FMD (was Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-05-21)

2001-05-25 Thread Nathan Torkington

Redvers Davies writes:
 About that flyer... FMD presents no risks to humans but is a serious
 threat to animal health.
 That is not strictly true... FMD is not a threat to animal health,
 the MAFF slaughters are.

I'm not taking sides about whether the slaughters are justified.
Here, though, are the facts about the disease.

FMD causes painful suppurating blisters around the mouth and on the
hooves of animals.  The blisters break open after a few days and
become infected sores up to six cm in size.  While the disease cause a
higher death rate amoung young animals, it rarely kills adults.
However, it makes them lame, unable to eat, and ill.  The mouth lesions
heal, but in many cases the hoofs can separate from the soft tissue
around them.

There are no cures or treatments.  It's an incredibly hardy virus that
spreads easily and exists in many strains.  Recovered animals can
carry the virus for up to three years, and are generally only immune
to reinfection from the same strain for 1-3 years.

You can see pictures of the progress of the disease at:

In countries where the virus is endemic, veterinarians must vaccinate
at regular intervals.  The vaccines only offer protection for a short
period of time, are expensive, and in some cases contain live viruses
that may infect the animals.



tpj #20

2001-05-22 Thread Nathan Torkington

Nobody noticed that in my article's code examples I revealed my pick
for sexiest slayer on Buffy.  Pout.


Re: O'Reilly Safari - anyone use it?

2001-05-19 Thread Nathan Torkington

Robin Houston writes:
 On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 11:30:28PM +0100, Barry Pretsell wrote:
  It sounds like a good idea (must be better than having 3 editions
  of Programming Perl) and I'm tempted to give it a go, so any Safari
  subscribers out there with an opinion?
 Don't forget the ever-fabulous

You know, I've checked my royalty statement for the Cookbook, and nary
a penny came from this Russian pirate website.  The point of Safari is
that you pay a very small amount of money for very convenient access,
and the author gets some of it (I believe authors get a greater
royalty via Safari than they do via printed books, because we don't
have printing costs).

When you don't pay money, whether you justify it because you already
own the book, or because you're a poor student, you're screwing the
authors.  But they won't miss my $1.  Your dollar is no different
from everyone else's, and if everyone else thought the same thing,
there'd be no dollars.

Who here has written a book?  Simon and Dave at least.  It's not easy,
is it?  It's an exercise in MISERY.  Huge numbers of lost evenings,
missed family moments, and late nights.  When I was writing the Perl
Cookbook, I had to miss a family trip to Disneyworld and a rare
talk.bizarre party in Montreal because of book deadlines.  If there's
nothing waiting at the end but your name on a book nobody buys because
some assface in Russia offers it up for free on the web, I sure as
hell wouldn't have done it.  I'd have had fun with my family and
friends, enjoyed those evenings, and spent a hell of a lot less time
worrying about the placement of commas and the difference between
which and that.

So thanks for the pointer to your ever-fabulous Russian thief, but my
son would really prefer that you tried Safari.



RE: TPC Quiz Team

2001-05-18 Thread Nathan Torkington

Dave Cross writes:
 It's been so long, I have to ask: what was my article in the most
 recent TPJ? :-)
 It was a beginners guide to Arrays. Complete with examples drawing heavily 
 on the world of Buffy.

Oh I remember now.  In fact, I specifically remember rolling my eyes :-)


[OT] Cordelia (was Re: They are all vampires!)

2001-05-17 Thread Nathan Torkington

Speaking of vampires, you've got a treat coming up with Angel.  After
the exploitative tv show there was a lull of a week, and then
... Boobapalooza!  You boys will be capturing plenty of stills from
the season-ending shows.

Think Princess Leia only funny and jaw-droppingly gorgeous.


RE: TPC Quiz Team

2001-05-17 Thread Nathan Torkington

Cross David - dcross writes:
 Having read Nat's article in the new TPJ, I think we should also have:
 The use of Buffy the Vampiure Slayer in association with the Perl language
 is a trademark of the London Perl Mongers

It's been so long, I have to ask: what was my article in the most
recent TPJ? :-)


Re: [ Damian Conway's Exegesis 2]

2001-05-16 Thread Nathan Torkington

Leon Brocard writes:
 Coo, coo, see the fabled perl6, remark how it looks just like perl5,
 wonder if anything's different and if there's a point to all this ;-)

Jihad on Leon, anyone? :-)

perl6 is supposed to look a lot like perl5.  If it didn't, we'd call
it Python or something like that.  The interesting bits are where it
doesn't look like perl5 (optional types!  operator and variable
properties!  new built-in porn!).

Did I say porn?  I meant data types.


Good Omens movie

2001-05-14 Thread Nathan Torkington

Terry Gilliam signed to it.


Re: Irish music (was RE: Movies (was Re: Buffy musings ...))

2001-05-10 Thread Nathan Torkington

Dave Cross writes:
 Some names there that I don't know, but will be checking out. I bet the 
 Green Linnet compilation is good.

Oh yes.  That's what I used to decide which artists to buy.  Another
CD arrived yesterday, a Rounder compilation of 1920s recordings of
trad. Irish musicians.  I was surprised how similar the music is to
today--I'm not used to folk music that isn't polluted by jazz and rock :-) 


Re: Buffy musings ...

2001-05-09 Thread Nathan Torkington

David H. Adler writes:
 1) Charisma isn't really minor anymore, being second lead in Angel.

True.  And after the bikini scene, she's a bigtime star.  BIG time.
BIG.  If you know what I mean.  Yowzers.

 2) Get Willow.  Dammit.

I'll see what they cost.  It might be prohibitively expensive to get
anyone who's cute.

 3) Get the editors to come.  Maybe I can convince them to hire me. :)

Editors?  This show isn't edited, it's live.  Isn't it?


Re: Buffy musings ...

2001-05-09 Thread Nathan Torkington

Dean writes:
 Does any one know if ORA will be selling a compilation of the papers again
 after this conference?

We will.


O Brother (was Re: Buffy musings ...)

2001-05-09 Thread Nathan Torkington

Piers Cawley writes:
 I'm trying to work out if I was bowled over by
 'Go to sleep pretty baby' because of the song or the visuals...

Ob Porn: You can see a nipple and curve of a breast through a wet
shirt if you look in the right place.


Movies (was Re: Buffy musings ...)

2001-05-09 Thread Nathan Torkington

Greg McCarroll writes:
 And while we are on the old films chestnut, my current recommendation
 is 'O Brother, where art thou?', excellent film.

I loved it.  I've seen it twice.  Of course, I'm a bluegrass music


Re: Movies (was Re: Buffy musings ...)

2001-05-09 Thread Nathan Torkington

Greg McCarroll writes:
 I think `man of sorrow' will be a good ambassador for bluegrass

Yup, it is.  I'd just like to add that I saw it performed by the real
band (i.e., not George Clooney lipsynching) one week ago.  It was
bloody brilliant.  I think I even have a photo on the digital camera
of them around the microphone doing the harmonies.  No fake beards,
though :-)

There are rumours of a Soggy Bottom Boys tour in 2002.  There was a
big concert of the music from the movie last year, and it was recorded
by some famous documentarian.  I'm looking forward to the release of

On the subject of music (despite the Subject: of movies) ... anyone
here into trad. Irish instrumental music?


Re: Irish music (was RE: Movies (was Re: Buffy musings ...))

2001-05-09 Thread Nathan Torkington

Cross David - dcross writes:
 Well, I prefer stuff with lyrics, but enjoy almost any kind of Irish (and
 English) folk music.

The CDs on high rotation right now are:

  Brendan Begley, We Won't Go Home 'Til Morning
  Green Linnet Artists, Green Linnet Records: The 20th Anniversary
  Kevin Burke, Sweeney's Dream
  Kevin Burke, In Concert
  Kevin Burke, Up Close
  LĂșnasa, LĂșnasa

 What are you doing between TPC and Y::E? You sound like the kind of person
 who would really enjoy the Cambridge Folk Festival

That looks great (and it pointed me to The Black Cat Theory, a banjo
band I will watch), but it's too far away.  As I'm sure you'll agree,
the flight between California and London is one that you want to make
as few times as possible.

However, Dublin is closer.  Dublin, Ohio that is.

It has some bands I've heard of (Altan, Cherish the Ladies, Martin 
Dennis) and might be a lot of fun.  Downside is that it's Ohio :-)


Buffy musings ...

2001-05-08 Thread Nathan Torkington

... I wonder how hard it would be to get Faith or Charisma Carpenter
or one of those other minor characters to do a meet'n'greet at TPC.
I suspect they're hard to dislodge from LA, but it might still be
worth a try[1].  I'm tracking down their agents now.

[1] or it's the NyQuil talking

Re: [OT] Flecktones in London next month

2001-05-02 Thread Nathan Torkington

Neil Ford writes:
 I can now confirm this is at The Pizzaexpress Jazz Club, 10 Dean
 Street, Soho, London W1 - Reservations: 020 7439 8722 (the new
 listings arrived this morning!).

 Of course, this being the evening the tube strike starts, getting
 there and back could be fun.

I saw them play on Thursday.  I'd say it's worth venturing out if
you're a jazz fan or a bass player.


Re: [london-list-summary] List Weekly Summary 2001-04-23

2001-04-26 Thread Nathan Torkington

Leon Brocard writes:
 Registration has opened for this year's Perl Conference in San
 Diego. It's gonna be a great conference - the talks all look excellent
 (thanks gnat!)

You're welcome.  I'm going to give a lightning talk at YAPC or TPC
about just what a clusterfuck it was this year.  Many swearwords.

If I had more balls I'd do performance art in my lightning talks.
My God, cover your eyes Mary!  The angry man's shooting up with
his own faeces!


Re: [OT] Flecktones in London next month

2001-04-20 Thread Nathan Torkington

Dave Hodgkinson writes:
   Norman Watt Roy ?
  Clive off of (void) told me to mention Billy Sheehan, Stu Hamm and
  Jaco Pastorius and see what happened :-)
 I'll see your Jaco and raise you Dave la Rue.

All good, but if you haven't seen Victor Wooten, you should.  He's


Re: The Most Boring Thread Ever on : Cool Letter Heads

2001-04-15 Thread Nathan Torkington

Damian Conway writes:
 Ate was the goddess of folly, strife, discord, and mischief.
 She was a daughter of Zeus, banished to Earth for her wickness
 in leading men astray.

 (or worse!) for garters if they catch you confusing Her with
 that bitch Ate ;-)

That's my kind of bitch :-)


Re: Madness! It's Madness!!

2001-04-03 Thread Nathan Torkington

dcross - David Cross wrote:
 Damian's been busy over the last couple of weeks and has produced a load of
 documentation on what he thinks Perl 6 _might_ be like. It's at

Also, Larry's released the first part (Apocalypse) of his perl6 plans. has it, and it should percolate through perl6-announce


Re: CPAN Logo

2001-03-30 Thread Nathan Torkington

Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
 Also, since the font comment made someone other than myself bristle
 a bit I would like to point out that ORA is not CPAN in any way,
 shape or form save the exception of the /doc directory tchrist has on

And I'd like to say that I hope O'Reilly has done nothing to promote
the confusion.  We make no claims that CPAN is anything to do with us.
If you find something we've said or done that might cause that confusion,
please tell us and we'll fix it.

Saying the CPAN multiplexor here doesn't count, because Tom did that. :-)
(and I'm not sure anyone much uses it now, given that the quality of
service in CPAN mirrors is a billion times better this year than three
years ago).


Re: Perl Auto-RPC

2001-03-29 Thread Nathan Torkington

Simon Wistow wrote:

 You use the RPC::Automagic module and pass it a RPC server/port/user
 name/password/whatever. From that point on it overloads the use keyword
 and anything you try and use it will actually connect to the RPC server
 and pass it all the parameters. Any modules you didn't want froma
 remote server you just use them before you use the RPC module. Or tell
 it to ignore those.

That's kinda, but not quite, what SOAP::Lite has.  For a single
namespace you can tell SOAP::Lite that function calls are really
SOAP calls.  It's all invisible, and really cool.

If you whispered this idea into Paul Kulchenko's ear, he'd probably
have it implemented within a day :-)


Re: Perl Auto-RPC

2001-03-29 Thread Nathan Torkington

Greg McCarroll wrote:
 sure it makes sense, but it still is CiP and trust me this isn't
 the only bit of CiP in here and much kudos to Paul for it ;-)

I'm unsure what CiP is, but if it has anything to do with gnarliness,
I know that Paul wrote a 1k regexp to parse XML correctly.  It only
fails one test from a real XML parsing package, and he tracked that
to the limitations of the new RE stuff in 5.6.0.

That dropped my jaw.


Re: Social Meeting (fwd)

2001-03-28 Thread Nathan Torkington

 David Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I should confess that I recently installed python on one of my boxen.
  Excuse: something else needed it.  However, I'd like to take a look at
  it sometime.  Same goes for Ruby.  More things for the to-do queue.

I found Ruby much closer to Perl in spirit.  If Perl didn't exist, I'd
be using Ruby not Python.  If Perl hadn't existed, there would be no

And that's today's exploration of alternate realities.  We now return
you to your chosen reality.


Re: Perl Training Courses

2001-03-21 Thread Nathan Torkington

Mark Fowler wrote:

 One of my collegues asked me about Perl training courses in the U.K.  To
 be honest, we have no idea what is good, what is bad, etc, and so I
 suggested asking you lot.

The London Open Source Convention will have Perl tutorials.  If only I could
say precisely when it would be, I'd do a much better job of plugging it.

It's the heisenconvention!  You can know where but not when, or vice-versa!

Seriously, we were surprised when another conference announced itself
over top of our dates, so we're trying to work out how best to deal with
that (move, reposition, whatever).  Never ever think conferences are


Re: Perl Books

2001-02-02 Thread Nathan Torkington

Alex Page writes:
 Yeah... I always forget to flush when forking, and I've done some
 horrible things with IPC::Open3 before...

I'm shuddering at the thought of the human equivalent of atomic writes.
"The largest nugget that will pass through a pipe intact ..."


Re: Perl Books

2001-02-01 Thread Nathan Torkington

Robin Szemeti writes:
 WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING ...  (in big letters just to make sure
 :) stunningly bright but experience in a different field .. understood.
 but still one of the (very) bright ones.

When I worked at an ISP, our motto was:

  The customer is an expert in their own field.

Meaning, nobody's really a complete idiot and we'd seem just as dumb
if we called brain surgery tech support, new mother tech support, or
even gardening tech support.

This has nothing to do with your thread, but this is so
relevance be fucked :-)


Re: Perl Books

2001-01-31 Thread Nathan Torkington

Elaine -HFB- Ashton writes:
 On the plus side, Addison-Wesley has a new CGI Perl book coming out in
 early February that should be a major improvement in this particular

Hey, if she's allowed to plug, so am I :-) The 2nd edition of "CGI
Programming with Perl" (O'Reilly of course) is pretty bloody good.  I
was midway through writing a CGI class when I got a tech-review copy
of the book, and it was what I was going to teach and then some more.
I like that :-)


Re: Perl Books

2001-01-23 Thread Nathan Torkington

Elaine -HFB- Ashton writes:
 It's a copy of all the refereed papers as I recall, not the tutorials.
 It's tape bound and has Conway's Perligata Talk among others. 

What Elaine said.  It's the book we handed out to TPC attendees in
2000, containing the refereed papers.


Re: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-16 Thread Nathan Torkington

Andrew Bowman writes:
 You mean apart from the traditional British summer hols[1]? August is, in
 some quarters at least, considered a non-month for the purposes of all sorts
 of events - possibly even for an Open Source Convention :-)

Bugger, we were afraid of that.  It's more than just Perl, it's for
a lot of Open Source (Python, Linux, MySQL, PHP, etc.)  What we really
need to know is: will our attendance from Europe suffer because it's
in August?



Re: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-16 Thread Nathan Torkington

David Cantrell writes:
 Linuxbierwanderung 2001.  To be held in Belgium but with a large UK
 contingent.  Date to be confirmed within the next couple of weeks, but
 will almost certainly be a week somewhere between 19 Aug and 8 Sept.  It
 would be *really* great - especially for intercontinental visitors - if
 your con could be immediately before or after the LBW.

The Amsterdam YAPC folks have a bunch of venues they're looking at,
but only some have given them specific dates they're free.  The only
dates they've been told about are for the week before the London
OScon.  I hope the L16G 2001 doesn't clash with either.

As I said, though, we're REALLY worried about Europeans being on
vacation and unable to attend.  We don't know much about the
mysterious habits of this strange and noble race, and would appreciate
your guesses as to their actions: will our attendance be buggered[1]
because those on the Continong will be sunning their lily-white
bottoms in the south of France instead of getting lilier-white by
hanging out with other open source geeks?[2]

[1] not O'Reilly Official Wording[tm], of course
[2] there's an open sores joke to be made there, but I won't do it

Re: Perl 6

2001-01-10 Thread Nathan Torkington

David Hodgkinson writes:
  If we can get past Larry, I imagine we'll make really rapid
 Is a coup out of the question?

The emergency backup plan of airlifting him from California to
Colorado and chaining him to the keyboard remains a backup plan.
Will advise HQ when time is ripe.


Re: Perl 6

2001-01-09 Thread Nathan Torkington

Piers Cawley writes:
  As Piers said, we are blocked on Larry.  We're working on some
  interpreter design now, but some language issues really need to be
  nailed down before we know what we're going to be writing.
 Any idea how long we're going to stay blocked?

None whatsoever.  Many phone conversations with Larry have lead me to
conclude that he'll complete it in his own time or not at all.  The
trick is deciding which it is :-)


Re: one liner

2001-01-08 Thread Nathan Torkington

Michael Stevens writes:
 I'm sure there are reasonable number of online manuals we'd all like
 printed copies of.

Yeah, but if O'Reilly were to print them, you'd complain that the
book was nothing more than the online manual :-)


Re: one liner

2001-01-08 Thread Nathan Torkington

I wrote:
 I'm shit-scared of talking about books in progress, in case I jinx

We also have another Perl/Tk book coming out.  It's more advanced than
"Learning ..." and, we hope, learns from the criticism levelled at
that book.  In particular, look for examples.


Re: Buffy - Kevin Smith tie in

2001-01-02 Thread Nathan Torkington

Simon Wistow writes:
 Bizarre how threads come togther innit ...

I want to kill Kevin Smith and live his life.  He's the luckiest
fat fuck in the world.

(bottom lip is quivering at the injustice of it all)