Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-03 Thread Lüko Willms
Gary MacLennan ( wrote on 2009-08-03 at 
09:31:04 in  about Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" 
with Iran Re: Fred Feldman:

  in response to my short quip: 
> "One can't really separate one from the other."

  he responded:

> Of course we can & moreover we have to.  

> The world is still in love with the "Man from yes we can".  True at home in
> the U.S of A, according to the polls, the glister is appearing to be wearing
> thin and that is a sign of real hope.

> there is also an urgent need to attack the illusions in Obama. 
> He and the Democratic Party are the enemy.

> Just because there also exists a bunch of troglodytes slavering around the
> place does not mean that we should ever lose sight of what Obama as a
> bourgeois politician is and what bourgeois politics is all about -
> maintaining the rule of the bourgeoisie. That is simple but it is not
> simplistic at all at all.

  Simplistic is to proclaim that it is one or the other. In reality it is 
contradictory. "Splitting up the unity and recognition of its contradictory 
is the essence of dialectics" [my translation from German] is how Lenin 
begins a short article "On the question of dialectics" he wrote in 1915, while 
he was preparing taking power in the October Revolution by studying Hegel. 

  Obama is not a homogeneous object, he is full of contradictions. Our task, 
that of proletarian revolutionists, is to recognize those contradictions and 
on them. 

  It is necessary to defend Obama's initial remarks about that Gate incident 
against the racist, white-supremacist campaign he was confronted with 
afterwards. It is necessary to criticise him for receding in front of those 

  And it is possible without falling in the trap of proclaiming Obama "all bad" 
or "all good". 

  Frederick Engels spoke of the "unity of identity and difference". 


Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

visit Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotzki in 

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Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-02 Thread Mark Lause
After misrepresenting me, Gary magnanimously declares himself "content
to let Mark have the last word here."

He also generously declares his willingness to look at the evidence
that I've challenged "the illusions in Obama."  So I am guilty until I
prove myself innocent.  Most of what I say on this most explicitly
takes place in the real world not on email, but the archives include
quite a bit by me on this subject over the last couple of years.

Most recently, I wrote "that the ruling class never scheduled an Obama
administration but instead scheduled him to provide a figurehead for
Clinton Redux.  That's been his course, even down to the 'pragmatic'
retreat from rhetoric towards the demoralization of his disillusioned
supporters and defeat in the first off-year election."

The rest of the post continue in that vein, though it was written all
the way back on...Friday, July 31...


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Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-02 Thread Gary MacLennan
> I've been fighting the illusions in Obama from the time he became a
> figure on the national political scene, particularly over the course
> of the campaign, and haven't seen any reason not to do so.
> Gary treats what I've actually said on this about as seriously as do
> my bosses.  It's a strange kind of socialism
> ML

I am content to let Mark have the last word here. Moreover if he can direct
me to the posts where he has fought the illusions in Obama, I will read them
and of course offer a full apology. But I need to see to believe.



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Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-02 Thread Mark Lause
Gary MacLennan wrote:
> what Mark has
> persistently refused to acknowledge is that there is also an urgent need to
> attack the illusions in Obama.

Gary's assertion that I've "refused to acknowledge . . . an urgent
need to attack the illusions in Obama" is a rather pathetic pinkish
reflection of the same kind of assertion the birthers make that Obama
hasn't addressed the issue of his birth.

I've been fighting the illusions in Obama from the time he became a
figure on the national political scene, particularly over the course
of the campaign, and haven't seen any reason not to do so.

Gary treats what I've actually said on this about as seriously as do
my bosses.  It's a strange kind of socialism


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Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-02 Thread Gary MacLennan
Friendly & comradely greetings to Luko who in reply to my post on resisting
the temptation to rush to defence of Obama instead of sticking to the task
of defending the people said

"One can't really separate one from the other."

My response:

Of course we can & moreover we have to.  The ruling class need Obama much
more than the working class do.  True a rabid section of the ruling class is
perhaps seeking to destroy him.  Though  I must register my
personal scepticism about this. Just as I was sceptical when Walter (bless
him!) raised the Clarence Thomas "attack" on Obama, I am sceptical now.
about the existence of any move to destroy Obama's presidency.  To my mind
it is all going to plan for large sections of the American ruling class.
The world is still in love with the "Man from yes we can".  True at home in
the U.S of A, according to the polls, the glister is appearing to be wearing
thin and that is a sign of real hope.

I did not really understand Mark's post about the "birther crap" -
presumably that is a reference to the smear that Obama was not born in the
USA.  Of course we defend anyone against racism etc. But what Mark has
persistently refused to acknowledge is that there is also an urgent need to
attack the illusions in Obama. He and the Democratic Party are the enemy.
Just because there also exists a bunch of troglodytes slavering around the
place does not mean that we should ever lose sight of what Obama as a
bourgeois politician is and what bourgeois politics is all about -
maintaining the rule of the bourgeoisie. That is simple but it is not
simplistic at all at all.

Now just in case someone is tempted to reply with the invective of
"ultra-left", I do of course recognize the need to maneuver and to attempt
to divide and position factions within the enemy camp and also I see the
absolute need to fight for gains however small. Having said that I look
forward to the day when the mass of the American people consign the Obama
moment to the dust bin of history.



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Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-02 Thread Mark Lause
Did anybody here expect any different in terms of U.S. relations with
Iran?  I can't recall anybody expecting any change with Obama in terms
of foreign policy.

His primary contribution there was always going to be putting a darker
face on Clintonian policies

As to "defending Obama," it's an earmark of the movement to defend
anyone under attack because of the invidious distinctions of race,
gender, gender preference, etc.  We always have.  I regard the
"birther" crap as nothing but this, for example.

Whilee--as the birther stuff indicates-[-we live in a much dumber
universe than we used to, I don't think anyone seriously confuses this
with political support...unless they want to, of course...


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Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-02 Thread Lüko Willms
Gary MacLennan ( wrote on 2009-08-02 at 
21:07:51 in  about Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" 
with Iran Re: Fred Feldman:
> But all that is really pointless compared with the reactions of all those
> who invested their hopes in Obama.  What will they do now that the
> dialectics of disillusionment have begun? Impossible to say but let me be
> frank that that I think it is most important that we do not fall into the
> trap of defending Obama.  True he is being attacked by the Right.  But our
> task as revolutionaries is to defend the people not some smooth phony.

  One can't really separate one from the other. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-02 Thread Gary MacLennan
Well I am resisting the "Itoldyousomoment".  It seems to me that all this is
another instance of something that I heard the Irish revolutionary Gerry
Lawless say at Essex Uni long years ago.  In a talk he touched up on the
so-called Curragh Mutiny when British officers refused to obey the orders of
the Liberal English Govt to confront the far right Northern Irish
unionists.  Lawless's comment was as I remember that the British Govt
climbed down and that was why he was not a liberal for "liberals always back
down in the face of an armed threat from the Right".

So that is what we are seeing with "the man from yes we can".  Obama has
never been any thing other than a liberal.  That in itself is quite
remarkable in mainstream American politics and indeed enough to sow
illusions and hopes everywhere. However the Right know their liberals quite
well and know that they will always back down.

But let us be quite clear here. It is not a question as Fred says of the
Right trying to destroy Obama's administration.  It is merely the Right
flexing its muscle and the liberal Obama doing what he was always going to
do - retreat while muttering "Yes we can but perhaps not just right now".

But all that is really pointless compared with the reactions of all those
who invested their hopes in Obama.  What will they do now that the
dialectics of disillusionment have begun? Impossible to say but let me be
frank that that I think it is most important that we do not fall into the
trap of defending Obama.  True he is being attacked by the Right.  But our
task as revolutionaries is to defend the people not some smooth phony.



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[Marxism] End of short unhappy life of "engagement" with Iran Re: Fred Feldman

2009-08-01 Thread lara crete
from Fred :
"More and more I suspect that the successful coup of sorts is taking  
not in Honduras (where the putschists are embattled) but in Washington
(where it is meeting no visible resistance, including from one of its
central targets, the current President".

The gruesome truth, Fred. Meanwhile, the coup which is taking place in  
Washington( where every coup is usually  taking place )  is spread  on  
the grandiose scale into the rest of the world. And we, here in the  
US, have a burning hope  for some resistance (to any coup,  in any  
part of the world!) would  grow strong enough  to help  our slumber in  
our "democracy"  to be interrupted. Somehow.Maybe. Meanwhile, Uncle  
Tom, the Uncle Sam's grandson, can enjoy the beers in the White House,  
memorizing lines from  his "intellectual speeches" to impress the  
world - wide  public with the American President, who ( a miracle!)
is capable of  speaking... The best of us are buried  under the  
unbearably heavy burden of guilt... Why? Because, the best of us are  
knowledgeable, well educated people, who  have learned during the  
course of self-education  that every coup in the world  takes the root  
in Washington. So, to take the root out, that's should be the  
Leninist' quest, I suppose.
comradely, Lara

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