Re: Help with alignat ?

2005-02-22 Thread Matt
Hi Uwe,

Thanks for the great help.

I see the trick you used was to add an extra column rlrlrl ...?


 --- Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Matt wrote:
> > I want to use lyx to align an array of
> > equations of the form:
> > 
> > y1=d1 on x1=e1
> > y2=d2 on x2=e2
> > 
> > Here d* and e* are variable length expressions.
> > 
> > To do this I chose 5 fields with alignment rlcrl. No matter what I
> do,
> > I cannot get the last field to appear in dvi with a left alignment!
> I
> > am using lyx 1.3.5.
> Use the align, Flalign or Alignat-environment. (create a formula and
> use 
> then the menu Edit->Math->Change Formula Type)
> I attached an example using Alignat.
> regards Uwe
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> y_{2}= & \: d2 & \hspace{1cm}\textrm{on} & \hspace{1cm} & x_{2}= & \:
> ee2\end{alignat*}
> \end_inset 
> \the_end

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Re: Help with alignat ?

2005-02-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Matt wrote:
I want to use lyx to align an array of
equations of the form:
y1=d1 on x1=e1
y2=d2 on x2=e2
Here d* and e* are variable length expressions.
To do this I chose 5 fields with alignment rlcrl. No matter what I do,
I cannot get the last field to appear in dvi with a left alignment! I
am using lyx 1.3.5.
Use the align, Flalign or Alignat-environment. (create a formula and use 
then the menu Edit->Math->Change Formula Type)

I attached an example using Alignat.
regards Uwe
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\begin_inset Formula \begin{alignat*}{3}
y_{1}= & \: dd1 & \textrm{on} &  & x_{1}= & \: e1\\
y_{2}= & \: d2 & \hspace{1cm}\textrm{on} & \hspace{1cm} & x_{2}= & \: 



Help with alignat ?

2005-02-22 Thread Matt
Hi Guys,

You guessed it: I need help. I want to use lyx to align an array of
equations of the form:

y1=d1 on x1=e1
y2=d2 on x2=e2

Here d* and e* are variable length expressions.

To do this I chose 5 fields with alignment rlcrl. No matter what I do,
I cannot get the last field to appear in dvi with a left alignment! I
am using lyx 1.3.5.

Let me know what I can do or provide to help me get to the bottom of

Thanks for your time,


Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

Re: Url typewriter font too large [SOLVED]

2005-02-22 Thread Rasmus Ory Nielsen

Thanks for your reply.

tir, 22 02 2005 kl. 16:54 +0100, skrev Uwe StÃhr:
> Rasmus Ory Nielsen wrote:
> > I think that the size of the typewriter font used in urls is too large.
> The used font depends on the font choosed in Layout -> Document. You can 
> also set another font in the preamble.
> But what are you mean with "too large"? Typewriter is monospaced, so 
> that every letter has the same width.

I have attached two files, a postscript export and a pdflatex export.
The postscript export has the typewriter font only a bit too large
(looks similar in gv, ggv and gsview). And, as I wrote, the pdflatex
export looks fine (like yours) in acrobat, but other viewers have very
different opinions.

> > And even more strange: the size of the typewriter font depends on how I
> > produce the output: With "View postscript" the font is a bit too large.
> > With "View pdf (pdflatex)" the output is perfect (using acrobat). But if
> > I view the same pdf file in another viewer like gv, xpdf, or gsview the
> > font is either a bit too large or so big (wide) that it collapses with
> > the following text.
> Astonishing, I have no such problems. The attached pdf looks nice in 
> acrobat and gsview. Also the postscript output looks OK. I use pdflatex 
> 1.21a.

And your pdf looks perfect in all my viewers.

Any ideas on what is going on? I am using fc3 with a plain tetex

Ahh, I think I have found the answer myself, it is a problem in the urw-
fonts rpm package in fc3:

Downgrading the urw-fonts package while writing..

Yeah, downgrading to urw-fonts-2.1-7.noarch.rpm solved the problem!

Best regards
Rasmus Ory Nielsen
Description: PostScript document

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Url typewriter font too large

2005-02-22 Thread Herbert Voss
Rasmus Ory Nielsen wrote:
I think that the size of the typewriter font used in urls is too large.
And even more strange: the size of the typewriter font depends on how I
produce the output: With "View postscript" the font is a bit too large.
With "View pdf (pdflatex)" the output is perfect (using acrobat). But if
I view the same pdf file in another viewer like gv, xpdf, or gsview the
font is either a bit too large or so big (wide) that it collapses with
the following text.
write into the preamble
\renewcommand\ttdefault{ul9}% luximono
looks much nore better than cmtt.


Re: Url typewriter font too large

2005-02-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Rasmus Ory Nielsen wrote:
I think that the size of the typewriter font used in urls is too large.
The used font depends on the font choosed in Layout -> Document. You can 
also set another font in the preamble.
But what are you mean with "too large"? Typewriter is monospaced, so 
that every letter has the same width.

And even more strange: the size of the typewriter font depends on how I
produce the output: With "View postscript" the font is a bit too large.
With "View pdf (pdflatex)" the output is perfect (using acrobat). But if
I view the same pdf file in another viewer like gv, xpdf, or gsview the
font is either a bit too large or so big (wide) that it collapses with
the following text.
Astonishing, I have no such problems. The attached pdf looks nice in 
acrobat and gsview. Also the postscript output looks OK. I use pdflatex 

regards Uwe

Description: Adobe PDF document

Url typewriter font too large

2005-02-22 Thread Rasmus Ory Nielsen

I think that the size of the typewriter font used in urls is too large.
And even more strange: the size of the typewriter font depends on how I
produce the output: With "View postscript" the font is a bit too large.
With "View pdf (pdflatex)" the output is perfect (using acrobat). But if
I view the same pdf file in another viewer like gv, xpdf, or gsview the
font is either a bit too large or so big (wide) that it collapses with
the following text.
 I have attached an example lyx file.

Any ideas?

Best regards
Rasmus Ory Nielsen

Description: application/lyx

Re: Word import via wvWare in Windows

2005-02-22 Thread Milos Komarcevic
Hi Ekkehart
Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:
Thank you for your recent suggestion which may be very useful.
This is just to tell you that it does not work on my
computer (XP, LyX/Win qt 1.3.5) althougfh I have downloaded
and installed all files listed on the Wv for Windows
page (except libgw32c).
I get the message 
"I won't mmap that file, using a slower method"
I get the same warning, but the conversion works nonetheless. Please 
check if that's maybe not the same case with you.

If you could write instructions that specify the procedure
for obtaining a workable converter, this would be /very/
useful on Wiki.
I DID specify a procedure for a WORKABLE script (if the converter 
doesn't work you have to contact the wv developers), which works on two 
Win2k machines here. I installed wv using the single setup package 
(which installs all the dependencies), not individual files. I also 
installed in a directory with no spaces, i.e. D:\GnuWin32 and put 
D:\GnuWin32\bin in the PATH. Perheps you should try this approach. Try 
it from a command line first on a simple .doc file before you try it 
with lyx, we can better debug it there if here is a problem with the script.

You also need to fix reLyX and lyx2lyx so you have working LaTeX import.

Re: Exports

2005-02-22 Thread Ekkehart Schlicht

Michael Wojcik wrote
Create a file named "loadlyx.cmd" in the lyx/bin directory or 
somewhere else appropriate (eg in a "tools" directory on your path), 

  @path c:\programs\lyx\bin;%path%
  for /f "usebackq" %%a in (`echo %1 ^| tr \\ /`) do lyx %%a
for /f "usebackq" %%a in (`echo %1 ^| tr \\ /`) do lyx.exe %%a
as you get in trouble if the lyx.cmd calls itself.
Ekkehart Schlicht

Re: Adding a Command in the ToC -- RESOLVED

2005-02-22 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 08:38:20AM +0530, samar j. singh wrote:
> Eric Fraga wrote
> > I have a related question that maybe you can help with. I often find I was
> > to manipulate slightly the inter-item spacing for bibliography entries
> > generated by the "BibTeX Generated References" LyX directive.
> Unfortunately,
> > any reference to itemsep before or after this gray box has no effect and
> the
> > only way I can get things the way I want them is to edit the latex (well,
> > the bibtex generated) code itself.  Is there any way to pass options to
> the
> > LyX bibtex generation entry?
> >
> I  think you may need to look at Section 13.8 of Goosen's The Latex
> Companion
> which has stuff about making small changes in a bibtex style file.
> Good luck

I have no problem modifying bibtex style (bst) files; my query is about
interacting with LyX gray boxes (such as the bibtex reference one or the
table of contents one).  I don't want to change the bibtex style in any
case; in this case all I want to do is insert a '\itemsep=0pt' line after
the begin bibliography command and before the first bibitem command.


 Eric S Fraga, Dept Chemical Engineering, UCL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]