Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
I'm very curious! Can't wait to see it. Go for it!

On Sunday, January 26, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of Nick’s
 “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he proposed is
 that the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with
 @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during

 Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the commit
 at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.


 On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers 
 ralph.go...@dslextreme.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have it
 done today.


 On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma 
 remko.po...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

 What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels implementation?

 Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For implementation
 ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?


 On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory

 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma remko.po...@gmail.comwrote:


 The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the
 extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
 My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement but
 Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.

 With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the
 hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued about
 what these levels should be called and what strength they should have.

 During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly
 expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but by this
 time I think people were thinking there was no alternative.

 It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in one
 direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting to move in
 another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I asked that we
 re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a solution that would satisfy
 all users.

 We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums again.
 This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing against this idea
 since we started this thread.

 Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to the
 same problem.

 Hello All:

 Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example.
 Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and implementation,
 we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible' levels.
 Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:

 - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
 - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in
 levels, the DEFCON example.
 - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?


 The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to
 adding pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original requirement
 raised by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand why you would still
 want the pre-defined levels.


 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory garydgreg...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma remko.po...@gmail.comwrote:


 I think that's a very cool idea!
 Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels could
 ever be.

 As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding
 that this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels are.

 I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive. (Some)
 others agree that these are different features.

 I see two topics:

 - What are the default levels for a 21st century logging framework. Do we
 simply blindly copy Log4j 1? Or do we look at frameworks from different
 languages and platforms for inspiration?
 - How (not if, I think we all agree) should we allow for custom levels.


 It definitely makes sense to design the extensible enum with this
 potential usage in mind.


 On Friday, January 24, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:

 I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that this is a
 separate topic from what the built-in levels are. Here is how I convinced
 myself that custom levels are a “good thing”.

 No matter which built-in levels exits, I may want custom levels. For
 example, I want my app to use the following levels DEFCON1, DEFCON2,
 DEFCON3, DEFCON4, and DEFCON5. This might be for one part of my app or a
 whole subsystem, no matter, I want to use the built-in levels in addition
 to the DEFCON levels. It is worth mentioning that if I want that feature
 only as a user, I can “skin” levels in a layout and assign any label to the
 built-in levels. If I am also a 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
I completely agree.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:

 It does not matter how rare you think a condition will be, with
 concurrency issues, it's will happen, so we should only consider bug free


  Original message 
 From: Remko Popma
 Date:01/26/2014 00:13 (GMT-05:00)
 To: Log4J Developers List
 Subject: Re: Enums and Custom Levels

 I copied Nick's code _as is_ and had no compile errors.
 The class is abstract, but instances are defined in the static block as:
 OFF = new Level(OFF, 0) {}; // note the {}: this creates an anonymous
 concrete subclass

 I agree that read access needs to be synchronized as well, not just write
 access (the constructor).
 I experimented with several options:
 * synchronizing on plain Object in both constructor and when accessing the
 static Map(s)
 * a ReentrantReadWriteLock
 * a lock-free implementation

 I decided against ReentrantReadWriteLock as it has more overhead than
 plain synchronized access and the write access (in the constructors) is
 going to be extremely rare: not worth paying the overhead in the more
 common reads. It is also cumbersome to code.

 The lock-free implementation uses an AtomicInteger for the ordinals, and
 an AtomicReference for the MapString, Level.
 In the constructor, create a new MapString, Level instance based on the
 old copy, add the new instance, and try to call compareAndSet to replace
 the old instance with the new instance. Retry on failure.

 Finally, simply synchronizing on the constructorLock object in the
 Level.toLevel() and Level.values() methods may be simplest.

 Which of the last two is best depends on how often the toLevel() and
 values() levels are called.
 It turns out they are only called during reconfiguration, so no real need
 to optimize these methods.
 I would argue that simple synchronization may be best in this case.


 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Ralph Goers 
 ralph.go...@dslextreme.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 As I am working on this I just want to point out a number of issues with
 the code below:

 1. The class is abstract. The static block is doing a bunch of new
 Level() invocations which obviously generate compile errors on an abstract
 class.  I had to make it be a non-abstract class.
 2. As I pointed out before there is no way to access the “standard”
 levels as an enum. I have addressed that.
 3. Although the constructor is synchronized access to the Map is not.
 Trying to get from the map while a Level is being added will result in a
 ConcurrentModificationException. I am using a ConcurrentMap instead.
 3. The constructor requires synchronization because it is modifying both
 the map and the ordinal. However, since this isn’t an enum the ordinal
 value is of dubious value. Removing that would allow the removal of the
 synchronization in the constructor. I am considering that but I haven’t
 done it yet.
 4. Your example of creating the extension shows doing a new Level(). This
 doesn’t work because a) the class is abstract and b) the constructor is
 protected. I am leaving the constructor protected so extension will require
 doing new ExtendedLevel(name, value) and creating a constructor. Not
 requiring that means applications can do a new Level() anywhere and I am
 opposed to allowing that.


 On Jan 23, 2014, at 12:42 AM, Nick Williams javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 ''); wrote:

  Okay, I finally got a minute to read all of these emails, and...
  What if I could get you an extensible enum that required no interface
 changes and no binary-incompatible changes at all? Sound too good to be
 true? I proposed this months ago (LOG4J2-41) and it got shot down multiple
 times, but as of now I've heard THREE people say extensible enum in this
 thread, so here it is, an extensible enum:
  public abstract class Level implements ComparableLevel, Serializable {
 public static final Level OFF;
 public static final Level FATAL;
 public static final Level ERROR;
 public static final Level WARN;
 public static final Level INFO;
 public static final Level DEBUG;
 public static final Level TRACE;
 public static final Level ALL;
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
 private static final HashtableString, Level map;
 private static final TreeMapInteger, Level values;
 private static final Object constructorLock;
 static {
 // static variables must be constructed in certain order
 constructorLock = new Object();
 map = new HashtableString, Level();
 values = new TreeMapInteger, Level();
 OFF = new Level(OFF, 0) {};
 FATAL = new Level(FATAL, 100) {};
 ERROR = new Level(ERROR, 200) {};
 WARN = new Level(WARN, 300) {};
 INFO = new Level(INFO, 400) {};

[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-316) Logo Contest Submissions

2014-01-26 Thread James Devenish (JIRA)


James Devenish updated LOG4J2-316:

Attachment: Log4j-circular-more.svg

 Logo Contest Submissions

 Key: LOG4J2-316
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Christian Grobmeier
Assignee: Christian Grobmeier
 Attachments: CarloMatti-Concept.jpg, Log4J2-Attitude.png, 
 Log4J2-Selected.png, Log4j-circular-more.png, Log4j-circular-more.svg, 
 Log4j-circular.png, Log4j-circular.svg, Log4j-combined.png, 
 Log4j-galactica.png, Log4j-textured.png, Log4j_logo.png, 
 Micah_log4j_icon.png, a_new_log4j2-logo.png, apache-log4j-2.png, 
 apache_log4j2_logo.png, l4j.png, l4j.svg, log4-SE.png, log4.png, 
 log4J2-logo-B.png, log4J2-logo.png, log4J2_Lila.png, log4J2_Orange_Grün.png, 
 log4J2_Schwartz.png, log4J_bunt.png, log4j-2-rnm.png, log4j-2.png, 
 log4j-apache.png, log4j-asap.png,,,,,,,,, log4j-stepuk.png, log4j.png, log4j.png, 
 log4j.svg, log4j2(Pasha_G).png, log4j2(logo).png, log4j2(logo)_1.png, 
 log4j2-b.svg,,, log4j_2.svg, 
 log4j_idea.jpg, log4j_logo.png, log4j_murdy_1.png, log4j_murdy_10.png, 
 log4j_murdy_11.png, log4j_murdy_11_types.png, log4j_murdy_2.png, 
 log4j_murdy_3.png, log4j_murdy_4.png, log4j_murdy_6.png, log4j_murdy_7.png, 
 log4j_murdy_8.png, log4j_murdy_9.png, logo-log4j-circle.png, 
 logo-log4j-eruption.png, logo-m-nostrokes-condensed.png, 
 logo-m-nostrokes-condensed.svg, logo-m-nostrokes.png, logo-m-nostrokes.svg, 
 logo-m.png, logo-m.svg, logoprop_coffeesteam_131022NS.png, 
 logoprop_monogram_131022NS.png, logoprop_stacked-lj_131022NS.png, 

 h4. Log4J logo contest
 Log4j 2.0 is looking for a new logo!
 After 12 years, the Log4j project is getting ready for a brand new major 
 release: version 2.0. This new major version is a reboot of this project in 
 many ways: it is not only time to change the version number to 2.0 but also 
 time to refresh the Log4j logo.
 Log4j 2 is very different from Log4j 1. Log4j 2 is more reliable and faster 
 than its predecessor and comparable frameworks.
 The team has grown after years of stagnation and there is now a lot of 
 activity on our lists. We are now approaching the 2.0 release after eight 
 beta releases.
 With our new logo, we want to show the Java community that Log4j is back.
 We would like to open participation to the community to create this new logo.
 Attach your entries to the Jira:
 You can submit as many entries as you like.
 You must license your Logo under the Apache License 2.0.
 -The contest will last one month from the date of the announcement.-
 *UPDATE: The contest ends on 31.01.2014.*
 If your Logo is accepted, you must sign an ICLA:
 While we will accept PNG image formats for the contest, we prefer vector 
 based formats (SVG).
 You can convert pixel-based formats produced with Gimp or Photoshop to SVG 
 with free tools like Inkscape (
 Please note that a logo should not contain too many details.
 We invite everyone to vote on the mailing lists. The votes of Apache Logging 
 Committers are binding.
 If the community submits more than 10 Logos, voting will proceed in two 
 In the first round, the 10 logos with the most +1 votes graduate to round two.
 In the second round, the logo with the most +1 will win the contest.
 The majority of the Apache Logging PMC can veto a logo.
 We will accept the logo when all votes are successful and the ICLA of the 
 logo contributor is on file.
 Please ask questions on the dev mailing list.
 The Log4j team

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these
custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?

On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he proposed
is that the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with
@Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during

 Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the
commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.


 On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers

 I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have
it done today.


 On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels

 Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For implementation
ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?


 On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory

 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma


 The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the
extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
 My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement
but Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.

 With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the
hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued about
what these levels should be called and what strength they should have.

 During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly
expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but by this
time I think people were thinking there was no alternative.

 It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in
one direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting to
move in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I asked that
we re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a solution that would
satisfy all users.

 We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums
again. This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing against
this idea since we started this thread.

 Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to
the same problem.

 Hello All:

 Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example.
 Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and
implementation, we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible' levels.
 Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:

 - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
 - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in
levels, the DEFCON example.
 - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?


 The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to
adding pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original requirement
raised by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand why you would still
want the pre-defined levels.


 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma


 I think that's a very cool idea!
 Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels
could ever be.

 As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the
understanding that this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels

 I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive.
(Some) others agree that these are different features.

 I see two topics:

 - What are the default levels for a 21st century logging framework.
Do we simply blindly copy Log4j 1? Or do we look at frameworks from
different languages and platforms for inspiration?
 - How (not if, I think we all agree) should we allow for custom


 It definitely makes sense to design the extensible enum with this
potential usage in mind.


 On Friday, January 24, 2014, Gary Gregory

 I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that
this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels are. Here is how I
convinced myself that custom levels are a “good thing”.

 No matter which built-in levels exits, I may want custom levels.
For example, I want my app to use the following levels DEFCON1, DEFCON2,
DEFCON3, DEFCON4, and DEFCON5. This might be for one part of my app or a
whole subsystem, no matter, I want to use the built-in levels in addition
to the DEFCON levels. It is worth mentioning that if I want that feature
only as a user, I can “skin” levels in a layout and assign any label to the
built-in levels. If I am also a developer, I want to use DEFCON levels in
the source code.


Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?

Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
originating level class be included in the classpath.

I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent

 On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these
 custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?

 On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
  I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
 Nick's extensible enum class.  The major difference with what he proposed
 is that the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with
 @Plugin(name= category=Level) for them to be usable during
  Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I'll be doing the
 commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don't hear any.
  On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers
  I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have
 it done today.
  On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
  What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels
  Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For
 implementation ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?
  On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory
  On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma
  The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the
 extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
  My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement
 but Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.
  With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the
 hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued about
 what these levels should be called and what strength they should have.
  During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly
 expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but by this
 time I think people were thinking there was no alternative.
  It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in
 one direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting to
 move in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I asked that
 we re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a solution that would
 satisfy all users.
  We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums
 again. This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing against
 this idea since we started this thread.
  Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to
 the same problem.
  Hello All:
  Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example.
  Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and
 implementation, we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible' levels.
  Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
  - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
  - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in
 levels, the DEFCON example.
  - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?
  The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to
 adding pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original requirement
 raised by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand why you would still
 want the pre-defined levels.
  On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
  I think that's a very cool idea!
  Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels
 could ever be.
  As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the
 understanding that this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels
  I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive.
 (Some) others agree that these are different features.
  I see two topics:
  - What are the default levels for a 21st century logging framework.
 Do we simply blindly copy Log4j 1? Or do we look at frameworks from
 different languages and platforms for inspiration?
  - How (not if, I think we all agree) should we allow for custom
  It definitely makes sense to design the extensible enum with this
 potential usage in mind.
  On Friday, January 24, 2014, Gary Gregory
  I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that
 this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels are. Here is how I
 convinced myself that custom levels are a good thing.
  No matter which built-in levels exits, I may want 

[jira] [Created] (LOG4J2-514) ConsoleAppender closing System.out on Windows

2014-01-26 Thread Wolf480 Pl (JIRA)
Wolf480 Pl created LOG4J2-514:

 Summary: ConsoleAppender closing System.out on Windows
 Key: LOG4J2-514
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Appenders
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta9
 Environment: Windows 7 64-bit
Oracle JDK 1.7.0_51

Reporter: Wolf480 Pl

If the Console appender is not specified in the configuration file, after the 
configuration is read, the Console appender is being destroyed, which causes it 
to release its OutputStreamManager, When this manager is released and closed, 
it checks if the stream is System.out or System.err, and if it is, doesn't 
close it. But on Windows, ConsoleAppender wraps the System.out into a 
WindowsAnsiOutputStream. The OutputStreamManager closes the stream when it's 
released, and the stream closes the underlaying System.out.

I think the easiest solution would be to use new 
FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out)) instead of System.out in ConsoleAppender 

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[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-514) ConsoleAppender closing System.out on Windows

2014-01-26 Thread Wolf480 Pl (JIRA)


Wolf480 Pl updated LOG4J2-514:

If the Console appender is not specified in the configuration file, after the 
configuration is read, the Console appender is being destroyed, which causes it 
to release its OutputStreamManager, When this manager is released and closed, 
it checks if the stream is System.out or System.err, and if it is, doesn't 
close it. But on Windows, ConsoleAppender wraps the System.out into a 
WindowsAnsiOutputStream. The OutputStreamManager closes the stream when it's 
released, and the stream closes the underlaying System.out.


I think the easiest solution would be to use new 
FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out)) instead of System.out in ConsoleAppender 

If the Console appender is not specified in the configuration file, after the 
configuration is read, the Console appender is being destroyed, which causes it 
to release its OutputStreamManager, When this manager is released and closed, 
it checks if the stream is System.out or System.err, and if it is, doesn't 
close it. But on Windows, ConsoleAppender wraps the System.out into a 
WindowsAnsiOutputStream. The OutputStreamManager closes the stream when it's 
released, and the stream closes the underlaying System.out.

I think the easiest solution would be to use new 
FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out)) instead of System.out in ConsoleAppender 

 ConsoleAppender closing System.out on Windows

 Key: LOG4J2-514
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Appenders
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta9
 Environment: Windows 7 64-bit
 Oracle JDK 1.7.0_51
Reporter: Wolf480 Pl

 If the Console appender is not specified in the configuration file, after the 
 configuration is read, the Console appender is being destroyed, which causes 
 it to release its OutputStreamManager, When this manager is released and 
 closed, it checks if the stream is System.out or System.err, and if it is, 
 doesn't close it. But on Windows, ConsoleAppender wraps the System.out into a 
 WindowsAnsiOutputStream. The OutputStreamManager closes the stream when it's 
 released, and the stream closes the underlaying System.out.
 I think the easiest solution would be to use new 
 FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out)) instead of System.out in 
 ConsoleAppender implementation.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

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[jira] [Reopened] (LOG4J2-41) Extensible Log Level

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers (JIRA)


Ralph Goers reopened LOG4J2-41:

  Assignee: Ralph Goers

Reopening as we agreed to address this.

 Extensible Log Level

 Key: LOG4J2-41
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: API
Reporter: Ralph Goers
Assignee: Ralph Goers

 It is desirable to have the Level be an enum. However, it is also desirable 
 to let users add new log levels. These goals are in opposition to each other 
 since enum classes are final. In addition, adding new levels implies adding 
 new methods to the Logger interface (or some counterpart to it). This would 
 be unworkable.

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[jira] [Closed] (LOG4J2-41) Extensible Log Level

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers (JIRA)


Ralph Goers closed LOG4J2-41.

 Extensible Log Level

 Key: LOG4J2-41
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: API
Reporter: Ralph Goers
Assignee: Ralph Goers
 Fix For: 2.0-rc1

 It is desirable to have the Level be an enum. However, it is also desirable 
 to let users add new log levels. These goals are in opposition to each other 
 since enum classes are final. In addition, adding new levels implies adding 
 new methods to the Logger interface (or some counterpart to it). This would 
 be unworkable.

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[jira] [Resolved] (LOG4J2-41) Extensible Log Level

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers (JIRA)


Ralph Goers resolved LOG4J2-41.

   Resolution: Fixed
Fix Version/s: 2.0-rc1

Support for custom levels was added in revision 1561537. 

 Extensible Log Level

 Key: LOG4J2-41
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: API
Reporter: Ralph Goers
Assignee: Ralph Goers
 Fix For: 2.0-rc1

 It is desirable to have the Level be an enum. However, it is also desirable 
 to let users add new log levels. These goals are in opposition to each other 
 since enum classes are final. In addition, adding new levels implies adding 
 new methods to the Logger interface (or some counterpart to it). This would 
 be unworkable.

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
Can you post a diff or the related files somewhere? Obviously it can be tweaked 
after commit if necessary, but I'd like to see if there's anything major that 
sticks out to me before you commit.



On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of Nick’s 
 “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he proposed is that 
 the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with 
 @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during 
 Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the commit at 
 around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
 On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have it 
 done today.
 On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels implementation?
 Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For implementation 
 ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?
 On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the extensible 
 enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
 My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement but 
 Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.
 With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the 
 hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued about 
 what these levels should be called and what strength they should have.
 During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly expressed 
 strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but by this time I 
 think people were thinking there was no alternative.
 It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in one 
 direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting to move in 
 another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I asked that we 
 re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a solution that would satisfy 
 all users. 
 We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums again. This 
 is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing against this idea since 
 we started this thread.
 Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to the 
 same problem.
 Hello All:
 Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example. 
 Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and implementation, we 
 are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible' levels.
 Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
 - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
 - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in 
 levels, the DEFCON example.
 - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?
 The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to adding 
 pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original requirement raised 
 by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand why you would still want 
 the pre-defined levels.
 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory 
 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 I think that's a very cool idea!
 Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels could ever 
 As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that 
 this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels are.
 I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive. (Some) 
 others agree that these are different features.
 I see two topics:
 - What are the default levels for a 21st century logging framework. Do we 
 simply blindly copy Log4j 1? Or do we look at frameworks from different 
 languages and platforms for inspiration?
 - How (not if, I think we all agree) should we allow for custom levels.
 It definitely makes sense to design the extensible enum with this potential 
 usage in mind. 
 On Friday, January 24, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:
 I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that this is a 
 separate topic from what the built-in levels are. Here is how I convinced 
 myself that custom levels are a “good thing”.
 No matter which built-in levels exits, I may want custom levels. For 
 example, I want my app to use the following levels DEFCON1, DEFCON2, 
 DEFCON3, DEFCON4, and DEFCON5. This might be for one part of my app or a 
 whole subsystem, no matter, I want to use the built-in levels in addition 
 to the DEFCON levels. It is worth mentioning that if I want that feature 
 only as a user, I can 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
Never mind I see you just committed. :-)

I'll review and provide feedback if necessary.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:36 PM, Nick Williams wrote:

 Can you post a diff or the related files somewhere? Obviously it can be 
 tweaked after commit if necessary, but I'd like to see if there's anything 
 major that sticks out to me before you commit.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of Nick’s 
 “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he proposed is that 
 the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with 
 @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during 
 Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the commit 
 at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
 On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have it 
 done today.
 On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels implementation?
 Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For implementation 
 ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?
 On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma 
 The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the extensible 
 enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
 My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement but 
 Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.
 With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the 
 hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued about 
 what these levels should be called and what strength they should have.
 During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly expressed 
 strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but by this time I 
 think people were thinking there was no alternative.
 It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in one 
 direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting to move 
 in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I asked that we 
 re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a solution that would satisfy 
 all users. 
 We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums again. 
 This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing against this idea 
 since we started this thread.
 Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to the 
 same problem.
 Hello All:
 Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example. 
 Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and implementation, we 
 are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible' levels.
 Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
 - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
 - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in 
 levels, the DEFCON example.
 - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?
 The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to adding 
 pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original requirement raised 
 by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand why you would still want 
 the pre-defined levels.
 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory 
 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma 
 I think that's a very cool idea!
 Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels could 
 ever be. 
 As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding 
 that this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels are.
 I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive. (Some) 
 others agree that these are different features.
 I see two topics:
 - What are the default levels for a 21st century logging framework. Do we 
 simply blindly copy Log4j 1? Or do we look at frameworks from different 
 languages and platforms for inspiration?
 - How (not if, I think we all agree) should we allow for custom levels.
 It definitely makes sense to design the extensible enum with this 
 potential usage in mind. 
 On Friday, January 24, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:
 I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that this is a 
 separate topic from what the built-in levels are. Here is how I convinced 
 myself that custom levels are a “good thing”.
 No matter which built-in levels exits, I may want custom levels. For 
 example, I want my app to use the following levels DEFCON1, DEFCON2, 
 DEFCON3, DEFCON4, and DEFCON5. This might be for one part of my app or a 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I’ve committed the changes.  Take a look at, and log4j-customLevel.xml in the log4j-core test 
directories to see how it works.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:19 AM, Remko Popma wrote:

 I'm very curious! Can't wait to see it. Go for it!
 On Sunday, January 26, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of Nick’s 
 “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he proposed is that 
 the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with 
 @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during 
 Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the commit at 
 around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
 On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have it 
 done today.
 On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels implementation?
 Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For implementation 
 ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?
 On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the extensible 
 enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
 My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement but 
 Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.
 With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the 
 hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued about 
 what these levels should be called and what strength they should have.
 During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly expressed 
 strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but by this time I 
 think people were thinking there was no alternative.
 It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in one 
 direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting to move in 
 another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I asked that we 
 re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a solution that would satisfy 
 all users. 
 We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums again. This 
 is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing against this idea since 
 we started this thread.
 Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to the 
 same problem.
 Hello All:
 Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example. 
 Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and implementation, we 
 are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible' levels.
 Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
 - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
 - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in 
 levels, the DEFCON example.
 - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?
 The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to adding 
 pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original requirement raised 
 by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand why you would still want 
 the pre-defined levels.
 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory 
 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 I think that's a very cool idea!
 Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels could ever 
 As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that 
 this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels are.
 I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive. (Some) 
 others agree that these are different features.
 I see two topics:
 - What are the default levels for a 21st century logging framework. Do we 
 simply blindly copy Log4j 1? Or do we look at frameworks from different 
 languages and platforms for inspiration?
 - How (not if, I think we all agree) should we allow for custom levels.
 It definitely makes sense to design the extensible enum with this potential 
 usage in mind. 
 On Friday, January 24, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:
 I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding that this is a 
 separate topic from what the built-in levels are. Here is how I convinced 
 myself that custom levels are a “good thing”.
 No matter which built-in levels exits, I may want custom levels. For 
 example, I want my app to use the following levels DEFCON1, DEFCON2, 
 DEFCON3, DEFCON4, and DEFCON5. This might be for one part of my app or a 
 whole subsystem, no matter, I want to use the 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need to be 
mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to add 
support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is the 
method used to do that.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
 Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the 
 originating level class be included in the classpath.
 I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent 
 On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these 
 custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
 On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of Nick’s 
  “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he proposed is 
  that the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with 
  @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during 
  Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the commit 
  at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
  On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have it 
  done today.
  On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
  What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels implementation?
  Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For implementation 
  ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?
  On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory 
  On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma 
  The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the 
  extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
  My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement but 
  Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.
  With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the 
  hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued about 
  what these levels should be called and what strength they should have.
  During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly 
  expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but by 
  this time I think people were thinking there was no alternative.
  It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in one 
  direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting to 
  move in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I asked 
  that we re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a solution that 
  would satisfy all users. 
  We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums again. 
  This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing against this 
  idea since we started this thread.
  Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to 
  the same problem.
  Hello All:
  Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example. 
  Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and implementation, 
  we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible' levels.
  Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
  - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
  - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in 
  levels, the DEFCON example.
  - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?
  The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to 
  adding pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original 
  requirement raised by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand why 
  you would still want the pre-defined levels.
  On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory 
  On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma 
  I think that's a very cool idea!
  Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels 
  could ever be. 
  As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the understanding 
  that this is a separate topic from what the built-in levels are.
  I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive. 
  (Some) others agree that these are different features.
  I see two topics:
  - What are the default levels for a 21st century logging framework. Do 
  we simply blindly copy Log4j 1? Or do we look at frameworks from 
  different languages and platforms for inspiration?
  - How (not if, I think we all agree) should we allow for custom levels.

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
Level class isn't required?

Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need to
 be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
 add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
 the method used to do that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?

 Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
 originating level class be included in the classpath.

 I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent

 On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these
 custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?

 On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
  I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
  Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he
  proposed is that the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated
  with @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during
  Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the
  commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
  On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers
  I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have
  it done today.
  On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma
  What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels
  Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For
  implementation ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?
  On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory
  On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma
  The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the
  extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
  My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement
  but Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.
  With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the
  hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued
  about what these levels should be called and what strength they
  should have.
  During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly
  expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but
  by this time I think people were thinking there was no alternative.
  It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in
  one direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting
  to move in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I
  asked that we re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a
  solution that would satisfy all users.
  We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums
  again. This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing
  against this idea since we started this thread.
  Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to
  the same problem.
  Hello All:
  Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example.
  Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and
  implementation, we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible'
  Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
  - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
  - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of built-in
  levels, the DEFCON example.
  - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?
  The extensible enum solution satisfies all of us who are opposed to
  adding pre-defined levels, while also satisfying the original
  requirement raised by Nick and yourself. Frankly I don't understand
  why you would still want the pre-defined levels.
  On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Gary Gregory wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
  I think that's a very cool idea!
  Much more flexible, powerful and elegant than pre-defined levels
  could ever be.
  As I wrote: I am discussing custom levels here with the
  understanding that this is a separate topic from what the built-in
  levels are.
  I'm not sure why you want to make the features mutually exclusive.
  (Some) others agree that these are different features.
  I see two topics:
  - What are the default levels for a 21st century 

[jira] [Commented] (LOG4J2-373) Classloader issue in OSGi-environment

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)


Matt Sicker commented on LOG4J2-373:

I meant log4j-core, not osgi.

 Classloader issue in OSGi-environment

 Key: LOG4J2-373
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: API, Core
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta9
 Environment: OSGi R5 / R4 (Apache Felix 4.x)
Reporter: Roland Weiglhofer
Priority: Critical
  Labels: ClassLoader, OSGI
 Attachments: log4j-api.patch

 Using Log4j2 in a bundle causes following error:
 ERROR StatusLogger org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.Log4jContextFactory 
 does not implement org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.LoggerContextFactory
 ERROR StatusLogger Unable to locate a logging implementation, using 
 printing the ClassLoaders in LogManager gives me following output:
 org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.LoggerContextFactory loaded by 
 org.apache.logging.log4j-api [13]
 org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.Log4jContextFactory loaded by 
 We have two different ClassLoaders. That's why the implementation is not 
 assignable. The core uses the bootstrap-classloader and the api uses the 
 Workaround needed. Thx
 ProviderUtil.findClassLoader() returns the bootstrap-classloader but not the 
 bundle-classloader of the log4j2-core. The log4j2-core is a fragment of the 
 log4j2-api bundle. Thus, ProviderUtil.findClassLoader() must return the 
 bundle-classloader of log4j2-api. This a bug for the case that log4j2-core is 
 used as the implementation. There are other cases that will also cause 
 problems. Further investigations are necessary.
 1. check if log4j2 runs in an OSGI container.
 Bundle mybundle = org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil.getBundle(MyClass.this);
 2. if(mybundle != null), than get bundle-classloader of log4j2-impl.

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:

- `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.

- `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact, code 
inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.

- The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static initializer 
like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are instantiated in is 
unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a different ordinal each 
time the JVM starts. 

- Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}` (brackets) 
for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL, but you use `new 
Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO, Level should be abstract 
(so that there's always exactly one instance of every class that extends Level, 
just like a real enum), and the levels should all use {} to construct. However, 
if we don't make Level abstract, then we should remove {} from OFF, NOTE, and 
DETAIL because it's unnecessary.

- The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static fields 
from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it difficult to 
read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level. Can we please 
move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?

- This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating things in 
class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To someone unfamiliar 
with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they have to first figure out 
that Std is short for Std. Can be please un-abbreviate this to StandardLevel?

- I disagree with this approach:

if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
Level level = levels.get(name);
if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
already been defined.);
ordinal = level.ordinal;

  This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be instantiated, 
which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from being 100% 
deterministic. It should really be this:

if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
already been defined.);

- I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom levels 
shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if we don't 
make Level abstract, we should make it final.

- Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc. That 
needs to be fixed.

- I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It seems like an 
anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know if I'm missing 
something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to still switch on the 
standard levels. I think that's a bad reason to create an enum whose constants 
mirror Level. The primary problem with the StdLevel is that the conversion from 
a Level to a StdLevel in many cases happens __on every logging event__. That's 
going to be hugely inefficient. Really, when a custom Level is created, it 
should be created with an equivalent standard Level (or StdLevel). There are 
several ways to accomplish this that are open to discussion, but I don't think 
the current StdLevel.getStdLevel is the right approach. One alternative:

private final Level standardLevel;

protected Level(String name, int level, Level mapToOtherFrameworksAs) {
this(name, level);
this.standardLevel = mapToOtherFrameworksAs;

private Level(String name, int level) {
// same as now
this.standardLevel = this;

public final Level getStandardLevel() {
return this.standardLevel;

This does, admittedly, have some problems. Another alternative that I could 
also be happy with that keeps the StandardLevel enum:

private final StandardLevel standardLevel;

protected Level(String name, int level, StandardLevel 
mapToOtherFrameworksAs) {
this(name, level);
this.standardLevel = mapToOtherFrameworksAs;

private Level(String name, int level) {
// same as now
this.standardLevel = this;

public final StandardLevel getStandardLevel() {
return this.standardLevel;


On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:38 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I’ve committed the changes.  Take a look at, and log4j-customLevel.xml in the log4j-core test 
 directories to see how it works.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:19 AM, Remko Popma wrote:
 I'm very curious! Can't wait to see it. Go for it!
 On Sunday, January 26, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of Nick’s 
 “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he proposed is that 
 the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated with 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I agree with most of this and will make the suggested changes.  At least up to 
the point of getting rid of the StandardLevel enum. That is used in too many 
places to map to some other framework. I agree that doing the calculation every 
time is not the right way to go and will see what I can do, but I don’t like 
passing the standard level as a parameter - it should be based solely on the 
intValue.  However, that would mean the StandardLevel enum has to be created 
before the Levels themselves are created.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams 

 Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
 - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
 - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact, code 
 inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
 - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static initializer 
 like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are instantiated in is 
 unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a different ordinal each 
 time the JVM starts. 
 - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}` (brackets) 
 for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL, but you use 
 `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO, Level should be 
 abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of every class that 
 extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels should all use {} to 
 construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract, then we should remove {} 
 from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's unnecessary.
 - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static fields 
 from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it difficult to 
 read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level. Can we please 
 move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
 - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating things in 
 class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To someone 
 unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they have to 
 first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please un-abbreviate this 
 to StandardLevel?
 - I disagree with this approach:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
Level level = levels.get(name);
if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
ordinal = level.ordinal;
  This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be instantiated, 
 which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from being 100% 
 deterministic. It should really be this:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
 - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom levels 
 shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if we don't 
 make Level abstract, we should make it final.
 - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc. That 
 needs to be fixed.
 - I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It seems like 
 an anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know if I'm 
 missing something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to still switch 
 on the standard levels. I think that's a bad reason to create an enum whose 
 constants mirror Level. The primary problem with the StdLevel is that the 
 conversion from a Level to a StdLevel in many cases happens __on every 
 logging event__. That's going to be hugely inefficient. Really, when a custom 
 Level is created, it should be created with an equivalent standard Level (or 
 StdLevel). There are several ways to accomplish this that are open to 
 discussion, but I don't think the current StdLevel.getStdLevel is the right 
 approach. One alternative:
private final Level standardLevel;
protected Level(String name, int level, Level mapToOtherFrameworksAs) {
this(name, level);
this.standardLevel = mapToOtherFrameworksAs;
private Level(String name, int level) {
// same as now
this.standardLevel = this;
public final Level getStandardLevel() {
return this.standardLevel;
 This does, admittedly, have some problems. Another alternative that I could 
 also be happy with that keeps the StandardLevel enum:
private final StandardLevel standardLevel;
protected Level(String name, int level, StandardLevel 
 mapToOtherFrameworksAs) {
this(name, level);
this.standardLevel = mapToOtherFrameworksAs;
private Level(String name, int level) {
// same as now
this.standardLevel = this;
public final StandardLevel getStandardLevel() {

Re: Question about Log4jServletFilter in core.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
Nick, Are you working on this?


On Jan 18, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Nicholas Williams 

 Yes. Next weekend I plan on adding a Servlet context parameter that allows 
 the user to disable starting Log4j automatically. That should allow us to 
 keep everything in one JAR while supporting both sides of the argument. 
 Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos
 On Jan 18, 2014, at 10:54, Gary Gregory wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Ralph Goers 
 I’ve always had reservations about the servlet 3.0 automatic configuration 
 because if the log4j jar is present it can’t be disabled or be modified by 
 the end user. We’ve had some issues with Spring initialization and now 
 LOG4J2-452 reinforces that.  I would propose that if we want to keep it that 
 we move the minimum amount required into its own jar so that users have a 
 choice as to whether it is automatically initialized.
 Am I the only one who feels this way?  Frankly, this and one other issue I 
 plan to work on this weekend are the only things I see as blockers for a GA 
 For me, the fewer jars, the better. Can't this be configured somehow without 
 having to do more jar juggling?
 On Jan 17, 2014, at 8:25 PM, Nick Williams 
 Filter initialization is one of the last things to happen in web app 
 startup. The ServletContainerInitializer sets the threads logger context so 
 that web app startup procedures can use it. The filter's init() method 
 clears it near the end of startup so that it doesn't bleed into another web 
 Then, on web apps shutdown, destruction of filters is one of the first 
 things to happen. The filter's destroy() sets the logger context so that 
 the web app shutdown procedures can use it.
 On Jan 17, 2014, at 10:17 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Now I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly, but init() clears the 
 current thread's logger context, and destroy() sets it. What's up with 
 this? Especially since it just gets set and cleared in the doFilter() bit.
 Matt Sicker
 E-Mail: | 
 Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition
 JUnit in Action, Second Edition
 Spring Batch in Action

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I do have one other comment. You mention that the ordinal value isn’t 
guaranteed because the levels might be instantiated in a different order each 
time.  An alternative wold be to just get rid of the ordinal.  It isn’t used 
anywhere by anything and when custom values are added they will be added after 
the standard levels, which is correct but might not be what you would expect.  
Eliminating that would allow the static initialization to stay as it is and get 
rid of the need for synchronization in the constructor.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams 

 Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
 - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
 - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact, code 
 inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
 - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static initializer 
 like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are instantiated in is 
 unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a different ordinal each 
 time the JVM starts. 
 - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}` (brackets) 
 for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL, but you use 
 `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO, Level should be 
 abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of every class that 
 extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels should all use {} to 
 construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract, then we should remove {} 
 from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's unnecessary.
 - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static fields 
 from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it difficult to 
 read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level. Can we please 
 move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
 - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating things in 
 class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To someone 
 unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they have to 
 first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please un-abbreviate this 
 to StandardLevel?
 - I disagree with this approach:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
Level level = levels.get(name);
if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
ordinal = level.ordinal;
  This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be instantiated, 
 which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from being 100% 
 deterministic. It should really be this:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
 - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom levels 
 shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if we don't 
 make Level abstract, we should make it final.
 - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc. That 
 needs to be fixed.
 - I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It seems like 
 an anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know if I'm 
 missing something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to still switch 
 on the standard levels. I think that's a bad reason to create an enum whose 
 constants mirror Level. The primary problem with the StdLevel is that the 
 conversion from a Level to a StdLevel in many cases happens __on every 
 logging event__. That's going to be hugely inefficient. Really, when a custom 
 Level is created, it should be created with an equivalent standard Level (or 
 StdLevel). There are several ways to accomplish this that are open to 
 discussion, but I don't think the current StdLevel.getStdLevel is the right 
 approach. One alternative:
private final Level standardLevel;
protected Level(String name, int level, Level mapToOtherFrameworksAs) {
this(name, level);
this.standardLevel = mapToOtherFrameworksAs;
private Level(String name, int level) {
// same as now
this.standardLevel = this;
public final Level getStandardLevel() {
return this.standardLevel;
 This does, admittedly, have some problems. Another alternative that I could 
 also be happy with that keeps the StandardLevel enum:
private final StandardLevel standardLevel;
protected Level(String name, int level, StandardLevel 
 mapToOtherFrameworksAs) {
this(name, level);
this.standardLevel = mapToOtherFrameworksAs;
private Level(String name, int level) {
// same as now
this.standardLevel = this;
public final StandardLevel getStandardLevel() {

logging to solr/elasticsearch

2014-01-26 Thread Markus Klose
Hello everyone,

last thursday i had a small chat with christian grobmeier on a java user group
i am doing a lot of search and analytics in my daily business and i am very
interessted in developing a component that directly logs into a
solr/elasticsearch index

Over a year ago i allready did some development on a solr appender
if you are interesetedyou can have  a look at

I like to develop a new component for log4j 2

My questions to you
 - is there allready done or planned in that direction?
 - where would such a component would fits best to log2j?  (appender? plugin?)
 - whats the best way to configure an appender? in my first versionof the solr
appender i had a lot of optional field mapping whicht made the configuration
within the log4j.xml quite big

would be great to get some feedback.
this could be a good way to connect log events directly to a tool like kibana

Markus Klose

Re: Question about Log4jServletFilter in core.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
I am. Today, in fact.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 3:43 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 Nick, Are you working on this?
 On Jan 18, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Nicholas Williams wrote:
 Yes. Next weekend I plan on adding a Servlet context parameter that allows 
 the user to disable starting Log4j automatically. That should allow us to 
 keep everything in one JAR while supporting both sides of the argument. 
 Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos
 On Jan 18, 2014, at 10:54, Gary Gregory wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Ralph Goers 
 I’ve always had reservations about the servlet 3.0 automatic configuration 
 because if the log4j jar is present it can’t be disabled or be modified by 
 the end user. We’ve had some issues with Spring initialization and now 
 LOG4J2-452 reinforces that.  I would propose that if we want to keep it 
 that we move the minimum amount required into its own jar so that users 
 have a choice as to whether it is automatically initialized.
 Am I the only one who feels this way?  Frankly, this and one other issue I 
 plan to work on this weekend are the only things I see as blockers for a GA 
 For me, the fewer jars, the better. Can't this be configured somehow 
 without having to do more jar juggling?
 On Jan 17, 2014, at 8:25 PM, Nick Williams 
 Filter initialization is one of the last things to happen in web app 
 startup. The ServletContainerInitializer sets the threads logger context 
 so that web app startup procedures can use it. The filter's init() method 
 clears it near the end of startup so that it doesn't bleed into another 
 web app.
 Then, on web apps shutdown, destruction of filters is one of the first 
 things to happen. The filter's destroy() sets the logger context so that 
 the web app shutdown procedures can use it.
 On Jan 17, 2014, at 10:17 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Now I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly, but init() clears 
 the current thread's logger context, and destroy() sets it. What's up 
 with this? Especially since it just gets set and cleared in the 
 doFilter() bit.
 Matt Sicker
 E-Mail: | 
 Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition
 JUnit in Action, Second Edition
 Spring Batch in Action

[jira] [Commented] (LOG4J2-513) Use more OSGi-friendly class loading mechanisms.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)


Matt Sicker commented on LOG4J2-513:

So far, one major refactoring that was required is separating out the class 
that holds the LoggerContextFactory. For lack of a better class name, I've gone 
with LoggerContextFactoryContext. This becomes an overridable anchor to the 
system, where LogManager delegates out to the context class. Included in the 
context class is the code from LogManager.static, and LogManager.static simply 
calls that method with override=false.

Anyway, I've also added another bundle that includes a BundleActivator that 
will load/reload the logger context factory using the proper class loader. 
Needs more testing as I'm still learning how to use OSGi, but it seems simple 

 Use more OSGi-friendly class loading mechanisms.

 Key: LOG4J2-513
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Sub-task
  Components: API
Affects Versions: 2.0-rc1
 Environment: OSGi
Reporter: Matt Sicker
  Labels: api, bundle, classloader, osgi

 See for instance 
  Currently, o.a.l.l.util.ProviderUtil has a findClassLoader() method that 
 depends on using the thread context class loader (TCCL). Now this method may 
 work in certain environments, but once you're in an OSGi environment, class 
 loaders are far more modular thanks to each bundle getting its own class 
 loader. The thread context class loader is oftentimes not the correct one in 
 such an environment.
 I'll do more research on being compatible with OSGi without depending on 
 OSGi. In the meantime, this ticket will have to do.

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I made most of the changes.

I moved StandardLevel to a separate file in the spi sub-package. The actual 
level values are defined there and then referenced in Level.  This way each 
Level can be associated with a StandardLevel in its constructor.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 1:40 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I agree with most of this and will make the suggested changes.  At least up 
 to the point of getting rid of the StandardLevel enum. That is used in too 
 many places to map to some other framework. I agree that doing the 
 calculation every time is not the right way to go and will see what I can do, 
 but I don’t like passing the standard level as a parameter - it should be 
 based solely on the intValue.  However, that would mean the StandardLevel 
 enum has to be created before the Levels themselves are created.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams 
 Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
 - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
 - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact, code 
 inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
 - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static 
 initializer like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are 
 instantiated in is unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a 
 different ordinal each time the JVM starts. 
 - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}` (brackets) 
 for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL, but you use 
 `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO, Level should be 
 abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of every class that 
 extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels should all use {} to 
 construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract, then we should remove 
 {} from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's unnecessary.
 - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static 
 fields from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it 
 difficult to read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level. 
 Can we please move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
 - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating things in 
 class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To someone 
 unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they have to 
 first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please un-abbreviate this 
 to StandardLevel?
 - I disagree with this approach:
   if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
   Level level = levels.get(name);
   if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
   ordinal = level.ordinal;
 This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be instantiated, 
 which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from being 100% 
 deterministic. It should really be this:
   if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
 - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom levels 
 shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if we don't 
 make Level abstract, we should make it final.
 - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc. That 
 needs to be fixed.
 - I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It seems like 
 an anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know if I'm 
 missing something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to still switch 
 on the standard levels. I think that's a bad reason to create an enum whose 
 constants mirror Level. The primary problem with the StdLevel is that the 
 conversion from a Level to a StdLevel in many cases happens __on every 
 logging event__. That's going to be hugely inefficient. Really, when a 
 custom Level is created, it should be created with an equivalent standard 
 Level (or StdLevel). There are several ways to accomplish this that are open 
 to discussion, but I don't think the current StdLevel.getStdLevel is the 
 right approach. One alternative:
   private final Level standardLevel;
   protected Level(String name, int level, Level mapToOtherFrameworksAs) {
   this(name, level);
   this.standardLevel = mapToOtherFrameworksAs;
   private Level(String name, int level) {
   // same as now
   this.standardLevel = this;
   public final Level getStandardLevel() {
   return this.standardLevel;
 This does, admittedly, have some problems. Another alternative that I could 
 also be happy with that keeps the StandardLevel enum:
   private final StandardLevel standardLevel;
   protected Level(String name, int level, 

Re: logging to solr/elasticsearch

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
The closest existing components that are vaguely related to what you're
requesting are Mongo and CouchDB appenders. In log4j-core, the NoSQL
appenders might be a good place to put this, but I'm not too sure. I mean,
solr is kind of like a database, so it might belong in db at least.

On 26 January 2014 16:10, Markus Klose wrote:

   Hello everyone,

  last thursday i had a small chat with christian grobmeier on a java user
 group meeting
  i am doing a lot of search and analytics in my daily business and i am
 very interessted in developing a component that directly logs into a
 solr/elasticsearch index

  Over a year ago i allready did some development on a solr appender
  if you are interesetedyou can have  a look at :

  I like to develop a new component for log4j 2

  My questions to you
   - is there allready done or planned in that direction?
   - where would such a component would fits best to log2j?  (appender?
   - whats the best way to configure an appender? in my first versionof
 the solr appender i had a lot of optional field mapping whicht made the
 configuration within the log4j.xml quite big

  would be great to get some feedback.
  this could be a good way to connect log events directly to a tool like

  Markus Klose

Matt Sicker

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less enum-like, but 
I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The intLevel is more 

Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the 
StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:

public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 


private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel) { // 
this is the only c-tor standard levels use
// same logic as current constructor
this.standardLevel = standardLevel;

protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only c-tor 
custom levels use
this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));

public enum StandardLevel {



On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:02 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I do have one other comment. You mention that the ordinal value isn’t 
 guaranteed because the levels might be instantiated in a different order each 
 time.  An alternative wold be to just get rid of the ordinal.  It isn’t used 
 anywhere by anything and when custom values are added they will be added 
 after the standard levels, which is correct but might not be what you would 
 expect.  Eliminating that would allow the static initialization to stay as it 
 is and get rid of the need for synchronization in the constructor.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams 
 Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
 - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
 - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact, code 
 inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
 - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static 
 initializer like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are 
 instantiated in is unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a 
 different ordinal each time the JVM starts. 
 - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}` (brackets) 
 for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL, but you use 
 `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO, Level should be 
 abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of every class that 
 extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels should all use {} to 
 construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract, then we should remove 
 {} from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's unnecessary.
 - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static 
 fields from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it 
 difficult to read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level. 
 Can we please move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
 - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating things in 
 class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To someone 
 unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they have to 
 first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please un-abbreviate this 
 to StandardLevel?
 - I disagree with this approach:
   if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
   Level level = levels.get(name);
   if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
   ordinal = level.ordinal;
 This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be instantiated, 
 which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from being 100% 
 deterministic. It should really be this:
   if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
 - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom levels 
 shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if we don't 
 make Level abstract, we should make it final.
 - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc. That 
 needs to be fixed.
 - I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It seems like 
 an anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know if I'm 
 missing something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to still switch 
 on the standard levels. I think that's a bad reason to create an enum whose 
 constants mirror Level. The primary problem with the StdLevel is that the 
 conversion from a Level to a StdLevel in many cases happens __on every 
 logging event__. That's going to be hugely inefficient. Really, when a 
 custom Level is created, it should be created with an equivalent standard 
 Level (or StdLevel). There are several ways to accomplish this that are open 
 to discussion, but I don't think the current 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
+1 to everything Nick said.

On 26 January 2014 16:40, Nick Williams nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netwrote:

 I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less enum-like,
 but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The intLevel is
 more important.

 Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the
 StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:

 public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
 public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE,


 private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel)
 { // this is the only c-tor standard levels use
 // same logic as current constructor
 this.standardLevel = standardLevel;

 protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only c-tor
 custom levels use
 this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));

 public enum StandardLevel {



 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:02 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

  I do have one other comment. You mention that the ordinal value isn’t
 guaranteed because the levels might be instantiated in a different order
 each time.  An alternative wold be to just get rid of the ordinal.  It
 isn’t used anywhere by anything and when custom values are added they will
 be added after the standard levels, which is correct but might not be what
 you would expect.  Eliminating that would allow the static initialization
 to stay as it is and get rid of the need for synchronization in the
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
  Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
  - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
  - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact,
 code inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
  - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static
 initializer like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are
 instantiated in is unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a
 different ordinal each time the JVM starts.
  - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}`
 (brackets) for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL,
 but you use `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO,
 Level should be abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of
 every class that extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels
 should all use {} to construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract,
 then we should remove {} from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's
  - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static
 fields from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it
 difficult to read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level.
 Can we please move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
  - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating
 things in class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To
 someone unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they
 have to first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please
 un-abbreviate this to StandardLevel?
  - I disagree with this approach:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
Level level = levels.get(name);
if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +
  has already been defined.);
ordinal = level.ordinal;
  This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be
 instantiated, which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from
 being 100% deterministic. It should really be this:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name + 
 has already been defined.);
  - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom
 levels shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if
 we don't make Level abstract, we should make it final.
  - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc.
 That needs to be fixed.
  - I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It seems
 like an anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know if I'm
 missing something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to still
 switch on the standard levels. I think that's a bad reason to create an
 enum whose constants mirror Level. The primary problem with the StdLevel is
 that the conversion from a Level to a StdLevel in many cases happens __on
 every logging event__. That's going to be hugely inefficient. Really, when
 a custom Level is created, it should be created with an equivalent standard
 Level (or 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom
levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a
method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each
level :-) ).
I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels,
as long as the tool can know what methods to generate.

We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from
configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels
element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /...
Is that what you are thinking of?

I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating
the extended Logger interface.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?

 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel()
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate
  custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
  On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
   I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
   Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he
   proposed is that the custom enums must be declared in a class
   with @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable
   Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the
   commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
   On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers
   I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should
   it done today.
   On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma
   What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels
   Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For
   implementation ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a
   On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory
   On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma
   The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the
   extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
   My original position was that Markers could fulfill the
   but Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not
   With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the
   hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued
   about what these levels should be called and what strength they
   should have.
   During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly
   expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but
   by this time I think people were thinking there was no
   It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving
   one direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half
   to move in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I
   asked that we re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a
   solution that would satisfy all users.
   We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums
   again. This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing
   against this idea since we started this thread.
   Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions
   the same problem.
   Hello All:
   Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example.
   Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and
   implementation, we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible'
   Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
   - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
   - Allow for domain specific levels outside of the concept of
   levels, the DEFCON example.
   - Should the custom levels themselves be extensible?

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
By the way, there may be a small concurrency bug in the Level.values()
static method. This may be better:

public static Level[] values() {
CollectionLevel values = Level.levels.values();
return values.toArray(new Level[values.size()]); // use value
collection size, not map size

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:43 AM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 +1 to everything Nick said.

 On 26 January 2014 16:40, Nick Williams nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netwrote:

 I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less
 enum-like, but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The
 intLevel is more important.

 Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the
 StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:

 public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
 public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE,


 private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel)
 { // this is the only c-tor standard levels use
 // same logic as current constructor
 this.standardLevel = standardLevel;

 protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only
 c-tor custom levels use
 this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));

 public enum StandardLevel {



 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:02 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

  I do have one other comment. You mention that the ordinal value isn’t
 guaranteed because the levels might be instantiated in a different order
 each time.  An alternative wold be to just get rid of the ordinal.  It
 isn’t used anywhere by anything and when custom values are added they will
 be added after the standard levels, which is correct but might not be what
 you would expect.  Eliminating that would allow the static initialization
 to stay as it is and get rid of the need for synchronization in the
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
  Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
  - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
  - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact,
 code inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
  - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static
 initializer like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are
 instantiated in is unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a
 different ordinal each time the JVM starts.
  - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}`
 (brackets) for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL,
 but you use `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO,
 Level should be abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of
 every class that extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels
 should all use {} to construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract,
 then we should remove {} from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's
  - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static
 fields from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it
 difficult to read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level.
 Can we please move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
  - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating
 things in class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To
 someone unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they
 have to first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please
 un-abbreviate this to StandardLevel?
  - I disagree with this approach:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
Level level = levels.get(name);
if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +
  has already been defined.);
ordinal = level.ordinal;
  This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be
 instantiated, which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from
 being 100% deterministic. It should really be this:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name + 
 has already been defined.);
  - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom
 levels shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if
 we don't make Level abstract, we should make it final.
  - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc.
 That needs to be fixed.
  - I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It
 seems like an anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know
 if I'm missing something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to
 still switch on 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
I agree. The circumstance that could cause a problem here would be rare, but 
not impossible. We should use Remko's code here.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:20 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 By the way, there may be a small concurrency bug in the Level.values() static 
 method. This may be better:
 public static Level[] values() {
 CollectionLevel values = Level.levels.values();
 return values.toArray(new Level[values.size()]); // use value 
 collection size, not map size
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:43 AM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 +1 to everything Nick said.
 On 26 January 2014 16:40, Nick Williams wrote:
 I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less enum-like, 
 but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The intLevel is 
 more important.
 Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the 
 StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:
 public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
 public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 
 private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel) { 
 // this is the only c-tor standard levels use
 // same logic as current constructor
 this.standardLevel = standardLevel;
 protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only c-tor 
 custom levels use
 this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));
 public enum StandardLevel {
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:02 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I do have one other comment. You mention that the ordinal value isn’t 
  guaranteed because the levels might be instantiated in a different order 
  each time.  An alternative wold be to just get rid of the ordinal.  It 
  isn’t used anywhere by anything and when custom values are added they will 
  be added after the standard levels, which is correct but might not be what 
  you would expect.  Eliminating that would allow the static initialization 
  to stay as it is and get rid of the need for synchronization in the 
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams 
  Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
  - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
  - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact, code 
  inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
  - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static 
  initializer like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are 
  instantiated in is unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a 
  different ordinal each time the JVM starts.
  - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}` 
  (brackets) for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL, 
  but you use `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO, 
  Level should be abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of 
  every class that extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels 
  should all use {} to construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract, 
  then we should remove {} from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's 
  - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static 
  fields from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it 
  difficult to read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of 
  Level. Can we please move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
  - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating things 
  in class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To someone 
  unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they have to 
  first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please un-abbreviate 
  this to StandardLevel?
  - I disagree with this approach:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
Level level = levels.get(name);
if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  
  has already been defined.);
ordinal = level.ordinal;
  This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be 
  instantiated, which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from 
  being 100% deterministic. It should really be this:
if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
  already been defined.);
  - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom levels 
  shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if we 
  don't make Level abstract, we should make it final.
  - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Yes that's what I was thinking.

On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom
 levels, as long as the tool can know what methods to generate.

 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /...
 Is that what you are thinking of?

 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating
 the extended Logger interface.

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy

 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?

 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven't done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels
 need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple
  add support for that wherever you want it.
  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate
  custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
  On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
   I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
   Nick's extensible enum class.  The major difference with what he
   proposed is that the custom enums must be declared in a class
   with @Plugin(name= category=Level) for them to be usable
   Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I'll be doing the
   commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don't hear any.
   On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers
   I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should
   it done today.
   On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma
   What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels
   Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For
   implementation ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a
   On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory
   On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma
   The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the
   extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
   My original position was that Markers could fulfill the
   but Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not
   With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that
   hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued
   about what these levels should be called and what strength they
   should have.
   During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly
   expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels,
   by this time I think people were thinking there was no
   It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving
   one direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half
   to move in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I
   asked that we re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a
   solution that would satisfy all users.
   We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums
   again. This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing
   against this idea since we started this thread.
   Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different
 solutions to
   the same problem.
   Hello All:
   Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example.
   Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and
   implementation, we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible'
   Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
   - Allow inserting custom levels between built-in levels.
   - Allow for domain specific levels outside 

[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-513) Use more OSGi-friendly class loading mechanisms.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)


Matt Sicker updated LOG4J2-513:

Attachment: 0002-Refactor-class-loader-usage-in-LogManager.patch

Here's what I've got so far. As I mentioned in a TODO comment, the bundle 
activator part would be better implemented using a declarative service (using 
the Felix annotations would be the easiest way) or blueprints. However, this is 
still a significant improvement in OSGi support.

I'm completely open to better names for anything here as 
LoggerContextFactoryContext seems a bit ridiculous. :)

 Use more OSGi-friendly class loading mechanisms.

 Key: LOG4J2-513
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Sub-task
  Components: API
Affects Versions: 2.0-rc1
 Environment: OSGi
Reporter: Matt Sicker
  Labels: api, bundle, classloader, osgi
 Attachments: 0001-Fix-weird-usage-of-StatusLogger.patch, 

 See for instance 
  Currently, o.a.l.l.util.ProviderUtil has a findClassLoader() method that 
 depends on using the thread context class loader (TCCL). Now this method may 
 work in certain environments, but once you're in an OSGi environment, class 
 loaders are far more modular thanks to each bundle getting its own class 
 loader. The thread context class loader is oftentimes not the correct one in 
 such an environment.
 I'll do more research on being compatible with OSGi without depending on 
 OSGi. In the meantime, this ticket will have to do.

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[jira] [Created] (LOG4J2-515) Support OSGi bundles without requiring OSGi dependencies.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)
Matt Sicker created LOG4J2-515:

 Summary: Support OSGi bundles without requiring OSGi dependencies.
 Key: LOG4J2-515
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Epic
  Components: API, Appenders, Configurators, Core, Filters, Layouts, 
Affects Versions: 2.0-rc1
 Environment: OSGi, non-OSGi
Reporter: Matt Sicker

In order to properly support OSGi, we need to use a combination of ideas.

# Packages and modules should be as coherent as possible. This makes bundling 
them into bundles and services significantly easier. Plus, it's a good idea 
# Use [Felix SCR 
 in order to support more advanced OSGi concepts without requiring an explicit 
dependency on OSGi. This way, the annotations can be discarded or ignored by 
non-OSGi environments.
# Provide more bundles. The core bundles, while a good start, could be further 
# Don't rely on class loader hacks. Instead, methods that need to use a class 
loader should always include a ClassLoader parameter. Class loader hacks can be 
used in centralized locations as a fallback mechanism where no advanced class 
loaders are provided.

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[jira] [Commented] (LOG4J2-400) Provide Appender-Bundles

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)


Matt Sicker commented on LOG4J2-400:

Linking this to an epic for OSGi support.

 Provide Appender-Bundles

 Key: LOG4J2-400
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Appenders, Core
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta9
 Environment: OSGi R4 / R5 (Apache Felix 4.x)
Reporter: Roland Weiglhofer
Priority: Critical
  Labels: Appender, Core, Dependency, OSGi, PluginManager, 
 lightweight, optional

 Instead of deploying all appenders in the core fragment, it would be much 
 better if the customer can choose which appender he wants to provide. It's 
 easy to hive the appender off in a separate bundle fragment. The host bundle 
 is the API bundle. The Plugin Manager (core fragment) finds the deployed 
 appenders in the classpath of the host bundle. The PluginManager should parse 
 the class path in a separate thread (Startup-Hook) and only once at the start 
 of the host bundle, but not for each call (when a consumer bundle aquires a 
 logger). Make package-imports optional 
 This reduces the number of dependencies and reduces the startup time of the 
 whole system.
 One possible solution for the Plugin Manager is to use the reflections plugin 
 during the maven build process. This plugin lists all classes of a project 
 within a xml file. This file can be marked as a bundle resource and is stored 
 within the appender bundle fragment. The idea is that each appender fragment 
 has its own class list. Because the bundle host (log4j2 core) sees all 
 resources of its fragments it can load these class lists at runtime. Thus, 
 the Plugin Manager gets only those appenders that are installed  within 
 deployed bundle fragements. The class list is created during the build 
 process, the plugin manager must not parse the classpath at runtime. Log4j2 
 uses a xml parser by default. An additional new dependency to a xml-parser 
 library is not required.

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the code 
automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with that code? 
The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a command-line utility 
or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source pre-compile. However, since the 
vast majority of users are using IDEs, those IDEs will still warn them about 
the interface not existing until they have run the utility to generate the 

I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an interface 
that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods that match 
the following signatures (the interface must have at least one method and there 
is no limit to the number of methods it may have):

void(Marker, Message)
void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
void(Marker, Object)
void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
void(Marker, String)
void(Marker, String, Object...)
void(Marker, String throwable)
void(Message, Throwable t)
void(Object, Throwable t)
void(String, Object...)
void(String throwable)

Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
LogManager has a few new methods:

T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 

The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:

MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);

Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like normal.

Make sense?


On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Yes that's what I was thinking.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each 
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels, 
 as long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 
 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from 
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels 
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... Is 
 that what you are thinking of?
 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating 
 the extended Logger interface.
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?
 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);
 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?
 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these
  custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
  On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
   I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
   Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he
   proposed is that the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated
   with @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during
   Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the
   commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
   On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers
   I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have
   it done today.

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
Don't annotation processing plugins work well in IDEs? Either way, there's
a maven plugin already available for doing that, and javac has some sort of
support for it already.

Also, I'm still advocating for using a real enum for Level while providing
a Level interface for all the relevant methods.

And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the
getClassName method?

On 26 January 2014 17:51, Nick Williams nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netwrote:

 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the
 code automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with
 that code? The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a
 command-line utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source
 pre-compile. However, since the vast majority of users are using IDEs,
 those IDEs will still warn them about the interface not existing until they
 have run the utility to generate the source.

 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an
 interface that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods
 that match the following signatures (the interface must have at least one
 method and there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):

 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)

 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName).
 Now LogManager has a few new methods:

 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,

 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:

 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);

 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like

 Make sense?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Yes that's what I was thinking.

 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom
 levels, as long as the tool can know what methods to generate.

 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /...
 Is that what you are thinking of?

 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on
 generating the extended Logger interface.

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy

 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?

 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels
 need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple
  add support for that wherever you want it.
  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate
  custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
  On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
   I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
   Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he
   proposed is that the custom 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing
the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be
some hurdles but that's my goal.

I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
implementation or use a different API.

 On Jan 26, 2014 3:52 PM, Nick Williams

 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the
 code automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with
 that code? The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a
 command-line utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source
 pre-compile. However, since the vast majority of users are using IDEs,
 those IDEs will still warn them about the interface not existing until they
 have run the utility to generate the source.

 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an
 interface that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods
 that match the following signatures (the interface must have at least one
 method and there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):

 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)

 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName).
 Now LogManager has a few new methods:

 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,

 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:

 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);

 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like

 Make sense?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Yes that's what I was thinking.

 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom
 levels, as long as the tool can know what methods to generate.

 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /...
 Is that what you are thinking of?

 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on
 generating the extended Logger interface.

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy

 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?

 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels
 need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple
  add support for that wherever you want it.
  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate
  custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
  On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
   I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
   Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he
   proposed is that the custom enums must be declared in a class
   with @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I think this is very similar to my most recent commit.  Since you are OK with 
removing the ordinal I am going to do that along with fix the problem Remko 


On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Nick Williams 

 I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less enum-like, 
 but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The intLevel is 
 more important.
 Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the 
 StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:
public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 
private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel) { // 
 this is the only c-tor standard levels use
// same logic as current constructor
this.standardLevel = standardLevel;
protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only c-tor 
 custom levels use
this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));
public enum StandardLevel {
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:02 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I do have one other comment. You mention that the ordinal value isn’t 
 guaranteed because the levels might be instantiated in a different order 
 each time.  An alternative wold be to just get rid of the ordinal.  It isn’t 
 used anywhere by anything and when custom values are added they will be 
 added after the standard levels, which is correct but might not be what you 
 would expect.  Eliminating that would allow the static initialization to 
 stay as it is and get rid of the need for synchronization in the constructor.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Nick Williams 
 Some (ok, a lot of) feedback:
 - `private static ConcurrentMapString, Level levels` should be final.
 - `private static Object constructorLock` should be final. In fact, code 
 inspection flags this as a warning since code synchronizes on it.
 - The standard Level constants should be instantiated in a static 
 initializer like in my original code. Otherwise the order they are 
 instantiated in is unpredictable, and DEBUG (for example) may even have a 
 different ordinal each time the JVM starts. 
 - Level isn't abstract. However, you use `new Level(xxx, n) {}` 
 (brackets) for Level.OFF, ExtendedLevels.NOTE, and ExtendedLevels.DETAIL, 
 but you use `new Level(xxx, n)` (no brackets) for other levels. IMO, 
 Level should be abstract (so that there's always exactly one instance of 
 every class that extends Level, just like a real enum), and the levels 
 should all use {} to construct. However, if we don't make Level abstract, 
 then we should remove {} from OFF, NOTE, and DETAIL because it's 
 - The way StdLevel appears in the middle of Level separates its static 
 fields from its instance fields, constructor, and methods. It makes it 
 difficult to read. I have to scroll pass StdLevel to see the rest of Level. 
 Can we please move StdLevel to the bottom of Level?
 - This is more personal preference, but I don't like abbreviating things in 
 class names. What is Std? We may know, but does everyone? To someone 
 unfamiliar with English, Standard is easy to translate, but they have to 
 first figure out that Std is short for Std. Can be please un-abbreviate 
 this to StandardLevel?
 - I disagree with this approach:
  if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
  Level level = levels.get(name);
  if (level.intLevel() != intLevel) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
  ordinal = level.ordinal;
 This allows multiple Levels with the same name/intLevel to be instantiated, 
 which prevents equality testing (level == Level.OFF) from being 100% 
 deterministic. It should really be this:
  if (levels.containsKey(name)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(Level  + name +  has 
 already been defined.);
 - I think we should make all of the methods of Level final. Custom levels 
 shouldn't be able to change their behavior, IMO. Alternatively, if we don't 
 make Level abstract, we should make it final.
 - Level has no JavaDoc. The Level constants in Level have no JavaDoc. That 
 needs to be fixed.
 - I'm still not convinced StdLevel/StandardLevel is necessary. It seems 
 like an anti-pattern to me. From what I can tell (please let me know if I'm 
 missing something), StdLevel's entire purpose is to allow us to still 
 switch on the standard levels. I think that's a bad reason to create an 
 enum whose constants mirror Level. The primary problem with the StdLevel is 
 that the conversion from a Level to a StdLevel in many cases happens __on 

[jira] [Commented] (LOG4J2-461) ERROR StatusLogger Unable to locate a logging implementation, using SimpleLogger

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)


Matt Sicker commented on LOG4J2-461:

This might be a class loader issue if Android does weird things like OSGi does. 
I'll take a look into the issue if that turns out to be the case.

  ERROR StatusLogger Unable to locate a logging implementation, using 

 Key: LOG4J2-461
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: API
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta9
 Environment: Android
Reporter: Gaurav Kapoor
Priority: Blocker

 ERROR StatusLogger Unable to locate a logging implementation, using 
 Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(MainActivity.class);
   LOG.error(Test Log4j2);
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? 
 Console name=STDOUT target=SYSTEM_OUT 
   PatternLayout pattern=%d %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) - %m%n/ 
 Logger name=hello level=info/ 
 Root level=trace 
   AppenderRef ref=STDOUT/ 

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
My first implementation used a real enum that implemented a Level interface.  I 
have to agree with Nick that what is currently committed is simpler.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 Don't annotation processing plugins work well in IDEs? Either way, there's a 
 maven plugin already available for doing that, and javac has some sort of 
 support for it already.
 Also, I'm still advocating for using a real enum for Level while providing a 
 Level interface for all the relevant methods.
 And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the 
 getClassName method?
 On 26 January 2014 17:51, Nick Williams wrote:
 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the code 
 automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with that code? 
 The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a command-line 
 utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source pre-compile. However, 
 since the vast majority of users are using IDEs, those IDEs will still warn 
 them about the interface not existing until they have run the utility to 
 generate the source.
 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an interface 
 that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods that match 
 the following signatures (the interface must have at least one method and 
 there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):
 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)
 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
 LogManager has a few new methods:
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like normal.
 Make sense?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Yes that's what I was thinking.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each 
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels, 
 as long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 
 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from 
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels 
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... Is 
 that what you are thinking of?
 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating 
 the extended Logger interface.
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?
 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);
 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?
 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these
  custom levels from the config, with no user 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
Oh, actually I used an Interface for Level and an enum for the standard levels, 
so I didn’t try what you are suggesting.  I don’t see how what you are 
proposing would work since all the Logger methods take a Level.  If Level is an 
enum then only the values defined in it can be used, regardless of whatever 
interface it might implement.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:10 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 My first implementation used a real enum that implemented a Level interface.  
 I have to agree with Nick that what is currently committed is simpler.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Don't annotation processing plugins work well in IDEs? Either way, there's a 
 maven plugin already available for doing that, and javac has some sort of 
 support for it already.
 Also, I'm still advocating for using a real enum for Level while providing a 
 Level interface for all the relevant methods.
 And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the 
 getClassName method?
 On 26 January 2014 17:51, Nick Williams 
 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the code 
 automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with that 
 code? The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a 
 command-line utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source 
 pre-compile. However, since the vast majority of users are using IDEs, those 
 IDEs will still warn them about the interface not existing until they have 
 run the utility to generate the source.
 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an interface 
 that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods that match 
 the following signatures (the interface must have at least one method and 
 there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):
 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)
 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
 LogManager has a few new methods:
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like 
 Make sense?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Yes that's what I was thinking.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each 
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels, 
 as long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 
 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from 
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels 
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... 
 Is that what you are thinking of?
 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating 
 the extended Logger interface.
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?
 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);
 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?
 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need 
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() 
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
If the explicit values of the enum aren't used, then the logger methods
that take a level would still work just fine. That's with the funky T
extends EnumT  Level generic, too, right?

On 26 January 2014 18:14, Ralph Goers wrote:

 Oh, actually I used an Interface for Level and an enum for the standard
 levels, so I didn’t try what you are suggesting.  I don’t see how what you
 are proposing would work since all the Logger methods take a Level.  If
 Level is an enum then only the values defined in it can be used, regardless
 of whatever interface it might implement.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:10 PM, Ralph Goers

 My first implementation used a real enum that implemented a Level
 interface.  I have to agree with Nick that what is currently committed is


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 Don't annotation processing plugins work well in IDEs? Either way, there's
 a maven plugin already available for doing that, and javac has some sort of
 support for it already.

 Also, I'm still advocating for using a real enum for Level while providing
 a Level interface for all the relevant methods.

 And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the
 getClassName method?

 On 26 January 2014 17:51, Nick Williams nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netwrote:

 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the
 code automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with
 that code? The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a
 command-line utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source
 pre-compile. However, since the vast majority of users are using IDEs,
 those IDEs will still warn them about the interface not existing until they
 have run the utility to generate the source.

 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an
 interface that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods
 that match the following signatures (the interface must have at least one
 method and there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):

 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)

 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName).
 Now LogManager has a few new methods:

 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,

 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:

 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);

 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the
 default implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have
 to be implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance
 like normal.

 Make sense?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Yes that's what I was thinking.

 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified
 custom levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that
 has a method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for
 each level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom
 levels, as long as the tool can know what methods to generate.

 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /...
 Is that what you are thinking of?

 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on
 generating the extended Logger interface.

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy

 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?

 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels
 need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be
 simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Gary Gregory
Please read my message again. I talk about wrapping not extending. 


 Original message 
From: Remko Popma 
Date:01/26/2014  18:17  (GMT-05:00) 
To: Log4J Developers List 
Subject: Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed. 

The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each level 
:-) ).
I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels, as 
long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 

We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from configuration 
as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels element, with 
sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... Is that what you 
are thinking of?

I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating the 
extended Logger interface.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
Level class isn't required?

Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need to
 be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
 add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
 the method used to do that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?

 Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
 originating level class be included in the classpath.

 I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent

 On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these
 custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?

 On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
  I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
  Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he
  proposed is that the custom enums must be declared in a class annotated
  with @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable during
  Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the
  commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
  On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers
  I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should have
  it done today.
  On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma
  What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels
  Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For
  implementation ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or create a branch?
  On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Gary Gregory
  On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Remko Popma
  The hard-coded levels were proposed because it seemed that the
  extensible enum idea raised by Nick was not going to be accepted.
  My original position was that Markers could fulfill the requirement
  but Nick and yourself made it clear that this was not satisfactory.
  With extensible enums and markers off the table it seemed that the
  hard-coded levels was the only alternative, and discussion ensued
  about what these levels should be called and what strength they
  should have.
  During this discussion, several people, including me, repeatedly
  expressed strong reservations about adding pre-defined levels, but
  by this time I think people were thinking there was no alternative.
  It looked like we were getting stuck, with half the group moving in
  one direction (add pre-defined levels!) and the other half wanting
  to move in another direction (don't add pre-defined levels!). I
  asked that we re-reviewed our assumptions and try to reach a
  solution that would satisfy all users.
  We then decided to explore the option of using extensible enums
  again. This is still ongoing, but I haven't seen anyone arguing
  against this idea since we started this thread.
  Hard-coded levels and the extensible enum are different solutions to
  the same problem.
  Hello All:
  Absolutely not. See my DEFCON example.
  Talking about an extensible enum is mixing design and
  implementation, we are talking about 'custom' and/or 'extensible'
  Custom/Extensible levels can be designed to serve one or all of:
  - Allow inserting custom levels between 

[jira] [Created] (LOG4J2-516) As a developer using OSGi, I want to use Log4J as my OSGi Log Service

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)
Matt Sicker created LOG4J2-516:

 Summary: As a developer using OSGi, I want to use Log4J as my OSGi 
Log Service
 Key: LOG4J2-516
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Story
  Components: Core
 Environment: Felix, Equinox, OSGi
Reporter: Matt Sicker

See [the 
 for some details. I'd like to be able to import the log service bundle and be 
able to use Log4J as the backend if it has been registered in OSGi.

This would require a module that adapts the logging infrastructure to OSGi's 
logging service. I think that would be a good addition to the bundles exported.

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
Sorry if I misread. Any mechanism that supports custom levels and gets as
close as possible to the ease of use of the built-in logger interface is
fine with me.

On Monday, January 27, 2014, Gary Gregory wrote:

 Please read my message again. I talk about wrapping not extending.


  Original message 
 From: Remko Popma
 Date:01/26/2014 18:17 (GMT-05:00)
 To: Log4J Developers List
 Subject: Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom
 levels, as long as the tool can know what methods to generate.

 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /...
 Is that what you are thinking of?

 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating
 the extended Logger interface.

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy

 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?

 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel()
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate
  custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
  On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers
   I have completed the work on custom levels.  It uses a variation of
   Nick’s “extensible enum” class.  The major difference with what he
   proposed is that the custom enums must be declared in a class
   with @Plugin(name=“” category=“Level”) for them to be usable
   Are their any objections to me checking this in?  I’ll be doing the
   commit at around noon Pacific Daylight Time if I don’t hear any.
   On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Ralph Goers
   I am working on the implementation of custom levels now.  I should
   it done today.
   On Jan 24, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Remko Popma
   What is the best way to make progress on the custom levels
   Do we re-open LOG4J-41 or start a fresh Jira ticket? For
   implementation ideas, do we attach files to Jira, or crea

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define one or 
more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user would have to 

logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);

In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a static from 
somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so creating it from 
the configuration will prevent that.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing the 
 levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be some 
 hurdles but that's my goal.
 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level 
 implementation or use a different API.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:52 PM, Nick Williams 
 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the code 
 automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with that code? 
 The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a command-line 
 utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source pre-compile. However, 
 since the vast majority of users are using IDEs, those IDEs will still warn 
 them about the interface not existing until they have run the utility to 
 generate the source.
 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an interface 
 that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods that match 
 the following signatures (the interface must have at least one method and 
 there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):
 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)
 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
 LogManager has a few new methods:
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like normal.
 Make sense?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Yes that's what I was thinking.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each 
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels, 
 as long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 
 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from 
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels 
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... Is 
 that what you are thinking of?
 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating 
 the extended Logger interface.
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?
 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);
 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?
 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were

If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the
config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
 On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define
 one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user
 would have to code:

 logger.log(Level.toLevel(DIAG), hello world);

 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a static
 from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so creating
 it from the configuration will prevent that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing
 the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be
 some hurdles but that's my goal.

 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
 implementation or use a different API.

  On Jan 26, 2014 3:52 PM, Nick Williams

 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the
 code automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with
 that code? The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a
 command-line utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source
 pre-compile. However, since the vast majority of users are using IDEs,
 those IDEs will still warn them about the interface not existing until they
 have run the utility to generate the source.

 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an
 interface that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods
 that match the following signatures (the interface must have at least one
 method and there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):

 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)

 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName).
 Now LogManager has a few new methods:

 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,

 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:

 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);

 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the
 default implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have
 to be implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance
 like normal.

 Make sense?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Yes that's what I was thinking.

 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified
 custom levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that
 has a method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for
 each level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom
 levels, as long as the tool can know what methods to generate.

 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /...
 Is that what you are thinking of?

 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on
 generating the extended Logger interface.

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy

 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?

 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);

 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?

 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven't done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels
 need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be
 simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.
  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I think I am missing something. 

First, void(Marker, Message) isn’t a valid method signature so I am not sure 
what you are really intending. It looks like you specifically did not add the 
level to the method name and are planning on getting it from the annotation?  
If so, I don’t see how that works.

Once there is an interface it is easy to generate a wrapper logger that uses a 
proxy to implement the methods. If they are named something like void 
diag(String msg) then there is no need to annotate them.  


On Jan 26, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Nick Williams 

 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the code 
 automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with that code? 
 The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a command-line 
 utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source pre-compile. However, 
 since the vast majority of users are using IDEs, those IDEs will still warn 
 them about the interface not existing until they have run the utility to 
 generate the source.
 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an interface 
 that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods that match 
 the following signatures (the interface must have at least one method and 
 there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):
 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)
 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
 LogManager has a few new methods:
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like normal.
 Make sense?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Yes that's what I was thinking.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each 
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels, 
 as long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 
 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from 
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels 
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... Is 
 that what you are thinking of?
 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating 
 the extended Logger interface.
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?
 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);
 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?
 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need to
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() is
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the
  originating level class be included in the classpath.
  I'm thinking about socketreceiver and to a lesser extent
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:28 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  So I assume we could build on this by adding the ability to generate these
  custom levels from the config, with no user provided class required?
  On Jan 26, 2014 12:58 AM, Ralph Goers

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
Sorry, I was leaving the method names off because the user can name the methods 
whatever they want to. They aren't important to the signature as far as Log4j 
is concerned.

You /could/ get the level name from the method name, yes. Using an annotation 
would allow the user to have a constant, perhaps named DIAG, with a different 
method name, perhaps named `diagnostic`.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:25 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I think I am missing something. 
 First, void(Marker, Message) isn’t a valid method signature so I am not sure 
 what you are really intending. It looks like you specifically did not add the 
 level to the method name and are planning on getting it from the annotation?  
 If so, I don’t see how that works.
 Once there is an interface it is easy to generate a wrapper logger that uses 
 a proxy to implement the methods. If they are named something like void 
 diag(String msg) then there is no need to annotate them.  
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Nick Williams 
 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the code 
 automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with that 
 code? The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a 
 command-line utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source 
 pre-compile. However, since the vast majority of users are using IDEs, those 
 IDEs will still warn them about the interface not existing until they have 
 run the utility to generate the source.
 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an interface 
 that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods that match 
 the following signatures (the interface must have at least one method and 
 there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):
 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)
 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
 LogManager has a few new methods:
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like 
 Make sense?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Yes that's what I was thinking.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each 
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom levels, 
 as long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 
 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from 
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels 
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... 
 Is that what you are thinking of?
 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating 
 the extended Logger interface.
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?
 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);
 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?
 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need 
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support for that wherever you want it.  Level.StdLevel.getStdLevel() 
  the method used to do that.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Are these serialization-wise going to be the same as standard levels?
  Receivers and apps like Chainsaw would benefit from not requiring the

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
Why would we want that? It is inconsistent with how we currently use Levels and 
I think it could lead to confusion.

What I think should happen is that this Logger wrapper is also where the custom 
level should be declared.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Nick Williams 

 Sorry, I was leaving the method names off because the user can name the 
 methods whatever they want to. They aren't important to the signature as far 
 as Log4j is concerned.
 You /could/ get the level name from the method name, yes. Using an annotation 
 would allow the user to have a constant, perhaps named DIAG, with a different 
 method name, perhaps named `diagnostic`.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:25 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I think I am missing something. 
 First, void(Marker, Message) isn’t a valid method signature so I am not sure 
 what you are really intending. It looks like you specifically did not add 
 the level to the method name and are planning on getting it from the 
 annotation?  If so, I don’t see how that works.
 Once there is an interface it is easy to generate a wrapper logger that uses 
 a proxy to implement the methods. If they are named something like void 
 diag(String msg) then there is no need to annotate them.  
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Nick Williams 
 Generating a logger /interface/ is going to be hard. Sure, writing the code 
 automatically will be a piece of cake. But then what do we do with that 
 code? The user needs to program against it. So we have to have a 
 command-line utility or Maven/Ant plug-in to generate the source 
 pre-compile. However, since the vast majority of users are using IDEs, 
 those IDEs will still warn them about the interface not existing until they 
 have run the utility to generate the source.
 I think a better approach would be to allow the user to define an interface 
 that /must/ extend Logger. That interface may contain any methods that 
 match the following signatures (the interface must have at least one method 
 and there is no limit to the number of methods it may have):
 void(Marker, Message)
 void(Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, Object)
 void(Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void(Marker, String)
 void(Marker, String, Object...)
 void(Marker, String throwable)
 void(Message, Throwable t)
 void(Object, Throwable t)
 void(String, Object...)
 void(String throwable)
 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
 LogManager has a few new methods:
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like 
 Make sense?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Yes that's what I was thinking.
 On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
 The way I interpreted Gary's idea was that based on user-specified custom 
 levels, we would generate an extension of the Logger interface that has a 
 method for each of the custom levels (well, actually 14 methods for each 
 level :-) ).
 I haven't really thought about how users would specify their custom 
 levels, as long as the tool can know what methods to generate. 
 We could go one step further and generate the Level subclass from 
 configuration as well. I suppose that would entail adding a new Levels 
 element, with sub-elements like Level name=DETAIL intLevel=450 /... 
 Is that what you are thinking of?
 I would be fine with that too, but would like to first focus on generating 
 the extended Logger interface.
 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Is there a way to generate code/update the Levels enumeration so a new
 Level class isn't required?
 Would be great to be able to use logger.detail(Detail message);
 Is that what you're thinking of, Remko?
 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  I haven’t done anything to directly do that. However, custom levels need 
  be mapped to the standard levels in several places. It would be simple to
  add support 

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were 
added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the 
config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were 
 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the 
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
 On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define one 
 or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user would 
 have to code:
 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);
 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a static 
 from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so creating it 
 from the configuration will prevent that.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing 
 the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be 
 some hurdles but that's my goal.
 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level 
 implementation or use a different API.

[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-316) Logo Contest Submissions

2014-01-26 Thread James Devenish (JIRA)


James Devenish updated LOG4J2-316:

Attachment: Log4j-rectangular.svg

Attached rectangular logo with '2' as coffee cup handle

 Logo Contest Submissions

 Key: LOG4J2-316
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Christian Grobmeier
Assignee: Christian Grobmeier
 Attachments: CarloMatti-Concept.jpg, Log4J2-Attitude.png, 
 Log4J2-Selected.png, Log4j-circular-more.png, Log4j-circular-more.svg, 
 Log4j-circular.png, Log4j-circular.svg, Log4j-combined.png, 
 Log4j-galactica.png, Log4j-rectangular.png, Log4j-rectangular.svg, 
 Log4j-textured.png, Log4j_logo.png, Micah_log4j_icon.png, 
 a_new_log4j2-logo.png, apache-log4j-2.png, apache_log4j2_logo.png, l4j.png, 
 l4j.svg, log4-SE.png, log4.png, log4J2-logo-B.png, log4J2-logo.png, 
 log4J2_Lila.png, log4J2_Orange_Grün.png, log4J2_Schwartz.png, log4J_bunt.png, 
 log4j-2-rnm.png, log4j-2.png, log4j-apache.png, log4j-asap.png,,,,,,,,, log4j-stepuk.png, 
 log4j.png, log4j.png, log4j.svg, log4j2(Pasha_G).png, log4j2(logo).png, 
 log4j2(logo)_1.png, log4j2-b.svg,,, 
 log4j_2.svg, log4j_idea.jpg, log4j_logo.png, log4j_murdy_1.png, 
 log4j_murdy_10.png, log4j_murdy_11.png, log4j_murdy_11_types.png, 
 log4j_murdy_2.png, log4j_murdy_3.png, log4j_murdy_4.png, log4j_murdy_6.png, 
 log4j_murdy_7.png, log4j_murdy_8.png, log4j_murdy_9.png, 
 logo-log4j-circle.png, logo-log4j-eruption.png, 
 logo-m-nostrokes-condensed.png, logo-m-nostrokes-condensed.svg, 
 logo-m-nostrokes.png, logo-m-nostrokes.svg, logo-m.png, logo-m.svg, 
 logoprop_coffeesteam_131022NS.png, logoprop_monogram_131022NS.png, 
 logoprop_stacked-lj_131022NS.png, tmp_140123_0205221834269922.png

 h4. Log4J logo contest
 Log4j 2.0 is looking for a new logo!
 After 12 years, the Log4j project is getting ready for a brand new major 
 release: version 2.0. This new major version is a reboot of this project in 
 many ways: it is not only time to change the version number to 2.0 but also 
 time to refresh the Log4j logo.
 Log4j 2 is very different from Log4j 1. Log4j 2 is more reliable and faster 
 than its predecessor and comparable frameworks.
 The team has grown after years of stagnation and there is now a lot of 
 activity on our lists. We are now approaching the 2.0 release after eight 
 beta releases.
 With our new logo, we want to show the Java community that Log4j is back.
 We would like to open participation to the community to create this new logo.
 Attach your entries to the Jira:
 You can submit as many entries as you like.
 You must license your Logo under the Apache License 2.0.
 -The contest will last one month from the date of the announcement.-
 *UPDATE: The contest ends on 31.01.2014.*
 If your Logo is accepted, you must sign an ICLA:
 While we will accept PNG image formats for the contest, we prefer vector 
 based formats (SVG).
 You can convert pixel-based formats produced with Gimp or Photoshop to SVG 
 with free tools like Inkscape (
 Please note that a logo should not contain too many details.
 We invite everyone to vote on the mailing lists. The votes of Apache Logging 
 Committers are binding.
 If the community submits more than 10 Logos, voting will proceed in two 
 In the first round, the 10 logos with the most +1 votes graduate to round two.
 In the second round, the logo with the most +1 will win the contest.
 The majority of the Apache Logging PMC can veto a logo.
 We will accept the logo when all votes are successful and the ICLA of the 
 logo contributor is on file.
 Please ask questions on the dev mailing list.
 The Log4j team

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2014-01-26 Thread Internet
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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - a few minor changes

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I modified Level to be final and have a private constructor.  I added a static 
method named getOrCreateLevel.  Custom extensions should use that method to 
create the static reference.  This allows the new Level to be declared in 
multiple places without a problem as they will all get the same Level instance.

I also removed the ordinal and the synchronization associated with it.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Nick Williams 

 I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less enum-like, 
 but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The intLevel is 
 more important.
 Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the 
 StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:
public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 
private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel) { // 
 this is the only c-tor standard levels use
// same logic as current constructor
this.standardLevel = standardLevel;
protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only c-tor 
 custom levels use
this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));
public enum StandardLevel {

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names
for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?

On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were

 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
  On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers

 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define
 one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user
 would have to code:

 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);

 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a
 static from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so
 creating it from the configuration will prevent that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing
 the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be
 some hurdles but that's my goal.

 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
 implementation or use a different API.


Matt Sicker

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Paul Benedict
I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom
logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?

I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just
pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level
convenience methods?

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names
 for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?

 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were

 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
  On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers

 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define
 one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user
 would have to code:

 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);

 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a
 static from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so
 creating it from the configuration will prevent that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by
 allowing the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there
 may be some hurdles but that's my goal.

 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
 implementation or use a different API.


 Matt Sicker


Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
There are two separate discussions going on here, so it's easy to get lost. We 
should probably split discussions again.

Discussion 1: The finer details of custom levels. I'm fine with using a static 
factory method and making the constructor private, but I'm not a big fan of the 
name. Just sounds awkward. Unfortunately, I can't come up with anything better.

Discussion 2: A wrapper / extended interface for logging using these custom 
levels. Yes, Paul, users can just do this:

logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message);

That is already supported by making Level extensible. However, some on the team 
have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given hypothetical custom 
levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be a nice-to-have as you call it:


We're discussing options to make this possible. However, it is not a 
requirement to enable custom levels. Custom levels are now already possible.

Any objections to breaking discussion 2 off into another thread?


On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom 
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?
 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just 
 pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level 
 convenience methods?
 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names for 
 levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?
 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were 
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the 
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were 
 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the 
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
 On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define one 
 or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user would 
 have to code:
 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);
 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a static 
 from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so creating it 
 from the configuration will prevent that.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing 
 the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be 
 some hurdles but that's my goal.
 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level 
 implementation or use a different API.
 Matt Sicker

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
Yes, logger.log(MyCustomLEvels.LEVEL1, “message”); works right now.  See the 
ExtendedLevels class in log4j-core test as an example on how to declare the 

I think several of us think that finding a way to make it easy to create 
extended logger methods would be very nice, but I don’t believe it is a 


On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom 
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?
 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just 
 pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level 
 convenience methods?
 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names for 
 levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?
 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were 
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the 
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were 
 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the 
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
 On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define one 
 or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user would 
 have to code:
 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);
 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a static 
 from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so creating it 
 from the configuration will prevent that.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing 
 the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be 
 some hurdles but that's my goal.
 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level 
 implementation or use a different API.
 Matt Sicker

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Paul Benedict
If you break off into another thread, I'll be watching; I'll throw in my 2
cents on how to make a custom Logger interface once that occurs.

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Ralph Goers ralph.go...@dslextreme.comwrote:

 Yes, logger.log(MyCustomLEvels.LEVEL1, “message”); works right now.  See
 the ExtendedLevels class in log4j-core test as an example on how to declare
 the level.

 I think several of us think that finding a way to make it easy to create
 extended logger methods would be very nice, but I don’t believe it is a


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?

 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just
 pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level
 convenience methods?

 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names
 for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?

 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were

 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
  On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers

 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to
 define one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the
 user would have to code:

 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);

 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a
 static from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so
 creating it from the configuration will prevent that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by
 allowing the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there
 may be some hurdles but that's my goal.

 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
 implementation or use a different API.


 Matt Sicker



Re: Enums and Custom Levels - a few minor changes

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
The switch in o.a.l.Category.getEffectiveLevel() in log4j-1.2-api is
missing the FATAL level (and perhaps OFF also).
Is this intentional?

On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I modified Level to be final and have a private constructor.  I added a
 static method named getOrCreateLevel.  Custom extensions should use that
 method to create the static reference.  This allows the new Level to be
 declared in multiple places without a problem as they will all get the same
 Level instance.

 I also removed the ordinal and the synchronization associated with it.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Nick Williams 

  I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less
 enum-like, but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The
 intLevel is more important.
  Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the
 StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:
 public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
 public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
 private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel)
 { // this is the only c-tor standard levels use
 // same logic as current constructor
 this.standardLevel = standardLevel;
 protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only
 c-tor custom levels use
 this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));
 public enum StandardLevel {

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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
No objections on spawning a separate thread for discussion 2. 

I also am not in love with the method name but it does describe what it does.  
If anyone has any ideas on a better name please suggest it (we are talking 
about the getOrCreateLevel method name).


On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Nick Williams 

 There are two separate discussions going on here, so it's easy to get lost. 
 We should probably split discussions again.
 Discussion 1: The finer details of custom levels. I'm fine with using a 
 static factory method and making the constructor private, but I'm not a big 
 fan of the name. Just sounds awkward. Unfortunately, I can't come up with 
 anything better.
 Discussion 2: A wrapper / extended interface for logging using these custom 
 levels. Yes, Paul, users can just do this:
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message);
 That is already supported by making Level extensible. However, some on the 
 team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given hypothetical 
 custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be a nice-to-have as you 
 call it:
 We're discussing options to make this possible. However, it is not a 
 requirement to enable custom levels. Custom levels are now already possible.
 Any objections to breaking discussion 2 off into another thread?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom 
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?
 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just 
 pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level 
 convenience methods?
 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names for 
 levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?
 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were 
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the 
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were 
 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the 
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
 On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define 
 one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user 
 would have to code:
 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);
 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a static 
 from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so creating 
 it from the configuration will prevent that.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing 
 the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be 
 some hurdles but that's my goal.
 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level 
 implementation or use a different API.
 Matt Sicker

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - a few minor changes

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
You mentioned that before and I didn’t check since it has been that way from 
the beginning.  Yes it looks like a bug to me.  


On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:06 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 The switch in o.a.l.Category.getEffectiveLevel() in log4j-1.2-api is missing 
 the FATAL level (and perhaps OFF also). 
 Is this intentional?
 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I modified Level to be final and have a private constructor.  I added a 
 static method named getOrCreateLevel.  Custom extensions should use that 
 method to create the static reference.  This allows the new Level to be 
 declared in multiple places without a problem as they will all get the same 
 Level instance.
 I also removed the ordinal and the synchronization associated with it.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Nick Williams 
  I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less enum-like, 
  but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The intLevel is 
  more important.
  Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the 
  StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:
 public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
 public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 
 private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel standardLevel) { 
  // this is the only c-tor standard levels use
 // same logic as current constructor
 this.standardLevel = standardLevel;
 protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only c-tor 
  custom levels use
 this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));
 public enum StandardLevel {
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Re: Enums and Custom Levels - a few minor changes

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
Understood. I can't commit from work but I can fix this when I get home

On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:

 You mentioned that before and I didn’t check since it has been that way
 from the beginning.  Yes it looks like a bug to me.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:06 PM, Remko Popma 
 remko.po...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

 The switch in o.a.l.Category.getEffectiveLevel() in log4j-1.2-api is
 missing the FATAL level (and perhaps OFF also).
 Is this intentional?

 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers 
 ralph.go...@dslextreme.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 I modified Level to be final and have a private constructor.  I added a
 static method named getOrCreateLevel.  Custom extensions should use that
 method to create the static reference.  This allows the new Level to be
 declared in multiple places without a problem as they will all get the same
 Level instance.

 I also removed the ordinal and the synchronization associated with it.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Nick Williams

  I would be OK with getting rid of the ordinal. It makes it less
 enum-like, but I agree that the ordinal really has little purpose now. The
 intLevel is more important.
  Here may be the best approach I can think of for calculating the
 StandardLevel-equivalent on instantiation:
 public static Level OFF = new Level(OFF, 0, StandardLevel.OFF) {};
 public static Level ALL = new Level(ALL, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
 private Level(String name, int intLevel, StandardLevel
 standardLevel) { // this is the only c-tor standard levels use
 // same logic as current constructor
 this.standardLevel = standardLevel;
 protected Level(String name, int intLevel) { // this is the only
 c-tor custom levels use
 this(name, intLevel, Level.calculateStandardLevel(intLevel));
 public enum StandardLevel {

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 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
How about Level.forName()?

On 26 January 2014 21:06, Ralph Goers wrote:

 No objections on spawning a separate thread for discussion 2.

 I also am not in love with the method name but it does describe what it
 does.  If anyone has any ideas on a better name please suggest it (we are
 talking about the getOrCreateLevel method name).


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Nick Williams

 There are two separate discussions going on here, so it's easy to get
 lost. We should probably split discussions again.

 Discussion 1: The finer details of custom levels. I'm fine with using a
 static factory method and making the constructor private, but I'm not a big
 fan of the name. Just sounds awkward. Unfortunately, I can't come up with
 anything better.

 Discussion 2: A wrapper / extended interface for logging using these
 custom levels. Yes, Paul, users can just do this:

 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message);

 That is already supported by making Level extensible. However, some on the
 team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given hypothetical
 custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be a nice-to-have as you
 call it:


 We're discussing options to make this possible. However, it is not a
 requirement to enable custom levels. Custom levels are now already possible.

 Any objections to breaking discussion 2 off into another thread?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?

 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just
 pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level
 convenience methods?

 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names
 for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?

 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were

 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
  On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers

 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to
 define one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the
 user would have to code:

 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);

 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a
 static from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so
 creating it from the configuration will prevent that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by
 allowing the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there
 may be some hurdles but that's my goal.

 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
 implementation or use a different API.


 Matt Sicker


Matt Sicker

Re: ApacheCon CFP

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I would like to attend but I’m not sure I can.


On Jan 25, 2014, at 11:11 AM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

 Hi folks,
 I would like to remind you ApacheCon is happening in April 2014.
 If you would like to submit your talk, now is the chance.
 I think it would be great to have somebody presenting our Logging frameworks.
 I will not be there unfortunately.
 The Zen Programmer:
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Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom levels 
easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given 
hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be nice to have:


We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous email):

 Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That 
 interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures (the 
 interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the number 
 of methods it may have):
 void [methodName](Marker, Message)
 void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Marker, Object)
 void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Marker, String)
 void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
 void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
 void [methodName](Message)
 void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Object)
 void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](String)
 void [methodName](String, Object...)
 void [methodName](String throwable)
 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
 LogManager has a few new methods:
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
 The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
 MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
 Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
 implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
 implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like normal.

Others have suggested deriving the level name from the method name instead of 
using an annotation. That's a viable alternative.

Matt Sicker asked:

 And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the 
 getClassName method?

I think you misunderstand the purpose of the ClassT argument. It has nothing 
to do with the logger name--it's the class of the Logger interface to 
automatically implement.

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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that would
be ideal.

I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.

On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams

 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would
 be nice to have:


 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous

  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That
 interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures (the
 interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the number
 of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)
  void [methodName](String throwable)
  Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName).
 Now LogManager has a few new methods:
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,
  The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
  MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
  Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the
 default implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have
 to be implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance
 like normal.

 Others have suggested deriving the level name from the method name instead
 of using an annotation. That's a viable alternative.

 Matt Sicker asked:

  And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the
 getClassName method?

 I think you misunderstand the purpose of the ClassT argument. It has
 nothing to do with the logger name--it's the class of the Logger interface
 to automatically implement.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration because the 
user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is that compiled 
interface to come from?


On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that would 
 be ideal.
 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in levels 
 but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.
 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams 
 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom levels 
 easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. 
 Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be nice 
 to have:
 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous email):
  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That 
  interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures (the 
  interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the number 
  of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)
  void [methodName](String throwable)
  Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). Now 
  LogManager has a few new methods:
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
  The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
  MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
  Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
  implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
  implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like 
 Others have suggested deriving the level name from the method name instead of 
 using an annotation. That's a viable alternative.
 Matt Sicker asked:
  And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the 
  getClassName method?
 I think you misunderstand the purpose of the ClassT argument. It has 
 nothing to do with the logger name--it's the class of the Logger interface to 
 automatically implement.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Nick Williams
Level.forName wouldn't work--it's not just for name, it's for the name /and/ 
the level. But it must be unique by the name.

For that matter, what are we to do in the following situation?

Level.getOrCreate(DIAG, 150);
Level.getOrCreate(DIAG, 250);

They're not going to get what they expect in both cases.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:28 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 How about Level.forName()?
 On 26 January 2014 21:06, Ralph Goers wrote:
 No objections on spawning a separate thread for discussion 2. 
 I also am not in love with the method name but it does describe what it does. 
  If anyone has any ideas on a better name please suggest it (we are talking 
 about the getOrCreateLevel method name).
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Nick Williams 
 There are two separate discussions going on here, so it's easy to get lost. 
 We should probably split discussions again.
 Discussion 1: The finer details of custom levels. I'm fine with using a 
 static factory method and making the constructor private, but I'm not a big 
 fan of the name. Just sounds awkward. Unfortunately, I can't come up with 
 anything better.
 Discussion 2: A wrapper / extended interface for logging using these custom 
 levels. Yes, Paul, users can just do this:
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message);
 That is already supported by making Level extensible. However, some on the 
 team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given hypothetical 
 custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be a nice-to-have as you 
 call it:
 We're discussing options to make this possible. However, it is not a 
 requirement to enable custom levels. Custom levels are now already possible.
 Any objections to breaking discussion 2 off into another thread?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom 
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?
 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just 
 pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level 
 convenience methods?
 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names 
 for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?
 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were 
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the 
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were 
 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the 
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
 On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define 
 one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user 
 would have to code:
 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);
 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a static 
 from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so creating 
 it from the configuration will prevent that.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by allowing 
 the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree there may be 
 some hurdles but that's my goal.
 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level 
 implementation or use a different API.
 Matt Sicker
 Matt Sicker

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
I second my suggestion!

On 26 January 2014 21:44, Ralph Goers wrote:

 My first gut reaction was confusion over Class.forName(). But then in
 thinking about it that name does behave a lot like what Class.forName()
 does, except with a Level.  So I think I do like it better than the current

 Any other thoughts or opinions?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:28 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 How about Level.forName()?

 On 26 January 2014 21:06, Ralph Goers wrote:

 No objections on spawning a separate thread for discussion 2.

 I also am not in love with the method name but it does describe what it
 does.  If anyone has any ideas on a better name please suggest it (we are
 talking about the getOrCreateLevel method name).


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Nick Williams

 There are two separate discussions going on here, so it's easy to get
 lost. We should probably split discussions again.

 Discussion 1: The finer details of custom levels. I'm fine with using a
 static factory method and making the constructor private, but I'm not a big
 fan of the name. Just sounds awkward. Unfortunately, I can't come up with
 anything better.

 Discussion 2: A wrapper / extended interface for logging using these
 custom levels. Yes, Paul, users can just do this:

 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message);

 That is already supported by making Level extensible. However, some on
 the team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given hypothetical
 custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be a nice-to-have as you
 call it:


 We're discussing options to make this possible. However, it is not a
 requirement to enable custom levels. Custom levels are now already possible.

 Any objections to breaking discussion 2 off into another thread?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?

 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone
 just pass in their log level directly without using one of the
 named-log-level convenience methods?

 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names
 for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?

 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers ralph.go...@dslextreme.comwrote:

 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were

 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
  On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers

 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to
 define one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the
 user would have to code:

 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);

 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a
 static from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so
 creating it from the configuration will prevent that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by
 allowing the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree 
 may be some hurdles but that's my goal.

 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
 implementation or use a different API.


 Matt Sicker


 Matt Sicker

Matt Sicker

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
The JPA criteria API manages to generate a Foo_ class for the entity class
Foo, and that seems to work out fine.

On 26 January 2014 21:45, Nick Williams nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netwrote:

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration because
 the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is that compiled
 interface to come from?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
 would be ideal.

 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.

 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams

 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would
 be nice to have:


 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous

  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That
 interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures (the
 interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the number
 of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)
  void [methodName](String throwable)
  Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName).
 Now LogManager has a few new methods:
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,
  The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
  MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
  Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the
 default implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have
 to be implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance
 like normal.

 Others have suggested deriving the level name from the method name
 instead of using an annotation. That's a viable alternative.

 Matt Sicker asked:

  And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the
 getClassName method?

 I think you misunderstand the purpose of the ClassT argument. It has
 nothing to do with the logger name--it's the class of the Logger interface
 to automatically implement.

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 For additional commands, e-mail:

Matt Sicker

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way to make 

logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “hello world”);

work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!


On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams 

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration because 
 the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is that compiled 
 interface to come from?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that would 
 be ideal.
 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in levels 
 but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.
 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams 
 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom levels 
 easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. 
 Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be nice 
 to have:
 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous 
  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That 
  interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures (the 
  interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the 
  number of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)
  void [methodName](String throwable)
  Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). 
  Now LogManager has a few new methods:
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
  The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
  MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
  Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the default 
  implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have to be 
  implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance like 
 Others have suggested deriving the level name from the method name instead 
 of using an annotation. That's a viable alternative.
 Matt Sicker asked:
  And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the 
  getClassName method?
 I think you misunderstand the purpose of the ClassT argument. It has 
 nothing to do with the logger name--it's the class of the Logger interface 
 to automatically implement.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
Perhaps if we called the priority or ordinal power, then we'd have a
great time with the naming scheme?

On 26 January 2014 21:46, Nick Williams nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netwrote:

 Level.forName wouldn't work--it's not just for name, it's for the name
 /and/ the level. But it must be unique by the name.

 For that matter, what are we to do in the following situation?

 Level.getOrCreate(DIAG, 150);
 Level.getOrCreate(DIAG, 250);

 They're not going to get what they expect in both cases.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:28 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 How about Level.forName()?

 On 26 January 2014 21:06, Ralph Goers wrote:

 No objections on spawning a separate thread for discussion 2.

 I also am not in love with the method name but it does describe what it
 does.  If anyone has any ideas on a better name please suggest it (we are
 talking about the getOrCreateLevel method name).


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Nick Williams

 There are two separate discussions going on here, so it's easy to get
 lost. We should probably split discussions again.

 Discussion 1: The finer details of custom levels. I'm fine with using a
 static factory method and making the constructor private, but I'm not a big
 fan of the name. Just sounds awkward. Unfortunately, I can't come up with
 anything better.

 Discussion 2: A wrapper / extended interface for logging using these
 custom levels. Yes, Paul, users can just do this:

 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message);

 That is already supported by making Level extensible. However, some on
 the team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given hypothetical
 custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be a nice-to-have as you
 call it:


 We're discussing options to make this possible. However, it is not a
 requirement to enable custom levels. Custom levels are now already possible.

 Any objections to breaking discussion 2 off into another thread?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?

 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone
 just pass in their log level directly without using one of the
 named-log-level convenience methods?

 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names
 for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?

 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers ralph.go...@dslextreme.comwrote:

 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were

 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
  On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers

 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to
 define one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the
 user would have to code:

 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);

 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a
 static from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so
 creating it from the configuration will prevent that.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy

 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by
 allowing the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree 
 may be some hurdles but that's my goal.

 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level
 implementation or use a different API.


 Matt Sicker


 Matt Sicker

Matt Sicker

Re: Enums and Custom Levels - completed.

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
I disagree - you are getting the Level that matches the name, so forName does 
describe what is happening.

See the Javadoc on the second question.  The intValue is ignored unless the 
Level is created.  Yes, that could lead to some problems if there are 
conflicts, but I think returning the registered level is better than throwing 
an exception.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:46 PM, Nick Williams 

 Level.forName wouldn't work--it's not just for name, it's for the name 
 /and/ the level. But it must be unique by the name.
 For that matter, what are we to do in the following situation?
 Level.getOrCreate(DIAG, 150);
 Level.getOrCreate(DIAG, 250);
 They're not going to get what they expect in both cases.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:28 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 How about Level.forName()?
 On 26 January 2014 21:06, Ralph Goers wrote:
 No objections on spawning a separate thread for discussion 2. 
 I also am not in love with the method name but it does describe what it 
 does.  If anyone has any ideas on a better name please suggest it (we are 
 talking about the getOrCreateLevel method name).
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Nick Williams 
 There are two separate discussions going on here, so it's easy to get lost. 
 We should probably split discussions again.
 Discussion 1: The finer details of custom levels. I'm fine with using a 
 static factory method and making the constructor private, but I'm not a big 
 fan of the name. Just sounds awkward. Unfortunately, I can't come up with 
 anything better.
 Discussion 2: A wrapper / extended interface for logging using these custom 
 levels. Yes, Paul, users can just do this:
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message);
 That is already supported by making Level extensible. However, some on the 
 team have expressed a desire to make it even easier. Given hypothetical 
 custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would be a nice-to-have as you 
 call it:
 We're discussing options to make this possible. However, it is not a 
 requirement to enable custom levels. Custom levels are now already possible.
 Any objections to breaking discussion 2 off into another thread?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
 I got lost in the discussion. Can someone please clarify... Is the custom 
 logging interface a nice-to-have or a requirement of the system?
 I was hoping simply someone could write this (pseudocode below):
 logger.log(MyCustomLevels.LEVEL1, message); no different interface should be required, right? Can't someone just 
 pass in their log level directly without using one of the named-log-level 
 convenience methods?
 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
 Now Level can't be used in an annotation. Since it supports string names 
 for levels, should I just use Level.toLevel?
 On 26 January 2014 19:55, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I think I must be misunderstanding the part about “If those levels were 
 added…”.  I don’t understand how a level can be added to a class from the 
 config such that it is usable by a programmer at compile time.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Couldn't we no-op instead of throw if the same identical level were 
 If those levels were then added to the same custom level class from the 
 config, could we use that single class in the logger calls?
 On Jan 26, 2014 5:15 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am certain I could create a LevelPlugin that would allow you to define 
 one or more Levels in the configuration, but to use that Level the user 
 would have to code:
 logger.log(Level.toLevel(“DIAG”), “hello world”);
 In order to directly reference the level it has to be declared as a 
 static from somewhere and it can only be instantiated a single time, so 
 creating it from the configuration will prevent that.
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 I have one goal: to remove my request for new built in levels by 
 allowing the levels to be defined strictly via configuration. I agree 
 there may be some hurdles but that's my goal.
 I'd like to avoid the requirement that users provide their own level 
 implementation or use a different API.
 Matt Sicker
 Matt Sicker

[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-512) Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while automatically starting, and configurable to initialize and de-initialize loggers from the code

2014-01-26 Thread Chandra Sekhar Kakarla (JIRA)


Chandra Sekhar Kakarla updated LOG4J2-512:

Async servlet (async-supported=true) using with log4j2 breaks the async chain 
because it does not support async. 
All element in the chain must support async in order to use async. 
Implementation is required to support async servlets(async-supportd=true) it 
may be automatic or configurable initialization. ( this Issue may be dependent 
on the issue )

Initialization and de-initialization of the logger must be configurable in the 
java code/config files, to re-load the logger with different properties, that 
will help the application to reduce re-start burden when it need to use 
different properties.

Async servlet (async-supported=true) using with log4j2 breaks the async chain 
because it does not support async. 
All element in the chain must support async in order to use async. 
Implementation is required to support async servlets(async-supportd=true) it 
may be automatic or configurable initialization.

Initialization and de-initialization of the logger must be configurable in the 
java code/config files, to re-load the logger with different properties, that 
will help the application to reduce re-start burden when it need to use 
different properties.

 Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while automatically 
 starting, and   configurable to initialize and de-initialize loggers from the 

 Key: LOG4J2-512
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Sub-task
  Components: Configurators, Core, Documentation, Filters
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta8, 2.0-beta9
Reporter: Chandra Sekhar Kakarla
  Labels: asynchronous, configuration, destroy, filters, 
 initialization, listener, log4j2, log4j2.xml, restart, servlet, 
   Original Estimate: 466h
  Remaining Estimate: 466h

 Async servlet (async-supported=true) using with log4j2 breaks the async chain 
 because it does not support async. 
 All element in the chain must support async in order to use async. 
 Implementation is required to support async servlets(async-supportd=true) it 
 may be automatic or configurable initialization. ( this Issue may be 
 dependent on the issue )
 Initialization and de-initialization of the logger must be configurable in 
 the java code/config files, to re-load the logger with different properties, 
 that will help the application to reduce re-start burden when it need to use 
 different properties.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users create a
custom interface, something like this:

public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
void diag(String message);
// optional other methods

They get an instance of this interface by calling:

LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During configuration
processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so on
the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the
MyLogger instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the
annotations are parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation
will pass to the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is

What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created. Proxy?
Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?

On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way to

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “hello world”);

 work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams 
 nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration because
 the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is that compiled
 interface to come from?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
 would be ideal.

 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.

 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams 
 nicho...@nicholaswilliams.netjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would
 be nice to have:


 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous

  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That
 interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures (the
 interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the number
 of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)
  void [methodName](String throwable)
  Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName).
 Now LogManager has a few new methods:
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,
  The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
  MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
  Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the
 default implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have
 to be implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance
 like normal.

 Others have suggested deriving the level name from the method name
 instead of using an annotation. That's a viable alternative.

 Matt Sicker asked:

  And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the
 getClassName method?

 I think you misunderstand the purpose of the ClassT argument. It has
 nothing to do with the logger name--it's the class of the Logger interface
 to automatically implement.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
 log4j-dev-unsubscr...@logging.apache.orgjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 
 For additional commands, e-mail: 
 log4j-dev-h...@logging.apache.orgjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-512) Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while automatically starting, and configurable to initialize and de-initialize loggers from the code

2014-01-26 Thread Chandra Sekhar Kakarla (JIRA)


Chandra Sekhar Kakarla updated LOG4J2-512:

Affects Version/s: 2.0-beta8

 Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while automatically 
 starting, and   configurable to initialize and de-initialize loggers from the 

 Key: LOG4J2-512
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Sub-task
  Components: Configurators, Core, Documentation, Filters
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta8, 2.0-beta9
Reporter: Chandra Sekhar Kakarla
  Labels: asynchronous, configuration, destroy, filters, 
 initialization, listener, log4j2, log4j2.xml, restart, servlet, 
   Original Estimate: 466h
  Remaining Estimate: 466h

 Async servlet (async-supported=true) using with log4j2 breaks the async chain 
 because it does not support async. 
 All element in the chain must support async in order to use async. 
 Implementation is required to support async servlets(async-supportd=true) it 
 may be automatic or configurable initialization.
 Initialization and de-initialization of the logger must be configurable in 
 the java code/config files, to re-load the logger with different properties, 
 that will help the application to reduce re-start burden when it need to use 
 different properties.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Ralph Goers
Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging configuration 
and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That would happen at run-time 
which is a bit late since the methods need to be available at compile time.

I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do

logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “message);

but even that requires “SomeClass” to be available at compile time.

So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two different 


On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users create a 
 custom interface, something like this:
 public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods
 They get an instance of this interface by calling:
 LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has 
 LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During configuration 
 processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so on the 
 first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the MyLogger 
 instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the annotations are 
 parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation will pass to 
 the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is called. 
 What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created. Proxy? Or 
 generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?
 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:
 I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way to make 
 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “hello world”);
 work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams 
 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration because 
 the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is that compiled 
 interface to come from?
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that would 
 be ideal.
 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in 
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.
 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams 
 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom 
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even 
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would 
 be nice to have:
 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous 
  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That 
  interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures 
  (the interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the 
  number of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)
  void [methodName](String throwable)
  Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name = levelName). 
  Now LogManager has a few new methods:
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?, 
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, MessageFactory)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object, 
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String, 
  The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
  MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
  Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the 
  default implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't have 
  to be implemented again, and then instantiate/cache the logger instance 
  like normal.
 Others have suggested deriving the level name from the method name instead 
 of using an annotation. That's a viable alternative.
 Matt Sicker asked:
  And can't getCustomLogger also provide a default method that uses the 

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Yes, I would like to declare in the config:

Level: NOTICE, value: 232

And in Java code be able to use logger.notice(some message).

But I think that'd require invokedynamic..which would probably

I'd be ok with anything that's really close to that :)


On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
 Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
 configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That would
 happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
 available at compile time.

 I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, message);

 but even that requires SomeClass to be available at compile time.

 So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
 different things.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users create a
 custom interface, something like this:

 public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods

 They get an instance of this interface by calling:

 LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
 LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During configuration
 processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so on
 the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the MyLogger
 instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the annotations are
 parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation will pass to
 the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is called.

 What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created. Proxy?
 Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?

 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers
 I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way to

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, hello world);

 work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration
 because the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is
 that compiled interface to come from?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
 would be ideal.

 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.


 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams
 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following
 would be nice to have:


 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous

  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That
  interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures
  (the interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to
  the number of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)
  void [methodName](String throwable)
  Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name =
  levelName). Now LogManager has a few new methods:
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String)
  T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, String,
  The user can then obtain such a logger like so, etc.:
  MyLogger logger = LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class);
  Log4j will generate an implementation of MyLogger that extends the
  default implementation, cache that implementation so that it doesn't
  have to be implemented 

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
Sure, but what's wrong with the idea?
The user provide their own interface, so that interface exists at compile
The interface uses annotations, so it does not need to explicitly refer to
a custom Level instance. Only the /implementation/ needs to know about the
custom Level instances, and the implementation could be generated at
runtime (I hope :-) ).

On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:

 Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
 configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That would
 happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
 available at compile time.

 I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “message);

 but even that requires “SomeClass” to be available at compile time.

 So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
 different things.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users create a
 custom interface, something like this:

 public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods

 They get an instance of this interface by calling:

 LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
 LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During configuration
 processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so on
 the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the
 MyLogger instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the
 annotations are parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation
 will pass to the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is

 What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created. Proxy?
 Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?

 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers

 I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way to

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “hello world”);

 work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration because
 the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is that compiled
 interface to come from?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
 would be ideal.

 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.

 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams

 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following would
 be nice to have:


 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from previous

  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger. That
 interface may contain any methods that match the following signatures (the
 interface must have at least one method and there is no limit to the number
 of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [met

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
In addition to the above, we could provide a tool to generate a MyLogger
interface with 14 method signatures for each custom Level name. This would
be an offline tool that users would use only once.
But this tool is optional...

On Monday, January 27, 2014, Remko Popma wrote:

 Sure, but what's wrong with the idea?
 The user provide their own interface, so that interface exists at compile
 The interface uses annotations, so it does not need to explicitly refer to
 a custom Level instance. Only the /implementation/ needs to know about the
 custom Level instances, and the implementation could be generated at
 runtime (I hope :-) ).

 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers

 Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
 configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That would
 happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
 available at compile time.

 I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “message);

 but even that requires “SomeClass” to be available at compile time.

 So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
 different things.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users create a
 custom interface, something like this:

 public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods

 They get an instance of this interface by calling:

 LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
 LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During configuration
 processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so on
 the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the
 MyLogger instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the
 annotations are parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation
 will pass to the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is

 What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created. Proxy?
 Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?

 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers

 I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way to

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, “hello world”);

 work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration because
 the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is that compiled
 interface to come from?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
 would be ideal.

 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.

 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams

 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it even
 easier. Given hypoth

Re: Levels added in revision 1560602

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Not to rehash this issue, but I wanted to clarify what can be vetoed,
for future reference.

I'm only bringing this up to make it clear, unless there is a
'technical justification', a veto is invalid.  In my opinion, there
was no 'technical justification' for requesting removal of the new
levels, just a preference (since the technical solution for providing
the levels was already in place).

...Vetos may not be overridden nor voted down, and only cease to apply
when the committer who issued the veto withdraws it. All vetos must be
accompanied by a valid technical justification; a veto without such a
justification is invalid; in case of doubt, deciding whether a
technical justification is valid is up to the PMC


On 1/25/14, Gary Gregory wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 5:10 AM, Christian Grobmeier

 Thanks a lot Gary for the great response. Now I understand you better.

 Thank you Christian. I created the branch
 those who want to a have easy look.


 On 25 Jan 2014, at 2:00, Ralph Goers wrote:

 I have the same problem with your use of NOTICE as I did with CONFIG.
 I want to see startup and shutdown log events I MUST also get warning
 messages, which isn’t necessarily what I want.  For startup, shutdown 
 configuration Markers should be used.  That doesn’t mean I probably
 couldn’t come up with a separate use case for the level though.

 In the end we might be able to solve everything using markers. Log levels
 are some kind of convenient methods for me (ok, a little more).
 We need to keep balance between them.

 I think DIAG might be really useful. At the moment I use Markers with
 DEBUG to emulate DIAG.

 Using Markers might require more discipline by our users than using
 Like: logger.debug(CONNECTIVITY, );

 If the NOTICE recommendation would be to write everything related to
 connectivity on this level it it would make much sense to me.

 In example:
  - Java app connects to MQSeries with version $x.
  - Java app lost connection to database, but reconnects.
  - Java initiates call to the Paypal API successfully (but the actual
 communication is logged on debug / diag)

 That said, I am moving towards +1 for this change.

 I agree with your other usages.


 On Jan 24, 2014, at 2:22 PM, Gary Gregory

  Here is my usage:

 FATAL - Logged from main(String[]) methods when a checked exception is
 caught, also for unchecked exceptions in main(String[]) like
 IllegalArgumentException. You need to know if it is appropriate for
 main(String[]) method to even throw an exception; if your class is
 called from another Java app, then catch all exceptions and log them in
 main(String[]). Also consider using this pattern for methods that
 like main(String[]), for example in a Quartz job's execute method. Use
 before calling System.exit(int) with an error value (usually not 0).

 ERROR - Exceptions that the program cannot recover. For example: the
 cannot connect to a database, so data cannot be read or written. A
 needs to be re-submitted.

 WARN - Exceptions that the program can recover from. For example: a
 configuration file cannot be found, so some defaults kick in. If your
 uses configuration by exception, then this level is not appropriate,
 NOTICE instead.

 NOTICE (now I use INFO) - The app start up and shutdown banners. The
 kind of information mvn -version and java -version return. The
 is starting, The server started, The server is shutting down, The
 server is down, goodbye.. This should be the level for production

 INFO - Describes what the application is doing, not too chatty. Useful
 for ops to tell the server is actually up and running, this is
 heartbeat kind of data. So things like Processing request foo,
 request bar. This should be the level on QA systems.

 DIAG (now DEBUG) - What a user may need to fix problems. In a business
 process app (workflow, we have a BPM app), there are the steps in the
 workflow (like high level transactions: account debited for user foo,
 accout credited, call logged with support, technician SMS sent, and so
 on.). This should be the level on development systems.

 DEBUG - What a developer needs to debug. Connecting to database for
 example. This is the bulk for debug data.

 VERBOSE (now DEBUG) - Hex dumps for wire-level communications. Contents
 of buffers going in and out of memory, in and out of files. When XSL
 transformations take place, log the input, the XSL being called, then

 TRACE - method entry and method exit, nothing else.

 As you can see the DEBUG level is overloaded.

 This is the biggest problem. User debug info and internal product debug
 info are MIXED. Our users are confused, our 

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
Nick, I thought that you meant that users would provide their own
interface, like this:
public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
void diag(String message);
// optional other methods

That way, this interface exists at compile time.

On Monday, January 27, 2014, Nicholas Williams wrote:

 Scott, invokedynamic and javassist...those are all /runtime/ things. The
 user needs Logger#notice to be available at compile time. Those are not


 Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos

  On Jan 26, 2014, at 22:37, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Yes, I would like to declare in the config:
  Level: NOTICE, value: 232
  And in Java code be able to use logger.notice(some message).
  But I think that'd require invokedynamic..which would probably
  I'd be ok with anything that's really close to that :)
  On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
  configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That
  happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
  available at compile time.
  I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do
  logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, message);
  but even that requires SomeClass to be available at compile time.
  So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
  different things.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma
  I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users
 create a
  custom interface, something like this:
  public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods
  They get an instance of this interface by calling:
  LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
  LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During
  processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so
  the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the
  instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the annotations are
  parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation will
 pass to
  the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is called.
  What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created.
  Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?
  On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers
  I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way
  logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, hello world);
  work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams
  It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration
  because the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is
  that compiled interface to come from?
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
  would be ideal.
  I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
  levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams 

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Could we leverage Rhino? :)


On 1/26/14, Nicholas Williams wrote:
 Scott, invokedynamic and javassist...those are all /runtime/ things. The
 user needs Logger#notice to be available at compile time. Those are not


 Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos

 On Jan 26, 2014, at 22:37, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Yes, I would like to declare in the config:

 Level: NOTICE, value: 232

 And in Java code be able to use logger.notice(some message).

 But I think that'd require invokedynamic..which would probably

 I'd be ok with anything that's really close to that :)


 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
 Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
 configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That
 happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
 available at compile time.

 I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, message);

 but even that requires SomeClass to be available at compile time.

 So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
 different things.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

 I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users create
 custom interface, something like this:

 public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
void diag(String message);
// optional other methods

 They get an instance of this interface by calling:

 LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
 LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During
 processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so
 the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the
 instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the annotations are
 parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation will pass
 the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is called.

 What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created.
 Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?

 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers
 I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, hello world);

 work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration
 because the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is
 that compiled interface to come from?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
 would be ideal.

 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.


 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams
 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using custom
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the following
 would be nice to have:


 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from

 Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger.
 interface may contain any methods that match the following
 (the interface must have at least one method and there is no limit
 the number of methods it may have):

 void [methodName](Marker, Message)
 void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Marker, Object)
 void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Marker, String)
 void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
 void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
 void [methodName](Message)
 void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Object)
 void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](String)
 void [methodName](String, Object...)
 void [methodName](String throwable)

 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name =
 levelName). Now LogManager has a few new methods:

 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Class?,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass, Object,
 T extends Logger T 

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Scott Deboy
Of course, they'd have to use rhino, or something else...which doesn't
help.  Where's duck typing when you need it :)

On 1/26/14, Scott Deboy wrote:
 Could we leverage Rhino? :)


 On 1/26/14, Nicholas Williams wrote:
 Scott, invokedynamic and javassist...those are all /runtime/ things. The
 user needs Logger#notice to be available at compile time. Those are not


 Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos

 On Jan 26, 2014, at 22:37, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Yes, I would like to declare in the config:

 Level: NOTICE, value: 232

 And in Java code be able to use logger.notice(some message).

 But I think that'd require invokedynamic..which would probably

 I'd be ok with anything that's really close to that :)


 On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
 Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
 configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That
 happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
 available at compile time.

 I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, message);

 but even that requires SomeClass to be available at compile time.

 So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
 different things.


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma

 I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users
 custom interface, something like this:

 public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
void diag(String message);
// optional other methods

 They get an instance of this interface by calling:

 LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
 LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During
 processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so
 the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the
 instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the annotations
 parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation will
 the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is called.

 What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created.
 Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?

 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers
 I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way

 logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, hello world);

 work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams

 It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration
 because the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is
 that compiled interface to come from?


 On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

 If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration
 would be ideal.

 I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built
 levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.


 On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams
 Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using
 levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it
 easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the
 would be nice to have:


 We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from

 Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger.
 interface may contain any methods that match the following
 (the interface must have at least one method and there is no limit
 the number of methods it may have):

 void [methodName](Marker, Message)
 void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Marker, Object)
 void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Marker, String)
 void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
 void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
 void [methodName](Message)
 void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](Object)
 void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
 void [methodName](String)
 void [methodName](String, Object...)
 void [methodName](String throwable)

 Each method /must/ be annotated with @LoggingLevel(name =
 levelName). Now LogManager has a few new methods:

 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass)
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,
 T extends Logger T getCustomLogger(ClassT loggerClass,

Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Nicholas Williams
Yes, I was saying that. But, unless I'm misunderstanding, Scott doesn't want 
the user to even have to write the interface. He wants them to just configure 
it and the interface become available magically. I was pointing out that 
there's a disconnect between when the configuration is used (runtime) and when 
the user needs the interface (compile time). 

Unless we provide a code-generation tool for the user to run from the command 
line or from Ant/Maven/Gradle, they're going to have to write the interface 


Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos

 On Jan 26, 2014, at 22:49, Remko Popma wrote:
 Nick, I thought that you meant that users would provide their own interface, 
 like this:
 public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods
 That way, this interface exists at compile time. 
 On Monday, January 27, 2014, Nicholas Williams wrote:
 Scott, invokedynamic and javassist...those are all /runtime/ things. The 
 user needs Logger#notice to be available at compile time. Those are not 
 Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 22:37, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Yes, I would like to declare in the config:
  Level: NOTICE, value: 232
  And in Java code be able to use logger.notice(some message).
  But I think that'd require invokedynamic..which would probably
  I'd be ok with anything that's really close to that :)
  On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
  configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That would
  happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
  available at compile time.
  I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do
  logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, message);
  but even that requires SomeClass to be available at compile time.
  So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
  different things.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma wrote:
  I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users create 
  custom interface, something like this:
  public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods
  They get an instance of this interface by calling:
  LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
  LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During configuration
  processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so on
  the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the 
  instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the annotations are
  parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation will pass 
  the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is called.
  What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created. 
  Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?
  On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers
  I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way to
  logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, hello world);
  work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams
  It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration
  because the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where is
  that compiled interface to come from?
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration that
  would be ideal.
  I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built in
  levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams 

[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-33) Support Annotations

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker (JIRA)


Matt Sicker updated LOG4J2-33:

Attachment: 0001-Add-Loggable.patch

Here's a patch that's inspired by the Loggable meta-library. I'm not too sure 
on the benefits of this yet, but the @Loggable annotation can be beefed up to 
support more things and such.

 Support Annotations

 Key: LOG4J2-33
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Components: API
Reporter: Ralph Goers
 Fix For: 0.1

 Attachments: 0001-Add-Loggable.patch

 The Log4j API should support using annotations as provided in Java 6 so 
 applications can use them instead of calls to logger APIs. This is especially 
 useful for entering  exiting type of events, but could be used wherever 
 annotations are allowed.

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Re: Using Custom Levels with a Custom/Wrapper Interface

2014-01-26 Thread Matt Sicker
If we go the run-once tool route, then you might as well use annotation
processing. I think it would support everything necessary to generate the
appropriate custom logger class.

On 26 January 2014 23:00, Scott Deboy wrote:

 Of course, they'd have to use rhino, or something else...which doesn't
 help.  Where's duck typing when you need it :)

 On 1/26/14, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Could we leverage Rhino? :)
  On 1/26/14, Nicholas Williams wrote:
  Scott, invokedynamic and javassist...those are all /runtime/ things. The
  user needs Logger#notice to be available at compile time. Those are not
  Sent from my iPhone, so please forgive brief replies and frequent typos
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 22:37, Scott Deboy wrote:
  Yes, I would like to declare in the config:
  Level: NOTICE, value: 232
  And in Java code be able to use logger.notice(some message).
  But I think that'd require invokedynamic..which would probably
  I'd be ok with anything that's really close to that :)
  On 1/26/14, Ralph Goers wrote:
  Scott would like users to add a level definition to the logging
  configuration and have everything else happen auto-magically.  That
  happen at run-time which is a bit late since the methods need to be
  available at compile time.
  I believe Scott said he would be fine if users had to do
  logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, message);
  but even that requires SomeClass to be available at compile time.
  So what Scott says he would like and what Nick is proposing are two
  different things.
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:09 PM, Remko Popma
  I actually thought that Nick's idea was the answer to that: users
  custom interface, something like this:
  public interface MyLogger extends Logger {
 void diag(String message);
 // optional other methods
  They get an instance of this interface by calling:
  LogManager has access to the processed configuration. The config has
  LevelsLevel name=DIAG intValue=450 elements. During
  processing, the custom Level instances are created and registered, so
  the first call to LogManager.getCustomLogger(MyLogger.class), the
  instance is created and cached. Also, at this point the annotations
  parsed to see what Level instance the MyLogger implementation will
  the Logger.log(Level, String) method when the diag method is
  What is still open in this scenario is how the instance is created.
  Or generate source  compile? Or use a byte code library?
  On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers
  I am going to have to echo what Nick said.  If you can think of a way
  logger.log(SomeClass.SomeLevel, hello world);
  work without actually creating SomeClass then please share!
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Nick Williams
  It would not be possible to do this strictly through configuration
  because the user needs a compiled interface to code against. Where
  that compiled interface to come from?
  On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:
  If there is a way to support this strictly through configuration
  would be ideal.
  I'm trying to find a way to remove my request for additional built
  levels but through configuration instead of adding them ourselves.
  On Jan 26, 2014 7:38 PM, Nick Williams
  Here's a split-off thread for discussing how we can make using
  levels easier. Some on the team have expressed a desire to make it
  easier. Given hypothetical custom levels DIAG and NOTE, the
  would be nice to have:
  We're to discuss how best to approach this. My proposal (from
  Allow the user to define an interface that /must/ extend Logger.
  interface may contain any methods that match the following
  (the interface must have at least one method and there is no limit
  the number of methods it may have):
  void [methodName](Marker, Message)
  void [methodName](Marker, Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object)
  void [methodName](Marker, Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Marker, String)
  void [methodName](Marker, String, Object...)
  void [methodName](Marker, String throwable)
  void [methodName](Message)
  void [methodName](Message, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](Object)
  void [methodName](Object, Throwable t)
  void [methodName](String)
  void [methodName](String, Object...)

[jira] [Updated] (LOG4J2-512) Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while automatically starting, and configurable to initialize and de-initialize loggers

2014-01-26 Thread Chandra Sekhar Kakarla (JIRA)


Chandra Sekhar Kakarla updated LOG4J2-512:

Summary: Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while 
automatically starting, and configurable to initialize and de-initialize 
loggers  (was: Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while 
automatically starting, and   configurable to initialize and de-initialize 
loggers from the code)

 Log4j2 need to support Asynchronous Servlets/ Servlet 3.0 while automatically 
 starting, and configurable to initialize and de-initialize loggers

 Key: LOG4J2-512
 Project: Log4j 2
  Issue Type: Sub-task
  Components: Configurators, Core, Documentation, Filters
Affects Versions: 2.0-beta8, 2.0-beta9
Reporter: Chandra Sekhar Kakarla
  Labels: asynchronous, configuration, destroy, filters, 
 initialization, listener, log4j2, log4j2.xml, restart, servlet, 
   Original Estimate: 466h
  Remaining Estimate: 466h

 Async servlet (async-supported=true) using with log4j2 breaks the async chain 
 because it does not support async. 
 All element in the chain must support async in order to use async. 
 Implementation is required to support async servlets(async-supportd=true) it 
 may be automatic or configurable initialization. ( this Issue may be 
 dependent on the issue )
 Initialization and de-initialization of the logger must be configurable in 
 the java code/config files, to re-load the logger with different properties, 
 that will help the application to reduce re-start burden when it need to use 
 different properties.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

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Re: GA?

2014-01-26 Thread Remko Popma
I'd like to fix LOG4J-412 and 448, but neither of them are showstoppers IMHO


On Monday, January 27, 2014, Ralph Goers wrote:

 Since we are having good discussions I would also like to find out what
 are blockers to a GA release.  My list includes:
 1. The fix Nick is working on to allow Servlet initialization to be
 disabled from automatically happening in a 3.0 container.
 2. Support for programmatic configuration of Loggers. I planned on working
 on that this weekend but worked on the custom levels instead.

 While I believe better support for OSGi is necessary I don’t believe we
 will be able to do that for GA.

 Are there any other Jira issues or features that anybody else feels is

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