[Marxism] Sex and the City 2 reviewed by Mark Kermode

2010-06-03 Thread Mikhail Rodsky
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Re: [Marxism] Max Blumenthal reports on Israeli planning prior to attack on G...

2010-06-03 Thread Midhurst14
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UN has voted to  investigate the killing of nine aboard the Gaza bound  
Series of Israeli  blunders attributed to the cabinet's military  
The Gaza flotilla  assault places Israel's decision-makers under scrutiny 
Financial Times  3/6/2010 
George  Anthony 

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[Marxism] Max Blumenthal reports on Israeli planning prior to attack on Gaza aid convoy

2010-06-03 Thread Lajany Otum
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Flotilla Raid Was Not “Bungled.” The IDF Detailed Its Violent Strategy 
In Advance

or  http://tinyurl.com/2bf93a6


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Re: [Marxism] More sound than fury in Turkey

2010-06-03 Thread Joseph Catron
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Here's the Facebook event, for those of you into that sort of thing, which
may make it easier to invite others:


I also recommend joining the Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return
Coalition - NY group for further relevant announcements:


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

Btw, Andy Pollack sent me
> this earlier. I asked him to announce it to the list but he must be
> busy. So I am sending it for him:
> The Muslim and Arab Community of New York and New Jersey Urges You to
> in SOLIDARITY WITH TURKEY Rally Friday June 4 3 pm 42 Street and Seventh
> Avenue (south of Times Square) March 4 pm to the Turkish Mission 46
> Street and First Avenue to show our support Rally 5pm at the Israeli
> Mission to the United Nations East 42 Street and Second Avenue END THE
> (I plan to be there.)

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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Re: [Marxism] Siezed and detained by Israel, US activist describes experiences

2010-06-03 Thread S. Artesian
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But were all released.  Where the Israeli Arabs released.  I heard that they 
were still being held. 

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[Marxism] This Just In: To Illustrate My Point-National Day of Action June 5th to Break The Siege

2010-06-03 Thread Manuel Barrera
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>From The BDS Movement: Now's our chance to show what we are made of--All Out 
>for Saturday, June 5th (see link below for local actions, or propose one 

Call for Action: Global Day to Break Israeli SiegeToday we watched with horror 
as Israel committed its massacre against the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza murdering 
19 unarmed civilians and leaving over 50 injured. The peaceful Flotilla 
carrying over 10,000 tones of humanitarian aid to Gaza and over 700 
pro-Palestinian activists was attacked by Israeli Navy forces using live 
ammunition, teargas, grenades…etc.The Israeli apartheid state has again acted 
in full impunity against international law and needs to be held accountable for 
the murder of unarmed civilians at sea and illegal barbaric piracy of civilian 
vessels in international water carrying humanitarian aid for Gaza.In memory of 
the brave men and women who lost their lives on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, 
today we are calling all free citizens and people of conscience around the 
world to a Global Day of Action to carry forward Freedom Flotilla’s cause of 
breaking the Israeli siege of Gaza.Let’s mark Saturday, 5th June 2010 as Global 
Day to Break Israeli Siege with protests and demonstrations in front of Israeli 
embassies and consulates all over the world. We call on you to join us on this 
day to demand in a global united voice, from our governments to:Take a stance 
against this horrid inhumanity committed by Israel against armless 
humanitarians and activists by following Turkey’s footsteps in shutting down 
Israeli’s consulates. Crimes against inhumanity are inexcusable and will not be 
welcome in our countries.Join the growing international Boycott, Divestment and 
Sanctions movement in cutting all political, economic, cultural and academic 
ties with Israel as a statement that crimes against humanity are inexcusable, 
unwelcome and will not pass unchallenged.Impose full sanctions against Israel 
until they fully abide by international law and UN conventions in relation to 
the siege in Gaza, occupation and apartheid in Palestine as well as the right 
of return of refugees.If you do not have an Israeli embassy in your country, 
protest in front of major corporations or institutions with economic, 
political, cultural or academic ties with Israel.We stand today at an urgent 
and critical point in our global quest for justice and human rights. The brutal 
attack on activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, resulting in at least 19 
deaths and tens of injuries, proves that Zionism indiscriminately targets human 
rights advocates of all nationalities. We must not allow this massacre to pass 
quietly.Please register your event on Global Day to Break Israeli Siege by 
sending us an email to supp...@breaksiege.com or by submitting your event 
details here.Join the growing critical mass around the world with a commitment 
to the day when Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as any other 
people, when the siege is lifted, the occupation is over and the 6 million 
Palestinian refugees are finally granted justice.   

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Re: [Marxism] Siezed and detained by Israel, US activist describes experiences

2010-06-03 Thread Manuel Barrera
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> For now, the test is how the motion around this crime changes the
> relationship of forces between the Palestinians and their pro-imperialist
> and imperialist foes.
> Fred Feldman
Indeed, Fred. I would only add that an opening is occurring for revolutionists 
to connect the still disparate anti-war movement, the movement against Arizona 
apartheid, and the anger at the BP Oil debacle to galvanize unified action that 
presses all this ferment even further away from the disastrous policies of the 
Democrats and that points away from rightist elements seeking to foment 
rightist reaction. We Need To Start Making These Connections More Explicit And 
Building Opportunities To Unite Either Through Common Action and/or Through 
More Direct Recognition That All These Struggles Are Our Struggles  

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[Marxism] Siezed and detained by Israel, US activist describes experiences

2010-06-03 Thread Fred Feldman
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The fact that Israel was forced, substantially under the pressure of the UN
resolution demanding the release of all those seized in international waters
by Israeli commandos, to release them rapidly is not just a victory ifor
elementary human rights. It is a big blow Israel government attempts to
impose their own version of the events, as a kind of attempted "holocaust"
by people seeking to destroy Israel (that is, according to the Israeli
government, the Jew), is facing direct challenges point by point.

This is one of many accumulating examples. The point is not whether this
forces the US to modify its policies (although this is happening to a
limited degree, that is not the area where the most important changes are
taking place. US policy will only change decisively as the accumulating
changes and the rising re-mobilization of the Palestinians and their allies,
including in Israel, makes the defeat of the Zionist, increasingly
apartheid-like state, inevitable.

For now, the test is how the motion around this crime changes the
relationship of forces between the Palestinians and their pro-imperialist
and imperialist foes.
Fred Feldman

Thursday, Jun 3, 2010 17:55 ET

Captured and detained by Israel, an American tells his story
After two days in an Israeli jail, 64-year-old Paul Larudee speaks out
By Anika Anand

Sixty-four-year-old Paul Larudee, an American citizen and longtime
pro-Palestinian activist, was on board one of the ships carrying
humanitarian relief to Gaza that was raided by the Israeli navy on Monday.
He dove into the Mediterranean Sea, only to be captured and held in an
Israeli prison for two days.

This was not Larudee's first brush with Israeli authorities, but it was
easily his most dramatic. He spoke with Salon about the raid and his
captivity this afternoon from Greece, where he arrived after being released
by Israel.

At around 4 A.M. on Monday, Larudee's ship was boarded by as many as 500
Israeli soldiers. After the ship's captain called an alert, Larudee
immediately walked out onto the deck and found that Israeli soldiers had
broken the windows of the wheel house (the area where the captain controls
the ship) in an attempt to take command of the vessel. As Larudee and
several others tried to defend the wheel house, Israeli soldiers tased him
twice so that he would back away from the area. He said he offered no
resistance and just let his body go limp.

"I have never struck anyone in more than 20 years," he said. "I was beaten.
There is black and blue all over my body. They inflicted pain on me on a
frequent basis because I did not recognize their authority."

Everyone on all of the ships was completely unarmed, he said. However, on
the Turkish ship -- where the civilian fatalities occurred -- some
passengers clashed with the soldiers and tried to beat them up as they
descended on the ship. (Larudee was on a different vessel.) "But that is
akin to what the passengers on the hijacked 9/11 did to hijackers who had
taken the aircraft," he said. "In other words, they resisted someone who was
invading their ship."

After some time, Larudee decided to jump off the ship and to try to swim
away from the Israeli forces.

"I knew it would be a way to slow down what they were doing," he said. "It
caused the ship to stop for an hour or possibly longer and it kept another
ship occupied for several hours actually."

He hoped this would create a diversion that would allow another ship to make
its way to Gaza with the humanitarian aid. "It was worth doing that, but I
paid a price for it."

When the Israeli forces picked him up, Larudee said, he was severely beaten
and tied to a mast at the stern of their ship. His legs and hands were bound
as he was subjected to the hot sun in wet soaking clothes for four hours. He
said his body almost went into shock from the extreme hot and cold

The soldiers refused to release him unless he told them his name. He
repeatedly refused, but said he would cooperate only if they released him
from the mast. They finally agreed and took him below deck. "For the
remainder of the trip to the port, we got along fine," he said.

When on land, Larudee was taken to the processing area, but refused to
cooperate with authorities, who wanted him to say that he entered the
country illegally. "This happened at 18 miles at sea, which is well beyond
their own territorial waters, or anyone's territorial waters," he said. "We
were in international waters. We weren't violating anyone's sovereignty or
breaking any rules that we knew of, even by their standards."

More beating ensued. Larudee, who again let his body go limp, said he was
carried b

[Marxism] Interesting commentary on SATC #2

2010-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
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Why I liked Sex and the City 2

Already the Guardian is saying that Sex and the City 2 is on its way to 
becoming one of the most critically derided films of all time. Here are 
a few examples:
New York Post:

 The transformation of the girls from winsome wisecrackers into 
whiny bling-obsessed chuckleheads is complete.

New York Times:

 But the ugly smell of unexamined privilege hangs over this film 
like the smoke from cheap incense. Over cosmos in their private bar, 
Charlotte and Miranda commiserate about the hardships of motherhood and 
then raise their glasses to moms who “don’t have help,” by which they 
mean paid servants.

The Guardian:

 Not since 1942's Arabian Nights has orientalism been portrayed so 
unironically. All Middle Eastern men are shot in a sparkly light with 
jingly jangly music just in case you didn't get that these dusky people 
are exotic and different. Even leaving aside the question of why anyone 
would go on holiday to Abu Dhabi, everyone who has ever watched a TV 
show knows that the first rule is: don't take characters out of their 
usual environment.

Last night, two friends and I went to see it. We saw it in the Geneva, 
NY movieplex. It wasn't sold out, but it was full and, yes, women 
outnumbered the men by at least 12:1. The crowd was appreciative and 
enthusiastic. Both my friends liked it--and one had hated SATC 1. A bit 
more background--all 3 of us are over 40, have been married, have had 
kids. From here on in, there will be a lot of spoilers, so if you want 
surprises and plan on seeing the movie, stop reading now.

The movie explores fantasy and disappointment (I wonder if the critics 
saw the movie or even recognize the fantasy components; my god, one of 
the framing devices is old black and white movies, the first with Clark 
Gable--It Happened One Night--and the second with Cary Grant--I didn't 
recognize it; if those don't signal Depression-era escapism, what 
does?). The television series always had a fantastic element--fantasies 
of great clothes and apartments on a writer's income, of fulfilling 
careers, of complete sexual enjoyment. So not only did the series 
actively invite women to imagine themselves as one of the 4 characters, 
but it also staged fantasies of fashion, success, romance, and sex. The 
best episodes pressed the limits of fantasy. Particularly after 9/11 
there was increasing pressure to wake up from the dream. One could 
almost say that the failure of the first film was its inability to 
resolve or represent the tension between the fantasy of the wedding and 
the reality of the end of Carrie's life as a single woman.




I just saw Sex and the City 2 (the new movie), and I really liked it. 
There are things about it that I would do differently, and of course 
there are plenty of places it goes where I wouldn’t go (it was ever thus 
with this crew), but I deeply appreciated some of its storylines.

The first question that will arise here is, well, what do you have to 
say about all those bad reviews? Those reviews! They are so rabid and 
cruel! How could they exist alongside what you are calling a good 
movie?, you ask. Well, I’ll let Jodi Dean speak to that, because I think 
she did it very well, and she covers many of the bases.

But I’m going to move on to what I liked, to save myself from 
ressentiment. (Jodi escapes that trap by telling the story as she does… 
but when I tried to write my own response to the critics, it quickly 
began to be a kind of writing I just don’t do. And so, moving on….)

I like the way the movie dealt with the current version of what the show 
was always about: how these women rely on their friendships to get them 
through what is rough about the rest of life. Miranda is being treated 
badly by a misogynist boss, and her job is leaving her very little time 
for her family. Charlotte is feeling the heavy pressure of motherhood 
and guilt about feeling it as pressure. Samantha is entering menopause 
and trying to hold on to the libido that has been so central to her 
life. And Carrie is trying to figure out what it means to be married and 
happy without children. These are all real problems that real women 
might face, and the film deals with them squarely and for the most part 


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[Marxism] Alex Saxton on Terry Eagleton

2010-06-03 Thread Jim Farmelant
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Jim Farmelant

Penny Stock Jumping 2000%
Sign up to the #1 voted penny stock newsletter for free today!

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[Marxism] Neville Alexander on South Africa from Monthly Review

2010-06-03 Thread David Walsh
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Just thought people might like to review his thinking today.
 “There are two Americas - and millions of the people already distinguish 
between them. One is the America of the imperialists - of the little clique of 
capitalists, land lords and militarists, who are threatening and terrifying the 
world. This is the America the people of the world hate and fear. There is the 
other America - the America of the workers and farmers and the 'little people.'”
James P. Cannon


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[Marxism] Rebutting the Israeli Propaganda

2010-06-03 Thread Jay Moore
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I have mixed feelings about Juan Cole.  He once denounced people like 
ourselves (i.e., revolutionaries) as the "Looney Left".  But he's got 
some good materials on his Blog today deconstructing the spin-job of the 
Netanyahu regime: www.juancole.com.  Among other things, seems like some 
of the Israeli "videos" may be forgeries.


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Re: [Marxism] Self-defense means four bullets to the head

2010-06-03 Thread S. Artesian
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Rat bastard Settler/Nazis.   As I said to my beloved, staunchly Zionist, 
sister, if Hitler were in power the Israelis would be selling him ovens and 
training his police.

Kind of put a crimp in our sibling relationship.

- Original Message - 
From: "Politicus E." 
To: "David Schanoes"  

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Re: [Marxism] How many remember the hijacking of the Achille Lauro?

2010-06-03 Thread Michael Smith
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On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 10:18:16 -0400
Dennis Brasky  wrote:

> I originally posted this article as one of many graphic examples of
> the hypocrisy of the pro Israel media - "our innocent civilians are
> victims and martyrs, theirs are criminals and terrorists".

It's always disagreeable when one's conversation-starters fail 
to start a conversation -- or worse yet, start the wrong one. But 
perhaps there's a silver lining. Could it be that the "hypocrisy 
of the pro Israel media" is already well recognized 'round here? 
Taken for granted, in fact? Not intended as a diss. It's nice 
to realize that there are one or two things we *do* understand. 


Michael Smith

"Everyone has his favorite passage from the 
Theodosian Code." -- M I Finley

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Re: [Marxism] How many remember the hijacking of the Achille Lauro?

2010-06-03 Thread Dennis Brasky
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I originally posted this article as one of many graphic examples of the
hypocrisy of the pro Israel media - "our innocent civilians are victims and
martyrs, theirs are criminals and terrorists".

There has been NO discussion on this aspect. Instead, we have a tasteless
joke, followed by a discussion on what is and is not proper and respectable
about joke-telling. This is a Marxist discussion group - I didn't realize
that it was Groucho, and not Karl.

I usually limit myself to posting articles that I feel would be of interest
and could stimulate a good discussion. I abhor the rampant egoism of some
here who feel obliged to enlighten us as to their in depth views on anything
and everything, from their soccer team favorites to their wine preferences
to their profound speeches (probably made to an audience of a dozen!)
There's already too much of importance on the internet to read comrades.
Kindly send your chaff off-list.

Dennis Brasky

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Re: [Marxism] Behold the pale rider

2010-06-03 Thread S. Artesian
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Brad is exactly correct.  There is absolutely no need for the use of nuclear 
explosives-- except for the bourgeoisie's ideological, and other, needs.
Conventional explosive can, and have been used in other blow outs, with 
great success.

- Original Message - 
From: "brad"  

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[Marxism] Zionist Federtion of Britain & English Defence League

2010-06-03 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
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Apparently the Zionist Federation of Britain, which is organising a 
pro-Israel demo today, has welcomed the support of the English Defence 
League, which, to put it mildly, has close links with the British far 
right, including fascist organisations not exactly noted for their 
philo-semitism. I can only say: Birds of a feather ...

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] Protests planned in Israel

2010-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
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Press Release
3 June 2010

Tomorrow: Thousands to Mark 43 Years of Occupation Near Route 443
Palestinians and Israelis will demonstrate tomorrow, Friday, June 4th, 
near the village of Beit Nuba, which was demolished by Israel in 1967, 
near Route 443. Similar demonstrations, also denouncing the massacre 
aboard the Freedom Flotilla will take place across the West Bank.

What: Joint Rally in New Beit Nuba (adjacent to the village of Beit Liqiya)

When: Tomorrow, Friday, June 4th, 12:30 pm

For more details:
Jonathan Pollak (Hebrew, English) - 054-6327736
Yusef Krajeh (Arabic, English) - 059-8464054, 054-5571328
Eilat Maoz (Hebrew, English) - 050-8575729

Dozens of Israeli anti-Occupation organizations will join the 
Palestinian Popular Committees for a demonstration marking 43 years of 
occupation tomorrow. The protesters will denounce the killing aboard the 
Mavi Marmara, and call to end the siege over Gaza, to dismantle the Wall 
and settlements, and for freedom of movement for Palestinians.

MK Haneen Zouabi, who was aboard the Mavi Marmara, Mustafa Barghouti, 
head of the Palestinian alMubadara Party, Maher Ghuneim, Minister for 
the Wall in the Palestinian Authority, former MK Uri Avnery, and 
Palestinian Legislative Committee Members Qais Abd elKarim (Abu Laila) 
and Mahmoud alAloul – will participate in the demonstration.

Additional demonstrations will take place in the villages on Nabi Saleh, 
north of Ramallah,Deir alGhussoun, north of Tul Karem, Ni'ilin – where 
demonstrators will also mark a year to the death of protester Aqel Srour 
by sniper-fire shot at him during a demonstration, and in the villages 
of Bil'in, West of Ramallah and alMa'asara, south of Bethlehem, where 
demonstrators will carry mock ships and will try to break the siege on 
their own villages.

Road to nowhere: During the occupation of the West Bank in June 1967, 
the Israeli army destroyed the villages of Yalu, Beit Nuba and Amuasse 
in the Latrun enclave. "Canada Park" and a number of settlements were 
built on their lands.

Most of the residents of these three displaced villages currently live 
in villages near Highway 443, such as Beit Liqya, Beit Sira and Beit Ur. 
In the eighties, thousands of acres were confiscated by Israel along the 
road, claiming that the road will serve as the main traffic artery for 
these villages to Ramallah.

However, the road has been closed for years for Palestinian vehicles. 
Following the High Court ruling on Route 443, a small section of the 
road was opened last week for Palestinian traffic, but is still nearly 
useless for the villagers, as access to Ramallah from it is disallowed, 
turning it into a highway to nowhere for Palestinians.

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Re: [Marxism] ML Update, Vol. 13 No.13 1 - 7 JUNE 2010

2010-06-03 Thread Politicus E.
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Louis wrote:

"I don't expect the CPI(ML) to respond to this since they appear to be
interested in Marxmail mainly as an receptacle for their dispatches
(which is okay with me given their importance to Indian politics) but
I was under the impression that they considered themselves Maoist even
if not doctrinaire. Any thoughts on their orientation?"

I respect CPI(ML) Liberation;  I have a number of friends, who I
consider comrades, closely affiliated with their politics.  Moreover,
their statement on the derailment strikes me as generally sensible.
It captures the views of an important section of Marxists.  On the
other hand, I take a hard line against sectarianism in all its
varieties and tend to frown upon it irrespective of the source.


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[Marxism] Daniel Pipes frowns on IDF attack on Marmara Mavi

2010-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
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(Daniel Pipes is one of the US's chief Zionist propagandists.)


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[Marxism] Paul Street on the BP spill

2010-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
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(Paul Street's usual venue is Znet, where his articles appear to reflect 
a radical rather than specifically Marxist orientation. This MRZine 
piece, however, does show his Marxist bones.)

URL: mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2010/street020610.html
Deepwater Lesson: Expropriate the Expropriators
by Paul Street

 "If an oil well is too far beneath the sea to be plugged when 
something goes wrong, it's too deep to be drilled in the first place." 
-- Bob Herbert, June 1, 2010

Imagine "the Associated Producers, Rationally Regulating Their 
Interchange with Nature"

Amidst mass capital-imposed structural unemployment and ever-escalating 
environmental collapse, the ongoing epic British Petroleum-Deepwater 
Horizon spill -- more than 40 million gallons and counting (far beyond 
the previous record set by the Exxon Valdez) in the Gulf of Mexico -- 
ought to be something of a teachable moment for radical opponents of the 
profits system.

"The realm of freedom," one such opponent, Karl Marx, wrote in the third 
volume of his magnum opus Capital, "can only consist in socialized man, 
the associated producers rationally regulating their interchange with 
Nature, bringing it under their common control, instead of being ruled 
by it as by the blind force of Nature, and achieving this with the least 
expenditure of energy and under conditions most favorable to, and worthy 
of, their human nature."1  By "socialized man," Marx meant (in the 
masculinized language of the Victorian era) civilization in a new era of 
classlessness -- the real (he felt) match for homo sapiens' liberated 
"human nature."  Contrary to Cold War stereotypes that equate socialism 
and communism with the dungeons of Stalin and Mao,2 Marx did not see 
that desirable post-capitalist age as one of state dictatorship and 
productionism, with the state as capitalist, directing the toiling 
masses' tasks and extracting surplus from above.  He envisaged rather an 
egalitarian time after the working class majority had "stormed heaven" 
(his description of what the ill-fated 1871 Paris Commune had attempted) 
in a great self-liberating struggle to seize the organization of 
production and work from bourgeois expropriators and exploiters.  The 
newly empowered citizen-workers would put these core human activities 
under popular control to meet human needs with the least possible 
investment of human and natural power.3

"Too Deep to Be Drilled in the First Place"

The current ecological disaster is straight out of Marx.  Consider 
Marx's call for the "associated producers" to "rationally regulate" 
humanity's "interchange with nature" (the production process, 
essentially), something he knew to be impossible under the unelected 
dictatorship of capital.  It is plainly irrational to build the many 
precarious deep water offshore oil drilling operations that British 
Petroleum and other leading multinational corporate petro-tyrannies 
manage around the world.  It only takes one big and inevitable screw-up 
for such operations to yield a colossal ecological catastrophe like the 
one currently underway in the Gulf.

Sane and reasonably knowledgeable and engaged citizen-workers organized 
as empowered and "associated producers" would never agree to let such a 
genie out of the bottle, with such potentially disastrous consequences 
for livable ecology.  As the liberal New York Times columnist Bob 
Herbert noted yesterday (I am writing on the morning of Wednesday, June 
2, 2010): "If a bank is too big to fail, it's way too big to exist.  If 
an oil well is too far beneath the sea to be plugged when something goes 
wrong, it's too deep to be drilled in the first place."4

Money Speaks for Money

Consider also Marx's core analytical distinction between "use value" and 
"exchange value."  For rational and associated citizen-producers, the 
point of liberated humanity's core economic activities (its "interchange 
with nature") would be to create goods and services of real and lasting 
human utility without damaging people or the environment.  Under 
capitalism, however, everything, including the core human activities of 
work and production, is "drowned in the icy water"5 of capitalists' 
egotistical profit calculation.  The holy market (supposedly "free") is 
the reigning regulating mechanism, the master arbiter of economic 
decisions.  The dominant consideration determining what gets produced 
and how and for whom is exchange value: how much money can investors 
make off this or that economic activity in the near term?  "Money speaks 
for money, the devil for his own."6

British Petroleum (BP) has been raping the Gulf's Coast sea-beds for 
many years in the obvious and simple pursuit of capitalism's holy grail: 
market reward in the form of investor profit

[Marxism] ML Update, Vol. 13 No.13 1 - 7 JUNE 2010

2010-06-03 Thread CPIML Intl. Deptt
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ML Update

CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine 

Vol. 13   No.13 1 - 7 JUNE 2010
Gyaneshwari Express Tragedy:

Will We Ever Know the Truth?

Close on the heels of the Mangalore air crash, the Gyaneshwari Express accident 
near Jhargram in West Midnapore district of West Bengal has taken another heavy 
toll of human lives. Even nearly a week since the tragedy struck, the death 
toll is still rising and many of the critically injured are battling for their 
lives. Unlike most accidents, this one is however not attributed to usual 
factors like ‘human error’ or ‘structural deficiency’. Reports link this 
tragedy to a suspected act of sabotage. While condoling this huge loss of 
lives, every justice-loving Indian would want this sabotage unearthed beyond 
any doubt and stern punishment meted out to the saboteurs.

The timing of the tragedy had its own political resonance. It happened soon 
after the beginning of a protest week called by Maoists in the five states of 
Chhattishgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar. In the political 
context of West Bengal, one could not also miss the fact that it happened just 
two days before polling was to take place for Kolkata Corporation as well as 81 
other municipalities in the state. While the state government was quick to 
indicate a Maoist hand in the sabotage, Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee began 
talking of high-level political conspiracy and called for a CBI probe into the 
incident. The Union Home Minister, on his part, has gone public with his 
observation that the ‘needle of suspicion’ points to the Maoists.

The Maoists are yet to make any official statement in this regard, but a 
statement attributed to one Bapi Mahato of the People’s Committee against 
Police Atrocities (the most prominent banner of the Lalgarh agitation) has 
reportedly regretted the tragedy while owning responsibility for the damage 
done to the railway track. According to this statement, the PCPA had only 
wanted to derail a goods train and had not expected the Gyaneshwari Express to 
bear the brunt. If this statement is true, this is a shocking commentary on the 
anarchist degeneration of a movement that till recently boasted of a high 
degree of militant mass involvement. Sabotages and indiscriminate targeting and 
destruction of human lives cannot be accepted as a means of protest against 
police atrocities.  

For Chidambaram and the UPA government, the Gyaneshwari Express tragedy has 
come in handy to intensify the ongoing Operation Green Hunt. On the eve of the 
June 3 meeting of the Cabinet Committee on security, Defence Minister AK Antony 
has already held a meeting with the three Service chiefs – Air Chief Marshal PV 
Naik, Admiral Nirmal Verma and General VK Singh – to discuss ‘all dimensions’ 
of the security situation. There is a growing clamour for Army involvement in 
Operation Green Hunt – after air support, there is now talk of pressing a few 
of the 63 battalions of Rashtriya rifles, the Army’s specialized 
counter-insurgency force now operating in Jammu and Kashmir into the OGH 

Municipal elections over (Mamata Banerjee has already swept the Kolkata 
Corporation polls and registered major advances in the 81 other municipalities 
that went to poll on May 30), it remains to be seen how far Mamata Banerjee 
will insist on her demand for CBI probe. Chidambaram’s purpose has also been 
served, the ‘needle of suspicion’ is sufficient for him to ask for a ‘wider 
mandate’ to intensify Operation Green Hunt. Will we then ever get to know who 
really was responsible for the Gyaneshwari Express tragedy? 

What lends credence to the ‘needle of suspicion’ theory is the growing list of 
actual Maoist actions like blowing off of roads, tracks and bridges and 
targeting of buses, trains and passengers. Such acts have nothing to do with 
the legacy of Naxalbari and the revolutionary communist trail blazed by this 
historic peasant rebellion. And this can certainly not be the way to oppose 
Operation Green Hunt. Even in Nepal, with all their visible mass strength, the 
Maoists found it difficult to enforce a general strike beyond a few days. Here 
Maoists are repeatedly calling bandhs without any mass involvement – resorting 
only to disruptive activities in the name of protest. Such disruptive tactics 
must be rejected by all forces involved in the battle for justice, democracy 
and social transformation. 

Condemn the Israeli Government’s act of terrorism against humanitarian aid 

Demand International Sanctions on Israel

Demand an immediate end to India-Israel Arms deals

In flagrant violation of all international laws, Israeli commandos attacked a 
flotilla of aid carrying ships, firing at and killing over 19 unarmed peace 
activists, leav

[Marxism] Manufacturing Discontent

2010-06-03 Thread michael perelman
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The World Association for Political Economy gave 8 awards for 
outstanding achievement in political economy in the 21st century.  My 
book, Manufacturing Discontent, received one of them.  Here is the brief 
note, which I wrote for the occasion:

Manufacturing Discontent is a study of social relations, not Marx's 
social relations of production, but the social relations -- real or 
imagined -- of the people who live and work under the yoke of 
capitalism.  In this sense, the book is meant as a modest supplement to 
Kapital, which was a deep analysis of the social relations of the 
extraction of surplus value from the working class.

A longstanding project of capital is to shape virtually every aspect of 
people's lives in order to meet its needs.  For example, as part of the 
management of the interaction of social relations inside and outside the 
workplace, spokesmen of capital tell workers that they should identify 
themselves as consumers instead of as workers.  Rebellion against 
degrading and debilitating exploitation at the workplace is foolish; 
instead, intelligent workers should embrace their jobs, by identifying 
their work as a welcome opportunity to enjoy the benefits of 
consumption.  In effect, the circuits of consumption and reproduction 
become harnessed to the social relations of production.

These social relations also help to determine the quantity of surplus 
value.  For example, one dimension of this process is the management of 
the burdens of risk.  Today we are reminded that when crises break out, 
out the same workers are told that their wages, their consumption, or 
their pensions are problems that must be corrected.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu
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[Marxism] Brief Notes from China

2010-06-03 Thread michael perelman
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

We are getting ready to leave Shanghai. The timing of the trip was 
fascinating because China seems to be ready to move to a new stage of 

For example, just today I read that the government is instituting a 5% 
energy tax in the remote Xinjiang province.  The response to the Honda 
strike and the string of suicides at the Foxconn factory were critical 
of management.  Of course, the ownership of these plants was not 
Chinese; even so, the China Daily has pushing the line that it's time to 
leave the low-wage economy behind.  China is also beginning to take more 
control over the strategic minerals, of which it has large share of the 
world's production.

The taxes levied on real estate knocked the Shanghai stock market down 
quite a bit.  The papers have also been taking a critical attitude 
towards the wanton demolition of neighborhoods to make way for expensive 
commercial projects.

more at:


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu
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