Re: MI-L Setting the Scale in MapInfo Professional 5

2001-03-06 Thread Ian Allan


There is no need to set a scale when digitizing a map. The important thing is
to get your your coordinate system and control points right.

The scale on your map is the scale of its presentation, which may or may not
be the scale of its capture. This concept is the same when the map is in
mapinfo - the scale to set in MapInfo is the scale of display/presentation as
well. This is a big issue when using GIS. Is my scale of display supported by
the scale that the map was originally captured at? For example, a map
captured from 1:10,000 scale photos can easily be displayed at some smaller
scale (say 1:50,000), but could a map captured from 1:50,000 photos be
'reliably' displayed at a larger scale, say 1:10,000 

May i suggest that you spend some time reading an introductory cartography
book. Something such as Monmonier's "how to lie with maps" is very readable.

Hope this helps

Ian Allan

SPANCO wrote:

> =20
> Dear Sir
> I am a new user of Your Product MAPINFO Profrssional( ver.5.0 ). My =
> problem is as follows:
> While digitizing the maps, I am not able to understand as to how should =
> i set the scale for the map in mapInfo professional
> In Chapter 14 (i.e. "WORKING WITH LAYOUT") OF the MapInfo User Guide,
> You have mentioned the procedure to set scale for maps.
> I've tried out the procedure too, yet i am unable to set the desired =
> scale level.
> I hope you would understand my problem and kindly guide me, preferrably =
> with an illustration,
> as to what the exact procedure should be to set scale on a map.
> Thanking You in Anticipation,
> R.K.
> 1:8,600 AND
> =20
> ___
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MI mi/mb accessing Universal Translator via MB?

2000-09-17 Thread Ian Allan


Can anyone tell me whether its possible to access Universal Translator
via MB. It would appear that I can only give my users the options
available under EXPORT (mif/dxf).


Ian Allan

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MI/MB default 'dialog' font

2000-08-25 Thread Ian Allan


Can anyone tell me if there is a way to change the default font used in
dialog boxes to be courier. I'm trying to get columns of text to align
in mapbasic, but in the absense of courier, this seems as though it will
be impossible.


Ian Allan

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MI-MB: How to create a 'layer control' like dialog

2000-08-24 Thread Ian Allan


I've been trying to work out how the MapInfo 'Layer Control' dialog box
would be created in MapBasic. It is quite obviously a MultiListBox with
CheckBoxes within it. This is the exact functionality I need. I have
created my own dialog with identical functionality (customised to my
application), but i'm embarassed to say that it has taken around a
thousand lines of code to do. As you can well imagine, i dread this
program every time it needs to be maintained. Rewriting this now is
going to save me much pain in the future.

please help me

Ian Allan

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Re: MI calling a WWW page from MapInfo

2000-08-09 Thread Ian Allan

Hi John

I do this using a "preferences file". Following is an "abridged" version of the
controlling program that I use in teaching my GIS students at Monash University
. The basic idea is that from a preferences menu, the user can set the location
of the html viewer, & from the individual prctical menu the students can view
the practical text in HTML, load datasets & view lotus screencam animations of
the exercise they are about to undertake. The code is not as slick as it could
be, but it serves the purpose well. If you're interested I could send more...

Good Luck

Ian Allan

Declare Sub MainMapInfoPracs
Declare Sub SetHtml

Global gsRootDirectoryPath,gsHtmlViewer,gsFromDirectory As String


Sub MainMapInfoPracs

gsRootDirectoryPath = Left$(ApplicationDirectory$(),
Len(ApplicationDirectory$())-7) ' - 12)

Open Table ApplicationDirectory$() + "" Interactive Hide
Fetch First from Preferences
gsHtmlViewer = Preferences.HTMLviewer
gsFromDirectory = Preferences.CurrentlyInstalledPrac

If gsHtmlViewer = "" then
  Note "Warning: No HTML viewer has been set."+Chr$(10)+
   "The practical text in HTML format cannot"+Chr$(10)+
   "be viewed until you do this."+Chr$(10)+Chr$(10)+
   "Go to the preferences menu and set"+Chr$(10)+
   "the location of your HTML viewer."
End If

End Sub


Sub SetHtml

gsHTMLviewer = FileOpenDlg("","","exe","Select the executable for your HTML

If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then
  If gsHTMLviewer > "" then

If FileExists(ApplicationDirectory$() + "") then
  Close Table Preferences Interactive
  Open Table ApplicationDirectory$() + "" Interactive Hide
End If

Update Preferences Set HTMLviewer = gsHTMLviewer where rowid = 1
Commit Table Preferences
  End If
End If
End Sub


> mapbasic 5.5
> I have looked at it for a few hours and now I thought I would ask for help.
> I can call a www page from MapInfo. I have added a button to our application
> HELP with a button that calls the following.
> Run Program "C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe
> will work, however its poor code.
> I don't want to ask the user the location of the browser.
> If I knew how NT/Win9x used the START -> RUN (try it, just type in the URL
> and it works) then I may be able to call that method.
> I even had a go at calling shortcuts to the browser / page .
> I don't want to write code to find the default browser.
> cu
> john
> --
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MI: Querying grid values

2000-08-04 Thread Ian Allan


I've just begun investigating MapInfo grid files. I note that when you
put your cursor over them, a value is shown. Using MapBasic, is there
functionality to place the value of a grid cell into a variable?


Ian Allan

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MI/MB SUM MBX install routine

2000-07-20 Thread Ian Allan


I recently posted a request for a technique to install my mapbasic
routine & associated tables. The replies can be summarised as falling
into three categories...

1. Use WinZip
2. Use installation software such as InstallShield or other available
3. Write a DOS batch routine.

I investigated each of these. I think that in the long term I will
purchase InstallShield (or some such program). I believe this to be the
most professional approach. However, due to time constraints as much as
anything, in the short term I was keen to keep the learning curve as low
as possible & work with something I understood. So I wrote a DOS batch
routine called from a MapBasic program. I have included this below for
anyone who is interested. If anyone can suggest a simple way to
determine "available drives" (rather than c to z), I would be grateful.

Thanks to the many who responded.

Ian Allan

Include "MapBasic.Def"

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub ExitInstall


Sub Main

sCdDrive,sPossibleDrives,sSelectedDrive,sCommand1,sCommand2,sCommand3 As
Dim i,siSelectedDrive As SmallInt

sCdDrive = Left$(ApplicationDirectory$(),2)

sPossibleDrives = ""
For i = 67 to 90
  If i <> Asc(Left$(ApplicationDirectory$(),1)) Then  'Prohibit install
onto the source drive
sPossibleDrives = sPossibleDrives+" "+ Chr$(i)+";"
  End If

Dialog Title "Choose Installation Drive" Width 125 Height 25
  Control PopupmenuPosition 10,5 Title sPossibleDrives Id 1 Into
  Control CancelButton Position 45,5 Width 30 height 12 Calling
  Control OKButton   Position 85,5 Width 30 height 12 Title

siSelectedDrive = siSelectedDrive+66 'Asci # for C drive (66+1=67)

If siSelectedDrive > Asc(Left$(ApplicationDirectory$(),1)) or
   siSelectedDrive = Asc(Left$(ApplicationDirectory$(),1)) then

   siSelectedDrive=siSelectedDrive+1 'Prohibit install onto the source
   If Asc(Left$(ApplicationDirectory$(),1)) < 67 then
 siSelectedDrive=siSelectedDrive-1 'Caters for 'A' drive test
   End If
End If


' "SourceDirectory" assumes that your CD is setup with the same paths as
you want to install
' You should change "SourceDirectory" to that of your directory name

sCommand1 = " /c Md "+sSelectedDrive+":\SourceDirectory"
Run Program sCommand1

sCommand2 = " /c Xcopy "+sCdDrive+"\SourceDirectory
"+sSelectedDrive+":\SourceDirectory /s /e"
Run Program sCommand2

sCommand3 = " /c Attrib -r
"+sSelectedDrive+":\SourceDirectory /s"
Run Program sCommand3

Note "Installation"+Chr$(10)+"Complete."

End Sub


Sub ExitInstall

End Sub

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MI/MB Setup routine to install a MapBasic application

2000-07-05 Thread Ian Allan


I've written a MapBasic application & data files that I want to
distribute. Can anyone suggest a way to go about writing a setup routine
for this? I do not curently have other programming languages such as VB.

I could give instructions to simply copy the files accross using windows
explorer, but aside from this looking unprofessional, the files copy
accross from CD as 'read only'.

Thanks in advance


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Re: MI MB: ErrorHandler

2000-06-01 Thread Ian Allan

Hi Silke,

I've had problems with error handling in the past too. I found I could only get
the handler to work if it was at the very beginning of a subroutine (right
after the DIM statements).

Hope this helps

Ian Allan

Silke Keuerleber wrote:

> Dear listers,
> Can anyone tell me, why the following code doesn't force the program to use
> the errorhandler routine whenever anyfile doesn't exist?
> sub anysub
>   OnError Goto Errorhandler
>   .
>   ..
>   ...
>   Register Table anyfile TYPE ASCII Delimiter 59 Titles Charset
> "WindowsLatin1" Into anytable
>   skip:
>   .
>   ..
>   ...
>   exit sub
>   Errorhandler:
> if instr(0,error$(),"errormessage") then
>   resume skip
> end if
> end sub
> Silke Keuerleber
> Verkehrstelematik
> Softwareentwicklung
> Tel.:   +49 7 21 96 51- 465
> Fax:+49 7 21 96 51- 693
> Planung Transport Verkehr AG
> Stumpfstrasse 1
> 76131 Karlsruhe
> Germany
> --
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Re: MI company icon location problems

2000-06-01 Thread Ian Allan

Hi Lyn

I suspect the explanation lies in the fact that MapInfo registers vector
layers to the raster layer & not the other way around. Other than
"resampling" (or maybe rotating) your raster image in some package other
than MapInfo, I dont believe there is a solution to your problem.

Hope this helps

Ian Allan

Lyn Du Chateau wrote:

> I would like to display a company icon along with vector-based maps in
> my opening screen display in the MapInfo Professional browser. The icon
> is a gif image.
> I open the raster image and register it using three points.  However, no
> matter what I try, I severely skew the vector images when I subsequently
> add that registered table to my workspace.
> Does anyone have an idea of how to prevent that?
> Lyn Du Chateau
> ADC WorldMap
> --
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MI Displaying text as italics in dialog boxes

2000-05-31 Thread Ian Allan


I need to display text in a dialog box as italics. None of the "Control"
functions (control statictext, alter control) seem to cater for this,
and "CreateText" is for map windows, and "Create Text" is for map and
layout windows. No font commands seem to be for dialog boxes.

Hope someone can help,

Ian Allan

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Re: MI Australia's demographic data

2000-05-28 Thread Ian Allan

Hi Ken

CData96 is available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The last
time I asked, it was around around 7k AUD. It should be less for
individual states. You can also order specific themes for specific areas
from the ABS at a fairly reasonable cost. I recollect that there is a
flagfall plus a per-cell charge.

Hope this helps,

Ian Allan

Ken Goraya wrote:

> Hi List !
> Can any body advise me about sources for demographic data for
> Australia (Queensland, New South Wales) and rough idea about its cost.
> Thanks in advance
> Ken

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Re: MI Thematic Legend

2000-05-23 Thread Ian Allan

I've had this problem too. Relating it to your project, I overcame it by
using a ".175%" leader. Not ideal, but it works.

Ian Allan


> My problem (probably with an obvious answer) is this:
> Having created a thematic layer, I have 5 groupings:
> 0% to 25%
> 25% to 50%
> 50% to 75%
> 75% to 100%
> 175%
> However when i alter the legend text to the above, the last text label
> '175%' formats to the left.  It would look a lot more classy if this was
> formatted to the right, or even centred.  I cannot figure out how to do
> this.
> Any ideas welcome
> Thanks
> Steven Ward
> Dept of Health
> Tel: 0113 254 6391
> --
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Re: MI digital aerial photograph analysis

2000-05-23 Thread Ian Allan


I think that you need to be careful. Being able to view photos on screen
stereoscopically is one thing, but if you're digitizing, do these
products then allow you to then correct for photographic distortion?

Ian Allan

"E.O.Kofod" wrote:

> Dear Sandy,
> Please relay answers on 'b' to me.
> I am doing the double work of analysing the aerial photos with a
> stereoscope, scanning the one I draw upon and then digitizing
> head-up on the screen. Not very acurately but what to do in a
> tropical swamp forest full of all sorts of creep?
> Recently someone showed me in a magazine two solutions for what
> you are looking for:
> 1: a software that shows the two photos on the screen blinking
> alternatively faster than you notice and in some kind of different
> coloration (not red-green as usual). A pair of special glasses
> makes you see each image with one eye only and there you go.  The
> software was reportedly very expensive.I remember the Danish
> Television did the same stuff during the winter olympics in
> Norway.
> 2: a cheaper thing was a stereoscope mounted on a computer screen
> over a double image.
> Best regards
> Eivind Kofod
> Singhai Management Sdn. Bhd.
> 1421 Jalan Teluk Lkas
> 88400 Kota Kinabalu
> Sabah, Malaysia
> Tel: +60 (088) 43 40 20
> Fax: +60 (088) 43 40 30
> Mob: +60 (018) 98 93 410
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:31 AM
> Subject: MI digital aerial photograph analysis
> this may not be the best place to ask for this information, but if
> you know
> anything about the subject (or where to find info) please let me
> know.
> I am searching for two items:
> a) a baush and Lomb stereo zoom transfer scope (ZTS) in good
> condition.
> b) information about software that will allow me to view digital
> images of
> stereo aerial photographs on my computer screen and draw/draft on
> top of them
> (ie, do digitally what I could do manually on the ZTS).
> any info would be of help
> sandy figuers
> --
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Re: MI Best GIS for dollar

2000-05-11 Thread Ian Allan

Hi Neil

Neil Havermale wrote:

> Ian -
> You have to be joking!  Do it all over again? ESRI's AkeView superior to
> MapInfo?

I think that you need to read what I wrote again. As an "overall" product,
ArcView is in many ways superior to mapinfo because it is so well integrated
with other components (3d, raster, image processing,...). Mapinfo has
concentrated its efforts on desktop mapping and it is good at that. I chose to
use it because it met my needs at the time. In many ways it still does meet my
needs. I use it centrally to my business, but do not have tunnel vision about

> Given your small summary and last (and almost missing) detail on your
> uplifting story of ESRI's AkeInfo 8.0 (to be confused with AkeView), that is
> its price tag of, what, $51,000 AUD or $27,500 US, I think you have had your
> mind ESRI-ized!

You're right. There was much missing detail because I thought I had deleted that
comment from the email. I apologise for that. However, I am confused about
exactly what you mean by having my mind ESRI-ized though. Is this good or bad? I
would be grateful if you would explain.

As for the rest of your email, I'm afraid that I only understand a little of
what you're on about. I do take your point that mapInfo has gone the internet
way, & rightly so. But I do think you have missed the point that many of us have
been making about your friends at "NapInfo". This is that much of its client
base uses desktop mapping & not net based mapping. In many parts of the world
networks are too slow to allow this to happen at the moment, & within many
organizations there is neither the budgets or expertise to allow this to happen.
Also, some organizations are either too specialist or too small. As users of
specialist software, we would like an upgrade to include increased functionality
in addition to improved WinTel compatibility.

Perhaps what you seem to be saying in that bit of your email that I have
difficulty deciphering is that MapX meets your business needs. I am very pleased
for you on that one. The world would be a wonderful place if your experience
could be repeated for all of us.


Ian Allan

> Here are a couple of other biased opinions you also need to provide to those
> contemplating AkeView:
> AkeView's language, Avenue, is in my opinion DOA given ESRI's absorption by
> the Microsoft BORG.  Their nomination of NT, adoption and special-issue of
> VisualAkeBasic is Jack-came too-late COM-ization of the AkeInfo flagship

> The AkeView give-away has essentially stolen the growth from ESRI as its

> WINTEL orientation beheaded the AkeInfo money stream.  They have to kill
> AkeView off lest they have to compete with the Manifolds, BlueMarbles,
> IDRISIs, and yes even MapInfo. (Use the old FUD effect!)
> And lastly, the unholy GIS trinity of SUN-Oracle-ESRI is gone.  SUN sees a
> looming Linux slowly creeping up on them via Intel and its clones.  Oracle?
> Well Oracle has made their choice and that as far as I can tell is MapInfo.
> And ESRI, what of ESRI?
> ESRI has been absorbed by the BORG - Microsoft. ("LINUX, I don't want no
> stink'n LINUX", exclaimed Jack and he and Bill map a common interest.)  I
> can not imagine how all of the SUN workstation GISers who see the future of
> their skill being captured by NT and VisualAkeBasic feel.  It must be a
> horrible. A slow and painful death as they see the lowly NT and
> VisualAkeBasic programmer eating away at their Unix-FUD foundations. Gulp!
> Yep, its an easy target to go after NapInfo.  You know, that company that
> put a GUI on your WINTEL machine long before Jack felt the need ($) to do
> Windows.  And it was that little-old NapInfo that still can provide to every
> EXCEL user who has interest, TAB mapping.  And lastly it has been MapInfo
> that has changed the competitive landscape on the Internet by going ESRI one
> better compliant JAVA, and being a partner of Oracle.
> For all you nap-sters who think it may be NapInfo and not MapInfo, get a
> life!  We saw the writing on the wall along time ago and believe MapX is the
> best pathway for investing our limited resources.  Our mapping results
> remain compatible to Professional and we have an excellent bridge to
> scalable GIS tools via the NET. And for those willing to ride out the
> ESRI-ite-FUD plant on "our" un-edited list, the next step - MapJ and a CORBA
> design?  H gosh, I just don't get it?
> MidNight Mapper
> aka Neil
> 5/11/00
> PS.  Don't let these, the "absorborg" ake-lurkers on the MapInfo-l list pipe
> you away. You fear the rats and scheme how you'll short change the piper!
> The longer term price you may pay is the loss of you

Re: MI Best GIS for dollar

2000-05-10 Thread Ian Allan

Hi Shepherd

You're going through the same dilemna that many of us must continually go
through. To be honest, if I was starting with GIS from scratch, was doing GIS
for just myself, had a good budget & wanted a mainstream desktop system that
could deliver the best stuff both both in terms of social & environmental
geography, I would undoubtedly go the esri (arcview) path. It is my belief that
esri have substantial updates, the most academically sound products, and also
some of the fastest running code. A big reason for this is Esri's size, and its
range of products. However, that said, often there is a bigger picture. For
example, although arcview may be a better GIS & includes the Avenue programming
language, it does not include a code-capturing window. MapInfo has its mapbasic
window, & being able to cut & paste code from this into a mapbasic program
makes MapInfo one of the most productive programming environments I have seen.
What "exactly" do you want GIS for? If its simply map making then MapInfo may
be the way to go. If its "complex" spatial queries then ArcView may be the way.
You need to be aware that you may need to be compatible with other users, or
potentially may lock them into decisions you make. If you're a programmer &
trying to sell your wares, you'll need to be sure your target market can run
your software. There is also the issue of price & cost of upgrades. You need
also to be aware that some GISs work really well on small datasets but not on
larger ones. For example, I purchased IDRISIs CartaLynx topology builder last
year, but in > 4 hours of processing, it could not achieve what PC ArcInfo
could achieve in around 2 minutes.

You mention Manifold. I cannot comment on this yet. Its web page makes it sound
very impressive but my biggest concern is that it may turn out to be another
CartaLynx performance-wise. I will be evaluating V5.0 when it is released &
intend posting a review on MapInfo-L once I have done this.

Please feel free to email me again if you have any more queries.


Ian Allan

For example, I got a quote from esri recently for ArcInfo. At $51K AUD for the
basic product, this is well out of the range for my small business

shepherd stewart wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have been reading the threads on MI and ArcView in the same office and am
> interested in peoples opinions as to value.  I am considering purchase of a
> GIS  but would like info on value vs functionality.
> Can anyone suggest a GIS system that gives the best 'bang for your buck'
> for business applications such as demographic studies, network analysis and
> has decent spatial modeling capabilities? Map Design and layout
> capabilities are important also.
> I have used ArcInfo and ArcView but realise there are other systems such as
> MI, Esri Atlas GIS and Manifold.  Unfortunately, as everyone knows many
> systems lack basic functionality required to complete a project and either
> you need to buy expensive 'add-on' modules or use a different program to
> complete the project.
> For example, what does the Esri Atlas GIS give that you cannot do with
> ArcView and a business add-on? Manifold claims it does way more than MI.
> Are there users experienced with several of these systems that could  shed
> some light on the relative strengths and weaknesses of these systems?
> Is one of these systems head and shoulders above the rest?
> Thanks in advance,
> Shepherd Stewart
> --
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Re: MI MAPBASIC: Putting " inside strings, eg string = Press "Push"

2000-05-10 Thread Ian Allan

Hi Michelle
You may need to try using Chr$(34) instead of  ".
Good Luck
Ian Allan
Frontier Mapping Pty Ltd wrote:

Hi, I
have a program that only exports files to NonEarth (it's a bug in their
software)  I'm trying to write a MB app that will read in their MIF
file, replace with an appropriate projection and then import into Mapinfo. 
However the string that defines the projection has "m" within it, ie the
inverted comma's need to be part of the string.  I've tried "&"m"&"
but that doesn't work. I KNOW theirs a way of doing this, but how? (the
rest works fine!) Help
appreciated, Thanks, 
Michelle, Melbourne, Australia[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MI Christopher DuBuc's Anyone used MI 6.0 yet? message

2000-05-08 Thread Ian Allan


Thanks for that. You have consoliated many ideas that have been spinning around
my head as I move my company towards its next business model. In other words, my
current mapbasic programming (particularly the ideas behind it) will most likely
need to be ported to the internet somewhere down the track.

However, that said, MapInfo needs to be aware that much of its present desktop
mapping client base are angry both at being taken as "stupid" and at being
thought of as "milking cows". MapInfo corp needs to be aware that it exists for
its clients and not the other way around. Other than spatial and aspatial
compatibility with other systems, MapInfo has added very little
useful/meaningful functionality since its initial windows release.

Historically I have been a great proponent of Mapinfo. I used it as a postgrad,
integrated it into university teaching & now use it centrally in my business.
However, MapInfo's failure to provide "meaningful" upgrades has dented my
confidence in the software and has forced me to re-evaluate my relationship with
it. I for one am very much looking forward to evaluating Manifold V 5.0 when it
is released. From what I read, this is a product that is looking towards the
next generation of GIS use, rather than, as you suggest MapInfo is doing, simply
making existing MapInfo functionality available on the internet ie. more of the
same but using a different provider model.


Ian Allan

Christopher DuBuc wrote:

> (Please delete this long-winded diatribe if you are not into spirited
> debate)
> My two dollars
> As an old-time MapInfo Pro desktop application user, I understand some of
> the frustration with MapInfo spending more and more energy on their MapX
> line, seemingly to the detriment MI Pro users.  But I must admit I've heard
> many of these same complaints before-  when MapInfo decided to move
> development efforts away from their bread and butter DOS product and devote
> more resources to developing on "that silly Windows platform".  In order for
> MapInfo to thrive, it must be ahead of the curve when it comes to new
> technologies and platforms.  The reason MapInfo is as strong as it is today
> is because 10 years ago they "bet the farm" on the idea that computing would
> be ruled by graphical user interfaces.  Their main competitor at the time
> (ArcView didn't come out until a few years later) was Strategic Mapping
> (Atlas GIS), who didn't embrace the new GUI paradigm until it was too
> late...and we all know what happened to them.  In addition, it could be
> argued that the only reason MapInfo made a dent in ESRI's market share at
> all was that MI was the only GUI mapping application in existence for
> several years.  The Internet and rapidly expanding broadband access
> represent another major paradigm shift that is changing the way people use
> computers, similar to how Windows (and of course the Mac) opened up the
> power of computing to a whole new class of non-technical users 10 years ago.
> In order for any software to be successful over the long term, it must be in
> the business of predicting how people will interact with computers several
> years into the future.  It seems the MapX product line represents MapInfo's
> response to what it believes is the next generation of information
> technology.
> While obviously the move towards internet-based mapping now and the move to
> the Windows platform 10 years ago are not strictly analogous, I believe the
> concepts still apply.  MapInfo must devote much of it's time into making
> sure it is in position for the next wave of "distributed" applications.
> This means more developers working on MapX/MapXtreme type technology,
> leaving less developers for the maturing MapInfo Professional technology.
> (And in a micro sense, within MapInfo Pro itself more attention will be
> given to newer technologies, such as 3D mapping, internet connectivity,
> etc., and less towards tweaking the interface)  Now I don't think anyone
> believes MapInfo Pro is being abandoned anytime in the near future,  but if
> you look ahead 5 years from now most experts envision that many if not most
> computer applications will be internet/service based.  Imagine if you will a
> MapInfo Pro level "service" that you sign up for and use over the Internet
> through your browser, without installing or downloading anything on to your
> local hard drive except your own data.
> In regards to pricing of MI Pro and its upgrades, that is a business
> decision that can be argued over until every one is blue in the face.  The
> more money MapInfo brings in, the more developers and support people (i.e.
> MapWorld magazine editors) can be hired, which is better for all of

Re: MI Alter menu item for directory security - solution

2000-04-04 Thread Ian Allan

Hi All,

For my application the solution was quite simple (phew)...

  Create Menu Bar As Default

Many thanks to all who replied,


Ian Allan wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to make the files in an application I'm writing secure. I've
> passworded them in access but have found that once a file has been
> opened, it can be viewed because the pasword has already been passed in
> the application. So I'm now going about restricting access to the
> directory containing my files. I'm doing this by replacing the Mapinfo
> Table Open with my own version. I can successfully replace the Open
> Table command using my own...
> Alter Menu Item M_FILE_OPEN calling SecureOpen
> ...but using the following commands (from Menu.def), Mapinfo's Table
> Open won't reinstate.
> Alter Menu Item M_FILE_OPEN calling 102 'this doesn't work
> Alter Menu Item M_FILE_OPEN calling M_FILE_OPEN '& neither does this
> Any ideas
> Thanks
> Ian Allan
> '***
>  'Replace the OPEN TABLE on the file menu & restrict access to the MAPS
> directory
> Sub SecureOpen
> '***
> Dim sTableToOpen,sTableOpenPath As String
> OnError Goto ExitSub
> sTableToOpen= FileOpenDlg("","","","Open Table")
> sTableOpenPath = PathToDirectory$(sTableToOpen)
> If sTableOpenPath = gsSecurePath then
>   Note "Error: This is a restricted table"
> Else
>   Open Table sTableToOpen
> End If
> ExitSub:
> End Sub
> --
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MI Alter menu item for directory security

2000-04-04 Thread Ian Allan


I'm trying to make the files in an application I'm writing secure. I've
passworded them in access but have found that once a file has been
opened, it can be viewed because the pasword has already been passed in
the application. So I'm now going about restricting access to the
directory containing my files. I'm doing this by replacing the Mapinfo
Table Open with my own version. I can successfully replace the Open
Table command using my own...

Alter Menu Item M_FILE_OPEN calling SecureOpen

...but using the following commands (from Menu.def), Mapinfo's Table
Open won't reinstate.

Alter Menu Item M_FILE_OPEN calling 102 'this doesn't work
Alter Menu Item M_FILE_OPEN calling M_FILE_OPEN '& neither does this

Any ideas


Ian Allan

 'Replace the OPEN TABLE on the file menu & restrict access to the MAPS
Sub SecureOpen
Dim sTableToOpen,sTableOpenPath As String
OnError Goto ExitSub

sTableToOpen= FileOpenDlg("","","","Open Table")
sTableOpenPath = PathToDirectory$(sTableToOpen)

If sTableOpenPath = gsSecurePath then
  Note "Error: This is a restricted table"
  Open Table sTableToOpen
End If

End Sub

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Re: MI School GIS projects in Oz

2000-03-29 Thread Ian Allan

Hi Dawn,
Jim Peterson and Shobhit Chandra at Monash University in Melbourne work
closely with the Geography Teachers Association of Victoria to bring about
the annual AURISA GIS in schools competition. Either Jim or Shobhit could
refer you to individial teachers in high schools. Knowing them both quite
well, I expect that they would be delighted to help you.
Ian Allan
Javier Quispe Varillas wrote:

Hello Dawn:
 You can count on me to share information and projects
carried out in Mapinfo, it is a great happiness for my.
 Until soon, and I wait your answer. My excuses for
English. Javier Quispe Varilas
Department of Research and Development
Corporacion Condor S.A.
Lima - Peru

- Mensaje original -

Dawn Hendrick


Enviado: miércoles, 29 de marzo
de 2000 05:24 a.m.

Asunto: MI School GIS projects
 Hello ListersI
have been approached by a teacher from one of our local schools who is
intending to start teaching GIS principles to year 8 to 12 students (ages
13 to 17 years).  If there is anyone who subscribes to the list who
would be willing to share information about the type of work that they
do using MapInfo and maybe answer questions from the students over a period
of time would you please send me your email address.  Also any teachers
in schools around the world might like to start exchanging ideas with the
teacher at this school in Brisbane, Australia - I am sure she would be
most grateful for any help you can offer (titles of textbooks, journal
articles, videos etc.) TIA Dawn
HendrickBox 30

Re: MI Australian population data

2000-03-28 Thread Ian Allan

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) collects population data at
a resolution of Census Collector District (as well as a number of other
"aggregate" resolutions). They publish a mapinfo product called CDATA &
it retails for around $7-8K AUD. You can also order individual themes at
a greatly reduced price.  I think their website is
Good luck
Ian Allan
Rajeev saraf wrote:
 Hi Guys:I am looking for
population data  for following countries at the lowest denomination
( say census tract or enumeration block or something equivalent). can somebody
give me pointers on data along with the resolution at which they are available:Hong
New Zealand
Japan I
would appreciate if someone can  provide pointers or if somebody has
his data, he may quote a price for the same.--thanksrajeev saraf

MI Help with Alter Button in WinFocusChangedHandler

2000-03-26 Thread Ian Allan


In my application I want to enable all my tool buttons if my base map
(sTableName) is amongst those in the frontmost mapper, & otherwise
disable all my tool buttons except one. The problem is that the 'enable'
statement following all the disable statements wont work when the focus
changes, but only if i touch the custom button pad with my mouse. I have
checked & my program is making it into the appropriate part of the
routine when the appropriate condition is met. I've also found that if i
change the first 'disable' to an 'enable', all the buttons following are

Many thanks in a advance

Ian Allan

Sub WinFocusChangedHandler
If WindowInfo(iFwin, WIN_INFO_TYPE) = WIN_MAPPER Then 'If i'm looking at
a mapper
For i = 1 To MapperInfo(FrontWindow(), MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS) 'loop to
check each map layer name
  If LayerInfo(FrontWindow(), i, LAYER_INFO_NAME) = sTableName
Then   'sTableName variable contains the table name
Alter Button ID 201 Enable
Alter Button ID 202 Enable
Alter Button ID 203 Enable
Alter Button ID 204 Enable
Alter Button ID 205 Enable
Alter Button ID 206 Enable
Alter Button ID 207 Enable 'Launch new mapper
Exit For
Alter Button ID 201 Disable 'If i change this to "enable"
202-207 are enabled as well
Alter Button ID 202 Disable
Alter Button ID 203 Disable
Alter Button ID 204 Disable
Alter Button ID 205 Disable
Alter Button ID 206 Disable
Alter Button ID 207 Enable 'Launch new mapper - this won't
Exit For
  End If
  End If

End Sub

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MI - Solution to remove an ADDED column

2000-03-23 Thread Ian Allan


For those who are interested, here's the solution to my problem.

Anton de Gruchy pointed out that WindowId() is a dynamic identifier & not
static. Phew, thanks for that.

My solution was to use the Timer() function to get a unique column name, and
then ADD COLUMN. I have put the unique column name into the window title so
that I can retrieve it later & relate it back to the relevant column for the
purpose of export. Using this technique, there is no need to remove the
added column, but of course, a need to be mindful of deteriating performance
after many iterations of the program.

Thanks all


> Hi
> The ADD COLUMN statement allows a new "temporary" column to be created
> for an open table.
> In an application I'm writing, I want to give a column the name of the
> map window identifier, so that each map window can have a unique
> thematic map. The thematic mapping bit works, but only the first time
> through. I cant seem to find a way to make an ADD COLUMN created column
> either "updateable" or "deletable", other than closing and reopening the
> table (I dont want to do this).
> Can anyone help?
> Ian Allan

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MI - remove an ADDED column

2000-03-22 Thread Ian Allan


The ADD COLUMN statement allows a new "temporary" column to be created
for an open table.

In an application I'm writing, I want to give a column the name of the
map window identifier, so that each map window can have a unique
thematic map. The thematic mapping bit works, but only the first time
through. I cant seem to find a way to make an ADD COLUMN created column
either "updateable" or "deletable", other than closing and reopening the
table (I dont want to do this).

Can anyone help?

Ian Allan


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