MI point to line distance -- here's info

2000-05-03 Thread Eric Johnson

Dear List,

Several people contacted me asking for the formulae for determining the
smallest distance between a point and a line, as well as the coordinates of 
the point (on the line) to
which this distance is measured. I've posted two items ... an example using
the formulae and notes showing how I determined the formulae ... to the

An example of the use of the math involved is posted at the URL
http://www.indra.com/~topsoil/nearplin.zip ...

In the zip file is a MapBasic program (source & compiled) that finds 
the closest polyline (in a table of polylines) to a point that the user 
clicks on
the mapper. This is a demonstration program I wrote several years ago just 
prove the concept for myself ... it has serious limitations (but you may 
the source code useful for formulae). To run the program, open the included
data UNTITLED.TAB into a new mapper and make it editable. Then, run the
.MBX. Choose the left hand button on the button pad, and click on a point on
the mapper. The program will select the polyline nearest to the point you
clicked. The program has to calculate slopes of lines. Because some lines
(lines parallel to the y-axis) have undefined slopes, the program will crash
whenever it encounters polyline segments that are y-axis parallel (or x-axis
parallel, actually, because this program also looks at the slope of lines
perpendicular to the polyline segments) -- this is due to a division by zero

Hey, what can I say? This was just a demonstration program for myself.
You'll notice that the example polyline data I provided (UNTITLED.TAB)
has none of these problematic segments. In any kind of real product, I'd be
testing for axis-parallel segments and doing some kind of end-around to 
the division by zero error.

Note also that the data table is lat/long, and MapBasic defaults to using
lat/long coordinates. The .MBX deals with units of degrees, and is 
Cartesian 'distances' (in degrees!). This is a ridiculous coordinate system 
use if one wants to deal with any kind of real distances, since a degree 
equal a set distance (converging meridians of longitude as latitudes 
...). But, like I say, I just wanted to demonstrate this for myself, and any
coordinate system would do.

For those who want the notes showing how to derive the formulae, I've
posted them (as an Adobe Acrobat file) to the URL
http://www.indra.com/~topsoil/point2line.pdf ...

It's a 570K download, because it's a .PDF of my scanned handwritten notes.
Sorry for the unwieldy size, but it was easier to handwrite and scan than
to do the diagram and formulae (with all those brackets, fractions, and
parentheses) in a word processor or graphics package.

If you have email but not web access, let me know and I can attach the files
to an email to you.


Eric Johnson
GIS Consultant


1. These formulae deal in Cartesian distances only, not surface-of-the-Earth
geoidal distances. Programmers should use SET COORDSYS in their
MapBasic code to be sure they are working in the coordinate system of
choice. MapBasic defaults to a lat/long system.

2. The formulae deal with line slopes of mutually perpendicular lines.
Because some lines have a slope of 0, their perpendiculars have an
undetermined slope (-1/0). Programmers will need to test for these cases and
do some kind of end-around them in order to prevent their programs from
crashing due to division by zero errors.

3. In using these formulae in MapInfo, I am often trying to find the closest
point on a _polyline_ to a given point. This actually means checking the
distance to each segment of the polyline, and keeping the shortest 
distance (a similar situation would exist for determining distance to 

MB programmers can extract node coordinate pairs from polyline (or region)
object variables; two adjacent nodes provide enough coordinate pairs to
determine the equation of the line connecting them. However, the shortest
distance to this _line_ (an _unending_geometric_line_ as determined by the
equation derived from the node coordinates, _not_ a MapInfo line object)
may not be the shortest distance to the segment of the MapInfo polyline ... 
the shortest distance to the _line_ may be to a part of the line that is not
coincident with the MI polyline segment.

If the shortest distance from the point to the _line_ is not the shortest 
from the point to the MI polyline segment, then the shortest distance to the
MI polyline segment will be between the point and one of the segment
endpoints (polyline nodes). Checking this distance is easy with the 
distance formula.

So, to find the distance from any point to a polyline, I check the distance 
each segment ... and to do that, I sometimes also have to check the distance
to segment endpoints (polyline nodes).

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Re: MI RE: Recent burn victims

2000-05-03 Thread Russell Mincher

I dunno Rob, it all got a bit too predictable early on;

It started out with a piece of news that certainly got me interested,
As soon as it dived off into a political and then personal discussion it
lost much of its value except as entertainment.  Unfortunately flame wars
dont entertain to many of us any more, you can go plenty of places to
observe those.

I found myself reading the various barrages just in case one wasn't and held
some useful information, in most cases I was disappointed.   Then someone
went and changed the subject which made it worse.

Anyhoo, now I've added my 2 cents worth (roughly 1 American cent - I cant
work up the energy to check the current exchange rate and be more precise)
so I cant complain too much about the dross, can I?

Hopefully, the conflagration doesn't re-erupt..perhaps without SA, the
combatants can target each other better and we wont have the missiles
dropping little packages in our mailboxes on the way past.

ps. Your local paper must be even more local than ours - at least we get
reports of shipping movements.   Yawn...



- Original Message -
From: Robert Crossley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MapInfo List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 2:01 PM
Subject: MI RE: Recent burn victims

> I've been on this list for 5 years now, and maybe the flaming was getting
> bit too personal, but I rather have enjoyed the occasional departures from
> the "My printer is giving me this error".
> An international slugging match involving an assortment of views from an
> obviously well informed military analyst who has been there, an assorted
> bunch of US citizens with the full range of views  is certainly better
> than the local paper (which concentrates on which world leader is coming
> a visit or what to do about dive operators leaving tourists out on the
> reef).
> Robert Crossley
> Wild Lime
> Suite 1, 169 Newell St
> Ph: 61-7-40337644
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Thoen
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:53 AM
> Subject: MI ENOUGH! (was Wide open GPS - no more SA...)
> Dimitri Rotow wrote:
> > No problem! The original posting by Bill Thoen (on SA and GPS, not a
> MapInfo
> > specific topic) was cross-posted to MapInfo-L, so that's where the
> > also went.  I don't subscribe to MapInfo-L, so I supposed if Bill Thoen
> > started a thread in your list on this subject and others from your List
> > continued it was OK by your List interests.  - I stand corrected.
> This is a classic case of a thread wandering from "off-topic but
> relevant" to "polemic and irrelevant." News about turning off SA
> isn't strictly a MapInfo topic, but I felt that it's REAL NEWS to
> anyone who uses any GIS/mapping software and GPS, so I also
> crossposted to MapInfo-L. Using that original message as a base
> to launch a missive calling the US government criminal is really
> stretching it, IMHO, but what the heck... here it's still a free
> country. Besides, we haven't had a good flame war for ages, so
> thanks for the entertainment, but don't use me a shield to defend
> your actions.
> On the other side I think that the argument that a subject should
> be banned just because it is off-topic is weak justification at
> best. What one usually wants to say when one uses that argument
> is, "You have your head so far up your butt your alimentary canal
> looks like a Klein bottle. So get lost; you're out of order."
> Rules have their place, but reason makes a better argument.
> Lighten up, folks! Or fight back with wit and a sense of humor.
> (not that I haven't been known to boil up into an incoherent
> purple thunderhead on occasion, grumbling invectives and hurling
> epithets like lightning... but you know what I mean.)
> - Bill Thoen
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: MI info tool doesn't like my files

2000-05-03 Thread Martin Roundill


In the mapbasic window type 

set window info position(0,0)

to get it back.


Martin Roundill
GIS Manager
Waitakere City Council
Private Bag 93109
Waitakere City
New Zealand

-Original Message-
From: Tim Warman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 4 May 2000 05:22
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: MI info tool doesn't like my files


I've just run into something curious. I've opened a bunch of files and now
the info tool won't work. When I click on an object, nothing happens. No
error message, no lock up, just nothing. The files are a mix of Topo Depot
files and downloaded waypoints (using WayPoint+) from my Garmin GPS. I've
never had problems with either file type before. The problem occurs with
both 5.0 and the 6.0 beta v9.0. I ran into this yesterday as well, but it
seemed to go away after a few restarts and reloading of the files.

Has anyone else seen this?


Tim Warman
Geologist & GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade & Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

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RE: MI Workspace Editor ------ AND RANT-----

2000-05-03 Thread Trey Pattillo

Hello y'all,

In response to Natalie's post about a workspace 
editor, I just put Fix_WOR up on the download 
section. AUTOMATION - YES !
[ Several additions lately --- so drop by ]
 A Delphi5 application, so just unzip [pkzip] somewhere and 
2click it -- make a shortcut if you want -- no install baggage or registry 
The status bar has mouse-over help hints, but 
basically1) enter the start folder, NO END \ , or click on the button on the 
right for dialog box2) enter the string to search for, this is not case 
sensitive or whole words, so it will dig up any and all occurrances3) enter 
the text to replace with4) uncheck *sub-folders* if you don't want to use 
them5) click start6) the *checked* list entries show files that were 
changed7) click on a list entry to view it8) you can directly make 
changes to the viewer and then click on the save button9) you can change the 
search/replace and click on the find button [binoculars] to apply it to the view 
window and then save10) creates an optional backup of the changed files 
[initial run only then unchecks]
Great for moving around wors from one machine 
to another or creating CD projects.

Sometimes the rant fire is a little warm but it's 
better than the crap on the boob-tube, and gets up to the Sunday Comics at 
For those of you who are whining about the *mails* 
then do what I have to at the office --- read the archive and respond to what 
you want..when I get home --- 65 mails from list, plus the spam is up 
again, plus tech-news --- plus replies--- there goes 2hrs. :-)

Trey Pattillo -- 7 
years of MapInfo Development, 20 years programming[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.wap3.com

MI MapXtreme Java I/O Exception

2000-05-03 Thread pentium

to MapXtreme Java Users:
I recently setup MapXtreme Java on Freebsd 4.0 using JDK1.1.8 
and Apache Jserv.
After setting up, I tried to execute MapperServlet example and 
get following error message in Apache's log.
java.io.EOFException at 
java.io.DataInputStream.readUnsignedShort(DataInputStream.java) at 
java.io.DataInputStream.readUTF(DataInputStream.java) at 
java.io.DataInputStream.readUTF(DataInputStream.java) at 
com.mapinfo.mapxtreme.client.MapXtremeImageRenderer.toStream([DashoPro-V1.2-120198]) at 
com.mapinfo.mapxtreme.client.MapXtremeImageRenderer.toFile([DashoPro-V1.2-120198]) at 
MapperServlet.renderMap(MapperServlet.java:413) at 
MapperServlet.doPost(MapperServlet.java:158) at 
MapperServlet.doGet(MapperServlet.java:119) at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:499) at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:588) at 
org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(JServConnection.java:314) at 
org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.run(JServConnection.java:188) at 
Anyone knows the problem?
Thanks in advance.

MI RE: Recent burn victims

2000-05-03 Thread Robert Crossley

I've been on this list for 5 years now, and maybe the flaming was getting a
bit too personal, but I rather have enjoyed the occasional departures from
the "My printer is giving me this error".

An international slugging match involving an assortment of views from an
obviously well informed military analyst who has been there, an assorted
bunch of US citizens with the full range of views  is certainly better
than the local paper (which concentrates on which world leader is coming for
a visit or what to do about dive operators leaving tourists out on the

Robert Crossley
Wild Lime
Suite 1, 169 Newell St
Ph: 61-7-40337644

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Thoen
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:53 AM
Subject: MI ENOUGH! (was Wide open GPS - no more SA...)

Dimitri Rotow wrote:
> No problem! The original posting by Bill Thoen (on SA and GPS, not a
> specific topic) was cross-posted to MapInfo-L, so that's where the replies
> also went.  I don't subscribe to MapInfo-L, so I supposed if Bill Thoen
> started a thread in your list on this subject and others from your List
> continued it was OK by your List interests.  - I stand corrected.

This is a classic case of a thread wandering from "off-topic but
relevant" to "polemic and irrelevant." News about turning off SA
isn't strictly a MapInfo topic, but I felt that it's REAL NEWS to
anyone who uses any GIS/mapping software and GPS, so I also
crossposted to MapInfo-L. Using that original message as a base
to launch a missive calling the US government criminal is really
stretching it, IMHO, but what the heck... here it's still a free
country. Besides, we haven't had a good flame war for ages, so
thanks for the entertainment, but don't use me a shield to defend
your actions.

On the other side I think that the argument that a subject should
be banned just because it is off-topic is weak justification at
best. What one usually wants to say when one uses that argument
is, "You have your head so far up your butt your alimentary canal
looks like a Klein bottle. So get lost; you're out of order."
Rules have their place, but reason makes a better argument.

Lighten up, folks! Or fight back with wit and a sense of humor.
(not that I haven't been known to boil up into an incoherent
purple thunderhead on occasion, grumbling invectives and hurling
epithets like lightning... but you know what I mean.)

- Bill Thoen
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MI Select a record from Multiple Tables

2000-05-03 Thread Scott Barling

Hi All,

Just wondering if it is possible to select a record with a certain value
from a set of tables if you don't know which table the record is in?

Let me explain with an example:

Tables  Fields

Swr_MH  Asset_ID


If I have both tables open in MI and would like to select the record with an
Asset_ID of 09563 but am unsure of which table it is in, is there a piece of
code to achieve this sort of thing?

I want to build an mbx to perform a search on all open tables, for the table
and record containing an Asset_ID entered by the user, and than to select
that record.

Any help greatly appreciated and of course I will Sum.


Scott Barling
GIS/Assets Technical Assistant

Eurobodalla Shire Council

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Re: MI Nearest Distance Point to Line

2000-05-03 Thread F.Molle

Dear Henk

You will find distpp.mbx freeware at :
which can do the job for one point.
Some time ago someone requested the code to add the option to process a set of
points (with cthe coordinates of the result written in the table) but did not
return, as promised, the modified version... it's still a one point process.

Henk Meij a écrit :

> Assume: a batch of points in one table, a line in another table oriented
> roughly ssw to ne.
> Problem: for each point, obtain nearest distance to line.
> The problem implies having to retrieve the X/Y of a point on the line by
> tracing a line at a 90degree tangent to the line feature.  Is this possible
> with MI functionality?
> -Henk
> Hendrik K. Meij,
> Academic Computing Manager
> Social Sciences, Wesleyan University
> Judd Hall B23, Middletown CT 06459, Phone:860.685.4482, Fax:860.685.2401
> "There is so much I wish to know" -Poirot
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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Francois Molle  -  DORAS Centre
Kasetsart University, Administrative building 10th floor
Bangkhen, 10900 Bangkok, Thailand
Tel (University): (66 2) 942.81.75 / Fax(University): (66 2) 942.81.70
Tel/Fax (Home) : (66 2) 287.41.53 / Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website : http://www.ku.ac.th/delta
ORSTOM changes its name to IRD
Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

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MI GPS/SA Flame War

2000-05-03 Thread martyn

As a MI user interested in GPS matters, I have read all of the posts re
this matter and have been happy to do so (thanks to dimitri).  Those who
didn't want to follow the issue could have just skipped past the posts,
along with the 'spams', as they were all clearly headed.

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MI ProViewer and mosaicing question ...

2000-05-03 Thread Jol Des

I have two questions rgarding the MI product ProViewer.

(1) Can Proviewer read MID/MIF files?

(2) I want to mosaic several registered TIFF images into one image (geo-
registered of course!). How can thiis be done using MI version 5.0 (or 5.5)?

Thanks in advance.


Mr Jol Desmarchelier  _--_|\Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
School of Geography and  /  \   ph: +61 03 62262837 / fax: 03 62262989
  Environmental Studies, \_.--._/   Mail : GPO Box 252-78 Hobart,
University of Tasmania v<- Tasmania 7001, AUSTRALIA

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RE: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Matt.Wilkie

Robert/ donna et al,
We use ArcInfo, ArcView, MapInfo, and occassionaly AutoCAD,
Pamap, and Illustrator. Each progam has their strong points
but the problem of handling multiple datasets which are 
identical in content but different in format is a major
pain in the asp. Recently I discovered a misclassified 
road. It took me 5 minutes to fix it once in ArcInfo. And 
then another 5 to fix it again in MapInfo. And then...

Several times we've contemplated settling down on just one
program, but no single program ever meets all of our needs.
We're also leary of putting all our eggs in one basket. 
What if, say, ESRI decides Avenue is no more and development 
and support cease? Or MapInfo decides a minumum of 5 clicks 
is okay for turning layers on and off forevermore?

My biggest wish is for the development and widespread 
adoption of a non-proprietary "GISML" standard so the 
mapping community can reap similar benefits to what we've
seen with HTML and the world wide web. I bet I've spent
at least 30% of my GIS time in the last 8 years "merely"
massaging and pummeling data from one program format to

So yes, multiple GISs are common, but be sure you look 
before you leap. :)



Matt Wilkie * GIS Technician * Yukon Renewable Resources GIS
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MI Workspace Editor

2000-05-03 Thread Swayze . Natalie

I'm trying to find an .mbx program that can enable easy editing/conversion
of workspaces.
We have a series of .wor files pointing to tables in directories which will
be permanently removed. I would like to find some application that can help
users modify the .wor files without having to open each one separately with
a text editor
( preferably an automated process that would change all the directory paths
to new specified ones).
Any suggestions?


MI ArcInfo Export files?

2000-05-03 Thread Swayze . Natalie

I have a file with the extension ".e00". Is this an ArcInfo file? How can I
open/view it with MI?

Natalie Swayze


MI GPS Statistics

2000-05-03 Thread LEPAGE, MIKE (MIKE)


I had a few people ask me about the data accuracy statistics picture I had
sent earlier today.

The web site that this data came from is:

Mike Lepage
Sr. RF Engineer / Project Manager
Lucent Technologies
Tel: 636-891-2130
Fax: 636-891-4555

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Re: MI Cutting "holes" in regions... how to?

2000-05-03 Thread Bob Foss

Here's the response I got several months ago to the same question. It worked
for me. Thanks go to Steve Wallace and others who offerred the same

Bob Foss

>I am preparing a MapInfo table showing Zoning Districts from an AutoCad
>file. Because the Autocad file used a mixture of polylines and closed
>polygons, I am having to create regions from them. This is not a problem
>but what I have found happening is that when a larger region encompasses
>smaller districts and I use any sort of background fill for the regions,
>the smaller regions are hidden behind the larger one. Is there any way to
>cut the smaller regions from the larger one. (I wish I could show you a
>picture of what I mean if this is not clear).

Have the layer editable, select the larger object, set this as a target (^T
or Objects > Set Target). Then select the smaller object (you may have to
hold down CTRL to get it selected) then choose Object > Erase. Save the
changed table.

Steve Wallace
GIS & Market Information Manager
Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Companies

-Original Message-
From: Ian Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 12:00 AM
Subject: MI Cutting "holes" in regions... how to?

>G'Day Folks,
>My problem:
>I am mapping vegetation communities (as regions/polygons) and some regions
>need to contain other regions (like a hole (one region) in a donut (the
>other region))...
>Is there a way I can create a region/polygon which has a "hole" cut out of
>it and is combined with the outer region so that calculations of area
>exclude the "hole"?
>Many many thanks in advance,
>Ian Perkins
>Principal Consultant - IPCS
>Postal Address:
>PO Box 134,
>Annandale. NSW. 2038.
>New Office Address:
>372 Norton Street, Leichhardt. 2040.
>New Tel: (02) 95728288
>New Fax: (02) 9564-2474
>Mob: 0418 675 502
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Re: MI, Quark, MSWord & ???

2000-05-03 Thread Miguel Iturralde

"2)Open Acrobat Distiller (Distiller's sole 
purpose in life is to convert postscript files to pdf's) and set the job options 
so that there's nocompresson on your image.  It will creat a pdf which 
you can view with the free Adobe Acrobat viewer or open up in 
Aladdin's GSView (you need to have Ghostscript also) will also 
convert postscript files to pdf and it is free; it will also convert ps to 
eps.  More information about it can be found at http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/.
Miguel Iturralde[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, 03 May, 2000 11:55 
  Subject: RE: MI, Quark, MSWord & 
  The problem with the "save window as" option is that it saves 
  at screenresoltuion so you're probably getting a 72 pixel/inch 
  image.I had an awful time creating eps files from MI as well so I 
  resorted to thistried but true method.  It does however require a 
  couple of other pieces ofsoftware-Adobe Acrobat Distiller and Photoshop, 
  as well as Adobe'sPostscript print driver (I think they're up to v4.3 now, 
  it's available onthe Adobe software discs usually or their 
  website).Here's how we do it...1) Print your layout to file using 
  the postscript driver with the outputformat set to "postscript (optimize 
  for speed)" and when it asks where toput the file, give it a name and set 
  the extension to ".ps" (as opposed toit's default ".prn")2)Open 
  Acrobat Distiller (Distiller's sole purpose in life is to 
  convertpostscript files to pdf's) and set the job options so that there's 
  nocompresson on your image.  It will creat a pdf which you can view 
  with thefree Adobe Acrobat viewer or open up in photoshop.3) Open 
  the pdf file with Photoshop.  It'll ask you what resolution you 
  wantto open it at (I usually do it 300 pix/inch) and after it's open, save 
  acopy as a tiff file.4)Quark should handle that tiff fine and 
  it'll appear at 300 p/i.  You canalso save the file as a bitmap and 
  Word should handle that well.Good Luck!Claude FrankFT 
  Energyps-don't take any crap from the IT 

Re: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Frank Ross

Hello MI'ers

Interesting discussion.  Nice to hear something other
than the standard either/or - this vs. that debate and
that those with resources to support both platforms
are finding ways to integrate...

We use both, but to be honest the only reason we use
AV is for the Network Analyst extension.  Everything
ultimately gets translated back to MI...

We do a lot of drawing/developing of (bus) routes and
the "shift/click (every segment) > combine" option in
MI in more than tedious...

With NA running we can simply select points on the
network, click the "solve network problem" and the new
route is drawn.  Not to mention the other network
analytics that NA offers (network "costed"
routing/access solutions)...

We just have to export the results back to tab... :-)



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MI Subscribe

2000-05-03 Thread Chuck Carter


Chuck Carter
E-Business Strategies 2000
Secrets of the E-Business Masters
May 8-11, 2000 Orlando, FL USA

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MI RE: GPS and SA - the last comment I'll ever make on this, I promise

2000-05-03 Thread Tim Warman


I'm all for lively discussions of GPS/SA, since they're integral for many of
us in the MI community. What I have a problem with is the discussion
degenerating into personal insults and xenophobic jokes about the IRS. And
for that matter, ridiculous comparisons between rape and the accuracy of a
satellite system. That's the "crap" that belongs elsewhere (or nowhere).

I'm sorry if I presumed to speak for others on this.


Tim Warman
Geologist & GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade & Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

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MI gps stats

2000-05-03 Thread LEPAGE, MIKE (MIKE)

Here is some stats someone sent me about the accuracy from space command.
Gives a nice visual about the accuracy change


Mike Lepage
Sr. RF Engineer / Project Manager
Lucent Technologies
Tel: 636-891-2130
Fax: 636-891-4555


MI info tool doesn't like my files

2000-05-03 Thread Tim Warman


I've just run into something curious. I've opened a bunch of files and now
the info tool won't work. When I click on an object, nothing happens. No
error message, no lock up, just nothing. The files are a mix of Topo Depot
files and downloaded waypoints (using WayPoint+) from my Garmin GPS. I've
never had problems with either file type before. The problem occurs with
both 5.0 and the 6.0 beta v9.0. I ran into this yesterday as well, but it
seemed to go away after a few restarts and reloading of the files.

Has anyone else seen this?


Tim Warman
Geologist & GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade & Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

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Re: MI RE: (GIS-L) Wide open GPS - no more SA, starting tonight!

2000-05-03 Thread Dick Hoskins
Title: RE: MI RE: (GIS-L) Wide open GPS - no more SA, starting tonight!

I think we ought to be civil to "guests" and entertain the 
idea that there is a bigger world out there besides how to work around the 
latest found MI deficiency. GIS people have some broader responsibilities. We 
sit on data that could compromise personal privacy.  Other spatial data,  
if misrepresented, could push policy makers in a direction with decisions they 
would not make if the data had been presented correctly to begin with. I 
did not agree with Dimitri, but his point of view was not without some 
background,  he is articulate, and the underlying issues had plenty of relevance 
to our craft. 
Dick Hoskins[EMAIL PROTECTED]GIS uses in public 
health summer course:http://healthlinks.washington.edu/inpho/gis/course.html

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 8:28 
  Subject: RE: MI RE: (GIS-L) Wide open GPS 
  - no more SA, starting tonight!
  Well I don't agree. Ok, it isn't Mapinfo, but its of interest 
  to myself and I'm sure other list users. Its a lot more relevant to me than 
  'Friday Funnies', Adverts for making easy money and the   huge 
  amount of US centric queries that appear on the list.
  I have no problem with any of these, (except the spam adverts) 
  and can quite easily live with them all. I thought a 
  forum was a place of discussion, not a strictly controlled Q&A 
  >Dimitri > >I agree with the others. > 
  >Please keep your topics to Mapinfo or go away. 
  > >Jack 
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  Unauthorised use, disclosure or copying is strictly prohibited and may be 
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  sender immediately.

RE: MI, Quark, MSWord & ???

2000-05-03 Thread Frank, Claude

The problem with the "save window as" option is that it saves at screen
resoltuion so you're probably getting a 72 pixel/inch image.

I had an awful time creating eps files from MI as well so I resorted to this
tried but true method.  It does however require a couple of other pieces of
software-Adobe Acrobat Distiller and Photoshop, as well as Adobe's
Postscript print driver (I think they're up to v4.3 now, it's available on
the Adobe software discs usually or their website).

Here's how we do it...
1) Print your layout to file using the postscript driver with the output
format set to "postscript (optimize for speed)" and when it asks where to
put the file, give it a name and set the extension to ".ps" (as opposed to
it's default ".prn")

2)Open Acrobat Distiller (Distiller's sole purpose in life is to convert
postscript files to pdf's) and set the job options so that there's no
compresson on your image.  It will creat a pdf which you can view with the
free Adobe Acrobat viewer or open up in photoshop.

3) Open the pdf file with Photoshop.  It'll ask you what resolution you want
to open it at (I usually do it 300 pix/inch) and after it's open, save a
copy as a tiff file.

4)Quark should handle that tiff fine and it'll appear at 300 p/i.  You can
also save the file as a bitmap and Word should handle that well.

Good Luck!

Claude Frank
FT Energy

ps-don't take any crap from the IT guys.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Karr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 8:39 AM
Subject: MI, Quark, MSWord & ???

Greetings All:  Anyone out there beside me trying to "insert" a MapInfo
layout into other applications??  

I'm currently trying to get an EPS file generated from MapInfo by a "print
to file" option, into Quark.  Has anyone successfully inserted a MapInfo
layout into Quark by any method??  

I have used raster files like TIFFs in Quark before, but the quality is poor
even with specifying a larger page size when exporting from MapInfo. I'm
looking for something better than that. 

I've also experimented with WMFs, but the text displacement and gross
changes in the formatting of lines and fills made it impossible for me to
use. PDFs are pretty good (not usable in Quark) but I still find formatting
changes that are worse than the ones I see using EPS inserted into Word. 

I have been able to use the same EPS file that Quark rejects and insert it
into MSWord.  There some minor changes to fill color and patterns, and
sometime to line types, but so far this is the best overall quality I've
seen of any method of transferring a MapInfo layout to another application.

I suspect my problem with Quark is the kind of EPS file being written by the
"print to file" procedure.  I'm no expert on this, but there seems to be at
least 3 different EPS formats.  And, Quark seems picky about which it will

If people are using EPS for file transfers, could you please tell what
specific printer drivers you are using, and quirks you may have noticed??

I have to rely on my Information Technology Division to do any installs,
setups: anything "internal" to my PC. I get my hands slapped if I'm caught
doing things like that.  It was a long wait to get them to install any
printer driver that had EPS capabilities.  They downloaded some drivers from
Adobe (I don't know which specifically) for the HP5 and HP4500 I use.  And,
they set up a "blind" printer driver option that only does "print to file",
that I assume is based on one of the downloaded drivers.

Any specific information about how to accomplish what I want to do with file
transfers; and about printer drivers with EPS capabilities, their options,
parameters, and install quirks, in terms that an Information Systems tech
can understand, would be very appreciated.

...thanks from a frustrated and increasing impatient Bob

Robert Karr Phone: 517-373-3028
Science Research AssistantFAX: 517-373-0171
Science and Technology Division
Legislative Service Bureau
Michigan State Legislature
124 West Allegan Street, 4th Floor
pob 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

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Re: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Dick Hoskins

Curious that I can find shape files for AV and MapI files that won't load
into AV or MI and then when I important them into Maptitude (they have
always imported fine) and then output the files from Maptitude to another AV
or MI file that THEN I can get AV and MI to read their own files. Besides
that, Maptitude is easy to use and does a few things that MI and AV can't.
Maptitude doesn't have any Spatial Analyst or Vertical Mapper., but Surfer
works just fine - not seamless, but hardly a big bother. Considering the
$400 cost versus the bloated $12-1400 cost of the others it is a very good
Dick Hoskins
GIS uses in public health summer course:
- Original Message -
From: "Oliver Moffatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Robert Glazier'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Donna Glover"
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 8:18 AM
Subject: RE: MI AND AV in the same office?

> I'm a disciple of the "horses for courses" approach.  I've never really
> into ArcView, but I am a big fan of Maptitude (http://www.caliper.com/) as
> my alternative system.  Quite often I find I can do things in Maptitude
> that I can't do in MapInfo, and I use it a lot for data exchange with
> systems.  By coincidence I'm using it right now to import some elevation
> data which I can then convert to MIF for subsequent export to MapInfo.
>  Cheap and cheerful, and I use it a lot.  I think you'll search forever
> a GIS which will fulfil all your requirements.
> ===
> Oliver Moffatt
> GIS Support Officer
> Peak District National Park Authority
> Telephone (01629) 816269
> Fax (01629) 816310
> ===
> On Wednesday, May 03, 2000 1:33 PM, Robert Glazier
> >
> >
> > Donna,
> >
> > May I ask why you find it necessary to use both AV and MI in your
> The
> > reason I ask is(snip)
> --
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Re: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Russel Lawley

Wow, so many multiplatform users out there!

so, how about a really comprehensive list of pros and cons.?  or how
about a market share analysis, just who is leading the pack right now?
or better still a "if you want to do the following use product x
its better/faster/cheaper" type of listing

for the record, I have spent an afternoon switching from MI to AV to
do various bits of data destruction and much fun was had by
all..not!  .We also use AI,mapguide,Geographx,Er Mapper..in fact,
too many to list.which is why a corporate standard of using AV for
most of our science is being introduced...the cost of maintaining
currency  has simply become too great.

(I personally find this particularly annoying as this is due in part
to manufacturers producing some upgrades that meagre in their
additional benefits and/or products that rely too heavily on must-have

right..rant over,. i'm off to do some sensible SQL in MI before I
pass the whole lot back to AV for some polygon splitting...them I'm
going home to lie in a dark room, drink tea, and plan my retirement on
illhealth grounds...

Russell Lawley
British Geological Survey
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MI Making Integrated Mapping Easier By Using MapWizAX

2000-05-03 Thread Haibo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to make integrated mapping easier? You may try MapWizAX.

MapWizAX  is an OCX control that makes easy the integrated mapping interface
and communication with MapInfo Pro 4.xx and up from within Windows
development tools that support OCX controls including Access, Delphi,
PowerBuilder, and Visual Basic.

Download the free MapWizAX demo program at


Haibo Du

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Re: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread A. T. Beckett

Just to stick my oar in, I have both MI and Autocad14.0/Map 3.0 and use 
both. Why you might ask?

I find that they both have strengths and weaknesses. Mapinfo's strong 
points are cost, relative lack of complexity (at a user level) and standard 
of map presentation. Acad is costly, but I far prefer it's 
drawing/editing/construction toolset, admittedly due in part to familiarity 
as I have been using Acad a lot longer (since 1985). I do integrated 
database/GIS development and provide GIS services for a number of clients, 
and I tend to promote MapInfo/Access/Office solutions, but "in house" use 
Acad to do any heavy data preparation and editing (eg. ensuring polylines 
are contiguous, and closed if they are to be made into regions, ensuring 
things are on the proper layer) before importing to MapInfo as it's much 
easier to do this in autocad (in my humble opinion).

If I have to do a lot of digitising , I prefer using Acad for the 
digitising as the Sketch facility (with skpoly on) provides a facility to 
set the interval between points, the user can then concentrate on tracing 
the line accurately, whilst points are created at the set interval.

A. Beckett
Aeromotion Limited

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RE: MI RE: (GIS-L) Wide open GPS - no more SA, starting tonight!

2000-05-03 Thread AYoung
Title: RE: MI RE: (GIS-L) Wide open GPS - no more SA, starting tonight!

Well I don't agree. Ok, it isn't Mapinfo, but its of interest to myself and I'm sure other list users. Its a lot more relevant to me than 'Friday Funnies', Adverts for making easy money and the   huge amount of US centric queries that appear on the list.

I have no problem with any of these, (except the spam adverts) and can quite easily live with them all. 
I thought a forum was a place of discussion, not a strictly controlled Q&A group


>I agree with the others.
>Please keep your topics to Mapinfo or go away.

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Re: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Debbie Bryan

Robert/ donna et al,

We use MapInfo, ArcView and ArcInfo, different people specialising in each.
ArcInfo seems to be able to do anything if you can find the right command. I
would agree that MapInfo and ArcView each have their own strengths and
weaknesses and hence we use the one that is most appropriate to the job or the
clients requirements.

Debbie Bryan

Debbie Bryan  WRc plc
GIS Analyst   Frankland Road
Direct line : +44 (0) 1793 865050 Swindon
Switchboard:  +44 (0) 1793 865000 SN5 8YF
Fax:  +44 (0) 1793 865001 UK

WRc - Solutions for Water, Waste and the Environment

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RE: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Wade Cothran (EUS)

While MI and AV are each excellent products, they do serve different needs.
We use both here in our office, and try to exploit the advantages one offers
over another and vice versa.
I've found that AV offers considerably more powerful analytical advantages
for studying raster objects, where MI offers greater strengths or ease of
use for vector objects.
It would be nice to have one all-encompassing tool, but in the absence of
that panacea, I will continue to use both tools as situations warrant.  If
you can get away with it (moneywise) try to get and maintain both
environments, as the marriage of the 2 does provide for a very rich


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RE: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Jason Adam

I don't know how common it is, but we also use MI and AV in the same office.
We also use AutoCAD 2000, CorelDraw and Photo-Paint, as well as everything
from the Microshaft Office package.  We have AV because of preferences from
our Head Office, but primarily (>95% of the time) use MapInfo for mapping.
Our drafting dept. creates maps for geological research and mineral
(diamond) exploration, and we also make presentation material, posters, and
slide shows hence the other drawing packages.  Anything graphic, we handle.
With the use of the Universal Translator, we can export MapInfo files to
ArcView SHP's in order to share with other users, so we don't need to draft
or buy data twice.  Same with DWG/DXF files which we still get from
consultants, as well as all the original digitizing and mapping work we did
before MapInfo (also the need for AutoCAD).  Then you add on Access to query
data from the database and Excel to give that data to others and to make
All in all, I'm sure it's not too unusual to have more than one piece of
software to get your job done.

In your case, you probably don't need to upgrade everytime a new AV comes
out, as most of the functions you use it for come with your original
p.s. If you ever get the time, take a scan through some Mapbasic (MB)
programs - it's not to hard to pick up the basics of the language.

> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Glazier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 8:33 AM
> To:   Donna Glover; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:  MI AND AV in the same office?
> Donna,
> May I ask why you find it necessary to use both AV and MI in your office?
> The
> reason I ask is that I've been using MI Pro 5.0 for about 9 months but
> found
> that I was being asked to run analyses that I wasn't capable of doing with
> out
> of the box MI. These analyses involve patient accessibility to our
> provider
> network i.e. how many providers are within how many miles of particular
> patients. I looked for a cost effective extension for MI but couldn't find
> any
> that met my needs and I have no experience programming (although I am
> trying to
> pick it up). I was able however to get a good deal on an extension to AV
> that
> did exactly what I needed (Patient Access).
> To make a long story short I am using MI Pro for 90% of my mapping and AV
> for
> the other 10%. Note that we have 5 licenses for MI but I do 99% of the GIS
> work.
> But, I've begun to wonder whether it makes sense to have both packages. It
> seems
> like having Word and Wordperfect on the same machine.
> We will begin to assemble our wish lists for the 2001 budget soon and I've
> been
> asked to outline our GIS needs. So, I'm struggling with: a) Keeping both
> packages on my machine and MI on everyone else's. b) Converting everyone
> to AV.
> or, c) Staying with MI and learning to program for my particular needs
> (kind of
> a painful approach after selling the idea of purchasing AV). Mixing the
> two
> systems means purchasing data for both systems (primarily streets for
> geocoding
> or MapMarker updates with occassional ZIP boundary updates).
> To further cloud the process I find particularly favorible attributes in
> each
> package. And in fact lean towards continuing to use each as the particular
> job
> warrants.
> I assumed until just recently that a person used one or the other but not
> necessarily both. Would you mind sharing your thoughts?
> I posed a similar question to Tony D. as he has experience with both
> packages
> and recieved a great reply . I'm not so interested in MI vs. AV now but in
> whether using both in the same department is in fact not so uncommon.
> I apologize for the long winded question and will submit it to the list to
> avoid
> asking it again.
> Rob Glazier, Market Analyst
> Aurora Health Care
> Milwaukee, WI
> --
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RE: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Oliver Moffatt

I'm a disciple of the "horses for courses" approach.  I've never really got 
into ArcView, but I am a big fan of Maptitude (http://www.caliper.com/) as 
my alternative system.  Quite often I find I can do things in Maptitude 
that I can't do in MapInfo, and I use it a lot for data exchange with other 
systems.  By coincidence I'm using it right now to import some elevation 
data which I can then convert to MIF for subsequent export to MapInfo. 
 Cheap and cheerful, and I use it a lot.  I think you'll search forever for 
a GIS which will fulfil all your requirements.

Oliver Moffatt
GIS Support Officer
Peak District National Park Authority
Telephone (01629) 816269
Fax (01629) 816310

On Wednesday, May 03, 2000 1:33 PM, Robert Glazier 
> Donna,
> May I ask why you find it necessary to use both AV and MI in your office? 
> reason I ask is(snip)
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MI Deriving Coords for MapInfo

2000-05-03 Thread David Eagle


With all the GPS 'chat' lately I need to be careful here not to get 
heckled, but I am after some info if anyone can provide the goods?

There is a possibility of some work coming our way for which I will 
need some GPS hardware. With a very limited knowledge of such 
hardware I need to know what would potentially be the best 
equipment for what I see as essentially a fairly simple job.

Ultimately I want to translate some raw GPS lats/longs into 
MapInfo to create a database of, lets say street furniture, as an 

Our requirements: We wish to travel out to multiple sites and take 
fixes at those points of street furniture and then return to the office 
and translate the fixed eastings/northings, lat/long into maps. The 
hardware must therefore be able to store multiple fixes (is it 
possible to attach reference attributes to these features?). We 
would then like to download the info into a spreadsheet so that this 
could be transferred into MapInfo to create a spatial 
database of all the features (with associated attributes attached).

If possible I need to know rough hardware costs.
What the capabilities are of the unit(s).
How the data is stored internally and what level of detail is possible.
How the data is downloaded. Into a proprietary package? Into any 
package (if data is stored in a *.dbf format or a similar format)?

If anyone out there does such a task (I'm sure I only require a fairly 
simple hand held unit?!?), I'd appreciate some input. Will Sum of 
course! Thank you very much for your time folks


David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Routing Software

2000-05-03 Thread Martin Hodder

Hi Everybody,
I am Looking for Routing Software that can be built 
into VB or Mapbasic. I am really looking for access to DLL's rather that 
So far I am aware of the offerings 
Dataview Solutions
Blue Marble Geographics
I would be grateful if anyone knows of any other 
software and any good / bad experiences

MI, Quark, MSWord & ???

2000-05-03 Thread Robert Karr

Greetings All:  Anyone out there beside me trying to "insert" a MapInfo layout into 
other applications??  

I'm currently trying to get an EPS file generated from MapInfo by a "print to file" 
option, into Quark.  Has anyone successfully inserted a MapInfo layout into Quark by 
any method??  

I have used raster files like TIFFs in Quark before, but the quality is poor even with 
specifying a larger page size when exporting from MapInfo. I'm looking for something 
better than that. 

I've also experimented with WMFs, but the text displacement and gross changes in the 
formatting of lines and fills made it impossible for me to use. PDFs are pretty good 
(not usable in Quark) but I still find formatting changes that are worse than the ones 
I see using EPS inserted into Word. 

I have been able to use the same EPS file that Quark rejects and insert it into 
MSWord.  There some minor changes to fill color and patterns, and sometime to line 
types, but so far this is the best overall quality I've seen of any method of 
transferring a MapInfo layout to another application.

I suspect my problem with Quark is the kind of EPS file being written by the "print to 
file" procedure.  I'm no expert on this, but there seems to be at least 3 different 
EPS formats.  And, Quark seems picky about which it will accept.

If people are using EPS for file transfers, could you please tell what specific 
printer drivers you are using, and quirks you may have noticed??

I have to rely on my Information Technology Division to do any installs, setups: 
anything "internal" to my PC. I get my hands slapped if I'm caught doing things like 
that.  It was a long wait to get them to install any printer driver that had EPS 
capabilities.  They downloaded some drivers from Adobe (I don't know which 
specifically) for the HP5 and HP4500 I use.  And, they set up a "blind" printer driver 
option that only does "print to file", that I assume is based on one of the downloaded 

Any specific information about how to accomplish what I want to do with file 
transfers; and about printer drivers with EPS capabilities, their options, parameters, 
and install quirks, in terms that an Information Systems tech can understand, would be 
very appreciated.

...thanks from a frustrated and increasing impatient Bob

Robert Karr Phone: 517-373-3028
Science Research AssistantFAX: 517-373-0171
Science and Technology Division
Legislative Service Bureau
Michigan State Legislature
124 West Allegan Street, 4th Floor
pob 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

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Re: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Portolan Geomatics Inc

Hello listers, hope I won't offend the hardcore MI users here...anyone
seen Ms. Roswell lately? :)

Very rarely can we complete our more complicated mapping projects solely
in one software. As a perfectionist to a fault one of my biggest pet
peeves is not accomplishing a task as quickly as possible so I will use
any and every software at my disposal to get what I need done - MapInfo,
ArcView, Manifold, Corel, etc. etc.

Our company has a limited budget as well and we only upgrade when we
feel the software offers enough of an improvement to make the purchase
worthwhile or if it does something that none of our other softwares can
do - that we need!. I always find that if a software expense is less
than the extra working expenses incurred trying to get a task done in a
software that is not equipped to do it, the purchase is already a
winner. A few of you might remember awhile back I was trying to select
all my duplicate polygons and delete them (including looking at 50+
columns of data and except for the first instance). I got some good tips
on how to do it in MapInfo but not only was it difficult to wrap one's
head around it was painfully slow and inefficient. Manifold gave me what
I wanted on the same computer in under a minute and I had my final
dataset a few minutes later. (That's just one example, there are lots of
things I wouldn't use Manifold for (sorry Dimitri!) and for those of you
who are saying "What's Manifold?" I'll save you some time, check it out
at www.manifold.net)

And I'm sure there are a few of you out there that have other softwares
that you rarely use because some of your more stubborn clients want you
to convert your creations to whatever software they have. One of our
clients knows that our cartographic products are of a higher quality in
MapInfo but we also get paid to translate our final product into another
software as best we can because that in what they have.



Ron Halliday, Cartographer
Portolan Geomatics (also in Calgary, AB!)
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RE: MI College Information

2000-05-03 Thread John Hollingsworth

Here is the URL to Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System data
This page contains links to the following data, among others.

Faculty Salaries Data, 1989-90 through 1997-98 
Fall Enrollment Data - 1988-89 through 1997-98 
Fall Staff Data - 1991-92, 1993-94, 1995-96, and 1997-98 
Finance Data - 1988-89 through 1996-97 
Academic Library Data - 1989-90, 1991-92, 1993-94, 1995-96 
Institutional Characteristics Data - 1989-90 through 1997-98 
State Higher Education Profiles (SHEP) 1986-87 through 1990-91 


John Hollingsworth

-Original Message-
From: Talkofsky GS09 Stuart H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 8:38 AM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI College Information

Anywhere I can get the latest college information?  Student statistics
as population, majors, etc. Will geocode by zip code if I have to. It is
important that I put objects on the maps of our area.


Stuart Talkofsky
Marketing Specialist
United States Marine Corps
HQ 1 MCD, Garden City, NY 11530

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RE: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Mitchell, Will

Short answer - Our GIS Group uses both, and I think it is not uncommon at

Will Mitchell
GIS Manager
The Environmental Company, Inc.
2496 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22905
ph 804.295.4446
fx 804.295.4435

> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Glazier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 8:33 AM
> To:   Donna Glover; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:  MI AND AV in the same office?
> Donna,
> May I ask why you find it necessary to use both AV and MI in your office?
> The
> reason I ask is that I've been using MI Pro 5.0 for about 9 months but
> found
> that I was being asked to run analyses that I wasn't capable of doing with
> out
> of the box MI. These analyses involve patient accessibility to our
> provider
> network i.e. how many providers are within how many miles of particular
> patients. I looked for a cost effective extension for MI but couldn't find
> any
> that met my needs and I have no experience programming (although I am
> trying to
> pick it up). I was able however to get a good deal on an extension to AV
> that
> did exactly what I needed (Patient Access).
> To make a long story short I am using MI Pro for 90% of my mapping and AV
> for
> the other 10%. Note that we have 5 licenses for MI but I do 99% of the GIS
> work.
> But, I've begun to wonder whether it makes sense to have both packages. It
> seems
> like having Word and Wordperfect on the same machine.
> We will begin to assemble our wish lists for the 2001 budget soon and I've
> been
> asked to outline our GIS needs. So, I'm struggling with: a) Keeping both
> packages on my machine and MI on everyone else's. b) Converting everyone
> to AV.
> or, c) Staying with MI and learning to program for my particular needs
> (kind of
> a painful approach after selling the idea of purchasing AV). Mixing the
> two
> systems means purchasing data for both systems (primarily streets for
> geocoding
> or MapMarker updates with occassional ZIP boundary updates).
> To further cloud the process I find particularly favorible attributes in
> each
> package. And in fact lean towards continuing to use each as the particular
> job
> warrants.
> I assumed until just recently that a person used one or the other but not
> necessarily both. Would you mind sharing your thoughts?
> I posed a similar question to Tony D. as he has experience with both
> packages
> and recieved a great reply . I'm not so interested in MI vs. AV now but in
> whether using both in the same department is in fact not so uncommon.
> I apologize for the long winded question and will submit it to the list to
> avoid
> asking it again.
> Rob Glazier, Market Analyst
> Aurora Health Care
> Milwaukee, WI
> --
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> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread mcurrie

I believe all MI users who have had a opportunity t o work with AV
can say that they both have advantages.  Funny though MI has not picked up
on that and made the changes that would help influence upgrade buyers.

We use both as well and I wonder whether I am wasting my money on upgrades.

Cornerstone GEOSystems
Calgary AB

- Original Message -
From: Robert Glazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 6:32 AM
Subject: MI AND AV in the same office?

> Donna,
> May I ask why you find it necessary to use both AV and MI in your office?
> reason I ask is that I've been using MI Pro 5.0 for about 9 months but
> that I was being asked to run analyses that I wasn't capable of doing with
> of the box MI. These analyses involve patient accessibility to our
> network i.e. how many providers are within how many miles of particular
> patients. I looked for a cost effective extension for MI but couldn't find
> that met my needs and I have no experience programming (although I am
trying to
> pick it up). I was able however to get a good deal on an extension to AV
> did exactly what I needed (Patient Access).
> To make a long story short I am using MI Pro for 90% of my mapping and AV
> the other 10%. Note that we have 5 licenses for MI but I do 99% of the GIS
> But, I've begun to wonder whether it makes sense to have both packages. It
> like having Word and Wordperfect on the same machine.
> We will begin to assemble our wish lists for the 2001 budget soon and I've
> asked to outline our GIS needs. So, I'm struggling with: a) Keeping both
> packages on my machine and MI on everyone else's. b) Converting everyone
to AV.
> or, c) Staying with MI and learning to program for my particular needs
(kind of
> a painful approach after selling the idea of purchasing AV). Mixing the
> systems means purchasing data for both systems (primarily streets for
> or MapMarker updates with occassional ZIP boundary updates).
> To further cloud the process I find particularly favorible attributes in
> package. And in fact lean towards continuing to use each as the particular
> warrants.
> I assumed until just recently that a person used one or the other but not
> necessarily both. Would you mind sharing your thoughts?
> I posed a similar question to Tony D. as he has experience with both
> and recieved a great reply . I'm not so interested in MI vs. AV now but in
> whether using both in the same department is in fact not so uncommon.
> I apologize for the long winded question and will submit it to the list to
> asking it again.
> Rob Glazier, Market Analyst
> Aurora Health Care
> Milwaukee, WI
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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MI AND AV in the same office?

2000-05-03 Thread Robert Glazier


May I ask why you find it necessary to use both AV and MI in your office? The
reason I ask is that I've been using MI Pro 5.0 for about 9 months but found
that I was being asked to run analyses that I wasn't capable of doing with out
of the box MI. These analyses involve patient accessibility to our provider
network i.e. how many providers are within how many miles of particular
patients. I looked for a cost effective extension for MI but couldn't find any
that met my needs and I have no experience programming (although I am trying to
pick it up). I was able however to get a good deal on an extension to AV that
did exactly what I needed (Patient Access).

To make a long story short I am using MI Pro for 90% of my mapping and AV for
the other 10%. Note that we have 5 licenses for MI but I do 99% of the GIS work.
But, I've begun to wonder whether it makes sense to have both packages. It seems
like having Word and Wordperfect on the same machine.

We will begin to assemble our wish lists for the 2001 budget soon and I've been
asked to outline our GIS needs. So, I'm struggling with: a) Keeping both
packages on my machine and MI on everyone else's. b) Converting everyone to AV.
or, c) Staying with MI and learning to program for my particular needs (kind of
a painful approach after selling the idea of purchasing AV). Mixing the two
systems means purchasing data for both systems (primarily streets for geocoding
or MapMarker updates with occassional ZIP boundary updates).

To further cloud the process I find particularly favorible attributes in each
package. And in fact lean towards continuing to use each as the particular job

I assumed until just recently that a person used one or the other but not
necessarily both. Would you mind sharing your thoughts?

I posed a similar question to Tony D. as he has experience with both packages
and recieved a great reply . I'm not so interested in MI vs. AV now but in
whether using both in the same department is in fact not so uncommon.

I apologize for the long winded question and will submit it to the list to avoid
asking it again.

Rob Glazier, Market Analyst
Aurora Health Care
Milwaukee, WI

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MI Minimum Bounded Rectangle at a user specified angle

2000-05-03 Thread skilton

I am seeking a solution to calculating the minimum 
bounded rectangle at a user specified angle.  MBR function in Mapinfo 
caluculates the coordinates for this with the rectangle oriented true 
north.  I wish to calculate the coordinates for the minimum bounded 
rectangle oriented at at a user specified orientation.  Any help would be 
much appreciated.

MI Australian Help Wanted

2000-05-03 Thread Dawn Hendrick

I have a couple of requests for help from 
Australian members of the list:
1.    I am studying 
externally for a Graduate Diploma in GIS and one of the other students doing the 
course is not working in the GIS industry and does not have access to a GIS 
package.  He lives miles from anywhere in western New South Wales - the 
nearest town being Hay.  Our last (major) assignment involves putting 
together a number of datasets to produce map outputs.  The local shire in 
Hay do not have a GIS so he is really desperate for some help.  If any 
member of the list knows of a company in that area that uses MapInfo (or 
ArcView) I would really like to be able to put him in touch with 
2.    We are looking 
at web technology for the sale of map products for our local government 
offices.  Could anyone supply me with the URLs of any existing Australian 
council web sites or put us in touch with anyone who is in the process of 
developing such a facility.  We are interested in software, hardware 
minimum requirements, pitfalls - you name it!
Thanks once 
Dawn Hendrick
GIS Analyst
Logan City 
(07) 3826 5465

RE: MI ini or definition file

2000-05-03 Thread Timothy Chinchen Cen-IT

Use the following in the "Main sub" of your program, this picks up your
users preferences when your mbx starts (by using the homedirectory$()
function you can be assured that when you distribute your MBX everyone can
use it without worrying about where the ini is stored (+ homedirectory$()
function saves writing an arduous winAPI call))

Global MyProgVAR1,MyProgVAR2,MyProgVAR3 as string
sub main
if FileExists(homedirectory$()+"\MyProgINI.ini") then
open file homedirectory$()+"\MyProgINI.ini" for input as #1
Line input #1, MyProgVAR1
Line input #1, MyProgVAR2
Line input #1, MyProgVAR3
close file #1
end sub

Elsewhere in your mb use the following to output to that ini file either as
part of a "Preferences Dialog" or as a user exits your mbx.
open File homedirectory$()+"\MyProgINI.ini" for output as #1
Print #1, MyProgVAR1  
Print #1, MyProgVAR2
Print #1, MyProgVAR3
   Close File #1
I hope this help

Tim Chinchen (GIS Systems Developer) 44 1202 454723
I.T. Services Bournemouth Borough Council

> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Upton [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 10:55 PM
> Subject:  MI ini or definition file
> I am trying to figure out how to use an external file to store definitions
> into so that different users can make changes to file without having to
> recompile the program
> --
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MI SA off - what are the consequences?

2000-05-03 Thread Frank Schuessler

SA off :
What do you think are the major consequences for the mapping and GIS community?
Will maps become cheaper or better, just because everybody can use GPS for ground work?

A remark on "the rest of the world gets a free ride":
Yes, you are absolutely right, Cliff! The American People paid for GPS and as external 
European, African, Asian or Australian citizens are in the fortunate situation to use 
this public
good without spending money for it. But please consider that the American Gouvernment 
freely decided
to establish this system, knowing about this implication.


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Vedr: MI batch generation

2000-05-03 Thread pel

Hi Erich

This is from the FME-l email group:

As you know, you can list:

ftp://ftp.safe.com/fme/ you can download the documentation to
FME (and UT) here you can find out more about how to define coordiantsystem


"Eric Frost / HR and Associates, Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
2000 05 02 20:22:29

cc:  (bcc: Peter Laulund/MI/KMS)
Vedrørende:MI batch generation

Hi GIS-ers:

I'm trying to do a command-line conversion with the Universal Translator,
seems to work fine like this:

L:\HRAGiS\Tools\imut generate Shape MapInfo m:\streets\shape
L:\HRAGIS\Tools\imut street_convert.fme --SourceDataset m:\streets\shape
--DestDataset m:\streets\mitab

Except! How do I specify a coordinate system?? It comes in as Non-Earth and
need to specify Lat/Lon NAD 83...

Or, is there a better tool to do this?

Thanks a bunch in advance! I will summarize.


Hi GIS-ers:
I'm trying to do a command-line conversion with the 
Universal Translator, it
seems to work fine like this:
L:\HRAGiS\Tools\imut generate Shape MapInfo 
m:\streets\shape street_convert.fmeL:\HRAGIS\Tools\imut street_convert.fme 
--SourceDataset m:\streets\shape --DestDataset m:\streets\mitab
Except! How do I specify a coordinate system?? It 
comes in as Non-Earth and I
need to specify Lat/Lon NAD 83...
Or, is there a better tool to do this?
Thanks a bunch in advance! I will 