[MlMt] error 1002 when using Command menu for Omnifocus integration

2019-05-21 Thread Michael Dunston
I am on a new MBP with a clean install of MacOS 10.14.5, with Mailmate 
version 1.12.4 (5594) and the current App Store version of OmniFocus 
(version 3.3.2/GM-v123.20) and am getting the following error when 
attempting to use the Command menu to add messages into OmniFocus:

“1002   osascript is not allowed to send keystrokes.”

I have checked the System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy 
-> Automation” settings as mentioned on the list, and Mailmate.app is 
displayed with OmniFocus.app and System Events.app listed and checked.  
Curiously though, even with the error it seems to intermittently work. 
(sometimes, but not always)

Thanks for any suggestions!

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
-- (540) 231-9942 <http://www.performingarts.vt.edu/dunston/>
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] is it possible to search on Msg ID or "Warning: Email not available on disk" status ?

2019-05-08 Thread Michael Dunston

On 8 May 2019, at 17:33, Randall Gellens wrote:

If you're running the software locally, is it possible to have it 
generate a report that lists something in the message that could be 
then used in a script to have MM delete the messages?

Our IT area now requires Avast, which apparently does have the ability 
to mark headers for incoming mail when the “mail shield” component 
is enabled, but the only option when scans are run manually is to 
quarantine the necessary *.elm files directly by moving them into a 
“chest”.  It does show the full path for files (messages) with 
problems though, which is where I was getting the message ID from.  But 
unfortunately the report with this information appears to be just for 
display of the information, without any ability to export the list of 
files as text or even copy for pasting into something else.  The file 
path data can be copied via a contextual menu, but only for each one 

In the end I just enabled the Msg Id column, sorted by that, and went 
through the list by visually scanning the Msg Ids to locate the items 
quarantined in the report.   It took longer to do it this way, but 
having the ability to view and sort by Msg Id at least made it possible. 
 Thanks again!

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
-- (540) 231-9942 <http://www.performingarts.vt.edu/dunston/>
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] is it possible to search on Msg ID or "Warning: Email not available on disk" status ?

2019-05-08 Thread Michael Dunston

On 8 May 2019, at 13:56, Bill Cole wrote:

I did also answer the question. In short: it can't be done.

MM does not actively monitor the existence of message files.

But MM does appear to be internally storing a Msg ID value for each 
message which matches the *.eml file on disk, as these can be enabled as 
a column in View -> Columns and they appear to match the file name of 
the message (in the local file store) as identified by the AV scan.  I 
have tried enabling “Message-Id”, “Message-data-Id”, 
“#Filepath”, “Filename”, “Filename#LC” as searchable fields 
in the Edit -> Find -> Mailbox Search “other” options, but none of 
these seem to be able to find messages by the Msg ID displayed by 
Mailmate or the the *.eml files on disk.  Thanks though.

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
-- (540) 231-9942 <http://www.performingarts.vt.edu/dunston/>
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Notes on latest test release and Gmail OAuth application verification

2019-05-08 Thread Michael Dunston

On 30 Apr 2019, at 12:43, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

It's worse than that—many organizations have outsourced their email 
to Google. My

university does, though I still run my own mail server…

It is the same situation here.  Although I likely used a @vt.edu account 
when registering Mailmate, our university also unfortunately outsources 
its email to Google.  Our university IT actually stopped support the use 
of desktop email clients a while ago, with the only “official” way 
to access email being the Gmail in a browser.

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
-- (540) 231-9942 <http://www.performingarts.vt.edu/dunston/>
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] is it possible to search on Msg ID or "Warning: Email not available on disk" status ?

2019-05-08 Thread Michael Dunston

On 8 May 2019, at 9:37, Sam Hathaway wrote:

On 8 May 2019, at 0:49, Bill Cole wrote:

Tip: don't let other programs do data violence in the MailMate 
message cache.

That’s not always possible. Antivirus software may remove messages 
that contain malware.

Basically what I am try to do is use AV software to identify messages in 
my local mail store (about 350k messages), quarantine them, and then use 
MM to delete those messages from the IMAP side so they aren’t 
dowloaded again at some point in the fututre.  Being able to identify 
the messages in MM via a search would make this significantly easier 
than visually scanning the Msg ID column looking for the ones which have 
been quarantined.  Thanks for the responses though.

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
-- (540) 231-9942 <http://www.performingarts.vt.edu/dunston/>
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] is it possible to search on Msg ID or "Warning: Email not available on disk" status ?

2019-05-07 Thread Michael Dunston
I am wondering if there is a way to easily identify any and all messages 
which have been quarantined (removed from the local mail store outside 
of MM) so that the messages can be explicitly (manually) deleted within 
Mailmate to delete them in the IMAP side too.   Is it possible to search 
on the message ID, or even better simply find all files which have been 
removed from disk and are now returning the “Warning: Email not 
available on disk” message?  I tried a few of the options in the 
“Other…” category of the custom search, but have not yet found 
something which might do this.  Thank you for any tips or suggestions.

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
-- (540) 231-9942 <http://www.performingarts.vt.edu/dunston/>
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] slow/laggy UI behavior after updating from 10.13.6 -> 10.14.2

2019-01-14 Thread Michael Dunston

On 11 Jan 2019, at 17:56, Eric Sharakan wrote:

I know you said other Apps aren't experiencing this, but there's been 
reports of bugginess in one of MacOS' spell-correction related 
processes (in both High Sierra and Mojave).  Perhaps the upgrade to 
Mojave tweaked your spellcheck options and exposed you to this issue.

Check and disable the Spelling and Grammar options in the Edit menu of 
MM and see if that helps.

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately disabling those options does 
not appear to have made a difference.  Even replying to this message 
took about 3 seconds for the new/reply message window to actually open 
after selecting the message and typing cmmd+R, and a SWOD was actually 
briefly displayed while typing this as the display of the entered text 
caught up.  I’m not seeing this behavior in any other apps though 
(even other third-party apps with check-spelling-as-you-type enabled) 
though, unfortunately just MM it seems.  Thanks for the suggestion 
though; I had not considered that possibility.

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] slow/laggy UI behavior after updating from 10.13.6 -> 10.14.2

2019-01-11 Thread Michael Dunston
I updated my Mid-2014 MBP (SSD, w/ 16GB RAM) from MacOS 10.13.6 -> 
10.14.2 earlier today and the Mailmate UI now appears to be considerably 
slower than it was this morning before the OS upgrade.  There appears to 
be a nearly 1-second delay when clicking to change mailboxes, and even 
typing into a new message window is laggy enough that I get several 
letters (or words) ahead before the typed input actually appears.  (and 
for the record, I’m not that fast of a typist)  I do have about 340K 
messages across 12 accounts with a fairly large number of mailboxes, but 
I didn’t see this behavior before the 10.13.6 -> 10.14.2 upgrade, and 
other text-focused apps (BBEdit, PhpStorm, Pages etc.) are not 
exhibiting this behavior at all.  (nor does Activity Monitor or top show 
anything unusual)  Has anyone else experienced this by any chance, or 
are there any recommendations on the best way to troubleshoot this?  
Thanks for any suggestions!

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] addition of "***UNCHECKED***" to subject of incoming GPG-encrypted messages?

2017-10-18 Thread Michael Dunston

On 17 Oct 2017, at 1:03, Christian Kruse wrote:

This prefix is generated by the spam/av filter on the server. It isn't 
able to scan encrypted messages, thus they're *unchecked*.

Thank you, I had not considered that possibility.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] addition of "***UNCHECKED***" to subject of incoming GPG-encrypted messages?

2017-10-16 Thread Michael Dunston
I apologize if I’ve missed an explanation of this somewhere obvious, 
but I’ve not been able to clarify this in the the Mailmate Help file 
or searching the email list archives.  The security status banner 
information for GPG-encrypted messages seems fairly clear:

Successfully decrypted OpenPGP message.
This message is also trusted to have been signed by the sender.

However the addition of “***UNCHECKED***” to the subject leads me to 
wonder what exactly was unchecked, esp. given the information provided 
by the security status banner.  Can anyone direct me to where this might 
be explained in further detail?  Thanks.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Silencing the beep when mail is checked

2015-07-29 Thread Michael Dunston

On 29 Jul 2015, at 10:34, Randall Meadows wrote:

For what it's worth, MailMate currently doesn't interact directly with 
the OS X notification system. Instead MailMate relies on the third 
party Growl framework which uses the OS X notification system when 
Growl is not installed. But I consider to remove the dependence on 
Growl since I believe Growl hasn't been updated for quite a while. 
Anyone objecting to such a change can try writing me off list :-)

Object, no! I wholeheartedly support the idea, and would love to see 
functionality that Mail.app’s notifications provide, specifically 
the ability to remove/delete a message from the notification itself. 

I’ve only recently switched to MailMate (after 15+ years of BB 
Mailsmith, and skipping over the Mail.app experience entirely), but 
definitely agree!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] one account (of eight) constantly displaying mailboxes as unavailable

2015-05-19 Thread Michael Dunston

On 19 May 2015, at 2:49, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Then I'll review the logs. I suspect it's some kind of server error 
which triggers MailMate to regularly retry. I see a thread in the 
MailMate list archives from 18-Feb-2015 which mentions this behavior 
may be a known issue with Gmail for some users on some networks,
There has been many server issues in the past. In some cases Gmail is 
to blame and in others MailMate is to blame, but surprisingly often 
there is not much to learn from past experience :-)

Below is an excerpt that might indicate the cause, but I will send the 
full logs directly.  Thank you for your help, and the great application!

14:11:42 S: * BYE Invalid character in literal
14:11:42 Error: TCP socket was unexpectedly closed.
14:11:42 S:
14:11:42 Error code: 2
14:11:42 Failed action (1008). Reset observed read/write timeouts: 8/8

14:11:42 Handling reply
14:11:42 Error: Failed multiple retries (4). Final error code was 2.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] a few questions from a (former) Mailsmith user

2015-05-18 Thread Michael Dunston

On 17 May 2015, at 16:48, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

Michael Dunston 2015-05-17 22:25 wrote:

And as a followup
question - if key bindings are necessary to
do this, could these need to be installed


I see the
BBEdit bundle will pass messages being
drafted into BBEdit, but I don’t see how
those edits come back to Mailmate

Simply hit Save in BBEdit.

Thank you for this information!

Regarding replies, is there reply setting
to place the quoted text at the top (with
the insertion point after), for inline (or
bottom-posting) replies?

That how it works for me now, don't think I have made any special 
settings to make it so..

Thank you, I will look into this further.  I thought I had discovered 
this might be tied to the signature block preferences, but at least now, 
for me a “reply” results in the insertion cursor at the top of the 
new message, with the signature below that, and the selected reply text 
at the bottom below both..

Additionally, is
there a way to edit the attribution line
text inserted into a reply?

Search the help for Hidden preferences. A lot of interesting stuff 

Thanks again!
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] a few questions from a (former) Mailsmith user

2015-05-18 Thread Michael Dunston

On 18 May 2015, at 7:35, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I can see you already got some of your questions answered. I'll try to 
deal with the rest, but let me know if I missed something.

On 17 May 2015, at 22:25, Michael Dunston wrote:

First, is there a “paste as quoted” command, or pre-existing way 
to combine the functions of “paste” and “quoting - increase 
level” into a single key command?

No, but I'm open for adding it as a variant of “Edit ▸ Paste”, 
e.g., bound to ⌥⌘V by default. I can see Apple Mail does not 
appear to have any paste-variants. What was the shortcut used in 

Thank you for considering this!   The “paste as quoted” command in 
Mailsmith was “option+command+v” and something I use often when 
trying to summarize/reformat threaded discussions when new people are 
added to the discussion.

Is there any way to re-wrap quoted or body text, preferably with a 
user-defined column width and indentation options?

No, and there shouldn't be (well, except perhaps for an unwrapping 
function). Wrapping lines should be taken care of by the receiving 
email client based on the preferences of the recipient. The sending 
email client should use “format=flowed” to avoid hard-wrapping 
lines and this is what MailMate does. Any email clients not 
understanding “format=flowed” (shame on them) are going to see it 
as hard-wrapped lines (72 chars).

Understood, thank you.  The round-trip to BBEdit should solve this need 
for occasional reformatting.

Is there a menu item, or more specifically a key shortcut, for 
copying messages to a mailbox - similar to the “Move to 
mailbox…” function?

No, but you can hold down ⌥ when hitting enter (using “Move to 
Mailbox...”) to create a copy instead.

Thanks.  This is something I do infrequently, but that will be very 
helpful for when a copy to another account mailbox is needed.

Regarding replies, is there reply setting to place the quoted text at 
the top (with the insertion point after), for inline (or 
bottom-posting) replies?

Default behavior is defined in the Signatures preferences pane, but 
MailMate also learns your habits if you use the “Signature” menu 
in the Composer. This way your preferred style can depend on the 
recipient. You can reset what MailMate has learned by clicking 
“Reset Usage History” in the Signatures preferences pane.

Interesting, this might explain why it seems to work one way sometimes 
and a different way other times.  I’ll look into that.. Thanks again!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] a few questions from a (former) Mailsmith user

2015-05-18 Thread Michael Dunston

On 18 May 2015, at 10:12, JC Delay wrote:

In Preferences  Signatures, you have a `Caret 
placement` preference.

Mine is set to Above Signature. Is yours set to Always at Top?

It may have been, but I think I may have also been tripped up by the 
dynamic “learning” nature of the signature mechanism.  In any case, 
it is working as desired now.  Thank you though!

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] one account (of eight) constantly displaying mailboxes as unavailable

2015-05-18 Thread Michael Dunston
One of the eight accounts I have configured in MailMate is constantly 
displaying the mailbox sources as “unavailable” every 30 seconds or 
so.  This account is my main university account, which is 
(unfortunately) no longer hosted by the university but through a 
“partnership” with Google to offer email and collaboration services 
through the Google Apps for Education program.  Curiously though, 
another one of the eight account I have configured in MailMate is a 
personal Gmail account and it does not seem to have this problem.  More 
specifically it seems that this happens at least once or twice 
per-minute, where the account mailboxes become “unavailable” for 
about 10-12 seconds, come back for about 20 seconds, and then repeat 
this cycle continuously.

I see a thread in the MailMate list archives from 18-Feb-2015 which 
mentions this behavior may be a known issue with Gmail for some users on 
some networks, but so far it seems to happen on every network I’ve 
tried - including my university networks.  Unfortunately this was not 
one of the accounts I used when testing MailMate these last few weeks; 
has anyone else who has experienced this discovered any insight into the 
issue?   Would log files be of any help in diagnosing the problem, or is 
there anything else I could do to help troubleshoot this?  Thanks again!

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] a few questions from a (former) Mailsmith user

2015-05-17 Thread Michael Dunston
After fifteen years of using Bare Bones Mailsmith (and primarily 
POP-based email, although I maintain both POP and IMAP email servers), I 
am considering moving to IMAP and Mailmate appears to the most 
functional, well-designed, and impressive modern mail client I’ve seen 
since switching to Mailsmith in the late 90s.  After using it for a 
couple of weeks and deciding to make the transition however, I have a 
few questions which I am hoping someone might be able to answer.  If I 
missed something in the help-file/manual though, please let me know..

First, is there a “paste as quoted” command, or pre-existing way to 
combine the functions of “paste” and “quoting - increase level” 
into a single key command?  It looks like multiple actions can be 
defined for a single key binding, and it appears that custom key 
bindings could be used to do this, but is there a more direct way of 
doing with with the stock application?  And as a followup question - if 
key bindings are necessary to do this, could these need to be installed 
in “~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict” or would they have 
to be within the app package itself?  (where the would be over-written 
with app updates)

Is there any way to re-wrap quoted or body text, preferably with a 
user-defined column width and indentation options?  I see the BBEdit 
bundle will pass messages being drafted into BBEdit, but I don’t see 
how those edits come back to Mailmate (aside from a manual copy/paste?) 
and it would be more helpful to be able to do this directly in Mailmate 
if possible.  I see the case-change options in the “Edit - 
Transformations” menu, but

Is there a menu item, or more specifically a key shortcut, for copying 
messages to a mailbox - similar to the “Move to mailbox…” 
function?  I see that this can be done using rule actions as well as 
manually by dragging selected messages while holding down the option 
key, but not a menu item for which a key shortcut or binding might be 

Regarding replies, is there reply setting to place the quoted text at 
the top (with the insertion point after), for inline (or bottom-posting) 
replies?  Additionally, is there a way to edit the attribution line text 
inserted into a reply?

Lastly, is there a way for sent-replies to remain in (or rather, be 
automatically moved to) the same mailbox/folder as the original message 
so they can be more easily manually filed (moved to a folder) together?

Thank you in advance for your time any thoughts or suggestions you might 
have regarding these questions!

mailmate mailing list