Re: [Marxism] DAILY SHOW on socialist medicine....

2010-02-15 Thread Anthony Hartin
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It says that Comedy Central streams are not available in Canada. I have
heard that there is some program or device you can get to overcome this, 
but its not really worth it for me. It is interesting that this is not 
the case everywhere outside of the US as Eindie has mentioned.

Dude, we cant have dangerous ideas being broadcast to Canada. One day a 
Canadian Red Army could sweep south ending capitalism as we know it. Nah, 
ya cant have that shit up there. Its just olympics, olympics, olympics for 

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Re: [Marxism] Sex, Lies, and Economics: The Amazing Story of Economics and Economists Before Adam Smith

2010-02-15 Thread
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It sounds fascinating to me.

So prior to Adam Smith, there
was hardly a prominent economist
who was also an honorable man?

I guess they were mostly rogues,
thieves, and murderers.  Then
again, while most contemporary
economists are much less colorful
than these pioneers, they are not
necessarily more honorable.

Jim F.

-- Original Message --
From: michael perelman
Subject: [Marxism] Sex, Lies, and Economics: The Amazing Story of Economics and 
Economists Before Adam Smith
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 21:20:46 -0800

I am getting ready to send out my short proposal for my new book.  If 
anyone has any comments on this, I would be most appreciative.

I posted it here:

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

Love Spell
Click here to light up your life with a love spell!

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[Marxism] Socialist Voice: Olympic Protest / Pluralist Quebec Manifesto

2010-02-15 Thread Ian Angus
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Marxist Perspectives for the 21st Century

February 15, 2010

By Roger Annis
Five thousand people took to the streets here on February 12 to
protest the opening of the corporate spectacle known as the 2010
Vancouver Winter Olympics. The largest social rights action in
Vancouver in many years coincided with the Games' opening ceremony at
a downtown arena attended by 60,000 people.

Introduction by Richard Fidler
Quebec's public debate over reasonable accommodation of minorities,
especially religious minorities, continues to rage. A recent
contribution that has attracted much comment and controversy is the
Manifesto for a Pluralist Quebec, the short version of which is
translated below.


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Editors: Ian Angus, Roger Annis, John Riddell
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[Marxism] Goldman and Greece

2010-02-15 Thread Louis Proyect
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Goldman Goes Rogue – Special European Audit To Follow
By Simon Johnson

At 9:30pm on Sunday, September 21, 2008, Goldman Sachs was saved 
from imminent collapse by the announcement that the Federal 
Reserve would allow it to become a bank holding company – implying 
unfettered access to borrowing from the Fed and other forms of 
implicit government support, all of which subsequently proved most 
beneficial.  Officials allowed Goldman to make such an 
unprecedented conversion in the name of global financial 
stability.  (The blow-by-blow account is in Andrew Ross Sorkin’s 
Too Big To Fail; this is confirmed in all substantial detail by 
Hank Paulson’s memoir.)

We now learn – from Der Spiegel last week and today’s NYT – that 
Goldman Sachs has not only helped or encouraged some European 
governments to hide a large part of their debts, but it also 
endeavored to do so for Greece as recently as last November. 
These actions are fundamentally destabilizing to the global 
financial system, as they undermine: the eurozone area; all 
attempts to bring greater transparency to government accounting; 
and the most basic principles that underlie well-functioning 
markets.  When the data are all lies, the outcomes are all bad – 
see the subprime mortgage crisis for further detail.

A single rogue trader can bring down a bank – remember the case of 
Barings.  But a single rogue bank can bring down the world’s 
financial system.

Goldman will dismiss this as “business as usual” and, to be sure, 
a few phone calls around Washington will help ensure that 
Goldman’s primary supervisor – now the Fed – looks the other way.

But the affair is now out of Ben Bernanke’s hands, and quite far 
from people who are easily swayed by the White House.  It goes 
immediately to the European Commission, which has jurisdiction 
over eurozone budget issues.  Faced with enormous pressure from 
those eurozone countries now on the hook for saving Greece, the 
Commission will surely launch a special audit of Goldman and all 
its European clients.

This audit should focus on ten sets of questions.

1. Which eurozone governments have worked with Goldman, and on 
what basis, over the past decade?  All actions prior to and after 
the introduction of the euro need to be thoroughly reexamined.
2. What transactions has Goldman facilitated and how has that 
affected the reporting of European government debt?  (Under the 
Maastricht Treaty, eurozone government debt is not supposed to 
exceed 60 percent of GDP.)
3. In the case of Greece, the accusation is that Goldman 
deliberately and in a premeditated manner conspired to hide the 
true degree of government debt.  Is this true, and to what extent 
has Goldman helped other countries engage in similar transactions, 
e.g., countries now seeking entry to the eurozone?
4. What is the full extent of Greek and other government 
liabilities, if these are accounted for properly?  Without this 
reckoning, it is impossible to design a proper level of European 
Union (or any other) support for weaker eurozone countries.
5. Are there non-eurozone countries that have also been aided 
and abetted by Goldman in this fashion?  For example, are the UK 
and Switzerland implicated – and thus endangered?
6. Has Goldman extolled the virtues of government debt in 
Greece, or other countries, while at the same time helping to 
deceive investors on the true risks inherent in those debts?  What 
were Goldman’s own holdings of these securities?
7. Is there evidence that Goldman has structured similar 
transactions for the private sector – enabling companies to 
conceal the level of their true indebtedness?  Have securities 
issued by such firms also been endorsed by Goldman to the buying 
8. Were Goldman’s US-based supervisors aware of Goldman’s 
activities in Greece and other eurozone countries?  Did they 
condone activities that undermine the integrity of the European Union?
9. Where was the European Central Bank while all of this was 
happening?  Has the ECB become dangerously enraptured with the new 
Wall Street and its “techniques”?
   10. Did any responsible official really think that what Goldman 
was constructing was really some sort of productivity-enhancing 
financial innovation – as opposed to a sophisticated form of scam?

The Federal Reserve must cooperate fully with this investigation. 
  Ordinarily, the Fed might be tempted to sit on useful 
information, but they can now feel themselves in Senator Bob 
Corker’s crosshairs.  Republican Senator Corker is willing to 
cooperate with Senator Dodd on financial sector reform, opening up 
the possibility of 

Re: [Marxism] Goldman and Greece

2010-02-15 Thread Shane Mage
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On Feb 15, 2010, at 9:22 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Goldman Goes Rogue – Special European Audit To Follow
 By Simon Johnson

 ...We now learn – from Der Spiegel last week and today’s NYT – that
 Goldman Sachs has not only helped or encouraged some European
 governments to hide a large part of their debts, but it also
 endeavored to do so for Greece as recently as last NovemberIn  
 the case of Greece, the accusation is that Goldman  deliberately and  
 in a premeditated manner conspired to hide the
 true degree of government debt

And George Papandreou has now explicitly denounced this criminal  
record of statistical falsification.

Shane Mage

L'après-vie, c'est une auberge espagnole. L'on n'y trouve que ce  
qu'on a apporté.

Bardo Thodol

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[Marxism] History of the Marxist internationals (part 2, the Second International)

2010-02-15 Thread Louis Proyect
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This is the second in a series of posts on socialist 
internationals. The first dealt with the International 
Workingman’s Association (IWA) that collapsed not long after the 
defeat of the Paris Commune. The ensuing repression combined with 
an exhausting faction fight with Bakunin and the anarchists led to 
its demise.

Although conditions were ripening to inspire the formation of a 
new international (largely a function of the growth of an 
industrial working class), Marx was wary of launching it 
prematurely. In 1881, two years before his death, he wrote F. 
Domela Nieuwenhuis, a Dutch supporter, that “It is my conviction 
that the critical juncture for a new International Workingmen’s 
Association has not yet arrived and for this reason I regard all 
workers’ congresses, particularly socialist congresses, in so far 
as they are not related to the immediate given conditions in this 
or that particular nation, as not merely useless but harmful. They 
will always fade away in innumerable stale generalised banalities.”

Despite these doubts, the growth of the socialist movements in 
France and Germany led to a new impetus for organizing 
internationally. Just as Russia was the natural center for the 
Communist International (a mixed blessing as we shall see), France 
and Germany formed the twin stars of the Second International. And 
despite their considerable national differences, the two sections 
would exhibit all the shortcomings that made the Second 
International fail.

full article:

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[Marxism] How credible is Human Rights Watch on Cuba?

2010-02-15 Thread David Thorstad
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How credible is Human Rights Watch on Cuba?

Human Rights Watch does not see the US blockade of Cuba as a human 
rights abuse.

By *Tim Anderson *
February 11, 2010 -- In late 2009 the New York-based group Human Rights 
Watch published a report titled /New Castro Same Cuba/. Based on the 
testimony of former prisoners, the report systematically condemns the 
Cuban government as an “abusive” regime that uses its “repressive 
machinery … draconian laws and sham trials to incarcerate scores more 
who have dared to exercise their fundamental freedoms”.
The group says it interviewed 40 political prisoners and claims to have 
identified extraordinary laws by which Cubans can be imprisoned simply 
for expressing views critical of their socialist system.
At first glance one might be forgiven for thinking that Cuba must be 
among the worst of human rights abusers in the Americas. A little 
reflection, however, might lead one to question such statements coming 
from the USA, a country with thousands held in an international network 
of secret prisons, many subject to torture regimes.
So how credible is this scathing report on Cuba? And who does Human 
Rights Watch represent?
Answering the latter question is a little more difficult than it is for 
other organisations such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 
established by the US government, or even the France-based Reporters 
without Borders (RSF), funded directly by the US State Department for 
some of its anti-Cuba campaigns. In the manner of embedded journalists 
who travel with US troops around the world, the NED and RSF can be 
considered embedded watchdogs, helping to legitimise or delegitimise 
regimes, consistent with US policy.

*`Privatised, US-based selection of issues'*
Human Rights Watch, however, is not funded by the US government. Yet it 
gets most of its funds from a variety of US foundations, in turn funded 
by many of the biggest US corporations. These wealthy, private 
foundations often tie their contributions to particular projects. So for 
example HRW's Middle East reports often rely on and acknowledge grants 
from pro-Israel foundations. Other groups ask for a focus on women’s 
rights or HIV/AIDS issues. More than 90% of HRW’s US$100 million budget 
in 2009 was restricted in this way. In other words, HRW offers a 
privatised, wealthy, US-based selection of rights issues.
The coordination of all these interests is best illustrated through 
HRW’s new chairperson, James F. Hoge Jr. A publisher and journalist, 
Hoge was editor of /Foreign Affairs/ from 1992 to 2009, and a prominent 
member of that magazine’s sponsor, the New York-based Council on Foreign 
Relations (CFR). The CFR, regarded as the most influential of US foreign 
policy think tank, includes much of the US corporate elite (including 
banks and media) as well as past and present leaders of the two major 
parties. Past US secretaries of state, such as Henry Kissinger and 
Condoleezza Rice, and the current US secretary of deence Robert Gates 
are CFR members. It is really a Who’s Who of the US elite.
The HRW board is similarly dominated by the US corporate elite, such as 
banking and corporate media executives, and some academics, but not 
government officials. The board includes former Mexican foreign minister 
Jorge Castañeda (a former Marxist academic turned right-wing 
politician), while Chilean-born lawyer José Miguel Vivanco serves as 
director of HRW’s Americas division.
Vivanco has been the subject of most controversy in Latin America 
through his attacks on Venezuela and Cuba. If HRW has at times appeared 
to be acting somewhat independently of US foreign policy, for example, 
when it supported the US war on terror but criticised US operations in 
Iraq, this has not been the case in Latin America, where the group has 
closely followed Washington’s line.
Of the HRW's reports on Latin America over the past few years, the only 
systematic criticism of regimes has been of Venezuela and Cuba. Reports 
on Brazil, Honduras and Mexico have been on much more specific issues, 
such as police violence, transgender people's rights and military 
justice. When it comes to Colombia, HRW has published reports on the use 
of landmines and the paramilitary mafias. The latter report does note 
that Colombia has had worse violence than almost any other country in 
the western hemisphere. Indeed, Colombia is way ahead of any other 
Latin American country in terms of the murder of trade unionists, 
journalists, lawyers and ordinary people. The Colombian military and its 
allied right-wing militias have been responsible for most of this 
slaughter, yet HRW blames left guerrillas and right militias equally, 
without implicating the regime of Alvaro Uribe, the 

[Marxism] Canada's Socialist Project on the call for a Fifth Socialist International | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-02-15 Thread glparramatta
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... Socialist Project greets this initiative for more effective 
international unity of anti-capitalist and liberation forces, and 
pledges our solidarity and collaboration in efforts to achieve this 
goal. It is in the spirit of our founding statement that “our political 
commitments are necessarily internationalist”. We view this project as 
reflecting the unifying spirit of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, 
which has brought together forces from diverse political origins, with 
diverse ideological viewpoints and diverse proposals, into a common 
movement striving to serve the interests of the popular movement...

Full statement at

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: HRW Cuba, Olympics, NT Indigenous struggle, Lars T. Lin on Lenin, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, NZ, Burma, WSF or 5th International?

2010-02-15 Thread glparramatta
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What's new at Links: HRW  Cuba, Olympics, NT Indigenous struggle, Lars 
T. Lin on Lenin, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, NZ, Burma, WSF or 5th 

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How credible is Human Rights Watch on Cuba?

By *Tim Anderson *

February 11, 2010 -- In late 2009 the New York-based group Human Rights 
Watch published a report titled /New Castro Same Cuba/. Based on the 
testimony of former prisoners, the report systematically condemns the 
Cuban government as an abusive regime that uses its repressive 
machinery ... draconian laws and sham trials to incarcerate scores more 
who have dared to exercise their fundamental freedoms.
So how credible is this scathing report on Cuba? And who does Human 
Rights Watch represent?

* Read more

Vancouver Winter Olympics: A festival of corporate greed

By *Roger Annis*

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada -- On February 12, 2010, the 
corporate sporting behemoth known as the 21st Winter Olympic Games 
opened to great fanfare here. In a time of economic hardship and 
government cuts to social programs across Canada, huge sums of public 
money have been spent to stage this /uber/ spectacle.

* Read more

Australia: Trade union solidarity with NT Aboriginal struggle

By *Emma Murphy*, Ampilatwatja, Northern Territory
February 12, 2010 -- From February 1-14, in a remote part of Australia's 
Northern Territory (NT), a group of trade unionists and Aboriginal 
rights activists from Victoria, New South Wales and the NT joined forces 
with the Alyawarr people from Ampilatwatja community to help make 
history. Many people around Australia have already been inspired by the 
Alyawarr people's walk-off. On July 14, 2009, following a great 
tradition from Aboriginal struggles of the past century, they walked off 
their community and set up a protest camp.

* Read more

Lars T. Lih's contribution to a Leninism for the 21st century

*/Lenin Rediscovered: /What Is To Be Done?/ In Context/*
By Lars T. Lih, Haymarket Books, Chicago 2008, 840 pages

Review by *Barry Healy*

If a spectre haunted 19th century Europe, as Marx said of the embryonic 
communist movement, then the name of Lenin was no ghost for the 20th 
century bourgeoisie, it was a terrifying reality. For the capitalists, 
with Leninism the communist phantom came howling out of the underworld, 
beginning with the 1917 Russian Revolution, sweeping whole continents 
clean of capitalist rule.

* Read more

Malaysia: Two-party system -- and a 'third force'?

By *Jeyakumar Devaraj*
February 11, 2010 -- Malaysia has only known one ruling coalition in the 
past 52 years since independence. But the result of the March 2008 
election has led to rising hope among many Malaysians that an enormous 
change might be around the corner -- a two-party system under which the 
people are free to choose between two coalitions, which are both capable 
of governing the country. The purpose of this paper is to locate the 
institution of a two-coalition system against a wider historical 

* Read more

Burma: Regional left support for workers' struggle

February 13, 2010 -- The statement below has been signed by the Working 
People's Association (Indonesia); Confederation Congress of Indonesia 
Union Alliance; the Singapore Democratic Party; the Socialist Party of 
Malaysia; Socialist Alternative (Australia); Socialist Alliance 
(Australia); Socialist Worker New Zealand; Young Democrats (Singapore); 
Partido ng Manggangawa (Philippines); Congress of South African Trade 
Unions; Partido Lakas ng Masa (Philippines).

* Read more

Beyond the World Social Forum ... the Fifth International

*Eric Toussaint* interviewed by *Igor Ojeda* for the Brazilian weekly 
paper /Brasil de Fato./*/ /*Translated from French by *Judith Harris* 
and *Christine Pagnoulle*.
February 2010 -- According to Eric Toussaint, a doctor in 

Re: [Marxism] Goldman and Greece

2010-02-15 Thread Gary MacLennan
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 Shane wrote:

 And George Papandreou has now explicitly denounced this criminal
 record of statistical falsification.

 My comment:

and the same George Papandreou will administer the austerity program
demanded by the German and French bankers.  There is a Golden Rule that will
be followed religously by every liberal and social democrat  and that is
concealed by the slogan Too big to fail.  In actuality that means simply
that  the Rich must get richer or in the fall back position the Rich must
stay rich. Nothing will alter that short of an all out revolt by the *sans



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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-15 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
Btw, Paula, have one more go at your denialism thing and then that's it.

The term 'denialism' only confuses and polarizes the debate. You are never 
going to convince the skeptics by throwing insults at them. May I remind you 
that skeptics make up the majority of the population in countries such as the 
UK - see this recent opinion poll

That's it for now.


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[Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread nada
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Facebook sucks. I hate it. I do have an account but NOT under my own 
name. Fuck that. It's insane. I don't want to be your fkng friend. 
Facebook IS what it's critics say it is: a great big black hole that 
sucks your time in. I HAD a face book account once under my real name. 
HUGE mistake. My sister wrote me about why my view on Israel had changed 
to creating radioactive seal eating Chavistas. Really. I hope Facebook dies.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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There's high levels of narcissism and voyeurism involved with Facebook, but
as far as activism goes it's an invaluable tool for bringing out college
students to protests and events on campus. Bombard 150 people with an event
invitation, get 40 RSVPs and expect a 20 or show to actually show-up.  It's
not a bad complement to actual flyering.  As far as The Activist.  You
should fan us.  700 people or so have done it already and it would be nice
to get a 1000. It's not bad to show support for an anti-capitalist youth
blog connected to a growing student organization, despite any political
disagreements, right?  Facebook fan pages are decent forums for readership
interaction and advertising.

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[Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Christopher Hutchinson
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Way to miss out on the youth!

I disagree, amidst all the muck there is a layer of young students and
who are sifting through the debris of left wing parties to find the best and
We may have to roll up our pants and walk through shit every now and again
even if I find one of my peers and turn them on to revolutionary politics,
well, then it
is worth it.

If you don't want to build and politik with other youth, I certainly will.

in solidarity,


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread sandia
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Facebook can be what you make it. I block the news feeds from people
who's status updates annoy me, or just clog up space. I mainly use it
to stay connected to friends who I wouldn't normally call or see, and
to read news articles that people post which I would otherwise not
find (it kind of serves one of the functions of marxmail, in that
sense). When I get these requests to be a fan of XYZ or whatever, I
usually just delete them, though sometimes I click the button if it
seems cool. Whatever. Some of the Facebook crap is annoying, but it
goes with the good stuff. If Facebook is sucking up time, it probably
has more to do with larger difficulties in avoiding easy, impulsive
distractions (I say this as someone who constantly falls victim to
this). This is my personal experience -- I'm open to arguments that
Facebook and Twitter might represent larger setbacks, especially
because so many of my students seems to be completely shaped by them.
But I can't tell if it's Facebook and Twitter that's eroding their
attention spans and helping them stay in a bubble, or if it's other
stuff. I suspect that if the shit hits the fan, these social
networking things will not matter, except that they will facilitate
both resistance and repression.

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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread nada
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I was having fun, of course, with this, but there are real issues with 
facebook *as a medium*. Facebook has been used, albeit more with 
Twitter, in organizing some of the big protests and strikes at UC 
Berkeley this winter. I recognize it's importance as a tool, but not as 
a lifestyle and I've seen very active leftists involved in this struggle 
get sucked down by existential experiences on Facebook. Not good. The 
problem is that students, etc, take it too seriously, I think.

I don't think it will 'outlive' us. Not even me in my old age. I've seen 
to many of these things die as fads often do. Two years ago it was 
Myspace. Not it's totally uncool to be on Myspace. Go figure? Social 
media in general will outlive us. I suepect as vid-phoning gets more 
faster, large bandwidth, it'll be a Youtube Nation and posting will 
be a thing of the past.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
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Louis Proyect wrote:

 I also learned that Einde O'Callaghan commented on John Mullen's 
 status. That makes my day, knowing that.
Glad to know that I'm helping to make you happy. ;-)


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/15/2010 6:28 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 I don't know, comrades. I am beginning to wonder if this thing has been

Facebook is a great way to keep up with the teenagers and 
twenty-somethings i know in town. its a nice way to see who is doing 
what on a given day, what did they pull out of the oven, etc. what was 
their trip like.

anything above and beyond that is icing. i also dont like all the 
invitation things. i like it better when someone posts a status message 
and if its something interesting, i'll go take a look.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Mark Lause
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These things are tools not communities.

The same's true of this email list.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Mark Lause
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Facebook is how the Campus Antiwar Network communicates in this area, so I
joined it.  Other people have connected since and that's fine.

The problem is what people expect from these things.

But it's a tool.  That's all.


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[Marxism] Marine life threatened by rising acid levels

2010-02-15 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Rising acid levels pose growing risk to marine life
 February 16, 2010

*LONDON: *The oceans are becoming acidic at a faster rate than at any time
in the past 65 million years, threatening marine life and food supplies,
according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Bristol found that when ocean
acidification accelerated, it caused extinction at the bottom of the food

The current acidification was being caused by carbon dioxide from cars and
factories, which was absorbed by the water.

Since the Industrial Revolution, acidity in the seas has increased by 30 per

The last time such a fast change occurred was thought to be 65 million years
ago, when a natural event caused ocean acidification.

The study looked at sediment from about 55 million years ago, when
acidification was occurring. It found widespread extinction of tiny

Andy Ridgwell, the lead author of the paper, published in *Nature Geoscience
*, said acidification was occurring much faster today than in the past,
''exceeding the rate at which plankton can adapt'' and threatening the basis
of much marine life. This would mean fish and other creatures further up the
food chain that humans eat may be affected as soon as the end of this
century, he said.

*Telegraph, London*

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original
virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through
disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man Under

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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