[Marxism-Thaxis] Clinton Camp: Obama Is Mean (and H e’s a Copycat, Too)

2008-03-28 Thread Charles Brown
March 27, 2008,  4:47 pm 
Clinton Camp: Obama Is Mean (and He’s a Copycat, Too)
By Julie Bosman

Both sides battling for the Democratic presidential nomination have been 
throwing mud for several weeks now. But on Thursday, the Clinton campaign used 
its daily conference call to remind reporters that it has been a two-way 
battle, and that the Obama campaign has not been tactically pure.
In a tense conference call Thursday afternoon, Clinton campaign aides 
complained bitterly that the Obama campaign was trying to play it both ways - 
promising a clean campaign, but then engaging in personal attacks anyway. 
“That is hardly in keeping with the politics of hope that have fueled Senator 
Obama’s ascent throughout this campaign,” said Phil Singer, a spokesman for 
Mrs. Clinton.

After accusing the Obama campaign of engaging in “character assassination,” Mr. 
Singer listed a few specific complaints:
Samantha Power, a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Obama, called Mrs. Clinton a 
“monster.” (She has since resigned.) 
Merrill A. McPeak, a retired Air Force general who is supporting Mr. Obama, 
compared Bill Clinton to Joseph McCarthy, after Mr. Clinton seemed to question 
Mr. Obama’s patriotism.
Mr. Obama himself suggested that Mr. Clinton was encouraging political attacks 
to go too far. “There’s a line that can be crossed where you stop focusing on 
the American people’s business and it just becomes about sport,” Mr. Obama 
said, speaking to reporters on his campaign plane this week.
(For the record, Mr. Obama made those comments while largely agreeing with Mr. 
Clinton’s observation that politics is a contact sport.)
But there was another reason for the Clinton conference call: Clinton aides 
complained that Mr. Obama was copying his policy positions from Mrs. Clinton.
Neera Tanden, Mrs. Clinton’s policy director, said that one week ago, Mrs. 
Clinton proposed a $30 billion stimulus plan to help fight foreclosures. 
Thursday morning, Ms. Tanden said, Mr. Obama came out with “virtually the same 
“If Senator Obama has to copy policy ideas when he’s a candidate on the 
campaign trail, how is he going to solve people’s problems if he’s president?” 
she said. “When it comes to fixing the economy, we need leadership, not 
Asked about the comments, Bill Burton, a spokesman for Mr. Obama, wrote in an 
email message, “The American people are tired of the sniping from the Clinton 
campaign -- both real and imagined.” 
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Blogrunner285 comments so far...
1.March 27th,
4:49 pm Posting on behalf of many posters:

I told you so. 

- Posted by A. Bluteau 
2.March 27th,
4:53 pm Pot calling the kettle black, much? 

- Posted by Sam 
3.March 27th,

On Monday, the Obama campaign responded to Hillary unveiling a comprehensive 
plan to deal with the housing crisis by attacking her for taking contributions 
connected to subprime lenders. Campaign manager David Plouffe said: “If we’re 
really going to crack down on the practices that caused the credit and housing 
crises, we’re going to need a leader who doesn’t owe those industries any 

As it turns out, those were just words… Today, Senator Obama gives an economy 
speech followed by a fundraiser at - you guessed it - one of the top 10 issuers 
of subprime loans in America, Credit Suisse. In fact, Senator Obama has taken 
more money from the top 10 issuers of subprime loans than BOTH Senator Clinton 
and Senator McCain [cq.com].

- Obama has taken $1,180,103 from the top issuers of subprime loans. [cq.com]
- Obama received $266,907 from Lehman. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $5395 from GMAC. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $150,850 from Credit Suisse First Boston. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $11,250 from Countrywide. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $9052 from Washington Mutual. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $161,850 from Citigroup. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $4600 from CBASS. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $170,050 from Morgan Stanley. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $1150 from Centex. [Cq.com]
- Obama received $351,900 from Goldman Sachs. [Cq.com] 

- Posted by joe 
4.March 27th,
4:54 pm We do need leadership not followshiip and a person who can deal 
properly with situations instead of complain when he got a grade that he felt 
was wrong or complain he 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Mark Tomasik: Don’t discount Gore-led ticket

2008-03-28 Thread Charles Brown

(5) Local talk radio a couple mornings ago: someone characterized
Clinton as a suicide bomber (leader of the right wing) in the Dem Party:
if she loses, she will take Democrats down rather than support Obama.

CB: Yea, a main expression of this was when she said McCain is ready,
she's ready , but she's not sure about O.  Basically , she endorsed
McCain over O.  Astonishing in the openness of her treacherous. 

  As far as I can see, Obama is as much an establishment candidate as
Clinton, but is attractive insofar as he is more of a wild card, less
predictable and perhaps less corrupted.

CB: Yea, it's not possible to predict, but there is at least a chance
that he isn't totally sold out like the other two.  There is some chance
that he is a stealth progressive,given his history as a progressive
activist.  He won't be any worse than Clinton, and might be better.
There's nothing to lose in supporting him.


The entire terms of the recent controversies displease me, because the
issues under debate obscure the underlying dynamics of how we got into
this situation. The race-baiting tactics of the Clintonites sinks much
lower than I would have anticipated, and thus I instinctively react on
Obama's behalf on this one issue, given its potential to sway voters.

But this entire campaign season has been questionable from the start,
including the media sea-saw: first, setting up the contest as an
Obama-Clinton contest, squeezing out the other candidates; then by
setting up Clinton as the shoe-in, bolstered by favorable focus groups
(with a high approval by blacks), then by giving Obama a free ride while
he was winning primary after primary, then giving Hillary a respite once
she won Ohio and Texas, then emphasizing Obama's unstoppability, then
turning on him now converting him from a transcendent figure into a race
man, and now showing him in deep shit while Hillary is resurrected as a
potential winner even though she can only win via manipulation of the
superdelegates, etc.  Hillary is now shown to be a liar, but still her
advocates get lots of airtime.

CB: However, it's hard to see all that tumultuous road as organized by
he ruling class and their media. In other words, there's some real ,
dare I say, democracy going on.  It got _out_ of control. I do not think
the bourgeoisie planned for O to win or to have C steal it as the


Note that the terms in which this contest is being publicly fought and
reported makes it something other than what underlying political and
economic forces are really driving this turn of events. 

CB: Say that again ?


However, there may be also more superficial forces at work driving the
eventual outcome in ways I did not anticipate.  I knew that many
supporters of Obama would not vote for Clinton in the general election
because they were not Democrats or Democratic loyalists in the first
place.  But now to have the threat that Clinton and her supporters would
sabotage their own party (assuming that most Clinton supporters are Dems
and not independents) rather than see Obama win is something new and
highly disturbing to me. This is not a factor in electability that I saw

CB: Consider that this could do damage to the Democratic Party as is.
It certainly could wean many Black people from the DP.  This could be a
crisis for the DP and two party system , no ?  That ain't all bad

This personal quest for power, if it is not about electability from the
standpoint of voters for Clinton but only about Clinton's lust for
power, is small and selfish in the extreme, for after all, the
dashiki-clad jackass preacher notwithstanding, Obama is no radical; he
has joined the establishment with considerable establishment backing. 
Now he is being portrayed not only as incompetent, untested,
inexperienced, and a loose cannon, but as some weirdo race man outside
the mainstream of legitimate politics. And not just by the Republishits,
but by Clinton.

CB: Well, the process is exposing the Clintons. Their honeymoon with
Black people is ova.

I still think O _is_ Blacker and more progressive than the persona he
is running as.   His tendency will be as progressive as it is possible
to be in that office in this Reaganite period, which period by the way
is almost fascist !

This situation is doubleplusungood.  The only good that can come out of
it is that black people may finally be rid of their illusions about Bill
as the first black president and the Clintons as good white people to
work for.

CB: Yea, see above.  Also, it is allowing the masses of White people
who are ready for an anti-racist , Black-White unity surge to express
their anti-racism.  Some of the mainstream Whites on television,
journalists are really impressing me with how they are fighting the
racism. And there are masses of White voters doing the same.  There are
lots of Whites on comments on newspaper columns and articles, and on
talk radio like 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Next American Revolution

2008-03-28 Thread Ralph Dumain

Thanks for this report.

All the members of the Johnson-Forest Tendency persisted in their tendency 
towards dogmatic, prophetic, and unrealistic political thought. Grace has come 
up with some nutty philosophy in recent decades.  This is not to pooh-pooh her 
or anyone else's community organzing activities.  I don't see a great deal of 
promise in her political perspective, though.

I was stunned to see the last 5 minutes of a TV interview she did with Bill 
Moyers on PBS.  I had no idea Grace would live to become visible on American TV.

Back in the 1940s she was the very first person to translate some of Marx's 
1844 manuscripts into English.

Jimmy Boggs, as I recall, was rather cynical about the American race/class 
hierarchy.  Given the tendency for each succeeding ethnic group to shit on 
those below once rising in the class structure, Boggs I think concluded only 
that those on the bottom (Blacks in the '60s) could topple the system by 
upsetting the ethnic/racial hierarchy through radical/revolutionary struggle.

-Original Message-
From: Charles Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mar 28, 2008 3:17 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Next American Revolution

90 year old Grace Lee Boggs was one of the three leaders of the 
Johnson-Forrest tendency along with Raya Duneyevskaya and C.L.R. James.

The Next American Revolution

by Grace Lee Boggs
Left Forum Closing Plenary, Cooper Union, New York, March 16, 2008


Full at:


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Good Morning, Vietnam!

2008-03-28 Thread Charles Brown

Good Morning, Vietnam!
27th March 2008, 03:54 pm by Stan Goff
Nouri al Maliki, at the behest of his American masters, has thrown the new Army 
of the Republic of Vietnam against the militias of the most powerful and 
cohesive popular movement in Iraq, that of Muqtada al Sadr. By all accounts, 
even with their American advisers, tactical air and intelligence support, this 
operation appears to be a stupendous failure; the Mehdi Army of Sadr is 
reported to be routing the Iraqi “government” forces at every turn.

Moreover, it has ignited an uprising that stretches from Baghdad to Basra and 
all points in between. This flagrant violation of the ceasefire that the 
Sadrists renewed only days ago for six additional months, by the 
American-controlled puppet government, has set the stage for the most dangerous 
moment in Iraq for the occupation forces since the dual rebellions in Fallujah 
and Najaf in April 2004.

It has also quite probably signed the death warrant for the Iranian-trained and 
supported militias of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq 
(SCIRI), the foundation of Maliki’s last thread of legitimacy as an “Iraqi 

The calculation is that this “strike” by Mailiki’s forces — many reported to 
have shed their uniforms and joined the Mehdi Army — will interrupt the 
breathing space that the US believes Sadr was using to rest, refit, and 
professionalize his forces… who the press calls “militants,” as it calls the 
Maliki forces “Iraqis.”

The same US press, which has parroted the absurd claims of “surge success” for 
months now, a success that was based on successful ethnic cleansing in Baghdad 
combined with the Mehdi Army’s ceasefire, will now have to tie itself in 
rhetorical knots to explain how this success is now adrift in the columns of 
black smoke rising from one of the two main oil pipelines passing through the 
port-transit city of Basra, and why rocket-propelled grenades and mortar rounds 
are splashing onto the Green Zone like a storm.

This past January, I pointed out in a Truthdig article, that “The principle aim 
of The Surge is to break the power of Muqtada al-Sadr. Sadr not only has the 
seats in the Potemkin parliament of Iraq that put Maliki (a leader in a 
relatively small Shiite party, the Dawa) into power against the SCIRI (the 
largest parliamentary faction); he commands the ferocious loyalty of two and a 
half million people and has an 80,000-strong militia concentrated a stone’s 
throw from the U.S.-protected Green Zone in Baghdad. Baghdad has about 6 
million people; New York City has 8 million, just by way of comparison. The 
population of Sadr City, the “neighborhood” under the leadership of Sadr, is 
approximately that of Brooklyn.”

If I could figure this out from Raleigh, NC, why can’t the press figure it out 
with reporters embedded at the Green Zone? Perhaps I just answered my own 

Just as was pointed out 32 months ago, the American occupation has been thrown 
into alliance with Iranian-backed partitionist Shia formations (by pressure 
from Sadr, actually), yet it cannot afford the dangers inhering in Iraqi 
partition. Yet the most popular nationalist, anti-partition Shia leader in Iraq 
— Muqtada al Sadr — cannot be relied upon to support either the occupation 
(part of the plan for permanent US bases in Iraq) or the oil law that lies near 
the center of the frozen heart of the occupation.

And so, his power must be destroyed… if that is even possible.

Now the US has plunged the knife into the back of even the obedient Kurds, 
allowing Turkish forces to rampage through Iraqi Kurdistan. The list of allies 
is shrinking; and the myth of “surge-success” evaporates.

Good morning, Vietnam.

Category: General  |  Comment (RSS) 
Some comments -
1. Muqtada al Sadr seems to be pursuing a strategy of dividing US troops and 
drawing them out of Baghdad. There are reports of simultaneous bombings in both 
Baghdad and Basra. 

2. Of the two cities, Basra is more vulnerable. If Basra falls, then US troops 
will be forced to move into Basra. Basra is the only port in Iraq - oil gets 
transported out of there, and it’s also an extremely important supply route for 
US troops - equipment, food, materials = incredibly vulnerable. This seems to 
be the plan - draw US troops out of Baghdad to defend Basra. Next: al Sadr 
supporters storm the Iraqi Government. Declare victory. Demand that the U.S. 
get out immediately.

3. U.S. strategy has been a series of misjudgements of the problems and the 
misapplications of the solutions. Problems which could have had a diplomatic 
solution had a bomb dropped on top of them. The US’s first option seems to 
always be pull out the heavy artillery; just drop bombs on the problems in the 
hope that they will go away. 

4. If Basra falls, it’s doubtful they can bomb the city indiscriminately. There 
is an oil 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Precis on theories of capitalist crisis

2008-03-28 Thread CeJ
CB (from a past life):

As to the true universal Doug asked Yoshie for, I would build it.
not on a new idea, but Marx and Feuerbach's species-being. 

That is S Duff Henwood, isn't it? Asking someone else to do all
the work by posing one of his pseudo-profound questions. Everyone else
should turn in huge sweeps of unpaid prose while he works on a much
delayed issue of his totally duff newsletter on interest rates.

So what was the response to your manifesto CB? Did someone accuse you
of some sort of essentialism that was not in keeping with real
Marxism? BTW, are you reflecting an appreciation of Irigaray and
Cixous here?


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O and racism

2008-03-28 Thread CeJ
Another thing the discussion so far seems to have overlooked is
finances. McCain isn't Bush 3.0 (or is that Bush 1.2?) because unlike
Poppy Bush and Bushwa Jr., he can't seem to raise money. The
fundamentalists and evangelicals aren't going to pay for his campaign
(they didn't even really pay for Huckabee's). But the corporate
establishment seems to be betting that the crisis is like the downturn
at the end of Poppy's presidency and that a Democrat can fix it. That
is also why national security state establishment types keep popping
up (usually dressed like 'common people') at Obama rallies.

That is about the only way to explain why Clinton and Obama both have
so much money.
We might be seeing a fundamental shift, too, like the way the business
and military establishment got behind Blair's purged Labour Party and
made it the party of the British establishment. But it is THE empire
we are talking about here, not a former one. So the analogy is a weak
one most likely.

I would say it's still the Demoncrat's election to lose. I really hope
that Obama becomes president and that his first appointment to the
Supreme Court is Anita Hill. Then I would know he really is different.

Guess I could have titled this with the crisis thread title.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O and racism

2008-03-28 Thread CeJ
Poor Bill, if only he had Cameron Diaz's surname! This is why I say
Obama needs either an ethnic or Hispanic strategy, and I think he is
probably smart enough that he does have one--as soon as he gets rid of
the Clintons. However, by his very nature, he has upset the status quo
of the Demoncrats. They are getting ready to absorb him into their
bourgeois collective. The question is, will he see it as a loser
strategy and do something really different with his one chance at the
presidency and this election? If he loses, whatever strategy he
chooses will always be second guessed. So chances are he will throw in
with the Demoncrat consensus. If I were a betting man, that would give
slightly better than even odds to win (because McCain thus far has
failed to raise much money, because national security state types are
showing up on the side of the Demoncrats too, not just the Repugs, and
because the Repug in not an entrenched incumbent). OTOH, it all seems
dicey precisely because of the racism, because of a lack so far of
Hispanic support to Obama (or am I being misled by the
media--afterall, he won Nevada, right?), and because the Demoncrats
lose close elections because of the
conservative/Repug/rural/southern/western biases built into the
electoral system (and Senate too). They need a blow out. For a blow
out strategy, Obama will have to lead. He will have to step outside
the Demoncrat party that has rewarded him so far.


key quote:

More than half of Latino voters in 23 states said no Latino was
running for president. Only a quarter recognized Richardson as a
Hispanic in the race.

2008 Presidential election: Richardson races to gain Hispanic recognition

News---New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Democratic candidate for
president, holds a forum with the Culinary Union at union headquarters
Tuesday May 1,2007.

Also on the Web

  More Richardson video resources
  The Richardson File


By Barbara Ferry | The New Mexican

Sat May 5, 2007 10:31 pm

Poll shows majority of Latinos unaware of governor's heritage

If Bill Richardson's mother had been an American banker and his father
had been the son of a prominent Mexico City clan, things might be
different. As it is, the native Spanish-speaking presidential
candidate with an Anglo last name faces a challenge convincing
Hispanic voters that he, too, is Hispanic.

``For all the Latinos here, I want you to know that I'm Latino,''
Richardson said in Spanish at a recent campaign stop in California,
according to a report by New American Media, a coalition of ethnic
media outlets. ``I can't convince people with this last name.''

Richardson has repeated that he's running not as a Hispanic candidate
but as a ``mainstream candidate'' who is proud of his heritage. He's
also repeated that he's running on his resume and not as ``a rock
star'' like Democratic front-runners Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

But in the Hispanic press, Richardson has celebrity status.

At campaign stops in Texas, Spanish outlets arrived en masse.

He's been featured heavily on media such as Telemundo, which asked in
one segment whether America was ready for ``a Mexican'' in the White

In Los Angeles, he made history by giving a half-hour radio interview
in Spanish to popular radio host Eddie ``El Piolin'' Sotelo. Univision
anchor Maria Elena Salinas greeted him with a kiss at a convention of
Hispanic journalists and wrote a boosterish column about him, ``El
Presidente Richardson,'' on her Web site. In New York, Spanish radio
station owners hosted a fundraiser for him.

America Rodriguez, a professor of radio and television at the
University of Texas at Austin, said Richardson's heritage and fluency
in Spanish boosts him out of third-tier status for her and other

``When it gets around to election time, we usually hear these
candidates speaking this horrible Spanish,'' said Rodriguez, author of
the book Making Latino News. ``For Latinos to be hearing someone who
speaks our language correctly is very exciting.''

``That's what makes him interesting to me,'' said Rodriguez, who is
Cuban American. ``Otherwise, he's just another mainstream Democrat.''

Despite the Spanish media's excitement over having a candidate who can
handle more than ``si se puede'' and other tired slogans, Richardson
has an uphill battle ahead of him with Latino voters, according to one
recent national poll.

More than half of Latino voters in 23 states said no Latino was
running for president. Only a quarter recognized Richardson as a
Hispanic in the race. 

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