VERY OT: Archimedes/RISC OS 3.x file types

2003-01-14 Thread Raf

This is a tad off topic and rather than just mail Dave, I figured that I'd
see if anyone out there can guide on what I'm doing wrong.

I've got an Acorn A4 on my desk and have just copied some ArcFS .arc files
from my box onto the A4 via a 1.44 dos floppy.

K?  Now, I want to unsparc these, however they aren't set to the correct
file type.

I've changed the file type to 111, however this doesn't appear to be the
correct type and I'm not having any luck here.

Does anyone know of a good way by which I can get at these files?

My thanks go out to whoever can help me with this.


Re: VERY OT: Archimedes/RISC OS 3.x file types

2003-01-14 Thread Raf
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 02:19:32PM +0000, Raf wrote:
> Either way, I think the filetype shouldn't matter - run !Spark or !Sparkplug
> or !SparkFS or !ArcFS (whichever you have) and drag the file to the icon
> on the icon bar. I believe that all share the same behaviour - if they
> recognise the file (ie is it not corrupt) they will set the type correctly
> and then "open" it. (For the relevant definition of open)
Ok, I think it's corrupted.

> You might want to compile nspark (google says
> which in turn links
> to )
> as you can then extract them on Unix/whatever.
Ok, this sounds like a plan.

Many Thanks.


OT: [Perl Jobs] Programmer PERL/OO (onsite), Netherlands, NH,Amsterdam (fwd)

2003-01-16 Thread Raf
Apparently this is my job, since I start with a new company in February.
We've recently merged with our biggest affiliate who will probably
overturn my hard work involved in getting the company to use Template
Toolkit via a funky mod-perl MVC architecture which I've developed.
Grrr.  They are looking for a Mason, MySQL guy, however.  I'd also advise
Experience with really Strangely wired legacy code.  Lots of "do's"
without knowledge of the "don't"

Nice company, great people.  History of people leaving on principle, like
any other company, however if you want to have a whole lot of fun in a
not-too-foreign land, it's a nice place to be.  With the new company
merging, it'll probably be a lot better developmentvise.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: 15 Jan 2003 20:45:06 -
From: Perl Jobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Perl Jobs] Programmer PERL/OO (onsite), Netherlands, NH, Amsterdam

Online URL for this job:

To subscribe to this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted: January 15, 2003

Job title: Programmer PERL/OO

Company name: Bookingspunt NL

Location: Netherlands, NH, Amsterdam

Pay rate: to be discussed

Travel: 0%

Terms of employment: Salaried employee

Length of employment: undetermined

Hours: Full time

Onsite: yes

Programming in PERL and Mason-HTML. Database Mysql.
Developing transaction websites for the tourist/travel industry

Required skills:
Object Oriented Programming
Database Design
HTML (peferably Mson HTML)

URL for more information:

Contact information: Contact H. van Ree


2003-01-21 Thread Raf

I'm using Postgres 7.2.3 and whilst \h ALTER TABLE shows me:

ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] table [ * ]

I can't seem to do:

borg=# ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER COLUMN my_column DROP NOT NULL;
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "NOT"

Any ideas?  Is it just restricted to dropping defaults?




2003-01-21 Thread Raf
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Roger Burton West wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 10:43:46AM +0000, Raf wrote:
> >borg=# ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER COLUMN my_column DROP NOT NULL;
> >ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "NOT"
> >Any ideas?  Is it just restricted to dropping defaults?
> I don't understand what you're trying to do. "DEFAULT" is a
> characteristic of a table column; it can be unset or have a value. Using
> ALTER TABLE, you can change the value of the DEFAULT.

I'm trying to drop the NOT NULL constraint on a column.  Might try out
Ali's solution or copy to a temporary table and rebuild the original table
with correct attributes.

Thanks to both of you.




2003-01-21 Thread Raf
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Ali Young wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Raf wrote:
> This should work:
> UPDATE pg_attribute SET attnotnull = FALSE
> WHERE attname = 'my_column'
> AND attrelid = ( SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname  = 'my_table') ;

If anyone is interested:
Just discovered that pg_attribute.atttypmod can also be used to resize
varchar lengths.  From what I've read it appears to be a stable hack.


2003-01-21 Thread Raf
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Chisel Wright wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 10:43:46AM +0000, Raf wrote:
> As I understand it you can set the default value for a column, or drop
> the default value for a column. "DROP NOT NULL" doesn't seem like a
> sensible thing to try to do...

You can often have non-key fields which others originally set with a not
null constraint, probably in error.  What ends up happening is that for
years people start filling that field with dummy values, just to do an
insert or they use some useless default.  I see this as a waste of space
and figure that when something can be null, you should let it and then
search on NOT NULL if you have to.

my .02 EU.

Also in need of his morning Dr. Pepper, which "solves all problems."

Debugging Tied Hashes

2003-06-16 Thread Raf


I've got a package which subclasses Tied::Hash and am tring to set a
break point on STORE and some other methods which get called thereafter.
 Strangely, the debugger doesn't seem step through these when I tie a
hash and store a value.  I'd really like to be able to do this, so I was
hoping that someone might be able to clue me in?  Can you debug methods
within a package which you've tied your hash to?  btw, I'm using 5.6.1.



Re: Debugging Tied Hashes

2003-06-17 Thread Raf
Dave Cross said:
> From: "Raf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 6/16/03 12:50:16 PM

>> Can you debug methods within a package which you've tied
>> your hash to?  btw, I'm using 5.6.1.
> Seems to work fine for me.
> Your problem must be elsewhere.

Thank you for making me confront my ego.  I moved the breakpoint to
TIEHASH and discovered that a method called by my constructor was not
actually doing what it was supposed to.  Thus the hash never got tied and
STORE never got called.  Considered and dismissed that early on, assuming
that I'm always right and that the debugger needed debugging.  Very silly.

Thanks again.


Debugging Tied Hashes

2003-06-19 Thread Raf

I've got a package which subclasses Tied::Hash and am tring to set a break
point on STORE and some other methods which get called thereafter. 
Strangely, the debugger doesn't seem step through these when I tie a hash
and store a value.  I'd really like to be able to do this, so I was hoping
that someone might be able to clue me in?  Can you debug methods within a
package which you've tied your hash to?  btw, I'm using 5.6.1.



Re: Debugging Tied Hashes - PLEASE IGNORE LAST POST

2003-06-19 Thread Raf
I set up squirrel mail recently and my MAIL FROM got set by default to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Since I'm actually registered on the list using, this appears to be the first version of my post
(now answered), which got stuck in the moderation queue.

Apologies for the clutter.


Raf said:
> Hi,
> I've got a package which subclasses Tied::Hash and am tring to set a
> break point on STORE and some other methods which get called thereafter.
>  Strangely, the debugger doesn't seem step through these when I tie a
> hash and store a value.  I'd really like to be able to do this, so I was
> hoping that someone might be able to clue me in?  Can you debug methods
> within a package which you've tied your hash to?  btw, I'm using 5.6.1.
> Cheers,
> Rafiq

Re: DBD::Pg - insert_id

2003-06-20 Thread Raf
I haven't used postgres for a while, but I used to use something like
select(next_val(my_sequence)) and then insert this in or something along
those lines.  If you find the sp I mean, which grabs the next id in the
sequence id, it'll work for you..

It's very annoying, that there doesn't appear to be a standard for this. 
In Sybase I now have to do a select(@@identity).  Which I had to look up
the first time I used it.  Makes me wonder how platform independent code
can be.


Chisel Wright said:
> Sorry to pollute the list with a non-Buffy post, I'm a bit stumped.
> I regularly work with mysql and postgres databases.
> I use the DBD::mysql and DBD::Pg modules for this work, via DBI.
> One piece of functionality I can't find in the postgres database
> interface is the equivalent of:
>   $sth->{'mysql_insertid'}
> I've searched the web, and as many postgres documents as I can find, but
> I'm still unsure how to find the id of an inserted row when using
> postgres.
> I'm aware of:
>   $sth->{'pg_oid_status'}
> but I'm not sure how to get from an OID to an insertid.
> It would just be really nice to be able to do something like:
>   $sql = q[INSERT INTO foo (foofield1) VALUES (?)];
>   $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
>   $sth->execute($barbaz);
>   return $sth->{'pg_insertid'};
> The only way I can think of doing this is to use something along these
> lines:
>   ...
>   $oid = $sth->{'pg_oid_status'}
>   ($tablename) = ($sql =~ m{^insert\s+into\s+(.+?)\s+\(/}i);
>   $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM $tablename WHERE oid = $oid");
> ...
> Which seems really groady, and prone to breakage.
> Can anyone offer some clues?
> --
> Chisel Wright

Re: DBD::Pg - insert_id

2003-06-20 Thread Raf
Jason Clifford said:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Raf wrote:
>> I haven't used postgres for a while, but I used to use something like
>> select(next_val(my_sequence)) and then insert this in or something

> How safe is this in environments where lots of separate processes, using
>  separate connections to the database, are updating the same table?


> If you grab the number in advance isn't there a risk that another
> process  will insert a record first and get the sequence number you're
> expecting?
Whether or not you do it in a single transaction, the next_val, actually
increments the sequence on your query.  Thus that id is unique and only
ever used or not used by you.

The id then is not reliable for determining insert order, but it shouldn't
be in the frist place.


Re: DBD::Pg - insert_id

2003-06-20 Thread Raf
Luis Campos de Carvalho said:
> Jason Clifford wrote:
>> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Raf wrote:

Lies!  I did not write that!
It's just poor indentation.

>> How safe is this in environments where lots of separate processes,
>> using  separate connections to the database, are updating the same
>> table?

>> If you grab the number in advance isn't there a risk that another
>> process  will insert a record first and get the sequence number you're
>> expecting?
>Never. PG handles this concurrency graciously for you.
>Have a nice day.

I 'know' that.

I feel misquoted. :)

Grrh.. XML Schema Validation

2003-06-23 Thread Raf

If anyone's awake, I need to find some package which will validate an xml
document according to some provided xml schema.  I don't want to write
that bit myself and hoped that it existed.  I've found XML::Schema which
looks great but requires you to manually create a perl representation of
your xml schema beforehand.  From renewed glances at Parser, DOM and
SAX, these don't appear to support it either...  So, what's left?



Re: Grrh.. XML Schema Validation

2003-06-23 Thread Raf
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Ian Brayshaw wrote:

> On Monday 23 June 2003 9:16 pm, Raf wrote:
> > If anyone's awake, I need to find some package which will validate an xml
> > document according to some provided xml schema.
> In a nutshell, you have to leave Perl and enter the world of Java. You oculd
> have a look at XML::Schematron, but that might not do what you want. The
> Perl XML community has been pretty hesitant about XML Schemas, largely
> because there are so many competing implementations, but also partly
> because of the complexity of schemas.
> However, there's definitely a whole in the Perl XML arsenal that needs
> filling if you/anyone is inclined.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'm in the processes, there of, as we speak.  XML::Schema appears
to be only a few footsteps away.  As far as pseudo-simple validation goes,
at least. There may be other holes in there; I'm only half an hour into
trying to implement what I need though.  Will check out XML::Schematron
shortly and see if it will allow me to go to sleep.



Re: Grrh.. XML Schema Validation

2003-06-24 Thread Raf
Andy Wardley said:
> Raf wrote:
>> I've found XML::Schema which looks great but requires you to manually
>> create a perl representation of your xml schema beforehand.
> Or you parse your XML schema document and transform it into the
> appropriate Perl representation.  Non-trivial, but may be quicker than
> hand-coding Perl.
Was working on just that until I fell alseep upright last night.  Trying
to make it generic.  Can send this to you when done.


Re: [OT] Places to go, people to see...

2003-06-25 Thread Raf
Peter Sergeant said:
> Dear Mongers,

> I'm half considering going down Dorset way (should be easy to get to)
> and camping near there for a few days. Oxford is also on the agenda for
> a few days (being that I live there). Can anyone suggest anywhere else
> in the country, that's easy to get to, is very beautiful, and is worth
> going to visit/stay in? We're willing to camp or stay in a nice bed and
> breakfast, and we're both into The Great Big Outdoors (and both have
> bikes we can use) ...

My home thoughts from abroad:

i) If she's foreign you should take her to Warwick Castle (think that's
what it was called)  nice grounds and very pretty.  You should be able to
find a camp site in the area and also make your way down to Stratford upon
avon, which is very pretty in the summer.  Foriegn people love it. 
Actually get a National Trust guide..

ii) Peak district for something full on.

iii) After I graduated, I went camping in the Isle of White with my
housemate who was from Singapore.  Highly recommended.  It's small enough
to travel around and has lots of pretty sites.  Needles on the west coast,
for instance, is a real adventure.  Pretty clifs and you get to go down by
cable car.  You really get the feeling that you're exploring an exciting
new land; since it's small and an 'island' there's a real sense of
quaintness.  Great beaches in the summer, super arcades.  Nice camp sites.
 Small roads.  Regular buses all over the island.  Very green.  It's
really great for a cheap holiday.  Good for hiking.  Affordable camp
sites.  Nice theme park.  Going with a friend is a real contrast to those
family holidays and school trips, which you're forced to endure as a kid.

iv) Actually the south coast, is my recommendation.  Take her to
'klimping' I think it's called.  It's a small beach, which you might find
on a map, 'just' west of Brighton.  There's a small pub and an untainted
beach which is really nice.  There is also a really expensive guest house,
however I'm sure that you'll find camping facilities in the area.Very
beautiful.  Work your way westards into torquey and do more camping there.

Holland is not quite the same.  We don't have amusment arcades by the sea
side.  Very depressing.  I loved them as a kid.  Hated their intrusion on
beaches as an adult.  Now miss them as an expat.  Take lots of pictures
and publish them, for those of us who are starting to get home sick.

Have fun.


Sybase: declare @foo, select @foo Question/HELP!

2003-07-01 Thread Raf

I need some help here.  I'm using DBD::Sybase and am trying to run a
transaction.  It's got a bunch of inserts in it and somewhere near the top
I've got a :

declare @foo int
select @foo=(some subselect)

insert into table(f1, .. fn) values (v1, ...(select @foo),

insert into table2(f1, ..., fn) values (v1...(select @foo),

type thing.

I set AutoCommit to 0 and then itterate through an array of these with my

What I get though is an error stating that I must 'first declare @foo',
when it starts to run through the inserts which (select @foo).

Does anyone know how to do this correctly?
I can run it through ISQL, however



[Fwd: RE: Sybase: declare @foo, select @foo Question/HELP!]

2003-07-01 Thread Raf

Ivor Williams said:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Raf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> I've got a :
>> declare @foo int
>> select @foo=(some subselect)
>> insert into table(f1, .. fn) values (v1, ...(select @foo),
>> insert into table2(f1, ..., fn) values (v1...(select @foo),
> Why do you want a select on @foo?
> @foo is a single (scalar) int

I was trying to avoid another flood of insert_id mails.

It's simply:
   @foo=(select @@identity)
with that identity being inserted in a foreign key on each of the
subsequent tables.  I keep it in @foo, to avoid being clobbered by
subsequent @@identities.

> Presumably you want something like
> insert into table(f1, .. fn) values (v1, ... @foo,

I'll give that a whirl.  I thought that I had to select the local
variable. Hmm.  I just tried it and I get:

DBD::Sybase::db do failed: Server message number=137 severity=15 state=2
line=9 server=pelicanprocedure=DBD6atext=Must declare variable

Thus, I'm assuming that @foo falls out of scope at some stage.
Why?  How?

Please help?



[Fwd: DBD::Sybase - Transactions with Declare @foo and select @foo]

2003-07-02 Thread Raf

This is really troubling me. I've included a trace at the bottom of the
original mail.  What I'm finding is that even though I set AutoCommit to 0
prior to my "do('declare @foo int'), the transaction appreas to occur
after it.

Can someone please help?  I'd be really greatful.


 Original Message 
Subject: DBD::Sybase - Transactions with Declare @foo and select @foo
Date: Tue, July 1, 2003 5:52 pm


I'm having some trouble and was hoping that someone might be able to
enlighten me a tad.

I'm using DBD::Sybase and trying to perform a transaction, which is
behaving rather weirdly.

My transaction is of the form:

* $dbh->{AutoCommit}=0
* $dbh->do('declare @foo int')
* $dbh->do(".. insert a tupple some place.. ")
* $dbh->do('select @foo=(select @@identity)')
* $dbh->do('insert into bar(f1,..,fi) values (v1,..,(select @foo),
..,vi)') * more inserts like this with the same reference to @foo
* $dbh->commit if all_eval_ok

Now what winds me up is that it'll happily declare @foo, however from
that point on all else seems to fall into trouble.

It will declare fine, however when I hit the first reference to @foo
(ie. in the 'select @foo=(select @@identity)') it starts to spew errors
telling me that I need to declare @foo before I can procede.  This error
is reproduced for each of the subsequent inserts.

I'd be hugely greatful for any help?



=head2 Trace

-> STORE for DBD::Sybase::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x505918)~INNER
'AutoCommit' 0)
<- STORE= 1 at line 673 via
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 1483
-> STORE for DBD::Sybase::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x505918)~INNER
'RaiseError' 1)
STORE DBI::db=HASH(0x505918) 'RaiseError' => 1
<- STORE= 1 at line 674 via
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 1483

 Doing:declare @last_insert int-> do for DBD::Sybase::db
(DBI::db=HASH(0x48a4d4)~0x505918 'declare @last_insert int')
1   -> prepare for DBD::Sybase::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x505918)~INNER 'declare
@last_insert int' undef)
DBD::Sybase::st, 51d394, Null!)
dbih_make_com(DBI::db=HASH(0x505918), DBD::Sybase::st, 396) thr#0
1   <- prepare= DBI::st=HASH(0x5226c0) at line 150 via
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 1483
-> execute for DBD::Sybase::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5226c0)~0xd43e9c)
syb_db_opentran() -> ct_command(
) = 1
syb_db_opentran() -> ct_send() = 1
syb_db_opentran() -> ct_results(4047) == 1
syb_db_opentran() -> ct_results(4046) == 1
syb_st_execute() -> ct_command() OK
syb_st_execute() -> ct_send() OK
st_next_result() -> ct_results(4047) == 1
st_next_result() -> ct_results(4046) == 1
ct_results() final retcode = -205
st_next_result() -> lasterr = 0, lastsev = 0
syb_st_execute() -> got CS_CMD_DONE: resetting ACTIVE, moreResults,
<- execute= -1 at line 151 via
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 1483
-> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::Sybase::st
<- err= undef at line 152 via
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 1483
-> rows for DBD::Sybase::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5226c0)~0xd43e9c)
<- rows= -1 at line 153 via
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 1483
-> FETCH for DBD::Sybase::st (DBI::st=HASH(0xd43e9c)~INNER
.. FETCH DBI::st=HASH(0xd43e9c) 'syb_more_results' = undef
<- FETCH= undef at line 154 via
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 1483
<> DESTROY ignored for outer handle DBI::st=HASH(0x5226c0) (inner
-> DESTROY for DBD::Sybase::st (DBI::st=HASH(0xd43e9c)~INNER)
syb_st_destroy: called on d45410...
syb_st_destroy(): freeing imp_sth->statement
syb_st_destroy(): cmd dropped: 1
<- DESTROY= undef at line 1487
<- do= -1 at line 685

insert into object_inserts(object_id,
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
,  ,  11,  0,  2003/06/10,  2003/06/10,  2,  2-> do for
DBD::Sybase::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x48a4d4)~0x505918 '
insert into object_inserts(object_id,

Re: OSCON - Featuring Wesley Crusher ?

2003-07-03 Thread Raf
Randal L. Schwartz said:
>> "Andy" == Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Andy> So who is going to be at OSCON?

*Cough*  WESLEY CRUSHER is a perl programmer?? And Randal Shwartz is his
Obi Wan Kanobi.

Suddenly it all clicks.  That's why he was able to fix any given problem
in about 2 minutes flat; all this while Jordy was still tracing memory

Do you think that you might also be able to pull sweet Beverly into the fold?

Wil Wheton (follow the link - it's really him) right at the bottom of the
page if you don't believe me.

How strange...

Re: [OT] Chewing gum

2003-07-07 Thread Raf
the hatter said:
> On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Peter Sergeant wrote:
>> I appreciate that this is more off-topic than most, but...
>> Where can I bulk-buy chewing gum online, or, failing that, anywhere
>> else?
> Don't know about online, but any cash and carry place should have.  Ask
> around friends and see who's a member of one, flutter eyelashes, and see
> if they'll help you in your plight.

Or, you could try Makro in North Acton/Park Royal.  I think that you just
need to have a VAT number or be able to prove that you're self employed. 
They'll give you a card and then you can help out other friend looking for
cheap chewing gum. They have crates of chewing gum, amoungst other things.
 My parents used to 'shop' there.

Your other option might be a car boot sale, where you sometimes have such
things available.  Try the one in Whitecity, opposite the Beeb, on Sunday
mornings.  You have people there selling boxes of cheap food, snacks,
toothpaste and stuff; possibly chewing gum?.  Or at least they did in my
day.  Also good for cheap hardware, books and other nicknacks.

The One Pound stores also sell cheap multipacks of chewing gum.  There are
a few really cheap ones in West Ealing, although you can also find them
all over the place.

Stores like Aldi (Acton/Kingsbury/Selly Oak(Brum) - elsewhere?), probably
also sell such things for a lesser price.

Clearly, you have many options.
As they say, "I can get it for you much-much cheaper."

OT: More sybase related - IDENTIFIER TOO LONG

2003-07-07 Thread Raf

I saw this post, which doesn't appear to have been followed up:

I have the same problem:

 (4)   attribute_valuevarchar(350) NOT NULL

=head2 MyError

1>  insert into attributes_string (
) values (18, 75, 7236,
,'2003/07/01', '2003/07/01',2)
2> go
Msg 103, Level 15, State 1:
Server 'pelican', Line 1:
The identifier that starts with 'aa' is too
long. Maximum length is 30.


This crashed my transaction and is giving me the same result in isql and
via DBD::Sybase.

I know that it's not dbi specific , however it works when I reduced the
string "a"x350 to "a"x10.  Given that the field is varchar(350) I really
don't get this?

I've just moved to sybase from postgrest,sql,oracle and wonder if this
error is familiar to other developers?



Re: OT: More sybase related - IDENTIFIER TOO LONG

2003-07-07 Thread Raf
Btw, my dbd error (which is a tad different is:)

DBD::Sybase::db do failed: Server message number=2603 severity=21 state=1
line=1 server=pelicanprocedure=*542531_3fa17ftext=Insufficient
space (197 bytes) on logical page 87246 of index 3 for object
'attributes_string' when inserting row of length 200 bytes on index page.

Any help would be valued.

Raf said:
> I saw this post, which doesn't appear to have been followed up:
> I have the same problem:
> Where:
>  (4)   attribute_valuevarchar(350) NOT NULL
> =head2 MyError
> 1>  insert into attributes_string (
> object_id,attribute_id,object_insert_id,attribute_value,creation_time,modification_time,modified_by
> ) values (18, 75, 7236,
> ''
> ,'2003/07/01', '2003/07/01',2)
> 2> go
> Msg 103, Level 15, State 1:
> Server 'pelican', Line 1:
> The identifier that starts with 'aa' is too
> long. Maximum length is 30.
> =cut
> This crashed my transaction and is giving me the same result in isql and
> via DBD::Sybase.
> I know that it's not dbi specific , however it works when I reduced the
> string "a"x350 to "a"x10.  Given that the field is varchar(350) I really
> don't get this?
> I've just moved to sybase from postgrest,sql,oracle and wonder if this
> error is familiar to other developers?
> Cheers,
> Raf

Re: OT: More sybase related - IDENTIFIER TOO LONG

2003-07-07 Thread Raf
Patrick Mulvany said:
> Hi,
> This seams to be more a sybase issue but I have just been having the
> same conversation relating SQL Server.
> In SQL Server this is related to being able to create tables that have
> variable length fields whos total size is larger than the page size.
> This results in tables where one varchar field works fine at max length
> but filling all the fields up to there max results in the error as the
> record no longer fits in a single page.

I fixed this a short while ago, but reshuffling my schema.  I'm working
with a pseudo-semistructured model, which had indexed some big varchars. 
On a hunch I moved the big, never read, garbage (as I should have first
done) into a text_type, where I stored them as text.  It seems to have
fixed the problem.

> Hope this helps
It did a tad.  Now I know why it didn't work in the first place.

Seems like a bit of poor error handling/reporting on the part of sybase



YAPC::EU Recommended hotel

2003-07-07 Thread Raf

I've just been asked to provide the name of a recommended hotel for the
conference.  Is there one?  Since the site has a number of links, I
wondered if anyone could give me a good suggestion if the company is
forking the bill?  Since I've got to pay for my gf, it shoudln't be 'too'
costly.  Somewhere near the conference?



Re: YAPC::EU Recommended hotel

2003-07-07 Thread Raf
Joel Bernstein said:
> On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 03:25:01PM -0000, Raf wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've just been asked to provide the name of a recommended hotel for
>> the conference.  Is there one?  Since the site has a number of links,
>> I wondered if anyone could give me a good suggestion if the company is
>> forking the bill?  Since I've got to pay for my gf, it shoudln't be
>> 'too' costly.  Somewhere near the conference?
> I'm not going, but lots of people have mentioned the Hotel Moris.

Thanks.  If it's good enough for others, I'll look into it.

Re: YAPC::EU Recommended hotel

2003-07-07 Thread Raf
Simon Wilcox said:
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Raf wrote:
>> I've just been asked to provide the name of a recommended hotel for
>> the conference.  Is there one?  Since the site has a number of links,
>> I wondered if anyone could give me a good suggestion if the company is
>> forking the bill?  Since I've got to pay for my gf, it shoudln't be
>> 'too' costly.  Somewhere near the conference?
> We're in two hotels, very close to each other. Hotel Moris and the Paix
> Republique.
> Try Alex Green at Global Travel Beverley on 01422 886440. He's been
> handling the bookings for the 30+ of us that are going under the banner
> of and may be able to squeeze you in somewhere.

Are you sure about the number?  I just dialed 441422 886440 and got a
puzzled lady at the end of the phone.  I repeated the number to her and
she said that it's a private residence.

I'll try googling for Global Travel Beverley.

Thanks for the tips though.


Re: YAPC::EU Recommended hotel

2003-07-07 Thread Raf
Raf said:
> Simon Wilcox said:
>> On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Raf wrote:
>>> I've just been asked to provide the name of a recommended hotel for
>>> the conference.  Is there one?  Since the site has a number of links,
>>> I wondered if anyone could give me a good suggestion if the company
>>> is forking the bill?  Since I've got to pay for my gf, it shoudln't
>>> be 'too' costly.  Somewhere near the conference?
>> We're in two hotels, very close to each other. Hotel Moris and the
>> Paix Republique.
>> Try Alex Green at Global Travel Beverley on 01422 886440. He's been
>> handling the bookings for the 30+ of us that are going under the
>> banner of and may be able to squeeze you in somewhere.
> Are you sure about the number?  I just dialed 441422 886440 and got a
> puzzled lady at the end of the phone.  I repeated the number to her and

In the event that anyone else is thinking of calling, the number appears
to be:
   01482 886 440

Thanks again.

Re: [gear] Spare 1U?

2003-07-09 Thread Raf
Paul Makepeace said:
> I'm looking for a 1U case with power supply. Large-ish IDE disk to go
> with it would be nice too. (I don't need the disk on its own, thanks.)
> **
> Are 1U cases designed for specific motherboard/NIC combinations? Or is
> there a standardised physical interface that's used to expose NICs and
> any other peripherals?

It just looks like the back of a normal case, with the exception that the
blanking plate is put in horizontally and there's usually only one.  I got
mine form _somewhere_ I don't remember.  It was the most expensive part of
the build.  Picked up a cheap mother board at the tcr computer fair and I
didn't have to pick out a special board configuration beyond:

It had onboard either:
   1) a nic
   2) a vga adapter.

The reason for this is that you can't stick your cards in upright in a 1U.
 They won't fit.

You usually have space for one pci card and this is inserted side wides.
To do this, you've got to get what they call a ... .. it's a card and I
can't remember its name.  You put it in your pci slot and its just an
adapter which lets you insert a pci card horizontally.

Thus if you want to use a display to configure it, you need at least one
vga slot and one ethernet card.  Thus, one of these has to be onboard.

It's called a.. riser card and it came with the 1u case.

That's it, pretty much.  I don't have a spare case though.  LuserCop might
be able to give you the name of the place he got his from, I got mine from
the same supplier.  I remember it being cheaper than other places online.



Re: YAPC hotels

2003-07-09 Thread Raf
Richard Clamp said:
> On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 11:19:35AM +0100, R.Dobson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i've made a late decision to do YAPC::EU but haven't been paying
>> attention  when people have been discussing accomodation.
>> Could anyone recommend anywhere?
> Handily we have archives for that.
> *slight mumblings about pipermail*
I'd just like to point out that you should search the archives for the
follow up to this mail.  I'd been given an incorrect phone number.  The
real one follows shortly afterwards.  The provided number connected me to
a lady who seemed distressed by my assumption that she was in fact a
travel agent.

You probably don't want to to trouble her again.

Found it:

Alex Green at Global Travel Beverely on:
014_8_2 886 440



Re: [gear] Spare 1U?

2003-07-10 Thread Raf
Andrew Beattie said:
>>>Are 1U cases designed for specific motherboard/NIC combinations? Or is
>>> there a standardised physical interface that's used to expose NICs and
>>> any other peripherals?
> You need:
> My 1U PSU isn't man enough to power the only mobo I have that will take
> the low profile fan :-(
My low profile fan ran fine.  In fact my fans weren't enough.  The server
kept stalling irregularly.  I had to stick an extra one in which I had to
wedge in quite adhockly at the back.  One of the blackcat boys gave me
strange look as I strugled to find somewhere to put it.  Do this all in
advance.  Pound it first.  It's a pain in the rear having to arrange and
make a trip to the rack if it's externally located.  Make sure that you've
placed it in a place which you can walk into and feel cold air rushing up
your trouser leg.

Oh and don't forget to compile in your console over serial if there's a
machine which you can make a serial connection from in the same rack. 
I've found that incredibly useful.

Never had trouble with memory except for one dimm which I had to return
because we got it cheap and it was buggered. Sizewise, however, I might
have just been lucky.


Re: OT: More sybase related - IDENTIFIER TOO LONG

2003-07-14 Thread Raf
David Hodgkinson said:
> On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 03:41 PM, Raf wrote:
>> Seems like a bit of poor error handling/reporting on the part of
>> sybase though.
> Get the SAMS Sybase Unleashed book.
> Oh, and then read it.

Why would I want to do that?  You start using a new database, you f-up,
you learn. You ask stupid questions.  Interact with those who care to
answer you.  Much more fun.  Faster too.  And you get paid in the
processes.  Still think it was poor error reporting.  If otherwise, then I
wouldn't have had to ask about it.  We can't/don't want to all be
Pointy-Hats for Hire with the complete Sams 24 hours collection. :)

Just reacting to the tone I infered from your reply.
Thanks for the tip though.


Apology made formal

2003-07-14 Thread Raf
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: OT: More sybase related - IDENTIFIER TOO LONG
Date: Mon, July 14, 2003 4:36 pm

David Hodgkinson said:
> On Monday, July 14, 2003, at 03:16  pm, Raf wrote:
>> Just reacting to the tone I infered from your reply.
> Nah, just usual brevity. It's a very good book. Got me through the
> Brainbench Sybase  exam ;-)
> Yes, it's poor error reporting, but with a deep understanding of the
> way Sybase works, then the error message makes sense.
> Just like the old days!
>> Thanks for the tip though.
> No worries.
Oh good..  Now that I can bring down my defences, I'll probably take
your tip, since I have actually been looking for a good sybase book for
the past couple of weeks.  Pointy hat remark has been fully retracted.


parsing lisp s-expressions in perl?

2003-07-16 Thread Raf

Just a quick query to find out if there's a good tried and tested module
for parsing lisp s-expressions into perl datastructures (or eventually
into xml?)?



Re: parsing lisp s-expressions in perl?

2003-07-16 Thread Raf
Ben said:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 03:04:07PM +0200, Raf wrote:
>> Just a quick query to find out if there's a good tried and tested
>> module for parsing lisp s-expressions into perl datastructures (or
>> eventually into xml?)?
> Don't know how complete it is, but Paul Crowley's unreleased SPKI::Sexp
> might do what you want.
Couldn't find it on cpan.
> I'll just check with him that it's OK to distribute.


Re: [OT] New Buffy movie

2009-05-28 Thread Raf

On Thu, 28 May 2009, Gemmail, Rafiq wrote:

Sorry but unlike the rest of the world I thought that JJ's trek was sile of 
Great film; crap trek.  He pulled out every gag and fraked up the timeline more 
royally than ever before.  It was a smack in Roddenberry's nads, RIP.  Yes - I 
know it's just fiction - but fiction I care about.

Fell for the bait and top posted with my vamp face on.


[OT] SalesForce + CVS

2009-09-14 Thread Raf

Off-topic, however, we seem to be a technologically broad group.

I'm trying to setup up a strategy to get multiple developers 
collaboratively developing against personal -in the cloud' SaleForce 
sandboxes and a single CVS repository.  We're using the latest Eclipse 
plugin and have a strategy which involves local development, refreshes 
from server(cloud sandbox) and deploying cvs updated changes back to the 
cloud sandboxes.

This is bringing up all sorts of issues due to the metadata which gets 
exported along with any one change.  I've also had issues where objects 
'refreshed from server' appear locally as incomplete representations of 
the cloud objects.

I wondered whether someone has encoutered this frustration previously and 
worked out a decent strategy/model for allowing collborative development 
in such a context?

Would apperciate any feedback.


Re: [OT] SalesForce + CVS

2009-09-14 Thread Raf

Hoi Dirk,

On Mon, 14 Sep 2009, Dirk Koopman wrote:

Raf wrote:

Off-topic, however, we seem to be a technologically broad group.

I'm trying to setup up a strategy to get multiple developers 
collaboratively developing against personal -in the cloud' SaleForce 
sandboxes and a single CVS repository.  We're using the latest Eclipse 
plugin and have a strategy which involves local development, refreshes from 
server(cloud sandbox) and deploying cvs updated changes back to the cloud 


Don't use CVS or SVN.

Use something designed for this sort of distributed development model, such 
as git or mecurial. And you will probably need someone doing QA work on the 
revisions as well.

I'm curious as to whether this is based previous experience with 
SalesForce or if this is a best-practice suggestion?

I'd like to understand what advantage something like git would give us in 
this context?

Context: Salesforce expose 'what they call sandboxes' in the cloud.  For 
each developer's cloud sandbox we have a local 'file' based counterpart. 
The relationship between the cloud sandboxes and CVS is transitive via the 
'file' based sandboxes.  In addition to the changes we know we've made in 
the cloud, there are also lots of meta-data changes which are 
automagically conjured based on dependencies.

I've setup one sandbox for UAT and n for development.  The idea was that 
the developer sandboxes would be kept in sync via 'some version control.' 
The problem seems to be to do with committing changes which won't cleanly 
integrate into another sandbox.

What benefits would distributed version control give me in 'this' context? 
Not meant as facetious - I'm just trying to find a strategy which will 
work and want to understand whether we'd benefits from using a more 
distributed version control solution.

