Re: MI Converting Region to Point

2000-09-24 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Erick,

I do not know exactly what you are trying to do but please try a free
called "All2Pts.mbx".

You can find and get it at

I used it when I converted polylines to points.
I had cad data full of contour lines. Each line had altitude
So I converted polylines to points with altitude information.
After that, I extracted x and y on a specified projection and exported
into delimited ascii files. Then I read it with Surfer of Goldensoftware
and made 3D view.   

> I am working on a thesis which requires me to map the points from the
> Sanborn map.
> I already created several maps using regions (rectangles) representing the
> buildings.  Now I need to convert it all to points instead of polygons.  How
> do I do it in MapInfo 6.0?


Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275
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Re: MI multiple raster image registration

2000-09-14 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Grantley,

> I am writing to ask what may be a very simple question which has me stuck
> being a relatively novice user of MapInfo.  I am using MI 6 Pro, and I have
> scanned two 1:100 000 maps which are both in the same projection and have
> the same datum information.

Since what you scanned seem to be printed maps, you do not have to be so
You can open one TAB file and open the other as "Current map". If you
feel the files are too heavy, try to compress your raster files with ECW
compressor which was introduced on this list about a week ago. It is a
great compressor. 

If you are not satisfied with this method, you have to overlay, resize,
rotate and merge two raster maps with an image editor, such as
Photoshop, Paintshop or GIMP before you register raster files on

When I analyzed beach erosion rate, I used several aerial photos.
Each aerial photo is distorted to some extent. So I have to rectify
these photos, 2D base, before merging rasters.
I used a tool called "Rastools". It is an add-on of MapInfo, 500 US$.

If the area you are analyzing is mountainous, you have to do that 3D
base, so called "Orthorectification".
I do not know much about it but listers know some tools.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI Further to my coordinate problem

2000-09-01 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Gabor,

This is a topic what I asked on the list before.
I received several kind mails of solution.

> I have saved copy as and changed the projection using that button . I then
> load the new table and sure enough it comes up with the new coordinate
> system.  The problem is that at that point I go to update columns with the
> Centroid command and it always brings up lats and longs. No matter what I
> do as far as setting map coordinated through Map>options>projections)??

When the table name is, please open Mapbasic window and

 Set CoordSys table NEW_TABLE 

then close Mapbasic window and you can update columns with the
projection of NEW_TABLE.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275
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Re: MI Importing a File

2000-08-30 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Hi Kurt and Gregory

> >I have a "txt" file with over 300,000 records (One Record per line) in

I do not think Excel can accept that many records.
We use Access to import huge TXT files instead of Excel.
Then it can be re-imported into MapInfo.

> If your entire text file is set up the same way as your example, a quick
> and dirty solution could be to open the text file in Excel, a dialog box
> will open and you can set the column divisions and cell settings for the
> columns in there (I tried it with your example and it was very
> straightforward with no need to adjust the column width, only giving the
> cells character settings).

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275
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Re: MIF file format

2000-08-30 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Preetha,

I do not know exactly what you are trying to do but I suppose you want
to import MIF/MID files onto another format of GIS software, other than
> I am trying to write a program that can read MIF files.  I have downloaded
> MIF file format technical description from

> The MIF file header contains several clauses. Is it necessary that these
> clauses should occur in the order which they have been mentioned in the
> document or can there exist MIF files where the order of information in the
> header is different from the one mentioned in the document.

Talking about header lines, I think description about projection is so
And a line with "WindowsLatin1" does not work with Japanese
characters/letters on MID files.
Since Japanese is two byte coded language, it should be
"WindowsJapanese" or "WindowsNeutral".
I think the latter can work with other two byte languages, such as
Chinese, Korean, Greek and others. I hope this information can be a
little help.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275
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Re: Hotlink tool in MI v6

2000-08-22 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Jolanda,

Thank you for your question. I have had similar inquiries about Hotlink.

> On other PC's though, running on W95/98 clicking on the hotlink tool opens a
> NEW MapInfo session.

I tried it on W98Japanese and it opened a workspace WITHIN session.
So it  does  not look dependent on OS, such as W98/95 or W2000.

I once set hotlinks to JPG photos linked to MapInfo Proviewer6.
My colleague, who does not have MapInfo professional but Proviewer6, clicked the
New Proviewer opened at each click. It was a bit annoying and waste of memory.

So I would be glad  if someone tells me how to control this feature.
Thanks in advance.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI How to merge polygons

2000-08-07 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Yoshi,

It is very basic and you will get to know soon how to do when you read
reference manual or other guide books again. Please send me an email or
phone me in JAPANESE.

> I have a dataset of a country.
> The country is devided to provinces but polygon
> of this country herself is not available.
> I would like to merge all the provinces to
> make one big polygon.
> Please let me know how to do this.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI ? regarding creating a grid

2000-07-25 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Dale,

I think there is another useful program "GRIDMAKE.EXE" at the web site
of Archaeology in Sydney
university, in YOUR country. I read an explanation written Dr. Ian
Johnson's book but cannot understand it well.
If you or someone else know it well, please tell me it briefly. It is a
dos program and seems to create MIF/MIF files. Dr. Johnson said it was
more flexible than Gridmaker.mbx.
Thanks in advance.


> Try gidmaker.mbx, I have it as part of MapInfo 5.5  Use the Mapbasic
> tololbar to find your .mbx file list, it should be in there somewhere...
> You can specify both grid interval, and start lat. long.

> Send me a note if you get stuck.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275
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Re: MI MapBsic

2000-07-12 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Lislal,

> Is it possible to download MapBasic from MapInfo website..?

I downloaded Mapbasic5.5beta and 6.0beta when they were on evaluation test.

We have to peruse the license agreement again.
The evaluation period is over and they are no longer on their web site.
But they are still working on my PC. So I sometimes use it for my personal
study of Mapbasic.
We do not think we are allowed to make any commercial programs with
evaluation copy.

Please contact someone in MapInfo corporation.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI MapInfo Compatibility Problems?

2000-05-31 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Adrian,

> so I can't see why MI cannot at least allow some backward compatibility.

I really feel the same. In my office, there are MI4.1Japanese, MI4.5J, MI5.0J
and MI5.5English.
MI5.5E can read every Workspace created by both same and lower Japanese
versions of MI ...though it cannot show Japanese/Chinese characters properly.
MI4.x cannot read Workspaces created/edited by MI5.x(English or Japanese).
We usually do not use newer or complicated features of MapInfo but
collaboration among different versions of MI is not impossible but VERY
I think there are some tools  released by third parties, to edit "wor files",
such as Workspace Control by an Aussie company. I do not know it can show
difference in different versions.

> I do not see any good reason why in its 'save table as ', and 'save
> workspace as' options they cannot allow users to choose to save files
> as older 4.*  types not simply as version 2. If Adobe and Microsoft
> are able to offer this feature with #350 notes software why can't
> Mapinfo.

An extremely reasonable suggestion! ( sorry for my bad English )
I hope you post it on the wish list of MapInfo.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI Center X Y in meters

2000-05-17 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Andre,

> I have a polygon table that I want to get the center X and Y's from.  I've
> been somewhat successful doing this in a query.  However, the resulting
> columns are in Lat, Long.  I would prefer to have them in meters.

When YOUR.TAB at desired coordinate system is open, please open Mapbasic
Type "Set coordsys table YOUR"  and close Mapbasic window.

After that you can extract centroidX  or centroidY on desired coordnates.


Kazuhiko Yamashita
Div. of Environment & Marine
Kokusaikogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI Raster Problems

2000-04-13 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita
Hi Niels,

I still cannot understand what you are trying to do.
But I suppose what you need is "Orthorectification" on each aerial
I tried to overlap several aerial photos of some coastal area to see
beach erosion.
But it was not successful. So I asked any solution on this mailing list
and received several kind replies.

One of them introduced me "Rastools" and I am now happy with it.
Please check the web site below.


Niels Andrews wrote:

> I will try to make this brief as possible.I have a vector map open,
> projection WGS84. I open a geo referenced quad as a raster layer
> everything fine. I add a raster (IR. aerial image) Tiff. I register
> the tiff with control points, WGS84, and hit OK and the map rotates 41
> degrees to the West.I have tried taking the control points from the
> vector map first and then from the image, and reversed the procedure.
> I close the raster layer containing the IR. image and it returns back
> to its proper orientation. I have tried just opening the vector and
> IR. image same results. I have  tried every combination possible. I
> think. Frustrated. What am I doing wrong?

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Environment & Marine, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI Problem with Beta version MapInfo 6

2000-03-17 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Hi John,

According to the agreement with Mapinfo, I do not think we are allowed to discuss
about beta version outside of Mapinfo's web site.
Please visit the address below and register your name.
There is a discussion board there.


John Maguire wrote:

> While Test driving the Beta version of MapInfo 6.
>  I have had problems overwriting existing workspaces which reside on a server
> using Windows NT.
> This problem has been experienced in version 5.5 and doesnt appear to have been
> rectified in Version 6 Beta.
> The error message is "Unable to save workspace".
>  The only way to get around the problem is to save the .wor as a different name
> or delete the existing .wor and reuse tht file number again.
> Our in house  IT people have exhausted all possibilities associated with Windows
> NT.
>Is there a time out issue with MapInfo across a network when saving
>Can it be manually reset ?
>Has this problem been experienced by other users?
> Any solution to  this very frustrating problem would be appreciated.
> Many thanks
> John Maguire
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> prohibited.  If you have received this email in error, please immediately
> advise us by return email and delete the email without making a copy.
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI Orthorectification on Mapinfo?

2000-03-15 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Dear Subscribers,

Thank you all who responded my posting.
I have received several web addresses and how-tos from UK, Denmark, Canada,
Australia, US and others.
I will check them and make summary later.

> Does anyone know any good and inexpensive ORTHO tools for that purpose?
> It is not necessary to be super accurate.

Best regards,
Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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MI Orthorectification on Mapinfo?

2000-03-14 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Hi Subscribers,

I am making time series coastal erosion maps of northern coast of
Fukuoka prefecture, Japan.
I have got many aerial photos taken in 1947, 1961, 1966, 1975, 1982,
1990 and 1995.
I scanned them all with hi DPI  and registered them as raster maps.
But they are distorted and cannot be overlaid  with high accuracy.
I have to calculate anual erosion rates after tide level adjustment.

Does anyone know any good and inexpensive ORTHO tools for that purpose?
It is not necessary to be super accurate.

Thanks in advance,
Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: Limit to Excel Rows in MI5.5

2000-03-09 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita


> Thanks, but Excel 97 has an upper limit of 64000 + ?

Yes, I think so. When we need to handle more records than that number, we
convert data on Excel97 onto Access97. And it works well.


Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI Convert to Mig

2000-03-02 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Hi Stefan,

I knew nothing about MIG. But it seems to stand for MapInfo Grid file.
Something was written about it on Mapworld magazine November 1999.
I tried to download its PDF file but failed. It is huge, more than 10M.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI Where can I find a Map of China

2000-01-23 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita


Try this site. You can download vector data of the world.
You can get zipped .e00 (Arcinfo export) files. When desired files are
extracted, you have to convert them into Mapinfo Tab files with Arc tools which
is already handled on Mapinfo as a Mapbasic tool.


Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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MI Centroid and Coordinates

1999-10-21 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Hi All,

First of all, I have to bow deeply to people who answered to my previous
topic, "How to extract cursor locations from point objects", and express

m(_ _)m  <-- a deep bow with hands and forehead on the floor.

I learnt default coordinates of Mapinfo  is on lat/lon and CentroidX, Y
will extract location as decimal degree wherever active coordinates are.

But it can be changed with Mapbasic window.

Another question came to my mind. Changing default coordinates affects
related functions? In our office, more than two people are using each PC
Mapinfo is installed. So I suppose I should set back the coordinates as
state when I finish the work. Otherwise my colleagues may be confused
with changed default coordinates.
Rebooting does not set it back.  So I have to open Mapbasic window again
and set it back with a table of lon/lat?
Any comment will be welcomed.


Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI How to extract cursor location from point objects

1999-10-20 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Dear e-friends here,

I have received several emails with practical advice. Thank you.
I digitized the chart with a non-earth projection since it is not a map.
But it turned out "Centroid" picks up location as decimal degree. So I
changed the projection to lon/lat and digitized the chart again. It worked

Warm regards,

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Division of Marine Engineering, Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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MI How to extract cursor location from point objects

1999-10-18 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Hi People outhere,

Does anyone know how to pick up cursor locations from point objects?
I digitized tidal chart on paper as point objects and tried to pick up
their cursor locations with CentroidX and CentroidY, Table > Update
Location X is not CentroidX.  Location Y is not CentoroidY either.
So I made a non smart temporary sulution to adjust Centroid to Location
as below.

Location X 89*CentroidX  (R^2=1)
Location Y 92*CentroidY  (R^2=1)

CentroidX  LocationX  CentoroidY  LocationY
0.000397 44.16  0.002598  288.88
0.000449 49.87  0.002542  282.60
0.000540 59.99  0.002447  272.14
0.000631 70.11  0.002362  262.67
0.000720 80.04  0.002262  251.51
0.000810 90.07  0.002142  238.15
0.000896 99.60  0.002050  227.98
0.000988   109.81  0.001973  219.42
0.001075   119.51  0.001924  213.95
0.001165   129.58  0.001909  212.28
0.001255   139.55  0.001909  212.21
0.001345   149.60  0.001932  214.84
0.001435   159.53  0.002002  222.56
0.001523   169.33  0.002107  234.28
0.001614   179.43  0.002215  246.30
0.001703   189.35  0.002308  256.63
0.001796   199.65  0.002406  267.55
0.001883   209.36  0.002503  278.27
0.001972   219.28  0.002581  286.99
0.002067   229.82  0.002637  293.22
0.002155   239.67  0.002660  295.75
0.002248   250.00  0.002652  294.88

I suppose someone knows a smarter and direct solution. Please tell me
how to do it.
One of our major islands, Kyushu was seriously damaged by high sea level
of a typhoon on Sept. 24.
It was at high tide of spring tide and more than twenty aged people in a
small town were killed. No warning system was working for them. Now
local people are measuring tide with an old fashoned analog tide meter

Thanks in advance.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
Divsion of Marine Engineering
Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd

3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
Phone: +81-92-431-7277 FAX: +81-92-431-7275

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Re: MI 5.5 beta longevity.

1999-07-27 Thread Kazuhiko Yamashita

Hi Mats,

So you can use Scandinavian language without any problem on English Mapinfo
installed on Swedish Windows98/95.  Japanese language works on English MI
but not properly. OK it is another story.

> Does anybody know of a way to prolong the life of the 5.5 beta?
> Mine died under me, and in facing days of Overlay Errors once again.
> (was so happy while it lasted)
> No license offence intended, the Swedish version is not out yet, and I
> can't be exepected to buy an english version just to cover the delay.

I do not know how to do it but you should have unistall MI 5.5 beta
Probably some locked files are still at C:\windows\systtem or somewhere
else and offending your Swedish MI.

First of all, you should save your customized files for your daily use and
uninstall MI 5.5 beta completely and reinstall your Swedish MI and replace
some files with your saved customized files. I hope someone will give you
more detailed and specified advice.


Kazuhiko Yamashita
Dept. of Marine Engineering
Kokusai Kogyo co. ltd
3-6-3 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan

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