Re: OT: Xfig for use with LyX

2004-01-23 Thread Herbert Voss
Rich Shepard wrote:
  I know that many of you use xfig and I would like pointers to two tasks I
need to do frequently: 1) draw S-, Z- or bell curves that are smooth and, in
the latter case, symetrical and 2) enter Greek letters, math symbols and
equations on the figure.
offen you get much more better results by using PSTricks
Look for the Examples or the pst-plot

Re: tables of equations

2004-01-23 Thread Herbert Voss
Jeremy Daily wrote:

using lyx 1.3.3-win32. I haven't tried it on the linux machine yet. When
I looked at the lyx file, there was no indication of a size change in
the math formulas. I've attached a small test file that I tried.
give the columns a fixed width then you can have
displayed formulas as usual.

Re: spacing related (for the LaTeX gurus)

2004-01-23 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Helge Hafting wrote:

Nirmal Govind wrote:

Hi... I have a few questions related to spacing:

1. What does "one blank line" correspond to in terms of pt, sp, in, cm, 
ex, em or any of the other options that Latex/LyX provides? (I'm 

This page has some info on the units:
em is the width of the letter m not M


Re: spacing related (for the LaTeX gurus)

2004-01-23 Thread Herbert Voss
Nirmal Govind wrote:

2. For the default spacing that LyX/Latex uses for the following 
(assuming article class):
- above a section heading, subsection heading or abstract heading,
- between any of these headings and the text corresponding to the 
I see entries (in article.cls) such as: 
   {-3.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -1ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -.2ex}%
... what do the various ex spacings in this command correspond to? I 
assume that if I know the answer to 1 and the current question, I should 
be able to renewcommand any section/subsection I want and specify the 
appropriate spacing I need...

\setlength{\mySpaceUnder}{4cm plus .2ex}  % 4cm as an example ;-)
\setlength{\mySpaceOver}{3cm plus -1ex minus-.2ex}   % 3cm as an example
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is called with
#1: the name
#2: internal number
#3: current font size
#4: space before
#5: space after
#6: commands befoer title

Re: Text-mode Accents in Math Mode

2004-01-21 Thread Herbert Voss
Rich Shepard wrote:
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:

 Is there a more efficient/better/proper way of using a over-tilde on a
letter in math mode?

  Now I need some guidance on how to use the tilde-over-A as a subscript in
an inline equation. I typed this:
	\textrm{\~ A }=\{(x,\mu_{\textrm{\~ A}}(x))|(x\in U)\}
$\mathaccent`~A=\{(x,\mu_{\mathaccent`~A}(x))|(x\in U)\}$

mark it with the cursor and hit ctrl-m, then it will be
converted to math.
your solution also works, when you put it between the $ ...$

the equation. I don't know if the "\textrm{\~A}" should be in another set of
curly braces.
this doesn't looks good, when A is a kind of variable and
s'hould be in italic mode. \mathaccent`~A is the better way.

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-21 Thread Herbert Voss
Rich Shepard wrote:
Misplaced alignment tab character &.
 1, &
\textrm{if and only if}\\
you forget to enable the use of amsmath (radiobutton
in preferences or \usepackage[amsmath} in preamble).
Then all three will work, except that the last one
shouldn't have the first \\.

Re: Problem with figures side by side

2004-01-19 Thread Herbert Voss
Nirmal Govind wrote:
Thank you Herbert and Paul for the file.. I used the last option with 
the minipages and captions within the minipages so that the two captions 
will show up beside one another. Also aligned the minipage to the bottom 
so the captions are on the same line. Now, only one problem - the block 
of figures isn't centered with respect to the paragraph (text) beneath 
it.. I tried deleting the \hfill before the first figure and that made 
it a little better but it's still not centered. is this cos the widths 
of the two figures are different? In Herbert's third example, the widths 
of the figures are set to 80% and 30% of col. and the corresponding 
minipages are set to 60% and 35% of line respectively. So my question - 
is trial and error the only way to have these unequal-width figures side 
by side so that the entire block is centered?
Then do not use minipages, use package varwidth. The only,
but important problem is, that LyX doesn't support this
package. -> ERT
On the other hand you can put the image into a box
and then set the minipage exactly to the width of
this box (image).
Or -> trial and error ...


Re: Problem with figures side by side

2004-01-19 Thread Herbert Voss
Nirmal Govind wrote:
Thanks Herbert... I think the one I was looking for was named 
FigSideBySide.lyx but assuming that it uses the same minipages-based 
attached the other demo file

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language german
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 5
\tocdepth 5
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle headings

\layout Standard

Two figures side by side in a float environment.
 Have a look at the 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

verb/ layout->paragraph->more/

Re: Problem with figures side by side

2004-01-19 Thread Herbert Voss
Nirmal Govind wrote:

Can you please resend the file that you attached with this post? I get 
an error while opening the file: "Maybe the document is truncated".

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report
\language ngerman
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
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\use_natbib 0
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\paperorientation portrait
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\paperheight 22cm
\leftmargin 1.2cm
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\rightmargin 1.7cm
\bottommargin 1.4cm
\headsep 1cm
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\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 1
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

This TeX is only for demonstration here and can be replaced when inserting
 real images.
\layout Standard
\added_space_top bigskip 

\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file



\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed false

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file



\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




Re: bibtex confusion

2004-01-19 Thread Herbert Voss
Raphael Clifford wrote:
I recently discovered the wonderful bibtex features of lyx and fell in 
love with them. Sadly, after only a day or two we are having our first 
"misunderstanding". I am not entirely sure what happened but now when I 
try to View->postscript my doc I get 2 errors. They are both the same 
and read as follows...

Missing } inserted.

Does this mean there is an error in my bibtex file or is it something else?
your {} are not balanced in your bib file. Look into
the logfile (View->LaTeX log), then you'll get some
more information or run bibtex by hand:
bibtex filename
(filename without any extension)

Re: [Q] \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}

2004-01-19 Thread Herbert Voss
Johannes Behr wrote:

What does T1 stand for? TrueType-1? Is there a "default"
font encoding?
TeX encoding 1, has nothing to do with Type 1 or TT.
default is without any encoding package, but this does
not make sense for european writers.

Re: Unknown text class errors

2004-01-18 Thread Herbert Voss
A. L. Meyers wrote:

1. When doing Layout, Document and clicking the class button, I see only
   article, book, letter, linuxdoc and report.
2. View, Tex Information, LaTex classes, on the contrary, shows many
   other classes including g-brief, about 50 in all.
Somehow lyx is not "seeing" the additional classes.
no, LyX recognized exactly that, what is part of
the TeX tree. So do the following:
- run texhash or mktexlsr
- run /usr/local/share/lyx/configure and look for lines like
checking for document class dtk [dtk]... yes
+checking for document class egs [egs]... no
+checking for document class elsart [elsart,amssymb.sty]... yes
+checking for document class entcs [entcs]... no
what happens?


Re: Unknown text class errors

2004-01-18 Thread Herbert Voss
A. L. Meyers wrote:
Hello.  Was using the GNU/Debian/Linux package of Lyx for a long time
without any problems.  Recently, when opening old Lyx documents or
trying to make a new one using a template, I consistently get error
messages like the subject line above, "unknown text class".
As I use Lyx as a standard "production" app, this is annoying.  Any
pointers and/or advice much appreciated.
happens sometimes, when open an old doc.  Often an old document class
is not available after an update of teTeX.
Could you show such a document or at least the beginning
of the LyX doc?

Re: Real line...

2004-01-17 Thread Herbert Voss
Alon Altman wrote:

  For those using bi-directional elatex, don't redeifne \R as it is used for
right-to-left text.
it is in general a good idea, _not_ to use single character

Re: positioning of figures around a central figure in a figure float

2004-01-17 Thread Herbert Voss
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
What is the best way to compose several figures around a larger central one  
in a figure float. It's especially the one at the left and right side (4,5; 
9,10) where I have difficulties. One each is easy, but two (or more)?
Any suggestions?

fig1 fig2   fig3

fig10  large fig4
fig9  figfig5  

fig8 fig7   fig5
no problem, see attached file
- delete the first ERT (only for demo here)
- replace all images with the right filename
- replace the \rule{}{} of the middle image
you could this put into a float, if needed.

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report
\language ngerman
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
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\paperorientation portrait
\paperwidth 17cm
\paperheight 22cm
\leftmargin 1.2cm
\topmargin 1.4cm
\rightmargin 1.7cm
\bottommargin 1.4cm
\headsep 1cm
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 1
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

This TeX is only for demonstration here and can be replaced when inserting
 real images.
\layout Standard
\added_space_top bigskip 

\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file



\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed false

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file



\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0
height "0"
width "30col%"
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Graphics
filename any file




Re: (Long)Tables in Landscape mode w/ caption

2004-01-17 Thread Herbert Voss
Tim Schröder wrote:

After i managed to rotate my tables. Every seemed to be fine.
But unfortunatly i ran into the next problem.
If i rotate my longtables with the landscape mode, i cannot attach any 
caption to them because they are not in float environments anymore. If i 
put them into floats they loose their "long-property" somehow.
it is a longtable which shouldn't be placed inside a
float. And a longtable can have its own caption, but LyX
does not support this. :-( The best way is to export LyX to
LaTeX, copy only the table part into an own file (longtable.tex),
then insert the caption into the longtable, e.g.
 1 & \textbf{Spalte 2} & \textbf{Spalte 3} & \textbf{Spalte 4}& 
\textbf{Spalte 5}\\\hline
\caption{TV-Evaluierung der Modelle}\label{TV-Evaluierung der Modelle}

Inside LyX import this file with Insert->Include File with
Type input and in Layout-Y Document->Preamble
write \usepackage{longtable}
Then all should work well.


Re: break up an .pdf file into smaller files

2004-01-15 Thread Herbert Voss
Robert Orr wrote:
I tried to use the pdfpages package in LyX but it 
gave me errors.   

I think it is because of this problem with pdflatex
not having a .cfg file. Anybody know how to
generate a pdftex.cfg file?
this is done by the installtion and it is saved in
%> pdflatex temppdffile.pdf
what is this? Are you running pdflatex on a pdf file???


Re: break up an .pdf file into smaller files

2004-01-15 Thread Herbert Voss
Robert Orr wrote:

> I'm writting a lyx document and I want to include some
> figures & text from a .pdf document, but not the whole
> .pdf. How can I break up my .pdf file into smaller
> pieces (ideally I'd like to save each page of the .pdf
> as it's own separate file).


Re: Problem with figures side by side

2004-01-14 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:
I am trying to insert two figures side by side in a document and I have 
followed the instructions indicated on:
it is not easy to understand that they are vertically centered.
Attached a solution which I prepared long time ago. Replace
the images with any other. Or let me know, then I sent you
these demo images.
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language german
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 5
\tocdepth 5
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle headings

\layout Standard

Two figures side by side in a float environment.
 Have a look at the 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

verb/ layout->paragraph->more/

Re: layout file for latex-beamer avialiable

2004-01-14 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:
restart lyx

No success.
run texhash?
if yes, then

and look for lines like

+checking for document class IEEEtran [IEEEtran]... yes
+checking for document class aa [aa]... no
+checking for document class aapaper [aa]... no
+checking for document class aastex [aastex]... yes
+checking for document class agums [aguplus,agums.sty]... no
is beamer found?


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-12 Thread Herbert Voss
Andre Poenitz wrote:
On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 09:23:58AM +0100, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Andre Poenitz wrote:

See for
details. I already posted a feature request to the lyx-devel list, but
got no answer so far :(


 "...i have no clear idea yet how to solve that, maybe
  selecting e.g. mathpazo in the rm box would change the content of the
  math box as well to mathpazo and so on."
the problem is that you first should fix the wrong behaviour
of LyX, that it provides deprecated font handling ...
Well, I have no clear idea either.
for this you do not need any idea.

[At least] I lack detailed knowledge on LaTeX's use of fonts, so
this is another subject ... and has noting to do with
the problems of using pslatex, times, ...

Re: couple of questions

2004-01-10 Thread Herbert Voss
Raphael Clifford wrote:
I hope you don't mind I have a couple of basic questions.
How would I put a small \delta over an equals sign (=) in lyx?  Also, I 
have lots of defintions, one ofter another (article(AMS) class).  
there are different possibilities. Here one of them.
Write in preamble:

and in the text/math mode write \DEqual

However lyx doesn't seem to stop one definition and start another. It 
just runs them all together. How can I stop this?
write the definition in TeX mode just before you need it


Re: Best way to center caption and 'captionwidth' in Lyx floats

2004-01-10 Thread Herbert Voss
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
viveksharma wrote:

have three questions:
1.This has been discussed before but can the lyx-latex gurus point me to
the best way of centering tables, figures and their captions in floats
I remember having read that using the layout->paragraph->center command
is not the appropriate way. I remember some discussion about having an
appropriate vspace between the caption and figure/table.

layout->paragraph in floats currently produces not-so-nice output (additional 
space between figure and caption; this is fixed in the developement tree for 
1.4). For now, you better use ERT \centering{} (at the beginning of the 
always at first line in the float ... the caption is centered anyway.


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Karsten Heymann wrote:
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 15:54:17 +0100
"Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Karsten Heymann wrote:

(mathpazo|mathptmx)+helvet+courier (as stated in l2tabu) should be the
without courier
there are alternatives and it is not a good idea to
force the user to choose this one. I for myself
use always luximono, whe not using latin modern ...

Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-09 Thread Herbert Voss
Karsten Heymann wrote:

(mathpazo|mathptmx)+helvet+courier (as stated in l2tabu) should be the
without courier


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-08 Thread Herbert Voss
Karsten Heymann wrote:
Hi Paul,

On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 22:01:31 +
"Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a certain document, I have changed the font from default to
palatino. However, in the DVI file the mathematical formulae do no
appear with palatino font. Cannot one force LyX to use palatino font
with mathematical?

The way lyx uses palatino is depreciated by the latex developers. Set
the font to "default" and insert the following into the preamble:
the whole fontstuff of LyX is deprecated ...


Re: de_UserGuide.lyx ?

2004-01-07 Thread Herbert Voss
M.B. Schiekel wrote:
Andre Poenitz schrieb:

LaTeX Error: File `prettyref.sty' not found.

What kind of distribution are you using?
LyX 1.3.2-1-qt on SuSE-8.2 with tetex 2.0.1-22.

That's strange. I have SuSE 8.1 and it's
in te_latex-beta.20020207-231 there.

Yes, that´s it.
With tetex 2.0.1-22 (17.03.2003) prettyref.sty is no more there.
problem with the licence, but it is on the latest TeXLive9.0


Re: Writing a thesis – which template?

2004-01-05 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Sun, 4 Jan 2004, Janus Sandsgaard wrote:

On Saturday 03 January 2004 14:35, Christian Ridderström wrote:

I used the Koma Book class for my PhD thesis, but I can't really remember
why. Probably because it's better suited to European styles. Anyway, I was
quite happy with the result.
OK. No idea why you didn't used the report class (koma-script)?

Oh.. I actually know that... my thesis had four parts and you can't have 
parts in a report I think. Here's an example of how it's structured btw:
a report has parts, mostly all docomentclasses have parts.


Re: How to make Integrals look nicer?

2004-01-04 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Marker wrote:

I am writing a script of my maths lecture at university with LyX. Pretty much 
everything is looking like I want it to, but the Integrals look kind of ugly. 
Is there any (easy) way to put the numbers (start and stop of the interval) 
directly above and under the Integral sign? Until now, I drop them in with

	\int ^a _b

I also tried _b \int ^a, but this is'n looking nice, either...

It's the same problem which I had with Sums, but there it doesn't really 
bother me...
depends to your environment ...
see and then limits

Re: Two problems with float:tables

2004-01-02 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:
I have tried the method suggested by you, but I get compiling errors. 
The LyX file is enclosed.

attached the correct file.
With right mouse button clicking on the
minipage button you can change the width of
the minipage. I set it to 30% of columnwidth.

It works fine now! Thanks, Herbert! I have still a question: how can one 
use LyX to insert the caption inside a minipage?
- Insert->minipage (it is by default 100% of columnwidth
  change it with the above method
- now the cursor is inside the minipage
  change to paragraph layout-> Caption
- insert caption as usual

Re: Two problems with float:tables

2004-01-01 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:
This is not a good idea. You need a minipage only for the caption,
not for the "float". Otherwise it makes no sense, because the
tabular may be of a larger size than the minipage and then
the tabular is not horizontally centered.

I have tried the method suggested by you, but I get compiling errors. 
The LyX file is enclosed.
attached the correct file.
With right mouse button clicking on the
minipage button you can change the width of
the minipage. I set it to 30% of columnwidth.
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Float table
placement H
wide false
collapsed false

\layout Standard
\noindent \align center 

\begin_inset  Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula $\qquad\; D_{2}$


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula $D_{1}$


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard



\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



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\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



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\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



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\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



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\begin_inset Text

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\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard



\layout Standard
\align center 

\begin_inset Minipage
position 1
inner_position 0

Re: Two problems with float:tables

2004-01-01 Thread Herbert Voss
Herbert Voss wrote:
Angus Leeming wrote:

1.diminish the horizontal length of the caption;

Place the float in a minipage?

it is not possible to have a float inside a minipage.
It's the other way round: the caption can be inside
the float.
should be "the minipage"


Re: thin space, default space and protected space

2004-01-01 Thread Herbert Voss
viveksharma wrote:
The doculment Lyx12.pdf mentions the possibility of using the protected 
space, thin space, default space for say 100\,% or 100\,K;e.g.; and 
I am using Lyx 1.3.1 in Cygwin and Lyx 1.33 for Win32 but do not see 
this in the menu for insert>Special Character> ...
This only has the protected blank as a possibility
Can any one advice how to use this functionality
- Ctrl-space gives a protected space
- in mathmode you can insert \, and you'll get a thinspace
  as a symbol. You can also insert
  mark it with the cursor and then hit ctrl-m

Re: Two problems with float:tables

2004-01-01 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:

I thank both (Angus and Herbert) for your help! I have just tried the 
way suggested by Angus (putting the float table inside a minipage) and 
it works fine. Probably, my table is not a pure float, since I have 
selected the "here definitely placement".
This is not a good idea. You need a minipage only for the caption,
not for the "float". Otherwise it makes no sense, because the
tabular may be of a larger size than the minipage and then
the tabular is not horizontally centered.

Re: Boxing a number with a circle

2004-01-01 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:

Is it possible boxing a number with a circle?


Re: Two problems with float:tables

2004-01-01 Thread Herbert Voss
Angus Leeming wrote:

1.diminish the horizontal length of the caption;

Place the float in a minipage?
it is not possible to have a float inside a minipage.
It's the other way round: the caption can be inside
the float.

Re: Suggestion about classes

2003-12-31 Thread Herbert Voss
Ingar Pareliussen wrote:
I think Lyx lacks classes in order to make different kinds of documents.
It's very easy to make an article, a book or whaterver you want, but as soon
as you want to make somthing else (eg : a thesis, ...), it's a little more
complicated and if you are not a programer or a Latex user, it's a little
Would it be hard to propose a system that would allow users to define
themselves the classes they want, in a simple way (eg : like OpenOffice does
for exemple, so I could define 9 parts/ chapters/ titles/ sections/
subsections/ subsubsection/ subsubsubsubsection and so on...) ?

We have discussed such a system earlier, and to put it bluntly, it is
probably never going to happen. It is not impossible, but it is very hard
to do. First it needs to construct the latex and lyx class files, which is
no, it is easy, because you have to define it in LaTeX
and then only to add this to the LyX layout file.
complicated. It then needs to advocate good layout. And this is the
hardest bit, most lyx/latex classes have a high typographical standard.
Letting the user shoot him/herself in the (layout-)foot ;-), is probably a
bad ide.
I suppose, that you do not really understand the difference
between a LaTeX classfile and a corresponding LyX layout file.
If you want to write a thesis use the memoir or the koma-report class. If
you want some fancy fliers use kword. Ot rather use the correct tool for
the task.
no, he should look for an existing thesis class, there are a lot
of such specific document classes in the net.

Re: Suggestion about classes

2003-12-31 Thread Herbert Voss
Jade wrote:

I think Lyx lacks classes in order to make different kinds of documents. 
It's very easy to make an article, a book or whaterver you want, but as soon 
as you want to make somthing else (eg : a thesis, ...), it's a little more 
complicated and if you are not a programer or a Latex user, it's a little 
you are not the first one who wants to right a thesis
Would it be hard to propose a system that would allow users to define 
themselves the classes they want, in a simple way (eg : like OpenOffice does 
for exemple, so I could define 9 parts/ chapters/ titles/ sections/ 
subsections/ subsubsection/ subsubsubsubsection and so on...) ?
LaTeX knows by default:
part | chapter | section | subsection | subsubsection |
paragraph | subparagraph
and more is not senseful or do you mean that   looks really nice??

Re: List of Algorithms

2003-12-31 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:

you can change this in, copy this file
from /usr/local/share/lyx/layouts into your local
home dir ~/lyx/layouts
and then change the line with the title. Do this
change without a running LyX.

Is this sort of a bug? (i.e. that it has to be changed manually like this)


Re: IEEEtran biography (IEEE)

2003-12-30 Thread Herbert Voss
Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

Indeed, this version allows giving a photograph filename (according to
IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf which cames along with the style file), though I don't
know how it can be used from LyX. Not important at the moment for me.
The same HOWTO contains lots of LaTeX tricks and I recommended that
everyone using the class reads it even if using LyX.
IEEEtran.cls has a lot of new specific code, so that someone should
write a _new_ layout file, but i suppose, that it is not
possible to have this all inside LyX, a lot of ERT will ne
needed ...

Re: IEEEtran biography (IEEE)

2003-12-30 Thread Herbert Voss
Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
I'm using oldish LyX 1.1.6fix4 and newer IEEEtran package (IEEEtran.cls
2002/11/18 version V1.6b). How is the Biography environment supposed to be
used? A single entry works fine, but I don't know how to insert several
biographies one after another without another environment in between (I
inserted a hard space ctrl+space with standard environment between two
biographies, works, but feels dumb.) Also I don't know if it's possible to
insert author photos without ERT?
I found this which tells how to use real photos there[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg12625.html
my changes should be part of the latest IEEE. And there should be
a template file for that. But I don not know where ...

Re: List of Algorithms

2003-12-30 Thread Herbert Voss
Eduard Ralph wrote:

I haven't checked all Archives etc. but I ran into a problem with Lyx in the
German Version. If you insert a List to Algorithms table it creates an entry
with the title 'List of Algorithms' instead of the German one
'Algorithmenverzeichnis'. It creates all other Tables like the 'List of
Figures' correctly in German and it also puts the right entry into the lyx
file it self. It appears to be a problem only during the generation of the
latex file.
you can change this in, copy this file
from /usr/local/share/lyx/layouts into your local
home dir ~/lyx/layouts
and then change the line with the title. Do this
change without a running LyX.

Re: Looking for a cousin of enumerate environment

2003-12-29 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:
Is there some environment like enumerate one, but starting by (a), 
(b), (c),... instead of (1), (2), (3),...?

write in the preamble:


Thanks, Herbert! The method suggested by you works almost fine, as a dot 
follows (a). On the other hand, it prevents me of using, in the same 
document, the original enumerate environment. Is it possible to overcome 
  these two inconveniences?
no problem. In this case write just _before_ your
modified enumerate in TeX (red) and not in the
\renewcommand\theenumi{(\alph{enumi})} \renewcommand\labelenumi{\theenumi}
and just right behind your enums also in TeX


Now all the other enums are the same than before


Re: Looking for a cousin of enumerate environment

2003-12-29 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote:

Is there some environment like enumerate one, but starting by (a), (b), 
(c),... instead of (1), (2), (3),...?
write in the preamble:



Re: equivalent?

2003-12-19 Thread Dr. Herbert VOSS
Andre Poenitz wrote:
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 04:42:09PM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:

Christian Ridderström wrote:

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Ng Pheng Siong wrote:


I'm writing an appendix for copyright notices, some of which are in
C-style; using Lyx's own vspace.C as an example:
I'd like to make the output look like HTML's , in a font smaller than
the main text.

What about the environment 'LyX Code' ?
this should be deleted in LyX, it is misleading,
because no real verbatim, no real listing, no
real parbox, no real alltt. Only lines of typewriter
format, which doesn't allow linebreaks.

I know it is ugly LaTeX-wise, but I am happily using it for setting
pseudo algorithms like
   for all nodes $v$ in $V$ do
 for all edges $e$ adjacent to $v$ do

And it's exactly the typewriter/real formula mix which makes this
What would you suggest as replacement?
alltt in this case, what else? Remember that $..$ is an abbreviation
for \begin{math} ... \end{math}

Re: equivalent?

2003-12-18 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, John Levon wrote:

On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 04:42:09PM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:

What about the environment 'LyX Code' ?
this should be deleted in LyX, it is misleading,
because no real verbatim, no real listing, no
real parbox, no real alltt. Only lines of typewriter
format, which doesn't allow linebreaks.
(And Christian is still working on finishing up the port of your
listings patch, I believe)

Yes... though I find it difficult to get back to the listings patch 
because of the wiki-work.

Something just struck me though... if it's only a matter a small snippet 
of code, then it'll be annoying to keep it in a separate file. Does the 
listings package have to use a file as input?
yes, the other ones can be handled with a LyX layout.


Re: equivalent?

2003-12-18 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Ng Pheng Siong wrote:


I'm writing an appendix for copyright notices, some of which are in
C-style; using Lyx's own vspace.C as an example:
I'd like to make the output look like HTML's , in a font smaller than
the main text.

What about the environment 'LyX Code' ?
this should be deleted in LyX, it is misleading,
because no real verbatim, no real listing, no
real parbox, no real alltt. Only lines of typewriter
format, which doesn't allow linebreaks.

Re: equivalent?

2003-12-18 Thread Herbert Voss
Ng Pheng Siong wrote:

I'm writing an appendix for copyright notices, some of which are in
C-style; using Lyx's own vspace.C as an example:
 * \file vspace.C
 * Copyright 1995-2002 the LyX Team
 * Read the file COPYING
 * \author Matthias Ettrich
I'd like to make the output look like HTML's , in a font smaller than
the main text.
look for the listings package, gives very nice output.

But still not supported by LyX -> use TeX mode


Re: enumeration depth

2003-12-17 Thread Herbert Voss
Helge Hafting wrote:

You can use lists and reimplement enumeration.  Lists are supported
to 6 levels.  I don't know if you need to change lyx too.
This takes about half a page of latex code.
I did something similiar.  Not to get more levels, but to get
enumerations with a very different layout.
there is no seed for a redefinition when there is only a need
for some lines which are in the fifth level. In this case
you can use itemize instead of enumerate as last level
and write the lines with
\item[i] blah
\item[ii] blub

Re: Advice for PhD thesis

2003-12-15 Thread Herbert Voss
Martijn Brouwer wrote:

I think the standard book and its equivalent from komascript are good candidates, but 
I still don't know how to achieve 1).
Can  somebody give me some advice on how to achieve want I want? Another class or just 
a clever latex package? I have seen a few PhD theses written in LaTeX with this 
layout, so it has to be possible.
look at komascript, it has tons of options, especially
for chapters.

Re: Severe Problem using Tables

2003-12-15 Thread Herbert Voss
Tim Schröder wrote:

i am having a problem with lyx 1.3.3 using tables. My tables are quite 
huge so i decided to turn them by 90° and make them long tables.
I get hit by 10-18 LaTex complains if i do that.

Long Table works -> no problems
90° work -> no problems
both together -> argh!!
Could somebody help me & what information is needed ?
no problem:
choose landscape mode
\begin{landscape} in TeX (red)
 ... here insert your longtable as usual ...

	\end{landscape} in TeX (red)

The landscape makro starts by default a new page.


Re: math_formula_help

2003-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Herbert Voss wrote:

Why use multline, rather than what you get when you just press C-Enter?
(Or perhaps the question should be why don't we get multline?)
how should LyX know what kind of equation the user wants, when
he inserts C-Enter??

I'm wondering if there is a special reason why 'eqnarray' is the math 
environment you get by default the first time you press C-Enter?
historical reason

For instance, is eqnarray the most frequently used environment?
no, should be align, better spacing. But then you _must_
use amsmath. The way in LyX should be:
C-Enter -> amsmath button enabled?
yes -> align
no  -> eqnarray
Or is it related to that you by default get an 'equation' math environment 
when you do C-m or S-C-m?
also historical reason

Ok, but if this is what we should use to increase the size of brackets, 
do you think it would be a good idea to add a menu entry for it? E.g.
Or possibly add a button in the Delimiters-dialog that inserts a 
some users use \vphantom others prefer the static \bigg \Bigg ...

There are a lot of other things which should be fixed and/or
implemented than \vphantom.

Re: math_formula_help

2003-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:

I should use 'AMS multiline'?

Why use multline, rather than what you get when you just press C-Enter?
(Or perhaps the question should be why don't we get multline?)
how should LyX know what kind of equation the user wants, when
he inserts C-Enter??
Every math environment has its sense and in this case, one
equation over several lines, its multline. Compare the
horizontal alignment with the other environments.
And in the last example you get different sizes
of the equations, also no error, but looks ugly.

Thank's for the example file, I uploaded it as well.

I noticed that you used \vphantom{} to fix the size of the brackets... 
that's sort of like a hack to me. Is this the only way?
what do you think, what's the sense of vphantom???
This is no hack, it is the LaTeX way of getting right
parenthesis. Another way is to use static parentheses,
line \bigg( a.s.o Look at my math documentation.

Re: figure float problem

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voss
Myriam Abramson wrote:
I have 2 figure floats (eps) and it seems that the last figure overlaps with
the first when printing or viewing the document. The figures are
fine in Lyx and they are fine when viewing them outside of Lyx with
ghostview. What could be the problem? I'm baffled.
difficult to say, could you provide an example or
send the files as private mail.

Okay, thanks. Here's a little example zipped together. The eps files
were generated with Octave on RH 9.0 as well. 
I'm sorry, but I cannot see any problem.


Re: math_formula_help

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voss
Christian Ridderström wrote:

I should use 'AMS multiline'?

And in the last example you get different sizes
of the equations, also no error, but looks ugly.

Well, I just tried to use the multiline example on p.47 in your PDF-file, 
but I still get ugly parenthesis... would you mind creating a .lyx-file 
that get's the parenthesis right?
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\paperwidth 17cm
\paperheight 22cm
\leftmargin 1.2cm
\topmargin 1.4cm
\rightmargin 1.7cm
\bottommargin 1.4cm
\headsep 1cm
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 1
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

An example for the multine environment.
 There is still a bug in LyX, which I reported long long time ago ...
 LyX shows (#) for every row, but the multline enviromnet has only a number
 in the last line.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \begin{multline}
A=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\Delta x\left(a^{2}+\left(a^{2}+2a\Delta x+\left(\Delta 
+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot2a\Delta x+2^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\\
+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot3a\Delta x+3^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\\
\left.+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot(n-1)a\Delta x+(n-1)^{2}\left(\Delta 


\layout Standard

The second example shows a multline environment with pairs of parentheses
 which are going over several lines:
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \begin{multline}

Re: seminar bug, geometry and a4paper

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voß
Günter Milde wrote:

seminar.cls has a bug that prevents proper working with the "a4paper"
option. (Option "a4" works).
the seminar and prosper packages are still buggy.

The bug prevents use of seminar as doctype from LyX together with the
geometry package and a4 option, as LyX inserts:
and subsequentely, LaTeX reports an "! Undefined control sequence." error

I wonder, whether the prosper package built on seminar is affected too...

As seminar.cls is no longer maintained by the author, fixing it upstream
is nontrivial. I filed a bug to the the Debian maintainer of tetex-extra
Frank Küster and got a prompt response inclusive improved patch:
I do not think that this is the right way to create a special
package for LyX. You also can insert these lines into the
preamble without doing it from inside LyX.

Re: Text in toc flowing off page

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voß
Anca Tibor- Attila wrote:

as I remeber, there was a thread a few days ago about text off the page 
then you have no hyphenation or the text in typewriter font,
which cannot be hyphenated.
Now, I have another problem: there are a few longer 
superscripts in my document. Inside the document it appeares correctly, 
but in my Toc is exceeding the page borders. How is this possible to 
example please.


Re: math_formula_help

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voß
Herbert Voß wrote:

there is no error, but you still use the wrong
emvironments for the problems.
And in the last example you get different sizes
of the equations, also no error, but looks ugly.
I meant "of the parenthesis" ...


Re: math_formula_help

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voß
Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003,  Karshi F.Hasanov wrote:

I have a long math formula and I can't fit it on one page.
How do In put such fomula in two lines?
   ..) ?

I put an example for something similar on this page:

PS. For everyone else, if you find any errors in the example, feel free to 
modify it. Or add more details, such as the name of the math-environment 
that you get by pressing C-Enter.
there is no error, but you still use the wrong
emvironments for the problems.
And in the last example you get different sizes
of the equations, also no error, but looks ugly.

Re: figure float problem

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voß
Myriam Abramson wrote:

I have 2 figure floats (eps) and it seems that the last figure overlaps with
the first when printing or viewing the document. The figures are fine 
in Lyx and they are fine when viewing them outside of Lyx with

What could be the problem? I'm baffled. 
difficult to say, could you provide an example or
send the files as private mail.

Re: math_formula_help

2003-12-12 Thread Herbert Voß
Karshi F.Hasanov wrote:
I have a long math formula and I can't fit it on one page.
How do In put such fomula in two lines?
..) ?

use the multline environment of amsmath, then you have
exactly what you want (it's supported by LyX).
For more infors about all math environments look at

Re: A special case of a vertical arrow

2003-12-10 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith wrote:
copy and paste this into LyX, then mark it with
the cursor and then ctrl-m, which should convert it into
math. Maybe that this causes and error, when LyX tries
to convert it in the right way. Then insert it by hand.
\[ |x| \underset{\makebox[0pt]{$\substack{\uparrow\\(x>0)}$}}{=} x \]

Thanks a lot! Could not one have a longer arrow?

\[ |x| \underset{\makebox[0pt]{$\substack{\bigl\uparrow\\(x>0)}$}}{=} x \]


Re: A special case of a vertical arrow

2003-12-10 Thread Herbert Voß
Herbert Voß wrote:
Paul Smith wrote:

I would like to type, with LyX, a vertical arrow directed to the 
equality sign and with (x>0) at the bottom, as described below:

|x| = x
Could somebody here please help me?

copy and paste this into LyX, then mark it with
the cursor and then ctrl-m, which should convert it into
math. Maybe that this causes and error, when LyX tries
to convert it in the right way. Then insert it by hand.
\[ |x| \underset{\makebox[0pt]{$\substack{\uparrow\\(x>0)}$}}{=} x \]
I just tried it and it gave me a wrong conversion. The
\makebox is important here, otherwise you get an ugly
horizontal spacing around the equal sign. So just try
to unsert it by hand.

Re: A special case of a vertical arrow

2003-12-10 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to type, with LyX, a vertical arrow directed to the 
equality sign and with (x>0) at the bottom, as described below:

|x| = x
Could somebody here please help me?
copy and paste this into LyX, then mark it with
the cursor and then ctrl-m, which should convert it into
math. Maybe that this causes and error, when LyX tries
to convert it in the right way. Then insert it by hand.
\[ |x| \underset{\makebox[0pt]{$\substack{\uparrow\\(x>0)}$}}{=} x \]


Re: inserting bibtex generated references

2003-12-09 Thread Herbert Voß
navaja wrote:
 > Your .lyx-file works just fine for me (after creating a faked .bib-file,

i.e. references.bib)

Do you see any references at all, i.e. do you see:

test [1]

when you look at the PDF-file? Looking at the DVI-file?

i see test [?] when i look at the pdf file. i havent configured lyx 
convert to dvi, and cant cant work out how to do it.
then there is something wrong with your bibfile or
the citations. Could you provide a lyx-testfile?

Re: Pstricks package

2003-12-08 Thread Herbert Voß
Hassoun Karam wrote:
As requested, please find attached the log file.
the logfile is absolutely ok

I followed the suggested procedure and it worked fine (I am using gv for 
Ghostscript to view .ps files).
remeber that you _must_ use view->PostScript, because
View->Dvi cannot work. The xdvi viewer doesn't understand
the PostScript airhtmetic of PSTricks.

Re: A special case of limit

2003-12-07 Thread Herbert Voß
Dekel Tsur wrote:
On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 02:05:47PM +0100, Herbert Vo? wrote:

Paul Smith wrote:

I would like to add "x=0" just below a limit, as it is shown below:

(x,y)-> (0,0)
Could someone here please help me?
see p.23 in

It is better to use the substack command which is supported by LyX:
yes, as mentioned on this page 23/24 ... ;-)


Re: A special case of limit

2003-12-07 Thread Herbert Voß

Herbert Voß wrote:
Paul Smith wrote:

I would like to add "x=0" just below a limit, as it is shown below:

(x,y)-> (0,0)
Could someone here please help me?

see p.23 in
should be


Re: A special case of limit

2003-12-07 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith wrote:

I would like to add "x=0" just below a limit, as it is shown below:

(x,y)-> (0,0)
Could someone here please help me?
see p.23 in


Re: LyX and flowcharts

2003-12-06 Thread Herbert Voß
Robert Orr wrote:
I have used xcircuit to draw my charts and then
load the graphics into lyx.   It works very well, not
only for the flowcharts but anykind of simple drawing.
For drawings, which are not too complex, PSTricks
is a good choice. See

Re: LyX and flowcharts

2003-12-06 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith wrote:
sure, but it makes no real sense to use LyX for this. Create
your flowcharts with a simple text editor and include it in
LyX, if they are part of another document.

Thanks, Herbert! Is there some free program designed specificly to draw 
don't know. I need only small flowcharts which I created with
PSTricks, like the above example.

Re: LyX and flowcharts

2003-12-06 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to ask you whether LyX can be used to draw flowcharts.
sure, but it makes no real sense to use LyX for this. Create
your flowcharts with a simple text editor and include it in
LyX, if they are part of another document.

Re: Paragraph with a grey background

2003-12-06 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith wrote:

I would like to know how to make a paragraph with a grey background 
colour. Could somebody here please help me?
attached a demo file.

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
  {  \end{minipage}%
\language ngerman
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
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\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
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\leftmargin 1.2cm
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\rightmargin 1.7cm
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\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

Have a look at the preamble for the important facts.
 You need this definitions if you want to use this in another document.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

text and another text text and another text text and another text text and
 another text text and another text text and another text text and another
 text text and another text text and another text text and another text
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

definecolor{myColor}{rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9}%   rgb color model
\layout Standard


\layout Standard

text and another text text and another text text and another text text and
 another text text and another text text and another text text and another
 text text and another text text and another text text and another text
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

text and another text text and another text text and another text text and
 another text text and another text text and another text text and another
 text text and another text text and another text text and another text
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



Re: Pstricks package

2003-12-06 Thread Herbert Voß
Hassoun Karam wrote:
Thanks Herbert for the reply.

These are the results of kpsewhich for the .pro files:


I generated the .pdf file (File|Export|PDF) from boxNode.lyx and it 
shows exactly what is on
ok, but only with the ps2pdf export and not with pdflatex.

Attached is the Lyx file.
With this file evrything is okay. So let's find the
Write into the "Layout->Document->Preamble" as
first line

then run "View->PostScript" And now have a look into your
logfile "View->LaTeX Logfile". At the end you should have
a list of all files, like:
*File List*
 article.cls2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
  size10.clo2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX file (size option)
   t1enc.def2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file
inputenc.sty2001/07/10 v0.99a Input encoding file
  latin1.def2001/07/10 v0.99a Input encoding file
  ifthen.sty2001/05/26 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
pst-node.sty1997/03/25 package wrapper for PSTricks pst-node.tex
   babel.sty2001/03/01 v3.7h The Babel package
 english.ldf2001/04/15 v3.3l English support from the babel system
  t1cmtt.fd1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
the best way is to send me the logfile, which is
available in the temp dir, with Linux /tmp/lyx-

Re: Pstricks package

2003-12-05 Thread Herbert Voß
Hassoun Karam wrote:

I am trying the Pstricks package to create box matrices using the 
examples from

I imported boxNode.tex into Lyx and run DVI.

However i get three error messages in Xdvi and a simple matrix without 
the boxes:
cannot find postscript file for inclusion in document:
cannot find postscript file for inclusion in document:
cannot find postscript file for inclusion in document:
but kpsewhich recognises all three files.
what does kpsewhich really say?

Running PDF gets the thing done perfectly
no, not possible, PDF cannot understand the PostScript code.

Lyx 1.3.3 on MacOsX 1.2.8

is this normal? any hints? (particularly Herbert)
give the LyX example file


Re: no hyphenation/word splitting

2003-12-03 Thread Herbert Voß
Raphael Clifford wrote:
While I'm about it there is something else I don't know how to do.  How 
do I turn off hyphenation so that words aren't split over different lines?
- for single words:  \mbox{hyphenation}
  or with package hyphenat and \nohyphen{ blah ...}
- for a paragraph:   \begin{sloppy} ... \end{sloppy}
- for the whole doc: \exhyphenpenalty=1\hyphenpenalty=1

Re: Format=>Document=>Page size not working

2003-12-03 Thread Herbert Voß
John Levon wrote:
On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 07:31:45AM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:

we were talking about page size and not page margin.

Oops, sorry
aehm, nevertheless, it seems to be a qt-bug ...


Re: Table-float footnote and float placement

2003-12-02 Thread Herbert Voß
Nirmal Govind wrote:

I did what you suggested above but the footnote is still on the previous 
page. A screenshot of what my table float and the minipage within along 
with the footnote text look like are at:

The float is set to use "default placement" ..
okay, this is a misunderstanding. I meant a
minipage and placing the footnote inside this
minipage and not outside.
If you use the H-option (a bad option for typesetting), then

What's the H-option??
Inside LyX the "Exactly here" option.


Re: Format=>Document=>Page size not working

2003-12-02 Thread Herbert Voss
John Levon wrote:
On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 10:53:49PM +0100, Herbert Vo? wrote:

Marko wrote:

when trying to set the page size of a document to a custom size I notized 
that this does not work in Lyx 1.3.2 (QT frontend). Any custom size seems 
to be completely ignored! 
Attached are two small examples: test1 uses page size A5 (which works); 
test2 uses a custom page size of 13x18cm (which does not work).
Any ideas?
enable the custom margins, then LyX enables the use
of the geometry package. But This is still a bug.

I don't understand, what is the bug ? I just set custom margin with
4inches top, and it worked fine (lyx 1.3.3)
we were talking about page size and not page margin.
Change the page size to custom without changing
page margin and lyx doesn't write this into the


Re: Format=>Document=>Page size not working

2003-12-02 Thread Herbert Voß
Marko wrote:

when trying to set the page size of a document to a custom size I notized that 
this does not work in Lyx 1.3.2 (QT frontend). Any custom size seems to be 
completely ignored! 
Attached are two small examples: test1 uses page size A5 (which works); test2 
uses a custom page size of 13x18cm (which does not work).
Any ideas?
enable the custom margins, then LyX enables the use
of the geometry package. But This is still a bug.

Re: Table-float footnote and float placement

2003-12-01 Thread Herbert Voß
Nirmal Govind wrote:
Hi.. I have a footnote within a table in a float. I used the method 
specified on Herbert's tips page to include the footnote within the 
table. I have the placement of the table float set to default placement. 
However, with this setting, the footnote appears on the page that 
preceeds the table (and the table appears at the top of the page that 
follows the footnote)... the problem goes away if I change the float's 
placement to "here definitely".. is this a LaTeX shortcoming or is there 
some way to get the default placement setting to work with the footnote 
showing up on the correct page?
in general it is senseless to have footnotes in _floating_
environments. Nevertheless you can try, if the footnote is set
on the same page. It is better to use a minipage inside the
float and using the footnote command inside this minipage.
Then you do not have any problem.
If you use the H-option (a bad option for typesetting), then
you do not have a floating environment and the footnote appears
on the same page.


Re: Page numbers in upper right corner?

2003-12-01 Thread Herbert Voß
James Frye wrote:
I suppose this is a more of a general latex question than a Lyx-specific
one, but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere else.  The
question seems pretty simple, even trivial: how can I get the page number
in the upper right corner of the page, instead of at the bottom center?
(Our grad school requires that in a thesis>)
I've tried the fancyheadings package, as suggested in the Lyx docs, and it
will do it on the first page (along with some other fancification that I
could probably eliminate with a little work), but ONLY the first page.
The rest get no page number at all.
depends to your definitions. LaTeX knows different pagestyles
for title, chapter, other 
give an example file.


Re: Oblique line connecting two corners of a cell

2003-11-30 Thread Herbert Voß

Paul Smith wrote:
Dear All

I would like to know whether it is possible to draw an oblique line 
connecting two corners of a cell of a table.
see example. For more information look at
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
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\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\paperwidth 17cm
\paperheight 22cm
\leftmargin 1.2cm
\topmargin 1.4cm
\rightmargin 1.7cm
\bottommargin 1.4cm
\headsep 1cm
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard



\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard




\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard



Re: 2 colums + picture

2003-11-28 Thread Herbert Voß
Hartmut Haase wrote:

does someone know an easy way to get a 2-column text floating around a picture 
in the middle? I mean something like this:
use ConTeXt


Re: Renumbering chapters

2003-11-27 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard wrote:
  I want to extract a couple of chapters from my book, and put them into a
new document. However, I would like to retain the original numbers rather
than have them renumberd "Chapter 1" and "Chapter 2".
  Would I use something like \renewcommand{thischapter}{5} on the copies to
assign a specific number to the chapter?

at the beginning of your doc.


Re: Problem installing new document class

2003-11-27 Thread Herbert Voß
Sander Klous wrote:
I submitted this question last week, but didn't get a response. So
I'll give it another try.
I have lyx1.3.3 installed on RH7.3

I downloaded the elsart.layout from

and installed it in ~/.lyx/layouts

In the same directory I have elsart.sty, elsart12.sty and elsart.cls
that I downloaded from elsevier and amssymb.sty that I downloaded from
this is the wrong directory. The right one depends to
the root access and what directories are searched by TeX.
For example on my system:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> kpsepath tex
I have all local files in /opt/texlive/texmf-local/tex/

Another good choice is


because you need no root access.

I ran lyx->reconfigure.
this is only important for the layout file. For the TeX part
run first texhash and then reconfigure from within LyX.

Re: Roman numbers in the text

2003-11-26 Thread Herbert Voß
Samuel Hammer wrote:
does anyone know how to make roman numbers in the text ?
write in preamble:

and then in the text as ERT (TeX)


Re: Problem installing new document class

2003-11-22 Thread Herbert Voß
Ronald Florence schrieb:
Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Actually, it would be better to put new files that are not part
of the
normal teTeX distribution in .../share/texmf.local/tex/latex/. 
The .../share/texmf/tex/latex hierarchy could be overwritten by
an upgrade of teTeX.
That's probably something from Mac world. Here in Unix world
anything in /usr/local should never be touched by any packager.


Mac's run Unix, and there are quite a few teTeX installations which
overwrite /usr/local/teTeX.
that is correct and the reason why the new TeXLive
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Re: Vertical spacing before and after chapter headings

2003-11-20 Thread Herbert Voß
Bradley Navarro schrieb:

For example:

Chapter 1
where I need to be able to define the amount of space in the areas 
labeled [space].


Re: Pagenumbers gone in pdf with lyx 1.3.2

2003-11-19 Thread Herbert Voß
Robert Neumann schrieb:
> \fancyhead{}
> \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\slshape Vorwort}
> \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage}
> \cfoot{}
this is stuff which should completely go into the preamble.
Then you have no pagenumbers for dvi and pdf output.
But I want to have pagenumbers!
sorry, I meant

Then you have pagenumbers for dvi and pdf output.

Okay for the idea that it should be put in the preamble but hwo do I change 
then the header for chapter 1 to 10 , there  it should be
  \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\slshape \leftmark}

chapter 10 - 20  should have

 \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\slshape Tipps}
this is okay, but the _first_ definition should go into the preamble.


Re: Future of LyX for Win32

2003-11-17 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith schrieb:
Many thanks to whom replied my query!

I may change from MS Windows to Linux... My only hesitation is that I 
have some Win32 applications that I often need to use.
which one?


Re: Pagenumbers gone in pdf with lyx 1.3.2

2003-11-16 Thread Herbert Voss
Robert Neumann schrieb:
> Am Samstag, 15. November 2003 12:10 schrieb Herbert Voß:
>>Robert Neumann schrieb:
>>>I am normally using Lyx 1.20, but I'm planing to switch to lyx 1.3.2.
>>>When I open a document which was created with lyx 1.20 using fanyhdr I
>>>encounter a problem: When I use the pdf preview or export function, the
>>>pagenumbers (created with fancyfoot) were gone. If I'm using the dvi
>>>preview, everything is ok. Can anybody help me with this problem?
>>give an minimal example file.
> This is the latex export craeted by by lyx 1.3.2
next time send the LyX file, makes life easier ...
Your code is a bit strange, you should read same basic
LaTeX documentations.
> \begin{document}
> \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2}\small \normalsize\pagestyle{fancy}
do not use baselinestretch, use package setspace
or define the spacing from within LyX
> \fancyhead{}
> \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\slshape Vorwort}
> \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage}
> \cfoot{}
this is stuff which should completely go into the preamble.
Then you have no pagenumbers for dvi and pdf output.

Re: copyright symbol

2003-11-16 Thread Herbert Voß
Ed Sawicki schrieb:
Is there a way to enter the copyright symbol from the keyboard using
I've search the documentation and couldn't find it, so I used the ERT
button and put in \copyright.
AltGr-Shift-C on a Linux machine


Re: How to change the label "theorem"?

2003-11-16 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith schrieb:

Could not I have the French label for Theorem in the DVI file by 
appropriately changing the file? If so, where should I 
operate the change? I can change the label for definitions, corollaries, 
and so on... but for theorem I do not know how to do it.
amsart.layout, search in this file for theorem


Re: citations extend beyond margin (was Re: hyperlink extends beyond margin)

2003-11-15 Thread Herbert Voß
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
I prefer latin modern ... ;-) and build my PDF's in general
with VTeX/Free.
I tried out all the combinations again.. the ps2pdf output with cm-super 
looked marginally better than ps2pdf with lmodern when viewed on screen 
here.. pdflatex with lmodern does look great.. the reason I didn't use 
this method was cos I have eps figures in most of my files which don't 
convert to pdf (they're Illustrator generated eps figures and they 
somehow don't convert to pdf.. I'd mentioned this in a thread 
earlier)... and strangely, the pdf generated by Illustrator destroys the 
did you ever try the sequence eps2eps and then epstopdf?


Re: Presentation on LyX/LaTeX

2003-11-15 Thread Herbert Voß
Nirmal Govind schrieb:

No? Actually this point is interesting.. are there any statistics on the 
percentage of users in various fields (Sciences, Engg., Arts etc..) who 
use LaTeX? (a little bit of Googling didn't turn up anything)  I've made 
this change to the slide in any case..
there exists no statistic, but following the discussions
on c.t.t and d.c.t.t lets you realize that the users who
use (La)TeX for non tecnical documents are not a minority.

Re: citations extend beyond margin (was Re: hyperlink extends beyond margin)

2003-11-15 Thread Herbert Voß
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
With pdflatex still use latin modern fonts (package lmodern)
or the cm-super (needs a lot of memory). There is no need to
use ps2pdf.

Yes, I played around with these a couple weeks ago and I can't remember 
why but I decided that the output from ps2pdf with cm-super was the 
best... will try again and see if I can figure out why I came to that 
conclusion.. :-)
depends to the output (pdf or printer) and what you like.
The major disadvantage of cm-super is that the file size
of the PDF output increases enormously 
I prefer latin modern ... ;-) and build my PDF's in general
with VTeX/Free.

Re: How to change the label "theorem"?

2003-11-15 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith schrieb:
ok, I see. A problem with LyX.
Write into the preamble:
It works almost perfectly. Without inserting "\let\thm\theorem" in the
preamble, the output DVI file displays "Theorem 0.1" whereas otherwise it
appears "FrenchTheorem 1.". It seems that anything was changed in the
theorem numbering.
change the first line to



Re: How to change the label "theorem"?

2003-11-15 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith schrieb:
> The files are here, Herbert.
ok, I see. A problem with LyX.
Write into the preamble:

Re: How to change the label "theorem"?

2003-11-15 Thread Herbert Voß
Paul Smith schrieb:


into the preamble. I'd forgotten that in amsart the
theorem isn't defined.

Herbert, I did as you suggested and the file was perfectly compiled.
However, the label "Theorem" remains on the DVI file. (FrenchTheorem label
does not show up.) I am using LyX 1.3.2.
hm, curious. please insert into the preamble as first line
and send me the logfile and the temporary tex file, which
are in /tmp/lyx/...

<    5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   >