[Mailman-Users] List Archive Link wrong if host_name set to default

2003-02-18 Thread Jerry Stratton
I've just upgraded from 2.0.13 to 2.1.1, and the "Go to list archive" link points to 
lists.sandiego.edu (the value of DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST in Defaults.py) as long as the 
list's "Host name this list prefers for email." is also set to lists.sandiego.edu.

If I change "Host name this list prefers for email" to anything else, the "Go to list 
archive" link correctly changes to www.sandiego.edu (the value of DEFAULT_URL_HOST I 
have in mm_cfg.py).

If I change "Host name this list prefers for email" back to lists.sandiego.edu, the 
"Go to list archive" link reverts back to the incorrect one (DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST); it 
appears that if "Host name this list prefers for email" is anything except 
lists.sandiego.edu (i.e., I can set it to fred.sandiego.edu, barney.sandiego.edu, 
procmail.sandiego.edu, some of them are valid, others not), then the "Go to list 
archive" link uses www.sandiego.edu. Otherwise, it uses lists.sandiego.edu.

Why is this? How do I fix it? ("Host name this list prefers for email" has to remain 

Serra 188B/x8773
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot 
possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it 
usually turns out to be impossible to get at and repair."--Douglas Adams (Mostly 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] From UseNet Is Not Working

2002-10-28 Thread Jerry Stratton
>But when I use the Usenet reply the message, I don't see the mail sent to my
>mailing test.  Any new posts to the newsgroup ARE NOT sent to my mailing

>Oct 28 10:40:03 2002 (30103) brasssgi-testlist: [680..729]
>Oct 28 10:40:03 2002 (30103) nothing new for list brasssgi-testlist
>Oct 28 10:40:03 2002 (30103) brasssgi-testlist watermark: 1550

What are the message numbers on the Usenet server? This looks to me like the 
"watermark" (the last message number that mailman went and got) is higher than the 
current message numbers. Is it possible that the message numbers got reset somewhow?

You might try telling it to play "catchup". This may reset the watermark to the 
current highest, allowing subsequent messages to get picked up by mailman.

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The greater the 
government's power, the more chaotic the nation would become. The more the ruler 
imposes laws and prohibitions on his people, the more frequently evil deeds would 
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi 

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] SMART_ADDRESS_MATCH isn't very

2002-07-15 Thread Jerry Stratton

>I have a user subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED] who just posted to a
>members-only list as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Because of Sun's email setup,
>this is out of the user's control.) The posting failed to go through
>even though SMART_ADDRESS_MATCH was set to 1.
>Has anyone else hit this problem and found a fix? It seems like it
>must be a logic error in Utils.FindMatchingAddresses(), but it's not
>obvious to me where the problem is.

I think we have, and I think the solution was that mailman assumes it 
has the canonical e-mail address and searches for that domain within 
the domain of incoming mail. So, if your user was subscribed as 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], attempts to e-mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] would work, 
because eng.sun.com contains sun.com. But sun.com does not contain 
eng.sun.com, so posting as sun.com when subscribed as eng.sun.com 
does not work.

There is probably some logic to this, as it is not unreasonable to 
posit a site where multiple subdomains are unrelated. (i.e., 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and name@[EMAIL PROTECTED] have their own namespaces). 
Mailman appears to be assuming that the subscription address is the 
most general possible, and only more specific addresses will match 
with SMART_ADDRESS_MATCH turned on.

Anyway, our solution was to resubscribe the user with their "real" 
address, and I have not heard from that list manager since on that 

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The 
greater the government's power, the more chaotic the nation would 
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his 
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] usenet gateway for mailman

2002-04-15 Thread Jerry Stratton

>You mention 'usenet gateway' for mailman, does this mean your great product
>can integrate with a newsgroup, e.g. postings to the newsgroup get sent out
>as emails to those who prefer email and emails get automatically posted to
>the newsgroup for those who prefer newsgroups?  Or is this too much to ask.

This is exactly what it means.

1. You can set the mailing list to automatically send list messages
to a specific newsgroup. ("gateway to news")

2. You can set the mailing list to automatically check that same
newsgroup and remail new messages to the mailing list. ("gateway to

Those features can be enabled separately (although if both are
enabled they do have to both use the same newsgroup).

One issue you may run into is that if you require that postings come
from listmembers, your Usenet readers have to be members of the
mailing list. You can change this requirement so that mailman allows
Usenet postings through automatically, but that requires hacking the

The two changes I've made to make this feature more useful are:

1. Added the ability to put the newsgroup and news host on the list's
info pages. This change is made in HTMLFormatter.py in the Mailman
directory: Look for "def GetStandardReplacements(self):" and add the
following lines:
 '' : self.linked_newsgroup,
 '' : self.nntp_host,

2. Made it so that if the gateway-to-mail option is set, then any
messages coming from the appropriate newsgroup are allowed as if they
were from a member. This change is made in "Hold.py" in
Mailman/Handlers. Look for "def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):" and
near "if mlist.member_posting_only" change to:

 # postings only from list members?  mlist.posters are allowed in addition
 # to list members.  If not set, then only the members in posters are
 # allowed to post without approval.
 #note: should find some way to compare needgroup and newsgroup
 #note: should probably also trim whitespace away from both ends
 if mlist.member_posting_only:
 if mlist.gateway_to_mail:
 needgroup = mlist.linked_newsgroup
 newsgroup = msg.getheader('newsgroups')

 posters = Utils.List2Dict(map(string.lower, mlist.posters))
 if not mlist.IsMember(sender) and \
not (mlist.gateway_to_mail and needgroup and
newsgroup==needgroup) and \
not Utils.FindMatchingAddresses(sender, posters):
 # the sender is neither a member of the list, nor in the list of
 # explicitly approved posters
 # nor is it from the gatewayed newsgroup
 hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, NonMemberPost)
 # no return

Issues: the newsgroup name is case sensitive; and if multiple
newsgroup names are listed, it will not match. (The latter is
probably a good thing--you will still have the opportunity to approve
after verifying that it is not spam.)

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] admin subscribe hold notifications never arrive

2002-03-11 Thread Jerry Stratton
Title: admin subscribe hold notifications never

I've got *one* list on our system for which the administrator
does not receive notification that someone wants to subscribe. We have
a number of lists requiring admin approval for subscriptions--at least
one of which has the same administrator as the list which doesn't
successfully provide notifications.

The subscription requests are available on the "pending
requests" page; when the administrator approves those requests,
the administrator *does* receive notifications of the successful
subscriptions. The administrator also receives notifications of

If the subscription requests are left to stand in the pending
area, the daily notices are also not received by the list admin. This
applies to both held messages and held subscription requests.

I have added myself as an administrator for that list, and have
verified this behavior. I don't receive any notifications
either--except for notifications of successful subscribes and

The 'vette' file in the logs directory shows the subscription
requests as "held"; the smtp file seems to indicate that 'a'
message was sent out on the five-minute mark, but it could be for any
list as the logfile does not indicate who the message was sent for, or
why it was sent. (And I would sort of expect it to be for 2 recips, as
there are two admins). Note that [EMAIL PROTECTED] also does not
receive anything about the subscription being held.

Mar 11
11:19:12 2002 (3201) RISA-L: held subscription request from

Mar 11
11:20:02 2002 (8891) smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.358

smtp-failure does not appear to have anything relevant in

Does anyone have any idea what could cause this behavior?
(Currently, the last item in there was from February 13, and probably
corresponded to mailserver downtime.)

We have other lists where this feature works fine, including one
with the same admin.


Serra 188B/x8773
The more
restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The greater the
government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would become. The
more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his people, the more
frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Re: [Mailman-Users] News to Mail gateway setup

2002-03-11 Thread Jerry Stratton
Title: Re: [Mailman-Users] News to Mail gateway

I've got News to Mail gatewaying working,
almost.  Currently, whenever
someone posts to the news group, the post to the mailing list requires
approval.  Is there some way to automatically approve posts to
the mailling
list from the news group short of allowing anyone to post to the
list?  I only ask because the news group I'm gating is not
public, and I
assume the uni would like to keep it that

We needed the same thing, for pretty much the exact same setup.
You'll need to change the source code to do this. It isn't that
difficult, assuming that I've done this right:

In the "Handlers" directory of the "Mailman"
directory, there is a file called "Hold.py". This is the
script that determines whether or not a message needs to be

There is a section in there that says:

In it, there is a section that says:

    if mlist.member_posting_only:
    posters =
Utils.List2Dict(map(string.lower, mlist.posters))
    if not
mlist.IsMember(sender) and \
Utils.FindMatchingAddresses(sender, posters):
the sender is neither a member of the list, nor in the list of
explicitly approved posters
hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, NonMemberPost)
no return

Change this to:

    if mlist.member_posting_only:
needgroup = mlist.linked_newsgroup
newsgroup = msg.getheader('newsgroups')

    posters =
Utils.List2Dict(map(string.lower, mlist.posters))
    if not
mlist.IsMember(sender) and \
(mlist.gateway_to_mail and needgroup and newsgroup==needgroup) and
Utils.FindMatchingAddresses(sender, posters):
the sender is neither a member of the list, nor in the list of
explicitly approved posters
nor is it from the gatewayed newsgroup
hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, NonMemberPost)
no return

Note that this still has some problems: if there is more than one
newsgroup on the Newsgroups: line, the posting will still need
approval (this could be considered a feature, of course). And the code
does not check in a case-insensitive manner. I tried
newsgroup=string.lower(msg.getheader('newsgroups')) and that generated
errors in the error log for some reason. (I'm fairly new to python;
this is, in fact, the first thing I've done in it.)

The above changes the code so that if the group's
"gateway_to_mail" option is set, it checks to see if the
message has a "Newsgroups:" header set to the same thing as
the list's linked_newsgroup setting. If so, it lets the message


Serra 188B/x8773
The more
restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The greater the
government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would become. The
more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his people, the more
frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Re: [Mailman-Users] Web Forum Frontend to Mailinglist

2002-02-26 Thread Jerry Stratton

>I've searched for information on the Mailman-to-news since I'm
>looking for a way to allow answering
>list messages from the web also. Is there documentation online about
>this? Does it require running a
>private news server?

Yes, or at least working with a news provider that allows you to add
newsgroups--though in the latter case you've got to deal with a wider

I think what the other poster was recommending was using newsgroups
*instead* of a web forum. Otherwise, once you've got the newsgroup
running you still need to create the Usenet-Web gateway software.
We've done it, but it required programming (I don't know if there are
any off-the-shelf solutions for Usenet-Web gateways).

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Letting newsgroup messages into members-only lists

2002-02-26 Thread Jerry Stratton

A few people once asked about letting gatewayed newsgroup postings
through to members-only lists automatically. I think I have this (and
would appreciate comments on what I've done).

Note that this opens up the possibility of spam: all a spammer has to
do is add a "Newsgroup:" header with the correct newsgroup, and their
messages will get through. (But then technically, all they had to do
in the past was find a member, and set their messages from that
member. Since they don't do the latter, I'm not too worried about
this one.)

This is for Mailman 2.0.8.

In ~/Mailman/Handlers/ there is a file called 'Hold.py'. This
apparently is what does the work of shunting inappropriate mail off
to administrators for approval.

In it, there is a section that says:

 if mlist.member_posting_only:
 posters = Utils.List2Dict(map(string.lower, mlist.posters))
 if not mlist.IsMember(sender) and \
not Utils.FindMatchingAddresses(sender, posters):
 # the sender is neither a member of the list, nor in the list of
 # explicitly approved posters
 hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, NonMemberPost)
 # no return

This is fairly obvious (assuming I've parsed it correctly): if
member_posting_only is set for the list, then hold all messages
unless they come from a member or are on the list of valid posters.

Change it to:

 if mlist.member_posting_only:
 if mlist.gateway_to_news:
 needgroup = string.lower(mlist.linked_newsgroup)
 newsgroup = string.lower(msg.getheader('newsgroups'))

 posters = Utils.List2Dict(map(string.lower, mlist.posters))
 if not mlist.IsMember(sender) and \
not (mlist.gateway_to_news and needgroup and
newsgroup==needgroup) and \
not Utils.FindMatchingAddresses(sender, posters):
 # the sender is neither a member of the list, nor in the list of
 # explicitly approved posters
 # nor is it from the gatewayed newsgroup
 hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, NonMemberPost)
 # no return

This, if "gateway_to_news" is set, grabs the newsgroup name that
gatewaying is set for, and if one is available, also grabs the value
of the Newsgroup: header in the message. It adds one more "unless" to
the "hold all messages unless" logic: unless gatewaying is set up and
there is a newsgroup set for gatewaying and the value of the
newsgroup header matches the newsgroup we're gatewaying to.

Note that crossposted messages will not get through--but they will be
available for administrative approval. I see this as a feature, not a
bug :*)

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Automatically approving non-member Usenet postings to gatewayedlist?

2002-02-20 Thread Jerry Stratton

I've seen a couple of questions about this, but no answers yet;
before I start working on it myself I thought I'd ask one more time.
Has anyone solved the problem where a list which is gatewayed to a
Usenet newsgroup requires approval for Usenet postings? (Since Usenet
posters are not usually members of the mailing list.) I.e., I want
usenet postings to come through to the list without requiring
approval due to the sender not being a member. But I want normal
posts to get blocked if they do not come from a member, since e-mail
can come from anywhere and we do get spam on the list if I turn that
off. (Newsgroups postings will only come from our local server.)

It looks like (Mailman 2.0.8) I can hack into process() in Hold.py to
modify the section for "if mlist.member_posting_only:". (This depends
on whether I have access to headers there or not.)

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RE: [Mailman-Users] Preventing people from leaving

2001-12-12 Thread Jerry Stratton

>I agree. This is what the PR people want tho. It WILL be
>possible to leave, I think they just want to be informed
>when an unsubscribe is requested so that the can contact
>them before they leave (I hope). It's a list of journalists
>that cover our area.

There is an option under "General Options" that sends notification of
subscribe and unsubscribe requests to the administrator.

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Usenet gateway to a member_posting_only list?

2001-11-28 Thread Jerry Stratton

If I have a mailing list set to member_posting_only and also have the
list set up as a Usenet gateway, Usenet postings by non-members will
be rejected. If true, is there any way I can have Usenet postings be
automatically approved by mailman for the mailing list side of the

The purpose of the gateway is to allow university community members
to have the choice of taking part in the discussion by mail or by
newsgroup, whichever they prefer (there is also a web interface to
the newsgroup, also accessible only on campus).

I have the mailing list set to members only to avoid spam (which the
list has received). The newsgroup, however, is a local group
accessible only on-campus, and does not have a spam problem. I would
like all gatewayed messages from the newsgroup to automatically go to
the list without requiring approval. Is there a way I can set this?

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] best way to upgrade from 2.0.6

2001-11-28 Thread Jerry Stratton

>What is the least painful way to upgrade from 2.0.6 to 2.0.8?

Well, I just took the perhaps adventurous choice of downloading the
new full 2.0.8 install and:

./configure --with-mail-gid=xxx
make install

and it seems to have worked fine (I had to redo my modification to
HTMLFormatter.py to put the usenet tags in); I didn't turn off the
mail server as that would have required going through channels that I
didn't want to have to go through, and there are currently only about
four lists running off of mailman.

Serra 188B/x8773
The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Variations on Reminders?

2001-11-09 Thread Jerry Stratton

>There seems to be a tendency to let lists languish unused...for
>years...and if they are reminded (say 2 or 4 times a year), maybe
>they'll send in a request to decommission the lists when they are
>no longer needed.   :)
>It's not a huge request, but anything to prevent me from having
>to chase down list admins coudl be helpful.

I take a more pro-active approach; once a year (and it's about that
time again...) I send out a message to every list's managers. Any
that don't respond get a second, and then third warning. After that,
the list is deleted.

But I use a separate (FileMaker) database to hold list information,
and it can automatically do this for me (except the list deletion

The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Using pre-existing passwords along with MailMan passwords?

2001-10-22 Thread Jerry Stratton

At our University, we use a special username/password (called a
"UNet" account) for all web-related items. We can match the UNet
username directly to the user's University e-mail address.

I would like to use this username/password for all list members who
have a UNet account, but fall through to the mailman-generated
password for those who do not. We do not have access to the actual
password--it is stored only as a Unix hash so we can't simply insert
it into the mailman password database (and we wouldn't want to send
it out via e-mail on a monthly basis in any case). Has anyone else
implemented something like this?

What I'm looking at as a possibility is setting up an Apache
.htaccess file so that all of the mailman directories are password
protected, but allow guest access (Apache has a special module that
will do this). If a user logs in using their UNet account, map it to
their e-mail address and bypass mailman's login process. If the user
logs in as a guest, do not bypass mailman's login process.

Has anyone already done this? If so, are there already any
instructions somewhere for how to do this? Any foreseeable problems
with this method?

The more restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. The
greater the government¹s power, the more chaotic the nation would
become. The more the ruler imposes laws and prohibitions on his
people, the more frequently evil deeds would occur.
--The Silence of the Wise: The Sayings of Lao Zi

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]