[Marxism] Beyond BP

2010-05-28 Thread Greg McDonald
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[Marxism] News from France

2010-05-28 Thread dan
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News from France.

a) The retirement age is set to be increased from 60 to 63 in June,
despite yesterday's general strike.

b) France is the only Western country to applaud the Brazilian
rapprochement with Iran. The Brazilian plan to process Iranian uranium
has been described as a step forward by France. Of course, this has
nothing to do with the fact that Brazil is about to acquire 36 Mirage
fighter jets from France in June.

c) Merkel's announcement that Germany was going to ban short-selling of
sovereign debt is being heavily criticized by European bankers. The
proposed bill has already been considerably watered down. Lagardère,
leading French Capitalist, heavily implicated in the Airbus inside
dealing scandal, has personally told Sarkozy that such measures were out
of the question. Financial groups within Germany are also putting
pressure on the German Chancellor. Merkel apparently acknowledged that
her tough stance was only for the media, in order to calm public

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[Marxism] Recovery?

2010-05-28 Thread S. Artesian
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1 Q US GDP growth is estimated at an annualized rate of 3.0 percent, of which 
more than half is accounted for by increases in private business inventories, 
according to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.  Restocking the shelves is 
fine if sales are increasing, but today's reports are that consumer spending in 
the US is flat.

I don't actually think we're on the verge of the dip in the double dip 
recession-- reads more like a crater to me, but then I'm an incurable optimist.

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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-05-28 Thread Les Schaffer
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dan wrote:
 Lagardère, leading French Capitalist, heavily implicated in the Airbus inside
 dealing scandal

what's up w/ Airbus? i hadn't heard this story.


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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread Greg McDonald
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Bhupinder Singh, the top police official in West Bengal, said posters
from the People's Committee Against Police Atrocities, a group local
officials believe is closely tied to the Maoists, had been found at
the scene taking responsibility for the attack.

However, a spokesman for the group, Asit Mahato, denied any role, the
Press Trust of India news agency reported.

We were in no way involved. This is not our act, PTI quoted him as
saying by phone.

What can we do if somebody claims responsibility on our behalf? he
told PTI when asked about the posters found near the scene.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 8:24 AM, S. Artesian sartes...@earthlink.net wrote:

 Anybody have further information on this derailment in India, which killed 
 app 65?  Any information refuting, hopefully, government charges that the 
 derailment was deliberate sabotage executed by the rural based resistance?

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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Rural based resistance.

A better term would be 'jungle-based counter-revolutionary activity'

- Original Message 
From: S. Artesian sartes...@earthlink.net
To: rajeshcher...@yahoo.co.in
Sent: Fri, 28 May, 2010 5:54:36 PM
Subject: [Marxism] India

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Anybody have further information on this derailment in India, which killed app 
65?  Any information refuting, hopefully, government charges that the 
derailment was deliberate sabotage executed by the rural based resistance?

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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread dan
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I feel sympathy for the underdogs, the adivasi, and so am of two minds
concerning the Maoists in India.

I love to see the state apparatus being challenged. Come on, we all have
a tender spot for rebellions, insurrections, mutinies, guerillas,
well-laid out traps, jungle redoubts, infiltrations, ... Because they
are the underdogs and the might of the Indian army is so much greater
than what the Maoists can muster.

But, and here comes the BUT, but are the adivasi really in charge, not
of tactical operations, which they clearly are, but of overall
strategy ? Are they not trading the exploitation of comprador Indian
bourgeoisie for the shakles of the Great Party ?

I have misgivings about Rao's (the leader of the CPI(M)) ideology. I've
read many of his writings and interviews and find him callous, devious,
power-hungry, and prone to condemn anybody who deviates from his line.
He reshapes the entire organization's ideology at every congress,
pointing out deviations, new alliances, new enemies, pointlessly
lecturing people on history, setting new goals, using
Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist (in that order) rhetoric in such a way
that his Hindi becomes stilted and formulaic.  I find his idea of a
party quite frightening.

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Re: [Marxism] Recovery?

2010-05-28 Thread Mark Lause
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That's the way it looks to me, too, Aresian...though I'm not an expert and I
find everything I try to learn about such things frustrated by the nature of
the capitalist system at this point.  Basically, consumer capitalism means
that the news--all news, but especially economic news--becomes something of
a loyalty test for the media.

Not quite like wartime reporting, but close to it.  They find it easiest to
mindlessly repeat what they're told by the authorities.  And they agree with
it ideologically.  And, perhaps most importantly, they are there as voices
of those advertisers who've bought them their place in the public eye.

I mean, they're all whinging on about the scandalous connection between Glen
Beck's fear mongering appeals to buy gold, and one of his main advertiser,
which buys and sells gold...  But isn't that just a somewhat exaggerated
version of what they all do?

The investment companies, auto companies, insurance, etc., etc.,etc. that
advertise on these shows do well or poorly very immediately based on
consumer confidence.  For this reason alone--again setting aside the
question of ideology, laziness, etc.--there's no incentive for American
media to report real news about the economy if it's not particularly


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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread Politicus E.
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A news report from NewsX:


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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Valuable comments, comrade dan..

It is naive to think that such a well-entrenched state could be in anyway 
threatened by the so-called 'Maoists' in India.. the army has not yet been used 
against them.. it is only the paramilitary/police forces that have been 
employed by the state against them.. there is now an ongoing debate within the 
ruling establishment about using the airforce.. the army is still out of the 
picture.. it looks like bringing the army/airforce in is just what the 
pretenders to Maoism really want.. these people would benefit by the attention 
such an action would create.. but in the process, there would be tremendous 
'collateral damage'.. adivasis whose villages have been overrun by the armed 
gangs will get caught in the crossfire, and innocent lives will be lost.. which 
would then add fuel to the media fire, with accompanying international 

- Original Message 
From: dan d.koech...@wanadoo.fr
To: rajeshcher...@yahoo.co.in
Sent: Fri, 28 May, 2010 8:09:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] India

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I feel sympathy for the underdogs, the adivasi, and so am of two minds
concerning the Maoists in India.

I love to see the state apparatus being challenged. Come on, we all have
a tender spot for rebellions, insurrections, mutinies, guerillas,
well-laid out traps, jungle redoubts, infiltrations, ... Because they
are the underdogs and the might of the Indian army is so much greater
than what the Maoists can muster.

But, and here comes the BUT, but are the adivasi really in charge, not
of tactical operations, which they clearly are, but of overall
strategy ? Are they not trading the exploitation of comprador Indian
bourgeoisie for the shakles of the Great Party ?

I have misgivings about Rao's (the leader of the CPI(M)) ideology. I've
read many of his writings and interviews and find him callous, devious,
power-hungry, and prone to condemn anybody who deviates from his line.
He reshapes the entire organization's ideology at every congress,
pointing out deviations, new alliances, new enemies, pointlessly
lecturing people on history, setting new goals, using
Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist (in that order) rhetoric in such a way
that his Hindi becomes stilted and formulaic.  I find his idea of a
party quite frightening.

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Re: [Marxism] 24-hour general strikes just don't work anymore

2010-05-28 Thread Mark Lause
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NPR (National Public Radio) did quite a bit of hatchet work on this story
the other day.  It was quite dismissive of the tactic as something done
merely for show...before bowing before the inevitable cuts that have to be

I must confess that I find it amusing that anyone in Europe is holding up
what's happened in the U.S. as an example for much of anything.


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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread dan
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Shukriya Rajesh,

Ha, ye mushkil hai... bahut mushkil hai.

Lekin Rao ke bichar ek raaz hai. Matlab sab kuch ho sakta hai ... 

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Re: [Marxism] India

2010-05-28 Thread Politicus E.
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NDTV: What caused the train derailment?


Barely a week after Prime Minister asked his Ministers not to air
their difference of opinion in the public, the top UPA Ministers have
again been found speaking in different voices over the train accident
in West Bengal's Midnapore, in which 65 people have been killed.

The question now is: What caused the derailment?

While Home Minister P Chidambaram said that train derailment in West
Bengal appears to be a case of sabotage, Railway Minister Mamata
Banerjee said a blast as part of a calculated attack caused the
Gyaneshwari Express to first derail and then get hit by a goods train.

It appears to be a case of sabotage where a portion of the railway
track was removed. Whether explosives were used is not yet clear,
Chidambaram said in a statement.

The Railway Minister further said that TNT explosives and Gelatine
sticks were found at the accident site.

It is a bomb blast case. After the blast, the train derailed and the
accident happened. According to information given by Railway Police
Force and officials TNT and Gelatine sticks were found at the
accident, Banerjee told reporters shortly after visiting the spot.

But Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said the cause of the mishap is
not clear yet.

Read more at: 

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Re: [Marxism] Recovery?

2010-05-28 Thread Heath Eddy
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Les wrote:

i'm always amazed at the little things that slip into so many news
report. for example, here is from a Washington Post article on the
aftermath of the street protests in Thailand recently:

One of Asia's most vibrant economies is now getting cleaned up and back
in business, but the government's campaign to rip out the roots of the
protests once and for all has turned on some of Thailand's wealthiest

from Thailand tries to go after financial backers of 'red shirts'

Being relatively new here I don't know if his name has been brought up, but
Dean Baker of CEPR runs a nice rundown of some of the economic news coverage
in the primary print press (mostly American, though he does occasionally
mention others).  His blog is called Beat the Press and you can find it
here:  http://www.cepr.net/index.php/beat-the-press/ .

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[Marxism] Maoism in India.

2010-05-28 Thread Vijay Prashad
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Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

The essay below is a response to the sabotage of the rail lines by the
³Maoist² party of India. For more on the recent attack on civilians, see
In 2009, the ³Maoists² killed 586 civilians. The number this year will
easily exceed that.
On the problems of Indian Maoism, see Dilip Simeon¹s very fine essay from
March 2010, http://www.india-seminar.com/2010/607/607_dilip_simeon.htm.

From Maoism to Open Terrorism?
Srinivasan Ramani 

First they tried to assassinate the West Bengal chief minister through a
land mine blast. Then they tried to create a liberated zone and murdered
political opponents. Then they started killing some of their own

Now, near Jhargram, by deliberately targeting ordinary citizens (two posters
of the Peoples' Committee against Police Atrocities (PCAPA) were found in
the derailment site) and killing 65 of them (as I write this) and injuring
dozens of others, the Maoists and their front group - the PCAPA  have killed
the camel whose back they had already broken through loading several

Mere outrage is not enough. Justice can be served to the victims of this
gruesome rail tragedy, only by making those responsible feel the brunt of
the law. The PCAPA's leaders at large should be brought to justice. And any
pretense of a talks based solution to the Maoist challenge in West Bengal
should now be given up. 

And the Railway minister must resign. The lady has demonstrated a serial
incompetence that was displayed in the handling of the motormen strike in
Mumbai, her statements blaming the dead people themselves for a stampede in
the New Delhi Railway Station, the repeated attacks on trains recently by
the PCAPA and the Maoists etc, apart from the horrendous tragedy that was
enacted yesterday night. And she and her partymen- the rabble rousing Kabir
Suman in particular have openly colluded with the PCAPA and the Maoists in
the near past, in their endeavour to take on the ruling government in West
Bengal, by hook or crook. Her party is now answerable for this tragedy - a
consequence of the PCAPA's activities, which were not merely condoned but
also given political support in days not very much in the past. 

The United Progressive Alliance government is also answerable for this
disaster -dithering, dilly-dallying, oneupmanship and crass Realpolitik had
blinded the home minister to the political ways of his coalition partner
from West Bengal. 

 Lastly, those in the civil society who have condoned the Maoist/PCAPA
activities in the near past, if they indeed have a capacity to retain their
mental balance, should atleast now realise the futility of Maoist politics
and its reduction to plain opportunism, violent, anarchic and irrational
violence that kills the very people they claim to preponderantly represent.


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Re: [Marxism] 24-hour general strikes just don't work anymore

2010-05-28 Thread Manuel Barrera
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 Asfar asIcan see, and correct meif I'm wrong, the onlyvalid strategy is
 to call for UNLIMITED general strikes and workers'councils. The
 problemisof course, that socialism within the working class is not yet
 seen as a realalternative to capitalism, as was the case in the 60s.
 Bureaucratic unionism is largely to blame for this state of affairs in
 the West generally. Theystill cling on to Social Democraticidealseven
 though it is clear that the whole labour movement is disintegrating
 together with Capitalism. Capitalism cannot sustain itself, and Social
 Democracy is taking the plunge with it.

Dan, I believe you are correct about the limitations of a 24-hour general 
strike (of course, there are matters of degree; in the U.S. such an action 
would likely have a different immediate impact).I recently suggested on a 
Spanish (Spain) site about the impending call for the general strike in Italy 
that perhaps it would be more useful to take the occasion of these limited 
actions to begin organizing independent workers councils/committees, first, to 
discuss the impact of their actions and next, to work within unions to 
coordinate new actions within the general strike activities and eventually work 
toward having these councils/committees take the responsibility for determining 
the length of actions and maximizing effects on production and commerce (e.g., 
affecting transportation and communication, but responsibly supporting vital 
services--to the working class not to business). I wonder if there even is any 
immediate venue for this kind of progressive coordination of action that can 
have the effect of both organizing  the working class and promoting  a plan of 

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Re: [Marxism] Maoism in India.

2010-05-28 Thread S. Artesian
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Are we sure that: 1) the derailment was deliberately engineered?  and 2) 
that if deliberately engineered, engineered by those whom the government 
claims engineered it?

Derailing a moving, occupied public, or private, civilian passenger train is 
just nuts.  And there are more than enough nuts to go around outside the 
officially designated nuts of the Maoist party.

- Original Message - 
From: Vijay Prashad vijay.pras...@trincoll.edu 

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[Marxism] Activist Newsletter

2010-05-28 Thread JacDon
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May 28, 2010, Issue #159
jac...@earthlink.net, New Paltz, NY 12561
 ALL ARTICLES AT http://activistnewsletter.blogspot.com/
its secret  war activities in the Middle East and east Africa ‹ including
special operations missions into Iran for subversion and possible war
2. SEIZE BRITISH PETROLEUM! ‹ The ANSWER Coalition has launched a nationwide
campaign to seize BP's assets.
3. WHO SUPPORTS THE WAR? ‹ Do the American people, and particularly members
of the Democratic Party, support the Afghan war? Here are the facts.
4. OPINION POLL: CAPITALISM VS. SOCIALISM ‹ A surprising number of Americans
‹ not a majority but a fairly impressive minority ‹  evidently think well of
socialism and are critical of capitalism, according to a new opinion poll.
5. PEACE PROTEST AT WEST POINT ‹ As President Obama presided over graduation
ceremonies at West Point May 22, demonstrators rallied at the south gate to
the Military Academy calling for an end to the wars
6. U.S. MILITARY POWER AND WORLD PEACE ‹ Despite the incredible power of the
U.S. Armed Forces, the White House is enlarging its global military reach,
mainly to retain geopolitical superiority.
7. WORKERS, UNIONS AND THE WARS ‹ War and peace are core concerns of
workers, and unions are a political force that can amplify workers' voices
in opposition to war and occupation, says union activist at rally..
8. WHY AREN'T THEY HOLDING SIGNS? ‹ We will resist this imperialism because
we love our country, and because we value our humanity above our comfort,
says activist at West Point rally.
9. TERRORISM: CAUSE AND EFFECT ‹ Part 1, The U.S. focuses on the wrong
10.TERRORISM: CAUSE AND EFFECT ‹ Part 2, Washington's major decisions
provoking jihad.
11.TERRORISM: CAUSE AND EFFECT ‹ Part 3, How to end the threat of terrorism.
12.IRAN: OBAMA'S OTHER OIL SPILL ‹ President Obama has been moving mountains
to undermine the Iranian nuclear fuel swap deal mediated by Brazil and
13. IRAN: A NEW WORLD ORDER IS NEEDED ‹ The efforts of Brazil and Turkey to
find a negotiated solution to the standoff over Iran's nuclear program, must
be seen in the context of a growing challenge to the international political
14. BAN ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS ‹ Desmond Tutu, South Africa's Anglican
Archbishop Emeritus, calls for total nuclear disarmament.
15. WHITE-BLACK WEALTH GAP WIDENS ‹The wealth gap between white and black
Americans quadrupled between 1984 and 2007.
16. THE WORLD'S CLEANEST COUNTRIES ‹ The U.S. comes in at number 63, Germany
at 17, the UK at 14 ‹ but guess who is number 9.
17. BOYCOTTING THE BOYCOTTERS ‹ The Palestinian-initiated Boycott,
Divestment and Sanctions movement has been sharply criticized in Israel from
the far right to the center right, but it does have liberal and left
supporters among the Israeli people, writes Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy.
18. THE GENERALS COME CLEAN ‹ Armed Forces Day (May 15) and Memorial Day
(May 31) are an appropriate occasion to reflect on past wars, and to recall
that a number of leading U.S. military commanders have done some reflecting
of their own, occasionally with startling results.
19. THE REAL ENEMY ‹ Lest the generals (above) have the last word, even
though their words are laudable, we conclude this reflection on past wars
with the antiwar poem From a German War Primer(1937) by Bertolt Brecht.
20. NEWS BRIEFS ‹ Cops Target Minorities in NYC; and Battlefield Executions
in Afghanistan.
21. SAVING MOTHER EARTH ‹ Bolivian President Evo Morales explains the
importance of the of the recent environmental conference in his country that
drew 35,000 participants. Concerned readers dissatisfied with the nebulous
results of the December Copenhagen UN meeting on climate change will learn
much from this article, especially where Morales discusses the differences
between the positions of the developed and the developing nations.
ALL ARTICLES AT http://activistnewsletter.blogspot.com/

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[Marxism] Maoism in India.

2010-05-28 Thread Vijay Prashad
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Artesian asks the right questions, (1) was the derailment deliberate; (2)
who did it.
It seems clear, from most independent reporting, that the derailment was
deliberate. The most important question is who did it.
There is disagreement on the part of the government.
The Home Minister says that the track was damaged (fish plates removed), so
that this was sabotage.
The Rail Minister says that the track was blown up, and that TNT was found
by it.
The Finance Minister says that it is not clear what has happened.

Why have I jumped to the conclusion that it is the ³Maoists²?
Since 2006, the ³Maoists² have been attacking the trains. The Press Trust of
India made a list:

Apr 22, 2006 - Maoists lay siege to a passenger train in Latehar for eight

May 2008 - Maoists lay siege to a passenger train in Latehar for five hours.

Nov, 2009 - Maoists blow up railway tracks in Simdega district in Jharkhand
derailing a passenger train killing two persons and injuring 38 people.

October 27, 2009 - Maoists detain Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Rajdhani Express for
eight hours during a bandh called by the People's Committee Against Police
Atrocities (PCPA).

May 19, 2010 - Maoists trigger landmine blast on railway tracks near
Jhargram in West Midnapore district injuring two drivers of a goods train
and leaving the engine damaged.

May 20, 2010 - Fourteen oil tankers of a goods train derail and catch fire
after Maoists blow up railway lines between Dighwara and Pipra stations in
Bihar under Muzaffarpur-Narkatiyaganj section of East Central Railway.

May 22, 2010 - Two persons, including a policeman, travelling in the
Tatanagar-bound Steel Express, injured in crossfire between Maoists and
joint forces at Banstala station in West Midnapore district.

They have a history of such attacks. It is likely that this is them. The
Police has said that there were posters found at the scene. This can easily
be a fabrication. Hard to say from just this. It is the history and the
tactic that is much more clarifying, as is the intensification of attacks by
the ³Maoists.²


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[Marxism] Three recent movies

2010-05-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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1. Looking for Eric, Ken Loach's latest

2. Vincere, a biopic about Mussolini and his lover Ida Dalser

3. The Human Centipede (Sequence One), a campy horror movie 
about sewing 3 people together.

reviewed here:


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[Marxism] Alan Woods posse on Iran

2010-05-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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Guess what. A revolutionary leadership is missing. Gosh, you learn 
something new every day.


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[Marxism] Fw: Marx and Philosophy Review of Books

2010-05-28 Thread Paula
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New reviews just published online in the Marx and Philosophy Review of Books
·Peter Amato on G.A. Cohen 

·Tom Eyers on Alberto Toscano

·Daniel Whittall on Alex Callinicos

·Terrel Carver on Tristram Hunt

·Paula Cerni on Habermas

·Rich Daniels on Adorno

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[Marxism] India and Turkey

2010-05-28 Thread Mehmet Bayram
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We have seen this film played in Turkey long time ago.

Every civil disobedience, land occupation by peasants, street demonstration, 
any and all civil rights movement, even demonstrations against the US 6th fleet 
visits to Istanbul for the US sailors to enjoy the brothels, demonstrations 
against the Vietnam War, were reported by the police, ministers, prime minister 
and the head of state as terrorist activities of anarchists (they had not 
learned that Marxist Leninists were not anarchists yet, but that word 
anarchist was the boogy man of the times) and terrorists.   Entire evening 
news broadcasts were full of sky is falling cries detailing terrorist 

These civil rights movements were all led by the left movements.  Marxists, 
Leninists and Maoists collaborated to lead students, peasants, workers and 
other oppressed groups like women, civil servants, high school students, 
teachers etc.

After the full propaganda had reached its peak, a military ship was bombed and 
sunk, with leftist propaganda found around.  A mass attack on the left 
resulted in hundreds of student leaders, movement participants, leftists being 
arrested, tortured and prisoned.

It was also disheartening that the CPT publications and members repeated the 
government accusations against the revolutionaries.  The fashionable term used 
by the CPT against the revolutionary left was gauchists or extereme 
leftists.   Their stupidity hit the peak when the Workers Party of Turkey's 
chief asked the left to call the police when the fascists attacked, because 
resisting the police, the paramilitary or the armed fascist thugs was seen as 
extremism in their pathetic eyes.

Only years later, after the military coup had done its damage (one reason for 
the coup was the sinking of the ship) it was revealed that it was impossible 
for the leftists to have done this attack, but it was done from within the 
ship, within the military, and with knowledge of the military.

In Solidarity


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[Marxism] UFCW takes the high road in union organizing

2010-05-28 Thread Adam Richmond
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Pot Goes Union As Oaksterdam U Joins UFCW

by Chris
May 27, 2010  7:50 AM


 we've never been in one ourselves, we gather that joining a union isn't
 all it's cracked up to be: you have to pay dues, hold signs outside of 
drug stores, and often run afoul of politicians and mainstream media 
when the going gets tough. But union membership can also be a strategic 
masterstroke, and a magic pill to salve bad news. This appears to be the
 case for cannabis college Oaksterdam University, 
where organized labor and the burgeoning marijuana industry are 
converging for - we believe - the very first time.

Last week it was revealed that Tax 
Cannabis 2010 - the ballot measure and brainchild of Oaksterdam 
founder Richard Lee - was
 polling at a dangerously marginal 50 percent. But that was without 
the pledged support of organized labor, which is now on Oaksterdam's 
side after 100 employees at the cannabis-centered business - which 
includes a cannabis dispensary and a plant nursery as well cultivation 
classes - turned
 in their union cards and joined Local 5 of the United Food and 
Commercial Workers, school and union officials confirmed Wednesday.

What's this mean for labor, and for the medical cannabis movement? It
 means at least in the eyes of union organizers, medical marijuana is 
legitimate and it's not going away any time soon (and any cannabis 
business would, of course, grow exponentially should adult recreational 
use be approved). UFCW won a major coup by securing the 
first-of-its-kind arrangement with Oaksterdam, which now can boast of 
connections and political clout it couldn't just last week.

It's a very big deal, said Mike Henneberry, communications director
 for Local 5's Hayward office, the local
 shop for Oaksterdam, who said Oaksterdam's newly-minted union 
members turned in their cards about three weeks ago, at a ceremony 
oversaw by Oakland City Council member Rebecca Kaplan.

It's the first organized medical cannabis operation - I believe - in
 the US or Canada, so it's groundbreaking in that sense, he said. 
Cannabis is also a growth industry, unlike automobile production or 
shipping, which means the union stands only to grow. People [and other 
dispensaries] who wouldn't even have thought about unionizing are now 
thinking about it.

And, noted Henneberry, we have a lot of political connections.

That's the real benefit, in particular for Tax Cannabis 2010, but 
also for would-be dispensary operators. Those operators can now organize
 prior to begging city councils or planning commissions for permits, 
bringing to the table a real stamp of legitimacy. And if Tax Cannabis 
2010's supporters - chief among whom is Lee, who has pumped close to 
$1.3 million of his own personal fortune into the ballot measure - can 
call in some favors in a close campaign?

People who didn't want to listen [to Tax Cannabis 2010] will now be 
forced to listen, said Dale Sky Clare, Oaksterdam University's 
executive chancellor. People have confidence in unions.

Whether this means that labor giants like SEIU will likewise support 
Tax Cannabis 2010 and campaign for its passage is as yet unclear. But it
 can't hurt, and is surely a sign of things to come.


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[Marxism] Adolph Reed interview

2010-05-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] Fw: Marx and Philosophy Review of Books

2010-05-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:

 New reviews just published online in the Marx and Philosophy Review of Books
 ·Peter Amato on G.A. Cohen 
 ·Tom Eyers on Alberto Toscano
 ·Daniel Whittall on Alex Callinicos
 ·Terrel Carver on Tristram Hunt
 ·Paula Cerni on Habermas
 ·Rich Daniels on Adorno


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Re: [Marxism] 24-hour general strikes just don't work anymore

2010-05-28 Thread Mark Lause
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Agreed, Manuel.  If whatever you've done becomes a predictable, easily
ignored ritual, it has to be shaken up a bit.  These suggestions are first


PS: On the other hand, if you could send several tens of thousands of French
militants over here as a kind of cultural exchange, we'd be happy to send
you all the teabaggers, Fundies and anti-evolutionists you'd ever want.

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[Marxism] reviewer wanted

2010-05-28 Thread George Snedeker
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Socialism and Democracy is looking for someone to review David Harvey's 
Companion to Marx's Capital. This book is pretty much what the title suggests. 
Every year David Harvey teaches a course on Volume one of Marx's Capital and 
this is a companion to go along with his teaching of Marx's Volume One of 
Capital. It is somewhat technical in the economic sense but well worth reading. 
I was hoping that someone on this list would be interested in doing the review 
for Socialism and Democracy. The reviewer needs to be someone who is both 
knowledgeable of Volume one of Marx's Volume One of Capital and the economic 
history and theory of political economy. If anyone is interested in writing the 
review please contact me at snedek...@verizon.net

Please paste a sample review you have written. Please do not send me any 

George Snedeker
Book Review Editor

You can take a look at some of the reviews we have published online at the 
Socialism and Democracy web page. 

George Snedeker

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[Marxism] (no subject)

2010-05-28 Thread Manuel Barrera
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

From the Dissident Voice via the Minnesota Cuba Committee (Minnesota Cuba 
Committee [mnc...@minnesotacubacommittee.org]) The Elected Delegate and the 
Dissident in Cuba’s Municipal Elections


by Arnold August / May 22nd, 2010

The municipal elections have come to a close on May 19 with the constitution
of the Municipal Assemblies and the election by the delegates of the presidents
and vice-presidents from amongst the newly elected delegates. 

Prior to this last step, thousands of neighbourhood nomination meetings took
place between February 24 and March 24 in all 169 Municipalities across the
island. From among those nominated by the citizens, a secret universal suffrage
ballot election took place on April 25 to elect the 15,093 delegates for all
municipalities from among the more than 45,000 nominated directly by the
citizens. On that Sunday a candidate, from a minimum of two to a maximum of
eight nominees in each constituency (riding or ward), would have to garner at
least 50% of the valid votes in order to be elected. 

A second round took place on May 2 in those constituencies which none of the
candidates garnered at least 50% of the valid votes. In these cases, the two
candidates getting the most votes advanced in a run-off second round. In cases
where there was a tie vote between two candidates, these two candidates also
advanced to the second round. This is a normal situation and takes place in all
of the fourteen municipal elections which have been organized since 1976.
(There occurred one unusual instance this year in which a candidate passed away
just prior to the April 25 elections and so a new nomination meeting had to
took place after April 25; the electors in this constituency thus went to the
polls for the first time on May 2.) For all these reasons, a total of 14% of
the constituencies (2,107) had to go into a second round on May 2. 

In these elections on May 2, three constituencies ended up in a tie among
the two candidates who went into the second round, and so a third round took
place on May 5 in which a winner finally emerged in all three, completing this
phase of the municipal partial elections; this set the stage for the
constitution of the municipal assemblies on May 19. 

Elected were 15,093 delegates 16 years and older (minimum age requirement to
vote and to be elected at the municipal level.) Aside from a very small portion
(for example the president and vice-president of the Municipal Assemblies, and
some presidents and vice presidents of the People’s Councils), all delegates do
their work as an elected citizen on a voluntary basis, with no pay or
remuneration of any kind while maintaining their regular job. In the
exceptional cases in which some delegates become full time as indicated above,
they will receive the same wage as they had been receiving in their work place,
not a cent more. For the overwhelming proportion that is non-professional,
their work as a delegate takes place in the main after work hours and on the

One of the most intriguing aspects of investigating the Cuban electoral
process and Cuba’s type of democracy is finding out in detail the history of
the elected and what they do in their political, professional and personal
life. This captivating feature of research applies not only to the municipal
delegates but also for example to the elected deputies in the National Assembly
of People’s Power (parliament). While several deputies are well known
throughout Cuba and internationally, the vast majority are not as is the case
of virtually all the municipal delegates (who according to the Cuban
Constitution constitute up to 50% of the national legislature). Even the most
well know national legislative deputies (such as Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro,
Ricardo Alarcón and others) who are known nationally and internationally,
outside of Cuba their real main characteristics, features and historical
evolution are in the main kept from the international public eye or completely
distorted to the point of these political leaders being victims of defamation
of character. 

Cubans in the main know their elected local municipal delegates because they
are neighbours and are used to seeing each other almost every day or at least
quite often. However, as a result of the media disinformation and black-out,
for people outside of Cuba in general the local elected delegate remains a
mystery: A blank page. Instead of foreign journalists providing non-Cubans with
some portraits of who are the 15,093 elected citizens with several examples,
neither exaggerating the positive points nor highlighting only negative
experience, there seems to be an effort 

[Marxism] Packing a gun

2010-05-28 Thread Louis Proyect
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Music video performed by Dr Freaks Padded Cell, the band led by Steve 
Evets, the star of Ken Loach's Looking for Eric. With a guest 
performance by Mark E. Smith, the leader of The Fall, a band that Evets 
used to be a member of, along with perhaps 10,000 other Brits.


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[Marxism] Take that, Václav Havel

2010-05-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times May 28, 2010
Communists Could Gain in Czech Vote

PRAGUE — A popular online video here called “Convince Granny” urges 
young Czechs to withhold visits to their grandparents unless the old 
folks agree not to vote for leftist parties like the Communists in 
Saturday’s elections.

Modeled on the American comic Sarah Silverman’s video “The Great 
Schlep,” which in 2008 appealed to young Jewish voters to persuade their 
grandparents to support Barack Obama in the swing state of Florida, the 
Czech video is a testament to the Communist Party’s enduring influence here.

The creators of “Convince Granny” say they conceived the video, which 
has had more than 600,000 hits since it was posted on YouTube about a 
month ago, as a necessary weapon against the ascent of the 
unreconstructed Communist Party, which recent polls indicate could win 
up to 15 percent of the vote.

In addition to the jokes about Grandma’s selective memory, the video 
implores young viewers not to forget the insidious transgressions of the 
former Communist government, from the exile of the country’s leading 
intellectuals and artists to the execution of its political enemies.

In an election that is unlikely to yield a majority for either the 
leftist Social Democrats or the rightist Civic Democrats, analysts say 
the Communist Party could come closer to real power than at any other 
time since the Velvet Revolution here overthrew Communism in 1989.

“We hate the Communists,” said Marek Prchal, 35, an advertising 
executive who helped create the video. “The Communists should have been 
banned a long time ago.”

Analysts say the Communist Party is benefiting from a regionwide 
disappointment over the failure of liberal parties to live up to the 
promises of 1989.

“The theme across the region is the politics of disillusionment,” said 
Anna Matuskova, a political consultant here. “In the Czech Republic, 
there is a new generation of young people with iPhones who don’t 
remember Communism and will vote for them as a protest vote.”

The Communist Party in this country remains the only one surviving in 
the former Eastern Bloc and, to its many critics, is a dangerous 
anachronism. The Communists still extol Lenin and Marx, and advocate the 
redistribution of wealth and the country’s disengagement from NATO, 
making the party a potential spoiler for good relations with the rest of 
Europe and the United States.

Eager to keep the Communists out of power, the Social Democrats and 
Civic Democrats may come together in a grand coalition that could lead 
to gridlock, political experts here say. But it is also possible that a 
minority Social Democratic government could come to power dependent on 
the Communist Party’s tacit support.

Several new political parties could also prove to be decisive in these 
elections: the recently created TOP 09, a fiscally conservative party 
led by Karel Schwarzenberg, a pipe-smoking prince and former foreign 
minister; and Public Matters, which has instituted patrols in Prague 
removing drug addicts and homeless people from the street.

The Communists’ secret weapon is Katerina Konecna, the youngest member 
of the Czech Parliament, who at age 28 says she feels as at home wearing 
designer black stiletto heels as she does reading Das Kapital. The 
daughter of Communist Party members, Ms. Konecna says that the current 
crisis of capitalism has proved a boon to the Communist Party among the 
young, who were drawn by its promises of free education and guaranteed jobs.

“People would rather queue up for bananas, than today, when they have to 
stand in the unemployment line,” she said.

Yet the limits of the contemporary Communists’ appeal were all too 
apparent at a rally held Thursday in front of one of the capital’s 
largest shopping malls. Jana Kocianova, 18, a would-be Czech Britney 
Spears, gyrated and belted out Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” in 
Czech, as a group of 80-something men swayed to the beat, tapping their 
canes on the pavement.

Speaking between sets, Ms. Kocianova commended the Communists’ social 
egalitarianism, even as she acknowledged that singing for them was 
problematic for her. “It’s not cool to be young and to support the 
Communist Party,” she lamented.

But she quickly added, “I wasn’t alive during Communism, so I don’t 
really remember anything.”

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[Marxism] India.

2010-05-28 Thread Vijay Prashad
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Confusion is in the eye of the beholder.

[by the way, I find it curious that so many people seek to mask themselves,
in these times, behind various noms de guerre. Comrade epoliticus, at least
you need not be confused about who I am. Who you are is of course not clear.
There is no dissonance in my person. Stand and deliver sirrah; unmask

There is an attack on a train. It is either sabotage or a bomb blast. Either
way, there was malicious intent. The destruction took place at night: which
means that the night engineer would not have seen the fishplates removed,
unless the train ran a pilot car before it (which it did not). The
governments of West Bengal and Orissa have stopped night trains along these

It is well known that in these parts the ³Maoists² have conducted sabotage
and blast operations. They have called for a ³Black Week,² and opened up
with an attack on a bus
le1-545522.aspx). They killed civilians in that case, and offered a
disingenuous apology. Fifteen civilians by the way.

I offered the PTI list in full not to suggest that all the ³events² are of
the same kind, but that there have been a host of actions against the
trains. Many of them are acts of civil disobedience. But there are also
several that were acts of sabotage. One was a hijacking incident. All were
not done by the ³Maoists,² but the more violent ones certainly were. It sets
a pattern.

The ³Maoists² have not taken responsibility for the attack, as yet. Their
statements do not come immediately. They take a day or two. The Hindu
editorial from this morning has some points of merit:

Best Wishes,

Politicus E.  epoliticus at gmail.com
 Fri May 28 14:47:48 MDT 2010
Vijay Prashad is confused.

In one email, he refers to the sabotage of the rail lines by the
Maoist party of India.  He proceeds to refer us to a shrill article
from Pragoti, an outlet of the CPI(Marxist).  This article posits that
two posters of the Peoples' Committee against Police Atrocities
(PCAPA) were found in the derailment site and therefore concludes
that this human tragedy was caused by Maoists.  Mercifully, at
least, Vijay Prashad now concedes that the story about the posters
might be an exaggeration.

Then, we are presented with an article from the Press Trust of India
along with the inference that it is likely that the derailment was
caused by Maoists.  This Press Trust of India report cites seven
cases of so-called Maoist malfeasance.  Of these cases, three refer to
simple acts of civil disobedience (e.g., a siege of train in
Latehar for five hours).  To insinuate that civil disobedience must
be disavowed by Marxists is simply unacceptable.  Moreover, to
insinuate that acts of civil disobedience are identical with landmine
blasts -- as this PTI report does -- is palpable nonsense.

Did you notice that this listserv is for Marxists?

Moreover, the fact of the matter remains that blockading trains in
West Bengal is not uncommon and employed by political parties and
other groups across the spectrum.  Consider three illustrations from
the Calcutta Telegraph:

(1)  Dhanbad, April 26 [2006]: Hundreds of railway trainees of Bhuli
Zonal Training Institute today halted the railway traffic on Grand
Chord Line around 8 am, following the death of a Howrah-based railway
employee, Anil Kumar Rai, who had been undergoing a training for the
past three weeks.

This, too, I image can be construed as a siege.

(2) Midnapore, Sept. 13 [2007]: A group led by Midnapore CPI MP
Prabodh Panda blocked railway tracks for two hours this morning
demanding stoppage of more trains at Narayangarh. Several trains such
as the Bangalore-Guwahati Express and Dhauli were delayed.

In case (2), the Communist Party of India -- an ally of the
CPI(Marxist) -- engaged in such civil disobedience.

(3)  Dhanbad, March 23 [2010]: Passengers today went on the rampage
at Gomoh railway station, alleging that they were not informed about
diversions of Patna-bound trains running through Gaya. The protesters
put boulders at platform No. 2 and on the railway tracks. Police had
to resort to lathicharge to disperse them. At least five trains ‹
Ranchi-Janshatabdi Express, Hatia-Rajendra Nagar Express, Hatia-Patna
Super Fast Express, Palamau Link Express and Ganga-Damodar Express ‹
have been diverted from March 23 to March 31 due to ongoing
interlocking work at Gaya station. The trains are plying on the
Dhanbad-Sitarampur-Kiul-Jasidih-Jhajha route.

Shall I continue?

It is truly bizarre that such simple acts of civil disobedience are
conflated with the use of landmines to deduce that it is likely that
Maoists caused the derailment 

Re: [Marxism] India.

2010-05-28 Thread Pelz, William
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I am not sure why so many people feel it necessary to have this romance with 
Maoism and their cult of violence.  It would seem to have little to do with 
classic Marxism in any of the major tendencies--certainly not Marx or Engels . 
. . Moreover, haven't there been enough copies of Lenin's Left-Wing Communism 
just my thought,
Bill Pelz

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[Marxism] Ken MacLeod on a novel about Kantrovich

2010-05-28 Thread Jim Farmelant
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

MacLeod reviews Francis Spufford's new novel
Red Plenty, about the Soviet economist
and mathematician Kantorovich who developed
linear programming and attempted to develop
a computerized system for planning the Soviet
economy.  MacLeod's review discusses
Kantorovich in relation to the debates
over the socialist calculation problem,
and he suggests that Kantorovich 


Jim Farmelant

Penny Stock Jumping 2000%
Sign up to the #1 voted penny stock newsletter for free today!

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Re: [Marxism] India.

2010-05-28 Thread Politicus E.
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Vijay Prashad wrote:

 The Maoists have not taken responsibility for the attack, as yet. Their 
 statements do not come immediately. They take a day or two.

You are incorrect.  The PCAPA has already stated that it is not
responsible.  If you had read the messages posted to this listserv,
instead of gracing us with your presence in order to conduct
pro-CPI(M) propaganda whenever an opportunity presented itself, then
you would have noted Greg McDonald's post from earlier today:

 However, a spokesman for the group, Asit Mahato, denied any role, the Press 
 Trust of India news agency reported.
 We were in no way involved. This is not our act, PTI quoted him as saying 
 by phone.

This statement was also reported in the Hindustan Times.

With respect to the Dantewara attack, readers interested in objective
reportage can obtain additional information at


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Re: [Marxism] India.

2010-05-28 Thread S. Artesian
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

If fish plates are tie plates, upon which the actual rails rest, and which 
in turn rest upon the ties, or sleepers as they are called in British 
railroad jargon, then their removal should not have caused a catastrophic 

If  fish plates are the plates that join sections of rail together, called 
angle bars in the US, then where did the story of :land mines come from?

- Original Message - 
From: Vijay Prashad vijay.pras...@trincoll.edu 

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[Marxism] Lula to Obama: Drop Dead

2010-05-28 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The US. drive towards war with Iran has now sparked public 
denunciations and recriminations between Brazil and the United States.

Speaking yesterday at the Brooking Institution, Secretary of State 
Clinton said the United States had very serious differences with 
Brazil on Iran, accusing President Lula of enabling Iran's nuclear 
weapons program and buying time for it. She said that what Lula had 
done makes the world more dangerous.

Lula's crime? He negotiated a deal between Turkey and Iran where Iran 
would send low enriched uranium to turkey in exchange for ready-to-use 
reactor fuel.

The Brazilian president wasted no time in responding to Clinton's 
attack. We do not need anyone's permission in order to deal with the 
nuclear issue in Iran, he said.

The argument that existed was that there was a general lack of trust 
that existed towards Iran and they (the United States) would say Iran 
did not want to sit at the negotiating table and do its part.

What the Prime Minister [of Turkey] and I did was show Iran the 
importance of sitting at the table and talking.

But Lula escalated the confrontation even further by leaking a letter 
to him by President Obama. And to make it *very* clear that the 
Brazilian government had leaked it, the web site that published the 
letter printed not just the text, but a reproduction of the actual 
document, on White House letterhead and with Obama's signature.

That's here, BTW:


The April 20 letter lays out the reasonable --well, supposedly 
reasonable-- U.S. conditions for an agreement with Iran, with the 
transfer of 1,200 kilograms of low-enriched Uranium in exchange for more 
highly enriched --but not weapons grade-- uranium rods for use in an 
Iranian research reactor that provides isotopes for medical uses like 
cancer treatment.

This is part of the text of the letter:

*  *  *

There is a potentially important compromise that has already been 
offered. Last November, the IAEA conveyed to Iran our offer to allow 
Iran to ship its 1,200 kg of LEU to a third country — specifically 
Turkey·- at the outset of  the process·to be held in escrow as a 
guarantee during the fuel production process that Iran would get back 
its uranium if we failed to deliver the fuel. Iran has never pursued the 
escrow compromise and has provided no credible explanation for its 
rejection. I believe that this raises real questions about Iran’s 
nuclear intentions, if Iran is unwilling to accept an offer to 
demonstrate that its LEU is for peaceful, civilian purposes. I would 
urge Brazil to impress upon Iran the opportunity presented by this offer 
to escrow its uranium in Turkey while the nuclear fuel is being produced.

Throughout this process, instead of building confidence Iran has 
undermined confidence in the way it has approached this opportunity. 
That is why I question whether Iran is prepared to engage Brazil in good 
faith, and why I cautioned you during our meeting.

*  *  *

Those points that Obama claims Iran rejected are pretty much the 
agreement reached by Turkey and Iran through Lula's good offices.

Now you may be wondering --if you're in the United States-- why you're 
reading this in Marxmail and not in the New York Times  or some other 
newspaper, or seeing it on TV.

The reason is that administration flacks have been working assiduously 
all day to suppress the news.

As I hear it, they're telling reporters that this is selective leaking 
of no significance, if we saw the whole correspondence we'd see the 
context made clear --in essence-- that Obama said the opposite of what 
he said. And even if you don't buy that, the US had an additional 
condition that Iran either stop enriching Uranium altogether or stop way 
short of the level of enrichment needed for its reactor.

On top of that, at least one journalist was said to have been told that 
giving more play to this prank by the Brazilian President would endanger 
national security and undermine delicate negotiations at the UN. And oh 
yeah, by he way, would you like a one-on-one sitdown interview with 
Hillary? Perhaps it can be arranged. Implicit, of course, is if you play 

The irony is that in those circles, the offer of a perhaps 
interview with some top official is in reality a threat to cut off the 
reporter. This means that they would not even get the official leaks 
from high administration officials (the government PR flacks) that are 
the bread and butter of the hacks that have choice assignments like the 
White House or State Department.

Thus, although all national TV news outlets of 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Thailand: challenging the heroic revolution archetype

2010-05-28 Thread c b
Thailand: challenging the heroic revolution archetype

by Somtow Sucharitkul

ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
The Drum Unleashed

May 20, 2010


I have been composing a long, day by day account of the
troubles of the last three days, which I have not yet
posted. The reason is that I've been getting a lot of mail
asking me to explain the truth to people overseas.

A lot of people here are astonished and appalled at the
level of irresponsibility and inaccuracy shown by such major
news sources as CNN, and are attributing the most
astonishing motives to this, such as suggesting that they're
in the pay of Thaksin and so on.

I don't think this is really what is going on. Rather, I
think that there are two basic problems: preconception and

CNN first became a force to be reckoned with during the
People Power movement in the Philippines. The kind of
coverage we had for this was amazing. There was a camera in
every camp, and we could follow this exciting revolution
every step of the way. We knew exactly who to root for: the
oppressed masses led by the widow of the iconic Aquino, and
we knew that whenever President Marcos appeared he was Darth
Vader, the symbol of an evil empire. The arc of the story
was simple and inexorable. A whole new way of looking at the
news was born, with all the excitement of a TV miniseries
and, prophetically, a reality show as well.

Of course, many of the little details of the story were
conveniently glossed over. Reality was not - never is - so
black and white. But there are three important things about
this story: first, in its essentials, there was a lot of
truth. And all the protagonists spoke English.

The Philippines, as Filipinos never tire of telling me, is
the third most populous English speaking country in the
world. We will leave the definition of English-speaking to
another blog, but it's very important that the various sides
in this conflict were able to articulate their viewpoints in
a language which CNN well understood.

The third important thing about the story is that it
fulfilled a vision of history that is an inseparable part of
the inheritance of western culture, that is so ingrained in
western thinking that it is virtually impossible for an
educated member of western society to divorce himself from

It is a vision of history as a series of liberations. From
Harmodius and Aristogeiton throwing off the tyrant's yoke to
the removal of the Tarquins and the establishment of the
Roman Republic to the failed rebellion of Spartacus, from
Magna Carta to the Bastille to the American Civil War to the
Russian Revolution, there is this Platonic Model against
which these big historical movements are always compared.
There is a bad guy - often a dictator - who can be
demonised. There is a struggling proletariat. The end comes
with liberty and justice for all. This is Star Wars. The
dark times. The Empire.

The People Power coverage was riveting, compelling, and
contained all the emotional components of this mythical
story arc. Finding another such story, therefore, is a kind
of Holy Grail for the international media. When a story
comes that appears to contain some of the elements, and it's
too much hard work to verify those elements or get all the
background detail, you go with the Great Archetype of
Western Civilisation.

Now, let us consider the redshirt conflict.

Let's not consider what has actually been happening in
Thailand, but how it looks to someone whose worldview has
been coloured with this particular view of history.

Let's consider the fact that there is pretty much nothing
being explained in English, and that there are perhaps a
dozen foreigners who really understand Thai thoroughly. I
don't mean Thai for shopping, bargirls, casual conversation
and the like. Thai is a highly ambiguous language and is
particularly well suited for seeming to say opposite things
simultaneously. To get what is really being said takes total

When you watch a red shirt rally, notice how many English
signs and placards there are, and note that they are
designed to show that these are events conforming to the
archetype. The placards say Democracy, No Violence,
Stop killing innocent women and children and so on.
Speakers are passionately orating, crowds are moved. But
there are no subtitles. What does it look like?

The answer is obvious. It looks like oppressed masses
demanding freedom from an evil dictator.

Don't blame Dan Rivers, et al, who are only doing what they
are paid to do: find the compelling story within the mass of
incomprehensible data, match that story to what the audience
already knows and believes, and make sure the advertising
money keeps flowing in.

A vigorous counter-propaganda campaign in clear and simple
English words of one syllable has always been lacking and is
the reason the government is losing the PR war while
actually following the most logical steps toward a real and

[Marxism-Thaxis] The Part played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man

2010-05-28 Thread c b
c b cb31450 at gmail.com
Thu May 27 15:00:48 MDT 2010

Engels: First labour, after it and then with it speech – these were the two
most essential stimuli under the influence of which the brain of the
ape gradually changed into that of man, which, for all its similarity
is far larger and more perfect.

CB: This seems to be a LaMarckian hypothesis.  Of course,
LaMarckianism is not anti-natural selection. It is anti-Mendelianism.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Opposable thumb

2010-05-28 Thread c b
Engels: But the decisive step had
been taken, the hand had become free and could henceforth attain ever
greater dexterity; the greater flexibility thus acquired was inherited
and increased from generation to generation.

CB: There is a qualitative leap in the development of dexterity in the
hand in the opposable thumb. This differentiates apes and humans.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Why , oh, why are humans so thoroughly socially determined ?

2010-05-28 Thread c b
 Launching Language: The Gestural Origin of Discrete Infinity
CeJ jannuzi at gmail.com

CB: A demonstration is worth 10,000 words. But ten thousand words can get
across the death barrier and a bodily demonstraton cannot .Most of
what I'm saying, my premises are anthropology a,b,c. I'm just posing a
little  esoteric hypothesis for some basic anthropology.

Alas, apparently 10,000 words didn't work for the Etruscans or the
Egyptians or Ozymandias.

CB: Well, it worked to get across the death barrier for scores if not
hundreds of generations. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Some
of the Egyptian stuff and the others _did_ get across to us. We are
not utterly ignorant of those cultures and lives.

I think the only thing necessary for language and culture to get
across the 'death barrier' is simply that there is another living
generation in existence who can accept them before the previous
generation dies off. That is all you have hinted at here as well.


CB: My esoteric hypothesis is that language and culture can get across
the death barrier but a live demonstrating experienced body cannot.
My hypothesis is based on two very trivial truths.  It is only
interesting if you are part of the school of thought that says
symboling-language-culture is the differentia specifica of the human
species.  The question arises why did symboling come to be so
ubiquitous and omnipotent in human society ?   Why all the social
determinism ?  Why not follow our instincts and genes as all other
species do ?  Why did humans come to be the culture bearing species
(Leslie White's definition of humans) ?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Evolutionary timeline for language: Chose a pensee

2010-05-28 Thread c b
CB: Levi-Strauss' concepts for the below are both logic of the
concretre and chose a pensee , things to think with


CB: The first language was probably not just in bodily parts. The
first people arranged their landscape syntactically. Or named specific
trees and rocks, bolders.  In the begining was the Word in the form of
Landmarks. The whole of their land was a language of the concrete. The
prevalence of sacred spots as a way of 
 For that matter they were astronomers. And mountain namers, hill namers, etc.

The emphasis on Land as fundamental to preliterate culture comes
through in the emphasis of Native Americans and Australian Aborigines
on land recovery today. I wrote several papers on land recovery for
the Yurok of Northwest California. The more general paper is
Indigenous Knowledge in Aboriginal Land Recovery  d

So, the preliterate peoples were literate in terms of having a
concrete writing system.  Both movable stones, which remain, and no
doubt moveable thousands of other objects which have dissolved, not
been preserved like stones. And relatively immovable landmarks , and
skymarks, like the sun, the moon, the stars.

In sense, the Pyramids of Egypt and America are the final monuments to
the stone age, obviously very complex cosmological monoliths,
artificial mountains, artificial sacred geographical spots,  b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Human origin and rules

2010-05-28 Thread c b
Early use of sound for language would likely included whistling and
clicking , as well as the vocal chords.  Head shakes , yes, no is
simple but fundamental and powerful. It gives us negation . Here is a
significant binary opposition.

Also, sounds produced with instruments , tools, drums

I'm not sure the concept of rule has been mentioned as a definitional
feature of grammar, syntax.  Humans can follow large amounts of rules.
Culture, tradition, taboo are systems of rules of conduct  Kinsystems
are lots of rules. Rules are symbolic , built on symbols.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Thailand

2010-05-28 Thread c b

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Why , oh, why are humans so thoroughly socially determined ?

2010-05-28 Thread CeJ
Why , oh, why are humans so thoroughly socially determined ?

CB: Well, it worked to get across the death barrier for scores if not
hundreds of generations. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Some
of the Egyptian stuff and the others _did_ get across to us. We are
not utterly ignorant of those cultures and lives.

Yes, of course, so Cecil B. Demille could completely recreate Egyptian
culture on screen for us.
Etruscan is a dead language of unknown origin and affiliation. Egypt
is now Arabic language.
The 'ancient' cultures' to which you refer were not stone age, nor
were they altogether as ancient
as many people think. However, those cultures did not survive; they
are extinct.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Apple Overtakes Microsoft

2010-05-28 Thread CeJ
Apple Overtakes Microsoft

Prove more than anything that the .com bubble didn't go away, it just
farted its way into a handful of stocks.
Both Apple and MS are bubble-valued stocks, because hope never dies apparently.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] How the GOP Became the White Man's Party

2010-05-28 Thread CeJ
Although Goldwater was not the man to lead them into their promised
land, this supports my idea that we need to account for Goldwaterism
too. Now we see Buchanan can't lead some of them out into populist
nationalism because he is a Catholic.



Such obdurate pronouncements proved too ideological for the 1964
electorate. When a journalist asked Goldwater what it might feel like
to become president one day, he had replied, Frankly, it scares the
hell out of me. Voters agreed, and he picked up just 52 of 538
electoral votes. Even as the Arizona senator fell far short in his
drive for national power, however, he proved an able revolutionary
within his own party. Unlike any politician since Prohibition, he made
crime a galvanizing national campaign issue. By winning five
ex-Confederate states plus his own, he proved that Republicans could
compete in the solid South, and he shifted the party's center of
gravity to the Sunbelt. Proclaiming famously that extremism in
defense of liberty is no vice, he drove liberals like his primary
opponent Nelson Rockefeller into Republican exile. Within a single
election cycle he repositioned the Grand Old Party as the standard
bearer of opposition to civil rights. Only two years earlier, poll
respondents had perceived almost no difference between the two major
parties when it came to race. By late 1964, however, Americans
overwhelmingly identified Democrats with civil rights and Republicans
with a go-slow, states' rights approach. The sea change was apparent
at party gatherings, where the conservative journalist Robert Novak
was dismayed to hear a new cadre of GOP activists conversing freely
about niggers and nigger lovers. Under Goldwater's leadership, he
concluded, the Republican Party was now a White Man's Party.

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