Re: [Matplotlib-users] Hovemuller Diagram

2013-07-14 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Finally I got installed by following link below
That's not a PPA for Ubuntu...

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Hovemuller Diagram

2013-07-12 Thread Tim Michelsen
Am 12.07.2013 09:51, schrieb Phil Elson:
> for instance last week we added a PPA so that with the necessary repos
> added you would be able to "apt-get install python-iris" on an Ubuntu
> machine
Could you please point me to this PPA?
Where can I find the link?

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] timeseries forecast error?

2013-04-30 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I would just use the fill_between method
today I found this:

ideally exactly what I need.

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] timeseries forecast error?

2013-04-10 Thread Tim Michelsen
how can I show the forecast error for a timeseries?


I am looking for displaying the blue area of:

Or the violett areas on:

Maybe as an envelope of

Thanks for any pointers in advance and kind regards,

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Placing a marker at specific places where lines join?

2010-02-15 Thread Tim Michelsen
I have a similar problem to:
> Suppose I plot a line from (0,0) to (1,1.5) to (2,2). Now I want to mark 
> (1,1.5) with a green circle. How is that done?

I am performing a curve fit and also showing a distribution in my plot.
In order to help the reader to evaluate the result I would like to draw certain
boundaries (vertical and horizontal line).
While I am aware on how to draw such lines, I would like to know wheather there
are some functions in matplotlib which help me to retrieve the coordinates

a) at which two curves intersect
b) at which a distribution reaches a certain value?

How do I get the y-axis value which is reached by the green curve in
a x-axis value of in 175?

I could proably use a solver from numpy like
but if I plot a distribution, the equation of the envelove is unknown at the
first place.

I'd appreciate your help or pointers to examples.

Thanks a lot in advance,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] How to plot straight lines on polar plots

2009-01-29 Thread Tim Michelsen

>>> I am trying to create a plot that resembles the layout of the chart seen
>>> below:
are you actually trying to plot sun path digrams?

May you share a part of your code once it is completed?

I'd be very interested in seeing a working example.

Kind regards,

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[Matplotlib-users] Zip Archive for the gallery plot

2009-01-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
are the nice examples from gallery on the matplotlib homepage somewhere 
available as a ZIP-archive?

I would like to have them as reference during time I am not connected to 
the net.

Thanks and regards,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] A wxPython/Matplotlib/Basemap example

2008-11-26 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Mauro,

> I am not just "trying",
Sorry for "disregarding" your using the term trying.

  I am indeed implementing a software package
> for species distribution mapping and biogeographic analysis, using
> wxPython/Matplotlib.
Thanks for being more specific. There is another program aiming at 
/similar/ goals:

But this is not my domain of work...

> And, by the way, it is going quite well.
My crongrats!

> Both Thuban and QGis, as generalized implementations of GIS, are far
> from adequate for my needs (and of fellow conservation biologists).
I just thought of there because they easyly convert CSV into 
geographical data.

In case you are after format conversion you may see: ogr2ogr.

> Hope this helps.
Vice versa. I thought that my ideas my be useful.

Nevertheless, have all possible sucess!

Kind regards,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] A wxPython/Matplotlib/Basemap example

2008-11-25 Thread Tim Michelsen

> I am attaching the current version of source code plus a screenshot.

I would like to ask you why you are trying to implement this by yourself 
in wxPython/matplotlib.

There are already two pythonised applications that may be used for your 
purpose. And they are aware of the projections and different 
geographical formats:
* QGIS with Pythons libary and plugins:

* Thuban:

Maybe this could save you some work/time.

Kind regards,

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[Matplotlib-users] interpolation methods used by contourf

2008-09-29 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello users and developers of matplot,
I would like to ask what kind of interpoaltion method is used by

I suppose that it uses linear interpolation to derive the areas between 
the contour lines.

Is that true?

Kind regards,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Plot a Dictionary, time and value

2008-08-06 Thread Tim Michelsen
excuse the late reply.

But you may be interested in the timeseries scikit:

Have success!

Kind regards,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting a contour map from CSV file

2008-07-29 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Jeff,
I just wanna give feedback on what got me going here:

 data preparation
### data is loaded from a CSV file
lats = y # data[:,0]
## lon => x
lons = x # data[:,1]
## values => z
values = z #data[:,2]
lat_uniq = list(set(lats.tolist()))
nlats = len(lat_uniq)
lon_uniq = list(set(lons.tolist()))
nlons = len(lon_uniq)
color_map =
print lats.shape, nlats, nlons
yre = lats.reshape(nlats,nlons)
xre = lons.reshape(nlats,nlons)
zre = values.reshape(nlats,nlons)
 later in the defined map
CT = m.contourf(xre, yre, zre, cmap=color_map)

Of course, this can be simplified. But, really, in the end the solution 
was just simple and I hadn't thought of it...

If you want I can try to create a short example for the distribution.

Thanks for your help again,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Basemap to KML polygon

2008-07-22 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Looks like I've done a mistake with my last post, sorry Eli...
> I know how to save datas to a shapefile with the OGR library but only 
> for points datas.

> I'll appreciate if somebody can point me how to save a filled contour 
> map basemap into a polygon shapefile, can't find any example with google.
What do you really want to save here?
A basemap with a contour surface overlayed can be viewed as a assembly 
of various layers. So this is like the result of the gis operations when 
you launch the map composer to finish your map.

If you want to create a raster file from the contour part plotted over a 
basemap I think the python bindings of gdal will get you started.
I succeded into writing a tiff file from a gdal array.

I don't know how to write a vector file from python with ogr or shapely. 
  But these questions are better to be asked on the gdal list.:

So about interpolating to a contour look at shapely. Writing should be 
accomplished with ogr.

That said, I only have testing "experience" with writing geodata with 

The overkill may be to invoke the respective GRASS command by a script.

I would appreciate if you would tell us what you use by the end.

Kind regards,

When it comes to python and GIS the first stop seems to be:


Some more links:

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] ocean profile

2008-07-17 Thread Tim Michelsen
 > I'd love to see it included to -- I believe the problem is finding a
 > good code that is BSD compatible.
Some examples on plotting data using spatial interpolation would be very 

One with the delauny package:
see below at:

And one with griddata:

We could use the accepted data sets from

I have tested the griddata package but didn't reach very far due to 
other task to be accomplished earlier.

Kind regards,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] ploting a contour graph from data files

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Michelsen
Oz Nahum schrieb:
> Hi,
> I want to draw a contour plot which uses data from files. I know how to 
> import the files, so it's not the main issue.
I was discussion a similar issue with Jeff this week.

Take a look at the thread:

Unfortunately, I had to focus on other things and had to postpone the 
development of my script...

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting a contour map from CSV file

2008-07-14 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Jeff,

> Timme:  Here's one way to do it
many thanks so far. I still have to inspect and improve my script. But 
at least your code lead me to some contourd surface.

I will come back and tell if it worked. Unfortunately I cannot disclose 
the data nor the results because of copyright issues.

So this mail is just to thank you for your responsiveness to my questions.


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting a contour map from CSV file

2008-07-14 Thread Tim Michelsen
I checked again from of the basemap distribution.

There lats, lons are uniquely monoton increasing from 0-360 and from -90 to 90.
In my case data is written row-by-row:
* increasing from lowest latitude western most longitude to easternmost
longitude and then increasing each rows in the same manner to the northermost
latitude (see below). 

So, as you said, it's a question of re-aranging the data. that it fits the to
the way m.contour expects the 2-D array.
Also, since the grid is still coarse, I would need to apply some smoothing
afterwards. What do you recommend for that?

I don't know how I can do this easily by hand. May you give me some guidance
here, please?

But I may just convert it to a shape file using GIS then load it with the
shapefile interface you wrote.
What would you see as most convenient way?
If I produce maps with a GIS but want to use matplotlib for the map plotting,
what would be the preferred export format? Any gdal format?

Many thanks in advance,

### data example

LatitudeLongitude   value
45  7   7.65251434
45  7.256.841345477
45  7.5 3.923153289
45  7.753.644313708
45  8   3.550977951
45  8.253.352525137
45  8.5 3.080082094
45  8.752.971992657
45  9   2.998723785
45  9.253.080082094
45  9.5 3.185687405
45  9.753.102075854
45  10  3.185687405
45  10.25   3.213960325
45  10.53.32326373
45  10.75   3.465643983
45  11  3.612980369
45  11.25   3.644313708
45  11.53.701277511
45  11.75   3.923153289
45  12  3.797848342
45  12.25   3.612980369
45  12.53.435577844
45  12.75   3.294210812
45  13  3.26536503
45.25   7   6.485050223
45.25   7.256.343081631
45.25   7.5 3.856783573
45.25   7.753.405725407
45.25   8   3.550977951
45.25   8.253.294210812
45.25   8.5 3.294210812
45.25   8.753.185687405
45.25   9   3.15761656
45.25   9.253.213960325
45.25   9.5 3.15761656
45.25   9.753.32326373
45.25   10  3.405725407
45.25   10.25   3.495925216
45.25   10.53.465643983
45.25   10.75   3.550977951
45.25   11  3.465643983
45.25   11.25   3.765429652
45.25   11.53.95669157
45.25   11.75   3.797848342
45.25   12  3.923153289
45.25   12.25   3.733239867
45.25   12.53.550977951
45.25   12.75   3.520306012
45.25   13  3.376085288
45.57   6.383367092
45.57.5 6.009422688
45.58   3.435577844
45.58.5 3.236725042
45.59   3.185687405
45.59.5 3.102075854
45.510  3.352525137
45.510.25   3.405725407
45.510.75   3.612980369
45.511  3.520306012
45.511.25   3.352525137
45.511.75   3.856783573
45.512  3.856783573
45.512.25   3.765429652
45.512.75   3.550977951
45.513  3.435577844
45.75   7   5.309043916
45.75   7.256.057519881
45.75   7.5 5.030958443
45.75   7.754.836570243
45.75   8   4.836570243
45.75   8.252.724965001
45.75   8.5 2.607751091
45.75   8.753.26536503
45.75   9   2.898163214
45.75   9.252.872155245
45.75   9.5 1.893252754
45.75   9.752.043669061
45.75   10  1.7543
45.75   10.25   2.004264146
45.75   10.52.971992657
45.75   10.75   1.804949998
45.75   11  2.846334614
45.75   11.25   5.519419657
45.75   11.52.517818813
45.75   11.75   3.733239867
45.75   12  3.376085288
45.75   12.25   3.550977951
45.75   12.53.612980369
45.75   12.75   3.520306012
45.75   13  3.495925216
46  7   5.06399168
46  7.254.949174095
46  7.5 5.266087828
46  7.755.352298328
46  8   4.757472437
46  8.252.800325674
46  8.5 3.612980369
46  8.753.185687405
46  9   2.323282473
46  9.251.671485743
46  9.5 3.856783573
46  9.754.572079662
46  10  4.679469855
46  10.25   4.679469855
46  10.55.309043916
46  10.75   3.294210812
46  11  3.405725407
46  11.25   3.669541114
46  11.53.495925216
46  11.75   4.255093726
46  12  3.495925216
46  12.25   3.185687405
46  12.53.213960325
46  12.75   3.550977951
46  13  3.520306012
46.25   7   1.969297411
46.25   7.254.908706364
46.25   7.5 3.052767233
46.25   7.753.765429652
46.25   8   3.95669157
46.25   8.255.06399168
46.25   8.5 5.266087828
46.25   8.753.669541114
46.25   9   3.185687405
46.25   9.253.797848342
46.25   9.5 3.352525137
46.25   9.755.439709782
46.25   10  5.69098301
46.25   10.25   4.949174095
46.25   10.55.736883145
46.25   10.

Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting a contour map from CSV file

2008-07-14 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Jeff, 

> >> - Points stored in the above descripbed format (lat, lon, value)?
This one I solved using a m.scatter() function

> >>- Interpolate a grid of data points by using different interpolation
>>> methods like inverse distance wheighting, natural neighbor 
interpolation, etc. to get a contour map?
> > For interpolation of irregular, randomly distributed data points see
> >
> >
> > However, if there is some structure to the data grid then it's probably
> > better not to use these approaches.
The problem is that although regular spaced the grid is still to large to
countour to a nice map. I will play a bit more with contour and other
interpolation functions.

I tried griddata:

> 2) using the griddata package
> Here I was nearly without orientation how to call griddata correctly.
I tried again.

Here is what I got:
x = data[:,1]
y = data[:,0]
z = data[:,2]
X, Y = mlab.meshgrid(x, y)
X, Z = mlab.meshgrid(x, y)
# zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,**kwargs)
Z = grid.griddata(x,y,z, X, Y)
plt.contour(X,Y, Z)

=> ValueError: output grid defined by xi,yi must be monotone increasing

The coordinates are stored in a way that first longitude (x) increases and
then the latitude (y) increases.
10  6.0 4
10 6.25 3
10 6.50 2
10 6.75 1
10  6.0 6
11 6.25 7
11 6.50 6
11 6.75 9
12 6.0 4

What how do I need to arrange my data to get it monotone increasing for

Thanks for your help. One settled I will send you another example for the
examples package.
Kind regards,

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[Matplotlib-users] plotting a contour map from CSV file

2008-07-14 Thread Tim Michelsen
Dear Matplotlib-Users,
I am tryring to create a contour plot over a basemap.

My main problem is creating the array for the Z values as a basis for the
plt.contour command from a CSV file where latitude, longitude and value are
stored column-wise:

50; 10; 6

The data represents a regular spaced grid with a datapoint each 0.25 degrees.

I tried various possibilities but didn't have success:

1) following from the basemap examples:
X, Y = meshgrid(data[:,1], data[:,0])

Z = data[:,2]

m.contourf(x,y, Z)

=> Error: Z must be a 2D array
-> How do I get Z to be a 2D array?

2) using the griddata package
Here I was nearly without orientation how to call griddata correctly.

3) Using the python bindings of ogr
Any examples on this one?

>From my above demonstrated methods the following questions arrise:
What is the preferred way to plot
- Points stored in the above descripbed format (lat, lon, value)?
- Interpolate a grid of data points by using different interpolation 
like inverse distance wheighting, natural neighbor  interpolation, etc. to get a
contour map?

Thanks in advance for your help & kind regards,

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] import error with Basemap

2008-02-15 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Timmie: It's possible that the windows installer is missing the httplib2 
> module - I don't have access to windows right now to check.  Could you 
> try installing httplib2 and let me know if that fixes it?
Installing httplib2 solved the issue.

Has this dependancy on httplib2 been introduced in the last update?
What are the merits of this dependency?
Could it be made option?
Like that I would only need to have httplib2 if I use functions that load maps
from the web?

Kind regards and thanks for your efforts in developing basemap!


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] import error with Basemap

2008-02-08 Thread Tim Michelsen
> If you've used the binary installer, it should definitely have been 
> installed - so if that's the case let me know and I'll investigate further.
I used the binary installer for windows that you can download from

In fact, the thing is strange: I developed a program which displays a 
map at the end. A simple one but it worked. I didn't use it for some 
time. Today I used it again and: it didn't for anymore. I only got that 
strange error.

May I have a module conflict?

Please tell be if you need more information.

Kind regards & thanks for your quick response.


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[Matplotlib-users] import error with Basemap

2008-02-08 Thread Tim Michelsen
using the basemap toolkit on Windows with Python 2.5 I get the following import

In [1]: from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import Basemap
   Traceback (most recent call last)

M:\ in ()

C:\python\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\toolkits\basemap\ in 
> 1 from basemap import __doc__, __version__
  2 from basemap import *

C:\python\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\toolkits\basemap\ in ()
 36 from numpy import linspace, squeeze, ma
 37 from shapelib import ShapeFile
---> 38 import _geos, pupynere, netcdftime
 40 # basemap data files now installed in 

C:\python\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\toolkits\basemap\ in 
 35 import numpy
---> 37 from dap.client import open as open_remote
 38 from dap.dtypes import ArrayType, GridType, typemap

C:\python\Lib\site-packages\dap\ in ()
  3 import dap.lib
> 4 from dap.util.http import openurl
  5 from dap.exceptions import ClientError

C:\python\Lib\site-packages\dap\util\ in ()
> 3 import httplib2
  5 import dap.lib
  6 from dap.exceptions import ClientError

: No module named httplib2

In [2]:

Why does Basemap need any httplib? I am not needing any remote connection.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks and kind regards,

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] matplotlib, ipython and ubuntu

2008-01-31 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Fernando,

>> : 'module' object has no attribute
>> 'ArrayType'
>> maybe some of the IPython power users can give me a hint why this
>> happes. [1]
> Very strange.  I can't reproduce it here (on gutsy, but running
> ipython from my own tree). What's odd is this:
> In [1]: import Numeric
> In [2]: print Numeric.ArrayType
> So Numeric *most definitely* has an ArrayType member. Try doing the
> same as I did, also showing us whether you started ipython with -pylab
> or not.  There may be something odd about your Numeric installation.
> Also do this:
> In [3]: Numeric?
> Type:   module
> Base Class: 
> Namespace:  Interactive
> File:   /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Numeric/
> [etc]
> It's possible that you have in your path a file called
> which is not the 'real' Numeric module.  This would explain your
> problem and why nobody else sees it.
> Cheers,
> f
*** my output ***
$ ipython
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct  5 2007, 13:36:32)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.8.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?   -> Introduction to IPython's features.
%magic  -> Information about IPython's 'magic' % functions.
help-> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

In [1]: import Numeric

In [2]: print Numeric.ArrayType
Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/timmie/ in ()

: 'module' object has no attribute 

In [3]: Numeric?
Type:   module
Base Class: 
String Form:
Namespace:  Interactive

In [4]:

*** end code ***

=> You were absolutely right:
I had another Numeric package install in my PYTHONPATH. It overwrode the 
system package at:

I just deleted 
/home/timmie/development/python/modules/modules_library/Numeric and now 
everything to goes nice. I can use my Ipython again with numerics ;-)
Well, I guess the problem arose from the a time when I didn't have 
network access.
I just threw python modules from the net into my PYTHONPATH without 
using the Synaptic package manager.

Nice that this is now solved. Thanks for your quick answer and help!

Kind regards,

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] matplotlib, ipython and ubuntu

2008-01-29 Thread Tim Michelsen

> Hmm, I did reinstall and still no joy, it insists on install python2.4 
> at the same time!
do a
$: sudo apt-get --purge remove matplotlib ipython
to really remove the configuration files. then
$: sudo apt-get install matplotlib ipython
check if pylab is on your system:
$: locate pylab

Here are the contents of pylab:
from matplotlib.pylab import *

so you may just test this in a python shell:

$ python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct  5 2007, 13:36:32)
[GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> from matplotlib.pylab import *

then do the same from within ipython as I'd shown in my previous mail.

I hope that this helps you to narrow it down.

I have also some troubles with ipython that is currently in Gutsy:
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct  5 2007, 13:36:32)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.8.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?   -> Introduction to IPython's features.
%magic  -> Information about IPython's 'magic' % functions.
help-> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

In [1]: import timeseries as TS

In [2]: whos
Traceback (most recent call last)

/var/tmp/install/qgislite_trunk/ in ()

/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/IPython/ in ipmagic(self, arg_s)
 962 else:
 963 magic_args = self.var_expand(magic_args,1)
--> 964 return fn(magic_args)
 966 def ipalias(self,arg_s):

/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/IPython/ in magic_whos(self, 
 989 array_type = None
 990 else:
--> 991 array_type = Numeric.ArrayType.__name__
 993 # Find all variable names and types so we can figure 
out column sizes

: 'module' object has no attribute 

maybe some of the IPython power users can give me a hint why this 
happes. [1]
I have already filed a bug report to Ubuntu but are not able to explain 
magic function whos not working in ipython

Kind regards,

[1] Thats Why I crosspost to ipython-user. Inital post was:

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] matplotlib, ipython and ubuntu

2008-01-28 Thread Tim Michelsen
for me it works:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ipython -pylab
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct  5 2007, 13:36:32)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.8.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?   -> Introduction to IPython's features.
%magic  -> Information about IPython's 'magic' % functions.
help-> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

   Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment.
   For more information, type 'help(pylab)'.

I would suggest to reinstall the necessary packages.

Kind regards,

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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