Re: Problems installing DBD::mysql

2011-02-04 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Have you installed the mysql libraries on your OS X system first? 

You need more that just the perl bindings to MySQL, you need to have MySQL 
installed on your machine, along with whatever libraries needed to run it. That 
is to say, runtime and buildtime dependencies.

BTW, you may want to look into Postgres since MySQL was recently bought by 



On Jan 31, 2011, at 07:12, Marek Stepanek wrote:

 Hello all!
 This is my first posting here, after a long silent time, receiving the
 postings of this group.
 I have a problem, which I am unable to resolve on myself:
 I want to install since four days now DBD::mysql on my MBP, with 64bit
 Intel chip.
 I tried with both version of MYSQL Community Server:
   mysql-5.5.8-osx10.6-x86_64.tar.gz (the 64bit version)
   mysql-5.5.8-osx10.6-x86.tar.gz(the 32bit version)
 I think I am not doing something wrong, installing the MYSQL Server. (:
 Meanwhile I am a Professional, doing it :)
 But installing DBD::mysql fails already with make, and both servers: the
 64bit and the 32bit ...
 First my Perl:
 % perl -v
 This is perl, v5.10.0 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
 The installing procedure of DBD::mysql fails like follows. I am in the
 folder ~/.cpanplus/5.10.0/build/DBD-mysql-4.018:
   % perl Makefile.PL
 Here one warning is perhaps important:
 Multiple copies of Driver.xst found in:
 at Makefile.PL line 907
 Using DBI 1.611 (for perl 5.01 on darwin-thread-multi-2level)
 installed in /Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/DBI/
 2. I fire up the MYSQL-Server to grant the privileges for the test user:
   % mysql grant all privileges on test.* to 'mstep'@'localhost'
 identified by 's3kr1t';
 3.% make
 And here are starting serious problems: I get plenty of following warnings:
 dbdimp.c: In function 'alloc_param':
 dbdimp.c:212: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
 4.% make test
 4.(Var) % sudo make test
 Both are failing with following messages:
 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e
 test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch') t/*.t
 t/00base.t .. 1/6
 #   Failed test 'use DBD::mysql;'
 #   at t/00base.t line 21.
 # Tried to use 'DBD::mysql'.
 # Error:  Can't load
 for module DBD::mysql:
 2): Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.16.dylib
 #   Referenced from:
 #   Reason: image not found at
 line 207.
 #  at (eval 7) line 2
 # Compilation failed in require at (eval 7) line 2.
 # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 7) line 2.
 Bailout called.  Further testing stopped:  Unable to load DBD::mysql
 FAILED--Further testing stopped: Unable to load DBD::mysql
 make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
 Could somebody help me out? Please!
 Best greetings from Munich
 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: New to Mac - need help compiling a package

2009-04-28 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Apr 27, 2009, at 22:23, Shai Simchi wrote:

I am new to Mac (not to perl). I have a package Net- 
which I want to start using but not sure how to make the package  

on my perl installation.

Have you looked at installing with CPAN?


Re: New to Mac - need help compiling a package

2009-04-28 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Apr 28, 2009, at 18:52, Shai Simchi wrote:

I would love to look into this option as well. Do you have any  

procedure to share?

Sure, try the command `cpan` on the command line. I think it is pre- 
installed on the Mac. If not, it is not hard to install.

Here is more info on CPAN;

To install something, i.e. a module. issue this command;
perl -MCPAN -e shell My::Module

Hope that helps, if not, post any questions you have here.




On 4/28/09 1:50 AM, Jeremiah Foster  

On Apr 27, 2009, at 22:23, Shai Simchi wrote:

I am new to Mac (not to perl). I have a package Net-
which I want to start using but not sure how to make the package
on my perl installation.

Have you looked at installing with CPAN?


Re: Leopard, Apache and CGI Uploads

2008-04-25 Thread jeremiah

Hello Bryan,

On Apr 24, 2008, at 10:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a Perl file upload script I'd been using for years under  
Apache 1 in Tiger. I haven't modified it in ages. No mod_perl, just and the default Perl installation. It's always worked fine  
for files of any size (some as many as a gigabyte and taking more  
than an hour to upload), but since upgrading to Leopard, with its  
Apache2 nonsense,

Um, apache2 rocks. It has a much better configuration layout,  
particularly for virtual hosts, and is a more secure web server. Once   
you get used to it you'll agree.

the script fails on large files -- anything over a megabyte -- with  
this being output to the browser: Server closed socket during multipart read (client  

This is the only error message logged, too. I've tested this with  
multiple clients on different operating systems and it's the same  
every time, unless the file's smaller than 1MB, in which case the  
script executes as it should. I added a debugging line to the upload  
hook that runs when I first create my CGI query object, and it  
reports the bytes increasing up to a point, after which it keeps  
logging these messages but the number of bytes stays static. It's  
never the exact same number but the files always seem to fail above  
1 megabyte, with about 1.4 being the upper limit I've seen so far.

Any ideas? Thanks

Well I know that has tools to limit the size of uploads, or  
more specifically tools for controlling uploaded files as they get  
spooled to disk, but it appears that you did not change those settings  
so I am not sure if that is your problem or not. Here are some things  
you can add to your perl script to get more information:

Use Carp, diagnostics, and warnings, if you haven't already:

use warnings
use diagnostics
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'

That last use directive, (the one for CGI::Carp), will print warnings  
to your browser which may help if you chose to diagnose the problem  
with a browser. You'd probably want to turn that off once the problem  
is solved, it reveals juicy information about the cgi environment.

You can change the type and amount of messages your error log receives  
in the httpd.conf file for your specific domain - I think the default  
is warn, but you can set higher levels which might give you some  
more info, look for this stanza:

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,  

# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

Set it to info or debug for more info on errors. apache2 does not use  
httpd.conf anymore, at least on other operating systems, but Apple has  
decided in their infinite wisdom to fork apache2 and they bundle  
configuration in httpd.conf. Bad Apple. So you will have to look in / 
etc/apachce2/httpd.conf to find if there are any settings there that  
are limiting your uploads, though a cursory check of my httpd.conf  
file under Leopard shows nothing that might point to limits on  
uploads, but as I mentioned, Apple takes liberties with apache so you  
never know. :)

Hope that helps,


Re: How to run Perl script at Mac OS (Darwin) Release?

2008-03-08 Thread jeremiah

On Mar 7, 2008, at 7:35 PM, Gary Yang wrote:


 Below is my Perl script. The script named,

 #!/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.10/bin/perl -w

 print $^O\n;

 I have to type, perl in order to run it. I got command  
not found if I simply typed Can someone tell me why and  
how to fix it?

Indeed, as Chas. mentioned, the script you have written must be  
'executable'. There is a distinction between a script that is plain  
text, like yours, and a script that can 'execute' that plain text as  
if it were instructions to the computer. When you called your script,  
you did it like this: But your computer did not understand  
that you wanted to execute all the commands in your script, it just  
saw plain text.

To tell your computer to execute your script, you have to change the  
permissions. That is, you have to give permission to execute the  
script. The way to do that is to use a command called 'chmod'.  chmod  
'CHanges file MODes' - it turns a plain script into an executable  
script. Do a `man chmod` to find out more, or just do what Chas.  

chmod a+x

Now you can call your script and your computer will understand, Aha!  
it will say. I am to execute each command in this file as if someone  
wrote it on the command line! To call your script, do this:


See the dot and the slash before your script's name? That says,  
'execute this script right here.' Now you should see the output from  
your script.


RE: CamelBones: Maintainer needed

2007-12-14 Thread Jeremiah Foster

 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Yarrish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: den 14 december 2007 17:07
 To: Sherm Pendley
 Subject: Re: CamelBones: Maintainer needed
 Can you give an idea on the experience one would need to 
 maintain it?  I'm assuming you wouldn't want a relative 
 newbie to Perl to take it over.
 (of course if it doesn't matter, I might be interested)

You're going to want to know a lot about how write applications for OS
X. At the very least you will want to have some passing familiarity with
Objective-C, XCode, and other Apple tools, like interface builder. 

CamelBones is designed to make the underlying Objective-C API accessible
to perl. Obviously the more you know about the Objective-C API the
easier it is, at least that is what I would imagine.


RE: CamelBones: Maintainer needed

2007-12-14 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Hello list, and hello Sherm,

1. That sucks. I am sorry to hear you feel that way. Not because of
CamelBones but because you sound depressed. I know you have been looking
for work - have you found any? A mailing list is not the best forum for
this kind of discussion perhaps, but I hope you feel better, you should
be proud of CamelBones.

2. I would be happy to maintain it. It would be a really interesting
project. I have been working with it for a bit, long enough to point out
known bugs at least. :) I am certain there are more qualified CamelBones
hackers out there, but I am familiar with it and it is something I like
working on. Plus I do some packaging for debian and I know a bit about
the internals of Mac OS X. 

3. I think some kind of team maintainership is good. If Tom wants to
work on it, cool. If others want to work on it, cool. We do this in the
debian perl group and while it is more obvious how to share
responsibility when you are working on lots of packages, I still think
there is a way to work it out with something like CamelBones as well.

4. It is really important, I feel, that this project lives on. This is
one of the better ways to build graphical interfaces on the Mac.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sherm Pendley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: den 14 december 2007 16:53
 Subject: CamelBones: Maintainer needed
 I haven't had a real job in years, and I'm at a point now 
 where I don't even care about that, about CamelBones, about 
 Perl, or really about much of anything else computer-related. 
 I've had more than enough time to ship a Leopard-compatible 
 CamelBones, but I just haven't been able to find the 
 enthusiasm to get it (or anything else) done. I sit down at 
 the computer, start up Xcode, and I think, what's the point? 
 I've spent a lifetime writing code, and it's gotten me 
 nowhere; what possible difference would a few more hours make?
 I've obviously got issues to deal with, and CamelBones users 
 deserve, more than anything else, a maintainer whose head is 
 on straight. Someone who cares about it and enjoys working on 
 it. That isn't me, and it's way past time for me to admit that.
 Any volunteers?

FW: ldapsearch equivalent with Net::LDAP

2007-11-27 Thread Jeremiah Foster

-Original Message-
From: Jeremiah Foster 
Sent: den 27 november 2007 09:20
To: 'Dennis Putnam'
Subject: RE: ldapsearch equivalent with Net::LDAP

 I am trying to do the equivalent of this search:
  ldapsearch -x -LLL -b dc=ldaphost,dc=mydomain,dc=com uid

Caveat Emptor: I am no LDAP genius.
 Here is one of the many variations I tried:
  use strict;
  use Net::LDAP;
  my $ldap=Net::LDAP-new( or die $@;

Try replacing $@ with $!. You are using $@ which is the eval error
message, but I don't see where you are using eval. $! will tell you what
went wrong since it is the sys/libcall error message. 

  my $mesg=$ldap-bind();
  if ($#ARGV0) {
  print $mesg-entries(),\n;
  else {
 I am just starting so my code is incomplete but it should be enough to

 get something. However, I get nothing, not even an error. Can someone 
 see what I am doing wrong? TIA.

See what your code spits out now and diagnose from there. Hopefully that
is a start.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-26 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 19, 2007, at 5:12 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 19, 2007, at 2:51 AM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can draw a picture for you:

In which case, your real argument appears to be the Fink people don't
seem to be doing what I need fast enough.

In which case, the response is you should contribute to Fink then.

Duly noted. I would like to try to do a unifier, a front end that  
searches all the various porting systems (fink, macports, and gets the latest version of a package.

[...] I, as a developer, should maintain the latest version of  
perl on

my machines. I give in!

Yes, if that's really what you need. I still think it isn't the end of
the world to just work with the bundled version of Perl (along, of
course, with whatever CPAN modules you need). It's not like 5.8.6 or
5.8.8 are such awful, archaic versions to work with in the first  

So target the release version, or do like everyone else that's
concerned about this and install your own Perl. It's not hard to do,
and it's really not that different than how things are on Debian.

Yes it is. debian's packages are updated constantly, not just in  

releases. So if there is a problem a new package is made available
relatively quickly.

Maybe my Debian experience is too limited then, but this seems like a
slightly glossed over version of things to me.

The last time I spent a lot of time with debian (roughly  
2003-2005), it

was still on 3.0/Woody. Yes, there was a constant stream of package
updates, but IIRC they were all security patches, critical bugfixes
(with a *really* conservative definition of critical -- merely
braindead usability brokenness never seemed to be worth patching),  
It seems like most of the updates we were getting were via

rather than official updates to Woody itself.

Maybe things have evolved since then, but at the time it seemed  
like if
an update wasn't for security or a real showstopping bug (e.g.  
keeps the

machine from booting, or a critical daemon from running), then it was
seen as a mere features update and got deferred until 3.1/Sarge. If
you wanted those features updates, you had to get them from  

or roll your own. Maybe as a backlash, I seem to remember that this is
around when Ubuntu et al branched off to be a more current platform.

Things have changed significantly. As an example, we have a tool in  
the debian-perl group that compares our version of a perl module with  
the module on CPAN. This is automated and is done daily. (http://pkg-
This way we can see which modules need updating and do the update as  
part of our normal team work keeping perl fresh in debian.

This seems like exactly the stance that we're talking about here,  
and as

frustrating as it can seem, there are really good reasons to do things
this way, not least being stability  predictability for  
developers, who

can assume confidently that release X is going to have Perl v.Y, etc.

As far as Ubuntu is concerned, they just take a snapshot of debian  
and work out the bugs, freeze the code, and release it on a planned  
release date. Since it is a frozen version of debian and Ubuntu  
quickly becomes outdated in comparison with debian unstable, though  
they do issue updates for security and other bugs which they get from  
debian or initiate themselves.

Stability is good, but elusive. Is a patched version less stable than  
an unpatched version? Most new versions of software are bug fixes of  
the same code that has been working anyway, maybe I shouldn't say  
most but we can agree it is many.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-19 Thread jeremiah
 negative in regards to those two fine  
programming languages, in this thread.

I am just asking for a reasonable, up-to-date, development  

so that I do not have to shell into a linux server to do the job I
need to do.

So target the release version, or do like everyone else that's  

about this and install your own Perl. It's not hard to do, and it's
really not that different than how things are on Debian.

Yes it is. debian's packages are updated constantly, not just in  
point releases. So if there is a problem a new package is made  
available relatively quickly. All you have to do is call `apt-get  
update` and you have the new packages with dependency handling built  
in! (Even better than CPAN's because CPAN's can only handle perl  
dependecies while apt-get can handle system dependencies.) If a bug  
appears in apache I have to wait for a new point release or  
infrequent security update from Apple or hope that the fix has  
propagated to fink which doesn't move as fast as debian and is a  
couple of upstream releases behind[0].

If Apple supported fink with resources, or just unified the way free  
software is installed on OS X, I am convinced it would see a positive  
response from developers and system administrators, leading to new  
software for the platform, more deployment, profits, etc. Right now,  
you have to go through, Macports, fink, or compile  
from source. If a free operating system built by volunteers can do  
this why can't Apple? And why is everyone on my case because I want  
that? Honestly? Is it _that_ unrealistic? Are these things that no  
one else cares about? Have I lost my marbles?


[0]  fink: apache2  2.0.55   OS X
  apt-get: apache2  2.2.4 ubuntu 7.10
  apt-get: apache2  2.2.6 debian/sid
  compile from source   2.2.6*

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 18, 2007, at 3:29 AM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Oct 17, 2007, at 10:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:25 PM, brian d foy wrote:

In article B12928BB-8EB2-48E4- 


It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my  


If you want to work on the Mac, you still can. It doesn't sound like
you want to though.

It may sound like that to you, but if I didn't want to develop (in  
perl) on the Mac, why would I bother writing about this at all?

Perhaps brian thought it was odd that you'd refuse to develop on a  
platform because of the wrong marketing statements, when all the  
right tools are there for both you and any target users.

I have the deepest respect for brian d foy. I have met him personally  
in Copenhagen and I think highly of all of his work on behalf of the  
perl community. That said, I take exception to his rhetorical reply  
to my post.

If you look carefully, you'll see I said I would have to stick with  
debian when developing my LAMP apps. This means I am trying to  
replicate my debian environment (Apache 2 with MP2, TT2, other gunk)  
on my Mac. This requires more work than it should perhaps. Not least  
because fink is not apt-get and some things are in fink, some are in  
Macports and some are in neither. I rely on debian sid and apt-get to  
have the latest software from CPAN, and when it doesn't, I try and  
package it for debian which is why I am part of the debian-perl team.  
I am happy to compile from source, but I loose all the work on  
security and compatibility from upstream when I do - not a good trade  

When I work on my Mac, I expect everything to just work. Perhaps  
this is wrong when it comes to a development environment for the  
reasons stated in this thread and elsewhere on this list but I  
thought impatience was virtue for a programmer. In any case, I never  
refused to develop for the Mac. Insert snarky emoticon here.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 18, 2007, at 8:56 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:

Not sure what you mean by
losing things from upstream.

Just that when I chose to compile software on my own, I lose all the  
debian security work.

They look over packages and report vulnerabilities, I can just update  
with apt-get and get a new version - if I compile from source then I  
have to follow security warnings for the software I installed on my  
own. This is not a big deal if we are just talking about two or three  
applications, but if you are supporting a platform or a distribution,  
having the debian security do security for thousands of packages  
becomes a service that money cannot buy.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 18, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 18, 2007, at 8:56 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:

Not sure what you mean by
losing things from upstream.

Just that when I chose to compile software on my own, I lose all  
the debian security work.

They look over packages and report vulnerabilities, I can just  
update with apt-get and get a new version - if I compile from  
source then I have to follow security warnings for the software I  
installed on my own. This is not a big deal if we are just talking  
about two or three applications, but if you are supporting a  
platform or a distribution, having the debian security do security  
for thousands of packages becomes a service that money cannot buy.

Sorry, I'm confused -- why not just use Debian then?


You're basically saying you want their custom build  distribution  
service, but that is (naturally, one might think) only available on  
their Linux distribution.

When you say 'their', who do you mean? If you mean debian, well yes.  
Everyone who uses debian stable gets this custom build system, that  
is the point of debian.

Apple already maintains the core OS software, including bundled  
open source packages like Perl,

Apple maintains Apple's version of the so-called open source  
software, but it does very little maintenance of community software  
or perl in general. Can you point to Apple licensed software on CPAN  
for example? I can point to lots of debian licensed software,  
software built on (and sometimes for) debian that makes its way up to  
the rest of the world. Why can't Apple do that?

but if that isn't enough for you, and Debian is, then what exactly  
are you asking for?

I want 5.10 to work without hassle on OS X (Leopard).
I want my code to be run cross platform (I am talking CGI here -  
still there are big differences between LAMP and {M,A}AMP)
I want the time and effort I invested in learning perl to be useful  
for developing native applications on Mac OS X. (I am willing to  
learn how to use CamelBones to accomplish this. Right now I think it  
best I learn Objective-C.)

I am asking for easy to do stuff here, I am not asking for Apple to  
fix that fact that MySQL runs more slowly on Apple hardware because  
Apple uses the *BSD threading model when MySQL is built on the Linux  
threading model and therefor is significantly faster on linux.[0] I  
am not asking Apple to optimize their software to run faster on Core  
Duo than linux. I am not asking Apple to Open source Aqua. I am just  
asking for a reasonable, up-to-date, development environment so that  
I do not have to shell into a linux server to do the job I need to do.



Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread jeremiah

Some yummy facts about Leopard:

Scripting Bridge
Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac  
applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily  
generate AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.

Ruby on Rails
Work in a developer's dreamland. Leopard is the perfect platform for  
Ruby on Rails development, with Rails, Mongrel, and Capistrano built in.

Not a single word about perl. No mention of CamelBones, using the  
Scripting Bridge for perl, or the fact that perl has CPAN with 12,000 
+ high quality modules while ruby has 4,000+ on rubyforge. Apple  
trumpets its POSIX conformation yet what UNIX is worth its weight in  
cat5 cable if it doesn't come with perl?

It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my LAMP  


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:25 PM, brian d foy wrote:


Scripting Bridge
Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac
applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily
generate AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.

Mac OS X comes with Mac::Carbon, I thought. IS the issue that you  

have the right things available to you on the other side when you
distribute applications?

Yes, it does come with Mac::Carbon, and yes there is CamelBones. I  
just think that Apple seems to ignore mentioning perl in their fancy  
marketing campaigns. I get frustrated by that since there is a  
misunderstanding about perl in the marketplace and companies like  
Apple are in a position to do something about it.

trumpets its POSIX conformation yet what UNIX is worth its weight in
cat5 cable if it doesn't come with perl?

Mac OS X comes with Perl. Perhaps you meant to say CamelBones, but I
don't think POSIX cares about that.

It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my LAMP

If you want to work on the Mac, you still can. It doesn't sound like
you want to though.

It may sound like that to you, but if I didn't want to develop (in  
perl) on the Mac, why would I bother writing about this at all?

I just had hoped for more publicity for perl from Leopard. I had also  
hoped for a new version of perl and Apache 2.0 out of the box. Okay,  
getting 5.10 into Leopard isn't realistic and maybe Apache will be  
updated for Leopard, and yes, a stable platform is a worthy goal for  
users (I am beginning to convince myself I am wrong) but I think that  
Apple could have provided more for developers in regard to perl.


Re: Leopard Perl version...

2007-10-15 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 15, 2007, at 3:01 AM, Robert Hicks wrote:

Cool and thanks for the answer. I *wish* it was 5.10 as that has  
some very nice features that I am excited about. I will definitely  
upgrade to 5.10 when it ships final.


5.10 is going to be really great. And you can always get some stuff  
from CPAN for perl6 as well, because Perl 6 is going to be amazing.

Edward Moy wrote:

% perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
It's been at 5.8.8 for quite a while.  5.10 is just around the  
corner, but too late for Leopard.

On Oct 12, 2007, at 2:04 PM, Robert Hicks wrote:

Is it being bumped up to 5.8.8? I am just curious...


Re: Is there a True Boolean type in Perl?

2007-10-15 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 15, 2007, at 11:25 PM, Gary Blackburn wrote:

On Oct 15, 2007, at 4:27 PM, Michael Barto wrote:

As both Java and Javascript both have a 'true' and 'false' or  
Boolean data type, is there any interest in evolution of Perl to  
have a true Boolean. Or what is the preferred method to do this in  
Perl. The C programmers want me to use 0's and 1's.

In my experience the most common convention is to use undef and 1  
as your boolean values, as in:

my $is_scared;# is_scared is initially set to undef, which  
evaluates as false

if ($monsters_under_my_bed) {
$is_scared = 1;

Yeah, it's probably bad karma to use undef when you mean 0 but  
this approach is very perl-ish, easy to read, and even recommended  
by Damian Conway in his Perl Best Practices book (page 40... just  
checked. :-D)

You can, if you really want to, do this:

my $true = 1;
my $false;

Still, it is not much of a substitute for knowing what exactly is  
_inside_ your variable and testing it to make sure. Plus, boolean  
values are un-perlish. Look at this for example:

if ($var) {
   print Yep!;
} else {
   print Nep!;

That is perlish, testing if $var is defined and doing some thing  
based on that. You can of course make it clearer with

if ( defined ($var))

But to be really perly and terse, this is the idiom:

print Yep if ($var);


Re: Leopard Perl version...

2007-10-14 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 14, 2007, at 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The subject line was Leopard Perl version,

Sorry, I misunderstood.

so I said it's been 5.8.8 for quite a while.  It is no secret that  
we (Apple) try our best to keep up-to-date with perl (and other  
opensource projects) at every major release.

Well, it is a bit of a secret. For example;

httpd -v
Server version: Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin)

It is also no secret that we have never updated (though I might  
personally like to) the same opensource projects between major  
releases (ie, software updates).

Why is that? Does Apple not provide the resources to make this  
possible? Personally I think they should because the Mac is a great  
development platform. I think Apple would win more developers to the  
platform if it were more open and a bit more up-to-date. Not shipping  
Apache 2 seems obstinate to me.


Re: Leopard Perl version...

2007-10-13 Thread jeremiah
Hmm, are you sure you did not update your perl yourself? I have a  
Macmini from April 2007 (OS X 10.4.10) and it says:

$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.6 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level

On Oct 13, 2007, at 8:42 PM, Edward Moy wrote:

% perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level

It's been at 5.8.8 for quite a while.  5.10 is just around the  
corner, but too late for Leopard.


On Oct 12, 2007, at 2:04 PM, Robert Hicks wrote:

Is it being bumped up to 5.8.8? I am just curious...


Re: Leopard Perl version...

2007-10-13 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 13, 2007, at 8:42 PM, Edward Moy wrote:

It's been at 5.8.8 for quite a while.  5.10 is just around the  
corner, but too late for Leopard.

Neither one is out yet, but I assume Leopard is pretty well frozen?  
(5.10 is rumored to be frozen too, but don't hold your breath. :^) )


Re: my variable at global level not being passed

2007-10-05 Thread Jeremiah Foster
The more package-oriented way is probably to use the DBI package at  
the top of your script. Perhaps you could do something like this:


use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

# connect to database
my $dbh = DBI-connect('DBI:mysql:db_name','user','password')
or die Could not connect to database! :   . DBI-errstr;

Now you can use the $dbh variable locally. This would make your life  
pretty easy and it works with 5.8.6. It makes you life easy because  
you can diagnose database connections in the script you are writing  
and not in some other far off script you didn't write. It also allows  
you to specify very granular variables like a specific user who may  
only have SELECT rights to the database which is one way to  
increase security. Or you may have to change the password or even  
change the database driver. All those things are doable with DBI. Do  
a `perldoc DBI` to find out more.

The latest (stable) version of perl is 5.8.8 and soon 5.10 is due to  
appear soon, I don't understand why Apple ships such old versions of  
perl. Bad Apple.


On Oct 5, 2007, at 4:06 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Oct 4, 2007, at 6:57 PM, Michael Barto wrote:

I am working with an old Perl Library (program module) written in  
Perl4 and Perl  5 depending who was hacking the code. My program  
that calls it, uses -w and strict and has identified many syntax  
errors and so forth in the old library which I fixed. My problem  
is that this library needs two variables passed as globals to it  
to use in one of the subroutines, One of them is the $dbh variable  
created when the database is open. Another is a hash. Both these  
variables were initiated at the Main top most level of the program  
with my. Unfortunately, this causes an error and the libraries  
does not see the global.

My() isn't package scoped, it's file scoped.

Our() is package scoped, so add a package declaration at the top of  
each of your files, and in each of them declare $dbh with our.  
Basically, like this, at the top of each file that uses the shared  

package SuperNifty;
our $dbh;

Alternatively, you could define $dbh in a module, and include it in  
the module's @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK, so that an alias to it is  
exported into the module user's namespace.


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2007-09-28 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Sep 28, 2007, at 8:17 AM, Michael Barto wrote:

This seems like a flame, but I will try and answer your question.  
The reason why we are doing the HTML subroutines and so many others  
with key at the start (e.g. JSCript, DB, make, get). is mostly to  
support long term maintenance and parse out pieces of the code for  
a very large project (divide and conquer)
The modules libraries are maintained in a consistent manner. The  
variables $new_page and $from_page also are significant in this  
large code. It just helps the many people that have to touch this  
code have an easier path getting though any maintenance. The main  
program is nothing more than large set subroutine calls broken down  
in sections. The  subroutine calls are shared by many modules of  
the large project.

The best practices procedure is to use MVC. (Model, View, Control)  
- this provides separation of logic and presentation and  
significantly aids in the long term maintenance of your code. Look at  
Damian Conway's book; Perl Best Practices.

By not following best practices you run the risk of making your code  
write only. An experienced perl programmer would have a hard time  
reading it and re-factor it according to best practices.

Following best practices will significantly increase readability,  
maintenance, and quality of your code.



2007-09-27 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Sep 27, 2007, at 6:41 PM, Michael Barto wrote:

Perl snippet question:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

my $new_page = new CGI();
sub HTMLendFORM ($) {
my $new_page = $_[0];
print $new_page-end_form;

HTMLendFORM ($new_page);

print \n\n;

This above code produces div/div/form. This ti me is odd,  
since i only really want /form. Does anyone have an explanation  
or another way to use the library and produce only /form.  
Yes I could just use a print statement. But I am kind of curious to  

Why are you doing it this way? You do not need a sub and it is best  
to use $q (or the functional interface) since if anyone has to read  
your code they will recognize $q immediately but wonder what  
$new_page is for. And why are you printing two new lines? New lines  
do not show up in HTML.

Try this:

print $q-end_form();

That usually produces /form


2007-09-27 Thread Jeremiah Foster

From perldoc CGI:

  A Lurking Trap! Some of the form-element generating methods  
return multiple tags.  In a scalar context, the tags will be  
concatenated together with spaces, or whatever is the current value  
of the $ global.  In a list context, the methods will return a list  
of elements, allowing you to modify them if you wish.  Usually you  
will not notice this behavior, but beware of this:


   end_form() produces several tags, and only the first of them  
will be printed because the format only expects one value.

On Sep 27, 2007, at 6:41 PM, Michael Barto wrote:

Perl snippet question:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

my $new_page = new CGI();
sub HTMLendFORM ($) {
my $new_page = $_[0];
print $new_page-end_form;

HTMLendFORM ($new_page);

print \n\n;

This above code produces div/div/form. This ti me is odd,  
since i only really want /form. Does anyone have an explanation  
or another way to use the library and produce only /form.  
Yes I could just use a print statement. But I am kind of curious to  

Michael Barto
Software Architect

LogiQwest Inc.
16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA  92649

Tel:  714 377 3705
Fax: 714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

'tis a gift to be simple
This e-mail may contain LogiQwest proprietary information and  
should be treated as confidential.

Re: Problem installing DBI (again)

2007-09-25 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Yeah, that link looks good. You can grep your Makefile.PL and compare  
your path to the mysql header files to where they exist on your  
system. I bet that is the problem, make can't find your mysql header  


On Sep 25, 2007, at 2:27 PM, Lysimachos Zografos wrote:


See if this helps a bit. It worked for me. 

On 9/25/07, Mo Chicharro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

I have to send my macbook pro off for repair (suffering form the
usual lack of apple manufacture standards) and am trying to install
the DBI module on a G5 tower in the office. However, am running into
deadends. I Have installed the developer tools amd when I run

# sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI'

the terminal is giving me:

Writing Makefile for DBI
 -- NOT OK
Running make test
   Can't test without successful make
Running make install
   make had returned bad status, install seems impossible

Kind regards,

Re: Problem installing DBI (again)

2007-09-25 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Sep 25, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Charlie Garrison wrote:

Good evening,

On 25/9/07 at 2:55 PM +0200, Jeremiah Foster  

Yeah, that link looks good. You can grep your Makefile.PL and  
compare your path to the mysql header files to where they exist on  
your system. I bet that is the problem, make can't find your mysql  
header files.

Except that mysql header files have nothing to with compiling DBI.  
You're thinking about DBD::mysql.

Good point. I just assumed that we were talking about mysql here.

I suggest bypassing CPAN and running make manually. Use CPAN as  
shortcut to get that directory though:

$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'   (or just sudo cpan)
cpan look DBI
DBI-1.59$ perl Makefile.PL
DBI-1.59$ make
DBI-1.59$ exit

When you run the 'make' command you will get some output that  
should explain what the problem is.

The way described above is the right way to go - it is the logical  
next step.


Re: unable to install Math::GMP

2007-09-05 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Sep 5, 2007, at 5:45 AM, Louis-Philippe wrote:


I was on my way to install Net::SSH::Perl when an error with  
Math::GMP stopped me...

I then installed libgmp successfully, tried again... no luck.
then changed a couple of lines in Math::GMP Makefile.PL as written  
in this previous mailing :

no luck again...
when I compile I get this with the error:

env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -L/opt/local/lib -bundle - 
undefined dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/lib GMP.o  -o blib/arch/auto/ 
Math/GMP/GMP.bundle  \


/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a(mode1o.o) has local relocation  
entries in non-writable section (__TEXT,__text)

I think your error is here ^^ (the call to ld)

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [blib/arch/auto/Math/GMP/GMP.bundle] Error 1

any IDEA?

You may want to check the ld documentation to see if you can find  
that error message.

Google produces some interesting output if you search on the ld error  
string. I think this link might offer some help: 

It unfortunately looks non-trivial.


Jeremiah Foster
Key fingerprint = 9616 2AD3 3AE0 502C BD75  65ED BDC3 0D44 2F5A E672

Re: [Job posting] Blizzard, Mac Team

2007-08-23 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Aug 22, 2007, at 7:39 PM, Rob Barris wrote:

This is a Tools  Test engineer position as part of the Mac SW
group at Blizzard.

Looks like a good job, shame I live in Sweden  - the commute would be  
murder. =)

Jeremiah Foster
Key fingerprint = 9616 2AD3 3AE0 502C BD75  65ED BDC3 0D44 2F5A E672

Re: Can't locate object method expand via package CPAN::Shell

2007-08-13 Thread Jeremiah Foster

On Aug 12, 2007, at 8:33 PM, Noah wrote:

thanks jonasbn,

but the module is still not located.  what else am I doing wrong?

Macintosh-2:~ root# cat ./

This is confusing - you are writing a perl script but it ends in .sh?  
Usually perl scripts end in .pl so that humans know it is a perl  
script. I started debugging your script thinking it was shell.

use CPAN::Shell;

# install my favorite programs if necessary:
for $mod (qw(Net::FTP MD5 Data::Dumper)){
my $obj = CPAN::Shell-expand('Module',$mod);

Since you now use use CPAN::SHell the expand now works. :)

# list all modules on my disk that have no VERSION number
for $mod (CPAN::Shell-expand(Module,/./)){
next unless $mod-inst_file;
 # MakeMaker convention for undefined $VERSION:
next unless $mod-inst_version eq undef;
print No VERSION in , $mod-id, \n;

# ./
Can't locate CPAN/ in @INC

Perl cannot find the package you downloaded called CPAN/ I  
would be you used two methods to get your perl source:
fink and CPAN. If you use fink, fink stuffs things in /sw/, but CPAN  
puts things in a different place. (See perldoc -q @INC.)

@INC is a set of perl libraries, only in perl they're called modules,  
that you have on your system. You need to make sure that all the  
modules that you downloaded are in @INC by telling perl where your  
modules live. On my Mac I have perl modules in /sw/lib and in /usr/ 
lib/perl5/site_perl/ which is where Apple installed them.

Just make sure your @INC includes the and you should  
be okay.

(@INC contains: /sw/lib/perl5-core/5.8.8/darwin-thread- 
multi-2level /sw/lib/perl5-core/5.8.8 /sw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ 
darwin-thread-multi-2level /sw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /sw/lib/ 
perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /sw/lib/perl5/ 
site_perl .) at ./ line 3.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 3.

Jeremiah Foster
Key fingerprint = 9616 2AD3 3AE0 502C BD75  65ED BDC3 0D44 2F5A E672

Re: globbing with Apple's HFS+

2007-05-22 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Just wanted to second Kenny's good advice regarding File::Find. It is a
very good tool and will make life a lot easier for you.


Sun, May 20, 2007 at 01:06:35PM -0400:  Kenny Gatdula mangled some bits into 
this alignment:
 Hi Doug,
 I really couldn't tell you if this is a known problem, but, this  
 seems to be a job for File::Find.
 Hope this helps,
 use File::Find;
 use File::Basename;
 my @directories_to_search = '/Users/kennyg';
 find(\wanted, @directories_to_search);
 sub wanted {
 my $file = $_;
 my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
 next unless $file =~ /\.pl/;
 my $dirname = basename($dir);
 my $filename = fileparse($file,'.pl');
 next unless $filename eq $dirname;
 print Found $file in $dir\n;
 On May 19, 2007, at 9:15 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:
 The Camel book is a bit scary describing performance of filename  
 globbing with the *.pl or the glob(*.pl) syntax with or without  
 use Cwd in the preamble. Portability is declared questionable.
 I find that the only thing that works is * within a loop where  
 each file is tested by hand.
 Consider this bit of doggerel.  I'm looking for special cases of a  
 *.pl file that appears where * means the short name of the  
 enclosing directory. Note especially the last command in the  
 second while loop. It works not!  What happens is that the second  
 pass through the while() loop begins in the previous directory at  
 the point where it was cut short after finding the file I want. If  
 I comment out the last statement, so that all of the files in the  
 directory are processed, everything works.
 my ($trial, $ddd, $lookfor, $error, $nextdir);
 @thefolders = ();
 @directories = ();
 while ($trial = *)
 if (-d $trial)
 push @thefolders, $trial;
 #  print REPORT $trial\n;
 for $ddd (@thefolders)
 $lookfor = $;
 $nextdir = $mybase/$ddd;  # $mybase, global, is full path to  
 initial directory.
 $error = chdir $nextdir;
 while (*)
 if ($_ eq $lookfor)
 push @directories, $ddd;
 #  print REPORT Added directory $ddd,  $lookfor in $ddd\n;
 #  last;  # Fails.  while() continues where it left off in  
 the previous pass
 If I try finding *.pl, $lookfor, or glob($lookfor) I get a  
 real mess with hits from directories that bear no resemblance to  
 the most recent chdir which returned without error.
 Making the second while loop operate within the while looking for  
 directories is even worse.
 I'll probably get around to looking more deeply but there's little  
 point if someone here knows that it's all a known problem on MacOS  
 neXt.  (10.3.9 here because I need to talk to my SE/30 file  
 server.) Oh It's perl 5.8.1-RC3.
 Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
 Roughly, though not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: Speaking of support for Camel Bones

2007-05-10 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Well said Bruce. Count me in.


Wed, May 09, 2007 at 09:30:33AM -0700:  Bruce Van Allen mangled some bits into 
this alignment:
 On 5/8/07 Tim Bunce wrote:
 On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 05:38:42PM -0400, Sherm Pendley wrote:
  On May 8, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Bruce Van Allen wrote:
  I think we can confidently answer the Benefits to the Perl
 Community issue.
  That's my biggest concern. CB is mostly of use to the subset of the  
  community who are using Macs, and need to write GUI apps. My concern  
  is whether that's a big enough subset to warrant a grant.
 Don't just think about the Benefits to the Perl _Developer_
 Also think in terms of increasing the size of the Perl _User_ Community
 by enabling quality Mac apps to be implemented in/with perl.
 Exactly. I don't have an actual count, but what comes to mind is the
 huge number of people now dipping their toes into SQL and programmable
 database systems simply because of the (L)AMP connection of mySQL and
 Appreciate what they're missing (besides being limited to a Web
 framework): CB + DBI = the real thing. And there would be plenty of
 other growth vectors opened up.
 But moving past the why, some work needs to be done before the sales
 Sherm will need to write a proposal and submit it to the Perl
 Foundation. The rest of this message has my suggestions for how this
 could happen.
 The next deadline for submissions is June 8, 2007. Per TPF guidelines,
 the proposal needs to include some things that have to be thought
 through and written out: 
 - Synopsis
   A short description.
 - Benefits to the Perl Community
 - Deliverables
   Quantifiable results e.g. Improve X modules in ways Y and Z,
   Write 3 articles for X website.
 - Project Details
   A more detailed description.
 Additional non-trivial items are a schedule for the project and a
 description of Sherm's background and qualifications to do the project.
 A quick look at recently funded TPF grants suggests that this might take
 a total of 2500 to 4000 words -- the length of a serious journal
 article. To do this in one month, it would be handy to have some
 milestones that give Sherm a timeline for writing, and provide those of
 us who want to help a structure for some parallel processing. 
 1. Project Definition.
 To start, the project will need to be defined; in my view this should
 be the realistic next set of steps in CB's development. The rest of the
 proposal follows from the project definition. 
 - Sherm's part: I imagine Sherm has next steps in mind, so the task now
 would be for him to write out a description and circulate it. 
 - Our part: We can help if he needs encouragement to think big or if he
 needs to choose what to take _off_ the plate for now.
 2. Outlines, lists, or blurts for the sections listed above.
 This is just to get started; the point is to see what needs to be said
 and where it should be said in the sections of the proposal.
 - Sherm's part: Sherm should do this in whatever way he's most
 comfortable putting ideas into words. Concreteness and clarity more
 important than golden sentences. Ask for support where you have gaps.
 - Our part: Review and especially check for what's missing/incomplete in
 the _ideas_ for each section. Conceive of examples. Check references. 
 3. Writing
 Writing is re-writing.
 - Sherm's part: Develop drafts. Write to an audience that is both
 demanding of you and also believes in you.
 - Our part: review drafts, feed back quickly, stay on topic.
 4. Proposal Composition
 The written pieces need to be strung together in order and printed out
 in a format different from the previous composition, so the emerging
 proposal may be read with fresh eyes.
 - Sherm's part: Piece it together, send it out, and then take a break.
 - Our part: Read, review, encourage, stay on topic.
 5. Credentials
 This is a part that is important but outside the particulars of the
 proposed project, namely Sherm's qualifications. 
 - Sherm's part: circulate something. Don't be modest, don't BS.
 - Our part: Read and review; also write our own brief and focused
 support notes/letters.
 6. Project Schedule  Budget
 The proposal will need a schedule for the project that makes sense, and
 a budget for Sherm's time that is credible. At this starting point (May
 9), I think attention should be on conceiving a sufficiently large
 project to move CB forward -- but I don't know what that is, or how long
 it would take. Looking at past TPF grants will give some context for
 this. But focus on the project for now, and come back to this after
 progress on the above steps.
 OK, those are enough milestones for now. All meant in the spirit of
 creating a framework, nothing rigid or right about it.
 How about some dates?
 1. Project Definition. 
 Mon, May 14.
 2. Outlines, lists, or blurts for the sections listed above. 
 Fri May 18.
 3. Writing
 Fri May 25
 4. Proposal

Re: Fwd: CamelBones: Will hack for food!

2007-05-10 Thread Jeremiah Foster
 Another way to promote CB that I just thought of, why not get an  
 article in The Perl Review?  I know it's not a huge audience, but I  
 do know chromatic usually lists what's in the latest issue when he  
 puts out the O'Reilly Perl newsletter.
 I just thought of something else too, maybe an interview on  
 Perlcast?  I could ask Josh McAdams if he's interested in doing the  
 interview (or maybe we could arrange for someone to interview you).

Both are really good ideas. I spoke to brian d foy at Nordic Perl Workshop
at the end of April about writing an article for the Perl Review and he
seemed receptive. That is to say he welcomes articles, not that I should
write it since I don't know if I am qualified to write it.

Josh McAdams also was at the NPW and seems like a cool guy, Perlcast is 
growing in audience and this seems a perfect thing to do. 

Re: CamelBones: Will hack for food!

2007-05-09 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Sun, May 06, 2007 at 05:07:46PM -0400:  Sherm Pendley mangled some bits into 
this alignment:
 On May 6, 2007, at 3:25 PM, Alex Robinson wrote:
 I wish even more that Apple had picked you up and made CamelBones a  
 first class citizen.
 Good news: That may still happen.

Good news indeed.

Before I go any further I ought to introduce myself since I am new to 
the list. My name is Jeremiah Foster and I'm a perl hacker and OS X 
softie - perfect for this list eh?  =)
 So, why has Apple ignored CamelBones?
 What all this means is, first-class scripting support is actually  
 language-neutral, and even though Leopard will be the first OS  
 version to include it, nothing about it will require Leopard. At the  
 edges, specific support for RubyCocoa and PyObjC basically means that  
 their frameworks and project templates are included with Leopard.
 Why did the OS X loving bit of the perl community sit by and let  
 PyObjC become the default bridge.
 I blame the CamelBones management - i.e. myself.

Great to see such candor from a developer, it is commendable. 

I blog and write a bit on O'Reilly's web site, maybe I can work
out a blog posting about CamelBones? Hopefully that would add 
traffic/users/donations which would be a good thing. Let me know
if you are interested sherm. I am afraid I cannot offer financial
support at this time since I am also not gainfully employed in a
permanent fashion, just some writing and such, but if I can help
in other ways I would love to. Perhaps you can post a wish list to 
this mailing list so that those who can hack, provide bandwidth,
etc. can contribute if that is useful to you.

In any case, I am very interested in perl, OS X, and CamelBones and
am willing to use my little soap box to further their vitality.



Re: CamelBones: Will hack for food!

2007-05-09 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Tue, May 08, 2007 at 05:25:35PM -0400:  Sherm Pendley mangled some bits into 
this alignment:
 On May 7, 2007, at 6:23 AM, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Sun, May 06, 2007 at 08:25:49PM +0100, Alex Robinson wrote:
   Why did the OS X loving bit of
 the perl community sit by and let PyObjC become the default bridge.
 Because the vast majority of perl people who moved to OS X did so
 because it was Unix That Worked On A Laptop and not because it was  
 Too many of us still sneer at anything non-Unix.
 It's not just in Mac circles either - there's a very widespread  
 misconception that Perl is useful for system admins, web developers,  
 and little else. One thing I find personally frustrating is the  
 corollary, that Perl *programmers* must be admins or web devs. I find  
 that frustrating because I'm not an admin, and while I don't mind web  
 work, I don't want to focus on it exclusively.
 So, what can be done to change that? It's basically a PR/evangelism  
 problem, which is well outside my area of expertise. Any suggestions?
One or two cool apps will help. Coda is an excellent example of creating
a buzz amongst creatives and developers. I also think Perl 6 is going
to be really, really amazing but that may not directly aid CB, maybe 
present it with its own set of problems. But it would be pretty cool if
CB had Perl 6 support and people could build OS X apps in Perl 6 with
Cocoa bindings, w00t.

Also the chattering classes, that is to say bloggers, of which I am an 
ignominious member, need to promote CB, perl, and Mac OS X development in
general since OS X is a great platform for development and perl is a great
language and CB is the perfect tool, etc.


Re: CamelBones: Will hack for food!

2007-05-09 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Hi all,

I have blogged a bit about Camel Bones here on O'Reilly. Please comment if you 
would so that the python person who commented is not the sole comment. Nothing
personal against python but it sucks.


Re: CamelBones: Will hack for food!

2007-05-09 Thread Jeremiah Foster
Wed, May 09, 2007 at 08:55:54AM -0700:  Bruce Van Allen mangled some bits into 
this alignment:
 On 5/9/07 Jeremiah Foster wrote:
 I have blogged a bit about Camel Bones here on O'Reilly. Please
 comment if you would so that the python person who commented is not
 the sole comment. Nothing personal against python but it sucks.
 But let's not turn this into a battle in the best language wars.
 All tools to all people, as needed, where useful!
Absolutely Bruce. I didn't mean to turn this into a language war. Just
trying to be funny and glib. I apologize.
