Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-11 Thread Matt Emson
Mark wrote:
 You're putting words in my mouth. I never said that. I said that they
 were either Linux or Mac fanboys OR were simply targeting the most
 common OS.
I don't personally disagree with Mark's statement, except for the 
wording. I would have put it as:

 But NOT impossible, and the fact remains that the overwhelming
 majority of malware writers are either gunning for the OS
 that is installed on the overwhelming majority of PCs worldwide, 
 or to a lesser extent are Mac or Linux fanboys and aren't
 about to attack their own pet OS or they are simply .

I would say that was a truer statement. IMO, there are just as many Unix 
weenies and Windows hackers that write Viruses.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: 3G + iphone - not so fast

2009-03-10 Thread Matt Emson
HSDPA (3.5G)? Also, was this comparing 3G to EVDO? In the UK, all the  
3G that O2 provides is HSDPA and it is blazingly fast.

No offence to the people in the States, but your GSM network is in the  
stone age. I'd def go for EVDO if I was in the States.

Sent from my iPhone

On 10 Mar 2009, at 19:48, John Holmblad wrote:


 maybe some of you have seen this already. but today I came across the
 following utube video which attempts to separate fact from fiction  
 respect to ATT's 3g service when used with the Iphone

 According to the video's creator, the unscientific measurement of
 performance was done in an area of Boston, Ma that has a strong 3g  


 Best Regards,

 John Holmblad

 Acadia Secure Networks, LLC

 * *

 maemo-users mailing list
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Re: Twitter shell for N810 ?

2009-03-09 Thread Matt Emson
Whet or curl will work for sending updates. It would be trivial to  
write a tool in Mono too, I already have a library that works, it  
would just need the extra wrapper to expose the functions.

Afaik, anything in Python should work.



Sent from my iPhone

On 9 Mar 2009, at 07:29, Andrew Daviel wrote:

 On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, Matt Emson wrote:

 Andrew Daviel wrote:
 Is there a Twitter client for the tablet ?
 Mauku. I wrote a simple one in Mono that works up to a point on the  
 NIT, but Mauku is the way to go.

 I just installed that, and signed up to try Jaiku.
 But it's a GUI. What I'm looking for is something one can script,  
 like Perl Net::Twitter with perhaps less overhead.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-07 Thread Matt Emson
See online reply.

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Mar 2009, at 02:08, Fernando Cassia wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 7:37 PM, John Holmblad wrote:

 I for one would like to see Apple acquire Nokia. That would be a  

 A couple points:

 1. Apple makes proprietary, closed solutions. Try to reverse engineer
 Apple´s firmware for compatibility reasons and you´ll see Apple
 lawyers coming to get you.

You don't need to. This is the point. There are only two types of  
people that need to do tho : 1) people who don't want Apple hardware  
but want Apple Software, 2) iPhone users Who cant live in the sade  
world Apple created.

 2. Apple makes expensive, not cheap, hardware.

This is a misconception Apple makes expensive hardware that is well  
specified. Apple does not cater to PC builder types.

 3. Apple does not support Free Software in general
 (if you know any Apple software released under the GNU GPL Free
 Software license, let me know)
 that puts it at odds with the N8xx tablets Linux OS foundation.

Free software does not require GPL.

 4. Apple continues pretending Linux doesn´t exist (Quicktime for Lin 
 ux, anyone).

Lots of companies ignore Linux. It's not an Apple exclusive.

 5. Apple charges an arm and a leg for software upgrades

No, no it doesn't. Apple charges for major releases. But point  
releases (eg. Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10) are free. 10.4 to 10.5 was a major  
release. Microsoft charges way more for the same type of upgrade.

 6. Apple doesn´t like people tinkering with its OS.

There's not a lot you need to tinker with. It just works.

 7. Apple is just a Microsoft with a sense of style.
 There´s plenty of not invented here syndrome, like Microsoft does
 with WMV, Apple does with Quicktime. Why not embrace
 Not invented at Apple, so it must suck, right?.

Because Apple have iWork, which is pretty much better that OpenOffice  
for most users.

 So please don´t. I wouldn´t buy any device from Apple corp.

Apple Corp is the Beatles record label, isn't it?

Each to their own.


 not do acquisitions  and they have never been good at it.

 Best Regards,

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-07 Thread Matt Emson

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Mar 2009, at 16:05, Julius Szelagiewicz wrote:

You can substitute Motorola cell phones for Nokia tablets and
 your arguments will remain valid. Hardware is easier than software.

Now, that's just plain mean!! No company makes phones as bad as  
Motorola ;-)

 On Fri, 6 Mar 2009, Mark wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Andrew Flegg wrote:
 John, you wrote:

 I have to agree with Mark that, implicitly, Nokia misleads the  
 public to
 the extent that it markets the IT's along side of its other mass  
 mobile phone devices if, in fact, the IT's are a work in progress  
 agree, they are, unfortunately)  that will take 5 generations   
 and a few
 more years to get the product ready for the mass market.

 I don't think they're yet ready for the mainstream, but I don't  
 think they're an albatross around the neck of anyone who buys  
 them, as your Amazon figures show:

 4 stars out of 5 with a sample size of 172

 4 stars out of 5 with a sample size of 93

 Anyway, let's remember the not ready for mainstream point...

 Over a period of three years, I can count on one finger the  
 of individuals besides myself that I have actually seen
 carrying/using an IT

 As you say, the mainstream aren't buying them yet. If they're not  
 ready for the mainstream, that's a good thing, no?

 Not really, because as long as they can keep selling them in
 relatively small numbers to fanboys they don't have to worry about
 supporting them or ever polishing them to the point that they are
 living up to their full potential. Do you really think the successors
 will be any better? They'll keep updating the hardware, and keep
 spending far too little time finishing the software. No generation
 will ever be better than the current ones in that respect.

 What good is fantastic hardware without software that can make full  
 use of it?

 The N800 has been discontinued for a while already, and at this point
 there's zero chance that I'll ever be able to use the hardware to its
 full potential. Nokia has already moved on, and once the next
 generation comes out most of the kind and generous developers who are
 supplying us with apps for the current crop will move most of their
 attention to the new device. They've already said that there will be
 zero backwards compatibility with the OS and software because the
 hardware is going to be fundamentally different.

 Do you not understand that as long as they keep coming out with new
 devices and dropping the old ones there will NEVER be one that is
 ready for consumers? In order for a device to be ready for consumers
 they have to stand by it long enough to finish the software.

 maemo-users mailing list

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Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-06 Thread Matt Emson
Mark wrote:
 Sure, they say it, after you've already bought the thing and are on
 a mailing list and a discussion such as this comes up, but NOWHERE in
 the sales literature or at any sales point that I've seen does it say
 that. That little morsel is *not* freely disseminated.

I'm trying to stay out of this discussion, because it is a circular 
argument - no one will win because there is no simple correct stance. 
However, I got my N800 in a PC World store in the UK. PC World is a 
large retail chain aimed primarily at consumers. They sell Microsoft 
products to Ma and Pa types. They also sell some more specialized parts 
- at highly inflated prices, and just because an Apple dealer. Having 
acknowledged that point, on the whole, you go to PC World to buy 
consumer electronics, not bleeding edged hacker tools. Make of that what 
you want, but also notice that not all territories that sell Nokia 
products treat them in the same way - this is the reason the argument is 
circular. The N800 was never sold as anything *but* a consumer product 
in PC World - which may well speak volumes for PC World's stupidity, but 
also supports what Mark is saying.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-06 Thread Matt Emson
Andrew Flegg wrote:
 Agreed, and fully understandable. Can we draw up a list of what -
 exactly - the N8x0 fails to do out-of-the-box which it is advertised
 it *can* do; and requires hacker-like skills to enable?

If I'd never owned another device (Palm, Handspring, Apple Newton, Sharp 
Zaurus sl5500 etc) or used anything comparable (Windows Mobile 5, 
Windows CE, Android, iPhone), I might be happy with the N800. But it 
just seems to do a lot of things in a half baked fashion. The Web 
browser is the biggest issue. It just is too slow. Mail, well it sort of 
works. Most of the time. Of the other apps, well I guess some work well. 
Others, not so much. Had I never owned an iPhone I might be a lot more 
forgiving, but I have apps, free apps, on my iPhone that do everything I 
used my N800 for regularly. It does everything more pleasingly and it 
doesn't struggle (most) of the time. Given that I have it on 24x7, the 
battery life is also way, way superior. I could list more reasons and be 
quite cruel about the way the N800 works, but it's now a legacy product, 
so what is the point?  Each to their own. The N800 was a good device 2 
years ago, just not now. Things move on.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-06 Thread Matt Emson
Andrew Flegg wrote:
 Right, so although your complaints may be valid (I'm not saying
 they're not - honestly, I'd love my tablet to be faster, which is why
 I'm looking forward to an RX-51/71), they're not relevant to any
 discussion about Nokia mis-selling the tablets or promising they can
 do more than they can.

Well, with ITOS 2008 Diablo

* Never picks up samba/smb/cifs shares any more - ever. No clear reason 
why that I could see.
* Video is jumpy and it barely plays anything back smoothly. Even when 
encoded in a codec that the device supports out of the box.
* Flash - just does not work at any speed vaguely acceptable. Flash 
video is a complete joke, and if it does play it will drop frames like 
mad and the audio often stutters - *even* if you allow the entire video 
to download before playback.
* The browser is almost unusable on certain sites. This is probably CSS 
related, but it renders Facebook useless, for example.
* The update mechanism is intrusive and can make the device unusable for 
the first 2+ minutes after a reboot.

 *That*'s what I was trying to pin down. For all their flaws, I'm not
 aware of Nokia saying you could do something which you actually
 couldn't - unless you were willing to open X Terminal, fiddle with
 configuration files and so on.

Well, Nokia kind of implied it was an Internet Tablet and, if we're 
honest, it only just barely meets this function these days. It is 
painfully slow most of the time.

But, I'm not being drawn in to this argument any more. It's circular. 
For every negative point I could come up with, someone will have a 
counter point from their perspective or  make accusations of 
misconfiguring the device or misunderstanding something. It was a good 
little machine for its time, but it is not useful to me any more.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-06 Thread Matt Emson
The giant stand emblazoned with Nokia N800 blurb and with an N800  
attached to it was always a give away. Displayed in PC World right  
next to consumer laptops and other PDA like devices. Nowhere did it  
mention that consumers should avoid the device.

If there was no PR, no one would own any of these devices.  Let's be  
realistic here.

Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Mar 2009, at 18:22, Ryan Abel wrote:

 On Mar 6, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Mark wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Fernando Cassia
 Perhaps I get emotional after the messages like I will never buy a
 Nokia product again from people who act with outrage as if someone
 sold them a faulty item that breaks in a millon pieces in the first
 week of use.

 The outrage is due to the *fact* that the device doesn't live up to
 its PR.

 _What_ PR?

 Ryan Abel
 Maemo Community Council chair

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Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-06 Thread Matt Emson
On 6 Mar 2009, at 18:16, Julius Szelagiewicz wrote:

I'm sorry that you took offence at my joke. This really was a
 joke, but obviously poorly worded.

I find it mildly amusing that people complain about N810
 functionality and the need to add application at the same breath  
 Iphones and saying how they were able to download applications to make
 their very, very expensive device functional. The real price of an  
 is the monthly rental charge disguised in the phone bill.

Well no. I pay the same for my monthly bill as people I know do for  
their regular phone tarrif. I get unlimited data too. As in, I use  
cellular data free every single day. I easily use £35 worth of data,  
SMS and calls every month, but I get no additional charges.

The iPhone just *works*. Politics aside, the basic out of box  
functionality runs rings round my N800. For what *I* use it for. Ymmv,  

My experience with all thing screen on N8x0 is mixed - the
 applications perform well enough, my eyes don't.

Since I didn't see any ads for N8x0 devices, I don't feel cheated,
 on the contrary, I think that a N810 for $220 is a tremendous value.

So please don't take offence at feeble jokes. Without going into
 my degrees and decades of programming, I happily admit to being an  
 about most, if not all, things in life. It took me very long to lose  
 delusions of adequacy, just shows that I'm slow.


 On Fri, 6 Mar 2009, Ognen Duzlevski wrote:

 Julius Szelagiewicz wrote:
The biggest beef seems to be that the Nokia tablets are not aimed
 at the idiots. As a business decision, it may be misguided, since  
 constitute a vast majority of the buying public. Personally I like  
 to be
 treated as an adult.


 My intended application for the N800 is controlling Lego Mindstorms  
 bricks. For that purpose the N800 is actually a very cool device  
 Linux, has bluetooth and USB, can run python etc.).  I have another  
 that I bought as a portable lazy-man's gadget - that portion has  
 played out so well. The idea was to take it on trips for movies,
 browsing the web and use it as a GPS. None of these have worked out  
 (for me, YMMV). I have since bought an Eee and that puppy is miles  
 of the N8x0 for my intended uses, mind you, it costs approximately  
 same and runs Linux or you can put Ubuntu on it yourself, which is  
 I did.

 My main beef with N800 is the difference between advertised
 functionality and what you actually get. Maemo community is great BUT
 there seems to be an enormous amount of confusion out there on what  
 device can actually do and how to get it done between the various
 versions of maemo. I am used to hacking stuff all day but maybe
 sometimes, just sometimes, I don't want to serve the gadget and I  
 the gadget to serve me.

 I kind of resent the wording in your email - that the beef with the
 device is that it is not meant for idiots. I have a CS degree, have  
 published a paper or two, co-wrote a chapter in a scientific textbook
 and have been a programmer for most of my life (on Linux). I don't
 consider myself to be an idiot by any means.


 maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-05 Thread Matt Emson
Ognen Duzlevski wrote:

 I am curious to find out what people use their Nokias for. If anyone 
 could share their usage patterns, it would be appreciated.
Six months ago, I would have given you a long list. Now, nothing. It 
sits about doing nothing. I grab it to take meeting notes around once a 
month using Xournal, but even then I sometimes forget. Except for notes, 
there isn't any other single function my MSI Wind or iPhone doesn't do 
better. Sad but true. Between them, I have no need for it at all. I 
could even eliminate its one useful function by taking notes on my old 
Apple Newton and printing them directly to my Laserwriter rather than 
going through PDF first.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia device usage

2009-03-05 Thread Matt Emson
Aniello Del Sorbo wrote:
 This is not the N810 fault.

I had the N800 first. But I bought the other two devices over time, 
because the N800 wasn't capable of doing what I needed it to - play back 
music without screwing up the gaps between tracks as Canola does, Surf 
the web without struggling, connect easily to cellular data and wifi 
(free with iPhone), have a reasonable battery life when used with a 
keyboard (MSI Wind.) No one said it was the N800's fault, but it equally 
wasn't mine either - unless you imply I was stupid to assume the N800 
would remain useful after better devices existed. ;-)

 It's your fault.
No. See above.

 Your devices clearly overlap in functionality.
They do, but the chronology of use doesn't.

 And your needs do not require the functionalities the N810 may have
 and the other two don't (as, for example, taking notes with the stylus).
I have a pen and a pad that cost me nothing (company provided), the N800 
is a nice simple way to have the notes electronically, but I can just as 
easily scan my notes I guess.

 If I'd go buy an airplane right now and I won't use it becuase it's
 too expensive, that is not the airplane fault.
 I hope you get the idea.
I perfectly understand what you are saying, but I think you have gone 
off on a tangent due to not understanding the initial problem.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Twitter shell for N810 ?

2009-03-04 Thread Matt Emson
Andrew Daviel wrote:
 Is there a Twitter client for the tablet ?
Mauku. I wrote a simple one in Mono that works up to a point on the NIT, 
but Mauku is the way to go.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Car Mileage Calculator Released

2009-02-20 Thread Matt Emson
James Knott wrote:
 Does it also do metric i.e. kilometers  litres?
Or, indeed, can it use a mixture of metric and imperial*? (We use metric 
litres for fuel, but miles for distance in the UK.)


* imperial is what we call the old British system of measurement that 
the US uses (with slight modifications to certain sizes/volumes.)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: damaged power connecter

2009-02-19 Thread Matt Emson
Mark Haury wrote:
 Matt Emson wrote:
 Fernando Cassia wrote:
 Which shows  newer is not always better... anyone remembers the
 good old PalmPilot cradles?

 Not only were those rock-solid, but also it  was impossible to break
 any connectors by pulling hard or by tripping on wires it'd just
 unplug itself without any damage.
 Um... showing my age here, but I almost killed myself by tripping over a 
 Palm Pilot Pro serial cable... it broke. The serial cables were designed 
 to be screwed in to the serial port. In the fight between my foot and 
 the cable, the serial connector sheared off. Luckily, the device flew 
 out of the cradle and landed on the carpet face up, else that would have 
 been toast too. The serial cradles also didn't charge the device, though 
 the Palm Pilot Pro use 2 x AAA batteries, so it wasn't hard to keep it 
 running :-) Them was the days!!


 I think you're missing the point. The *PC* end is a different story. The 
 end doesn't screw in to anything in the handheld.
Well, no. Clearly, they are not indestructible. I've also seen the 
other end come out... it was only held in by a zip-tie, at least on the 
Palm Pilot Pro model.

 I have a Handspring Visor Deluxe that I still use. In fact, I'm only now 
 more than a year of IT ownership) getting  my contacts straightened out in my 
 N800 so I can stop carrying the Visor with me. (And even then I'm going to 
 issues with exporting the data elsewhere.) 

I had one of those! A blue one. Nice bit of kit at the time, crippled by 
the odd version of PalmOS they used. Not quite 3.0, but also not 3.3.

 The Visor cradle doesn't have 
 anything that connects to the Visor in such a way that anything can break in 
 handheld. The plain cable is different, but even that will break the catches 
 the cable rather than anything on the device.
I'm trying to remember it there was any damage to the visor cradle that 
I owned... I think the usual wear on the wire coating... The cradle was 
sturdier than the Palm ones I had. I think it was possible to damage the 
connector with downward force - if you sat on the device in the cradle 
for example.

 The point is that cables are relatively cheap and *extremely* easy to 

A PC component and a closed consumer device is hardly an analogue.

 Even the serial port connector on your PC can be replaced a lot easier than 
 power jack in your IT. All connector cables for portable and handheld devices 
 should be designed with that as a top priority.

Nokia have been using that exact connector on their phones for a long 
time. My wife recently got a Nokia slider phone (5600? something like 
that) and the PSU has a different part number, but otherwise looks 
identical to my N800 one.

Still, with the GSM consortium announcing common Euro plugs by 2012 (or 
so), we'll all be happy I guess.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: group

2009-02-18 Thread Matt Emson
Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni wrote:
 I sent messages via Jabber and receive them at the moment with twitter
 ( post them for me to twitter) over mauku. but I hope mauku
 will get native support...

The difference in the API is  the URL base it uses. It took me about 10 
minutes to write a class in .Net that talks to identica, and most of 
that was working out the places in the API where the author of the 
original Twitter API I was using had hard coded things. For the Mauku 
developer, it should be quite trivial. Indeed, I believe he supplies 
source, so it could be done by someone else. The only issue would be 
that Mauku doesn't handle accounts very well - the Twitter stuff feels 
bolted on to the Jaiku stuff. If a proper account set-up was added, it 
would work well.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: group

2009-02-18 Thread Matt Emson
Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente wrote:
 I think that any jabber client is enough:

Well, no. Mauku should be able to support The back 
end supports the Twitter API - as Mauku already supports that API, 
should be fairly trivial to code. The change is litterally:; to; and all the rest of the 
API will work (no pun intended.. sorry Geek joke hidden in that last 

Jabber can NEVER approach a real client.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: damaged power connecter

2009-02-18 Thread Matt Emson
Fernando Cassia wrote:
 Which shows  newer is not always better... anyone remembers the
 good old PalmPilot cradles?

 Not only were those rock-solid, but also it  was impossible to break
 any connectors by pulling hard or by tripping on wires it'd just
 unplug itself without any damage.

Um... showing my age here, but I almost killed myself by tripping over a 
Palm Pilot Pro serial cable... it broke. The serial cables were designed 
to be screwed in to the serial port. In the fight between my foot and 
the cable, the serial connector sheared off. Luckily, the device flew 
out of the cradle and landed on the carpet face up, else that would have 
been toast too. The serial cradles also didn't charge the device, though 
the Palm Pilot Pro use 2 x AAA batteries, so it wasn't hard to keep it 
running :-) Them was the days!!

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Bluetooth headset - N800

2009-01-27 Thread Matt Emson

On 27 Jan 2009, at 17:36, Rick Bilonick wrote:

 I A2DP works in Maemo, it doesn't work out of the box. I have a
 Motorolla S9 stereo headset. It works with my N810 but not in stereo
 (I've tried).

IIRC, it was a dirty hack back in the ITOS2007 days. No idea if  
ITOS2008 improved that. Never owned a bluetooth headset, so no idea.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Cisco.Webex support on Iphone Why not also on N800/N810

2009-01-20 Thread Matt Emson
John Holmblad wrote:
 I don't own an iphone so I don't have the means to test/verify your 
 perception about webex on a small screen. I have to believe, however, 
 that Cisco would not have invested  the time and effort to make a 
 no-cost iphone client available if they did not themselves conclude 
 that such a client was not just useable but useful as well. 
We used to use Webex for product demos, and it was geared around VOIP 
style chat and screen sharing. Not sure a 480x600 screen is suited to 
that application. ymmv, obviously.

The N8x0 screen refresh is probably too slow and the processor far too 
underpowered. The iPhone, for all it faults, is a graphics/processor 
powerhouse in comparison.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Cisco.Webex support on Iphone Why not also on N800/N810

2009-01-19 Thread Matt Emson
Java is a large install on most platforms. 12mb actually seems quite  
small to me.

I can't imagine Webex being pleasant on any screen as small as the  
N8x00 or iPhone.


Sent from my iPhone

On 20 Jan 2009, at 00:29, John Holmblad wrote:


 thanks for sharing the Jalimo links. I was going to install it to  
 try it
 out but I balked once I saw that the download is more than 12 mb!

 Best Regards,

 John Holmblad

 Acadia Secure Networks, LLC

 Gary wrote:
 Jalimo has been installable since Chinook but I don't know if it  
 has any
 kind of browser plug-in yet...

 maemo-users mailing list

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Re: N810 with GSM radio

2009-01-14 Thread Matt Emson
John Holmblad wrote:
 Having said that, and, given that there is a WIMAX 
 version of the N810 I don't see an inherent technical or cost reason why 
 there could not also be a version with a 2g/3g radio (GSM/HSDPA, or 
 CDMA/EVDO) as well.
I suspect it would be GSM/HSDPA based, as this is what we use in Europe. 
I'm not even sure if any carriers in the UK support EVDO? Probably, but 
no one talks about it.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 with GSM radio

2009-01-14 Thread Matt Emson
Marius Gedminas wrote:
 3G is UMTS (or WCDMA); HSDPA is sometimes called 3.5G.
In the UK,  O2 only use HSDPA for their 3G service, apparently. When 
you buy an iPhone with them, they mumble about their 3G actually being 
rated faster than normal 3G and make excuses about the naming convention 
being tied to the iPhone not having a different icon for HSDPA.. It's 
fast though. Very fast.
 When I heard that 3G uses different frequencies in different countries,
 and that not all 3G phones support all frequencies, I was rather
This has nothing to do with the phones or manufacturers. Countries 
assign different parts of the spectrum to different uses. You can't 
dictate to the world that a specific frequency is universal, because 
*someone* will be using it *somewhere*.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Itouch v N8x0

2008-12-22 Thread Matt Emson

On 22 Dec 2008, at 11:38, Marius Gedminas wrote:

 You mean the one that doesn't flat-out refuse to work with my Linux- 

If we're being pedantic, why would you buy a product that clearly  
states it does not support LINUX? That's a bit like me buying a book  
in Japanese and expecting to be able to read it. Sure, I could learn  
Japanese, but let's face it, it's unlikely I'll learn enough Japanese  
to read the book any time soon ;-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Itouch v N8x0

2008-12-22 Thread Matt Emson

On 22 Dec 2008, at 20:41, Denis Dimick wrote:

 I've had both a n810 and an iPhone (Jailbroken) and ended up selling  
 the iPhone; I was tired of not being able to manage my Music the way  
 I wanted to - iTunes sucks.

I've never really had a problem with iTunes (5th gen iPod owner), but  
I've never had a *good* experience with my N800 and media. My 5th gen  
ipod runs rings around the N800, and that is the problem I have with  
the N8x0 series with regards to media. There's not one player that  
works properly and has a good interface. Canola2 is close, but it  
constantly plays a few seconds from a random MP3 between tracks when  
on shuffle. No good. I've never owned a music player other than an  
iPod, so maybe things would be different in that case.

Android, having played with it over the last few days (Nitdroid) is  
slicker than Maemo. I hope the port matures and I can use it full  
time. It's a lot more pleasurable to use than Maemo. However, the N800  
hardware just plain struggles to to anything useful in my experience.  
Even Android is slightly pokey, and in similar ways to Maemo, so it's  
likely a hardware or driver level issue.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Browserd consumes too much CPU on N810 - OS 2008 (5.2008.43)

2008-12-19 Thread Matt Emson
Andrea Grandi wrote:
 If you try to load website, the situation is even worse:
 it takes about 85% CPU simply doing nothing.
Use the iPhone version of Facebook ( as it's 
streamlined and doesn't have the idiotic chat enabled. If you want 
Facebook chat, use Pidgin and the Facebook chat protocol add-on :-))

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Itouch v N8x0

2008-12-19 Thread Matt Emson

On 19 Dec 2008, at 22:49, lakestevensdental wrote:

I can't agree with your comments ont he keyboard. The N800 on screen  
is extremely flakey and the layout is really annoying. I've played  
with a few iphones and found the onscreen far more precise and less  
prone to odd results. The entire Chinook line and first Diablo release  
was almost impossile to type with. I got constantly doubled  
characters. It seems to have improved witht he second and third Diablo  
release tho.

   I also regularly do wireless file
 transfers to and from my n800 and my (Windows) LAN, which is verbotten
 on the iTouch.

Not true. I don't own one, but I know there are apps that will make  
the ipod touch (not itouch) or iphone look like a file share on the  
wireless network and transfer files. There's even a free one. This was  
a question that came up on the last MacCast, so check that podcast out  
for more info.

 I also occasionally have used my n800 to help show
 patients xRays on my n800 via remote viewing of one of the clinic PCs.
 Nothing like that is available on the Touch.

RDP is available IIRC. VNC is too. Which protocol is it that you  

 While a PC can detect a connected Ipod Touch, you can't interact with
 the Touch via file manager so far as I've figured out.

There are apps to do this. They tend not to be able to put files in to  
the OS readable drive space though. But then, this doesn't work on any  
ipod. Apple removed the disk mode to deter people hacking the firmware.

 between PC and Touch has to be done thru iTunes.  Basically, there no
 'enduser' interaction with the inner workings of the iTouch.

It's a multimedia music player. It's not designed to be in the same  
sphere as the N8x0. They are *meant* to be general purpose.

  Bottomline, the closed proprietary nature of ...

This is entirely the reason not to bother comparing anything but the  
N800 without hacking or changing of out of the box purpose.


maemo-users mailing list

New Twitter client

2008-12-14 Thread Matt Emson
Hi all,

Dunno how interesting this is, but I started to write a Gtk# based 
Twitter client on Saturday evening. It runs on Windows/Linux and 
probably Mac OS X too (not tried it, will do though.) It'll also run 
fairly well on the N800 using the Mono 2.01 runtime.I don't have a 
package yet, and I need to add some configuration options (as it's 
currently hardcoded to use my  account), but if anyone had the Mono 
runtime and the Gtk# libs (uses some of the System hierarchy too, but no 
WindowsForms), let me know and I'll happily send out a zip. It's less 
than 100KB at the moment.

Motivation was to learn the Gtk# library (and associated Gnome/Gdk/Pango 
etc), so it's not intended to be an insanely great project. But it'll do 
some of the things I like from twhirl, so will have advantages over 
Mauku. If it ends up being something useful, that's cool, but I'm 
writing it more as a learning project.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 dead?

2008-11-18 Thread Matt Emson
James Knott wrote:
 Try removing  reinstalling the battery.  I find that helps, when my 
 N800 is out to lunch.
This is so true that  actually added a tab of tape to my battery to 
make it easier to get out.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Removing Modest from Diablo

2008-10-10 Thread Matt Emson
Denis Dimick wrote:
 You could do a force, but your not going to like what happens.

Non bootable self destructing system by any chance? Saw that happen  
trying to force an older version of gcc to install in Chinook. Ouch!

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Flash player conflict stopping the feature update

2008-10-01 Thread Matt Emson
Ryan Abel wrote:
 On Sep 30, 2008, at 12:01 PM, Matt Emson wrote:

 That someone being timeless. :)

Someone being a simple way not to have to go search for the 
culprit/genius/kind individual that created the package, obviously ;-)

 Unfortunately, it seems this package is stopping installation of the
 latest feature upgrade available via system update..

 Just uninstall the package from Application manager and all will be well.

As indicated, I was going to try that, but I wanted to do it at home as 
work WIFI is spotty at best. I can confirm promlems fixed with removal.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Updating n810w (rx-48) to latest firmware

2008-10-01 Thread Matt Emson
Mark wrote:
 If I understand correctly, you're expecting the update tools to
 automatically pick up the latest OS image and install it. 

He is using Windows, so, yeah - the tool should be picking up the latest 
firmware automatically. The issue is more likely related to what Ryan 
was saying about non release hardware.

The Windows tool is actually quite nice. It does have one flaw - it 
makes you connect the tablet whilst it downloads the firmware, which is 
not a good idea IMO. It should allow the firmware to be downloaded first 
- though I'm guessing it's using the tablet to get the MAC address info, 
so maybe it's just a design flaw mascaraing as a questionable practice 
:-) Should probably give the option to manually enter the MAC address, 
or at least, remember the last one, so that the painful wait on battery 
is lessened. (NOTICE: I use a Mac now and have only used the Windows 
flasher circa IT OS 2007, so it might have changed by now..)


maemo-users mailing list

Flash player conflict stopping the feature update

2008-09-30 Thread Matt Emson
Someone on the Internet Tablet Talk Forums released a package that fixed 
the Flash Player version string issue that stopped a lot of sites 
recognising that the version of flash in ITOS2008 was compatible. 
Unfortunately, it seems this package is stopping installation of the 
latest feature upgrade available via system update. It claims the 
version of the Flash Player is the problem. I haven't attempted to 
remove the package in question, don't know if that would work, but this 
is a heads up to those who, like me, did the same to get Flash to work 
with Youtube and Myspace etc.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N800 RIP?

2008-09-29 Thread Matt Emson
Martin Grimme wrote:
 2008/9/26, Jeffrey Barish [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  The N800 was
 manufactured in Korea.  Anyone know by what company?

 Not all units were manufactured in Korea. The units sold in Europe
 were manufactured in Finland (at least mine was). 

Confirmed. Mine is a product of Finland also. If you lift the back and 
look at the sticker mine reads made in Finland in English, French and 
Spanish.This is just under the CE mark (I'm guessing non European 
versions don't have/require a CE mark?)


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [Fwd: XOHM is Live in Baltimore]

2008-09-29 Thread Matt Emson
John Holmblad wrote:
 This makes me wonder if Nokia is hedging its bets on the success of WIMAX/

Had a meeting with a provider of microwave based internet last week. He 
mentioned they were involved in the rollout of WiMax in the UK. 
Unfortunately, he also made it sound like it was unlikely to be 
available before 2010. By then the N810 will be old technology.

I guess, I wouldn't hold my breath would be the turn of phrase I'd 
use. Outside of the US, the spectrum used by WiMax is often highly 
regulated. I'm not sure of other European countries, but the UK is 
having some kind of auction at some point (or maybe had one?) but either 
way, it's not something that looks likely to happen within the lifetime 
of the N810.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: USB keyboard on n800?

2008-09-28 Thread Matt Emson

 How does it recognise a keyboard, anyway?  

Hardware manufacturer id, device id and device class (e.g. Mass storage, input 
device, etc)

 Does that driver have to be installed specially?

No, nothing needs to be installed in Chinook and Diablo, it just works. 

 -- hendrik

maemo-users mailing list

Re: USB keyboard on n800?

2008-09-27 Thread Matt Emson

This should get you started...

Get what the mode is currently set:
cat /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode)

Turn off the onscreen kbd: 
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /system/osso/af/keyboard-attached true 

Turn on the onscreen kbd - this is important as is sometimes doesn't happen 
-though it should: 
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /system/osso/af/keyboard-attached false 

Set host mode:
echo host  /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode 

Set regular mode:
echo peripheral  /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode 

Correct the kbd map (this does UK/GB):
setxkbmap -layout gb,us 

- Original message -
 On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 10:29:25AM +0100, Frantisek Dufka wrote:
   Hmm...  Thanks for the info.  I think I've got the adapter, somewhere,
   maybe.  I recall something like it coming with my USB HDTV thingy so one
   could extend the thingy further from a noisy laptop or computer.
   Do you suppose a keyboard kernel would have to be reflashed and/or
   rewritten when the next OS update comes out? 
  Next OS update (the 2008 one) has usb host mode support built-in so you
  may just wait few weeks for much easier way. But still, someone
  experienced with flashing kernel and using insmod command can have it
  running right now.

 I flashed my n800 with Diablo.  Does this too have usb host mode support
 built in?  Do I have to do somthing to activate it?  I managed to
 connect my Alphasmart keyboard physically with some cables and a
 female-to-female adapter, but the n800 is ignoring me when I open the
 notes utility.

 -- hendrik

   Outside of linking to another USB port, do you have any idea of what
   other devices might/does the n800s USB port work with?
  Anything that has kernel driver in 2.6.18 linux kernel (or 2.6.21 for
  OS2008) which means lots of stuff :-)
  maemo-users mailing list
 maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo's Modest/Email

2008-09-13 Thread Matt Emson

 Just curious -- which country are you calling 'this'?

The UK, well England if you want to be pedantic. I understand it was popular 
elsewhere, but the UK is all I can comment on.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo's Modest/Email

2008-09-12 Thread Matt Emson

On 11 Sep 2008, at 16:24, Mark wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 5:35 AM, Matt Emson  
 Mark wrote:

 You are so incredibly wrong.


 Pretty much everything...

Well, no. You stated that only embedded and handhelds use ARM  
processors. Obviously, this is incorrect. The A9Home and Iyonix are  
still in production and use ARM processors. They are designed to be  
desktop machines and are capable of running the types of software you  
are getting in a flap about.

 That the Archimedes uses ARM processors, um, no. Acorn designed the
 original ARM processor. The A in ARM originally stood for Acorn.  
 That my
 A7000 is an embedded device in disguise? No, it's a full desktop  
 uses standard RAM, standard IDE hard drives, has a VGA connector  
 and PS/2
 ports and such. It was sold as a desktop computer in the 1990's,  
 but the
 RISCOS based machine running with ARM processors are still around.

 Still around, and current are two completely different concepts.

Dude, RISCOS was very big in this country. It's not my fault you live  
somewhere other than here. The Iyonix is still used widely within the  
RISCOS community and is niche, yes, but still in production. No where  
did you state the machine had to be widely available world wide. You  
blanket claimed they didn't exist - they DO. You lose. Back peddling  
is not going to get you out of that hole.

 If I wanted to run an email server on my Handspring Visor or Psion
 Series 5, I could theoretically do it, but who cares? All of the ARM
 based desktop machines are pretty much past tense, and the current
 crop of RISC systems are as far from main-stream as you can get, and
 bear little relation to the well-known ARM systems, which as I said
 are primarily handhelds.

Archimedes is as well known in this country as Apple 2 was in the US.  
Pretty much 90% of all schools and education establishments used Acorn  
hardware in the 1980's and 1990's. You might not believe me, but in  
the UK the Acorn line is extremely well known. I've never seen an  
Apple 2, yet I don't claim they are irrelevant and didn't exist in any  
useful capacity. Just because you don't know of the line does not mean  
squat. Your loss, really.

 None of them have ever been available in your
 average computer store.

Yes, they were. Sorry to tell you. The A3010 and A3020 were  
*specifically* designed to be sold in retail stores along side Amigas  
and ST's and were.

 Anyone who uses any of them for a modern task
 is doing is solely for the challenge, not because it makes any kind of
 sense to do so.

Well, no. The original Iyonix was only put in to production in around  
1999/2000 or something like that.

 Clearly, the ARM systems you're referring to are
 NOT general-purpose computing devices, but special-purpose imbedded

 H... the facts don't really support your assertion.

 Yeah, and pigs can fly...

So, you deny they are general purpose computers? That was your  
assertion... see above. Oh look, a flying pig, DOH!

 But then, you don't seem to have done an awfully large amount of  
 research on
 the matter.

 Historical research is irrelevant. IMAP didn't exist when most of
 those systems were made...

The links gave context. The links proved you are talking BS and  
obviously have an extremely blinkered and one dimensional view of ARM  
based systems. The Iyonix is still in production. The A9Home is still  
around too. You lose.

As this is turning in to a bitching fest, all replies sent to /dev/ 
null as suggested by Mark earlier.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo's Modest/Email

2008-09-11 Thread Matt Emson
Mark wrote:

 You are so incredibly wrong. 

About? That the Archimedes uses ARM processors, um, no. Acorn designed 
the original ARM processor. The A in ARM originally stood for Acorn. 
That my A7000 is an embedded device in disguise? No, it's a full desktop 
machine, uses standard RAM, standard IDE hard drives, has a VGA 
connector and PS/2 ports and such. It was sold as a desktop computer in 
the 1990's, but the RISCOS based machine running with ARM processors are 
still around.

 Clearly, the ARM systems you're referring to are
 NOT general-purpose computing devices, but special-purpose imbedded

H... the facts don't really support your assertion.

But then, you don't seem to have done an awfully large amount of 
research on the matter.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo's Modest/Email

2008-09-10 Thread Matt Emson
Riku Voipio wrote:
 Mark wrote:
 Your setup may be able to handle IMAP just fine, but it could at least
 as easily handle POP3. If you're running it on an ARM system you
 clearly are not leaving messages (especially with large attachments)
 on the server indefinitely (there's no ARM system I know of that has
 the storage for that), so you're really using it as if it were a POP3
 system anyway...
 There is literally hundreds of different ARM systems available
 with IDE/SATA/USB ports that can scale to pretty much
 unlimited quantities of storage. You can walk down to your
 nearest well equipped computer store and by ARM system
 with a terabyte of storage[1].

The first ARM processors were used in Acorn Archimedes computers. If I 
was to buy an ethernet podule for my old A7000, it would certainly be 
capable of doing all of the above, and so I would have to agree that the 
statement was extremely sweping and most definitely inaccurate! :-) It 
only has a ~1GB drive at the moment (IIRC), but I certainly could add in 
a larger one if I needed to.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Can't Install New Apps in Diablo on N810

2008-09-10 Thread Matt Emson
Rick Bilonick wrote:
 I've been running Diablo on an N810 for several months. A few weeks ago
 I used the method set up by penquinbait to clone the OS onto a 4gb
 external memory card. This has worked very nicely - at least until a few
 days ago. I've installed lots of apps given I had the space and still
 have filled up only a tiny portion of the card. But now, I can't install
 any apps using the application manager. For example, I tried to install
 Claws. It downloads the software but the install always fails but no
 info on why is given. I tried to install several other apps - all
 download but fail to install

Whenever this has happened to me on my N800 it has been a poorly seated 
or corrupted internal SD card. Is there enough space on the internal 
memory to hold the downloaded files etc? Not so good for the N810 though :-(

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo's Modest/Email

2008-09-08 Thread Matt Emson
Matt Emson wrote:
  If I then checked my main email client, sure enough it was there

To clarify - if I check me email  later on that day on my MacBook - when 
no other client had attempted to download the email since the N800 has 
attempted to. i.e. the email *does* exist.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Problem flashing RX-34_DIABLO_4.20 08.23-14_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin

2008-08-20 Thread Matt Emson
Peter Bart wrote:
 Getting the software loaded is another story. I'm
 finding some of the software for Diablo won't load. Notably Leafpad and

Won't load or can't be installed? Loading is what happens after 
installation. Installation is what happens when you first put the 
program on to your device (i.e. install the package.) I assume (maybe 
wrongly?) you mean won't install, but you might mean load so I 
thought I should ask you for clarification. I'm a little confused (as 
per usual...)


maemo-users mailing list

Re: The PDF's hyperlink don't work in N810

2008-08-12 Thread Matt Emson
Jun Xu wrote:

 The PDF's hyperlink function doesn't work in N810. It seems that its 
 code is deformed in various ways.

Hyperlinks seem to work in Evince (just tested.) I personally use Evince 
because it seems like a fuller PDF viewer (though it does seem slightly 
slower.) I'd suggest looking at it if you have an issue with the built 
in PDF viewer.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Hyperlink

2008-07-29 Thread Matt Emson
cedric cellier wrote:
 So what ?
 Does this matter ?

Well, maybe, or not. Depends how you view their questions. I find them 
odd, and slightly annoying. Buy that's my problem, obviously. At any 
rate, I think they are asking technical programming questions on the 
wrong list. Given their employer, it didn't sit right with me, so I 
passed comment.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Need C++ Compiler

2008-07-24 Thread Matt Emson
 That wsa on Debian.  I imagine things may be worse on maemo.

It uninstalls everything until the daemon that watches for crashes 
reboots the OS and it then fails to start because the fundamental OS is 
no longer bootable. It does make you type in a long phrase to confirm 
you are sure (stupid?) enough to do it though. I realised it was a bad 
idea when it started removing pretty much the core of the OS.. too late 
by then though.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Installing wget on Os2008/Diablo

2008-07-24 Thread Matt Emson
John Holmblad wrote:

Log in as root (install becomeroot deb and type sudo gainroot in 
terminal.. or do the ssh trick, whatever you find easier.)

apt-get install wget


 has anyone been able to install wget on OS2008/Diablo?

  If so can you share how you did it? I thought I saw wget on the 
 application manager list but if it was there, it is gone now. Is the 
 easiest way to simply enable red pill mode, run the application manager, 
 install it and then turn off red pill mode?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Need C++ Compiler

2008-07-24 Thread Matt Emson
Kalle Valo wrote:
 ext Matt Emson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As Maemo doesn't use C++ that much (if at all?)

 The browser is written in C++ AFAIK.

But this will not affect the compiler ABI issues I meant to allude to, 
well, unless you need to link to the browser in some way. The important 
thing with C++ always seems to be the version of ABI the compiler is 
using. e.g. back in my Zaurus days, QTopia used GCC 2.95.X and Opie 
(based on QTopia) changed their compiler to 3.X and no older apps worked 
without a lot of pain. With Maemo mainly being C based, the C++ compiler 
only needs to be happy with itself, not the other libs on the system - 
unless the system ships with a lot of libs in a specific ABI that you 
need to use.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: What is flash?

2008-07-22 Thread Matt Emson
Karl Kobel wrote:
 Yes, I see now...

 I here alot about flash what is it?

 I assumed he was refering to 'flash', the noun.

 Did you try to flash the 770 again?

 Andre was referring to 'flash', the verb.

I haven't been reading all the threads that Jeff posted, but to be 
honest I read his question and got a third answer!

Flash is a plug-in for the web browser that allows it to display little 
programs in line. These range from small animations to full featured 
applications. Flash is is technology owned by Adobe systems (originally 
Macromedia, but Adobe bought that company) and is largely demonised on 
the web because it has generally poor performance and is only available 
of a few platforms (Windows, Mac, LINUX on Intel x86/ia32 compatible 
hardware and some phones and other devices such as the N series 
tablets.) A common use of Flash these days is to provide a video player. 
These players use a special FLash Video (.flv) format.

I'm probably wrong in my interpretation of the question though ;-)


maemo-users mailing list

Re: can we use a shell on N810?

2008-07-09 Thread Matt Emson
Forrest Sheng Bao wrote:
 Hi dudes,

 Do we have a shell on N810 like the one on OpenMoko?

Yes. The only bad part is how it handles control coded with the pop up 
keyboard on the N800, but the N810 should be okay.

Does anyone know if there's a bug/improvement posted requesting that 
clicking on the [ctrl] button does not hide the OS Keyboard? It's 
tedious to have to click the entry point to re-show the keyboard that 
hid itself when the dialog appeared.. type, e.g., C and then go back to 
the shell and have to click on the Window *again* to get the keyboard 
back. Unless I'm missing something?? I forget how the Zaurus/Qtopia did 
it, but t was more intuitive.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: can we use a shell on N810?

2008-07-09 Thread Matt Emson
Ryan Abel wrote:
 Yes. The only bad part is how it handles control coded with the pop up
 keyboard on the N800, but the N810 should be okay.

 It was fixed in Diablo. . . .

So it WAS! Woo, that's neat ;-)

When I get round to upgrading my SD to Diablo, I'm going to be very 
happy with that solution!.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: locked device

2008-07-03 Thread Matt Emson

 One more quesiton, I had to charge device and when chargong I was not
 able se boot menu... is thi snormal?

 I don't think so.

If I reboot on power, I go straight in to the FLASH image with no hint 
of the bootmenu. Or at least, this happened when booted to FLASH and 
attempting to reboot in SD.. maybe if I was booted to SD it would have 
been that one? Though my device rebooted itself unaided the other day 
(in a bag) and ended up in the FLASH rather than the SD where I'd left 
it, so YMMV.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo released

2008-06-24 Thread Matt Emson
Quim Gil wrote:

 SDK announcement to land soon

Cool! Downloading this *now* and hoping to avoid the rush that 
happened last time round ;-)

If only I had my N800 with me today! Luckily, I wrote the MAC address 
down just in case of this happening!

Download looking good, 50% done (~200KB/s) :-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: External Keyboard Recommendations

2008-06-22 Thread Matt Emson
Hal Vaughan wrote:
 So any recommendations on [...] external keyboards since the 
 Stowaway seems to have been taken off the market?  

Yes, buy a OTG dongle and go USB. Bluetooth is a PITA. USB works really 
well. The adapter will cost you less than $10 is you shop around, the 
keyboard - well, however much you are willing to pay. The world is your 
oyster. I've personally got a wired micro keyboard, bought from Maplin 
in the UK, and have also used a Logitech wireless USB keyboard. I would 
never in a million years use Bluetooth now.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Sluggish performance on my N800

2008-06-09 Thread Matt Emson
Mike Wright wrote:
 Anyone tell me why this might be?

Try clearing the browser cache. That worked for me. It you go in to the 
prefs for the browser, there is a way of doing it. I left my N800 at 
home today, so I can't say for sure what it is.

Do you have Modest installed? Latest version seems to constantly check 
mail and alert you when it finds some. This slows down the N800 a lot 
(anyone know how to turn off auto mail checking in Modest?)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: bittorrent

2008-05-08 Thread Matt Emson
Transmission works flawlessly for me. Didn't realise the other one existed.

- Original message -
I would suggest asking on the forum on Garage for this one ... unless
someone here has a suggestion.  Or try Transmission which came through
after my email.

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Leon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i get - incompatible application package - when i try and install. is
  there anything i need to handle deb packages?


  On 5/8/08, Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
    On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Leon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
     i've just purchased the 810 and  i noticed there was no bittorrent
      client for download. does anyone know of a method of getting one
      through some other means like maybe with opera? but then i didn't see
      that for download either (unless you just install one of the other
      linux versions).
      any advice appreciated.
      maemo-users mailing list
    Jonathan Greene
    AIM / iChat - atmasphere
    gtalk / jabber - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Skype / Gizmo - JonathanGreene
    blogs - /

Jonathan Greene
AIM / iChat - atmasphere
gtalk / jabber - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Skype / Gizmo - JonathanGreene
blogs - /
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Battery life VERY short on N810, last OS2008...

2008-04-21 Thread Matt Emson
Giacomo Tufano wrote:
 After installing the last revision of OS2008 (I don't really know why 
 I did it, because I had no problem on startup) battery life is very, 
 very short. I go from full battery down to automatic shutdown in a 

One thing comes to mind : metalayer-crawler... This is going to be your 
issue. Nokia seem to deny this is a problem, indeed I've read as much on 
this list. However, the fact that with the metalayer-crawler running, I 
get about the same amount of run time as you, but disabling it, I get a 
week in stand by... I'd say Nokia are just plain WRONG!

What will disabling the crawler do? It will stop the media player 
cataloging your media files. This means you would need to manually open 
them.. yes it is a pita, but I'd far rather have realistic battery life 
than my media catalogued.

This is also an issue with MPlayer too... the recent MPlayer build also 
seems to do something similar. If I start it with my internal memory 
card in, it freezes whilst it calalogues the data, but removing the 
card, it is fine. Very annoying. At least MPlayer can be closed down 
easily though.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Battery life VERY short on N810, last OS2008...

2008-04-21 Thread Matt Emson
Giacomo Tufano wrote:
 The 'metalayer-crawler' is, apparently, idle (bad, I'd like a simple
 solution). :-(

Even though it often doesn't look like it is the metalayer-crawler, 
killing it always makes a big difference for me. Honestly, I had my 
first week of N800 ownership with the battery lasting not much past one 
day. If it still had a charge in the morning, it was at critical levels. 
I removed the crawler after seeking advice, and the battery life is not 
up to a week. I use my tablet about 1 - 2 hours a day, 5+ nights a week. 
I can charge it up at the weekend and easily still have battery enough 
to surf on Friday. If I leave it in stand by (select switch off WLAN, 
lock keys and turn off screen) it will last over 7 days with no use 
and still have at least 1 hour of use online.

The key, kill the crawler process and stop it from re starting and turn 
off bluetooth and WLAN when you are not using the device.

The worrying thing is that the metalayer-crawler might actually be 
harming the battery by putting it at critical levels repeatedly. Lithium 
ion batteries like to be about 80% charged, any more than 80% and they 
can be unhappy if left charged for periods, but also - any less than say 
40% and they also get unhappy. Most batteries die because they go below 
the minimum safe charge level, which harms their chemical makeup and 
their capacity (from what I have read.)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Battery life VERY short on N810, last OS2008...

2008-04-21 Thread Matt Emson
Kimmo Hämäläinen wrote:
 On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 14:09 +0100, ext Matt Emson wrote: 
 Even though it often doesn't look like it is the metalayer-crawler, 
 killing it always makes a big difference for me. Honestly, I had my 

 You could check it with strace -p PID of metalayer-crawler (Debian
 armel package probably works). It should be sitting in  the poll()
 system call when it's idle.

Killing the crawler is good enough to get the desired results in my 
case. I can't see that re-enabling it will be helpful for my own 
personal tablet.

The power drain is bad news, and should be fixable. Idon't claim to know 
exactly what causes the issue, but I still hold up the opinion that the 
crawler is bad news on many* N8x0 systems. I've seen a load of users 
have this issue on the IT forums and this list. Something somewhere is 
going wrong. For me it was this, so I stick to my guns and say - 
Metalater-crawler == poor battery life. Obviously, YMMV.

Whatever the issue.. it's real. It's a big issue for many users. It's 
not an obvious error, cause I'm guessing it would be fixed by now if 
that were the case. All I can report is what I have already stated in a 
hope it can be useful.

* I can't quantify many, so I will not claim all.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Battery life VERY short on N810, last OS2008...

2008-04-21 Thread Matt Emson
Eero Tamminen wrote:
 It is. Sitting on poll().

 In that case crawler is not the issue.

Humour me. Kill the crawler, stop it form respawning (rename the file), 
fully charge your tablet, leave it over night. If it is dead as per 
usual, yes it is another issue. What is there to lose, really?

Eero, I realise you know more than I do, but just because the crawler is 
currently idle, does not mean it stays idle all the time. If you can 
explain how else killing the crawler might solve my battery issues, I 
would love to know.  It's a PITA to not have it working, but it just 
solves all battery issues by removing it. Going from no power in the 
morning from a full charge, to lasting for a week.. come on, it's not 
just co-incidence.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: can't install software

2008-04-09 Thread Matt Emson

 From: Jon Dodson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Make sure your internal memory card is inserted, recognized and has 
enough room to hold the install files. This is the usual cause of issues 
like that for me.

 for some strange reason i have been unable to install any software a few
 days after 

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N800 not N-series? :-)

2008-04-08 Thread Matt Emson
Jac Kersing wrote:

 Nokia just lauched the Nokia Music Store, however when trying to access it 
 using a N800 I'm getting a page stating:

 Nokia Music does not support Mozilla Firefox (Linux) on your operating 

Yep, same here. I was in Waterloo Station in London and the Cloud WiFi 
has free access to the Nokia Music Store... except Nokia then say No 
sorry to the N800. Sad really...


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Ogg support

2008-03-31 Thread Matt Emson
Tuomas Kulve wrote:
 Media Player doesn't allow you to open ogg files directly but when the
 Metalayer Crawler adds your oggs to the Library then you can play the
 oggs from there with the Media Player.

Metalayer-crawler is the first thing I disable and remove after 
reflashing my N800. It is evil and literally kills battery life and the 
life of flash devices. You should not have to rely on the 
Metalayer-crawler to play ogg, because until Nokia/Maemo fix the 
memory/processor usage issues with the crawler, people like me are going 
to gain root access and remove it.

maemo-users mailing list

[Fwd: Error in email to (was Re: Re: Ogg support)]

2008-03-31 Thread Matt Emson
Anyone got an idea what on earth this is on about? Has somebody 
subscribed with an email address that would generate this kind of junk?


 Original Message 
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maemo-users mailing list

Re: Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Henrik Frisk wrote:
 I just received my new phone, a SE W890i but with this I'm not
 able to connect. 

My SE K800i is the same. UK Vodafone. Will pair etc, even goes through 
the motions of connecting, but no traffic.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Jerry Van Baren wrote:
 Luca Olivetti wrote:
 En/na Kip Warner ha escrit:

 Thank you, I think I will do that. I haven't been to Europe, but is
 there just one standard plug across the EU, or do they vary?
 The do vary but generally only the earth plug, so if you use a 2 prongs 
 adapter (i.e. with no earth plug, enough for the tablet), it will work 
 in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland and probably 
 most other EU countries (the UK being the exception).
 IIRC on wikipedia you can find the details.

They are *generally* the same, but there is still a *lot* of variations 
around Europe, even ignoring the earth pin. Some have thicker prongs, 
some have really skinny ones.

UK (and Irish) plugs are completely different. They are far, far safer 
in practice. Each plug has a rated fuse (3, 5 and 13 amps are common in 
various devices.) Our plugs are designed to fail at the plug before 
damaging the appliance. We also have an earth pin on all plugs (though 
some devices don't use it.) This means that we don't have the my outlet 
has no earth pin issue that people some times hack around in the US/Europe.

 ...and the UK too, if you activate the interlock on the (missing) earth 
 leg with a toothpick (240vAC scares me) when you plug it in.
So, what you are advocating is electrocuting yourself if the earth is 
live and bypassing the fuse so that you can blow up your device in 
case of a power surge? :-P (yes, I know.. the UK charger has no user  
accessible fuse)

I personally like what Apple did with all it's current chargers. My UK 
iPod charger has a clip on UK plug. My MacBook charger has both the same 
type of plug attachment and also an attachment that gives a long lead 
with a plug on the end. Pure genuis!! I'm pretty sure I could just buy 
the plug replacement for Europe/USA from Apple and not the entire 
charger - this would seem a lot more economical. I could also buy one 
adapter and use it for either iPod or Macbook.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Theodore Tso wrote:
 This is all true, but those plugs take up a huge amount of space in
 laptop bags...  and the number of times that I've had my equipment
 blow up due to grounding problems or power surges is nil.  And a fuse
 doesn't protect against voltage spikes.
Size is relative. Depends on what you are used to really.

I find US and European outlets scary as heck, because they usually have 
no on/off switch. It's fairly rare to find an outlet int he UK without a 
on/off switch.

The fuse will blow before the fuse in the fusebox at the mains dispatch 
board, so yeah, it does protect the device. This is ignoring any 
internal fuses that might exist in the device to protect US and European 
users ;-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Luca Olivetti wrote:
 I find US and European outlets scary as heck, because they usually
 have no on/off switch. It's fairly rare to find an outlet int he UK
 without a on/off switch.

 Maybe that's because your huge plug it's too difficult to unplug we
 just unplug them ;-)
Our pugs are actually safer because you can't pull them out by the flex, 
so you don't stress the chord or pull the wires out of the plug. All 
plugs are easily removed though. They just pull out. The switch turns 
off the power when not in use. Otherwise the outlet is live, even with 
nothing plugged in. That is just insane. It's pretty hard for a child to 
electrocute themselves with a UK plug socket because of this and the 
shutters. People still use covers, but need them a lot less than in the 

I can also walk in to any hardware store an buy a replacement plug and 
fit it, should I want to. European and US plugs always seem to be molded.

 The fuse will blow before the fuse in the fusebox at the mains
 dispatch board, so yeah, it does protect the device.

 Only if the device is less valuable than the fuse, otherwise the device
 will blow up stealthily protecting the fuse :-D

Yeah, really expensive ;-)

 This is ignoring
 any internal fuses that might exist in the device to protect US and
 European users ;-)

 We in the continent are well protected by these gizmos:
 much more effective than a fuse and a plug dimensioned to power a
 small factory ;-)

Yeah, we have those too. You did read about the limitations though?


  A residual current circuit breaker cannot remove all risk of electric 
shock or fire. In particular, an RCD alone will not detect
  overload conditions, phase to neutral short circuits or 
phase-to-phase /wiki/Three_phase_electric_power short circuits. 
Over-current protection (fuse /wiki/Fuse_%28electrical%29 or circuit 
  breaker /wiki/Circuit_breaker) must be provided. 

So, really you need a fuse too :-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Locked out of my own machine?!?!?

2008-03-19 Thread Matt Emson
Mark Haury wrote:

Public answer (as I replied privately too)

Install becomeroot. Google for it.

 I've searched the site, and the root password on my N800 with OS2008 
 2.2007.51-3 is *NOT* rootme. How the heck do I get root access on my 
 own @#!$%^ machine!?!?

 They should at *least* have sudo enabled for the default user!


 maemo-users mailing list


maemo-users mailing list

Re: startup questions

2008-03-19 Thread Matt Emson
Mark wrote:

 That really is a huge pain. What if you're out somewhere away from
 your desktop and need to be root? And all these other workarounds may
 work, but we shouldn't be having to jump through these hoops to gain
 root on our own personal devices.

Installing becomeroot solves this issue entirely. One off install. No 
need to worry from then on. To be root:

$ sudo gainroot

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810. Bluetooth networking

2008-03-12 Thread Matt Emson
Vladimir wrote:
 Hi all.

 I want to be able to connect Nokia N810 using Bluetooth to my PC and
 use PC network connection to connect to internet. I found a howto:

If you can set up a Bluetooth PAN (Private Area Network) in Windows, 
there is a PAN driver available.

This site seems to be a tutorial on how to do this:

very odd site though, it seems to look like an XP style wizard. Odd!

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810. Bluetooth networking

2008-03-12 Thread Matt Emson
Nils Faerber wrote:
 I would like to see PAN being used for that - using DUN from Linux
 device to Linux device seem pretty brain dead to me, sorry.
 But PAN is ont integrated in Maemo - well I guess the modules are there
 and pand exists but it is not integrated into the framework and UI..

Well, exists. I've never 
tried it, but it installs another connection type in the connection 
manager. Is that not what you though was missing? I think it was only 
release a short while ago though.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Twitter Client

2008-03-11 Thread Matt Emson
Tim Ashman wrote:
 Anyone know of a twitter client for the n810.  I can use the website directly 
 to tweet and the RSS Reader to watch but I'd like to have an interface that 
 didn't use the web for creating the tweets?

 Also does anyone know of a way to decrease the RSS feed update time on the 
 home applet.  It only goes to 15 minutes, I'm assuming there is a text file 
 somewhere I can manually adjust this farther down.

If no one replies - I was thinking of writing one. I just downloaded the 
SDK. The Twitter API is pretty simple. Going to try writing it is Vala too.

Having said that, I wonder if the author of Mauku would be open to 
adding Twitter too? Almost the same thing at the end of the day.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Twitter Client

2008-03-11 Thread Matt Emson

- Original message -
 So can you IM into twitter?

Yeah, but it's not as slck as something like thwirl or tweetr.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Restoring on screen keyboard

2008-03-10 Thread Matt Emson
Paul Gear wrote:
 I experience this issue as well sometimes when i use my Thinkoutside
 Bluetooth foldable keyboard.  Like you, i've found no workaround.

I updated to the second release of OS2008 (51-3 is it?) and tried again. 
It seems to work for me if I just yank the USB connector out now, but 
not if I gracefully remove the device with the USB applet. Maybe it's 
gracefully removing it that causes the issue? At any rate, it seemed to 
work most of the time. It can still be flaky. It seems best to have 
something like Notes open when you plug in the keyboard, and also when 
you unplug it.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: audible notification when email arrives?

2008-02-29 Thread Matt Emson
Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote:
 Is there a way to get audible notification when email arrives?

Modest flashes the D pad light and I'm sure it also pings. Chat 
messages ping. Claws did too in OS2007.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: fetchmail?

2008-02-29 Thread Matt Emson
Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote:
 Is email received by a standard fetchmail mechanism? Is arriving email placed
 in a standard location like /var/mail/user or /var/spool/mail/user? I noticed
 that the directories /var/mail/ and /var/spool/mail/ exist but they are empty.

I thin that is 100% dependent on mail client. I think all the mail 
clients use pop or imap and such, but then use their own transport and 
storage mechanism. Modest only downloads headers and then downloads the 
body when requested.

I don't think it's impossible, but as a device for consumers, I would 
assume that it is unlikely to work using fetchmail, ever, out of the 
box. It's more of a work station rather than a server, I think.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: task launcher environment

2008-02-29 Thread Matt Emson
Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote:

Change the .desktop file to run a script that ensures you have the 
correct user and environment and cwd/pwd or whatever. This is a common 
problem with launching apps outside of the commandline I think - for 
example BeOS would do the exact same thing, including losing the path 
the app was run from within the app framework. Very annoying!

 My question is this. What is the environment (not just the environment
 variables but also the directory, umask, ulimits, etc.) that programs run by
 the task launcher get? How can I control that environment? I can I make sure
 that .profile is run in the environment in which programs run by the task
 launcher are run? I would like the task launcher to run programs in the same
 environment and with the same directory as is the case in a shell started up
 in a virgin osso X terminal window.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: osso-rss-feed-reader source (was Re: N800 user unhappy with OS2008 upgrade...)

2008-02-29 Thread Matt Emson
Eero Tamminen wrote:
 This is a localization package, I don't see why RSS would need that to
 build.  Does it build if you just remove that dependency from the
 debian/control file?

In fact, it looks like it is only there because the developer is an 
Indian - it's a translation package for Marathi -

I highly doubt it is a prerequisite to build the entire package for an 
English speaking audience.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia buys Trolltech

2008-01-29 Thread Matt Emson
Alberto Garcia wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 09:16:25AM +, Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:

 Maemo platforms [...] Maemo will continue to be based on Gnome
 [...] and S40 and S60 will evolve with Qt
 Okay, but can you assume Nokia wont step by step drop Maemo?

 Of course not (not even before this announcement).

 I'm no futurologist, I just wrote what I heard in the webcast :)

There is a tricky balancing act here - on the one hand, Qt is an 
extremely productive and extensive library and has a much nicer 
programming interface than GTK (excluding GTKMM, which I haven't looked 
at yet) - things like QtDesigner also make it quite compelling. On the 
other hand, Qtopia is not as nice a GUI as Maemo. The versions of Qtopia 
I've used (based off of the Zaurus sl5500 ROM versions 3.1 and 2.38 - 
Qtopia 1.x based, the Trolltech Qt 2.x ROM (very nice looking) as well 
as Opie the forked version of Qtopia free) were very much in the PalmOS 
mold. Desktop with shortcuts to apps, plus Windows style start menu. 
Having used Maemo for a while, I much prefer the widgets on the desktop 
and the programs int he sub menu.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Anything OTHER THEN Mediastreamer?

2008-01-28 Thread Matt Emson wrote:
 Randall wrote:
 I've tried Canola and UKMP, but the built-in player is the only one that 
 will see my TVersity server.

 Is it me or am I missing something?
   Perhaps I'm missing something -- If the built-in player works, what's the 

In OS2008, the Media player does a very adequate job of UPNP. It only 
barfs on video that there is no codec support for. I found the Media 
Streamer to be fairly confusing compared to the simplicity of the Media 

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia buys Trolltech

2008-01-28 Thread Matt Emson
Steve Yelvington wrote:
 Now, this is interesting.

Okay, usually I don't post FUD, bet here goes:

About 8 months ago, I was working for a company that wanted to utilise 
RFID with locational reporting. Nokia sold us on their Field force 
platform. I was written in Java and used special phones with either RFID 
readers built in or RFID readers built in to jackets. I went on a 
training course with 2 other people from my company and we were quite 
happy and excited with the solution. We were encouraged when the trainer 
(nice Spanish fellow) seemed open to feeding our requirements back to 
the developers. The API was okay, and the example applications gave us 
an off the shelf midp applet to get going with.

Right. Here's were it turns out nasty.About 3 or 4 weeks after the 
training course, our accounts were canceled and moved to a new server. 
Odd we thought. About 2 -3 weeks after that, the entire Field Force 
project was canceled. The project was put on maintenance - that is, no 
improvements, vague promises of support for 2 or 3 years, and the phone 
we required (ruggedised 6xxx series iirc) was canceled. So, the entire 
project was thrown off kilter.

I really, really hope that experience will not be repeated here. My 
experience with Nokia is otherwise positive, but (making a bit of a 
quantum leap) I hope that QTopia will be offered as an alternate, not a 
replacement to Maemo. QTopia is a lot more traditional PDA based and I'm 
not sure I would like to end up with that as an upgrade path.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Matt Emson
Kevin T. Neely wrote:
 This is quite timely, since the FCC spectrum auction just went up today:

 So don't look backward to 20th Century technology, look forward to ubiquitous 
 wireless access, making VOIP a reality and ditching those SIM cards forever.

Being English, I can flatly point out that this means diddly squat to 
Nokia. You need to look at what is happening in Europe to know what is 
going on in the minds of Nokia. It doesn't matter a damn if you have 
sold lots of frequencies, they are not valid out side of the US and 
therefore irrelevant. The FCC does not regulate my airwaves ;-)

Seriously, there is a world over here in Europe, you know ;-) We all use 
GSM. Our 3G uses different frequencies. This is what screwed Apple over. 
If Apple had wanted an easy ride, they could have used a US only phone 
standard and sold a lot more units probably. But using GSM, they opened 
the international market up a lot faster. However, not having a 3G 
standard world wide is a big problem for them. Hence the shuffling 
excuses, I guess.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Skype video?

2008-01-16 Thread Matt Emson
Michael R. Head (N810) wrote:
 - Original message -
 Michael R. Head wrote:
 Hi, now that I've got Skype installed on my N810, I'm wondering if
 there's a way to enable video (the n810 has a nice little camera for
 video conferencing, why not use it?). I haven't found anything in the
 Skype settings to enable this.


 Skype does not support video right now, and it appears there are no such
 plans.  You might try the new GizmoProject beta (4.0) which has video
 support on PC and N8xx

 Gotcha. I've had a gizmo account for some time (and just got around to 
 linking it into my contacts)... I just have many more contacts on skype.

 Too bad skype isn't looking at video for maemo... They just got around to 
 adding it on linux.

Not wishing to hijack the thread, but I'd love to see video support in 
Flash! Video support in Skype is a niche for me, but video in flash 
would rock. Also... Skype seems not to like the full screen 
keyboard.. that is iritating. I'm sure it worked at one point... but 
I use Pidgin mostly, so that migh have clouded my memory.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Garnet VM

2008-01-14 Thread Matt Emson
Andrew Barr wrote:
 Access is in the business of selling to OEMs, not end users. I find it
 highly doubtful that they are going to charge for this, because it's more
 of a technology demo than an actual marketable end-user product.

I suspect that the emulator is based on POSE or their other later ARM 
enabled emulator. These were always provided for free. The effort has 
already gone in to developing the core of the product, so charging for 
it seems a little odd. Then again, PalmOS isn't really making a lot of 
money at the moment and the Access Linux Platform is yet to be released. 
Maybe they'll use Nokia tablets to hone their code. After all, it'll 
probably be running on Linux for Arm at some point.

maemo-users mailing list


2008-01-14 Thread Matt Emson
Frank W. Kooistra wrote:
 after reflash : no restore backup : 
 for the menu: only .finger layout
 No stylus layout

This is the expected behaviour now, isn't it? OS 2008 always has the 
large menu layout now, doesn't it? Certainly, that was my impression.

The annoying thing is the lack of finger keyboard detection and the 
unresponsiveness (mis reading of taps and constant doubling of typing) 
for the finger keyboard. OS 2007's was quite good, but OS 2008 is much, 
much less usable.


maemo-users mailing list

Battery issues (was: Re: fm radio)

2008-01-10 Thread Matt Emson
Piotr Zagorowski wrote:
 I stopped fmradio home aplet and it was gone. I don't think it caused 
 my battery lasting only one day, but it may explain how fmradio 
 'knows' whether headset is connected or not.

Off topic - so changed the subject line.

The following is probably a potential cause of your battery issues: 
Killing the Metadata Crawler daemon/process and renaming the executable 
so that it does not auto run is what improved my battery life. I was 
getting a day, 2 days max (fully charged in the evening with 8 days, 
waking up to less than one day or a completely dead tablet.) After 
killing the craler, I get days and days and days of standby. For 
example, my tablet was reporting 5 days last night and was charged a few 
days ago.

Does anyone know if this has been reported as a bug? Last version of the 
OS2007 firmware seemed to do the same thing for me. I applied the same 
fix and got the same results.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Battery issues

2008-01-10 Thread Matt Emson
Frantisek Dufka wrote:
 Matt Emson wrote:
 Does anyone know if this has been reported as a bug? Last version of 
 the OS2007 firmware seemed to do the same thing for me. I applied the 
 same fix and got the same results.

 There may be more bugs reported, here is one I've seen just few 
 minutes ago when searching for something else

Similar, yes. I added a comment. I also remembered another Media player 
bug (see separate email)


maemo-users mailing list

Media player bug

2008-01-10 Thread Matt Emson
If I kill the Metadata Crawler process to extend battery life to usable 
terms, the media library does not get updated - fair enough, this is to 
be expected. However, if I go to my SD or MMC card in File Manager and 
delete files in the Media library, I can not remove those files from the 
library listing in Media Player.

Yes this is a slightly advanced thing to be doing, but until the mess 
that Metadata crawler causes with regards to battery life is resolved, 
who can blame me for killing the crawler to get respectable up time?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: modest persistence

2008-01-04 Thread Matt Emson

Hi Dirk,

Modest is an extremely nice application, nice work!
 Not without changing the source code and recompiling, no. (the change
 isn't too hard, search for the places where MODEST_DIR is used).

 Anything particular reason you want to have your ~/.modest elsewhere?
Device memory is finite. The larger your mailbox, the more data is 
stored. I for one regularly leave all my mail on my pop3 server to allow 
multiple mail clients to sync over time (one at home, one at work, N800).

One potential bug to add to the list (I know this should be a thread, 
but I'm not sure if it's just me or really an issue):

I have, as stated, regularly 15000+ emails on my pop3 server account. 
Modest handles this up to a point, but if I delete a lot of the 
historical messages, it goes completely bezerk. It then takes 5 - 10 
minutes to sync every time the mail is checked, yet if I delete the 
account and re-create it with the same setting, all is fine again. It 
looks like it tries to verify the email exists still every time. Surely 
this is not right? Whilst it was taking a long time to sync, I deleted 
all the mail in the inbox to see if that would help. Unfortunately, this 
had no effect. I'm wondering what will happen when my main email 
instance deletes the trailing emails from the account (should only leave 
30 days worth, but I tend only to do that once every 2 - 3 months these 

Hope that helps,


maemo-users mailing list

Re: modest persistence

2008-01-04 Thread Matt Emson
Jonathan Greene wrote:
 Don't you think you make a good case for using imap

Maybe, however my ISP doesn't/hasn't provided me with an IMAP account 
(to the best of my knowledge - they have been taken over 3 times and 
rebranded at least twice.) Also, this solution has worked for over 10 
years (since ~ 1998 in fact, though I've had the account since 1995.). 
My creaky old PalmPilot Professional handled it fairly successfully, my 
long gone Handspring Visor also handled it, and my Sharp Zaurus Sl5500 
did a reasonable job too. Modest seemed to work, until it decided to 
take unreasonable amounts of time to sync the headers.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Modest, per se, but it should be 
able to handle this situation gracefully too.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS2008 Video converter

2008-01-03 Thread Matt Emson
Josh Z wrote:
 Thanks for the hint, drfredc!

 Unfortunately RM VBR is not included in the supported formats of handbrake. 
 Still looking... Please advise on.

If you are using Windows, take a look at Super :

The web page is overly confusing, but I have never been able to fault 
the software. It does a pretty good job with most formats I've thrown at 
it. Worst problems have been audio sync issues - which are painful to 
fix, but are fixable with tweaks to the settings.

I also use Videora iPod Converter for my iPod and have found that the 
h.264 that outputs works pretty well on the N800. Not tried it past a 
couple of videos though - I usually watch video on previously mentioned 

Hope that helps,

maemo-users mailing list