Re: Adding to @INC

2009-01-07 Thread Adam Witney

On 7 Jan 2009, at 16:19, Chas. Owens wrote:

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:13, Adam Witney  wrote:

Try adding this to your ~/.profile

export PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8

OS X 10.5 (or at least my version of 10.5) uses ~/.bash_profile not
~/.profile for user overrides to the default profile (/etc/bashrc).
If this is a multiuser machine and you want the other users to see  
modules as well you can set it in the default profile instead of  


I think either ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile will work. My  
~/.profile was

created by a previous fink installation if i remember correctly.

Check .bash_profile, there is probably a line like

. ~/.profile

in it.  I don't think it was Fink that added that, Fink has always  
just added

test -r /sw/bin/ && . /sw/bin/

to my ~/.bash_profile.

I don't have a ~/.bash_profile :-)

Re: Adding to @INC

2009-01-07 Thread Adam Witney

Try adding this to your ~/.profile

export PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8

OS X 10.5 (or at least my version of 10.5) uses ~/.bash_profile not
~/.profile for user overrides to the default profile (/etc/bashrc).
If this is a multiuser machine and you want the other users to see the
modules as well you can set it in the default profile instead of your

I think either ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile will work. My ~/.profile  
was created by a previous fink installation if i remember correctly.

Re: Adding to @INC

2009-01-07 Thread Adam Witney

On 7 Jan 2009, at 15:24, Vic Norton wrote:

I just installed Mac OS X 10.5, and I'm trying to get Perl back up  
to snuff. My current @INC contains only

 /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Network/Library/Perl
 /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.8 /Library/Perl/5.8.6

I plan to use CPANPLUS to install new packages and modules. Right  
now it installs them in

This seems like a good place, but how can I add this directory to  
@INC? I would prefer not having to start every script with

 use lib '/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8';

Try adding this to your ~/.profile

export PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8

anyone know where i can get 10.3 Developers Tools?

2006-07-28 Thread Adam Witney

This may be slightly off topic, but I have just bought an iBook off
eBay, and it comes with a fresh install of 10.3, however it doesn't have
the Developers Tools installed.

I will be using this for Perl development, so i need to be able to
compile and install modules, do i need the whole Developers Tools? I can
only seem to find these for 10.4 on the apple site...

does anyone know if i can still download the Developer Tools for 10.3 or
is there another way of getting the tool set i need for compiling custom

thanks for any help


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convert string to number?

2006-07-07 Thread Adam Witney


I have a problem where a number read from a file is being treated as a
string by perl (I think!). I am using the module RSPerl which is an
interface between Perl and the statistical language R. When i read a
column of numbers from a file and pass it to the perl/R function i get
an "invalid 'type' (character) of argument" error.

The reason i think this is a problem on the Perl side is shown by this

   ... stuff to extract $value from each row ...

   push(@list1, $value);

@list2 = (100.2, 232.333, 344.2);   # these are the numbers from file

my_R_func_call([EMAIL PROTECTED]);
my_R_func_call([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

using @list1 gives the error, @list2 does not. if i add a line that
performs a redundant mathematical operation on $value before push'ing it
into @list1 eg

   if($value < 1){}
   push(@list1, $value);

then the error goes away, therefore i suspect this is a problem with the
internal datatype. I have never worried about this in Perl before, but
it appears to be more important now as R is more strict.

is there a way in Perl to force a variable to be a number rather than a



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Re: Detecting file's line endings

2006-03-01 Thread Adam Witney
On 1/3/06 1:55 am, "Peter N Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 17:25 + 28/2/06, Adam Witney wrote:
>> Does this work on all platforms? When I try it it works fine on OSX/Linux
>> with MAC/DOS/UNIX line endings, but fails (reads the whole file) when
>> reading DOS line endings on WinXP... Here is my script
>> use Fcntl;
>> my $file = $ARGV[0];
>> open(INFILE, $file) || die "cannot open $file: $!\n";
>> {
>>  local $/ = get_line_ending_for_file($file);
> Try reading the line ending before opening the file, ie:
> my $temp_line_ending = get_line_ending_for_file($file);
> open(INFILE, $file) || die "cannot open $file: $!\n";
> {
>  local $/ = $temp_line_ending;
> It may be that WinXP is getting confused by opening the file, and
> then sysopen/closing the file in get_line_ending_for_file, and then
> expecting to be able to read from the file.  Not all platforms allow
> you to open the same file multiple times and have independent access
> to it - not that I know anything about WinXP, but old Classic Mac OS
> would quite probably have had problems with this.

Hi Peter,

Unfortunately this doesn't work either, the only way to get it to read the
DOS file properly on WinXP is not to set $/ at all, but of course this
breaks the other platforms

Anyway, I have rewritten it to use sysread to read a chunk at the top of the
file (I only need the header of the file) and process that with a split and
foreach, which seems to be working fine!

Thanks for your help


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Re: Detecting file's line endings

2006-02-28 Thread Adam Witney

At 15:15 + 22/12/05, James Harvard wrote:
>   I'm trying to detect a file's line endings (\r\n for DOS, \r for Mac and \n
> for Unix as I'm sure y'all know).
>   Is there any easy way to do this?
> use Fcntl;
> sub get_line_ending_for_file {
> my( $file ) = @_;
> my $fh;
> sysopen( $fh, $file, O_RDONLY );
> sysread( $fh, $_, 33000 );
> close( $fh );
> return /(\015\012|\015|\012)/ ? $1 : "\n";
> }

Does this work on all platforms? When I try it it works fine on OSX/Linux
with MAC/DOS/UNIX line endings, but fails (reads the whole file) when
reading DOS line endings on WinXP... Here is my script

use Fcntl;

my $file = $ARGV[0];

open(INFILE, $file) || die "cannot open $file: $!\n";

 local $/ = get_line_ending_for_file($file);
my $line = $_;
chomp $line;

print "\n\n".length($line)."\n\n";

sub get_line_ending_for_file {
   my($file) = @_;

   my $fh;
   sysopen( $fh, $file, O_RDONLY );
   sysread( $fh, $_, 200 );
   close( $fh );
   return /(\015\012|\015|\012)/ ? $1 : "\n";

Thanks for any help


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Re: Using PerlMagick to get TIFF header information

2006-02-24 Thread Adam Witney
Hi Alan,

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately you need to know the attribute name for GetAttribute, The
vendor that generates these TIFFs have stuck the information I need in
TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER for some strange reason, I know its there from the
identify -verbose output, but it doesn't seem to be accessible from

I was hoping that there was a method that would return all attribute names
and values, say for example by calling GetAttribute() with no arguments...
But I can't see that there is one that does this...

I have actually managed to hack ImageMagick to make TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER
accessible, but this means I have to recompile it on the target OS's, fine
for my Mac, but not ideal as I have to run this on Windows also, and I have
no idea to compile it there!

Thanks again for your help


> Does GetAttribute() return what you need? There is a list of
> 'attributes' for 'set' and 'get' in magic.php> which might be helpful.
> Alan Fry
> On 23 Feb 2006, at 23:17, Adam Witney wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using PerlMagick to parse a TIFF file as I need to extract some
>> information from the header section. I can get Tags like Make and
>> Model, but
>> I need to get some of the others (specifically Host Computer) The
>> information can be extracted using ImageMagick's identify -verbose,
>> but I
>> don't know how to get to all the tags using PerlMagick.
>> Does anyone know how to get all the header tag information or at
>> least get a
>> list of the available tags with PerlMagick?
>> Thanks for any help
>> Adam
>> -- 
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Using PerlMagick to get TIFF header information

2006-02-24 Thread Adam Witney

I am using PerlMagick to parse a TIFF file as I need to extract some
information from the header section. I can get Tags like Make and Model, but
I need to get some of the others (specifically Host Computer) The
information can be extracted using ImageMagick's identify -verbose, but I
don't know how to get to all the tags using PerlMagick.

Does anyone know how to get all the header tag information or at least get a
list of the available tags with PerlMagick?

Thanks for any help


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Getting current directory of script after packaging with par

2005-08-24 Thread Adam Witney

Following up from my previous message, I am now using PAR. The problem is
when I package an executable the current working directory changes:

#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Cwd;

print "\nCurrent directory = ".cwd."\n";

When I run this from the command line, the result is the path to the place
where the perl script is saved. However if I package it using pp

pp -o test

Then when I double click the executable the current directory is now my home

Any ideas how I can get access (in a cross platform way, must work on
windows) to the directory in which the executable is saved?

Thanks for any help


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Re: Generating executables for macosx and windows from perl scripts

2005-08-24 Thread Adam Witney
On 24/8/05 4:55 pm, "Morbus Iff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I develop my perl scripts on OSX but I need to be able to generate
 executables for both OSX as well as windows. They won't need any graphical
 stuff, just a double clickable file that will do its stuff.
> Incidentally, you'll have to make sure that you don't use any not -
> installed - by - default modules in your scripts. If, for instance, you
> use XML::Parser, installed via CPAN, then the .command trick for OS X
> won't work on machines without XML::Parser. PAR, on Windows, will properly
> suck in any external requirements, but this presumes that you've got a
> Win32 machine with a working script (sorry - forget to mention this in the
> previous message; you can't generate a Win32 .exe from OS X via PAR).
> If you ARE using external third party modules on OS X, you'd have to ship
> them with the script itself, which gets even more complicated if you're
> using compiled XS (like XML::Parser; you'd have to ship different versions
> of your script with compiled modules for different OS X majors).
> You can see an example of a fully distributed Perl app with my AmphetaDesk
> at It's rather old and hasn't been
> updated in a few years, so note that I used perl2exe to build the Win32
> .exe instead of PAR (though, I have got a PAR-built version on a dev
> server around here somewhere). I could go on and on about the design
> itself (like .exe I'm shipping is a mere loader only, and all the logic
> code itself is still raw text, Pure Perl, and modifiable as normal) but
> that's getting away from "simple script" and more toward " complex
> applications", probably outside your needs.


Thanks for your reply.

Yes I'm afraid it includes Image::Magick and Archive::Zip, and I was hoping
to be able to generate something that would run standalone on machines where
perl may not even be installed (on Windows that is)

I see ActiveState sell a development kit that will do it for Windows, but I
think I have to generate them on Windows which I could do if I had to.

I seem to remember being able to build something for OSX that could ship
with a perl interpreter built-in such that it was independent of the
installed perl on an OSX machine, but I can't remember how that worked... Is
this possible?

Thanks again for your help


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Re: Generating executables for macosx and windows from perl scripts

2005-08-24 Thread Adam Witney
On 24/8/05 4:36 pm, "Morbus Iff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I develop my perl scripts on OSX but I need to be able to generate
>> executables for both OSX as well as windows. They won't need any graphical
>> stuff, just a double clickable file that will do its stuff.
>> Any ideas on what's the easiest way of doing this?
> Give the script execute permissions
> and rename it with a .command extension?

Ok for OSX, but this won't work on Windows will it?



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Generating executables for macosx and windows from perl scripts

2005-08-24 Thread Adam Witney

I develop my perl scripts on OSX but I need to be able to generate
executables for both OSX as well as windows. They won't need any graphical
stuff, just a double clickable file that will do its stuff.

Any ideas on what's the easiest way of doing this?

Thanks for any help


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Re: Newbie, PDF

2005-02-01 Thread Adam Witney

Also take a look at PDF::API2, which is what I think is talked about in the
book mentioned below

> At 6:37 PM -0500 1/31/05, Mike Lesser wrote:
>>  I've been looking at generating PDF files from a script
> You can find a basic introduction to this in:
> Shawn Wallace, Perl Graphics Programming.  Cambridge: O'Reilly (2003), ch. 12.
> Paul

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Parsing Excel spreadsheet on osx?

2005-01-16 Thread Adam Witney


I am trying to parse an Excel spreadsheet, but a simple script from the pod

use strict;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;

my $oBook = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->Parse('test.xls');

my($iR, $iC, $oWkS, $oWkC);

foreach my $oWkS (@{$oBook->{Worksheet}}) {
  print "- SHEET:", $oWkS->{Name}, "\n";
  for(my $iR = $oWkS->{MinRow} ;
   defined $oWkS->{MaxRow} && $iR <= $oWkS->{MaxRow} ; $iR++) {
  for(my $iC = $oWkS->{MinCol} ;
   defined $oWkS->{MaxCol} && $iC <= $oWkS->{MaxCol} ; $iC++) {
  $oWkC = $oWkS->{Cells}[$iR][$iC];
  print "( $iR , $iC ) =>", $oWkC->Value, "\n" if($oWkC);

This gives no output at all. Any ideas if this should work on OSX?



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Re: Incorrect Path or format?

2004-07-27 Thread Adam Witney

Hi Nick,

You are trying to run a file from the Document folder on your hard disk, not
your home directory... You need to do it like this

perl ~/Documents/simple_print


perl /Users/username/Documents/simple_print

But I suspect you will also need to make the file executable first, with
this command

chmod a+x  ~/Documents/simple_print



> I am just learning to use Perl on OS 10.3. I am not an experienced
> Unix programmer, so I am probably doing something very basically
> wrong.
> My first "Hello World" script is not executing. I created a Plain
> Text script using TextEdit and saved it in my Documents folder with
> the name "simple_print".
> In Terminal, I give a pwd command and get back the reply: /Users/username
> When I type: perl /Documents/simple_print, I get the diagnostic
> Can't open perl script "/Documents/simple_print": No such file or directory
> That seems to mean I am making some kind of mistake with the path name.
> The first line in the program is: #!  /usr/bin/perl
> What is wrong?
> Nick

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Re: Installing and running camelbones... SOLVED

2004-06-09 Thread Adam Witney

Sorry, I jumped the gun with my question, realised I had to find the source
tarball in Developer/Source, and compile in there.

I can now build for Deployment, but not for Development (although I don't
really know the difference!)



> Hi, I have just downloaded Camelbones 0.2.3 and am having a stab at using
> it. (on OSX 10.3.4
> Firstly, I have upgraded my perl to 5.8.4, so the instructions say to build
> the Camelbones frameworks. However, it tells me to edit GNUmakefile.perl,
> which I can't find anywhere... Even though I did install the GNUstep stuff.
> Any ideas where this is supposed to be?
> Ignoring this and just trying the Hello World example gives me a "Build
> failed" error in Xcode
> Any ideas on how to get this working? Or any pointers to a specific
> camelbones mailing list?
> Thanks
> Adam

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Installing and running camelbones

2004-06-09 Thread Adam Witney

Hi, I have just downloaded Camelbones 0.2.3 and am having a stab at using
it. (on OSX 10.3.4

Firstly, I have upgraded my perl to 5.8.4, so the instructions say to build
the Camelbones frameworks. However, it tells me to edit GNUmakefile.perl,
which I can't find anywhere... Even though I did install the GNUstep stuff.
Any ideas where this is supposed to be?

Ignoring this and just trying the Hello World example gives me a "Build
failed" error in Xcode

Any ideas on how to get this working? Or any pointers to a specific
camelbones mailing list?



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Generating a temp file in a web app

2004-01-23 Thread Adam Witney

Hi all,

This is probably not a mac specific perl problem, but I have a web app that
fires off a perl script which generates a temporary pdf file and then emails
it to the user. I have been using this syntax:

my $temp_pdf = "/tmp/reg_form$$.pdf";

to name the temporary pdf file... Is this a safe way to approach the
problem. This will not be a heavily used app... But I wouldn't want one
persons pdf to be sent to another user..

Thanks for any advice


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Re: dyld undefined symbols using XML::Sablotron

2003-09-12 Thread Adam Witney

I have come across this undefined symbol when playing with


I got rid of it (rightly or wrongly!) by adding -lstdc++ to LDLOADLIBS in
the Makefile. (I read somewhere on google that it meant that it was trying
to link against the C libs rather than the C++ libs)

Don't know if this will help you, but maybe worth a try


> OK, well, I thought I had the mess with expat & Sablotron all worked
> out.  But, now, when I try to
> use use XML::Sablotron;
> I get the following:
> dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
> __ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
> __ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
> __ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE
> ___cxa_pure_virtual
> ___gxx_personality_v0
> Trace/BPT trap
> I've done some searching, and this sort of dyld error seems to be a
> not-too-uncommon problem for people to have with OSX with various perl
> modules.  However, I haven't found anything that describes how to fix
> the problem.  i feel so close, yet so far away  Anyone have any
> pointers/info on what to do to define my symbols?
> Chad A Gard

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Ordering keys in a hash

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Witney

I have a hash with keys of the format


And I would like to generate a list ordered by the \d\d\d\d bit in the
middle. I have this from the perl cookbook

my @keys = sort {criterion()} keys(%gene_pool);

but I don't really know how to approach the criterion() function

Anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks for any help


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Re: Ordering keys in a hash

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Witney

Thanks to all those who replied... I have certainly learnt a lot from the



> At 04:12 PM +0100 8/5/03, Adam Witney wrote:
>> And I would like to generate a list ordered by the \d\d\d\d bit in the
>> middle. I have this from the perl cookbook
>> my @keys = sort {criterion()} keys(%gene_pool);
>> but I don't really know how to approach the criterion() function

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Getting size of IMAP mailbox

2003-05-27 Thread Adam Witney

Our sysadmins have decided to put a quota on the size of our email
mailboxes. They have implemented a 'function' to warn the user when he gets
close to the limit... However they have only implemented this function for
windows mail clients!

I was wondering if there was anything I could do in perl to be able to
connect to the IMAP server and report back the size of my mailbox?

I have had a quick look through Mail-IMAPClient and Net-IMAP-Simple, but
didn't see anything in there that would do what I wanted

Any ideas of how I might think about doing this? If indeed it is possible?

Thanks for any help or pointers


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Re: Adding path to @INC for use with web server

2002-10-11 Thread Adam Witney

Well yes, that¹s why I don't want to have local info, like where to look for
modules, in my script.


> We recently discussed "Portability" on this list. If you want to write
> scripts that run on other systems then you have to accommodate that design
> goal with code. 
> -- 
> Bill Stephenson
> 1-417-546-5593
>> From: Adam Witney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 11:09:38 +0100
>> To: MacOS X perl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Adding path to @INC for use with web server
>> Hi,
>> Searching the archives I have been able to find out how to get Perl to
>> search other paths for modules when invoked from the terminal or from GUI
>> apps such as BBEdit, however I cannot get them recognised by cgi scripts.. I
>> read somewhere to add this line to httpd.conf
>> PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /sw/lib/perl5
>> However that doesn't seem to help
>> I could just add 
>> use lib 'path';
>>  to the top of each script, but these scripts will be moved to other OS's
>> so I don't want to have to add lines for this purpose
>> Any ideas on how to do this?
>> Thanks
>> adam

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Adding path to @INC for use with web server

2002-10-10 Thread Adam Witney


Searching the archives I have been able to find out how to get Perl to
search other paths for modules when invoked from the terminal or from GUI
apps such as BBEdit, however I cannot get them recognised by cgi scripts. I
read somewhere to add this line to httpd.conf

PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /sw/lib/perl5

However that doesn't seem to help

I could just add 

use lib 'path';

 to the top of each script, but these scripts will be moved to other OS's
so I don't want to have to add lines for this purpose

Any ideas on how to do this?



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Re: Perl & DBD-Pg 1.13 on Mac OS X 10.2

2002-09-23 Thread Adam Witney

I just installed DBD-Pg 1.13 using fink and it all seems to work fine. This
may be worth a look for you guys having trouble installing the manual way.


Re: Perl & DBD-Pg 1.13 on Mac OS X 10.2

2002-09-23 Thread Adam Witney

> Adam Witney suggests that the error depends on dlcompact. I have
> installed the dlcompact (version 20020913 fixed for Jaguar) from osxgnu
> site ( but the problem persists.

I spoke to the author of dlcompact about this on the 14th september So
the version you installed above may not have had the fix yet. I will contact
him again to see if he has had any luck with it


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Re: Perl & DBD-Pg 1.13 on Mac OS X 10.2

2002-09-20 Thread Adam Witney

> t/00basic...dyld: /usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
> _ERR_get_error
> _ERR_reason_error_string
> _SSL_CTX_new
> _SSL_connect
> _SSL_free
> _SSL_library_init
> _SSL_load_error_strings
> _SSL_new
> _SSL_read
> _SSL_set_fd
> _SSL_write
> _SSLv23_method
> t/00basic...dubious
>Test returned status 0 (wstat 5, 0x5)
> t/01connect.dyld: /usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
> _ERR_get_error
> _ERR_reason_error_string
> _SSL_CTX_new
> _SSL_connect
> _SSL_free
> _SSL_library_init
> _SSL_load_error_strings
> _SSL_new
> _SSL_read
> _SSL_set_fd
> _SSL_write
> _SSLv23_method
> t/01connect.dubious

I got an error similar to this the other day when trying to load the RPgSQL
driver for R (unrelated to Perl). In that situation it seems to be a problem
with dlcompat, the author of which said that he was working on a fix


Re: Accessing Samba - Mount Volume Possible?

2002-05-03 Thread Adam Witney

Yes, me also. However I was unable to get it to read the password file
(.nsmbrc) and it always prompted me for a password.

Any ideas why this is so?



> Rich,
> This was _absolutely_ tremendously helpful. Thanks.
> /Michael
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> if(-f "/users/userid/.nsmbrc") {
> print "mounting share\n";
> system('mount_smbfs -W workgroupname //username@domain/share
> /users/userid/myshare');
> } else {
> print "password file does not exist\n";
> }
> __END__

Installing XML-Xerces

2002-04-15 Thread Adam Witney

Has anyone managed to install on MacOSX?

The make seems to work ok, but many of the tests fail, this error message
comes up a number of times

MESSAGE: An exception occured! Type:TranscodingException, Message:Could not
create a converter for encoding: utf-8

Any help would be greatly appreciated



Re: how to include a file

2002-03-18 Thread Adam Witney

On the subject of Embperl, I have been trying to install HTML-Embperl-1.3.4,
however the tests fail Any help would be greatly appreciated? (perl

[mrc1-003:local/install/HTML-Embperl-1.3.4] adam% make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=0 /usr/local/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin -I/System/Library/Perl

loading...dyld: /usr/local/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 67