Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-02 Thread Jon Flanders
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My take on this quarrel? Post Wisconsin and Occupy, the class struggle
is at a low ebb in the USA, thus there is time for factional sniping.
When it picks up again, most of the people involved will be on the same
side of the barricades.

Jon Flanders

On Sat, 2013-06-01 at 16:41 -0400, Michael Smith wrote:
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 On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 06:28:16 -0700
 michael yates wrote:
   maybe a fuck the ISO and all the
  other chowderheads who have made stupid comments is in order. 
 This seems very much on the right track. 
 What seems to have gotten the ISO politburo's knickers 
 in a twist is, as far as I can see, the use of the word
 'tits'. Now why 'tits' should be unsavory while 'breasts'
 is OK is entirely beyond me, except that the former is 
 vernacular whereas the second, for some reason, 
 is genteel. 

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-02 Thread Allan Harris
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how do you clip extraneous text without deleting the entire email?

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 6/2/13 9:20 AM, Allan Harris wrote:

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how do you clip extraneous text without deleting the entire email?

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You highlight the extraneous text with your mouse and then depress the 
delete key.

For example, if somebody crossposted a 25 paragraph article from the NYT 
that you wanted to add a 2 or 3 sentence comment on, you'd highlight the 
last 23 or 24 paragraphs with your mouse and then depress the delete key.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-02 Thread Dennis Brasky
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So when the real issues pick up, sexist crap and straw arguments designed
to avoid discussing it will assume their rightful place as mere trifles -

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Jon Flanders

My take on this quarrel? Post Wisconsin and Occupy, the class struggle
is at a low ebb in the USA, thus there is time for factional sniping.
When it picks up again, most of the people involved will be on the same
side of the barricades.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-02 Thread Jon Flanders
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I don't think Joshua Frank and Jeffrey St. Clair are typical sexist
jerks, and I don't think Sharon Smith and the ISO are puritanical
Trots out to censor everything in sight.

There are real issues of class and race all mixed up in the debate worth
discussing surely but neither side should be read out of the left over

So yes, I think an upsurge in the class struggle will subsume this, just
as Wisconsin and Occupy saw a decline in factional point scoring.


On Sun, 2013-06-02 at 13:56 -0400, Dennis Brasky wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 So when the real issues pick up, sexist crap and straw arguments designed
 to avoid discussing it will assume their rightful place as mere trifles -
 On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Jon Flanders
 My take on this quarrel? Post Wisconsin and Occupy, the class struggle
 is at a low ebb in the USA, thus there is time for factional sniping.
 When it picks up again, most of the people involved will be on the same

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-01 Thread Alan Bradley
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From: Louis Proyect 
 I wonder why people like Andrew and Dennis Brasky have so much trouble making 
 substantive contributions
 on the issues under debate. 

Unfortunately, the Counterpunch editors themselves have trivialised the 

Well, the Socialist Worker types don’t do irony. ... They are rich and 
well-educated at elite schools, such as Brown and Northwestern. Many of them 
live off of trust funds. Most rarely converse with poor people and have only a 
vague, theoretical notion of what life is like when you are indigent, black and 
have just been diagnosed with breast cancer (if you can even afford to get 

(In spite of this laborious self-consciousness about its place as a hipster 
utopia, Portland hosts more strip clubs than any other city its size and 
lissome Earth First!ers are often glimpsed pole-dancing at Mary’s Club during 
the winter months to fund their high-wire activism in defense of ancient 
forests when the snows melt and the chainsaws fire up. For them, stripping is a 
much less humiliating experience than applying for a grant from the Pew 
Charitable Trusts.)

So how are you supposed to respond to that? 

Trust-fund Trots and pole-dancing lissome Earth First!ers? WTF? 

Andrew Pollack's response of So fuck off, Counterpunch may not be ideal, but 
it's about as serious and political as the Counterpunch editors deserve.

And, no, I don't particularly think that their choice of not replacing the word 
'tits with something else (breasts?) is any terrible offense. They've just 
taken the discussion to a new and even stupider low.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 6/1/13 3:17 AM, Alan Bradley wrote:

So how are you supposed to respond to that?

Trust-fund Trots and pole-dancing lissome Earth First!ers? WTF?

I think the latest article was not an attempt to continue the debate 
with the ISO but to terminate it. It was an old-fashioned flame. I will 
probably be writing a piece analyzing the ISO for CP but more in the 
vein of whither the ISO.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/31/13 9:48 PM, Adam Turl wrote:

It seems to me the problem with the original article (Fowler's) was that in
trying to write an article that combined a class and gender analysis of the
issue she ended up counterposing them in a pretty crude and undialectical
way, unleashing a good amount of rhetorical ammo on a celebrity (rather
than the actual structures of power).

If every group on the left that had more than a hundred members or so 
decided to launch a campaign against objectionable material on CP, 
there would be ongoing trench warfare that would make the Battle of 
Ardennes look tame by comparison. I go nuts over the Syria articles from 
all the usual suspects but would never entertain the idea of severing my 
relationship with CP.

Unlike the ISO or any other Leninist group, CP is not a party organ. 
Writers develop a relationship with Jeff St. Clair based less on their 
line than on their ability to write compelling prose. Whatever else 
you want to say about Ruth Fowler, she has that ability in spades.

CP's Alexa rating in the USA is 8,602. My own blog, which gets about 
50,000 visits per month, is 485,154. That should give you an idea of 
CP's influence.

I have had a long relationship with CP going back to when it was 
launched by Ken Silverstein. In one of the early issues, I was 
interviewed by Ken about a mass firing in Goldman-Sachs's IT department. 
It is an amazing resource that is essential to the left. The wide 
variety of writers that appear in it is a testimony to the continuing 
determination of the left to put up the Good Fight.

It is unfortunate that the ISO decided to pick a fight with CP in this 
fashion. When I used to write an attack on one of Alexander Cockburn's 
global warming denialist articles, he could laugh it off. But when you 
have a group of over a thousand people circulating open letters 
condemning CP, quantity turns into quality. A better approach would have 
been for Sharon to write a letter to Jeff taking a different tone but 
sadly--as we know so well--groups operating in the Leninist tradition 
like to adopt a pure as the driven snow stance as if upholding 
revolutionary continuity. Bollocks, I say.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-01 Thread michael yates
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Let's see now. ISO people bandy about words like filth and disgusting and 
locker room humor and so forth. No one seems to notice or care that Jeffrey 
St. Clair's own daughter has a rare and debilitating form of cancer. Maybe like 
a woman I taught with said about another colleague, a man, who had two 
daughters with cancer, Well, he's the father, I doubt he takes care of them, 
they think Jeffrey, as a man, doesn't have feelings. Only the ISO men grasp 
sexism. And those who support CP and don't see anything wrong with Ruth 
Fowler's article are denounced as old white men who are sexist. Without a shred 
of evidence. So, maybe a fuck the ISO and all the other chowderheads who have 
made stupid comments is in order.   

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-01 Thread Michael Smith
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On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 06:28:16 -0700
michael yates wrote:

  maybe a fuck the ISO and all the
 other chowderheads who have made stupid comments is in order. 

This seems very much on the right track. 

What seems to have gotten the ISO politburo's knickers 
in a twist is, as far as I can see, the use of the word
'tits'. Now why 'tits' should be unsavory while 'breasts'
is OK is entirely beyond me, except that the former is 
vernacular whereas the second, for some reason, 
is genteel. 

I can't see why. 'Breasts' seems to me both illiterate 
and prurient, since in English as she was well-spoke, 
back in the day, no individual had more than one breast. 

To pluralize it calls attention to anatomy while purporting 
to elevate one's gaze therefrom: consummate Pecksniffery.  

But a great deal of campus-PC diction policing comes down 
to the enforcement of choosing the genteel expression, 
with a thin -- very thin -- left cover.  

I had an aunt -- great-aunt, really -- who used to quote 
the old chestnut 'horses sweat, men perspire, ladies glow.'
She meant it, too. It wasn't till years later that I realized 
this wasn't original with her. 

The same dear lady thought it was quite important whether 
you said 'couch' or 'sofa', 'drapes' or 'curtains', 'dinner'
or 'supper' (though the last was almost Talmudically complex;
each term was acceptable -- *in its place*). 

'Tits' was acceptable too, but only if you were talking
about a cow. She would have spelled it 'teats', but 
pronounced it 'tits'. 

Spelling it as it sounds would, of course, have been 

Auntie, if dire necessity had ever forced her to refer to
a lady's tits, would have said 'bosom'. Anybody who ever
pluralized it -- 'bosoms' -- would have been cast 
immediately into the outer darkness. 


Leur sçavoir n’estoyt que besterye, et leur sapience n’estoyt 
que moufles, abastardisant les bons et nobles esperitz, et 
corrumpent toute fleur de ieunesse. 

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-01 Thread X Y
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just lurking here, but figured that as an uninvolved 3rd party observer, i
could offer a less emotionally charged opinion.  i find the fixation, which
exists on both sides, but particularly by CP defenders, on the singular
issue of the word tits, quite a distraction.  i think adam's reminder
below has been missing from much of the debate:

on Fri, 31 May 2013 18:48:47 -0700 Adam Turl wrote:
 Add into this the way the article was promoted (as if it was promoted by
a frat house) and one should be able to understand the response.

- - - - - -

in case people forgot, adam is referencing the CP email newsletter (which i
don't subscribe to), where fowler's original piece was promoted as
snapping jolie's bra. i cannott for the life of me see HOW this somehow
ISN'T easily seen as a sexist and misogynist joke - one that is readily
distinguishable from just the use (regardless of context) of the word

for the record, i think ISO has taken it a bit too far in terms of its
party-line-style diktat of wholesale (or as adam described, existential)
condemnation of CP as just a bunch of old misogynist pigs.  but on the
other hand CP defenders really do come off - to this lurker at least, and
to a large number of my female comrades in particular (who, like me, are at
least half the average age or younger than the regular contributors of this
list, and have been debating this on facebook) - as being defensive in
PRECISELY the way most men do when challenged for a transgression of male
privilege.  ie, by way of bluster, dismissive bravado/machismo and of
course, rhetorical circumvention.

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[Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect

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“But why can’t Ruth use the word ‘tit’? She’s a big time writer. Sold 
more books than any of those ISOers. Maybe all of them combined.”

“Fowler can use the word, but we can’t print it. Because we’re, well, men.”

“So, we’re supposed to correct Ruth Fowler’s word choice for her?”


“The two of us, both male editors, are supposed to commit an editorial 
intervention on her prose? She’s from Wales, right?”

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-05-31 Thread Andrew Pollack
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How much deeper are these assholes going to dig their own grave?

It's bad enough to continue, indeed intensify, the sexist boys' locker-room
But to add to it lies about the ISO's politics, practice, and race and
class composition, is just garden-variety Stalinism.

I've been a hard-core Cannonite for almost 40 years, and therefore speak as
someone who is predisposed to sniffing out faults in other wings of the
Trotskyist tradition where they can be found. So I expect to be taken
seriously when I say that, having seen the ISO in various cities and
movements since their founding, their work in the labor movement in recent
years has been, from what I can see, nothing short of inspirational.

So fuck off, Counterpunch.

Andy P.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/31/13 9:19 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

So fuck off, Counterpunch.

I wonder why people like Andrew and Dennis Brasky have so much trouble 
making substantive contributions on the issues under debate. Maybe it is 
because they really have no answers to Ruth Fowler's arguments? Does 
Andrew thing it was wrong for Jeff to not override her use of the word 
tits? What about the group Pussy Riot? Maybe I was wrong to write an 
article for CP (my first actually) taking up their cause when they call 
themselves such a sexist term. Should they have named themselves Vagina 
Riot instead?

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-05-31 Thread mjs
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 I've been a hard-core Cannonite for almost 40 years...
 predisposed to sniffing out faults in other wings of the
 Trotskyist tradition  So I expect to be taken

Bit of a lacuna in the logic here.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-05-31 Thread Adam Turl
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It seems to me the problem with the original article (Fowler's) was that in
trying to write an article that combined a class and gender analysis of the
issue she ended up counterposing them in a pretty crude and undialectical
way, unleashing a good amount of rhetorical ammo on a celebrity (rather
than the actual structures of power). Add into this the way the article was
promoted (as if it was promoted by a frat house) and one should be able to
understand the response. After all, women actually are oppressed and
objectified in this society. It doesn't mean that Counterpunch should be
permanently vilified or that St. Clair et al havent done good things
otherwise. It is too bad they saw this as an existential attack rather than
an opportunity for their website to actually host a debate about these
issues. For example, it would be good to have some new writing that
patiently unpacks the difference between opposing the objectification of
women and prudery. The latest response from St. Clair, however, does dig
the hole deeper, and turns what might have been a crude mistake into
out-and-out red baiting. Whether you agree with the original  SW criticisms
of Fowler and CP or not they were a reasonable response to something that
was, if not sexist (although I think it was), certainly problematic for
people (socialist, anarchist, feminist, whatever) who claim to oppose
oppression in all forms.

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Carl G. Estabrook galli...@illinois.eduwrote:

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 == quickly the prosecutorial mindset of those possessed by a
 poisonous manifestation of identity politics can congeal into a lynch mob.
 It’s something that my old pal Alexander Cockburn knew intimately. In 1990,
 Alex was invited to speak by a gang of puritanical Trots at Reed College in
 Portland, a city almost paralyzed by the conventions of political

 The invitation was a setup. Instead of a lecture, a self-appointed
 tribunal had been convened to put Alex on trial for his series of
 provocative columns in The Nation, which denounced the sexual witch-hunts
 sweeping the country in the wake of the McMartin pre-school case. Along
 with the great Debbie Nathan, Alex was one of the very few journalists to
 slash through the toxic hysteria and expose the accusations as fraudulent
 claims cooked-up by politically-motivated social workers and therapists. At
 the time, Alex was derided as an 'anti-feminist,' but he was proved right.
 There were no apologies from his accusers.

 That case was deadly serious. L’affaire Jolie is comically absurd...

 On May 31, 2013, at 8:03 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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