
to check it (I don't have auto updates on).  Yes, I guess its time, 
November 1 is what they said and now it is November 2.  Well, it will 
have to wait, I want to check out the "standalone IE6" stuff first.

It would be great though if someone who has both IE7 and Opera could 
tell us how the Zooms are similar or different.


[1] <>
[2] <>

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Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

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Re: [WSG] web05 and other web conference links

2006-10-27 Thread Donna Jones

Thanks for those Adam!  very good.

i'm still looking for webessentials '05 though.  found Jeffrey Veen's 
site and an number of other references to it but the link seems to be 
down.  at here, from Veen's page I go to:  and get a "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)"

is it just "off the web", I wouldn't think so!


WebVisions (Portland, 2006) -

I didn't speak at WebVisions, but I did a followup presentation for my
company located here: 

Carson Workshops Future of Web Apps San Fran -

WSG meetup in London (how I found out about this fine list was listening to
the podcasts) -
(Each speaker's own blog has links to the presentation and audio... I have
talked about that here: 


SXSW 2006 -

There are a ton more, but those are the ones I've listened to recently.


On 10/27/06, Donna Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone:  could someone send me the link to web05 (that was in
Australia) and perhaps other more recent conferences.  Looking for
examples of using podcasts and also how people ended up putting their
supporting materials on the web (i.e. power point slides, that sort of

I have listened to most of the web05 podcasts and really enjoyed them
but downloaded them "way back" and can't find the link again.  Okay,
maybe I'm lazy, and could probably find it but other people might be
interested in re-visiting it anyway.

many thanks

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

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List Guidelines:

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

[WSG] web05 and other web conference links

2006-10-27 Thread Donna Jones
Hi everyone:  could someone send me the link to web05 (that was in 
Australia) and perhaps other more recent conferences.  Looking for 
examples of using podcasts and also how people ended up putting their 
supporting materials on the web (i.e. power point slides, that sort of 

I have listened to most of the web05 podcasts and really enjoyed them 
but downloaded them "way back" and can't find the link again.  Okay, 
maybe I'm lazy, and could probably find it but other people might be 
interested in re-visiting it anyway.

many thanks

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] "cell" is not a member of a group specified for any attribute.

2006-10-26 Thread Donna Jones

Tee, see if this is what you want:

column 1
column 2
column 3

column 1
column 2

You had the word "cell" and the validator was complaing about that, then 
I adjusted the colspan, - you can adjust to suit yourself.

didn't actually validate it but used that Tidy extension I keep talking 
about and it flagged the problem.

Donna, now let's see if i can get back to work. :)

Tee G. Peng wrote:

Hi, I am doing a table layout that has 3 columns and 3 sections in  row. 
The first two sections have 3 columns but I want the last  section to 
have only 2 columns.

My markup is such

column 1
column 2
column 3

column 1
column 2

W3C validator give me the "cell" is not a member of a group specified  
for any attribute." error.

How do I do to achieve desired layout and satify validator?



List Guidelines:

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Forget about Opera and Mac (and Windows Vista) ??

2006-10-26 Thread Donna Jones

Taco Fleur wrote:

Have you used that yourself?
Is anyone else using it?
If I understand it correctly, the pool gets build up till there is enough
money to buy a subscription and then that login gets shared among everyone?

No, everyone doesn't share the same login, its totally separate from 
anyone else and I imagine all the pools are set up like that.  I've been 
a part of a pool for going on two years now and love it and its about 
$20/year.  On a sleepy Saturday afternoon someone on the CSS list 
proposed a pool, someone else said "off-topic", but I'd already jumped 
at the opportunity!

Still think those prices are out of this world, they would get everyone
signing up if they brought their prices down..

I think they're generous for allowing pools, myself.  and it been a big 
aid in learning css and also a aid to show to clients, you can make a 
"public url", to help get across the point that the world is bigger than 
their own particular browser.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of John Faulds
Sent: Thursday, 26 October 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Forget about Opera and Mac (and Windows Vista) ??

Not if you sign up to a group purchase:

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 16:47:28 +1000, Taco Fleur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PS: is there anything else out there other than They seem to be pretty pricy

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Tyssen Design
Web & print design services
Ph: (07) 3300 3303
Mb: 0405 678 590

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Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Forget about Opera and Mac (and Windows Vista) ??

2006-10-25 Thread Donna Jones

Taco Fleur wrote:

I thought I'd post this question as a separate item, as it probably got lost
in my previous post. 

Should I be thinking about fixing up the issues in Opera and on the Mac or
just say "tough luck!"

All pages validate, and I have no idea what is causing
the issues, mainly with the 4 top buttons.
7966358.JPG (Explorer 5.2 on Mac)
7966370.JPG (Opera)
7966382.JPG (Opera)

And then there is
Internet Explorer V7
I have no experience with IE7, is it maybe still in Beta, is that why it is
displaying this badly? The pages validate properly.

Any help, hints etc. much appreciated.

Hi Taco: I agree with the folks that say "fix it".  One thing is, some 
things are messed up in mozilla (on a PC); likely if you fixed it for 
Safari it would be fixed for mozilla, too.  Mozilla is a pretty easy 
download and I go back and forth between it and Firefox and it has a few 
things that I like better than Firefox, you might want to get it, too.

I think your design is very attractive, btw!


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a new IE bug? maybe not

2006-10-23 Thread Donna Jones

Hi Tee!


The only thing I see that the right column drops to the bottom is  when 
I resize the text to smaller. Is there a way to fix?

I checked in mozilla and firefox and it does the same in those, also. 
Its so unusual for there to be a problem when the text "goes smaller" - 
I'll have to start checking for that, too.  Usually I just make it 
bigger.  Thought I'd mention this because I imagine you can see the 
borders and such in firefox and that would help deal with it.

I think the problem is related to how you're defining the width in 
"container" and "right".  "container defined with em and right with set 
pixels.  But not sure what you should do about it!




List Guidelines:

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] In-page font sizer

2006-09-22 Thread Donna Jones

Hello list,

I¹m looking for a simple, tried and true method of allowing a user to
increase/decrease font size on a page ­ no, not by using browser settings.

You know... You see an icon of a big ŒA¹ and a little Œa¹ and clicking them
increases/decreases page font size...

Any links to examples/how-tos are appreciated. Off-list replies are fine if
this will avoid a Œmines better¹ war.

This is the one I used recently.  I found the directions really easy to 

The client wanted it, and they also work with a lot of "cognitive 
challenged" people and thought it would be a lot easier for them to 
*see* a button rather than having to teach them about browser re-sizing 
(which the client, herself, didn't know about until I told her).


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Outlook messes up the DOCTYPE???

2006-08-29 Thread Donna Jones

Hi Bojana:

I’ve got a problem with the doctype. The following code is in the code 
for the html page (in a browser):


However, when this page is sent to an email address using the send this 
page via email option it strips out the loose doctype, and the source 
code for the email says:

very interesting, I don't think I've ever seen that addressed anywhere. 
   I doubt if many people "send a page as e-mail" from IE but I have 
known at least one that did it regularly, and, of course, you don't have 
any control over whether or not someone does.

I haven't seen this addressed in relationship to IE7 either, maybe I 
missed it?  Maybe someone could bring us up to speed on that, or if 
someone has the ear of MS, ask them.

I have also tried replacing the transitional doctype with the loose one, 
so that there is only one doctype, but outlook just converted it to 
transitional …

Why is this happening? How do I make sure that the outlook picks up the 
loose doctype?

so, how much does it matter?  I mean, how much difference does it make 
in how it looks?  I would be surprised if there is any real solution 
(other than re-programming Outlook/Express) but look forward to hearing 
what more knowledgeable folks have to say.


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] tabs (was target=_blank)

2006-08-14 Thread Donna Jones
"but i think almost every tab browser user would use the tabs." 

Are you guessing or is this what you have observed?  

When watching other people use computers - which I try to do whenever I get
a chance - I have yet to see anyone except for the most web savvy use tabs.
And these are people who are using Firefox, and one friend using IE7, every

I don't suppose I'm typical, but i don't like tabs and don't use them 
very often.  I prefer new browser windows and mainly its because i get 
around with "alt tabbing" through my windows.  I don't like being 
married to the mouse and while I've learned one can Ctrl Tab, to go from 
tabbed page to tabbed page, i still prefer all my windows be open.  Part 
of it is that a bunch of tabs at the top add considrably to the browser 
chrome, another part is that i'm used to looking in the bar at the 
bottom (task bar?) - with a bunch of tabs in one browser window, you 
can't tell what else is there, it just shows the active one.  Alt 
tabbing works great for me and I routinely have 3 browsers open and 
maybe 15 or so windows and doing it all from the keyboard.


No doubt this will change over time, but IMHO I feel it is too early to
assume that everyone who can uses tabbed browsing. And I guess there will be
some people who will always prefer not to.

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

The discussion list for

for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] to Donna re: annoying unsubscribe messages, etc.

2006-08-12 Thread Donna Jones

"Just to publish a minority opinion!  I consider these sorts of exchanges
entertaining and I don't mind them at all.  It makes me wonder if folks
know how to thread their e-mail - for me the thread "unsubscribe" takes up
exactly one space with its 14 messages underneath, but hidden."

The problem lies not when you have individual messages, but when you're
getting the list in digest format. When I first signed on, about a week
ago, I was getting digest format, and I couldn't get through it every day
because everything was repeated about a dozen times, and I couldn't make
heads or tails of what subject was what. Then I tried to do individual
emails, and I was so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of them (I'm a
business owner, so I get at least 50-100 emails a day in addition to the
emails from this group) that I found myself deleting all of them without
even thinking about reading them simply because I couldn't get to any of
the emails I really NEEDED to be reading. 

Hi Dani:  We're sorta neighbors, by the way.

Yes, not trimming really is hard on digest users, in particular.

About individual e-mails.  It sounds like you had the messages coming 
into your "regular in-box"?.  Have you tried setting up a filter so that 
they go into a separate folder?  I'm sure I couldn't manage these lists 
if they all went into my regular in-box, but with them being totally 
separate they don't interfer with other things I'm trying to get done.

I'm more than happy to help you with a filter if you'd like.  But, 
perhaps it should be off-list.

I wonder if there should be a page we could point people to, to help in 
setting up filters with various e-mail clients (and threading).  Maybe 
there is and i just don't know about it.  I don't think we can assume 
that everyone knows how to do that sort of thing (maybe Dani does though 
and I just "mis-read").

times, yet never in the context of the most recent question I posed to the
list (IE6 seeming to ignore the white-space attribute), 

yikes, can appreciate your frustration!  I just re-read your original 
post and probably one reason you didn't get any responses is because you 
didn't have a url or a screen shot.  I actually thought about answering 
it earlier but it would have been a "wild semi-uneducated" guess on my 
part.  One thing that does come to mind though, is italics involved? 
There is an IE italics bug, here's the article on it, just in case.   (helped me 
keep what hair i have left)

all the best,

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

The discussion list for

for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] unsubscribe

2006-08-12 Thread Donna Jones

And the number of stupid messages everyday makes me want to get away
from this verbosity as well.
A policy on who can send a dozen dumb emails a day to annoy everyone.
Sick of so much crap as well.

How do you define "dumb emails" ? And why do you top - post, leaving
us guessing what you refer to and add a list of 6 quoted footers
nobody needs.

I agree that frivolous emails on a mailing list are annoying, but
personally I tend to think that you should do some things right before
complaining about the quality of other posts.

Verbosity is quoting what is not needed, too.

Just to publish a minority opinion!  I consider these sorts of exchanges 
entertaining and I don't mind them at all.  It makes me wonder if folks 
 know how to thread their e-mail - for me the thread "unsubscribe" 
takes up exactly one space with its 14 messages underneath, but hidden. 
 I can easily open and close with my arrow keys, so ... not a big deal. 
 Don't get me wrong, I'm not campaigning for useless messages but I 
don't understand the complaining either.  (just for clarity, I'm 
referring to the first quote, not Christian's, who obviously makes good 

Okay, maybe I should "get a life", too.  :)


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

The discussion list for

for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] IE7 news

2006-07-28 Thread Donna Jones

How many people on this thread are actually using IE7?

I am, for one, with a standalone solution.

If you run the standalone versions you are going to
have problems. It's not a clean solution.

I never had any problems and I use all the standalone versions I could 
get, from IE3 to IE7.

I've not had any problems, that i know of with my standalone 5.5 and 5.01.

Virtual PC may be free now, but the guest operating systems aren't, 
AFAIK. Besides, my Windows is legit, but it's the home edition and 
Virtual PC doesn't run on it (I know I should have chosen the 
professional version, but that was not an option at the time because the 
machine I wanted was not sold with it... It's sometimes hard to live in 
a small country!).

Yes, i found that out, too, and unfortunately I have xp home.  (and I 
don't live in a small country (usa)) but was told it "didn't matter" and 
i've regretted in the past and regret it even more now.

my "plan" is to just wait to get IE7 until its ready via regular 
updating download.  (in the meantime, i'm in a browsercam pool and can 
check IE7 there).  Then, install IE6 as a standalone.  I think the last 
one from here seems to 
most likely.  wonder if anyone has any opinion on my "plan" and/or 
choice of download?  and does anyone know if this IE6 standalone works 
essentially the way the earlier ones do?




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Portland, Maine
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Re: [WSG] IE7 news

2006-07-28 Thread Donna Jones

Just read that here too:

If the timing is as Dave suggests, that doesn't leave much time to get
everything behaving in IE7! Time to start stressing!!!


so, yes, more changes coming on fast - never much time to relax, eh.

Having XP sp2, even though i don't have anything set on automatic, I 
imagine I'll download it when its available SO I want my "stand-alone" 
IE6 - does anyone know if there is one or being worked on?  And, if we 
ever decide to have a web designers hall of fame, i'd vote for the guy 
(even though i don't remember his name, i'd look it up) who figured out 
how to do the stand-alone IEs - that was/is so remarkable!


Donna Jones
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Re: [WSG] Media print strange things

2006-07-26 Thread Donna Jones

Hi Eugenio:

Try this for starters,

you have:

try putting a media reference on your "main style sheet", like so:

that should separate the two style sheets for blending together.  I 
think the way you had it, it was probably defaulting to media="all".


TuteC wrote:

Hello again. I´ll try to explain some weird problems I have with the
printing css file ("imprimir.css" in

In IE and Firefox, when I try to print the page as I see it, it prints
it witout background images nor sidebar as I want, but it keeps the
header and sidebar space wasting quite a lot of paper. It seems to mix
both style sheets.

Now, if I try seeing the CSS for printing with the web developer tool
of Firefox, it looks like it disallows all CSS files presenting only
the structure. But when I try yo print like this, it looks in the
preview as I describe in "imprimir.css", with minor errors I should

What´s happening?

Thanks in advance for your help;

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Re: [WSG] pop-ups

2006-07-24 Thread Donna Jones
I thought this was a very neat solution (without popups):

I just triple-bookmarked that (a habit when i consider something 
important).  very neat and i like the fact that the "help" icon toggles 
with "enter key", all of it is very keyboard accessible.


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Re: [WSG] Wide Horizontal Navbar issues

2006-06-20 Thread Donna Jones

Anyway ­ that certainly made the page look really weird when I added padding
onto the body element. And the scrollbar was still there.

And then, when I took out the 100% width for the top banner, that knocked
out the repeating banner background, which is there to make the page liquid
and bring the banner right across.

Any further thoughts?

Hi Susie:  I just added this, width: 99%; on your html, body

that made the scroll go away, not sure if its the best way or not but 

I did it in foxfire, using the edit css bit.



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Re: [WSG] Print style sheets - still struggling!

2006-06-05 Thread Donna Jones
Hi Donna, and thanks.  I wrote a follow up, the next day, saying that 
I'd fixed it. What it was, there was a' text-align : justify' in the 
main (screen) css and this was (for some reason) confusing the floats in 
the print CSS. Changing it to 'text-align : left'  in the print CSS 
worked wonders!

But thanks anyway!

ah  and i didn't see your follow-up - never let it be said that I'm 
"ahead of the curve".  ;)

Donna Jones
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Re: [WSG] Print style sheets - still struggling!

2006-06-05 Thread Donna Jones

Hi Bob:

I am still battling with print style sheets -

In particular, I have several property descriptions on the  holiday 
site, [1],  and I'm failing to get a decent print out.  Some are OK, 
some are awful, and I can't see what the difference is.  If you go to 
the site, pick 'holiday homes', then 'Constantine', then 'Curlews' and 
look at 'full details', you will find that the print style produces a 
reasonable print-out from firefox, but rubbish from IE. The problem is 
all tied up with the images being floated left and right: in FF there is 
no problem, but in IE I don't get any word wrap and the images stand 
alone. It's a mess.

The two style sheets for these details are at [2] and [3].

If anyone has had experience of this and how to overcome it, I'd be 
really, really, thrilled.

you know what, i looked at Curlews in IE6 and it was perfect.  I noticed 
an option I'd never noticed before, the option to "print selected frame" 
 maybe that's a clue that will help.  the issue is w/ the frames, 
somehow, maybe.


[2]  (media='all')
[3]  (media='print')

Many thanks--

Best Regards,

Bob McClelland

Cornwall (UK)

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Re: [WSG] print styles and all that.

2006-05-21 Thread Donna Jones

Donna Jones wrote:

Wonder what Eric meant by "shift the floats" - curious, do you still 
have the link?

Hi Donna,

Yep -

I've done better since I put them back, I must say!

Hi Bob: just glanced at the article, thanks.  I think I had seen it 
before, need to read it thoroughly probably.

anyhoo, you mean you've done better since you've added the floats back 
in?  I think what Eric was talking about was when a large element is 
floated (it doesn't work right in the Gecko browsers), and A List Apart 
is mainly large articles.  It would seem like your images would have 
been floated but since they are not large that the float shouldn't be a 
problem for them.  I may be missing something  ;)

noticed something else last night that i forgot to mention.  your 
document doesn't validate, you have this,";> in there "extra" and it 
needs to come out.  I think that's the only problem.  I've been using 	
the Tidy extension on pages, as 
I go.  Tells me immediately, locally or on the web, whether there is a 
problem or not.  couldn't "live" without it.


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
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Re: [WSG] print styles and all that.

2006-05-20 Thread Donna Jones

Thanks Dan,

I started that way, but then I read Eric Meyer on ALA telling me to 
always shift the floats!  Also, whilst fine in FF, IE still doesn't word 
wrap, even with the floats.  As most of the audience for this site will 
be using IE, it's a bit of a problem!

Perhaps I should convert to pdf!(NO - I'm joking, honest!)

yeah, sure you're joking. ;)

Wonder what Eric meant by "shift the floats" - curious, do you still 
have the link?

anyhoo, I always do as Daniel suggested, and I "think" I more-or-less 
picked that up from Eric.

Also, in one of Eric's books (don't remember if its the red or blue) 
there is a print sheet chapter.  One of his hints that i use a lot is to 
re-name the links so you can see on-screen what you're doing in the 
print.  using "aural" in the normal screen area (aural isn't supported 
by any browser yet, so ) and using "screen" is what would normally 
be print.



change to:


just did a print for the above, tonight.  but print is rather new to me 
and i do think there is not enough information about it!  this one went 
rather smoothly, unless there is something I'm not seeing (very possible).

it really seems like IE shouldn't be having a problem with the wraps.


Donna Jones
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Re: [WSG] scrolling sidebar

2006-04-14 Thread Donna Jones

But what _is_ more user-friendly: splitting a long document into several 
pages to make navigation somewhat easier and then making the user 
constantly jump from one page to the other - or a navigation bar that 
would nicely scroll down as people are reading the content.

Hi Christine: I think it depends on the user.  For me having a long 
document is preferable to having it split into separate pages.  But, I 
guess I do "scroll" differently than most people e.g. to get to the top 
of the page, i hit the "Home" key, "end" for bottom.  And to scroll, I 
use the arrow keys.  All of that, imho, is easier on my hands and there 
is a sense of more control and easier control with the arrows and I vary 
fingers a lot.  (one just has to get the focus into the page which can 
be done with the tab key).

If it could be done well (which might not be possible at the moment), it 
should be considered more user-friendly imho.

i do wish more people knew how to scroll w/out using the mouse, i think 
then it wouldn't be as much of a design issue.



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Re: [WSG] Please Vote for your Favorite

2006-04-12 Thread Donna Jones

Christian Montoya wrote:

Hello listers,

Liquid Designs reached 100 entries yesterday and I figured the best
way to celebrate would be to let everyone decide the best design out
of those 100. I had a team of 4 guest reviewers pick their favorites
and they came up with 7 finalists. Please take a moment to vote for
your favorite one. Voting will continue until midnight Saturday (EST).

Hi Christian: is the voting really working right.  When I clicked on the 
bottom-right one to view it, the radio button was also selected, even 
though i didn't necessarily mean to vote for it.   and, in looking at 
the results the first site has far the most votes which made me wonder 
further if they got the vote by people starting down the list with the 
intent to look at all of them but voted instead.

Neat idea!


Christian Montoya ... ...
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