Re: [Marxism] What makes Arizona's killer just a loner, not a terrorist?

2011-01-13 Thread Jeff Goodwin
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 Jay Moore:
 For what it's worth to this discussion which has probably gone on too
 long, Loughner's ex-girlfriend testifies that he was quite
 anti-government political and is feigning his mental illness to avoid
 jail because he did not die as planned:

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Doesn't anybody read anything that gets posted here? There is no more
 insanity defense. The laws were changed after Hinckley shot Reagan. The
 prisons are filled with schizophrenics. Sheesh.

Just a small point: LOUGHNER may think there's an insanity defense.

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Re: [Marxism] What makes Arizona's killer just a loner, not a terrorist?

2011-01-13 Thread Jeff Goodwin
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 Jeff Goodwin wrote:

 Just a small point: LOUGHNER may think there's an insanity defense.

 Which just goes to show how crazy he is.

 Michael J. Smith

Actually, lots of perfectly sane but misinformed Americans believe
that the insanity defense is used frequently and successfully. For a
fairly recent study of (appropriately enough) college undergraduates,
see Angela L. Bloechl, Michael J. Vitacco, Craig S. Neumann, and
Steven E. Erickson, “An empirical investigation of insanity defense
attitudes: Exploring factors related to bias,” International Journal
of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 30, Issue 2, March-April 2007, pp.

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Re: [Marxism] Why Loughner shot Giffords

2011-01-12 Thread Jeff Goodwin
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Some interesting letters to the NY Times, contesting an article by the
conservative scum bag David Brooks, who suggests that Loughner's
rampage had nothing to do with politics:

January 11, 2011

To the Editor:

I disagree with the narrow way that David Brooks presents the Arizona
shootings in “The Politicized Mind” (column, Jan. 11).

The suspect, Jared L. Loughner, seems to be a disturbed individual,
but all societies have mentally unstable citizens, and yet the United
States has a high rate of these killing sprees; Columbine, Fort Hood
and Virginia Tech come to mind. These mass killings do not happen with
such frequency in any other developed country. There must be unique
contributing factors beyond the mere presence of mentally ill members
in American society.

I can think of at least three:
¶The easy, unfettered access to guns.
¶The difficulty of obtaining health care for the mentally ill.
¶The toxic and inflammatory political rhetoric in this country.

It is incredible to me that it is easier to buy a semiautomatic pistol
than to operate a car in the United States. There is great irony that
Representative Gabrielle Giffords’s support for the law to provide
health care for more Americans like Mr. Loughner inspired vitriolic
opposition. All societies have their share of Loughners, but only the
United States has the unique environment and lack of support systems
that cause them to act out at a higher rate and with such devastating

Chris Librie
Racine, Wis., Jan. 11, 2011

To the Editor:

I take exception to David Brooks’s efforts to separate the climate of
political hate from the shooting rampage in Tucson. If Jared L.
Loughner had staged his rampage at his workplace, or in his
neighborhood or in some other place devoid of political implications,
Mr. Brooks would be right — another senseless mass killing by a man in
need of treatment in a country in need of better gun control.

But Mr. Loughner was not, as Mr. Brooks contends, “locked in a world
far removed from politics as we normally understand it.” Mr. Loughner,
even if mentally disturbed, chose his venue — a political gathering —
and chose his victim, a Democratic congresswoman.

Furthermore, he made these choices in an atmosphere fired by hate
speech, much of it explicitly directed at Democrats. Mr. Brooks is
correct that we don’t know whether the Tea Party or Sarah Palin’s
targeting of Gabrielle Giffords using cross hairs played any explicit
role in influencing Mr. Loughner’s choice of victim, but his heinous
act, however irrational, was inescapably political.

Mary-Lou Weisman
Westport, Conn., Jan. 11, 2011

To the Editor:

The explanation on your opinion pages for the Tucson shooting seems to
divide along liberal and conservative lines. While liberal columnists
like Paul Krugman (“Climate of Hate,” Jan. 10) emphasize the current
political environment that they contend encourages outrage and
violence, conservatives, like David Brooks, point out that the suspect
is mentally ill and answers mainly to the voices in his own head. Both
offer interpretations that confirm their and their readers’ worldview.

Is it not possible that they are both correct?

Edward Abrahams
Bala Cynwyd, Pa., Jan. 11, 2011

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Re: [Marxism] Loughner's last close friend said that he ignored TV and talk radio

2011-01-12 Thread Jeff Goodwin
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It's hard to know what to make of this interview. This kid hasn't
talked to Loughner in two years (for which he berates himself). Having
taught American undergraduates for 20 years (mainly white and middle
class), I can testify that the political views of normal 20-year-olds
can be quite inchoate and malleable; these views can change
dramatically in a matter of months, often in confused and
contradictory ways.

There's no denying that Loughner is mentally ill, but it seems
possible that we will discover, when all the evidence is available,
that his anger toward Giffords may have stemmed from his sense that
government (represented by Giffords) and perhaps other institutions
(universities?) attempt to dominate and control people, including
their very thoughts. He didn't shoot Giffords randomly or without
premeditation, after all.

Now, the idea that government tries to dominate people is not of
course an exclusively right-wing sensibility. It's a central tenet of
Marxism. Recall that Loughner's favorite books include “Animal Farm,”
“Brave New World,” “Fahrenheit 451,” “One Flew Over The Cuckoo's
Nest,” and “The Communist Manifesto” in addition to Ayn Rand's We,
the Living. (Would we be surprised to find Herman  Chomsky's
Manufacturing Consent on his list?) So while Loughner clearly does
not possess a coherent political ideology, he was obviously not
insulated from political ideas, however much his mind may have
distorted these. These ideas, moreover, seem to include left- as well
as right-wing notions about the evils of government. Perhaps we'll
learn later on that Loughner was more caught up in right-wing ideas
than is evident now.

Of course, until we know more, this is all just so much speculation.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
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Re: [Marxism] 85 per cent of all drugs produced in Afghanistan are shipped out by US aircraft

2011-01-09 Thread Jeff
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At 10:00 09/01/11 -0500, Greg McDonald wrote:

85 per cent of all drugs produced in Afghanistan are shipped out by US

Posted by PCLatest news, World newsWednesday, December 22nd, 2010

I'm sorry to disappoint anyone, but this article is almost certainly
bullshit, from a bullshit website. It does not have an identified author,
and cites no verifiable sources.

Of course it contains certain elements of truth regarding the hypocrisy of
the charges against the Taliban for profiting from the heroin trade, and
the involvement of Ahmed Wali Karzai.

But this article is from a conspiracy website, and every single article I
saw on that site is extremely suspect or just plain wrong. Especially the
health/medical articles! I would have expected the poster of this article
to have checked to see if the website has any legitimacy at all and/or if
the information in the article could be verified or had even been published
by a reputable source. Just posting articles you run across based on their
shock value not only wastes our time, but provides us with misinformation
which we might repeat (since we thought it was from a source that had been
recommended), thus making fools of ourselves (and lowering our public
credibility) when the claims prove unfounded.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] 85 per cent of all drugs produced in Afghanistan are shipped out by US aircraft

2011-01-09 Thread Jeff
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At 15:54 09/01/11 -0500, Mark Lause wrote:

Please elaborate, Jeff.  I agree with you down the line on your rationale
for making this point,
Well my rationale with respect to the article itself is that it was
unsourced, unsigned, and a bit far-fetched. But my judgement of the website
was based on skimming the other articles posted on it. In that respect I
would rather turn the question around: can you find a single article on
that site with information that you know to be accurate? If not, then I
don't think I'm hasty in judging this article as having no more credibility
than the website's health/medical misinformation  (using sunscreen gives
you cancer, don't take aspirin to lower your fever, Detoxifying benzene
cures AIDS) or technology claims (government suppressed invention which
supplies free energy and the 200 mpg car invented in 1933) and other
familiar conspiracy theory material.

 but I don't find this listed at snopes, urban legend
and the other sites identifying such fake news...
Well maybe those sites have a suggestion box you could write to. But
although this IS a conspiracy theory site, one funny thing about it: it is
not a right-wing site at all. It seems sort of geared to appeal to leftists
only, which IMO makes it yet more dangerous since it will just get people
on OUR side making fools of ourselves


At 16:04 09/01/11 -0500, Greg McDonald wrote:
Perhaps Jeff will like this one better:

Well yes, much better inasmuch as it's basically believable (though I'm not
well enough informed on the subject to really judge its accuracy). For
instance, it makes the point that:

In each of these conflicts, Washington has tolerated drug trafficking by
its Afghan allies as the price of military success -- a policy of benign
neglect that has helped make Afghanistan today the world's number one

That's seems a lot more believable than 85% of Afghan heroin shipped out
by US aircraft, don't you think? Not as shocking, but I'd rather run with
the truth than a much more shocking statistic that someone made up and
wrote down for our misinformation.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] 85 per cent of all drugs produced in Afghanistan are shipped out by US aircraft

2011-01-09 Thread Jeff
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At 19:04 09/01/11 -0500, Greg McDonald wrote:
 I note you picked a paragraph
from the second article, the one by McCoy, and quoted it out of
context, to make it appear that McCoy is somehow agnostic on CIA
involvement in Afghan heroin trafficking 
No not at all, that's a misinterpretation. I just grabbed that paragraph as
a summary/conclusion of the article and contrasted it with the one from the
conspiracy site. I'm sure McCoys article about this is accurate as it was
in Vietnam. But the 85% claim was bullshit and you should have noted that
when you first read it: how would someone come to such a numerical estimate
anyway even if it were approximately true?

But thanks for the McCoy article!
- Jeff

from the same article, is much more damning:

To defeat the Taliban in the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA successfully
mobilized former warlords long active in the heroin trade to seize
towns and cities across eastern Afghanistan.  In other words, the
Agency and its local allies created ideal conditions for reversing the
Taliban's opium ban and reviving the drug traffic. Only weeks after
the collapse of the Taliban, officials were reporting an outburst of
poppy planting in the heroin-heartlands of Helmand and Nangarhar. At a
Tokyo international donors' conference in January 2002, Hamid Karzai,
the new Prime Minister put in place by the Bush administration, issued
a pro forma ban on opium growing -- without any means of enforcing it
against the power of these resurgent local warlords.

And of course it is not far-fetched to assume the CIA is involved in
transport, as McCoy states they were in Vietnam. So if you have read
his book on Vietnam, the CIA, heroin, and Air America, you would of
course find the article itself credible, which I did, and still do.


On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Jeff wrote:

 At 15:54 09/01/11 -0500, Mark Lause wrote:

Please elaborate, Jeff.  I agree with you down the line on your rationale
for making this point,
 Well my rationale with respect to the article itself is that it was
 unsourced, unsigned, and a bit far-fetched. But my judgement of the website
 was based on skimming the other articles posted on it. In that respect I
 would rather turn the question around: can you find a single article on
 that site with information that you know to be accurate? If not, then I
 don't think I'm hasty in judging this article as having no more credibility
 than the website's health/medical misinformation  (using sunscreen gives
 you cancer, don't take aspirin to lower your fever, Detoxifying benzene
 cures AIDS) or technology claims (government suppressed invention which
 supplies free energy and the 200 mpg car invented in 1933) and other
 familiar conspiracy theory material.

 but I don't find this listed at snopes, urban legend
and the other sites identifying such fake news...
 Well maybe those sites have a suggestion box you could write to. But
 although this IS a conspiracy theory site, one funny thing about it: it is
 not a right-wing site at all. It seems sort of geared to appeal to leftists
 only, which IMO makes it yet more dangerous since it will just get people
 on OUR side making fools of ourselves


 At 16:04 09/01/11 -0500, Greg McDonald wrote:
Perhaps Jeff will like this one better:

 Well yes, much better inasmuch as it's basically believable (though I'm not
 well enough informed on the subject to really judge its accuracy). For
 instance, it makes the point that:

 In each of these conflicts, Washington has tolerated drug trafficking by
 its Afghan allies as the price of military success -- a policy of benign
 neglect that has helped make Afghanistan today the world's number one

 That's seems a lot more believable than 85% of Afghan heroin shipped out
 by US aircraft, don't you think? Not as shocking, but I'd rather run with
 the truth than a much more shocking statistic that someone made up and
 wrote down for our misinformation.

 - Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Careful with Mearsheimer and Co

2011-01-05 Thread Jeff
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At 11:56 05/01/11 -0500, James Holstun wrote:

..We need to be looking for and exploiting fissures in the ruling 
Absolutely, no one disagrees. But that's a lot different from accepting
their ideological perspective, even when it matches conclusions which we
agree with.

[And BTW, I don't know that I would exactly call Mearsheimer a member of
the ruling class. But his outlook is certainly in support of the
continuation of capitalism and thus the American empire: perhaps that's
what you meant.]

Mearsheimer and Walt are weakest when they prematurely unify America and 
say things like Continued support of the Israeli occupation is not in 
America's self-interest.

Well I don't call that weak (except to the extent that it might be
inaccurate, reading America's self-interest to mean the interest of the
American ruling class). Rather I would simply call it an honest attempt to
state what he actually believes: stop supporting Israel for reasons he
cites which are OPPOSITE to our interests.

 But that's not an 
adequate reason to reject MW wholesale.

Again, no one here rejects their analysis wholesale, but rather their
intentions. Nor is anyone against reading tracts written by the enemy or
various other views, as they may well contain some useful information
and/or food for thought, or read simply to see what the enemy is thinking.
The problem is that when someone simply forwards an article whose
conclusions seem reasonable, it is often assumed that the person posting
that article agrees with the author's point of view. When this was pointed
out, Louis properly distanced himself from MW, but he should have just
added such a disclaimer when posting it originally.

- Jeff 

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2010-12-17 Thread Jeff
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At 12:45 17/12/10 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:

The thread on NPA, Islamophobia, hijab is finished. Now.

Let's see. you think the discussion has descended into name-calling,
generating much more heat than light. Well perhaps I'd agree with you. Then
you should have asked for a more civil discussion, rather than targeting
the original TOPIC of the discussion.

This isn't particularly about the NPA after all (though I am very
disappointed that they have been affected in this manner). But the above
ban on discussion as you have stated it, would make Islamophobia the one
form of racism that can't be discussed on this list! Moreover it's arguably
the most severe racism affecting Europe right now, certainly including
France but also here in the Netherlands where the government that recently
formed was dependent on an agreement with an openly and vociferously
anti-Muslim party (the PVV), and it would not be an exaggeration to suggest
that Islamophobia is the largest issue driving Dutch politics during this
period. Can't we discuss that?

And it's not my fault that the PVV (among others) chooses to use the hijab
as the target of their hate. The government coalition has already agreed to
banning the wearing of the hijab by certain government employees (such as
police) as a first inroad. Two weeks ago a school in the Hague which
receives government funding turned away a teacher who wore the hijab
(whereas Christian symbols are expressly allowed at that school). I hope
you're not saying that this simply isn't a topic for discussion and that in
order to post on a Marxist list I need to look for an economic or
workplace issue.

You are called the moderator so that you can MODERATE the discussion, not
outlaw it!

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2010-12-17 Thread Jeff
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At 17:24 17/12/10 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:

On 12/17/10 4:41 PM, Jeff wrote:

 You are called the moderator so that you can MODERATE the discussion, not
 outlaw it!

Because the people participating have a history of going ballistic when 
such a topic comes up. 

Well all cynicism aside, where does that leave us? I think that these
issues are of critical importance and shouldn't be beyond discussion.

And I can understand going ballistic. I could go ballistic when I see
Marxists going along with racism, for instance. Or Marxists supporting
religion instead of promoting science. Or participating in the oppression
of women. Those are all good reasons for going ballistic in my book.

What you need is to ask for a civil discussion in which, for instance, Dan
and David Thorstad can argue why their position isn't co-opting racism. And
where the rest of us can argue why we aren't supporting religion or the
oppression of women. And get to the issues. After all, this is a major --
if not defining -- issue facing countless organizations including the NPA.
Given that I had been hopeful about the NPA but fear that they might blow
it, I consider it plausible that their orientation toward these questions
could have major historical ramifications, at least if you believe that
France is an important country (yes, I realize that Holland isn't).

Brecht said something about dissolving the people
and electing another.

Now without hiding behind humor and cynicism, I wonder if Lou can come
forth with some clear idea of how important issues (i.e. ones that cause
people INCLUDING ME to go ballistic) can be discussed. Or do we just
stick with safe issues? :-(
- Jeff

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[Marxism] Palestinian antisemitism? -- I don't think so!

2010-07-19 Thread Jeff
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Now this has to be the most pathetic, and UNFAIR, comparison when someone
dared to post an article concerned with sexist (and racist and
homophobic) behaviour in the movement...

At 21:09 19/07/10 +0100, Ian Pace wrote:
How would those of you playing the moral high ground here deal with genuine 
anti-semitism (and it's certainly there) in amongst pro-Palestinian 
You don't deserve it but I'll give you an answer! I can only speak
definitively regarding the Netherlands, but here Palestine solidarity
actions and organizing PROHIBIT antisemitism, period. Anyone bringing an
antisemitic sign to a demo is ejected. Period. Antisemitic chants are
prohibited, antisemites are not welcome at our events, and we make no
common cause with anyone whose opposition to Israel stems from antisemitism
(and they don't like us anyway!).

Of course I would also point out that I have never encountered a
Palestinian who expressed antisemitic sentiments EVEN THOUGH in many cases
their main contact with Jews has been looking down the gun barrel of an IDF
pig! And the last thing I need to hear right now, is a repeat of the
Zionist line about Palestinians being antisemitic (along with anyone who
supports them). ESPECIALLY in the context of this incredible reaction we're
witnessing in response to a thoughtful article about sexism in the movement
which didn't target any individual or group besides the cops and sexists
themselves. I am amazed at how defensive various people including the
moderator became when the discussion was even broached -- but I guess it
all figures.

But whatever nasty things you want to say about feminism, LEAVE THE

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Palestinian antisemitism? -- I don't think so!

2010-07-19 Thread Jeff
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At 01:18 20/07/10 +0100, Ian Pace wrote:
Calm down Jeff, your response is disproportionate.
I would have been perfectly calm if you had just wanted to discuss the
occurrence of antisemitism in progressive movements, for instance. But this
was brought up specifically in response to a protest against sexism in the
movement, and whatever YOU were thinking when you wrote that, the POINT of
it was that we shouldn't get so upset about a little sexism because we
don't get upset about a little antisemitism. Well you're wrong on both

 There is certainly 
anti-semitism to be encountered amongst some supporting the Palestinian 
cause, that doesn't mean it's widespread, let alone a majority thing, just 
as there was real misogyny and homophobia in the Respect coalition. And 
plenty of sexism to be encountered in the trade unions. And racism and 
Islamophobia in some feminist groups.
And exactly what proportion of those are you willing to just accept? Any?
If so, I'd like to hear it. If your answer is none, as I would say, then
that is exactly what all the fuss was about in the first place! NO amount
of sexism is alright just because it's below some threshold, so I view with
absolute contempt any desire to set such a threshold or, as you did
(perhaps subconsciously), imply the existence of a threshold by making a
comparison to a different evil (whether real or imagined). That's the deal.

Now one can take a holier-than-thou approach and just denounce any such 
people in such movements (and likely break them up almost instantly),
No, this isn't about breaking anything up, it's about forcing people to
take sides. Since no one admits to being a sexist, it shouldn't be asking
too much that they don't behave as sexists. Or if they do, then, as the
article suggested, it could be said that they are doing the work of the
cops and THAT is what breaks up movements. When an organization or movement
becomes a hostile place for women, for instance, THAT breaks them away from
what should be a united movement. 

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Palestinian antisemitism? -- I don't think so!

2010-07-19 Thread Jeff
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At 01:52 20/07/10 +0100, Ian Pace wrote:
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Well, Jeff, do you really think there's any chance of bringing about some 
dialogue between Islamic groups - in particular between those rather extreme 
Islamic groups that can attract the more disaffected of young Muslims in the 
West (including quite a number of women) - and other sectors of the left if 
you go barging in with that opinion?

Oh come on, you're really changing the subject. No I don't barge into
meetings in the first place. But if I did barge into or walk into or crawl
into a meeting, then yes of course I still have my opinions. Whether or not
it needs to be on the agenda is obviously a different question. But in this
supposedly Marxist list, I believe the struggle against oppression is
ALWAYS on the agenda (or practically what anyone wants to post on) so yes
of course I can barge into this email discussion. All the Marxists on
this list claim to be anti-sexist (for instance) so why do they become so
defensive when the subject is even broached? 

 But to deny the existence of sexism, 
sometimes quite hard-line, amongst some Muslims would be disingenuous
I never never said anything to that effect!! In fact any Muslim  who
believes in that religion is by definition a sexist (as with any other
major religion) or they would have to take exception with a large part of
the religion's teachings. Of course I work with Muslims just as I work with
other leftists who might be sexist or have any number of objectionable
views or attitudes. What I avoid doing is JUSTIFYING or REINFORCING what I
judge to be so. And when it isn't a religious group but a group (or email
list) that calls itself Marxist, then I really expect more when they
already claim to support these positions, but sometimes only in theory it

but attacking it like a bull in 
a china shop and foreclosing the possibility of some sort of constructive 
Yes, who ever you are talking about has a problem. But it's not me, and you
can't point to anything I've said or Pat (or the others) said that has
anything to do with breaking up movements. It has to do with breaking
down behaviours by well-meaning people (and in a few cases getting rid of
those not-so-well-meaning informers, but that wasn't the main point), by
demanding that they show their anti-sexism in practice, not just as a point
in their party's program.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Palestinian antisemitism? -- I don't think so!

2010-07-19 Thread Jeff
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At 17:58 19/07/10 -0700, Jeffrey Thomas Piercy wrote:

So I take it you're saying that you're completely free of sexism
No, quite the opposite. If it hadn't been for the women's movement and
women raising their voices against sexism, I may well have developed into a
complete sexist. And because there isn't more of that, especially with the
decline of the feminist movement since the '70's, ALL of us are more
afflicted. That's why the lack of such discussion, and particularly the
alarmist response to the initiation of this discussion, is so troubling.
This is the kind of list where men should be UNlearning sexism (among other
such afflictions), not trying to justify it. 

- Jeff

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[Marxism] Mayday in Rotterdam: police forbid and attack

2010-05-02 Thread Jeff
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Here's some video I shot of the police attacking the Mayday demo in
Rotterdam. I realize that police attack demos somewhere in the world every
day, but this was rather significant because this demo has been held
traditionally (for 30 years I understand) on mayday starting at the city
hall in Rotterdam, but this time the police announced that we wouldn't be
allowed to march (supposedly because the sticks our flags were on could be
weapons) and then told us we had to clear out of the area completely.
After moving in and causing people to retreat and forcing us into smaller
groups, they attacked the group still in front of the building with clubs,
horses, and a dog, arresting 14. I only realized how close I got to being
trampled by a horse after watching my own video!

Why the police attacked this time (again, for a traditional demo with a
permit) isn't clear, but might reflect a strategic shift against protest in
context of the economic crisis. Or it might just be that they thought they
could get away with it, partly since the demo was a lot smaller (about 500)
than the usual 1-2000 (due to poorer organizing this year, I think). But
this is held every year more or less without incident, so no one expected
it. And I understand that the police also arrested people at the Mayday
demo in Nijmegen, so this might signal a crackdown on the left and
protesting in NL.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Katyn' (not Stalin, not Trotsky)

2010-04-11 Thread Jeff
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At 16:08 11/04/10 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote:
 However, I would ask if debating the current propaganda wave against
 the fSU is a dead dog or a living Leviathan.

What propaganda wave are you talking about?

I absolutely agree. This is more like wishful thinking by the (if you'll
excuse me) ex-stalinists who are hoping that they'll be demonized, or
claim credit in cases of demonization of other nationalities, and then try
to rebuild their movements on the back of the resulting nationalist
struggle (surely dominated by the right wing). They sadly can't come to
grip with the fact that history has just passed them by and largely
forgotten them sob

Anyway, I can't see why the Poles are so upset about losing their
president. After all, they have another one just like him!

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Re: [Marxism] militias

2010-03-30 Thread Jeff
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At 20:52 29/03/10 +0200, Dan wrote:

I'm trying to decipher, from the accounts in the French press, what the
significance is of these US militia groups, .

Michigan, I am unhappy with the European left's characterization of such
groups as merely far-right.

Dan, that's a reasonable question but shows that you haven't lived in the
US. If you had (as I have) and learned the political cliches and code words
then you would probably see that these groups are indeed extreme
right-wing, whether you want to use the fascist designation or not (which
I won't argue).

This is why I feel there might be a mis-characterization of the current
US militia groupings as ultra right-wing. They do seem to lack the
ideological preference for a strong Nation-State which would regulate
society and the economy.
Yes, their ideology is nominally against Big Government and the
centralization of military power by the federal government. But in
practice, opposition to big government really has to do with high taxes
and big government spending which refers to spending on social programs,
public education, helping the poor, creating jobs, etc. I think that
terminology began big time with Reagan (or before?) as he slashed budget
items that help the poor and cut taxes for the rich, and that was fine with
such anti-government activists. What they are against is any aspect of
government which they might perceive to be socialist. If a Hitler came to
power, you'd never actually see them protesting big government. Don't
take them so literally!

Yes, they often express hostility to the federal government's authority and
military centralization, but again these have to be understood in context.
Such hostility goes all the way back to the civil war (these people mostly
identify with the confederate slaveholding states) and talk of state's
rights so that they could preserve slavery, or in more recent years so
that they could practice racial discrimination. What they hate the most is
when federal troops were used to forcibly desegregate public schools in
Alabama (or much later in Boston, I believe) whereas they want local
autonomy so that they can have a racist society. They aren't really for
communities arming themselves, but only the whites or land owners arming
themselves against minorities, immigrants and the poor.

In Europe, far-right clearly refers to the practices of fascist groups
in the 20s and 30s. These were defined by : 1) rabid anti-communism 
Well of course these US groups are very much so, but with the demise of the
USSR and a credible international movement in the name of communism, the
fascists have different names for us. So they oppose unionists, feminists,
environmentalists, queers, supposed socialists (in the health-care
debate), political correctness, or just anything associated with the left
or left communities. 

So what is to be made of this uniquely American phenomenon of
anti-Federal Government militias ? Is the present economic crisis 
No, these groups aren't new at all. But I think their rise at the present
is part of the backlash to Obama and so they're joining the racist movement
that got energized also around the health-care debate, so they might see
this as their chance to hook up with broader right wing and racist
sympathies that have likewise been energized.

determining factor in the spread of such groups ? Or are they really
just good ol' Fascists that corporate interests are using,
No, they are good ol' Fascists that the corporate interests are NOT using,
but they are HOPING that they will be used soon! That's why they arm
themselves: for the coming race war that many of the more open fascists
have been talking about for years. And now with Obama they see it coming

I hope that Mark is right and that they will stay a small minority and not
gain greatly from the current racist backlash or consolidate anything. But
don't mistake them for being anything other than far-right or fascist. Jay
Moore post was very thoughtful regarding their different issues relative to
the state, but again I see that more as superficial talking points rather
than as anti-fascist in any actual sense.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] doubling of maternal deaths

2010-03-14 Thread Jeff
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 10:43 14/03/10 -0400, S. Artesian wrote:

The legacy of  Milton Friedman, .
Ronald Reagan, that gift that keeps on giving.  Gift is a German word.
I would have totally missed that, except that the same word is used in
Dutch: Gift means poison.

The full report from AI is worth browsing and can be downloaded at:

- Jeff

- Original Message - 
From: Paula

 According to Amnesty International, US deaths from pregnancy and 
 childbirth have doubled over the past 20 years, so that 'the lifetime risk 
 of maternal deaths is greater in the United States than in 40 other 
 countries, including virtually all industrialized nations'.


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Re: [Marxism] Query on Joseph Wilson (of Niger uranium fame)

2010-02-08 Thread Jeff
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 10:27 08/02/10 +0200, Patrick Bond wrote:

Joseph C Wilson
CEO, JC Wilson Investment Ventures, United States and former United 
States Ambassador

He's coming to Durban later this month,

Well I don't have any deep information to help you, but I'll take this as
an opportunity to offer my rant about the guy.

I was sort of disgusted because a lot of the soft-left antiwar movement
sort of described him as a hero of some sort for having contradicted
Bush's lie about Iraq obtaining uranium from Africa. Yes, he did in fact
go to Niger and report back to the effect that Bush's claims were false. So
yes, he told the truth, which is better than lying.

But that only came to people's attention much later, in the summer of 2003,
when he finally went public with it, whereas he said NOTHING PUBLICALLY
before the beginning of the war, when it could well have made a difference!
So it's sort of a case of doing the right thing at the wrong time! The
information he had was explosive, and he deliberately chose to avoid
revealing it while the bombs were raining down on Baghdad, clearly putting
his allegiance to the system ahead of any humanity. I consider that
completely criminal.

Now when he went to Niger in 2002 he did it at the request of the CIA. I'll
say that again. He was working for the CIA. Unless I don't understand the
English language, that means he is or was A CIA AGENT. I'm saying that here
out loud, aware that all of you in the US could actually go to jail for
making a statement of that sort! So once again: Joseph Wilson was or IS A
CIA AGENT, and I can hardly think of a worse thing to say about someone!

And yes, he was (as we know now) married to a CIA agent, and that she was
(until her career was ruined by being exposed by the white house in the
vindictive move against her husband) a lifer in the CIA. And I have never
heard this mentioned, but that means that when he was the deputy US
ambassador to Iraq in 1998 - 1991 prior to the first US war (which he
helped engineer on the diplomatic front), that he brought his wife, A CIA
AGENT also into Iraq under the cover of diplomatic immunity! When diplomats
are accused of spying, the US always denies that such a thing is possible,
that these are separated functions. Ha! That means that the CIA had a
direct plant right in Baghdad who couldn't be touched and could smuggle
whatever she wanted out of Iraq in the ambassador's pouch.

Not just Iraq, but he had several other diplomatic assignments, presumably
also bringing along and giving cover to his wife, the career CIA agent:

I'm sorry I don't have any inside info about his JC Wilson International
Ventures Corp. but I don't think I'll be doing business with them! I
imagine he's making lots of money using his expertise gained through his
wife's CIA activities in every African country where he had a diplomatic
post. I hope you can dig up some more dirt on him before he appears at this
conference. But the bottom line is that he was or is a CIA agent, and
withheld from the public crucial information that would have countered the
Bush war drive against Iraq.

- Jeff

 as part of the Africa Utilities 
'Power Indaba' Conference 
that has raised some concerns. Does anyone have anything interesting to 
tell us about Wilson so we understand context?


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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-12-27 Thread Jeff
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At 10:50 27/12/09 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:

Let's drop this thread,
Well actually I'm rather enjoying reading this thread (though at the
expense of lonely Dogan) and I don't think the issues have been completely
explored since they touch on larger strategic issues.

For instance, one argument was over whether the proposed health care bill
is worse than the status quo and should therefore be opposed. But I'm still
waiting to hear a good discussion of the underlying principle: that any
change for the better should be supported in some sense. That is a more
general issue that obviously has widespread implications.

Also there might be some miscommunication due to the meaning of words. S.
Artesian told Dogan exactly what Liberalism means. But Dogan is in Europe
and here the word Liberal does not refer to the left wing of the ruling
class but rather to the moderate right (the part that most strongly
believes in free-market capitalism and privatization) of the ruling class.
The Liberal party (VVD) in the Netherlands is the furthest to the right
among parties which have been in a government coalition in recent times.
Hence this use of name-calling may be raising the heat of the discussion
while fogging the issues. (Of course I have some names myself for people
like Dogan, but liberal isn't one of them!).

- Jeff

 including the reference to Dogan's name in the 
subject heading. Sayan, like Michael Pugliese, is one of those bizarre 
personalities who has no existence outside of cyberspace. As such, 
paying attention to his ravings gives him an importance he does not 

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Re: [Marxism] Fw: Dr. Kevorkian

2009-12-16 Thread Jeff
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I always know I have won an argument when my worthy opponent:

1) is reduced to a final reply consisting only of sarcasm and name calling.

2) responds with a desperate request for figures and details, none of which
would have any bearing on the arguments I have advanced.

3) includes equally irrelevant snipes tapping into an undercurrent of
American vs. European rivalry (or any similar appeal to subconscious

I wish to dedicate my achievement to the many thousands of transplant
candidates who perish every year due to lack of donor organs and the many
more denied proper medical care due to inequality.

- Jeff

P.S. Les and Lou, please allow me to break Rule #1 this one time. I just
wanted one final display of my victory trophy before it is consigned to the
archives of Marxmail :-)


At 20:45 15/12/09 -0500, S. Artesian wrote:

Well that's helpful-- you say it's so, so it must be so.  Got it.   The 
infinitely more liberal idea you have is a mandatory system without 
identifying the need for a mandatory system.  That truly is liberal.

Of those 100s of thousands waiting for transplant organs-- how many are in 
the eurozone, how many in the EU 16 vs. the EU 27?  What is the basis for 
organ allocation?  What is the trend of the past decade?

Look, if the US is putting out studies that give some idea of the real gaps 
out there, real wait times, and real costs, by the way, I'm sure the EU must 
be doing something along the same lines, or if not the EU, the infinitely 
more liberal govt. of the Netherlands-- so why don't you quite blowing smoke 
and produce some of that data.

 Oh wait, I'm sorry is that being illiberal? Tough.

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Re: [Marxism] Nazism and the Arabs: a debate

2009-11-25 Thread Jeff
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 09:14 25/11/09 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:

Although rather interesting, I didn't see the point of posting this link. 
When I went ahead and read the article (by Jeffrey Herf) I was annoyed and 
about to write a rebuttal. Then I saw that there already was a thorough 
rebuttal (by Richard Wolin, a qualified scholar) in the link underneath it, 
so I won't spend my own energy.

Most reprehensible in the article by Herf (and apparently a primary theme of 
his book, judging by Wolin's rebuttal) is his attempt to provide the 
supposed link that justifies the idiotic term Islamo-fascism:

But the formulation of Nazi propaganda during World War II and its 
dissemination stand as a decisive episode in the development of radical 

Apparently he thinks that ideas planted by the Nazis needed some 40 or 50 
years to smoulder before sprouting the present Islamic fundamentalists. And 
he further insinuates that anti-semitism is a primary component of Islamic 
fundamentalism, as the Zionists would like us to believe. He further reveals 
his bias in this regard:

In the first months after the war, as the scope of the Jewish catastrophe 
in Europe was being revealed, Arab and Islamic radicals showed no sign of 
reconsidering their hostility to Zionism.

Right. The Palestinians whose land was being gobbled up by Europeans with 
the purpose of recolonizing that land after the British would leave, were 
supposed to give up that opposition because of the news that in a different 
continent there had been a genocide against members of the same religion.

Finally he goes on to quote (as the Israelis love to) from the Hamas charter 
which indeed includes some very anti-semitic language. Again he conveniently 
ignores that Hamas has, in practice, renounced such positions, written about 
20 years ago I believe, under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood which 
spawned Hamas (along with covert aid from Israel). And anyway it doesn't 
have anything to do with the struggle of Hamas and the Palestinian nation 
against Israel, again unless you accept Israel's claim that anti-zionism is 
anti-semitism. For a more current position of Hamas regarding the Holocaust, 
see this article written by Bassem Naeem, the minister of health and 
information in Gaza:

Hopefully the points I made are not controversial among the members of this 
list, and I question what's new about the Herf article (and book). Seems 
like just more of the same Islam-bashing that is used to deflect attention 
from the crimes of Israel in the present.
- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Comp Help Needed - Reverb In Online Spoken Videos - Cure?

2009-11-10 Thread Jeff
At 16:45 10/11/09 -0500, Bill Quimby wrote:
I find that many of the online videos I want to see - on YouTube
for example, are recorded in class lecture halls with no sound
absorption. The result is that the video sound has a high degree of
Actually the reason is because they placed the recording microphone
somewhere in the room, rather than on the podium in front of the speaker's
mouth (or equivalently, using a feed from the sound board). The sound
quality was ruined before it even got digitized.

Admittedly my computer has a very old - 10 years at least -
sound card, and trashy speakers.
This has nothing to do with your computer per se; it is an audio problem

 Is there anything I should do
or can do to improve the sound quality on my end
Not much, but I can make one suggestion. More of the reverberation you hear
is at lower frequencies whereas most of the useful speech information is at
higher frequencies. Frequencies below 300 Hz are unneeded for comprehension
(as are frequencies above 3000 Hz, but that's not the issue). You can
adjust the bass and treble controls, or even better use a graphic equalizer
to eliminate frequencies that are not needed for comprehension. However
that may be aesthetically unpleasing since the actual tone of the speaker's
voice will be altered and sound tinny.

Some computer sound driver software includes tone controls, but usually
not. Some computer speakers have bass and treble controls. But the best
solution is to run your computer's sound output into your stereo (or buy a
cheap stereo amplifier for the purpose: you can just as well hook it up to
cheap bookshelf speakers if you are not interested in music quality). If
the stereo has a graphic equalizer that is even better. Otherwise turn down
the bass all the way, and turn up the treble until you can't stand it
anymore: that will give you the best clarity for speech purposes (but
again, it will not sound natural). With an equalizer turn the lower
frequencies (below about 300 or 500 Hz) all the way down.

In the computer I'm using right now, I've plugged an 1/8 splitter into the
audio output jack (a cheap adapter that sends the signal to two 1/8 jacks)
and plug computer speakers into one, and the other goes to a cable to the
aux. input of my stereo for when I'm listening to music. (Listening to
music through average computer speakers means you miss all the deep bass!).

- Jeff

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[Marxism] Black antiwar demo?!

2009-11-08 Thread Jeff
At 14:14 08/11/09 -0500, Thomas Bias wrote:

 I was in Washington yesterday at a very small but important
antiwar demonstration that was about 75% African-American, organized by the
Black is Back Coalition. 

Could you possibly write a few more words about that demo and the forces
behind it? I was very surprised last night to have heard a brief report on
Dutch (mainstream!) radio news about an anti-imperialist demonstration of
American blacks dissatisfied with Obama, but could hardly believe it! Now
that you confirmed it, I searched on the web to find the following story by
AFP, but perhaps you could expand on it. Once again I was disappointed that
its planning hadn't been mentioned on this list (or did I miss it?) while
there is no lack of commentary on what the BPP did wrong 40 years ago.
Which I find important and interesting, but I would hope that current
developments are followed with equal seriousness, rather than waiting 40
years to complain about everything that should have been done differently.
- Jeff

African-Americans slam Obama in White House protest

(AFP) – 20 hours ago

WASHINGTON — Decrying Barack Obama as white power in black face, hundreds
of African-Americans marched on the White House Saturday to protest
policies of the first black US president, and demand that he bring US
troops home.

More than 200 people gathered for the first public demonstration by African
Americans against the Obama administration since his historic inauguration
in January, and slammed the president for continuing what they described as
Washington's imperialist agenda around the world.

We recognize that Barack Hussein Obama is white power in black face,
civil rights activist Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black is Back
coalition which arranged the protest, called into a megaphone as the group
marched outside the mansion's gates.

He is a tool of our imperialist enemies and we demand our freedom. And we
demand that Obama withdraw all the troops from Afghanistan right now.

Protesters also called for Obama to order troops out of Iraq and to scrap
Africom, the controversial year-old United States Africa Command, and
demanded hands off Venezuela and ends to the Cuba embargo and the
Zimbabwe blockade.

Several demonstrators held up placards bearing messages such as US out of
Afghanistan and Stop US war against Iraq.

Charles Baron, a New York city councilman and former member of the Black
Panthers, a Black Power movement in the mid-1960s and 1970s, attacked the
president for turning a cold shoulder to the plight of African-Americans.

We're not satisfied with him, and... this hope and change rap has not been
a reality for black people, Baron told AFP during the demonstration.

We are glad that Barack Obama broke up the white male monopoly on the
White House, but we were not looking for a change in the occupant of the
White House from white to black, we were looking for change in foreign
policies and domestic policies, he added.

To have a black person exploiting me just like a white person, that's no
easier pain.

The group also was calling for the release of former Black Panther Mumia
Abu-Jamal, who was convicted in 1982 of killing a white police officer and
sentenced to death.

The US Supreme Court upheld Abu-Jamal's conviction in April and rejected
his bid for a new trial.

Black Americans voted overwhelmingly for Democrat Obama in last year's
election, when he defeated Republican Senator John McCain.

About 13 percent of US citizens are African-Americans.

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Re: [Marxism] Socialism and animal rights

2009-10-26 Thread Jeff
At 10:32 26/10/09 -0700, nada wrote:
Unfortunately Max, you failed, utterly, to contradict or really 
challenge D'Amato on any of his assertions. His point of the demeaning 
of the concepts of racism and genocide by those that equate the use of 
animals by humans as like the Holocaust is quite true
Absolutely. I think this article is right on the mark.

This debate doesn't have anything to do with which side acts in the best
INTERESTS of animals. Rather it is the unthinking reference to rights and
even self-determination, neither of which would apply universally to
humans. In Marxist literature self-determination generally refers to a
nationality or geographically defined population establishing its own
national state, which obviously wouldn't apply to any species incapable of
such a level of organization only reached by humans in the last few
thousand years.

But rights? Of course we all believe in human and civil rights, but who
here believes that a 4 year old child has a right to run into a busy
street? Or an (adult) Alzheimers patient? When the ALF releases
laboratory animals into the wild (in a climate where they can't even
survive) is that a valid liberating experience for these creatures, any
more than the 4 year old is liberated by being allowed to roam the
streets of New York? It doesn't make sense to talk about rights separate
from the LACK of a right which is being addressed. In other words, outside
of a political context, in which one human entity is RESTRICTING the
behaviour of other humans. There are very specific rights that some humans
need to strive for in specific situations, but just talking about rights
in the abstract is meaningless. So is it for animals.

Most people are against cruelty to animals, so you might say that animals
have a right to avoid cruelty. Fine, you can use the word. But what you
are really saying is that there should be laws against people being cruel
to animals. That is a MUCH better way of looking at the issue and MUCH more
in the INTERESTS of animals. There is not necessarily a competition
between humans and animals or need for humans to dominate or exploit
animals. But is it surprising that a system that treats workers like
animals also treats animals like workers? Yes, farm animals are certainly
exploited and often treated with great cruelty by the system, and we surely
wish to eliminate such abuse. But that doesn't imply rights per se.

As human society has advanced over the centuries, we have become, and will
continue to become, more caring for the welfare of animals and protective
of the environment. If that general trend has been marred by the barbarity
of the capitalist system which cages pigs into small pens (as they also do
with political prisoners), then it is the system, not the human species,
that is to be blamed. 

But on the purely political level, I would have to say that mindlessly
calling for animal rights has the most profound miseducational effect in
trivializing the actual struggles for SPECIFIC rights by SPECIFIC
populations suffering SPECIFIC oppression. D'Amato does a good job of
deconstructing this pseudo-leftist fad.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Large Hadron Collider: Swindle of the Century?

2009-10-19 Thread Jeff
Hey, thanks for the physics lesson Les! (But I hope we're not tested on it
tomorrow  ;-)

johnaimani wrote:
 Indeed the forming of interference patterns even when 
 electrons are fired one at a time through one of two open slits, an action 
 that ought to produce no such interfence(diffraction)
No one said that it shouldn't. There is no difference in this respect
between photons and electrons: the same interference pattern will apply
regardless of the intensity of the beam. In each case it is an indication
(you could almost say proof) of the particles being connected to a
wavefunction which determines the likelihood of one being present as a
function of position and time. The fact that this is unchanged when there
is only a single particle travelling at a time, is only an illustration
that there is no interaction between the individual particles involved in
interference. It is not surprising or paradoxical according to accepted

At 16:09 19/10/09 -0400, Les Schaffer wrote:

the thing is, HOW these LHC papers are being thrown around now DOES
say something about the politics/metaphysics of leading-edge physics.
You mean how they are being thrown around by the popular press? Yes, I
guess I'm not surprised that they would be attracted to some supposed
evidence of god, as well as sensationalizing all the wrong things for all
the wrong reasons. (Or do you mean how they are described by the physicists
themselves? I would say to just completely disregard any
comments/observations which are not connected to scientifically
testable/meaningful propositions.)

some messing around is required in physics to make advances. how
this messing around is sold to the public is worthy of criticism.
What the popular press will present is almost always distorted. When I
watch/read about advances in some field of science where I have little
knowledge, I am awed by the conclusions. But then when the same source
talks about a field in which I DO have expertise, I notice so many mistakes
and misinterpretations I almost want to cry. And that's in the case of GOOD
science reporters who can hardly be blamed for not spending months/years
studying the specific field they're reporting on (especially in an esoteric
field like this). And when it is a source with an ideological agenda,
forget it!

- Jeff  

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Re: [Marxism] Large Hadron Collider: Swindle of the Century?

2009-10-17 Thread Jeff
At 20:25 17/10/09 -0400, jayroth6 wrote:
A fellow activist in Cleveland ( forwarded this to
me under the title 
For Just This BS $6 bln is Stolen from Workers
The article pointed to in TGdaily is absolute bullshit. Trash. There's
certainly no talk about god by actual physicists or in the paper pointed
to (which is indeed a rather far-fetched paper). There are surely
hundreds/thousands of papers proposing experiments for the LHC which will
investigate some very fundamental physics.

So these are the great questions that funding the LHC with dollars
sweated and bled from workers
I could hardly justify diverting this kind of money if it would otherwise
have gone to feeding the hungry. But suffice it to say that the amount of
actual scientific knowledge expected to be gained from this apparatus is
tremendously greater than would be gained from spending $1 trillion on a
human mission to Mars (as Bush pushed for). Even sending people to the moon
again would cost more than $6 billion (at today's prices), also having
almost no scientific value.

I hope that help's put the issue more in perspective.

- Jeff

 worldwide was supposed to answer? There are people dying for want of food
out here.

God sabotaged the LHC, say scientists

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Re: [Marxism] undocumented

2009-10-04 Thread Jeff
At 18:23 04/10/09 -0400, Mark Lause wrote:
I have no idea of what people expect of an open email list.  Anybody of any
background or here for any motive can claim to be anything they want and say
absolutely anything and be outraged about anything...rightly or wrongly.
I have no idea who you are addressing, but your various observations about
email lists have NOT A THING to do with the discussion at hand! The
substantive replies have been in response to the IDEAS which have been
expressed, regardless of whether they had been sent by email or written on
a wall, even regardless of whether the person who wrote them was expressing
their actual opinions or just pretending to believe them, regardless of
whether the person is who they say they are or someone else completely.
When certain things are WRITTEN, then one can respond to the CONTENTS of
that writing with more writing. It wouldn't even matter if I DIDN'T REALLY
EXIST: you still are reading this and can't help but listening to what you

There is one aspect, though, that DOES have to do with the medium of an
email list and an actual person: the moderator who has the power to control
discussion on the list. In response to my very serious and carefully
written post he responded:
This is unmitigated bullshit.

When you accuse one side of 
being misogynist, it cuts off discussion. Period.

 We need to keep these kinds of charges to an 
absolute minimum if we are generally interested in a free exchange of ideas.

The sad thing is that I actually agree with him that thoughtless
name-calling and making personal charges (such as misogyny) are harmful to
a discussion and should be avoided in the interests of a free exchange of

The PROBLEM is that my making such charges was totally imagined! Instead,
I could only see that this hallow call for me to cease and desist,
supposedly to allow for a free exchange of ideas, was ITSELF a way of
stopping the very discussion I had begun!

And that pattern continues. Louis had to make a quip in a totally unrelated
reply about others (me?) being hell-bent on convicting  [the list] of
racism, sexism, homophobia. again all without substance. And when I
called him on that, we get another flurry of emails that again dance around
the substantive issues in order to concentrate on the problems of email lists!

Well I challenge any of you to write about the SUBSTANCE of the original
discussion. Oh, you already forgot? Well Pat is gently trying to remind you

Could i ever jeer at someone who wants to help me understand what it feels 
like to be African American or Latino or Native American in this culture? 

If your answer is a clear no, then you must explain why it IS alright to
take such an attitude in the case of women (another oppressed group) and
victims of sexual assault. That is where the discussion started, about
insensitivity to rape and the effects of that insensitivity, and that is
where it should continue. That is, if you actually had something to say
about it.

And if you don't, then quit trying to shoot the messenger.

- Jeff

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[Marxism] The Power of the State (was: Hate crimes, again)

2009-09-12 Thread Jeff
 have. Again, this
is a law that could send someone to jail (like the hate-crimes laws) and
COULD be misused (for instance, they might find some Formula 79X in the
garage of some activist). But wouldn't opposing that law that be silly? (to
put it mildly!)

Also, you are slightly wrong about the context of this discussion:
Actually racist crime was not the original focus, it was homophobic
Well no I believe you're wrong. In the US these laws began with respect to
hate motivated by race/ethnicity/religion. According to Wikipedia, hate
crimes laws in 32 (out of 45) states include wording regarding sexual
orientation. This discussion on the list began because someone (whose name
I won't mention) is opposing the extension of the laws to include sexual
orientation (his issue), as well as opposing the laws in general. He is
wrong, and his position puts him in tactical alliance with the right wing,
on the basis of the same argument about giving increased powers to the
state that you (and others) have unfortunately repeated.

No, the state doesn't get its powers through laws. When we take a position
on laws (which we don't always have to), our position can only refer to
what the law is actually intended to do, not what we can imagine that it
could possibly be used to justify. Our struggle must be against the actual
state, not the legal framework it uses to explain its actions.

- Jeff

At 14:52 12/09/09 +1200, John wrote:
On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 16:27 +0200, Jeff wrote:
 At 17:48 11/09/09 +1200, John wrote:
 The article David posted is odious
 . But the issue of hate crimes is a separate one.

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Re: [Marxism] A Different Environmental Threat: Peak Rare Minerals, China, and Green Technology

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff
At 19:54 05/09/09 -0700, michael perelman wrote:
One of the keys to Green Technology may be buried in China.
Just responding to the alarmist title of this post Peak Rare Minerals, I
don't see that there is a peak anything. When you point out that China
produces ... 95 percent of neodymium that does NOT mean that there would
ever be a shortage of it if it weren't exported by China. According to
Wikipedia, the earth's crust contains 38 ppm of neodymium, a huge amount
considering its limited use. If they aren't mining much of it elsewhere,
I'm sure that is just because it is cheaper to obtain from China.

Another claim I hear a lot is that the war in the Congo is driven by
minerals, which I don't deny, but then the narrative goes on to say that
Mobile phones are dependent on Coltan (tantalum) mined in the Congo as if
this were a critical source for the mineral. Actually only a small amount
of the world's tantalum is mined from that region. What's more, tantalum
isn't necessarily required to manufacture modern electronics, it is only
used to replace old fashioned electrolytic capacitors with the smaller
variety made from tantalum. Those capacitors are just a tiny portion of the
volume of a telephone and you'd never know the difference if tantalum
weren't used.

I don't think that there will be a peak of any mineral, because when the
price goes up, they just find ways of obtaining it from methods which cost
more. For instance, the production of oil from the tar sands in Canada
becomes profitable with the rise in the price of oil, but then will become
a large extra source of oil whenever the price exceeds that point. Same
goes, I believe, for every mineral: it will be mined wherever and whenever
it is profitable.

And although I always hear about Peak Oil being some sort of disaster, I
don't understand that because it would be a VERY GOOD thing if it were
real! It would force a shift to greener energy BEFORE the CO2 level rises
too high. Unfortunately there is little evidence of peak oil and it
appears that the CO2 level WILL rise greatly because of the availability of
oil and coal. Unless there is a different force for shifting energy
production, but that clearly won't be the free market as long as there is
an economic advantage in relying on fossil fuels.

I'm not aware of any mineral that is reaching a peak in production as
long as there is increasing demand, and I think that such headlines are
alarmist and inaccurate.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] A Different Environmental Threat: Peak Rare Minerals, China, and Green Technology

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff
At 09:04 06/09/09 -0700, Michael Perelman wrote:
Jeff, I agree with everything you said except your point about the 
word, peak. Mathematically, as long as a fixed supply exists, there 
will necessarily be a peak point in extraction.
Well you've obviously studied the economics of this, but what I have seen
about peak oil seems oversimplified in several ways. For instance, it is
often said that the peak occurs when half of the fixed supply has been
depleted, but there is no reason to assume that that should even be
approximately true. The production might well just increase to meet demand
right up to the exact end of the supply, if it were simply like emptying a
big can of oil that suppliers had. I would imagine that a peak in
production will occur at the point where the cost of producing energy using
oil exceeds the costs of energy from other sources (which are coming down)
so it would have as much to do with other forms of production (and energy
demand), not just how much oil is left in the ground.

But my main point was that there might NOT be a fixed supply to speak of,
but rather a supply which just becomes more and more expensive to tap, so
that the ultimate amount available doesn't really enter into it. That is
even more true for minerals, since I believe the supply is virtually
endless if you're willing to dig deeper and bigger mines (not that I want
them to!).

Here are another problem arises because the extraction, as I understand 
it, requires removing an immense quantity of earth, then using solvents 
of some kind 
Yes, that's not nice, but I thought you were originally addressing the
economics of the matter. And in particular the implication that the Chinese
might obtain a stranglehold on minerals needed for technological progress
(in this case neodymium used for making the strongest permanent magnets for
the most efficient and lightest motors and generators). If that were really
a threat, then they would just gear up for mining it elsewhere. If they
aren't doing that, it's because they trust the Chinese to continue
supplying it at a better price.

I think the discussion of such shortages has to do with the short-term
price fluctuations that may concern industry and speculators, but the
specter of any one country (or even a few countries) having long-term
control of one essential resource doesn't seem like a real problem. They
would find alternatives if and when they had to.

to separate out the minerals.
In the case of gold, 1 ounce requires 30 tons of rock to be moved and 
then treated with cyanide.
Yes that's disgusting, especially when you consider how much of that gold
will be used only for its symbolic value (rather than the utilitarian value
gold has in plating contacts for electrical connectors etc.). Note that the
proportion you just gave of 1 ppm of gold in the ore they mine, is much
lower than the 38 ppm of neodymium over the entire earth (not to mention
its abundance where they actually mine it), and the yearly production
(again according to Wikipedia) is only 7000 tons (but surely rising rapidly).

Also, there may be a semantic confusion involved. Neodymium is classified
as a rare earth according to its position on the periodic chart, but that
is just the name for elements of atomic number 57 to 71. It isn't nearly as
rare as gold or platinum. Its production being dominated by China doesn't
seem to be of long-term significance, as far as I can tell, and it
certainly isn't facing any peak in production due to depletion.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-08-31 Thread Jeff
At 16:38 31/08/09 -0400, Les Schaffer wrote:

anyway, please discuss the issues of bandwidth, ease of reading long 
online articles, difficulty parsing long posts, etc.

And I just wanted to correct the numbers I threw out before, when I said
that the webpage (107KB) was 7 times more data than the same article sent
as an email (16KB). It's much worse! I hadn't noticed, but that particular
webpage (but again, this is typical) was only the FIRST of 3 containing
that article; the other two parts were probably of similar length. Also,
the 16KB of the email containing ALL the article's text is only 12KB longer
than a one-line email (4KB). So I could safely estimate that someone will
use more bandwidth viewing ONE such article on the web than receiving 20
such emails each containing the full text of such an article. (And that is
just for someone whose web browser is set not to download images).

Having put the bandwidth issue to rest, I will also thank Fred for copying
all 3 parts of that article into one email, for MY/OUR convenience!

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Petras strikes again

2009-08-27 Thread Jeff
At 20:10 27/08/09 +0200, Nasir Khan wrote:

I welcome Jeff’s comments in response to Petras’ article I had posted.

And I welcome your taking the time to respond to my concerns. I will make
this rather short, because actually most of what you have written I have no
disagreement with. But that is also because you didn't concentrate on (or
perhaps you didn't appreciate) the point of my criticism of Petras, and my
implicit criticism of those who propagate his analysis (and the writings of
the clearly right-wing antiwar commentators who have also been mentioned in
this context) while there is already a large quantity of literature
describing the criminal destruction of Iraq and the imperialist motivations
which led to their aggression.

 Those who have cared to read the full article must have seen that
Petras’ main focus was on the destruction of Iraq  wrought by American
invaders and their allies.
Yes, the larger part of his article described that destruction, and if that
had been his whole article I would have expressed no objection whatsoever.
Except that it's coming rather late, in 2009, but with the occupation and
carnage continuing, no one can say that we have heard too much about the
criminal invasion of Iraq.

But again, my problem is that he has used this legitimate concern only to
buttress his theses concerning the supposed control of the American
government by Israel, what he calls the Zionist Power Configuration
(requiring its own abbreviation: ZPG) in which Jews in the American ruling
class and government are acting as agents of a foreign power rather than
acting in the interests of American capitalism. That is the issue, and that
is where his analysis is both wrong and provides ideological support to the
right wing.

There are (at least) two right wing ideological pillars that his analysis
plays into. And of course these don't apply to the majority of the right
wing in the US (which supported that war, after all) but more specifically
play to the ULTRA-RIGHT. And the ultra-right, in return, has seen popular
opposition to the war in Iraq as an opportunity to recruit though
propaganda which is eerily similar to the writings of Petras. The two
ideological issues I can immediately identify are:

1) Antisemitism and associated conspiracy theories. Now Petras is NOT an
antisemite himself; I never meant to imply that. However the suggestion
that the actions of the US government are secretly controlled by an ethnic
(or religious) minority which is acting primarily in the interests of a
foreign state, clearly qualifies as a classical conspiracy theory. In
this case it is not an Israeli conspiracy theory, since those individuals
are American, not Israeli citizens. No, it is, I'm sorry to say, a Jewish
conspiracy theory, in which Petras identifies 6 Jewish names as belonging
to the most important political force responsible for the invasion of
Iraq. I don't know what else to call it.

2) By pinning the primary responsibility for American foreign policy on an
external power, Israel, he relieves the US ruling class of guilt for its
own actions. I realize you are not American, but in the US this is a common
theme of the far right: to ascribe government policies they don't like to
the (supposed) power of external interests which have corrupted the US
government. This is generally used to attack liberals in the government
who they see as caving in to the interests of foreigners or ethnic groups
which they SEE as foreign such as Blacks or Mexican immigrants.

In this case the target isn't particularly liberals (even though they
mostly supported the war) but the bulk of the government, which again,
includes a fair number of Jews. So according to this worn out narrative,
the true interests of America, American resources, the lives of American
soldiers, and the reputation of the US have been hijacked by special
interests (code word for minorities). I'm afraid Petras himself makes
reference to the damage to American interests incurred by the supposed
domination of the ZPG. This is right in line with the right wing argument
that by allying itself with Israel, American interests have been

And just to be clear, I consider the alliance between Israel and the US to
be of tremendous significance and I don't reject holding a nuanced
discussion on the character of that alliance and its history, including the
role of AIPAC and the Israel lobby in the US. Personally I believe that
Israel is mainly a tool of the US ruling class, not the other way around.
But this can all be discussed, debated, and reanalyzed. However when
someone's argument takes the form of defending American interests against
foreign interests (not to mention Jewish interests), then I have to
wonder who I am discussing this with and what their true agenda is.

However, the danger of ‘miseducational effect’ that Jeff refers to in
Petras' analysis is the ethnic identification of the American high
officials in the Bush administration. I think

[Marxism] James Petras strikes again :-(

2009-08-25 Thread Jeff
At 21:00 24/08/09 +0200, Nasir Khan wrote:
[see  [Marxism] The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization]
[full text:]

by James Petras, Dissident Voice, August 21, 2009

The US seven-year war and occupation of Iraq is driven by several
major political forces 

[including] the following (in order of

Unfortunately the quote ends there so you do not get Petras' list of
political forces behind the Iraq war unless you go to the full article as I
did. What you will find is exactly TWO items on his list (of why the US
went to war in Iraq), which are, in order of importance:

1) What he calls The Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), essentially
referring to JEWS in the US government whose top priority was to advance
Israel’s agenda.

and (of less importance):
2) Civilian militarists (like Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney)
who are NOT JEWISH.

I'm sorry to boil it down to this, but that is just about what he says; I
don't think that I misread it! My revulsion isn't just that his analysis
is wrong, as most people reading this will recognize (but I'm not putting
it beyond debate). I'm worried about the EFFECT of framing the issue in
such terms which go beyond analysis and into ethnic identification of the
enemy. That has a miseducational effect on the left (the majority of those
who would be reading this) and misrepresents the legitimate positions of
the left which oppose western imperialism without requiring (in the first
instance) a distinction between the interests of the US and the Israeli
ruling classes, let alone identifying the ethnicity of US government leaders.

I don't want to be dogmatic and certainly an in-depth analysis of
individuals/ideologues involved in government decisions can discuss all
aspects of their background. But it is clearly troubling when one's
analysis of a imperialist nation going to war requires an ethnic
identification of the leaders who are considered responsible, especially
when it is further stated that they are acting in the interests of a
foreign power. Petras essentially says that, but being a leftist doesn't
go so far as to call them disloyal or acting against the interests of the
US as is openly charged by right-wing antiwar forces such as Paul Craig
Roberts and Jeff Gates, whose columns have also been forwarded to this list
by Nasir Khan, with equal disregard.

BTW my objections here are not directed to Nasir Khan, the poster, who
apparently doesn't read what's posted to the list (or if he does, he has
essentially never reacted to what someone else has written). I assume he
isn't reading this (but if you are, please prove me wrong!). I am worried
about this form of discourse infecting the left, or even being seen as
acceptable. There does exist, especially in the US, a right-wing antiwar
movement (, Pat Buchanan, etc.) and they never fail to direct
their anger against Israel. Indeed most of what they say about either the
US government or Israel and their filthy wars is not unlike our own
propaganda. But you can look a little deeper and they generally betray
their identification of Zionism with Jews and an international link which
is tantamount to the International Jewish Conspiracy theories of yesteryear.

Unfortunately Petras seems to be walking the same ground. I say
unfortunately because unlike the above listed individuals, I can see that
Petras IS an actual leftist, so I consider this also a matter of
embarrassment rather than just denouncing someone as an antisemite (as I
will happily do with those right-wingers I mentioned). And there is a
possibly legitimate debate about whether Israel led the US into the Iraq
war as these right-wingers like to claim, but is also erroneously believed
by some leftists. There was a debate over the role of the importance of the
Israel lobby in determining US policy between Petras and Norman Finkelstein
which is transcribed at:

The spectrum on this issue is described by the moderator as spanning views
from Walt/Merscheimer to those of Noam Chomsky. While Petras is in the
former camp, Finkelstein places himself in the middle of this spectrum
(but I doubt Petras would give him any credit relative to Chomsky!). I
think Finkelstein wins the debate (my own prejudice, perhaps) but in the
course of the discussion, Petras even laments Finkelstein's blind spot,
which is understandable given his ethnicity! I suppose that would also
disqualify reasonable discussion of these issues by many members of this
list. :-(

Petras makes the extent of his views rather clear in this excerpt:

I think it is impossible to deny this and say 'Well, you can't deduce policy 
from ethnic affiliations. Yes, you can! When that ethnic group puts forward 
a position that puts the primacy of a foreign government at the center of 
their foreign policy and prejudices the lives of thousands of Americans

[Marxism] Paranoia over state surveillance

2009-08-23 Thread Jeff
 can only be to our

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Jeff
At 14:13 05/08/09 EDT, WL2 wrote:
The Soviet armed forces should have not looted Germany? Why not? 
Well lots of reasons why not. But more importantly, this was a discussion
about mass RAPE, which you address in terms of LOOTING = stealing PROPERTY.
Did I get that right??

Your old Indian story makes the same equivalence:
Why should another teepee for the violator be provided? Are we to also to  
hunt the buffalo to feed him; bring him fresh water and another women
Does anyone see a difference between bringing a needy person (rightly or
wrongly) a teepee, buffalo meat, fresh water, and a WOMAN?? 

The Soviets did not loot Germany. Expropriation of the fascist classes and  
supporters was not an act of looting. The capitalist and fascists loot. The 
 proletariat expropriate. 
Alright, expropriate what? This was a discussion about rape of women.
Exactly what does the proletariat have a right to 

Is this all in my head, or do we have a different idea of what constitutes

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Totalitarianism and Mass Rape

2009-08-05 Thread Jeff
 Alright, expropriate what? This was a discussion about rape of  women.
Exactly what does the proletariat have a right to expropriate?  

Is this all in my head, or do we have a different idea of what  constitutes

- Jeff

Your direct response (below) totally misses my point, and thus PROVES my
point in a way I could hardly have done myself!
- Jeff

WL2:(Intentionally NOT clipped)
This is  what was stated: 

Germany should have been liberated of an equivalent  value equal to that 
in which she 
took from the Soviet workers as war  aggressors. The German army was not 
filled with capitalist but workers.  

EQUIVALENT VALUE EQUAL TO . . . . is what was acceptable payment for  
crimes against the Soviet people. One does not have to demand reparations
but to  
demand such is not wrong morally or politically. 
From time to time the issue of reparations to blacks in America - because  
of slavery, is raised and discussed. Generally, I do not weigh in on this 
issues  because I do not advocate reparations in this instance. If anything 
reparations  would be North to the South under proletarian rule. In the
a different  solution would be formulated. However, those Marxists that 
support reparations  for blacks are not politically wrong. Or morally
I do believe such advocacy by Marxists is a view of American history  with 
a Northern bias.  

On the issue of reparations and the unequal  treaty of the US government 
with the Indian nations, I tend toward strong  support for reparations and 
ending the unequal treaties as immediate and long  term payment for

The Soviets did not loot Germany.  

It was the German fascist that did the looting.  

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[Marxism] Rape instinct??

2009-08-05 Thread Jeff
At 16:40 05/08/09 EDT, wrote:
The notion that the Soviet troops would be shorn of the same human  base 
instincts when involved in such a brutal war as any other troops  is 
idealistic in the extreme.

I won't even start on this one
- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Rape instinct??

2009-08-05 Thread Jeff
At 17:18 05/08/09 EDT, you wrote:

Well, let's see. If, as I do, you consider rape a form of violence

, and the 
 purpose of war to inflict more violence on your enemy than they inflict on 
That sounds like a prescription for war crimes of every sort! War is
normally defended as having strategic goals and what you just described
goes beyond what most armies consider acceptable even by their OWN
standards! Notwithstanding that it is commonplace in practice. 

 and given that the war in question was one of the most brutal and 
cruel in human  history, why would you think that rape would not be part and 
parcel of the  violence involved?

That was already answered by Einde O'Callaghan:

If I recall correctly, during the Russian Civil War, i.e. when the Red 
Army was under the political leadership of Trotsky, rape was strictly 
forbidden and harshly punished - up to and including the death penalty. 
Enforcing this was one of teh roles of the political commissars. When 
political commissars neglected their duties they were also subject to 
the harshest penalties - also including the death penalty.

This isn't a discussion about Soviet soldiers, it's about the Soviet ARMY
which included a command structure. That command structure went right up to
the top. That is why we hold Bush and Cheney responsible for what happened
at Abu Graib, for instance, even though they cannot (easily) be directly
connected to any particular act of torture. So Stalin and the CPSU are
responsible both for the successes and failures but also for any systematic
abuses by the military they led.

Talking about indiscipline among the troops doesn't work either. Low
ranking soldiers faced with war have an instinct, if you will, to retreat
and save their skins. Armies advance into battle because of discipline
handed down from above. If that discipline had included the death sentence
for rape, as it did under Trotsky's leadership (according to the above
quote), would the outcome not have been quite different?

Revenge, whether we wish to  
admit it or not, is a very basic human instinct. Look, for example, at the 
US  reaction to 9/11
Great example. Ideology and propaganda has nothing to do with it. Racism
and nationalism has nothing to do with it. Just the revenge instinct.
Boy, did YOU ever get the ruling class of the hook!

In fact, to separate out the rape from the rest of the violence inflicted  
in the course of this war, and, further, to focus on the rape committed by 
one  side
I wasn't focusing on the rape from either side: that's a matter of history.
I was focusing on the CURRENT insensitivity toward rape among Marxists
here and now. That's a tragedy that continues to the present :-(

And also:
Further, to assert that .
somehow  the Red Army was made up of barbarians as opposed to the nice, 
clean British or  American troops, surely constitutes a case of unconscious 
Yes it would. Everyone on this list who has stated that position should be
kicked off immediately. 

- Jeff

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[Marxism] Call to protest Israeli raids in Bil'in

2009-08-04 Thread Jeff

Take action against suppression of Palestinian non-violent
resistance in Bil'in

At around 3am on Monday morning, a large military force wearing combat
paint and masks invaded the West Bank village of Bil'in. Israeli
soldiers raided several homes, arresting 2 Palestinian children, 5
Palestinian adults including Mohammad Khatib of the Bil'in Popular
Committee Against the Wall and Settlements. The home of another member
of the Popular Committee was raided, but soldiers could not arrest him
because he was not present at home.

Also arrested were the three brothers Khaled Shawkat Abd-Alrazic al-
Khateeb (age 23), Mustafa Shawkat Abd-Alrazic al-Khateeb (age18), and
Mohammed Show gut Abd-Alrazic al-Khateeb (age 16); Abdullah Ahmad
Yassen (age 18); Abdullah Mohammed Ali Yassen (age 16); Issa Mahmoud
Issa Abu Rahma (age 40); This brings to 19 the number of Bil'iners
currently in custody.

Monday's raid is another in a series of many that Israeli forces have
carried out in Bil'in since 29 June 2009, Israeli forces have
arrested 25 people (most are under 18). Israeli forces have been using
interrogation techniques to pressure the arrested youth to give
statements against Bil'in community leaders.

Abdullah Abu Rahme, coordinator of the popular committee stated,
Mohmmad Khatib and Adib Abu Rahme along with other leaders of the
Palestinian popular struggle are being targeted because the mobilize
Palestinians to resist non- violently. The fact is that the Apartheid
Wall and the settlements built on Palestinian land are illegal under
international law, in the case of our village even the biased Israeli
court declared the route illegal. Yet Israel is prosecuting us as
criminals because we struggle nonviolently for our freedom.

What you can do?

Attempts to criminalize the leadership of non-violent protests were
curbed in the past with the help of an outpouring of support from
people committed to justice from all over the world.

1. Many of you have met Mohammad Khatib and perhaps one of the others
mentioned above. We need you now to personally testify about your
knowledge of them and their commitment to non-violence. Write a letter
to the Israeli military judge and please send to

2. Please Protest by contacting your political representatives, as
well as you consuls and ambassadors to Israel to demand the release of
Mohammad Khatib, Adib Abu Rahme and all Bil'in prisoners.

3. The Popular committee of Bil'in is in desperate need for legal
funds in order to pay legal fees and Bail. Please donate to the Bil'in
legal fund by paypal click . If you would
like to make a tax deductible donation in the US or Canada contact:

The Bil'in Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements


The Palestinian village of Bil'in has become an international symbol
of the Palestinian popular struggle. For almost 5 years, its residents
have been continuously struggling against the de facto annexation of
more then 50% of their farmlands the construction of the apartheid
wall on it. In a celebrated decision, the Israeli Supreme court ruled
on the 4 September 2007 that the current route of the wall in Bil'in
was illegal and needs to be dismantled; the ruling however has not
been implemented. The struggle of the village to liberate its lands
and stop the illegal settlements has been internationally recognized
and has earned the popular committee in Bil'in the Carl von Ossietzky

On 21 July 2009, a military judge decided to hold Adeeb Abu Rahma, a
leading non-violent activist that was arrested from a demonstration
against the barrier that took place in Bil'in village on 10 of July
(see video at:, until the end
of proceedings against him. This could mean months or a year in
military prison for Adeeb, who is being charged with incitement to
violence and rioting. He is the sole provider for his family of 9
children, wife and mother.

One demonstrator, Basem Abu Rahma, was killed at a demonstration as he
was attempting to speak with the soldiers. (Video can be seen on




Major night invasion in Bil'in 03.08.2009
At 3am, the occupation forces invaded the village of Bil'in. A total
of some 200 soldiers with combat paint in their faces and masks
entered the village on foot at several points of entry. 5 homes were
raided and a total of 8 people were arrested, 7 Palestinians and one
international activist from the United States.
The arrested Palestinians are: the three brothers Khaled Show gut

Re: [Marxism] Play the End of America game

2009-08-04 Thread Jeff
At 16:45 03/08/09 -0700, you wrote:

Thanks for posting this! It's almost as much fun as throwing shoes at Bush.
But unlike that game where 70% of my shoes were wasted :-( in THIS game I
achieved the end of America 100% of the times I played! I must be a
really good player!! But the game is still a bit unfair because it only
lets you choose 5 disaster scenarios; I'm going to reprogram it so you can
select 30 or 40 (y'know, just to make sure the job gets done). Oh don't
worry, I'll remove the ones that could also have a negative effect on
nearby Cuba (aka collateral damage ;-)

- Jeff

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