LyX Development News

2000-02-16 Thread rae

LyX is an advanced open-source document processor running on many Unix
platforms, OS/2 and on Windows NT with the Cygwin environment.  It is
called a "document processor" because, unlike standard word processors,
LyX encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your
documents not their appearance.  LyX lets you concentrate on writing,
leaving the details of visual layout to the software.  LyX automates
formatting according to predefined rule sets, yielding consistency
throughout even the most complex documents.  LyX produces high quality,
professional output by using LaTeX, an open-source, industrial strength
typesetting engine, in the background.

In September of 1999 the LyX Team decided that we could no longer
successfully use the two strand development process like the Linux kernel.  
We are in the process of switching to a development model similar to that
used by Fetchmail where we will only make small stable changes between
releases and release more often.  All future releases should be stable
although we are currently in a transition period where some major changes
have to be introduced and are likely to affect the stability in the short

These changes include:
* Use of C++ Standard Library features such as the Standard
  Template Library (STL), string and streams.
* Establishing the foundations of GUI/system independence,
* Rearrangement of the directory structure,
* Use of libtool, automake and autoconf.

Once the transition is over the 1.1 series should be very stable and we
will then release 1.2.0.  This new series will be in a state of continual
advancement.  Note the word "advancement" and not "development."
Development will be occurring in branches of CVS and once the
feature/modification has proved stable it will be merged into the main

A new numbering scheme for releases will be used.  At present we are using
a Linux kernel style odd/even development/stable numbering scheme.  This
will be replaced by a continuous numbering scheme where odd or even
numbering is no longer significant.  Prereleases will be labelled with a
"pre" suffix and any fixes required between stable releases will have a
"fix" suffix.  Thus there are three possible file names:
lyx-1.1.4.tar.gz   -- stable release
patch-1.1.4fix1.gz -- bug fix of the 1.1.4 stable release.
lyx-1.1.5pre1.tar.gz   -- potentially unstable test release

The fix releases are only provided as a patch.  They contain no new
functionality; only fixes that have already made their way into the cvs

The old development strand has been put on ice and we will be backporting
and improving on the changes we experimented with in that series.  Thus,
the developers gain a stable platform to build upon and users will get
those wonderful new features sooner. In particular, the move to GUI and
system independence will be a priority.  Development will continue to use
a CVS repository with each area of change having its own development
branch. This will allow the developers to test their changes and get them
stable before they are merged into the main code.  Thereby, ensuring that
each release should be very stable.
If you are interested in a particular area of development then you will be
able to checkout the appropriate development branch using CVS.  If you're
unable to use CVS then contact one of the developers of that branch and
ask them to make a snapshot available.  A list of current major branches
and the developer responsible for that branch will be maintained on the
LyX website.  Major branches are likely to include GUI independence,
Asian-language support, pdf and SGML editting.

Our fourth release of the new series is lyx-1.1.4 and contains many of the
significant changes listed above.  This is the fourth transitional release
and contains many bug fixes.  It is almost as stable as the 1.0.4 release
although with all the changes some new bugs have crept in. A 1.1.4fix1 has
just been released.  Please consider trying it out on your existing
documents (if you've never used LyX before give this version a try) and
contact the mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">developers list
if you find any bugs.
Learn more about LyX, including screen shots, the LyX Graphic Tour and a
list of ftp mirror sites and mailing lists at:

On behalf of the LyX Team,
Allan. (ARRae)

LyX development news

2000-02-17 Thread Amir Karger

Great idea allan!

I think it would be nice to have something every month. Can't do it more
often because there are two week periods where not much gets done, but I
think most months have at least something major happening. You could send it
to lyx-users (lyx-announce?) as well as lwn, because I suspect regular users
wouldnt' mind hearing once a month about new stuff, especially if it's
the feature they were waiting for. Of course, if a new release were coming
out every month, it wouldnt' be a problem, but I don't think development is
quite that fast, do you?

ps John: I would respond to your mail, but I'm too busy working on my
thesis. Quick roundup: I've started writing although I haven't exactly got
all of my data yet; we may or may not have a date; I'm only somewhat
freaking out. But it's amazing how much less email I'm getting.

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Allan> Maybe I should just settle on several small news items and one
Allan> feature area per fortnight. So I'd feature either GUI-indep or
Allan> Insets depending on which one of them gets written in time
Allan> (Jürgen or Lars could you scribble a couple of paragraphs or
Allan> provide a copy of an old email you think would suit).

Yes, that sounds good.

Allan> We still need someone to gather together the threads of
Allan> discussion about mini-projects like citations (natbib, harvard
Allan> etc. support), pdflatex, layout file extensions and any number
Allan> of other areas so we can have a mini-project page and maybe
Allan> snare us some new talent.

Getting threads like in kernel traffic would be nice, of course. But
that's a lot of work, and we need someone dedicated to it.


Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ing" == Ing Roland Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ing> On a related note, there was some discussion about Office suites
Ing> on /. the other day and of course LyX got mentioned, that is
Ing> actually KLyX got mentioned and not LyX :-( From the little
Ing> discussion that involved LyX the notion: "What's happening? Are
Ing> you ever going to do anything? I reckon XForms sucks and you
Ing> should use blah-tk instead" became again visible. And I admit
Ing> having had that impression myself once in a while (before
Ing> following the devel-list).

Well, Allan, you could maybe try to contact the guy who does his Word
processor review for /. and try to convinve him to look at LyX and not
KLyX, as he intend to. It would be nice to educate him on what's going


Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-29 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

Hot topics in this weeks LDN:
>   + Kayvan and Jacek's RPMs

>   + double-space?
didn't go in

>   + GUI-independence (dialogs, libsigc++ + XTL) hopefully reduce the
>   number of "What's happening? Are you ever going to do anything?
> I reckon XForms sucks and you should use blah-tk instead" 

>   + Insets?  What's happening with the inset family (ERT, text etc.)
next issue?

> We still need someone to gather together the threads of discussion about
> mini-projects like citations (natbib, harvard etc. support), pdflatex,
> layout file extensions and any number of other areas so we can have a
> mini-project page and maybe snare us some new talent.

Included a call for a volunteer.

+ XForms-0.89 -- don't use it.


This is now all committed to the www-users repository.
LDN is in the new news subdirectory.  Todays LDN is only available in that
repository because I can't force the update of the web site myself.
I have no idea if it will even work as I don't have php3 or a web server I
can play with locally.  I'll probably come back in to Uni later tonight
(in about 4hrs) and attempt to clean up any mess provided someone who is
able to update the web site does so or Lars lets me join the wwwusers
group so I can do updates myself.

Todays LDN is as complete as its going to get apart from fixes for bugs in
what I wrote.  

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-16 Thread Allan Rae

We made it into lwn.  Although it now looks like I'm committed to
maintaining a "LyX Development News" summary every so often.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-16 Thread Allan Rae

I hope that met with everyone's approval.   If not you should have spoken
up sooner.  I only made a minor addition to the list of things happening
in the transition period and adjusted the mention of the "fix" patches.
I made JMarcs patches sound more official than he did in his

I've only sent it to lwn and  Nearly everyone insists on a
web based submission (including and that's too difficult
afaic so I only sent it to one of the editors.  With a bit of luck I might
have beat the deadline for lwn.

I guess we'll see how strong our servers are when later today the hoards
come rampaging through...

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Allan> We made it into lwn. Although it now looks like I'm committed
Allan> to maintaining a "LyX Development News" summary every so often.

I noticed that too. Having a regular 'news' thing would be a good
thing, but I'm not sure what the periodicity should be.


Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-17 Thread Dr. Ing. Roland Krause

Good job, the project really needs some regular news/PR.
Even if it is just one paragraph every two weeks.

B.t.w. When I read through the PR, I realized that actually the new versioning
scheme maps 1:1 to the old one.
There isnt really any difference except that releases are more often and the
release number stays lower.
Say that 1.1.4 were version 1.2, development is in 1.1.5cvs, fixes go in
1.1.4fix1. which would be 1.2.1
If a cvs version becomes a release candidate it becomes 1.1.5pre1 this would be
1.3.1. Then 1.1.5
would be released from CVS becoming 1.4 and so on.
There isnt really any difference in the procedure except that releases are made
more often. i.e. development increments are smaller.
There arent too many ways to scin a cat, they say here...

Allan Rae wrote:

> We made it into lwn.  Although it now looks like I'm committed to
> maintaining a "LyX Development News" summary every so often.
> Allan. (ARRae)

Dr.-Ing. Roland Krause
Engineering Software Research and Development Inc, Saint Louis, MO
voice: (314) 983 0649-12

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Roland" == Ing Roland Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Roland> Good job, the project really needs some regular news/PR. Even
Roland> if it is just one paragraph every two weeks.

Roland> B.t.w. When I read through the PR, I realized that actually
Roland> the new versioning scheme maps 1:1 to the old one. There isnt
Roland> really any difference except that releases are more often and
Roland> the release number stays lower. Say that 1.1.4 were version
Roland> 1.2, development is in 1.1.5cvs, fixes go in 1.1.4fix1. 

I hope I'll be able to continue the fix series without too much
trouble (that is: easy fix, should absolutely be better than better).
It was natural for 1.1.4, and a fix2 will probably happen soon (when
the bibtex stuff is sorted out), but for say 1.1.5, if a bug needs
major surgery, then I won't issue a fix version for that. I do these
only because they require almost no testing time, just a bit of

So that's quite different from real stable series (a lot of work is
needed to maintain the 2.2 series of linux).


Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-17 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Dr. Ing. Roland Krause wrote:
> B.t.w. When I read through the PR, I realized that actually the new versioning
> scheme maps 1:1 to the old one.
> There isnt really any difference except that releases are more often and the
> release number stays lower.

It only looks that way at present because we are in transition.  Once we
hit 1.2.x we will be completely in the new development plan.  Every
release that doesn't end in "pre" will be stable irrespective of whether
there are odd or even numbers.

> Say that 1.1.4 were version 1.2, development is in 1.1.5cvs, fixes go
> in 1.1.4fix1. which would be 1.2.1 If a cvs version becomes a release
> candidate it becomes 1.1.5pre1 this would be 1.3.1. Then 1.1.5 would
> be released from CVS becoming 1.4 and so on. There isnt really any
> difference in the procedure except that releases are made more often.
> i.e. development increments are smaller. There arent too many ways to
> scin a cat, they say here... Roland

If it's labelled as 1.1.5cvs it will be released as 1.1.5.  That's just a
tag for the revision not the actual rcs/cvs revision number of any given
file.  When we decide to release 1.2 then the cvs version number will be
1.2cvs or more probably 1.2.1cvs.

I can see you might be trying to do logical mapping between schemes but
that gets far too confusing.  Much easier to just look at the new numbers.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-17 Thread Allan Rae

On 17 Feb 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Allan> We made it into lwn. Although it now looks like I'm committed
> Allan> to maintaining a "LyX Development News" summary every so often.
> I noticed that too. Having a regular 'news' thing would be a good
> thing, but I'm not sure what the periodicity should be.

I was thinking about this last night and we have quite a backlog of info
we can use:  various improvements and even FAQs from the two lists.  I
also think it'd be worthwhile to keep this thread running ad infinitum
with individuals posting whatever snippets from their respective
subprojects they want included in LDN.  That way I don't have to write
everything myself and hopefully someone else might step forward to act as

One thing that I (or Amir since he's got nothing to do ;-) do need to do
is to setup a permanent webpage for LDN on the site.  Something

latest.html should just immediately redirect to whatever is the current

That way it'd also be considerably easier to get freshmeat etc. to
publish news of LyX since they don't normally accept email news items on
web-form-based submissions (then you only need type: "New LDN is out
at...").  We also get to lift the project's profile somewhat.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-17 Thread Dr. Ing. Roland Krause

There is a section news on the homepage. There could be a section development
news directly underneath it This would do the trick along with a way simple way
to post a story. SourceForge does all that stuff for you...

Allan Rae wrote:

> On 17 Feb 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > >>>>> "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Allan> We made it into lwn. Although it now looks like I'm committed
> > Allan> to maintaining a "LyX Development News" summary every so often.
> >
> > I noticed that too. Having a regular 'news' thing would be a good
> > thing, but I'm not sure what the periodicity should be.
> I was thinking about this last night and we have quite a backlog of info
> we can use:  various improvements and even FAQs from the two lists.  I
> also think it'd be worthwhile to keep this thread running ad infinitum
> with individuals posting whatever snippets from their respective
> subprojects they want included in LDN.  That way I don't have to write
> everything myself and hopefully someone else might step forward to act as
> editor.
> One thing that I (or Amir since he's got nothing to do ;-) do need to do
> is to setup a permanent webpage for LDN on the site.  Something
> like:
> latest.html should just immediately redirect to whatever is the current
> document.
> That way it'd also be considerably easier to get freshmeat etc. to
> publish news of LyX since they don't normally accept email news items on
> web-form-based submissions (then you only need type: "New LDN is out
> at...").  We also get to lift the project's profile somewhat.
> Allan. (ARRae)

Dr.-Ing. Roland Krause
Engineering Software Research and Development Inc, Saint Louis, MO
voice: (314) 983 0649-12

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-17 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Dr. Ing. Roland Krause wrote:

> There is a section news on the homepage. There could be a section
> development news directly underneath it This would do the trick along
> with a way simple way to post a story. SourceForge does all that stuff
> for you...

LDN is likely to contain a lot more editorial info rather than just short
news announcements like the existing ticker-tape lyx news.  Some
development news items might get mentioned in the news-ticker though.

Does SourceForge automatically archive monthly installments so the web
page doesn't end up a mile long?

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-18 Thread Dr. Ing. Roland Krause

Allan Rae wrote:

> Does SourceForge automatically archive monthly installments so the web
> page doesn't end up a mile long?
> Allan.

Dont know but I would expect so, I guess you can configure your site there quite
a bit if you know how.

Dr.-Ing. Roland Krause
Engineering Software Research and Development Inc, Saint Louis, MO
voice: (314) 983 0649-12

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-23 Thread Allan Rae

> I also think it'd be worthwhile to keep this thread running ad infinitum
> with individuals posting whatever snippets from their respective
> subprojects they want included in LDN.  That way I don't have to write
> everything myself and hopefully someone else might step forward to act as
> editor.

Hot topics for next weeks LDN:
+ Kayvan and Jacek's RPMs
+ double-space?
+ GUI-independence (dialogs, libsigc++ + XTL) hopefully reduce the
  number of "What's happening? Are you ever going to do anything?
  I reckon XForms sucks and you should use blah-tk instead" 
+ Insets?  What's happening with the inset family (ERT, text etc.)

Maybe I should just settle on several small news items and one feature
area per fortnight.  So I'd feature either GUI-indep or Insets depending
on which one of them gets written in time (Jürgen or Lars could you
scribble a couple of paragraphs or provide a copy of an old email you
think would suit).

We still need someone to gather together the threads of discussion about
mini-projects like citations (natbib, harvard etc. support), pdflatex,
layout file extensions and any number of other areas so we can have a
mini-project page and maybe snare us some new talent.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-24 Thread Dr. Ing. Roland Krause

On a related note, there was some discussion about Office suites on /. the
other day and of course LyX got mentioned, that is actually KLyX got mentioned
and not LyX :-(
>From the little discussion that involved LyX the notion:
"What's happening? Are you ever going to do anything?  I reckon XForms sucks
and you should use blah-tk instead"  became again visible. And I admit having
had that impression myself once in a while (before following the devel-list). 

Anyway the /. insident shows two things: 
- LyX is still a household name in the community but people look at KLyX first
then drop LyX alltogether because KLyX doesnt have half the functionality of
LyX. KLyX with official version number 0.10.7 for now over 2 years makes
occasional visitors think the project is dead 
- XForms is a major obstacle in LyX popularity.

I have two ideas:
Could we ask Matthias Ettrich to take down the KLyX homepage and instead point
to our page where in exchange for the favor a KLyX section is
somewhat maintained. We actually have the KLyX section already.

Should we set up a nonprofit organization and lobby for corporate sponsorship?
A target would e.g. be O'Reilly. As a publisher they might have interest in the
LyX program. This way, maybe a part time developer could be financed. Together
we could sent Alan on a year long hacking tour :-) and then save for his
liver transplant. Certain tasks could be "sourced out" to SourceXChange or
I think O'Reilly could have some major interest in sponsoring LyX in exchange
we could make cls and layouts for the animal series, improve docbook support
and XML.


 On Wed, 23 Feb 2000,
Allan Rae wrote: > > I also think it'd be worthwhile to keep this thread
running ad infinitum > > with individuals posting whatever snippets from their
respective > > subprojects they want included in LDN.  That way I don't have to
write > > everything myself and hopefully someone else might step forward to
act as > > editor. > 
> Hot topics for next weeks LDN:
>   + Kayvan and Jacek's RPMs
>   + double-space?
>   + GUI-independence (dialogs, libsigc++ + XTL) hopefully reduce the
>   number of "What's happening? Are you ever going to do anything?
> I reckon XForms sucks and you should use blah-tk instead" 
>   + Insets?  What's happening with the inset family (ERT, text etc.)
> Maybe I should just settle on several small news items and one feature
> area per fortnight.  So I'd feature either GUI-indep or Insets depending
> on which one of them gets written in time (Jürgen or Lars could you
> scribble a couple of paragraphs or provide a copy of an old email you
> think would suit).
> We still need someone to gather together the threads of discussion about
> mini-projects like citations (natbib, harvard etc. support), pdflatex,
> layout file extensions and any number of other areas so we can have a
> mini-project page and maybe snare us some new talent.
> Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX development news

2000-03-12 Thread John Weiss

On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 11:37:14AM -0500, Amir Karger wrote:
> -Amir
> ps John: I would respond to your mail, but I'm too busy working on my
> thesis. Quick roundup: I've started writing although I haven't exactly got
> all of my data yet; we may or may not have a date; I'm only somewhat
> freaking out. But it's amazing how much less email I'm getting.

Oh, how so very familiar this sounds...

John Weiss

LyX Development News 20001115

2000-11-15 Thread Allan Rae

Just out:

Allan. (ARRae)

LyX Development News for July

2000-07-25 Thread Allan Rae

The latest LDN is now available:

No point summarizing it for you, just go and read it ;-)

Allan. (ARRae)

LyX Development News for 20001220

2000-12-20 Thread Allan Rae

Okay it's late and I'm sorry about that.  But if you go and take a look
you'll see it's HUGE and well worth the wait.

Allan. (ARRae)

LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-15 Thread Allan Rae

You know what to do -- go read it!

Allan. (ARRae)

LyX Development News 13th Sept 2000

2000-09-24 Thread Allan Rae

A bit late notice, but just in case you hadn't spotted it yet there is a
"new" LDN complete with pictures from FILM and few other treats.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-15 Thread Allan Rae

Can someone try submitting the LDN URL to Linux Today, and other news
services please.  I just haven't time at the moment.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-16 Thread Martin Vermeer

On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 04:59:00PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk
> X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> List-Help: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 16:59:00 +1000 (GMT+1000)
> From: Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Sender:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: LyX Developers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: LyX Development News for 20010117
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Can someone try submitting the LDN URL to Linux Today, and other news
> services please.  I just haven't time at the moment.
> TIA,
> Allan. (ARRae)

Done for Linux Today. 

Martin Vermeer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki University of Technology 
Department of Surveying
P.O. Box 1200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland

Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-16 Thread John Levon

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Martin Vermeer wrote:

> > Can someone try submitting the LDN URL to Linux Today, and other news
> > services please.  I just haven't time at the moment.
> > 
> > TIA,
> > Allan. (ARRae)
> Done for Linux Today. 

And I've just sent the URL to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know where else publishes it ?


"Rock, like an Ian Brown explanation, is not true."
- David Quantick

Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-28 Thread Allan Rae

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, John Levon wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> > > Can someone try submitting the LDN URL to Linux Today, and other news
> > > services please.  I just haven't time at the moment.
> > >
> > > TIA,
> > > Allan. (ARRae)
> >
> > Done for Linux Today.
> And I've just sent the URL to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Funny,  I sent my announcement to them before you but they still used your
announcement.  Never mind.

> I don't know where else publishes it ?

Nobody does but I just wanted you to submit it to anyone who carries Linux
or Open Source info.  Preferably lots of people submitting to the same
places so that maybe just maybe they might think "Hey, someone out there
must want to read this"


Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-29 Thread Martin Vermeer

Talking about publicity, I will be going in Feb to
the AGU Infotech Committee meeting in Washington DC. 
Just in case, Allan, do you have (a link to) your latest 
overhead sheets on LyX, and could I use them? Of course 
there's always the Graphical Tour. But hese are pretty 
knowledgable people and at home with LaTeX and XML/SGML. 

Also I would like to know the status on AGU classes
support (AGUplus). It would require user defined floats
like "plate" and "planotable". I understand it is 
planned, but... Are we prepared to work with AGU on 

Martin Vermeer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki University of Technology 
Department of Surveying
P.O. Box 1200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland

Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-29 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Martin Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Also I would like to know the status on AGU classes
| support (AGUplus). It would require user defined floats
| like "plate" and "planotable". I understand it is 
| planned, but... Are we prepared to work with AGU on 
| this?

I have prelim. support for user definable floats in the NEW_INSETS


Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-01-29 Thread John Levon

On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Allan Rae wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, John Levon wrote:
> > On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> >
> > > > Can someone try submitting the LDN URL to Linux Today, and other news
> > > > services please.  I just haven't time at the moment.
> > > >
> > > > TIA,
> > > > Allan. (ARRae)
> > >
> > > Done for Linux Today.
> >
> > And I've just sent the URL to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Funny,  I sent my announcement to them before you but they still used your
> announcement.  Never mind.

Probably they know you as LyX developer whereas I am just some LWN reader


"Now I know why you say so little in person, you mouth is in a NOP because
 the brain is always inserting requests at the top of the list_head."
- Andre Hedrick on Alan Cox

Re: LyX Development News for 20010117

2001-02-03 Thread Allan Rae

On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Martin Vermeer wrote:

> Talking about publicity, I will be going in Feb to
> the AGU Infotech Committee meeting in Washington DC.
> Just in case, Allan, do you have (a link to) your latest
> overhead sheets on LyX, and could I use them?

has links.  I want to rework these a bit using the pdfscreen class that
Dekel sent to the list but they should be okay for what you need.  If not
the source is included so you can edit them ;-)

I'll help you if needed.

> Also I would like to know the status on AGU classes
> support (AGUplus). It would require user defined floats
> like "plate" and "planotable". I understand it is
> planned, but... Are we prepared to work with AGU on
> this?

To paraphrase some famous Roman senator/emporer whose name eludes me:
We have a paucity of document classes.

I'd like to push LyX into the conference and journal submission circuit
and hopefully work with major conferences/organisations to ensure they
have a LyX template available from the outset.  The biggest problem with
this that I found when discussing this at the CCP2000 when I was there is
that every conference in a given field like Physics has its own idea of
what format should be used and to make things more interesting each
iteration of a given conference like CCP also uses a different format.
(IEEE is so much better in this regard -- they might seem like the borg at
times but at least every IEEE conference uses the exact same conference
format (which LyX supports).  BTW, I've been an IEEE member for 10 years
now so I guess I'm one of the borg ;-)

So I guess the answer to your question is "yes."

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX Development News 13th Sept 2000

2000-09-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| A bit late notice, but just in case you hadn't spotted it yet there is a
| "new" LDN complete with pictures from FILM and few other treats.

You should add it to the news section.
