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Re: intel ppc emulation

2004-03-01 Thread Michael Dawe
On 2 Mar 2004 at 13:11, Darren wrote:

> Hi Mike
> Who else would put me on to such a project of frustration?
> Version 2.2.10 includes the ethernet hack for sheepnet, haven't got 
> that far yet. Not found in 2.2.8 and below

Hi Darren
My favourite "test bed" on many an occasion + vice versa no doubt :)

> >>Using the rom-grabber from Basilisk on a beige mac produced a dodgy 
> >>rom image (it was never built for ppc's). The tool, CopyROM worked 
> >>well enough to get to a full desktop, unstable but workable. Speed is 
> >>a little slower than B2, not much.

Was about to try the ROM dumping utility "GetROM" [shipped with B2 
for win32] when I spied this in the  "GetROM" read-me file:

"Please remember to boot your Mac with extensions OFF before attempting
to dump the ROM image."

Did you try doing this 1st?

> > This is something I haven't tried [as yet]. How about the [Classic 
> > Mac] software ROM files for iMacs? Any use? I see them on iMac 
> > install/boot CD's. Or are they an extra, and still require the ROM in 
> > hardware?
> I've tried the rom files from the 8.5 and 9.0 install cd's. The 
> emulation docs state a 4mb rom file is required, the files from these 
> two cd's are 1.8mb as is the rom update 1.6 found on version tracker 
> or cnet. When these files are used in sheepshaver both cd's will boot, 
> almost to desktop but the emulation will stop as a  
> error is displayed with a reboot button.

Is that "ObjectLibSupportLib"? or "ObjectSupportLib"? - I'm thinking 
you're meaning the latter. If so, get rid of it if you can from OS 
8.x Extensions folder. It's not healthy to have around.

> The 7300 refuses to load a imac install cd but will load the rescue cd 
> which does have a 4mb rom file, 9.0.4 though. If you would be kind 
> enough to send me a 4mb 8.5 file I'd be grateful or one off a native 
> G3. ;)

"I Wish I Were..." extension of any use here? I have Systems 8.6 
loaded on a G3 at the moment, not 8.5 tho' or 9.x.

> I'll try it on mdk-ppc but I've already got a happily working MoL 
> install, it does suggest trying MoL's rom may work.
> MoL requires more direct access to the cpu and will not be ported to doze.

Be good to see how it progresses. Mac PPC emulation on Intel 
shouldn't be too far away [I hope] even low-end 603 mac emulation 
would be nice.

Now, I'd like to chat to u off list about my current Quake 1 woes if 
poss :)

Cheers, Mike.

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Re: intel ppc emulation

2004-03-01 Thread Michael Dawe
On 1 Mar 2004 at 12:36, Darren wrote:

> A fellow lister put me on to SheepShaver, a emulator by the folks 
> behind Basilisk II

Moi perhaps? ;) The B2 JIT contribution by "Gwenole Beauchesne" IIRC. 
SheepShaver is now vers. 2.2 as of last Wednesday.

The official SheepShaver site is:

> Using the rom-grabber from Basilisk on a beige mac produced a dodgy 
> rom image (it was never built for ppc's). The tool, CopyROM worked 
> well enough to get to a full desktop, unstable but workable. Speed is 
> a little slower than B2, not much.

This is something I haven't tried [as yet]. How about the [Classic 
Mac] software ROM files for iMacs? Any use? I see them on iMac 
install/boot CD's. Or are they an extra, and still require the ROM in 
My gut feeling is SheepShaver will work better on PPC Linux. 
Encouraging to see you getting this far all the same :)
> Ok, its a little off topic but not much, hopefully we will soon have a 
> ppc emulator for win32 as good as BII.

You're not alone in this thought. Cheers.

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Re: New Disk Image Files

2004-02-28 Thread Michael Dawe
On 27 Feb 2004 at 23:49, Robin Ashe wrote:

> > While I have PC emulators (VirtualPC, RealPC), the PC Compatibility
> > card blows them away for speed with the hardware that I have.
> Well, speaking of performance, you should be able to get a P2 system for a
> pitance or even for free these days.

I would think most of us here would understand the significance of 
P2, P3, etc, performance in comparison to VPC and Mac DOS card 
performance but these processors, unfortunately have little 
bearing on "Mac-n-DOS" issues [unless Mac emulation is involved] . So 
perhaps you are straying needlessly off topic here

However, I read in a [New Zealand] newsgroup about two days ago, one 
hopeful soul trying to flog off his old 486 for NZ$700 [a way, way 
too ridiculous a price even in NZ dollars] citing it as being great 
for email and as a "cool learning environment" for kiddies. You can 
guess the response [and ear-bashing] that he received.


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Re: Cheapest Mac to get P166 speeds

2004-01-27 Thread Michael Dawe
On 25 Jan 2004 at 22:23, Dana Collins wrote:

> Hey, Michael,
> Thank you for the kind response and the extensive effort of reply that it
> represents - there is a wealth of info in your post, and I shall use it
> wisely to figure out this project - it is my first time with such animals
> (the DOS cards).

No problem Dana, your post was a good one.

> You just may be correct in the G3 issue; fortunately, I have an 8500 or 2
> hanging around that I can swap it to if need be, and even then, one has a G3
> upgrade in it, so your idea was encouraging.

I think this would be a good move too, Lucky you, having all these 
old[ish] Macs to play with :)
The one with a G3 card may be as good as the beige G3 of yours 
anyway. And will most likely be 100% compatible with the DOS card.

> I'll certainly let you know how it goes when I get the task accomplished.

It'll be great to hear how you get on.

Regards, Mike.

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Re: Cheapest Mac to get P166 speeds

2004-01-27 Thread Michael Dawe
On 25 Jan 2004 at 19:14, Darren wrote:

> Michael Dawe wrote:
> > Personally, I don't think that the "12 inch 166MHz P card" will run 
> > in a Beige G3 or later. Why? My theory is the type of RAM used on the 
> > DOS card is meaninless to the beige G3, - 5 volt EDO or FPN RAM as 
> > opposed to the beige G3's 3 volt PC1xx SDRAM - the electronic 
> > componants on the card will most likely also be incompatible.
> Hi Michael.
> I wouldn't know for sure either but shouldn't the dos card 
> be self contained to a large extent and basicly ignored by 
> the host system.

Hello Darren

You're probably right, have been trying to do a bit more research and 
have found a few references to the DOS card working in G3's and G4's 
including b/w and later. Most references were about problems they 
were having though - but some were saying they run fine... There may 
only be one way for me to find out for sure, I guess :)

None [I've read so far] have been detailed enough, it would be nice 
to find something more indepth along these lines at 
<>  or similar.
> > The *other* "12 inch PR 166 card" pulled from a  4400/200, 7220/200 
> > only, can be made to work apparently, because the RAM  [and cards] 
> > voltage is the same, and by using the "I Wish I Were..." extension 
> > hack...
> Did you notice that the 12 inch 166P also works in a 
> 4400/7220 as does the 12 inch 166 performance rated PR which 
> was made for the 4400/7220.

Yes, but not the reverse. - I also saw the warning messages from 
Apple about not trying cards designed specifically for the 4400/7220 
in *any* other Mac

> "There are users that have successfully installed their pc 
> cards in Beige G3's, but you cant install them Blue and 
> White G3's (something about power consumption)..." just 
> found it interesting since the beige wasn't supplied with 
> the greatest of PSU's.

I think you know my views on beige G3 PSU's :)

> Apple says the 100mhz cards are unsupported on Beige G3 
> while people report the 166 card working if you use a floppy 
> driver (I'd guess that means extension) on a floppyless B&W
> has quite a bit of 
> info about Dos support and goes back a fair way.

Thanks for that link, I'd been there before rummaging around but had 
forgotten about it. This is about the only source I've seen in 
regards to these cards working in G3/G4s but the info is lacking.

> 1.6.4 only supports up to OS8.1
> 2.1.7 replaces 1.6.4 with only a couple of files left from 
> 1.6.4 in the macs system folder, I think these where the 
> PC-Clipboard and Print Spooler, something like that anyway. 
> Otherwise its a full replacement and nothing else from 1.6.4 
> is needed.
> I'm lucky to have never tried the versions between 1.6.4 and 
> 2.1.7 as they seemed to have had some bugs
> The PC side is easy and its not neccarsary to update, you 
> can just leave 1.6.4.
> If you have a OS8 cd you might upgrade your OT to 1.1.3. 
> It's a interesting approach as I would have been more 
> worried about OT than PcSetup. Good to know it works.

That's a good idea, and may try it yet. OT 1.1.1/1.1.2 was easy as 
it's an independent install from an OS install, although the OT 1.1.2 
I have needs to be installed over 1.1.1 first, there may be a full 
installer out there, I haven't really looked.

One of the [other] Mikes :)

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Re: Cheapest Mac to get P166 speeds

2004-01-24 Thread Michael Dawe
On 24 Jan 2004 at 11:50, Dana Collins wrote:

> Greetings all,
> New member. I have been following this thread with some interest.
> I recently acquired a complete kit of the Apple 12" 166mhz DOS card,
> complete with all the cables (inc. the fabled dongle) and software,
> including the hacked version of the DOS compatibility software (v 2.1.7
> written by someone whose name escapes me). Also, a colleague with the handle
> "Mad Dog" has this web link  (though I
> think his server is down at the moment) that explains install procedures.
> My question:

Greetings Dana. Thanks for posting that link, a good page [the server 
must be back up]. Congratulations on your Apple card find with *all* 
the cables. Should you ever find that you don't require the internal 
video Ribbon cable, I would be most interested in aquiring it :)
> My goal is to slap the card into a beige G3 desktop running at least OS 8.6,
> with the DOS card running, I hope, WIN 98(se).
> Is this do-able? The writer of the hack seems to think so, but no one ever
> explains how to get the OS bumped up from OS 8.1 while retaining the hacked
> PC DOS extensions.

Upgrading the OS is the easy part. That is, the Apple "PC Setup 
1.6.4" software does not get installed by the OS installers. You need 
to do this manually yourself after you make the OS upgrades. The 
freeware "PC Setup 2.1.7f" is installed last of all.

> Any thoughts? Experiences to share?

Personally, I don't think that the "12 inch 166MHz P card" will run 
in a Beige G3 or later. Why? My theory is the type of RAM used on the 
DOS card is meaninless to the beige G3, - 5 volt EDO or FPN RAM as 
opposed to the beige G3's 3 volt PC1xx SDRAM - the electronic 
componants on the card will most likely also be incompatible.
The *other* "12 inch PR 166 card" pulled from a  4400/200, 7220/200 
only, can be made to work apparently, because the RAM  [and cards] 
voltage is the same, and by using the "I Wish I Were..." extension 
Also, although there's a lot of info on-line regarding these DOS 
cards, there seems to be a great lack of any info about them being 
used in beige G3s [only a few references to the "12 inch PR 166 card" 
hack.  - I could be totally wrong of course, and am happy to be told 
so... Just a hunch it can't be done, or it's at least not a straight 
forward procedure, is all.

OTOH, the DOS cards seem to work contentedly with the Macs they were 
intended to be used in, which have since been upgraded with 3rd party 
G3/G4 cards. I guess it has a lot to do with the electronics on the 
mobo, which the DOS cards [and G3/4 upgrade cards] need to be 
compatible with.

There's no problem running these cards under MacOS 8.6 and running 
Win 98, more RAM on the DOS card the better. Unfortunately Windows 95 
runs noticeably faster than Win 98 on this card IMO. Even so, it 
still beats Virtual PC, speed wise.

The only "hiccup" that I've struck with upgrading beyond MacOS 8.1 
and these DOS cards is the incompatibility between the "PC Setup 
1.6.4" software and Open Transport. 2x. I know that "PC Setup 2.1.7f" 
solves that issue, but I've been reluctant to install it because of 
having to install it over 1.6.4 - maybe I'll come around one day :)
My work-around has been to uninstall OT 2x and replace it with OT 
1.1.2, which seems to work fine. I wouldn't recommend that anyone 
does this, if it's their only Mac. -I haven't noticed any issues so 
far, is all.

I was interested to read at the web link you provided, about "USB 
Support" installed by Mac OS 9.1, which adds support for PCI USB 
cards, conflicts with the PC Setup 1.6.4 control panel". Something I 
haven't struck yet [running 8.6 and no USB card] but may find out if 
I install a USB PCI card at some later stage.

Good luck with finding a solution.

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Re: Long filenames for Win 3.1x on an emulator.

2003-10-28 Thread Michael Dawe
Gregg Eshelman wrote:

> That's for Windows 9x, to provide LFN support to the
> DOS 7.x that underpins Windows 95, 98, 98SE and WinMe.

Click link for "DOSLFN 0.32n"

--and please don't bitch if it doesn't suit. As the author says: "Rule
of the thumb: DOS programs can only support LFNs if they are re-written
since 1995!"

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Re: Long filenames for Win 3.1x on an emulator.

2003-10-28 Thread Michael Dawe
On 27 Oct 2003 at 20:19, Gregg Eshelman wrote:
> The company has since gone out of business and after
> a few hours searching last night I didn't find the
> software online.


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Re: I just installed SoftWindows! (well, almost)

2003-09-12 Thread Michael Dawe

> I just got the digest and yes, I recall that Basilisk II handles disk
> copying just fine.

As long as you need to use 1.4MB floppies and not 800k DD floppies (not
a Basilisk II issue - but a hardware no-no).

I also found a utility for the PC that is free that
> may also create disk copy-compatible. The link is here:

>  I use OS 9.1 on my 3400; I checked my version of SoftWindows: it's
> 1.0.1. I also recovered the data file on disk 7 onto my hd. I may only
> need disk number 4, so I'm one disk away from a successful install!

As Darren pointed out, most of the install is for the disk image
containing Windows 3.1. if you were able to get the SoftWin executable
(and the disk drive creator) then you should be set to use this app
already. You only need a spare copy of Dos 6.x and Win 3.1x to install
of top of it - Or perhaps Muggsy has come up trumps with the goods by now :)


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Re: 10/100 PCI card that does work in a 7300?

2003-08-19 Thread Michael Dawe
On 19 Aug 2003 at 1:11, David Klaus wrote:

> >Just wondering if you could expand on the Apple NIC as well? That 
> >is, I've seen [Apple Compatible] cards manufactured by Unicom, 3Com, 
> >Farallon, Kingston, Asante, Ratoc, Macsense, etc; but didn't know of 
> >Apple branded 10/100 cards. Not to say they don't exist, just hadn't 
> >come across them as yet.
> Yes, there were some 10/100 Apple branded boards made, back in the 
> days when a 100 MBit card cost > $100 and Macs were the only 
> computers sold with any built-in Ethernet.They are both 100 MBit 
> and full duplex cards so they are really good if you are running a 
> server.   They are supported buy the built-in extensions in OS 9.1.

Thanks David.

Another one to keep my eyes open for.

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Re: 10/100 PCI card that does work in a 7300?

2003-08-18 Thread Michael Dawe
David Klaus wrote:

I found 
someone on the LEM Swap list  
who had Apple 10/100 cards for sale.
Could you expand on the realtek thing please... 
I was using it as my only NIC in a 9600 with OS 10.2.6 and trying to 
share files using Apple Talk and/or TCP/IP.   My problem is that during 
large (> 300 MB) transfers the 9600 would hang.   Switched to the Apple 
NIC and it went away.  The RT NIC was fine otherwise.   I had the D-Link 
version, but had d/l'd RT's drivers and tweaked them to work with the 
D-Link card with identical results.
Just wondering if you could expand on the Apple NIC as well? That is, 
I've seen [Apple Compatible] cards manufactured by Unicom, 3Com, 
Farallon, Kingston, Asante, Ratoc, Macsense, etc; but didn't know of 
Apple branded 10/100 cards. Not to say they don't exist, just hadn't 
come across them as yet.

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Re: 10/100 PCI card that does work in a 7300?

2003-08-17 Thread Michael Dawe
Sque wrote:

> Only 10/100 I have in a mac is a Macsense.
> It uses no standard mac extensions and will fail if standard extentions are 
> present.
> easier to make a router out of a cheap macs with no on board nic?

Easier to make a router out of a Mac with 2 enet cards and *no* Mac enet
extensions, IMO :) ("Classic Mac" I'm referring to).

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Re: 10/100 PCI card that does work in a 7300?

2003-08-17 Thread Michael Dawe
Gregg Eshelman wrote:

> So can anyone recommend a 10/100 PCI ethernet card
> that is NOT built around the Realtek 8139 series
> chip?

Guess you didn't read this from my previous post, so I'll repeat it here:

"-- get a refund if you can't use it and replace it with something
known to work in Macs, like a Kingston EtheRx PCI card, for example".

> I'm especially interested in any that people have
> GOOD experiences with using in a 7300/200.

Got pulled from a 5500/250, guess that's fairly similar in vintage, and
MHz to your 7300/200, a CPU difference tho'. Currently using it in a G3,
Seems pretty good in there, too.

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Re: D-Link network card driving me 'round the bend!

2003-08-16 Thread Michael Dawe
Gregg Eshelman wrote:

>> Michael Dawe wrote:
>> > > Also, have you installed the correct drivers?
> <>
>> > And perhaps more importantly, removed the Mac enet
>> extensions?
> So having more than one active network interface card
> will give a Mac problems? Even with OS 9.2.2?

You never mentioned this in your first post. But, dunno, In my limited
experience, I found to get *one* 3rd party network card to work on my
Mac I needed to disable Apple's Enet driver[s] for the onboard ethernet.

> I've heard of people using two on 68k Macs to turn
> them into routers. So why shouldn't it work on a PPC?

And most likely they were using two 3rd party cards.

> So, how about some Ideas on how to get it to boot
> again with extentions disabled? (Which it currently
> won't.)

Perhaps if you told us *how* you disabled your extensions. For example;
if you mean simply by booting up while holding the Shift key down, then
I'm afraid that won't do, because your Mac is still going to enable the
base extensions *it* deems necessary to run your computer regardless. -
And I'll bet one that it will load will be "Apple Enet". You would do
better to make a custom boot set based on "MacOS 9.x base" and disable
the ones you really don't want to load, that way.

> And yes, I did download and install the
> latest drivers. Apparently you completely ignored
> the part where I said that.

Spending 5 minutes in Google tells me that "D-Link DFE-530TX+ ethernet
card's" work best in a Macintosh if you use drivers made by the
*chipset* manufacturer RealTek <> and *not* to
use D-Links. So go figure, something else to consider.

> P.S. Just for fun last night, I had three modems and
> three network cards* connected to my Toshiba laptop
> at the same time. Didn't bother Win98SE at all.

Oh well, toss your Mac in the bin then, it's obviously a piece of crock.
Hang on, better still, give it to me.

As to why your Mac is refusing to boot up with this card installed and
your extensions are turned off? I don't know. The manufacturer claims
the card is Mac compatible, you just purchased the card? Take it up with
them, get a refund if you can't use it and replace it with something
known to work in Macs, like a Kingston EtheRx PCI card, for example.

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Re: D-Link network card driving me 'round the bend!

2003-08-15 Thread Michael Dawe
Michael Dawe wrote:

> Also, have you installed the correct drivers?
> <>

And perhaps more importantly, removed the Mac enet extensions?


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Re: D-Link network card driving me 'round the bend!

2003-08-15 Thread Michael Dawe
Gregg Eshelman wrote:

> I bought a D-Link DFE-530TX+ 10/100 PCI network card
> because it says it's Mac compatable on the box.
> Uh-huh. Right.
> Every time I do anything new to this Mac it ALWAYS
> does something like this, usually trashing the
> System so bad I have to do a clean install.
> Fortunately I do have another hard drive in there I
> can boot from so I can hopefully get into the main
> drive to fix (if possible) whatever garbage the
> D-Link extention has done.
> And yes, 9.2.2 IS faster than 9.1.

Yeah, but OS *7.1* is faster than any MacOS after it - and SSW 6x is 10x
faster than any flavor of 7.x and later... so? Besides trying to find a
Mac to run SSW 6.x on; Why throw in that comment?

If the manufacturer claims that this card is compatible with your Mac
(and the Mac OS it runs) and it fails, then perhaps you have an issue
with those who make the claim?

I've been to their specs site:
, it claims
"Apple Macintosh 9.x or 10.1x" compatibility there - Though I couldn't
see any specs on the speed of the machine required.

Have you tried swapping your PCI cards around?

Also, have you installed the correct drivers?


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Re: Comparing Files and Folders

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Dawe
>Subject: Comparing Files and Folders
>Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2003, 4:04 AM

>When I burn a CD-R on a PC, I use a little command-line utility
>called XDIFF32  to compare one
>to another. I start at whatever folder level I want (usually root)
>and it compares the files and folders all the way down the tree.
>For the Mac, I've found a utility called Folder Compare,
> which seems to do the same
>thing (I'm going to be passing it on to a friend so I want to be
>sure), but it doesn't say that it checks for byte mismatches, 
>such as would indicate a corrupted file.
>Does Folder Compare do what I want, or is there another utility that 
>will do the job (and what is it and where do I get it)?

Can't speak for/against Folder Compare, having never used it.

However, on the Mac I often make use of Disk Copy 6.x in preparing folders
intended to be burnt to CD.

That is:
I use Disk Copy's "Create Image from Folder..." to convert a [CD volume's
worth] folder of files and it's subdirectories etc; into an image file of a
CD. After it creates the image, I make sure it is NOT mounted on the desktop
(Disk Copy mounts the image by default, when creating the image, I uncheck
that option in Disk Copy's dialog).

Once Disk Copy has created a CD image, I double-click this image file to
mount it manually, this causes Disk Copy to do a checksum error check on the
image contents as it mounts. Once mounted without errors, I get Toast to
burn the now mounted image to CD.

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Re: Basilisk

2003-06-05 Thread Michael Dawe
on 04/06/2003 11:26 PM, Jim Lucas at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Some want to tell me where I can get the Basilisk emulator? I want to
> try it out on a APowerbook 1400, LCIII and Performa 6116

Basilisk is a 68k Mac emulator which runs on PC's, and won't run on any of
the above... unless you're running it on top of Virtual PC, in which case
you might get it going on two of the above, just, and dependant on the
version of VPC.

Typing Basilisk into will probably get you there faster than 2
shakes. But  will get you to
the main pages, and  is where you
can DL the plain vanilla Windows version.


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Re: So you like to watch the grass grow [was] SoftPC--the 68KVersion

2003-05-31 Thread Michael Dawe
on 29/05/2003 3:25 AM, MUGWump at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Until recently, I only knew of the PPC-capable versions of
> SoftWindows and RealPC. Now I've learned that there were 68K versions
> of SoftWindows and an RealPC-equivalent called SoftPC, which have
> apparently passed into the realm of abandonware.
> Does anybody have a copy of the 68K versions? How well did they work?
> It would be interesting to see it working on one of my LC II's.  And
> of course, my usual question, is anyone willing to share a copy? I
> own 2-3 versions of the PPC SoftWindows, so as long as I use it
> within my license terms of SoftWindows, I should be covered legally.

"legality aspects" aside - I think that you'd find 68k SoftWindows running
Win 3.1 (what it shipped with) on an LCII, would be like watching treacle
pour down a drain. At least this is my impression of 68k SW, when I
installed it onto an LC III and a PowerBook 180, both of which have even
faster '030 performance than an LCII.

Even on my Quadra 650, 68k SW takes 30 secs to load the "ReadMe.wri"
document found in the "Main" directory of the Program Manager, when Windows
3.1 is first installed. Then a 2 to 3 second wait to scroll a window at a
time down the page. This is on a mid-range '040

To 68k SWs credit, it does load and run Window 3.1 and software on a pre-PPC
'030 and '040 Macintosh, and if you forget about the Windows side of it's
performance. The DOS 6x CLI is almost acceptable.

My two-bits worth.

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Re: Mac Emulators--Which?

2003-05-29 Thread Michael Dawe
on 28/05/2003 1:44 PM, MUGWump at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> on 27/05/2003 10:34 PM, Darren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Worm Mike?
>>> ht
>>> ml
>> Heh, I haven't looked at Worm for some time. I think I'll install a
>> copy onto VPC for a laff. It should run at least 2x as fast as a
>> real Plus even on VPC :)  
> Let me know what your results are. In my present state of mind, I'll
> sacrifice capability for ease of installation (to a degree). :-)

I think Darren is getting more [positive] results than me at this stage.
But with regards to capability over ease of installation; Don't go for Worm,
it's a "dog's breakfast" and no longer under development, - a true case of
> I've heard of people stacking emulator on top of emulator. Just
> imagine this combination for a laugh;
> Genuine hardware Macintosh running
> Real PC, which is running
> Basilisk II, which is running
> Bochs, which is running
> vMac, which is running
> Soft PC (the original), which is running
> Worm, on which someone is doing word processing using
> Microsoft Word 4 (or earlier) for the Mac.
> Gives me headaches just thinking about it. 

Me too :) but I have seen screengrabs of nested emulators, running up to
about half of the above list. Ouch.


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Re: Mac Emulators--Which?

2003-05-29 Thread Michael Dawe
on 28/05/2003, Gregg Eshelman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> --- Michael Dawe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I don't have Win 9x set up on VPC. I installed it
>> onto DOS and got the error
>> message that it can't run from DOS. Which is a bit
>> weird, as it runs from
>> the CLI in a DOS window on 9x.
>> My current VPC is used for DOS and WFW 3.11 only (I
>> got the same error
>> message trying to run it in a DOS window from WFW).
> It's not a DOS program, it's a 32bit "console app"
> or a 32bit application that uses the Command Prompt
> to launch.

I see, what a rotten little sod ;)

> Some 32bit apps always stay in the "DOS"
> window, especially older business software that's
> been ported to the Win32 environment. Still looks
> like old ASCII or ANSI "graphics" but it's Windows,
> baby! Yeah! ;P
> Won't run under Win 3.1x because that's a 16bit
> operating environment on top of a 16bit Operating
> System, DOS. Some Win32 apps will run on 3.1x if you
> install the 32bit extentions called Win32s. (S is for
> Subset.) Many Windows apps released in late 1994
> though
> 1995 could run in both 3.1x and 95 though the "magic"
> of Win32s. They just didn't make calls to 32bit
> functions not included with Win32s.

I have some great programs, which run happily in both Win 9x and Win 3x with
Win32s installed. I was hoping that Worm may have obliged me in this
department, too :)

Never mind, I can live with that, Worm's not an emulator that I have much
time for, other than out of curiosity.


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Re: Mac Emulators--Which?

2003-05-29 Thread Michael Dawe
on 28/05/2003 10:31 PM, Darren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Be nice if it works, on VPC :)
> Suffered a communal fault on the drive D image, lost legacy again. :(


> Anywho vpc4 is showing its colours, Vmac-dos runs at a very acceptable
> rate of knots. Startup looks better than booting the classic from the
> ram disk.

You're doing well, I'm having not much luck at all. Time to RTFM I guess.

>> So far I can get DOS-Vmac to crash VPC - I see "Welcome to Macintosh"
>> (rather broken up) before it hangs. It's back to DOS Doom for me :)
> I'm using  something called System6 and System7 .dsk files for testing.
> Looks like your going with a sys7.x image?

No, I'm using a System 6x disk image in .hfv format - perhaps this is the
problem, it's an old image I made with HFV Explorer - works great on Worm, I
tried it out today on my PC.

> Finally read the faq's which explains why I've no mouse in vmac-dos. :)

This too, could be part of my problem :) but it seems to be video that is
totally screwed, I've since learnt that F10 gets me back to DOS, gracefully.

> Well vmac kicks worm in the dos department. Sound even (ok, bad sound)
> I'll try vpc2 and 3 for a speed comparsion and I'll pass you the details.

OK; seems you're streaks ahead of me, here.


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Re: My Question: EIDE CD-RW's in Macs?

2003-05-29 Thread Michael Dawe
on 28/05/2003 1:36 PM, MUGWump at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've just come back from my local MUG meeting, and on the way picked
> up a couple internal EIDE CD-RW's that OfficeMax is practically
> giving away between the different rebates. (I try to get 'em into
> friends' PCs so that they have no excuse not to back up.)
> I did the same thing a month or two ago, and discussed it with the
> director of our MUG. He told me that he'd tried installing one in
> a Mac for somebody, but there was something about the CD-RW that
> wouldn't write in the proper format and he never could get it to work
> properly.
> So I'm curious (mikey). Do you really have to have a certain brand or
> design or specs on an internal EIDE CD-RW to be able to install one
> in a Mac, or did he just not know what he was doing?

Nope, I don't know much about them. I'm the proud owner of a slow burning 2x
speed Ricoh SCSI CD-RW, and haven't gotten around to looking into updating
as yet.

However, if your MUG's director had installed one of these IDE drives into a
Mac I could only assume that the drive did support the Mac's OS, and either
the person was inexperienced or the drive was faulty. - I mean, he wouldn't
bung in any old drive and think "heck this should work", would he? - That
and you say it "kind of worked, - just not properly".

> If there are certain specifications for an internal EIDE CD-RW to
> work in a Mac, what are they?

AFAIK, Macs haven't been able to support more than one internal IDE drive
prior to a Beige G3 rev B (I may be wrong there, but it's close) unless
maybe a 3rd party solution. Before this they would have internal SCSI
support on the bus for internal drives of any kind. The (earlier than BG3)
models that did have an IDE hard drive could only support a single drive,
ie; they do not support an IDE master/slave configuration.

> Since these drives are usually going in
> Wintel machines, I haven't seen one that includes Mac specs in the
> system requirements. And I think most or all of us know that just
> because there are no Mac-related specs on the packaging of a given

Most manufacturer's web sites will give OS requirements. If you go to the
Plextor page (twice I've plugged this today - I have no affiliation with
this company I swear)

You can see that all of their models are Mac Compatible, SCSI, USB and IDE.
> item, it doesn't mean it won't work with a Mac nor does it mean that
> the manufacturer doesn't have appropriate drivers.
> So what's the real story? Enquiring minds want to know!

The Mac must be able to support more than one internal IDE drive. It also
needs a driver that will recognise the drive, the drivers that come with the
OS recognise a lot of drives, but one may still need to resort to ResEdit to
introduce more. Same goes for the burning software.


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Re: Mac Emulators--Which?

2003-05-28 Thread Michael Dawe
on 28/05/2003 2:59 PM, Darren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I installed it onto DOS and got the error
>> message that it can't run from DOS. Which is a bit weird, as it runs from
>> the CLI in a DOS window on 9x.
> Yes, same here booting to dos rather than doze.
> Thought is was only my problem. Very little info in the zip.
> See what dos-vmac produces by comparison. ;)

Be nice if it works, on VPC :)

So far I can get DOS-Vmac to crash VPC - I see "Welcome to Macintosh"
(rather broken up) before it hangs. It's back to DOS Doom for me :)

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Re: Mac Emulators--Which?

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Dawe
on 28/05/2003 1:28 PM, Darren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Heh, I haven't looked at Worm for some time. I think I'll install a copy
>> onto VPC for a laff. It should run at least 2x as fast as a real Plus even
>> on VPC :)  
> Well on Realpc its workable under win95 but I think the classic runs
> rings around it. :)
> Better under vpc, still the classic would beat it.
> How goes your end? :)

No luck Darren.

I don't have Win 9x set up on VPC. I installed it onto DOS and got the error
message that it can't run from DOS. Which is a bit weird, as it runs from
the CLI in a DOS window on 9x.
My current VPC is used for DOS and WFW 3.11 only (I got the same error
message trying to run it in a DOS window from WFW).

Maybe some other time :)

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Re: Mac Emulators--Which?

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Dawe
on 27/05/2003 10:34 PM, Darren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Worm Mike?
> ml
> Ok found it and a couple of others. :)
> Thanks for the tip.

Heh, I haven't looked at Worm for some time. I think I'll install a copy
onto VPC for a laff. It should run at least 2x as fast as a real Plus even
on VPC :)  


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Re: SCSI CD-RW drives? Re: Copying Mac CDs and Burning ISOs onaPC

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Dawe
on 28/05/2003 9:35 AM, Gregg Eshelman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Who still makes SCSI CD-RW drives these days?
> I've looked but haven't had much luck finding any
> current production models and used or discontinued
> new ones are insanely high priced.

Plextor still has an internal and external model on offer. Don't know how
they perform or how much they cost, though:

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Re: Xnews [was] Lou: In The Meantime....

2003-05-18 Thread Michael Dawe
on 18/05/2003 11:30 PM, A MUGWump at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> --- A MUGWump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Surf around at  and
>>>  (note the
>>> "I" in "Index is
>>> capitalized) and you'll find some great selections
>>> of freeware 
>>> software for the PC.
>>> "Pricelessware" is a term coined on
>>> alt.comp.freeware for "the best
>>> of the best in freeware", and the list is reviewed
>>> annually by the group.
>> Is the XNews usenet program on the list? If not,
>> it ought to be.
> All I can say is click on the link and look; tho I suspect that
> the "pricelessware" newsreader is Forte Free Agent. It's all up to
> the people in the newsgroup. Of course, sometimes they'll pick more
> than one.

It's at the top of the list :) and I agree, "clicking on the link and
looking" is how I found that out. Thanks for posting those links too, Mike. is another great resource to add to the books.

> After your plug, I downloaded XNews and gave it a cursory look (may
> look at it more since its installed now). On first glance, nothing
> grabbed my eye to commend it to me over Free Agent, tho I was pleased
> to read at the website that Xnews supports the new yEncoding, which
> may make it the only freeware newsreader to do so. Free Agent
> doesn't; only the registered Agent does.

Give it some time, it could grow on you. For feedback on Xnews the NG
 is the place to be, it's busy and seems to be about
50% Xnews related. It's also where Luu Tran (Xnews creator) directs folks to
discuss it.


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