MI-L MapBasic

2004-02-07 Thread bluegrassrules

Are there any good books or training classes on how to learn MapBasic?


Harold Bigham
Walton Co. Fl

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Message number: 10314

MI-L MapBasic

2004-06-17 Thread Cowper, Brian
I was tweaking the code sent to me by Lars V. Nielsen for saving TFW with associated 
Map window images, changing the world file format from tfw to jgw, when I realized I 
don't have the ability to save as mbx files. I take it I need to purchase the MapBasic 
compiler to create mbx files?

As someone who has created Lisp and VBA programs in AutoCAD I find it surprising that 
this capability does not come with MapInfo as standard!


Brian Cowper

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Message number: 12261

MI-L Mapbasic

2004-08-10 Thread Jeff Card
I have a question regarding automating a couple steps of a project I am working on 
using Mapbasic.   I have a familiarity with MB and a little programming knowledge.  
Here is what I am trying to do:  I have a table of grids where I am creating an image 
for each grid.  What I have been doing is selecting each cell sequentially in the 
browser window and using Query>Find Selection to display it in the map window.  Then I 
use the layout window and do a File>Save Window As.  I guess my question is how would 
I perform the Query>Find Selection function in Mapbasic? 

Jeff Card
Cencor Realty Services
3102 Maple Ave Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 75201

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Message number: 12908

[MI-L] MapBasic

2006-06-27 Thread Matthew Dolan

Hi all:


I was wondering if there is a site or book, etc..  that
introduces users to MapBasic functionality and commands.  I am a heavy user of
MapInfo 6.5, but have no programming background.  I am thinking that using the
MB control would open up a whole new world to me and take my skills to another


Two main issues I have currently:  1)Labels getting
scrambled when I refresh a database.  

transparent polygons.


Thanks and I hope this makes sense to the experts out


Director of Market
Analytics & GIS
Colliers Arnold 
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MapInfo-L mailing list

MI-L MapBasic

2002-02-22 Thread fosode

Disculpen Colegas:

Yo comienzo con el MapInfo y deseo conocer mas acerca de Map basic =
alguno de ustedes me puede dar informaci=F3n sobre como programar en =

Do you know about a manual for "mapbasic" with examples o some place in =
the Internet , I want to learn about it.

Christiam Aguilar

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MI-L MapBasic

2002-12-03 Thread Michel Van Asten
Probably stupid but,

I need to dynamically build SQL statement in MapBasic. I have tryed
something like this :

Select s_tblLevelNames(i) from Matrice into RegionIds

If I do that I got a table with always the same value... the name of my
column !!!

If I replace this statement with a SELECT * the problem is to determine
dynamicaly the location of my column

Any help is welcomed.


Michel Van Asten
Projections SPRL

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Message number: 4383

MI-L Mapbasic

2000-12-14 Thread gavin m

I am a uni student who needs to do some mapbasic programing and would like 
to purchase a copy of mapbasic maybe 5.0 or 5.5 to reduce costs. I'm from 
Sydney Australia, please email me if you have an old version to sell.

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MI-L mapbasic

2001-04-05 Thread tony davidson

hello fellow list members

I would like to add my voice to the recent and ongoing complaints from
Mapinfo users re the fact that Mapbasic is supplied as a separate
package. It should be bundled with Mapinfo. When will Mapinfo do the
right thing by its clients and see to this MAJOR limitation to an
otherwise  good product ? Its failure to do so will only result in ESRI
gaining greater PC GIS market share.

I would also like to see Mapinfo return to providing GIS for the Mac
platform. The  Mac OS X is a unix variation and Mapinfo could keep both
unix AND Mac users (a significant % of the market, going by recent OS X
sales figures) happy with a single product !! Alternatives to Windows
are worth supporting.

Tony Davidson

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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

MI-L mapbasic

2000-11-10 Thread Antoine Gilbert, KOREM

i have finnaly find how to open a send mail window 
with the default browser..
api function needed :

Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal 
hwnd As Integer, 
ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile
As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, 
ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Integer) As Integer
open mail window : 
whatever = ShellExecute("", "Open", mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=CrazySubject, 
"", "", "") 
that work fine on win2000 with my outlook express program...
but, im not able to specify some attachement in the "mailto" syntax... if 
anyone have an idea..

MI-L MapBasic

2004-12-06 Thread Rakesh Rao


I have obtained a licensed copy of MapInfo 7 from our client for development 
use but 
Mapbasic is not part of it. I understand this is something that needs to be 
separately. Fair enough. This is also being arranged by our client but it is 
likely to take some 
time to comlete the formalities. In the meanwhile, is there any way how I can 
obtain it for 
short time trial use, so as to use my time productively while waiting for it to 


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Message number: 14377

MI-L MapBasic Menu

2003-11-18 Thread Chris D Kaveney/Homebuilders/DRHorton
 I am hoping someone can point me in a direction here. I have a series of
MapBasic programs (1 for each map) that I would like to make into a menu
system so you could choose which maps to look at or print. While the
individual programs are working just fine, the menu program has gotten the
best of me.

Oh, one other little neat feature, I need to be able to print to different
printers across the network (US wide only at this point). I havent gotten
that or the ability to print to PDF's to work properly. The PDF's are
looking for user intervention, and I havent quite figured out how to get
the macros in for that.

  Any assistance would be great. This is using MapInfo and MapBasic 7.5

Thankx in Advance
Chris Kaveney

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Message number: 9202

MI-L MapBasic Question

2004-01-28 Thread Marty Sprenz
How come the MapBasic 7.0 program I'm working with will only create an
MBO and not an MBX?  What's an MBO?


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Message number: 10120

MI-L MapBasic OnError

2004-01-28 Thread Medsker, Michael
Hoping someone can help me with a MapBasic question. I'm trying to use Fetch
to get Objects using Rec # from a table which contains deleted records.
Don't want to Pack first. I want to be able to note which row/record #s were
marked for deletion. Below is a test that I played with to see if I could
get MapBasic to print the rec number every time it hits a deleted record and
then print the total number of rows at the end. It doesn't work. The problem
seems to be that Resume try's to invoke every time the loop starts instead
of just when a deleted record is found. I get a "Found Resume while not
process an error, application halted" message. Note that I have moved the
error_dim_main: out of the loop but the Resume Next doesn't work after the
error, which is understandable because I jumped out of the loop.

Nrows_m is the row counter
Dim_line is the table

nrows_m = 0
Do While Not EOT(dim_line) 
nrows_m = nrows_m + 1 
OnError GoTO error_dim_main
Fetch Rec nrows_m From dim_line
Print nrows_m
Resume Next

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Message number: 10137

MI-L mapbasic Question

2004-02-09 Thread Landmark Geographic Solutions
Hey Listers,

How can I add the function to my script of selecting a set of records with a
sql statement and then deleting these records. Can it be done?



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Message number: 10347

MI-L Mapbasic question

2004-02-10 Thread Landmark Geographic Solutions
thanks for the reply on the delete selection set in a script!

Have another question, In a script can I search a field for "-" and replace
it with " " without using the search and replace tool, I can get mapbasic to
search for "-", just don't know how to replace it.


Trevor Robar
GIS Coordinator
Bay Of Funday Marine Resource Centre
Phone/Fax: 1 902 765 6002

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Message number: 10361

MI-L MapBasic initiation

2004-03-31 Thread "François T.-Goulet"

I have done programmation before, but never with MapBasic. Does anyone 
knows a book or a web site that can help me? I have found something on the 
site of the École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques, but without the 
course explanation ...


François T.-Goulet
University of Quebec at Montreal
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Message number: 11201

MI-L Mapbasic query

2004-04-02 Thread Andrew Tracey
Please help

I would like to automate the changing of styles for point object symbols to represent 
a predefined style.

I have over 100 different themes within one table and plan to change each one based on 
an identifying ID number. 

It must be automated, as the process will be rerun each month.

I have read mapbasic extensively   in particular   Alter object, set style MakeSymbol, 
CurrentSymbol() but have failed to provide a suitable solution.

The following code is very close and is supplied as a mapbasic example:

Dim symbolSave As Symbol Dim sSymbolAttr As String Dim sCmd As String 'store the 
current style so we can restore it latersymbolSave = CurrentSymbol() 'set a new 
"current symbol style" sSymbolAttr = "(35,65280,22)"sCmd = "Set Style Symbol 
MakeSymbol" + sSymbolAttrRun Command sCmd' use an Update statement to create a new 
Point for ' every row in the Selection table.  Each new Point' will use the new 
"current symbol style" Update "Selection"Set obj = 
CreatePoint(CentroidX(obj),CentroidY(obj))Close Table Selection ' restore the original 
"current symbol style" Set Style Symbol symbolSave

 This works for the mapinfo 3.0 compatible, with the set style command using 
makesymbol, however I am unable to adapt the code to allow the makefontsymbol clause 
to allow the use of the other symbol fonts including Wingdings, real estate etc.

I would be grateful if anybody could adapt the above code to include the rest of the 
symbol options.


Andrew Tracey
Information Support Officer
Corporate Information
Corporate Growth and Focus
Corporate Development
South Tyneside Council
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL

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Message number: 11242

MI-L MapBasic Question

2004-04-30 Thread Sam J

I have a simple mabasic code that would add a new item under "Tools" menu to 
run a function inside a dll. I packaged the .mbx and the dll in an 
installation file. Once I install the package. I have now the mbx and dll 
installed. But when I double click on the short cut or start the program 
from start->Program files-> ..), I have a double menu item instead on just 
one menu item under "Tools". (not Ok).

If however I double click on the .mbx directly, i have just one menu item. 

I checked the short cut to the program and it's pointing correctly to the 

Is there any way to fix this problem (double menu item)  or i guess double 
execution ?

I'm using MapInfo 6.5


Sam Jhonson

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Message number: 11608

MI-L MapBasic Differences

2004-06-25 Thread Greg Gainey

I am currently using Mapbasic v6.5 and have heard of newer versions v7.0
and v7.5. Can anyone tell me the differences between the three versions
and whether it is worthwhile upgrading to the newer versions? 

v6.5 does what I need at the moment but if the others offer more
functionality I would be interested discovering what it is.


P.S. I know .Net is coming but I will deal with that when it arrives.

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Message number: 12368

RE: MI-L Mapbasic

2004-08-10 Thread Pieter Ouwerkerk

I think that the easiest way would be to add the selection as a layer to
the current mapper and zoom to that layer. This would result in
something like this:

Add Map Layer MyTemporaryTable
Set Map Zoom Entire Layer MyTemporaryTable

'... Put your code for creating the image here

Close Table MyTemporaryTable

I always select items into a temporary table with the NoSelect option to
avoid crashes or stops when the max number of temporary tables is
reached. If you select into "Selection" the temporary table Query*
sometimes remains open after closing the selection.

Hope this helps

Kind Regards,
Pieter Ouwerkerk

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Jeff Card [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Verzonden: dinsdag 10 augustus 2004 16:30
Onderwerp: MI-L Mapbasic

I have a question regarding automating a couple steps of a project I am
working on using Mapbasic.   I have a familiarity with MB and a little
programming knowledge.  Here is what I am trying to do:  I have a table
of grids where I am creating an image for each grid.  What I have been
doing is selecting each cell sequentially in the browser window and
using Query>Find Selection to display it in the map window.  Then I use
the layout window and do a File>Save Window As.  I guess my question is
how would I perform the Query>Find Selection function in Mapbasic? 

Jeff Card
Cencor Realty Services
3102 Maple Ave Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 75201

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Message number: 12910

[MI-L] Mapbasic applications

2006-05-24 Thread Possberg, Hendrik
I'm looking for information regarding the creation of applications for
external users. 
I developed extensive applications for internal use, myself but I think
that I'll have to consider specifics for the external use.
Can anyone give useful tips on that subject?

Is the book "Mapbasic Developer guide" of 1997 worthwhile? Or is it too
old? At least that's what I think!

Thanks in advance

Hendrik Possberg

MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] MapBasic

2006-06-27 Thread Peter Horsbøll Møller

If you have a "newer" version of MapInfo Pro, you can on the installation 
cd find a folder called PDF_DOCS.
In this folder there is a copy of a number of usefull manuals. 

You can here find as well the MapInfo User Guide as well as the MapBasic 
User Guide and MapBasic Reference Guide
Horsbøll Møller GIS Developer, MTM 
Geographical Information & IT   COWI A/S Odensevej 95 DK-5260 
Odense S. Denmark   Tel +45 6311 4900 Direct  +45 6311 4908 Mob +45 5156 1045 Fax +45 6311 4949 E-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.cowi.dk/gis 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew 
DolanSent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:13 PMTo: 
mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.comSubject: [MI-L] 

Hi all:
I was wondering if there is a site 
or book, etc..  that introduces users to MapBasic functionality and 
commands.  I am a heavy user of MapInfo 6.5, but have no programming 
background.  I am thinking that using the MB control would open up a whole 
new world to me and take my skills to another 
Two main issues I have 
currently:  1)Labels getting scrambled when I refresh a database.  

transparent polygons.
Thanks and I hope this makes sense 
to the experts out there.  
DolanDirector of Market 
Analytics & GISColliers 
Arnold 4350 West Cypress St,  Suite 
Tampa, FL 33607-4175
Colliers Arnold - Tampa 
/ Clearwater / Orlando / Ft. Myers
Colliers International 
- 241 offices in 54 countries on six 
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MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapBasic Question

2006-08-01 Thread Tom Halbrook

Hi Listers:


Being a MapBasic Neophyte, I have what will probably be a
dumb question. But here goes any way.


I manually select a record from table A, append it to table
B, delete the selected record from table A and then save both tables.


To automate steps I have built a button pad and associated
program to append the selected record to table B, then commit both tables. But
I can’t seem 

to find the right statement to delete the record from table
A. I know it’s simple but I’m at my wits end.


Any Help?


Thanks, Tom H





MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapBasic Question

2006-08-01 Thread Comparri, Erin @ Tempe

From  Table_A  Where Rowid =  
work. Good Luck!
Erin Comparri 
| Mapping SpecialistCB Richard Ellis | 
Mapping Center1620 Fountainhead Pkwy, 
Suite 610 | Tempe, AZ 85282MC 877 580 4674 | F 480 929 6400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.cbre.com | 
MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] Mapbasic Licence

2006-08-19 Thread Aurchem Exploration - Rob Schneider


I am thinking about buying Mapbasic (currently running MI8.0 and Encom 
Discover 8) but there is no trial and I have not programmed since 
Fortran, Pascal days (ie. only procedural programming, no object 
oriented experience). Does anyone out there have an old version they 
would like to sell so I can give it a whirl before dumping big bucks 
into something I can't do.

Please reply off list.

MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapBasic Programs

2006-09-04 Thread James Stott



I am trying to work out if it is possible to write a
MapBasic program that allows you to be able to select things from mapper /
browser windows while the program is running, like you can do with the image
registration tool.


Does anyone know if this is possible? Whenever I write
a MapBasic program you can never select from outside the programs dialog window.






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MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapBasic: Reproject

2006-10-20 Thread Jacques Paris

I found only one message dated 2005 framing the
problem and no answer to it: Does the Reproject MapBasic statement work, and if
so how to make it work?


I tried several setups with my 7.00 and a co-lister with
his 7.8.  to no avail. Is it a bug or some unexplained trick?


Jacques Paris

MapInfo-L mailing list

MI-L: MapBasic Question

2002-02-01 Thread ALICIA COX

I am going through a student workbook to learn mapbasic.  I have found the section on 
adding buttons to current ButtonPads, I have attempted this but it is not showing up 
on that ButtonPad (attempting to add an open workspace button onto the auto-opening 
Tool ButtonPad).  It says that it is compiling right but when I open Mapinfo It is not 
there.  Am I (or the workbook?) missing a paragraph somewhere, explaining that part of 
it?  Or some other reason.  (The only think I can so far think of I can not fix _ We 
can not write to the drive that Mapinfo is on)
Thank you in advance.

Alicia Kaye Cox
535 W. Jefferson, 3rd Floor
Phone: 217 / 524 - 5987
Fax:  217 / 557 - 0515

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MI-L Mapbasic - Samples

2002-04-02 Thread Charet, Luke

I find it easy writing Mapbasic with the help of code that has already been
created. Is there a library of code available anywhere that I can access
which has basic function titles and samples of the function in use.
Thankx in advance.

Luke Charet 
GIS Project Officer [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Ph: 02 9782 1837
Fax: 029782 1150 
Address : Level 18, 477 Pitt St, Sydney

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MI-L MapBasic Book

2002-05-03 Thread Alberto Cuevas


I'm interesting to buy a MapBasic Book...

I found "Developer's Guide Mapbasic" but its last edition was 1997...
I'll like something more recient.

Please let me know where there are Bibliography About MapBasic.


Alberto Cuevas
Mexicali, Mexico

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MI-L MapBasic Questions

2002-06-14 Thread Morrier, Steve

Hi Again,

Does anyone know why if I put the following line in my code nothing happens,
but if I change Wordpad to Notepad is works perfectly!?!?

If OpenTxt Then
  Run Program "Wordpad " + SelFile

Also is there any way to count the number of characters in a field, but only
count consecutive characters where there is no space? I am using;

Len(Name) >20

But this counts the total number of characters including spaces, I would
like to stop counting once a space is encountered. I am trying to make sure
that no name is greater than 20 characters, unless it is a double barrel



MI-L MapBasic DEF

2002-07-31 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (PTB)

hiya all,
don't know if this is against any particular copyright thing or just not
good manners, but would i be able to request a copy of this MAPBASIC.DEF
my department won't get MapBasic for me, so all my custom and integrated
mapping stuff is done by trial and error, mostly through looking at the
examples on this list.  However i keep coming up against things like
"TableInfo(TableName, TAB_INFO_NROWS)". it's only through trial and lots of
error that I find that TAB_INFO_NROWS just means "8".  it's really
frustrating seeing all these great helpy things and not being able to really
use them easily.
so if anyone could help it'd be much appreciated.

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Message number: 2300

MI-L Mapbasic functions

2002-08-09 Thread Jeff Card

Does anyone know of a Mapbasic function that will copy the value of a variable into 
the Clipboard (Windows 2000)?

Jeff Card
Research/GIS Analyst
The Weitzman Group

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Message number: 2446

MI-L MapBasic tool

2002-08-13 Thread Frank MacEachern

I'm looking for a tool/code that will enable me to map the flow of goods between 
multiple locations.  For example, widgets produces in one city and shipped to 30 other 
cities shown as a red line(s)/arrow(s).   The colour representing the type of widget 
(product) the thickness of the line representing volume and the course of the 
appoximating the shipping route.  

I seem to recall an application similar to that being discussed on MapInfo-L several 
years ago.

Frank MacEachern

MI-L MapBasic Documentation

2002-08-28 Thread Luis Baptista

Hi all,
anyone know where can I find some on-line (or for download) Documentation for MapBasic?
Even if is the same as in MapBasic Help Files.
Thanks in advance

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Message number: 2706

MI-L MapBasic Documentation

2002-08-28 Thread PEM

MapInfo 7.0 has the MapBasic referenceguide included. I don't remember
whether this was the case for MI 6.5 as well.


Peter Horsbøll Møller, GIS Udviklingskonsulent / GIS-Developer
Kampsax A/S - GIS Software & Solutions
Rugaardsvej 55, 5000 Odense, DK
tel: +45 6313 5013,  dir:+45 6313 5008,  fax: +45 6313 5090
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Authorized MapInfo Partner & Distributor in Denmark and Norway.

Se mere om Dansk MapInfo Brugerkonference på 

Klik ind på http://www.kortal.dk og se det hele lidt fra oven!
Check http://www.kortal.dk and have a look at Denmark from above!
- Videresendt af Peter Møller/Kampsax - 29-08-2002 08:04 -


Baptista"Til:"MI Questions" 
        Vedr.:  MI-L MapBasic Documentation   






Hi all,
anyone know where can I find some on-line (or for download) Documentation
for MapBasic?
Even if is the same as in MapBasic Help Files.

Thanks in advance


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Message number: 2706

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Message number: 2720

MI-L MapBasic environment

2002-09-01 Thread Darrin Clement


This is a general question - can anyone describe the
MapBasic development environment or provide some screen
shots?  We are very familiar with the MapBasic window and
general syntax but only have a little experience with
compilers.  Is MapBasic a "visual" tool like VB/VC++?

We just need to create a bunch of custom MBX tools that
would have simple interfaces (prompt for input, radio
buttons, etc.) and are hoping that MapBasic uses forms and
present objects for rapid development without needing
another app like VB.  MapInfo's site is strangely sparse on
describing it.



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Message number: 2751

MI-L Mapbasic question

2002-09-11 Thread Rachid Grib


Anybody knows where I can find a Mapbasic forum. Or maybe you can answer my question.

I try to open an URL like a text file how can I do?

Thanks you

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9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 lives lost

MI-L mapbasic query

2002-10-12 Thread Snashall, Scott


Based on a parent directory Ie C:data\  I would like to determine the
number of folders within this directory as well as the name of the directory.
from Here I would like to loop through each sub directory,  open  the mapinfo
files within that directory, determine the name of each file. loop to the
next directory and continue this process until all directories within the
parent directory have been looped through.

any help would be greatly appreciated


MI-L MapBasic DDE

2002-11-19 Thread Wojtek Staszek
Hi All

How could I find some more statemens useful to run through DDEExecute executing some 
action within MIcrosoft Excel. I' ve already found a few examples on the MapInfo web 
site - e.g how to open a file, or run a macro .  I would like to know how to select a 
range of cells and perform some action with this selection. I' ve tried to do this 
using visual basic for aplication statemens :
Dim i_chan as Integer
i_chan = DDEInitiate("Excel","Sheet1")
DDEExecute i_chan, "[Range("B1:B20").Select]"
but it does not work, however this is a part of very simple standard VBA statement 
Sub Makro2()
Selection.Replace What:=".", Replacement:=",", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
End Sub. 

How could I include some VBA macro statemens to execute this through DDEExecute within 
MapBasic application?
I hope you understand my bad english.

MI-L mapbasic tool

2002-11-29 Thread Jacques Paris
I am writing an application that adds a togglebutton to the tools tool bar
and uses the toolhandler procedure. It creates the togglebutton at the right
place and TWO mapbasic tool icons, one in tools, the other in main.
The one in main is “good” and follows MB guide indications; it reacts
properly to changes in the togglebutton status.
The button in Tools seems to be always inactive

Is there a way to prevent that useless button from appearing?

Jacques Paris

RE: MI-L MapBasic

2002-12-03 Thread Michel Van Asten
Thanks ... it seems to be the solution


-Message d'origine-
De: Ben Crane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye: mardi 3 decembre 2002 15:50
A: Michel Van Asten
Objet: Re: MI-L MapBasic


use the run command statement...

string1 = "Select * From "+Tablename
run command string1


Select * From World


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Message number: 4385

RE: MI-L MapBasic

2002-12-03 Thread Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd.
Hello Michel,

Actually this is not quite right.

For table names, you can substitute a variable and the value of that
variable will be used.


dim TabName as string
TabName = "world"
select * from TabName

However for field names, you need to use an alias to get the right results

dim FieldName as alias
FieldName = "CountryName"
select FieldName from world

You can construct a SQL select statement in a string and "run command" it
but it's often not necessary unless you need to build a complex query -
typically with a variable number of fields.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Michel Van Asten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic

Thanks ... it seems to be the solution


-Message d'origine-
De: Ben Crane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye: mardi 3 decembre 2002 15:50
A: Michel Van Asten
Objet: Re: MI-L MapBasic


use the run command statement...

string1 = "Select * From "+Tablename
run command string1


Select * From World


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Message number: 4385

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Message number: 4393

MI-L MapBasic Question

2003-01-10 Thread Frank Aaron (EUS)
I produce a number of mbx's that are employed by our company's internal employees and 
contractors -- to that end would it be possible (and does MapBasic support) to 
integrate a segment of 
code that would limit the duration of the program's usage? Currently, we have several 
Visual Basic 
Applications where a code segment and a licensing program allows us to set the 
applications duration 
of use and protects against roll-back of the PC's clock. Does anyone have 
recommendations or examples 
of how one might be able to add such functionality to a MapInfo/MapBasic Tool? Thanks 

Frank Aaron

MI-L MapBasic Problem

2003-01-24 Thread Charlie Bernhardt
Using MapBasic V3.
I'm trying to create a number of polyline objects and save them in a
table. I'm getting a compiler error relating (I think) to the insert
statement. I am trying to modify an mbx which I have used successfully
many times, which basically opens a workspace, gets user input, goes to
the desired map area, creates a polyline object which overlays the map
area, prints the map, then goes to the next selected area and repeats
the procedure, until done. I just overwrite the polyline object each
time as it's not necessary to save it in it's new location. Now I would
like to create a table of these polyline objects. Apparently instead of
the update command I have to use the insert command, and then commit the
table; but not having built anything with MapBasic except this mbx I
don't really understand what I'm doing wrong, nor do I have the time to
trial and error it. Here is the relevant code for building the polyline
object; can someone tell me how to make the insert statement compile?
Please ignore the references to printing. I just want to create a table
of these objects.

'***Main business program
'***Declare local variables

sub doit
dim xcoord as float
dim ycoord as float
dim win_id as integer
win_id = FrontWindow()
dim node1x as float
dim node1y as float
dim node2x as float
dim node2y as float
dim node3x as float
dim node3y as float
dim node4x as float
dim node4y as float
dim newsub as object

'*** copy all the records, from the first grid number
'*** entered by the user, to the last grid number
'*** entered, to a temporary file called selection

select * from sdgo_grid_zone6 where Name>=s_startgrid And
Name<=s_endgrid into Selection

'***Go to the first record in the selection table
'***Copy the centroid xy coordinates to variables
'***Center the map window on the new coordinates
'***Go to the next record in the file,
'***And repeat the process,
'***Until the grid number entered as
'***Ending grid is processed
fetch first from selection
Do while not EOT(selection) 
Set Map
CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 0
Set Map
Window win_id
Center (xcoord,ycoord)

'*** get the 4 corner nodes' xy values from the grid object
node1x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,1)
node1y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,1)
node2x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,2)
node2y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,2)
node3x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,3)
node3y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,3)
node4x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,4)
node4y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,4)

'*** create new polyline object for 20 subgrids, stored in a variable,
'*** node values taken from grid object (selection)
'*** inner node values are obtained by
'*** adding or subtracting from upper left
'*** node values on grid object
'*** the polyline object (subgrid divider)
'*** has 15 nodes, which are built in node number order

create pline into variable newsub
((node4x +.004334),node4y) 
((node4x +.004334),(node4y-.014516))
((node4x +.008694),(node4y-.014470))
((node4x +.008694),(node4y+.45)) 
((node4x +.013054),(node4y+.65))
((node4x +.013054),(node4y-.014410))
((node4x +.017393),(node4y-.014410))
((node4x +.017383),(node4y-.011570))
((node4x +.35),(node4y-.011590))
((node4x +.35),(node4y-.008740))
((node4x +.017370),(node4y-.008680))
((node4x +.017413),(node4y-.005800))
((node4x -.13),(node4y-.005840))
((node4x +.05),(node4y-.002914))
((node4x +.017413),(node4y-.002854))

'*** set the appearance of the polyline
Pen MakePen(2,2,black)

'*** replace the original subgrid object
'*** with the contents of the variable
'*** containing the newly built subgrid object

'update subgrid20   
'set obj=newsub
insert into subgrid20 ERROR LOG SAYS "FOUND [COMMIT] while
searching for [select] 
commit table subgrid20I don't understand what it's trying to
tell me.

'*** print the map window, reset the value
'*** of iend, get the next grid record.
'*** when all requested maps are printed,
'*** bring up a dialog (dbox2) asking the user
'*** if he wants to print more maps or quit
Set Map
CoordSys Earth Projection 3, 33, "survey ft", -116.25, 32.17,
32.78, 33.88, 6561666.667004, 1640416.666999
Fetch Next from selection
Call dbox2
end sub

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Message number: 5149

MI-L MapBasic Versions

2003-02-25 Thread Ben Crane
Hi all,

Question about MapBasic versions! I've got both MB 5.5
and 6.5 on my pc, but naturally I can't use MB 6.5
programs in a MI 5.5 environment (which is
understandable yet frustrating). I'm thinking of
putting together some MB programs for a website doing
a variety of small menial apps and was wondering
whether writing MB apps in 5.5 (whilst likely to work
on a majority of machines) would be a limiting factor
as MB and MI versions continue to move on, or whether
I should write them in 6.5 and cut out a potentially
large portion of users with 5.5 only.

Ben Crane 

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Message number: 5652

MI-L MapBasic Tool

2001-01-10 Thread Eric's Mail \(Alt.\)

I am looking for a mapbasic tool that dsimplifies the update column
procedure.  I am doing a land use map and I have 8000 records I need to
update with different values depending on land use.  I am using the update
column from the Table menu but it is tediuos at best.

I was wondering if anyone has automated this routine with a mapbasic tool.
Any help would be apprecioated.

Eric G. Powell, PE
Engineer/GIS Manager
Township of Sparta
New Jersey

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2001-01-31 Thread geografica



matias valenzuela
geografica ltda.
f : 56-32-991632

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MI-L Mapbasic question

2001-03-08 Thread Steven Heapy

Ive written a simple mapbasic app and when the user selects print I
would like to create and print a layout in the background without the
user seeing it.

I can create the layout no problems but would prefer it to be hiden not

any help would be appreciated 


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MI-L mapbasic question

2001-03-08 Thread Steven Heapy

Ive written a simple mapbasic app and when the user selects print I
would like to create and print a layout in the background without the
user seeing it.

I can create the layout no problems but would prefer it to be hiden not

any help would be appreciated 


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SV: MI-L mapbasic

2001-04-05 Thread Gustaf Svedjemo

And a better interface for MapBasic would be nice. Something like Visualbasic.

//Hälsningar / Regards
Gustaf Svedjemo
Högskolan på Gotland / Gotland University College
Cramérgatan 3
S-621 57 Visby
E-post / Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel / Phone: +46 (0)498 29 98 86
Fax: +46 (0)498 29 98 32
WWW: http://www.hgo.se

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från:   tony davidson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat:Friday, April 06, 2001 11:12 AM
Ämne:   MI-L mapbasic

hello fellow list members

I would like to add my voice to the recent and ongoing complaints from
Mapinfo users re the fact that Mapbasic is supplied as a separate
package. It should be bundled with Mapinfo. When will Mapinfo do the
right thing by its clients and see to this MAJOR limitation to an
otherwise  good product ? Its failure to do so will only result in ESRI
gaining greater PC GIS market share.

I would also like to see Mapinfo return to providing GIS for the Mac
platform. The  Mac OS X is a unix variation and Mapinfo could keep both
unix AND Mac users (a significant % of the market, going by recent OS X
sales figures) happy with a single product !! Alternatives to Windows
are worth supporting.

Tony Davidson

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RE: MI-L mapbasic

2001-04-06 Thread Eric

And what about an embedded VBA scripting ?
 I had a dream ...

> -Message d'origine-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Gustaf
> Svedjemo
> Envoyé : vendredi 6 avril 2001 08:04
> À : 'tony davidson'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Objet : SV: MI-L mapbasic
> And a better interface for MapBasic would be nice. Something like
> Visualbasic.
> //Hälsningar / Regards
> Gustaf Svedjemo
> ~
> Högskolan på Gotland / Gotland University College
> Cramérgatan 3
> S-621 57 Visby
> Sweden
> E-post / Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tel / Phone: +46 (0)498 29 98 86
> Fax: +46 (0)498 29 98 32
> WWW: http://www.hgo.se
> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: tony davidson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat:  Friday, April 06, 2001 11:12 AM
> Ämne: MI-L mapbasic
> hello fellow list members
> I would like to add my voice to the recent and ongoing complaints from
> Mapinfo users re the fact that Mapbasic is supplied as a separate
> package. It should be bundled with Mapinfo. When will Mapinfo do the
> right thing by its clients and see to this MAJOR limitation to an
> otherwise  good product ? Its failure to do so will only result in ESRI
> gaining greater PC GIS market share.
> I would also like to see Mapinfo return to providing GIS for the Mac
> platform. The  Mac OS X is a unix variation and Mapinfo could keep both
> unix AND Mac users (a significant % of the market, going by recent OS X
> sales figures) happy with a single product !! Alternatives to Windows
> are worth supporting.
> Tony Davidson
> ___
> List hosting provided by Directions Magazine | www.directionsmag.com |
> To unsubscribe, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.
> ___
> List hosting provided by Directions Magazine | www.directionsmag.com |
> To unsubscribe, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

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MI-L Mapbasic question

2001-05-28 Thread Steven Heapy

I would like to declare a global variable for a path to files for a
mapbasic app as the location of the files may change from being on a CD,
Q drive and C drive but carn't quite get the syntax right.

Any help would be appreciated.


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MI-L MapBasic Training

2001-06-14 Thread Lathrop, Travis

Anyone on this list going to be in attendance for next weeks MapBasic
training in Newport Beach, CA?

Travis Lathrop
Intercarrier Services

 List Sponsor 
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MI-L mapbasic arrays

2001-07-17 Thread Wohlgemuth, David Remi Francois (David)

Hi everyone,

I need help with an array. I keep getting the error message "subscript out
of range". Now my array size is 1000 as a precaution. Can any one tell me
what is going on and how to remedy it?



David RF Wohlgemuth
Graduate RF Engineer
Lucent Technologies O
GSM/UMTS RF Engineering

Windmill Hill Business Park
Wiltshire SN5 6PB
e-mail: - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
tel: *+44(0)1793897695
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MI-L Mapbasic Coding

2001-08-20 Thread Wohlgemuth, David Remi Francois (David)

Dear MapBasic Programmers,

I would like to know if any of you know if there is a way of telling whether
the user clicked once or twice with the mouse anywhere on a map, and when
they did to use this action as a trigger for another operation to occur

Please help me


David RF Wohlgemuth
Graduate RF Engineer
Lucent Technologies O
UMTS RF Engineering

Windmill Hill Business Park
Wiltshire SN5 6PB
e-mail: - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
tel: *+44(0)1793897695
mobile: s+44(0)7769652997

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MI-L Mapbasic Problem

2001-09-19 Thread Wohlgemuth, David Remi Francois (David)

Hi listers,

I've got a programme where I've got a list of x,y co-ordinates as the input
and I'm trying to create 3 hexagons around each co-ordinate. For some reason
these new regions that I am creating do not appear when I add their layer to
the map. I'm not sure if the objects are being created properly or not. It's
probably something really obvious. Here is a snippet of my code.

Sub . etc
Dim .
open table "hexagons"
drop table hexagons
create table hexagons (dummy integer)
create map for hexagons Coordsys table "DU"

Radius = cellR*1000
hex_outline = makepen(1,2,Blue)

du_new_sel1_numrows = tableinfo(du_new_sel1, Tab_info_nrows)
for a = 1 to du_new_sel1_numrows

fetch rec a from du_new_sel1

X = du_new_sel1.latitude
Y = du_new_sel1.longitude
X1 = X
Y1 = Y
X2 = ... etc


Create Region
 Into variable three_hex
6(x1, y1)(x2, y2)(x3, y3)(x4, y4)(x5, y5)(x6, y6)
6(a1, b1)(a2, b2)(a3, b3)(a4, b4)(a5, b5)(a6, b6)
6(d1, e1)(d2, e2)(d3, e3)(d4, e4)(d5, e5)(d6, e6)

'*** Define the pen colour of the hexagon outline ***

pen hex_outline

insert into hexagons (obj) values (three_hex) 


Please help


David RF Wohlgemuth
Graduate RF Engineer
Lucent Technologies O
UMTS RF Engineering

Windmill Hill Business Park
Wiltshire SN5 6PB
e-mail: - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
tel: *+44(0)1793897695
mobile: s+44(0)7769652997

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MI-L Mapbasic Problem

2001-09-19 Thread PEM


May guess is that you have forgotten to set your coordsys before creating
your heagons

Try to add this line to your code before your enter the loop: (Set CoordSys
Table "DU"

 create table hexagons (dummy integer)
 create map for hexagons Coordsys table "DU"

 Set CoordSys Table "DU"

 Radius = cellR*1000


Peter Horsbøll Møller, GIS-Developer
Kampsax A/S, GIS Software & Solutions, Rugaardsvej 55, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
tlf: + 45 63 13 50 13, dir: + 45 63 13 50 08, fax: + 45 63 13 50 90
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.mapinfo.dk, http://www.kampsax.dk

David RF Wohlgemuth wrote:

Hi listers,

I've got a programme where I've got a list of x,y co-ordinates as the input
and I'm trying to create 3 hexagons around each co-ordinate. For some
these new regions that I am creating do not appear when I add their layer
the map. I'm not sure if the objects are being created properly or not.
probably something really obvious. Here is a snippet of my code.

Sub . etc
Dim .
open table "hexagons"
drop table hexagons
create table hexagons (dummy integer)
create map for hexagons Coordsys table "DU"

Radius = cellR*1000
hex_outline = makepen(1,2,Blue)

du_new_sel1_numrows = tableinfo(du_new_sel1, Tab_info_nrows)
for a = 1 to du_new_sel1_numrows

fetch rec a from du_new_sel1

 X = du_new_sel1.latitude
 Y = du_new_sel1.longitude
 X1 = X
 Y1 = Y
 X2 = ... etc


 Create Region
  Into variable three_hex
  6(x1, y1)(x2, y2)(x3, y3)(x4, y4)(x5, y5)(x6, y6)
  6(a1, b1)(a2, b2)(a3, b3)(a4, b4)(a5, b5)(a6, b6)
  6(d1, e1)(d2, e2)(d3, e3)(d4, e4)(d5, e5)(d6, e6)

 '*** Define the pen colour of the hexagon outline ***
 pen hex_outline
 insert into hexagons (obj) values (three_hex)


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MI-L Mapbasic question

2001-10-21 Thread Slaven Blake

Hey Listers,

I've never been good at writing code so I'm hoping someone out there can
help me.

I have a table with a list of building applications that I want deleted from
the main building applications table.  But when I run a simple select query
in mapbasic selecting all records in the main table that have a
corresponding app number with my list then try to delete all records in the
result query I get a message saying "Cannot delete from view".  I can do all
this in MI with no dramas but its got me stumped why its stuffing up in MB.

This is what I've written that is causing the error message:
Select Build.Baappln, Build.Pid, Build.Lotplan, Build.Location,
Build.Suburb, Build.Type, Build.Class, Build.Recd from Build, AppList where
Build.Baappln=AppList.Baappln into temp
Delete from temp

Any help will be appreciated.


Blake Slaven
GIS Officer - Information Technology
Burnett Shire Council
Locked Bag 1
Bargara 4670
ph: +61 (07) 4150 5504
fax: +61 (07) 4150 5410

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MI-L Mapbasic Question

2001-11-01 Thread Landmark Geographic Solutions

What is the command line to reopen you info tool window.



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MI-L Mapbasic Question

2001-11-01 Thread JAL

> What is the command line to reopen you info tool window.


Set Window Info Position (1,1)

takes also following special window names instead of Info:

Jakob Lanstorp, GIS-Developer

Kampsax   GIS Software & Solutions, Rugaardsvej 55, 5000 Odense, DK
tel: + 45 63 13 50 13, dir: + 45 63 13 50 11, fax: + 45 63 13 50 90
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.kampsax-gis.dk
Authorized MapInfo Partner & Distributor in Denmark and Norway

- Videresendt af Jakob Lanstorp/Kampsax - 02-11-01 08:17 -
"Landmark Geographic   
Solutions"   Til:
Sendt af:        Vedr.:  MI-L Mapbasic 
01-11-01 16:00 
Besvar venligst til "Landmark  
Geographic Solutions"  

What is the command line to reopen you info tool window.



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MI-L MapBasic Freeze

2001-10-12 Thread David Booth

Hi Everyone,

Every so often, when I save and compile (ctrl-K) a mapbasic program,
MapBasic freezes and I have to re-boot. It's an inconvenience, rather than
life-threatening (the changes are saved OK before the freeze), but if anyone
has experienced similar and has a fix, I'd be very grateful!

The PC in question has MB 6.0 running under Windows ME. I don't get the
problem with NT4.


David Booth
Principal GIS Officer
Merseyside Information Service

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MI-L mapbasic icons

2000-10-19 Thread jos

Hi there,  

Can anyone tell me how to reference my own icons for use in a mapbasic program,


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MI-L MapBasic question

2000-11-06 Thread Antoine Gilbert, KOREM

I'm writting a small MapBasic application. Does 
anybody know if it is possible to open (from MapBasic) a winzip 
window loaded with some defined files ?
I'm able to launch winzip (Run Program) with 
files in the argument line, but this only zip the file without have the time to 
see the winzip window.
I want the user see his files in the winzip window 
and can do some operations in this window...
in a mapbasic program, it's possible to specify 
some file to send by mail ? i.e. automaticly in mapbasic call a method that open 
a send mail window with the specified mails attached to.

MI-L MapBasic Question

2000-11-07 Thread Antoine Gilbert, KOREM

It is possible in MapBasic to retrieve a list of 
files within a defined directory ?

RE: MI-L mapbasic

2000-11-11 Thread Jacques Paris

I was
wondering the reason of this code because I knew of the menu commands of the
file menu : Send Mail | Current Window and | Workspace (114 and 116) and I
tried to use the “run command menu”. To my surprise, I did not get any action
from the Mbwindow or a one-line compiled MB program.


anyone know about that specific limitation of the “rmc” for those commands?
MI/MB 6.0



Jacques PARIS 




MapInfo support, see the Paris PC Consult enr. site  at http://www.total.net/~rparis/gisproducts.htm


MapBasic questions see the J.Paris site at    http://www.total.net/~jakesp/index.htm


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Antoine Gilbert, KOREM
Sent: November 10, 2000 11:28 AM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L mapbasic




i have
finnaly find how to open a send mail window with the default browser..


function needed :

Declare Function ShellExecute Lib
"shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Integer,

ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile

As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, 

ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal
nShowCmd As Integer) As Integer


open mail window : 

whatever =
ShellExecute("", "Open", mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=CrazySubject,
"", "", "") 


that work fine on
win2000 with my outlook express program...

but, im not able to
specify some attachement in the "mailto" syntax... if anyone have an



Re: MI-L MapBasic

2004-12-06 Thread Bill Thoen
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Rakesh Rao wrote:

> I have obtained a licensed copy of MapInfo 7 from our client for
> development use but Mapbasic is not part of it. I understand this is
> something that needs to be purchased separately. Fair enough. This is
> also being arranged by our client but it is likely to take some time to
> complete the formalities. In the meanwhile, is there any way how I can
> obtain it for short time trial use, so as to use my time productively
> while waiting for it to arrive?

I'm afraid not. The "Demos and Downloads" section for MapBasic on 
MapInfo's website doesn't include a 90-day trial download like most of 
their newer products, so I think you'll to wait for your cliemt to get it 
for you.

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 14378

MI-L MapBasic Compatibility

2005-02-02 Thread Greg Gainey
Hi Listers
Has anyone noticed a problem with backwards compatibility running an MB
app compiled with MapBasic 7.8 on an earlier version of MapInfo (7.0,
I recently tried to run my app in MI 7.5 but received an error message
telling me I need MI 7.8 to run the app. This is strange and I haven't
added any code to the app that makes use of the new features in MI 7.8.
I cannot find any documentation or reference to say that it won't work.
In fact everything hints at the opposite.

MI-L MapBasic Buttons

2005-02-21 Thread Philip . Lesnik

Is there somewhere that I can see visually what each icon looks like in
regards to MapBasic button creation?  That is for example:


Philip Lesnik
Research Systems Analyst, Market Research
General Growth Properties, Inc.
110 N. Wacker Drive   BSC 3-13
Chicago, IL  60606
312-960-5519 (fax)

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Message number: 15354

MI-L MapBasic Question

2005-03-04 Thread Charles Kane
Sorry to repost but I did not get any replies:

I have a directory containing approximately 2000 georeferenced tif files and I 
need to open them in MapInfo. The problem I am running into is twofold:

1) It asks me to specify the projection for each raster (they are all the same 
projection) - it would take hours to do manually.
2) I do not have a table containing the raster names otherwise I would write a 
program to do this

Does anyone know of a program or the code that will allow me to open files in 
batch and specify the projection?
How about code to open all of the files that are in the same directory without 
knowing the names?

Thanks in advance.

Charles Kane

CDS Business Mapping
67 Broad Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02109

Phone: 617-737-
Fax: 617-737-6233

MI-L MapBasic Question

2005-03-23 Thread Johanna D. Tomesch
Hi all,

I have a question regarding MapBasic and was hoping someone could point me
in the right direction.

I am writing a program that has a table containing the names and paths to
multiple data sets.   All the data set names populate a MultiListBox.  When
I select a data set out of the MultiListBox I want the program to  read the
path out of the table and then open the data set.   I can't quite figure
this out.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot,

Johanna D. Tomesch
Research Associate
Bureau of  Water Supply Protection
New York State Dept. of Health
Ph:  (518) 402-7728
Fax:  (518) 402-7599

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Message number: 15778

MI-L MapBasic Geocoding

2005-04-08 Thread Mayer, Mike @ Vancouver
Hello Everyone,
I am GIS student working on a custom application.  I am trying to automate a
geocoding task in MapBasic v4.5 and continually get the same error.  I can't
figure out what the problem is and have tried numerous things.  I am hoping
someone can give me a little insight here.  My code for the sub is below.
The error I receive is:

invalid window identifier:0, it occurs at the line highlighted below:

Sub GeocodeTest
Dim fx, fy as float

'* Set for finding the address
Find Using BCrds(street)
Find "2419 Marine Drive" Interactive

'* If found, position the map.
If (CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_FIND_RC) >=1) Then
fx = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
fy = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)
Set Map Layer retailcomps_GC Editable On
Insert Into retailcomps_GC (obj) Values(CreatePoint(fx,fy))
Set Map
Window gnWinId
--->Center (fx, fy) <--
Zoom 1 Units "mi"
AutoLabel Layer retailcomps_GC
Note "Address not found."
End If
End Sub

I am currently running MapInfo version 7.8.  Thanks in advance for any help!

Mike Mayer

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Message number: 16021

MI-L MapBasic help

2005-05-18 Thread Matthew . Davis
Hello listers,

I'm trying to write a MapBasic script that searches two seperate fields in 
a table to zoom to an area in a Map Window.  I've come up with the 
following, but it always falls over at the CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK)
section - where it says variable not defined.

Can anyone offer me any help. Also, any help with the rest of it would be 
much appreciated, I'm a real beginner at this MapBasic thing.

Thanks, Matt Davis. 

Dim search_pid as Integer

  Title "Search"
  Control StaticText
Title "Enter PID to find" 
  Control EditText
Value search_pid 
Into search_pid
  Control OKButton
  Control CancelButton

If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK)
Then Select * from parcels_shape_gda94 where Pid = 
Int("search_pid") into pid_sel
End If

If TableInfo (pid_sel, TAB_INFO_NROWS) >= 1
Then Set Map Clipping Object pid_sel.obj Using Display All
End Program
Else Select * from parcels_shape_gda94 where Pid = Int("search_pid") into 
End If

If TableInfo (pot_pid_sel, TAB_INFO_NROWS) >= 1
Then Set Map Clipping Object pot_pid_sel.obj Using Display All
Title "That's not a valid PID"
Control OKButton
End If

Matt Davis,
Project Officer,
Crown Land Assessment and Classification Project,
Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment
Level 5, 134 Macquarie Street, Hobart

Telephone: (03) 6233 5112
Fax: (03) 6233 6655
Mailing address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, TAS, 7000

For further information on the Crown Land Assessment and Classification 
Project, visit our webpage at:


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[MI-L] MAPBASIC: AlterObject

2006-01-09 Thread Tomasz Oberski

How to change symbology of serveral mapinfo objects? The MapBasic 
AlterObject command lets to modify pen and brush of current (selected) 
object. How can I use that command to change pen and brush of several 
objects at once?Maybe there is another method of changing object's 

Tomasz (jazzz_)

MapInfo-L mailing list

MI-L MapBasic- Create directory

2003-08-14 Thread Steve McClellan
Hello All,
Is anyone aware of a way to create a user dialog which would allow the user
to specify and create a new folder/directory in MapBasic? Thanks in advance
for any help.

Thanks, Steve
Steve McClellan
PO Box 34
Midvale Idaho, 83645

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Message number: 7939

MI-L Mapbasic Program Problems

2003-09-04 Thread Jbgramm

My dilemma is this.
I have written a mapbasic program that is designed to change the Line Style 
of many different lines in different layers to specific line styles.

The program registers a .dbf file that contains the names of the layers to 
edit, the feature types to edit, and the line styles to change the features to.

The fields are named Shp_Layer, Map_Event, Map_Line, Pen_Line respectively.

The Program fetches the first line of the .dbf file and checks for the 
existence of the Map_Layer, if the Map_layer exists it is then supposed to alter the 
existing line style to the style that resides in Pen_Line field of the .dbf 

The problem that arises is that I get an error stating that the program was 
unable to convert the data.
The program properly selects the Map_Event however it does not seem to set 
the Pen Style properly

I am including the troublesome code Below

I do not wish to Hardwire the Line styles for this program since it needs to 
be rather dynamic for given projects.
I am sorry for the ugly code and all of the comments, I have pulled out all 
of my remaining hair and started working on my cat. (Just Kidding)

source_layer1 = shape_Lines.daily_lyr  (This is a String)
source_layer = Rtrim$(SHAPE_lines.daily_lyr)
shape_layer = shape_path + source_layer + ".tab"
event_type = shape_lines.map_event(This is a String)
STRINGSYM = shape_lines.pen_line(This is a String)
newsymb = shape_lines.pen_line  (This is a String)
newsymb = Rtrim$(newsymb)
'Line_style = shape_lines.map_line

- sPenattr = newsymb
 or sPenattr = shape_lines.map_line I 
have tried this as both a String and a Pen

'Set Style Pen newsymb

'   Run Command "Set Style Pen " + Newsymb

if FileExists(shape_layer) > 0 then
set map
layer source_layer1 editable on
query_count = 1
Select * from Source_Layer1
 where Rtrim$(Feat_type) = Rtrim$(event_type)
'Into Make_file

If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) > 0 then
'Fetch first from Make_file  } 
'Select_counter = 1  }
'Do While Not EOT(Make_file)   }
'   Select obj from Make_file  }
'   Where RowID = Select_counter }
'   into Line_obj}

'Select * from line_obj}

'Pen_style = ObjectInfo(Selection.obj, OBJ_INFO_PEN)}
'qc = "query" + query_count}

'region_style = MakeBrush(34,PCOLOR,-1) }
'pen_style = MakePen(2,5,PCOLOR) }

'set style Pen pen_style}
'set style Brush region_style }
Select object from selection
into Line_obj

'Sel_obj = selection.obj   --  I have used the 
remaining code sucessfully in other programs
Alter Object Sel_obj
Info OBJ_INFO_PEN, sPennatr

Update Selection Set obj = Sel_obj

'Close Table Selection 

Commit table source_layer1

'Fetch next from Make_file
'Select_counter = Select_counter + 1

end if
End if

fetch next from Shape_lines
select_counter = 0


end sub

The program Compiles in several different iterations, however it never works 

Is it possible to convert a string to a pen?
the map_line field contains data such as this Pen(2,73,16711680)
the pen_line field contains data such as this MakePen(2,73,16711680)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Jon Gramm
Flat Earth


2003-10-23 Thread Samuel E.R
Hello to all...
Me whichever referring doubts to LIKE SAYING command post MAPBASIC have arisen one:

By the way: somebody knows if there are some mbx that can make the conversion of a 
table of lines in one of poligonos creating topology?. And some extension that divides 
a region in others of a certain area? Ale, a greeting! 

RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

2004-01-28 Thread Canfield, Andrew
It will create an .mbx but you probably have a call or declare to a function
it can't find in the current module. It then assumes it's part of a project
so it creates an .mbo which is the file extension for a "MapBasic Object"
you can create an .mbx from .mbo's by linking them in one project. It allows
MapBasic developers to modularize their code so individual .mb files do not
get so large as to be impossible to read and maintain.

-Original Message-
From: Marty Sprenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:55 AM
To: 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: MI-L MapBasic Question

How come the MapBasic 7.0 program I'm working with will only create an
MBO and not an MBX?  What's an MBO?


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Message number: 10122

RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

2004-01-28 Thread Marty Sprenz
Got it!

Thank you for you valuable time,

-Original Message-
From: Canfield, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:13 AM
To: 'Marty Sprenz'; 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

It will create an .mbx but you probably have a call or declare to a
it can't find in the current module. It then assumes it's part of a
so it creates an .mbo which is the file extension for a "MapBasic
you can create an .mbx from .mbo's by linking them in one project. It
MapBasic developers to modularize their code so individual .mb files do
get so large as to be impossible to read and maintain.

-Original Message-
From: Marty Sprenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:55 AM
To: 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: MI-L MapBasic Question

How come the MapBasic 7.0 program I'm working with will only create an
MBO and not an MBX?  What's an MBO?


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Message number: 10128

RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

2004-01-28 Thread Mcinnis, Michael
Here is a demo of the map basic project combining 
MainTest.mb and Dopey.mb into an application MainTest.mbx:

' MainTest.mbp


' MainTest.mb

Include "Dopey.def"
Declare Sub Main

Sub Main

Note "Main"

' Call Sub in Dopey.
Call SubCall

' Call Function in Dopey.
Note FuncCall() ' This won't work
without the "()".

' Show the global from Dopey.
Note m_LookMa

End Sub

' Dopey.mb

Declare Sub SubCall()
Declare Function FuncCall() As String

Global m_LookMa As String

Function FuncCall() As String
m_LookMa = "Hello World!"
FuncCall = "FuncCall Ran."
End Function

Sub SubCall
Note "SubCall Ran."
End Sub


-Original Message-
From: Marty Sprenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:05 AM
To: 'Canfield, Andrew'; 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

Got it!

Thank you for you valuable time,

-Original Message-
From: Canfield, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:13 AM
To: 'Marty Sprenz'; 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

It will create an .mbx but you probably have a call or declare to a
it can't find in the current module. It then assumes it's part of a
so it creates an .mbo which is the file extension for a "MapBasic
you can create an .mbx from .mbo's by linking them in one project. It
MapBasic developers to modularize their code so individual .mb files do
get so large as to be impossible to read and maintain.

-Original Message-
From: Marty Sprenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:55 AM
To: 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: MI-L MapBasic Question

How come the MapBasic 7.0 program I'm working with will only create an
MBO and not an MBX?  What's an MBO?


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Message number: 10129

RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

2004-01-28 Thread Mcinnis, Michael
I was missing the Dopey.def file for that demo:

' MainTest.mbp


' MainTest.mb

Include "Dopey.def"
Declare Sub Main

Sub Main

Note "Main"

' Call Sub in Dopey.
Call SubCall

' Call Function in Dopey.
Note FuncCall() ' This won't work
without the "()".

' Show the global from Dopey.
Note m_LookMa

End Sub

' Dopey.mb

Declare Sub SubCall()
Declare Function FuncCall() As String

Global m_LookMa As String

Function FuncCall() As String
m_LookMa = "Hello World!"
FuncCall = "FuncCall Ran."
End Function

Sub SubCall
Note "SubCall Ran."
End Sub

' Dopey.def

Declare Function FuncCall() As String
Declare Sub SubCall()
Global m_LookMa As String


-Original Message-
From: Mcinnis, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:13 AM
To: 'Marty Sprenz'; 'Canfield, Andrew'; 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

Here is a demo of the map basic project combining 
MainTest.mb and Dopey.mb into an application MainTest.mbx:

' MainTest.mbp


' MainTest.mb

Include "Dopey.def"
Declare Sub Main

Sub Main

Note "Main"

' Call Sub in Dopey.
Call SubCall

' Call Function in Dopey.
Note FuncCall() ' This won't work
without the "()".

' Show the global from Dopey.
Note m_LookMa

End Sub

' Dopey.mb

Declare Sub SubCall()
Declare Function FuncCall() As String

Global m_LookMa As String

Function FuncCall() As String
m_LookMa = "Hello World!"
FuncCall = "FuncCall Ran."
End Function

Sub SubCall
Note "SubCall Ran."
End Sub


-Original Message-
From: Marty Sprenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:05 AM
To: 'Canfield, Andrew'; 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

Got it!

Thank you for you valuable time,

-Original Message-
From: Canfield, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:13 AM
To: 'Marty Sprenz'; 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic Question

It will create an .mbx but you probably have a call or declare to a
it can't find in the current module. It then assumes it's part of a
so it creates an .mbo which is the file extension for a "MapBasic
you can create an .mbx from .mbo's by linking them in one project. It
MapBasic developers to modularize their code so individual .mb files do
get so large as to be impossible to read and maintain.

-Original Message-
From: Marty Sprenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:55 AM
To: 'Mapinfo List'
Subject: MI-L MapBasic Question

How come the MapBasic 7.0 program I'm working with will only create an
MBO and not an MBX?  What's an MBO?


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RE: MI-L MapBasic OnError

2004-01-28 Thread Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd.
Hello Michael,

The reason for your error is that once your fetch has been done
(successfully or not) the code for your error handler is encountered and the
"resume next" is called without the context of an error. You need to
terminate your subroutine with an "exit sub" (or "exit function" if it's a
function) *before* the error handler so that this code is really only called
as the consequence of an error. Hope that solves the problem.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Medsker, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 January 2004 01:37
Subject: MI-L MapBasic OnError

Hoping someone can help me with a MapBasic question. I'm trying to use Fetch
to get Objects using Rec # from a table which contains deleted records.
Don't want to Pack first. I want to be able to note which row/record #s were
marked for deletion. Below is a test that I played with to see if I could
get MapBasic to print the rec number every time it hits a deleted record and
then print the total number of rows at the end. It doesn't work. The problem
seems to be that Resume try's to invoke every time the loop starts instead
of just when a deleted record is found. I get a "Found Resume while not
process an error, application halted" message. Note that I have moved the
error_dim_main: out of the loop but the Resume Next doesn't work after the
error, which is understandable because I jumped out of the loop.

Nrows_m is the row counter
Dim_line is the table

nrows_m = 0
Do While Not EOT(dim_line) 
nrows_m = nrows_m + 1 
OnError GoTO error_dim_main
Fetch Rec nrows_m From dim_line
Print nrows_m
Resume Next

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Message number: 10139

RE: MI-L MapBasic OnError

2004-01-28 Thread Medsker, Michael
Hello Warren,

Thanks for the quick reply and help. Is there anyway to get the loop to
continue from the place it left off when the error was encountered, so that
I can continue to look for deleted records?


-Original Message-
From: Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:55 PM
To: 'Medsker, Michael'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic OnError

Hello Michael,

The reason for your error is that once your fetch has been done
(successfully or not) the code for your error handler is encountered and the
"resume next" is called without the context of an error. You need to
terminate your subroutine with an "exit sub" (or "exit function" if it's a
function) *before* the error handler so that this code is really only called
as the consequence of an error. Hope that solves the problem.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Medsker, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 January 2004 01:37
Subject: MI-L MapBasic OnError

Hoping someone can help me with a MapBasic question. I'm trying to use Fetch
to get Objects using Rec # from a table which contains deleted records.
Don't want to Pack first. I want to be able to note which row/record #s were
marked for deletion. Below is a test that I played with to see if I could
get MapBasic to print the rec number every time it hits a deleted record and
then print the total number of rows at the end. It doesn't work. The problem
seems to be that Resume try's to invoke every time the loop starts instead
of just when a deleted record is found. I get a "Found Resume while not
process an error, application halted" message. Note that I have moved the
error_dim_main: out of the loop but the Resume Next doesn't work after the
error, which is understandable because I jumped out of the loop.

Nrows_m is the row counter
Dim_line is the table

nrows_m = 0
Do While Not EOT(dim_line) 
nrows_m = nrows_m + 1 
OnError GoTO error_dim_main
Fetch Rec nrows_m From dim_line
Print nrows_m
Resume Next

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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RE: MI-L MapBasic OnError

2004-01-28 Thread Peter Horsbøll Møller
Try this (not tested):

Sub FindDeletedRecords

'Nrows_m is the row counter
'Dim_line is the table
nrows_m = 0
Do Until EOT(dim_line) 
nrows_m = nrows_m + 1 
OnError GoTO error_dim_main
Fetch Rec nrows_m From dim_line

Exit Sub
Print nrows_m
Resume Next

End Sub

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT

Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S
Tel +45 6311 4900
Direct  +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax +45 6311 4949

*CHANGE OF ADDRESS - COWI's offices in Odense are now under the same roof*
On December 8th. 2003, Geographical Information & IT moved from Rugaardsvej 55, 5000 
Odense C to Odensevej 95, 5260 Odense S. 
Please note our new telephone, direct and telefax numbers.

> -Original Message-
> From: Medsker, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:10 AM
> Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic OnError
> Hello Warren,
> Thanks for the quick reply and help. Is there anyway to get 
> the loop to continue from the place it left off when the 
> error was encountered, so that I can continue to look for 
> deleted records?
> Thanks
> Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd. 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:55 PM
> To: 'Medsker, Michael'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic OnError
> Hello Michael,
> The reason for your error is that once your fetch has been 
> done (successfully or not) the code for your error handler is 
> encountered and the "resume next" is called without the 
> context of an error. You need to terminate your subroutine 
> with an "exit sub" (or "exit function" if it's a
> function) *before* the error handler so that this code is 
> really only called as the consequence of an error. Hope that 
> solves the problem.
> Regards,
> Warren Vick
> Europa Technologies Ltd.
> http://www.europa-tech.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Medsker, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 29 January 2004 01:37
> Subject: MI-L MapBasic OnError
> Hoping someone can help me with a MapBasic question. I'm 
> trying to use Fetch to get Objects using Rec # from a table 
> which contains deleted records. Don't want to Pack first. I 
> want to be able to note which row/record #s were marked for 
> deletion. Below is a test that I played with to see if I 
> could get MapBasic to print the rec number every time it hits 
> a deleted record and then print the total number of rows at 
> the end. It doesn't work. The problem seems to be that Resume 
> try's to invoke every time the loop starts instead of just 
> when a deleted record is found. I get a "Found Resume while 
> not process an error, application halted" message. Note that 
> I have moved the
> error_dim_main: out of the loop but the Resume Next doesn't 
> work after the error, which is understandable because I 
> jumped out of the loop.
> Nrows_m is the row counter
> Dim_line is the table
> nrows_m = 0
> Do While Not EOT(dim_line) 
> nrows_m = nrows_m + 1 
> OnError GoTO error_dim_main
> Fetch Rec nrows_m From dim_line
> error_dim_main: 
>   Print nrows_m
>   Resume Next
> Loop 
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mike
> -
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> www.directionsmag.com | To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> Message number: 10137
> -
> List hosting provided by Directions Magazine | 
> www.directionsmag.com | To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> Message number: 10141

RE: MI-L mapbasic Question

2004-02-09 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (OPT)
how i do it...

select * from TableName where STUFF = WHATYOUWANT into KillMe
delete from KillMe
close table KillMe

-Original Message-
From: Landmark Geographic Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February 2004 2:20 PM
To: MapInfo Listers
Subject: MI-L mapbasic Question

Hey Listers,

How can I add the function to my script of selecting a set of records with a
sql statement and then deleting these records. Can it be done?



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Message number: 10348

RE: MI-L mapbasic Question

2004-02-10 Thread Darrin Clement
Don't you also need a "Commit Table TableName" statement?

-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (OPT)
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 11:06 PM
To: MapInfo Listers
Subject: RE: MI-L mapbasic Question

how i do it...

select * from TableName where STUFF = WHATYOUWANT into
delete from KillMe
close table KillMe

-Original Message-
From: Landmark Geographic Solutions
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February 2004 2:20 PM
To: MapInfo Listers
Subject: MI-L mapbasic Question

Hey Listers,

How can I add the function to my script of selecting a set
of records with a
sql statement and then deleting these records. Can it be



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Message number: 10356

MI-L MapBasic And UltraEdit

2004-02-26 Thread Ian Tidy
Hi All,

I noticed that many people seem to use UltraEdit as their MapBasic editor.
Currently I use MBCoder (and I am happy with it), but thought I would
UltraEdit.  I see that I need to modify the wordfile.txt to get the
highlighting to work properly.  Could someone please send me the
modifications I need to make to this file.


Cheers Ian

Ian Tidy
GIS Administrator
Works Asset
Napier City Council

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MI-L MapBasic to MapX

2004-03-04 Thread Sam Shelley
Does anyone know if you already have custom tools written in MapBasic,
can they be integrated into a MapX environment without too much hassle.


MI-L MapBasic and MapMarker

2004-03-08 Thread Chad Ruff
Does anyone have any code they wish to share for geocoding with MapMarker
inside of MapBasic ?



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Message number: 10733

MI-L MapBasic path problem

2004-03-25 Thread Claude Couture


We have a mbx file compiled in MapBasic 7.5.  When we run the mbx, we
always have the following problem:

1)  The MapBasic start, recognize the path and run the application

2)  In the middle of the process, the following error appear in
windows: Unable to find path ., please double check the path or the
file name, etc.

3)  The program still running and complete all the tasks in the


This error file cause us several problems because in one hand it means
that the application is done and in the other hand the application is
not finish and still running.


How can we avoid this message or what in the MapBasic program could
bring this error


Thank you in advance


Claude Couture

GIS Manager



RE: MI-L MapBasic initiation

2004-03-31 Thread Driver, Greg 9434

The only MapBasic book available (I think) is called MapBasic Developer's
Guide by Angela Whitener & Breck Ryker (ISBN 1566901138) published by OnWard
Press.   MapBasic is fairly easy to pick-up just by working through some of
the samples provided (it must be I did it!) and working through Development
Environment User's Guide, if you have it.  Failing that I think Jacques
Paris has some documentation on his site that may be useful



> -Original Message-
> From: "François T.-Goulet"
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 14:58
> Subject:  MI-L MapBasic initiation
> Hi,
> I have done programmation before, but never with MapBasic. Does anyone 
> knows a book or a web site that can help me? I have found something on the
> site of the École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques, but without the 
> course explanation ...
> Thanks
> François T.-Goulet
> University of Quebec at Montreal
> -
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RE: MI-L Mapbasic query

2004-04-02 Thread Steve McArthur

You could try something along the lines of the following

sSymbolAttr = " (35,0,12,"+Chr$(34)+"Wingdings"+Chr$(34)+",0,0) "  
Print sCmd
sCmd = "Set Style Symbol MakeFontSymbol" + sSymbolAttr
Run Command sCmd

Note the use of the Chr$(34) which will return a double inverted comma
(to give you this:""") and the use of MakeFontSymbol instead of

However, have you considered thematically shading your map window with
your ID column - this might be a simpler option.

Steve McArthur
LLPG Manager
London Borough of Hackney
Room 47, Town Hall
Mare Street, E8 1EA
Tel: 020 8356 2061
Fax: 020 8356 3796

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Tracey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 April 2004 12:49
Subject: MI-L Mapbasic query

Please help

I would like to automate the changing of styles for point object symbols
to represent a predefined style.

I have over 100 different themes within one table and plan to change
each one based on an identifying ID number. 

It must be automated, as the process will be rerun each month.

I have read mapbasic extensively   in particular   Alter object, set
style MakeSymbol, CurrentSymbol() but have failed to provide a suitable

The following code is very close and is supplied as a mapbasic example:

Dim symbolSave As Symbol Dim sSymbolAttr As String Dim sCmd As String
'store the current style so we can restore it latersymbolSave =
CurrentSymbol() 'set a new "current symbol style" sSymbolAttr =
"(35,65280,22)"sCmd = "Set Style Symbol MakeSymbol" + sSymbolAttrRun
Command sCmd' use an Update statement to create a new Point for ' every
row in the Selection table.  Each new Point' will use the new "current
symbol style" Update "Selection"Set obj =
CreatePoint(CentroidX(obj),CentroidY(obj))Close Table Selection '
restore the original "current symbol style" Set Style Symbol symbolSave

 This works for the mapinfo 3.0 compatible, with the set style command
using makesymbol, however I am unable to adapt the code to allow the
makefontsymbol clause to allow the use of the other symbol fonts
including Wingdings, real estate etc.

I would be grateful if anybody could adapt the above code to include the
rest of the symbol options.


Andrew Tracey
Information Support Officer
Corporate Information
Corporate Growth and Focus
Corporate Development
South Tyneside Council
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL

Tel: 0191 4247561

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[MI-L] MapBasic Bitwise Operators

2006-03-08 Thread Ian Tidy
Title: MapBasic Bitwise Operators

Hi All,

I am wanting to use bitwise operators in MapBasic, but I can't find any information on them.

Does anyone know if the exist and how to use them, or do I need to write my own functions?

Cheers Ian

Ian Tidy

GIS Administrator

Works Asset Department

Napier City Council

Hastings St, Private Bag 6010, Napier, New Zealand

Phone +64-6-835-7579 Ext. 8115

Fax +64-6-835-7574





MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapBasic and MapXtreme

2006-05-11 Thread Ronning, Christine
Title: MapBasic and MapXtreme

Hi all,

Excuse my ignorance in this, but hoping to understand a little bit more about the relationship between MapInfo capability with web software (MapXtreme).  After a little research I see that you can use .NET languages which brings me to my question.

If for example I wanted to created a intranet application that allowed employees through a site,  to enter a desired location with a few options of what they wanted on their map and see an output, would this programming be done all with a .NET language or would some of it be done using MapBasic?  So if I were to write a program in MapBasic that ran some spatial queries could this then be called from a VB.Net program that is run from the MapXtreme application?

I apologize if this doesn't make sense, but hopefully someone understands my question!  Thanks


Christine Ronning

GIS Analyst, Strategic Information

740 Carmi Avenue

Penticton, BC  V2A 8P9



MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MapBasic C# dll

2006-05-19 Thread McGowan Dean

I have written a dll in C# express edition and would
like to call its functions from MapBasic. Here are my scripts:



using System;


using System.Text;

using System.Data;


namespace MapInfoTools


    public class MIFunctions


    public double GPS_X()


    //Return test value for now.

    return 1;


    public double GPS_Y()


    //Return test value for now.

    return 2;






Declare Function GPS_X
as float

print GPS_X()


My MB application compiles correctly but produces
error 342 (“External library does not contain GPS_X…”) at runtime.
Can anybody point out where I am going wrong?

Cheers, Dean




Dean McGowan

GIS Injengör

Teknik & Service

Upplands Väsby kommun



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MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] MapBasic Question

2006-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Tom,


delete from tablename [where rowid=n]

You'll need to supply the table name in place of "tablename". The 
optional rowid where clause allows you to select a particular record to 

-- Eric Johnson

Tom Halbrook wrote:

Hi Listers:

Being a MapBasic Neophyte, I have what will probably be a dumb 
question. But here goes any way.

I manually select a record from table A, append it to table B, delete 
the selected record from table A and then save both tables.

To automate steps I have built a button pad and associated program to 
append the selected record to table B, then commit both tables. But I 
can’t seem

to find the right statement to delete the record from table A. I know 
it’s simple but I’m at my wits end.

Any Help?

Thanks, Tom H

MapInfo-L mailing list

MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MAPBASIC & Vertical Mapper

2006-08-09 Thread Jackson, Simon \(Capita Symonds\)

Is there a way I can get MapBasic to tie in with
vertical mapper so that I can attempt to create a batch grid processing system.




Interpolate an irregular points layer (option to
select search radius for an IDW)

Subtract this layer from a DTM layer

Remove zeros from resulting layer

Export to ASCII.


Any ideas or should I not even attempt this with MB?



Simon Jackson
GIS Analyst

Capita Symonds
  Wood Street, East Grinstead. RH19 1UU

Tel: 01342 327161  Direct: 01342 333254
Fax: 01342 315927
Web: www.capitasymonds.co.uk

Consultant of the Year 2006


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MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] Mapbasic & Vertical Mapper

2006-08-31 Thread Jackson, Simon \(Capita Symonds\)
Ok, I have the S-Dev-Kit.
I need to tie MapBasic into VM so that I can create some batch routine
for subtracting some grids, a grid query and outputting as ascii.  I
asked this awhile back and got not much reply.  I assume it is possible?
Any good links to sources that maybe able to help?

I really need to get this sorted soon. Any help would be much


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MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] MapBasic Programs

2006-09-04 Thread Driver, Greg 9434
Title: Message

option would be to embed a map window or browser within your dialog box and 
allow the user to interact with this map, so you wouldn't have to exit the 
dialog box.  You'd have to use the 'Control DocumentWIndow' clause within 
your dialog box to embed the map/browser window and also set up some buttons to 
allow the user to select, zoom & pan around the map window.  For an 
example on how to do it have a look at the Distance Calculator tool that ships 
with MapInfo and the code that comes with MapBasic.  
Greg Driver 
Administrator Applications Support ICT NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 

  -Original Message-From: James Stott 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 04 September 2006 
  15:48To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.comSubject: 
  [MI-L] MapBasic Programs
  I am trying to work out if it is 
  possible to write a MapBasic program that allows you to be able to select 
  things from mapper / browser windows while the program is running, like you 
  can do with the image registration tool.
  Does anyone know if this is 
  possible? Whenever I write a MapBasic program you can never select from 
  outside the programs dialog window.
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MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] mapbasic test control

2006-10-27 Thread Gilbert, Antoine



Does there is a way to allow user to use enter in a text
control? (to have return in the entered text)



Du 5 au 7 décembre 2006 -
Montréal, QC
Un rendez-vous technologique à ne pas manquer!



Architecte de système

KOREM inc.

680, boul. Charest Est, bureau 120
Québec, QC  G1K
3J4  Canada
Tél. : (418) 647-1555
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