Re: Xsp pixel-doubling solutions for Nokia 770?

2007-04-30 Thread Kuisma Salonen
Hash: SHA1


Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
>>> And if the game doesn't disable the double pixeling properly (e.g. if it
>>> crashes or freezes), user needs to reboot the device.  Not very nice
>>> either...
>> So what happened to idea mentioned here year ago to modify Xsp (or
>> whatever) API so that pixel doubling is flag of each display update
>> separately? I.e. every update would be not pixel doubled unless told so
>> by flag with each update. This is how it works on kernel framebuffer
>> level anyway.

I would double this. Even through we could switch to lower resolution,
it would still be beneficial to have option to have just some parts of
the screen pixeldoubled. One of these cases is a game which would draw
everything (except static gui parts) pixeldoubled when the scenery moves
and then draws everything in hi-res when the scenery freezes (and only
small parts of the scenery moves).

>> It is bad to turn in on and off because any other display update
>> (infoprint) can mess it up. If we had blitting API in Xsp with pixel
>> doubling flag settable per update this problem would go away.

> Also, it would be good to support the standard resolutions like 320x200
> (with black borders) so that more programs would work unmodified.  Many
> games/emulators want a specific resolution.

For example SDL gets smallest res which is equally as big or bigger than
requested and gives a window of requested size having black borders
around it (I am talking obviously about fullscreen behavior here).

Of course, there is some games which doesn't use SDL but plain X, but
even in this case when you request fullscreen window, you will get one
and if you draw into 0,0 you end up having your "small window" in
topleft corner. Of course there is many possibilities for clipping
problems and other things breaking up, but the point is, if you want to
write a resolution specific game, you probably want to use SDL.

>> Pixel doubled resolutions would be nice and would be improvement over
>> current situation indeed. What we will miss with this solution is having
>> some parts of screen pixel doubled and some not 
> Games can already do this on 770 by setting pixel doubling on after
> blitting the more detailed graphics.  But as you said RandR doesn't
> support that.  Besides, the infoprints would still look funny.  Not
> as funny as with pixel doubling, but they would be too large and
> as window manager positions them right aligned, they would be clipped
> from the left instead of right like with Xsp. :-)
> What is really needed is a flag that is window specific.

In theory it could be possible that one window (or one client) thinks
that the resolution is 400*240 but it really isn't for other clients. In
fullscreen world, this is rather simple and you would get for example
hi-res infoprints on top of pixeldoubled game window. But again, I'm not
the most specialized on these things, so it might be that doing this
would be _really_ dirty.

>> like nice control area with nice static graphics and main pixel
>> doubled game area.
> I don't think it would be a great loss if the whole window would be
> pixel doubled.  The screen is 226 DPI.  Pixel doubled it would still
> 113 DPI, i.e. more accurate than most (CRT) monitors.  A bonus would
> be that game would use less memory for its graphics (as they are
> smaller) and you don't need to modify the game to support two screen
> resolutions.

IMO this is a loss. There is many things which you could do with the
blit-specific doubling. If it is possible to have both, why to drop
another (unless we are speaking about something which might potentially
break things)?

- -- Kuisma
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] joystick

2006-11-28 Thread Kuisma Salonen
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

this might sound retarded/joke but this is not a joke. I am wondering is
anyone using 770 with a USB joystick? It could be possible in USB host
mode to actually use one if it takes very little power.

The reason I am asking this for is that especially if somebody has
actual use case with SDL and joystick. I am planning to remove joystick
support from SDL in maemo for now (the version will hit the sardine) and
possibly re-include it later.

- -- Kuisma
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] XML Question

2006-07-17 Thread Kuisma Salonen

Dionisis Petromanolakis wrote:
> hi all,
> i need a tool, written in c, to create an xml document automatically with c 
> commands. Does anyone know if there is one available in maemo or i should 
> create my own?

libxml is shipped with the product, you probably want to use it unless
you want to output very simple xml. The libxml docs:

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Building a binary package?

2006-07-10 Thread Kuisma Salonen
> I am new to the Nokia 770 development (as well as debian packages) and have
> recently finished setting up the development environment (Maemo 2.0). So
> far
> I have got everything up and running and I have been able to build a simple
> Hello World application from scratchbox. I ran it in the emulator (Xephyr)
> and now I am trying to run it in the Nokia 770. I have been trying to build
> a binary package that includes the helloworld executable, but so far I have
> not been successful. Is there any simple way to quickly build a binary
> package from my helloworld executable? I have been able to build the
> maemopad example package, but since my project has only 1 file, I was
> wondering if there is a simpler way to create my package (avoiding all the
> makefiles). BTW, using dpkg-deb I managed to build a package but the 770
> complained it was not installable.

As you are obviously wanting only a binary package, I am forgetting
about debian policies (dirty me). My guess about what happened here is
that when you built it with dpkg-deb, it archived your file into the
package but was lacking of (at least proper) control file.

More info about deb (binary) packages:

(Wasn't actually best possible article, but couldn't find better for
now.) Anyway, to understand debian bin packages better, I would
recommend reverse engineering. So first take any IT2006 bin deb package
and take a closer look at it. .deb packages are actually ar packages, so
you can extract one using 'ar x'. You should manage from this point, and
after a while you should be able to build your own bin package.

Now if you actually would make into your source package directory called
'debian' and put there proper 'rules' file there (please correct me if i
am missing something (something that is NOT invoked by debian/rules)),
you should have working source package. However at this point it might
be easier to stick with debhelper and debian policy, so eventually this
could be useful reading:

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] flasher2 for linux PPC

2006-06-13 Thread Kuisma Salonen


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/prometoys/projekte/gnome/maemo# ./flasher.linux_ppc
-F BETA.SU-18_2006SE_0.2006.22-21_PR_F5_MR0_ARM.bin

maybe you should try to add -f to the end?

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] SDL vertical blank (vbl) sync.

2006-05-30 Thread Kuisma Salonen

My "flashingTest" reports that:
It got a hardware surface (I should be writing directly to "video memory" 
accordingly to the SDL docs)
And the surface is double buffered.

Don't trust SDL, SDL is a liar. In X backend the SDL trusts what X says 
so "HW surface" could mean actually "server sided pixmap".

The size of the surface is 800x480 16 bit (R5G6B5)
So there should be at least 1536000 bytes of video memory

The video hardware isn't like in traditional desktop PCs, this in not 
quite right. The display hardware is actually a blackbox which contains 
it's own memory and outer memory space is fully unaware about this (AFAIK).
I suppose the kernel display driver is open-source? 


AFAIK it is, so you could dig up the sources...

-- Kuisma

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] SDL vertical blank (vbl) sync.

2006-05-29 Thread Kuisma Salonen

Visti Andresen wrote:

Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how to sync. the SDL_Flip to the vertical 
blanking of the display.

While it is nice to get 47+ FPS while memset'ing the display, I would rather be 
synced to the display and avoid the tearing at the cost of FPS.
This is actually generic issue, not just SDL one. When you call 
SDL_Flip() (or SDL_UpdateRects() etc) it "draws" local data to the 
display HW, and this goes through X. Having synchronization in the 
display driver would solve this. Anyway I am not the person to say more 
about this as I am not enough aware of display HW internals to tell how 
hard implementing this would be and whether it would even be possible.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Game implementation on Hildon or SDL? And what about my project

2006-05-05 Thread Kuisma Salonen


ext Daniel Monteiro kirjoitti:

Hi folks
its been a long since I last posted this mailing list
(but Ive been reading it on since then). Im developing
a 3D game engine having mobile devices in mind (and
the 770 is the perfect testbed). 

My engine has a system layer called "System
Abstraction Layer" ,responsible for abstracting both
the hadrware and the software ("everything that can be
made in hardware can be made in software", or
something like that - Andrew Tanenbaum). 
That is true that you actually can do everything in software but it 
costs more in software. It costs in performance. Especially on 770 the 
3D engine might be little bit problematic but at least you should always 
try to take everything out of the performance.

But now , I cant decide wich way to go: use on the 770
the SAL (System Abstraction Layer) that Im using on
all the other systems (wich is made with SDL) or code
a new SAL for taking advantage of "Maemo" (by maemo, I
mean Hildon, OSSO , etc).

SDL would have a faster hardware access. On the other
hand , Maemo wold be better integrated with the
system, would not need the "GameLauncher", etc.

You actually don't need the gamelauncher for anything unless you 
especially want to have it (for UI reasons). The fact is that if you 
want to do game programming on the devices, you probably want to 
remember some generic rule said somewhere: "when you're doing a game, 
you don't need to obey all the rules", meaning that it might be a good 
idea to try to hildonize the UI. But again, the choise is yours, do as 
ever you like to do! I would still prefer SDL as it let's you use the 
resources somewhat more efficiently (trust me, the 770 is not a powerful 
machine and you need all the resources you can get).

just to clarify:Coding a new SAL will not be such a
hard work . I will other SAL´s for other plataforms

My project consists of gaming plataform (free - GPL
,but it is only the reference implementation. a closed
source implementation is possible to anyone) that
abstract the current machine and create a "virtual
videogame". it ditacts that the host plataform must
have some features (nothing to hard) and reads the
game from XML files. The idea is to have almost all
game genres easily described in XML+LUA.

 The 3D rendering implementation is custum made for
the project, so debugging and testing is always

everyone is invited:

all the posts still in portuguese, but english posts
will be replied in english... (translating docs to
english in progress)

sorry if I was somewhat chaotic in my mail. hope
everybody understand it.


Daniel "NeoStrider" Monteiro

PS: My other Maemo project, KidSketch is not dead. Im
waiting for the goods (rendering libs, etc) from this
GamePlataform project to use it on the KidSketch.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] display problem

2006-04-25 Thread Kuisma Salonen

Jussi Kukkonen wrote:

Ziqi He wrote:

Hi all:
I want to use Maemo as the GUI of my system, and the resolution of Maemo is
800*480. The trouble I encountered is that my LCD is 320*240. How can I dl
with the problem? Can I display Maemo normally on my LCD?


You have asked the same question three or four times. If someone had the
answer you're looking for, he/she would probably have told you by now.

To sum up the previous answers:
* it's not possible just by a compile switch or something, currently
  Maemo is 800*480, period.
* Making Maemo actually scalable is a big undertaking. Just making a new
  320*240 version might be an easier job: Theme changes and
  modifications to statusbar are still definitely needed.

My comments:
Even if the OS itself worked, 95% of the apps won't -- Your resolution
is only 20% of the maemo "standard".

It is true that this has been discussed before, but never seen anybody 
suggesting this:

One way to get maemo running on a display of 320*240 would be hacking 
little bit X server (or the display driver) to pretend to be 800*480 and 
do actually some downscaling when the data goes to display. Depending on 
what kind of hardware you have (whether it can perform graphics 
downscaling operations etc), you might want to consider how to downscale 
(like pixel skipping vs interpolation, basic speed vs quality dilemma). 
Anyway no matter how you actually scale that thing, you will be still 
losing pixel data.

But again, if your display is half*half of original dimension, the 
scaling shouldn't be that ugly, especially when the UI graphics are 
pretty large.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] scalability releated things in bugzilla

2006-02-09 Thread Kuisma Salonen

Hello everybody,

as there is ongoing some effort to make the current widgets scaleble, 
current proposions have made available to the public through the bugzilla:

The bugs have 'scalability' keyword (as posting this, there is only 2 of 
those), some might contain information on plans. If you feel like you 
have some suggestions and you want to affect on the future designs, feel 
free to have a look and comment/suggest.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] scalability: HildonSeekbar

2006-02-01 Thread Kuisma Salonen


I've started to see how the Hildon widgets could be improved to scale 
them better to different kind of devices, started with HildonSeekbar 
(also done few others too but don't have diffs yet).

So there is patch to allow HildonSeekbar theming to adjust it's size in 
the maemo bugzilla as attachment:

If anybody is interested in reviewing and commenting on this patch it 
would be appreciated.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] problems of Instalingl a usb camera for N770

2006-01-27 Thread Kuisma Salonen

ext [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just wanted to install  usb camera for N770,the model I used is the
Logetich quickcam pro4000,the driver is pwc.However
when I installed the module pwc.ko ,it says invalid format.Is there
anyone have isntalled a usb camera for N770?


Sound like same issue which is with kernel modules in general. Is the 
module should be compiled against the same kernel which will load the 
module. So the question is: is the module compiled against the same 
kernel which is in your 770 (the default 770 kernel unless you have 
replaced it with your own)?

You can find the kernel sources from maemo website with little digging 
which you can use for compiling the module.

Another possible cause could be that the kernel module is not compiled 
for ARM, which could happen as user mistake or if the kernel module 
described above is delivered as a binary (just trying to take in account 
every possible reason)... 100% sure the module is for ARM?

-- Kuisma

maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] ssh + display

2006-01-23 Thread Kuisma Salonen

Lassi Syrjälä wrote:


I think you need to:

$ . /etc/osso-af-init/

Just as quick comment, if your application uses X, it needs to have 
DISPLAY defined. If it uses D-BUS in any means (like use libosso), it 
needs the D-BUS environment variables to be set correctly. If you want 
GTK to be themed you need to set up GTK2_RC_FILES and so forth. This 
little script will set up every needed envvar.

Just wanted to say that if you have simple custom X application all you 
need is to have DISPLAY properly set.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Re: Installing packages in extra storage?

2005-12-20 Thread Kuisma Salonen

PS  It might be polite to move this conversation to the users list at some

Just giving a hint (maybe too obvious) to application developers first 
;) If your application takes more than 10 megs you could do with default 
software image (the one averate end users use) this:

Application installer installs just few files which include wrapper 
executable and main program is extracted on a MMC (of course, you could 
install it also on some other type of mount). Then the wrapper would 
just check if media is in and launch the application itself, if it's not 
it it would bitch something like "Correct media not inserted" to user 
(does this remind you of some proprietary CD games which say something 
like "Please insert CD this and that"?).

I guess this was all Captain Obvious had to say this time...

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Port of pingu

2005-12-02 Thread Kuisma Salonen

Oh yes, I forgot to tell the most useful piece of information:

To get rid of Xvidemode dependency I had to hack the autoconf file to 
not depend on it and modify the part of sources which required it. It 
was basically the resoluation switching (if I remember correctly it was 
used only for asking for abailable  resoluations). Locating of the code 
is rather simple, since error messages will point you there. What I did 
was to put there hardcoded resoluation (800*480) instead of asking it 
from Xvm. That's all I can remember without actual sources :/

-- Kuisma

Kuisma Salonen wrote:


I've formatted a harddrive some time ago (and don't have the files right 
now), but here's a little story:

I admit that pingus is a cool game (url is in 
case somebody does not know) so I have checked how it would port for 
770. I was able to compile the clanlib with some sourcecode 
modifications, but the shared object took more than 10 megs (ok, on MMC 
this is not that bad + I am not really sure whether it was stripped or 
not, most likely not). Next was building pingus itself. The problem was 
that pingus haven't been maintained properly for a loong loong time and 
it was written for older version of clanlib (which is source 
uncompatible with the one I managed to build).

Then began bigger hell: porting pingus itself. Since it was written for 
older incompatible version of clanlib I had to start porting it for the 
version i had (was 0.7.something). Even more awful, clanlib has some new 
architecture which requires more work. That was something I couldn't 
finish and it was halfway (or less) done. If (big _IF_) I manage to find 
the files from backups, I'll upload them somewhere in the case somebody 
would like to continue where I was left. And yes, I know this soulds 
little bit like a fish story ;)

Anyway, if you want to start from scratch, the path will be long. Plus I 
am not really sure of gained performance (the screen size is perfect for 
the game, but not really perfect for the performance). I have this 
little bad feeling that pingus tries to use page flipping (which works 
when HW supports such a feature, 770 won't support) so redraws are 
fullscreen, thus limiting the fps under 20 (+ with all the logic 
processing and internal draws it has to do it will be less).

But like I said in the beginning, porting clanlib is indeed possible.

-- Kuisma

ext Fred Lefévère-Laaoide wrote:

Hi, I'm looking at porting pingu (this nice lemmings clone).
It needs Clanlib & Clanllib needs X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h ...
Any idea if I'm boarding a boat that will never touch a coast ???


maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Port of pingu

2005-12-02 Thread Kuisma Salonen


I've formatted a harddrive some time ago (and don't have the files right 
now), but here's a little story:

I admit that pingus is a cool game (url is in 
case somebody does not know) so I have checked how it would port for 
770. I was able to compile the clanlib with some sourcecode 
modifications, but the shared object took more than 10 megs (ok, on MMC 
this is not that bad + I am not really sure whether it was stripped or 
not, most likely not). Next was building pingus itself. The problem was 
that pingus haven't been maintained properly for a loong loong time and 
it was written for older version of clanlib (which is source 
uncompatible with the one I managed to build).

Then began bigger hell: porting pingus itself. Since it was written for 
older incompatible version of clanlib I had to start porting it for the 
version i had (was 0.7.something). Even more awful, clanlib has some new 
architecture which requires more work. That was something I couldn't 
finish and it was halfway (or less) done. If (big _IF_) I manage to find 
the files from backups, I'll upload them somewhere in the case somebody 
would like to continue where I was left. And yes, I know this soulds 
little bit like a fish story ;)

Anyway, if you want to start from scratch, the path will be long. Plus I 
am not really sure of gained performance (the screen size is perfect for 
the game, but not really perfect for the performance). I have this 
little bad feeling that pingus tries to use page flipping (which works 
when HW supports such a feature, 770 won't support) so redraws are 
fullscreen, thus limiting the fps under 20 (+ with all the logic 
processing and internal draws it has to do it will be less).

But like I said in the beginning, porting clanlib is indeed possible.

-- Kuisma

ext Fred Lefévère-Laaoide wrote:

Hi, I'm looking at porting pingu (this nice lemmings clone).
It needs Clanlib & Clanllib needs X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h ...
Any idea if I'm boarding a boat that will never touch a coast ???


maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] HW accelerated pixel doubling in SDL games

2005-11-07 Thread Kuisma Salonen

Hello everybody,

there is added to wiki how you could this:

It's useful for games which requires more drawing speed than with 
800x480 res. This is just again speed vs high res dilemma. If your game 
doesn't update while screen at time (in terms of SDL this means you use 
SDL_UpdateRect() functions instead of SDL_Flip()), you probably should 
still stick with high-res graphics.

Of course one alternative is to use both of them inside the game.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Sound/music library for use in games on maemo

2005-10-21 Thread Kuisma Salonen


currently the situation is not the best one, due to some reasons (I 
won't be too specific here) the SDL audio relies on ESD which relies on 
DSP for now.

If your game is using SDL, you probably want to use SDL and SDL_Mixer 
for audio, as they are shipped with the system. Of course you can use 
for example ESD but it is recommended to use SDL since it's most 
supported game programming API on the platform, and even if it uses now 
ESD for audio, it might change in the future to use DSP directly, so 
when relying on the SDL you wouldn't have to change anything if those 
will be improved.


ext Serge Semashko wrote:


What is the best library for sound/music support in games for maemo
platform? Does SDL_Mixer make use of DSP core? I'm just worried about
performance a bit. Thanks in advance.

maemo-developers mailing list