MI Workaround for 5.0 Centroid Bug?

2000-06-16 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I thought this would be a smaller problem than it is turning out to be.

There is a bug in the MI 5.0 CentroidX, CentroidY and Centroid commands
that returns, not the region centroid, but rather a corner point.  I've
noticed this both in region objects and in grids I've created (actually,
they are region objects too).  MI tech support says that the bug was fixed
in a later version.

Does anyone have suggestions for a workaround for this?  I'm stiuck with
version 5.0 for the time being.

Steve Riese

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RE: MI miles and kilometres

2000-05-23 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Message text written by "Lavoie, Claude"
>What about this unit of measure the MIT students used to measure a bridge
over the Charles River in Boston, Mass. (unit corresponding to the height
a fellow student)?<

Wasn't that the "Smoot?"

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MI Suggestions for Text in a Demo

2000-04-04 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I've got the main part of my code working properly and would now like to
create a demo.  The demo will have a number of text boxes that come up at
each step to explain what is happening.  For example:

Text Box: "In the next step we overlay a grid on the map."

MapInfo:  (remove text box and load grid table)

New Text Box: "The program now appropriately colors each cell of
the grid."

MapInfo: (remove text box and run the code to color the cells of
the grid)

And so on.  I can create a table for each text box, but that seems
wasteful.  Is there a better way to put all the text boxes into a single
table and then control which ones are visible through MB?  I'd also like to
insert arrows at various points that point from the text box to items of
interest.  This is probably easy, but I haven't done any work with text at
all, and probably just need to be steered in the right direction.

Thanks & good luck,
Steve Riese

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Suggestions for Text in MI Demo?

2000-04-04 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I've got the main part of my code working properly and would now like to
create a demo.  The demo will have a number of text boxes that come up at
each step to explain what is happening.  For example:

Text Box: "In the next step we overlay a grid on the map."

MapInfo:  (remove text box and load grid table)

New Text Box: "The program now appropriately colors each cell of
the grid."

MapInfo: (remove text box and run the code to color the cells of
the grid)

And so on.  I can create a table for each text box, but that seems
wasteful.  Is there a better way to put all the text boxes into a single
table and then control which ones are visible through MB?  I'd also like to
insert arrows at various points that point from the text box to items of
interest.  This is probably easy, but I haven't done any work with text at
all, and probably just need to be steered in the right direction.

Thanks & good luck,
Steve Riese

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SUM: Why does MI need program focus to save?

2000-04-03 Thread Stephen R. Riese

This one turned out to be pretty simple:

The problem -- While in the background, MapInfo would stop running at an
attempt to periodically save data.  I was using:

If counter Mod 20 = 0 Then Commit table_name

The solution -- Prevent the status bar from displaying.  The status bar
needs to have the computer's attention in order to proceed.  If in the
background, it patiently waits until you bring MI to the front.  Here's the
simple code:

If counter Mod 20 = 0 Then
Set ProgressBars Off
Commit table_name
Set ProgressBars On
End If

Thanks to the dozen or so kind folks who responded and helped me run the
Good luck,
Steve Riese

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Why does MI need program focus to save?

2000-03-28 Thread Stephen R. Riese

My MB program collects information from about 20,000 locations -- a process
that takes 24-48 hours to run.  I save the data at various points to
prevent total data loss with:

If counter Mod 20 = 0 Then Commit table_name

The program runs fine until it reaches this line (tries to save the table)
at which point it stops if MI is not the application in focus.  If I'm
working on another program, the taskbar button will flash, and the program
will resume running after I quickly go to MI and then back to the other
program.  This is annoying, but it was worse when I returned after letting
the program run for 36 hours to find that it had spend almost all of that
time waiting for MI to become the program in focus.

This problem happens while running MI/MB 5.0 on a Windows NT station.  Is
there a workaround for this bug/feature?

Steve Riese

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Re: MI Do we want to create a MapInfo Newsgroup?

2000-03-18 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Message text written by Bill Thoen
>A newsgroup is a wide open open mailing list, with the main
difference being that all the mail resides on a server near you.
[...] . You have to connect to an NNTP server
(ask your ISP for the address of their news server) and you have
access to literally zillions of email based discussion groups.
The big GIS one is comp.infosystems.gis<

Thanks for the GIS newsgroup address -- I didn't know about that one.  I've
been a fan of newsgroups for years (about 10?).  I don't think access to
newsgroups will be a problem, except maybe for those with corporate
firewalls.  If you have internet access, I think you have newsgroup access.
 I don't remember the website, but there is at least one that functions as
a newsgroup reader. Many ISPs also provide a reader, although some (like
CompuServe in my case) is pretty hard to use.

The biggest advantage I see for a newsgroup is that it is "out there,"
waiting for you to come to it.  If you leave town for a week and don't
check/delete your e-mails, you won't return to find several hundred "MI..."
messages waiting.  They'll still be available, but at your convenience.  If
you read from several newsgroups, the messages from all of them patiently
wait there for you to do read them.  If you only have a passing interest in
a topic, you can check in once a week (or whenever), scroll through the
message titles and read the one or two that catch your interest.  After
some period of time (30 days?) the server dumps the messages, so at any
point you wil only have access to the most recent (30 days?) worth of
messages.  Copies of older posting from many (all?) of the newsgroups are
available at www.deja.com -- just search by keyword.

The obvious disadvantage, as has already been stated, is that the
newsgroups are completely public.  This means we would see some amount of
spam, pornographic ads, and other non-desirable off-topic posting. 
However, I don't think it would be a large amount for this proposed
newsgroup.  Some of the more technical newsgroups I frequently read have
very little of this type of traffic.  In general, the more technical and
less juevenile the topic of the newsgroup, the less trash.

However, off-topic trash is not our biggest worry.  The biggest risk we
face, in my opinion, is in losing the helpful and friendly character of the
list.  For some reason, newsgroups tend to me more impersonal.  For
example, it surprised me when Bill mentioned that the list had over 1000
subscribers.  The posting mechanism we have in place now (post problem to
list, direct-reply to original poster, post summary to list) is quite nice
and would be difficult to implement in a newsgroup.  The way newsgroups
work, they lend themselves to continuing discussions where each poster adds
a line or two and then posts for everyone to see.  At least that's the
character of most of the newsgroups I've been part of over the past decade.
 I'd hate to see the character of our list devolve to that of a typical

When Bill originally asked the question, I was a solid "yes" vote.  The
more I think/write about it, however, the more I become a solid "undecided"

Good luck,
Steve Riese

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MI Summary -- Why do I get a .MBO file?

2000-03-13 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Greetings and thanks to all the kind folks who wrote.

The problem:  When I compile my code, MB now compiles it as a .MBO file.  I
don't know why it does that --
it was compiling fine (i.e., .MBX) before.

The solution:  Turns out to be pretty easy/basic.  One of the responders
wrapped up the answers:

MBO files are created in a number of different ways:

1)  Use of sub procedures without identifying the first sub-
procedure as main
2)  Declaration of sub procedures within a program but without use 
of that procedure
3)  Calling a sub-procedure within an mb has been declared but 
does not exist within that program

There may be other reasons of which I am not aware, but hopefully 
one of these will help you.

My problem was actually #3.  I was debugging my program by starting anew
and copying small pieces to the new file.  One of the procedures I copied
called a function that I had not yet copied.  Once I included the missing
function, it compiled as .MBX.

Thanks again and good luck!
Steve Riese

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MI Summary -- Alias Variables in Map and Create Statements

2000-03-13 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Greetings and thanks for another problem solved,

The problem:  I'd like to use something similar to the Alias variable to
use the Map command with a variable number of tables and the Create Table
command with a variable number of columns.

The solution:  I followed the advice of Jacques Paris and it worked

Simply use the run command solution. For the map it could be

RUN COMMAND "Map From "+StrTable_list

as long as you respect the proper spacing (after from) and commas (in the

Trey Pattillo provided some further advice in consructing the strings:

The thing that most often causes problems which I spotted instantly,
been-there-more-than-once, is building your string.  Use print or
note/msgbox statements to view it with the *run command* commented out

When you strTable_List is done it will read,table1,table2with a
leading comma
It doesn't matter which way you construct a *looped* string you will have
either a leading or trailing comma
left over.

In you case, after the loop use
strTable_List=mid$(strTable_List,2,len(strTable_List)) to remove the comma.

Of course, I immediately looked up the "Run Command" statement in the
reference book.  Interestingly, the example given is exactly what I was
trying to do!  But, unless you know it exists, I'm not sure how you would
bump into it.  I'm still on a steep learning curve for MB, and finding
"secrets" like the Run Command statement and the Alias variable are like
finding gold!

Thanks again and good luck,
Steve Riese

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MI Help!! Why do I get a .MBO file?

2000-03-10 Thread Stephen R. Riese

And just when I thought I was getting the hang of MB/MI.  When I compile my
code, MB now compiles it as a .MBO file.  I don't know why it does that --
it was compiling fine (i.e., .MBX) before.  Then, all of a sudden, it
starts compiling as .MBO.  And, of course .MBO files don't run by
themselves in MI.  Is there something I entered in the code that makes do
this?  I've tried Save As, renaming the file, cutting and pasting into a
new file, but it always comes out as .MBO.  My other files still compile as
.MBX. The help files and users manuals (both MI and MB, version 5.0) aren't
Please help me get the .MBX files back.
Steve Riese

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MI Alias Variables in Map and Create Statements

2000-03-10 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Thanks to help from this list, I was able to tackle the Alias variable and
use it in calling routines for multiple tables.  Here's a bit of a twist. 
I'd like to do the same thing with the Map and Create Table commands.. For
example, instead of:

Map From Grid Table1, Table2, ..., TableN
Create Table table_name(Var1 Type1, Var2 Type2, ..., VarN TypeN)

I'd like to do something like this:

strTable_List = ""
For i = 1 To N 
strTable_List = strTable_List +  ", " + table_name_array(i)
Next i

and then use this string to open tables using the Map command.  Then use a
similar set-up to create tables.  The situation I have is a variable number
of tables to open and generally one column is needed in the created table
for each opened table.  It seems I *should* be able to do something like
this, but these commands won't take alias variables (as far as I can tell,
Steve Riese

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MI Centroid...

2000-03-10 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Message text written by "David Eagle"
>How do I change the location of a polygons centroid (probably 
defeats the idea of it being a centroid!) More specifically I have 
thematically created some bar graphs which once generated are 
not where I wish them to be. Anyone know how I can drag them 
into the right place?<

Not real sure about the bar graphs, but I'd recommend you check to make
sure the centroid is where you think it is.  In at least one case (mine), a
quirk in MI returns the lower left corner of a grid cell as the centroid
(MI 5.0).  This forces me to add half the cell width to the X and Y
coordinated to get the real centroid.  I didn't realize this until I forced
a graphical output (line) that indicated where the reported centroid was.
Good luck,
Steve Riese

PS I'm talking about grids created with the GRIDMAKR program that ships
with MI.

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MI Matrix Inversion (again)

2000-03-03 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Recently I asked about higher math functions in MB and received the
recommendation to follow the "Numerical Recipies" book.  I'm working now in
VB6 and need some help in implementing the LUDCMP and LUBKSB functions. 
The recipies are in FORTRAN and Pascal, so I'm translating.

Does anyone have these functions in basic?  The key function I need now is
a matrix inversion, and the two routines mentioned above should do this.

Steve Riese

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MI SUM: Advanced Math Operations in MB

2000-02-24 Thread Stephen R. Riese

A few days ago I asked about doing advanced mathematical operations in
MapBasic.  I received one reply and some additional help from colleagues at
work.  My needs were to do interpolation, sorting and matrix inversion,
among others.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (sorry, I lost the name) recommended any of the
"Numerical Recipes" books that are available.  I had forgotten about these
books and that was a welcome reminder.

I then found, unfortunately, that MapBasic cannot handle multi-dimensional
arrays.  So much for inverting a matrix.

Some office mates made the following suggestions:

[1]  Switch to ArcView and work in Map Object (which we have).

[2]  Work in MapX (which we don't have).

[3]  Work in VB and run MapInfo in a VB shell.

[4]  Do all operations manually off-line in Excel and/or Maple, MatLab,

[5]  Switch to SAS/GIS (which we have).

MapX turned out to not be a feasible option because of expense (we are a
dot-edu).  I decided, instead on [3].  I should be able to write all of the
advanced operations in VB and write a VB shell that will run both the VB
and MI code.

Thanks again for the suggestion (and the overall friendly and helpful
atmosphere in the list).
Steve Riese

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MI Advanced Math Operations

2000-02-21 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I need to perform several math operations, the most difficult of which is
probably a large matrix inversion.  Are there any add-on packages to help
do matrix operations?
Thanks in advance,
Steve Riese

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MI Slash Screen

2000-02-03 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Message text written by Kenneth Laas
>I remember seeing something about being able to change MapInfo's
start-up splash screen to a customized BMP, something like a company
logo.  I feel kind of stupid asking this simple question, but I cannot
figure it out for the life of me.  Any help would be greatly

I haven't tried it, but you might try finding the MapInfo BMP, and simply
replacing it with your company logo (renamed, of course, as the same name
name as the now deleted MapInfo Splash BMP).  Unless MI has some checking
procedure, it shouldn't recognize one BMP from another.
Good luck,

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MI Looking for Vector Data for Bosnia

2000-02-01 Thread Stephen R. Riese

My project is in northern Bosnia.  Are ther any existing files for that
region?  I need a fairly small scale (I'm working off of 1:50,000 maps).  I
tried the PSU maproom, which is a great service BTW, but their maps are a
much larger scale.
I'm looking for political boundaries, military boundaries during the war,
terrain, vegetation, roads, and any other features that might be available.

Oh, I'm working one a graduate student's budget :-)

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MI One vs. Many Objects

2000-01-18 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I tried an experiment and the results are not what I expected.  I'd like to
know if my results are an anomaly or should be expected.

I have a procedure that examines each object (about 200) in a table for
intersection with a given object.  I tried this two ways:

1)  Individual objects in the table are left as individual objects.

2) The objects are combined into one large object (and the table now has
only one row).

I expected the intersection detection routine to work faster in situation
number 2, where there is only one object.  In my trials, there is a slight
improvement, but not much.  Situation 1 actually is faster in some (few)
cases.  Any thoughts on this and the inner workings of the "Obj1 Intersects
Obj2" function?  I'm thinking that 200 objects in a table might not be
enough to produce a significant difference, but that if there were, say, 
2000 or more objects I might see a difference.


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MI Functions for Statistical Distributions

2000-01-17 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Am making good progress on my project so far, thanks in no small part to
the help I've received from this list.  For the next phase of the project,
I need to do some statistical analysis, and I wanted to see how much I
should expect to do in MI/MB.  I'd like to do everything in an MI/MB
interactive session, if possible, because I use MI up front to collect data
and MI at the end for output display.  Would be nice to have one complete
package.  Here's what I need to do (after I use MI/MB to collect the data):

1.  Determine a statistical distribution (e.g. Normal, Weibul) that best
fits a given data set.  I do this now visually in Excel by plotting the
data against known distributions and selecting one that seems to fit well. 
I can then do a goodness of fit test, just to make sure the fit is
statistically reasonable.  Are there any functions available for MB that
will allow me to: a) plot data in a simple x-y (scatter or line) chart and
b) allow interactive adjustment of distribution parameters (e.g. mean,

2.  Are there statistical functions available for MB that will return the
CDF or PDF for a known distribution?  I'm thinking here of the equivalent
of the WEIBUL, EXPONDIST and NORMSINV functions (and others)  in Excel.

If the collective wisdom of the group says that this would be too hard to
do in one package, I'll use MI/MB to collect the data, switch to Excel to
do the statistical work and import the results back into MI/MB to produce
the output.

Thanks for any comments or suggestions,
Steve Riese

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MI Accessing Tables via Variable Names

2000-01-10 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Sorry, if this is trivial, but I can't find an answer anywhere (in the
documentation, that is) .  I'd like to run the same procedure on several
tables, without having to hard code a separate subroutuine or function
specific for each table.  The procedure works fine for one table at a time,
but I need it to work for several tables.  The part that's giving me
problems (right now anyway) are lines like these:

row_number = Table_Name.RowID
table_object = Table_Name.obj

When Table_Name is the actual name of the table, things work fine.  How can
I replace Table_Name with a (string?) variable so that the same code can be
run on multiple tables?

Steve Riese

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MI Detecting Intersecting Objects

2000-01-10 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I have an intersting problem. I get different results from the following:

A.  If object_1 Intersects object_2 Then...


B.  poly_line = IntersectNodes(object_1, object_2, INCL_ALL)

Statement A evaluates TRUE (which is correct) but startement B *sometimes*
returns an empty object.  If displayed graphically, there is clearly an

Is there a reason that the two intersection procedures would detect
differently?  More specifically, is there some trick to using the
IntersectNodes function?


Is there another way to determine the point(s) of intersection (other than
IntersectNodes, that is)?

Steve Riese

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RE: MI Raster to Vector Conversion

2000-01-07 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Message text written by "Juanse Barros J"
>Steve riese How did you do the "mask out color process"?<

I have Picture Publisher 4.0 LE that can mask colors and delete the rest.  
It allows a  mask of up to 8 colors.  It further allows you to define a
threshold (e.g. +/- 10%) for each color so you can capture colors that are
similar.  Thus, I can get most of the greens, blues, etc., with one cut
operation (the selected colors are protected from the cut).  Not sure how
you would do this without the masking function.
I got this program with a hand scanner I bought back in '94, when flatbed
scanners were too expensive.  I'm sure the "LE" stands for "limited
edition" indicating that this is probably a basic feature that comes with
most photo editing (not drawing) software.

Good luck,

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MI Follow-up to finding the nearest object.

2000-01-06 Thread Stephen R. Riese

Thanks to everyone who wrote with suggestions on how to find the distance
from a given point to the nearest object of a given type.  The two basic
solution approaches are:

1) Create a number of lines that radiate out from the known point and
detect intersection.  I implemented this using 36 lines (every 10 degrees).
 I used the GetEndpoint subroutine from the MapBasic library to find each
lines' endpoint.  After finding the closest intersection, I ran a more
refined search  from -10 degrees to +10 degrees from the original line
(that produced the closest intersect).  Results:  this works nicely in
situations in which the objects of interest are arranged "around" the known
point.  An example is a state boundary -- this would work well to find the
distance from any point within a state to the closest state boundary.  It
does not work well when the objects are small and likely to fall in between
the radiating lines.  An example of this would be finding the closest city,
assuming city objects are small relative to the distances between them.

2) Create buffers around the known point and detect intersection.  Set
upper and lower limits on the distance based on teh detection of
intersection.  Alter the size of the buffer using a binary search until you
are within a given tolerance (difference between upper and lower limits). 
Although this method *seemed* to take longer to process than the radiating
lines, it is sure to capture small objects or lines that would be parallel
to the radiating lines.

After experimentation, I used the second method.  The following simple
routine is the one I use to find the closest object to a given point.  I've
only tried it on linear objects and point objects, but it should work on
regions as well.  I'd appreciate any suggestions or comments.  I've only
used MB for a few weeks and welcome even seemingly trivial suggestions.

Thanks and good luck,
Steve Riese



Function Distance_to_Object(x1, y1 As Float) As Float
    'Created By:Stephen R. Riese
'Date:  1/6/00

'This function determines the distance from a known point
'(x1, y1) to the nearest obect in a table.   As it is written, it
'assumes that (x1, y1) is the center of a grid cell.  If you don't
'use grid cells, you will need an object to replace "cell."
'These cells are objects in a table called "Grid."  At this point
'in the program, the appropriate row in Grid is selected.
'The buffers created to detect intersection have 32 points.
'I use meters and a measurement within 2 meters is close enough. 
'The variables "lower" and "upper" are the bounds on the binary

Dim x2, x_intercept, y2, y_intercept, dist As Float,
feature_object, intersection, cell, cell_buffer As Object,
row_number, short_row As SmallInt,
lower, radius, upper, difference As Integer,
close_enough, intersect As Logical

close_enough = FALSE
lower = 0  
'starting lower limit
radius = 1  'starting
"guess" value
upper = 5   'arbitrary
upper limit
cell = Grid.obj

Do While close_enough = FALSE
cell_buffer = Buffer(cell, 32, radius, "m")   
'creates buffer object
' leave these lines in to show what's going on graphically 
'   Insert Into Grid (Obj)
'   Values (cell_buffer)
Fetch First From Object_Table
intersect = FALSE

Do While Not EOT(Object_Table)  'check each
object in the table
row_number = Object_Table.RowID
feature_object = Object_Table.obj

If cell_buffer Intersects feature_object Then 
'if intersects then subtract
upper = radius  'set new
upper limit
radius = radius - (radius - lower)/2   
'new "guess"
Fetch Last From Object_Table
intersect = TRUE
End If
Fetch Next From Object_Table

If intersect = FALSE Then
lower = radius  'set new
lower limit
radius = radius + (upper - radius)/2   

MI Raster to Vector Conversion

2000-01-06 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I have JPEG images of 1:50,000 topographic maps.  From these, I need to
extract feature objects (roads, rivers, buildings, etc.).  I can mask out
colors and save different copies (e.g., save a copy with only green to
represent trees), but how do I proceed to convert these green areas into
vector objects?  I've looked through the MI/MB documentation, but couldn't
find anything.  The area I've got is about 40km x 50km so, naturally I'm
not looking forward to manually coding the points!  Any help or
suggestions?  Thanks,
Steve Riese

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MI Looking for Nearest Object Distance Functions

1999-12-31 Thread Stephen R. Riese


I'm new to MapInfo/MapBasic and this list server.  I'm looking for a
function that will return the distance from a given point to the nearest
object of a certain type.  For example, from point (x, y) to the nearest
house (point object), road or river (linear object) or nearest forrest
(area object).  All of the functions I've come across give the distance
between two known points.  I need to find the closest object  first (e.g.,
which house or river is closest -- hard to do) and then determine the
distance (easy to do).

Is there some way to avoid an exhaustive search?  I need to make tens of
thousands of these calculations, each one selecting the nearest of up to
hundreds of similar objects.  In addition, each linear and area object are
defined by two or more points.  I assume I'll need to determine which point
within each of these objects is closest to the known (x, y) point.

Thanks for any help you can provide and Happy New Year!

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