[Marxism-Thaxis] WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK? RE: Two Choices at GM: Bankruptcy or Union Takeover

2006-02-11 Thread Lil Joe

Two Choices at General Motors: Bankruptcy or Union

By John Case

General Motors Corporation (GM) posted an $8.6 Billion
loss last week. The President says: No bailout: build
"a product that's relevant". The American automotive
industry has reached the serial restructuring stage.
Nothing can stop it.

Further, as the United Auto Workers union(UAW) has
repeatedly warned, automobile industry or Wall Street
schemes to cut workers, close plants and rejigger
benefits are unlikely to save the companies,
particularly GM. US auto makers could solve their
problems by selling better cars, of course. What
happened to the billions they made from SUV's in the
90's while competitors were investing in fuel
efficiency? But winning back customers will take years,
a luxury GM does not now have.

What's needed is a radical solution that breaks the
restructuring cycle and saves General Motors. The
United Auto Workers union says a national health-care
plan would solve a big chunk of the auto industry's
cost problems. Thats true, and not just for the auto
industry -- but all manufacturing. But such a solution
is highly unlikely in time to save GM, and possibly
Ford as well.

So here's another idea from Rob Lache, a prominent
auto-industry analyst from Deutsch Bank in Detroit
(reported by S. Eisinger from the Wall Street Journal
on Jan 24): Transform GM's workers and retirees into
owners in exchange for benefit givebacks.

Here are the details:

GM had a pension liability of about $90 billion at the
end of 2004. Mr. Lache estimates GM has health-care
liabilities of about $65 billion. That's $155 billion
in liabilities, and the overwhelming majority of that
debt is OWED to GM workers.

What assets does GM have to fund those obligations? GM
says the pension plan should have  $96 billion at the
end of 2005 -- which they claim is $6 Billion over-
funded. The health-care obligations, however,  are
underfunded by $50 billion. Lets assume these figures
are accurate...

Mr. Lache proposes to give the money reserved for
pensions and health care to the auto workers. Then, he
proposes that GM transfer GMAC, the GM financing unit,
to the workers. GMAC has about $23 billion in book
value. Add that to the existing $15 billion long-term
health-care trust, which employees then manage. The
pension plan becomes an employee-run retirement plan.
TIAA-CREF for auto workers! (TIAA-CREF is arguably the
best participant based retirement fund. It was
established to serve for college professors and

That amounts to $128 billion in assets, far short of
the $155 billion in estimated liabilities. Analyst
Lache proposes: give the workers $20 billion in GM
equity. Even though General Motors market value is just
$11 billion today, after getting out from under the
benefit costs, the company would be, potentially, a
much better competitor. Mr. Lache estimates that GM
would generate a little less than $13 billion in
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization a year under his plan which the market
would translate into approximately $63 Billion in
available cash flow. After subtracting the remaining
debt to the workers ($32 Billion) there would be $31
Billion of equity value, raised from the current $11
Billion!! Mr Lache calculates the shareholders
interests are strongly served by 'giving' the workers
the $20 billion difference between current and expected
restructuring value -- with no loss to themselves and
the ability to avoid a bankruptcy filing.

In this plan, the workers would get about $148 billion
in assets for the $155 billion that they are owed. That
amounts to almost $250,000 of value, on average, for
the roughly 600,000 active workers, retirees and
spouses covered under the pension and  health care

The workers would come up short $7 billion and many
older workers would be counting on risky shares in a
difficult industry to make up for reduced benefits.
However the alternative is probably massive
restructuring under a bandit like Kirk Kerkorian, and
years of deterioration ending in bankruptcy. Ownership
would provide a chance for an upside in income and an
opportunity to save a large number of the jobs.

Academic research and common sense suggests that
employee-ownership plans work best if employees are
given some say in the management. It has rarely been
tried on a grand scale. United Airlines became majority
owned by the employees, but failed with an ill-designed
plan where workers were isolated from management
decisions, and relations between management and the
union remained intensely adversarial.

Which brings up the profound cultural and ideological
challenge that an opportunity like this presents to the
UAW. Walter Reuther and the left-wing founders of the
Union--George Addes, Wyndham Mortimer, Bob Travis and
others--all believed it necessary to remain ABSOLUTELY
neutral with respect to competing auto companies and
push for across-the-board wage, benefit and working
condition standards. This stra

[Marxism-Thaxis] FW: Davi Joseph and Lil Joe Discussing Communism on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-02-11 Thread Lil Joe

Davi Joseph wrote: I see true or full communism as a society in which
property would be owned in common and the necessities of life shared by
members of the community. We can look at Plato's Republic or Sir Thomas
More's Utopia (early 16th century) as examples of similar ideas.

Lil Joe Reply: I haven't read Thomas Moore's Utopia. Could you provide some
details from it, to better understand why from reading it you came to the
conclusion that 'communism' is impossible? I have read Plato's Republic,
however. He didn't advocate 'communism', but a caste society in which the
masses of laborers would be controlled by a military class, and at the head
of society, literally, would be a guardian's Ruling Class - modeled on the
Hindu Brahmin. The head of this intellectual/military elite will be a
'philosopher king', with tyrannical powers.

Modern Communism isn't about abolishing 'property' in the means of
consumption among the ruling classes, and allowing it for the working
classes as in Plato's Republic. But of expropriating bourgeois property in
the advanced industrial democracies, by the proletariat.


The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property
generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property. But modern bourgeois
private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of
producing and appropriating products, that is based on class antagonisms, on
the exploitation of the many by the few.

In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single
sentence: Abolition of private property.

We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the right
of personally acquiring property as the fruit of a man’s own labour, which
property is alleged to be the groundwork of all personal freedom, activity
and independence.

Hard-won, self-acquired, self-earned property! Do you mean the property of
petty artisan and of the small peasant, a form of property that preceded the
bourgeois form? There is no need to abolish that; the development of
industry has to a great extent already destroyed it, and is still destroying
it daily.

Or do you mean the modern bourgeois private property?

But does wage-labour create any property for the labourer? Not a bit. It
creates capital, i.e., that kind of property which exploits wage-labour, and
which cannot increase except upon condition of begetting a new supply of
wage-labour for fresh exploitation. Property, in its present form, is based
on the antagonism of capital and wage labour. Let us examine both sides of
this antagonism.

To be a capitalist, is to have not only a purely personal, but a social
status in production. Capital is a collective product, and only by the
united action of many members, nay, in the last resort, only by the united
action of all members of society, can it be set in motion.

Capital is therefore not only personal; it is a social power.

When, therefore, capital is converted into common property, into the
property of all members of society, personal property is not thereby
transformed into social property. It is only the social character of the
property that is changed. It loses its class character.



Everyone would have a right to food, clothing, shelter, education, religious
worship, cultural enrichments as exist among the bourgeois classes today.
But, with the productive forces the common property of all, high quality
life now reserved for the bourgeoisie and the rich, will be the common
inheritance of all. People would still 'own' personal property, the same as
they do today, but more abundantly so and at the highest quality, for all.

It won't cost a thing. The motivation for work will be production for
consumption, rather than the current production for money (wages, profits).
Production for consumption is natural, production for money is artificial,
and will fall from its own internal contradictions.  Production is a
material process of human nature, and it is the productive classes that will
put an end to this artificial capitalist market economy by taking the
productive forces from the private possession of the bourgeois, abolishing
capitalist commodity production and wage labor.

This working class transfer of the productive forces from the private
possession of the capitalist classes to the public property of workers
associations, isn't an acting out of any 'ideal' of 'social justice', but
springs directly from the bellies of hungry workers exploited by capitalists
and ripped off by landlords and banks. In order to not forfeit the fruits of
civilization, it is in the material interests of workers to do away with
capitalism. Whether or not these workers in general have read Marx is
irrelevant. This is about implementing self-int

[Marxism-Thaxis] Article on New Orleans Leeve Corruption

2005-10-24 Thread Lil Joe
of Mexico, Seed said, and caused most of the flooding in the city. He said that 
surge from Lake Borgne resulted in the breaches on the Inner Harbor Navigation 
Canal — known in New Orleans as the industrial canal.

The industrial canal breaches occurred first, about 9 a.m. on Aug. 29, the day 
Katrina hit. The second breach occurred at the 17th Street Canal about 4 p.m. 
The London Avenue levee did not fail until about midnight. 

The storm surge swept over the top of the industrial canal and eroded its 
foundation. But the water was more than two feet below the tops of the walls on 
the 17th Street and London Avenue canals, Seed said. As a result, the loads 
were well-within the wall's design, he said. 

"The wall sections were designed to carry water to a higher level than we saw," 
he said. "The wall should not have failed."

Construction defects also may have played a role. Analysis of concrete samples 
from the 17th Street Canal shows that the levee fractured in ways that suggest 
the material was substandard. 

The defects in design and construction might have been offset had the Corps of 
Engineers used higher safety margins. In basic terms, the walls were weak and 
unsafe, Bea said.

Once it calculated the maximum loads a hurricane could impose on the levees and 
walls, the corps applied a margin of safety 30% higher than the maximum load, 
according to guidelines published in 2002 and throughout other Army engineering 

Such a margin is far below the level engineers typically set for highway 
bridges, dams, offshore oil platforms and other public structures, Bea said. 

A more typical approach would have doubled the wall strength over the maximum 
expected loads. Such a margin of safety is used for two reasons: uncertainly 
about the loads and the strength of the wall's construction. "This margin of 
safety was incredibly low," Bea said. 

Engineering expert Ron Hamburger said most engineers for decades had used a 
more sophisticated design approach called probabilistic design analysis, a 
field pioneered in part by Bea. This method tries to estimate the probability 
of failure over time.

Public safety structures now are designed to last an estimated 10,000 years 
without failure. By contrast, the New Orleans levees may have been designed to 
withstand 50 to 100 years of natural forces, Bea said.

Beyond the immediate causes of the levee failures, Seed said, investigators are 
finding that the flood protection system in New Orleans is overseen by a tangle 
of local, state, multi-state and federal organizations that do not work in a 
coordinated way. 

Along a single levee in one section of New Orleans, Seed said, investigators 
have found seven overlapping lines of government and private authority, 
including road agencies, levee boards, railroads and the Corps of Engineers. 
Such confusion has led to designs that don't always make sense, he said.

"They should rethink the entire flood protection system of New Orleans," Seed 
said. "It is a real hodgepodge of authority. If there was a coordinated effort, 
more could be done with less money." 

In addition to examining the levee breaches, investigators are looking into 
whether railroad companies failed to shore up gaps in storm walls where tracks 
pass through. Those gaps are unprotected and are supposed to be plugged with 
sandbags during a hurricane. Preliminary evidence suggests they were left open, 
allowing water to pass unobstructed into the 9th Ward. 

The Army Corps and local officials had warning signs that the levee system had 

In the case of the soil defects, at least two contractors had warned that the 
soil conditions were weaker than the corps realized.

But the federal officials failed to heed the warning signs, Bea said, citing a 
culture that has the same flaws that investigators found in NASA after the 
Columbia space shuttle accident.

Bea said the corps had "normalized deviance," meaning the corps had accepted as 
normal deviations that should have warned of impending disaster. 

-Original Message- 
From: Lil Joe 
Sent: Oct 24, 2005 9:01 AM 
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Haiti: A proletarian perspective 

Haiti: A proletarian perspective

by Aduku Addae & Lil Joe


Shirley Pate declares that solidarity activists "must connect dots that those 
who wish to join our movement understand, for instance, that the occupation of 
Palestine, Iraq and Haiti are related." ( 
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?sectionID=55&ItemID=8938 ). 

We concur. We should indeed connect dots. We should be cautioned, however, 
about the arbitrary distribution of these dots as we venture to connect them. 
We could end up with an indecipherable maze which leaves us even more confused 
than before we began the dot

[Marxism-Thaxis] Political Structures of Pan-African Federal Republic and it's economics basis - Text

2005-08-23 Thread Lil Joe

50 Years of Transition - Or,
Toward a United Africa by 2065

By Li'l Joe

I see the Pan-African Federal Parliamentary Republic coming into existence
by the support of the African Union. The African Union must be seen as a
transitional, rather than a permanent organization.

The authority of the African Union is based on its component state
governments having been elected, or by some other method coming to be the
state's government. The state is a cohesive, bureaucratic-military political
power, with a monopoly of armed power, with courts and prisons. Power
without authority is tyranny, so the first concern of the Pan- African
Federal Republic is the establishment of what constitutes its authority, the
method of authorization.

The capitalist mode of production and appropriation has created a 'natural'
condition, derived from competition, that every man is an enemy, or a tool;
the relation of man to man is mutual exploitation, the nexus of man and man
is trade and therefore money.

Political power is based on material wealth. This 'wealth', however, is not
'money' in the pocket, purse, cash register or bank, which is but government
backed banknotes, used as 'currency'. Rather, the material wealth of nations
is it's natural resources and productive assets, productive forces. Thus the
classes in possession of the nation's national resources and productive
forces possess thereby the wealth and power of the nation, the state is
therefore an instrument of class rule.

The Pan-African Federal Republic, unlike the current African Union and its
component states, is to be 'democratic', i.e., consent of the governed. This
is but a cliché, however, indeed it is an illusory community of interests,
if the People are not the Power. The Power of the People, that is Majority
Rule, having the ability to authorize members of Parliament by Elections,
can be an actuality only if the Natural Wealth of a nation is the Possession
of the Whole People.

Thus, in the course of formation of the All Africa Federal Republic the
Natural Resources of Africa must become the Public Property of Africa and
the inheritance of everyone of its diverse people.

The national states that comprise the African Union are anachronisms that
have served historically to move Africans from Colonial domination to
formal, Universally recognized Independent States.

Yet, the Natural Resources and Productive Forces have remained the
Possession of the national capitalists in league with transnational
corporations and finance capital. Consequently, African states have
degenerated into a condition where Public Power is mocked, and deteriorated
into warring economic factions, a war of all against all. The more developed
industrially and technologically advanced capitalists, represented by the
national government's of Europe and North America, have been party to these
conflicts, beginning with Civil, or rather Tribal Wars, in Congo, and
Nigeria, spanning the decades with such similar, outside sponsored wars in
Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Angola, Mozambique, and full circle to Rwanda and
again in Congo. The prime causes of these Wars are economic, the motivation
being the control of Africa's Natural Resources, Raw Materials and
Production capabilities.

The first task of the African Union is to create technological, economic and
socio-political stasis; there can be no African unity where the natural
resources and raw materials are for the grabbing, resulting in tribal
politics, the bourgeois- neo-colonialist collaboration of one camp against

Africa is a Continent of Failed States. This is true. However, wars and
'failed states' are not the cause of economic chaos, but one of the many

The same thing has been happening in Europe over the past two centuries.
Consider the savage wars of the 20th century, imperial rivalries and
nationalist expansionism. The fact is that capitalist commodity production
by wageworkers is a war of capitalist against capitalist, nation against
nation, and class against class.

The proletariat of the European Union can put an end to the anarchy of
capitalist commodity production by winning the battles of democracy,
legislating the transfer of the productive forces from the private
possessions of national capitalists to the public property of the working
classes and toiling masses, and thereupon abolishing capitalist commodity
production and wage labor.

The anarchy of capitalist commodity production, competition, wars and civil
wars are presently destroying Africa and ruining its economies. Ethnic
cliques associated with this or that tribal nationalistic bourgeois are
fighting to control territories rich with natural resources and raw
materials, trading diamonds, gold and oil contracts in exchange for guns,
tanks, mines, military aircraft and anti-aircraft weapons while allowing --
if not acerbating -- famine, draught, malaria, and AIDS to wreck havoc in
what's left of national economies, and d

[Marxism-Thaxis] LaborPartyPraxis

2005-08-23 Thread Lil Joe

  Labor Party Praxis is an organization and e-group that is committed to
participating in the self-organization of the working class as a class and,
consequently, a political party. History has shown that every class struggle
is a political struggle.

  Based on monopoly possession of the productive forces, the most powerful,
economically dominant class is the most powerful politically dominant class.
Those who own do not work, and those who work do not own. It is only when
the working class is a community of owners of the productive forces and
agriculture that we will become the most powerful, economically dominant

  The productive forces are forms of wealth derived from the mode of
appropriating labor and/or the products of labor. The capitalist mode of
appropriation -- the result of the capitalist mode of production of
commodities -- produces capitalist private property. The form of wealth is
capital, and the economic domination of capital compels the individual
members of society -- having no means of production of their own -- to
capitalize their labor ability, that is, to sell their labor power in order
to live.

  Labor Party Praxis challenges this arrangement, and fights for a society
in which the working class becomes the ruling class. We posit that winning
the battle of democracy, taking the productive forces from the capitalist
class, and transferring those means of social production and distribution
from the private sector to public property could accomplish working class
ownership of the means of social production.

  The struggle by the working class for state power is a political struggle
that requires an active and energetic American Labor Party that competes in
the electoral arena against the Democratic Party as well as the Republican
Party. The formation of an American Labor Party must be financially based
in, and accountable to, the trade unions, and socially based in the class as
a whole. This requires nothing short of internal revolutions in the trade
unions -- throwing out of office the Democratic and Republican parties'
advocates and representatives in the trade unions, and by replacing these
with union representatives and officers that are committed to building the
American Labor Party.

  This is the praxis -- the practical-critical, revolutionizing activity in
the self-organization of the working class. The focus is on this praxis as a
strategy toward winning the battle of democracy in order to become the
majority in the American House of Representatives, and to engage in class
war with the Senate, Presidency, Judiciary, and their Constitution.

  The struggle for democracy is necessarily the struggle for a Labor Party
majority in the House of Representatives -- comprised of workers (industrial
workers, agricultural workers, service workers, salaried medical
professionals, sanitation workers, etc.) and members of oppressed ethnic and
gender communities who are also overwhelmingly working class. This working
class majority in the House of Representatives will:

1.. Legislate the repeal of the Taft-Hartley Law;

2.. Restrict the Labor Relations Board to working-class members;

3.. Place the Civil Rights Commissions in the oppressed ethnic and
gender communities;

4.. Legislate a Living Wage equal to the Median Income;

5.. Reduce the working-day from eight to six hours a day in order to
re-employ the sectors that capital has displaced and tossed out as a surplus

6.. Legislating the expropriation of all plants and factories and
agribusinesses that refuse to implement these changes or move abroad;

7.. Legislate free health care facilities for everyone in America
regardless of national origin;

8.. Legislate the free movement of workers in the NAFTA countries and
formation of cross border trade unions;

9.. Legislate free public education with open enrollment from
kindergarten through graduate school, open to all who live in Amnerica
without regard to race, ethnicity or national origin;

10.. Legislate the funding of these programs with a progressive income
tax, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax written into the tax code, so
that capitalists who try to worm out of these taxes by loopholes will go to
prison, and the expropriation of any and all capitalist businesses that
refuse to continue to invest in those taxed companies or seek to relocate.

  Labor Party Praxis will be in the trade union movement and the Labor Party

[Marxism-Thaxis] Political Structures of Pan-African Federal Republic and it's economics basis: Preface

2005-08-23 Thread Lil Joe

August, 2005

Political Structures of Pan-African Federal Republic and it's economics

A Possible Scenario

Submitted for discussion purposes

by Lil Joe



The political representatives of the G8's industrial and finance capitals --
representatives of the agribusinesses, industrial and finance capitalist's
of the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan --
and Russia -- met in Britain to politically mediate their economic
conflicts, and develop a joint political strategy needed to confront the
global economic crises, and, consequently, political crisis.

The G8's capitalists are presently locked into a battle between the
interest's of the big capitalists of the European Union and Asia,
represented by the governments of Germany, France, and Japan on the one
side, against those represented by the United States, Canada and the United
Kingdom on the other. It is an economic war waged by technological advances
of the productive forces in capitalist commodity production by wageworkers,
competing with rival capitalists of the same industries in the frameworks of
domestic and transnational corporations.

Global rivalries including, for example, the steel industries, the
agricultural blocs -- e.g. the 'banana wars' -- and control of energy
resources, and 3rd world debt -- have always been part and parcel of the
anarchic nature of capitalist commodity production by wage labor, an
economic war of all against all. In their respective industrial or
agricultural business rivalries, the struggle to dominate the market,
possibly by driving out competitors, one capitalist kills many.

But, large-scale industries and agriculture of necessity go over from one
'captain of industry' proprietorships to corporate capital formations,
social capital, the ownership of which is by many in stocks, shares. These
in turn hire workers, salaried employees to manage the business for them, to
run the corporation, the objective of their jobs being to drive out
competitors and maximize profits.

The epicenter of these conflicts is Middle Asia and North Africa. US
capitalists, by the superior military power of their political state want to
expand that state power into Middle Asia and North Africa to thus
subordinate the capitalists of the European Union, politically -- by means
of military occupation forces controlling the oil fields -- to thereby
control the energy sources upon which the industries and agribusinesses of
the European Union, and Japan, are dependent. This is the real legacy of the
so-called "Carter Doctrine".

The European Union nations, and Japan, have the most advanced technology and
high labor productivity, but relatively low military capacity, and the
United States has less efficient productive forces, but an awesome military
capacity and willingness to use it. It is using it in Central Europe and
Middle Asia.

Warfare is politics by other means, by violence. But, ideological propaganda
is required to bamboozle the American and British working classes to justify
these wars and occupations of Middle Asian countries.

British and American capitalist's cannot argue their case for wars and
occupations on the truthful basis of generating profit maximizations by the
conquest and control of oil fields vis-à-vis the rival capitalist's of
Germany, Japan and France, so US and UK demagogic politicians generate
politics of fear: "The Arabs are coming!" i.e. "Arab and Islamic terrorists
are coming!" And by the sophistry and flowery rhetoric and propaganda
through the news media of the White Man's Burden of spreading into these
"medieval" Arab and Islamic lands Western Christian 'values', and
institutions: "human rights", "woman's rights", and "democracy".

Now in control of Iraqi oil fields, the politico-military representatives of
U.S. industrial and finance capitalist's forced the German, French and
Russian industrial and finance capitalists to cancel debts and interests
payments due them by Iraqi capitalists and their bureaucratic-military

This is what U.S. troop movement in Central Asian former Soviet Republics,
together with colonial occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and
Kuwait is all about. This also is the explication of Britain and America
pressure in the U.N to authorize their 'right' to intervene directly in
Sudan in Africa.

The British, through its so-called "Commonwealth" of neo-colonies has
Nigeria, and other oil producing African countries under its political, and
America's economic control. But, Sudan has not been 'co-operative', as it is
doing its business with the rising economic powerhouse of Asia, China. It is
to be understood, that this is not the crude materialist analysis of the
American's wanting to own the oilfield as the motive i

[Marxism-Thaxis] FW: Political Structures of Pan-African Federal Republic and it's economics basis: Introduction

2005-08-23 Thread Lil Joe



What I want to show here is how a number of technological and economic
changes, facilitated by European trade with India and China, benefited

The printing press, gunpowder, navigation, and spices from the East Indies
contributed to scientific, technological and economic revolutions in the
16th and 17th centuries. World trade fed capitalist commodity production in
the Netherlands and Britain.

This resulted in capital accumulation leading to the industrial revolutions
in Britain and France, and underdevelopment in Africa, lose of its skilled
laborers in the slave trade, and the acquisition of commodities produced by
wageworkers in Europe consequently retarding Africa's own handicrafts.

We need not do an entire analysis of the economics of primitive capital
accumulation and the role that the trans-Atlantic slave trade played in it
engendering European development and African underdevelopment. Suffice it to
refer the readers to:

  I) Karl Marx: "Capital Vol. II
  II) W.E.B. Dubois: "The World and Africa"
  III) Eric Williams: "Capitalism and Slavery"
  IV) Walter Rodney: "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa"

The industrial development of England and the Underdevelopment of West
Africa were directly related to:

  A) American plantation systems needing experienced, skilled agricultural
laborers, not hunters-gatherers.
  B) African Slavers needed Guns
  C) Human beings bartered in Africa, had more value in America than the
exchange value of Guns.

Assume that in England and in America one gun is equal to one pair of shoes
and to one shirt. The merchant goes to Africa, rather than directly to

Were the merchant capitalist to trade directly with American customers,
using monetary forms of exchange, one gun would exchange for one pound of
sugar or one pound of coffee.

The Triangular Trade between European merchant ships brought guns, and other
commodities to costal African kingdoms exchanging them for human beings.
These human beings were carried from Africa to America and sold into chattel
slavery. Agricultural produce and raw materials were purchased with the
money derived from the selling of the slaves. These commodities were then
carried from the American colonies and sold to customers in Europe. Produce
was sold to merchants; raw materials, e.g. sugar and cotton, were sold to
capitalists in Britain to be processed in manufactures and industries, thus
directly contributed to the industrial revolution in England.

The factors that coalesced in the development of Europe; thus, the
Triangular Trade is "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa".

The dialectical interaction of trade between Europe and Asia, however, has
also to be factored in as very important to the rise of capitalism and
industry in Europe. Without gunpowder, and therefore guns, muskets and
cannon, there would have been no colonization of the Americas, or the
triangular trade.

Had it not been for muskets and cannons, the Portuguese and Spanish
conquistadors would not have had the capacity to conquer the Americas. The
America's natural resources included, as well as the gold used in European
economies, agriculture, maize, potatoes, sugar, tobacco, which were
important in the world-market and its products in the trans-Atlantic,
triangular trade. Potatoes were cheaply produced in great quantities, which
together with bread, became the cheap but filling component of English
workers and Irish farmer's diets.

Africans had been smelting iron for centuries, but had no gunpowder and
consequently no gun industry. The Chinese invention and harmless use of 'gun
powder' was made into a weapon of violence, war.

The brisk arms trade, made all the more necessary that African tribes and
feudal warrior kingdoms conquer and present to gun merchants human beings of
other tribes to become economic chattel, rather than having members of their
own tribe or kingdom become captured, and made into chattel. The
depopulation of Africa nor Africa's reliance upon industrial commodities
imported from Europe, would not have occurred had it not been for Europe's
trade with Asia, and consequently there would have been no colonization and
underdevelopment of Africa.

The French and British mercantile systems, predicated upon the manufacture
and industry in England ,were domestic capitalist commodity production
surrounded by colonial crop economies. The emerging capitalist modes of
production and distribution in England subordinated the Portuguese and
specifically the Spaniard's system of colonial possession of plunder and


Mercantile capitalistic commodity Production originated in Britain and
Western European kingdoms, under absolute monarchs, initially in cottage
industries. Of course this cannot be fully explicated without taking into
account other contributing factors, in England for instance.

In the history of England, from the days of the Roman Empire, garment
industries were important. The Romans brought sheep to England,

[Marxism-Thaxis] Debunking "Man the Killer Ape" Myth

2005-08-19 Thread Lil Joe

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Early man more wary than war-like, new book asserts

Refutes 'natural born killer' model

By Tony Fitzpatrick

July 7, 2005 — Early man was more wary than war-like, more intelligent,
agile, and cooperative than aggressive, predator or killer, and he
co-evolved as the prey of many species.

Moreover, in the old days, woman wore the pants in the family and men were
basically expendable, not the brightest bulbs on the tree when it came to
tools, and functioning best as sentinels wary of predators in edge
environments between the forest and savannah.

Those are the primary themes of a new book, Man the Hunted: Primates,
Predators and Human Evolution, co-authored by Robert W. Sussman, Ph.D.,
professor of anthropology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St.
Louis, and Donna L. Hart, Ph.D., a member of the faculty of Pierre Laclede
Honors College and the Department of Anthropology at the University of
Missouri-St. Louis.

Since the process of human evolution is so long and varied, Sussman and Hart
decided to focus their research on one specific species, Australopithecus
afarensis, which lived between five million and two and a half million years
ago and is one of the better known early human species. Most paleontologists
agree that Australopithecus afarensis is the common link between fossils
that came before and those that came after. It shares dental, cranial and
skeletal traits with both. It's also a very well represented species in the
fossil record.

According to Sussman, three factors made our forbearer a prime target for a
host of predators — small size (adults ranged from around three to five feet
and they weighed 60-100 pounds); a total lack of tools or weapons; the
inability to use fire.

'Natural born killers'

  A sampling of primate fossils found in and near a crowned hawk eagle's
nest in east Africa, vivid proof that primates long have been the target of
predator species.
The book rebuts the prevailing popular notion that humans are "natural born
killers," genetically programmed to kill, as well as the notion that human
males share with chimpanzee males and our common ancestor a killer instinct.

Sussman says that a book published in the late 1990s, Demonic Male, by
Richard W. Wrangham, has helped foster notions that humans are inherently
violent and hunters first, rather than social beings who evolved that way as
a self-defense mechanism.

"These erroneous notions have arisen from observations that, out of many
primate species, only humans and chimpanzees will kill their own kind and
hunt other mammals," Sussman notes. "The end product is that chimpanzees and
humans share genes and biological instincts for killing and that's what
makes them good hunters. Our theory says that is all unadulterated garbage.
Our reliance upon each other to avoid predators made us survivors. Instead
of a need to kill, we developed first the need to cooperate. Group-living
mammals need to cooperate to live."

Sussman says that there is absolutely no fossil evidence to support the
natural killer scenario. There is, on the other hand, abundant evidence in
the fossil record that animals attack and kill primates, from birds of prey
millions of years ago to wolves in Europe and crocodiles in Asia today. And,
Sussman notes, if you don't think that humans today are not fearful of
animal predators, trying yelling "shark!" on a crowded beach.

"Humans are still extremely nervous about predation," he says. "In the book,
we look at cats, dogs, birds, reptiles such as crocodiles, even sharks and
how they might affect modern primates today and we found that, in nations
where there is still lots of natural environment, the predation rate is very
high — humans are still preyed upon.

"The main thing that allowed us to survive, and may even had led to our
developing language skills, was our counter mechanisms against predators.
Early humans had to keep one step ahead of their predators."

Following the female lead

  Robert Sussman
Sussman and Hart point to a large body of evidence, some old and some
recent, that shows females developed and used tools, knew the geography
(they remembered where water sources were, but males didn't) chose males as
friends that would protect them, and used males as sentinels to protect the

"If the females didn't have a male, they would get picked off by predators,"
he says. "There usually was more than one male in a social group."

The book is illustrated with much fossil evidence, such as an incredible
array of primate bones found beneath the nest of a Harpy's Eagle in South
America, which, along with Africa's Crowned Eagle and the Phillipine Eagle
(formerly the monkey-eating eagle), are the primary birds of prey that to
this day are a threat to primates, including humans. There are pictures of
Indian men wearing masks on the backs of their heads so that tigers won't
attack them, and electrified dummie

[Marxism-Thaxis] Economics and Politics: The State and Revolution (ESSAY) by Lil Joe

2005-06-14 Thread Lil Joe

> June 1, 2005
> Economics and Politics: The State and Revolution
> by Lil Joe 
> Introduction
> In this short essay, I will argue that the essence of the State flows from
> or is a product of human sociology. In other words, what I here call the
> State at the same time embodies and mediates the technological divisions
> of labor, economies of exchange, the subsequent class formations with
> mutually exclusive economic interests, and the resultant and mutually
> opposed political factions representing classes. Every class struggle is a
> political struggle, both relative and absolute.
> I. The Origins Of The State
> The divisions of labor with their corresponding property forms produce
> conflicts of interests between the economic categories of proprietors. For
> instance, pastoral tribes or classes conflict with agricultural tribes or
> classes. The origins of the conflict in Southern Sudan exemplify the
> conflicts among pastoral and agricultural classes regarding land usage.
> These pastoral/agricultural class conflicts center on whether fertile
> lands will be allowed to remain as natural grazing lands to provide
> pastures for cattle, sheep, camels, etc., or will they be transformed by
> human labor into farm lands to grow crop in subsistence agriculture and
> commercial crops for sale. (Note: the conflict in Southern Sudan has grown
> to be more complex, but its origins can be traced back to a conflict
> between pastoral and agricultural classes, as well as conflicts between
> individual proprietors of cattle, sheep, camels, etc. for exclusive sway
> and ownership of grazing lands.)
> Within civil society, the State arises as a public power based in a
> military capacity to mediate the conflicts between property formations,
> and to regulate these conflicts through laws. Additionally, in civil
> society the State is used by the propertied classes to press their will on
> the property-less working classes and toiling masses. The political
> factions in the State represent class interests. Within these divisions
> and conflicts of interests arise further divisions and antagonisms. To
> regulate these proprietary conflicts and class antagonisms, the State
> arises to mediate conflict.
> Max Weber wrote, "Like the political institutions historically preceding
> it, the state is a relation of men dominating men, a relation supported by
> means of legitimate (i.e., considered to be legitimate) violence. If the
> state is to exist, the dominated must obey the authority claimed by the
> powers that be. * Today, however, we have to say that a state is a
> human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate
> use of physical force within a given territory. * Of course, force is
> certainly not the normal or the only means of the state-nobody says
> that-but force is a means specific to the state." 
> (Max weber's definition of the modern state 1918, 
> see http://www.mdx.ac.uk/www/study/xweb.htm.)
> Keeping with the earlier example of pastoral and agricultural classes,
> conflicts between the various forms of property resulting from the
> sub-divisions engenders conflicts. For instance, among farmers arose
> antagonisms between farmers who want to, for example, raise fields of
> vegetables for consumption and/or commerce, and, say, commercial farmers
> that want to produce cash crops for local and/or distant markets. The
> function of the state is to mediate conflicts between and among classes,
> to establish rules of equation, property rights, and privileges, and to
> legislate laws that are enforced by armed men. 
> Read Article at: http://laborpartypraxis.org/Economics.html
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Class struggle in Zimbabwe

2005-06-06 Thread Lil Joe

> The class struggle in Zimbabwe is moving from the 
> Black bourgeoisie of that country mobilizing the 
> workers and landless peasants in that African country
> in its own class interests against "White settler-
> colonists" into a struggle in which the Zimbabwean
> worker's and peasants have come to be and think
> as a 'mind and will' of their own, class consciousness
> as opposed to bourgeois nationalist race consciousness.
> The ZANU-PF, while it is to be defended in the
> earlier stages of land expropriations of settler-
> capitalists by landless peasants, it has always
> been clear that this is a bourgeois-democratic
> extension of the liberation movement into the
> economics of the country-side, but the ZANU-PF
> socialist rhetoric has always been a sham. 
> Land reform or land redistribution has always been a
> component of the bourgeois democratic revolutions,
> whether the English Revolution in 1840, the Great
> French Revolution in its radical stages represented
> by the Committee of Public Safety Jacobins government,
> the Russian Revolution in 1917, 1921-8, or even the
> Chinese Revolution in the 1930-40s, and the Zapata
> factions in Southern Mexico in the Mexican Revolution
> in the early to mid-20th century. This kind of radical
> land redistribution in Zimbabwe was put on hold by
> the Lancaster Agreements in which the ZANU-PF shifted
> its alliance with the poor peasants and workers of
> Zimbabwe to the settler-capitalists, and subsequently
> with IMF.
> The Zimbabwe landless peasants led by the war veterans
> took matters into their own hands in the latter part
> of the 1990s, and continue to do so today. In need
> of their political support against the imperialist 
> supported "Movement for Democratic Change (MDF) the
> ZANU-PF government supported rather than opposed the
> land expropriations. Britain, Amnesty International,
> the American government (both the Clinton and the
> Bush administrations) and the Congressional Black
> Caucus and Trans-Africa and Black Radical Congress
> all came out in opposition to the land expropriations
> ostensibly in opposition to "Mugabe" the individual.
> While it is the duty of workers to defend the peasant's
> land expropriation, it is never to be with illusions
> that it has anything to do with socialism which is
> based in the proletariat in the agribusinesses as well
> as industries and mines themselves expropriating these
> productive forces not as individuals for private wealth
> but as collective class property for social wealth of
> the people of Zimbabwe, both these expropriations and
> management of expropriated bourgeois wealth must occur
> without regard to the race, tribe, religion or color
> of the capitalists being expropriated or of the workers
> doing the expropriating! 
> The article below shows that the ZANU-PF is as it has
> always been: the political party of the dominate factions
> of Zimbabwa's Black urban bourgeois (the peasants are 
> nothing but the rural bourgeois) now that the poorest
> of the peasants, following their class interests are now
> expropriating Black bourgeois property and are being
> chased from those properties by the ZANU-PF government's 
> state. 
> It is becoming clearer to African workers and even
> the poorer peasants that racial nationalism is nothing
> but the ideology of the African "Black" bourgeoisie,
> mobilizing African workers and peasants to pursue
> the interests of the African bourgeoisie in the liberation
> movements and wars. 
> Since for the past several decades the Black bourgeoisie
> has been in power, and have wrecked African civil societies,
> and wars of competition has broken out between the
> competiting factions of this bourgeoisie on the basis
> of supposed "tribal" interests, including ethnic wars,
> it is clear in Zimbabwe where the class content of these
> social wars is most advanced in consequence of the
> peasants risings (expropriations) -- now that these
> poorest peasants are expropriating the lands of 
> the African bourgeoisie and being repealed by the
> ZANU-PF state -- that the bourgeois democratic revolutions
> by the poor peasants land expropriations have to
> throw-off racial ideology and disassociate themselves
> from the bourgeois party in power (in this case in
> Zimbabwe ZANU-PF). 
> Only by forming an alliance with the wageworkers in 
> the factories, and mines, and yes, the wageworkers 
> on the farms - the expropriation of all the bourgeois 
> property in Zimbabwe, including the Black bourgeoisie - 
> can the peasants and workers of Zimbabwe advance the 
> permanent re

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cosby want to hide his dirty linen

2005-06-04 Thread Lil Joe

> About a year ago Bill Cosby was reported in all the American press outlets
> and media for 'scolding' the 'lower socioeconomic class of Blacks', for
> lack of moral values and not speaking proper English, as the cause of
> their own massive unemployment and high prison proportions, going so far
> as to justify the cops killing a Black teenager, wearing his hat on
> backward and wearing their pants on their backsides,  for stealing a pound
> cake: that the kid had it coming. 
> Endorsing his attacking the counter-culture of Black working class youth,
> Cosby has 'won' praise from editorials ranging from traditional Negro
> weekly publications of the Black bourgeoisie wannabe "Black Anglo-Saxons",
> to the conservative racists in American publications, to the Economist
> published in England on behalf of the English bourgeoisie.
> In the 2004 July 10th-16th issue of the Economist, the editorial on the
> United States has a cartoon of Cosby as a school teacher standing next to
> a black board with his right hand on his hip and left hand finger pointing
> to the words on the blackboard which states: TODAY'S LESSON: GETTING YOUR
> ACT TOGETHER. The article goes on to state:
> "Bill Cosby has had it up to here with black street culture" -- going on
> to quote Cosby having said: " ' Your dirty laundry gets out of school at
> 2.30pm every day, its cursing and calling each other nigger' ... They
> think they're hip. They can't read; nor can they write. They're laughing
> and giggling, and their going nowhere...You can't be a doctor with that
> kind of crap coming out of your mouth.'" 
> Well, Cosby didn't accuse the Black youth of rape - which is precisely
> what Cosby is standing trial for!
> Cosby defended his attacks on the Black youth in the hood, saying it's
> time to speak the truth in public and rejected the criticism that Blacks
> shouldn't 'air their dirty linen in public'. Well, now that his ass and
> the shit in his pants is exposed to the public, his attorneys are arguing
> on his behalf for a gag order to prevent his rape victims from airing his
> dirty linen in public!
> Lil Joe
> ===-
> No gag order in Cosby sexual assault case 
> June 03, 2005 4:55 PM EDT 
> PHILADELPHIA, Jun 03, 2005 (United Press International via COMTEX) --
> There'll be no gag order in the Bill Cosby sexual assault case -- at least
> for now.
> A federal judge in Philadelphia refused to block anyone involved in the
> case from talking about it. But, U.S. District Judge Eduardo Robreno
> warned the lawyers they would face his wrath, in the form of fines or
> disciplinary action, if the case turns into a "media circus," the
> Philadelphia Daily News said Friday.
> The civil suit against Cosby was brought by Andrea Constand, 31, a
> Canadian and former director of operations for women's basketball at
> Temple University.
> Constand contends that while alone with the entertainer in his suburban
> Philadelphia home in January 2004, Cosby gave her some type of knockout
> drug and then sexually assaulted her.
> Court papers said 13 other women may be called to testify at trial "to
> details of alleged similar incidents of sexual assaults involving" Cosby.
> Copyright 2005 by United Press International.
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Emerging worker centered anti-capitalist Left in German and French politics?

2005-06-04 Thread Lil Joe


A Threat From the Left for Schröder?

  Lafontaine left Schröder's government in 1999

   Oskar Lafontaine, ex-chairman of Germany's Social Democrats, has
left the party to support a possible new left-wing alliance to challenge
Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's center-left government in the upcoming

  Long the bane of Schröder's political life, Lafontaine has
played the leftist gadfly since petulantly quitting as finance minister in
1999. Having flirted with the idea of leaving the Social Democratic Party
(SPD) and he clearly felt the time was right after the chancellor decided to
bring forward the next general election for this fall.

  Lafontaine has consistently attacked Schröder's so-called
Agenda 2010, a package of unpopular welfare cuts and labor market reforms
dubbed Hartz IV that slashed unemployment benefits.

  "I have always said that if my party went into the
election with Agenda 2010 and Hartz IV, I couldn't support it anymore,"
Lafontaine said on German television. "The decision has now been made."

  After abandoning the SPD, Lafontaine immediate went about
trying to forge a new political home for himself. He has proposed an
alliance between the eastern German Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and
a new western left-wing party calling itself Election Alternative (WASG).

  Trailing the conservatives

  Already trailing the conservative opposition, a new threat
from the left could seriously jeopardize Schröder's re-election chances this
autumn as it could siphon off support from disgruntled trade unionists and
left-wing hardliners in the SPD. After 39 years as a Social Democrat, the
charismatic Lafontaine could possibly draw many people to the banner of any
new party.

  "Such an alliance would be a clear challenge and one that
I don't underestimate," said SPD Chairman Franz Müntefering.

  The SPD is still reeling from the crushing defeat in last
Sunday’s election in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, once a regional
stronghold for the Social Democrats. Schröder felt he had no choice but to
bring the general election scheduled for autumn 2006 forward by a year after
the conservatives won the poll.

  Professor Jürgen Falter, a political scientist at the
University of Mainz, said a potential left-wing coalition could try to
combine Lafontaine's popularity with that of the PDS' former leader Gregor
Gysi to build a pan-German far-left party.

  "With people like Oskar Lafontaine and perhaps Gregor Gysi
as the respective candidates for western and eastern Germany, the party will
very likely get past the five percent parliamentary hurdle," Falter told

  PDS unsure

  The leadership of the PDS, which rose from the ashes of
East Germany's former communist party, is uncertain there is enough time to
try to merge the two parties. However, PDS Chairman Lothar Bisky on
Wednesday said he still thought a united leftist party would was a good
idea. "It would possibly provide a great lift for the left overall," said in
an interview with WDR television.

  Regardless of how successful the hard left is at combining
their election efforts, it could force the SPD to swing away from the
political center. Recent attacks by Müntefering on supposedly unbridled
capitalist principles could return in campaign rhetoric.

  That could placate several high-profile SPD left-wingers,
who, for the moment, appear prepared to stay in the party and fight for it
to turn away from Schröder's reform course.

  DW staff (mry)


The Year of the Locust

  The insect metaphor is finding plenty of resonance in
German media

   A senior politician sparked the current debate on capitalism in
Germany by comparing foreign investors to a plague of locusts. But some say
the use of such populist rhetoric masks a deep-seated aversion to

  The hum started in April, when SPD party secretary Franz
Müntefering unleashed a stream of rhetoric likening foreign investors to a
swarm of insects.

  "Some financial investors spare no thought for the people
whose jobs they destroy," he told the mass-circulation tabloid Bild. "They
remain anonymous, have no face, fall like a plague of locusts over our
companies, devour everything, then fly on to the next one."

  Since then, the droning buzz has grown ever louder:
locusts, everywhere. A giant locust and the Union Jack flag superimposed on
the Frankfurt stock exchange in Bild. An insect with a Yankee Doodle hat and
the headline "US Companies in Germany

[Marxism-Thaxis] FW: RE O! Dialectics

2005-06-04 Thread Lil Joe

Lil Joe: Rather Idealistic, Charles.


CB: I think not. Idealism/materialism doesn't really arise as an issue until
the occurrence of class divided societies and the antagonism between mental
and physical labor. See rest of response to Steve. The question of what
defines humans from their primate ancestors is not a question of idealism vs


Lil Joe: Here, Charles, I think we have a major disagreement as far as
Marxian materialism is concerned. Marx never wrote of 'materialism' and
'idealism' as a discussion outside the context of the materialist conception
of history.

"First Premises of Materialist Method: The premises from which we begin are
not arbitrary ones, not dogmas, but real premises from which abstraction can
only be made in the imagination. They are the real individuals, their
activity and the material conditions under which they live, both those which
they find already existing and those produced by their activity. These
premises can thus be verified in a purely empirical way."
It was in this sense that M-E in German Ideology critiqued Idealism, which
is a conception of humanity in contrast to their materialist philosophy of
humanity, where they wrote:

"Men can be distinguished from animals by consciousness, by religion or
anything else you like. They themselves begin to distinguish themselves from
animals as soon as they begin to produce their means of subsistence, a step
which is conditioned by their physical organisation."

What the bourgeois ideologists masquerading as cultural anthropologists and
sociologists call "culture", Charles, is what Hegel called 'the Idea'
objectified in politics, religion and philosophy manifested in civil
society's systems of production and appropriation (exchange).  The Idea --
whether you call it Culture, Self-Consciousness, Substance qua God, Man qua
Subject, or Absolute as not just Substance but Subject as well -- it is
Consciousness that is determinate, and that is what makes it Idealism.

This is what Marx and Engels critiqued of both the Old Hegelians and the
Young Hegelians:

 "The Old Hegelians had comprehended everything as soon as it was reduced to
an Hegelian logical category. The Young Hegelians criticised everything by
attributing to it religious conceptions or by pronouncing it a theological
matter. The Young Hegelians are in agreement with the Old Hegelians in their
belief in the rule of religion, of concepts, of a universal principle in the
existing world. Only, the one party attacks this dominion as usurpation.
while the other extols it as legitimate.  /  Since the Young Hegelians
consider conceptions, thoughts, ideas, in fact all the products of
consciousness, to which they attribute an independent existence, as the real
chains of men (just as the Old Hegelians declared them the true bonds of
human society) it is evident that the Young Hegelians have to fight only
against these illusions of consciousness. Since, according to their fantasy,
the relationships of men, all their doings, their chains and their
limitations are products of their consciousness, the Young Hegelians
logically put to men the moral postulate of exchanging their present
consciousness for human, critical or egoistic consciousness, and thus of
removing their limitations. This demand to change consciousness amounts to a
demand to interpret reality in another way, i.e. to recognise it by means of
another interpretation. The Young-Hegelian ideologists, in spite of their
allegedly “world-shattering" statements, are the staunchest conservatives. "

It was in opposition to the Idealist conception of history, that is of
humanity, that Marx and Engels famous pronouncements concerning
'materialism' were stated in opposition to the Idealism both to the Old and
the Young Hegelian dialecticians.

The Idea that Marx and Engels stated their materialist idea based on
empirical science:

"In direct contrast to German philosophy which descends from heaven to
earth, here we ascend from earth to heaven. That is to say, we do not set
out from what men say, imagine, conceive, nor from men as narrated, thought
of, imagined, conceived, in order to arrive at men in the flesh. We set out
from real, active men, and on the basis of their real life-process we
demonstrate the development of the ideological reflexes and echoes of this
life-process. The phantoms formed in the human brain are also, necessarily,
sublimates of their material life-process, which is empirically verifiable
and bound to material premises. Morality, religion, metaphysics, all the
rest of ideology and their corresponding forms of consciousness, thus no
longer retain the semblance of independence. They have no history, no
development; but men, developing their material production and their
material intercourse, alter, along with this their real existence, their
thinking and the products of their 

[Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics!

2005-06-01 Thread Lil Joe

-Original Message-

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 16:11:28 -0400
From: "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics!
To: "'Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl
Marx andthe thinkers he inspired'"

Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"


Steve Gabosch quotes:

Men can be distinguished from animals by consciousness, by religion or 
anything else you like. They themselves begin to distinguish themselves 
from animals as soon as they begin to produce their means of subsistence, a 
step which is conditioned by their physical organisation. By producing 
their means of subsistence men are indirectly producing their actual 
material life.


CB: Actually this isn't quite true. The first human modes of production are
termed "hunting and gathering" because humans do not produce their own
subsistence, but rather gather what nature has produced without human
intervention. , so to speak. That doesn't happen until tens of thousands of
years after the origin of the human species with horticulture, farming and
domestication of animals. 

I'm not sure what implication this has for our dialectics and nature

What distinguishes humans from other animials is culture, language and
methods of passing on experiences from one generation to the next.

Lil Joe: Rather Idealistic, Charles. Actually, Steve missed the important
quote in the paragraph that followed:

The way in which men produce their means of subsistence depends first of all
on the nature of the actual means of subsistence they find in existence and
have to reproduce. This mode of production must not be considered simply as
being the production of the physical existence of the individuals. Rather it
is a definite form of activity of these individuals, a definite form of
expressing their life, a definite mode of life on their part. As individuals
express their life, so they are. What they are, therefore, coincides with
their production, both with what they produce and with how they produce. The
nature of individuals thus depends on the material conditions determining
their production. 

But, this was stated more scientifically that philosophically by Marx in

The soil (and this, economically speaking, includes water) in the virgin
state in which it supplies [1] man with necessaries or the means of
subsistence ready to hand, exists independently of him, and is the universal
subject of human labour. All those things which labour merely separates from
immediate connexion with their environment, are subjects of labour
spontaneously provided by Nature. Such are fish which we catch and take from
their element, water, timber which we fell in the virgin forest, and ores
which we extract from their veins. If, on the other hand, the subject of
labour has, so to say, been filtered through previous labour, we call it raw
material; such is ore already extracted and ready for washing. All raw
material is the subject of labour, but not every subject of labour is raw
material: it can only become so, after it has undergone some alteration by
means of labour. 

An instrument of labour is a thing, or a complex of things, which the
labourer interposes between himself and the subject of his labour, and which
serves as the conductor of his activity. He makes use of the mechanical,
physical, and chemical properties of some substances in order to make other
substances subservient to his aims. [2] Leaving out of consideration such
ready-made means of subsistence as fruits, in gathering which a man's own
limbs serve as the instruments of his labour, the first thing of which the
labourer possesses himself is not the subject of labour but its instrument.
Thus Nature becomes one of the organs of his activity, one that he annexes
to his own bodily organs, adding stature to himself in spite of the Bible.
As the earth is his original larder, so too it is his original tool house.
It supplies him, for instance, with stones for throwing, grinding, pressing,
cutting, &c. The earth itself is an instrument of labour, but when used as
such in agriculture implies a whole series of other instruments and a
comparatively high development of labour. [3] No sooner does labour undergo
the least development, than it requires specially prepared instruments. Thus
in the oldest caves we find stone implements and weapons. In the earliest
period of human history domesticated animals, i.e., animals which have been
bred for the purpose, and have undergone modifications by means of labour,
play the chief part as instruments of labour along with specially prepared
stones, wood, bones, and shells. [4] The use and fabrication of ins

[Marxism-Thaxis] Socialist Leads U.S. Senate Race in Vermont

2005-05-31 Thread Lil Joe
Snip:  "That support is evident at the Old Labor Hall in Barre.   "He is as
good as they come," says Sue Lucas, a nurse in Morrisville.  "He is about
everything we believe in."
 "He is not afraid to stand up to either party," said Jim Genovesi, a worker
for an electric utility in Rutland.  "He doesn't seem to be affected by
political pressure or lobbyist pressure. He stands his ground."

 "Sanders' booming voice fills the hall as he nears the end of his speech.
"We know that our opponents have hundreds and hundreds of millions of
dollars that they put into the political process. We know they control much
of the media. We know they have an attack machine that goes from Fox to Rush
Limbaugh, the Drudge Report and all over the place.

"We know that is what THEY have," his voice thunders.

 "But there is one thing they do not have. They do not have ordinary people
prepared to knock on doors and organize all over America.   "That is what WE

"They have the money. We have the people.

"And when push comes to shove, the people are going to defeat the money."


Lil Joe Comment: Of course, 'ordinary people' versus the rich folk is not a
clear statement of  partisan working class socialist politics. It is
populism boarding on demagogy, but in America for a successful populist
running as an open 'socialist' in independent  campaign races beating
Democrats as well as Republicans in very significant. Sanders successes in
Congressional races, which aren't as expensive as Senate races, shows to
Green Party, Peace and Freedom Party and Labor Party activists that it can
be done. Rather than spreading money and resources running candidates for
President, Governors, the US and State Senate, with no chance of winning
those races, it is demonstrated by this maverick Congressman that we can in
fact win seats to the House of Representatives.

 Suppose the Green, Peace and Freedom, and Labor Parties collaborate in
elections, an electoral united front forum to run candidates in, say ten
"Blue State" Congressional Districts in 2008. Following the example of
Bernie Sanders, rather than wasting money and people power in symbolic
campaigns for 'President', instead spend their finances and resources
including human power in these ten winnable Congressional Districts; in
Districts with a favorable Green candidate the Labor and P&F party activists
would support the Green -- in Districts where the P&F candidates are strong
the Green and Labor activists would support the P&F candidate, and so on if
we can force the Labor Party to stand candidates the Greens and P&F
activists will support the Labor candidate.

This electoral united front at the polls could continue as these freshmen
congress persons will be a Red-Green alliance of Congress Persons that could
then work together in Congress, constantly challenging the Republicans and
exposing the Democrats voting choices as nothing but capitalist political
partisans masquerading in liberal costume spewing 'progressive' jibe. Newt
Gingrich showed America that an aggressive, self-confident new crew of
activist politicians that are actually running to win offices in the House
of Representatives, for the first time, can both win elections and in
Congress pose a formidable challenge to the old guard of both parties. If
Cynthia McKinney and Barbara Lee are serious about representing the
interests of ethnic working class minorities, then they could prove it by
resigning the Democratic Party and coming over to the Red-Green alliance as
independents if not joining the Labor, Green or P&F Party, and running as
such when their reelection comes term. If they don't, then they will be
exposed as just Democrats, representative of capital and the party of war.

By repeatedly winning elections as an independent candidate and open
socialist maverick Bernie Sanders has demonstrated again and again that the
American working class is ready to hear class struggle socialist ideas and
work to elect socialist representative of workers issues as such in the U.S.
House of Representatives.

I have argued that the Labor Party needs to undertake a radicalizing
campaign to run candidates against the Democrats as well as the Republicans
to actually win seats can in a decade become the majority of seats in the
House of   Representatives legislate a working class agenda including a
sustainable living wage equal to the median income and comparable to workers
wages in Northern Europe (Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, &C) and ending
unemployment by reducing the workweek from 8+ hours a day (40+workweek) to
6- hours a day or 30 hour workweek with triple-pay for overtime (for more
than 6 hours a day or 30 hours a week). As technology and robo

[Marxism-Thaxis] The Religious Right: The Lure of Christian Nationalism

2005-04-15 Thread Lil Joe
Readers must consider the source: It was the official
Quisling Judges of the Sanhedrin, and Roman State
that legally executed Jesus. It was all legal. It wasn't
'the Jews' but the pagan Roman State that is to be
held responsible. 

It is in this historical tradition that Judge Roy Moore's
masquerade as a 'Christian Judge' is to be exposed.
It was the State who condemned Jesus, the Roman
state ordered and carried through the execution; the
crucifixion of Jesus.

The Judaic Sanhedrin might have regarded 'Blasphemy' to
be a Palestinian 'crime', punishable by death (capital
punishment); but, it was the Roman Courts that declared
Jesus 'guilty' -- not of 'blasphemy', however, but guilty
of 'sedition'. Jesus was a revolutionary, and regarded
as such when he was arrested on the Mount of Olives.
Jesus was arrested by the Temple guards in the middle
of the night; tried by the Sanhedrin in the middle of the
night; sent to the Israeli Quisling Herod in the middle
of the same night.

It was not the Jews, but the Roman occupation forces in
the same night, and condemned to execution -- not by
the Jewish Sanhedrin or the Quisling Herod, but by the
Roman State - whipped throughout the night, crowned
with a circle of thorns, and sent to crucifixion taken by
Roman soldiers; nailed to the cross by Roman soldiers;
and on the cross by Roman soldiers punctured in the

The United States derived from Europe patterns itself
on the model of the Roman State. The Roman Eagle,
and the brutality it symbolizes. The American Court
system, although different in historical content and
legality of substance because of differences in time
and place, is based on Rome, the murderers of the
Christ is, has nothing to do with the Jesus Christians.
It is only by exploitation of the ignorance of American
wanna-be Christians, that the US Constitution and
Courts masquerade as Christian. 

Lil Joe

This is part 2 of a 5-part series. 
Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism
Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! 

America's Religious Right - Saints or Subversives? 
By Steve Weissman 
t r u t h o u t | Investigation 

Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! 



Friday 15 April 2005 

Judge Roy Moore knows how to rally the troops, especially among
right-wing Christian evangelicals. A devout Southern Baptist, he tells them
what they want to hear, as he did in early 2002 to a gathering in Tennessee:

Since September 11, we have been at war. I submit to you there is another
war raging - a war between good and evil, between right and wrong. For 40
years we have wandered like the children of Israel. In homes and schools
across our land, it's time for Christians to take a stand. This is not a
nation established on the principles of Buddha or Hinduism. Our faith is not
Islam. What we follow is not the Koran but the Bible. This is a Christian
Judge Roy Moore and his monument to the Ten Commandments.   
A West Point graduate and Vietnam veteran, Moore also knows how to pick
his weapon - the iconic Ten Commandments, which he has honed over long years
into a popular organizing tool and a potentially winning issue. 

Moore began his campaign back in the early 1990s. As a local judge in
Alabama's Etowah County, he put a small wooden display of the Ten
Commandments in his courtroom and opened his judicial sittings with prayer.
The American Civil Liberties Union took legal action to stop him, and the
state courts eventually dismissed the case over a question of legal

But, even as the wheels of justice turned, politics quickly took hold.
Alabama Governor Fob James Jr. loudly threatened to send in the National
Guard if federal authorities tried to remove the Ten Commandments from
Moore's courtroom. 

The US House of Representatives voted 295-125 to support the right of
public officials to display copies of the Ten Commandments, which - said
Congress - are "fundamental principles that are the cornerstone of a fair
and just society." 

And in the 2000 election campaign, George W. Bush proposed that a
"standard version" of the Ten Commandments be posted in schools and other
public places. "I have no problem with the Ten Commandments posted on the
wall of every public place," he told reporters. 

In the arcane world where religious militants become political
organizers, evangelical Christians and others all over the country escalated
their long-term fight to bring back school prayer and encourage the official
display of the Ten Commandments. Moore had found his signature issue, and
gained growing fame throughout Alabama and across the nation as the "Ten
Commandments Judge." 

 Judge Roy Moore, the "Ten Commandments Judge."  
Elected Chief Justice of the state Supreme Court in 2000, he s

[Marxism-Thaxis] New COINTELPRO campaign directed at Arabs, Muslims and South East Asians

2005-03-12 Thread Lil Joe

I hesitate to forward this, because in the 60s and 70s, when we were
child-rebels thinking of ourselves as 'revolutionaries' but having
no strategy to take state power and the productive forces, we were
disrupted, became mutually suspicious within organizations and
between organizations. This, leading to self-destruction on the one
hand and focusing on victims of government murders and incarcerations
on the other, helped defeat the movement. Bearing this in mind, I
nevertheless forward this as an FYI.

Lil Joe

New COINTELPRO campaign directed at Arabs, Muslims and South East Asians
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

BERKELEY, CA: Similar to the COINTELPRO operation against the African
Americans during the 1960s, the Arab, Muslim and South East Asian
communities are currently facing a new FBI counter intelligence program,
says Dr. Hatem Bazian, Professor at the Near East and Ethnic Studies
Department, University of California, Berkeley.

COINTELPRO is the acronym for a series of FBI counterintelligence programs
designed to neutralize political dissidents. In the 1960s and 1970s _ the
program was directed against the civil rights movements, and especially
against the community leadership of African Americans, Latinos and Native
Americans. In the 1980s there was a program against Central American
solidarity groups.

In a speech entitled, the New COINTELPRO campaign directed at Arabs,
Muslims and South East Asians, Dr. Bazian said that the present FBI
operations directed at Arabs and Muslims and South Asians, which it deems
to be the enemies of state, have similarities between what took place in
1960s and what is taking place now.

He added that all sub_divisions _ such as ethnic groupings, immigrants or
indigenous and ideological differentiations of the Muslims, Arabs and South
Asians are included as target by the counter Intelligence operation.

Dr. Bazian went on to say that as pinpointed by Brian Glick author of War
At Home, four methods were employed by the FBI during the height of the
Cointelpro poperation during 1960s and the same methods are being employed
now which are: 1) Infiltration. 2) Psychological warfare from outside. 3)
Harassment through the legal system. 4) Extra legal force and violence.

He graphically explained how the community has been affected by the
arrests, raids or search warrants against the Muslim, Arab and South Asian
individuals, groups and organizations. In the hour long speech at the UC
Berkeley campus, he also exposed the media frenzy created by the FBI and
the Department of Homeland Security by pre_arranging media coverage of
these arrests, raids or search warrants.

Through legal harassment, he added, the government can set in motion a
great size of fear which begins to permeate every sector of the targeted
community. A number of areas in the US have been hard hit by the government
legal campaign and it will take sometimes before we are recovered both
financially and organizationally to national level.

Dr. Bazian argued that the arrests, raids or search warrants campaign is
redirecting the agenda of the Muslim, Arab and South Asian individuals,
groups and organizations while the legal cases are draining resources of
the community.

Infiltration in the Arab, Muslim and South East Asian community

Explaining the infiltration in the Arab, Muslim and South East Asian groups
and organizations, Dr. Bazian said: "In my opinion the period of
recruitment was put into place immediately after 9/11 and is still
underway, three years removed after the tragic events." The Infiltration is
underway, under the premise of security America from the sleeper cells, he

He believes that the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI arms have
reached the limit in the recruitment campaign and every major Arab and
Muslim and South East Asian organization or center must have someone on the
job of collecting information for big brother. "The discredit and disrupt
phase has just started and rest assure that it will kick into high gear in
the next few years, considering the personnel inducted by the Bush
administration in his second term."

Dr. Bazian said that the Israeli centric members of the American society is
offering its services for collecting information about the Muslims for its
own ideological reason which is to benefit of the security of Israeli
political and economic interests in America. "Many Israeli centric
individuals and organizations view with great alarm the increase in numbers
and assertiveness of American Muslim and Arab communities. Since it has
potential in the long run of causing the reconsideration of the existing
policies vis a vis Israel and the Middle East."

"The infiltration program directed by the Israeli centric grouping has
longer experience in this field and is also able to recruit from a diverse
group of personnel that speak Arabic and served possibly in some capacity
in the occupied territory. The 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Scientists in America make concessions to Religious Right

2005-03-10 Thread Lil Joe

Science standards debated
Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:00 am

Committee members spar over evolution’s place in
state’s science standards

 Salina Journal

Coming closer together, getting more specific,
allowing for uncertainty and eliminating dogmatic
phrases marked Wednesday’s meeting of some two
dozen science educators working to rewrite the
state’s science standards for public schools.

The group dealing with elementary school science
standards already had wrapped up its work on its
second draft before arriving in Salina Wednesday
morning, and the group working on middle school
standards largely breezed through its task, as well.

But as with past gatherings of the committee, most
of the disagreement was among members of the
group working on high school standards, where two
of the most vocal voices have ended up.

Jack Krebs, a mathematics and technology
coordinator in Lawrence, and Bill Harris, professor of
medicine at the University of Missouri and managing
director of the Intelligent Design Network, have
sparred at several meetings — mostly over
evolution’s place in the state’s science standards.

Agreement on document changes

Harris and about a third of the committee don’t want
evolution portrayed as incontrovertible fact. They
also want at least some mention given to intelligent
design, which holds life didn’t start spontaneously
and is the product of some higher power. Intelligent
design isn’t considered part of mainstream science.

But Wednesday, Krebs, Harris and the rest of the
committee were able to agree on numerous
document changes, mostly acknowledging that
science doesn’t have all the answers.

Krebs, for example, supported wording changes
such as from “biological evolution explains ...,” to
“biological evolution is used to explain ...”

In another case, “evidence may indicate that simple,
bacteria-like life existed billions of years ago” was
amended to “evidence indicates that simple bacteria-
like life may have existed billions of years ago.”

In other instances, the word “evolution” was replaced
with “natural selection” or “genetic drift,” terms Krebs
said were both more specific and avoided using the
lightning-rod term “evolution.”

In other places, statements such as the fact that life
is very similar at the most basic level “is evidence” of
evolution was changed to “is used as evidence” of

“That makes it clear that this is the current,
prevailing model,” Krebs said, adding “it’s a subtle
point but an important one.”

“Science is one way of explaining the world — not
the only way,” he said.

Harris, however, said that no matter which way such
phrases are worded, there’s still a preference given
to evolution.

Those same basic facts — common cell structures,
for example — are “also used as evidence of
common design — and we’re not saying that. It
highlights one but not the other.”

Tables turned

But Krebs and others used much that same
argument later, when Harris wanted to amend the
introduction to the biology section to add “theory of”
in front of “biological evolution.”

“I’d be OK with saying ‘theory’ here if we say it
everywhere else in the standards where we’re
talking about a theory,” committee chairman Steve
Case said in mentioning plate tectonics and other
less-controversial parts of the standards.

Others, too, said they opposed singling out evolution
to specify as a theory; when put to a vote of the
entire committee, Harris’ proposal failed 16-5.

Not for preaching

But everyone agreed the classroom is not for
conversion — or, as Case put it, “preaching instead
of teaching is wrong — we want to make sure the
standards don’t give energy to people who want to
do that.”

And the committee approved a statement that
believing in evolution is different than understanding
it, and “compelling students to believe is inconsistent
with the goal of evolution.”

Minority report

Throughout the day’s discussion, when consensus
couldn’t be reached, Harris often said he simply
would include his position in a separate draft of the
recommendations he and several other members
plans to submit.

The State Board of Education, which eventually will
use the committee’s report in drafting new science
standards, has said it wants to hear from that
minority group, as well. Case said he thinks it’s a
valid way of dealing with issues where committee
members can’t reach consensus.

Krebs said he was concerned that this pro-intelligent
design “minority report” would include substantial
evidence to back its points, while the majority report
wouldn’t. He asked if he could compile evidence in
favor of evolution for the state board to consider.

“If a small group can go off and do things on its own,
why can’t I form a group of one?” Krebs asked.

“I agree, one committee member can submit a
minority report,” Case said.

“Good, I needed something else to do,” Krebs

Following the meeting, Harris explained why, even
though he’ll be writing 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Who's Turning Their Back? The Black Bourgeois

2005-03-08 Thread Lil Joe

Snip: "The political landscape of Black America has changed dramatically
since the 80s because a new bread of Black people in America have separated
themselves from the masses. A new breed of Black folks who consistently
judge and sometimes treat other Black people more harshly than they judge
and treat those of other races.  Unless you live under a rock, you must
notice the harsh criticism of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Kweisi Mfume and
other African American political figures; you must notice the people who
look down upon those who suffer in low income communities; and you must also
notice that a large percentage of this criticism is dished out by Black
folks that have more self-hatred than a little bit."

Lil Joe comment: Actually, there is no Black bourgeoisie because there is no
Black nation: Blacks in the US are either capitalists, professionals,
working class or and chronically unemployed, and in these economic
categories the Black capitalists no different from White capitalists, Black
workers the same class with common class interests with White workers.
Therefore, understanding that politically organizations of classes represent
class interests, it is evident that Jesse Jackson, Sharpton and Mfume are
Democrats qua Democrats, representing the class faction of capitalists
represented by the Democratic Party.

I therefore disagree with the authors conclusions, snip: "What this all
means is that the American society is moving away from racism and moving
toward classism which puts the future of the Black community in the hands of
the Black Bourgeois. Until they make major changes in their attitude as a
overall group, the African American community will continue down this road
to destruction."

Lil Joe: This is untrue, because the 'moving away from racism and to
classism' means only that American workers are beginning to see beyond their
socialized ideologies of 'race matters', to discussing class matters which
unite all working class activists regardless of race, creed, color or
national origin into a single class party, Labor Party. It is a good thing,
not a bad thing to be attacked by the enemy, so by the attacks by Bill Cosby
and Black Democrats, representing the thinking of their social base, it is
not 'race self-hatred' but class hatred attacking those of us who are
working class, as 'lower socioeconomic rungs of society'. This is good! This
makes it easier for people like me to dismiss nationalistic and racialist
false consciousness, along with patriotism as bourgeois ideological ploys to
keep workers stupid and at each others throats.

I think the new consciousness of Black working class thinkers and social
critics was represented in the movie Barbershop, the dismissal of the
Democrat's Black icons Rosa Parks and Jesse Jackson: "Fuck Jesse Jackson"
meant: Fuck the Democratic Party.

  Who's Turning Their Back?
  The Black Bourgeois
  by Saadiq Mance

  The political landscape of Black America has changed dramatically since
the 80s because a new bread of Black people in America have separated
themselves from the masses. A new breed of Black folks who consistently
judge and sometimes treat other Black people more harshly than they judge
and treat those of other races.

  Unless you live under a rock, you must notice the harsh criticism of Al
Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Kweisi Mfume and other African American political
figures; you must notice the people who look down upon those who suffer in
low income communities; and you must also notice that a large percentage of
this criticism is dished out by Black folks that have more self-hatred than
a little bit.

  The Bourgeois within the Black community are the ones who display this
attitude most often, and are ultimately the ones who have changed the
politics within the Black community so much since the 80s.

  Often times these individuals or their parents grew up in poor Black
communities and through hard work, moved up the social latter. This sounds
great for the Black community on the surface, but the fact is most of these
hard working Black folks move out of the Black community once they make the
move to the middle class, and start few businesses that employ and pay
African Americans high wages.

  If you understand this you should now be able to see why the African
American community has a weaker position in American politics today then
they had 25 yrs ago. The Black "Talented Tenth" or Black Bourgeois has
dispersed throughout majority White middle and upper class neighborhoods
instead of concentrated in communities where Blacks are the majority. In
addition, the Black people who society considers successful are the same
Black Folks who display the most self-hatred (hating on the Black activist,
community a

[Marxism-Thaxis] Portuguese Socialists Win Landslide Electoral Victory

2005-02-21 Thread Lil Joe

> The "Socialist"  'victory' is meaningless, unless 
> and until the Socialist Party members of parliament
> legislates the transfer of the productive forces 
> and financial institutions from the private possessions 
> of the capitalist class, to the public possession of
> the working class. 
> Other wise, capitalist class possession of the 
> means of social production, with workers owning
> nothing but their labor power means the continued
> subordination of wage labor to capital in the
> economy, and thus the subordination of the 
> Socialist Party as no more than "new management"
> of the bourgeois state, as they will have to 
> play by the capitalists rules of economy and
> therefore polity.
> When European workers, trade unionists politically
> organized into Socialist and Communist Parties vote
> for those Parties to take government, they know
> what socialism is and what their voting for. 
> Yet, the expropriating of the productive forces
> has ceased to be the central programme of these
> parties. It is up to the class-conscious workers
> in the trade unions and outside, in the Socialist
> Party and outside, to force the Socialist Party
> members of Parliament to legislate the transfer
> of the productive forces from the private property
> of the capitalist class to the public property of
> the working class. This is the only acceptable way
> the capitalist economic crisis can be solved in
> the interest of labor. 
> This by a member state in the European Union, will
> pressure Socialist, Social-Democrat, Labor and
> Communist parties Members of Parliament to do the
> same in Germany, France, Spain and Italy as well.
> Lil Joe
> As clearly stated by the International Working-Men's
> Association:
> That the emancipation of the working classes must 
> be conquered by the working classes themselves, 
> that the struggle for the emancipation of the 
> working classes means not a struggle for class 
> privileges and monopolies, but for equal rights 
> and duties, and the abolition of all class rule; 
> That the economical subjection of the man of 
> labor to the monopolizer of the means of labor
>  - that is, the source of life - lies at the bottom
> of servitude in all its forms, of all social misery,
>  mental degradation, and political dependence; 
> That the economical emancipation of the working 
> classes is therefore the great end to which every 
> political movement ought to be subordinate as a
> means; 
> That all efforts aiming at the great end hitherto
> failed from the want of solidarity between the 
> manifold divisions of labor in each country, 
> and from the absence of a fraternal bond of 
> union between the working classes of different 
> countries; 
> That the emancipation of labor is neither a 
> local nor a national, but a social problem, 
> embracing all countries in which modern 
> society exists, and depending for its 
> solution on the concurrence, practical 
> and theoretical, of the most advanced 
> countries...
> http://www.marxists.org/history/international/iwma/documents/1864/rules.ht
> m
> Lil Joe
> Main opposition Socialists win landslide victory in
> Portugal's general election
> Canadian Press
> February 20, 2005
> LISBON, Portugal (AP) - The Socialist party returned to
> power after three years in opposition with a landslide
> election victory on Sunday, as voters appeared to
> punish the conservative government for failing to pull
> Portugal out of an economic slump.
> In its biggest win ever, the Socialist party collected
> 120 seats to secure an overall majority in the 230-seat
> legislature for the first time.
> The result allows Socialist leader Jose Socrates, who
> will be the fourth prime minister in three months, to
> push through potentially painful economic reforms.
> Socrates, a former environment minister, has said he
> wants this country of 10.3 million to "change
> direction" and modernize the economy.
> Socrates also said he is committed to closer foreign
> policy co-ordination between European Union countries.
> He opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, which the
> outgoing government supported, although he said he
> values warm relations with the United States.
> The Social Democratic party, which has governed in a
> coalition with the smaller Popular party since 2002,
> recorded its worst result since 1983. It elected 72
> members of Parliament.
> Turnout was 65 per cent of the country's 8.8 million
> registered voters, slightly up from the last electi

[Marxism-Thaxis] RE: SEN. BARACK OBAMA (member of Congres.Black Caucus) STATEMENT ON SUDAN

2005-02-16 Thread Lil Joe
Snip: "The international community has failed to do enough.  The United
Nations passed a toothless resolution and, in recent debates, China, Russia,
Pakistan and Algeria have been reluctant to support any meaningful action.
The UN is failing in its mission by allowing politics to get in the way of
needed action.  American leadership is needed to mobilize European support
and force action.  On the 10th anniversary of Rwandan atrocities, we must
not let history repeat itself." Obama, US Senator

It is finally happening. A US Senator is raising the issue for displacing
the African Union mediation solving problems in Sudan, advocating instead
deploying US and NATO imperialist armies into Sudan. This move is really
about oil, and China as an investor in Sudan oil, and about hatred by the US
and Israel because the Sudanese government backs the Palestinian antiradar
and opposed the US genocidal sanctions and military invasion's Gestapo
occupation of Iraq. It has nothing to do with Black Africans, or Rwanda or
Africa as such.

One must bare in mind that it is this same Party, the Democratic Party
including Democrats in Blackface (the so-called Congressional Black Caucus)
that supported the Republican Congressional Resolution setting sanctions
against Zimbabwe in retaliation for peasant land expropriations. Again, at
the end of his 'statement', Obama says the usual American propaganda crap
about 'humanitarian mission' (they used to call it 'the White Man's Burden')
to cover for their unwanted military intervention - in Afghanistan they said
it was to free Afghan women from their government which outlawed hot dogs
and;lowed miniskirts, in Iraq they try to justify maiming and killing Iraqis
in the name of 'peace and security' (which is what the Nazis said when they
suppressed the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Rebellion). American Democrats as well
as Republicans has blood of people of color on its hands --  nuclearized
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killed 3,000,000 Koreans in the decade of the 50s,
3,000,000 Vietnamese in the 60s, are responsible for the deaths of millions
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, El Salvador,
Honduras and so on, and we are to believe this Democrat when he says he's
concerned for 'Black Africans', when really? Really, what's up is that he's
trying to politically neutralize Blacks if and when Britain and America turn
Sudan into another Iraq.

Here Obama shows you whose side he's on, and what's really going on as they
say in the hood, when he attacks the UN for not giving the British and
American troops the fig leaf of 'international community' invasion of Sudan,
using the same language as Bush and Powell did against them re Iraq: "The
international community has failed to do enough.  The United Nations passed
a toothless resolution and, in recent debates, China, Russia, Pakistan and
Algeria have been reluctant to support any meaningful action.  The UN is
failing in its mission by allowing politics to get in the way of needed
action.  American leadership is needed to mobilize European support and
force action."

This has everything to do with Sudan and Iraqi oil, and opposition to
regimes that oppose both the Israeli genocide on Palestinians and American
genocide on Iraqis, yet, this American Democrats has the gall to bring up

  -Original Message-
  From: nwaakwukwo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:38 PM
  Subject: SEN. BARACK OBAMA (member of Congres.Black Caucus) STATEMENT ON

Barack Obama
Democrat U.S. Senate 2004

Statement from Barack Obama on Darfur, Sudan
Thursday, October 07, 2004

"Genocide is underway in Darfur, Sudan.  Already, 50,000
African Muslims have been killed and 1.2 million displaced by the Sudanese
Government and by Arab Janjaweed militias armed and encouraged by Khartoum.
The Bush Administration itself warned of the magnitude of the crisis, if no
action is taken.  Andrew Natsios, head of USAID, said in June that "if
nothing changes we will have one million casualties."  We cannot, in good
conscience, stand by and let this genocide continue.

"A July 30th UN Security Council resolution threatened
the Sudanese government with possible punitive measures if there were not
significant progress in protecting people and curbing the violence.
Secretary General Annan's follow-up report to the UN Security Council last
week makes plain that Sudan has failed to meet its commitment to rein in
these militias.  According to the report, "No concrete steps have been taken
to bring to justice or even identify any of the militia leaders or
perpetrators of these attacks, allowing the violations

[Marxism-Thaxis] Debs, U.S. trade union socialist respond's to racism and white supremacism in working class

2005-01-26 Thread Lil Joe
E. V. Debs
The Negro and His Nemesis

Since the appearance of my article on “The Negro in the Class Struggle” in
the November Review I have received the following anonymous letter:

Elgin, Ill., November 25, 1903.
Mr. Debs:

Elgin Sir, I am a constant reader of the International Socialist Review. I
have analyzed your last article on the Negro question with apprehension and
fear. you say that the South is permeated with the race prejudice of the
Negro more than the North. I say it is not so. When it comes right down to a
test, the North is more fierce in the race prejudice of the Negro than the
South ever has been or ever will be. I tell you, you will jeopardize the
best interests of the Socialist Party if you insist on political equality of
the Negro. For that will not only mean politial equality but also social
equality eventually. I do not believe you realize what that means. You get
social and political equality for the Negro, then let him come and ask the
hand of your daughter in marriage, “For that seems to be the height of his
ambition,” and we will see whether you still have a hankering for social and
political equality for the Negro. For I tell you, the Negro will not be
satisfied with equality with reservation. It is impossible for the
Anglo-Saxon and the African to live on equal terms. You try it, and he will
pull you down to his level. Mr. Lincoln, himself, said, that “There is a
physical difference between the white and black races, which I believe will
forever forbid them living together on terms of social and political
equality.” If the Socialist leaders stoop to this method to gain votes, then
their policy and doctrine is as rotten and degraded as that of the
Republican and Democratic parties, and I tell you, if the resolutions are
adopted to give the African equality with the Anglo-Saxon you will lose more
votes than you now think. I for my part shall do all I can to make you lose
as many as possible and there will be others. For don’t you know that just a
little sour dough will spoil the whole batch of bread. You will do the Negro
a greater favor by leaving him where he is. You elevate and educate him, adn
you will make his position impossible in the U.S.A. Mr. Debs, if you have
any doubt on this subject, I beg you for humanity’s sake to read Mr. Thomas
Dixon’s “The Leopard’s Spots” and I hope that all others who have voiced
your sentiments heretofore, will do the same.

I assure you, I shall watch the International Socialist Review with the most
intense hope of a reply after you have read Mr. Thomas Dixon’s message to

Respectfully yours,
So far a staunch member of the
Socialist Party

The writer, who subscribed himself “A staunch member of the Socialist Party”
is the only member of that kind I have ever heard of who fears to sign his
name to, and accept responsibility for what he writes. The really “staunch”
Socialist attacks in the open—he does not shoot from ambush.

The anonymous writer, as a rule, ought to be ignored, since he is unwilling
to face those he accuses, while he may be a sneak or coward, traitor or spy,
in the role of a “staunch Socialist,” whose base design it is to divide and
disrupt the movement. For reasons which will appear later, this
communication is made an exception and will be treated as if from a known
party member in good standing.

It would be interesting to know of what branch our critic is a member and
how long he has been, and how he happened to become a “staunch member of the
Socialist Party.” That he is entirely ignorant of the philosophy of
Socialism may not be to his discredit, but that a “staunch member” has not
even read the platform of his party not only admits of no excuse, but takes
the “staunchness” all out of him, punctures and discredits his foolish and
fanatical criticism and leaves him naked and exposed to ridicule and

The Elgin writer has all the eminent and well recognized qualifications
necessary to oppose Negro equality. His criticism and the spirit that
prompts it harmonize delightfully with his assumed superiority.

That he may understand that he claims to be a “staunch member” of a party he
knows nothing about I here incorporate the “Negro Resolutions” adopted by
our last national convention, which constitute a vital part of the national
platform of the Socialist Party and clearly defined its attitude toward the

NEGRO RESOLUTION Whereas, The Negroes of the United States, because of their
long training in slavery and but recent emancipation therefrom, occupy a
peculiar position in the working class and in society at large;

Whereas, The capitalist class seeks to preserve this peculiar condition, and
to foster and increase color prejudice and race hatred between the white
worker and the black, so as to make their social and economic interes

[Marxism-Thaxis] Crisis of capitalism is not 'over population'

2005-01-25 Thread Lil Joe

Crisis of Capitalism is not 'over population' [aka Malthus]
but, because of the drives of capital accumulation (the
'self-expansion of capital' [Marx]) on one hand, and
competitive displacement of men by machines resulting in
tendencies of declining rates of profits on the other.
People don't go homeless and hungry because there are
'too many people and too few resources' - not 'overpopulation'
but 'relative surplus' population.

Lil Joe


"We have seen that the capitalistic mode of production thrust its way into a
society of commodity producers, of individual producers, whose social bond
was the exchange of their products. But every society based upon the
production of commodities has this peculiarity: that the producers have lost
control over their own social interrelations. Each man produces for himself
with such means of production as he may happen to have, and for such
exchange as he may require to satisfy his remaining wants. No one knows how
much of his particular article is coming on the market, nor how much of it
will be wanted. No one knows whether his individual product will meet an
actual demand, whether he will be able to make good his costs of production
or even to sell his commodity at all. Anarchy reigns in socialised
production. But the production of commodities, like every other form of
production, has its peculiar, inherent laws inseparable from it; and these
laws work, despite anarchy, in and through anarchy. They reveal themselves
in the only persistent form of social interrelations, i.e., in exchange, and
here they affect the individual producers as compulsory laws of competition.
They are, at first, unknown to these producers themselves, and have to be
discovered by them gradually and as the result of experience. They work
themselves out, therefore, independently of the producers, and in antagonism
to them, as inexorable natural laws of their particular form of production.
The product governs the producers.
* * * * *
It is never able to get out of that "vicious circle" which Fourier had
already discovered. What Fourier could not, indeed, see in his time is that
this circle is gradually narrowing; that the movement becomes more and more
a spiral, and must come to an end, like the movement of the planets, by
collision with the centre. It is the compelling force of anarchy in the
production of society at large that more and more completely turns the great
majority of men into proletarians; and it is the masses of the proletariat
again who will finally put an end to anarchy in production.

It is the compelling force of anarchy in social production that turns the
limitless perfectibility of machinery under modern industry into a
compulsory law by which every individual industrial capitalist must perfect
his machinery more and more, under penalty of ruin. But the perfecting of
machinery is making human labour superfluous. If the introduction and
increase of machinery means the displacement of millions of manual by a few
machine-workers, improvement in machinery means the displacement of more and
more of the machine-workers themselves. It means, in the last instance, the
production of a number of available wage-workers in excess of the average
needs of capital, the formation of a complete industrial reserve army, as I
called it in 1845, *9 available at the times when industry is working at
high pressure, to be cast out upon the street when the inevitable crash
comes, a constant dead-weight upon the limbs of the working class in its
struggle for existence with capital, a regulator for the keeping of wages
down to the low level that suits the interests of capital. Thus it comes
about, to quote Marx, that machinery becomes the most powerful weapon in the
war of capital against the working class; that the instruments of labour
constantly tear the means of subsistence out of the hands of the labourer;
that the very product of the worker is turned into an instrument for his

" 'The law that always equilibrates the relative surplus-population, or
industrial reserve army, to the extent and energy of accumulation, this law
rivets the labourer to capital more firmly than the wedges of Vulcan did
Prometheus to the rock. It establishes an accumulation of misery
corresponding with accumulation of capital. Accumulation of wealth at one
pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil,
slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole,
i.e., on the side of the class that produces its own product in the form of
capital" (Marx's Capital, p. 671.)
* * * * *

"We have seen that the ever increasing perfectibility of modern machinery
is, by the anarchy of social production, turned into a compulsory law that
forces the individual industrial capitalist always to improve his machinery,
always to increase its producti

[Marxism-Thaxis] Please help!

2005-01-24 Thread Lil Joe
I know everyone is busy, but I would appreciate any help locating this, or
any other relevant article on US fanning flames of religious civil war in

I forget who wrote the article, and who posted it, but can you or anyone
repost, or send me articles on how the U.S. is fanning flames of Civil War
in Iraq? Please!! Thank you!!! [the more the better]I need it!

Lil Joe


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Darwin's insights on animal 'loyalty, lonliness, sorrow" &C. Not unique to 'man'...

2005-01-21 Thread Lil Joe
trongly developed would survive in larger
numbers. Whether this is the case with the migratory in comparison with the
maternal instinct, may be doubted. The great persistence, or steady action
of the former at certain seasons of the year during the whole day, may give
it for a time paramount force.

Man a social animal.-Every one will admit that man is a social being. We see
this in his dislike of solitude, and in his wish for society beyond that of
his own family. Solitary confinement is one of the severest punishments
which can be inflicted. Some authors suppose that man primevally lived in
single families; but at the present day, though single families, or only two
or three together, roam the solitudes of some savage lands, they always, as
far as I can discover, hold friendly relations with other families
inhabiting the same district. Such families occasionally meet in council,
and unite for their common defence. It is no argument against savage man
being a social animal, that the tribes inhabiting adjacent districts are
almost always at war with each other; for the social instincts never extend
to all the individuals of the same species. Judging from the analogy of the
majority of the Quadrumana, it is probable that the early ape-like
progenitors of man were likewise social; but this is not of much importance
for us. Although man, as

22 This fact, the Rev. L. Jenyns states (see his edition of 'White's Nat.
Hist. of Selborne,' 1853, p. 204), was first recorded by the illustrious
Jenner, in 'Phil. Transact.' 1824, and has since been confirmed by several
observers, especially by Mr. Blackwall. This latter careful observer
examined, late in the autumn, during two years, thirty-six nests; he found
that twelve contained young dead birds, five contained eggs on the point of
being hatched, and three, eggs not nearly hatched. Many birds, not yet old
enough for a prolonged flight, are likewise deserted and left behind. See
Blackwall, 'Researches in Zoology,' 1834, pp. 108, 118. For some additional
evidence, although this is not wanted, see Leroy, 'Lettres Phil.' 1802, p.
217. For Swifts, Gould's 'Introduction to the Birds of Great Britain,' 1823,
p. 5. Similar cases have been observed in Canada by Mr. Adams; 'Pop. Science
Review,' July, 1873, p. 283.

[page] 109

he now exists, has few special instincts, having lost any which his early
progenitors may have possessed, this is no reason why he should not have
retained from an extremely remote period some degree of instinctive love and
sympathy for his fellows. We are indeed all conscious that we do possess
such sympathetic feelings;23 but our consciousness does not tell us whether
they are instinctive, having originated long ago in the same manner as with
the lower animals, or whether they have been acquired by each of us during
our early years. As man is a social animal, it is almost certain that he
would inherit a tendency to be faithful to his comrades, and obedient to the
leader of his tribe; for these qualities are common to most social animals.
He would consequently possess some capacity for self-command. He would from
an inherited tendency be willing to defend, in concert with others, his
fellow-men; and would be ready to aid them in any way, which did not too
greatly interfere with his own welfare or his own strong desires.

  -Original Message-
  From: nwaakwukwo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:17 AM
  Subject: RE: [Africa-Politics] JACK JOHNSON'S REAL OPPONENT

  Lil Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
LJ: I agree with you. But, there's a difference between boys
and girls using each other to reach orgasm and merging
in love. 'Never in this world can there be too much love', as
I recall the Iselies or Impressions singing in the 60s.
That's not love, Lil Joe. Not between "boys" and "girls". Love is a
verb, an action word that happens with committment. It has nothing to do
with sex.
 LJ:  The  evolution of millions of social animals (reptiles
back to the dinosaurs, mammals and insects evolve
'loyalty and sacrifice' for ones groups survival. Its
a genetic determined adaptation of instinct. Humans
'instinct' is a conscious one, therefore ideological.
The types of families change (patriarchal monogamy
being but the latest, which arose with private
property, wealth and competition along with the
political military state.
Okay, a dog's behavior can be perceived as "loyalty" to his master. But,
lonliness, sorrow, regret are unique to man and are attributes of his
Creator, in whose image he was made (only explanation of why these
"emotions" exist)
Yes! This is not talking about "competing" with others. But, it is
talking about competing with "self"...shar

[Marxism-Thaxis] Re Malcolm X advocating "Race War" lunacy

2005-01-20 Thread Lil Joe

Re: Lil Joe - Malcolm X advocating "Race
War" is lunacy

Waistline wrote:
In a message dated 1/19/2005 1:00:38 PM 
Central Standard Time. 

Waistline: All classes of African Americans
were in motion and the white sector of the
industrial proletariat was passive.

The trade unions - especially the UAW, is not 
the "white sector of the industrial proletariat" 
(my exact words.) 

Lil Joe: Duh. If the "White sector" of the Auto
Industry were not part of the 'industrial
proletariat' - then what was the auto industry?

Or, rather - if the 'white sector of the
industrial proletariat' were not in the
"trade unions" then it follows from your
statements that the 'trade unions' were
exclusively Black! 

Further, Reuther opposed Civil Rights for 
a very long time and only shifted his 
position concerning Civil Rights within 
the union and outside the union as the result 
of immense pressure. He died opposing 
integrating the UAW in fact. The trade 
Unions and especially the UAW - for various 
political reasons, were pressured into 
supporting the Civil Rights Movement and
after the 1967 Rebellion in Detroit was 
compelled by the polarity it created to 
changed it internal policy. 

Lil Joe: Waistline's confused tortured 'logic' 
is completely illogical.

First he says that the 'white sector of
the industrial proletariat' is different
from "the trade unions - especially the 
UAW"; then he says that Walter Reuther,
a White industrial worker, who was not
only in "the UAW", but its leader was a
racist and the UAW opposed 'Civil Rights',
"for a very long time". 

In place of any objective documentation on
the history of the American trade unions,
or even the UAW, Waistline delves into a
personal tirade against an individual -
Walter Reuther! Based on this particular,
Waistline leaps back into his general
condemnation of the UAW. Completely
mystifying illogic.

Every one of course (who was actually 
involved in the events) remembers how 
Walter Reuther was placed at the head of 
the "March On Washington" alongside 
Dr. King. Malcolm X gave a very famous 
presentation - in Detroit, concerning 
this political development. 

Lil Joe: The only thing we know, on
the basis of photographic documentation
is that the UAW had thousands of members
at the March on Washington carrying
UAW signs and banners demanding jobs,
the Nation of Islam's reactionary
nationalism prevented them from
participating. Reuther was there,
Malcolm wasn't! Those are the facts,
no matter what 'militant' rhetoric
Malcolm sprouted to attempt to 
justify his and the NOI's boycotting
of this important historical event in
the Speech Message to the Grass Roots.

The point is that individuals look at 
things different and we speak as individuals 
as opposed to "this is the Marxist position." 

Lil Joe: I would be a fool to continue to
debate with an existential solipsist who
reduces world history to himself and his
personal perceptions.

How can any one respond to this confused
rhetoric, when the man's premise is
"it seems to me".

Here is the basic problem. The Trade 
Union Movement is not the white sector 
of the industrial proletariat. The 
industrial proletariat is not the working 
class. The American Labor Movement seems 
to me to be a broader category than the 
working class, since in American history 
farm laborers and even the sharecropper 
would fall under the category of labor. 

The deeper question is that you have no 
experience to authenticate any of 
your statements, while on the other hand 
. . . I do. Therefore I shall write the 
history as I understand it as opposed to
how you understand it since you were 
not there and offer zero source material. 

Lil Joe: I am not going to match this
self-congratulatory self-praise by
similar autobiographical irrational
gibberish. I will only say this, even
without 'source materials' it is an
objective fact that only a fool living with
roaches would claim that he knows more
about roaches than an entomologist,
because the entomologist didn't have 
the personal experience of growing up 
with them in the projects!

Finally, on the title of this post.
Malcolm X not only called the "White
man" THE devil, but the 'enemy', and
advocated 'Black Revolution'. Well
Revolution is War, and if 'the enemy'
in this war is 'the White man', then
this is a race war. This is a simple
syllogism which Waistline rejects
on the basis of solipsism. Bullshit.

Lil Joe

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Anti-evolution: religion and reactionary politics in public schools

2005-01-19 Thread Lil Joe

January 19, 2005
Caught Between Church and State

HORTLY after the 1925 Scopes "monkey trial," the usually astute historian
Frederick Lewis Allen concluded that fundamentalism had been permanently
discredited by the prosecution in Dayton, Tenn., of John T. Scopes, who had
taught his biology students about Darwin's theory of evolution. "Legislators
might go on passing anti-evolution laws," Allen wrote, "and in the
hinterlands the pious might still keep their religion locked in a
science-proof compartment of their minds; but civilized opinion everywhere
had regarded the Dayton trial with amazement and amusement, and the slow
drift away from fundamentalist certainty continued."

This was a serious historical misjudgment, as most recently demonstrated by
the renewed determination of anti-evolution crusaders - buoyed by
conservative gains in state and local elections - to force public school
science classes to give equal time to religiously based speculation about
the origins of life. These challenges to evolution range from old-time
biblical literalism, insisting that the universe and man were created in
seven days, to the newer "intelligent design," which maintains that if
evolution occurred at all it could never be explained by Darwinian natural
selection and could only have been directed at every stage by an omniscient

Kansas, where evolution opponents regained control of the state board of
education in November, is likely to be the first battleground. Proposals to
modify the state's recommended science curriculum with alternatives to
Darwinian evolution will be an issue at statewide public hearings scheduled
in February. In Georgia last week, a federal judge ordered a suburban
Atlanta school board to remove stickers labeling evolution "a theory, not a
fact" from high school biology textbooks, but an appeal seems likely. Other
states where the teaching of evolution is on the 2005 legislative or
judicial calendar include Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Carolina.

Many liberals mistakenly believe that these controversies are largely a
product of the post-1980 politicization of the Christian right. In fact, the
elected anti-evolutionists on local and state school boards today are the
heirs of eight decades of fundamentalist campaigning against Darwinism
through back-door pressure on textbook publishers and school officials. Even
efforts to cloak creationism with the words "science" and "scientific" - as
in "creation science" - is an old tactic.

More sophisticated proponents of intelligent design, those who are
religiously conservative but not insistent on literal adherence to the
biblical creation story, use anti-Darwinist arguments from a tiny minority
of scientists to bolster their case for a creator. Last month, a group of
parents in Dover, Penn., filed the first lawsuit to address the issue,
challenging the local school board's contention that "intelligent design" is
a scientific rather than a religious theory and, therefore, does not violate
the separation of church and state.

At the beginning of the 20th century, however, America was well on its way
to an accommodation between science and mainstream religion, now a fait
accompli in the rest of the developed world, that pleases neither atheists
nor theocrats manquis but works for almost everyone else. A growing number
of Americans accepted both evolution and religion but considered it the
responsibility of the church, not public schools, to sort out the role of
God. This view was expressed in 1904 by Maynard M. Metcalf, a zoologist and
a liberal Christian, who praised the move to exclude religious speculation
from the teaching of life sciences.

The Scopes trial changed all that. Instead of being the nail in the coffin
of creationism as many believe, the trial undermined the emerging
accommodation between religion and science by intensifying the
fundamentalists' conviction that acceptance of evolution would inevitably
weaken any type of faith.

When the 24-year-old Scopes was charged with violating a state law
forbidding the teaching of evolution, his conviction by a jury (later
overturned on a technicality) was a foregone conclusion. Clarence Darrow,
the nation's most famous lawyer and most famous agnostic, turned a jury
defeat into a public relations victory (at least among scientists and
intellectuals) by goading William Jennings Bryan, who was assisting the
prosecution, into taking the stand as an expert witness on the Bible.

Bryan, in the view of the Northern press, made a fool of himself. Opponents
of evolution, however, lauded Bryan, and the press's ridicule of their hero
helped to create the enduring fundamentalist resentment of secular science
and secular government that has become such a conspicuous feature of our

Between the Scopes trial and the early 1930's, "science-proof"
fundamentalists pressured publishers into excising discussions of
evolution - and often the word itself - f

[Marxism-Thaxis] Re: Lil Joe - Haiti

2005-01-16 Thread Lil Joe
Dishonesty? That's an ad hominem that
can be neither proved, nor disproved.
I responded to what you wrote. "Zero
tolerance" is a term/concept that emerged
in the American right-wing movement
for 'tough jail sentences' - Three
Strikes =25 years with no parole.

When you said you had 'zero tolerance'
for American Trotskyism, in such a
blanket statement what was I supposed
to think? You didn't say you had
criticisms for any particular Trotskyist
organization, but lumped them together -
and I take it you were prejudging
Trotskyists and not just "Trotskyism",
because you neither mentioned any
particular work by Trotsky or Trotskyists,
and you also cannot have 'zero tolerance'
for literature - zero tolerance is with
respect to behavior of people.

Did I misunderstand what you said re Aristide?
Wasn't he a Catholic priest? Is the Catholic
Church not reactionary?

The movement of working class communism is the
exact opposite of the 'love communism', that
Feuerbach, Engels and Kautsky talked about, and
is in the Book of Acts 2nd and 4th chapters, which
was based on consumption but demanded nothing from
owners of the productive forces. Proletarian
communism on the contrary is based on working
class ownership of the productive forces, not
sharing what is purchased by wages but abolition
of the wage system.

The love-communism of the early Christ-communities
degenerated from collective meals every day,
to token 'communion' once a month! The love-
communism actually had its ideological heritage
in the Essen Community, which early Christians
adopted (e.g. the Ebonite). This was prior
to the emergence of the Roman Catholic Church,
the Church of the Empire. The earliest writings
in the Christian "New Testament" are those
attributed to St Paul, where he expressly
promotes that slaves be obedient to their
masters 'in cheerfulness', and wives submit
to their husband, and that the State (military)
are authorized of god and should be obeyed.
Hardly 'revolutionary', completely reactionary.

I am not talking about Jesus or the earliest Jesus
Messiah movement among the Jewish proletariat,
and Roman artisans in Rome, as well as slaves.
I am talking about the Christianity in the
Epistles and the Church.

The League of Black Revolutionaries and Communist
League was led by Nelson Perry into (League of
Revolutionaries" [or something like that, that still
put out People's Tribune which appears regularly
on laborpartypraxis postings by Mike] not to
the PLP.

Being a Black person and member of the Black
movement in the 60s does not mean you understood it,
any more than being Black validate your ideologies
regarding either nationalism; or having been raise
in the Church constitute and understanding of
Christianity. And, you are wrong about Trotsky
and the SWP, what he had were discussions with
CLR James, James Cannon and others regarding
the Negro question, and made suggestions to them.

BTW - my criticism of Aristide and the Church
has nothing to do with the crude atheism of
Stalinists masquerading as "Bolsheviks".

-Original Message-
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 17:37:42 EST
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Re: Lil Joe - Haiti

>>Your criticism of me calling Aristide a 'reactionary
Christian' is well taken. Religion is not the issue
in this discussion, and was not mentioned in the
original. The Catholic Church has shown itself
to be reactionary and anti-Communist, so I don't
understand how you can work with and respect
Catholic priests as such, and yet regard Trotskyists
and Trotskyism as your enemy. The only enemy I
know is the bourgeois and its conscious political;
and ideological agents in power. <<


This will be my last response since you appear to have an inability to be
honest on an elementary level. No where have I stated that I "regard
and Trotskyism as (my) enemy. You invited this, although I specifically
of American Trotskyism.

This is what I stated and what you quoted me stating:

"I am working on controlling my anger and vulgarity but I have zero
for American Trotskyism and their entire history on the National Factor in
the American Union. "

The above means in no uncertain terms that "I have zero tolerance for
American Trotskyism . . . on the National Factor in the American Union."

To go to far Comrade Joe. I evolved my concepts on the National Question on
the basis of the African American Liberation Movement as a founding member
the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, the Communist League and later a
founding member of the Communist Labor Party. Even Leon Trotsky . . . no
of mine, criticized the American Trotskyists on their treatment of the Negro

You are gravely mistaken to pretend that my statement contains something
about "

[Marxism-Thaxis] Rangel to reintroduce notorious draft bill

2005-01-15 Thread Lil Joe

I have made my position on this clearly stated
when it was first introduced, at the time when
the Left-Opportunists if not out right
supporting the bill, said nothing against it
or against Rangel, referred to as 'the Brother',
and supported by members of the so-called
Congressional Black Caucus (Democrats in

Leftists" used such excuses for supporting
Rangel the same as today they do Maxine Waters
attacks on the Haitian armed opposition to the
UN, French &C. forces in Haiti, as 'fighting
racism' as 'the main enemy' and 'primary
contradiction' and mealy mouthing condescending
and patronizing platitudes about "one aspect
of this is that the democratic right to vote
and be represented is something Black 'people'
(sic!) in this country fought for and died
for" as if the right to vote equals the right
to be Democrats! " 'They' (sic!) view the
presence of these 'Black people'( read:
Democrats)" in Congress as a conquest, as
*their* representatives".

This is pure racist condescension and
patronizing assuming the "White" workers are
smart enough to understand critiques of
"White" Democrats in Congress as critiques
of the Democrats as a party, and "Black" workers
are incapable of distinguishing an attack on
policies of the Blacks in Congress as critiques
of the Democrats who happen to be "Black".

In reality the issue is not one of race but
of class, it is evident that 99.99% of CBC
votes on domestic and international policies
are the same as the rest of the Congressional
Democrats, notwithstanding the this or that
individual (such as Cynthia McKinney or Barbara
Lee) occasionally brake ranks on this or that
issue, without however denouncing the Democratic
Party as a Party and publicly resigning from
it in protest. Yet, these Maverick Democrats
hoodwink the American 'progressives', or rather
enable them to support Democratic Party
policy when the policy is put forth by Democrats
in Blackface, ostensibly as 'fighting racism'
as though the CBC were "Black folk", rather
than the Democrats that they are!

Black workers are no less intelligent that
"White" workers, and class-conscious Black
workers the same as class-conscious White
workers recognize the Democrats for what
they are - representatives of capital- who
therefore reject the Democrats as 'the
bosses party', and advocate a Labor Party.

Lets see whether Stan will also, now
come out in support of the reinstatement
of the draft - introduced by 'Brother
Rangel" with the support of the CBC. Do
they see Rangel as a 'Soul Brother'
representing "Black people", as he
claims to be by reintroducing the
draft? Or as a Democrat representing
the interests of US imperialism by
reintroducing the draft?

Lil Joe

Rangel to reintroduce notorious draft bill

by People Against the Draft
13 Jan 2005

Rep. Charles Rangel intends to reintroduce legislation calling for
of the draft during the current Congressional term, according to a memo
circulated by Bill Galvin of the Center on Conscience and War.

Rangel, it will be recalled, was the author of the notorious HR 163, the
"universal" conscription bill that became a political football during the
Presidential campaign. When charges that Bush would reinstate the draft
as a red-hot election issue last October, HR 163 became a liability for the
Kerry campaign - whereupon Rangel's bill was rushed to the floor and
voted down by a huge majority. For tactical reasons even the bill's
including Rangel, voted against it.

With the election over, the way is clear for politicians on both sides of
aisle to get behind the draft, and Rep. Rangel will likely be leading the
charge. According to Galvin's memo, CCW officers were told in a Dec. 21
with Rangel's legislative director, Emile Milne, that Rangel will "probably
introduce similar legislation" in the 2005 term.

Rangel continues to argue that conscription would force privileged Americans
to share the burden of military service now disproportionately carried by
poor and minorities. He also asserts that future wars would be made less
likely by reintroduction of the draft.

Both arguments are wrong. Conscription has never made the Armed Services
equitable, racially or economically. During the Vietnam war, minority
draftees disproportionately served on the front lines. The affluent had, and
have, the means to gain medical deferments, or to secure soft, safe
If Rep. Rangel and other pro-draft "progressives" really wanted to fix
and racial inequities, they'd be advocating for jobs, education, and
opportunity, not equal-opportunity warmaking. More broadly, it's not "fair"
people of
color and the p

[Marxism-Thaxis] RE: Discussion on Haiti

2005-01-14 Thread Lil Joe

-Original Message-
From: Lil Joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 12:11 PM
To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Cc: Aduku Addae

Thank you for your response, comrade. I need to
state for the list, and you, that my reference to
Jim was a mistake. It was not he, but Stan to
whom I responded. Got the names wrong, as Jim
only forwarded from Stan. I agree with your assessment of
the 60s and splits in the military. I will forward
this to Aduku, my comrade and co-thinker.

Your criticism of me calling Aristide a 'reactionary
Christian' is well taken. Religion is not the issue
in this discussion, and was not mentioned in the
original. The Catholic Church has shown itself
to be reactionary and anti-Communist, so I don't
understand how you can work with and respect
Catholic priests as such, and yet regard Trotskyists
and Trotskyism as your enemy. The only enemy I
know is the bourgeois and its conscious political;
and ideological agents in power.

The criticism of Aristide was not the man as such,
but that his regime (for which California
mercenaries provided 'protection') as head of
state represented one faction of the bourgeoisie.

Moderators - please post this texts rather than
the previous one [without a subject title that I sent
accidently, before I made the change of the name
from "Jim" to "Stan". Again, my apologies to Jim!

Thank you



It is not possible for any government head of
state to represent the proletariat so long as
the productive forces of the country is the
private wealth of the capitalist class and
foreign investors. The most powerful, economically
dominate class is the most politically
dominate class. A worker's state presupposes
workers having become the ruling class
expropriating capitalist private property
to the public property of the working class,
ending wage labor and capital.

Lil Joe

Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Re:  Li'l Joe and Aduku on Haiti
(from Marxmail) (Lil Joe)
To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

>>Lil Joe: Kill the Niggers, eh?

Stan advocates that the UN invader forces in Haiti round up and execute
the former members of the Haitian military -- Who else will do it?

Yet, I know of no instance where he has advocated the round up
and execute American military forces that are directly responsible
for the murder of millions of workers and peasants all over Asia,
and indirectly in Africa and Latin America. Nor am I aware of
any posts where ** has advocated that the members of the Israeli
army, which as a collective are responsible for the murder and
maiming of a million Palestinians. <<<


I have followed this exchange on Marxmail and some of the events in Haiti
over a length of time. Communists and Marxists revolutionaries in the
Union tend to overstep their bounds in assessing the revolutionary process
the colonial and formerly colonial world. It is correct as the ABC of
Leninism to critically examine the splitting of the state and the
of its various armed agencies as an important aspect of the revolutionary
process. The group of Marxist and communist workers from which I come have
understood this specific process on the basis of the revolutionary upsurge
of the
1960s and 1970s and the behavior of what we call "the men in uniform."

Our relationship to the Ethiopian Revolution of the 1970s and the seizure of
political power on the basis of "the men in uniform," under the banner of
Marxism and Communism and the lessons of the Congo Brazzaville from this
period are instructive.  To a degree this process of polarization and
splitting of
state agencies, government bureaucracy, the police forces and the shifting
political polarities - their mutual penetration, was present throughout the
period between the 1963 Rebellion in Birmingham Alabama, 1965 Watts
1967 Detroit and roughly 750 rebellions bring to an end the last phase of
Civil Rights Movement in the mid and late 1970s.
The ending of this social process witnessed the crossing over of a section
the masses in the realm of electoral politics expressed as the "Vote
Communist Campaign" in Detroit and later the election of Harold Washington
as Mayor of
Chicago in the early 1980s.

To my knowledge no section of the Marxist and Communist Movement in America
has called for the shooting of members of our "warrior class" as just
retribution for our crimes against humanity. Nevertheless, the actual
process of society and the splitting and polarization and the shifting and
switching of sides of "the men in uniform" and armed bodies of men is
and not for the faint of heart or ideologue. In Detroit this process
itself ver

[Marxism-Thaxis] (no subject)

2005-01-14 Thread Lil Joe
Thank you for your response, comrade. I need to
state for the list, and you, that my reference to
"Jim" was a mistake. It was not he, but Stan to
whom I responded. Got the names wrong, as Jim
only forwarded from Stan. I agree with your assessment of
the 60s and splits in the military. I will forward
this to Aduku, my comrade and co-thinker.

Your criticism of me calling Aristide a 'reactionary
Christian' is well taken. Religion is not the issue
in this discussion, and was not mentioned in the
original. The Catholic Church has shown itself
to be reactionary and anti-Communist, so I don't
understand how you can work with and respect
Catholic priests as such, and yet regard Trotskyists
and Trotskyism as your enemy. The only enemy I
know is the bourgeois and its conscious political;
and ideological agents in power.

The criticism of Aristide was not the man as such,
but that his regime (for which California
mercenaries provided 'protection') as head of
state represented one faction of the bourgeoisie.

It is not possible for any government head of
state to represent the proletariat so long as
the productive forces of the country is the
private wealth of the capitalist class and
foreign investors. The most powerful, economically
dominate class is the most politically
dominate class. A worker's state presupposes
workers having become the ruling class
expropriating capitalist private property
to the public property of the working class,
ending wage labor and capital.

Lil Joe

Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Re:  Li'l Joe and Aduku on Haiti
(from Marxmail) (Lil Joe)
To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

>>Lil Joe: Kill the Niggers, eh?

Jim advocates that the UN invader forces in Haiti round up and execute
the former members of the Haitian military -- Who else will do it?

Yet, I know of no instance where he has advocated the round up
and execute American military forces that are directly responsible
for the murder of millions of workers and peasants all over Asia,
and indirectly in Africa and Latin America. Nor am I aware of
any posts where ** has advocated that the members of the Israeli
army, which as a collective are responsible for the murder and
maiming of a million Palestinians. <<<


I have followed this exchange on Marxmail and some of the events in Haiti
over a length of time. Communists and Marxists revolutionaries in the
Union tend to overstep their bounds in assessing the revolutionary process
the colonial and formerly colonial world. It is correct as the ABC of
Leninism to critically examine the splitting of the state and the
of its various armed agencies as an important aspect of the revolutionary
process. The group of Marxist and communist workers from which I come have
understood this specific process on the basis of the revolutionary upsurge
of the
1960s and 1970s and the behavior of what we call "the men in uniform."

Our relationship to the Ethiopian Revolution of the 1970s and the seizure of
political power on the basis of "the men in uniform," under the banner of
Marxism and Communism and the lessons of the Congo Brazzaville from this
period are instructive.  To a degree this process of polarization and
splitting of
state agencies, government bureaucracy, the police forces and the shifting
political polarities - their mutual penetration, was present throughout the
period between the 1963 Rebellion in Birmingham Alabama, 1965 Watts
1967 Detroit and roughly 750 rebellions bring to an end the last phase of
Civil Rights Movement in the mid and late 1970s.
The ending of this social process witnessed the crossing over of a section
the masses in the realm of electoral politics expressed as the "Vote
Communist Campaign" in Detroit and later the election of Harold Washington
as Mayor of
Chicago in the early 1980s.

To my knowledge no section of the Marxist and Communist Movement in America
has called for the shooting of members of our "warrior class" as just
retribution for our crimes against humanity. Nevertheless, the actual
process of society and the splitting and polarization and the shifting and
switching of sides of "the men in uniform" and armed bodies of men is
and not for the faint of heart or ideologue. In Detroit this process
itself very sharp as local agencies turned in on themselves under the impact
the 1967 Rebellion and the post rebellion reform movement. Some of this is
outlined in the book "Detroit, I Do Mind Dying."

It seem to me as an individual, that identifying Aristide, as "the
reactionary Christian Aristide" is counter productive because it places his
Christ-ness in dispute. The oldest and most stable strand of communism in
America is of course 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Correction: Re Stan Goff's reply to [Aduku and] Li'l Joe on Haiti (from Marxmail)

2005-01-11 Thread Lil Joe
On Marxism list, and Marxism Thaxis, the piece was forwarded from
"Stan" by others. It is therefore not to Jim, but "Stan", to whom
I am responding.

Lil Joe

>I have no idea who Joe Radical is or where he gets his information on
>Haiti, but the idea that the former FRAPH and FAdH paramilitaries that
>are demanding back pay in Haiti are some expression of proletarian
>contestation  if not asserted out of pure ignorance of Haitis class
>dynamics  is worthy of Timothy Leary on his best mescaline.

Lil Joe: Aduku is my comrade, a working class revolutionary socialist
from Jamaica, with direct lines of communication with comrades in
the Caribbean. Thus, unlike Stan who wrote this, who must get his
information from the Democrats and the bourgeois media. Stan's entire
attack but mealy mouth the Democrats attack on Haitians workers for
being armed, advocating violent suppression of these armed workers
and peasants.

Rep. Maxine Waters
> http://www.house.gov/waters/
> January 07, 2005
> Haiti: Rep. Maxine Waters and 13 Other Members of Congress Urge
> President Bush to Oppose Payments to Thugs by the Interim Government
> of Haiti
> PRESS RELEASE -- Washington, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
> sent a letter to President Bush, urging him to immediately inform the
> interim government of Haiti that he opposes providing any payments to
> former members of the Haitian army. The letter also requests that he
> take all necessary steps to ensure that no U.S. foreign assistance
> funds or other U.S. government funds are diverted for use as payments
> to these thugs and killers. Thirteen of the Congresswoman's
> colleagues signed her letter. Copies of the letter were sent to
> Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of State Designate
> Condoleezza Rice. The text of the letter follows:
> We were outraged to learn that the interim Haitian government has
> begun to provide financial payments to former members of the dreaded
> Haitian army. We urge you to oppose any payments from the interim
> government to these thugs and killers who have terrorized the Haitian
> population and refused to disarm, and we also urge you to make
> certain that U.S. funds are not used for this purpose.
> As you know, the Haitian army overthrew President Jean-Bertrand
> Aristide in a coup d'etat in 1991, less than one year after he was
> first elected president of Haiti. During its three-year reign in
> Haiti from 1991 to 1994, the Haitian army committed widespread human
> rights violations, including murder, rape and torture. President
> Aristide disbanded the Haitian army after he was restored to power in
> 1994, but its soldiers were never disarmed.
> According to recent press reports, the interim government has agreed
> to provide payments over the next three months to all of the
> estimated 6,000 former members of the Haitian army. The payments will
> average about $4,800 per person. The cost of these payments will be
> an estimated $29 million, an enormous price for the Western
> Hemisphere's poorest country. The interim government has not
> explained where the funds for these payments will be obtained, but
> Interim Prime Minister Gerard Latortue has already distributed checks
> to dozens of armed individuals who claim to be former soldiers.
> These former soldiers are thugs and killers who refuse to lay down
> their weapons and who currently illegally control several Haitian
> towns. They are the same thugs and killers who attacked police
> stations, freed criminals from prisons and assisted in the coup
> d'etat that overthrew President Aristide last February. Since then,
> they have murdered untold numbers of Lavalas Party supporters,
> terrorized the Haitian population and demanded ten years of back pay.
> Remissainthes Ravix, the self-appointed leader of the former
> soldiers, has even called on ex-soldiers from across Haiti to
> organize a guerrilla war against the interim government. These thugs
> and killers should be disarmed. They should not be rewarded for their
> crimes.
> We respectfully request that you immediately inform the interim
> government of Haiti in no uncertain terms that you oppose providing
> any payments to former members of the Haitian army. We also request
> that you take all necessary steps to ensure that no U.S. foreign
> assistance funds or other U.S. government funds are diverted for use
> as payments to these thugs and killers.
> Sincerely,
> Maxine Waters
> Barbara Lee
> John Conyers
> Raul Grijalva
> Donald Payne
> Jan Schakowsky
> Stephanie Tubbs Jones
> Major Owens
> Chaka Fattah
> Edolphus Towns
> Melvin L. Watt
> Corrine Brown
> Sheila Jackson-Lee

[Marxism-Thaxis] Re Stan Goff's reply to [Aduku and] Li'l Joe on Haiti (from Marxmail)

2005-01-11 Thread Lil Joe

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 19:03:12 -0500
From: Jim Farmelant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Stan Goff's reply to Li'l Joe on Haiti (from
To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
Content-Type: text/plain

>I have no idea who Joe Radical is or where he gets his information on
>Haiti, but the idea that the former FRAPH and FAdH paramilitaries that
>are demanding back pay in Haiti are some expression of proletarian
>contestation  if not asserted out of pure ignorance of Haitis class
>dynamics  is worthy of Timothy Leary on his best mescaline.

Lil Joe: Aduku is my comrade, a working class revolutionary socialist
from Jamaica, with direct lines of communication with comrades in
the Caribbean. Thus, unlike Jim who gets his information from the
Democrats and the bourgeois media. Jim's entire attack but mealy
mouth the Democrats attack on Haitians workers for being armed,
advocating violent suppression of these armed workers and peasants.

Rep. Maxine Waters
> http://www.house.gov/waters/
> January 07, 2005
> Haiti: Rep. Maxine Waters and 13 Other Members of Congress Urge
> President Bush to Oppose Payments to Thugs by the Interim Government
> of Haiti
> PRESS RELEASE -- Washington, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
> sent a letter to President Bush, urging him to immediately inform the
> interim government of Haiti that he opposes providing any payments to
> former members of the Haitian army. The letter also requests that he
> take all necessary steps to ensure that no U.S. foreign assistance
> funds or other U.S. government funds are diverted for use as payments
> to these thugs and killers. Thirteen of the Congresswoman's
> colleagues signed her letter. Copies of the letter were sent to
> Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of State Designate
> Condoleezza Rice. The text of the letter follows:
> We were outraged to learn that the interim Haitian government has
> begun to provide financial payments to former members of the dreaded
> Haitian army. We urge you to oppose any payments from the interim
> government to these thugs and killers who have terrorized the Haitian
> population and refused to disarm, and we also urge you to make
> certain that U.S. funds are not used for this purpose.
> As you know, the Haitian army overthrew President Jean-Bertrand
> Aristide in a coup d'etat in 1991, less than one year after he was
> first elected president of Haiti. During its three-year reign in
> Haiti from 1991 to 1994, the Haitian army committed widespread human
> rights violations, including murder, rape and torture. President
> Aristide disbanded the Haitian army after he was restored to power in
> 1994, but its soldiers were never disarmed.
> According to recent press reports, the interim government has agreed
> to provide payments over the next three months to all of the
> estimated 6,000 former members of the Haitian army. The payments will
> average about $4,800 per person. The cost of these payments will be
> an estimated $29 million, an enormous price for the Western
> Hemisphere's poorest country. The interim government has not
> explained where the funds for these payments will be obtained, but
> Interim Prime Minister Gerard Latortue has already distributed checks
> to dozens of armed individuals who claim to be former soldiers.
> These former soldiers are thugs and killers who refuse to lay down
> their weapons and who currently illegally control several Haitian
> towns. They are the same thugs and killers who attacked police
> stations, freed criminals from prisons and assisted in the coup
> d'etat that overthrew President Aristide last February. Since then,
> they have murdered untold numbers of Lavalas Party supporters,
> terrorized the Haitian population and demanded ten years of back pay.
> Remissainthes Ravix, the self-appointed leader of the former
> soldiers, has even called on ex-soldiers from across Haiti to
> organize a guerrilla war against the interim government. These thugs
> and killers should be disarmed. They should not be rewarded for their
> crimes.
> We respectfully request that you immediately inform the interim
> government of Haiti in no uncertain terms that you oppose providing
> any payments to former members of the Haitian army. We also request
> that you take all necessary steps to ensure that no U.S. foreign
> assistance funds or other U.S. government funds are diverted for use
> as payments to these thugs and killers.
> Sincerely,
> Maxine Waters
> Barbara Lee
> John Conyers
> Raul Grijalva
> Donald Payne
> Jan Schakowsky
> Stephanie Tubbs Jones
> Major Ow

[Marxism-Thaxis] Statement on Haiti

2005-01-10 Thread Lil Joe

Statement on Haiti

Lil Joe and Aduku Addae

The crisis in Haiti has been covered in a mystical shroud of racism,
theatrical historicism and plain old superstition.  The popular version has
this drama packaged as a battle between the black and white races, wrapped
up in the spirit of the epic struggle of the “Black Jacobins,” drawing
lavishly on the lure of Voodoo for maximum dramatic effect.  It is a
wondrous “tale from the crypt” and the audience is just lapping it up.

But while the world is consumed by this “tale from the twilight zone” a
struggle of epic historical proportions is taking place.  It is a struggle
between classes of people which is based in the temporal, material, economic
and social life of the Haitian people.  Yes, the class struggle, defined in
its classic Marxian sense, is taking place in Haiti!

The latest episode of the struggle has Maxine Waters casting the
“ex-soldiers,” who have been universally credited as the agents of Aristide’
s demise, as “thugs” and “murderers” who are prospective recipients of bribe
money.  This is the manner in which she has disposed herself to discredit
the approximately  6000 strong former employees of the Haitian state who
have mounted a spirited and discipline struggle to force the representatives
of the Haitian State to pay ten years in back pay.  Thus Ms Walters have set
the tone for another salvo in the ideological war.

We begin with a few basic propositions, as we must, in conducting these
sorts of discourses, if we hope to gain any clarity.

The Haitian population is divided into social classes. These classes are
determined by the divisions of labor which arises in the course of the
economic activities which these humans in Haiti undertake to produce and
reproduce their material being – this being construed as their economic
life. The manner in which they produce their material existence, their
economic endeavors, and the divisions of labor thereby occasioned, are
determined by the tools in existence at a given period. Moreover, the manner
of appropriation is conditional upon the division of labor and on the
property relations so determined. So, the nature of classes and class
relations, then, is determined ultimately by the nature of the tools
available to the human community in Haiti.  We posit, also, that contending
class interests is the motor of the class struggle and that unending class
struggles is the very essence of politics.

We posit these premises, derived from the most rigorous of scientific
investigation, as our point of departure.  We don’t want any confusion as we
go along.

The battle in Haiti is for the material wealth of that country. It has
brought into contention the US/France/Brazil/Group 184 conglomerate, on the
one hand and the impoverished workers of the numerous slums of Haiti
together with elements of the petty bourgeoisie, on the other hand.  The
conglomeration of the US, France, Brazil and the Haitian Group 184 is the
very embodiment of the marauding global capital. The Haitian petty
bourgeoisie is comprised of a variegated collection of laborers who own
property and who generally are proprietors of their means of production.
What we see in Haiti, therefore, is an alignment of the global bourgeoisie,
the trans-national capitalist players, against the petty capitalist (mostly
of agrarian vintage) in combination with the utterly dispossessed hoards,
the proletarian masses, of the slum cities of Haiti, including Bel Air and
Cite Soleil. That is the basic manner in which the contending forces are
aligned against each other. The Haitian petty-bourgeoisie is in contention
with the global bourgeoisie.

The elements of the working-class engaged in this struggle is engaged as the
armed champions of one or either of the contending sides. The global
bourgeoisie has enlisted the service of the so-called ex-soldiers while the
“hapless” members of the street gangs from the slum cities have been forced
by default, due to their prior association with the party of the petty
bourgeoisie, Fanmi Lavalas, to become the arm bearers of the Haitian petty
bourgeoisie.  From this vantage point we can see that the armed workers are
indisputably the decisive force, the very fulcrum on which the struggle

A cautionary note must be sounded here. Though they bear the arms
proletarian partisans have no over-riding class-conscious objective. This is
an unqualified detriment. As long as this remains the case they will be used
against each other and become decimated in the contest between the factions
of the bourgeoisie.

Bottom-line, the conflict in Haiti is being driven by a fractious dispute
between elements of the bourgeoisie about how production should be organized
in Haiti and about how surplus value will be appropriated.  It is not yet a
dispute, strictly speaking, centered on class war and the very critical
question of the abolition of private property through the seizure of the
productive forces. By this I mean to say that the

[Marxism-Thaxis] FW: The ABCs of Class Struggle By Aduku Addae

2004-12-27 Thread Lil Joe

This Essay doesn't need an Introduction; or, rather, an introduction can be
stated in a single word: Powerful!

Lil Joe

The ABCs of Class Struggle
By Aduku Addae

Scientific Socialism is now just two dirty words. One dare not mention these
words in polite circles. And, that is a grave pity, for, the organizations
of the working class are in disarray and the struggle for social equity has
stagnated because workers have foolishly abandoned five centuries of working
peoples' history. Discarded along with this history are a unique
anti-philosophy, a system of critical thought, a methodology of struggle,
and the tools for analyzing the contemporary social drama.  Assuredly, the
worker's instinct will direct him/her to the rediscovery of Scientific
Socialism.  Working people have been so directed at other times in history.
I am, however, impatient of the laborers' natural inclination to return to
studying history and shaping human destiny through self-conscious action.
So, at the risk of being impolite, perhaps to the extent of being unpopular,
I would like to initiate a discussion about Scientific Socialism and the
working class struggle in the age of "global" Capitalism.  I am not
proposing here to revive some tedious debate over  "Marxist" minutiae. I am
talking about getting back to basics.

Soviet tactical exigencies gave birth to a miserable doctrine that posited
the nationalist struggle as essentially anti-capitalist and a necessary
antecedent to the working class revolution. This doctrine which held
currency for the better part of a century showed itself to be hopelessly and
definitively bankrupt in and through the implosion and fragmentation of the
Soviet Union into nation states within the borders of which the worst robber
baron capitalism has taken root. This, to say the least, is the essence of
irony, for, it is towards the preservation of this Stalinist monstrosity
(the Soviet Union), perceived by millions as the Mecca of socialism, that
the doctrine was aimed.  But of course people get what they work for, and
the socialists of the world worked for world capitalism, from 1917 to 1991
under the cold direction of pragmatic Russian politicians.

One would expect that the demise of the Soviet experiment would have
signaled the beginning of a critical assessment of the history of the Fourth
International with a view to laying a foundation for formulating a practical
program of struggle for the fifth international under 21st century
conditions.  It seems, however, that the Reagan-Gorbachev onslaught not only
destroyed the crumbling edifice of the Russian Gulag, under which the
working people of Eastern Europe stood, but it sapped the intellectual
energy and destroyed the imagination of the socialists worldwide. The
silencing of the working class and the decade-old replacement of informed
socialist discourse with the half-wit sound bites of liberalism in the
world-sociopolitical debate is a natural consequence of generations of
adherence to the "political line" which preached the gospel of  "United
Democratic Fronts" against "Imperialism." This doctrine, as we have seen in
practice, is capitalist ideology in essence, all nationalist struggles being
ultimately directed at fortifying the capitalist order of society.   It has
yielded the most repressive and corrupt regimes in Angola, The Congo, Sudan,
Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Somalia - - the list
goes on ad infinitum.

The most notable effect of this doctrine is that it sapped the energy of the
working class in imaginary battles against a so-called imperialistic enemy.
These were battles, however, which were in reality against the working class

This misguided doctrine of "anti-imperialist struggle" is at the foundation
of historic errors made by the socialist worldwide.  In Jamaica, for
example, the workers movement with its strong grass-roots (genuinely
proletarian) trade unionist structure was delivered over to the
quasi-nationalist-brown-man-parties of Norman W. Manley and Alexander
Bustamante. The genuine working class leaders such as G. S. Coombs were
consigned to oblivion and a life of hardship and destitution. Socialist
intellectuals Richard Hart and the Hill brothers were later expelled from
the People's National Party (circa 1951). Thus the workers' unions came to
be placed at the beck and call of generations of 'gangster' politicians in
the fractious parliamentary politics which essentially reinforced and
preserved the capitalist order of things. (That this took place at a time
when the workers were in a superb position to gain ascendancy is, of course,
unbelievable). The same thing happened in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and
the rest of the Caribbean region.  Ultimately this gave rise to the
tragicomedy that was unveiled in little Grenada and

[Marxism-Thaxis] RE: S. Freud and Wilhelm Reich RE "Moral Values" and Repression, Neuroses

2004-12-24 Thread Lil Joe

In Defence of Marxism- http://www.marxist.com

Marxism and Psychoanalysis
Notes on Wilhelm Reich’s Life and Works
By Alessandro D'Aloia

This article was first published in Italian on the web site of the journal
FalceMartello. The original Italian version can be found at Marxismo e
psicoanalisi (la figura di Wilhelm Reich).

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) was a Marxist, a psychologist and a scientist. His
written works are invaluable resources in understanding the relationships
existing between Marxism and psychoanalysis without requiring the special
approach or knowledge of a student of psychology. His personal tragedies
illustrate how a wide range of otherwise abstract issues can manifest and
interconnect with one’s life.

His Education
Neither Reich’s historical role nor his works are recognized by most
psychoanalysts, be they students, professionals or simple amateurs. This
state of affairs enabled renowned intellectuals, such as those from the
“Frankfurt School”, to easily pillage from his works (especially those from
his most manifestly Marxist period) without ever giving a nod of
acknowledgement to Reich and, moreover, without anyone ever realizing that

As a result, today most people who have an interest in psychology learn
little more than Freud’s classics. This leads to a lack of any knowledge of
a number of major contributions made to psychology, such as Reich’s, which
are essential reading in order to fully understand psychoanalysis, its
current contradictions, and its current class standpoint. Were these
contributions more widely known, the so-called “reformed” Freudian
postulates would be completely undermined and their reactionary implications
would be exposed.

Reich’s most well-known work is “The Sexual Revolution”, published in Vienna
in 1930. His scientific products have a much broader scope than Freud’s,
including important works such as: “The Function of Orgasm”, “The Irruption
of Coercive Sexual Morale”, “The Individual and the State”, “Dialectical
Materialism and Psychoanalysis”, and “Mass Psychology of Fascism”. Reich was
an active member of the International Psychoanalytic Society (IPS), which
had been founded by Freud. At the time of his first publishing (of “The
Function of Orgasm”) he was widely acknowledged as the most gifted of all
Freud’s disciples. But even within that very work were, in essence, all of
those elements of thought which were to clash with Freud during his “second

Reich agreed with Freud that sexual development was the fundamental origin
of mental disorder. Together, they advocated the following positions: that
most psychological activity was ruled by subconscious processes; that
children quickly develop an active sexuality; that children’s sexual energy
is the cause of most psychological developments; that infant sexuality is
subsequently repressed and that this has major consequences for mental
health; that morality does not derive from any supernatural being or set of
rules, but that it is the product of imposed repressions against the
sexuality of individuals as they progress in age from a child, to a teenager
and finally to an adult.

Reich went on, seeking to develop these ideas and to cohere them with
concrete findings. He explored and exposed the relationships between sexual
life and bourgeois morality, then proceeded to address in the same fashion
the connection between bourgeois morality itself and the social and economic
structures that produced and influenced it. Reich wrote that bourgeois
sexual repression and its subconscious influences were the main causes of
neuroses. He advanced the idea that a sexual life that was free from
feelings of guilt would be the best therapy to treat those neuroses. He
concluded by stating that such a liberation from shame and repression could
only be realized through a non-authoritarian morality, which in turn would
only come from an economic system that had been able to overcome and abolish

However, Freud was soon to alter the content of his thoughts, and in the
process he would break with those ideas that Reich agreed with Freud upon
and had taken as his starting point. In 1926, in the work, “The Inhibition,
Symptom and Anxiousness”, Freud claimed that, “...[it is] anxiousness that
produces repression and not, as I believed in the past, that repression
produces anxiousness...” This was a turn of 180 degrees. Freud’s new theory
claimed that anxiousness (sexual anxiety) was something endogenous, from
within the individual psyche. Thus, Freud no longer considered it to be the
by-product of external, social conditions. All external, objective,
environmental factors were simply dropped from Freud’s analyses.

Freud’s new body of ideas became a vehicle for all those theories that
maintain that all human “faults” are inherent within the physical being of
men and women (for example, the idea that there is a gene that causes
criminality). This is in stark contradiction to the materialist conception

[Marxism-Thaxis] S. Freud and Wilhelm Reich RE "Moral Values" and Repression, Neuroses

2004-12-23 Thread Lil Joe

In Defence of Marxism- http://www.marxist.com

Marxism and Psychoanalysis
Notes on Wilhelm Reich’s Life and Works
By Alessandro D'Aloia

This article was first published in Italian on the web site of the journal
FalceMartello. The original Italian version can be found at Marxismo e
psicoanalisi (la figura di Wilhelm Reich).

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) was a Marxist, a psychologist and a scientist. His
written works are invaluable resources in understanding the relationships
existing between Marxism and psychoanalysis without requiring the special
approach or knowledge of a student of psychology. His personal tragedies
illustrate how a wide range of otherwise abstract issues can manifest and
interconnect with one’s life.

His Education
Neither Reich’s historical role nor his works are recognized by most
psychoanalysts, be they students, professionals or simple amateurs. This
state of affairs enabled renowned intellectuals, such as those from the
“Frankfurt School”, to easily pillage from his works (especially those from
his most manifestly Marxist period) without ever giving a nod of
acknowledgement to Reich and, moreover, without anyone ever realizing that

As a result, today most people who have an interest in psychology learn
little more than Freud’s classics. This leads to a lack of any knowledge of
a number of major contributions made to psychology, such as Reich’s, which
are essential reading in order to fully understand psychoanalysis, its
current contradictions, and its current class standpoint. Were these
contributions more widely known, the so-called “reformed” Freudian
postulates would be completely undermined and their reactionary implications
would be exposed.

Reich’s most well-known work is “The Sexual Revolution”, published in Vienna
in 1930. His scientific products have a much broader scope than Freud’s,
including important works such as: “The Function of Orgasm”, “The Irruption
of Coercive Sexual Morale”, “The Individual and the State”, “Dialectical
Materialism and Psychoanalysis”, and “Mass Psychology of Fascism”. Reich was
an active member of the International Psychoanalytic Society (IPS), which
had been founded by Freud. At the time of his first publishing (of “The
Function of Orgasm”) he was widely acknowledged as the most gifted of all
Freud’s disciples. But even within that very work were, in essence, all of
those elements of thought which were to clash with Freud during his “second

Reich agreed with Freud that sexual development was the fundamental origin
of mental disorder. Together, they advocated the following positions: that
most psychological activity was ruled by subconscious processes; that
children quickly develop an active sexuality; that children’s sexual energy
is the cause of most psychological developments; that infant sexuality is
subsequently repressed and that this has major consequences for mental
health; that morality does not derive from any supernatural being or set of
rules, but that it is the product of imposed repressions against the
sexuality of individuals as they progress in age from a child, to a teenager
and finally to an adult.

Reich went on, seeking to develop these ideas and to cohere them with
concrete findings. He explored and exposed the relationships between sexual
life and bourgeois morality, then proceeded to address in the same fashion
the connection between bourgeois morality itself and the social and economic
structures that produced and influenced it. Reich wrote that bourgeois
sexual repression and its subconscious influences were the main causes of
neuroses. He advanced the idea that a sexual life that was free from
feelings of guilt would be the best therapy to treat those neuroses. He
concluded by stating that such a liberation from shame and repression could
only be realized through a non-authoritarian morality, which in turn would
only come from an economic system that had been able to overcome and abolish

However, Freud was soon to alter the content of his thoughts, and in the
process he would break with those ideas that Reich agreed with Freud upon
and had taken as his starting point. In 1926, in the work, “The Inhibition,
Symptom and Anxiousness”, Freud claimed that, “...[it is] anxiousness that
produces repression and not, as I believed in the past, that repression
produces anxiousness...” This was a turn of 180 degrees. Freud’s new theory
claimed that anxiousness (sexual anxiety) was something endogenous, from
within the individual psyche. Thus, Freud no longer considered it to be the
by-product of external, social conditions. All external, objective,
environmental factors were simply dropped from Freud’s analyses.

Freud’s new body of ideas became a vehicle for all those theories that
maintain that all human “faults” are inherent within the physical being of
men and women (for example, the idea that there is a gene that causes
criminality). This is in stark contradiction to the materialist conceptio

[Marxism-Thaxis] Cloning in capitalist America

2004-12-23 Thread Lil Joe

The so-called "ethical issue" is not whether or not
cloning should occur, and progress: it should, but
whether it should exist as capitalist capitalist commodity
production, exploitation of both the new life-form and
the 'customer'.

Lil Joe

Cloned Cat Sale Generates Ethics Debate

By Paul Elias
The Associated Press
Thursday, December 23, 2004; 12:09 AM

SAN FRANCISCO -- The first cloned-to-order pet sold in
the United States is named Little Nicky, a 9-week-old
kitten delivered to a Texas woman saddened by the loss
of a cat she had owned for 17 years.

The kitten cost its owner $50,000 and was created from
DNA from her beloved cat, named Nicky, who died last

"He is identical. His personality is the same," the
owner, Julie, told The Associated Press in a telephone
interview. Although she agreed to be photographed with
her cat, she asked that her last name and hometown not
be disclosed because she said she fears being targeted
by groups opposed to cloning.

Yet while Little Nicky, who was delivered two weeks
ago, frolics in his new home, the kitten's creation and
sale has reignited fierce ethical and scientific debate
over cloning technology, which is rapidly advancing.

The company that created Little Nicky, Sausalito-based
Genetic Savings and Clone, said it hopes by May to have
produced the world's first cloned dog -- a much more
lucrative market than cats.

While it is based in the San Francisco Bay area, the
company's cloning work will be done at its new lab in
Madison, Wis.

Commercial interests already are cloning prized cattle
for about $20,000 each, and scientists have cloned
mice, rabbits, goats, pigs, horses -- and even the
endangered banteng, a wild bull that is found mostly in

Several research teams around the world, meanwhile, are
racing to create the first cloned monkey.

Aside from human cloning, which has been achieved only
at the microscopic embryo stage, no cloning project has
fueled more debate than the marketing plans of Genetic
Savings and Clone.

"It's morally problematic and a little reprehensible,"
said David Magnus, co-director of the Center for
Biomedical Ethics at Stanford University. "For $50,000,
she could have provided homes for a lot of strays."

Animals rights activists complain that new feline
production systems aren't needed because thousands of
stray cats are euthanized each year for want of homes.

Lou Hawthorne, Genetic Savings and Clone's chief
executive, said his company purchases thousands of
ovaries from spay clinics across the country. It
extracts the eggs, which are combined with the genetic
material from the animals to be cloned.

Critics also complain that the technology is available
only to the wealthy, that using it to create house pets
is frivolous and that customers grieving over lost pets
have unrealistic expectations of what they're buying.

In fact, the first cat cloned in 2001 had a different
coat from its genetic donor, underscoring that
environment and other biological variables make it
impossible to exactly duplicate animals.

"The thing that many people do not realize is that the
cloned cat is not the same as the original," said
Bonnie Beaver, a Texas A&M animal behaviorist who heads
the American Veterinary Medical Association, which has
no position on the issue. "It has a different
personality. It has different life experiences. They
want Fluffy, but it's not Fluffy."

Scientists also warn that cloned animals suffer from
more health problems than their traditionally bred
peers and that cloning is still a very inexact science.
It takes many gruesome failures to produce just a
single clone.

Genetic Savings and Clone said its new cloning
technique, developed by animal cloning pioneer James
Robl has improved survival rates, health and
appearance. The new technique seeks to condense and
transfer only the donor's genetic material to a
surrogate's egg instead of an entire cell nucleus.

Between 15 percent and 45 percent of cloned cats born
alive die within the first 30 days, Hawthorne said. But
he said that range is consistent with natural births,
depending on the breed of cat.

Austin, Texas-based ViaGen Inc., which has cloned
hundreds of cows, pigs and goats, also is experimenting
with the new cloning technique.

"The jury is still out, but the research shows it to be
promising," company president Sara Davis said. "The
technology is improving all the time."

Genetic Savings and Clone has been behind the creation
of at least five cats since 2001, including the first
one created.

It hopes to deliver as many as five more clones to
customers who have paid the company's $50,000 fee. By
the end of next year, it hopes to have cloned as many
as 50 cats.

The company has yet to turn a profit.

© 2004 The Associated Press


[Marxism-Thaxis] RE: How do we get the power to make real change?

2004-12-21 Thread Lil Joe
 Other than saying we need a strategy, unless I missed it, there is no
strategy proposed.
  Saying that we need a strategy, and [correctly] critiquing the workers,
socialist organizations
  for activism without having a strategy for assuming state power, does not
explain, or
  present a plan (strategy) for actually achieving state power.

  Maybe I missed it, comrades, but how precisely do we move from protest
against capitalism,
  and its state, to becoming the state - revolutionary dictatorship of the
proletariat - working class
  as ruling class with its proletarian government legislating the transfer
of the productive
  forces and financial institutions from the private property of capitalist
to the public property
  of the proletariat?

  I have presented a strategy, that you may or may not agree with (without
effecting our
  class solidarity as comrades, comrade) e.g. see
http://www.laborpartypraxis.org/ The point in
  this post, and my comments is not to draw sectarian lines of demarcation,
but to generate
  a discussion in the trade unions, the Labor Party, and socialist
organizations regarding the
  transition from protest activism to a concrete, empirically measurable
  by workers to win the battle of democracy, thus to at once negate the
subordinate position
  of wage labor to capital, that is manifest in the economic, social and
political subordination
  of the proletariat to the capitalist class and state.

  In science, there is no such thing as a failed experiment. Negation is
just as much affirmation
  as negation - that is, analyzing what the prediction failed actualization
is negating the error,
  as negation of negation engendered positive knowledge explaining the
failure. So, similarly,
  neither I am egotistically wedded to my suggested strategy. But, it is a
strategy suggesting
  procedures by which in the struggle for power the American working class
can negate its
  status of object, exploited labor power by capitalists and politically
manipulated by bourgeois
  class parties, emerging from itself in itself into subject, or class
consciously a class for itself.

  I recognize the League as revolutionary in the vanguard, because it has in
any case raised
  the strategic question that, if taken up by other labor and socialist
groups will advance the
  workers and socialist (and anarchists) from activism to a class-conscious
struggle for power.

  Lil Joe


  How do we get the power to make real change?

  How do we get the power to make real change? Americans (and
others) have been protesting, striking, and demonstrating a bunch of people
during the last 10 years. But what has it gotten us? The people who are
being crushed by this system, and that includes most of us, need a
government that will take responsibility for the well-being of the people.
How are we going to get it?

  We have to have real political power to bring about the
reforms we seek. To gain power we have to have a strategy, and that strategy
has to revolve around ending the poverty that is spreading throughout our
country. There were the protests against welfare "reform" in the late 90s.
There were the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle in 1999. There
have been all sorts of strikes, marches, and anti-globalization
demonstrations in this country and elsewhere in the last few years. And this
past summer a half-million people jammed the streets of New York during the
Republican National Convention, protesting the growth of poverty, the
destruction of civil liberties, the war, and environmental degradation,
among other things. Jobs, pensions, wages, health care, the right to
organize, the growth of the prison population, police brutality,
homelessness, the rights of immigrant workers, the death penalty you name
it, people have been organizing around it and demonstrating, striking and
marching over it.

  Most of us are either being crushed by this system or are just
getting by and are a paycheck away from being out in the street. The
corporate-dominated government has turned its back on the people. We know
what kind of change is needed. We know that in the end, we need a government
that will take as its main responsibility guaranteeing the well-being of the
people decent food, clothing, housing, health care, education and everything
else we need to live full and cultured lives. This is our right as human

  How are we going to get that government? The strikes, marches
and demonstrations should continue, but they will accomplish nothing unless
they are tied to a strategy. We cannot bring about the reforms we seek
unless we have the political power to do so. We, the people, have to have a
strategy for achieving political power. Then the government will truly be
our government, and it will do our bidding.

  What is the strategy for

[Marxism-Thaxis] Question of the future

2004-12-19 Thread Lil Joe
"The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society; the standpoint of
the new is human society or social humanity.*Philosophers have hitherto only
interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it. (Marx)

  -Original Message-
  From: Lil Joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 1:36 PM
  Subject: RE: [Africa-Politics] RE: [ChatAfriK] Re: [abujaNig] Re:

  What would I like to see? A more answerable question would be: What am I
fighting for?

  A world of socialized global harmony of human interests, wherein the
strife of One verses Other, in a "war of all against all", has been
transcended by public social ownership of the productive forces ending
commodity production, wage-labor and economic competition in which quality
food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and so on is the right of every
individual member of a society in which the all rounded, free development of
each is the free development of all -- enabling a stateless society to
emerge - without class distinctions or national borders - or even racial
continental distinctions, as class and property in the productive forces
would have been abolished, and with it the end of national boarders, armies,
police, prisons and of all authoritarian hierarchal institutions.  A world
in which tanks will be displaced by tractors and all nuclear arsenals

  What am I fighting for? A world in which every advance in science,
technology and non-polluting natural power and perpetual universal education
would continually reduce socially necessary labor time on one hand, and the
chains of life-time economic divisions of labor on the other in that the
perpetual reduction of socially necessary labor time required to reproduce
the productive forces as well as consumer goods and services, to say ten
hours a week per person, in a society in which everyone has mastered
science, technology, medicine, and so on would mean that a person could
perform social service ten hours per day per one week doing physics or
astronomy, work in the community kitchen the next, perform the services of a
doctor surgeon the next, do sanitation collection the next, and so on and
on, and have the rest of the week free to play.

  Lil Joe
-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: [Africa-Politics] RE: [ChatAfriK] Re: [abujaNig] Re:

Lil Joe,

What would like to see global African do to better their lot in theis
world. What is your vision for the people?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] FW: Workers of the world are uniting

2004-12-19 Thread Lil Joe

Workers of the world are uniting

By Brendan Barber,
General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress (UK)

Financial Times - December 7, 2004


The world trade union movement is poised to follow the
lead of transnational companies, by extending its reach
and throwing off the shackles of national boundaries.
Unions are about to go global.

It will come as news to some employers - and a shock to
some of the anti-globalisers - but trade unions are in
favour of globalisation. Most of the world's trade
union movements are meeting this week in Japan to
discuss an epoch-making strategy called "Globalising
Solidarity". By the end of this week, we may well have
ended 50 years of division in world trade unionism,
abandoned a creativity-stifling global bureaucracy and
refocused our core business on campaigning and

In recent years, trade unions have sometimes looked,
and felt, outdated and sluggish, unable to respond as
business "delocalises" and the free movement of capital
and jobs makes it possible for companies to race for
the bottom in terms of wages, employment conditions and
questions of health and safety. Some have called this
the "Wal-Mart-isation" of the workplace.

Unions have made academic statements and sent symbolic
deputations to address global institutions such as the
World Bank, the International Labour Organisation and
the World Trade Organisation. Bureaucrat has spoken
unto bureaucrat while transnational corporations have
spread around the globe, revolutionising world trade.

Some of this is overstated. Despite comparatively
little progress in the US, Wal-Mart has been dragged to
negotiating tables from Canada to China by UNI, the
global union federation for private service sector

Global union campaigns to encourage ethical sourcing
for goods have been linked to this year's Athens
Olympics, with the purpose of spreading decent labour
standards right along the global supply chain. The
campaign will be resurrected for the Turin Winter
Olympics in 2006, the soccer World Cups in Germany and
South Africa, and the Olympics in China. The Trades
Union Congress is already discussing the issue with the
2012 London Olympics bid.

The global trade union movement has learnt from the
tactics of non- governmental organisations and is
working more closely with them on corporate social
responsibility. We increasingly recognise the power of
consumers, shareholders and pension funds.

This week's world congress of the International
Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) could take
the bold next step. The ICFTU is the largest trade
union confederation in the world, with 250 affiliates
in 152 countries representing 148m trade union members.
It was created in 1949 at the start of the cold war but
has been split since then. The breakaway communist-
backed confederation formed at the time is fading. This
week's congress may decide to merge the two remaining
global organisations - the ICFTU itself and the World
Confederation of Labour, originally a Christian body.

Such a merger would create a single free trade union
movement around the world, from Australia to Zimbabwe,
united by a common vision of social globalisation that
works for people rather than the other way around.

But, as so many companies have found out, mergers are
not enough. The new global union federation would need
to refocus on its core function. Its unique selling
proposition would be the ability to mobilise a total of
174m members and attract more. In this way, global
businesses, world institutions and governments would
take the organisation seriously and would have to
negotiate and reach agreements.

Old committee structures, conferences and paperwork
must go. In their place must come the ability to target
key companies, sectors and campaigns. Guy Ryder, the
ICFTU's popular and thoughtful general secretary, has
had his work cut out securing agreement from often-
embattled unions to give up the security of their
bureaucracy. But he has the support of the TUC, the DGB
in Germany, the AFL-CIO in the US, Cosatu in South
Africa and many more.

Each of these bodies, with their proud traditions,
knows it cannot continue to champion the interests of
its members if it does not operate internationally.

Trade unions in every developed country face the
challenge of delocalisation. We must not re-erect the
barriers of protectionism but we must protect the
livelihoods of workers at both ends of the
delocalisation equation.

British unions have done a lot in the financial
services sector to ensure retraining at home and better
wages in places such as India. We could do a lot more
if our international organisations were focused on
helping unions address the organising and bargaining
challenges that delocalisation presents. But how much
more could we achieve if employers faced the same union
when they arrived in Mumbai as they did when they
deserted Macclesfie

[Marxism-Thaxis] RE: [reparations and Black succession] AN OPEN LETTER TO MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN

2004-12-10 Thread Lil Joe

Are you suggesting the American ruling class (capitalists) and United States
government of the bureaucratic military state would yield significant
portions of its territory -- say, the industrial East-Coast, and/or the
industrial Midwest, or California, to African Americans? This is where Black
worker's are concentrated. Do you honestly believe that the American
capitalists and state will yield its industrial states, the productive
forces and financial institutions in these areas to the Black working-class
simply because the African Americans vote for succession? And the UN says

Notwithstanding significant UN opposition, America invaded, and now brutally
occupy Iraq. Americans are not even willing to give Iraq to the Iraqis, and
must be forced out by armed struggle. It is not possible for African
Americans, who are but 10-12% of the American population to wage armed
struggle and win a war against the US armed forces seeking succession. You
see what's happening in Fallujah, and in Iraq there are tens of millions of
Iraqis supporting, if not participating in the armed resistance. A 'race
war' in America would result of mass slaughter of African Americans, a
single nuclear bomb on Detroit for instance.

Nor should we seek 'race war', which in reality is not only not an option,
but Black folk don't want it. We are not suicidal.

Black Americans are primarily working class, and it is with other American
workers that Blacks must unite, based on common class objectives. While only
10-12% of the American population, Blacks are 30%of organized labor. The
'common objective' ought to be the formulation of an American labor party
based financially on trade unions, and socially in the working class as a
whole, from which the Black as well as White capitalists, and members of the
Democratic as well as the Republican party, are excluded. The common
objective of a working class party has to be the winning of the battle of
democracy, legislating a working class agenda -- up to and including the
expropriation of capitalist class property, the productive forces and
financial institutions.

By uniting the class, without regard to race, gender, religion or ethnicity,
winning the battle of democracy means becoming the majority in the House of
Representatives, thus legislating the transfer of the productive forces and
financial institutions from the private property of capitalists to the
public property of the working class. The issue of racial reperations will
thus become mute, since public ownership of the productive forces, with
workers self-management of industry and agriculture will have as its
economic objective the elemination of capitalist commodity production and
wage labor, thus ending markets and money.

A Labor dominated House of Representatives must become the government -
abolishing the Senate, Presidency and Supreme Court, and crushing the
existing bureaucratic-military state, abolishing the Pentagon and  standing

Of course the capitalists, and the military officer corp will not give up
without a fight. But, having won the battle of Democracy, the labor
dominated House of Representatives would be in the political position, and
have objective moral authority to call on the working class rank and file of
the armed forces to mutiny on the side of the House of Representatives.

Lil Joe

ps: check out http://www.laborpartypraxis.org/
  -Original Message-
  From: Ansari Mustafa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 11:59 AM
  Subject: [Africa-Politics] Re: [unioNews] AN OPEN LETTER TO MINISTER LOUIS

  As-Salaam-Alaikum, Minister Louis Farrakhan and Minister Al-Arkam

  I join in the discussion and the call for unity of Minister Al-Arkam. I
too am respectfully oppossed to another march, simply because the next day
we are in the same position. Instead I would suggest a strategy that takes
us from servitude and oppression to liberation called a "Plebiscite". I do
so because it is apparent that we have the same goal in mind, which is a
territorial inter-succession from the U.S.

  Accordingly, the strategy of a  UN monitored 'democratic' vote in all 50
states will take us from A to B. The processes and the result of the vote
will 'unify' any difference[If any] that we have in approach. As you know
the Muslims [Point 4 of what the Muslim wants] for his brother and himself
has been for over 40 years these types of self-controlled territories.
Likewise, the African Indians have long sought these type of territories.
Similarly the Africans in America who are Tri-Racial and indigenous are
entitled to these lands as reparative tithes.

  In this regards, I join Minister Al-Arkam and Silas Muhammad to urge you
most respectfully to join us in proceeding out of America to the UN. I do so
out of no secret or hidden agenda of my own to undermine your undying
efforts to bring our people togethe

[Marxism-Thaxis] Workers of the world are uniting

2004-12-08 Thread Lil Joe

Workers of the world are uniting

By Brendan Barber,
General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress (UK)

Financial Times - December 7, 2004


The world trade union movement is poised to follow the
lead of transnational companies, by extending its reach
and throwing off the shackles of national boundaries.
Unions are about to go global.

It will come as news to some employers - and a shock to
some of the anti-globalisers - but trade unions are in
favour of globalisation. Most of the world's trade
union movements are meeting this week in Japan to
discuss an epoch-making strategy called "Globalising
Solidarity". By the end of this week, we may well have
ended 50 years of division in world trade unionism,
abandoned a creativity-stifling global bureaucracy and
refocused our core business on campaigning and

In recent years, trade unions have sometimes looked,
and felt, outdated and sluggish, unable to respond as
business "delocalises" and the free movement of capital
and jobs makes it possible for companies to race for
the bottom in terms of wages, employment conditions and
questions of health and safety. Some have called this
the "Wal-Mart-isation" of the workplace.

Unions have made academic statements and sent symbolic
deputations to address global institutions such as the
World Bank, the International Labour Organisation and
the World Trade Organisation. Bureaucrat has spoken
unto bureaucrat while transnational corporations have
spread around the globe, revolutionising world trade.

Some of this is overstated. Despite comparatively
little progress in the US, Wal-Mart has been dragged to
negotiating tables from Canada to China by UNI, the
global union federation for private service sector

Global union campaigns to encourage ethical sourcing
for goods have been linked to this year's Athens
Olympics, with the purpose of spreading decent labour
standards right along the global supply chain. The
campaign will be resurrected for the Turin Winter
Olympics in 2006, the soccer World Cups in Germany and
South Africa, and the Olympics in China. The Trades
Union Congress is already discussing the issue with the
2012 London Olympics bid.

The global trade union movement has learnt from the
tactics of non- governmental organisations and is
working more closely with them on corporate social
responsibility. We increasingly recognise the power of
consumers, shareholders and pension funds.

This week's world congress of the International
Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) could take
the bold next step. The ICFTU is the largest trade
union confederation in the world, with 250 affiliates
in 152 countries representing 148m trade union members.
It was created in 1949 at the start of the cold war but
has been split since then. The breakaway communist-
backed confederation formed at the time is fading. This
week's congress may decide to merge the two remaining
global organisations - the ICFTU itself and the World
Confederation of Labour, originally a Christian body.

Such a merger would create a single free trade union
movement around the world, from Australia to Zimbabwe,
united by a common vision of social globalisation that
works for people rather than the other way around.

But, as so many companies have found out, mergers are
not enough. The new global union federation would need
to refocus on its core function. Its unique selling
proposition would be the ability to mobilise a total of
174m members and attract more. In this way, global
businesses, world institutions and governments would
take the organisation seriously and would have to
negotiate and reach agreements.

Old committee structures, conferences and paperwork
must go. In their place must come the ability to target
key companies, sectors and campaigns. Guy Ryder, the
ICFTU's popular and thoughtful general secretary, has
had his work cut out securing agreement from often-
embattled unions to give up the security of their
bureaucracy. But he has the support of the TUC, the DGB
in Germany, the AFL-CIO in the US, Cosatu in South
Africa and many more.

Each of these bodies, with their proud traditions,
knows it cannot continue to champion the interests of
its members if it does not operate internationally.

Trade unions in every developed country face the
challenge of delocalisation. We must not re-erect the
barriers of protectionism but we must protect the
livelihoods of workers at both ends of the
delocalisation equation.

British unions have done a lot in the financial
services sector to ensure retraining at home and better
wages in places such as India. We could do a lot more
if our international organisations were focused on
helping unions address the organising and bargaining
challenges that delocalisation presents. But how much
more could we achieve if employers faced the same union
when they arrived in Mumbai as they did when they
deserted Macclesfie

[Marxism-Thaxis] Sandinista's win local elections

2004-11-12 Thread Lil Joe
SandinistaIntroductory Comments by Aduku Addea and Lil Joe
Sandinista's win local elections

The Reuters LA TIMES article, below categorizes the Sandinistas as a "left"
organization. This is a misleading appellation. In the American press, the
term "Left" and "leftist" is a vague reference to a broad spectrum including
anyone from the Democratic Leadership Council of the Democratic Party
(Clinton, Gore, Lieberman) and the Democrat's Blacks and "progressives" (the
CBC, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore) here in the USA; to Blaire, Jospan,
Schroeder &C ("third way") of Europe and Chavez and Lulu in Latin America.

The political and social history of the Sandistinas in Nicaragua and the
Farabundo Marti Liberation Front in El Salvador are in the same mold as
Cuban guerillas that fought in the company of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara
were. They are socialists and communists. They engaged in an intense
political struggle, which culminated in armed struggle against the Samosa
regime. After the victory over the Samosa regime they were embroiled in a
protracted struggle against US military intervention, and were subsequently
defeated and forced to call elections that brought the Quislings of US
imperialism to power, in a situation reminiscent of Latortue in Haiti and
Allawi in Iraq in the present context.

The experience of the New Jewel Movement in Grenada is also one of
socialists coming to power in the same Caribbean/Meso-American region who
were similarly overthrown by US military forces.

The return of the Sandinistas to ascendancy in participatory politics is a
direct consequence of the comprehensive failure of the liberalization and
free market policies instituted by the regimes that succeeded the
Sandinistas. It is an indication of the deepening social and economic
crisis, which has gripped Latin America and the Caribbean. If the
Sandinistas are going to attempt the route to power via electoral politics
they have to pay close attention to the lessons from Grenada and begin from
the outset to build organizational structures for sustained struggle against
the backlash from the bourgeois and military elements. Electoral victory is
merely the prelude to the real struggle. A picture of what is to come in
Nicaragua bears a direct resemblance to the class wars that is taking place
in Haiti.

What is taking place in socio-political struggles in Nicaragua is in a
significant manner connected to and influenced by the struggles of the
Palestinians and Iraqis whose brave resistance is causing US and Israeli
forces to become bogged down in unwanted trench warfare. The military
conflict in Iraq is having seismic consequences on the world scale. The
downtrodden workers and peasants are reawakening.

We dispense with all the rubbish about "the left", as presented in the
American media. It is in fact a Socialist workers and peasants movement
directed at class power, the creation of a workers and peasants state! This
is most important. From the position of political power, whether won on the
battlefields in civil war or by elections (that may in fact lead to civil
war engendered by a capitalist class rebellion) are issues of strategy
rather than of principle.

The economic emancipation of the working class is the task of the working
classes themselves; this economic emancipation is the objective, to which
every political movement is subordinate as means. Just as guerrilla warfare
in civil wars is class politics with bloodshed so electoral politics is
class warfare without bloodshed.

The workers and peasants that voted for Sandinistas know they are voting in
their class interests in class war insomuch as in the 70s and 80s the
Sandinistas were identified as a Marxist lead Socialist party.

In this important distinction, the Sandinistas history is that of a
revolutionary, socialist workers movement as distinct from the present
bourgeois nationalist, Bonapartist regimes of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and
Brazil's Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. This is only to establish the history of
the movement in Nicaragua. It is not to say, however, that the Sandinistas
are the same in this their second regime as in the first – keeping in mind
the differences in the first and second

Manley governments (in Jamaica) in response to changed conditions. It can be
said definitively, though, that the Sandinistas are not of the ilk of the
leftist in the USA.



>From Reuters

November 9, 2004

MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Nicaragua's leftist opposition

Sandinista party, which fought a civil war with U.S.-

backed rebels when it ruled in the 1980s, made strong

gains in weekend elections, taking control of almost

all major cities.

Results released Monday showed the Sandinistas handing

a heavy defeat to the ruling party, w

[Marxism-Thaxis] Documentary Indicts U.S. as Co-Defendant with Saddam

2004-10-30 Thread Lil Joe
Our media will not show what is being seen in France, Canada, Japan and
Australia - From FranceNew documentary indicts US as co-defendant with
By Gina Doggett
Agence France-Presse

PARIS - What if Saddam Hussein were to have a genuinely fair trial? That is
the central question of a hard-hitting documentary to be aired on French
television Tuesday.

Michel Despratx of France's Canal Plus television teamed with independent
Canadian filmmaker Barry Lando to produce "The Trial of Saddam Hussein, the
Trial You'll Never See." The 43-minute film begins with frank and graphic
highlights of Saddam's brutal reign. But it soon delves into a history of
collusion going back to the cataclysmic Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, when
Washington, fully aware that Saddam was using mustard and nerve gas against
Iranian civilians, calculated that it was better to keep backing him as the
lesser of two evils. "There are your options. Neither one palatable," says
retired Air Force Captain Rick Fontana in the film. US Defence Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld is shown in a clip from Iraqi television shaking hands with
Saddam in 1983 when he was President Ronald Reagan's special representative
for the Middle East.

Shown the clip 20 years later, Rumsfeld muses: "Where did you get this
video? ... Isn't that interesting? There I am."

Copies of the documentary have been ordered by television outlets in Canada,
Japan and Australia, but "American stations are not interested," Despratx
told AFP.

One of the most notorious episodes of Saddam's rule was the gassing of 5,000
Kurds in northern Halabja, an atrocity which drew little international

In the heat of the Iran-Iraq war, news programmes mentioned it without
naming Saddam, leaving open the suggestion that the Iranians were

"That was the diplomatic language of the time," said former French Foreign
Minister Roland Dumas.

"The West closed its eyes a little bit... Iraq was a strategic country for
the balance of the region," adds Peter Galbraith, top adviser to the Senate
foreign relations committee at the time.

"Nobody wanted to upset Saddam Hussein, and if Kurds getting gassed was
something that would cause troubles, neither the Reagan nor the Bush
administration wanted to hear a word about it." Another part of the film
deals with the numerous companies which supplied Saddam with chemical
weapons. "Our estimation is that Germany supplied far more than anyone else
to Iraq's chemical weapons programme, but the French certainly were
important suppliers," says Gary Milhollin, an expert on arms proliferation.
The 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait provides another scathing indictment of
the US collusion with Saddam.

The film shows a meeting between then-US Ambassador April Glaspie and Saddam
eight days before the invasion in which she assures him that Washington will
take "no position in the event of any border conflict between Iraq and

Four months later, the United States and its allies unleashed the first Gulf
War, removing Saddam from Kuwait but leaving him in Baghdad to dispense new
terror to his people, killing 300,000 Shiites who rose up against him at the
encouragement of the first President George Bush, broadcast repeatedly on
Iraq Radio.

In the north, the Kurds also rose up, only to be crushed once again.
Galbraith says in the film: "Having called for the uprising the Bush
administration then decided they didn't want it to succeed."

The damaging consequences of 12 years of international sanctions against
Iraq, during which at least half a million children under five died of
disease, according to the UN childrens fund (UNICEF), are also examined in
the film.

The deliberate destruction of Iraq's water system during the war led to
outbreaks of typhoid and other waterborne diseases, and the embargo
prevented Iraq from importing the parts needed to repair the system, the
film reveals.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Commentary on the Bush/Kerry Presidential Debate (Part II)

2004-10-04 Thread Lil Joe
Correction Re Commentary on the Bush/Kerry Presidential Debate (Part I):

This is a continuation of the Comments posted on the Bush/Kerry debate,

I need however to correct/ clarify a couple things accidentally posted in
yesterday's post:

Where I wrote --

"The war in Iraq is not  in a war of conquest to make Middle Asia safe of
American oil companies and provide contracts to Halliburton to rebuild the
countries that American troops destroyed."

This was an obviously typographical error. What I meant to write is that:

The war in Iraq is in a war of conquest to make Middle Asia safe of American
oil companies, and provide contracts to the Halliburton's to rebuild
countries that American troops destroyed.

Lil Joe

Today's Post:

Commentary on the Bush/Kerry Presidential Debate (Part II)
by Lil Joe

Lehrer: Senator Kerry, 90 seconds.

Kerry: The president just talked about Iraq as a center of the war on
terror. Iraq was not even close to the center of the war on terror before
the president invaded it. The president made the judgment to divert forces
from under Gen. Tommy Franks from Afghanistan before the Congress even
approved it, to begin to prepare to go to war in Iraq.

Lil Joe's comment:  There is some truth to this. It is not to be forgotten,
that the so-called War on Terror is in actuality a war in Middle Asia/North
Africa, in part to solidify US control of the oil regions in that part of
the world, but also to defeat armies and regimes that threaten Israeli
military supremacy in the region as well. Thus, Israel wants the US to
invade and occupy not only Iraq and Afghanistan but Iran and Syria as well.

Kerry: And he rushed to war in Iraq without a plan to win the peace. Now
that is not the judgment that a president of the United States ought to
make. You don't take America to war unless you have a plan to win the peace.
You don't send troops to war without the body armor that they need.

Lil Joe's comment:  It is significant that Kerry mentions "win the peace",
and in connection with it "body armor".

"Win the peace"! Doublethink! By "win the peace", Kerry means the same as
Bush says more honestly: "win the war". By win the peace Kerry means
suppress the resistance:

 "The morning after his encounter with the President, he took
 up just this issue even more emphatically, responding to
 Bush criticisms by saying: 'Well, Mr. President, nobody's
 talking about leaving, nobody's talking about wilting and
 wavering. We're talking about winning and getting the job
done right.' "

Thus, "getting the job done", like "win the peace" is Newspeak euphemism for
suppress the resistance, thus the "job" is the job of American troops is to
kill Iraqis.

Thus, the only real difference between Bush and Kerry on the issue of war
and repression in Iraq is the rhetoric.

What the American labor movement and left, tied to the Democratic Party,
want to hear from Kerry is his promise of Peace in the Middle East,
withdrawing American troops from the Iraqi "quagmire". This delusion is
necessary for them to justify campaigning for the Democratic Party to win
the Presidency.

What American imperialists and Zionists recognize, however, is that Kerry is
telling them that "peace", and therefore pullout will be achievable only
after the conquest of Iraq, by American soldiers, has succeeded in
suppressing the resistance. The American labor movement and leftist
individuals and organizations that are supporting the Kerry bid for
Presidency are, inadvertently or consciously, by campaigning for Kerry are
in actuality supporting US imperialism in its wars of conquests in Middle

Kerry: I've met kids in Ohio, parents in Wisconsin, places, Iowa, where
they're going out on the Internet to get the state-of-the-art body gear to
send to their kids. Some of them got them for birthday presents. I think
that's wrong. Humvees, 10,000 out of 12,000 Humvees that are over there
aren't armored. And you go visit some of those kids in the hospitals today
who were maimed because they don't have the armament.

Lil Joe's comment:  Anecdotes don't substitute for logical arguments based
on empirical data, parables about personal encounters with unnamed "kids in
Ohio" and "parents in Wisconsin" purchasing "state-of-the-art body gear to
send to their kids" as birthday presents being "wrong" is irrelevant
demagogic rhetoric. This demagogy does not hide the fact that it was, in
part due to Kerry, Edwards and other Democrats in Congress voting for the
war that these American "kids" (soldiers!) are in harms way in Iraq. Had the
Democrats in Congress, includ

[Marxism-Thaxis] Commentary on the Bush/Kerry Presidential Debate (Part I)

2004-10-04 Thread Lil Joe

Commentary on the Bush/Kerry Presidential Debate (Part I)
By Lil Joe


Lehrer: Good evening from the University of Miami Convocation Center in
Coral Gables, Fla. I'm Jim Lehrer of The News Hour on PBS, and I welcome you
to the first of the 2004 presidential debates between President George W.
Bush, the Republican nominee, and Senator John Kerry, the Democratic

These debates are sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates.
Tonight's will last 90 minutes following detailed rules of engagement worked
out by representatives of the candidates. I have agreed to enforce their
rules on them. The umbrella topic is foreign policy and homeland security,
but the specific subjects were chosen by me, the questions were composed by
me, the candidates have not been told what they are nor has anyone else.

Good evening, Mr. President, Senator Kerry. As determined by a coin toss,
the first question goes to you, Senator Kerry. You have two minutes.

Do you believe you could do a better job than President Bush in preventing
another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States?

Kerry: Yes, I do. But before I answer further, let me thank you for
moderating. I want to thank the University of Miami for hosting us. And I
know the president will join me in welcoming all of Florida to this debate.
You've been through the roughest weeks anybody could imagine. Our hearts go
out to you, and we admire your pluck and perseverance.

I can make America safer than President Bush has made us. And I believe
President Bush and I both love our country equally, but we just have a
different set of convictions about how you make America safe. I believe
America is safest and strongest when we are leading the world and when we
are leading strong alliances. I'll never give a veto to any country over our
security, but I also know how to lead those alliances. This president has
left them in shatters across the globe, and we're now 90 percent of the
casualties in Iraq and 90 percent of the costs. I think that's wrong, and I
think we can do better.

I have a better plan for homeland security. I have a better plan to be able
to fight the war on terror by strengthening our military, strengthening our
intelligence, by going after the financing more authoritatively, by doing
what we need to do to rebuild the alliances, by reaching out to the Muslim
world, which the president has almost not done, and beginning to isolate the
radical Islamic Muslims, not have them isolate the United States of America.

I know I can do a better job in Iraq where I have a plan to have a summit
with all of the allies, something this president has not yet achieved, not
yet been able to do to bring people to the table.

We can do a better job of training the Iraqi forces to defend themselves and
I know that we can do a better job of preparing for elections.

All of these and especially homeland security, which we'll talk about a
little bit later.

Lehrer: Ninety-second rebuttal.

Bush: I too thank the University of Miami and say our prayers are with the
good people of this state who've suffered a lot.

Sept. 11 changed how America must look at the world. And since that day our
nation has been on a multi-pronged strategy to keep our country safer. We've
pursued Al Qaeda wherever Al Qaeda tries to hide. Seventy-five percent of
known Al Qaeda leaders have been brought to justice. The rest of them know
we're after them.

We've upheld the doctrine that said if you harbor a terrorist you're equally
as guilty as the terrorist - the Taliban no longer in power, 10 million
people have registered to vote in Afghanistan in the upcoming presidential

In Iraq we saw a threat and we realized that after Sept. 11 we must take
threats seriously before they fully materialize. Saddam Hussein now sits in
a prison cell. America and the world are safer for it.

We continue to pursue our policy of disrupting those who proliferate weapons
of mass destruction. Libya has disarmed. The A.Q. Khan network has been
brought to justice.
And as well we're pursuing a strategy of freedom around the world. Because I
understand free nations will reject terror. Free nations will answer the
hopes and aspirations of their people. Free nations will help us achieve the
peace we all want.

Lil Joe Comment: This format is itself defective, in that it by limiting the
answer to questions to two minutes engender quantity as the determining
factor of quality, what Americans call "substance". But, only in passing.

The question was itself jingoistic and disingenuous propaganda, in that it
assumes as evident that which the debaters should have been asked to
prove -- that is whether or not 9/11 was a "terrorist attack"! The issue is
not the type the attack assumed, but the reasons behind it: What motivated
19 men to sacrifice their lives in guerrilla attacks on American economic,
political and military tar

[Marxism-Thaxis] Article on Chavez

2004-08-08 Thread Lil Joe
Introduction to an Article on Chavez 
by Lil Joe

What is absent from the article by Gott, below, is an economic analysis of relations 
of production in, and therefore class formations of Venezuela, and their mutually 
exclusive class interests, and thus political combat between them. Gott's article 
superficially dividing Venezuela's society into "rich and poor" is without content, 
politically hollow rhetoric.

Saying there is an opposition of "rich and poor" explains nothing.

There has always been, since the origin of private property and exchange "rich and 
poor" -- e.g. wealthy political elites and priestly castes and poor farmers and 
workers in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt; wealthy patricians and poor plebeians in 
Rome; rich aristocrats and poor peasants in Feudal Europe. And so on into rich 
capitalists, entertainers and politicians and poor proletarians, farmers, and 
unemployed classes in contemporary U.S.

In Venezuela the growing lumpinproletariat is increasing from the failing businesses 
of the petty-bourgeoisie, migrants from the countryside, as well as increasing 
unemployed workers, making the urban poor 60% of the Venezuelan population.

The lumpinproletariat historically plays a role in revolutions when swept up into the 
revolutionary fever -- joining the proletarian sections of sans culottes in the 
bourgeois-democratic French Revolution; but also the opposite e.g. in Italy and 
Germany joining forces with the fascists and nazis against proletarian revolutions. 
Unlike the bourgeoisie and proletariat, whose positions in production and production 
relation's cements each into a class in opposition to the other, the destitute 
lumpinproletariat is each man and women must hustle for himself or herself. 

It is this destitute lumpinproletariat that is Chavez social base. Their loyalty is 
based on what the Chavez government of the state can provide them in terms of material 
benefits. It therefore makes perfect sense that he is taking profits from oil to 
provide the Venezuelan lumpinproletariat with bread and circus!

This is only a brief indication of the kind of class analysis of Venezuela that is 
needed. The "progressives" in the United States and Social-democrat leftists in Europe 
are enthralled with Chavez. But, they go too far when they classify him as a 
"revolutionary", because revolution is an act of violence whereby once class takes the 
productive forces from another, thereby destroying the existing economic order and 
radically changing the mode and relations of production. 

One would expect that Richard Gott would have told us not only that Chavez ran for 
office "armed with little more than revolutionary rhetoric and a moderate 
social-democratic programme", but what he has achieved in this "revolution".

In Venezuela only a sweeping, radical proletarian revolution can win the trade union 
rank in file into the Revolution, breaking them from the union bureaucracy and the 
bourgeoisie. By sweeping and radical I mean a worker's state power turning the 
industries, transportation and banking sectors over to armed factory committees and 
agriculture over to armed peasants associations, and fully integrating Black and 
Indian workers and peasants into the revolutionary economy as workers and peasants.

This would bring the Venezuelan working-class including the rank and file of the trade 
union opposition into the socialist revolution. As it now stands the trade unions are 
opposed to the anti-labor elements in the "Chavez revolution", including wanting to 
Peron-like bring the trade unions under government control if not management. This has 
resulted in trade unionists forming an unholy alliance with the bourgeoisie in street 
demonstrations against the Chavez government. Thus, both the bourgeoisie and U.S. 
operatives against the government are manipulating the unions. 

Yet, Chavez's government has not even completely nationalized the economy, but in 
actuality leaving the major productive forces as private property of the foreign 
investors and the native bourgeoisie. The oil industry was already nationalized as a 
sector, but it is also so in Mexico, Iraq, Libya and other 3rd world oil based 
economies. In a capitalist country, where the means of production and finance are the 
property of the bourgeoisie, nationalized industries such as rail, coal and oil only 
serves the bourgeoisie by making the workers share the costs (taxation) and the 
bourgeoisie benefit by gains. Venezuela under Chavez, economically and his rhetoric 
aside is no different than any other capitalist 3rd world country with nationalized 

Nationalizations, the creation of state-monopoly capitalism are only the first stage 
in communistic proletarian revolutions. Bourgeois regimes also nationalize key 
industrial sectors.  Proletarian revolutions require the working-c

[Marxism-Thaxis] Discussing Sudan #2

2004-08-03 Thread Lil Joe

Discussing Sudan #2
by Lil Joe

The Anglo-American aggressions and occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq, and
the Israeli pogroms in Palestine are on the verge of extending into Africa,
Sudan. British and American politicians and media propagandists are
presently galvanizing hostility to the "Arab" government of Sudan.
We are examining why this is so.

It context of their murderous history and current policies in Middle Asia
and North Africa it is obviously not because they give a damn about the
tragedy in Sudan but are opportunistically exploiting this tragedy. Rather,
before a war is waged, the American people are brought on board Propaganda
campaigns to demonize individuals in the government of the country in its
sights as a tyrant, dictator, and extremist, a madman and a monster has
always been the role of the U.S. politicians and its media.

As the Zionist state of American and European Jewish settler-colonists as
such are rejected by the peoples of the Middle Asia/North Africa region, the
Zionist state of Israel is finding it more and more impossible to terrorize
a region populated by a hundred million Muslims and Arabs. Israel has been
finding it more the necessary to turn to the United States to fight on its
and its own behalf in the region.

But, this can be sold to the American public only by first, or at least at
the same time, demonizing the Arab (if not all) Muslims. This is especially
important with respect to Arab and Muslim leaders of the frontline states
that are resisting regional Israeli and U.S. domination and reign of terror
by brutal genocidal occupations.

Sudan's political commitment to Palestinian liberation organizations and of
the resistance movements in Palestinian on one hand, and its [Sudan's]
political opposition to the Anglo-American occupation of Iraq on the other,
has resulted in five decades of American funding and Arming Israel's
interventions against the Sudanese government.

However, American -- together with British -- politicians and propagandist
have a lack of credibility in the world, and even in their own countries in
consequence of the lies and slander delivered through the medias, and by
Cook and in particular Colin Powell to the U.N. Thus the British and
American government's strategy of demonizing Sudan's government as
"genocidal racist Arabs", has been handed over to the so-called NGOs such as
"Human Rights Watch" and Amnesty International on one hand, and the
African-American Democrats of the so-called Congressional Black Caucus on
the other.

The so-called "NGOs" are tax exempt and to that extent are indirectly
government funded.

To articulate their opposition to the Sudan government as "humane", and even
from compassion for "Black folk", the Democratic Party has assigned its
Congressional Blacks to form an alliance with Republican members of Congress
and fundamentalist preachers to excise the war in Sudan from its Middle
Asian/North African context of genocidal pogroms on Arab peoples.

In connection with their murderous voting history regarding U.S. Middle Asia
and North Africa policies it is obvious that the Democrat's Congressional
Black Causes' show staging of anti-Arab Sudan protests is not because they
give a damn about the tragedy in Sudan but are opportunistically exploiting
this tragedy.

Sudan, the same as Iraq has provided safe haven for Palestinian liberation
organizations, and political support to the intifada. The United States
government, while using "protection of the Blacks" as an altruistic
ideological ploy to demonize the Land of the Black's leadership as "Arabs",
the real deal is to take out yet another Palestinian ally against Zionist

What is amazing is how so many people who daily witness Israeli occupation
troops genocidal pogroms in West Bank and Gaza, and the bloody American
occupation of Iraq can believe the demagogic compassionate.

The term Sudan is translated "Land of the Blacks". In Gale Daggs' Comments
on Sudan she pointed out:

 All the people of Sudan are practically the
 same skin color although in the North there
 maybe more variation in skin colors than
 in other parts of Sudan due to Arab invasion
 about the 8th century.  Although there are
 many languages in Sudan, Arabic is spoken
 in all parts of the country.

The conflicts in Sudan are not consequence of racism of Arabs, but economic
based ethnic conflicts.

Why Khartoum wants a war in Darfur
Friday July 30th, 2004.
Ali Ali-Dinar, The Parliamentary Brief

July 2004 -- Since the early 1970s, Darfur has been affected by waves of
climatic changes which have forced some groups to migrate. Zaghawa moved
from their homeland (Dar Zaghawa) to settle in the lands of the Fur, Arabs,

[Marxism-Thaxis] FW: Essay on Imperialism, Capitalism and Class Struggle Politics

2004-05-30 Thread Lil Joe


I wrote this is an Essay originally to distinguish Marxian economic theory
of capitalism and its self-expansion engendering competition between
national capitals, resulting in automation, unemployment, declining rates of
average profits, surplus capital, surplus population and war; and
contrasting this to Lenin's theory of imperialism as monopoly capitalism,
colonialism and war.

Marxian economic locates the basic problems in capitalist commodity
production by wage labor in production, where labor is objectified and
workers are exploited whereas Leninist economics locate the dynamics in the
markets focusing on prices. Marxian economics therefore focuses on the
industrial proletariat expropriations of the productive forces -- that is
workers in industrialized technologically advanced democracies winning the
battle of democracy and legislating the transfer of productive forces from
the private ownership of capitalists to public property of workers, ending
commodity production and wage-labor, whereas the Leninists focus on the
predominately peasant based less developed 3rd world countries fighting
against "imperialism", as the so-called "main contradiction".

However, as dialectical reasoning engenders its own logic the piece took on
it's own life. The restatements of Marxism economic critiques and critique
of Lenin's is still in the piece, originally titled "Imperialism and War",
but has become subordinate to the arguments for proletarian class politics
and revolution in industrialized capitalist democracies.

Lil Joe



Modern productive forces and advanced technology is daily creating a uniform
international working-class. Presently, it is a global class in-itself --
that is, workers or proletarians are a multi-ethnic cosmopolitan class of
property-less individuals that everywhere must sell their labor power to
ascertain the wherewithal (money) to purchase means of subsistence. However,
in the more advanced industrial capitalist democracies in Western Europe the
political praxis of sharpening class struggle is engendering what is
becoming class-conscious, a class for-itself.

By "class for-itself" I understand self-organized economic units, merging in
the formation of a class based, self-organized and self-financed independent
political organization engaged in struggles to win state power, to by that
political power transfer the productive forces from the private property of
capitalists managed in the interests of capitalist profitability, to public
property managed by the workers themselves, in the interest of humanity. The
proletariat is based on wage labor, exploited by capital. By the transfer of
the productive forces from private capitalists to public property with
production and distribution oriented to reproduction of humanity, the
relationship of wage-labor and capital will be abolished and thereupon the
abolition of class structures throughout society.

Today the Argentine and the Haitian proletariat, and the Zimbabwean peasants
are in the frontier barricades of the world revolution of workers and
toilers. there they lack the material economic conditions, the numerical
dominance of a huge industrial proletariat necessary to carry through a
working-class, communist revolutionary expropriation of the productive
forces. The American workers have the industrial and numerical capacity to
lead this world-communistic revolution, but lack the class-consciousness,
and political independence required to transform potentiality of a class
in-itself into the revolutionary actuality of a self-moving revolutionary
class for-itself.

It is the European proletariat, in particular the German, British, French
and Italian industrial workers that have the numbers, and the
class-consciousness to carry through expropriations of the property of the
European bourgeoisie.

The European proletariat also has the history, and presently, the class
political independence, socialist, labor, and communist parties that have
won the battle of democracy in their respective countries. Though the
French, British, German, Italian and more recently Spanish workers have, in
their respective countries, voted in Labor Party, Socialist and Communist
Party governments, objectively, and consciously voting for socialist
expropriations of the productive forces, once in power, these parties refuse
to legislate the expropriation of and transferring these productive forces
from the private property of capitalists to the public property of organized

The crisis in the socialist and communist worker's movement is how to break
the mass base of the labor, socialist and communist parties from their
conservative leadership. The workers must clean themselves in the crucible
of proletarian praxis -- by practical-critical, revolutionizing practice
overthrow the chai

[Marxism-Thaxis] RE: Marxism-Thaxis Digest, Vol 7, Issue 1

2004-05-02 Thread Lil Joe

 The U.S. defeat in Fallujah
(posted by  Jose G. Perez on Marxmail)
Content-Type: text/plain

With the withdrawal of American marines from their most advanced
positions in the city of Fallujah, the United States is recognizing its
first great defeat of the Iraq War.

Late in March, U.S. Marines, which had recently taken over the Fallujah
area from a withdrawing army unit, staged a provocative raid into the
City, which had been largely left alone for months by the U.S.
commanders due to lack of forces. This was part of an overall escalation
of aggressive actions by the U.S. occupation, including the banning of
an Islamic paper and a kangaroo puppet court indictment of the Shia
cleric that paper represented. 

What the United States forces were attempting to do was to retake the
political-military offensive against the growing insurgency basing
itself on what it imagined was a strengthened political position based
on the agreement of Iraqi collaborationists to the rules for a quisling
"sovereign" government after June 30. This, in turn, would set the stage
for consolidating U.S. domination under "sovereign" control.

At the end of March, in part in reaction to this raid, insurgent forces
ambushed and the population --especially the youth--then lynched four
heavily armed ostensible U.S. soldiers of fortune, who, for some reason
that's not been explained, were driving through what is essentially a
town where Iraqi anti-occupation partisans operated freely.  At least
three of the four American operatives were experienced graduates of the
regular U.S. special forces. This means they were well-trained --and as
likely as not experienced-- in counter-insurgency and operating behind
enemy lines. That they simply decided to take a joy ride through
Fallujah is unthinkable. The explanation that best fits what they were
doing is that they were CIA or other intelligence officers on a
recognizance or operational mission using "security contractor" status
as cover. (The case of the captured Italians appears to be similar.
Supposedly, they were driving to Jordan through no-man's land in the
middle of the night, a "cover" story that doesn't stand the giggle

On April 5, the Marines started an attack on Fallujah, but met very
strong resistance from a well-led, well-trained partisan force.  Even
with reinforcements and including "heavier" units, the Marines were
unable to make much of a dent in the city's defenses despite ferocious
Marine fire that killed hundreds of civilians. 

At the same time, the U.S. faced simultaneous popular uprisings in a
half dozen other major population centers. Both in Fallujah and
elsewhere, the U.S. trained Iraqi police and military collapsed and
dispersed without resisting the popular uprising. The sole exception
that has been named were Kurd forces who have been collaborating with
the CIA for more than a decade.

Anti-U.S. forces were able to consolidate their control in two cities,
Fallujah and Najaf.

Unable to defeat the rebels militarily or to accept the high political
cost of many thousand Iraqi civilian casualties from continuing to try
through direct assault, the marines then laid siege to Fallujah.

In Najaf, which lies to the South, the U.S. faced additional
complications. This part of the country was under the control of U.S.
allies who have no intention of letting their troops go much beyond
traffic-cop duty. To fight the insurgents, the U.S. thus had to deploy
its own forces to Najaf, and they met a well-coordinated campaign of
harassment and sabotage of communications lines, which slowed their

The actual siege of Fallujah lasted for about three weeks. The U.S.
variously described the situation as a suspension of its offensive
military operations or even a cease fire agreement (to which the other
side was not a party!), but it was in fact an attempt at a siege, a well
recognized offensive military operation.

It seems during this siege the U.S. forces also took very significant
casualties. How many U.S. troops were involved it is impossible to know
-- the number that has been mentioned in one or another dispatch by the
better war correspondents is 3,000.

CNN reported yesterday that, of the 130 or so combat deaths the U.S. had
in April, more than half were in Fallujah. This means at least 70 dead.
Assuming the normal wounded-to-killed ratio in Iraq (between 5-to-1 and
7-to-1, depending on whether you include those who supposedly did not
die in combat but accidents, etc.), this would mean total casualties in
the 400-650 range. Anything close to even the lower figure means that
quite likely, a number of platoons and companies were eliminated as
effective military units and had to be replaced or reconstituted.

The popular insurrections and especially the resistance in Fallujah have
broken the back of the specific forms the U.S. had given its political
project in Iraq. The multi-party c

[Marxism-Thaxis] FW: [laborpartypraxis] Haiti and Class Struggle, by Connie White and Lil Joe

2004-03-06 Thread Lil Joe
March 3, 2004

Haiti and Class Struggle
by Connie White and Lil Joe

The masses of Haitian workers and peasants have
not been duped.  Certainly not the class
conscious workers who are witnessing and
analyzing what is being reported about Haiti in
the media.

"Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
said Monday he was forced to leave Haiti in a
'coup d'etat' by the United States.  'I was told
that to avoid bloodshed I'd better leave,' he
said in an interview on CNN.  (March 1, 2004,
CNN.com - http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/Americas/03/01/aristide.claim)

The Associated Press reports that Aristide
complained of being forced to leave Haiti, and
said that "[A]gents were telling me that if I
don’t leave they would start shooting and
killing in a matter of time."  (Eliott C.
McLaughlin, Associated Press, March 1, 2004)

A coup d'etat is indigenous to the country in
which one faction of the State (its government)
illegally and unconstitutionally displaces another
-- be it a civilian coup d'etat backed by the
military officer corps, or by the officer corps
itself.  In September 1991, there was a coup
d'etat in Haiti -- Aristide, who was legally
elected to manage the government of the Haitian
State, was overthrown.  The civilian government
in Haiti was displaced by a junta government.

As in most coup d'etat's, following the coup
d'etat in Haiti in 1991, the bureaucratic-
military State structurally remained the same
with the same civilian State bureaucracy and
military officer corps.

Aristide's initial successes in early 1990 and
Presidential campaign brought hope to workers
and peasants in Haiti.  For the first time,
they openly entered into the political life of
the country -- they started to participate in
voting, workers' organizations and associations
were organized.  The consequence of those
workers and peasants engaging in self-
organization politicized them in their class
interests.  This self-organization of the Haitian
working class is what frightened the Haitian
bourgeoisie and U.S. imperialism, not Aristide
the individual.  The result was a coup d'etat
months after Aristide's initial electoral victory.

"On September 30, 1991, when the Haitian military
violently overthrew the democratic government.
Aristide was forced into exile, and the military
unleashed an unprecedented campaign of terror and
violence taking the lives of more that 5000
Haitians over the next three years, hundreds of
thousands were forced into hiding, and tens of
thousands more fled their homeland by boat.
(Haiti.org; Profile of H.E. Mr. Jean-Bertrand
Aristide, President of the Republic of Haiti, at

It was not until the junta in Haiti had
suppressed the workers and peasants that the
Haitian bourgeoisie, and U.S. imperialism,
sought to placate Haitian workers and peasants
by returning Aristide to power -- three years
after the coup d'etat.  Even if Aristide wanted
to undertake radical economic reform -- which
should only mean factory expropriations by the
working class, and land expropriations by the
peasantry -- he would not have been able to
achieve it because the workers' and peasants'
organizations had been destroyed by the junta.

The junta became self-centered and refused to
leave government.  Subsequently, the Haitian
bourgeoisie and transnational corporations --
represented by U.S. imperialism -- found it
necessary to have the U.S. President Bill
Clinton deploy American troops to Haiti to
force the junta to stand down.  Aristide was
restored to the Presidency by a U.S. invasion.
The Aristide government was now militarily and,
thus, politically dependent upon U.S. imperialism.

The government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide was
reinstated by U.S. troops in 1994 after the coup
d'etat.  Aristide disbanded the military,
assumedly so they could not again accomplish a
coup d'etat against him.  His "special bodies of
armed men" was concretized in the police force.
It's interesting to note that recently, in the
face of the rebelling Haitian population, the
"special bodies of armed men," i.e., the police
in Haiti "munitinied" -- this time they refused
to kill the armed Haitian population.

We ask the question: what is the difference
between the quisling government in, let's say,
Iraq, and the quisling government in Haiti that
was lead by Jean-Bertrand Aristide?  The logic
being presented today by the so-called "Left"
regarding Jean-Bertrand Aristide is inconsistent
-- to wit: when the U.S. installs someone it
likes, that is good.  But, when the U.S.
installs someone it does not like, that is evil
imperialism.  The underlying premise in
accepting Clinton's installation of Aristide is
to support the U.S. political strategy of
installing governments that are friendly to U.S.
economic and/or political interests

[Marxism-Thaxis] RE: Marxism-Thaxis Digest, Vol 5, Issue 3

2004-03-05 Thread Lil Joe
I think that Sartre made very important contributions to phenomenology
(Being and Nothing) but more particularly in Critique of Dialectical
Reasoning. He, perhaps prior to others, was the first to popularize in
Marxism the concept of praxis qua practical-revolutionary activity.

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Today's Topics:

   1. Sartre (Chris Burford)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 07:55:34 -
From: "Chris Burford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Sartre
To: "Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl
Marx andthe thinkers he inspired"
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

I need to review a clinical psychiatric book that draws theoretical
inspiration from some of Sartre's formulas about subject and object.

I am writing to ask for advice on  what reservations are there about
Sartre's philosophical approach.

I feel uneasy about him, despite his left wing claims, and I cannot
remember why.

I would appreciate comments that are philosophical rather than
political for this purpose.

Many thanks

Chris Burford


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