MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps

2004-07-06 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

I am new to mapinfo and I've just managed to register a raster image and
create a table for it.

I have got lots of raster 'tiles' that make up an entire map. Problem
is, I have over a million of them!
Obviously I can't manually 'register' all of these maps - I'd be doing
it for the rest of my life!
What's the best way to do this? If I wrote a tool to automatically
create the tables, can mapinfo dynamically choose which tables to
display? - because my geoset isn't going to be very happy with 1,000,000

Could I create one table with lots of raster images in it?

Our old mapping system dynamically loaded the maps it needed to display
based on the filename. The filename contains the easting and northing of
the bottom left corner of the image.

As far as I know mapinfo can't do this - you need three reference points
per image. Besides - I still need to register *all* of the maps.

I can't 'stitch' them together. This is too time consuming as we have
several sets of a million tiles!

I'm thinking that I might need to dynamically create a table and load it
whenever the map moves or is zoomed. I'd use MapX to display the maps
and I can then do dynamic table manipulation.

Damn this is tricky.

Thanks for any help listers.

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12464

RE: MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps

2004-07-06 Thread Tim Smith

Not specifically OSGB - but that is one of my sets.
File names are like
The first four digits are the easting in 100s of meters and the second
four digits are the northing in 100s of meters
462500E 97500N
The tiles are of a fixed size.

Kind regards


-Original Message-
From: Photogrammetry GIU
Sent: 06 July 2004 10:20
To: Tim Smith
Subject: Re: MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps

Are you in OSGB and , if so, do your maps have titles like st1234 and do
they have a fixed tile size. If so I can adapt an mbx we use here for
registering raster maps


>>> "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/07/2004 09:57:05 >>>
Hi List,

I am new to mapinfo and I've just managed to register a raster image and
create a table for it.

I have got lots of raster 'tiles' that make up an entire map. Problem
is, I have over a million of them! Obviously I can't manually 'register'
all of these maps - I'd be doing it for the rest of my life! What's the
best way to do this? If I wrote a tool to automatically create the
tables, can mapinfo dynamically choose which tables to display? -
because my geoset isn't going to be very happy with 1,000,000 tables.

Could I create one table with lots of raster images in it?

Our old mapping system dynamically loaded the maps it needed to display
based on the filename. The filename contains the easting and northing of
the bottom left corner of the image.

As far as I know mapinfo can't do this - you need three reference points
per image. Besides - I still need to register *all* of the maps.

I can't 'stitch' them together. This is too time consuming as we have
several sets of a million tiles!

I'm thinking that I might need to dynamically create a table and load it
whenever the map moves or is zoomed. I'd use MapX to display the maps
and I can then do dynamic table manipulation.

Damn this is tricky.

Thanks for any help listers.

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12466

RE: MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps

2004-07-06 Thread Tim Smith
Just found that MapInfo doesn't support 16-colour RLE bitmaps!
Will have to convert all my tiles to 256-colour.

-Original Message-
From: Photogrammetry GIU
Sent: 06 July 2004 10:40
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps


OK, what is the raster data format, number of rows and columns and pixel
size? With that info, it will be easy


>>> "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/07/2004 10:31:08 >>>

Not specifically OSGB - but that is one of my sets.
File names are like
The first four digits are the easting in 100s of meters and the second
four digits are the northing in 100s of meters i.e. 462500E 97500N The
tiles are of a fixed size.

Kind regards


-Original Message-
From: Photogrammetry GIU
Sent: 06 July 2004 10:20
To: Tim Smith
Subject: Re: MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps

Are you in OSGB and , if so, do your maps have titles like st1234 and do
they have a fixed tile size. If so I can adapt an mbx we use here for
registering raster maps


>>> "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/07/2004 09:57:05 >>>
Hi List,

I am new to mapinfo and I've just managed to register a raster image and
create a table for it.

I have got lots of raster 'tiles' that make up an entire map. Problem
is, I have over a million of them! Obviously I can't manually 'register'
all of these maps - I'd be doing it for the rest of my life! What's the
best way to do this? If I wrote a tool to automatically create the
tables, can mapinfo dynamically choose which tables to display? -
because my geoset isn't going to be very happy with 1,000,000 tables.

Could I create one table with lots of raster images in it?

Our old mapping system dynamically loaded the maps it needed to display
based on the filename. The filename contains the easting and northing of
the bottom left corner of the image.

As far as I know mapinfo can't do this - you need three reference points
per image. Besides - I still need to register *all* of the maps.

I can't 'stitch' them together. This is too time consuming as we have
several sets of a million tiles!

I'm thinking that I might need to dynamically create a table and load it
whenever the map moves or is zoomed. I'd use MapX to display the maps
and I can then do dynamic table manipulation.

Damn this is tricky.

Thanks for any help listers.

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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RE: MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps

2004-07-06 Thread Tim Smith
Hi Ian,
Thanks for your help.
I probably have enough information from everyones help today to create
my own tabled automatically.
I can then merge some maps into layers.
But as you say there will probably be issues with the limit of files or
size of bitmap data.
This is still my final problem.
Once I've created my million or so tables that I've automatically
created, I now need to dynamically load the ones I need.
It's going to be an interesing one to solve.
Kind regards
Tim Smith

-Original Message-
From: Ian Hull [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 06 July 2004 10:52
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Registering *lots* of raster maps


You need to loop through all of your files and create a .tab for each
one. The .tab can be created as follows (in MapBasic) 

open file tablename for output as #1 filetype "MIta" 
print #1, "!table" 
print #1, "!version 300" 
print #1, "!charset WindowsLatin1" 
print #1 
print #1, "Definition Table" 
print #1, "  File """ + filename + """" 
print #1, "  Type ""RASTER"" " 
print #1, "  (" + tle + "," + tln + ") (0,0) Label ""TopLeft"", " 
print #1, "  (" + tre + "," + trn + ") (35000,0) Label""TopRight"", " 
print #1, "  (" + ble + "," + bln + ") (0,35000) Label""BottomLeft"",  "

print #1, "  (" + bre + "," + brn + ") (35000,35000)
Label""BottomRight"" " 
print #1, "  CoordSys Earth Projection  8, 79,""m"", -2, 49,
0.9996012717, 40, -10 Units ""m"" " 

close file #1 

You will need to look in your first tab file for the correct values for
the coords i.e. (0,35000) etc but as all of your areas are square is
should be easy. 

I have used a Seamless table on about 100 tables of aerial photos and it
works really well (I don't know what the limits are)

Hope this helps,

Ian Hull

Greater Manchester Transportation Unit
Salisbury House
Granby Row
M1 7AH

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MI-L Raster map distortion/flicker

2004-07-07 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

My raster map 'flickers' when I move map features around that are on
another layer.

The flicker occurs around where the feature moved from, almost as though
the map is being redrawn back where the feature was, but not correctly.

It seems to be only when the zoom level is such that the pixels are
'compressed', i.e. I'm zoomed out quite a way.
Has anyone seen this before or anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks for any help.

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12493

RE: MI-L Raster map distortion/flicker

2004-07-08 Thread Tim Smith
Hi Stephen,

I tried your suggestion but alas, it's still a problem - must be
Looks like a rounding error in the mapinfo display code that decides
where to redraw the map areas that have changed. The error causes the
area to be replaced one pixel out of place, hence you get a sort of
'jiggling' effect which is quite offputting.
I am using MapX to dynamically create features on a layer. The features'
positions change rapidly, so the effect is very noticable.



-Original Message-
From: Stephen Dunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 July 2004 09:29
To: Tim Smith
Subject: MI-L Raster map distortion/flicker

Hi Tim,

Something that I've found can help with this sort of problem
is to turn down "hardware acceleration" on your PC graphics card - This
generally sorts out minor graphics problems without noticably affecting

This will usually be under "settings  - Control Panel - Display -
-- Troubleshooting"
Or something similar, depending on Windows version and PC settings . I
generally set Hardware acceleration somewhere between 25% and 50%, using
the slider bar.

Regards, Stephen

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Message number: 12506

MI-L GML to MapInfo

2004-07-09 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

What is a GML map format?

I have got this data from the British OS and I want to use it in

GML OS MasterMap(tm) ITN Layer SU6352+ (11/07/03)

Any ideas?

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12531

RE: MI-L GML to MapInfo

2004-07-12 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Bill,

I can import some GML data into MapInfo, but it won't work for OS ITN
Not sure why.


-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 July 2004 15:14
To: Tim Smith
Subject: Re: MI-L GML to MapInfo

On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Tim Smith wrote:

> What is a GML map format?

GML stands for Geographic Markup Language. It's actually a geographic
implementation of the XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. And XML
is simply a way to structure information using bracketed tags in a plain
text format. You can learn all about it at http://www.w3.org/XML/.

XML is coming on strong, too. You'll be seeing a lot more of it in the 

> I have got this data from the British OS and I want to use it in 
> MapInfo.
> GML OS MasterMap(tm) ITN Layer SU6352+ (11/07/03) 
> _id=1

>From the main menu, choose Table > Import and then pull down the "Files
type" to OS MasterMap, which will import the OS GML format.

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 12546

MI-L Large raster maps

2004-07-12 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

This goes back to a question I asked before, but just want to clear a
few things up.

I have loads of raster data (20GB). Can MapInfo handle a 20GB raster
image? If not, could it handle, say, 40 500Mb files?
I'm still trying to find out some information about efficient methods of
using lots of raster data with MapInfo.


Tim Smith

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Message number: 12552

RE: MI-L Large raster maps

2004-07-12 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks people who suggested the ecw compression.
I'm trying it now. I got the PSP plugin too.
Is there anyway I can append bitmaps to the ecw image one-by-one?
Problem is - The free ecw compressor only supports 24-bit bitmaps, so if
I've got 1,000,000 500x500 pixel tiles that's going to be 733k x
1,000,000 which is a 733Gb image I don't have that kind of storage.
At present I use RLE bitmaps and is compresses to about 20GB - far more



-Original Message-
From: tuncay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 July 2004 15:27
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Large raster maps

We tried 14GB seamless raster and succeeded.

Nowadays we use ecw format to open huge files. You can compress images
to ecw and open them as seamless very fast. Ecw compressor available up
to 500 mb file as free.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 4:41 PM
Subject: MI-L Large raster maps

Hi List,

This goes back to a question I asked before, but just want to clear a
few things up.

I have loads of raster data (20GB). Can MapInfo handle a 20GB raster
image? If not, could it handle, say, 40 500Mb files? I'm still trying to
find out some information about efficient methods of using lots of
raster data with MapInfo.


Tim Smith

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Message number: 12557

RE: MI-L GML to MapInfo

2004-07-13 Thread Tim Smith
Hi Bob,

I looked at MapGml - it does translate the different layers well.
I'm probably going to be using the topographical layers.

I have to confess that I'm really new to MapInfo (due to go on a basic MapInfo course 
next month)
and I'm new to changing the look of the maps.

How can I change the look of the layers to be like the example shown on the OS site...


I can't get the road to be 'solid' - it's just lines.

Kind regards


-Original Message-
Sent: 12 July 2004 22:11
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L GML to MapInfo

Hi Tim

When MapInfo wrote their import for Version 7.5 they only had Topology data 
from OS.

As OS release new layers to MasterMap we introduce updates to our MapGML 
Translators. MapGML will currently translate Topology, Addresses and ITN. Also 
it takes the compressed GZ in batch which is faster than uncompressing to 
GML.The whole of Hampshire takes 80 seconds ( yes seconds ) to translate. We 
also include some post processes which can take relational table information 
back to flat file if you want this.

We anticipate a market for ITN only so have just introduced MapITN for £395. 
This translates ITN as per MapGML but ignores addresses and topology. The full 
MapGML is a bit more expensive at £750. We are committed to providing all new 
MasterMap layers free of charge to MapGML users on Maintenance ( £225 per 
annum ).

I appreciate users would like free translators but there is quite a bit of work 
involved with keeping the software up to date. For example we along with other 
software developers have been with Ordnance Survey today looking at proposed 
improvements to MasterMap delivery. When you consider how much you pay for the 
data itself I believe having up to date software is worth the small additional 

If you are interested in MapITN or MapGML we have an evaluation version. This 
leaves small "holes" in the tables but will give you a good idea of what output 
looks like. We are also very open to users ideas for continued development of 
translators.For example ITN contains routing information and we are keen to 
include tables to suit all users needs in the routing market as well as those 
who just need to manage assets.

If you just want one translation we willingly carry this out of free of charge -  
without the holes !! Just send us your data.

We can be contacted on 01847 622569 or by email. Alternatively come along to 
the next MapInfo User Group at Blackburn on the 22nd July - we have a stand 

I apologise to listers for the plug, but Tim did seem to be looking for a 
solution and I think the above fits the Thoen! - sorry Bill!




Quoting Tim Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks Bill,
> I can import some GML data into MapInfo, but it won't work for OS ITN 
> data. Not sure why.
> Tim
> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 09 July 2004 15:14
> To: Tim Smith
> Subject: Re: MI-L GML to MapInfo
> On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Tim Smith wrote:
> > What is a GML map format?
> GML stands for Geographic Markup Language. It's actually a geographic 
> implementation of the XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. And XML 
> is simply a way to structure information using bracketed tags in a 
> plain text format. You can learn all about it at 
> http://www.w3.org/XML/.
> XML is coming on strong, too. You'll be seeing a lot more of it in the
> future.
> > I have got this data from the British OS and I want to use it in
> > MapInfo.
> > 
> > GML OS MasterMap(tm) ITN Layer SU6352+ (11/07/03)
> >
> > _id=1
> From the main menu, choose Table > Import and then pull down the 
> "Files of type" to OS MasterMap, which will import the OS GML format.
> - Bill Thoen
> -
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> -
> List h

MI-L loading multiple tab files

2004-07-22 Thread Tim Smith
Hi list,

I was trying to use the seamless layer manager (SEAMMGR.MBX) and can't
quite get it to do 'batch' merge my tables.
The instructions tell you to "open the tables you want to include in the
seamless map sheet and display them in a map window".
I opened multiple tab files and it has seemed to have grouped them two
per window. Why is this? Why does it not either load them all into the
same window or individually? See the image from the link below.


Anyhow, when I go to create a seamless layer, it only merges the tables
that are loaded in the currently 'focussed' window on the screen, i.e. I
can only merge two at a time. Is there anyway to get the seamless
manager to merge all tables that are open? Or, how can I load all tables
into one window?

Is there any other way of batch merging tables.

All my tables have exactly the same format so there should be no
problems there.

Kind regards to the list

Tim Smith

List hosting provided by Directions Magazine | www.directionsmag.com |
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Message number: 12694

RE: MI-L loading multiple tab files

2004-07-22 Thread Tim Smith

That worked fine Erik.

Kind regards


-Original Message-
From: Nielsen, Erik R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2004 11:59
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L loading multiple tab files

What you need to do is right click a mapper window goto Layer control
and manually select all the tiles you want in your seamless table. Then
make you layer. It's a feature that MI opens loads of windows. Don't

-Original Message-----
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2004 12:00
Subject: MI-L loading multiple tab files

Hi list,

I was trying to use the seamless layer manager (SEAMMGR.MBX) and can't
quite get it to do 'batch' merge my tables. The instructions tell you to
"open the tables you want to include in the seamless map sheet and
display them in a map window". I opened multiple tab files and it has
seemed to have grouped them two per window. Why is this? Why does it not
either load them all into the same window or individually? See the image
from the link below.


Anyhow, when I go to create a seamless layer, it only merges the tables
that are loaded in the currently 'focussed' window on the screen, i.e. I
can only merge two at a time. Is there anyway to get the seamless
manager to merge all tables that are open? Or, how can I load all tables
into one window?

Is there any other way of batch merging tables.

All my tables have exactly the same format so there should be no
problems there.

Kind regards to the list

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12696

RE: MI-L loading multiple tab files

2004-07-22 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Matt.
This worked too - I'm learning lots of things today!



-Original Message-
From: Matt Carlson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2004 11:59
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L loading multiple tab files

When you open the tables at the File>Open dialog, select "Current
Mapper", not the "New Mapper" default for "Preferred View"...

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2004 12:00
Subject: MI-L loading multiple tab files

Hi list,

I was trying to use the seamless layer manager (SEAMMGR.MBX) and can't
quite get it to do 'batch' merge my tables. The instructions tell you to
"open the tables you want to include in the seamless map sheet and
display them in a map window". I opened multiple tab files and it has
seemed to have grouped them two per window. Why is this? Why does it not
either load them all into the same window or individually? See the image
from the link below.


Anyhow, when I go to create a seamless layer, it only merges the tables
that are loaded in the currently 'focussed' window on the screen, i.e. I
can only merge two at a time. Is there anyway to get the seamless
manager to merge all tables that are open? Or, how can I load all tables
into one window?

Is there any other way of batch merging tables.

All my tables have exactly the same format so there should be no
problems there.

Kind regards to the list

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12697

MI-L WOR 2 Geoset

2004-07-23 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

I have a .wor and I would like to create a geoset that looks the same.
When I go to create the geoset I can't load a wor file, only tab files.
This means I have to manually change the layer appearance to look like
the wor.

Any ideas how to create a geoset from a wor file?



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Message number: 12712

RE: MI-L WOR 2 Geoset

2004-07-23 Thread Tim Smith
Cheers Lars,
I need the geoset for use in MapX.


-Original Message-
From: Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 July 2004 11:06
To: Tim Smith
Cc: MapInfo List
Subject: Re: MI-L WOR 2 Geoset

Hi Tim,

Pro has a tool for it.

But beware, a geoset is very limited wrt. a workspace. E.g. you cannot
have a duplicated layer in a geoset.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 12:03 PM
Subject: MI-L WOR 2 Geoset

Hi List,

I have a .wor and I would like to create a geoset that looks the same.
When I go to create the geoset I can't load a wor file, only tab files.
This means I have to manually change the layer appearance to look like
the wor.

Any ideas how to create a geoset from a wor file?



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Message number: 12714

RE: MI-L MapBasic - Command to set a raster image to grayscale

2004-09-09 Thread Tim Smith
You could call an external tool to do it. Jasc Image Robot perhaps.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Tonge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 September 2004 13:47
Subject: MI-L MapBasic - Command to set a raster image to grayscale

Does anyone know a MapBasic command/chunk of code (For use in a program)
that can set a raster image to grayscale.

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Message number: 13266

RE: MI-L OT - Windows Programming Philosophy

2004-09-16 Thread Tim Smith
'using private profiles (those *.ini files) is no longer in fashion'

I've never used them - I've been programming Windows since 1996 and have
always used the registry, but I guess that's because I've never known
anything different.
I admit that when you open regedit it does look a mess, but it's ok once
you know how to use it. If you find it easier to use ini files for
configuration, then there's something wrong in your software design, or
so say Microsoft.
I use install shield to set up the registry for my software.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 September 2004 22:08
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L OT - Windows Programming Philosophy

While developing some MapBasic code to support Windows API calls to
access private profile files (see
I ran across a Microsoft warning that says that using private profiles
(those *.ini files) is no longer in fashion and that now we should
always use the Registry to store parameters for programs.

My feeling is that the Registry is already pretty stuffed with loose
toys, and putting everything into that one system is unwise. However, I
don't want to let my ignorance get me into trouble someday, so I thought
I'd ask for opinions. 

What do other developers think about using the Registry instead of ini
files for MapBasic apps? Is it a black and white issue, or ar there
reasons for using an ini file sometimes, and the Registry at other
Is a centralized repository of configuration data a better model than
using distributed ones? Does anyone have any good arguments pro or con
on this?

Or should we do it simply because Microsoft says so? I suppose if
lost interest in ini files, it might be a good idea to not to use them.

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 13368

RE: MI-L OT - Windows Programming Philosophy

2004-09-16 Thread Tim Smith
Here's some discussion. Having said that I have always used the registry
since Win95, I'm currently working with legacy 16-bit Windows code that
uses INI files.


-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 September 2004 22:08
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L OT - Windows Programming Philosophy

While developing some MapBasic code to support Windows API calls to
access private profile files (see
I ran across a Microsoft warning that says that using private profiles
(those *.ini files) is no longer in fashion and that now we should
always use the Registry to store parameters for programs.

My feeling is that the Registry is already pretty stuffed with loose
toys, and putting everything into that one system is unwise. However, I
don't want to let my ignorance get me into trouble someday, so I thought
I'd ask for opinions. 

What do other developers think about using the Registry instead of ini
files for MapBasic apps? Is it a black and white issue, or ar there
reasons for using an ini file sometimes, and the Registry at other
Is a centralized repository of configuration data a better model than
using distributed ones? Does anyone have any good arguments pro or con
on this?

Or should we do it simply because Microsoft says so? I suppose if
lost interest in ini files, it might be a good idea to not to use them.

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 13369

MI-L Australian maps

2004-11-11 Thread Tim Smith
Good-day listers,
Where's the best place to get street-level Mapinfo maps of Australia?
We are a UK company who, until recently taking on an Australian client,
sold solely to the European market.
We currently use Tensing SKS for our Euro maps. Our Australian client
needs to manage their own MapInfo maps which they will use in our
They need full Australia coverage at street-level.
Would probably be best to use an Australian supplier, but that's not

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Tim Smith
Software Engineer

Micromill Electronics Limited
Leydene House
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RE: MI-L Australian maps

2004-11-12 Thread Tim Smith
Hello Simon,

Thankyou very much for spending some time in ansering my question. I
think this will help me a lot.

Our customer is visiting next week and I was hoping to find, perhaps,
some free sample data/screenshots of examples of street-level data being
used in MapInfo. The project does not start until next year, but we need
to sort out what maps they like first as the software we write will be
dynamically interacting with the map data.

Thanks again.

Kind regards

Tim Smith

[Thanks to everyone who has posted information on Australian mapping

-Original Message-
From: Selves, Simon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 November 2004 07:22
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Australian maps

Hi Tim,

I've recently moved over to Australia, from Experian in England, where I
consulted on all spatial aspects of their MicroMarketer product. One of
my key tasks over here is to develop the roads data from the Public
Sector Mapping Agency (PSMA), who are the most comprehensive suppliers
of nationwide Australian roads data. 

I've done some research into finding the optimum roads data available
and the PSMA seem to come out on top. Their street level data is superb
and as detailed as anything you would find in an O/S Meridian2 data set.
They even map rear-access alleyways, where they still exist.

They have really improved their output in the last update, so much so
that I am recommending we remain licensing their data for the time
being. The only problem with their data is that it is contributed by
each State individually and compiled by the PSMA. Some of the road
classifications can differ from State to State which can display rather
interestingly along the borders.

There is an alternative data set supplied by Sensis (www.sensis.com.au).
They claim to have a national scale road data set (i.e. not appended by
State). I have only seen individual samples from each State and not a
national scale layer so I cannot comment on the quality of this. If you
require national level data from Sensis, I think they will charge for
the work involved in putting a sample together.

Let me know if you want any further information about this. We are in a
position where we could sell on our value added roads, but it is not
something that we normally do.

Hope this helps 

Simon Selves 
Senior GIS Analyst 
Pacific Micromarketing 
Level 2 
616 St. Kilda Road 
Direct: (+61) 03 8517 3951 
Fax: 03 9530 2350 

-Original Message-----
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 11 November 2004 11:19 PM
Subject: MI-L Australian maps

Good-day listers,
Where's the best place to get street-level Mapinfo maps of Australia?
We are a UK company who, until recently taking on an Australian client,
sold solely to the European market. We currently use Tensing SKS for our
Euro maps. Our Australian client needs to manage their own MapInfo maps
which they will use in our software. They need full Australia coverage
at street-level. Would probably be best to use an Australian supplier,
but that's not essential.

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Tim Smith
Software Engineer

Micromill Electronics Limited
Leydene House
Waterberry Drive

Tel: +44 (0) 23 92 364061
Fax: +44 (0) 23 92 364 068
Sales Fax: +44 (0) 23 92 366673


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MI-L MapX run-time installation

2004-11-12 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,
I have a MapX question that I have asked MapInfo about, but I thought I
might get a good answer here earlier...

I want to distribute our MapX application. I have read the user manual
and it indicates that there are two ways to licence the run-time
The easy way is to install MapX from the MapX install CD, the other is
to include all the dlls etc. in my own installer.
I want to do the easy way.
How do I supply our customers with the MapX install CD?
Can I copy our CD and give it to our customers and then purchase
Or does MapInfo supply a CD with each run-time license purchased?
Is there a separate run-time installer CD than the main MapX development
Thanks for any help with this.
Kind regards
Tim Smith

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Message number: 14009

MI-L Mastermap Text size

2004-11-15 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

I am using Ordnance Survey Mastermap data.
I've imported the gml file and have selected 'Roads Tracks And Paths'
from the 'CartographicText' layer.
How can I make the text larger? When overlayed on the roads it's too
I guess I need to change all the values in the 'Height' field?
How can I apply a multiplier to the height?

Thanks for help


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Message number: 14027

RE: MI-L Mastermap Text size

2004-11-15 Thread Tim Smith
I've tried selecting all the text and changing the font size. The
problem with this is that the name of some roads is split into two
labels - increasing the size makes the two words overlap!

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith 
Sent: 15 November 2004 13:50
Subject: MI-L Mastermap Text size

Hi List,

I am using Ordnance Survey Mastermap data.
I've imported the gml file and have selected 'Roads Tracks And Paths'
from the 'CartographicText' layer. How can I make the text larger? When
overlayed on the roads it's too small. I guess I need to change all the
values in the 'Height' field? How can I apply a multiplier to the

Thanks for help


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Message number: 14028

RE: MI-L Mastermap Text size

2004-11-16 Thread Tim Smith
No, still a problem.
Haven't had time to look into it further.

-Original Message-
From: Alan Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 November 2004 13:09
To: Tim Smith
Subject: Re: MI-L Mastermap Text size

Did you ever get a solution to this?
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 2:51 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Mastermap Text size

I've tried selecting all the text and changing the font size. The
problem with this is that the name of some roads is split into two
labels - increasing the size makes the two words overlap!

-----Original Message-
From: Tim Smith 
Sent: 15 November 2004 13:50
Subject: MI-L Mastermap Text size

Hi List,

I am using Ordnance Survey Mastermap data.
I've imported the gml file and have selected 'Roads Tracks And Paths'
from the 'CartographicText' layer. How can I make the text larger? When
overlayed on the roads it's too small. I guess I need to change all the
values in the 'Height' field? How can I apply a multiplier to the

Thanks for help


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Message number: 14063

RE: MI-L Mastermap Text size

2004-11-16 Thread Tim Smith
I'm using MapInfo to import the gml.
I don't have mapbasic, so I must rely on MapInfo to import the data.

-Original Message-
From: Colin Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 November 2004 14:06
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Mastermap Text size


What are you using to import the gml to MapInfo? Most third party
translators use the style information in the cartographictext layer to
make the text appear as expected.  There are several attributes that
relate to the text styling:

3.000 0

The gml above shows the elements you can use to display the text.  The
attributes DescriptiveGroup and DescriptiveTerm allow you to set the
font and colour properties for your text object.  There is a standard
style guide available for download from the Ordnance Survey website that
shows what colours and fonts can be used for text.

As to doing it inside MapInfo I suspect you will need to create some
mapbasic to process each text item according to the above attributes.
Correct application of the height value will mean that text won't


Colin Henderson
Pre and Post Sales Support
Ordnance Survey
Southampton, SO16 4GU
Web: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk
Tel: ++44 (0)2380 792034
Mob: ++44 (0)7771 972307

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 November 2004 13:50
To: Alan Cooper
Subject: RE: MI-L Mastermap Text size

No, still a problem.
Haven't had time to look into it further.

-Original Message-
From: Alan Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 November 2004 13:09
To: Tim Smith
Subject: Re: MI-L Mastermap Text size

Did you ever get a solution to this?
- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 2:51 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Mastermap Text size

I've tried selecting all the text and changing the font size. The
problem with this is that the name of some roads is split into two
labels - increasing the size makes the two words overlap!

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith 
Sent: 15 November 2004 13:50
Subject: MI-L Mastermap Text size

Hi List,

I am using Ordnance Survey Mastermap data.
I've imported the gml file and have selected 'Roads Tracks And Paths'
from the 'CartographicText' layer. How can I make the text larger? When
overlayed on the roads it's too small. I guess I need to change all the
values in the 'Height' field? How can I apply a multiplier to the

Thanks for help


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MI-L MapXtreme websites

2004-11-22 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,
I'm trying to find websites using MapXtreme. Anyone know of some good

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Tim Smith
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RE: MI-L Data Extraction from a GeoTiff

2004-11-22 Thread Tim Smith
Just had a quick search.

Try Vextractor
Only $99


-Original Message-
From: Data Directions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 November 2004 20:25
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L Data Extraction from a GeoTiff

I have a 1.7 Gb (yes, gigabyte!) GeoTIFF image that I open in MapInfo.
The image is an airphoto mosaic of salinity that contains areas that
have been classified as old salinity (red pixels), recent salinity
(orange pixels) and areas for possible future salinity problems (purple
pixels), in addition to the background airphoto.

How can I convert this image to meaningful MapInfo polygons (my three
categories I have noted above) as I then plan to use them in an "Erase"
operation to highlight only favourable areas?

Pointers to freeware are especially appreciated, but will also consider
commercial products.

Thanks in advance,


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Message number: 14152

MI-L Route planning

2004-11-22 Thread Tim Smith
Hi list,
Bit of a strange one.
Is there any way I can calculate a route by road using MapX?
Perhaps there is a C++ library that can be used with MapX that uses
route-planning map data.
My application needs to dynamically calculate the route and highlight it
on the map.
Kind regards
ps - Thanks to those who helped me with the MapXtreme sites.

All literature contained within this message and/or attached, is the
opinion of myself and does not reflect the opinion of the company.

Tim Smith
Software Engineer

Micromill Electronics Limited
Leydene House
Waterberry Drive

Tel: +44 (0) 23 92 364061
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2004-11-23 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,
Does anyone know how I subscribe to GIS-L.
I've tried various methods I've found on the web, but I keep getting a
'delivery failure' message.

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Tim Smith
Software Engineer

Micromill Electronics Limited
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RE: MI-L MapX Question

2004-11-24 Thread Tim Smith

Hope this helps

Kind regards


Differences between MapX 4.51 and MapX 5.0

In MapX 4.51 when a new table was created using a LayerInfo object of
miLayerInfoTypeNewTable, the coordinate system used to create the new
table was the map's current
numeric coordinate system. In MapX 5.0 the map's numeric coordinate
system is used only if you do not
specify a features collection as the "Features" LayerInfo parameter. If
you do specify a features collection
the coordinate system of the layer from which the features collection
was built is used as the new table's
coordinate system.

Bugs Fixed in MapX 5.0

Cannot use miAggregationCount on a string column. The Fields.Add method
allows the user to specify
how values in the resulting Field will be aggregated. In MapX 4.51 a
user could use miAggregationCount
on a string column. This functionality did not work in MapX 5.02.19 but
is fixed in this release.

MapX is not reading the "LABEL\PARALLEL" = "TRUE" key in some geosets.
This worked in MapX
4.51 but was not working properly in MapX 5.02.19. MapX misinterprets
the value of the key. The labels
display opposite of the way that they should, e.g., straight labels
display as curved, and curved labels
display as straight. This problem has been corrected.

There is a new section in the MapX help entitled "MapX Field Naming
Conventions". The sections
explains what characters can and cannot be used when naming a MapX Field
object. It also explains
when these rules are enforced e.g., when an error is thrown when an
invalid Field name is used.

SnapToNode now works properly with the AddFeature tools.

23781, 15291
Geosets with multiple raster layers now center properly when opened.

Performance (speed) for panning, zooming and other map operations on
seamless raster layers has been

23492, 23493, 23468
Memory leaks in the OCI, DAO and XML datasets have been fixed.

he Geodictionary Manager now displays the geodictionary path when you
lon on as a restricted user.
The new behavior in MapX 5.0 is described below.
GeoDictionary under a restricted user:
The geodictionary will allow restricted users to see the geodictionary
file path and registered files. No
write access to registry and geodictionary file and path is given by
To allow restricted users to change the geodictionary file path and/or
additional search paths, registry
access to the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MapInfo\MapX\5.0 key must to
be granted
to that user via regedit.
To allow restricted users to register tab files to the geodictionary
file path, access has to be given to write
to that file and path in addition to the registry access.
GeosetManager under a restricted user:
Make a new dword key "NoGeosetToolsMenu" key under
The warning (not an error) that comes up "unable to update the registry"
has nothing to do with MapX. It
is an error that occurs in MFC when the application attempts to register
itself as a server. It fails under
restricted use. This is harmless.

The redraw issue of multiple extraneous lines appearing on the map at
certain zoom levels has been

23029, 20599
The redraw problems caused by panning the map when there is an object in
the animation layer have been

Setting LabelProperties.LabelPartialObjects to true now produces the
expected result
whenLabelProperties.LabelAlong is set to miLabelAlongMultiSegment.

MapX now creates valid geometries when editing objects in Oracle

You can now bind data (create a dataset) on tables on read-only media,
and you can perform Layer.Search
on such tables.

-Original Message-
From: Neil Havermale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 November 2004 21:37
Subject: MI-L MapX Question

I was wondering if anyone may have a changes/additions list for the
version shift from MapX4.5 to MapX5.0? 


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Message number: 14206

RE: MI-L Coverting multiple OS MasterMap GML 'chunks' to Tab format

2004-11-24 Thread Tim Smith

I'm dealing with large amounts of Mastermap data too.
You can only import the files one-by-one using the converter supplied in
MapInfo 7.5.
You could be a masochist and do this and then create a seamless layer,
but then you can't process a seamless layer table!
I would be interested in anyone who may have written a MapBasic program
to automate this.

I tried MapGML (see http://www.mapsbydesign.co.uk/mastermap.html)
This works well and can converts straight from the .gz files. You can
change the convertion script to split the layers how you want.
There is a demo version available on the site.

Ordnance Survey recommend MapGML for MapInfo...

Keep me updated with what you find & I'll do likewise.



-Original Message-
From: Storey, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 November 2004 14:18
Subject: MI-L Coverting multiple OS MasterMap GML 'chunks' to Tab format

I am using MapInfo Pro 7.5 and am looking to create a OS MasterMap
datasets in Tab format.

I have requested the GML data from OS but this has been supplied in 5km
by 5km 'chunks' (or tiles). In the past I have only imported individual
GML files to Tab by using the 'Table > Import...' option, but now I have
75 GML 'chunk' files which need merging into 1 Tab file (ideally without
causing overlaps/duplication).

Does anyone know how MapInfo deals with multiple GML 'chunk' files?

Many thanks,

Paul Storey
GIS Officer
> Buckinghamshire County Council

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Message number: 14210

RE: MI-L Newcomer help

2004-11-29 Thread Tim Smith

Have a look at MapX. You can write your own (Visual Basic, C++ and
Delphi) applications which use MapInfo maps.
May or may not be what you want.




-Original Message-
From: Rakesh Rao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 November 2004 11:16
Subject: MI-L Newcomer help


I am a total newcomer to MapInfo 7.0 but have programmed in VB / C++ /
Lisp etc on other 
platforms. I have just got it installed and would like to know what are
the available development 
platforms in MapInfo 7.0.

I understand that the native development tool is MapBasic. My questions

1. Is Mapbasic the only platform for Mapinfo 7.0? If yes, how do I get
started with it? Where is 
the online programmers documentation etc?

2. Is VB or VBA a possible programming tool?

Let me know some answers so I can get started with your kind help.


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Message number: 14270

RE: MI-L SQL Querying

2004-11-30 Thread Tim Smith
This is the query you need

Mid$(Column_name,10, 1) = "2" Or Mid$(Column_name,10, 1)  = "3"

Mid$( str, num1, num2 ) 
Returns a portion of the string str  starting at character position num1
and extending for num2  characters.

Hope it works



-Original Message-
From: Andrew Tracey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 30 November 2004 17:54
Subject: MI-L SQL Querying

Dear All

I am trying to select all records within a column that have the tenth
character as either a 2 or a 3. All of the records within the column
have 13 numbers. Is there any easy way to produce a query for the above?

Andrew Tracey
Information Support Officer
Corporate Information
Corporate Growth and Focus
Corporate Development
South Tyneside Council
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL

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Message number: 14292

RE: MI-L Christmas competition

2004-12-01 Thread Tim Smith
That's gonna take me a while with my measuring wheel - I'd better start

-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2004 11:47
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: MI-L Christmas competition

December has started, so let that be a good excuse for notifying you all
about our Christmas competetion at:

Uffe Kousgaard

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Message number: 14304

RE: MI-L Christmas competition

2004-12-02 Thread Tim Smith
>How about "Drunken Santa Claus" problem?

So the alternative competition is to find the least efficient journey...

-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2004 21:48
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L Christmas competition

Hi Bill,

It is 30 km West of Copenhagen, but yes your coordinates are close enough.

How about "Drunken Santa Claus" problem?


PS: All answers to the competition has been different so far, but I'm not going 
to tell if anyone has found the correct solution.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Uffe Kousgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Mapinfo-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: MI-L Christmas competition

On Wed, 1 Dec 2004, Uffe Kousgaard wrote:

> December has started, so let that be a good excuse for notifying you
> about our Christmas competetion at: 
> http://www.routeware.dk/christmas2004.php

Ah, the old "Drunken Salesman" problem!

But where in the world is Trægården, Denmark anyway? Since there's no other 
place near Denmark, I'm going to guess that (10E, 56N) is close enough for this 
problem. Santa can just dump the presents out of the sleigh from 10,000 meters 
and the scatter should distribute them well enough, don't you think?

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 14340

RE: MI-L : Speed processing issues

2004-12-20 Thread Tim Smith
I agree with Warren. Make sure your PC is not using swap files.
I do processing on huge amounts of data (1,000,000s of files and >40GB
of data).
My PC had only 512MB and was heavily swapping memory to the hard disk. I
have optimised my algorithms to use less than 1GB and have upgraded to
1GB of RAM. This increased processing ten-fold.

-Original Message-
From: Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd.
Sent: 20 December 2004 13:53
To: 'Data Directions'; 'MapInfo List'
Subject: RE: MI-L : Speed processing issues

Hello Bill,

I do processing that takes days even on a high performance machine so I
know how you feel. Your processing time will be influenced by a number
of factors. Let's put the software ones aside for now as you were asking
about hardware.

512Mb is a "little light" these days but it depends on what your process
does. Do a Ctrl-Alt-Del and select Task Manager > Performance. You can
see here what your system is consuming memory wise. As long as you have
physical memory available and do not dip into the virtual pool, then
your current memory is fine.

Your processing will help quite a bit if there is some number crunching
going on but I would suggest that you're fine with 2.4GHz. Unless you
are running other things too, you probably would not notice much
difference with additional processors either.

My favourite area for update is disks and I'm a huge fan of SCSI drives.
They are so much faster than EIDE and will help cut through your data
very quickly. I have no experience with SATA but am told they're very
good too.

The cheapest option is to look at your code, over and over again. There
is nearly always a potential change in there which looks so small, but
over the processing iterations can chip hours out of run times. It's a
shame that MB never had an execution profiler to help with such things.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Data Directions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 December 2004 13:37
To: MapInfo List
Subject: MI-L : Speed processing issues

I am doing erase, combine and disaggregate operations on 1.3 Gb files,
and needless to say, the processing times are ridiculous ... hours and
hours .. ad infinitum!

I have implemented the idea of using the MapBasic window and choosing to
bypass transaction files by the process:

set table YourTableName fastedit on undo off

Aside from the impractical option of purchasing a Sun Sparc station,
would it help if I was to increase my RAM or even processor speed? I am
currently running on a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 with 512 Mb RAM. Or should I
maybe consider doing these operations in another product that imports
MID/MIF files?

Thanks again,


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Message number: 14638

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Message number: 14642

RE: MI-L Laptop specification

2004-12-21 Thread Tim Smith
Set a budget and then buy the best laptop you can get for your money - with a 
bias on more ram.
I got my last laptop from Dell outlet where I got £350 off the retail price!

-Original Message-
From: Alan Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 December 2004 15:03
Subject: MI-L Laptop specification

Hi list
I am going to be moving around with a new project and so need to move MI 7.0 
onto a 'new' laptop. Can anyone advise on minimum memory and graphics cards to 
run MI so I don't buy something with the wrong spec.


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Message number: 14666

MI-L Sample Australia Maps

2005-01-06 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

Does anyone know where I can download some free Australia MapInfo data?
I want something like the level of detail in OS Street View

It can be anywhere really (so long as it's urban), and I only need a
small sample (~2km radius).

I need the data to quickly test my MapX software.



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Message number: 14758

MI-L Mapping application development libraries

2005-01-14 Thread Tim Smith
Hi list,

I've been using MapX now for about a year now and we've just been told
by MapInfo that support for the product will cease, with MapXtreme 2004
being the development library of choice.

I'm interested to know of any other mapping application development
systems like MapXtreme. I'm not interested about the formats supported.
I've heard that TensingSKS have a development library, don't know much
more though.

Any ideas?



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Message number: 14840

MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Smith
Hi list,

I currently use MapX and noticed some interesting statements on the
MapBasic product page on the MI web site (see below).
Does this mean that I can create a window in my Visual C++ application
(as I do with MapX) and display maps and control them using the same
functions as MapBasic, but via OLE? How does this work?

Has anyone done what the following passage claims is possible? I'm
particularly interested in the two statements; "Control MapInfo
Professional through OLE Automation" and "Program in development
environments of your choice. If you're a C++ programmer, you can do all
of your coding in C++".

Cheers for any help!

>From http://extranet.mapinfo.com/products/Overview.cfm?productid=1063

"Integrate MapInfo Professional 

MapBasic allows you to work in the programming languages you are most
familiar with and integrates the optimal amount of mapping functionality
into applications. Another advantage to the Integrated Mapping feature
is even as MapInfo Professional is running in the background, it remains
as a hidden server to the application - allowing the end user to see
only one application interface. The Integrated Mapping feature also lets
you control MapInfo Professional through popular development tools such
as Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi and C++, giving you the ability

*Control MapInfo Professional through OLE Automation 
*Add mapping to your Visual Basic application with as little as five
lines of code 
*Create MapInfo windows inside other custom programs. For instance, you
can create a MapInfo Professional window inside your Visual Basic form.
Integrated Mapping allows you to 'reparent' MapInfo Professional windows
so they look and act like part of your Visual Basic (or other language)
interface. *If you've been wanting to add 'a little bit of mapping' to
your custom applications, this is the tool for the job 
*Program in development environments of your choice. If you're a C++
programmer, you can do all of your coding in C++ "

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Message number: 14920

RE: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Smith
I don't have mapbasic and I can't find an evaluation on the MI site.

What is the licensing situation when creating an application like this?
Does each application that is distributed require a full mapinfo

-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 January 2005 11:27
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

Hi Tim,

MapBasic includes lots of samples on how to do this (integrated
mapping). Of course these samples should have been supplied with MapInfo
itself since they do not require mapbasic.

There are also 2 mfc based samples.

Kind regards

Uffe Kousgaard

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:13 PM
Subject: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

Hi list,

I currently use MapX and noticed some interesting statements on the
MapBasic product page on the MI web site (see below). Does this mean
that I can create a window in my Visual C++ application (as I do with
MapX) and display maps and control them using the same functions as
MapBasic, but via OLE? How does this work?

Has anyone done what the following passage claims is possible? I'm
particularly interested in the two statements; "Control MapInfo
Professional through OLE Automation" and "Program in development
environments of your choice. If you're a C++ programmer, you can do all
of your coding in C++".

Cheers for any help!

>From http://extranet.mapinfo.com/products/Overview.cfm?productid=1063

"Integrate MapInfo Professional

MapBasic allows you to work in the programming languages you are most
familiar with and integrates the optimal amount of mapping functionality
into applications. Another advantage to the Integrated Mapping feature
is even as MapInfo Professional is running in the background, it remains
as a hidden server to the application - allowing the end user to see
only one application interface. The Integrated Mapping feature also lets
you control MapInfo Professional through popular development tools such
as Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi and C++, giving you the ability

*Control MapInfo Professional through OLE Automation
*Add mapping to your Visual Basic application with as little as five
lines of code *Create MapInfo windows inside other custom programs. For
instance, you can create a MapInfo Professional window inside your
Visual Basic form. Integrated Mapping allows you to 'reparent' MapInfo
Professional windows so they look and act like part of your Visual Basic
(or other language) interface. *If you've been wanting to add 'a little
bit of mapping' to your custom applications, this is the tool for the
job *Program in development environments of your choice. If you're a C++
programmer, you can do all of your coding in C++ "

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Message number: 14923

MI-L MapXtreme and C++

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Smith
So, thanks for help on the integrating MapInfo front.
Looks like we're gonna have to start using MapXtreme2004 for our future


As I have mentioned, we currently use MapX. Problem is, MapX is not
supported in two years, so we need to move to a new product.
MapXtreme2004 using VC.NET is the obvious choice, but I'm concerned
(apart from having no .NET experience) about performance and the effort
required to port our MapX system.
We happily run our MapX system on an embedded 133MHz, 32MB pentium
system with Win98. Unfortunately the hardware can't change, although we
can go to Win2K or XP. What sort of performance issues are going to
arise from running MapXtreme applications on such a dated system? Can it
run at all? Are there alternatives to MapXtreme?

Ta kindly.


-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith 
Sent: 19 January 2005 11:59
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

I don't have mapbasic and I can't find an evaluation on the MI site.

What is the licensing situation when creating an application like this?
Does each application that is distributed require a full mapinfo

-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 January 2005 11:27
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

Hi Tim,

MapBasic includes lots of samples on how to do this (integrated
mapping). Of course these samples should have been supplied with MapInfo
itself since they do not require mapbasic.

There are also 2 mfc based samples.

Kind regards

Uffe Kousgaard

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:13 PM
Subject: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

Hi list,

I currently use MapX and noticed some interesting statements on the
MapBasic product page on the MI web site (see below). Does this mean
that I can create a window in my Visual C++ application (as I do with
MapX) and display maps and control them using the same functions as
MapBasic, but via OLE? How does this work?

Has anyone done what the following passage claims is possible? I'm
particularly interested in the two statements; "Control MapInfo
Professional through OLE Automation" and "Program in development
environments of your choice. If you're a C++ programmer, you can do all
of your coding in C++".

Cheers for any help!

>From http://extranet.mapinfo.com/products/Overview.cfm?productid=1063

"Integrate MapInfo Professional

MapBasic allows you to work in the programming languages you are most
familiar with and integrates the optimal amount of mapping functionality
into applications. Another advantage to the Integrated Mapping feature
is even as MapInfo Professional is running in the background, it remains
as a hidden server to the application - allowing the end user to see
only one application interface. The Integrated Mapping feature also lets
you control MapInfo Professional through popular development tools such
as Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi and C++, giving you the ability

*Control MapInfo Professional through OLE Automation
*Add mapping to your Visual Basic application with as little as five
lines of code *Create MapInfo windows inside other custom programs. For
instance, you can create a MapInfo Professional window inside your
Visual Basic form. Integrated Mapping allows you to 'reparent' MapInfo
Professional windows so they look and act like part of your Visual Basic
(or other language) interface. *If you've been wanting to add 'a little
bit of mapping' to your custom applications, this is the tool for the
job *Program in development environments of your choice. If you're a C++
programmer, you can do all of your coding in C++ "

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Message number: 14923


RE: MI-L MapXtreme and C++

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Uffe,

We have a new system which replaces the old 133MHz system which could
run MapXtreme (1GHz, 256MB), we just want to support the old system, but
it's looking more like this is not possible.

I guess we have no choice but to move up to MapXtreme (and forget
supporting the old system), and given the amount of distribution we
need, the cost of MapInfo licenses for integrated mapping is just not

Are MapXtreme run-time licenses the same price as MapX?



-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 January 2005 12:57
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L MapXtreme and C++

Hi Tim,

Integrated mapping requires, that MapInfo is installed on the computer,
so it isn't cheaper than using mapX, but offers other possiblities.
MapInfo Runtime should also be an option.

If you are truly locked into that kind of hardware, .NET is not an
option. With 32 MB RAM I don't even think W2K or XP is an option. And
Win98 isn't supported by MS either !

Your best bet is either sticking with mapX or finding some other 3rd
party mapping component that fulfills your mapping needs. There are many
available - also quite a few that will read TAB files: Cartovcl,
tatukgis, geoobjects and possibly more. If you require editing TAB
files, it could be harder.

Kind regards

Uffe Kousgaard

- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 1:20 PM
Subject: MI-L MapXtreme and C++

So, thanks for help on the integrating MapInfo front.
Looks like we're gonna have to start using MapXtreme2004 for our future


As I have mentioned, we currently use MapX. Problem is, MapX is not
supported in two years, so we need to move to a new product.
MapXtreme2004 using VC.NET is the obvious choice, but I'm concerned
(apart from having no .NET experience) about performance and the effort
required to port our MapX system. We happily run our MapX system on an
embedded 133MHz, 32MB pentium system with Win98. Unfortunately the
hardware can't change, although we can go to Win2K or XP. What sort of
performance issues are going to arise from running MapXtreme
applications on such a dated system? Can it run at all? Are there
alternatives to MapXtreme?

Ta kindly.


-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith
Sent: 19 January 2005 11:59
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

I don't have mapbasic and I can't find an evaluation on the MI site.

What is the licensing situation when creating an application like this?
Does each application that is distributed require a full mapinfo

-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 January 2005 11:27
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

Hi Tim,

MapBasic includes lots of samples on how to do this (integrated
mapping). Of course these samples should have been supplied with MapInfo
itself since they do not require mapbasic.

There are also 2 mfc based samples.

Kind regards

Uffe Kousgaard

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:13 PM
Subject: MI-L Integrating MapInfo Pro

Hi list,

I currently use MapX and noticed some interesting statements on the
MapBasic product page on the MI web site (see below). Does this mean
that I can create a window in my Visual C++ application (as I do with
MapX) and display maps and control them using the same functions as
MapBasic, but via OLE? How does this work?

Has anyone done what the following passage claims is possible? I'm
particularly interested in the two statements; "Control MapInfo
Professional through OLE Automation" and "Program in development
environments of your choice. If you're a C++ programmer, you can do all
of your coding in C++".

Cheers for any help!

>From http://extranet.mapinfo.com/products/Overview.cfm?productid=1063

"Integrate MapInfo Professional

MapBasic allows you to work in the programming languages you are most
familiar with and integrates the optimal amount of mapping functionality
into applications. Another advantage to the Integrated Mapping feature
is even as MapInfo Professional is running in the background, it remains
as a hidden server to the application - allowing the end user to see
only one application interface. The Integrated Mapping feature also lets
you control MapInfo Professional through popular development tools such
as Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi and C++, giving you the ability

*Control MapInfo Professional through OLE Automation
*Add mapping to your Visual Basic application with as little as five
lines of code *Create MapInfo windows inside other custom programs. For
instance, you can create a MapInfo Professional window inside your
Visual Basic form. Int

MI-L Video streaming

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Smith
Wow - I'm on a question marathon today!

Is it possible to to video and/or audio streaming in MapBasic or


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Message number: 14929

MI-L Registered rater map limit

2005-01-20 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

Thanks for your help with my questions over the last few days.
But; another question :)

What is the limit of the amount of raster map 'tiles' that I can
register and then merge into a seamless table?

I have 1,240,000 raster map tiles and have written a tool to register
these automatically, so I have 1,240,000 tab files (haven't got a tool
for creating a seamless layer from these yet).

I can load these map tiles into the current mapper about 500 at a time
(bug in MapInfo means that if you  attempt to simultaneously load many
more than this it just ignores you). I have successfully loaded about
2000 raster tab files in this way and have created a seamless layer.

What are the implications if I loaded 1 million tiles? Can mapinfo's
database handle this?
If I could automate the creation of the seamless layer table, i.e. not
attempt to load them into MapInfo, could I use them in a MapX
application (hoping that it is intelligent enough not to try and load
the entire huge seamless table into memory).

Hmmm. I must be md!



Ps. I can't combine the tiles into larger ones to reduce the amount; a
concurrent system uses the same raster data and requires them to be
split into these 1 million tiles.

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Message number: 14952

MI-L GIS SDK Comparison Chart

2005-02-02 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

Does anyone know where I can find a side-by-side feature comparison
chart of the various GIS SDKs?

By SDKs I mean MapX, MapXtreme, MapObjects, TatukGIS, EasyMap, WinGIS.

The sort of features I mean are map format support, map manipulation
functions, programming languages supported, best-suited application
domain etc.

Thanks and kind regards


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Message number: 15099

RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS

2005-02-16 Thread Tim Smith

You can use the native MapBasic for MapInfo. Or you could go down the
MapXtreme/MapX route which allows you to create stand-alone GIS
applications using C++, Microsoft .NET (C++ and Visual Basic) or Java
for web-client/server type applications.
If you need to distribute your application to people who don't have
MapInfo licenses then you'll prolly need to use MapXtreme or MapX as the
run-time license is a lot cheaper than MapInfo.

As far as other GIS software development kits go, I'm pretty much a

Hope his helps.


-Original Message-
Sent: 16 February 2005 12:22
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L Programming language for GIS


I've been using MapInfo for a little while now, and have found it very 
useful.  However, I think I could probably get more from it if I knew
to write programmes to get it to do exactly what I want.  The problem
is, I 
have no knowledge of computer programming.  So, I think I will try to
a bit more about this.

What I would like to know is which computer programming language would
the most useful for MapInfo, and also for GIS in general?

Thanks for any info,

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Message number: 15256

RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS

2005-02-16 Thread Tim Smith
Perhaps consideration of cost is imporant. Investing the time and
training in learning C#/C++, purchasing .NET software/development tools
and then paying for run-time MapXtreme licenses may rule it out. It is
certainly a very big decision, and one we are still making - we're even
evaluating non-MapInfo SDKs which have royalty-free development

-Original Message-
From: Jakob Lanstorp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 February 2005 16:37
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS

If you want to be serious go for C#.NET instead of VB.NET. There is
(almost) no difference in what you can do with the two languages. But
all the long haired guys that comes from C++ and Java to .NET will go
for C#. They produce a lot of code samples, articles etc. that are very
nice for beginners and also experienced developers. If you have done a
lot of MapBasic you probably will find VB.NET more home like there than
C#. The company where I work has decided to go for C# in both GIS and
non GIS development. 
If it was Friday the issue on what development language to use could
give rise to a lot of nasty mails.
Mvh. | Regards

Jakob Lanstorp
Software developer
Geographical Information & IT

Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S
Tel   +45 63 11 49 00
Direct   +45 63 11 48 62
Fax  +45 63 11 49 49

Sent: Wed 2/16/2005 17:03
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, 16 February 2005 8:22 PM
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L Programming language for GIS


I've been using MapInfo for a little while now, and have found it very
useful.  However, I think I could probably get more from it if I knew
how to write programmes to get it to do exactly what I want.  The
problem is, I have no knowledge of computer programming.  So, I think I
will try to learn a bit more about this.

What I would like to know is which computer programming language would
be the most useful for MapInfo, and also for GIS in general?

Thanks for any info,

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Message number: 15267

RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS

2005-02-16 Thread Tim Smith
Hear, hear!

-Original Message-
From: Gilbert, Antoine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 February 2005 16:38
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS

For someone who never programmed, starting with C# is kinda like wanting
a punch in the face in my own opinion.

-Original Message-
From: Jakob Lanstorp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: February 16, 2005 11:37 AM
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS

If you want to be serious go for C#.NET instead of VB.NET. There is
(almost) no difference in what you can do with the two languages. But
all the long haired guys that comes from C++ and Java to .NET will go
for C#. They produce a lot of code samples, articles etc. that are very
nice for beginners and also experienced developers. If you have done a
lot of MapBasic you probably will find VB.NET more home like there than
C#. The company where I work has decided to go for C# in both GIS and
non GIS development. 
If it was Friday the issue on what development language to use could
give rise to a lot of nasty mails.
Mvh. | Regards

Jakob Lanstorp
Software developer
Geographical Information & IT

Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S
Tel   +45 63 11 49 00
Direct   +45 63 11 48 62
Fax  +45 63 11 49 49

Sent: Wed 2/16/2005 17:03
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L Programming language for GIS


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, 16 February 2005 8:22 PM
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L Programming language for GIS


I've been using MapInfo for a little while now, and have found it very
useful.  However, I think I could probably get more from it if I knew
how to write programmes to get it to do exactly what I want.  The
problem is, I have no knowledge of computer programming.  So, I think I
will try to learn a bit more about this.

What I would like to know is which computer programming language would
be the most useful for MapInfo, and also for GIS in general?

Thanks for any info,

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Message number: 15268

RE: MI-L Coordinate Systems

2005-04-04 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

Does anyone know if it is possible to use 'map&guide' professional v10
maps with MapInfo?




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Message number: 15922

MI-L Map&Guide maps

2005-04-04 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

Does anyone know if it is possible to use 'map&guide' professional v10
maps with MapInfo?




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Message number: 15923

RE: MI-L MapX-L ??

2005-04-27 Thread Tim Smith
Get a MapInfo site pass and use their forum - lots of MapX stuff.

-Original Message-
From: Greg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 April 2005 03:35
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L MapX-L ??


Can anyone tell me if there is a list for MapX like the excellent
MapInfo-L group?


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Message number: 16258

MI-L Street directions

2005-06-22 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

I am using Navteq streets and want to show the direction of roads that
are one-way. At present, if I select the 'show line direction' *all*
roads have a blue direction arrow, so I have had to chop my roads layer
into two layers; one with one-way roads and one with normal roads, and
only set the line direction option on the one-way layer. Is there any
way I could create a new layer that contains only one-way symbols? The
layers have to be loaded into a MapX geoset, but I don't think that
would change matters.

A quickie... is there any way I can have a line style that allows me to
specify both the colour of the line, and the colour of the line 'edges'?

I apologise if the answer is obvious, but I'm a beginner at manipulating
maps in mapinfo.

Kind regards


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Message number: 16881

FW: MI-L Street directions

2005-06-22 Thread Tim Smith

Thanks for your reply Carolyn,

I've managed to split the roads into two layers, but what I'm ideally
trying to do is create a layer of one-way symbols/features rather than
split the road layer into two. In this way I was hoping to be able to
create my own one-way indicator appearance. The default 'line direction'
arrow is blue and too big, I want to display one-way roads with a red
arrow that's smaller. This is probably tricky to do.

I've got the line editor tool, but I can't seem to get it to create the
line I'd like. I want a yellow line that's four pixels wide with
one-pixel wide grey sides.

Kind regards


-Original Message-
From: Carolyn Bergin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 June 2005 09:29
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Street directions

Hi Tim,

Ive never used Navteq so im not sure of the dataset and what it
contains, but is there some kind of attribute that separates one way
roads to normal roads.  This will allow you to select all your one way
roads using Query --> SQL Select, where column X = "one way attribute"
and save a copy of your selection into a new layer.  

With regards to the line style, there is a tool called Line Syle Editor
that allows you to create your own line styles, ive never used it to
create complex line styles but it could do what you want.  Ive searched
the web site for a copy but cant find one.

I hope ive understood you and this helps



-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 3:59 PM
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L Street directions

Hi List,

I am using Navteq streets and want to show the direction of roads that
are one-way. At present, if I select the 'show line direction' *all*
roads have a blue direction arrow, so I have had to chop my roads layer
into two layers; one with one-way roads and one with normal roads, and
only set the line direction option on the one-way layer. Is there any
way I could create a new layer that contains only one-way symbols? The
layers have to be loaded into a MapX geoset, but I don't think that
would change matters.

A quickie... is there any way I can have a line style that allows me to
specify both the colour of the line, and the colour of the line 'edges'?

I apologise if the answer is obvious, but I'm a beginner at manipulating
maps in mapinfo.

Kind regards


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Message number: 16884

RE: MI-L Street directions

2005-06-22 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Mark,

Is there a way to create a one-way direction indicator from this 'To'
and 'From' info in MapInfo? I extracted these records using a query and
set the 'Show line direction' option, but the arrows go in the wrong
direction - I guess it doesn't get the line direction from the
'Direction_of_Travel' field.

Is there a tool that creates a layer of one-way indicators from a
Navstreets data? I don't have mapbasic, so can't write a tool to do it.

I've also been trying to find the Navteq table specification on the web
with no joy.



-Original Message-
From: Prestwood, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 June 2005 12:14
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Street directions

Hi Tim,

In the NavTeq street data you will find an attribute called either
DIR_TRAVEL or DIR OF TRAVEL depending on the data you are using. 

The attribute will have any of the following three entries:

B = Both
T = To
F = From

The T and the F values indicate one way links. You should be able to use
this to display the T and F links differently to the B direction links
either on the same layer or in a query to separate them out.

Hope this helps.

Mark Prestwood.

 -Original Message-
From:   Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   22 June 2005 11:15
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject:FW: MI-L Street directions

Thanks for your reply Carolyn,

I've managed to split the roads into two layers, but what I'm ideally
trying to do is create a layer of one-way symbols/features rather than
split the road layer into two. In this way I was hoping to be able to
create my own one-way indicator appearance. The default 'line direction'
arrow is blue and too big, I want to display one-way roads with a red
arrow that's smaller. This is probably tricky to do.

I've got the line editor tool, but I can't seem to get it to create the
line I'd like. I want a yellow line that's four pixels wide with
one-pixel wide grey sides.

Kind regards


-----Original Message-
From: Carolyn Bergin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 June 2005 09:29
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L Street directions

Hi Tim,

Ive never used Navteq so im not sure of the dataset and what it
contains, but is there some kind of attribute that separates one way
roads to normal roads.  This will allow you to select all your one way
roads using Query --> SQL Select, where column X = "one way attribute"
and save a copy of your selection into a new layer.  

With regards to the line style, there is a tool called Line Syle Editor
that allows you to create your own line styles, ive never used it to
create complex line styles but it could do what you want.  Ive searched
the web site for a copy but cant find one.

I hope ive understood you and this helps



-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 3:59 PM
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L Street directions

Hi List,

I am using Navteq streets and want to show the direction of roads that
are one-way. At present, if I select the 'show line direction' *all*
roads have a blue direction arrow, so I have had to chop my roads layer
into two layers; one with one-way roads and one with normal roads, and
only set the line direction option on the one-way layer. Is there any
way I could create a new layer that contains only one-way symbols? The
layers have to be loaded into a MapX geoset, but I don't think that
would change matters.

A quickie... is there any way I can have a line style that allows me to
specify both the colour of the line, and the colour of the line 'edges'?

I apologise if the answer is obvious, but I'm a beginner at manipulating
maps in mapinfo.

Kind regards


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RE: MI-L Street directions

2005-06-23 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Dave,

I have everything working more-or-less.
The Direction_of_Travel field has three possible values; 'B'oth
directions, 'T'o and 'F'rom.
I have three tables for roads now; one with all roads, one with just the
'To' roads and one with just the 'From' roads.
I have set the line style of the 'To' and 'From' layers as left and
right chevrons respectively, and they overlay the full road layer. In
this way I can specify the colour of the one-way chevrons without
affecting the colour of the underlying road.

Funnily enough, I just managed to get the road colour effect I desired,
and it's the same method as you have suggested!
I have a solid grey road that is 6-pixels wide with a 4-pixel wide copy
on top which is coloured yellow. This gives the 1-pixel wide edge I

Next problem: how to show bridges?! I'll have to interrogate the roads

Thanks for your help.



-Original Message-----
From: Dave Greene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 June 2005 12:31
To: Tim Smith
Cc: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L Street directions

> Is there a way to create a one-way direction
>  indicator from this 'To' and 'From' info in
>  I extracted these records using a query and set the
>  'Show line direction' option, but the arrows go in
>  the wrong direction - I guess it doesn't get the
>  line direction from the 'Direction_of_Travel'

Right, MIPro won't know what that column means -- it
just shows you the order of the lines' nodes as
they're stored internally in the .MAP file.  But I
would think _one_ of the two query tables ('To' or
'From') would have the arrows in the right
direction... (?)

You should be able to set up the line style you want
by adding each query table separately to your map, and
applying a Style Override to it ('Display' button in
Layer Control).  If the arrow-to-the-right line style
gives you the wrong direction, apply the
arrow-to-the-left style instead.  (And there's a
double-ended arrow style you can use for 'Both'.)

If you want to avoid all the querying, you might try
setting up an individual-value line-style thematic on
the Direction_of_Travel column, and altering the
individual styles as described above.

> A quickie... is there any way I can have a line
>  style that allows me to specify both the colour of
>  the line, and the colour of the line 'edges'?

Unless I'm forgetting something, line styles only ever
have one color attribute that you can change in MIPro
-- so you can have any second color you want as long
as it's grey...  Except you might be able to pull some
clever tricks with the Line Style Editor; I forget
what the limitations are exactly.

It sounds as if your best bet might be to add each
query table to the map _twice_, and apply a wider line
style (with your 'edge' color) to the lower layer in
each pair.  With the right combination of widths I
think you can get the two-color effect you're


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Message number: 16904

RE: MI-L What is Ordnance Survey?

2005-06-27 Thread Tim Smith
Here's some history...


Particularly interesting for me as I live next to the OS in Southampton.



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Message number: 16952

RE: MI-L off topic: London

2005-07-07 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Eric,

Unfortunately London is no stranger to terrorist attacks.
Emergency services were well prepared.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Gagnon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 July 2005 12:24
To: Mapinfo List
Subject: MI-L off topic: London

Hope you guys in London are doing ok.

Thoughts and prayers go out to you  and your people

Eric Gagnon


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Message number: 17041

MI-L Default .tab color

2005-08-23 Thread Tim Smith

Where is the default color of a tab stored?
e.g. when I load the ocean.tab (supplied on the MapX 5.0 install CD)
file into MapInfo, it is blue.
I've looked at the .tab file in a text editor and can't see any color

So is it stored in the .map .dat .id ?

Cheers for any help


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Message number: 17595

RE: MI-L sporting and town symbol fonts

2005-08-31 Thread Tim Smith
Try this


-Original Message-
From: Robert Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 31 August 2005 04:23
To: MapInfo List
Subject: MI-L sporting and town symbol fonts


I am doing a local map of our village and would like to use some point  
symbols for a couple of sporting facilities (soccer, surfing, tennis)
for schools, restaurants and shopping centres.

I used to have some good fonts from an old corel draw 3 program, but
is long uninstalled.  Can anyone direct me to a reasonable source of
types of symbols fonts?  I have gotten a few from dafont.com which have
pretty good selection, but not quite right for mapping.



Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

P: 02 6680 1309
F: 02 6680 5214
M: 0419 718 642
W: www.agtrix.com
W: www.wotzhere.com
skype: robertcrossley

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Message number: 17678

RE: MI-L sporting and town symbol fonts

2005-08-31 Thread Tim Smith


-Original Message-
From: Robert Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 31 August 2005 04:23
To: MapInfo List
Subject: MI-L sporting and town symbol fonts


I am doing a local map of our village and would like to use some point  
symbols for a couple of sporting facilities (soccer, surfing, tennis)
for schools, restaurants and shopping centres.

I used to have some good fonts from an old corel draw 3 program, but
is long uninstalled.  Can anyone direct me to a reasonable source of
types of symbols fonts?  I have gotten a few from dafont.com which have
pretty good selection, but not quite right for mapping.



Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

P: 02 6680 1309
F: 02 6680 5214
M: 0419 718 642
W: www.agtrix.com
W: www.wotzhere.com
skype: robertcrossley

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Message number: 17679

RE: MI-L save window & print resolution

2005-09-01 Thread Tim Smith
MapInfo doesn't support 16-colour RLE (run-length encoded) bitmaps (BMP). 
256-colour RLE bitmaps work fine.
I've got approx. 1-million map tiles that are in this format - that's gonna 
take a whole lotta processing

-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 September 2005 18:33
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L save window & print resolution

MapInfo 8.0 supports both GIF and TIFF-CMYK as output formats. I'm not sure 
how to achieve EPS, but perhaps some of the PDF printer drivers can.


- Original Message - 
Cc: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 6:40 PM
Subject: MI-L Réf. : Re: MI-L Réf. : MI-L save window & print resolution

Thanks for putting things more clearly than I did.. BTW, GIF isn't always 
lossless. It can do nasty things to your colors if you chose a low number of 
colors (less than there are in your maps).  But  it compress very well
if you have few colors.   Sometimes I export large Tiffs and convert them
to GIF in Photoshop. Anyway, you can't export directly from MIP, as was 
requested by the person who asked the question.

Also to be more precise :  png or tif is the way to go if you have to stay in 
raster mode. But if you have much details and fine lines in your maps, the 
vector format is always much better. It's really a pitty that MapInfo doesn't 
allow exportation in eps mode.. I wonder why it is so ?  because MIP don't want 
to be a fee to Adobe, or whoever invented that postscript
format ?   or may be it is because that would imply the translation from
rgb values in cmyk values and the implementation of a lot of new code ? who 
knows..  any way, it's a pain to be left with only the wmf format, because in 
the press world they don't like window things.. MIP should also implement CMYK 
palettes. With RGB printing to real world press print is a nightmare.

Christiane Roh

"Uffe Kousgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01.09.2005 18:20

Pour :  "Mapinfo-L" 
Objet : Re: MI-L Réf. : MI-L save window & print resolution

Hi Christiane,

Please let me add a few comments on your raster formats. There are 3 kinds

of bitmap formats:

Uncompressed: TIF, BMP, PSD
Compressed, loss-less: PNG, TIF, GIF
Compressed, with loss: JPG

Main comment is PNG is not a compromise between size and quality, since quality 
is as good as in the uncompressed formats. Secondly: TIF exists both in 
compressed and uncompressed versions (both loss-less). That is called "TIFF 
LZW" in MapInfo.

But I agree, when you say PNG is the way to go :-)


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: MI-L Réf. : MI-L save window & print resolution


I encountered the same kind of problems one year ago while we prepared our 
atlas for print. When you chose to export your windows, there are several types 
of format which you can chose.

a) Raster format export your maps as if they were photographs. That could 
create huge files depending on your resolution and map dimension. Nowaday 
printers takes up to 1200dpi if they are good printers. But 600 dpi shold be 
good enough.. With raster format, things could go wrong in different ways; one 
important thing lies with PageMaker too : are you sure that you have chosen the 
right options in dealing with the picture ?  Sometimes it can compress pictures 
which isn't a good idea. There are two kinds of raster formats : the 
uncompressed ones : *.tif, *.bmp, *.psd;  the first is the most frequently 
used; the second is a Microsoft format and the last is a Photoshop format. Of 
the three, the tif format is probably the most frequently used. Among the 
compressed files format, you have the *.jpg and the *.png.  The frequently 
encountered jpg format, is a compressed format which creates bad artifacts with 
limits and could blurr your maps; it's made for photographic images, not for 
charts or maps which should keep clean borders. The *png format is also 
compressed but of better quality. It's the way to go if you want a good 
compromise between size and quality. If space isn't a criteria, then the Tif 
format is better. As far as compressed format goes, it would be better to have 
*.Gif format rather than *.jpg. The former is able to keep clean borders, while 
the other isn't.

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RE: MI-L Louisiana

2005-09-02 Thread Tim Smith
Apologies for sounding dumb, but what is 'Federal GIST within ROSS'?
I'm from the UK, so never heard of it.

-Original Message-
From: George Johnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 September 2005 19:26
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L Louisiana

Mr. VanDruten,

I have waited to comment on your note, below, until I
could comment in civil terms and make any points in a
civil and ordered manner.

Two individuals have asked what they could do to
assist in a continuing natural disaster, in effect you
told them not to bother, that the federal government
would handle it and that their platform of choice was
not of any use anyway.   Perhaps you missed the
lessons in grade school, for want of a horseshoe the
kingdom was lost .I say to anyone who wants to
see if they can help, you GO!   Do your best and see
how you can help.   I would like to assist if there is
any way to do so also.

Mr VanDruten, you do not know how they can assist, of
if whatever job they do will come up with a way to
save several or hundreds of lives, nesessity is the
mother of invention.   I congratulate you on being a
certified as a Federal GIST within ROSS, it is
certainly an accomplishment.   When it comes to being
in the right place at the right time and being able to
assist someone in need, it doesn't mean squat.

These two gentelmen can do whatever analysis they come
up with and can hand over their work to FEMA or
whoever else takes over so there will be something to
start with.   I know there are protocols and standards
to observe, but helping out in an emergency means you
do what you can with what you have where you are at.

Perhaps we might look at this differently, how can we
as a MapInfo community support the recovery effort.  
Can we work as a group on projects where there is no
coverage, but a need?   Is there something we can lend
our talents to that might make a difference to the
folks who have been so hard hit?   We are a community
who have professional talents that we can employ to
help those who have lost most, if not all, of what
they have.

Let us not let wet blankets like Mr. VanDruten dampen
our instincts to assist where we can to help others.  
Let's see what we can do.   I'm contacting MSNBC to
see what small town there are that need help and don't
have any resources.   It's a long shot, but it's


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello List,
> Just some FYI information.  Although there may be a
> need right now, this
> type of info is probably being handled on the
> Federal Gov't end by the
> Incident Management Teams that are down their to
> provide relief.  I myself
> am a federal GIST, recognized within the resource
> ordering system as one.
> You would have to be a GIST within ROSS and be made "available" to 
> help. Even if you have years of experience, you can't just
> me made a GIST because
> there are protocols for data collection, naming
> conventions, etc. that are
> taught to GIST's.  There was a huge need for GIS in
> the Columbia Space
> Shuttle response but I am not sure how much out of
> house personnel was
> used.  That incident was managed in the same way the
> Katrina response is
> now.  Also be aware that the federal standard for
> these type incidents is
> ArcGIS.
> I am not saying that there no chance your services
> might or can be used,
> just making the point of what is probably going on.
> On a side note, my wife is down there with a federal
> response team and they
> have no need for GIS services on their team at this
> time.
> Brian Van Druten
> (Embedded image moved to file: pic00491.jpg)
>  "Bagwell, Ross"
>  alaccess.net>  
>"Eric Gagnon"
>  08/31/2005 09:44 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Mapinfo
>  AMList"
>   Subject 
> Louisiana  

MI-L Exporting a bitmap for processing

2005-09-09 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

An interesting one...

I want to use some mapinfo maps in our mapping display engine. Our
engine only supports raster maps, so I thought I'd export my mapinfo
vector map as a bitmap. Just a couple of problems with this:
Our engine needs the map to be projected as WGS84 UTM and the bitmap
must be the same meters-per-pixel vertically & horizontally.
I have changed the projection ok, but now I need to be able to export
the map at a given meters-per-pixel and also know the exact easting and
northing of the bottom left pixel. The exported image will be huge - at
a far greater resolution to the screen, so the meters-per-pixel
resolution will be different.

I'm sure this is possible - perhaps there's a tool to do this better
than Mapinfo's built-in exporter.

Cheers for any help with this!


-Original Message-
Sent: 09 September 2005 09:47
To: MapInfo List
Subject: RE: MI-L MapInfo Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Assistance

Unfortunately, it seems - from this article by an Associated Press
writer - that some ideology has crept into disaster relief. 

Maybe it's 100% wrong, though ...

Ian Thomas
GeoSciSoft - Perth, Australia

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Message number: 17802

RE: MI-L OFF TOPIC: What's the best GIS

2005-09-21 Thread Tim Smith
Bob Ross rules!

I *have* to use MapInfo because it has MapX - which I use to draw many
real-time features that update many times a second.
Arc gis's objects just couldn't compete performance wise - in fact the
rendering engine I use with MapX is rougly 1000x faster than the method
I can use that would integrate it with ArcGIS's developer objects.
That's the reason I use MapInfo.

* Rubbish

* Ok

-Original Message-
From: Milo van der Linden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 September 2005 13:53
To: 'MapInfo-L (E-mail)'
Subject: MI-L OFF TOPIC: What's the best GIS

Ha ha! 

I liked Peter's response, since I am developing applications that
fullfill business need in any field given I would say that

Any GIS on the Market today is:
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good
*   Almost good

Because no GIS tackles the entire Human wishlist non-GIS customers
manage to imagine! Sometimes I even wish Bob Ross was still here to
paint all the maps that customers require

Enjoy the Friday!

Milo van der Linden 
AVD-ICT GIS Consultant
*   Hoogbloklandseweg 24
*   4205 NE  Gorinchem
Tel. +31 183 50 81 50
Fax. +31 183 50 81 60
Mob. +31 629 54 06 96

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Message number: 17958

[Mapinfo-l] Map rendering engines

2005-11-16 Thread Tim Smith
Hello list!

I was wondering if anyone knows of any good map rendering engines (like
MapX) that can display MapInfo maps?
I want to be able to embed the renderer in my Windows application, and
ideally it should have a C/C++ api and allow features to be drawn on the

Any ideas?


Mapinfo-l mailing list

[MI-L] Transparency

2005-11-28 Thread Tim Smith

Is there any way to make (raster or vector) map layers semi-transparent?
If so, would this work in MapX?

Kind regards


MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] Transparency

2005-11-28 Thread Tim Smith

Thanks for your reply.

I was thinking of raster formats which have an 'alpha' channel. This can
be used to allow a certain amount of the underlying layer show through
(like in Photoshop).

I tried the using the layer-control, but the 'Style Override' box is
disabled - I guess this is because I have a seamless raster layer?


-Original Message-
From: OSullivan. Jerry (IT Solutions) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 November 2005 10:42
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: [MI-L] Transparency


What do mean by semi-transparent? Can you achieve the functionality with

You can make a raster layer transparent in MapInfo
1.  Choose Map > Layer Control. The Layer Control dialog box
2.  Press the Display button. The Display Options dialog box
3.  Check the Style Override box
4.  Click the transparent checkbox and choose your colour
5.  Click OK.

To specify a transparent fill pattern for vector:
1.  Make the layer where the objects reside editable (Map > Layer
2.  Choose Options > Region Style. The Region Style dialog box
3.  Check the Background box to provide a background colour for a
fill pattern. Clear the box when you only want to see the pattern.

As for MapX, it should transfer over fine. Check out this link if you
are having problems

Kind Regards 

Jerry O'Sullivan

Jerry O'Sullivan
GIS Consultant
ESBI Computing Ltd
Stephen Court | 18-21 St. Stephen's Green | Dublin 2 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim
Sent: 28 November 2005 10:25
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: [MI-L] Transparency


Is there any way to make (raster or vector) map layers semi-transparent?
If so, would this work in MapX?

Kind regards


MapInfo-L mailing list

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MI-L Distance & Bearing Calculation

2004-04-07 Thread Tim Smith
How do I use MapInfo to calculate the distance and bearing between two
points using the WGS-84 projection?

I don't know much about MapInfo (having just purchased it). I'm due to
go on a training course, so hopefully I won't be asking such simple
questions in the future.

Thanks in advance for any help.

All literature contained within this message and/or attached, is the
opinion of myself and does not reflect the opinion of the company.

Tim Smith
Software Engineer

Micromill Electronics Limited
Leydene House
Waterberry Drive

Tel: +44 (0) 23 92 366600
Fax: +44 (0) 23 92 364 068
Sales Fax: +44 (0) 23 92 366673


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Message number: 11305

RE: MI-L Distance & Bearing Calculation

2004-04-14 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Stefan,

What I need is a certified piece of software that can calculate the distance and 
bearing. It doesn't necessarily need to be MapInfo (or implemented in). I have found 
various on-line converters but I'm not sure which ones are reliable.

I am surprised MapInfo does not include GIS calculation tools for bearing and distance 
calculations - or have I just missed something?

I downloaded Sean Reese's application, but I need to be able to manually enter the 
lon/lat for each point.

Do you think this calculator would be a good choice?



-Original Message-
From: Stefan Majtan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 April 2004 12:38
To: Tim Smith; MI-list
Subject: Re: MI-L Distance & Bearing Calculation

Dear Tim,

You can try this:

1. Go to directionsmag (http://www.directionsmag.com/files/) and in search 
section write bearing. Sean Reese wrote application which you need. 2. or if you need 
ONLY distance, you can find SQL statement for it in 
older mails on this list.
3. or if you have a huge number of the points, you can download CalcDist 
PRO (from http://www.terris.sk) which will do the job instead you.

Hope this help you.

Regards Stefan Majtan

GIS Applications Development
Grid Analyser - raster GIS for native MapInfo grid

Pod záhradkami 24
909 01 Skalica

On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 12:23:40 +0100, Tim Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do I use MapInfo to calculate the distance and bearing between two 
> points using the WGS-84 projection?
> I don't know much about MapInfo (having just purchased it). I'm due to 
> go on a training course, so hopefully I won't be asking such simple 
> questions in the future.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> All literature contained within this message and/or attached, is the 
> opinion of myself and does not reflect the opinion of the company.
> Tim Smith
> Software Engineer
> Micromill Electronics Limited
> Leydene House
> Waterberry Drive
> Waterlooville
> Hants
> PO7 7XX
> Tel: +44 (0) 23 92 366600
> Fax: +44 (0) 23 92 364 068
> Sales Fax: +44 (0) 23 92 366673
> Registered No. 1456922 (England).
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Message number: 11384

MI-L Multimap URL construction

2004-04-23 Thread Tim Smith

I bit of a strange one.

Does anyone know how to format the Multimap (www.multimap.com) URL to
give directions between two lat/lon points via a series of other lat/lon

Here's Multimap's page for entering a directions-finding request:


I'm writing a web application that ends up with a list of lat/lon
positions and I need to display the route between them. I know multimap
has the facility to do this as I've seen other applications in the past
that do it. I'm just not sure what format of the URL should be.

Thanks for any help!


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Message number: 11500

MI-L Anti-aliasing

2004-05-27 Thread Tim Smith

How can I get anti-aliased roads on my maps?

I'm using a low-resolution LCD screen and the line edges are very

Kind regards


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Tim Smith
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Message number: 11921

FW: MI-L Anti-aliasing

2004-05-27 Thread Tim Smith

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith 
Sent: 27 May 2004 14:37
To: 'B. Thoen'
Subject: RE: MI-L Anti-aliasing

We use maps at the moment that are raster renderings of vector maps.
They come from TensingSKS and they have their own mapping software that
does this.

I'm surprised that a market leading product such as mapinfo doesn't have
this feature. Perhaps there's a plug-in for mapinfo that does this.

-Original Message-
From: B. Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 May 2004 14:08
To: Tim Smith
Subject: Re: MI-L Anti-aliasing

On Thu, 27 May 2004, Tim Smith wrote:

> How can I get anti-aliased roads on my maps?
> I'm using a low-resolution LCD screen and the line edges are very
> 'jagged'.

You can't do that with MapInfo. This surprises me too. You'd think that 
after so many years MapInfo would have added a feature such as this that

so dramatically improves the appearances of a map. 

I wrote a simple MapInfo to SVG translator that shows that when you
display a map via SVG, the anti-aliasing really improves a map's graphic
quality. If you want to try SVG, you can download the translator from

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 11927

RE: MI-L Irish Grid Coordinate System

2004-06-01 Thread Tim Smith
Try Irish Transverse Mercator Grid.

-Original Message-
From: Markus Lindner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 June 2004 08:52
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L Irish Grid Coordinate System

Hello List,
i have data from the irish ordenance survey, and i 
want visualize it in Mapinfo Professional.
Does anybody know, which projection i should use ?
The Coordinates are like that:
Thanx in advance

Markus Lindner CISS TDI GmbH
Tel. +49 2642 97 80 0  Barbarossastraße 36
Fax. +49 2642 97 80 10 53489 Sinzig, Germany
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.ciss.de/
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MI-L Setting the Datum

2004-06-01 Thread Tim Smith
Does anyone know what the datum value is for WGS84 when setting the
datum in MapX with the CoordSys.Set method?
The projection type is the first parameter and is defined in the mapx.h
file as miLongLat. The problem is that the
datums are not defined, you just pass a 'short' integer.
The mapx help only goes as far as to say...
"A Datum object or a supported datum number (such as 62 for the "NAD 27"
datum for the Continental US)."
Thanks for any help

RE: MI-L Setting the Datum

2004-06-01 Thread Tim Smith
I'm also having problems using CoordSys.Set and omitting parameters.

In VB you can just set the projection i.e.
objCoordSys.Set 12

But in C++ MapX requires ALL of the parameters to be filled. So I have
to know all
Of the following parameters for WGS84 ...

OBJECT.Set (Type, [Datum], [Units], [OriginLongitude], [OriginLatitude],

 [StandardParallelOne], [StandardParallelTwo], [Azimuth], [ScaleFactor],

 [FalseEasting], [FalseNorthing], [Range], [Bounds], [AffineTransform] )

Has anyone used this function in MapX and C++?

Kind regards


-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith 
Sent: 01 June 2004 11:17
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L Setting the Datum

Does anyone know what the datum value is for WGS84 when setting the
datum in MapX with the CoordSys.Set method?
The projection type is the first parameter and is defined in the mapx.h
file as miLongLat. The problem is that the datums are not defined, you
just pass a 'short' integer.
The mapx help only goes as far as to say...
"A Datum object or a supported datum number (such as 62 for the "NAD 27"
datum for the Continental US)."
Thanks for any help

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Message number: 11981

MI-L Static feature size

2004-06-14 Thread Tim Smith

I'm trying to add a circle feature to a layer using MapInfo's MapX.
I want the circle's radius to be relative to the screen, i.e. it doesn't
resize when zooming in or out. I want it's position to be relative to
the map (WGS-84).

Does anyone know what styles to apply when creating such a feature?

This is the code that I have at present...

CMapXFeatureFactory featureFactory = GetFeatureFactory();
circle = featureFactory.CreateCircularRegion(miCircleTypeScreen,
 0.1, //100m
 16); //16 segments to

CMapXStyle style;
style = circle.GetStyle();

// Add circle feature to the layer.

Kind regards


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Tim Smith
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Message number: 12182

MI-L Dynamically updating map features

2004-06-14 Thread Tim Smith

Is it possible to update a MapX 'UserDrawLayer' without updating the
underlying map?

I rapidly change what is drawn to the user-draw layer. This means that
the entire map is redrawn even if I am only changing a small amount of
the user-draw layer.

Possibly the problem is that I don't know how to get the 
'MAPX_DISPID_DRAWUSERLAYER' message to be invoked without calling
'Refresh()' on the entire map.

This is a tricky one!

Kind regards


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Tim Smith
Software Engineer

Micromill Electronics Limited
Leydene House
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Message number: 12190

MI-L MapX features

2004-06-16 Thread Tim Smith
Hello MI-L gurus!

Has anyone used the 'CMapXFeature::SetKeyValue()' method in MapX?

Does anyone know if it works?

I'm interested to know if anyone on MI-L uses MapX. Is there a
forum/mailing-list just for MapX?

Kind regards


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Message number: 12217

RE: MI-L MapX features

2004-06-16 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks for your reply Katrin,

If I set my feature's key with feature.SetKeyValue(), I don't get the
same key if I do feature.GetFeatureKey().
Perhaps I have not setup my layer properly. Do you have to create your
layer in a special way to allow you to change the feature key?

Can you set your feature to have any key string? I guess you have to be
careful not to set the key the same as an existing feature.

Thanks for any help.


-Original Message-
From: Katrin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 June 2004 14:51
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L MapX features

Hi, Tim!

I used this method in MapX. It works perfectly - helps to easily change
values for one column in the layer, in column, specified in keyfield
layer property. Yes, it works

I do use MapX in my applications and MapX forum you can find on the cite

But I'm not sure whether it would help you greatly. Some simple
questions you can solve there, but in order to solve interesting
questions - it's better to come here. There are some people, that helped
me with MapX greatly. MapX forum in mapinfo.com  - it's rather way of
discussing problems with MapInfo techsupport



Hello MI-L gurus!

Has anyone used the 'CMapXFeature::SetKeyValue()' method in MapX?

Does anyone know if it works?

I'm interested to know if anyone on MI-L uses MapX. Is there a
forum/mailing-list just for MapX?

Kind regards


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Message number: 12217

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Message number: 12226

MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-06-29 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

I have a latitude and longitude in WGS-84.
I want to calculate a new point based on a bearing and distance from
this position.

Difficult bit -
I want to calculate this using MapX, or alternatively I could use some
C/C++ code.

Thanks for any help with this

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12388

MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-06-29 Thread Tim Smith

Hi List,

I have a latitude and longitude in WGS-84.
I want to calculate a new point based on a bearing and distance from
this position.

Difficult bit -
I want to calculate this using MapX, or alternatively I could use some
C/C++ code.

Thanks for any help with this

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12390

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-06-29 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks for people who have helped so far with this,

I want to draw a line in MapX between two points. The function in MapX
to do this takes two WGS-84 lat/long points.
I don't have two lat/long points. I have one lat/long, an angle in
degrees and a length in meters.
I need to calculate the second lat/long (unless there is a MapX function
that can draw a line - given a position, angle and distance).

A C++ algorithm to do it would be fine. I can't believe MapX doesn't
support such a calculation.


-Original Message-
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 15:42
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Is your problem what algorithm to create to do this or how to do it Mapx
or code it in C++?  IOW do you not know how to go about it?


-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 12:42
Subject: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Hi List,

I have a latitude and longitude in WGS-84.
I want to calculate a new point based on a bearing and distance from
this position.

Difficult bit -
I want to calculate this using MapX, or alternatively I could use some
C/C++ code.

Thanks for any help with this

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12395

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Uffe,

I will try this.
I'll post up how I got on when I do the work.

Kind regards


-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 16:18
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Look here: http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#LL and remember to
read the top notes about using radians.

Kind regards

Uffe Kousgaard

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A C++ algorithm to do it would be fine. I can't believe MapX doesn't
support such a calculation.


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Message number: 12427

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Terry.

I'm not 100% sure, but with this approach I'd need my easting/northing
to be in the same units as the distance.
Is this correct?

My lat/long is WGS84 and my distance is in meters.

Kind regards

Tim Smith

-Original Message-
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 16:27
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing


I don't know MapX and would need repriming on C, and I'm not sure if
there is a ready-made function to do this, but I would use trig to do

 !  w   target
n!   /
 !b / L
 ! /
 !/ 90-b
-o-! W
 Start point

You have bearing, angle b, and distance, length L
Sin( b) = Opp/Hyp

So Sin( b) = w / L
So w = Sin( b) * L, giving you your distance West

Tan( b) = Opp/Adj

So Tan( b) = w / n
So n = Tan( b) * w, giving you your distance North

This works for bearings of < 90 deg so will need to be rethought for >
180, > 270 etc. but I'm sure you get the drift.  As to whether MapX has
functions to get the lat/long, given the distances N and W, I don't
know, but I hope this helps


-----Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 15:56
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Thanks for people who have helped so far with this,

I want to draw a line in MapX between two points. The function in MapX
to do this takes two WGS-84 lat/long points. I don't have two lat/long
points. I have one lat/long, an angle in degrees and a length in meters.
I need to calculate the second lat/long (unless there is a MapX function
that can draw a line - given a position, angle and distance).

A C++ algorithm to do it would be fine. I can't believe MapX doesn't
support such a calculation.


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Message number: 12428

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith
Hi Lars,

Thanks for your reply.

I may use some of your ideas to help me solve this.
My application is in C++ using MapX, so I have to use the functions
available in MapX. The calculation has to be done in code and quickly.

I was thinking I could use your idea of converting the point to a meter
grid point and then applying trig to get the second point and then
converting the new point back to WGS84.

The trig part is ok.

I now need to know how to convert between WGS84 lat/long and a meter
system - probably UTM.

Does anyone know how this is done?



-Original Message-
From: Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 16:45
To: Tim Smith
Subject: Re: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Hi Tim,

If you don't want to go all out on formula gymnatics, I may have an idea
for you.

By using the coordinate support in MapInfo to my advantage, I've
implemented adding meter offsets to GPS positions this way :

1. Set the coordsys to LatLong/WGS84, and obtain the coordinates of the
point (user click in my case) 2. Switch the coordsys to a meters based
stereographic projection with the lat/long point as center, i.e. as
(0,0) 3. Create a new point feature using simple 2D geometry, e.g. 300
meters east, 200 meters south, i.e. in stereographic position
4. Switch back to LatLong/WGS84, and retrieve the coordinate of the
created point feature 5. Voila, you've had MapInfo calculate a flat
offset to a geographic position.

It was implemented in Pro/MapBasic, which is far better at this this
MapX. But even in MapX you can manipulate the coordinate system setting
to your advantage, and you can create point features on the fly, so it
ought to be possible even in MapX to use the above method.

And yes, it's an approximate method that deteriorates with distance, but
for smaller offsets it should be perfectly ok to use.

Good luck.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 1:42 PM
Subject: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Hi List,

I have a latitude and longitude in WGS-84.
I want to calculate a new point based on a bearing and distance from
this position.

Difficult bit -
I want to calculate this using MapX, or alternatively I could use some
C/C++ code.

Thanks for any help with this

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12429

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith
Hi Erik,

This is fine. But I need to know how to convert from WGS84 lat-long into
a meter grid so I can do the trig.


-Original Message-
From: Nielsen, Erik R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 15:59
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

X2= x1 + L * sin(ang)
Y2 = Y1+ L* cos(ang)

Or switch sin or Cos if it doesn't look right, don't test with 45 degree
angle, test with zero or 90. Best regards Erik

-Original Message-----
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 15:56
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Thanks for people who have helped so far with this,

I want to draw a line in MapX between two points. The function in MapX
to do this takes two WGS-84 lat/long points. I don't have two lat/long
points. I have one lat/long, an angle in degrees and a length in meters.
I need to calculate the second lat/long (unless there is a MapX function
that can draw a line - given a position, angle and distance).

A C++ algorithm to do it would be fine. I can't believe MapX doesn't
support such a calculation.


-Original Message-
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 15:42
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Is your problem what algorithm to create to do this or how to do it Mapx
or code it in C++?  IOW do you not know how to go about it?


-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 12:42
Subject: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Hi List,

I have a latitude and longitude in WGS-84.
I want to calculate a new point based on a bearing and distance from
this position.

Difficult bit -
I want to calculate this using MapX, or alternatively I could use some
C/C++ code.

Thanks for any help with this

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12395

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Message number: 12430

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith

Thanks for your reply.

I am also working over small spaces (< 100km area), so I could use
normal trig as you mention. But I must first convert the lat/long to a
meter grid because my distance is in meters. This is because X2= x1 + L
* sin(ang) will mean nothing if x1 is in decimal degrees and L is in

Kind regards


-Original Message-
From: Nielsen, Erik R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 July 2004 09:43
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

I've been following this with interest. I don't know MapX that well and
I'm normally working with smaller areas, that can be assumed euklidean
spaces (even if in lat-long). I liked Uffe's link, and those
calculations should work fine. Sorry not to be of more help. 

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 July 2004 09:36
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Hi Erik,

This is fine. But I need to know how to convert from WGS84 lat-long into
a meter grid so I can do the trig.


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X2= x1 + L * sin(ang)
Y2 = Y1+ L* cos(ang)

Or switch sin or Cos if it doesn't look right, don't test with 45 degree
angle, test with zero or 90. Best regards Erik

-----Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 15:56
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Thanks for people who have helped so far with this,

I want to draw a line in MapX between two points. The function in MapX
to do this takes two WGS-84 lat/long points. I don't have two lat/long
points. I have one lat/long, an angle in degrees and a length in meters.
I need to calculate the second lat/long (unless there is a MapX function
that can draw a line - given a position, angle and distance).

A C++ algorithm to do it would be fine. I can't believe MapX doesn't
support such a calculation.


-Original Message-
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 15:42
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Is your problem what algorithm to create to do this or how to do it Mapx
or code it in C++?  IOW do you not know how to go about it?


-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2004 12:42
Subject: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Hi List,

I have a latitude and longitude in WGS-84.
I want to calculate a new point based on a bearing and distance from
this position.

Difficult bit -
I want to calculate this using MapX, or alternatively I could use some
C/C++ code.

Thanks for any help with this

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 12431

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith

The further the distance, the less accurate it needs to be.
So +/- 1 degree is probably the best way to represent the accuracy I
e.g. roughly +/- 1.7km @ 100km and 1.7m @ 100m etc.



-Original Message-
Sent: 02 July 2004 10:15
To: Tim Smith; 'Nielsen, Erik R'
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

What sort of accuracy do you need? You talk about less than 100km
distances, but is accuracy to +/- 20m or to +/- 1m what you can

Ian Thomas
GeoSciSoft - Perth, Australia

> -Original Message-----
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 2 July 2004 4:57 PM
> To: Nielsen, Erik R
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Erik,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I am also working over small spaces (< 100km area), so I could use 
> normal trig as you mention. But I must first convert the lat/long to a

> meter grid because my distance is in meters. This is because X2= x1 + 
> L
> * sin(ang) will mean nothing if x1 is in decimal degrees and L is in
> meters.
> Kind regards
> Tim
> -Original Message-
> From: Nielsen, Erik R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 02 July 2004 09:43
> To: Tim Smith
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Tim,
> I've been following this with interest. I don't know MapX that well 
> and I'm normally working with smaller areas, that can be assumed 
> euklidean spaces (even if in lat-long). I liked Uffe's link, and those

> calculations should work fine. Sorry not to be of more help. Cheers
> Erik
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 02 July 2004 09:36
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Hi Erik,
> This is fine. But I need to know how to convert from WGS84 lat-long 
> into a meter grid so I can do the trig.
> Tim
> This email and any attached files are confidential and copyright 
> protected. If you are not the addressee, any dissemination of this 
> communication is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise expressly 
> agreed in writing, nothing stated in this communication shall be 
> legally binding.
> __
> This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. 
> For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email 
> ______
> X2= x1 + L * sin(ang)
> Y2 = Y1+ L* cos(ang)
> Or switch sin or Cos if it doesn't look right, don't test with 45 
> degree angle, test with zero or 90. Best regards Erik
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 29 June 2004 15:56
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Hi,
> Thanks for people who have helped so far with this,
> I want to draw a line in MapX between two points. The function in MapX

> to do this takes two WGS-84 lat/long points. I don't have two lat/long

> points. I have one lat/long, an angle in degrees and a length in 
> meters. I need to calculate the second lat/long (unless there is a 
> MapX function that can draw a line - given a position, angle and 
> distance).
> A C++ algorithm to do it would be fine. I can't believe MapX doesn't 
> support such a calculation.
> Tim
> -Original Message-----
> From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 29 June 2004 15:42
> To: Tim Smith
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Is your problem what algorithm to create to do this or how to do it 
> Mapx or code it in C++?  IOW do you not know how to go about it?
> Terry
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 29 June 2004 12:42
> Subject: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Hi List,
> I have a latitude and longitude in WGS-84.
> I want to calculate a new point based on a bearing and distance from 
> this position.
> Difficult bit -
> I want to calculate this using MapX, or alternatively I could use some

> C/C++ code.
> Thanks for any help with this
> Kind regards
> Tim Smith
> --

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith
Hi Erik,

I understand what you're saying. I still need to be able to convert from
my lat/long to meters before I can use the trig.

My latitude is 50.9051 degrees and longitude is -1.0649 degrees. My
angle is 45 degrees and my distance is 500m.

If I use the trig as it stands I would get a target of.
Latitude X2 = 50.9051 + 500 * sin(45) = 404.46

This is incorrect.

What I need to do is convert my lat/long into a meter grid - lets say
I now have 636056 easting and 5641055 northing

Now the trig works

X2 = 5641055 + 500 * sin(45) = 5641409

Now convert back to degrees.


What I need to be able to do is convert from my position in degrees to a
meter system.



-Original Message-
From: Nielsen, Erik R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 July 2004 11:21
To: Tim Smith
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

Here's an idea.
Can you just create a line of any odd length but pointing in the right
( that's my X2= x1 + L * sin(ang) which as you point out isn't making a
lot of sense (but use Deg_2_RAD conversion and it will)) Now get the
length MeterL of this object in meters (that should be possible even
with MapX) Now you wil have a L to meter conversion in the part of the
globe where you are (L/MeterL) You can now create a new line with the
right L and the right Direction.)

Is this an idea you can use?
Best regards

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 July 2004 10:48
To: SCISOFT; Nielsen, Erik R
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing


The further the distance, the less accurate it needs to be.
So +/- 1 degree is probably the best way to represent the accuracy I
need. e.g. roughly +/- 1.7km @ 100km and 1.7m @ 100m etc.



-Original Message-
Sent: 02 July 2004 10:15
To: Tim Smith; 'Nielsen, Erik R'
Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

What sort of accuracy do you need? You talk about less than 100km
distances, but is accuracy to +/- 20m or to +/- 1m what you can

Ian Thomas
GeoSciSoft - Perth, Australia

> -----Original Message-
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 2 July 2004 4:57 PM
> To: Nielsen, Erik R
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Erik,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I am also working over small spaces (< 100km area), so I could use 
> normal trig as you mention. But I must first convert the lat/long to a

> meter grid because my distance is in meters. This is because X2= x1 + 
> L
> * sin(ang) will mean nothing if x1 is in decimal degrees and L is in 
> meters.
> Kind regards
> Tim
> -Original Message-
> From: Nielsen, Erik R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 02 July 2004 09:43
> To: Tim Smith
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Tim,
> I've been following this with interest. I don't know MapX that well 
> and I'm normally working with smaller areas, that can be assumed 
> euklidean spaces (even if in lat-long). I liked Uffe's link, and those

> calculations should work fine. Sorry not to be of more help. Cheers
> Erik
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 02 July 2004 09:36
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Hi Erik,
> This is fine. But I need to know how to convert from WGS84 lat-long 
> into a meter grid so I can do the trig.
> Tim
> This email and any attached files are confidential and copyright 
> protected. If you are not the addressee, any dissemination of this 
> communication is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise expressly 
> agreed in writing, nothing stated in this communication shall be 
> legally binding.
> __
> This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. 
> For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email 
> __________
> X2= x1 + L * sin(ang)
> Y2 = Y1+ L* cos(ang)
> Or switch sin or Cos if it doesn't look right, don't test with 45 
> degree angle, test with zero or 90. Best regards Erik
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 29 June 2004 15:56
> Subject: RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing
> Hi,
> Thanks for people who have helped so far with this,
> I want to draw a line in MapX betw

RE: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

2004-07-02 Thread Tim Smith
Thanks Uffe,

The example was a great help.
I will probably use the way you mention, although I did find another way
to do it, but which only works over small areas.

lat = latitude of first point
long = longitude of firat point
angle = angle in degrees or radians
dist = distance to go from lat/long in meters

lat1 = lat + (dist * sin(angle) / 94.6123
long1 = long + (length * cos(angle)) / (94.6123 * cos((lat + lat1) /

It seems to work

Either way looks good.



-Original Message-
From: Uffe Kousgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 July 2004 14:09
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L New lat/long from distance/bearing

From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What I need to be able to do is convert from my position in degrees to a
meter system. 

If you want to do that, you will find the formulas here
(http://www.gpsy.com/gpsinfo/geotoutm/), but it is much more complicated
than doing the calculations, I suggested:

lat1 = 50.9051 degrees = 50.9051 / 180 * pi radians = 0.88846 radians
lon1 = -1.0649 degrees = -0.018586 radians tc = 45 degrees = 0.785398
radians d = 500m = 500 m / 6378130 m = 0.78392 radians

IF (cos(lat)=0)
  lon=lon1  // endpoint a pole

I get these values as result:
lat = 50.908275919285
lon = -1.06993680690127

Now I entered these 2 points into a TAB file and measured the distance
and get 500 meter as expected.

Kind regards

Uffe Kousgaard

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Message number: 12436

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Message number: 12437

RE: [MI-L] 3D Map Window

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Smith
Hi Nola,

Just a hack, but...
You could press the 'Print Screen' key on your keyboard, paste the image
into Photoshop(etc.), crop and print.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Strawbridge Nola
Sent: 09 December 2005 00:48
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: [MI-L] 3D Map Window

I'm using MI v7.5
Have created a beautiful 3DMap with my raster layer (Satellite image)
draper over the DEM. Unfortunately what I can see on my screen won't
convert to either a layout window or PDF.  I have tried Save Window As-
jpg, tiff & bmp still no success. No matter what I try I cannot get the
raster layer to print with the 3D map all I get is the DEM. 
The Raster layer seems to be invisible to the Layout window also. The
PDF ignores it as well. Please help with any suggestions if you have had
success creating a PDF or a print from a 3Dmap window which has a Raster
image draped over the DEM. Cheers, Nola

Nola Strawbridge
GIS Support Officer
City Works & Services
Cairns City Council
Tel: 4044 3219
Fax: 4044 3838

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[MI-L] Change projection

2005-12-14 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,
How can I save my map which uses British National Grid projection to use
WGS84 lat/long?
I have some third-party software which doesn't like OSGB mapinfo maps.
Cheers for help
MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] Change projection

2005-12-14 Thread Tim Smith
Doh, worked it out - was a case of RTFM.
Sorry to bother everyone.
(Save-As & then choose projection)

-Original Message-
From: Tim Smith 
Sent: 14 December 2005 12:06
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: [MI-L] Change projection

Hi List,
How can I save my map which uses British National Grid
projection to use WGS84 lat/long?
I have some third-party software which doesn't like OSGB mapinfo
Cheers for help

MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] [Spam] MapXtreme Question

2005-12-22 Thread Tim Smith
I'm currently working on a C++ .NET MapXtreme 2004 project. I would also like 
to know of any applications out there that use MapXtreme (2004).

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Juan José Del 
Toro Madrueño
Sent: 22 December 2005 01:26
To: Mapinfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: [MI-L] [Spam] MapXtreme Question

Hello List!!!


Does anyone know or operate an application with MapXtreme?



¡Saludos! / Greetings!
Juan José Del Toro Madrueño
Guadalajara, Jalisco MEXICO
Skype jdeltoro1973
N 20° 40' 33.95"
W 103° 26' 39.47"




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[MI-L] MapXtreme 2004 and ActiveX

2006-01-10 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

Is anyone using MapXtreme 2004 in an unmanaged-code environment?
Does anyone know if this is possible?

I have an old MapX application and I'm trying to replace it with
MapXtreme2004 without having to re-write the application in .NET

I know it is possible to 'wrap' most .NET controls as an ActiveX
control, but for some reason the MapXtreme 2004 MapControl does not like
being treated like this (it won't initialise).

Any ideas?



MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapXtreme 2004 and ActiveX

2006-01-10 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

Is anyone using MapXtreme 2004 in an unmanaged-code environment? Does
anyone know if this is possible?

I have an old MapX application and I'm trying to replace it with
MapXtreme2004 without having to re-write the application in .NET

I know it is possible to 'wrap' most .NET controls as an ActiveX
control, but for some reason the MapXtreme 2004 MapControl does not like
being treated like this (it won't initialise).

Any ideas?



MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] ConvertCoord in MapXtreme

2006-01-11 Thread Tim Smith
Hi List,

In MapXtreme2004, is there a method for converting a point from map
coordinates (lat/lon) to screen coords (in pixels), like the
'ConvertCoord' function in MapX?



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MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapXtreme2004 methods

2006-01-13 Thread Tim Smith

Does anyone know the MapXtreme equivalent of these two MapX methods.

This method sets the distance units used - like Nautical-Mile/Kilometers
I have found the enum MapInfo.Geometry.DistanceUnit, but don't know how
to set the units 

This returns the width of the map window in units specified by the
SetMapUnit() method



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