Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-20 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Also from "Workers Liberty":

Jewels within this shitty pamphlet from this freakish charlatan crank

"The catastrophe that befell the Palestinians in 1948 could not have
happened had not a coalition of Arab states invaded Israel. In that war,
Egypt proclaimed its war aim to be to "drive the Jews into the sea"."

"Their idea of "liberating" "Palestine" demands the destruction of Israel.
It implies support for Arab states who still think they can destroy Israel."

"Israel came into being as a result of the greatest single crime in human
history, the Holocaust of six million Jews at the hands of the Nazis. It
was this crime, the preparation for it, and its aftermath, that, in the 30s
and 40s, led to large scale Jewish migration to Palestine, and turned Jews
throughout the world into Zionists."

"From the river to the sea? Sorry, but there’s no way to be polite about
this. That chant, and the PSC’s own logo of a map of Palestine from the
river to the sea, and the subsequent chanting of “Israel out of Palestine”
really could mean only one thingThe Jews are to leave “Palestine” —
from the river to the sea. This is an exterminationist agenda. I don’t
think that’s too strong a term."


I don't have the patience or the stomach to continue sifting through this
kind of garbage, but Workers' Liberty is a racist, Zionist propaganda
organization masquerading as a "leftist" group, and people affiliated with
it deserve to be flogged in the street. They have coalesced around the
British pseudo-left's obsession with trying to find "anti-Semitism"
everywhere, including any meaningful solidarity against the regime that is
colonizing and destroying Palestine. In their view, Israel is a little
victim surrounded by mean angry Arabs, and any attempt to oppose it or
single it out for fairly obvious reasons is some kind of Nazi-Stalinist
crime against the Jews. And they shamefully exploit the Holocaust to do so.

As such I doubt I can trust their "analysis" about fascism anywhere else.
They have no credibility.

- Amith

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 2:51 PM, jay rothermel via Marxism <> wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/20/15 4:58 PM, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

I don't have the patience or the stomach to continue sifting through this
kind of garbage, but Workers' Liberty is a racist, Zionist propaganda
organization masquerading as a "leftist" group, and people affiliated with
it deserve to be flogged in the street.

So what are you saying? That Borotba is to be supported because Workers 
Liberty is Zionist? You need to analyze Ukraine on its own terms.

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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-20 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Or that we should analyze Borotba on its own terms without asking a Zionist

- Amith

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> On 1/20/15 4:58 PM, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:
>> I don't have the patience or the stomach to continue sifting through this
>> kind of garbage, but Workers' Liberty is a racist, Zionist propaganda
>> organization masquerading as a "leftist" group, and people affiliated with
>> it deserve to be flogged in the street.
> So what are you saying? That Borotba is to be supported because Workers
> Liberty is Zionist? You need to analyze Ukraine on its own terms.
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/20/15 5:14 PM, A.R. G wrote:

Or that we should analyze Borotba on its own terms without asking a
Zionist organization.

We have had plenty of feedback on Borotba from Marxmail subscriber 
Sergii Kutnii, a Ukrainian member of the Autonomist Workers Union. Here 
is their statement and other groups on the left about Borotba. You don't 
need to read a single page of AWL to understand that they are Great 
Russian chauvinists.


Березень 03, 18:30, 2014
Print This Article
paper dragons1

We, the collectives and members of Ukrainian leftist and anarchist 
organizations, announce that “Borotba” union is not a part of our 
movement. During the whole time of this political project’s existence, 
its members tended to be committed to the most discredited, conservative 
and authoritarian “leftist” regimes and ideologies, which do not 
represent the interests of working classes in any way.

”Borotba” has proved itself an organization with a non-transparent 
funding mechanism and unscrupulous principles of cooperation. It uses 
hired workers, who are not even the members of the organization. The 
local cells of “Borotba” took part in the protest actions together with 
PSPU (Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, which is an anti-Semitic, 
racist, and clerical party, and has no relation to the world socialist 
movement) and with Kharkiv pro-government, anti-Semitic and homophobic 
group “Oplot”; and are known for their linkage with an infamous 
journalist O.Chalenko, who openly stands for Russian chauvinism.

Recent events demonstrate that the leadership of this union, following 
the example of the “Communist” Party of Ukraine, have been overtly 
defending the interests of president Yanukovych, justifying the use of 
weapons by security forces and denying the acts of unjustified violence 
and cruelty on their part, the use of tortures and other forms of 
political terror.  The representatives of “Borotba” take an extremely 
biased stance concerning the composition of protest movement, which is 
represented both on their own web resources and in the media 
commentaries. According to them, the Maidan protests are supported 
exclusively by nationalists and radical right, and were aimed only at a 
coup d’etat (“fascist putsch”).

We stand on antifascist positions, and our activists have often been 
victims of radical rightists’ attacks. We do not support some of the 
Maidan’s ideas, and are against the bourgeois opposition. We also 
condemn conservative, nationalist, and radical right sentiments, which 
are tolerated in the protesters’ circles nowadays. However, we emphasize 
that labeling all active citizens as “fascists” is not only false, but 
also dangerous. This one-sidedness is fueling chauvinist hysteria and 
divides society, which is only favourable for the ruling class.

On January 24th, the region council deputy and “Borotba” representative 
Oleksiy Albu participated in the protection of Odesa region 
administration building against “Nazis”,  accompanied by Russian 
Cossacks and nationalists (“Slavic Unity”) and the members of ruling 
Party of Regions and Communist Party. In his later interview, he 
admitted his cooperation with  the Security Service of Ukraine.

On March 1st, “Borotba” activists together with pro-Putin organizations 
took part in the assault on Kharkiv region state administration,  which 
resulted in raising of a Russian flag and severe beating of many Kharkiv 
Maidan activists, including a leftist poet Serhiy Zhadan. The members of 
“Borotba” call all of this “an antifascist action” and claim that these 
violent actions were aimed against radical rightists.

Therefore, we conclude that the leadership of “Borotba” union not only 
support the authoritarian Soviet past, but also consciously manipulate 
public opinion, and are acting as “pocket revolutionaries” of the ruling 
elites. Their activity at the moment does not have anything in common 
with leftist politics and class struggle, and is aimed at the support of 
pro-Putinist forces behind the mask of “antifascism” and “communism”. 
Thus, the actions of this organization are discrediting both its name 
(which is derived from revolutionaries-“borotbists” of the beginning of 
the XXth century) and all the modern Ukrainian left in general. 
Moreover, “Borotba” does not disdain overt lies and fact manipulations, 
deceiving foreign leftists and antifascists.

We urge all the conscious revolutionaries, who are still the members of 
“Borotba”, to leave this treacherous,

Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-20 Thread Sergii Kutnii via Marxism
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Well, identifying AWL - a British organisation not trying even to
build an interantional - as Zionists is something jaw-dropping to me.

i think the ones making such accusations should provide evidence about
AWL's link to Israel or maybe its continuity with historical Zionist
organisations. AWL disagreeing with someone in the Western left on the
approach towards the Israeli-Arab conflict is certainly not enough to
classify them as Zionists for me.
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-20 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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So read their pamphlets then. Honestly, what do you have to do to count as
a Zionist organization? Do you have to regurgitate Israeli nationalist
historiography about the 1948 war? Check. Do you have to reduce anti-Israel
sentiment to anti-Semitism? Check. Do you have to claim that left-wing
anti-Zionism is little more than latent Stalinism (like the kind that
supports Syria or Iran)? Check. Do you have to exploit the Holocaust to
portray Zionist settlers as little more than victims? Check. Do you have to
accuse boycotters of being genocidal in their intentions? Check. Do you
have to portray Zionism as a reaction to anti-Semitism, rather than an
extension of it? Check. Do you have to witch-hunt left groups that rally
against the massacre(s) in Gaza, as though they are unfairly "singling out"
the regime occupying Palestine? Check.

They are the embodiment of the failure of some groups on the "left" to
engage racism and colonialism properly, as the Charlie Hebdo fiasco has
shown us. They have taken their own misplaced, ahistoric concerns about
anti-Semitism and decided to impose those concerns onto any kind of
meaningful campaign against Zionism, whether by leftists, Muslims, whoever,
as well as Muslims more generally. They have taken up the same garbage line
as *The Militant*. And they are, in my view, leftists in name only. If the
"left" includes people who peddle Israeli propaganda and stigmatize
anti-Zionism then I'll gladly step outside of it.

- Amith

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 5:42 PM, Sergii Kutnii via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Well, identifying AWL - a British organisation not trying even to
> build an interantional - as Zionists is something jaw-dropping to me.
> i think the ones making such accusations should provide evidence about
> AWL's link to Israel or maybe its continuity with historical Zionist
> organisations. AWL disagreeing with someone in the Western left on the
> approach towards the Israeli-Arab conflict is certainly not enough to
> classify them as Zionists for me.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-20 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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That definition is completely false. For one, there are plenty of Christian
Zionists and the early Zionists themselves were in many cases
non-religious. It also ignores a long history of Zionism among
anti-Semites. For another, saying that "Jews need a homeland" is a far cry
from establishing one by forced (and ongoing) ethnic cleansing of Palestine
to create and maintain a settler-colony, which has been the intention of
Zionists since the days of Jabotinsky and Ben Gurion.

The world is not "post-Zionist," even by your own strange definition.
Furthermore, recognizing that a solution to the Zionist catastrophe upon
Palestine could allow Israelis to continue living there is hardly the same
as maintaining their "new nation" -- or reducing those who disagree or
demand their exile to "anti-Semites". The rejection of the presence of
Israeli settler-colonists in all of Palestine, even if it isn't realistic
or a particularly good solution, does not amount to racism, any more than
indigenous groups in America demanding the exile of present-day Americans
is "racist". In both cases the opposition is based on rejection of the
settler-colony, not the race/religion of the colonists. Again, I don't
agree with such proposals and I think those proposals are motivated more by
anti-colonial outrage than practicality, but it doesn't make such people
into "anti-Semites" as the AWL would have you believe.

The AWL is a Zionist group and the only way you can say otherwise is by
redefining Zionism. Furthermore, if "Zionist" means "Jew" on some level to
you then are you repeating the propaganda of both Zionists and
anti-Semites. Why on earth would it matter to you whether or not the AWL is
Jewish? Does that make their horrific beliefs more acceptable? Or less

- Amith

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 6:12 PM, Sergii Kutnii  wrote:

> A Zionist organisation, in my view, would be the one
> 1) identifying itself as Jewish
> 2) proclaiming that Jews need a homeland for them.
> AWL, as far as I know, does not meet the condition 1.
> The problem is, we live in a post-Zionist situation where an entire
> new nation of Israelis has been created and there have been a couple
> of generations of Israelis having no other home.
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 12:50 AM, A.R. G  wrote:
> > So read their pamphlets then. Honestly, what do you have to do to count
> as a
> > Zionist organization? Do you have to regurgitate Israeli nationalist
> > historiography about the 1948 war? Check. Do you have to reduce
> anti-Israel
> > sentiment to anti-Semitism? Check. Do you have to claim that left-wing
> > anti-Zionism is little more than latent Stalinism (like the kind that
> > supports Syria or Iran)? Check. Do you have to exploit the Holocaust to
> > portray Zionist settlers as little more than victims? Check. Do you have
> to
> > accuse boycotters of being genocidal in their intentions? Check. Do you
> have
> > to portray Zionism as a reaction to anti-Semitism, rather than an
> extension
> > of it? Check. Do you have to witch-hunt left groups that rally against
> the
> > massacre(s) in Gaza, as though they are unfairly "singling out" the
> regime
> > occupying Palestine? Check.
> >
> > They are the embodiment of the failure of some groups on the "left" to
> > engage racism and colonialism properly, as the Charlie Hebdo fiasco has
> > shown us. They have taken their own misplaced, ahistoric concerns about
> > anti-Semitism and decided to impose those concerns onto any kind of
> > meaningful campaign against Zionism, whether by leftists, Muslims,
> whoever,
> > as well as Muslims more generally. They have taken up the same garbage
> line
> > as The Militant. And they are, in my view, leftists in name only. If the
> > "left" includes people who peddle Israeli propaganda and stigmatize
> > anti-Zionism then I'll gladly step outside of it.
> >
> > - Amith
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 5:42 PM, Sergii Kutnii via Marxism
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> >> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> >> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> >> *
> >>
> >> Well, identifying AWL - a British organisation not trying even to
> >> build an interantional - as Zionists is something jaw-dropping to me.
> >>
> >> i think the ones making such accusations should provide evidence about
> >> AWL's link to Israel or maybe its continuity with historical Zionist
> >> organisations. AWL disagreeing with someone in the Wester

Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Sergii Kutnii via Marxism
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There's an important cultural difference that comes to play here:
while in the US Jewishness is seen as a religious identity, in the
Eastern Europe it is more of a cultural or ethnic identity so "a
Christian Jew" is not an oxymoron.
Yes, it was not always so, and Jewishness has been defined through
Judaism in pre-1917 Russian Empire but this is an important example of
how an identity can be redefined over time.

AWL does not, to the best of my knowledge, identify themselves as
Jewish neither in terms of religion nor in terms of culture, so they
don't seem to have a material stake in the conflict. They just have an
idea of how a conflict in a distant land that does not affect them
directly should be resolved. Without a material interest in the
existence of Israel, this is not enough, in my view, to call anyone a

Should an American who thinks that Scottish independency is a good
idea be called a Scottish nationalist?
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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There are two different, even if perhaps slightly overlapping, issues here.
One is whether AWL is pro-Zionist and Islamophobic. The answer is yes,
without question, and it can be documented if need be.
The other is whether AWL's take on Ukraine is accurate. It very well might
90% of what the Stalinists in WWP/PSL say is accurate. But as with AWL,
interpreting everything they say, and the spin they put on it, requires
extra care given their bankrupt politics.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Sergii Kutnii via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> There's an important cultural difference that comes to play here:
> while in the US Jewishness is seen as a religious identity, in the
> Eastern Europe it is more of a cultural or ethnic identity so "a
> Christian Jew" is not an oxymoron.
> Yes, it was not always so, and Jewishness has been defined through
> Judaism in pre-1917 Russian Empire but this is an important example of
> how an identity can be redefined over time.
> AWL does not, to the best of my knowledge, identify themselves as
> Jewish neither in terms of religion nor in terms of culture, so they
> don't seem to have a material stake in the conflict. They just have an
> idea of how a conflict in a distant land that does not affect them
> directly should be resolved. Without a material interest in the
> existence of Israel, this is not enough, in my view, to call anyone a
> Zionist.
> Should an American who thinks that Scottish independency is a good
> idea be called a Scottish nationalist?
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread DW via Marxism
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" There's an important cultural difference that comes to play here:
while in the US Jewishness is seen as a religious identity, in the
Eastern Europe it is more of a cultural or ethnic identity... "

WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY,
have you? You view of American Jewish identify is false.

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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Sergii Kutnii via Marxism
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I admit I've never been to the US, so I may be wrong.

But from the comments of the US and British leftists it seems that
religious identities are more important in the anglophone world than
they are in the ex-USSR.
I think this has something to do with the legacy of Protestantism and
slightly different ways of secularisation.

As for AWL, it's interesting to me, why they can't be called Ukrainian
patriots for their position on Ukraine but can be called Zionists for
their attitude towards Israel?

Also, here exists a whole lot of nuances of the national question.

Take this 'death to the settlers' issue, for example. Unfortunately,
Ukraine has been a place where such calls materialised during the
Volhynia Massacres.
No, such calls by the oppressed are not innocent and should be taken seriously.
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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DW said:
WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY,
have you?

Ken Hiebert replies:
Whatever you may have intended, this comment could be read as a complaint that 
there are too many Jews in New York.  
I don't know how many Jews there are in New York, but I hope they all feel at 
home there.  I wouldn't want to suggest to any of them that they might be more 
welcome in Israel.
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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I didn't get that at all. I thought we were talking about how Jews identify
themselves in America, it is just as much a race/ethnicity in the US as it
is in Europe.

As for calling NYC "Jerusalem" it has plenty of Jews. IMO they should be
able to live wherever they want, NYC or Tel Aviv or even in the West Bank,
but not as settler-colonists.

- Amith

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:28 PM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> *
> DW said:
> WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY,
> have you?
> Ken Hiebert replies:
> Whatever you may have intended, this comment could be read as a complaint
> that there are too many Jews in New York.
> I don't know how many Jews there are in New York, but I hope they all feel
> at home there.  I wouldn't want to suggest to any of them that they might
> be more welcome in Israel.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Thomas via Marxism
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New York City population: 8,405,837

Jewish population of New York City: 2,028,200


Not exactly Jerusalem.

So much for stupid stereotypes.


-Original Message-
>From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism 
>Sent: Jan 21, 2015 5:28 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

>#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
>#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
>DW said:
>WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY,
>have you?
>Ken Hiebert replies:
>Whatever you may have intended, this comment could be read as a complaint that 
>there are too many Jews in New York.  
>I don't know how many Jews there are in New York, but I hope they all feel at 
>home there.  I wouldn't want to suggest to any of them that they might be more 
>welcome in Israel.
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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for what it's worth i didn't see it so much as a stereotype as an attempt to 
say, crudely perhaps, that it is easy to see that people in the u.s. do not 
understand jewish life as primarily religious given the rich, long standing and 
well delineated cultural life of jews in new york, where 1 in 4 actually is 
pretty impressive. 

in fact i would go farther. there seems to be a tendency abroad to see 
americans monochromatically. while i have no problem in believing religion is 
less relevant in countries from the former soviet union, i'm detecting an 
inclination of some to tar everyone in america with religion's brush. 

is religion pervasive in america? yes. and it taints everyone's understanding? 

- Original Message -

From: "Thomas via Marxism"  
To: "Charles Faulkner"  
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2:41:16 PM 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

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New York City population: 8,405,837 

Jewish population of New York City: 2,028,200 


Not exactly Jerusalem. 

So much for stupid stereotypes. 


-Original Message- 
>From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism  
>Sent: Jan 21, 2015 5:28 PM 
>To: Thomas F Barton  
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

>#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
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>#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern. 
>DW said: 
>WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY, 
>have you? 
>Ken Hiebert replies: 
>Whatever you may have intended, this comment could be read as a complaint that 
>there are too many Jews in New York. 
>I don't know how many Jews there are in New York, but I hope they all feel at 
>home there. I wouldn't want to suggest to any of them that they might be more 
>welcome in Israel. 
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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2 million Jews in New York, considering there are only about ~15 million
Jews worldwide, some 40% of which live in Israel, is a fairly massive
number. Again I think you guys are trying to find something anti-Jewish
about his comment.

Moreover, the issue originally was Zionism and whether AWL's Zionist
politics undo their credibility about Borotba. Regardless of how one feels
about Borotba, the AWL is in fact a Zionist propaganda outlet and their
pamphlets are ridden with Israeli propaganda. One does not need to be a Jew
to be a Zionist. Zionism is not simply Israeli nationalism, it is a
colonial movement that originated outside the Middle East and whose many
adherents were as anti-Jewish as they were Jewish. The AWL shares the
worldview and politics of this movement, despite some minor reservations.
It deserves no quarter.

- Amith

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:04 PM, Charles Faulkner via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> for what it's worth i didn't see it so much as a stereotype as an attempt
> to say, crudely perhaps, that it is easy to see that people in the u.s. do
> not understand jewish life as primarily religious given the rich, long
> standing and well delineated cultural life of jews in new york, where 1 in
> 4 actually is pretty impressive.
> in fact i would go farther. there seems to be a tendency abroad to see
> americans monochromatically. while i have no problem in believing religion
> is less relevant in countries from the former soviet union, i'm detecting
> an inclination of some to tar everyone in america with religion's brush.
> is religion pervasive in america? yes. and it taints everyone's
> understanding? silly.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Thomas via Marxism" 
> To: "Charles Faulkner" 
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2:41:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba
> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> New York City population: 8,405,837
> Jewish population of New York City: 2,028,200
> [Wikipedia]
> Not exactly Jerusalem.
> So much for stupid stereotypes.
> T
> -Original Message-
> >From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism 
> >Sent: Jan 21, 2015 5:28 PM
> >To: Thomas F Barton 
> >Cc:
> >Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba
> >
> >#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> >#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> >#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> >*
> >
> >DW said:
> >WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY,
> >have you?
> >
> >Ken Hiebert replies:
> >Whatever you may have intended, this comment could be read as a complaint
> that there are too many Jews in New York.
> >I don't know how many Jews there are in New York, but I hope they all
> feel at home there. I wouldn't want to suggest to any of them that they
> might be more welcome in Israel.
> >_
> >Full posting guidelines at:
> >Set your options at:
> _
> Full posting guidelines at:
> Set your options at:
> _
> Full posting guidelines at:
> Set your options at:
Full posting guidelines at:
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

this is the second time you've piggy-backed my message, said "you guys", and 
then expressed the exact opposite of what i wrote. 

may i ask why you do that? do you understand that that can cause confusion and 

- Original Message -

From: "A.R. G"  
To: "Charles Faulkner" , "Activists and scholars in 
Marxist tradition"  
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:25:18 PM 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

2 million Jews in New York, considering there are only about ~15 million Jews 
worldwide, some 40% of which live in Israel, is a fairly massive number. Again 
I think you guys are trying to find something anti-Jewish about his comment. 

Moreover, the issue originally was Zionism and whether AWL's Zionist politics 
undo their credibility about Borotba. Regardless of how one feels about 
Borotba, the AWL is in fact a Zionist propaganda outlet and their pamphlets are 
ridden with Israeli propaganda. One does not need to be a Jew to be a Zionist. 
Zionism is not simply Israeli nationalism, it is a colonial movement that 
originated outside the Middle East and whose many adherents were as anti-Jewish 
as they were Jewish. The AWL shares the worldview and politics of this 
movement, despite some minor reservations. It deserves no quarter. 

- Amith 

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:04 PM, Charles Faulkner via Marxism < > wrote: 

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived. 
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern. 

for what it's worth i didn't see it so much as a stereotype as an attempt to 
say, crudely perhaps, that it is easy to see that people in the u.s. do not 
understand jewish life as primarily religious given the rich, long standing and 
well delineated cultural life of jews in new york, where 1 in 4 actually is 
pretty impressive. 

in fact i would go farther. there seems to be a tendency abroad to see 
americans monochromatically. while i have no problem in believing religion is 
less relevant in countries from the former soviet union, i'm detecting an 
inclination of some to tar everyone in america with religion's brush. 

is religion pervasive in america? yes. and it taints everyone's understanding? 

- Original Message - 

From: "Thomas via Marxism" < > 
To: "Charles Faulkner" < > 
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2:41:16 PM 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived. 
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern. 

New York City population: 8,405,837 

Jewish population of New York City: 2,028,200 


Not exactly Jerusalem. 

So much for stupid stereotypes. 


-Original Message- 
>From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism < > 
>Sent: Jan 21, 2015 5:28 PM 
>To: Thomas F Barton < > 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

>#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
>#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived. 
>#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern. 
>DW said: 
>WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY, 
>have you? 
>Ken Hiebert replies: 
>Whatever you may have intended, this comment could be read as a complaint that 
>there are too many Jews in New York. 
>I don't know how many Jews there are in New York, but I hope they all feel at 
>home there. I wouldn't want to suggest to any of them that they might be more 
>welcome in Israel. 
>Full posting guidelines at: 
>Set your options at: 

Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

Hi Charles,

I am responding to the entire list, not you specifically. I was agreeing
with you.

- Amith

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:39 PM, Charles Faulkner 

> this is the second time you've piggy-backed my message, said "you guys",
> and then expressed the exact opposite of what i wrote.
> may i ask why you do that?  do you understand that that can cause
> confusion and resentment?
> --
> *From: *"A.R. G" 
> *To: *"Charles Faulkner" , "Activists and scholars
> in Marxist tradition" 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:25:18 PM
> *Subject: *Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba
> 2 million Jews in New York, considering there are only about ~15 million
> Jews worldwide, some 40% of which live in Israel, is a fairly massive
> number. Again I think you guys are trying to find something anti-Jewish
> about his comment.
> Moreover, the issue originally was Zionism and whether AWL's Zionist
> politics undo their credibility about Borotba. Regardless of how one feels
> about Borotba, the AWL is in fact a Zionist propaganda outlet and their
> pamphlets are ridden with Israeli propaganda. One does not need to be a Jew
> to be a Zionist. Zionism is not simply Israeli nationalism, it is a
> colonial movement that originated outside the Middle East and whose many
> adherents were as anti-Jewish as they were Jewish. The AWL shares the
> worldview and politics of this movement, despite some minor reservations.
> It deserves no quarter.
> - Amith
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:04 PM, Charles Faulkner via Marxism <
>> wrote:
>> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
>> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
>> *
>> for what it's worth i didn't see it so much as a stereotype as an attempt
>> to say, crudely perhaps, that it is easy to see that people in the u.s. do
>> not understand jewish life as primarily religious given the rich, long
>> standing and well delineated cultural life of jews in new york, where 1 in
>> 4 actually is pretty impressive.
>> in fact i would go farther. there seems to be a tendency abroad to see
>> americans monochromatically. while i have no problem in believing religion
>> is less relevant in countries from the former soviet union, i'm detecting
>> an inclination of some to tar everyone in america with religion's brush.
>> is religion pervasive in america? yes. and it taints everyone's
>> understanding? silly.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Thomas via Marxism" 
>> To: "Charles Faulkner" 
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2:41:16 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba
>> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
>> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
>> *********************
>> New York City population: 8,405,837
>> Jewish population of New York City: 2,028,200
>> [Wikipedia]
>> Not exactly Jerusalem.
>> So much for stupid stereotypes.
>> T
>> -Original Message-
>> >From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism 
>> >Sent: Jan 21, 2015 5:28 PM
>> >To: Thomas F Barton 
>> >Cc:
>> >Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba
>> >
>> >#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>> >#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
>> >#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
>> >*
>> >
>> >DW said:

Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

thanks amith. understood. 

- Original Message -

From: "A.R. G"  
To: "Charles Faulkner"  
Cc: "Marxism Serve"  
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:59:36 PM 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

Hi Charles, 

I am responding to the entire list, not you specifically. I was agreeing with 

- Amith 

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:39 PM, Charles Faulkner < > 

this is the second time you've piggy-backed my message, said "you guys", and 
then expressed the exact opposite of what i wrote. 

may i ask why you do that? do you understand that that can cause confusion and 

From: "A.R. G" < > 
To: "Charles Faulkner" < >, "Activists and scholars in 
Marxist tradition" < > 
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:25:18 PM 

Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

2 million Jews in New York, considering there are only about ~15 million Jews 
worldwide, some 40% of which live in Israel, is a fairly massive number. Again 
I think you guys are trying to find something anti-Jewish about his comment. 

Moreover, the issue originally was Zionism and whether AWL's Zionist politics 
undo their credibility about Borotba. Regardless of how one feels about 
Borotba, the AWL is in fact a Zionist propaganda outlet and their pamphlets are 
ridden with Israeli propaganda. One does not need to be a Jew to be a Zionist. 
Zionism is not simply Israeli nationalism, it is a colonial movement that 
originated outside the Middle East and whose many adherents were as anti-Jewish 
as they were Jewish. The AWL shares the worldview and politics of this 
movement, despite some minor reservations. It deserves no quarter. 

- Amith 

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:04 PM, Charles Faulkner via Marxism < > wrote: 

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived. 
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern. 

for what it's worth i didn't see it so much as a stereotype as an attempt to 
say, crudely perhaps, that it is easy to see that people in the u.s. do not 
understand jewish life as primarily religious given the rich, long standing and 
well delineated cultural life of jews in new york, where 1 in 4 actually is 
pretty impressive. 

in fact i would go farther. there seems to be a tendency abroad to see 
americans monochromatically. while i have no problem in believing religion is 
less relevant in countries from the former soviet union, i'm detecting an 
inclination of some to tar everyone in america with religion's brush. 

is religion pervasive in america? yes. and it taints everyone's understanding? 

- Original Message - 

From: "Thomas via Marxism" < > 
To: "Charles Faulkner" < > 
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2:41:16 PM 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived. 
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern. 

New York City population: 8,405,837 

Jewish population of New York City: 2,028,200 


Not exactly Jerusalem. 

So much for stupid stereotypes. 


-Original Message----- 
>From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism < > 
>Sent: Jan 21, 2015 5:28 PM 
>To: Thomas F Barton < > 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba 

>#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
>#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived. 
>#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern. 
>DW said: 
>WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW YORK CITY, 
>have you? 
>Ken Hiebert replies: 
>Whatever you may have inten

Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread DW via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

Gawddd! First, though you might not know it, was born in NYC and I'm
Jewish. Everyone knows it is the capital of Jewish culture, or, as my uncle
Albert used to say, "if it ain't, it should be". That Jewish Americans
"only" make up 20%" of the population of the City... you ought to know more
about the role Jews played after 1900 in developing that City's culture.
Jerusalem, the future capital of Palestine, only comes in at 780,000 and
not all of them are Jewish.So, at Passover here in California, when we say
"Next Year in Jerusalem", it doesn't meant the Zionist entity to me My
first impression of Israel when I went there as a young teenager was that
there were, seemingly, a lot Israelis, but very few Jews. I'll let you
digest the implications of that.

My snarky remark was in reaction to the hugely ignorant statement about
America's Jews being identifiable mostly be "religious"
self-identification. I wanted to set the record straight. Ken felt my
comment could be perceived as suggesting there may be too many Jews in NYC.
Sorry for the confusion. Though, truth be told, the only people I've *EVER*
heard make that comment are Jewish New Yorkers. Go figure?

Full posting guidelines at:
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-21 Thread Thomas via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.


While not directly on point, New York City has also been an important center 
for anti-Zionist religion and left politics.  This ranges from large Orthodox 
sects who regard Zionism and the creation of Israel as unacceptable religious 
heresy, strong in Brooklyn now, to leading and rank-and-file members of 
socialist and communist political tendencies who fought Zionism long before 
there was an Israel. The wave of immigrants escaping pogroms in Eastern Europe 
brought tens of thousands who provided life and courage to early Marxist 

Surviving tendencies, although there are exceptions, with the passing of the 
decades since 1948, and some new organizaions as well, also with members of 
varied backgrounds, increasingly flat-out support the Palestinian cause.

The material reality of Israel has had a powerful effect.

It does not appear to be possible to come up with polling information that 
would show the proportion of the New York City Jewish population clearly 
anti-Zionist, vs. soft or hard Zionist in opinions, or those indifferent.

Articles have appeared in the past 10 years reporting an increasing fall in 
support for and/or identification with Israel.  Regrets for not having specific 
references to mention.

During visits to comrades at Berkeley some decades ago, "Next Year in 
Jerusalem" meant next year in New York City. They were homesick for New York 
City's intense political life, and referred to California as "Lotus Land."

[NY City]

-Original Message-
>From: DW via Marxism 
>Sent: Jan 21, 2015 8:16 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba
>Gawddd! First, though you might not know it, was born in NYC and I'm
>Jewish. Everyone knows it is the capital of Jewish culture, or, as my uncle
>Albert used to say, "if it ain't, it should be". That Jewish Americans
>"only" make up 20%" of the population of the City... you ought to know more
>about the role Jews played after 1900 in developing that City's culture.
>Jerusalem, the future capital of Palestine, only comes in at 780,000 and
>not all of them are Jewish.So, at Passover here in California, when we say
>"Next Year in Jerusalem", it doesn't meant the Zionist entity to me My
>first impression of Israel when I went there as a young teenager was that
>there were, seemingly, a lot Israelis, but very few Jews. I'll let you
>digest the implications of that.
>My snarky remark was in reaction to the hugely ignorant statement about
>America's Jews being identifiable mostly be "religious"
>self-identification. I wanted to set the record straight. Ken felt my
>comment could be perceived as suggesting there may be too many Jews in NYC.
>Sorry for the confusion. Though, truth be told, the only people I've *EVER*
>heard make that comment are Jewish New Yorkers. Go figure?
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-22 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

DW said:
My snarky remark was in reaction to the hugely ignorant statement about
America's Jews being identifiable mostly be "religious"
self-identification. I wanted to set the record straight. Ken felt my
comment could be perceived as suggesting there may be too many Jews in NYC.
Sorry for the confusion. Though, truth be told, the only people I've *EVER*
heard make that comment are Jewish New Yorkers. Go figure?

Ken Hiebert:
Thank you for providing context for your remark.  I don't imagine I am offering 
a startling new revelation if I suggest that there are people out there who 
would be happy to circulate your comment without context and create a scandal 
about this list.
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-22 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

One such group is called the AWL. They suck.

- Amith

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 8:51 AM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> DW said:
> My snarky remark was in reaction to the hugely ignorant statement about
> America's Jews being identifiable mostly be "religious"
> self-identification. I wanted to set the record straight. Ken felt my
> comment could be perceived as suggesting there may be too many Jews in NYC.
> Sorry for the confusion. Though, truth be told, the only people I've *EVER*
> heard make that comment are Jewish New Yorkers. Go figure?
> Ken Hiebert:
> Thank you for providing context for your remark.  I don't imagine I am
> offering a startling new revelation if I suggest that there are people out
> there who would be happy to circulate your comment without context and
> create a scandal about this list.
> _
> Full posting guidelines at:
> Set your options at:
Full posting guidelines at:
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Re: [Marxism] Article on Borotba

2015-01-22 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

Einde O'Callaghan said:
You obviously don't know David Walters is or what he stands for if you impute 
any antisemitic views to him. Indeed, I fail to see how you can interpret a 
mildly ironic comment as in any way antisemitic.

Ken Hiebert replies:
Not only do I not know David Walters.  There are millions of others who do not 
know him.  And that is my point.  Stripped bare of context, stripped bare of 
any knowledge about DW, his remark, taken on its own, could be read as 
complaining about the number of Jews in New York City.

His remark =-(WTF??? Obviously you've never been to Jerusalem...that is, NEW 
have you??)
My original response -
(Whatever you may have intended, this comment could be read as a complaint that 
there are too many Jews in New York.  
I don't know how many Jews there are in New York, but I hope they all feel at 
home there.  I wouldn't want to suggest to any of them that they might be more 
welcome in Israel.)

DW and I have not met, but I have formed a favourable impression of him from 
reading his messages to this list.  And I think we were in touch about some 
archival material.  For that reason I was very careful about what I said to 
him.  I did not impute any antisemitic views to him.  I merely pointed out to 
him a possible reading of his remark.  Happily, that led to him providing 
context and a note about himself.

There are shortcomings to email.  It very quickly disseminates information.  
But we don't know if the person was smiling or grimacing when they sent it.  We 
don't know their history.
We were able to make up for that shortcoming in this discussion.  But people 
who have ill will to this list would feel no compunction about forwarding his 
remark without context and without any explanation about him and his views.
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