[Marxism] Ecuador, Venezuela: Danger south of the border | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-10-26 Thread glparramatta
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By *Paul Kellogg *

October 26, 2010 -- It is not difficult to see that the events of 
September 30, in the Latin American country of Ecuador, amounted to an 
attempted right-wing coup d’état. Mass mobilisations in the streets and 
plazas of Quito (the capital) and other cities – in conjunction with 
action by sections of the armed forces which stayed loyal to the 
government – stopped the coup before the day was out. But those few 
hours highlighted, again, the deep dangers facing those fighting for 
progressive change in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Remarkably, the first task is to re-assert that in fact a coup attempt 
took place. In the wake of the failure of the coup, commentator after 
commentator was trying to minimise what happened. Peruvian “libertarian” 
Álvaro Vargas Llosa – darling of the World Economic Forum and outspoken 
critic of Che Guevara and the current governments of Bolivia and 
Venezuela – insists that it was not a coup just an “ill-advised, violent 
protest by the police against a law that cut their benefits”.

Let us examine the facts...



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Re: [Marxism] NZ: Militant Unite union leader to contest by-election

2010-10-26 Thread glparramatta
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Also, an excellent radio interview with Matt McCarten at 

Also deals with Matt's contacts with Peter Camejo and Jim Percy.

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[Marxism] Al Jazeera on French Strikes

2010-10-26 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Al Jazeera writes:

"Protests in France appear to be losing momentum as the passing of a pension
reform bill which they oppose seemingly draws near.

Widespread strikes eased on Tuesday, with rubbish collectors in the southern
city of Marseille and employees at three oil refineries going back to work.

Students held protests but in relatively low numbers in comparison to large
protests held during the past fortnight."

Al Jazeera's correspondent in Paris, Jackie Rowland, would appear to be a
paradigmatic case for world journalists.  He has never really understood or
supported the strikes and now appears like a black crow intent on presiding
over the last rites.

Daniel's news about the solidarity action in Belgium may though have given a
boost to the strikers and hopefully Rowland is being overly optimistic and
instead the strikes will continue and regather momentum.

Whatever the case the struggle has been nothing less than heroic and a true
inspiration.  Joaquin wrote in a post earlier that things were looking ugly
right now [in the States].  The French resisitance has been the exception to
the bad news.  Indeed from Brisbane looking  towards Paris it has been very
much a case of
And not by eastern windows only,
When daylight comes, comes in the light,
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly,
But westward, look, the land is bright.


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Re: [Marxism] NZ: Militant Unite union leader to contest by-election

2010-10-26 Thread johnedmundson
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Matt McCarten's campaign in Mana (a heavily Pacific Islander and working class
electorate) will be worth watching.

While I broadly agree with what Joe Carolan writes in the GLW article Peter
Boyle posted, I'll just point out that the leader of the New Zealand Labour
Party is Phil Goff. The use of "Goof" is just Joe's wee private joke, which
Australians and other non-New Zealand readers might not realise.

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Re: [Marxism] NZ: Militant Unite union leader to contest by-election

2010-10-26 Thread Peter Boyle
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By Joe Carolan

In a daring and audacious move, Matt McCarten, General Secretary of
the Unite Union, announced his candidacy in the Mana By Election in
Wellington earlier today. Matt has had a quarter of century's
experience fighting for New Zealand's poorest workers, and was a
founding member of both the New Labour Party and the Alliance.

More: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/45834

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[Marxism] WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Walks Out of CNN Interview

2010-10-26 Thread Ralph Johansen
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CNN had the appallingly bad editorial judgment to sic a young cub 
reporter to perform this hatchet job on Wikileaks founder Julian 
Assange, who was invited expressly to talk about the massive release of 
Pentagon documents which included the newly-disclosed deaths of 104,000 
people while under the control of the occupying US government. He 
handled it with admirable reserve and dignity, and eloquently exposed 
CNN as the craven hacks that they truly are. How could any sentient 
viewer, having seen this, any longer rely for news on CNN, 
self-described as 'among the world's leaders in online news and 
information delivery'?


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Re: [Marxism] Obama's Finest Hour: Killing Innocent People For "Made-Up Crap"

2010-10-26 Thread Mark Lause
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It's funny how they use "dogmatic," isn't it?  They believe things for which
there is absolutely ZERO foundation in reality, but then complain that those
who notice are "dogmatic."

Just the flip side of teabag brains.


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Re: [Marxism] Obama's Finest Hour: Killing Innocent People For "Made-Up Crap"

2010-10-26 Thread C. G. Estabrook
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I read this on my local cable TV show, and a leading local liberal light - 
Robert Naiman of , who asserts that the Obama 
administration "isn't evil" - responded that Christ Floyd was "a dogma-head 

On 10/26/10 2:35 PM, David Thorstad wrote:
> An existentialist cri de coeur that, while refreshing, probably falls on
> deaf ears among those who throw their votes away on presumed "lesser
> evils"--not to mention those who don't even admit their error in viewing
> Obama as the Great One pushing "hope" while advancing the interests of
> Wall Street and the Pentagon.
> David
> ==
>> Obama's Finest Hour: Killing Innocent People For "Made-Up Crap"
>> http://www.chris-floyd.com/articles/1-latest-news/2035-obamas-finest-hour-ki
>> lling-innocent-people-for-qmade-up-crapq.html
>> Written by Chris Floyd Monday, 18 October 2010 17:03
>>   [...]

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Re: [Marxism] Argentine Trotskyist of the PO murdered by Peronists onWeds.

2010-10-26 Thread S. Artesian
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Been away a couple of days.  Petroni a liar?  I don't recall any incidents 
of him lying.  I know LP unsubbed him after he got into with Nestor, but as 
I recall that exchange there didn't seem to be any lies in it.

I'd be interested in learning exactly where Petroni lied... and what the 
truth is.

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Re: [Marxism] Argentine Trotskyist of the PO murdered by Peronists on Weds.

2010-10-26 Thread DW
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Nestor: "Dear David, I am in the bet position to handle all data available."

WTF? You are god of all that is important from Argentina? Really? I trust
you as much as I trust C. Petroni. No reason I should believe you or not
more or less than him. If I find something interesting on his site, like the
history of *Peronist* death-squads from the 1970s or something similar, I
forward it here.

Nestor: "Again: please go and read what has been published on Reconquista
on this bloody and horrible event. This is but a fraction of all that
has been published, mainly from Peronist or Izquierda Nacional positions."

Always good to have source material. So thanks for that. But you didn't
forward this to THIS list, did you? (maybe I missed it...I took off a few
days so maybe it slipped by on the list) I took the iniative to forward
something I saw that would be of interest, but is obviously critical of
Peronism and...no doubt"...Izquierda Nacional positions." Yes, Nestor, the
Peronists and Izquierda Nacional hardly have a lock on the truth.

I forwarded the particular news item because a Trotskyist was *murdered* by
union thugs. I found this both sad and interestings as Argentina has had a
particular sad history of union, mostly Peronist, attacks on Trotskyists in
the union movement. That it is still going on is what is interesting *to


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[Marxism] Argentine Trotskyist of the PO murdered by Peronists on Weds.

2010-10-26 Thread Leonardo Kosloff
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If Louis wants to say that Petroni is a liar he will have to
tell me what he’s referring to, I don’t know Petroni enough, and at any rate 
not here to defend himself. So far, however, Petroni has simply reported what 
masses (warning: the masses are only right when the Izquierda Nacional says
so) are, that the unión bureaucracy has killed a PO militant, or to put it in
the PO’s actually apt categorization –and I’m not a PO devotee-, that it has
committed ‘a crime against the working class.’ I know that Petroni has been
leading an effort to carry out an investigation on Moyano’s role in the CGT and
his collaboration with the Triple A (created thanks to the general, lest we 
forget) and that doing this when Moyano is playing
out the best hand for the Kirchners takes guts.

I also know that Gorojovsky goes around pointing the finger
to comrades with the accusation that they are “objective helpers of our
murderers”, because he can’t argue himself out of a bottle. Yet he defends 
as the next hero of the Latin American Revolution.

BUT even if, for the sake of “argument”, Moyano, by a lightning or something, 
has now become a good-natured fellow who will protect the interests of workers 
at all

What then, do
Marxists do?

“Hope” that things will go alright?, that by a struck of
luck, by the pure subjectivity of the revolutionary bourgeoisie, imperialism
will start crumbling?

Well, that is exactly what Nestor is saying, he complains
about the tercerizacion conditions but makes it a problem of the corrupt nature
of Pedraza, who was cuddling with miss president courage a couple weeks 
the union bureaucracy? Ahh it doesn’t exist, except for some rotten tomatoes,
let’s not be “idealists”… But what’s the solution to these problems? Of course,
it’s a question of the good national nature of the Argentine bourgeoisie.  

See? It all fell from the sky…that's what I call a program for conscious 
political action.

So much for 1st grade politics. 

p.s. The “hypothesis” that Moyano is a good-natured union
leader is despicable enough, I mean Petroni might lie, but to defend Moyano
like Nestor, to apologize for the Kirchner government like Nestor when it has
already made perfectly clear that it is prepared to send in the gendarmes to
repress workers, that’s just MERCENARY. Last time, when the workers of Kraft
–who, by the way, went to strike and blocked roads to repudiate this murder-,
were repressed, while Moyano complained that their demands were too
“political” -though he know says that he was always trying to help them, which 
is belied by any allegation of the workers in the internal commission-, the 
blame was being put on Anibal Fernandez or Daniel Scioli or my
dog. Were there any consequences for them? Yeah right... Yet, miss president
courage, has proclaimed that she is prepared to suffer any political costs
before repressing workers…who the fuck falls for this shit? 

Oh and the “data” in Nestor’s list? Same ol’ vomit of the
official petty-bourgeois ideology so characteristic of the fake “socialistic”
liberal mind, the crap that the defenders of the government are masters of.

And now these MFS wanna blame the “crazy left” for being
“divisive”, yea like the piqueteros, the unemployed (of whom you can see racist
remarks in Nestor’s list, the only one where you can learn the truth, to be
sure) are really being “divisive”, my God when will they learn to materialize 
own food and shut the fuck up?

p.p.s. sorry for the curse-words. 

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Re: [Marxism] American-style

2010-10-26 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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On 10/23/2010 8:04 PM, Mark Lause wrote:
> Right now, is there any doubt that most people who call themselves
> "progressive" voted for Obama and are actively trying to rationalize a
> Democratic vote this election.  Frankly, I think they're less pushing things
> in a positive direction than my aging, bad-tempered cat, who has the good
> sense to screech his discontent from time to time.  Progressives who confine
> themselves to such things are a bridge to nowhere.

This is not the real problem. The problem is that there's no one else to 
vote for. Not in any realistic sense. And that, in turn, is a reflection 
of a deeper problem: There's no real, cohered, sustained social/protest 
movement that can give rise to an alternative in the electoral arena.

If campaigning for Democrats is a waste of time, what does that make 
railing against it in the abstract?

If God had meant for us to have a labor party, she would have given us a 
labor *movement.*

It is the reality that we have no labor movement that is at the root of 
our difficulties.

And I fear our difficulties have just begun. Things are getting very ugly.


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[Marxism] Anthony Brain analysis on what London Feminist conference represents?

2010-10-26 Thread MARIAN BRAIN
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These brief comments update the line I argued in April 2010 in which I outlined 
how to apply the old American SWP prior to Barnes of a Leninist-Trotskyist 
strategy of what they called a combined revolution 3rd American Socialist 
revolution (see appendix which has the  original April document) to the British 
situation before May 2010’s general election.
It would be useful if other women comrades could write other reports about the 
London Feminist Network (LFN) conference in London held on October 23rd 2010.  
From the limited reading (I have only read Julia Long’s report) the main 
discussion was how to organise to stop Sexist violence against women.  Due to 
British Capitalism’s decay all the old oppressions are coming to the surface.  
During the 1970s, Britain’s ruling class were able to buy off a layer of middle 
class women which weakened the social movements.  It is very positive that 
is a beginning of a sizeable Feminist movement of middle and working class 
are emerging.   The varied demands being raised by Feminists ranging from 
opposing violence against women to fighting against cuts which is going to hit 
working and middle class women hard are signs of a profound radicalisation 
against a Capitalist society which is making their oppression worse.
 April’s document dealt with how to apply the combined revolution strategy to 
Britain.  All I add here is there should be campaigns like the LFN which bring 
together women fighting oppression in general and single issue campaigns which 
unite women and their allies around one or two issues.  Trotskyists have to 
respect and argue why at this stage there should be women-only meetings because 
it is only by developing confidence of how they fight their oppression, will 
working/middle class women be able to unite with male workers and middle class 
men eventually to overthrow Capitalism.  If British Capitalism is going to be 
overthrown male workers have to be broken from Sexism and won to fight for a 
specific programme to liberate working and middle class women from their 
oppression.  One contradiction revealed in Long’s report is that all the 
panellists on the domestic violence workshop opposed campaigning for Sexist 
hatred laws.  We should campaign for Sexist violence to be criminalised.  By 
waging such a struggle you build a mass movement by the oppressed and their 
allies in the working class which begins to challenge Capitalist rule.  Even if 
the ruling class makes concessions outlawing Sexist violence Trotskyists point 
out it is mass action which achieved this.
Since the general election working class and middle class women are facing a 
massive onslaught through cuts.  70% of these women are going to suffer the 
from these attempted cutbacks.  A lot of working class women are on low incomes 
already.  Social benefits (different categories of unemployed) on top of this 
are being slashed.  Middle class women are being attacked with child benefit 
being reduced and with top-up University fees increasing.  

Trotskyists see other aspects of the middle class and women workers fighting 
their oppression by campaigning against Sexist violence and withdrawing 
for lap dancing clubs which make super-profits by treating women as sexual 
objects.  Long correctly sees the need to link up with ethnic minority women 
suffer both Racism and Sexism.  This started to happen at last Saturday’s 
conference.  One major difference I have with Long is when she argues women 
all classes can unite against Women’s oppression.  It is class society which 
causes women’s oppression.  Within this framework Trotskyists recognise 
social oppressions, and by fighting around a specific programme of demands for 
oppressed groups win them over to a workers struggle for power.  Ruling class 
women while being oppressed as women will very mostly put their class interests 
first against an incipient Socialist revolution.  Despite that difference of 
opinion with Long she is correct to praise the Dagenham film.  This shows the 
potential of the oppressed and workers coming together to challenge 

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[Marxism] Zionists build new hasbara initiative

2010-10-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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JTA: The Global News Service of the Jewish People

Federations, JCPA teaming to fight delegitimization of Israel
By Jacob Berkman · October 24, 2010

  NEW YORK (JTA) -- The Jewish Federations of North America and the 
Jewish Council for Public Affairs are launching a multimillion-dollar 
joint initiative to combat anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions 

The JFNA and the rest of the Jewish federation system have agreed to 
invest $6 million over the next three years in the new initiative, which 
is being called the Israel Action Network. The federations will be 
working in conjunction with JCPA, an umbrella organization bringing 
together local Jewish community relations councils across North America.

The network is expected to serve as a rapid-response team charged with 
countering the growing campaign to isolate Israel as a rogue state akin 
to apartheid-era South Africa – a campaign that the Israeli government 
and Jewish groups see as an existential threat to the Jewish state. In 
fighting back against anti-Israel forces, the network will seek to 
capitalize on the reach of North America’s 157 federations, 125 local 
Jewish community relations councils and nearly 400 communities under the 
federation system.

“There is a very, very high sense of urgency in [fighting] the 
delegitimizing of the State of Israel,” the JFNA’s president and CEO, 
Jerry Silverman, told The Fundermentalist. “There is no question that it 
is among the most critical challenges facing the state today.”

In fact, Silverman added, Israeli leaders identify this as the second 
most dangerous threat to Israel, after Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Under a plan approved in late September during a special conference call 
of the JFNA’s board of trustees, the JCPA’s senior vice president, 
Martin Raffel, will oversee the new network. He will be working in 
concert with the head of the JFNA’s Washington office, William Daroff. 
Over the next several months, Raffel will be putting together his team, 
including six people in New York, one in Israel and one in Washington.

The network will monitor the delegitimization movement worldwide and 
create a strategic plan to counter it wherever it crops up. It will work 
with local federations and community relations councils to enlist the 
help of key leaders at churches, labor unions and cultural institutions 
to fight anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns.

Organizers of the network are looking at the response to an attempted 
boycott of the Toronto International Film Festival last year as a model 
for how the system could potentially work.

When the festival organizers decided to focus on filmmakers from Tel 
Aviv, more than 1,000 prominent actors and filmmakers signed a statement 
saying that the organizers had become part of Israel’s propaganda 
machine, and they threatened to boycott the event. In response, the UJA 
Federation of Greater Toronto and the Jewish Federation of Greater Los 
Angeles worked together to come up with a counter statement supporting 
the festival. The counter statement won the signatures of even more 
prominent Hollywood figures, including Jerry Seinfeld, Natalie Portman, 
Sacha Baron Cohen, Lisa Kudrow, Jason Alexander and Lenny Kravitz.

“The partnership started last year around the Toronto international film 
festival,” said Ted Sokolsky, president of the Toronto federation. “We 
jointly produced an ad saying that we don’t need another blacklist."

Sokolsky went on to say, "I spoke to Jay [Sanderson, the CEO of the 
Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles] and said, ‘Here, there are a 
lot of prominent Hollywood types on the delegitimization protest. Can 
you reach out to the Hollywood community and find some pro-Israel 
leadership?’ He reached out to some key leadership in Hollywood. And it 
was like waking up a sleeping giant. Then we realized we can’t all fight 
this alone."

He added that "It was a great lesson and set a template on how to 
respond because clearly, the other side is running a linked campaign 
with international funding and global strategy but local implementation.”

When similar delegitimizing attempts erupt, leaders of the new network 
plan to respond early, according to Silverman.

“If the community in Chattanooga all of a sudden is faced with [a 
boycott of] Israeli products in the mall, they should be able to call 
the [Israel] Action Network and have response and implementation within 
12 hours, and not spend time thinking about how to do it,” he said. “We 
should be able to do that in every community.”

Toronto and Los Angeles are two of the largest federation

[Marxism] Arundhati Roy could face sedition charges

2010-10-26 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Over statements supporting Kashmir self determination...


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Anthony Brain has send this article about a London conference last weekend which shows a resurgence of Feminism!

2010-10-26 Thread MARIAN BRAIN
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[Marxism] NZ: Militant Unite union leader to contest by-election

2010-10-26 Thread Peter Boyle
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Union leader Matt McCarten has announced he will stand as a candidate in the
Mana by-election.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2010

The by-election will be held on Saturday November 20 and is taking place
because Labour MP Winnie Laban is leaving Parliament to take up a position
at Victoria University.

Matt McCarten - the General Secretary of the Unite Union and a Herald on
Sunday commentator - will be speaking to media this afternoon about his

Mana has been a safe Labour seat and the party is putting up Kris Faafoi,
party leader Phil Goff's former chief press secretary, as its candidate.

National is running Hekia Parata, who contested the seat in the 2008 general

Jan Logie is contesting the seat for the Green Party.


See also:

New-left rallies its forces to take on the new-right

By Matt McCarten
Sunday Oct 24, 2010

After two years it seemed the left was never going to get a break. I'm
stoked to announce we have got it at last.

Two weekends ago we had our first good news when the mayoral front-runners
in our five major cities lost. The wins were significant politically in
Auckland and Wellington.

Who would have thought a small grey man called Brown could arouse so much
enthusiasm? Mind you, if the right relies on a grey man called John Key to
keep their party in the stratosphere I guess we can swoon for Brown.

And just when the left were still hugging each other in delight, the Labour
Party for the first time since who knows when got excited about being
left-wing again.


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[Marxism] Econobubble

2010-10-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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The Econobubble Revisited
by Yanis Varoufakis

In a recent article, I discussed the 2010 Economics Nobel Prize in 
rather unflattering terms.  However, nothing beats the decision to award 
the 1997 Economics Nobel to Robert Merton and Myron Scholes for 
developing "a pioneering formula for the valuation of stock options." 
"Their methodology," trumpeted the Nobel committee, "has paved the way 
for economic valuations in many areas.  It has also generated new types 
of financial instruments and facilitated more efficient risk management 
in society."  If only the hapless Nobel committee had known that in a 
few short months the lauded "pioneering formula" would cause a 
spectacular multi-billion dollar debacle, the collapse of a major hedge 
fund (the infamous Long-Term Capital Management [LTCM] in which Merton 
and Scholes had invested all their kudos) and, naturally, a bailout by 
the reliably kind US taxpayers.

full: http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2010/varoufakis261010.html

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Re: [Marxism] American-style (sorry)

2010-10-26 Thread Glenn Parton
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Don't apologize because this is exactly the kind of discussion I hoped to 
start: to examine the surface of American politics toward the goal of building 
a deep, long-range movement in America. I almost called this thread "Toward a 
Theory of Revolution (fundamental change) in America, but decided on the more 
general label of "21st Century American-style Socialism." It seems to me that 
there hasn't been a lot of really good comprehensive work of this kind in 
several decades, but I admit that I don't a have as close a relationship to the 
relevant literature as I once did. Nevertheless, fresh attempts are needed to 
identify the new forces or tendencies for revolution in America, as well as the 
counter-forces that function to preserve the status quo or worse. Your new post 
is a goldmine in this regard, so I will study it and get back to you asap?
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> I reread what I wrote and   

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[Marxism] Climate & Capitalism, October 26, 2010

2010-10-26 Thread Ian Angus
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An online journal focusing on capitalism, climate change, and the
ecosocialist alternative.
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/CandC-FaceBook

October 26, 2010

Nearly all “green” consumer products make at least one false,
misleading or unproven environmental claim

Having repeatedly winning “Fossil of the Day” awards at international
climate conferences, Canada now has a new dishonor to be ashamed of

Toronto November 13: Lessons from Bolivia Building a World Movement
for Climate Justice

The battle of the super yachts

An international student movement to free the economics curriculum
from its neoclassical straightjacket was launched last week at the
University of California at Berkeley.

Video: Barry Healy of Socialist Alliance makes some instructive comparisons….

It is hopeless to expect ecologically sound solutions from a system
based on profit

Video: There is no debate here, just scientists and non-scientists.
And since the subject is science, the non-scientists don’t get a vote.

Other recent articles





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[Marxism] Obama's Finest Hour: Killing Innocent People For "Made-Up Crap"

2010-10-26 Thread David Thorstad
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An existentialist cri de coeur that, while refreshing, probably falls on 
deaf ears among those who throw their votes away on presumed "lesser 
evils"--not to mention those who don't even admit their error in viewing 
Obama as the Great One pushing "hope" while advancing the interests of 
Wall Street and the Pentagon.
> Obama's Finest Hour: Killing Innocent People For "Made-Up Crap"
> http://www.chris-floyd.com/articles/1-latest-news/2035-obamas-finest-hour-ki
> lling-innocent-people-for-qmade-up-crapq.html
> Written by Chris Floyd Monday, 18 October 2010 17:03
> If ever I am tempted by the siren songs of my tribal past as a deep-fried,
> yellow-dawg Democrat, and begin to feel any faint, atavistic stirrings of
> sympathy for the old gang, I simply think of things like the scenario
> below, sketched last week by Johann Hari, and those wispy ghosts of
> partisanship past go howling back to the depths:
> Imagine if, an hour from now, a robot-plane swooped over your house and
> blasted it to pieces. The plane has no pilot. It is controlled with a
> joystick from 7,000 miles away, sent by the Pakistani military to kill 
> you.
> It blows up all the houses in your street, and so barbecues your 
> family and
> your neighbours until there is nothing left to bury but a few charred
> slops. Why? They refuse to comment. They don't even admit the robot-planes
> belong to them. But they tell the Pakistani newspapers back home it is
> because one of you was planning to attack Pakistan. How do they know?
> Somebody told them. Who? You don't know, and there are no appeals against
> the robot.
> Now imagine it doesn't end there: these attacks are happening every
> week somewhere in your country. They blow up funerals and family dinners
> and children. The number of robot-planes in the sky is increasing every
> week. You discover they are named "Predators", or "Reapers" – after the
> Grim Reaper. No matter how much you plead, no matter how much you make it
> clear you are a peaceful civilian getting on with your life, it won't 
> stop.
> What do you do? If there was a group arguing that Pakistan was an evil
> nation that deserved to be violently attacked, would you now start to
> listen?
> ...[This] is in fact an accurate description of life in much of
> Pakistan today, with the sides flipped. The Predators and Reapers are 
> being
> sent by Barack Obama's CIA, with the support of other Western governments,
> and they killed more than 700 civilians in 2009 alone – 14 times the
> number killed in the 7/7 attacks in London. The floods were seen as an
> opportunity to increase the attacks, and last month saw the largest number
> of robot-plane bombings ever: 22. Over the next decade, spending on drones
> is set to increase by 700 per cent.
> Friends, it's very simple: if you support Barack Obama and the 
> Democrats --
> even if reluctantly, even if you're just being all sophisticatedly
> super-savvy and blogospherically strategic about it, playing the "long
> game" or eleven-dimensional chess or what have you -- you are supporting
> the outright murder of innocent people who have never done anything 
> against
> you or yours. You have walked into a house, battered down the bedroom 
> door,
> put the barrel of a gun against the temple of a sleeping child, and pulled
> the trigger. That is what you are supporting, that is what you are
> complicit in, that is what you yourself are doing.
> But hey, let's be all super-savvy and eleventh-dimensional ourselves here
> for a moment. Let's be pragmatic, and technocratic, let's be grown-ups,
> let's not get sidetracked by a bunch of jejune, dorm-room, hippy-dippy
> moralizing. No, let's concentrate on practicalities, let's get down to
> brass tacks, let's be serious and focus on "what works" to protect our
> national security. OK, so here's the practical result of the illegal
> campaign of mass murder that Obama is waging on the sovereign territory of
> one of America's allies:
> ... Drone technology was developed by the Israelis, who routinely use
> it to bomb the Gaza Strip. I've been in Gaza during some of these attacks.
> The people there were terrified – and radicalised. A young woman I know
> who had been averse to political violence and an advocate of peaceful
> protest saw a drone blow up a car full of people – and she started
> supporting Islamic Jihad and crying for the worst possible revenge against
> Israel. Robot-drones have successfully bombed much of Gaza, from secular
> Fatah to Islamist Hamas, to the brink of jihad.
> Is the same thing happening in Pakistan? David Kilcullen is a
> counter-insurgency expert who worked for General Petraeus in Iraq and now
> advises the State Department. He has shown that two 

Re: [Marxism] American-style

2010-10-26 Thread Waistline2
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The anti-intellectualism practiced within the Left is still a problem  as 
far as I can see? 21st Century American computer-technology makes possible a  
new revolutionary agency? What's your view about how to build, or even 
begin to  build, a collective revolutionary left? What do you think of using 
electoral  politics as a tool for getting our message out? 
Until we learn how to speak in terms that match the way the American  
peoples think things out in real time, we are in trouble. How people think  
things out in real time express the moment. This is the essence of the  
Yes, the electoral arena is an indispensible area of work. This may not  
entail voting for a democrat or republican candidate in a local race; running  
ones own "independent" candidate or "third party efforts." Much depends on 
local  and state "third party laws," primary laws as who can vote for whom, 
forces  available for petition campaigns, etc. The real action is the voters 
and the  degree to which socialist literature can reach them. 
Voter registration remains a valid area of work the broad left can take  
part in. Living in Florida a couple of years gave me a new appreciation for  
voter registration and efforts to stay on the voting roll after Bush 2000. If 
in  a given area social forces are ripe for an independent working class 
candidate,  "go for it." If one is able to run a socialist or "Vote Communist 
Campaign" so  be it.  I do have some experience with successfully getting on 
the state  ballot from the 1970's. "Back in the day" the Michigan Socialist 
Workers Party  (SWP) and Communist Labor Party (CLP) successfully won 
ballot status during the  same election. If memory serves me correct, each 
candidate required 20,000  signatures. This meant actually engaging the voting 
section of the proletariat.  Since both parties name include "socialist" and 
"communist" this activity was a  beautiful thing. 
There was the 1996 formation of the US Labor Party, which might in the  
immediate future need summing up to avoid some of the pitfalls of sustaining a  
party of labor. One thing is certain; "from nothing comes nothing" and a 
new  Labor party is going to be built from fragments of the old organized 
labor  - trade union, movement and fragments of the Democratic and Republican  
Party, and all smaller parties across the breath and depth of America.  
American is a huge country and one policy seems to me a mistake. 
Electing better politicians is important and mean those expressing the  
striving and needs of the working class, from the lens and standpoint of its  
most destitute sector. 
I have zero "national grand strategy," only a generalized "line of march,"  
along the probable path our proletariat is increasingly pushed to travel as 
a  way to socially necessary means of life. For instance, "boycott all 
elections  without an alternative to Dems or Repubs" everyone in America means 
do not do  electoral work since there is no rational reason to take part in 
voter  registration in most places in America. 
Here is some of the problem: every time a major corporation publicly  
announces it is hiring, 10 - 30 thousand people show up. It is not yet clear to 
the American people that capital cannot employ all those willing to work.  
Electoral work for revolutionaries means taking this fact of our lives to 
voting  America and asks them "how do we solve this problem?" 
By revolutionaries I do not mean socialist and communists, some who are  
revolutionary and reactionary. By revolutionary is meant those fighting a  
practical struggle to make government, state and the system favorable to the  
proletariat. There, I've said it again . . . proletariat. 
A section of the proletariat and its intellectual counterpart begins to  
"think things out" independent of the bourgeoisie; to the degree the living  
proletariat connection with bourgeois property in the process of production 
is  broken. The proletariat is revolutionary in its decay as a class bonded 
to old  social relations of production. 
The industrial proletariat of our past was not revolutionary in  
relationship to industrial capital or financial industrial capital and its  
institutional relations in the superstructure.  This old proletariat was  
revolutionary in relations to manufacture, feudalism and the first stage of the 
industrial revolution. The failure of "social revolution of the proletariat" in 
the advanced countries was not a "subjective weakness of revolutionaries" - 
our  parents and their parents, but an objectivem-mmaterial, impossibility. No 
class  can overthrow the social relations of which it constitutes. 
Some deeply believe failure of revolution in Ame

[Marxism] Elegant take-down of Platypus publishing Islamophobic article

2010-10-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] In Belgium, Unions block Fuel Depots in solidarity with French strikers !

2010-10-26 Thread Daniel KOECHLIN
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Incredible news ! On Tuesday 26 October, Belgium trade unions started blocking 
fuel depots in Belgium in a show of solidarity with French strikers.
Exasperated by the fact that Belgium fuel depots have been used extensively over
the weekend to re-supply French service stations on the other side of the 
border, the FGBT (Federation Generale Belge du Travail) is preventing
tank trucks from entering the depots of Feluy and Tertre in central Belgium.
"Sarkozy is threatening the right of French workers to strike by forcing 
strikers to work against their will. 
He is also trying to break workers' solidarity by sending tank trucks to fill 
up with petrol in Belgium", 
a Belgium trade unionist told Le Monde (see article here) .

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[Marxism] Navajos Hope to Shift From Coal to Wind and Sun

2010-10-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times October 25, 2010
Navajos Hope to Shift From Coal to Wind and Sun

BLUE GAP, Ariz. — For decades, coal has been an economic lifeline for 
the Navajos, even as mining and power plant emissions dulled the blue 
skies and sullied the waters of their sprawling reservation.

But today there are stirrings of rebellion. Seeking to reverse years of 
environmental degradation and return to their traditional values, many 
Navajos are calling for a future built instead on solar farms, 
ecotourism and microbusinesses.

“At some point we have to wean ourselves,” Earl Tulley, a Navajo housing 
official, said of coal as he sat on the dirt floor of his family’s 
hogan, a traditional circular dwelling.

Mr. Tulley, who is running for vice president of the Navajo Nation in 
the Nov. 2 election, represents a growing movement among Navajos that 
embraces environmental healing and greater reliance on the sun and wind, 
abundant resources on a 17 million-acre reservation spanning Arizona, 
New Mexico and Utah.

“We need to look at the bigger picture of sustainable development,” said 
Mr. Tulley, the first environmentalist to run on a Navajo presidential 

With nearly 300,000 members, the Navajo Nation is the country’s largest 
tribe, according to Census Bureau estimates, and it has the biggest 
reservation. Coal mines and coal-fired power plants on the reservation 
and on lands shared with the Hopi provide about 1,500 jobs and more than 
a third of the tribe’s annual operating budget, the largest source of 
revenue after government grants and taxes.

At the grass-roots level, the internal movement advocating a retreat 
from coal is both a reaction to the environmental damage and the health 
consequences of mining — water loss and contamination, smog and soot 
pollution — and a reconsideration of centuries-old tenets.

In Navajo culture, some spiritual guides say, digging up the earth to 
retrieve resources like coal and uranium (which the reservation also 
produced until health issues led to a ban in 2005) is tantamount to 
cutting skin and represents a betrayal of a duty to protect the land.

“As medicine people, we don’t extract resources,” said Anthony Lee Sr., 
president of the Diné Hataalii Association, a group of about 100 healers 
known as medicine men and women.

But the shift is also prompted by economic realities. Tribal leaders say 
the Navajo Nation’s income from coal has dwindled 15 percent to 20 
percent in recent years as federal and state pollution regulations have 
imposed costly restrictions and lessened the demand for mining.

Two coal mines on the reservation have shut down in the last five years. 
One of them, the Black Mesa mine, ceased operations because the owners 
of the power plant it fed in Laughlin, Nev., chose to close the plant in 
2005 rather than spend $1.2 billion on retrofitting it to meet pollution 
controls required by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Early this month, the E.P.A. signaled that it would require an Arizona 
utility to install $717 million in emission controls at another site on 
the reservation, the Four Corners Power Plant in New Mexico, describing 
it as the highest emitter of nitrous oxide of any power plant in the 
nation. It is also weighing costly new rules for the Navajo Generating 
Station in Arizona.

And states that rely on Navajo coal, like California, are increasingly 
imposing greenhouse gas emissions standards and requiring renewable 
energy purchases, banning or restricting the use of coal for electricity.

So even as they seek higher royalties and new markets for their vast 
coal reserves, tribal officials say they are working to draft the 
tribe’s first comprehensive energy policy and are gradually turning to 
casinos, renewable energy projects and other sources for income.

This year the tribal government approved a wind farm to be built west of 
Flagstaff, Ariz., to power up to 20,000 homes in the region. Last year, 
the tribal legislative council also created a Navajo Green Economy 
Commission to promote environmentally friendly jobs and businesses.

“We need to create our own businesses and control our destiny,” said Ben 
Shelly, the Navajo Nation vice president, who is now running for 
president against Lynda Lovejoy, a state senator in New Mexico and Mr. 
Tulley’s running mate.

That message is gaining traction among Navajos who have reaped few 
benefits from coal or who feel that their health has suffered because of it.

Curtis Yazzie, 43, for example, lives in northeastern Arizona without 
running water or electricity in a log cabin just a stone’s throw from 
the Kayenta mine.

Tribal officials, who say some families live so remotely that it would 
cost too much to run power lines to their homes, have be

[Marxism] Islamophobia at Brooklyn College

2010-10-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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By Moustafa Bayoumi

This past August, I briefly occupied a small corner of the culture wars, 
and I felt like a fish in a fishbowl. Everybody was staring at a 
distorted image of me, and all I could do was blink and blow bubbles.

I teach at Brooklyn College, where the undergraduate writing program has 
for the past several years assigned a "common reading" to all incoming 
freshmen. This year the program selected my book How Does It Feel to Be 
a Problem? Being Young and Arab in America, in which I tell the stories 
of seven Arab-American men and women, all in their 20s and living in 
Brooklyn, coping in a post-9/11 world.

The criteria for the common reading are that the book should preferably 
be set in New York City, have a significant immigration component (since 
many of our students are themselves immigrants or come from immigrant 
backgrounds), and be in the form of life stories. It should be by a 
living writer, since the author is invited to the campus to talk with 
students. My book fit the bill. (Previous readings have included Frank 
McCourt's Angela's Ashes and Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and 
Incredibly Close.)

Everything was fine until about a week before classes began. That's when 
the chair of my department called me to report that the college had 
received a small number of complaints from alumni and an emeritus 
faculty member about the selection. She assured me that the college was 
standing by its decision, and the dean of undergraduate studies 
subsequently told me the same thing. But I knew that in today's wired 
world, administrators worry about complaints' hitting the Internet and 
going "viral." And that's exactly what happened.

The tempest was kicked off when Bruce Kesler, a conservative 
California-based blogger who is a Brooklyn College alumnus, labeled me a 
"radical pro-Palestinian" professor in one of his posts and called the 
book's selection an "official policy to inculcate students with a 
political point of view." He said he was cutting out a "significant 
bequest" to the college from his will. (He didn't mention how 
significant his bequest would have been.) In another letter, posted on a 
different blog under the title "Brooklyn College-Stan," a retired 
Brooklyn professor wrote that assigning my book "smacks of 
indoctrination" and "will intimidate students who have a different point 
of view."

My first reaction was one of disbelief. Wow, I thought, is my writing 
really that powerful? But on closer inspection, it became clear to me 
that my detractors hadn't actually read the book. Next I realized how 
insulting those objections were to our students, suggesting that they 
are unable to form independent judgments of what they read.
Enlarge Image My Arab Problem 2
close My Arab Problem 2

I hoped the noise would fade, but within days, tabloid news media had 
grabbed the issue from the right-wing blogosphere. Articles appeared in 
New York's Daily News, The Jewish Week, and Gothamist and were picked up 
by The Huffington Post and New York Magazine. The New York Post ran an 
op-ed by a retired history professor at City College who deftly 
illustrated that one need read only a book's Amazon.com page to reach 
conclusions about it. The op-ed called the selection of my book a 
"scandal" and claimed that it paints "New Yorkers in particular as 
completely Islamophobic" (patently untrue). I received calls at home 
from television news shows, and the local Channel 11 even broadcast my 
picture, calling me "this guy!" in the teaser.

I was ready to hide behind a piece of coral. Both The New York Times and 
The New Yorker pointed out that the controversy was driven almost 
entirely by off-campus conservatives, but it didn't matter. Now I—not 
those manufacturing the storm—had become the controversial one, and 
Brooklyn College was not advancing a liberal education by having 
students read a book about the post-9/11 life experiences of young 
Arab-Americans, but was, rather, "pushing" an "anti-American, pro-Islam" 
book, at least according to rightwingnews.com.

I was getting a very personalized education about how all things Muslim 
are at the center of today's culture wars. I might have found the fracas 
amusing were it not unpleasant to be called all kinds of names in 
public. I certainly didn't recognize my book or myself in the 
descriptions being tossed about. I mean, the only radical organization I 
belong to is the Park Slope Food Coop (from which, I must confess, I've 
been suspended several times).

My surprise at being at the center of a controversy, even a trumped-up 
one, wasn't based on naïvete. Rather, it came from the fact that the 
book had been out for two years already without sparki

[Marxism] Monday, October 25th : blockades in my hometown

2010-10-26 Thread Daniel KOECHLIN
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Here are a few pictures taken yesterday(october 25th) in my hometown. Strikers 
(auto workers, truckers, teachers, students, railway workers)
blocking the entrance to the industrial park and the fuel depot : 

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[Marxism] Seond unity leetter from Socialist Alternative to Solidarity (Australia)

2010-10-26 Thread Tom O'Lincoln
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Dear Comrades,

We were disappointed by your negative response to our letter of 28 September 
proposing the opening up of discussions on the possibility of unity between 
our two organisations.

Socialist Alternative has maintained a consistent position since we were 
formed in 1995 of supporting unity between the organisations in Australia 
that stood in the international socialist tradition. Throughout that period 
important differences existed and continue to exist between the various 
groups over questions of perspectives and around tactical and organisational 
issues. However we don't believe that these differences are sufficient to 
rule out unity. Far from it. We see no reason why they can't be discussed 
and resolved through practical activity within the framework of one united 

So our support for unity is not based on some reappraisal of our assessment 
of Solidarity as an organisation or on some change in our own political 
orientation. It is our long standing position.

We took the initiative of sending our letter because of the statement in 
your open letter to Socialist Alternative in July that "We have been 
encouraged to hear that the leadership of Socialist Alternative now 
envisages the possibility of fusing with Solidarity at some time in the 
future." We hoped that this might mean Solidarity was interested in taking 
practical steps in the direction of unity. Unfortunately you don't explain 
in your latest letter why you have abandoned that more positive attitude to 

You raise a number of issues, such as our orientation in the federal 
elections, our approach to the Labor government, whether we should run left 
tickets against Labor in student elections, as barriers to unity. 
Undoubtedly there are differences between our organisations on these 
tactical questions but we don't see why they should stand in the way of 
unity. To rule out unity on the basis of these very specific tactical 
questions and the other trivial and quite nitpicking issues you raise seems 
to us to be a completely mistaken position. The divisive approach merely 
serves to weaken and discredit the whole international socialist current in 
Australia and the left more generally.

Your approach seems to be one of turning tactical and other secondary issues 
into something approaching questions of fundamental principle. It is an 
approach we appeal to you to reconsider. Such an approach, if consistently 
adhered to on your part, would rule out the unity of the revolutionary 
forces in Australia at any stage in the future. There are always bound to be 
tactical and other secondary differences between and within socialist 

Take for example the question of the socialist approach to the ALP which has 
long been a controversial question on the left. Both Solidarity and 
Socialist Alternative view the ALP as a bourgeois workers party. We both 
called for a vote for Labor over the Liberals in the recent elections. We 
both argued against the common view on the left that independents holding 
the balance of power was a step forward. This is quite a high level of 
agreement and surely a basis for unity.

Indeed it is a much higher level of agreement on the issue than has existed 
in the history of our movement. When the Australian and British Communist 
parties were formed in the early 1920s they united small socialist groups 
and individuals who had deep differences over the Labor party. Some groups 
opposed any participation in parliamentary elections; some considered Labor 
to be an outright capitalist party whereas others were for working inside 
the Labor party. Yet despite these differences it was an important step 
forward for the revolutionary movement when they united.

In 1968 the British International Socialists put out a call for unity of the 
small revolutionary groups in Britain despite considerable differences in 
their approach to Labour. In the late 1980s the British Socialist Workers 
Party proposed unity with Militant, the socialist organisation working 
within the Labour party. More recently the supporters of the International 
Socialist Tendency in France joined the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) 
despite the fact that the NPA does not view the French equivalent of the 
ALP, the Socialist Party, as a bourgeois workers party and has a dismissive 
approach to it.

In the 1970s the Socialist Workers Action Group (SWAG), the forerunner of 
Solidarity and Socialist Alternative, was active in the ALP. It was only 
after years of discussion and practical experience that SWAG concluded that 
it was pointless working in the ALP and adopted an analysis of the ALP as a 
bourgeois workers party.

Viewed in this context Solidarity's disagreement with Socialist Alternativ