[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Ralph:Yes, this is a crossroads . . . a conjuncture of the election of the 
first black president and a major crisis of capitalism. Those two facts are 
interdependent, interrelated, and quite important, but I've yet to see an 
insightful elucidation of the nature of that importance.  Decisive in this is 
not the election of a black president, but the fact that Cracker America, 
almost half of the white electorate, voted for McCain and is out for Obama's 
blood. I saw a documentary last night on HBO: Right America: Feeling Wronged: 
a survey of white Americans who hate Obama. These aren't just white people, 
these are the whitest people you ever saw, the redneck kind that make your 
blood run cold. The kind not shy about telling you what they think about 
niggers. Granted, they are dinosaurs, and hopefully they will die out soon, but 
not soon enough.  Now the question is: how will Cracker America react to 
'socialist' Obama's handling of the economic crisis?  


CB; The racists are a danger, but the important
factor in this election is the great mass ofWhite Americans who voted _for_ 
Obama.That's what is new. The racists 
have alwaysbeen here.  This election was a point of tipping from the racists' 
majority to an anti-racist majority 
of the electorate. The racists are a danger. This is a crossroads, a crisis for 
the American system with, of course,
 danger and opportunity, massesof Whites with new thinking and openness. Which 
side are you on ?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Now that American society is undergoing a profound revolution in the   
society machinery

CB: What is the evidence and argument 
that _society_ is going through
a profound revolution in machinery ?
What characteristics of today's
new  machinery make the revolution
_profound_ in comparison with the
revolutions in machinery in the
last 100 years ?

Why is American society undergoing
this and not the whole world ?
If it is the whole world
then why not say the whole
world ?

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 3B

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack  Obama 
By Waistline2 

Obama: Change or continuity? (Part III) By  Elíades Acosta Matos raises a 
question whose answer is both! 

Section 3B 
The African American Question (AAQ) has undergone great changes since WW  II. 
Few people today even attempt to describe the question in its long tortured  
historical features. The quantify thing and viewing progress through mirror  
images, 300 million mirrors, is enough to give one tired hands.  

Historically, the description of the AAQ, was one of caste; a  special 
question of class because of the color question; a national or  
question, because the blacks suffered a pretty obvious  oppression. The most 
visible change the African American people and all of  America have lived is 
destruction of Jim Crow; the mechanization of  agriculture; the impact of the 
technological revolution and the reformation of  relations between and within 
classes - without changing the property relations.  American society has been 
reformed in my lifetime. 

Descriptions of  the African American Question were based on observation over 
a long period of  time. The first observation was that since the color line 
was the dominant  factor of their oppression and isolation, all African 
Americans regardless of  their education and economic status, were subject to 
same or similar  exploitation, segregation and oppression. Second, that this 
material oppression,  supported and held in place with passive and aggressive 
support of the Anglo  American peoples and layers of the working class itself, 
produced all the  essential features of a distinct culture of the Negro, 
as a distinct  people in American society. The general conclusion of this 
observation by  Marxists was that racial discrimination - the color line, was a 
form of class  exploitation and therefore could not be fundamentally overcome 
short of the  overthrow and destruction of the capital and the reorganization 
of society on  the basis of economic communism. Life has proven this political 
projection  wrong. The relations between and within classes has been reformed. 

The idea of America electing a black President did not exist as a  sober 
thought as little as 24 months ago. 

Yet, there it is.  

Someone asks Our we free yet? How far have we advanced? How is  freedom, 
emancipation or political liberty to be quantified short of the  overthrow of 
the power of capital? 

Four distinct elements have  intervened to change the situation of the 
African American since WWII. First and  foremost is the determined struggle of 
African American people themselves.  Very seldom in history has such a small 
group, roughly 12 -15% of the  population, waged and carried out such an 
unbroken, determined and militant ,  brutal and bloody struggle against such a 
pervasive and brutal ideology  justifying second class citizenship and a 
state apparatus. Without this  element none of the other elements could have 
brought about change. The  individual as masses makes a difference in shaping 
history and creates the  various shades and shapes of social relations that 
in correspondence to  production relations. The second element was the 
mechanization of Southern  agriculture and the tractoring off the land of 
million sharecroppers -  six million white and five million black. This 
process - changes in the  productive forces, was the economic and social basis 
of the Civil Rights  Movement, inasmuch as this mass had to go somewhere in 
their quest for a  livelihood. 

Sharecropping might not sound like a real job and  class category but it is. 
The share of the sharecropper is legal ownership of a  portion of the 
commodity, rather than the very straight forward sale of ones  labor ability to 
institutional capital. 

Third, the Cold War was  the context for the totality of all the previous 
stages - phase, of struggle.  The intense struggle between the United States 
the Soviet Union opened doors  that would have remained shut to blacks, as 
both competed for the hearts and  minds of the colonial peoples. The existence 
newly liberated Peoples China  was the greatest world wide blow against the 
deadly ideology of white  superiority, ever delivered in world history. China’s 
existence was a beacon of  hope to the hundreds of millions of slaves of 
modern imperialism.  

Tiny Cuba, who population is that of New York City, overthrew the  slave 
master and Batista. After the 1965 Watts Rebellion and then Detroit 1967,  
emancipation had to be just around the corner. 

Talk about the  longest city block. 

A complex combination of Soviet power +  Peoples China and the emergence of 
the Third World movements force 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The elec...

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
CB: What is the evidence and argument that _society_ is going through a  
profound revolution in machinery ? What characteristics of today's new   
make the revolution _profound_ in comparison with the revolutions in  
machinery in the last 100 years ? 
Why is American society undergoing this and not the whole world ? If it is  
the whole world then why not say the whole world ?
Thanks for the correct that should be can't - cannot. 

You are correct. The entire world is entering and firmly within a  revolution 
in the mode of production with some countries more advanced than  others. 
Development of and revolution in the productive forces are always  uneven and 
combined as a law of development. 
Actually, every single improvement in the productive forces - quantitative  
or qualitative, are eventually spread throughout the world. I will be more  
careful so as not to give the impression that talking about America means only 
in America. 
The inside of a computer is different - a different technology, from  
machines founded on the principles of mechanical motion using a structure of  
mechanical gears, levers, fly wheels and transfer bars. 
Find an old adding machine used by HR block - from 30 years ago,  
disassemble it, lay all it parts on a table; then take your computer ,  
disassemble it, 
lay all its parts on the table and the difference your eyes are  looking at is 
the difference between a system of mechanical gears, levers, fly  wheels and 
what you see as the components of your computer. That is how one can  see the 
difference. I did describe the why and how in a critique of an  article by 
John Case, writer of Political Affairs some time ago. 
The process is extremely interesting because each incremental grafting onto  
an existing system, a qualitatively new technology runs into barriers that are 
 the pathways of the old system. At a certain stage of development a 
further  grafting onto is not possible and the entire system one is dealing 
is  totally reconfigured. The difference between the old memo printing  
machines, all radical groups had in the 1960's and 1970's and modern  printers 
profound. The new printing machines are not modified Gestetners. The  long 
history of transition from Gutenberg cold type press, modified by the  
revolution with complex gears and levers, to today's printing  machines is 
breathtaking. I was trained in the 8 th and 9 th grade to set cold  type and 
a printer, only to become aware of the change wave when our  group 
purchased one of IBM's new typesetting machines in 1969/70. By 1980  
Compugraphic over 
took IBM in the typesetting field. Apple 1984 Computer - with  its famous 
1984 won't be 1984 commercial, was a turning point and this  technological 
sunk companies like Compugraphic, more or less. 
Then the welding and paint shops in plants began change and the first  
generation of advance robotics were introduced. The current generation of  
robotics are not inhibited in their movement and motion like the first. 
The devices I play music with today are fundamentally different from my old  
Maranx 2045 and Technics turntables. Turntables still exist, but even today'e  
1970ish  CD players are being replaced. 
You basically cannot tune up your car today. I tried because the number 3  
piston was misfiring. Today's automobile engines could not be designed like 
 25 - 35 years ago. Boy was I pissed. There goes $150 bucks. We crossed the  
threshold separating mechanical driven motion some time ago. 
Grafting on the new technological regime to the existing system is the  
meaning of revolution in the machinery of society. All revolution in the  
begin with the incremental - quantitative, grafting onto, the existing  
machinery, a qualitatively new kind of or enhanced device, instrument, tool,  
energy source, machine, or technology.  Such was the exact same case with  the 
revolution from simple manufacture to industry. Eventually a new or enhanced  
external energy source has to come into existence for the further expansion of  
the new technology. 
We are not driving my fathers old Oldsmobile. 
If you are implying that society is not going through a revolution in the  
machinery of society, bringing to an end expansion on the old basis of that,  
which made the industrial revolution, well industrial - founded on  mechanical 
motion principles, then how does one explain the technological regime  of the 
computer and this stage of advanced robotics? The semi-conductor -  integrated 
chip, is truly revolutionary. 
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
Obama is - expresses, this changed reality, and was called forth to do the  
impossible. Obama supersedes and leaps over the long night, that was the era of 
 the rise and fall of the black political leader. A peculiar political 
phenomenon  brought to life by Jim Crow segregation. 
Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack  Obama 
By Waistline2 

Obama: Change or continuity? (Part III) By  Elíades Acosta Matos raises a 
question whose answer is both! 


Part 4 

Death of a Salesman. 
The election of Barack Obama closes out a period of American history and  
opens the door to the Third American Revolution: proletarian revolution, 
of time, place and space outlined in part 1.  Barack Obama has the  demeanor, 
oratory and uses much of the language symbols of the black leader in  
American history. Or does he; or is it American history, with its persistent  
recycling of Give me liberty or give me death? 
Obama, rather than President Barack Obama, has a personal familiarity to it  
that can be quite discomforting, but is called forth due to his personal  
qualities and living link as momentary American history. Obama resurrected the  
dead undying Lincoln. Towards a more perfect Union. Communists rooted in  
American history fail to appropriate this same history at their peril. 
Obama collected the dreams and realized dreams of an older generation that  
is our nation of immigrants. And former slaves. Don’t matter what kind of ship 
 carried you to America, we are all in the same boat.  Who lacks the  
courage or manliness to apply this formula on a class basis and bias? Here is  
real cultural war being waged against a certain infantile 1960ish counter  
culture amongst the left. 
Obama’s wielding of the politics of change is not reducible to demagogy,  
although electoral politics and much of all politics involves demagogy in the  
shape of the inspiring but unachievable driving vision. This includes 
communist  politics and the demand for economic communism, whose emancipation 
of the  
proletariat is forever blocked, from full realization by an existing material  
configuration that is division of labor and productive force development; 
even  after the criminal bourgeoisie has been swept from the furthers corner of 
Even Jesus wept. 
. . . . Over the barriers. . 
Marx shifted his projection of world revolution as a doctrine of combat.  
Marx faced his very own quantifying dilemma. Engels explained why the  
programmatic demands of the Manifesto were obsolete. Lenin’s lament, built iron 
steel socialism. Then the loop of logic carries us back to the  future/present 
Marx; world revolution for this generations. It is precisely  because Marx 
himself could not quantify the progression of the proletarian  revolution the 
and Engels wrote numerous prefaces to the Communists  Manifesto, after the 
These prefaces alone are worth their weight in good  to the communist 
Voting America expressed its desire for real change, which it cannot yet  
define or articulate as a coherent vision because of its lack of class  
consciousness. At least this is how the American people understand their own  
expressed in Obama’s election, I would dare say. Therefore Obama is to  be 
quantified, with instruments from the previous configuration of American  
To do such is to leave - liquidate (Lenin’s word) the last period, this  time 
Peering through the surface of the process dialectic of vision, cause and  
change; is the machinery of society; the outer expression of the underlying  
revolutionary process, felt and experienced as the fight in the political  
sphere. What Marxists generally call the superstructure, the ideological battle 
what Americans once and generally call - with contempt, politics and  
arguing religion. Politics in our country at all times express shifting  
alliances and shifting structural relations or the living institutions  that 
hold together the unity of the productive forces and the social relations -  
(if you will), of living economic and political America. This shifting always 
 bound up with the North/South political axis, due to slavery. 
Obama in the flesh completes a social and political process, which actually  
matured with the Clinton administration. This period actually begins with Bush 
 1, but he was quickly silenced after floating the concept of the new world  
order. No political grouping or social movement in America can accomplish 
any  of its goals without impacting and carrying with them 50 - 70 million 
people as  a political and social base. 
Obama must be quantified. He will be quantified. The last period liquidates  
itself on the basis of itself. 
That Obama is 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Ralph Dumain
As much as I love Billy Stewart, even he's not helping draw whatever 
conclusions I'm supposed to draw from Obama.

I'm not seeing anything here but a political vacuum for the communist 
alternative you're talking about.  Everybody in America believes in capital, 
jobs, and wage labor.

-Original Message-
From: waistli...@aol.com
Sent: Feb 27, 2009 9:31 AM
To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and  
continuity: 4

Obama’s campaign momentarily created a gravitational pull strong enough to  
pull a large section of our working class spontaneously gravitating to the  
right, as their first political impulse. This is due precisely to the fact that 
labor is tied to capital by a thousand threads and the impulse to recapture  
economic security - a job, means spontaneously recreating the capital-labor  
bond. The spontaneous impulse to recapture a lost past and stability. Here is  
where we meet the fascist danger in the flesh. This does not  mean pushing  
Obama to the left, but rather establishing economic communism, devoid of its  
historic ideology as a form of Sovietism, as a political pole. Obama and no one 
 else is to be pushed to the left. Rather, establishing a communist 
polarity  will compelled everything in the middle to seek refuge with this pole 
as a  
consistent fighter against fascism. 
Obama has to be quantified while knowing such quantification is bound to be  
wrong, outside stating he is the chief political representative/executive of  
imperial capital. This of course is no quantification but a qualification or  
quality. Obama is capital personified. Knowing this and a dime won't even  
shine ones shoes, on Broadway. 
Obama also brings to an end the peculiar phenomenon of the black leader. A  
historical character that pushed himself unto history as the product result of  
open fascism in the Jim Crow South and his police state cousin in the North’s 
 Negro conclaves. At the close of the Civil War the blacks began their  
spontaneous drift throughout American society. With the overthrow of  
Reconstruction and the institution of fascism and Jim Crow the structural  
relations within 
and between classes in America were recast. The black leader  emerges as the 
go between - navigator, between the structures separating black  society 
from white. Between 1865 and the 1890’s there were leaders and political  
in government that were black. These leaders were not the peculiar  
phenomenon of the black leader. The counter revolution was the condition for 
the  birth 
of the Black leader. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 5

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity:  The election of Barack  
By Waistline2 

Obama: Change or  continuity? (Part III) By  Elíades Acosta Matos raises a 
question whose  answer is both!  

Obama: Change or Continuity? Part 5 

Adam Clayton Powell,  Jr. (November 29, 1908 – April 4, 1972) was a pastor 
who represented Harlem  between 1945 and 1971. In 1944 Powell was elected as a 
Democrat to the House of  Representatives, representing the 22nd congressional 
district, which included  Harlem. He was the first black Congressman from New 
York, and the first from any  Northern state other than Illinois in the 
Post-Reconstruction Era. As one of  only two black Congressmen, Powell 
the informal ban on black  representatives using Capitol facilities reserved 
members only. He took  black constituents to dine with him in the whites 
only House restaurant. He  clashed with the many segregationists in his own 
party. As one of the modern  first, the story of the black leader as 
basically begins here, but  (!!!) becomes a political force - summed up in the 
cry, Black Power, in the  mid 1960’s, with the election of Carl Stokes as 
Cleveland Ohio and America’s  first big city Mayor. 

Carl Burton Stokes served as the 51st mayor of  Cleveland, Ohio. Elected on 
November 7, 1967, but took office on Jan 1, 1968, he  was tied to be the first 
African American mayor of a major U.S. city with Mayor  Richard G. Hatcher 
Gary Indiana. Fellow Ohioan Robert C. Henry was the first  African American 
of any U.S. city. Thus Stokes becomes a marker -  boundary, in the opening of 
the Black Power Movement, and what would  later become the post Jim Crow 
era. It would seem that the post Jim Crow era,  as an era emerges after the 
era of Black Power, whose closing some date  with the 1983 election of Harold 
Washington as Chicago Mayor.  Still other point to the 1990 election of 
David Norman Dinkins, as the  first black elected Mayor of New York City from 
through 1993, as the  definitive close of Black Power. 

Lets look at one of the quantitative  boundary Obama completes. 

Breaking into any point in history is a tricky  business. 

Let’s examine an outline of the migration of blacks from South  to North. Let’
s take away the color factor. Blacks have basically improved their  economic 
status in the North at the same rate as any other immigrants, and  probably a 
little better than the Italian immigrant first arriving in the US.  The 
improvement of the economic and then the social conditions of these blacks  has 
proceeding in a pretty normal way consistent with our history. At certain  
of Irish immigration, suddenly there was Irish domination of politics in  their 
areas of concentration. Similarly for the Italian, the Norwegian, the  
Polish, Mexicans and the process is taking place in real time with the Arab  

Likewise, there was an emergence of black politics as the  blacks moved into 
the slums previously occupied by various white ethics at the  bottom of the 
industrial social ladder. The difference is that the black  politician’s 
influence and electability was limited to the so-called Black  ghetto, while 
ethnic white influence merged into the exiting nationwide  ideological and 
political sphere or more importantly the nationwide political  infrastructure. 
American politics call this going national. 

The  concentration of blacks in the proletarian slums was the condition for 
the rise  of black politics and black politicians, and the meaning of the 
Black Power  Movement. More often than not the black politicians interest 
more with  the maintenance of segregation (not Jim Crow) and isolation of 
their  constituency - (the basis of their power), than with the striving of the 
masses  they were to represent. Not for one moment could the historic Daley 
machine in  Chicago exist for ten minutes, without the support of the black 
political  criminals, who cries for public housing hides the segregation 
implied in 
black  politics. 3,000 people concentrated into a segregated conclave, be the
y white,  black, brown or Red is a dream for all bourgeois politicians: a 
captive market.  This dynamic reveals the exact same path of the black trade 
leaders and  was the base for emergence of groups like the CBTU (Coalition of 
Black Trade  Unionists) in the mid 1970s. 

Obama entered this world of Chicago  politics while it was in flux, but this 
story is not really about Obama, but why  he expressed a specific definable 
process in our history. A process filled with  intersection of class interest, 
intrigue, sex, drugs and murder. Obama as the  man from the land of Lincoln? 
His mother born in Kansas . . . Bloody Kansas,  the line drawn in the battle 
against the Slave Oligarchy and the cause of the  birth of the Republican 


Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
As much as I love Billy Stewart, even he's not helping draw whatever  
conclusions I'm supposed to draw from Obama.
I'm not seeing anything here but a political vacuum for the communist  
alternative you're talking about.  Everybody in America believes in  capital, 
and wage labor.

Most in America passively and aggressively supported Jim Crow until than  
magnificent struggle broke out on DECEMBER 4, 1955 in Montgomery Alabama. Then  
it would take a decade of intense struggle to outlaw lynching and get the 
Voting  Rights Act and later fair housing legislation. Then it would take 
twenty  years for blacks to become fused into the national political sphere. 
Then it  would take another 20 years to get our first Black President.  
We are at the very beginning and Obama's election might be analogous to  
something like Montgomery 1955. 
To optimistic? 
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
As much as I love Billy Stewart, even he's not  helping draw whatever  
conclusions I'm supposed to draw from  Obama.

I'm not seeing anything here but a political vacuum for the  communist  
alternative you're talking about.  Everybody in America  believes in  
capital, jobs, 
and wage labor.


Yo . . . what is meant by a communist pole - polarity is a politic held  
together by the simple belief that society most provide for people who have  
little or no money and cannot pay their bills. That's it. The only way for  
to have socially necessary means of life, when people cannot buy them due  to 
lack of money, is for society to give them these things. That it! 
All that cramp about glorious workers, and workers councils and workers  
democracy; Stalin vs Trotsky and so on is useless and means nothing. The  
themselves are going to strive for greater political liberty as a  spontaneous 
As a fight I am feeling economic communism as stated above. Everything else  
as political ideology is more or less useless. I believe this is the stage we  
are at. 
**Get a jump start on your taxes. Find a tax professional in your 
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Ralph Dumain
All of these marxist reference points are of historical value, only.  And the 
various political sects are only good for distributing literature to the tiny 
number of people interested in these perspectives, plus coalition action which 
everyone does anyway.

This financial crisis points the way towards the obsolescence of capital as the 
engine of jobs, prosperity, and wage labor, but nobody is prepared to go there. 
The very notion is taboo. Yet this ridiculous stimulus package opens up the 
entire system to scrutiny.  But that also means we are at a juncture of great 
danger.  The bourgeoisie itself is probably divided between the thugs of the 
far right and the sensibly bourgeoisie that wants to see Obama succeed, 
sensitive to the severe consequences of his failure. Obama will hold the class 
structure of America together as best he can, and his self-deceiving ideology 
is the engine by which he got there and will proceed, with all the ridiculous 
Americanist rhetoric intact. The most noteworthy aspect of taking the high 
road is that Obama can appear, and probably believes he is, totally 
nonpartisan, bipartisan, or whatever, all along being forced to take more 
liberal or social democratic measures to correct the heinous state of affairs 
he has bequeathed.  A shift in the overall political direction of the country 
won't depend on him, but if popular pressure forces him to move to the left, he 
would do so.  And that's the only way any president gets anything done, whether 
it be Lincoln, FDR, or LBJ, the only presidents good for anything since the 
Founding Fathers.

-Original Message-
From: waistli...@aol.com
Sent: Feb 27, 2009 10:40 AM
To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and  
continuity: 4

As much as I love Billy Stewart, even he's not  helping draw whatever  
conclusions I'm supposed to draw from  Obama.

I'm not seeing anything here but a political vacuum for the  communist  
alternative you're talking about.  Everybody in America  believes in  
capital, jobs, 
and wage labor.


Yo . . . what is meant by a communist pole - polarity is a politic held  
together by the simple belief that society most provide for people who have  
little or no money and cannot pay their bills. That's it. The only way for  
to have socially necessary means of life, when people cannot buy them due  to 
lack of money, is for society to give them these things. That it! 
All that cramp about glorious workers, and workers councils and workers  
democracy; Stalin vs Trotsky and so on is useless and means nothing. The  
themselves are going to strive for greater political liberty as a  spontaneous 
As a fight I am feeling economic communism as stated above. Everything else  
as political ideology is more or less useless. I believe this is the stage we  
are at. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 6/end

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
6. Cultural nuances/end 
Barack Obama is/as a black man, keenly aware of the color factor in  American 
and world history and sensitive to the nuances of culture. I own and  have 
read his autobiography Dreams From My Father, written in 1995 at the age  of 
33 at the same time of purchasing and reading Sidney Poitier Measure of A  
Mr. Poitier introduced the #16 quotes of the 100 Years  . . . .100  Movie 
Quotes in the movie In The Heat of The Night, where he plays the role  of a 
Northern Black detective sent South to unravel a murder. His famous line  was: 
They call me Mister Tibbs. 
Both of these men, proud, determined and elegant in their own right and  
individuality, manifest the story of the American melting pot, as America’s  
little discussed and little understood black underbelly. 
In 1963, Poitier became the first black man to win a USA Academy Award for  
Best Actor, and of course Obama is the first black man to become President.  
Neither are Negro, but most certainly black, in the same way that a second and 
 third generation English man or German immigrant lives the metamorphosis in  
America, that is the American melting pot and emerges as Anglo American. The  
same can be said of say Minister Louis Farrakhan, Marcus Garvey and even WEB 
Du  Bois. 
Let’s isolate Minister Louis for a moment to examine how the American story  
has played itself out and unravel a quantifying of American history and  
individuals that seem to defies logic. Farrakhan was born in New York, Bronx,  
raised as Eugene Walcott within the West Indian community in the Roxbury  
section of Boston Massachusetts. His mother, Sarah Mae Manning, had emigrated  
from Saint Kitts and Nevis in the 1920’s; his father, Percival Clarke, was a  
Jamaican cab driver from New York. 
As a child, he received training as a violinist. At the age of six, he was  
given his first violin and by the age of thirteen, he had played with the 
Boston  College Orchestra and the Boston Civic Symphony. A year later, he went 
to win  national competitions, and was one of the first black performers to 
appear on  Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour, where he also - naturally, won an 
award. A  central focus of his youth was the Episcopal St. Cyprian's Church in 
Boston's  Roxbury section, a part of Boston which also produced the great 
All of these men, noble and elegant in their own right and historical  
experience, manifest the striving and realization of the American Dream, to one 
degree or another, rather than the plight and circumstance of the Negro; 
those people emerging from the melting pot of slavery and then formed under 
90  years of structural Jim Crow.  All these men are African American but that  
tell one virtually nothing, in the same way that whites as Anglo American  
informs one of next to nothing. Basically, Anglo American and African American  
means Americans with white and black skin, when in fact the individual has 
a  real history. 
The experience of Jim Crow + white chauvinism, NOT Southern slavery + Jim  
Crow + white chauvinism, also shaped and impacted all of these men, but their  
experience mirrors, that of the European immigrant, to a vast degree, including 
 Malcolm X. Malcolm’s mother Louise Little was born in Grenada, with Malcolm  
stating, she looked like a white woman, because of her Scottish father. 
Interesting yes? 
Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from My Father, is the immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather than the history of the Negro People, and his  
acute awareness of this living history accounts for his unique and individual  
ability to cross the color line. When Obama writes, My identity might begin  
with the fact of my race, but it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is meant is 
 that my identity is not defined on the basis of the color factor in American 
The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born and reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the concept race, other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals unable to fully digest dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce. The very concept of race is an ideological trap designed to 
not  just classes and class intersection, but prevents disclosing that, which 
is  specific and critical to American society. Actually, lumping all blacks 
together  under the rubric race is to lump all European ethnic together as a 
dominating  race, rather than a historically oppressing peoples with classes 
amongst them;  classes that began polarizing in a different manner the moment 
the barriers of  Jim Crow began falling. 
It is accurate to insist that the election of Obama inaugurates the class  
struggle in America, with a section of the intelligentsia as black, fighting 
 last pitched battle to impose the concept of race on the emerging fighting  
section of our fighting proletariat. I have the most personal responsibility 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
All of these marxist reference points are of  historical value, only.  And 
the various political sects are only good for  distributing literature to the 
tiny number of people interested in these  perspectives, plus coalition action 
which everyone does anyway.

This  financial crisis points the way towards the obsolescence of capital as 
the  engine of jobs, prosperity, and wage labor, but nobody is prepared to go 
there.  The very notion is taboo. Yet this ridiculous stimulus package opens 
up the  entire system to scrutiny.  But that also means we are at a juncture of 
 great danger.  The bourgeoisie itself is probably divided between the thugs  
of the far right and the sensibly bourgeoisie that wants to see Obama 
succeed,  sensitive to the severe consequences of his failure. Obama will hold 
class  structure of America together as best he can, and his self-deceiving 
ideology is  the engine by which he got there and will proceed, with all the 
ridiculous  Americanist rhetoric intact. The most noteworthy aspect of taking 
high  road is that Obama can appear, and probably believes he is, totally  
nonpartisan, bipartisan, or whatever, all along being forced to take more  
liberal or social democratic measures to correct the heinous state of affairs 
has bequeathed.  A shift in the overall political direction of the country  
won't depend on him, but if popular pressure forces him to move to the left, he 
would do so.  And that's the only way any president gets anything done,  
whether it be Lincoln, FDR, or LBJ, the only presidents good for anything since 
the Founding Fathers.


Agreed. 100%

This thing about  the founding fathers and their wisdom is not everyone's 
story. :-) 


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
 The most noteworthy aspect of taking the high road is that Obama can appear, 
and probably believes he is, 
totally nonpartisan, bipartisan, or whatever,

CB: Well isn't he ? That's basically
what you say here.

 all along being forced to take more liberal or social democratic measures to 
correct the heinous state of affairs 
he has bequeathed.  A shift in the overall political direction of the country 
won't depend on him, but if 
popular pressure forces him to move to the left, he would do so.

CB: Which is what he says. Changes comes from
the bottom up.

  And that's the only way any president 
gets anything done, whether it be Lincoln, FDR, or LBJ, the only presidents 
good for anything since the 
Founding Fathers.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
Obama has not been in office very long and his bipartisan rhetoric, will in  
practice be jettisoned; is being jettisoned as he pointedly state I won the  
election, and the real Obama will emerge. The real Obama is of course  the 
CEO for capital, and everything he stated and promised in the election  
campaign. His job is to institutionalize the new/changing social relations  of 
production, expressing this new stage in the decay of capital and the  
revolution. As a traditional Roosevelt type Democrat he will  expand the 
social safety net, primarily for what in all his campaign speeches,  he calls 
hard working middle class and sections of the poorest workers.  

Interestingly, Bush W. and Reagan's administration busted the budget and  
expanded government, only directing government funds where they wanted them.  
The Democrats want a different direction. 
Only social revolution can stop certain things. 
The huge mass that was once dubbed the reserve army of labor, was called  
such precisely because it was a reserve to be thrown into the battle for  
production during peak period of production. No level of production and  
today can throw this huge mass of labor into the production process,  because 
of what Marx called the progress of industry. This mass of labor has  been 
rendered superfluous to the production of capital as an expanded value in  the 
absolute sense.  Here is the 800 lb. gorilla in the living room many  deny 
exist, with other claiming it is not really a gorilla at all. From reserve  
to a permanent caste of proletarians shut out the civic society of the  
Change most certainly must be from the bottom up. Here is the bottom. Below  
is how the late Comrade Mark Jones described this mass Oct. 1998 - a 
description  I agreed with and wrote about alongside him in 1999/2000. 
The precocious success of 'decarbonisation' and dematerialisation has  
produced this outcome, one where the greatest reserve army of labour in history 
more than half of humankind: confronts the greatest accumulation of  
productive power known to history, across a social nomansland which leaves each 
inaccessible to the other and has resulted in locking the majority of humankind 
out of the benefits of production and indeed out of society and in a sense, out 
of history. 
(Note: inaccessible to the other and has resulted in locking the majority  
of humankind out of the benefits of production = locked out the civic society  
of the bourgeoisie = from reserve of industry to permanent outcast) 
Any real new upswing or serious resumption of production (I do not mean  the 
kind of illusory boomlets which always occur within real depressions, and  
did for example throughout the 1930s, when the 'turning of the corner' was  
monotonously proclaimed and always proven wrong within days or weeks) is 
to be short-lived since it must press against the absolute limit of 
valorisation  inscribed within the mode of production itself, and which history 
has now 
as it  were brought to the surface. (end quote) 
(Note: is certain to be short-lived since it must press against the  
absolute limit of valorisation inscribed within the mode of production itself, 
the historical limit of capitalist production). 
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The most noteworthy aspect of taking the high road is that Obama can  
appear, and probably believes he is, 
totally nonpartisan, bipartisan, or  whatever,

CB: Well isn't he ? That's basically
what you say here.
all along being forced to take more liberal or social democratic measures  to 
correct the heinous state of affairs 
he has bequeathed.  A shift in  the overall political direction of the 
country won't depend on him, but if  
popular pressure forces him to move to the left, he would do so.
CB: Which is what he says. Changes comes from
the bottom  up.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Definition of symbolic

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Another crucial element is that human language is symbolic: the sound of words 
(or their shape, when written) bear no relation to what they represent.[64] In 
other words, their meaning is arbitrary. That words have meaning is a matter of 


Linguists Charles Hockett and R. Ascher have identified thirten design-features 
of language, some shared by other forms of animal connunication. One feature 
that distinguishes human language is its tremendous productivity; in other 
words, competent speakers of a language are capable of producing an infinite 
number of original utterances. This productivity seems to be made possible by a 
few critical features unique to human language. One is “duality of patterning,” 
meaning that human language consists of the articulation of several distinct 
processes, each with its own set of rules: combining phonemes to produce 
morphemes, combining morphemes to produce words, and combining words to produce 
sentences. This means that a person can master a relatively limited number of 
signals and sets of rules, to create infinite combinations. Another crucial 
element is that human language is symbolic: the sound of words (or their shape, 
when written) bear no relation
 to what they represent.[64] In other words, their meaning is arbitrary. That 
words have meaning is a matter of convention. Since the meaning of words are 
arbitrary, any word may have several meanings, and any object may be referred 
to using a variety of words; the actual word used to describe a particular 
object depends on the context, the intention of the speaker, and the ability of 
the listener to judge these appropriately. As Tomasello notes,

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Number of Unemployed Tops 5 Million

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
Number of Unemployed Tops 5 Million
WASHINGTON (Feb. 26) - As bad as it is already, the economy keeps getting  
worse — and government figures Thursday provided more evidence that the 
 spiral won't end anytime soon. The number of Americans seeking unemployment  
benefits topped 5 million for the first time since record-keeping began in 
1967.  And the number of first-time claims hit 667,000, the highest level in 
more than  a quarter-century. Both figures were worse than experts expected. 
Orders for  cars, computers, machinery and other durable goods plunged a  
larger-than-expected 5.2 percent in January as global economic troubles reduced 
demand from customers at home and abroad. We have been looking for signs that  
economy's rate of decline might be slowing, but can't find any, said Nigel  
Gault, chief U.S. economist at the IHS Global Insight consulting firm.
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 4

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
The huge mass that was once dubbed the reserve army of labor, was called  
such precisely because it was a reserve to be thrown into the battle for  
production during peak period of production. No level of production and  
today can throw this huge mass of labor into the production process,  because 
of what Marx called the progress of industry. This mass of labor has  been 
rendered superfluous to the production of capital as an expanded value in  the 
absolute sense.  Here is the 800 lb. gorilla in the living room many  deny 
exist, with other claiming it is not really a gorilla at all. From reserve  
to a permanent caste of proletarians shut out the civic society of the  


CB: True. But there never is a time when
there hasn't been mass unemployment,
even in the boom phase of cycles. Bourgeois
economics defines fullemployment as
4% unemployment. Maybe the  lowest
percentage will get bigger under your

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 6/end

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from My Father, is the immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather than the history of the Negro People, and his  
acute awareness of this living history accounts for his unique and individual  
ability to cross the color line. When Obama writes, My identity might begin  
with the fact of my race, but it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is meant is 
that my identity is not defined on the basis of the color factor in American 

The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born and reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the concept race, other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals unable to fully digest dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce.

CB:  Obama's words don't mean that. Unlike most
Black people he was raised by White parents
and grandparents. This gave him an unusual 
ability to understand both aspects of his 
Duboisian double consciousness. It allows
him to be a uniter, not a divider.

Obama is not an immigrant. He had little contact
with his immigrant father. He was raised by
US natives

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity 6/end

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
Obama as a uniter is an interesting Marxist approach. Perhaps if all of  us 
was raised by a white parent and white grandparents, we too would be  
Why not just read his book - Dreams from my father? And then describe how  
being raised, during his formative years, where he was raised mirror the life 
of  blacks in American Northern or Southern cities and country side. I do not 
write  Obama is an immigrant. His story - meaning the story that he tells, and 
to a  large degree the live he has lived, is that of the story of the 
immigrant and  their first generation offspring. 
If you disagree with an interpretation why not simply state something to  the 
effect that my interpretation is unless you are saying what Obama means is  
I was raised by one white parent and white grandparents and therefore I am a 
 uniter, with the small physiological disposition of the descendants of  
Southern slavery. Without question he is African American, but that does not  
really tell much.   
Trust me on the following: Obama is CEO for the capitalist class. 
 Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from My Father, is the  immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather than the history of the  Negro People, and 
acute awareness of this living history accounts  for his unique and 
ability to cross the color line. When  Obama writes, My identity might begin 
with the fact of my race, but  it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is 
meant is 
that my identity is not  defined on the basis of the color factor in American 
The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born and  reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the concept race,  other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals unable to fully digest  dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce.  
CB:  Obama's words don't mean that. Unlike most
Black  people he was raised by White parents
and grandparents. This gave him an  unusual 
ability to understand both aspects of his 
Duboisian double  consciousness. It allows
him to be a uniter, not a divider.
Obama is not an immigrant. He had little contact
with his immigrant  father. He was raised by
US natives
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