Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Guillaume Larocque wrote:
 Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
 inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
 will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
 placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
 be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

This is a (La)TeX feature. Like it or not, but LyX cannot circumvent it that

The idea is that the *order* of the floats should not be changed. So, if
a too big float will go on a separate page, no other float that follows
it in the source will appear before this extra page. Instead, they will
be printed at the next possible location, which most likely is the
remaining space on this extra page.

You can either

* change the order or placement of the floats in the LyX file,

* change settings so that the odd float is not placed on a separate page.


Re: Interesting thread on Slashdot

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Steve Litt wrote:

 I write letters in LyX too. The letter template makes it brutally easy,
 except you need to remember to insert the \date{9/9/2099} via ERT or
 every time you print it the date will change. 

Why don't you create your own template then, which reminds you on
including the date.  All you have to do is to change the standard
template and store it in your templates directory. 

(Well, maybe you already did so and just want to warn readers about the
date issue.)

BTW: There is a Date Style in dinbrief, so you do not need ERT, I do
 not know about the standard letter, though.


Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Nico wrote:
 Hello Christian,

 thanks for the fast reply, but this was not the reason... the float is  
 inserted in the standard environment. Just the error-message points to  
 the subsection environment but at a totally different place of the  
 document. Is there another possibility?

Maybe you have a subsection or unbalanced brackets in your float.
What happens, if you insert an empty float in place of the offending?

But it could also be something else between the float and the subsection
environment or even in the latex preamble...

When faced with this type of hard-localisable errors, I usually export the
file to LaTeX and run latex by hand.


Re: Excluding LyX notes from word counts

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

 I would find it preferable to exclude LyX Notes from almost everything  
 and especially:

 - Spell-Checking (!!!)
 - Section Numbering
 - Outline View


Actually, I'd prefer an option to exclude spell-checking independent of
the notes.  Maybe the option to set text in the language dummylang.


* the unit of the length 5 µm is always flagged as error, but I cannot
  insert µm in my dictionary because of the Greek mu char.
* Path names are spell checked as well but usually not correct.  


Include image in title page when documentclass = report

2008-08-22 Thread Matthieu Stigler


I want to include an image in the title page. However, I see that using 
the class report puts automatically the image at the second page... is 
there a way to force the image to be on the first page within report 
documentclass? thank you!


Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Rich Shepard wrote:
 No, the workaround still works. I would, however, like to learn why symbol
 cannot be produced by the package in which it's defined.

The problem is that the font you're using does not provide the appropriate 
glyph (for SM). Thus textcomp bails out.

Consult the LaTeX Companion section about textcomp for further details.


Re: example of layout module for LyX 1.6

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

Steve Litt wrote:

Thanks Oliver,

I still don't understand the underlying philosophy of layout modules:

0) What is a layout module?

A modular approach to layout files.

1) Why are they better than just writing your own layout file?

For example, lets say you need a special kind of markup. (A new 
charstyle or an extra paragraph type.) This extra stuff can now be used 
in many different document types.  I.e. you can use your

layout module in book, article, scrarticle, ...

Under the old system, you had to make a new layout file for each of 
these cases. And what if you had a second special kind of markup? You'd 
need to make layout files for all combinations of extra stuff and 
various document classes. Now, all you need is one layout module per
extra feature. These can be added to existing document classes as 
needed. So you include extra math theorem environments only when you 
need them, avoiding cluttered menus in all those documents that don't 
use math.

2) How do you decide when to use them?

When you have some nonstandard markup feature that'd be nice to use in 
several different document classes. And perhaps you don't want to use 
them _always_, only when needed.

Some latex styles increase compile time or introduce conflicts with 
others. Some are only used for specialized kinds of writing. And some 
are unusal, not all people have them.

So you don't want to add them permanently to one or all document classes.

3) By what design methodology do you create them?

They are made the same way as layout files.

A new kind of document (or heavily customized book) gets a new
layout, a new document class.

An smaller add-on, like a latex .sty file defining an interesting 
environment gets a layout module.

4) What are the attributes of a good layout module?
It is useful, possibly with several document classes. Few conflicts with 
other stuff, and preferably not dependencies either.

A small module adding just one kind of functionality is probably good. 
If you need several unrelated add-ons, make several distinct modules.
Of course a module may define several charstyles/paragraph types, but 
then they should be related somehow.

5) What are the attributes of a bad layout module?

Not sure, but an enormous module redefining everything would be bad,
in that case a new document class is probably what you want.

Fragile setups: A module that works with only one document class, 
relying on quite a few parameters, other modules, and preamble commands 
being just right or latex will fail. Definitely bad.

Helge Hafting

Re: How to create Table of Contents from separate files?

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

Hesham Kamel wrote:

I am a new Latex user and I have started to write my thesis using LyX.
I have each chapter in a separate folder.

That is ok.


I want to know how do make LyX generate lists like:
*the bibliography, lists of figures and tables*, *and table of
contents*from these separate files

LyX can certainly do that, no problem!

and make them appear also in separate files in the order they appeared
within chapters?

I am not entirely sure what you mean here.

LyX does not create a file containing a TOC (Table Of Content) or list 
of figures. (Well, LyX does, but only a temporary file that is deleted 

The problem with creating such files is that they have to be kept 
up-to-date, something word users often fail to do.

So LyX takes a different approach. TOC, list of figures, etc. are all 
generated _each time_ they are needed. I.e. every time you print, 
preview or make a PDF file. That way, the TOC is _always_ current, it 
cannot ever get outdated because it is thrown away after use.

Here is how to do it:

1. Create a master document. It will probably start with some
   kind of front page. Then have it include all your chapter
   documents, like this:
   a) Insert-File-Child document
   b) select the correct file
   c) repeat from a) for all your chapters.
   Make sure you don't use Insert-File-LyX document because
   that will merely insert a copy, a copy that won't get updated
   when you later edit your chapter files.
2. Find out where in the master document you want the TOC to appear.
   Go there, use Insert-List/TOC-Table of content
   Note that you don't get to see the table of content right now.
   All you see is a marker, it tells you where the TOC will go whenever
   you print or make a PDF.
3. Place a List of figures marker and a List of tables marker
   the same way.
4. Try a view-PDF or similar on your master document, and enjoy!

Setting up the bibliography has some more details, consult the 
documentation, and ask more if needed.

Note that you can't change the appearance of the TOC or other lists by 
editing directly. This because there is no file to edit. Usually, no 
change is needed either, as this stuff _always_ work.

Still, change is possible. You can have a section heading appear
different in the TOC if you need: Insert-short title
You can add extra stuff if you need, and appearance (fonts etc.)
can be changed if you really need it. This is done using latex commands 
- ask if you need any of this. Most people don't.

The TOC and lists will always be right. If you move stuff around, no 
problem because the TOC is re-generated the next time you print anyway.

Remove a figure, split a table - the lists will always pick up such things.

Helge Hafting

Re: Trouble importing latex file in Lyx

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

christiaan pauw wrote:

Hi everybody
Lyx 1.5.4 on Mac OS X leopard, Texshop 2.14

I have a latex file which is an export from SAS which is basically huge
collection of tables that I need to use in a report which i write in Lyx. I
want to import the tables into the Lyx document. The TeX document compiles
nicely in Texshop (thanks to earlier help from Konrad on this list) and
gives a good quality pdf output. When i use Lyx's import function no table
is imported but only a series of ERT blocks with a lot of  s in between

Clearly a bug in LyX then.

For a workaround, consider
Insert-File-child document, then select your .tex file.
Use input instead of include in the dialog box if you don't want it 
to start on a new page.

This way the table isn't pulled into LyX, LyX merely uses your .tex file 
when printing (or making PDF output.) That should work fine, if the .tex 
file is free of errors.

Helge Hafting

Re: class could not be loaded error (Lyx 1.5.6, Mac)

2008-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
 #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
 #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[unimr-brief]{letter (unimr-brief)}
 # Letter textclass definition file.

 # Author : Johannes Knaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] based on work from
 #  Thomas Hartkens [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 # Input general definitions

 # General textclass parameters
 Format 7

1.5.x has Format 4

Also note that the format tag must be the first element in the layout file. So 
the layout will break if you uncomment one of the input statments above the 
Format tag. 


use {gmeometric} in Lyx?

2008-08-22 Thread Joanne Demmler

Hello everyone,

has anyone ever tried to insert an A3 page within an A4 document?

I found it mentioned on a LaTex site, where they suggest to use 
\usepackage{gmeometric}. This theoretically enables to use the \geometry 
command within the document. Apparently it needs another package called 
gmutils as well.

Anyway, I saved the style files somewhere under 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex and got Lyx to recognize them (they appear 
under Tools  TEX information). Then I added the corresponding 
\usepackage commands in the preamble.

However, when I try to run it now I get the following error message:

LaTeX Error: File `gmutils.sty' not found.

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

Does anyone know how to resolve this?


funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in {J}apa
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3

Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Johannes Knaus

Hi Florin,

I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this  
was maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.

But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

 author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
 title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb  
compounds in {J}apa

 journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
 year = {1989},
 volume = {2},
 pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one  
night. (Charlie Brown)

Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
There seems to be an open bug regarding the strange behavior of LyX
with this regard:


 On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Johannes Knaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Florin,

 I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
 I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this was
 maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.
 But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
 Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


 Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

 Hi all.
 Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
 I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
 have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
 Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
 Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
 If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
 only with what LyX displays in the editor.

 I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
 everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
 journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
 sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

 I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
 Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
 changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

 This happens in LyX 1.5.3


 Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
 Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night.
 (Charlie Brown)

Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

The problem is that the font you're using does not provide the appropriate
glyph (for SM). Thus textcomp bails out.


  That occurred to me, but I neglected to ask. I'm surprised that the
Palatino fonts don't contain that glyph since this family is one of those
provided by LaTeX.

Consult the LaTeX Companion section about textcomp for further details.

  Wlll do.



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: class could not be loaded error (Lyx 1.5.6, Mac)

2008-08-22 Thread Johannes Knaus

Oh, now it works perfectly,
Thank you!

Am 22.08.2008 um 12:07 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[unimr-brief]{letter (unimr-brief)}
# Letter textclass definition file.

# Author : Johannes Knaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] based on  
work from

#  Thomas Hartkens [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# Input general definitions

# General textclass parameters
Format 7

1.5.x has Format 4

Also note that the format tag must be the first element in the  
layout file. So
the layout will break if you uncomment one of the input statments  
above the

Format tag.



Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one  
night. (Charlie Brown)

Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-22 Thread Nico

Hello Günter,

I don't think that some unbalanced brackets are in my float... It's the 
same effect if I insert just an empty tabular-float-environment. It 
works with figure-float-environment... I also tried to export it in 
LaTeX, but there the same error appears. The misterious aspect is, that 
the error appears much later in the document, but if I delete the float 
the error is gone...

I've realized now, that it must have to do with the declarations I 
did in the preamble, because it works without it. I tried to take parts 
out to recognize the guilty lines. With the first lines, the float is 

%Definition des Absatz-Abstandes


%Definition der Kopfzeile







%Definition der Schrift für Fußnote, Nummerierung und allgemein




%Schusterjungen und Hurenkinder


\widowpenalty=1 \displaywidowpenalty=1

%Definition der Abbildungs- und Tabellenbeschreibungen

\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\sffamily \bfseries}



... But when I insert these Lines, the error appears:

%Realisierung der Hyperref-Attribute unter verschiedenen Voraussetzungen

\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle

\ifpdf % if pdflatex is used

% link all cross references and URLs in pdf output

\usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered,

linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue,

pdfpagelayout=OneColumn, pdfnewwindow=true,

pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels,

pdfauthor={Dein Name}, pdftex,

pdftitle={Dein Titel},pdfsubject={LyX},


\else % if dvi or ps is produced

% link all cross references and URLs in dvi output


\fi % end if pdflatex is used

% the pages of the LOT are numbered roman

% and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added














%Fügt Füllzeichen für die oberste Ebene im TOC bei



\ifnum [EMAIL PROTECTED] \z@


\addvspace{1.0em [EMAIL PROTECTED]@}%



\parindent \z@

\rightskip [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\parfillskip [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\leavevmode \bfseries


\hskip -\leftskip #1




\endgroup \fi}


%Fügt Abb.  vor die Nummern in der LOF





\addcontentsline{\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]


\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%



Does s.o. see the reason for my problem in these lines?



G. Milde schrieb:

On 21.08.08, Nico wrote:

Hello Christian,

thanks for the fast reply, but this was not the reason... the float is  
inserted in the standard environment. Just the error-message points to  
the subsection environment but at a totally different place of the  
document. Is there another possibility?

Maybe you have a subsection or unbalanced brackets in your float.
What happens, if you insert an empty float in place of the offending?

But it could also be something else between the float and the subsection
environment or even in the latex preamble...

When faced with this type of hard-localisable errors, I usually export the
file to LaTeX and run latex by hand.


Re: Excluding LyX notes from word counts

2008-08-22 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  I would find it preferable to exclude LyX Notes from
 almost everything  
  and especially:
  - Spell-Checking (!!!)
  - Section Numbering
  - Outline View
 Actually, I'd prefer an option to exclude
 spell-checking independent of
 the notes.  Maybe the option to set text in the language
 * the unit of the length 5 µm is always flagged as error,
 but I cannot
   insert µm in my dictionary because of the Greek mu char.
 * Path names are spell checked as well but usually not

 I use notes for put text in origin language (english). In main text I put 
translation (spanish). Word count is no usefull if count text in notes.
 Path names must not be spell checked.

  Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

Re: use {gmeometric} in Lyx?

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Joanne Demmler wrote:

Hello everyone,

has anyone ever tried to insert an A3 page within an A4 document?

I found it mentioned on a LaTex site, where they suggest to use 
\usepackage{gmeometric}. This theoretically enables to use the 
\geometry command within the document. Apparently it needs another 
package called gmutils as well.

Anyway, I saved the style files somewhere under 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex and got Lyx to recognize them (they appear 
under Tools  TEX information). Then I added the corresponding 
\usepackage commands in the preamble.

However, when I try to run it now I get the following error message:

LaTeX Error: File `gmutils.sty' not found.

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Not immediately, but I'll give you my standard advice: Export to LaTeX 
and compile the document manually. You may get a bit more information 
that way. It's also possible that there's something about the order in 
which these packages must be loaded that you are (or LyX is) not getting 

Also, try kpsewhich gmutils.sty from a terminal, and make sure LaTeX 
sees it. If it doesn't, you may need to run texhash again.

Also, from the installation instructions for gmutils:

3. Installation

Unpack the archive in some texmf directory or put the
gmutils.sty somewhere in the texmf/tex/latex branch on your
own. (Creating a /texmf/tex/latex/gm directory may be advisable if you
consider using other packages written by me.)

Then you should refresh your TeX distribution's files'
database most probably.

It may be that something expects this file to be in /texmf/tex/latex/gm/.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Florin Oprina wrote:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in {J}apa
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3

Yes, this bug is known:
and fixed for 1.6. Fixing it involved a total rewrite of how LyX stores 
BibTeX information, though, so we couldn't backport it to 1.5.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Florin Oprina wrote:

There seems to be an open bug regarding the strange behavior of LyX
with this regard:

Yes, and it's marked fixedintrunk, which means it's fixed in the 
development version.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Johannes Knaus wrote:

Hi Florin,

I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.

This should be fixed in 1.6. I've just checked it, and it works fine for 
me. I'd send a screenshot, but the mailer won't let me.


I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this 
was maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.

But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

 author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
 title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds 
in {J}apa

 journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
 year = {1989},
 volume = {2},
 pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night. 
(Charlie Brown)

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Guillaume Larocque wrote:

Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

Are you saying that after the first float gets a separate page, each of 
the subsequent floats sits alone on a page?  If so, I don't reproduce 
that here.  I made a small test document (Komascript book class) like 
this:  textbig floatmedium floatsmall floatmore text.  The big 
float is big enough that it has to be on its own page; the smaller 
floats are not.  What I get is all text on page 1, the big float alone 
on page 2, the other two floats one after the other at the top of page 3 
followed by more text.

Or did I misunderstand what you wrote?


1.5.6: Are layouts now findable in the current directory?

2008-08-22 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

I remember a discussion, following my disappearing styles problem accompanied 
by a double listing of the document class, that the intent was to have layout 
files findable within the current directory, so that symlinks in 
$HOME/.lyx/layouts are no longer necessary. 

My experimentation with lyx 1.5.3 indicated that the $HOME/.lyx/layouts links 
were still necessary with 1.5.3. Yesterday, as a result of new hardware and a 
Mandriva upgrade, I compiled and installed LyX 1.5.6. I noticed that with 
1.5.6, it appeared to pick up layout files in the current directory (the one 
housing the book file itself).

Is my impression correct, that 1.5.6 reads layout files in the current 

I could see the ability to read it in the current directory to be either a 
gain or a loss. However, in my situation, the way I do my work, having it 
find the layout file in the current directory is a huge benefit to me.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: exam layout

2008-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

RGH wrote:

Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:


I have been fighting a little bit to create a layout for exam

So far I have a *small* layout with two styles, one for questions and
another for solutions. In the jpg attached you can see the output
generated by latex for the small example exam.lyx.

As you can see in lyx, the numbering of the questions is reseted when
a different style (solution) is inserted betwenn two questions,
howeber the latex output is numbering correctly the questions. How can
this be solved?

I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem at present. I've 
seen this behavior myself, though, with other layouts, and thought there 
ought to be an equivalent to LaTeX's /numberwithin sort of command. I 
don't believe LyX has that yet, though. I'd be receptive to an 
enhancement request on bugzilla, though, if you want to file one. You 
can cc me on it, to make sure I see it. I'm guessing, in fact, that 
JMarc could do this pretty quickly.

There's a way (in LyX 1.5.6), but the cure may be worse than the 
disease.  The solution I found is:

(a) change the Question style from LatexType Command to LatexType 

(b) change the Question style from LabelType Enumerate to LabelType Counter;
(c) add 'LabelString \arabic{question}.' to the Question style;
(d) copy Style --Separator-- from into your layout;
(e) when inserting a Solution, nest it under the Question it solves; and 
(here comes the painful part)

(f) insert a --Separator-- environment after each Question.

I'm attaching hacked copies of the layout and .lyx files.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{exam}
# exam textclass definition file.
# Author : Andrés Becerra ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

# General textclass parameters
Format 4
Columns 1
Sides   1
SecNumDepth -1

# Standard style definition
Style Standard
Margin  Static
LatexType   Paragraph
LatexName   dummy
ParIndent   MM
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
AlignPossible   Block, Left, Right, Center
LabelType   No_Label



Style Question
Margin  Dynamic
#   LatexType   Command
  LatexType Environment
LatexName   question
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
#   LabelType   Enumerate
LabelType   Counter
  LabelString \arabic{question}.
  Color Blue

Style Solution
Margin  Dynamic
LatexType   Environment
LatexName   solution
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
LabelType   Static
LabelString solution:

Style --Separator--
KeepEmpty 1
LatexType Paragraph
LatexName dummy
ParIndent MM
Align Block
AlignPossible Block
LabelType Static
LabelString   --- Separate Environment ---
  Family  Roman
  Series  Medium
  Color   Blue

Description: application/lyx

Any words of wisdom switching from 1.4.2 to 1.5.6?

2008-08-22 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

As a result of a hardware upgrade and a switch from Mandriva 2007 to Mandriva 
2008.1, I'm upgrading to LyX 1.5.6 and abandoning the 1.4.2 that came with my 
old Mandriva 2007. On the old computer, I kept 1.4.2 in parallel with 1.5.3.

My newer books were compiled in 1.5.3, and all appeared to compile reasonably 
well in 1.5.6. All the ones compiled in 1.4.2 have at least some problems, 
though in the case of one book it was simply the way URLs were styled -- easy 
to fix.

I have one book written in stone age LyX in 2001, using Dekl Tsur's color 
character style workaround. It's been upgraded to 1.4.2, and compiles on 
1.4.2, but it doesn't compile on 1.5.x, and I dread getting it running in 
1.5.6. But it has to be done :-)


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread Guillaume Larocque
Guillaume Larocque wrote:
 Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
 inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
 will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
 placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
 be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

Are you saying that after the first float gets a separate page, each of
the subsequent floats sits alone on a page?  If so, I don't reproduce
that here.  I made a small test document (Komascript book class) like
this:  textbig floatmedium floatsmall floatmore text.  The big
float is big enough that it has to be on its own page; the smaller
floats are not.  What I get is all text on page 1, the big float alone
on page 2, the other two floats one after the other at the top of page 3
followed by more text.

Yes. What I have in a few places in my document is something like: one
large float, 4 smaller floats, one other large float and then 3
smaller floats again.

Latex decides to put the one large float on a separate page and then
it puts all the rest of the floats on seperate pages also at the end
of the Chapter. Its probably deciding that there are too many floats
that will break the text. I get that behaviour even if I select 'top
of page' for all the floats.

I managed to get the floats pretty much where I want them with info
from this website:

Particularly with the use of:

and by moving some floats between paragraphs. I was just hoping that
Latex would figure all this out for me.

Thanks for the answers,


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
Well, it's good to know it's fixed. I'm dying to see the new 1.6 version!

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 1:34 AM, rgheck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Johannes Knaus wrote:

 Hi Florin,

 I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.

 This should be fixed in 1.6. I've just checked it, and it works fine for me.
 I'd send a screenshot, but the mailer won't let me.


 I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this was
 maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.
 But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
 Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


 Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

 Hi all.
 Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
 I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
 have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
 Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
 Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
 If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
 only with what LyX displays in the editor.

 I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
 everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
 journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
 sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

 I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
 Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
 changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

 This happens in LyX 1.5.3


 Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
 Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night.
 (Charlie Brown)

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Guillaume Larocque wrote:
 Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
 inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
 will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
 placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
 be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

This is a (La)TeX feature. Like it or not, but LyX cannot circumvent it that

The idea is that the *order* of the floats should not be changed. So, if
a too big float will go on a separate page, no other float that follows
it in the source will appear before this extra page. Instead, they will
be printed at the next possible location, which most likely is the
remaining space on this extra page.

You can either

* change the order or placement of the floats in the LyX file,

* change settings so that the odd float is not placed on a separate page.


Re: Interesting thread on Slashdot

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Steve Litt wrote:

 I write letters in LyX too. The letter template makes it brutally easy,
 except you need to remember to insert the \date{9/9/2099} via ERT or
 every time you print it the date will change. 

Why don't you create your own template then, which reminds you on
including the date.  All you have to do is to change the standard
template and store it in your templates directory. 

(Well, maybe you already did so and just want to warn readers about the
date issue.)

BTW: There is a Date Style in dinbrief, so you do not need ERT, I do
 not know about the standard letter, though.


Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Nico wrote:
 Hello Christian,

 thanks for the fast reply, but this was not the reason... the float is  
 inserted in the standard environment. Just the error-message points to  
 the subsection environment but at a totally different place of the  
 document. Is there another possibility?

Maybe you have a subsection or unbalanced brackets in your float.
What happens, if you insert an empty float in place of the offending?

But it could also be something else between the float and the subsection
environment or even in the latex preamble...

When faced with this type of hard-localisable errors, I usually export the
file to LaTeX and run latex by hand.


Re: Excluding LyX notes from word counts

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

 I would find it preferable to exclude LyX Notes from almost everything  
 and especially:

 - Spell-Checking (!!!)
 - Section Numbering
 - Outline View


Actually, I'd prefer an option to exclude spell-checking independent of
the notes.  Maybe the option to set text in the language dummylang.


* the unit of the length 5 µm is always flagged as error, but I cannot
  insert µm in my dictionary because of the Greek mu char.
* Path names are spell checked as well but usually not correct.  


Include image in title page when documentclass = report

2008-08-22 Thread Matthieu Stigler


I want to include an image in the title page. However, I see that using 
the class report puts automatically the image at the second page... is 
there a way to force the image to be on the first page within report 
documentclass? thank you!


Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Rich Shepard wrote:
 No, the workaround still works. I would, however, like to learn why symbol
 cannot be produced by the package in which it's defined.

The problem is that the font you're using does not provide the appropriate 
glyph (for SM). Thus textcomp bails out.

Consult the LaTeX Companion section about textcomp for further details.


Re: example of layout module for LyX 1.6

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

Steve Litt wrote:

Thanks Oliver,

I still don't understand the underlying philosophy of layout modules:

0) What is a layout module?

A modular approach to layout files.

1) Why are they better than just writing your own layout file?

For example, lets say you need a special kind of markup. (A new 
charstyle or an extra paragraph type.) This extra stuff can now be used 
in many different document types.  I.e. you can use your

layout module in book, article, scrarticle, ...

Under the old system, you had to make a new layout file for each of 
these cases. And what if you had a second special kind of markup? You'd 
need to make layout files for all combinations of extra stuff and 
various document classes. Now, all you need is one layout module per
extra feature. These can be added to existing document classes as 
needed. So you include extra math theorem environments only when you 
need them, avoiding cluttered menus in all those documents that don't 
use math.

2) How do you decide when to use them?

When you have some nonstandard markup feature that'd be nice to use in 
several different document classes. And perhaps you don't want to use 
them _always_, only when needed.

Some latex styles increase compile time or introduce conflicts with 
others. Some are only used for specialized kinds of writing. And some 
are unusal, not all people have them.

So you don't want to add them permanently to one or all document classes.

3) By what design methodology do you create them?

They are made the same way as layout files.

A new kind of document (or heavily customized book) gets a new
layout, a new document class.

An smaller add-on, like a latex .sty file defining an interesting 
environment gets a layout module.

4) What are the attributes of a good layout module?
It is useful, possibly with several document classes. Few conflicts with 
other stuff, and preferably not dependencies either.

A small module adding just one kind of functionality is probably good. 
If you need several unrelated add-ons, make several distinct modules.
Of course a module may define several charstyles/paragraph types, but 
then they should be related somehow.

5) What are the attributes of a bad layout module?

Not sure, but an enormous module redefining everything would be bad,
in that case a new document class is probably what you want.

Fragile setups: A module that works with only one document class, 
relying on quite a few parameters, other modules, and preamble commands 
being just right or latex will fail. Definitely bad.

Helge Hafting

Re: How to create Table of Contents from separate files?

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

Hesham Kamel wrote:

I am a new Latex user and I have started to write my thesis using LyX.
I have each chapter in a separate folder.

That is ok.


I want to know how do make LyX generate lists like:
*the bibliography, lists of figures and tables*, *and table of
contents*from these separate files

LyX can certainly do that, no problem!

and make them appear also in separate files in the order they appeared
within chapters?

I am not entirely sure what you mean here.

LyX does not create a file containing a TOC (Table Of Content) or list 
of figures. (Well, LyX does, but only a temporary file that is deleted 

The problem with creating such files is that they have to be kept 
up-to-date, something word users often fail to do.

So LyX takes a different approach. TOC, list of figures, etc. are all 
generated _each time_ they are needed. I.e. every time you print, 
preview or make a PDF file. That way, the TOC is _always_ current, it 
cannot ever get outdated because it is thrown away after use.

Here is how to do it:

1. Create a master document. It will probably start with some
   kind of front page. Then have it include all your chapter
   documents, like this:
   a) Insert-File-Child document
   b) select the correct file
   c) repeat from a) for all your chapters.
   Make sure you don't use Insert-File-LyX document because
   that will merely insert a copy, a copy that won't get updated
   when you later edit your chapter files.
2. Find out where in the master document you want the TOC to appear.
   Go there, use Insert-List/TOC-Table of content
   Note that you don't get to see the table of content right now.
   All you see is a marker, it tells you where the TOC will go whenever
   you print or make a PDF.
3. Place a List of figures marker and a List of tables marker
   the same way.
4. Try a view-PDF or similar on your master document, and enjoy!

Setting up the bibliography has some more details, consult the 
documentation, and ask more if needed.

Note that you can't change the appearance of the TOC or other lists by 
editing directly. This because there is no file to edit. Usually, no 
change is needed either, as this stuff _always_ work.

Still, change is possible. You can have a section heading appear
different in the TOC if you need: Insert-short title
You can add extra stuff if you need, and appearance (fonts etc.)
can be changed if you really need it. This is done using latex commands 
- ask if you need any of this. Most people don't.

The TOC and lists will always be right. If you move stuff around, no 
problem because the TOC is re-generated the next time you print anyway.

Remove a figure, split a table - the lists will always pick up such things.

Helge Hafting

Re: Trouble importing latex file in Lyx

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

christiaan pauw wrote:

Hi everybody
Lyx 1.5.4 on Mac OS X leopard, Texshop 2.14

I have a latex file which is an export from SAS which is basically huge
collection of tables that I need to use in a report which i write in Lyx. I
want to import the tables into the Lyx document. The TeX document compiles
nicely in Texshop (thanks to earlier help from Konrad on this list) and
gives a good quality pdf output. When i use Lyx's import function no table
is imported but only a series of ERT blocks with a lot of  s in between

Clearly a bug in LyX then.

For a workaround, consider
Insert-File-child document, then select your .tex file.
Use input instead of include in the dialog box if you don't want it 
to start on a new page.

This way the table isn't pulled into LyX, LyX merely uses your .tex file 
when printing (or making PDF output.) That should work fine, if the .tex 
file is free of errors.

Helge Hafting

Re: class could not be loaded error (Lyx 1.5.6, Mac)

2008-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
 #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
 #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[unimr-brief]{letter (unimr-brief)}
 # Letter textclass definition file.

 # Author : Johannes Knaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] based on work from
 #  Thomas Hartkens [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 # Input general definitions

 # General textclass parameters
 Format 7

1.5.x has Format 4

Also note that the format tag must be the first element in the layout file. So 
the layout will break if you uncomment one of the input statments above the 
Format tag. 


use {gmeometric} in Lyx?

2008-08-22 Thread Joanne Demmler

Hello everyone,

has anyone ever tried to insert an A3 page within an A4 document?

I found it mentioned on a LaTex site, where they suggest to use 
\usepackage{gmeometric}. This theoretically enables to use the \geometry 
command within the document. Apparently it needs another package called 
gmutils as well.

Anyway, I saved the style files somewhere under 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex and got Lyx to recognize them (they appear 
under Tools  TEX information). Then I added the corresponding 
\usepackage commands in the preamble.

However, when I try to run it now I get the following error message:

LaTeX Error: File `gmutils.sty' not found.

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

Does anyone know how to resolve this?


funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in {J}apa
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3

Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Johannes Knaus

Hi Florin,

I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this  
was maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.

But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

 author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
 title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb  
compounds in {J}apa

 journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
 year = {1989},
 volume = {2},
 pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one  
night. (Charlie Brown)

Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
There seems to be an open bug regarding the strange behavior of LyX
with this regard:


 On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Johannes Knaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Florin,

 I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
 I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this was
 maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.
 But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
 Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


 Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

 Hi all.
 Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
 I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
 have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
 Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
 Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
 If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
 only with what LyX displays in the editor.

 I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
 everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
 journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
 sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

 I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
 Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
 changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

 This happens in LyX 1.5.3


 Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
 Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night.
 (Charlie Brown)

Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

The problem is that the font you're using does not provide the appropriate
glyph (for SM). Thus textcomp bails out.


  That occurred to me, but I neglected to ask. I'm surprised that the
Palatino fonts don't contain that glyph since this family is one of those
provided by LaTeX.

Consult the LaTeX Companion section about textcomp for further details.

  Wlll do.



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: class could not be loaded error (Lyx 1.5.6, Mac)

2008-08-22 Thread Johannes Knaus

Oh, now it works perfectly,
Thank you!

Am 22.08.2008 um 12:07 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[unimr-brief]{letter (unimr-brief)}
# Letter textclass definition file.

# Author : Johannes Knaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] based on  
work from

#  Thomas Hartkens [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# Input general definitions

# General textclass parameters
Format 7

1.5.x has Format 4

Also note that the format tag must be the first element in the  
layout file. So
the layout will break if you uncomment one of the input statments  
above the

Format tag.



Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one  
night. (Charlie Brown)

Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-22 Thread Nico

Hello Günter,

I don't think that some unbalanced brackets are in my float... It's the 
same effect if I insert just an empty tabular-float-environment. It 
works with figure-float-environment... I also tried to export it in 
LaTeX, but there the same error appears. The misterious aspect is, that 
the error appears much later in the document, but if I delete the float 
the error is gone...

I've realized now, that it must have to do with the declarations I 
did in the preamble, because it works without it. I tried to take parts 
out to recognize the guilty lines. With the first lines, the float is 

%Definition des Absatz-Abstandes


%Definition der Kopfzeile







%Definition der Schrift für Fußnote, Nummerierung und allgemein




%Schusterjungen und Hurenkinder


\widowpenalty=1 \displaywidowpenalty=1

%Definition der Abbildungs- und Tabellenbeschreibungen

\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\sffamily \bfseries}



... But when I insert these Lines, the error appears:

%Realisierung der Hyperref-Attribute unter verschiedenen Voraussetzungen

\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle

\ifpdf % if pdflatex is used

% link all cross references and URLs in pdf output

\usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered,

linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue,

pdfpagelayout=OneColumn, pdfnewwindow=true,

pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels,

pdfauthor={Dein Name}, pdftex,

pdftitle={Dein Titel},pdfsubject={LyX},


\else % if dvi or ps is produced

% link all cross references and URLs in dvi output


\fi % end if pdflatex is used

% the pages of the LOT are numbered roman

% and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added














%Fügt Füllzeichen für die oberste Ebene im TOC bei



\ifnum [EMAIL PROTECTED] \z@


\addvspace{1.0em [EMAIL PROTECTED]@}%



\parindent \z@

\rightskip [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\parfillskip [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\leavevmode \bfseries


\hskip -\leftskip #1




\endgroup \fi}


%Fügt Abb.  vor die Nummern in der LOF





\addcontentsline{\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]


\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%



Does s.o. see the reason for my problem in these lines?



G. Milde schrieb:

On 21.08.08, Nico wrote:

Hello Christian,

thanks for the fast reply, but this was not the reason... the float is  
inserted in the standard environment. Just the error-message points to  
the subsection environment but at a totally different place of the  
document. Is there another possibility?

Maybe you have a subsection or unbalanced brackets in your float.
What happens, if you insert an empty float in place of the offending?

But it could also be something else between the float and the subsection
environment or even in the latex preamble...

When faced with this type of hard-localisable errors, I usually export the
file to LaTeX and run latex by hand.


Re: Excluding LyX notes from word counts

2008-08-22 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  I would find it preferable to exclude LyX Notes from
 almost everything  
  and especially:
  - Spell-Checking (!!!)
  - Section Numbering
  - Outline View
 Actually, I'd prefer an option to exclude
 spell-checking independent of
 the notes.  Maybe the option to set text in the language
 * the unit of the length 5 µm is always flagged as error,
 but I cannot
   insert µm in my dictionary because of the Greek mu char.
 * Path names are spell checked as well but usually not

 I use notes for put text in origin language (english). In main text I put 
translation (spanish). Word count is no usefull if count text in notes.
 Path names must not be spell checked.

  Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

Re: use {gmeometric} in Lyx?

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Joanne Demmler wrote:

Hello everyone,

has anyone ever tried to insert an A3 page within an A4 document?

I found it mentioned on a LaTex site, where they suggest to use 
\usepackage{gmeometric}. This theoretically enables to use the 
\geometry command within the document. Apparently it needs another 
package called gmutils as well.

Anyway, I saved the style files somewhere under 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex and got Lyx to recognize them (they appear 
under Tools  TEX information). Then I added the corresponding 
\usepackage commands in the preamble.

However, when I try to run it now I get the following error message:

LaTeX Error: File `gmutils.sty' not found.

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Not immediately, but I'll give you my standard advice: Export to LaTeX 
and compile the document manually. You may get a bit more information 
that way. It's also possible that there's something about the order in 
which these packages must be loaded that you are (or LyX is) not getting 

Also, try kpsewhich gmutils.sty from a terminal, and make sure LaTeX 
sees it. If it doesn't, you may need to run texhash again.

Also, from the installation instructions for gmutils:

3. Installation

Unpack the archive in some texmf directory or put the
gmutils.sty somewhere in the texmf/tex/latex branch on your
own. (Creating a /texmf/tex/latex/gm directory may be advisable if you
consider using other packages written by me.)

Then you should refresh your TeX distribution's files'
database most probably.

It may be that something expects this file to be in /texmf/tex/latex/gm/.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Florin Oprina wrote:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in {J}apa
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3

Yes, this bug is known:
and fixed for 1.6. Fixing it involved a total rewrite of how LyX stores 
BibTeX information, though, so we couldn't backport it to 1.5.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Florin Oprina wrote:

There seems to be an open bug regarding the strange behavior of LyX
with this regard:

Yes, and it's marked fixedintrunk, which means it's fixed in the 
development version.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Johannes Knaus wrote:

Hi Florin,

I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.

This should be fixed in 1.6. I've just checked it, and it works fine for 
me. I'd send a screenshot, but the mailer won't let me.


I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this 
was maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.

But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

 author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
 title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds 
in {J}apa

 journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
 year = {1989},
 volume = {2},
 pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night. 
(Charlie Brown)

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Guillaume Larocque wrote:

Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

Are you saying that after the first float gets a separate page, each of 
the subsequent floats sits alone on a page?  If so, I don't reproduce 
that here.  I made a small test document (Komascript book class) like 
this:  textbig floatmedium floatsmall floatmore text.  The big 
float is big enough that it has to be on its own page; the smaller 
floats are not.  What I get is all text on page 1, the big float alone 
on page 2, the other two floats one after the other at the top of page 3 
followed by more text.

Or did I misunderstand what you wrote?


1.5.6: Are layouts now findable in the current directory?

2008-08-22 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

I remember a discussion, following my disappearing styles problem accompanied 
by a double listing of the document class, that the intent was to have layout 
files findable within the current directory, so that symlinks in 
$HOME/.lyx/layouts are no longer necessary. 

My experimentation with lyx 1.5.3 indicated that the $HOME/.lyx/layouts links 
were still necessary with 1.5.3. Yesterday, as a result of new hardware and a 
Mandriva upgrade, I compiled and installed LyX 1.5.6. I noticed that with 
1.5.6, it appeared to pick up layout files in the current directory (the one 
housing the book file itself).

Is my impression correct, that 1.5.6 reads layout files in the current 

I could see the ability to read it in the current directory to be either a 
gain or a loss. However, in my situation, the way I do my work, having it 
find the layout file in the current directory is a huge benefit to me.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: exam layout

2008-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

RGH wrote:

Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:


I have been fighting a little bit to create a layout for exam

So far I have a *small* layout with two styles, one for questions and
another for solutions. In the jpg attached you can see the output
generated by latex for the small example exam.lyx.

As you can see in lyx, the numbering of the questions is reseted when
a different style (solution) is inserted betwenn two questions,
howeber the latex output is numbering correctly the questions. How can
this be solved?

I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem at present. I've 
seen this behavior myself, though, with other layouts, and thought there 
ought to be an equivalent to LaTeX's /numberwithin sort of command. I 
don't believe LyX has that yet, though. I'd be receptive to an 
enhancement request on bugzilla, though, if you want to file one. You 
can cc me on it, to make sure I see it. I'm guessing, in fact, that 
JMarc could do this pretty quickly.

There's a way (in LyX 1.5.6), but the cure may be worse than the 
disease.  The solution I found is:

(a) change the Question style from LatexType Command to LatexType 

(b) change the Question style from LabelType Enumerate to LabelType Counter;
(c) add 'LabelString \arabic{question}.' to the Question style;
(d) copy Style --Separator-- from into your layout;
(e) when inserting a Solution, nest it under the Question it solves; and 
(here comes the painful part)

(f) insert a --Separator-- environment after each Question.

I'm attaching hacked copies of the layout and .lyx files.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{exam}
# exam textclass definition file.
# Author : Andrés Becerra ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

# General textclass parameters
Format 4
Columns 1
Sides   1
SecNumDepth -1

# Standard style definition
Style Standard
Margin  Static
LatexType   Paragraph
LatexName   dummy
ParIndent   MM
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
AlignPossible   Block, Left, Right, Center
LabelType   No_Label



Style Question
Margin  Dynamic
#   LatexType   Command
  LatexType Environment
LatexName   question
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
#   LabelType   Enumerate
LabelType   Counter
  LabelString \arabic{question}.
  Color Blue

Style Solution
Margin  Dynamic
LatexType   Environment
LatexName   solution
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
LabelType   Static
LabelString solution:

Style --Separator--
KeepEmpty 1
LatexType Paragraph
LatexName dummy
ParIndent MM
Align Block
AlignPossible Block
LabelType Static
LabelString   --- Separate Environment ---
  Family  Roman
  Series  Medium
  Color   Blue

Description: application/lyx

Any words of wisdom switching from 1.4.2 to 1.5.6?

2008-08-22 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

As a result of a hardware upgrade and a switch from Mandriva 2007 to Mandriva 
2008.1, I'm upgrading to LyX 1.5.6 and abandoning the 1.4.2 that came with my 
old Mandriva 2007. On the old computer, I kept 1.4.2 in parallel with 1.5.3.

My newer books were compiled in 1.5.3, and all appeared to compile reasonably 
well in 1.5.6. All the ones compiled in 1.4.2 have at least some problems, 
though in the case of one book it was simply the way URLs were styled -- easy 
to fix.

I have one book written in stone age LyX in 2001, using Dekl Tsur's color 
character style workaround. It's been upgraded to 1.4.2, and compiles on 
1.4.2, but it doesn't compile on 1.5.x, and I dread getting it running in 
1.5.6. But it has to be done :-)


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread Guillaume Larocque
Guillaume Larocque wrote:
 Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
 inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
 will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
 placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
 be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

Are you saying that after the first float gets a separate page, each of
the subsequent floats sits alone on a page?  If so, I don't reproduce
that here.  I made a small test document (Komascript book class) like
this:  textbig floatmedium floatsmall floatmore text.  The big
float is big enough that it has to be on its own page; the smaller
floats are not.  What I get is all text on page 1, the big float alone
on page 2, the other two floats one after the other at the top of page 3
followed by more text.

Yes. What I have in a few places in my document is something like: one
large float, 4 smaller floats, one other large float and then 3
smaller floats again.

Latex decides to put the one large float on a separate page and then
it puts all the rest of the floats on seperate pages also at the end
of the Chapter. Its probably deciding that there are too many floats
that will break the text. I get that behaviour even if I select 'top
of page' for all the floats.

I managed to get the floats pretty much where I want them with info
from this website:

Particularly with the use of:

and by moving some floats between paragraphs. I was just hoping that
Latex would figure all this out for me.

Thanks for the answers,


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
Well, it's good to know it's fixed. I'm dying to see the new 1.6 version!

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 1:34 AM, rgheck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Johannes Knaus wrote:

 Hi Florin,

 I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.

 This should be fixed in 1.6. I've just checked it, and it works fine for me.
 I'd send a screenshot, but the mailer won't let me.


 I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this was
 maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.
 But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
 Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


 Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

 Hi all.
 Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
 I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
 have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
 Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
 Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
 If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
 only with what LyX displays in the editor.

 I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
 everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word Year in the
 journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
 sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

 I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
 Year from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
 changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

 This happens in LyX 1.5.3


 Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong?
 Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night.
 (Charlie Brown)

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
> inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
> will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
> placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
> be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

This is a (La)TeX feature. Like it or not, but LyX cannot circumvent it that

The idea is that the *order* of the floats should not be changed. So, if
a "too big" float will go on a separate page, no other float that follows
it in the source will appear before this extra page. Instead, they will
be printed at the next possible location, which most likely is the
remaining space on this extra page.

You can either

* change the order or placement of the floats in the LyX file,

* change settings so that the "odd" float is not placed on a separate page.


Re: Interesting thread on Slashdot

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Steve Litt wrote:

> I write letters in LyX too. The letter template makes it brutally easy,
> except you need to remember to insert the \date{9/9/2099} via ERT or
> every time you print it the date will change. 

Why don't you create your own template then, which reminds you on
including the date.  All you have to do is to change the standard
template and store it in your "templates" directory. 

(Well, maybe you already did so and just want to warn readers about the
date issue.)

BTW: There is a "Date" Style in dinbrief, so you do not need ERT, I do
 not know about the standard letter, though.


Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Nico wrote:
> Hello Christian,

> thanks for the fast reply, but this was not the reason... the float is  
> inserted in the standard environment. Just the error-message points to  
> the subsection environment but at a totally different place of the  
> document. Is there another possibility?

Maybe you have a subsection or unbalanced brackets in your float.
What happens, if you insert an empty float in place of the offending?

But it could also be something else between the float and the subsection
environment or even in the latex preamble...

When faced with this type of hard-localisable errors, I usually export the
file to LaTeX and run latex by hand.


Re: Excluding LyX notes from word counts

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

> I would find it preferable to exclude LyX Notes from almost everything  
> and especially:

> - Spell-Checking (!!!)
> - Section Numbering
> - Outline View

> Opinions?

Actually, I'd prefer an option to exclude spell-checking independent of
the notes.  Maybe the option to set text in the language "dummylang".


* the unit of the length 5 µm is always flagged as error, but I cannot
  insert µm in my dictionary because of the Greek mu char.
* Path names are spell checked as well but usually not correct.  


Include image in title page when documentclass = report

2008-08-22 Thread Matthieu Stigler


I want to include an image in the title page. However, I see that using 
the class "report" puts automatically the image at the second page... is 
there a way to force the image to be on the first page within report 
documentclass? thank you!


Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Rich Shepard wrote:
> No, the workaround still works. I would, however, like to learn why symbol
> cannot be produced by the package in which it's defined.

The problem is that the font you're using does not provide the appropriate 
glyph (for SM). Thus textcomp bails out.

Consult the LaTeX Companion section about textcomp for further details.


Re: example of layout module for LyX 1.6

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

Steve Litt wrote:

Thanks Oliver,

I still don't understand the underlying philosophy of layout modules:

0) What is a layout module?

A modular approach to layout files.

1) Why are they better than just writing your own layout file?

For example, lets say you need a special kind of markup. (A new 
charstyle or an extra paragraph type.) This extra stuff can now be used 
in many different document types.  I.e. you can use your

layout module in book, article, scrarticle, ...

Under the old system, you had to make a new layout file for each of 
these cases. And what if you had a second special kind of markup? You'd 
need to make layout files for all combinations of "extra stuff" and 
various document classes. Now, all you need is one layout module per
extra feature. These can be added to existing document classes as 
needed. So you include "extra math theorem environments" only when you 
need them, avoiding cluttered menus in all those documents that don't 
use math.

2) How do you decide when to use them?

When you have some nonstandard markup feature that'd be nice to use in 
several different document classes. And perhaps you don't want to use 
them _always_, only when needed.

Some latex styles increase compile time or introduce conflicts with 
others. Some are only used for specialized kinds of writing. And some 
are unusal, not all people have them.

So you don't want to add them permanently to one or all document classes.

3) By what design methodology do you create them?

They are made the same way as layout files.

A new kind of document (or heavily customized "book") gets a new
layout, a new document class.

An smaller add-on, like a latex .sty file defining an interesting 
environment gets a layout module.

4) What are the attributes of a "good" layout module?
It is useful, possibly with several document classes. Few conflicts with 
other stuff, and preferably not dependencies either.

A small module adding just one kind of functionality is probably good. 
If you need several unrelated add-ons, make several distinct modules.
Of course a module may define several charstyles/paragraph types, but 
then they should be related somehow.

5) What are the attributes of a "bad" layout module?

Not sure, but an enormous module redefining everything would be bad,
in that case a new document class is probably what you want.

Fragile setups: A module that works with only one document class, 
relying on quite a few parameters, other modules, and preamble commands 
being "just right" or latex will fail. Definitely bad.

Helge Hafting

Re: How to create Table of Contents from separate files?

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

Hesham Kamel wrote:

I am a new Latex user and I have started to write my thesis using LyX.
I have each chapter in a separate folder.

That is ok.


I want to know how do make LyX generate lists like:
*the bibliography, lists of figures and tables*, *and table of
contents*from these separate files

LyX can certainly do that, no problem!

and make them appear also in separate files in the order they appeared
within chapters?

I am not entirely sure what you mean here.

LyX does not create a file containing a TOC (Table Of Content) or list 
of figures. (Well, LyX does, but only a temporary file that is deleted 

The problem with creating such files is that they have to be kept 
up-to-date, something word users often fail to do.

So LyX takes a different approach. TOC, list of figures, etc. are all 
generated _each time_ they are needed. I.e. every time you print, 
preview or make a PDF file. That way, the TOC is _always_ current, it 
cannot ever get outdated because it is thrown away after use.

Here is how to do it:

1. Create a master document. It will probably start with some
   kind of front page. Then have it include all your chapter
   documents, like this:
   a) Insert->File->Child document
   b) select the correct file
   c) repeat from a) for all your chapters.
   Make sure you don't use "Insert->File->LyX document" because
   that will merely insert a copy, a copy that won't get updated
   when you later edit your chapter files.
2. Find out where in the master document you want the TOC to appear.
   Go there, use "Insert->List/TOC->Table of content"
   Note that you don't get to see the table of content right now.
   All you see is a marker, it tells you where the TOC will go whenever
   you print or make a PDF.
3. Place a "List of figures" marker and a "List of tables" marker
   the same way.
4. Try a view->PDF or similar on your master document, and enjoy!

Setting up the bibliography has some more details, consult the 
documentation, and ask more if needed.

Note that you can't change the appearance of the TOC or other lists by 
editing directly. This because there is no file to edit. Usually, no 
change is needed either, as this stuff _always_ work.

Still, change is possible. You can have a section heading appear
different in the TOC if you need: "Insert->short title"
You can add extra stuff if you need, and appearance (fonts etc.)
can be changed if you really need it. This is done using latex commands 
- ask if you need any of this. Most people don't.

The TOC and lists will always be right. If you move stuff around, no 
problem because the TOC is re-generated the next time you print anyway.

Remove a figure, split a table - the lists will always pick up such things.

Helge Hafting

Re: Trouble importing latex file in Lyx

2008-08-22 Thread Helge Hafting

christiaan pauw wrote:

Hi everybody
Lyx 1.5.4 on Mac OS X leopard, Texshop 2.14

I have a latex file which is an export from SAS which is basically huge
collection of tables that I need to use in a report which i write in Lyx. I
want to import the tables into the Lyx document. The TeX document compiles
nicely in Texshop (thanks to earlier help from Konrad on this list) and
gives a good quality pdf output. When i use Lyx's import function no table
is imported but only a series of ERT blocks with a lot of & s in between

Clearly a bug in LyX then.

For a workaround, consider
Insert->File->child document, then select your .tex file.
Use "input" instead of "include" in the dialog box if you don't want it 
to start on a new page.

This way the table isn't pulled into LyX, LyX merely uses your .tex file 
when printing (or making PDF output.) That should work fine, if the .tex 
file is free of errors.

Helge Hafting

Re: class could not be loaded error (Lyx 1.5.6, Mac)

2008-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
> #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[unimr-brief]{letter (unimr-brief)}
> # Letter textclass definition file.
> # Author : Johannes Knaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> based on work from
> #  Thomas Hartkens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # Input general definitions
> #Input
> #Input
> #Input
> #Input
> #Input
> # General textclass parameters
> Format 7

1.5.x has Format 4

Also note that the format tag must be the first element in the layout file. So 
the layout will break if you uncomment one of the input statments above the 
Format tag. 


use {gmeometric} in Lyx?

2008-08-22 Thread Joanne Demmler

Hello everyone,

has anyone ever tried to insert an A3 page within an A4 document?

I found it mentioned on a LaTex site, where they suggest to use 
\usepackage{gmeometric}. This theoretically enables to use the \geometry 
command within the document. Apparently it needs another package called 
"gmutils" as well.

Anyway, I saved the style files somewhere under 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex and got Lyx to recognize them (they appear 
under Tools > TEX information). Then I added the corresponding 
\usepackage commands in the preamble.

However, when I try to run it now I get the following error message:

LaTeX Error: File `gmutils.sty' not found.

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

Does anyone know how to resolve this?


funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in {J}apa
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word "Year" in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
"Year" from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3

Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Johannes Knaus

Hi Florin,

I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this  
was maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.

But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

 author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
 title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb  
compounds in {J}apa

 journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
 year = {1989},
 volume = {2},
 pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word "Year" in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
"Year" from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"
Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one  
night." (Charlie Brown)

Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
There seems to be an open bug regarding the strange behavior of LyX
with this regard:


> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Johannes Knaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Florin,
>> I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
>> I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this was
>> maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.
>> But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
>> Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?
>> Grüße,
>> Johannes
>> Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
>>> I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
>>> have an entry which says:
>>> @ARTICLE{kageyama89,
>>>  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
>>>  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in
>>> {J}apa
>>> nese},
>>>  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
>>>  year = {1989},
>>>  volume = {2},
>>>  pages = {73--94}
>>> }
>>> Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
>>> Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
>>> If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
>>> only with what LyX displays in the editor.
>>> I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
>>> everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word "Year" in the
>>> journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
>>> sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of
>>> publication.
>>> I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
>>> "Year" from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
>>> changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.
>>> This happens in LyX 1.5.3
>> --
>> Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"
>> Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
>> (Charlie Brown)

Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

The problem is that the font you're using does not provide the appropriate
glyph (for SM). Thus textcomp bails out.


  That occurred to me, but I neglected to ask. I'm surprised that the
Palatino fonts don't contain that glyph since this family is one of those
provided by LaTeX.

Consult the LaTeX Companion section about textcomp for further details.

  Wlll do.



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: class could not be loaded error (Lyx 1.5.6, Mac)

2008-08-22 Thread Johannes Knaus

Oh, now it works perfectly,
Thank you!

Am 22.08.2008 um 12:07 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[unimr-brief]{letter (unimr-brief)}
# Letter textclass definition file.

# Author : Johannes Knaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> based on  
work from

#  Thomas Hartkens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# Input general definitions

# General textclass parameters
Format 7

1.5.x has Format 4

Also note that the format tag must be the first element in the  
layout file. So
the layout will break if you uncomment one of the input statments  
above the

Format tag.



Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"
Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one  
night." (Charlie Brown)

Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-22 Thread Nico

Hello Günter,

I don't think that some unbalanced brackets are in my float... It's the 
same effect if I insert just an empty tabular-float-environment. It 
works with figure-float-environment... I also tried to export it in 
LaTeX, but there the same error appears. The misterious aspect is, that 
the error appears much later in the document, but if I delete the float 
the error is gone...

I've realized now, that it must have to do with the declarations I 
did in the preamble, because it works without it. I tried to take parts 
out to recognize the guilty lines. With the first lines, the float is 

%Definition des Absatz-Abstandes


%Definition der Kopfzeile







%Definition der Schrift für Fußnote, Nummerierung und allgemein




%Schusterjungen und Hurenkinder


\widowpenalty=1 \displaywidowpenalty=1

%Definition der Abbildungs- und Tabellenbeschreibungen

\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\sffamily \bfseries}



... But when I insert these Lines, the error appears:

%Realisierung der Hyperref-Attribute unter verschiedenen Voraussetzungen

\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle

\ifpdf % if pdflatex is used

% link all cross references and URLs in pdf output

\usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered,

linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue,

pdfpagelayout=OneColumn, pdfnewwindow=true,

pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels,

pdfauthor={Dein Name}, pdftex,

pdftitle={Dein Titel},pdfsubject={LyX},


\else % if dvi or ps is produced

% link all cross references and URLs in dvi output


\fi % end if pdflatex is used

% the pages of the LOT are numbered roman

% and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added














%Fügt Füllzeichen für die oberste Ebene im TOC bei



\ifnum [EMAIL PROTECTED] >\z@


\addvspace{1.0em [EMAIL PROTECTED]@}%



\parindent \z@

\rightskip [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\parfillskip [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\leavevmode \bfseries


\hskip -\leftskip #1




\endgroup \fi}


%Fügt "Abb. " vor die Nummern in der LOF





\addcontentsline{\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]


\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%



Does s.o. see the reason for my problem in these lines?



G. Milde schrieb:

On 21.08.08, Nico wrote:

Hello Christian,

thanks for the fast reply, but this was not the reason... the float is  
inserted in the standard environment. Just the error-message points to  
the subsection environment but at a totally different place of the  
document. Is there another possibility?

Maybe you have a subsection or unbalanced brackets in your float.
What happens, if you insert an empty float in place of the offending?

But it could also be something else between the float and the subsection
environment or even in the latex preamble...

When faced with this type of hard-localisable errors, I usually export the
file to LaTeX and run latex by hand.


Re: Excluding LyX notes from word counts

2008-08-22 Thread Marcelo Acuña
> > I would find it preferable to exclude LyX Notes from
> almost everything  
> > and especially:
> > - Spell-Checking (!!!)
> > - Section Numbering
> > - Outline View
> > Opinions?
> Actually, I'd prefer an option to exclude
> spell-checking independent of
> the notes.  Maybe the option to set text in the language
> "dummylang".
> Examples: 
> * the unit of the length 5 µm is always flagged as error,
> but I cannot
>   insert µm in my dictionary because of the Greek mu char.
> * Path names are spell checked as well but usually not
> correct.  
> Günter

 I use notes for put text in origin language (english). In main text I put 
translation (spanish). Word count is no usefull if count text in notes.
 Path names must not be spell checked.

  Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

Re: use {gmeometric} in Lyx?

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Joanne Demmler wrote:

Hello everyone,

has anyone ever tried to insert an A3 page within an A4 document?

I found it mentioned on a LaTex site, where they suggest to use 
\usepackage{gmeometric}. This theoretically enables to use the 
\geometry command within the document. Apparently it needs another 
package called "gmutils" as well.

Anyway, I saved the style files somewhere under 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex and got Lyx to recognize them (they appear 
under Tools > TEX information). Then I added the corresponding 
\usepackage commands in the preamble.

However, when I try to run it now I get the following error message:

LaTeX Error: File `gmutils.sty' not found.

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Not immediately, but I'll give you my standard advice: Export to LaTeX 
and compile the document manually. You may get a bit more information 
that way. It's also possible that there's something about the order in 
which these packages must be loaded that you are (or LyX is) not getting 

Also, try "kpsewhich gmutils.sty" from a terminal, and make sure LaTeX 
sees it. If it doesn't, you may need to run texhash again.

Also, from the installation instructions for gmutils:

3. Installation

Unpack the archive in some texmf directory or put the
gmutils.sty somewhere in the texmf/tex/latex branch on your
own. (Creating a /texmf/tex/latex/gm directory may be advisable if you
consider using other packages written by me.)

Then you should refresh your TeX distribution's files'
database most probably.

It may be that something expects this file to be in /texmf/tex/latex/gm/.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Florin Oprina wrote:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in {J}apa
  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word "Year" in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
"Year" from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3

Yes, this bug is known:
and fixed for 1.6. Fixing it involved a total rewrite of how LyX stores 
BibTeX information, though, so we couldn't backport it to 1.5.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Florin Oprina wrote:

There seems to be an open bug regarding the strange behavior of LyX
with this regard:

Yes, and it's marked "fixedintrunk", which means it's fixed in the 
development version.


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread rgheck

Johannes Knaus wrote:

Hi Florin,

I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.

This should be fixed in 1.6. I've just checked it, and it works fine for 
me. I'd send a screenshot, but the mailer won't let me.


I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this 
was maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.

But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?


Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

 author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
 title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds 
in {J}apa

 journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
 year = {1989},
 volume = {2},
 pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word "Year" in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
"Year" from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"
Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." 
(Charlie Brown)

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Guillaume Larocque wrote:

Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

Are you saying that after the first float gets a separate page, each of 
the subsequent floats sits alone on a page?  If so, I don't reproduce 
that here.  I made a small test document (Komascript book class) like 
this:  .  The big 
float is big enough that it has to be on its own page; the smaller 
floats are not.  What I get is all text on page 1, the big float alone 
on page 2, the other two floats one after the other at the top of page 3 
followed by more text.

Or did I misunderstand what you wrote?


1.5.6: Are layouts now findable in the current directory?

2008-08-22 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

I remember a discussion, following my disappearing styles problem accompanied 
by a double listing of the document class, that the intent was to have layout 
files findable within the current directory, so that symlinks in 
$HOME/.lyx/layouts are no longer necessary. 

My experimentation with lyx 1.5.3 indicated that the $HOME/.lyx/layouts links 
were still necessary with 1.5.3. Yesterday, as a result of new hardware and a 
Mandriva upgrade, I compiled and installed LyX 1.5.6. I noticed that with 
1.5.6, it appeared to pick up layout files in the current directory (the one 
housing the book file itself).

Is my impression correct, that 1.5.6 reads layout files in the current 

I could see the ability to read it in the current directory to be either a 
gain or a loss. However, in my situation, the way I do my work, having it 
find the layout file in the current directory is a huge benefit to me.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: exam layout

2008-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

RGH wrote:

Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:


I have been fighting a little bit to create a layout for exam

So far I have a *small* layout with two styles, one for questions and
another for solutions. In the jpg attached you can see the output
generated by latex for the small example exam.lyx.

As you can see in lyx, the numbering of the questions is reseted when
a different style (solution) is inserted betwenn two questions,
howeber the latex output is numbering correctly the questions. How can
this be solved?

I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem at present. I've 
seen this behavior myself, though, with other layouts, and thought there 
ought to be an equivalent to LaTeX's /numberwithin sort of command. I 
don't believe LyX has that yet, though. I'd be receptive to an 
enhancement request on bugzilla, though, if you want to file one. You 
can cc me on it, to make sure I see it. I'm guessing, in fact, that 
JMarc could do this pretty quickly.

There's a way (in LyX 1.5.6), but the cure may be worse than the 
disease.  The solution I found is:

(a) change the Question style from LatexType Command to LatexType 

(b) change the Question style from LabelType Enumerate to LabelType Counter;
(c) add 'LabelString \arabic{question}.' to the Question style;
(d) copy Style --Separator-- from into your layout;
(e) when inserting a Solution, nest it under the Question it solves; and 
(here comes the painful part)

(f) insert a --Separator-- environment after each Question.

I'm attaching hacked copies of the layout and .lyx files.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{exam}
# exam textclass definition file.
# Author : Andrés Becerra ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

# General textclass parameters
Format 4
Columns 1
Sides   1
SecNumDepth -1

# Standard style definition
Style Standard
Margin  Static
LatexType   Paragraph
LatexName   dummy
ParIndent   MM
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
AlignPossible   Block, Left, Right, Center
LabelType   No_Label



Style Question
Margin  Dynamic
#   LatexType   Command
  LatexType Environment
LatexName   question
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
#   LabelType   Enumerate
LabelType   Counter
  LabelString \arabic{question}.
  Color Blue

Style Solution
Margin  Dynamic
LatexType   Environment
LatexName   solution
ParSkip 0.4
Align   Block
LabelType   Static
LabelString "solution:"

Style --Separator--
KeepEmpty 1
LatexType Paragraph
LatexName dummy
ParIndent MM
Align Block
AlignPossible Block
LabelType Static
LabelString   "--- Separate Environment ---"
  Family  Roman
  Series  Medium
  Color   Blue

Description: application/lyx

Any words of wisdom switching from 1.4.2 to 1.5.6?

2008-08-22 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

As a result of a hardware upgrade and a switch from Mandriva 2007 to Mandriva 
2008.1, I'm upgrading to LyX 1.5.6 and abandoning the 1.4.2 that came with my 
old Mandriva 2007. On the old computer, I kept 1.4.2 in parallel with 1.5.3.

My newer books were compiled in 1.5.3, and all appeared to compile reasonably 
well in 1.5.6. All the ones compiled in 1.4.2 have at least some problems, 
though in the case of one book it was simply the way URLs were styled -- easy 
to fix.

I have one book written in stone age LyX in 2001, using Dekl Tsur's color 
character style workaround. It's been upgraded to 1.4.2, and compiles on 
1.4.2, but it doesn't compile on 1.5.x, and I dread getting it running in 
1.5.6. But it has to be done :-)


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread Guillaume Larocque
Guillaume Larocque wrote:
>> Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
>> inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
>> will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
>> placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
>> be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.
>Are you saying that after the first float gets a separate page, each of
>the subsequent floats sits alone on a page?  If so, I don't reproduce
>that here.  I made a small test document (Komascript book class) like
>this:  .  The big
>float is big enough that it has to be on its own page; the smaller
>floats are not.  What I get is all text on page 1, the big float alone
>on page 2, the other two floats one after the other at the top of page 3
>followed by more text.

Yes. What I have in a few places in my document is something like: one
large float, 4 smaller floats, one other large float and then 3
smaller floats again.

Latex decides to put the one large float on a separate page and then
it puts all the rest of the floats on seperate pages also at the end
of the Chapter. Its probably deciding that there are too many floats
that will break the text. I get that behaviour even if I select 'top
of page' for all the floats.

I managed to get the floats pretty much where I want them with info
from this website:

Particularly with the use of:

and by moving some floats between paragraphs. I was just hoping that
Latex would figure all this out for me.

Thanks for the answers,


Re: funny bug in bibliography

2008-08-22 Thread Florin Oprina
Well, it's good to know it's fixed. I'm dying to see the new 1.6 version!

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 1:34 AM, rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Johannes Knaus wrote:
>> Hi Florin,
>> I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
> This should be fixed in 1.6. I've just checked it, and it works fine for me.
> I'd send a screenshot, but the mailer won't let me.
> rh
>> I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this was
>> maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.
>> But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
>> Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?
>> Grüße,
>> Johannes
>> Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
>>> I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
>>> have an entry which says:
>>> @ARTICLE{kageyama89,
>>>  author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
>>>  title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in
>>> {J}apa
>>> nese},
>>>  journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
>>>  year = {1989},
>>>  volume = {2},
>>>  pages = {73--94}
>>> }
>>> Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
>>> Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
>>> If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
>>> only with what LyX displays in the editor.
>>> I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
>>> everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word "Year" in the
>>> journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
>>> sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of
>>> publication.
>>> I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
>>> "Year" from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
>>> changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.
>>> This happens in LyX 1.5.3
>> --
>> Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"
>> Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
>> (Charlie Brown)