Re: HTML Tags = Markdown Quick Reference @ Write Kit

2015-08-04 Thread Waylan Limberg
It is vary unusual for Markdown parsers to return b and i tags. Usually, 
strong and emphasis are used instead. See Babelmark for an example:*italic*+%26+**bold**

Also, most older implementations return XHTML Tags like br / and hr / 
rather than there HTML counterparts. In the age of HTML5, this doesn't really 
matter much (for most users), but back when they were first created it was 
important to having valid XHTLM (the new hotness of the time). Of note is the 
fact that b and i are not valid XHTML tags (IIRC). Thus the use of strong 
and emphasis.

Waylan Limberg

 On Aug 4, 2015, at 5:16 AM, Gerald Bauer wrote:
  I've started a quick reference that lists all HTML tag with Markdown
 short codes [1]. The tags include:
 HTML| Notes
 --- | -
 h1.../h1 - h6.../h6 | Heading 1-6
 p.../p  | Paragraph
 br| Hard Line Break
 i.../i  | Italic Text (Emphasis)
 b.../b  | Bold Text (Strong Emphasis)
 code.../code| Code (Monospace Text)
 del.../del  | Deleted (Strikethrough) Text
 ul(li.../li)+/ul| Unordered List
 ol(li.../li)+/ol| Ordered (Numbered) List
 a href=../a   | Link
 img src=... alt=...   | Image (with Alternative Text)
 table(tr(td.../td)+/tr)+/table  | Table
 precode.../code/pre | Preformatted Code Block
 blockquote...blockquote | Blockquote
 hr| Horizontal Rule
 !-- ... --| Comments
  Any tags missing? Let us know. Cheers
 Markdown-Discuss mailing list
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: HTML Tags = Markdown Quick Reference @ Write Kit

2015-08-04 Thread Waylan Limberg

 On Aug 4, 2015, at 10:48 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:
 Le 2015-08-04 à 10:26, Gerald Bauer a écrit :
  Thanks great comments. I've update the quick reference and it reads now
  i or emphasisand
  b or strong
 Shouldn't it be em? There's no such thing as emphasis in HTML.

You are correct. Sorry, my mistake.

Waylan Limberg 
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Announce: Markdown (extended) specifications

2014-11-18 Thread Waylan Limberg
Here is another list of Markdown implementations:

While both lists contain many of the same items, there are a few unique to each 

Waylan Limberg

 On Nov 18, 2014, at 7:39 PM, mofo syne wrote:
 For list of implementations for markdown:
 List of common mark implementations:
 On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 7:16 AM, Piero Wbmstr wrote:
 Hello Jakub,
 I didn't know this project (I agree with you: there are already too many
 MD projects ...).
 I will look at CommonMark in details to see if I may help on this or
 propose something like a merge of both CommonMark and MarkdownExtended
 or anything else.
 By the way, is there a place where all known MD projects are listed ?
 Thank you for the info.
 Le 18/11/2014 18:28, Jakub Jirutka a écrit :
  Hi Pierre,
  are you familiar with the [CommonMark project]( 
  It’s _de facto_ standardized Markdown with very precise 
  [specification]( If you wanna extend Markdown 
  syntax, then I highly recommend to start on top of this spec. No one needs 
  yet another incompatible and ambiguous Markdown dialect, there are too 
  many of them already.
  Best regards,
Jakub Jirutka
 Markdown-Discuss mailing list
 Markdown-Discuss mailing list
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: It's a Markdown processor, right?

2014-09-07 Thread Waylan Limberg
How about some of the verbs used by libraries as a method on a class instance: 
render or convert. Of course we want the nouns: renderer or converter. 
They are very similar to translator, but unlike translator are actually used 
by the existing implementations.

Waylan Limberg

 On Sep 7, 2014, at 2:31 PM, Andrei Fangli wrote:
 Sean wrote:
  I am trying to use uniform terms. An implementation that converts
 Markdown content to another format--most typically HTML--is called...a
 Markdown processor, right?
 I was focusing on naming the software that takes text in format A and outputs 
 it in format B (yep, just that use case). The XML specifications define that 
 a XML Processor is something that recognizes the structure of a XML Document, 
 validates it and offers access to its content (e.g.: by tree traversal since 
 XML is hierarchical in nature). A software that simply translates from format 
 A to B only recognizes, validates the structure of the text in format A and 
 outputs the content in format B. If we were to apply an analogous definition 
 for a Markdown Processor then the access to content is lost because the 
 initial document as a whole is outputted in format B without having the 
 chance to peak at its content. In that case we cannot name that software a 
 processor, it may use one internally to get the job done.
 In the case of a software that allows visualisation of Markdown documents 
 prior to translation/export, eventually allowing editing, indexing, word 
 count, page count etc., I agree, that no longer can be called a translator 
 because it does much more. That software falls well in the terms of a word 
 processor (specialized for Markdown in this case) as pointed out, however I’m 
 not sure that’s what Sean was asking.
 This discussion is turning out quite interesting as parsers require a grammar 
 in a formal language (e.g.: BNF) while a processor can be implemented from a 
 Andrei Fangli
 From: Aristotle Pagaltzis
 Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎7‎ ‎September‎ ‎2014 ‎20‎:‎53
 * Andrei Fangli [2014-09-07 10:45]:
  When I hear Markdown processor I think of a specialized word/text
 That is not what it generally mean in RFCs. The XML specs speak of an
 XML processor, the Atom RFCs speak of an Atom processor, etc. So I think
 the terminology here is correct for an RFC.
 (To me what you refer to is a “Markdown word processor”, esp considering
 that a word processor is called a *word* processor rather than, say, an
 RTF processor or a DOC processor.)
 I’ll also defend the term on grounds of its meaning later, but let me
 first address the proposed alternatives:
  For me, Markdown implementation sounds a bit odd. Markdown is not
  standardized nor is its specification clear enough
  I’d simply name the specification (or flavour) and append “Translator”
  at the end (e.g.: Github flavoured Markdown Translator, Common
  Markdown Translator etc.).
 That is specific to a use case. E.g. multiple MacOS X QuickLook plugins
 for Markdown preview exist; these are not translators, all they can do
 is display the document (or a portion of it). Internally they may use
 a translator, as most probably do, but they may just as well be written
 on top of a Markdown parser that merely creates an AST rather than any
 kind of output; either way it’s an implementation detail.
 * Andrei Fangli [2014-09-07 17:00]:
  Parsing is all about syntactic analysis, a parser may well just return
  true and false depending on whether the input is syntactically correct
  or not.
 Yes, agree: “parser” is not the right term.
 It’s also not the right term because a translator need not necessarily
 parse the document. doesn’t. So actually, “Markdown parser”
 in fact excludes the canonical Markdown… processor.
  I’m not very comfortable about calling them libraries if they are
  actually executables or scripts.
 Agree here also.
 Ultimately, to come back to the beginning of my mail, what you want to
 express is “a piece of software that will take Markdown and do something
 with it in some Markdown-rules-informed way”. You want to cover any kind
 of doing something, be it translating to another format or displaying
 the document or extracting something from it (e.g. indexing or counting
 words or whatever) or anything else. You want to cover any form in which
 software comes, be that a library, an executable, or just an incidental
 part of some larger library or application. And you want to allow for it
 implementing any fraction of the total Markdown rules (e.g. a Markdown
 word counter could ignore most inline formatting as punctuation without
 it making a difference in the result), and in whichever form it chooses
 (it could use parsing, or not).
 I would argue that the only sufficiently generic term that will apply to

Re: On simplifying table syntax in any future markdown extension. (Use CSV)

2014-09-05 Thread Waylan Limberg

 On Sep 5, 2014, at 5:28 AM, mofo syne wrote:
 The second issue, is that people find it hard to have to deal with
 formatting the pipes. If alignment of cell data is of no concern to
 the user, then we should use CSV data as the inspiration.

I've long been (openly) of the opinion that tables are not prose, and therefore 
do not belong in markdown - except to fall back to raw HTML (see the philosophy 
section of the syntax rules). On the other hand, I recognize that sometimes a 
simple, unstyled table of simple tabular data has it's place and having to 
revert to raw HTML is a little much. So, CSV -- I like it. Plain, raw cvs gets 
converted to a table. That is something I might be able to get behind.

Not sure I like your headers though. Why can't they be comma separated as well? 
Perhaps one character (at the beginning of the first line) could identify that 
line as a header. Without that character, then you get no header. Yes, that 
means you loose any ability to style, but I'm okay with that -- use raw HTML if 
you want more control.

Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: On simplifying table syntax in any future markdown extension. (Use CSV)

2014-09-05 Thread Waylan Limberg

 On Sep 5, 2014, at 8:24 AM, Waylan Limberg wrote:
 So, CSV -- I like it. Plain, raw cvs gets converted to a table. That is 
 something I might be able to get behind

Note the might there. After further consideration I was a little eager there. 
This is as bad of a proposal as any other table proposal I've seen. I like the 
idea behind it, but in the real world it's not practical for the many reasons 
already stated by others.

Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

RE: Moving Markdown towards a standard syntax

2014-08-14 Thread Waylan Limberg
-Original Message-
From: Markdown-Discuss [] On
Behalf Of John MacFarlane
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:10 PM
To: Discussion related to Markdown.
Subject: Re: Moving Markdown towards a standard syntax

 Here's an attempt of my own, which I've been working on for some time:

Interesting. You appear to mostly be tightening up the existing rules, with
only a few deviations. I have little of value to say about most of it, so
only a few observations follow.

 Tabs in lines are expanded to spaces, with a tab stop of 4 characters. We
strictly enforce this rule in Python-Markdown and I like it, but we have
received bug reports from time to time that certain languages require tabs
(spaces would be a syntax error). I think makefiles would be the most
well-known example. For example, how would you expect someone to be able to
copy from a code block in a blog post and paste into a makefile without
needing to go back and edit all the whitespace? If they are copy and
pasting, they are not likely to be an advanced user and significant
whitespace it already one of the most non-obvious gotchas. Just an
observation here. The answer isn't clear to me either.

I notice that you state that an HTML block ends with a blank line. I have
always wished that it worked that way for the very reasons you cited. As you
observe, things like  raw `pre` blocks can't have blank lines (might want
to add comments, processing instructions and CDATA to that list along with
workarounds??). Either way is a compromise and it is not clear to me which
is the better way to go.

 A blank line always separates block quotes Brilliant!

I absolutely love what you did with how much indentation indicates nesting
within a list (for all block elements, not just nested lists). However, I
expect most people will have trouble getting it right in practice. And I
wouldn't want to write a parser for that. But I sure would enjoy writing
lists with it.

 Two blank lines will end a list. Really? What about a code block nested
within a list item that contains multiple blank lines? If it wasn't for that
corner case, I would love this two. Or it there an exception for that?
Example 198 seems to indicate so, but I don't see it explicitly stated
anywhere. Is it for fenced code blocks only (because you can look for the
closing fence -- if so, makes sense to me) or does it work with indented
code blocks also?

 Changing the bullet or ordered list delimiter starts a new list. As it
should. Also like the start number being set on ordered lists.

 A backslash at the end of the line is a hard line break. Brilliant! I see
you preserved the 'two spaces' rule. You changed some other things (like
list nesting) enough that backward compatibility with existing docs
shouldn't be a concern. Therefore, I'm not sure we need both.

Every implementation should follow your strong/emphasis spec. All
implementers go change your implementations now... oh wait, that means more
work for me...

If I understand you correctly, all autolinks must be surrounded by angle
brackets (the right call btw). Perhaps you should include a url **without**
angle brackets in your list of not autolinks to make that clear.

That must have been am incredible amount of work. I'm only concerned that
it's not really markdown anymore. I'd be tempted to  take it that extra step
and get rid of all the other things that could be slightly better and call
it something else. Of course, I don't see some new plain text markup
language taking off now that markdown it so widespread. But it is fun to
think about.

Waylan Limberg

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown validity Re: Agreeing on Historical Markdown

2014-07-12 Thread Waylan Limberg

 On Jul 12, 2014, at 2:52 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
 When you have a question like this, just try it Babelmark 2:

Yes, that's what we all do. And to answer your other question, notice that only 
two of the implementations on Babelmark2 failed. Remember, most of these 
implementations were written to be run on web servers. We can't have our web 
servers crashing just because a user submitted invalid markdown. What a parser 
doesn't understand is just passes through. What it misunderstands is garbles 
but it is specifically designed to never choke.

As Michel alluded to, most parsers are simply a series of regular expression 
substitutions which are run in a predetermined order. If a regex never matches 
a part of the text, then that part passes through untouched. Yes, that means 
the HTML is parsed by regex - which we all know is a bad idea -- but it is not 
really parsed in the way that browsers parse HTML. The regex just finds 
anything surrounded by angle brackets and ignores it. With the exception of the 
limited block level stuff, we don't even care if there are opening and/or 
closing tags. Yes, that can result in improperly nested stuff, but that is the 
authors fault and the parser should not bring the whole server down for that. 
The Author can (should?) preview in a browser and fix it before publishing.

However, I should point out that while the above describes most parsers (as 
most are more or less direct ports of - which works this way), 
there are a few that use other methods under the hood. For example, a few 
generate a parse tree which is then fed into a renderer (I believe Pandoc works 
like that, which allows it to output many more formats than just HTML), but 
they are the rare exception.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown validity Re: Agreeing on Historical Markdown

2014-07-12 Thread Waylan Limberg

 On Jul 12, 2014, at 6:23 PM, Sean Leonard wrote:
 On 7/12/2014 12:31 PM, Waylan Limberg wrote:
 On Jul 12, 2014, at 2:52 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
 When you have a question like this, just try it Babelmark 2:
 Yes, that's what we all do. And to answer your other question, notice that 
 only two of the implementations on Babelmark2 failed. Remember, most of 
 these implementations were written to be run on web servers. We can't have 
 our web servers crashing just because a user submitted invalid markdown. 
 What a parser doesn't understand is just passes through. What it 
 misunderstands is garbles but it is specifically designed to never choke.
 As Michel alluded to, most parsers are simply a series of regular expression 
 substitutions which are run in a predetermined order. If a regex never 
 matches a part of the text, then that part passes through untouched. Yes, 
 that means the HTML is parsed by regex - which we all know is a bad idea -- 
 but it is not really parsed in the way that browsers parse HTML. The regex 
 just finds anything surrounded by angle brackets and ignores it. With the 
 exception of the limited block level stuff, we don't even care if there are 
 opening and/or closing tags. Yes, that can result in improperly nested 
 stuff, but that is the authors fault and the parser should not bring the 
 whole server down for that. The Author can (should?) preview in a browser 
 and fix it before publishing.
 However, I should point out that while the above describes most parsers (as 
 most are more or less direct ports of - which works this way), 
 there are a few that use other methods under the hood. For example, a few 
 generate a parse tree which is then fed into a renderer (I believe Pandoc 
 works like that, which allows it to output many more formats than just 
 HTML), but they are the rare exception.
 I see.
 Here is a real-world example of what I was citing:*text*
 Truly, it looks like there is great diversity in Markdown-land.
 Ok, so any standard mentioning Historical Markdown cannot say that any 
 particular behavior is normative when it comes to HTML validity. Some check 
 for HTML (island) validity and behave differently; others don't. The end...I 

Yes, but select normalize (which normalizes insignificant white space in the 
output), and the number of variations decreases. Unfortunately, there is 
absolutely no standardization in how the various implementations handle white 
space (I don't think I've seen two that match exactly in every corner case). 
Either way though, hit the preview button (top right of output) to see how 
the browser renders the output and all but a couple render in the browser 
exactly the same.

And that is what makes markdown so great. You don't need to know or understand 
HTML to write it if you are using markdown. And if you have only an elementary 
knowledge of HTML, you can break into HTML on those few occasions when markdown 
won't do what you need.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Agreeing on Historical Markdown (was: Re: text/markdown effort in IETF (invite))

2014-07-11 Thread Waylan Limberg

 On Jul 11, 2014, at 7:20 PM, John MacFarlane wrote:
 +++ Sean Leonard [Jul 11 14 01:54 ]:
 Since we cannot reach consensus on what ought to be Standard Markdown 
 today, can the community reach consensus on Historical Markdown--of which 
 I propose three working definitions?
 I think the only sensible thing to refer to is John Gruber's Markdown
 syntax description, which is the canonical reference (even if it is very
 incomplete on the details). 1.0.1 and 1.0.2b7 are both
 buggy implementations.  Neither one is faithful to the syntax

I agree. There is one markdown -- the syntax rules. While there may be many 
implementations, they are all buggy -- whether intentional or not.

Actually, I might be persuaded that there there is two: the rules, and 
extended markdown -- which would be all intentional deviations from the 
rules. If your documents are markdown then they strictly follow the rules and 
mostly likely will be parsed by all markdown parsers the same way. However, if 
your document is extended markdown, then all bets are off. Such a label is in 
effect saying; Hey, this text document represents markdown text, but may not 
strictly be pure markdown text. Weird things may happen. Consider yourself 
warned. Beyond that, I see no need to specify anything further.

Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: text/markdown effort in IETF (invite)

2014-07-10 Thread Waylan Limberg

On Jul 09, 2014, at 11:49 AM, Sean Leonard wrote:

Hi markdown-discuss Folks:

I am working on a Markdown effort in the Internet Engineering Task 
Force, to standardize on text/markdown as the Internet media type for 
all variations of Markdown content. You can read my draft here:        .

My response below is lengthy but covers a number of different points including 
some raised later in the discussion by others. 

Sean, have you reached out to Mr. Gruber specifically? I mention this because 
in the past I have CCed him directly on a response I sent to this list which 
prompted him to respond (admittedly that happened some years ago). I suspect he 
might be amenable to the general idea though. A search of the list archives 
turned up a previous discussion [1] where he indicated a willingness to put in 
some work to obtain a mime type for markdown. Of course, that was back when he 
was still actively involved. Your mileage may vary.


In any event, I have some thoughts about your proposal. I like it for the most 
part. But a few comments on some specifics:

Why do we need a Mime Type?

First of all, when is this necessary? In order words, when is plain markdown being sent 
around such that it needs a mime type? In my experience, REST API's (for example) use 
JSON or XML which may contain some Markdown text among other data. That other data may 
identify that the text is markdown, but the mime type for the file is JSON or 
XML (or at least the appropriate mime type for that file type). Or are you proposing that 
everyone standardize on a way to identify the markdown text within JSON and XML documents 
as Markdown text? What am I missing here?


To shed a different light on the encoding issue, consider Python-Markdown 
(disclosure: I'm the primary developer). Just as in Python 3 (where all strings 
are Unicode), Python-Markdown only works with Unicode. You pass Unicode text 
in, and you get Unicode text out. It is up to the user of the library to 
concern themselves with encoding and decoding a file to/from a specific 
encoding. As Python provides the libraries to do that, it is not a big problem 
-- although for those used to working with byte strings it may be a little 
jarring (I'm seeing that reaction from people who are experimenting with 
Apple's new Swift Language -- which also supports Unicode only strings).

The point is, the Python-Markdown implementation has no use for the encoding 
(except for the included wrapping commandline script). Of course, the user 
(user of the library) will care about that and will need some way to identify 
the encoding before converting and passing the input on to the Python-Markdown 
library. So yes, encoding is very much a real, needed piece of meta-data.

However, if the markdown text is included in a JSON file (see my previous point 
above), then wouldn't the encoding be defined for the JSON file, not the 
markdown text specifically. The JSON parsing library would just spit out a 
Unicode string -- in which case, why do we need this?


To me, flavors seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Sean, I realize you 
have specifically stated a lack of understanding here, so lets go back in time. The 
following may not be an all-inclusive (or in proper order of events) history of Markdown, 
but provides enough (I hope) to make a point.

Way back when, the flavor of markdown you used depended almost entirely on which language (Perl, 
PHP, Python...) you were using to code your project (blog, wiki, CMS, etc.). If you where using PHP, them 
your flavor was PHP Markdown... There was only one implementation per language and they (mostly?) agreed with 
each other. In that day flavor was completely pointless. I suspect a number of us resistant to 
the flavors part of your proposal are from that period in Markdown's history.

Of course, then Ruby came along. I don't remember which library was which, but when the first 
library came out, it was not very good (lots of bugs and slow). Then a second library came out 
which also wasn't very good, but in different ways (except for the slow part). Some people wrote 
their markdown documents with the bugs of the first implementation in mind, while other's wrote 
their documents with the second in mind. Then a few projects started offering users the option to 
pick which Ruby implementation of Markdown to use for each individual document - and 
flavors were born. Then other people started making ports of those projects to other 
languages and the flavors followed -- even though the other languages didn't really 
have any choices. As a reminder, Github came out of that Ruby culture, which might explain why 
Github-Flavored-Markdown ever existed in the first place (interesting side note: Gruber appears 

RE: text/markdown effort in IETF (invite)

2014-07-09 Thread Waylan Limberg
I think this comment [1] by Gruber on the mailing list in the past can shed
some light on what the spec is (is it, the syntax rules on, some mashup of various implementations, or something
else?). According to Gruber, it is the syntax rules and that's it. If that
is not good enough to get a mime-type, then I don’t think there is
anything else we can do.


-Original Message-
From: Markdown-Discuss [] On
Behalf Of Sean Leonard
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: text/markdown effort in IETF (invite)

On 7/9/2014 12:06 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
 Le 9-juil.-2014 à 11:49, Sean Leonard a écrit :

 Hi markdown-discuss Folks:

 I am working on a Markdown effort in the Internet Engineering Task Force,
to standardize on text/markdown as the Internet media type for all
variations of Markdown content. You can read my draft here:

 The proposal is already getting traction. Is there anyone on this 
 list that is interested in participating or helping this effort? In 
 particular we need to better understand and document what versions of 
 Markdown exist, so that either Markdown as a family of informal 
 syntaxes will start to converge, or if not, that Markdown variations 
 have an easy way to be distinguished from one another. (See the 
 flavor parameter discussed in the draft.)
 The flavor parameter is a good idea in theory. I'm not sure it'll be
very useful in general though. Nobody is going to annotate their file with
the right flavor unless there's a tangible benefit, and I don't see what the
benefit could be. Software that could do something useful with
markdown-identified content will likely ignore the flavor part when parsing
because no one wants to see incompatible flavor errors, especially when
commonly used parts of the syntax are compatible anyway.

 Markdown is in the spot where HTML was before HTML5 with each
implementation doing its own thing. I don't know if Markdown will get out of
there anytime soon. I'll point out however that HTML never got anything like
a flavor parameter in its MIME type, and even if it did it'd not have
helped clear the mess in any way.

Ok so here is where I really want to focus and learn some stuff from the
Markdown community. I am a fairly heavy Markdown user, but not a Markdown
developer or maintainer [yet].

 From what I have gathered of Markdown history as an observer, getting this
into one standardized syntax is like herding cats. Someone complains about
how _ and * interact, or how to do tables such-and-such a way, and then they
go off and write a different tool that does it differently. Ultimately it's
as much about style (which is very
personal) as functionality. To make matters worse, Gruber isn't providing
leadership, so anyone can write Son of Markdown and before you know it
we'll have 50 different standards.

If someone else manages to write a formal specification, I am happy to refer
to that normatively in the (proposed) IETF work. If the community manages to
coalesce around that spec, I am also happy to refer to that spec as the
exclusive normative reference. may as well boil the ocean. So I'm
not going to attempt that. I just want to call the ocean for what it is, and
it's not text/plain. :)


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Links in Code Blocks

2014-03-26 Thread Waylan Limberg
Considering that one of the features of Code Blocks is that they can be
used to display markdown syntax in its original source, the answer would be
no. There is no way to have markdown syntax interpreted inside a code block.

This would be one of those things that you would need to do with raw HTML
as others have already demonstrated.


On Wednesday, March 26, 2014, Tom Maynard wrote:

 Is it possible to have a live hyperlink *inside* a \`\`\`Code Block\`\`\`?
  Something like:
 This code block contains an embedded [hyperlink](http://en. Is it possible to render it as an active
 link instead of source?
 I realize that Markdown support already exists, but it doesn't work.  And,
 I also realize that what I'm asking for is diametrically opposed to what a
 Code Block is meant to be (even one with syntax highlighting.  It's a
 WYSIWYG functionality, and I'm trying to circumvent it (at least

 Is there a way?

 Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: RFC: Remove p Paragraph Tags between li Tags

2013-11-23 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Saturday, November 23, 2013, Mariusz Wojcik wrote:

 li[About Me](/about-me.html)/li


 plia href=/Home/a/li
 lia href=/about-me.htmlAbout Me/a/li
 lia href=/projects.htmlProjects/a/li/p

 Is this a bug or a feature? I think it shouldn't be that way because the
 Tags around `li`s are illegal.

As the docs [1] state: “Markdown is smart enough not to add extra
(unwanted) `p` tags around HTML block-level tags.” The key there is
“block-level tags” which `li`s are not ( go ahead and check the HTML spec
on that). If you want to create raw HTML lists, then you need to wrap them
in the appropriate block-level tag yourself.

This is a case of garbage in - garbage out. When you're using raw HTML, you
need to use valid HTML. Markdown will not fix your invalid HTML for you.
So, in your case, a `li` not in a `ol` or `ul` in not valid HTML.
Therefore markdown doesn't fix it to make it valid. Markdown's
understanding of HTML is way to limited for that.

Hope that explains things for you.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Media block

2013-11-14 Thread Waylan Limberg
There is a third-party extension to python-markdown for embedding
youtube videos in a document. You might find it interesting:

\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Johannes Wärn wrote:
 I will start of with an example of what I would like to be able to write in 


 This is a dummy paragraph, it would of course be longer than this.

 This is just another dummy paragraph; however, after it comes some pictures 
 of my cat.

 That was nice. Here is an audio recording of my dog barking:

 And finally here is a video of my two pets being cuddly:


 I think it’s clear that the output I am suggesting for this would be 
 something along these lines:

pThis is a dummy paragraph, it would of course be longer than this./p
pThis is just another dummy paragraph; however, after it comes some 
 pictures of my cat./p
divimg src=
divimg src=
divimg src=
pThat was nice. Here is an audio recording of my dog barking:/p
audio src=;/audio
pAnd finally here is a video of my two pets being cuddly:/p
video src=;/video

 I’d also say that the advantage of the syntax is clear: it’s dead simple. 
 Furthermore it downgrades quite nicely.

 There are of course problems it does not solve and extra complexity it would 
 introduce; however, I thought I’d write this short email to see if anyone 
 would be interested in discussing the idea.

 Thank you for reading,
 Johannes Wärn

 Markdown-Discuss mailing list
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Re: attribute blocks for definition lists

2013-07-19 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Matthieu Codron wrote:

 the syntax would be

 term {#id}
 :   definition

Python-Markdown already has extensions for Attribute Lists [1] and
Definition Lists [2] (both also available as part of Extra [3]).
However, due to the restriction that definition list terms can only be
on a single line (each line is a separate term), it was impossible to
assign attrs to the term. I was already special casing headers (h1-6)
for the same reason, so it wasn't too hard to adapt the code to work
with dt's also.

I just pushed a fix [4] which implements support for this syntax (you
can set any kind of attribute supported by the attr_list extension)
and it should be available in the next release of Python-Markdown
(probably 2.3.2). As always, testing/feedback is welcome.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Mysterious MD5ification under very specific circumstances

2013-06-28 Thread Waylan Limberg

Which implementation of the markdown parser are you using? Perl, php, ruby,
python, javascript, ... (and many more) and which version specificly?

Ask to an explaination, some implementations of the parser use MD5 Hashes
as placeholders for the already parsed pieces of the document. My guess is
that you found an edge case which tripps up the code that swaps out the
placeholders for the parsed html.

Waylan Limberg
On Jun 28, 2013 11:55 AM, Wolfgang Faust wrote:

 I was building a markdown document today when my document suddenly went
 blank. When I looked at the HTML source, I found that all my codeblocks had
 been MD5ified. The following is a minimal document which reproduces the

 # Header #
 !-- There can be text here, but there doesn't have to be.

 This is a codeblock.

 **Bold text** !-- Another comment --

 In particular, there must be:

- A header
- A comment containing the sequence NEWLINE TAB followed by at least
two greater-than signs
- At least one codeblock
- Bold text
- Another comment at the end of the document.

 Changing even the smallest detail in the markdown results in a correct
 HTML document, as expected.

 When I run this through markdown v.1.0.1, I get:





 **Bold text** !-- Another comment --

 What on earth is going on here, and who do I report this bug to?

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Re: Styling Markdown approaches

2013-04-20 Thread Waylan Limberg
I think the syntax rules regarding raw html [1] shed some light on this issue:

 Markdown is not a replacement for HTML, or even close
 to it. Its syntax is very small, corresponding only to a very
 small subset of HTML tags. The idea is not to create a
 syntax that makes it easier to insert HTML tags. In my
 opinion, HTML tags are already easy to insert. The idea
 for Markdown is to make it easy to read, write, and edit
 prose. HTML is a publishing format; Markdown is a writing
 format. Thus, Markdown’s formatting syntax only addresses
 issues that can be conveyed in plain text.

 For any markup that is not covered by Markdown’s syntax,
 you simply use HTML itself. There’s no need to preface it
 or delimit it to indicate that you’re switching from Markdown
 to HTML; you just use the tags.

In other words, if you want a *publishing* format, use  raw HTML. If
you want to wrap some text in a div to add styling hooks, fine. But if
you want to format the contents of that div, then use HTML for that
also. After all, Markdown is not a replacement for HTML.

Yes, some markdown implementations have added some optional extras,
but those extras generally fit into the philosophy quoted above (see
definition lists). That said, I have seen some pretty horrid requests
for extending the syntax as the maintainer of the Python-Markdown
project (which has an extensive API for writing extensions). While I
agree that user defined extensions are an appropriate way to go, one
should always be careful when introducing new syntax. John
MacFarlane's FAQ [2] is evidence of that.



\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Admonitions! with Python-Markdown 2.3 release.

2013-03-15 Thread Waylan Limberg
Last night I released version 2.3 of Python Markdown (see the release
notes [1] for all the details). In addition to various other
improvements, a new **experimental** extension was included that added
a syntax for generating  rST-style admonitions [2]. For a summary of
the syntax, see the documentation [3]. A broader sample of the output
can be seen on this page [4]. The source text can be found by swapping
the .html file extension for .txt [5]. You can test it here [6]
(be sure to enable the extension).

!!! Warning
Experimental code has been released into the wild!

As noted, this is considered experimental. It is subject to change. I
realize that I could have overlooked something obvious and am not yet
completely committed to the syntax. Interestingly, I had drafted a
proposal some time ago (maybe a year ago) but never finished it.
Independently, slig [7] proposed an almost identical proposal [8].
Seeing how close our proposals were, we tweaked the syntax (meeting in
the middle) and slig wrote all the code.

So what does everyone think? I know the examples in the
Python-Markdown docs aren't the best. We're using the Python default
documentation theme (CSS) which makes the title inline with the first
paragraph - which is a little weird. What's great about it though, is
that no changes needed to be made to the CSS for it to work. Same
applies to any Sphinx themes [9].



\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: footer and cie.

2013-02-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
 In PHP Markdown 1.0.1p I started treating them as block-level elements and 
 they get the same treatment as `div`, but implementations don't seem to 
 agree on this

I see three different outputs (babelmark2 shows more, but treatment of
whitespace and/or the encoding the apostrophe in don't are throwing
things off).

1) `footer` and its contents are untouched.
2) `footer` is left alone but its contents are processed as inline markdown.
3) The whole thing is wrapped in a `p` and contents are processed as
inline markdown.

The reason for #3 is easy. Those parsers don't know anything about the
`footer` tag - which we all know is new in HTML5. Most likely, they
(like have a hardcoded list of block level tags and
anything else in raw html is assumed to be span level tags. As I see
it, these can simply be ignored as being outdated/not supporting
HTML5. My suggestions would be to say that if you want to use HTML5
don't use these implementations. Yes, that means HTML5 support is a
feature, just like footnote support is a feature. Uhg.

I think it is safe to say that the reason for #1 is that the devs have
added the footer tag to the list of hardcoded block level tags - which
means it gets missed by span level parsing. These implementations can
say they support HTML5, but the lack-of-span-level-parsing feels

I'm guessing that implementations of #2 work as they do because a
conscious decision was made to allow span level parsing. But what do
these implementations do for divs? I just checked and they also do
span level parsing inside `div` and `p` tags, etc.

So, if you want to follow the
no-span-level-parsing-in-block-level-html rule, your left with
choosing #1 or #3 (the former being with HTML5 support). However, if
you want to ignore that rule, then #2 seems to be the way to go.

Personally, I've never liked that rule
(no-span-level-parsing-in-block-level-html), but it is a clearly
defined rule and should be the default behavior. I went with #1.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Community Group for Markdown Standardization

2012-11-21 Thread Waylan Limberg
 it was too time-consuming.

 Pretty much at the same time, I made Babelmark for comparing various Markdown 
 implementations. Ian Hickson wrote a similar tool to see how browsers were 
 parsing HTML snippets to help build the parsing spec for HTML. I figured it'd 
 help to have something similar for Markdown.

 John MacFarlane rewrote it as Babelmark 2 a few months ago, with more 
 up-to-date versions of the implementations. It's really great.

  - - -

 If I had to fix Markdown today, I'd radically change to a cheap approach. 
 I'd take the few worse cases from the Babelmark 2 FAQ, try to come up with a 
 right way to parse these, put them in a test suite and try to convince 
 other implementations conform to that test suite. Even that would probably be 
 a hard sell to me, and probably others. I'm pretty picky about what's right 
 and wrong in Markdown.

 Michel Fortin

 Markdown-Discuss mailing list


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: horizontal space/indent and HTML/PDF

2012-10-30 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Chris Lott wrote:
 What is the best method to introduce horizontal space in text in a
 Pandoc document? Preferably something that would work for both HTML
 and PDF output?

Well, there are a few different things you could try:

The easiest would be to put the entire poem in a code block. Of
course, that may not be as pretty (with a monospaced font) and you
lose inline markdown (emphasis, links, etc).

A second option would be to use html entities for non-braking spaces
(`nbsp;`). You only need to make every other space non-breaking. And
don't forget to end each line with two spaces to force the line
breaks. Like this:

hickory dickory dock
 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; the mouse ran up the clock
 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; the clock struck one
the mouse ran down

Of course, that doesn't look so nice in markdown, but works great in HTML.

The HTML spec actually suggests that poetry could be wrapped in a
`pre` tag (but without the inner `code` tags of the code block).
So, you could use raw html like this:

hickory dickory dock
the mouse ran up the clock
 the clock struck one
the mouse ran down

I'm not sure if Pandoc will parse inline markdown in there or not
(some parers might if you set markdown=1 on the pre tag). And I'm not
sure how any of the above will translate to PDF. But that should get
you started.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: How to insert a blank line between blockquote paragraphs?

2012-10-24 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Waylan Limberg wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Thomas Maibaum 
 Hello everyone,

 First off, I'm new to this list, so if this has been dealt with before, I
 apologize. I was unable to find a solution in Google.

 My question is, how do I insert a blank line between blockquote paragraphs
 so that they are visually separate? I often need to put two or three
 separate blockquotes in a row, without any regular text between them, but
 Markdown always renders the HTML output like one long quote. Like this:

 Well, if you don't want the output to be visible, and as Markdown
 accepts raw html, why not an html comment. Like this:!--+blank+line+--%3E%0A%0A%3E+bar%0A%0A%3C!--+blank+line+--%3E%0A%0A%3E+baz

You can even eliminate some of the blank lines like this:!--+blank+line+--%3E%0A%3E+bar%0A%0A%3C!--+blank+line+--%3E%0A%3E+baz

Although that breaks pandoc in strange ways. However, all other
implementations handle that fine and you save a few blank lines in
your document. The rest are necessary though.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Trouble with parentheses in Markdown hyperlinks

2012-10-24 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:18 PM, David Chambers wrote:
 On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 7:25 PM, John MacFarlane wrote:

 Github has wikis for each project.

 You'd only have to create a 'markdown' project, which needn't have
 anything in it but a README.markdown file with a link to the wiki.
 Anyone with a github account could edit the wiki.
 This seems far easier than any of the other proposals.

 I created the markdown account on GitHub some time ago. If there's support
 for John's suggestion, we could create a public repository in that account
 and use its wiki.

+1 from me.

There used to be an old wiki (I forget where) which lasted for some
years. But it died a slow death. First from lack of maintenance, then
from spam, then from being locked down to avoid the spam. No longer
being publicly editable was the last nail in its coffin. At least
that's the way I remember it.

The thing about github it that is has user management features to help
with spam, etc. (not that other wiki systems don't but...) David if
you make that user account an organization then if/when you ever
lose interest in or run out of time to maintain it, you can share with
or pass ownership off to any other github user - with no need to pass
off control of a hosting account or move it to a new hosting account
or transfer control of a domain ... and all the other relevant
headaches with that sort of thing.

Also, as a bonus, the default page url (using github pages) would be - which is even better that
github-flavored-markdown gets. Sure, that page wouldn't be as easily
editable as a wiki, but just make it static with general info and a
link to the wiki - or don't - use pull requests as moderated editing
of the github page. Trusted and frequent editors of the doc (and/or
implementation authors) could be given full editing privileges of the
underlying repo using there respective user accounts (which privileges
could still be revoked upon abuse).

For that matter, as an organization, each implementation author
could host their implementation under markdown/[implementation_name].
Or if they don't want to, auto-updating mirrors could be added
(although, unfortunately, the auto-updating script would need to be
maintained externally). Great for one-stop shopping for all
implementations. I know I'd use it to browse's source -
rather than  downloading the zip file.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: How to insert a blank line between blockquote paragraphs?

2012-10-24 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:33 PM, David Chambers wrote:

 I love pandoc's approach here. It's logical, and makes it just as trivial to
 mark up consecutive single-paragraph quotes as it is to mark up a
 two-paragraph quote.

 This is exactly the sort of thing that could be profitably discussed were we
 not bound by the somewhat inconsistent behaviour of the original Perl
 script. Do others agree that pandoc's treatment of such cases is preferable
 to the “specified” behaviour? What I'm asking is what others would advocate
 if we were discussing a hypothetical format with no backwards-compatibility
 concerns. (Let's not have every discussion derailed by the
 backwards-compatibility discussion.) :)

I already stated my opinion in a separate message on what is proper
behavior in markdown, but your not asking about that here. Sure, if I
was involved in designing some new
inspired-by-markdown-but-not-markdown language,  then yes Pandoc's
behavior would get my vote in this instance.

The thing is, I'm not really interested in designing by committee, and
I don't follow this list to consider inspired-by-markdown languages. I
follow this list because I maintain a _markdown_ implementation and
sometimes support questions for my implementation get asked here - or
sometimes inconsistencies in implementation can be worked out - or
something like babelmark2 comes along which I want to know about, use,
and provide access to my implementation for... (you get the idea).
Most anything else is just an annoying distraction to me. Sure, if
people want to announce some new markdown related project here -
great, I'm glad to see markdown grow. But I'm not interested in
filtering through message after message about some hypothetical
inspired-by-markdown language that know one is putting any real work
into (and if there is real work - great - but that discussion belongs
elsewhere). But hey, I'm just one person. What do I know? Maybe my
overly busy schedule lately is making me ornery.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Multidingus

2012-10-21 Thread Waylan Limberg
Very interesting examples in that FAQ.

Although I would say this one is a little misleading:

It would more accurately be this:

While that is a lot less interesting, it is not exhibiting the issue of
spaces in urls - which is the next item on your list.

There could also be this:

Which is also not very interesting. The only difference in these two
examples is the way php markdown handles escaped characters - which has
nothing specific to do with links. Seems to me like none of
these examples belong on the list.


On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 11:21 PM, John MacFarlane wrote:

 Thanks!  I've added a FAQ:

 This contains a longer list of interesting examples of differences
 between implementations, plus instructions on how to get your markdown
 implementation added to the comparisons.

 +++ David Chambers [Oct 19 12 15:16 ]:
 This is a terrific tool, John. I now realize how much disagreement
 there is between the different Markdown libs on certain topics (such
 consecutive lists).
 On Friday, 19 October 2012 at 2:51 PM, John MacFarlane wrote:
 +++ Alan Hogan [Oct 19 12 14:07 ]:
 Here’s a tiny bookmarklet that can be run on Babelmark 2 as it stands
 today, that replaces all the pre elements on the page with an HTML
 javascript:$('pre').each(function(i, el){ var html = $(el).text();
 $(el).replaceWith($('div style=border: 1px solid #aaa;
 4px /').html(html)); });
 Or, you may drag it into your bookmarks page from here:
 It’s not Good Code and doesn’t do anything useful like add tabs to
 switch between representations, but hey, I spent five minutes on this
 and it’s kind of useful, so I’m sharing it.
 This is useful. I've incorporated it into the site itself, so you
 can now toggle between Preview and Code modes. When I have a bit
 of time I'll make it use tabs for this instead -- that would be nicer.
 Markdown-Discuss mailing list

  Markdown-Discuss mailing list

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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Trouble with parentheses in Markdown hyperlinks

2012-10-18 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:

 Could we standardize URL-parsing regexes across Markdown implementations?
 Can we come up with a really super regex and invite the various fork
 developers and maintainers to use that regex?

There are at least 3 possible problems with this:

1) This assumes that all implementations use regex. That may
not necessarily be the case. For example, peg markdown is a peg parser.
While I'm not sure if it uses a peg grammar or regex for matching urls (I
didn't go check), why should it be required to use a regex?

2) Not all languages (perl, python, ruby, php, lua, ...) use the same regex
implementation. For instance, when developing the python implementation of
markdown, I have had to work around a few features of the perl regex
implementation that do not exist in python. Had JG been working in a
language other than perl when he first developed the markdown syntax, I
suspect a few things would be different. Some subtle features of the syntax
are definitely a direct result of how perl's regex works. Nothing that
can't be overcome - but not always with regex (see [this][] example).


3) Even if the above issues didn't exist, how would you be able to convince
all of the implementors to use it in their implementations?

Oh, and to address the original issue starting this thread, along with the
others mentioned, Python-Markdown also parses the url with parenthesis
correctly. I would suggest filing a bug report with whichever
implementation Stack Overflow uses and hope that that implementation is
still under active development.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: pre in lists

2012-08-17 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Boris Le Ninivin wrote:

 Thank you for your suggestion. However, I use ikiwiki, and, if I do so, it's
 to avoid using php, ruby or anything else ;)

 So, I'll rather patch ikiwiki than install a hanful of packages to solve a
 simple problem ;)

Well, as far as I can tell, ikiwiki is written in Perl. Not sure which
perl implementation it uses (there are 3 IIRC), but I believe all of
them implement nested code blocks properly. Perhaps you are providing
bad input? What you should have is:

1. some text
2. some code :

My first line of code
The second one
Some indented code
Another line
3. end of the list

Note the blank line before the block and at least 8 spaces of indent.
That is the only way to nest a standard markdown style code block
inside a list.

Remember, without the blank line, you just add more inline text to the
list item and with only 4 spaces of indent you only get a paragraph
inside a list:

1. First line of first paragraph in list item.
Second line of first paragraph in list item (indented 4 spaces).

Second paragraph of first list item (indented 4 spaces).
Second line of second paragraph (indented 4 spaces).

A code block nested in list item (indented 8 spaces).

Another paragraph nested in list item (indented 8 spaces).

2. A new list item.

Hope that helps.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Footnote output not valid.

2012-08-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
 Le 2012-08-07 à 15:43, Waylan Limberg a écrit :

 Of course, following's lead, the default is XHTML, so
 yeah, most will never get HTML5 output. Although, I suppose we could
 easily have our footnote extension not add the `rel` and `rev`
 attributes to footnotes when HTML5 is selected.

 Well, I'm not so sure rel=footnote is actually almost valid. The HTML specs 
 gives a few normalized values, then says that other values must be registered 
 on this page:

 rel=footnote is there on that page, in the POSH usage section, citing 
 Markdown preprocessors as the source. But it's missing a spec. Someone would 
 have to go through the microformat process and create a spec for it and it'll 
 become valid.

True, but it is also listed in the dropped section. If one it
proposing a spec for anything that has previously been dropped, there
is a larger hurdle to jump. For example, the proposal needs to explore
why it was previously dropped and why that reason does not apply to
the current proposal. And if I understand it correctly, certain
reasons (for previously being dropped) will cause all future proposals
to be rejected automatically, while other reasons may be open to
reconsideration. Unfortunately, whoever added footnote to the
dropped list left the reason as unknown. So it looks like it might
be a lot of work to submit an acceptable proposal.

 Rev is definitely deprecated however. I don't think it'll come back. If 
 someone defines a spec for rel=footnote, it could also define what is the 
 opposite of rel=footnote and replace the rev=footnote with something else 
 such as rel=footnote-ref. Then the path forward might be to include both 
 rev=footnote rel=footnote-ref, unless someone has specified a flag to prevent 
 the rev attribute from showing up.

But until that happens, our markdown implementations are outputting
invalid html. And according to the page linked above, they should not
be used at all meaning we should be removing any occurrences of
rel=footnote from our markdown implementations until such a proposal
is approved. Of course, that only applies when outputting HTML5.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Footnote output not valid.

2012-08-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
FYI, I found an examples page in the microformats wiki:

Because of the inclusion of the 's' in the url, I didn't find it right
away. In any event, it documents various existing examples of footnote
implementations (including Gruber's). Interestingly none of them use
rel attributes (or rev for that matter). Maybe we should just drop
that usage altogether in markdown.

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:35 PM, Waylan Limberg wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Michel Fortin 
 Le 2012-08-07 à 15:43, Waylan Limberg a écrit :

 Of course, following's lead, the default is XHTML, so
 yeah, most will never get HTML5 output. Although, I suppose we could
 easily have our footnote extension not add the `rel` and `rev`
 attributes to footnotes when HTML5 is selected.

 Well, I'm not so sure rel=footnote is actually almost valid. The HTML specs 
 gives a few normalized values, then says that other values must be 
 registered on this page:

 rel=footnote is there on that page, in the POSH usage section, citing 
 Markdown preprocessors as the source. But it's missing a spec. Someone would 
 have to go through the microformat process and create a spec for it and 
 it'll become valid.

 True, but it is also listed in the dropped section. If one it
 proposing a spec for anything that has previously been dropped, there
 is a larger hurdle to jump. For example, the proposal needs to explore
 why it was previously dropped and why that reason does not apply to
 the current proposal. And if I understand it correctly, certain
 reasons (for previously being dropped) will cause all future proposals
 to be rejected automatically, while other reasons may be open to
 reconsideration. Unfortunately, whoever added footnote to the
 dropped list left the reason as unknown. So it looks like it might
 be a lot of work to submit an acceptable proposal.

 Rev is definitely deprecated however. I don't think it'll come back. If 
 someone defines a spec for rel=footnote, it could also define what is the 
 opposite of rel=footnote and replace the rev=footnote with something else 
 such as rel=footnote-ref. Then the path forward might be to include both 
 rev=footnote rel=footnote-ref, unless someone has specified a flag to 
 prevent the rev attribute from showing up.

 But until that happens, our markdown implementations are outputting
 invalid html. And according to the page linked above, they should not
 be used at all meaning we should be removing any occurrences of
 rel=footnote from our markdown implementations until such a proposal
 is approved. Of course, that only applies when outputting HTML5.

 \X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
 Waylan Limberg


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Footnote output not valid.

2012-08-07 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
 Le 2012-08-06 à 21:07, Waylan Limberg a écrit :

 I just received a report [1] that the footnote output we use in
 Python-Markdown (an exact copy of PHP Markdown Extra [3]) is not valid
 HTML [3]. If you notice he's using HTML5. At least the footnote syntax
 does valid on XHTML1 or HTML4. Anyway, any suggestions on how the
 various footnote implementations want to move forward with this?


 Another link you might want to check out:

 I'm not actually sure what to do about this. One idea is to have a master 
 switch making all output HTML5-conformant. The real problem is that some 
 people might be relying on the current markup, stylesheets at least. So that 
 switch should be disabled by default, which would ensure almost no one gets 
 HTML5 markup.

Interestingly, in Python-Markdown we have an output-format [1] switch
which can be set to various versions of HTML and/or XHTML. Although,
all HTML versions get the same output and all XHTML versions get the
same output. The only difference (right now) between HTML and XHTML
are things like `hr` verses `hr /`.

Of course, following's lead, the default is XHTML, so
yeah, most will never get HTML5 output. Although, I suppose we could
easily have our footnote extension not add the `rel` and `rev`
attributes to footnotes when HTML5 is selected. Seems silly though -
to have a less semantic document because an unfinished standard has
depreciated a commonly used syntax, especially when no browser will
trip on it - just for the sake of having a document validated by an
experimental validator.



\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Definition list as image caption

2012-06-22 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Jakob wrote:
  recently though about image captions, then i realized that this could be
 achiebed by Markdown Extra's definition list feature:

 : here goes the *caption*

 What do you think?

Hmm, what HTML are you suggesting that output? Standard Definition
List HTML? How would that translate to a caption?


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Definition list as image caption

2012-06-22 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Jakob wrote:
 Von: Waylan Limberg
 Hmm, what HTML are you suggesting that output? Standard Definition
 List HTML? How would that translate to a caption?

 In the meantime I rethought my proposal, but for the sake of being backwards 
 compatible with HTML4: I think it should take a figure class (only when it 
 is only images and that definition line), like this:

 dl class=figure
 dtimg alt=alt text src=;/dt
 dd class=figcaptionthe caption/dd

So you want the parser to special case dt's that contain an image and
then attach a bunch of classes to the output. That seems like it might
surprise the user a little too much and I don;t recall any other
syntax which follows a similar pattern. I don't like it.

 like this i would be very similar to the HTML5 stuff (and could be easily 
 handled in CSS with `.figure {}` in HTML4 or just `figure {}` in HTML5):

  img alt=alt text src=; 
  figcaptionthe caption/figcaption

I think this one probably falls in the should be in raw HTML camp.
Remember the syntax rules state that markdown is only for a subset of
HTML. These special cased HTML5 tags all strike me as raw HTML


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Definition list as image caption

2012-06-22 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Thomas Humiston wrote:
 It's a good idea, Jakob. Despite the name of this HTML element (which HTML5 
 moves to rename as description list), it exists for exactly the sort of 
 purpose you suggest -- or, as I like to say, DT is some object, DD is 
 something *about* that object.

 No matter which implementation of Markdown (or anything else) one uses to 
 wrap content in HTML, the question is, What HTML element is appropriate for 
 the job? The answer isn't always stark, and DL has long been undervalued, 
 misunderstood, and largely forgotten, but it is indeed the best choice in 
 this case.

 And in situations where the text includes discrete bits, such as a 
 photograph's copyright info and the name of the photographer in addition to 
 the caption, we see that it indeed becomes list-like, so that the 
 appropriateness of using DL becomes even more apparent.

 Here's an example of styling for a photo and caption info in a DL element. 
 (Note: I made up the copyright info. If Wikipedia even allows hotlinking to 
 their photos, I'd first look up the correct way of doing it before using this 
 on a real site.)

 div#example {
  max-width: 20em;
 dt {
  padding: 5px;
  border: 1px solid gray;
  margin-bottom: 5px;
 dt img {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
 dd {
  margin-left: 0; /* removes the indent */
  color: gray;
  font-size: small;
 dd.maker, dd.copyright {
  font-style: italic;
  font-size: x-small;
  margin-top: 1em;
 dd.maker {
  float: left;
  margin-right: 2em;
 dd.copyright {
  float: right;

 div id=example
 alt=Foxy Freddy, from Wikipedia
 ddFox is a common name for many species of omnivorous mammals belonging to 
 the Canidae family.
 dd class=makerPhoto by Rob Lee
 dd class=copyrightcopy;2012 Wikimedia / GPL

Now, this is a proposal I can get behind - sort of. Of course its
really a non-proposal because it is already possible with no
modification to at least some implementations. The only proposal here
is to determine what hooks the CSS should expect. And I've never seen
markdown require specific classes as styling hooks. But, hey, if you
want to standardize internally within your organization, that is a
good starting place.

The best part is, any implementation that already supports definition
lists, markdown processing inside raw html blocks and attribute lists
[1] [2] can generate that output. The input would look like this:

div class=example markdown=1

![Foxy Freddy, from Wikipedia]
:Fox is a common name for many species of
 omnivorous mammals belonging to the Canidae
:Photo by Rob Lee
 {: .maker }
:copy;2012 Wikimedia / GPL
 {: .copyright }


The key is that the wrapping div has a hook set (changed it to a
class, not an id - otherwise you could only have one
image-with-caption per page) identifying it as a image-with-caption.
Author a definition list without that div/class hook, and it is a
regular definition list. Either way, the markdown parser does the same
thing. Only the CSS cares and alters how it is displayed. Again, a
non-proposal as far as Markdown is concerned.



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Paragraphs and html integration.

2012-06-18 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Boris Le Ninivin wrote:
 On 06/18/2012 09:27 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:

 Le 2012-06-18 à 6:26, Boris Le Ninivin a écrit :
 In the end, on the df website, it is said that Markdown is smart enough not
 to add extra (unwanted) |p| tags around HTML block-level tags.. So I
 don't know if it's an implementation problem (related to the PHP port,
 maybe?), or if it's a design problem, but as far as I know, Markdown is not
 smart enough to not add unwanted p tags.

 That's only true for known HTML tags, and only the block-level ones.

 Does that mean that html and !doctype  tags will be enclosed between p

Yes. More specifically, known block-level tags that would only ever
appear inside the body of a valid HTML4/XHTML1 document are
recognized by Markdown. So any new tags introduced by HTML5 would also
not be recognized - although some implementations may be starting to
add them.

Also remember that those tags must begin at the start of a line. No
indentation allowed - or they not recognized as block level tags. Yes,
this is documented - so most implementations follow it.

If your adding html stuff to your documents, that is generally
handled after markdown is run on the body. For example, most
frameworks and template systems will use a template which generates
all the stuff outside the body and perhaps a header/footer inside
the body, and then use a template variable to insert the already
converted markdown into the document. Markdown does not generally
expect to have the already generated document run through it -
although I know some people have had success using it that way in
specific controlled environments.


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Python-Markdown 2.1.1 Released

2012-01-22 Thread Waylan Limberg
Python Markdown version 2.1.1 has been released.

This is a bug fix release which fixes a few bugs which caused the
parser to choke on certain edge cases.

Everyone is encouraged to upgrade.


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Inline HTML link and mailto: link

2012-01-13 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar wrote:
 Wow, that was a quick reply!

 Yes, indeed, I was putting a space between ] and (. I have corrected that
 and now both the links work as they should :-).

 May I ask a supplementary question please: How are em-dashes and en-dashes
 handled in Markdown?

They aren't. You may want to check out
[smartypants]( for
that which was written by the same author.

In fact, smartypants is a filter available on the Markdown Dingus
(select markdown, smartypants or both).


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Python-Markdown 2.1.0 released.

2011-11-24 Thread Waylan Limberg
Just letting everyone know that I just released Python-Markdown

Get from PyPi:

Read the release notes on github:


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Multiline code block within a list

2011-11-07 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Ryan Chan wrote:

 How to correctly made multiline code block within a list, like..

  * foo
  * bar
  * ``` Code 1
 Code 2
 Code 3
  * Another list item

 The above markup is not working, what I want is Code 1, Code 2 and
 Code 3 appear in different lines.


The backtick syntax is for code spans. If you want code blocks, then
to should be using indented blocks. The block needs to be indented at
least four spaces. Unfortunately, not all markdown implementations
will recognize this (including

In fact, some implementations will will never allow *only* a code
block in a list item. However, if you what to use the multiple block
in a list item syntax that will work. Therefore,
 you list item will need some paragraph, followed by a blank line,
followed by your code block. Of course, as additional blocks within a
list item need to be indented four spaces, already, you will need to
indent 8 spaces for a code block.

So, something like this (spaces replaced by dots for illustrative
purposes only):

* foo
* bar
* A paragraph followed by a blank line

Code 1 (8 spaces of indent)
Code 2
Code 3
* Another list item

If you don't want the extra paragraph, check for implementations that don't require


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: table spans

2011-10-06 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Fletcher T. Penney wrote:
 There is no table implementation in markdown.

While Fletcher is technically correct, there are various
implementations which do offer a table syntax. Unfortunately, not all
of them offer the same syntax, so you'll need to specify which
implementation you are using.


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: input on stdin

2011-08-28 Thread Waylan Limberg
Unfortunately, python-markdown did not always work on stdin (but did
for stdout). This has since been rectified and will be available in
the next release (2.1). Actually I though it was in the last release
(2.0) but maybe not.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Simon KP wrote:
 Well I was using python-markdown Arch Linux package and the command line
 tool markdown that comes with it.

 I have downloaded which does work as a filter..

 On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Simon KP wrote:

 Hi list,

 I have been trying to do something like this:

 cat first_post | markdown

 without any success.

 I think a text transformer should primarily serve as a UNIX filter not
 just a tool that opens files.

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Re: edit in place - splitting a markdown text according to headers

2011-08-03 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Alexandre Leray wrote:

 I'd like to implement an edit-in-place functionnality for a (python)
 markdown-based wiki. Does anyone know how I could proceed?

 I was thinking I could split the markdown file according to h1 headers...

The rss extension [1] which ships with Python-Markdown sorta does
this. Each section (split by h1) becomes an 'item' in an rss document.
The extension is old and hasn't been maintained like the rest of the
library and I don't really recommend it, but a look at the code may
provide some guidance. However, the more I think about it, I'm not
really sure how that would be translated to an edit-in-place feature.



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: php-markdown-extra-extended - my humble attempt at extending php-markdown

2011-07-14 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 12:47 PM, David Chambers wrote:
 Albert Skye wrote:

        This paragraph has an attribute list attached by reference.


        [ref]: #id .class name=value

 This strikes me as an elegant solution to the problem, askye. Does anyone
 know of an extension that uses this syntax?

Maruku does (almost) [1] as a part of there attribute list syntax.
Basically, any single word (not a key=value pair or not starting with
a `#` or `.`) is treated as a reference.  I have not implemented this
part in my implementation, mostly because I wasn't convinced that
Maruku's reference syntax was right.



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: php-markdown-extra-extended - my humble attempt at extending php-markdown

2011-07-13 Thread Waylan Limberg
Yes, I implemented an extension to Python-Markdown a few weeks back
which should be available in a release real soon now. Docs are here:

The other implementation is

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Alan Hogan wrote:
 Waylan, out of curiosity, which implementations are those? Is yours one?

 Alan Hogan

 On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6:02 AM, Waylan Limberg wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:12 AM, Egil Hansen wrote:

 Dear all,

 I have used Markdown via Drupal a few months now, with a customer site
 and my currently my own blog and based on that practical experience I
 wanted to add some extra functionality to PHP Markdown Extra, so out
 of this grow my (extended) weekend project

 The big missing item right now that I would like to implement is the
 ability to add classes to block and span elements. My basic idea is to
 use a syntax like this: {some class}

 If you're looking for prior art, I'd suggest Maruku's attribute lists
 [1]. I'm aware of at least two other markdown implementations which
 have adopted this.


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 Waylan Limberg
 Markdown-Discuss mailing list

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Waylan Limberg
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Re: `time` element syntax

2011-06-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 8:35 PM, David Chambers wrote:
 Michel Fortin wrote:

 I'd tend to go for something even simpler:

        Some text 30 May 2011 more text.

        *[30 May 2011]: 2011-05-30 15:00 -07:00

 Basically, why do we need to force brackets in the text at all? Also, why
 force the writer to use 'T' as a time separator and strictly follow to the
 rules of HTML date syntax? It's much more readable without the 'T'.
 Reformatting it to HTML's liking should be pretty trivial.

 I love this idea. I'm unfamiliar with PHP Markdown Extra's abbreviation
 syntax (I'll read up on it); building upon an established convention sounds
 very sensible to me.

I'll have to say I like this as well. It hadn't occurred to me that
like the abbreviation syntax, we don't need to mark up the text at

Regarding the time v. datetime, I picked datetime because that is the
name of the html attribute the same value would be assigned to. But
time is certainly shorter. Maybe you won't need either as Michel


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: `time` element syntax

2011-06-02 Thread Waylan Limberg
Interesting suggestion David. Although, you're right, I'm not sure
what real value this serves. Why can't we just use raw html here?

That said, there certainly is no reason why this couldn't be an
unofficial addon - in which case you would want to do it right. So
here are some thoughts on your suggested implementation:

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 5:08 AM, David Chambers wrote:
 could be used to ensure that only valid `datetime` attribute values are

Ok, this looks like it would match a valid date and time [1], but what
about a date without time or a time without date [2]? According to the
spec, all three should be allowed [3]. Have fun building that regex.

 This would avoid false positives and would keep `[foo]{bar}`
 available for other functions, potentially.

I understand what you're trying to do here, but I suspect this could
conflict with the attribute list syntax used by a few
implementations.[4] I realize they start with a colon `{: ...}`, but
the similarity should at least be considered.

Another concern it that `[foo]{bar}` looks an awful lot like
`[foo](bar)` or even `[foo][bar]`. I realize the later two look very
similar, but as both indicate links, there is less for the reader to
get confused about. You're introducing a non-link syntax, so it should
probably look less like a link IMO.

That said, I'm going to ignore the 'looks like a link' issue for a
moment and add that I think I would prefer something like a reference
syntax with a datetime label:

Some text [30 May 2011] more text.

[30 May 2011]: datetime: 2011-05-30T15:00-07:00

The text is easier to read here, which actually provides a benefit
over just entering the raw html. Of course `[30 May 2011][]` or `[30
May 2011][some label]` could also work, although I don't know why
you'd want to use them.

Now if you can come up with a clean way to make that look less like a
link, I might be interested in using it myself. Otherwise, I'll stick
to raw html here.



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Proposed table specification (long!)

2011-05-10 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Simon Bull wrote:

 I have been thinking on Markdown's lack of proper table support for a long
 while now.  Here's where I have arrived...

 ## I Don't Like HTML Tables

 It is often argued that embedded HTML is the way to markdown rich tables.

 Unfortunately, this contradicts the higher markdown ideal that a raw
 markdown document (including tables!) should be good

 1. Firstly for readers,
 2. Secondly for authors,
 3. Lastly for parsers which don't even rate a mention because markdown is
 for Humans.

In response to this I will quote the paragraph from the syntax rules
[1] which likely gave you this impression:

 Markdown is not a replacement for HTML, or even close to it. Its syntax is 
 small, corresponding only to a very small subset of HTML tags. The idea is not
 to create a syntax that makes it easier to insert HTML tags. In my opinion, 
 tags are already easy to insert. The idea for Markdown is to make it easy to 
 write, and edit prose. HTML is a publishing format; Markdown is a writing 
 Thus, Markdown’s formatting syntax only addresses issues that can be conveyed
 in plain text.

Note that is says easy to read, write, and edit prose -- prose not
tabular data. Taking this (along with the rest of that section of the
document, it is clear (to me at least) that there is no place for a
table syntax in markdown. Now, if you want to implement a third party
add-on, fine. And if that third party add-on becomes popular, then
maybe others will add it to there implementations as well. Maybe,
eventually, if a single format becomes popular enough, the community
at large will accept it. Until then, I'm not interested. If you want
it, go build it!



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: What does Markdown do with HTML comments? Recommendation on Markdown file extension?

2011-05-04 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 9:03 PM, bucephalus org wrote:
 Hi there!
 It may sound awkward, but I would like to use comments in Markdown texts.
 According to the rule that proper HTML works as HTML, I should be able to
     !--  blablabla --
 But the converters I use do strange things with comments. Is there an
 official rule about that?

As you can see here [1], most implementations pass comments through.


 I wonder if there is a recommended standard file extension for Markdown
 source files.
 For my own files I always use `.markdown`.
 But other important sources seem to prefer `.text`.
 Do you have an opinion on that, or is there even a standard?

This has been a hotly debated topic in the past and IIRC J. Gruber
(the creator of Markdown) has indicated that he will not support a
standard and he personally uses '.text'. However, most projects I'm
aware of use '.md' or '.markdown'. Personally, I prefer '.txt' or
'.text' but notice what happened when I requested that github work
with that [2].



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: CodeDown = Markdown as the universal language for program documentation

2011-04-12 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Rob McBroom wrote:
 On Apr 11, 2011, at 5:46 PM, David Chambers wrote:

 Check out Jeremy Ashkenas's docco. Truly beautiful.

 People might also be interested in appledoc, which uses Discount to parse

There is also Apydia [1], which uses Python-Markdown (or textile or
reStructuredText) on Python code.

However, the really powerful documentation library in Python (also
supports C/C++ with other language promised to be coming) is Sphinx
[2]. Unfortunately, is uses reStructuredText, not Markdown. Now, if
someone created a similar tool that used Markdown, that would be

The great thing about Sphinx is that while is can extract comments
from the source, it is primarily meant to write documentation separate
from the source - which should almost always be a projects primary
documentation. The automatically-generated-from-source reference
should usually be in addition to the primary documentation. At least,
that is if you want a well documented project.



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

ol start with a specific number?

2011-04-06 Thread Waylan Limberg
We recently received a request and working patch for Python-Markdown
which adds support for starting an ordered list with the number given
on the first line. For example:

3. Foo
4. Bar

would result in

li start=3Foo/li

I'm not opposed to adding this, but I noticed that no other
implementation (of those on Babelmark) implements this by default (not
counting Pandoc's extended mode). I haven't checked if other
implementations offer this as an option.

My question is: should this be an option to turn on and off, and if
so, should it be on or off by default?

JG states in the docs:

 If you do use lazy list numbering, however, you should still start
 the list with the number 1. At some point in the future, Markdown
 may support starting ordered lists at an arbitrary number.

Given that statement, it would seem that on by default and without an
option to turn if off would be fine. But what is the reality in the
real world? If I did that, would a bunch of documents suddenly start
rendering incorrectly - or at least different that expected? I guess
the real question is: has everyone been ignoring that piece of advice
in the docs and if so, is this something we should care about as


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Any way to get syntax-highlighted code blocks with Text::MultiMarkdown?

2010-12-02 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 6:56 PM, David Chambers wrote:
 I'm not familiar with Text::MultiMarkdown, but I can say that I've
 found google-code-prettify to be a good fit with Markdown due to the fact
 that it acts upon vanilla pre blocks (unlike SyntaxHighlighter, for
 example, which only acts upon elements with a particular class name.

David makes a good point. Although google-code-prettify is not the
only client-side (javascript) solution out there.  I did a write-up
about such things a little while back. While that post does link to a
number of solutions, its a rather long post mostly about why I think
javascript solutions are the better choice, even if they don't (yet)
always offer better output.



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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: File Extension Consensus

2010-11-07 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Seumas Mac Uilleachan wrote:
 Since generally
 where needed the extension can be custom defined, why do we need a
 standard anyway?

For this reason I have been silent on this issue. [^1]

 On 06/11/10 06:59 PM, Brett wrote:

 Here are the results from the limited data set provided. It looks like
 'markdown' is the winner followed by 'mdown'. Third place is a tie between
 'text' and 'md'.

 If usage sets a standard, then 'markdown' is the standard.

However, I will say that standard or not, I doubt I will ever use
markdown as a file extension.  Call me lazy if you like, but I
simply don't want to type that much every time.  I prefer txt and if
I must use something else (for example on github) I'll use md.

Truth be told, in many situations I see no reason for any special
designation. Docs for my projects on github are written in makdown and
all have txt for file extensions. Yes, they then display as plan
text. I don't care. If github some day adds a feature where they
figure out I'm using markdown and convert my docs to html, that's fine

On the other hand, while something like [Github Pages] does need to
know what markup language a document is written in, it shouldn't need
to rely on a file extension for that info.  As Github Pages is just an
instance of [Jekyll] (of which there are many clones) and Jekyll
source files all require [metadata], and the metadata is always in the
same format regardless of the markup language used, then the metadata
could easily include the markup language used regardless of the file
extension. Hey, then I could use .txt for everything. I think I'll
go file a bug report with Jekyll.

[Github Pages]:

[^1]: I can't help but notice that the other implementors have been
silent as well. I suspect that in part it is because we have all had
this discussion before. For some, because we really don't care.And in
part, because it really doesn't matter. It's the later for me mostly.


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Video syntax

2010-09-15 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:47 PM, David Chambers wrote:
 Of course, this markup applies to YouTube but may not apply to other
 services. That being the case, though, I'd still benefit from a `youtube:`
 solution since 80% or more of the videos I embed are YouTube videos. The
 fact that I'd need to include HTML for the other 20% does not deter me.

I suppose personal projects have been implemented for much less
convincing reasons. But if all your implementing is youtude support,
then I'd call it that. `youtude:...` not 'video:...`. Although I
suppose your trying to come up with a syntax for the more general use
case and then move on from there to the more specific. I guess it's
that general use case that I don't see the need for and the reason for
my objection. With a clearer picture of what you actually what to
accomplish, my objections have lessoned.

 One thing that I'd like to make clear, Waylan, is that I'm raising the issue
 on this list because it's a great place for such a discussion, not because
 I'm expecting any of the Markdown implementations to support such syntax.

I guess I understood that.  Sorry if that didn't come through in my
response. I still see developing a syntax for video in general a waste
for the reasons previously stated, so I guess I was trying to
discourage a useless discussion, but if you're really only interested
in a simple syntax to easily embed videos from youtube, vimeo and the
like - and not necessarily expecting it to be an all encompassing
solution for any embedded video, then I can see how that could be
useful as third party add-on to markdown. And this is certainly the
place to get good feedback on a solution.

 Last night another option occurred to me: `[Video: Soda Pop
 The reason that I find this option so appealing is that the above remains
 valid Markdown in non-Mango contexts. Mango will perform preprocessing to
 convert this to the appropriate video markup, but without this preprocessing
 the line would simply be converted to a descriptive link.

I actually like this. It introduces nothing new, will not trip up
unmodified implementations of markdown and still provides enough clues
to embed a video properly (assuming a known source is used).

Despite what I said above, I suppose you would *not* want to do:

[YouTube: Soda Pop Stop](gPbh6Ru7VVM)

While that is more specific and won't create false expectations that
the syntax will work for any type of video, it won't provide a useful
link in an unmodified markdown parser. Perhaps as a safe middleground
I'd suggest:

[YouTube: Soda Pop Stop](

While I realize youtube can be extracted from parsing the url, by
doing the syntax this way, it is more clear to users that this only
works for supported known (and popular) video hosting sites. No false
expectations about it working for every possible video out there.  And
maybe in the future when all those variables needed to embed html5
video tags are simplified, a more basic [video: ...] syntax could be
adopted as well.

I think that's the root of my concern. If you call it '[video:...]'
you will get complaints insisting that every possible use case for
embedded video be supported - which is just not practical today (as
you acknowledge). But if you call it '[youtube:...]` or `[vimeo:...]`,
etc., then if others want support for a specific as yet unsupported
use-case, they can develop it themselves and maybe even provide their
solution for public consumption. But hey, it's your project that you
will be maintaining. What do I care?

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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Video syntax

2010-09-15 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Waylan Limberg wrote:
 While I realize youtube can be extracted from parsing the url, by

An interesting thought just occurred to be when re-reading this. Why
do you need any special syntax at all? Why not just:

[Soda Pop Stop]( )

Just parse the urls for (or vimeo etc) and when found,
convert to an appropriate object. It's easy, simple and introduces no
new syntax of any kind.


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Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: A Modest Definition List Proposal

2010-04-13 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Tom Humiston wrote:
 Found this unsent reply stuffed in my drafts folder...

 On 19 Feb 2009, at 6:48 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:

 Definition lists are already some sort of specialized niche syntax within
 Markdown and HTML: useful when you need one, but not something a lot of
 people care for or even know it exists.

 Definition lists are suitable for many kinds of term/value pairings, and not
 just definitions, but I had no concept of DLs as a flexible and handy
 semantic structure until I learned CSS. CSS encourages one to consider a
 document's *structure* (its HTML elements) as separate from its
 *presentation* (the appearance of those elements).

 I now regularly mark up, say, each workshop in a list as a DT, with its
 details (description, cost, meeting times, contact info) as DDs. Other CSS
 users may prefer to use unordered lists or the like, and sometimes I do,

 Is my use of DL appropriate? According to [Russ Weakley][1]:

In this respect see the working draft for [html5][1]. In part is says:

 The dl element represents an association list consisting of zero or more
 name-value groups (a description list).

It's called a description list! They're not even called definition
lists any more. In fact, a number of examples on that page would not
fit the definition model, but are considered completely appropriate
for a dl.

True, markdown is currently not specifically intended at a html5 tool
(although it could be as valid html4 and valid xhtml are also valid
html5), but given that html5 is to a large extent just a spec
indicating how people and/or browsers are actually doing things, I see
it an an admission that definition list was a bad (too restrictive)
name for an otherwise useful feature.



\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Yuri Takhteyev wrote:
 I'll second that. Though it would be best if we could still use the
 Markdown name; a different one would just make one more confusing
 text-markup specification for people to ignore. If we could call it
 Markdown2 or something similar, it would be obvious that it expands on,
 and supersedes, the original Markdown.

 Required reading:

 Of course, there are many many other relevant threads, but this would
 give you a taste.

 - yuri

Yuri provided some good reading, but I thought it important to point
out a specific comment by J.G. regarding the name of such a project:

If anyone wants to undertake this effort, they may say it is inspired
by markdown but they are going to have to name is something
different. I get the impression that the name Markdown2 is not quite
different enough here.

There's another interesting comment he made regarding a specific
markdown implementation here:

I don't point these comments out to discourage such an effort from
happening (maybe it should).  However, if it does happen, imo it will
either need J.G.'s blessing or will need to happen separate from this
community/list. Although, I would imagine an announcement of and link
to such an effort wouldn't be objectionable.

Additionally, I did not point those comments out in an effort to
reflect negatively on J.G. He created Markdown and is entirely
entitled to such a position. I would very likely take a simple
position if I was in his shoes and/or shared his opinion. Currently,
my opinion regarding the need for a fork/restart/refresh is


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 5:10 PM, david parsons wrote:
 In article,
 John MacFarlane wrote:
Currently big players like reddit and github
use forms of markdown that depart significantly from John Gruber's
official specification;

     Okay, I'm curious.   Since I'm the writer of the forms of markdown
     that reddit and github use, just exactly where does discount depart
     significantly from JG's official specification?

See this:

I think their assumptions about newlines is way off. But otherwise,
the additions they added make sense in the context of that site.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: multiline header

2010-03-01 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Alexandre Leray wrote:

 first of all thanks for such a great syntax, so far it's the best I know!

 I have a document with quite long titles and I was wondering if it was
 possible to hard-break them:

You know, at first I was going to say that multi-line headers are
explicitly forbidden. Then I checked the syntax document and it says
nothing of the sort, However, as far as I know, every implementation
works that way - probably because works that way.

However, if they were supported, there would be a few ambiguities:

Which of these are a multi-line header:

Line one of header
Line two of header

Line one of header
Line two of header

Currently, it is known by many authors that Markdown allows headers to
not have blank lines before and/or after them. So, there could be
documents in which the author intended the first line in the first
example to be a paragraph - as it would be parsed now. And the author
could have intended the second example to actually be two separate

Even hash header could have this problem:

# Line one of header
Is this line 2 or a new paragraph?

In the thousands of existing documents out there, that second line is
expected to be a new paragraph, not part of the header.

And that's the problem, lazy authors have been relying on the existing
behavior for so long that changing it now could break thousands of
existing documents.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: tables with Unicode box drawing characters?

2009-09-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Suraj wrote:

 I read David Wheeler's table proposal[1] for Markdown and very much
 agree with his conclusion and PostgreSQL-inspired proposed format.  I
 also read the mailing list archives for 2009 but did not find any
 clear concesus on whether DW's format was officially accepted (I hope
 it is soon!).

I didn't go back and check but I think there was in a previous
discussion with a similar proposal. In other words, you need to go
back further in the archive.

Basically, these proposals for more complex tables are outside the
scope of Markdown and should be left to raw html. At least I seem to
recall actual implementers leaning that direction. Of course, if
someone wanted to implement David's proposal (or some variant) and
users flocked to it, then the rest of us may follow suite. Until then,
I'm sticking to the simple solution we have now.

Hint (and shameless plug): Python-Markdown makes adding on something
of the sort easy with it's extension API. Check it out here:

 What if Markdown used Unicode characters to express tables in this manner?

 All we need are two essential subsets of the Unicode box drawing characters:
 * thin ones for normal cells: ┌ ┐ └ ┘ ─ │
 * thick ones for heading cells: ╔ ╗ ╚ ╝ ═ ║

The last few times someone proposed a syntax that didn't use commonly
found keys on the keyboard, the proposal met with a *lot* of
resistance. I suspect most users wouldn't even know how to type these

Another barrier is that not all implementations support Unicode (I
think - at least not fully). Therefore, some implementations may never
adopt such a proposal.

Third, it seems like it would be an awful lot of work to build such a
table. A lot more than some of the existing proposals out there.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: More continuing text for tables

2009-06-23 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Michel wrote:
 Are you sure this syntax is so intuitive? I was certain (for about 5
 minutes) that you meant the colons to continue the cell from the previous
 line, not start a new cell, despite the weird result. What David Wheeler
 proposed seem to follow my interpretation. Basically, here's what I saw:


 And here's what I believe you meant:


 Which makes me believe my syntax above using explicit line separators may be
 better, even though it's much more verbose.

Wow, I made the exact same mistake, except that I never caught on to
what was really indented. In any event, the more verbose syntax
proposed by Michael seems like the only reasonable alternative to me
as well.

That said, I am leaning more toward the opinion that anything more
complex that can already be done should be left to raw html. But I've
already explained my position on that before.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: More continuing text for tables

2009-06-23 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Waylan wrote:
 colon. In fact, it would seem reasonable to expect that the very
 implementations which correctly support definition lists (using
 colons) would be the first to implement any new alternate table
 syntax, whether it uses colons or not.

Sorry, that was supposed to say ...which *currently* support
definition lists...

Apologies for any confusion my fat fingers may have caused.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: No Markdown in divs or tables ?

2009-04-23 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Dan Dascalescu wrote:
 What surprises me is the rationale of disabling Markdown processing in

Go re-read the first three paragraphs of the docs on inline html [1].
Processing markdown within divs just doesn't fit in with the purpose
of markdown as stated there (i.e.: writing format v. publishing
format). The fact is, a div, although meaningless in itself, is for
publishing purposes. Therefore, if you really want it, markdown allows
it - but your on you own. In other words, you have to write all the
html inside it as well. Makes sense to me.



\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Python-Markdown 2.0 Final Released!

2009-04-06 Thread Waylan Limberg
FYI, I just updated the wiki with all the 2.0 docs. Available
Extensions is probably the most interesting page:

Yuri, the front page needs updating, but it's locked out to block
spammers, so I can't edit it. While your at it, change the download
link on that page to PyPI:

Also, the available extensions page has some formatting issues. The
wikilinks in a nested list aren't working. Looks like a bug in your

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Waylan Limberg wrote:
 I am happy to announce the release of Python-Markdown 2.0 final. We
 have versions for Python 2.3-2.6 and Python 3.0!

 See the release notes here:

 Download from PyPI here:

 \X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
 Waylan Limberg


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Python-Markdown 2.0 Release Candidate

2009-03-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
I am pleased to announce that after much hard work, a Release
Candidate for Python Markdown version 2.0 is now available for
[download][]. Please, download it, install it, test it, beat it... and
report any [bugs][]. Assuming no major bugs, we will release 2.0 final
approximately one month from today. Until then, the project [site][]
will continue to document version 1.7. Updated documentation is
available in the `doc/` directory in the source files. Hopefully, all
the included extensions will be documented before the final release.


Release Notes:

* Major refactor of the core and extension API. Extension authors
should see the included documentation in
`docs/writing_extensions.txt`. All parts of the syntax are now
completely overridable by extensions.

* Numerous extensions added to the standard distribution (off by
default), including an extra extension which matches PHP Markdown
Extra. See the `markdown/extensions/` directory for the full list.

* The code has been refactored into a full Python library with a
separate command line script.

* Optional output of XHTML1 (default) or HTML4 with the option for
extensions to add more.

* Uses ElementTree to build (X)HTML document rather than home-grown NanoDom.

* Most of the differences in Python-Markdown's output compared to perl
and/or php have been eliminated.

* And much more... See the changelog and [Git log][] for more details.

[Git log]:


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Table of contents

2009-03-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Daniel Winterstein wrote:

 I'm using Markdown in an app and would like to provide support for including
 a table of contents.
 Any suggestions for a syntax? Has anyone done this before?

Yes, Python-Markdown has an extension [1] that does this.
Unfortunately, its not documented properly yet (it hasn't been
officially released yet either), but it works on the same basic
premise as your third suggestion. It uses all the headers to build a
nested list and then either inserts that list at the location of the
marker ``[TOC]``, or if the marker is not found, at the beginning of
the document.



\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: A Modest Definition List Proposal (David E. Wheeler)

2009-02-25 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:34 PM, Seumas Mac Uilleachan wrote:
 David E. Wheeler wrote:

 On Feb 25, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Sherwood Botsford wrote:
 Tables are critters where formatting is tangled with content.  And
 with proportional type, a text only system requires agreement on tab
 spacing at minimum to get anything to look right. (I'm not a fan of
 monospace, so all these examples are wonky.)

 I think you might be using the wrong markup language, then. The use of
 monospace fonts is an expectation for reading Markdown. Really, it's the
 whole point.

 Wait, what? Monospace is an expectation?!? I have never used monospace in my
 e-mail programs. Isn't THAT the main expectation of Markdown? That it
 approximates e-mail writing?

Well, I wouldn't say monospace is an expectation, but Markdown does
rely heavily (perhaps more so than most) on whitespace. It just so
happens that that whitespace is easier for the human eye to read
when the text is monospace. However, yes, email is rarely written in

Of course, on most cases, the white space is all at the beginning of
the line (code blocks, lists) and the different levels of indent are
still discernible when not in monospace. So, when the comment is made
that the examples are wonky because they are not in monospace, then
IMO, the proposed syntax fails.

We all know that Markdown is to be readable first, writable second. If
every reader of the document must read it in monospace, then that's
not readable first - it's writable first.

I'd also like to point out JB comments [1] that Markdown it supposed
to cover only a common subset of HTML. If your trying to represent
something more complex, then you need to use HTML. I would say
multiline table cells fall into that more complex category. I know
I'm never going to use any of this overly complex syntax that has been
proposed thus far. I'll just write some raw HTML for my table and be
done with it quickly.

Don't get me wrong, if I have some vary basic tables that can easily
be represented with the simplest syntax, then sure, I'll use something
link PHP Extra's. Anything more than that will get raw HTML.



\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Tables

2009-02-19 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:16 AM, Daniel Winterstein wrote:
 @John: Thank you for pointing me to those table syntax ideas. They are
 all sensible, but look like hard work for the user.

 Since there is no standard, I'd like to suggest a couple of
 possibilities and get people's comments.

Well, if I was to implement a table feature, I would just copy PHP's
implementation. It's already well documented, in use, and has at least
one copy (in MultiMarkdown) with embellishments. Why reinvent the

Oh, and looking at your suggestions, they all look like a bunch of
jumbled up randomly spaced text. Yes, I made sure my email client was
set to fixed width, but still, my eyes couldn't follow the columns. As
JG states, readability comes before writability, so we make the author
add in the pipes (more work to write), so the reader can easily read


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: A Modest Definition List Proposal

2009-02-18 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:44 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:

 In a nutshell, I embrace the PHP Markdown Extra syntax, with one change: I
 would like to see the colon replaced with a tilde (for backwards
 compatibility, both should be supported). That means that a simple
 definition list would look like this:

 Comments? Has this ship already sailed?

You make a convincing argument. And I must admit your proposal is very
nice to look at/read/write. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The current implementation was set before I came along some few years
ago, and I have never searched through the archives to see how it came
about or why. But, people have been using it for this long without
issue and there are already numerous existing documents out there that
use it, so I see no reason to change it. In fact that last point
(numerous existing documents) seems to be the de-facto response to any
suggested changes on this list - and understandably so. No doubt
that's why you suggested leaving the existing syntax in place, but
then we would have two ways to define deflists. What happens when an
author mixes the two? Ack! Yeah, this ship has sailed IMO.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Link syntax (was: definition lists?)

2008-11-21 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Thomas Nichols
 Tangentially, I notice that this post by Waylan uses a link syntax which
 doesn't seem to be defined by but seems to
 work in some implementations at - that is,

 from the git repo [1]

Actually, that syntax is a common shortcut used by many people in
various mailing lists I subscribe to. Many of the people on these
lists do not use (or perhaps even know) markdown syntax. I see it kind
of a cross between ``[git repo] [1]`` and a footnote. I never expect
these mailing list discussions to ever be feed through a markdown
parser and don't go all out with the formatting. I use just enough to
make it clear to the human reader in plain text without cluttering
things up. For links, I find ``[1]`` works best in such situations and
is the most commonly accepted approach in the circles I find myself

I have concidered adding the ability to convert that syntax to links
in Python-Markdown, but have not as the label would be wrong IMO. In
the above example the result would be

... git repo a href=http://...;1/a ...

when it should be:

... a href=http://...;git repo/a ...

Although, now that I think about it, as the reference is removed by
the parser, if the single bracketed text (``[1]``) is left alone in
the text, it no longer has any meaning. That's probably worse that a
link with a meaningless label. Perhaps Markdown should create the link
when a reference for it exists. Although, I'd be more inclined to
leave the brackets around the text to give it more meaning in the

a href=http:...[1]/a

or maybe

[a href=http://...;1/a]

That said, its not really a big deal to me, as I only ever use that
syntax when I do *not* expect the text I'm typing (i.e.: mailing list
discussions) to be feed through a markdown parser. As long as that's
the case, none of the above arguments (for or against) are relevant as
I see it.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Link syntax (was: definition lists?)

2008-11-21 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Jason Blevins

 I couldn't find any discussion of it on the list, but here's the
 changelog entry:

 1.0.2b2 - 20 Mar 2005

+   Experimental support for [this] as a synonym for [this][].

Interestingly, this a completely different use for single-bracketed
text than I use and see on a daily basis. As I mentioned before, I see
it more as a shortcut footnote type syntax for links only when text is
expected to be read in plain text format.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Link syntax (was: definition lists?)

2008-11-21 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Jason Blevins
 Waylan Limberg wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Jason Blevins
  I couldn't find any discussion of it on the list, but here's the
  changelog entry:
  1.0.2b2 - 20 Mar 2005
 +   Experimental support for [this] as a synonym for [this][].

 Interestingly, this a completely different use for single-bracketed
 text than I use and see on a daily basis. As I mentioned before, I see
 it more as a shortcut footnote type syntax for links only when text is
 expected to be read in plain text format.

 Thats a good point--I wasn't making the distinction before.  Using
 numbers in brackets like so [1] is definitely a common notation for
 footnotes.  I use it myself in emails but I didn't make the connection.
 It's also common for math and engineering journals to use that notation
 for references.

Just to be clear, I'm not at all suggesting that markdown should adopt
[1] at an alternate syntax for [^1]. I only ever use it for links in
emails. I don't believe I said anything diferant than that, and no-one
thus far seems to think I was, but I wanted to close that door before
anyone opens it.

 Interestingly, that's how peg-markdown (with extensions via -x) renders
 footnotes.  Instead of the link being a superscript '1', you get '[1]'.
 I actually like that better for the web I think.  Superscripts are nice
 in print, but there you don't have to click on them.

I have seen that before, and I have mixed feeling about it. It's a
little easier to see them, but they also detract from reading the main
text a little more than a superscript. Of course, they don't bother me
in plain text emails, so it's no big deal.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Links and Message URIs

2008-11-19 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Mark Eli Kalderon
 Here is a OS X message URI in angled brackets:

 message://[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Markdown yields:

 pmessage://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/p

 Shouldn't it have given instead:

 href=message://[EMAIL PROTECTED]message://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/a/p

Actually, it (sort of) does in a few implementations [1] . I can't
speak for the others, but is works in python as a fluck. You see, the
regex will only match the 3 schemes; ``http://``, ``https://``, 
``ftp://`` as well as email addresses. As it turns out, the email
regex for this case is rather dumb in the Python implementation and
looks for any string between angle brackets (`` ``) that has an
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in it. It just so happens that your example message does. 
why its encoded as html entities rather than plain text. Discount
appears to behave the same. It looks like PEG Markdown is the only
implementation that gives you what you want.

Presumably most are seeing it as raw html and passing it through
untouched, which explains why the angle brackets are not escaped. Only
Pandoc escapes the brackets - which I would think is more correct that
raw html treatment in this case. However, it is an obscure enough edge
case, that the code would have to special case for it to not see it as
raw html, that I wouldn't expect it to never work consistently.



Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: definition lists?

2008-11-14 Thread Waylan Limberg
It's in the works. We had a working solution last week, but then
refactored the core this week, so I have to refactor the definition
list stuff.

If you want it right now, your free to checkout from the git repo [1]
at commit e968bbf (on Nov 6), or wait a few more days for me to get
the refactor done and have the latest and greatest.

One thing is for sure, I will have something included in the next
release which I anticipate happening soonish.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Andreas Åkre Solberg
Any way of writing definition lists?

 Markdown-Discuss mailing list


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 9:24 PM, John MacFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm curious how people think the following *should* be interpreted:

 -  one
 2. two

Personally, I would prefer C.

For what it's worth, I'm also one of the few that seems to think
anything less than 4 spaces of indentation should be ignored in the
list syntax - but that's another discussion we've already had. I'm
just saying that may be part of the reason why I completely rule out
option B. Given the general lack of polarity of my opinion on the
indentation issue, I'm guessing most wouldn't like C for the same
reason, even if it is the only way *my* brain parses that list.

Although I seem to recall talk in the past about the following:

1. foo
- bar
- baz

Where the first item sets the list as ordered, and the rest just
defines the items. The argument made was that the author could then
reorder, insert or delete any random item without feeling the need to
renumber the items. Personally, I'm the type that's going to renumber
the items anyway, but I suspect that's why option A is the most
popular among current implementations.

I realize the actual numbering is irrelevant to an ordered list, as
long as the numbers are there, but it's about what's more readable and
I suppose out-of-order numbering is less readable to some than the
above mixed list. Readability really is the issue here and for those
that don't want to so strictly enforce indentation I can see how
option B looks logical, but for the above to work, then the converse
also needs to work (perhaps not technically - but for consistency)
which forces us to only accept option A - even if it's not my personal


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any inferred nesting would have to subordinate them to an implied
 3rd item in the surrounding unordered list that is not written
 out in these examples – semantically equivalent roughly to this:

 -  foo
 -  bar
   1. baz
   1. quux
 -  qux

Not necessarily. Take the following example (with 4 spaces before item two):

-  one
2. two

With the exception of Maruku (which falls flat on it's face here),
every implementation consistently renders this:

lione ol

While I hate to deflate any argument against option B, the fact is,
there doesn't have to be any implied 3rd item in the surrounding
unordered list. However, without the indentation, I don't think it's
clear to the casual reader that that should be a nested ordered list -
which I've already discussed in my previous comment.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 12:27 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 if they are ambiguous about what they want, do nothing!

While, generally, I would agree with this line of thinking, we must
remember that one of the basic concepts behind Markdown is that it
should never return an error for invalid markup. So, then, how do we
interpret do nothing. Some would argue that do nothing is what
Option A is doing, while other's might argue the same for Option C. Or
would you prefer option D: wrap the entire block of text in a p and
move on?

The fact is, the authors of each implementation need to make that
decision. Obviously, everyone hasn't made the same decision. Yet,
theoretically, all implementations *should* do the same thing. So,
yeah, we need to have this discussion.

That said, I think you do have a point. Option B does not fit into do
nothing no matter how you look at it. That's one more strike against
IMO. I also think that the above option D it not only a lot harder to
implement, but also not intuitive at all. At least with A, B or C, the
user can look at the resulting list(s) and get a few clues about what
might be wrong in their source text.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 1:48 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 waylan said:
   So, then, how do we interpret do nothing.

 nothing is exactly as john put it in his e-mail:
   -  one
   2. two

Well, as any generated output (anything except raw html) should be
valid html, at the least it would be wrapped in some container (could
be a p or div or something). More realistically, as I understand
how most of the parsers work, I would expect such a drastic
interpretation of do nothing to be:

2. two/li

That is, the second line is simply seen as a continuation (another
line) of the first list item as it does not start with indentation
(indicating nesting) or a matching list item indicator (indicating
another item of the same type). In other words, if the line does not
start with the *same* list item type it is seen as a line of plain
text - no different than:

- foo

We'll call this Option E. I'd argue that this would actually be a
dumber parser than a true do nothing solution as the truly do
nothing parser would need knowledge of, and code to test for the
special case and act differently (as Yuri points out, that's ugly - I
know I wouldn't want to write the parser for that), whereas option E
just dumbs the parser down a little.

This would also present an interesting solution to the I want two or
more consecutive, but different lists in my document problem.

1. one
2. two

* foo
* bar

- blah
- baz

No more of that must use two blank lines between each list monkey
business that we've discussed before and no-one has bothered to
implement. Which, btw, is another reason why I like C better than A.

Either C or E works for me, but I'll settle with A as a lousy
compromise seeing it already appears to have the popular vote.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: writing HTML documents in Markdown

2008-06-07 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Note to markdown-discuss readers: for context see]

 * Kragen Javier Sitaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-06-07 09:40]:
 Stylesheeting comes naturally. I just put a `style` element
 at the top with a few lines inside of it to format nicely.

 Note that Markdown ends up wrapping `link` and `style`
 in `p` tags, arguably erroneously. Weirdly, it looks like
 Python-Markdown should avoid that mistake:

Well, first of all, he's using an old version of Python-Markdown. The
first line of his `render` function gives it away (due to the change
in 1.7 to all-unicode -- you generally don't pass unicode text to

body = str(markdown.Markdown(text))

Just use the wrapper (all lowercase in any version):

body = markdown.markdown(text)

IIRC, there was a bugfix in 1.7 that also addressed the raw html
wrapped in p tags thing. So, upgrade to 1.7 and that problem should
go away.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Fenced-Code-Blocks in Python-Markdown

2008-05-12 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 6:58 AM, Már Örlygsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 precode class=htmllt;pgt;Hello World!lt;/pgt;

  It would be a much better idea to place the class-name on the outer
  element  (`pre`)

I had initially intended on doing that myself. However, I figured
support for Highlight.js would be more important. Besides, while I
generally like styling hooks on the outermost level in html, I can't
imagine any benefit in this scenario. And when you think about it, it
is the code that determines the styling, so logically the code tag
should get the styling hook. I suspect that was the reasoning behind


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Fenced-Code-Blocks in Python-Markdown

2008-05-11 Thread Waylan Limberg
I'd like to announce a beta release of the Fenced-Code-Blocks
Extension for Python-Markdown.

The latest code for Python-Markdown and packaged extensions are now
available on Gitorious.

The same syntax is used as the just released PHP Markdown Extra 1.2. I
did add the option to define a class on the block for language
identification. Here's an example:

pHello World!/p


precode class=htmllt;pgt;Hello World!lt;/pgt;

This should work nicely with Highlight.js [1] if one so desires. Of
course, as this is optional, if you leave the class definition off, it
works like PHP Markdown Extra. Unfortunately, including the class
definition makes PHP Markdown Extra fail to match the block. Consider
yourself warned.


On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Michel Fortin

 This new version of PHP Markdown Extra adds support for fenced code blocks
 (which I was previously calling flat). Fenced code blocks overcome many
 limitations of Markdown's indented code blocks: they can can be put
 immediately following a list item, can start and end with blank lines, and
 can be put one after the other as two consecutive code blocks. Also, if
 you're using an editor which cannot indent automatically a selected block of
 text, such as a text box in your web browser, it's easier to paste code in.


 Extra 1.2 (11 May 2008):

 *   Added fenced code block syntax which don't require indentation
and can start and end with blank lines. A fenced code block
starts with a line of consecutive tilde (~) and ends on the
next line with the same number of consecutive tilde. Here's an

Hello World!



Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown Extra Specification (First Draft)

2008-05-06 Thread Waylan Limberg

First of all, realize that Michel is currently documenting existing
behavior. I like some of our suggestions, but they should have
happened years ago when the discussion happened here on the list.
Various other implementations have copied the existing behavior and
there are countless documents already using them, so I doubt we'll see
any changes, unless we move to Markdown 2.0 or something. I get the
impression that's not likely any time soon.

Anyway, there were a few things I'll comment on individually:

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 6:18 PM, Sherwood Botsford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As a suggestion for the next pass at this, add an example of each, and how
 it should be rendered.

I agree. I was going to make the same suggestion. This would be helpful.

  2.2.2 Abbreviation
  Again, I'd like a hook so that I can put these in an external file. In my
 tree farm web page I'd like to use botanical descriptions, but be able to
 let users see the definition on mouse over or click. But the word 'glabrous'
 may appear on 40 pages. Be nice if I only had to define it once. If someone
 is creating an annotated Shakespeare they would want to use an Elizabethan
 English dictionary as their external file, style it so that defined words
 are barely different from the text, and let the confused reader click for

An excellent idea! After all, I had the same idea some time ago and
implemented it in the Abbreviation Extension [1] for Python-Markdown.
However, I'm not sure this should be a requirement of a syntax


As I noted above, the rest I'll leave to existing behavior, even if I
like your suggestion better. We don't want to forget J.G.'s motivation
and goals for creating markdown to start with. A review of that will
answer some of your questions about current behavior. And, we must
also never forget the (even as implementors) we should not care so
much about how hard it is to implement if it makes if easier (and more
permisive/relaxed) for the document author.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Feature Request External label resolution

2008-04-20 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Sherwood Botsford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Umm.  Pointers to Markdown implementations with support for extensions?

[Python-Markdown][1] has an [extension api][2]. Interestingly my
[Abbreviation Extension][3] for Python-Markdown does something similar
 for abbreviations. Given an external file, it pulls all abbr defs and
uses them in processing the source file. It wouldn't be hard at all to
adapt it for link defs. What I really like about it is that the
external file can be any text document (markdown or otherwise) and the
limited parser will only extract the abbr defs (one per line) from it.



Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

HTML entities in URLs and urlencoding

2008-03-31 Thread Waylan Limberg
We recently received the following bug report for the python-markdown

 The  are escaped in URLs.

 An example:

 Should output:
 a href=;Link/a

 Currently outputs:
 a href=;param2=value1;Link/a

 So the  must not be escaped!

A fix is easy, but it occurred to me that perhaps links should be
urlencoded -- at least some chars should be. Specifically the unsafe
chars listed in RFC 1738 [1]. The reserved chars probably should too
when not used in their approved manner (i.e.: A colon should only be
allowed after the scheme (http://) or in the location
(usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port) but should be encoded anywhere else). Of course,
that involves extra work. So I went to check what other
implementations do [2] and discovered that every one escapes with html
entities. Is there something I'm missing or is this a bug? As far as I
can tell, the amp; breaks the query string.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: HTML entities in URLs and urlencoding

2008-03-31 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 9:53 PM, Milian Wolff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So the  must not be escaped!

  It must! See also

Doh'! I knew that. Of course, I just typed a url with an amp; in my
address bar and it didn't work. Now I feel like an idiot. Thanks for
bringing me back.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Bug?

2008-03-29 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Mark Eli Kalderon

  This might be related to the bug reported earlier about parsing URLs
  with parens, but the following looks like a bug to me:

  [ZIP archives]( ZIP
  (file format) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

  gets rendered by Markdown 1.01 as:


According to Babelmark [1] its fixed in 1.02b8. Although I see a few
other distributions get this wrong too. Thanks for the report.



Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: HTML5's audio/video and Markdown

2008-03-18 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Aslak Raanes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have any toughts on how one should be using video 
  audio with Markdown? Using the link or the img syntax?

  Other suggestions?

 This would fall under raw html. You should simple write your own html
directly in the markdown document just the way you want it. The parser
will pass it though unchanged. If you question this answer, go re-read
the [Inline HTML][] section of the syntax rules. The way I read it,
this is the only appropriate solution.



Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown doesn't always generate XHTML

2008-03-14 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Milian Wolff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have two issues with this:
 1. The script tag isn't closed, which means it's not valid XML (and thus
 not valid XHTML).
This is a bug in my eyes.

  Is it markdown's business to correct bad markup input (which, I
  understand, it ignores)?

Right, raw html (or anything which looks like html - pretty much
anything between  and ) is simply passed through unchanged. If the
input is not valid, then the output will not be either. That is known
and expected behavior. I'd say a feature! Definitely NOT a bug.

Now, if you want to put your own mechanisms in place to address that,
either before or after markdown is run, you are more than welcome to
do so.

Regarding the security issues, I understand your concerns, but there
are some situations were all document authors are trusted
(authenticated) users and have a legitimate need for that feature. We
can't cut them off for everyone else. However, I know that
Python-Markdown has an option to not allow any html in a document
(this safe_mode can be set to either replace with a customizable
message, remove completely, or escape the html). Of course, to stay in
line with the Markdown standard, it is off by default, but very easy
to turn on in your code. Other implementations may offer a similar


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Javascript in URLs (was: Markdown doesn't always generate XHTML)

2008-03-14 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Michel Fortin

  Safe mode you say?

Yeah, well, I didn't paint that bike shed.

  PHP Markdown also has a no-markup mode which would filter script tags
  and any other HTML tags. But this doesn't prevent anyone from
  inserting their own script on the page. Do you know you can inject a
  script in a URL? Guess what this does:


This is a good point, and something I hadn't thought about myself. I
would think that markdown should *not* allow that regardless of any
safe/no-markup/whatever-you-call-it mode. If someone legitimately
wants javascript in their links/images/etc then they should be writing
raw html. What do you think?

Of course, then how do we do that? Some possabilites I came up with
without much thought:

1. Trunicate a url at javascript:
2. Completely remove the entire url (perhaps replace with blank string or #)
3. Leave the markup for the entire link as plan text (in other words -
its not considered a match)
4. Do some kind of escaping (not sure what at this point) and leave it
in the url


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-07 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 5:17 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   To me, that is an important factor that seems to be ignored by
   some here. Sometimes, IMO, the best thing to do is to pass the
   markup through as literal text and give the author a clue that
   his formatting is unclear!

  Again, that works if the author cares. If they don't, it means
  the output will be ugly.

And if they don't care why should we? Seriously, if the author can't
be bothered to check his work and fix any errors, then I don't care
either. Sure, I may be annoyed when I read the document later, but now
I know how much effort s/he put into it. If it's obvious the author
doesn't care about it, then I probably won't be so easily persuaded by
the point s/he's trying to make. I'd say there's no harm done.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-06 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Seumas Mac Uilleachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
   * Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-05 05:10]:
   A better question is what to do with this:
   *hello **dear* boy**
   That's a very good question. Here's a counterquestion: what does
   a human reader see in that text? Based on the visual apperance I
   think I would make it translate to this:
   emhello strongdear/strong boy/em

Ah, so your assuming the parser should automatically close unclosed
tags much as a browser in quirks mode does. Sure, you and I understand
how that works, but should we expect authors who are unfamiliar with
html to get that? I doubt it. I also suspect that it's those same
authors that will most likely purposely write a document containing
text formatted like that. I agree with Seumas that such people would

  emhello strongdear/em boy/strong

Yeah, we could give them output that displays as they expect and fix
it under the hood by doing:

  emhello strongdear/strong/emstrong boy/strong

But, the output **I** would expect is one of:

emhello /ememdear/em boy**

emhello **dear/em boy**

*hello strongdear* boy/strong

Yeah, I think we should force authors to close any tags they open. If
they don't, then the text is assumed to be literal, not markup. Maybe
that's too restrictive for some peoples taste. But that's what I see
when I look at that text. In my mind I keep going back and forth
between the three and can never decide which the author intended.
Finally, I cringe as I realize they probably intended what Seumas

If we want to throw valid markup to the wind, then sure, Seumans first
suggestion (and how currently works) is the answer.
Otherwise, any one of my suggestions could be the anwser. This tells
the author (who hopefully is previewing anyway) that they have an
error in their markup and need to make a change. With Aristotle's
suggested output, those unfamiliar with html will, IMO, not be able to
easily discern why the output doesn't match their expectations.
However, by leaving some of the markup literal, they have some clues
to work with.

To me, that is an important factor that seems to be ignored by some
here. Sometimes, IMO, the best thing to do is to pass the markup
through as literal text and give the author a clue that his formatting
is unclear!


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: evolving the spec (was: forking

2008-02-29 Thread Waylan Limberg
 mailing list


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: evolving the spec (was: forking

2008-02-29 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Thomas Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Having a spec/ruleset/syntax definition seems an admirable goal; does
this necessarily imply that, for example, you should not be able to
begin a list item with zero to three spaces, at your discretion? This
seems rather at odds with the overall theme of your mail, with which I
heartily agree.


  Markdown sees that   2008. as a list item.

And this is why I think the spaces should go. It leaves things a
little *too* ambiguous.

In any event, this thread is not about list syntax, but whether we
want/need a new spec/rule set. I knew the list issue would bring a few
more opinions to the table, so thanks for sharing (yeah, it was bait).
Sometimes, as one of those implementers I have to remind myself of
that originating philosophy behind Markdown. That's the only thing
keeping me from making the implementation I work on more strict. Well,
the only thing except those real world use cases like the ones all
those people passionate about keeping whitespace before list items

Btw, the more I think about this, the more I don't see a *need* for a
new rule-set as much as I *want* one. When looked at in the context of
the philosophy, the current rules pretty much stand on their own.
However, a central (perhaps non-implementation specific) location for
various extensions (alternate behaviors) to define their syntax would
be nice.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: evolving the spec (was: forking

2008-02-29 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 6:18 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks Aristotle. You bring up may good points which I will not argue
with. That post was meant to generate conversation and you, among
others bit the bait (although you may have bit a little harder). These
are all things we need to discuss and consider if and when a spec is
developed and I hadn't yet seen that conversation yet. Additionally, I
may not have used the best words at times and you called me on that,
so thank you.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: spaces and newlines before list markers (was: evolving the spec)

2008-02-29 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Thomas Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  tough. In this instance, though, I haven't yet understood why Markdown
  should not continue to support the following from the [syntax page][],

  List markers typically start at the left margin, but may be indented by
  up to three spaces. List markers must be followed by one or more spaces
  or a tab.

Hmm, I don't remember reading that before. Was it always there?
Anyway, to be honest this has been the hardest thing about markdown
for me to wrap my head around (and probably why I picked it as an
example  in the other discussion). The way I always understood it,
indenting in Markdown is done in increments of 4. Therefore, in my
mind, the only amounts of indent allowed should be 0, 4, 8, 12, 16,
... and so on. It would never even occur to me to use any other
amounts of indent for any reason - ever. And, in fact, I had never
tried it until someone brought it up here on the list. With the
exception of the it makes copy and pasting easier argument, I'll
probably never understand it. Thats just the way my mind works.
Nothing against those who think differently.

And, in fact, reading Gruber's Dive into Markdown it would seem
reasonable that one could conceivably take any well crafted email and
run it through a markdown parser and get some decent html. Obviously,
in practice things don't work so well. In the end consesions have to
be made on both sides. I won't enforce my restrictive view of
indentation on the community at large, and perhaps those who like to
indent secondary lines of list items will need to watch their line
breaks to avoid errant list items.

We could always require a blank line between list items, but consider
this list of one-word items:

* red
* blue
* green

Do we really want to require the author to add a blank line between
each item? I don't.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Whitespace in img src

2008-02-25 Thread Waylan Limberg
On 25 Feb 2008 16:45:23 -0800, david parsons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 Florian Lindner wrote:
  markdown (Python implementation) seems to render:
  ![alternativer text](pfad/und/eine lange/url zum bild.jpg)
  img src=pfad/und/eine title=lange/url zum bild.jpg
  alt=alternativer text/
  breaking the URL at the whitespace. AFAIK whitespaces are ok in URLs
  so why is it breaking up the URL here?

 Because spaces are how it separates the url from the title text?

Yup, thats why. Although quotes are acceptable as well. The only way
to do the encoding of spaces is to always require quotes around the
title text. A quick look at the syntax rules indicates that quotes
should always be required and I could change python-markdown's
behavior to follow. However, there may be a significant number of
documents that have been created over the years that rely on the use
of a space only to separate the title. A change of that behavior would
break all those documents. On the other hand, url's with spaces would
be very unusual and are generally considered a bad idea, so I'm not
inclined to NOT make that change unless I get sufficiant demand for
it. Perhaps the other python-markdown dev would feel different.

Personally, I'd suggest a change in your urls. Perhaps replace the
spaces with the underscore `_`. If that's not possible or beyond your
control, then encode the urls manually. If you really must have the
spaces, then it would be *vary easy* (relatively speaking) to write
your own extension using python-markdown's extension api.


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: spelling with g?

2008-02-20 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Petite Abeille

  On Feb 20, 2008, at 4:30 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:

   Markdown specifically allows you to use HTML in the middle of your
   prose. g looks like an HTML tag, Markdown recognize it as such,
   and you get it as an HTML tag in the output.

  Hmmm... yes... but... g is not a HTML tag... shouldn't it be escaped
  automatically much in the same way as  g  would?

And whoever said we should limit this feature only to HTML?
Python-Markdown has within that last couple months received 2 bug
reports from people who were running their templates through markdown.
As least one was an xml based template (Mako I believe). These people
are creating templates with the template syntax using %foo style
tags and markdown among those tags. They then run the template through
markdown to get html and template syntax, which is then run through
the template engine to produce the final document.

At first I found this very strange, but on further reflection, I
suppose it is easier to edit markdown text than html, especially when
it's mixed with a xml variant. I say variant because %foo isn't
really xml. It's also why I personally don't like xml based template
syntaxes, but that's beside the point. The fact is, there are
real-world uses for any xml type tag being passed through markdown

As a side note, like php Markdown, Python-Markdown also has an
alternate behavior for raw html. In fact, version 1.7 (released
Monday) adds the ability to *escape* all raw html instead of removing
it, which would provide your desired behavior. Of course it would also
affect valid html tags in your documents. However, with the simple
extension api, it would be easy to override that behavior with your


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown RFC?

2008-02-18 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Feb 18, 2008 5:59 PM, Andrea Censi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 18, 2008 2:31 PM, Petite Abeille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Has anyone considered writing a formal specification for Markdown?

 Yes, it's called g.

I have to respectfully disagree. Mr. Gruber himself has said a few
times on this list that just because does something
doesn't mean it's right. In fact, my recollection is that he indicated
the syntax rules are the final authority and that fails in
some instances. Interestingly, most of the direct ports fail in
those same instances. Sorry, I can't recall any specific example at
this time as I don't use one of those direct ports.

Of course, the problem is that the syntax rules are a little vague
from time to time and in some instances are open to multiple
interpretations. However, given the philosophy behind why J.G. created
Markdown, I don't know that such a strict specification is desirable
in this instance. If you search the archives, you'll find previous
discussions on this.

Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: footnote syntax

2008-02-08 Thread Waylan Limberg
I also was not around when the current syntax was proposed, but I
personally find the caret very intuitive due to its association with
superscripts. I immediately connected the two upon first seeing it,
and have never had to check a reference for that little tidbit again.
Now, I suppose if one has never seen the caret represent a superscript
in other contexts, it may not be quite as clear. Even so, the caret
looks much like an up-arrow, so why not?

On Feb 8, 2008 7:10 AM, Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Le 2008-02-08 à 2:26, Richard Taytor a écrit :

  I searched the list but didn't find an answer to this question.
  Why is the caret[^c] preferred over the asterisk[*a] for footnote

 I'm not the one who came up with the syntax in the first place, but I
 think it's clearer to use a new character rather than overloading the
 asterisk with yet another meaning. Also, to me at least, ^ evokes the
 exponentiation operator which is represented as superscript in
 mathematics, which in turn could make me think of a superscript
 footnote marker.

 Michel Fortin

 Markdown-Discuss mailing list


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Entity conversion glitch?

2008-02-03 Thread Waylan Limberg
I would say this is a minor bug, and an interesting edge case as well.
The cause is the semi-colon following the `T`. `T;` looks like an
html entity. If you remove the semicolon, the `` is properly
converted to `amp;`.

In python-markdown, you can escape the `` and you will get the expected output:

under a license from AT\T; however, others were based on BSD instead.


punder a license from ATamp;T; however, others were based on BSD instead.

Unfortunately, this does not seem to work in the other implementations.

On Feb 3, 2008 12:22 PM, Petite Abeille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Given the following text:

 under a license from ATT; however, others were based on BSD instead.

 Daring Fireball's Markdown Dingus produces:

 punder a license from ATT; however, others were based on BSD

 Note how the '' is not escaped to 'amp;'.

 Bug? Feature?

 Thanks in advance.

 Kind regards,

 Markdown-Discuss mailing list


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: replacing with quot;

2008-01-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
Thanks for the feedback guys. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't
missing anything before commiting the change. Oh, and Michel, thanks
for the reminder about attributes. Python-markdown's dom should make
that easy to do.

On Jan 5, 2008 10:29 AM, Yuri Takhteyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree with Michel, that it's better to not escape things where it's
 not necessary.

 If you want to fix it, the place to do is the method
 Document.normalizeEntities(), which is now called in two places:

 1. in Element.toxml() separately for each attribute
 2. in TextNode.toxml() for the whole thing

 The quickest fix would be to add an extra keyword parameter to this
 function: something like skip_quotes and call with this parameter in
 the second case.  Note that , , and  need to be replaced in
 both cases.

   - yuri

 On Jan 5, 2008 4:51 AM, Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   So, my question is: Which implementation do you consider correct
   and why?
  I'd say both are correct since, within HTML or XML character data, a
  character entity is semantically equivalent to the litteral character
  it represents. But for the sake of compatibility with other
  processing tools, I'd avoid using an entity for strait quotes (or any
  other character for that matter) when it's not necessary.


 Markdown-Discuss mailing list


Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

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