Another thing the discussion so far seems to have overlooked is
finances. McCain isn't Bush 3.0 (or is that Bush 1.2?) because unlike
Poppy Bush and Bushwa Jr., he can't seem to raise money. The
fundamentalists and evangelicals aren't going to pay for his campaign
(they didn't even really pay for Huckabee's). But the corporate
establishment seems to be betting that the crisis is like the downturn
at the end of Poppy's presidency and that a Democrat can fix it. That
is also why national security state establishment types keep popping
up (usually dressed like 'common people') at Obama rallies.

That is about the only way to explain why Clinton and Obama both have
so much money.
We might be seeing a fundamental shift, too, like the way the business
and military establishment got behind Blair's purged Labour Party and
made it the party of the British establishment. But it is THE empire
we are talking about here, not a former one. So the analogy is a weak
one most likely.

I would say it's still the Demoncrat's election to lose. I really hope
that Obama becomes president and that his first appointment to the
Supreme Court is Anita Hill. Then I would know he really is different.

Guess I could have titled this with the crisis thread title.


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