Re: [M100] Talking over serial port

2022-10-06 Thread jonathan.yuen
1. The two can talk to each other if that's what you mean. If you try and dump 
a text file to the m100 you can lose stuff if the baud rate is too high. I've 
logged into a raspberry pi from my m100 but I don't know how a mac reacts to 
logging in from a serial terminal. I did command line stuff, like ls and 
shutdown things. Didn't try anything fancy because I didn't have the right 
termcap but it's out there.2. Going the other way, I've never heard of anyone 
running their m100 from another computer.  CPM??Sent from Samsung tablet
 Original message From: Will Senn  Date: 
10/6/22  20:21  (GMT+01:00) To: Model 100 Discussion 
 Subject: [M100] Talking over serial port I have 
TEENY.CO working on my M100 and DLPlus on the Mac side of things and they work 
great. I plan to use it for all of my file transfer needs. However, now that I 
have the cadillac version running, I want to try more crude (cerca 1983) 
methods. In particular, I want to try using TELCOM. If the former works, should 
TELCOM work over the same physical configuration? i.e. M100->DB25-DB9 (NULL 
MODEM)->SerialUSB->Mac.I've got a couple more questions, too...1. What kind of 
connection can I have with the remote system? I mean, can I log in and run 
commands? (I've done serial and TTL on my BeagleBone and Raspi systems)...2. 
Can I run M100 stuff from my remote?Thanks,Will

Re: [M100] QWERTZ ROM for T102

2022-12-23 Thread jonathan.yuen
I didn't think the Rex works in European machines but maybe I have some bad 
memory .Sent from Samsung tablet
 Original message From: Georg Käter 
 Date: 12/23/22  12:21  (GMT+01:00) 
To: Model 100 Discussion  Subject: [M100] QWERTZ ROM 
for T102 
Dear all, by luck I got a very late T102 (build 1989) "German version" w/o 
modem with installed QWERTZU ROMand it works like expected. Then I copied the 
ROM to REX to try similar what is written in the installationdescription, 
loading QWERTZU ROM from REX is ok and can be enabled by a CALL63012, but 
followingthe further instruction to run another ROM fails. Have you any idea 
how to get the above working, means installing QWERTZU ROMand run i.e. 
MULTIPLAN from REX? I´ve attached ROM dump and installation instruction for you 
reference. Thanks in advance for your help Kind regards and merry X-masGeorg

Georg Käter
Gangolfsweg 44
D-52076 Aachen
Tel.        : +49  2408 7194987
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Re: [M100] Modifying TELCOM

2023-06-21 Thread jonathan.yuen
I know this is off topic but which Psion do you have? I play with a 5mx now and 
then, but often just as a terminal.Sent from Samsung tablet
 Original message From: mark audacity romberg 
 Date: 6/21/23  22:30  (GMT+01:00) To: Subject: Re: [M100] Modifying TELCOM There’s a 
disassembly of the entire Model 100 ROM that I want to say I found on Club100, 
but I couldn’t swear to it. I just pulled out the parts from the TELCOM entry 
point to the next entry point. I’ve been going through it and replacing 
addresses with labels, such that it can be compiled run in high memory.  I 
haven’t spent much time with it lately, got hooked on the Psion Organiser and 
that’s been eating all my hobby time. Neat little machine, kind of the Model T 
of handheld computers. —mark 

Re: [M100] Model 100 Scientific Case ?

2023-10-02 Thread jonathan.yuen
Back in the 80's I used a model 100 to field program data loggers made by 
Campbell Scientific. That is the model 100 I have now.But I never had a fancy 
case like that to put it in.Jonathan Sent from Samsung tablet
 Original message From: Michael Kohne  Date: 
10/2/23  19:16  (GMT+01:00) To: Subject: Re: [M100] Model 
100 Scientific Case ? Nice! I'm given to understand that Model 100's were used 
more thanonce in interesting data collection setups - they go a long time on 
abattery, and they mostly just work.On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 1:10 PM Joseph 
Colson III  wrote:>> Anyone seen anything like this 
before?  I would love to find some information on it. - Joe>>-- Michael 
Kohnemhkohne@kohne.orgAnything real you do that's important will be scary. 
Having kids.Getting married. Donating a kidney.  Writing a book. Do it anyway. 
-Neil Gaiman

Re: [M100] An article about the TRS 80 Model 100

2015-10-22 Thread Jonathan.Yuen


It was that article that got me to dig out my M100 and a 'spare' raspberry 
pi (a B+) I had sitting around.  I had played with the m100 and the first 
pi I had but that project fell by the wayside.  I connect in a slightly 
different way since I had been connecting the pi to my other machines via 
the GPIO bus and a USB to serial adapter.  So (to me) it seemed logical to 
try the M100 and the GPIO bus.

This meant using a level shifter (the pi is 0/3.3 v, I think) and RS-232 
is -12/+12.  I found a couple of pi sites that talked about the MAX232 
chip, and I built a little adapter using this chip from a kit.

The pi and the M100 work fairly well together.  There is no hardware 
handshaking, but at least raspbian and a recent version of arch both had 
xon/xoff handshaking as default on /dev/ttyAMA0 (the GPIO bus serial 
port).  At 19200 baud things still got garbled but 9600 is just fine.  I 
made my own null modem with some db9 and db25 connectors and a soldering 

I even compiled dl (the linux version of desklink) and I can use the pi as 
a mass storage device.  I still haven't figured out how to end the dl 
program from the M100, but the pi is fairly robust and with another pi (my 
3g modem/wifi hotspot) we just unplug it when we want to turn it off.  I 
could probably also use a timer to automatically end dl after a fixed time 
but I haven't gotten around to trying this.


On Wed, 21 Oct 2015, Duane Calvill wrote:

While browsing the internet. I was found this article. Just wanted to pass
it on to other to read.

Re: [M100] An article about the TRS 80 Model 100

2015-10-22 Thread Jonathan.Yuen


I had the lying around for a long time, but I see that it is at 
the web site (DLPlus for Linux etc.).

I'll try and do some proper documentation for this and a web page but the 
short version (from memory) is

The Sparkfun converter seems to let the M100 talk to the pi but it can't 
convert the ttl signal to RS232.  I gave up on that one...

The converter I have with the Max232 works OK and I have the pdf for it 
but the web address on the pdf ( doesn't work anymore.  I 
thought I bought it from in Sweden but they don't seem to 
list it now, either.  Googling Raspberry Pi and Max232 gives a lot of 
results that look promising.  Some look like they plug right into the GPIO 

There are only 4 wires connecting the pi (GPIO connecter) to my level 
converter.  I used an old CD-ROM audio cable and moved some pins around. 
You need tx,rx,gnd, and 5v.  The level converter gets its power from the 
pi.  No hardware handshaking.

I tested it both with arch and raspbian but raspbian had a C compiler etc. 
so I stuck with it (Jessie).  You need to configure Raspbian to start in 
command line mode, and while you're at it, edit the file in cmdline.txt 
(in boot) so that the baud rate after ttyAMA0 is 9600 (default is 115200).

With a null modem between the level converter and the m100, it should work 
at 9600 baud.  Xon/xoff seems to be the default for ttyAMA0.

Unzip somewhere and type make.  I don't think I changed 
anything in the source.  dl seems to set the baud rate for the transfer to 
19200 (I can see it in the source) so I've set TINY to 19200 for 
transfers.  I've been meaning to change everything to 9600 but I haven't 
gotten around to it.


On Thu, 22 Oct 2015, VANDEN BOSSCHE JAN wrote:

THIS ...
... is what I'm going to use the Raspberry Pi I've got lying around in my house 

And I'm very interested in DL for the Raspberry Pi. I think you should describe 
how you did this, how you use it, and publish it somewhere on the 'net. And for 
reference, send it to Bitchin'100... ;-)

Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
Jan-80 "
@ work( @ @ )

 Be green, read from the screen!

From: M100 [] On Behalf Of Mark Wickens
Sent: donderdag 22 oktober 2015 09:53
To: Model 100 Discussion
Subject: Re: [M100] An article about the TRS 80 Model 100

I'm not sure why 9600 baud is such a magic number but I've had *so* many 
devices now that won't talk sensibly above that speed, even modern kit.
I have a model 200 that I would like to get round to modernising, but there are 
too many projects in my head and not enough time!

Regards, Mark

On 22 October 2015 at 08:11,  wrote:

It was that article that got me to dig out my M100 and a 'spare' raspberry pi 
(a B+) I had sitting around.  I had played with the m100 and the first pi I had 
but that project fell by the wayside.  I connect in a slightly different way 
since I had been connecting the pi to my other machines via the GPIO bus and a 
USB to serial adapter.  So (to me) it seemed logical to try the M100 and the 
GPIO bus.

This meant using a level shifter (the pi is 0/3.3 v, I think) and RS-232 is 
-12/+12.  I found a couple of pi sites that talked about the MAX232 chip, and I 
built a little adapter using this chip from a kit.

The pi and the M100 work fairly well together.  There is no hardware 
handshaking, but at least raspbian and a recent version of arch both had 
xon/xoff handshaking as default on /dev/ttyAMA0 (the GPIO bus serial port).  At 
19200 baud things still got garbled but 9600 is just fine.  I made my own null 
modem with some db9 and db25 connectors and a soldering iron.

I even compiled dl (the linux version of desklink) and I can use the pi as a 
mass storage device.  I still haven't figured out how to end the dl program 
from the M100, but the pi is fairly robust and with another pi (my 3g 
modem/wifi hotspot) we just unplug it when we want to turn it off.  I could 
probably also use a timer to automatically end dl after a fixed time but I 
haven't gotten around to trying this.


On Wed, 21 Oct 2015, Duane Calvill wrote:
While browsing the internet. I was found this article. Just wanted to pass
it on to other to read.

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