Re: MD: no new SCMS standard

1999-08-17 Thread Colin Burchall

Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

The gist of it is that backups are made and
stored somewhere safe in case the original fails, or is lost or stolen, or
whatever.  The MD you make from an audio CD and carry around, leaving the
audio CD at home, is not a backup.

Funny that.  I've seen many a software package distributed on floppy disks
that instructs the end user to make a backup copy, and then use the backup
copy and store the original in a safe place.  By the legal definition, that
backup could actually be illegal, given that it is used while the original
is still in a usable condition and in the original owner's possession.


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Re: MD: Grundig MD deck

1999-08-17 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Hi people,
 Today I saw a Grundig deck in Dixons here in the UK for  149 - it didn't
 look like any other I've seen ( i.e a Kenwood/Sharp clone or a
 Anybody know anything about it?


Philips entering the MD market using one of their camouflage brands

(The German brands Grundig, Schneider and Telefunken are Philips products
in an other jacket!)

Ralph - who chased his cat for one hour this morning in the garden

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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RE: MD: no new SCMS standard

1999-08-17 Thread Simon Gardner

 The gist of it is that backups are made and
 stored somewhere safe in case the original fails, or is lost or
 stolen, or
 whatever.  The MD you make from an audio CD and carry around, leaving the
 audio CD at home, is not a backup.

 Funny that.  I've seen many a software package distributed on floppy disks
 that instructs the end user to make a backup copy, and then use the backup
 copy and store the original in a safe place.  By the legal
 definition, that
 backup could actually be illegal, given that it is used while the original
 is still in a usable condition and in the original owner's possession.

Software licencing is a totally different issue (and often a lot fairer to
the end user).

Personally I've got into the habit now of making backups of music (either on
CDR/MD/MP3), which I then use - mostly from a theft point of view. I'm
paranoid about having a couple of hundred CDs at uni in a not-very-secure
house, so I'm MP3ing them all.

And after having 12 CDs nicked from my car a while back (over 160 quid's
worth), I avoid leaving originals in there if I can possibly avoid it - as
well as the fact that CDs left in the car are a lot more likely to get

What might help with this issue would be if record companies offered a
similar service to that of (some) games companies. If I should scratch/break
the CD, I can get a new one sent in the post for 80p (about $1). If I knew I
could do the same with my music CDs, I'd be less inclined to copy them (tho
the theft issue is still there).

At the end of the day, I don't feel I'm doing anything wrong by anyone; the
record company has got the money for an album I've bought, and I get to
continue enjoying the music whatever happens to the piece of media (which it
utterly worthless without a lot of 0s and 1s put on it).


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Re: MD: Analog Recording Questions

1999-08-17 Thread Colin Burchall

PrinceGaz wrote:

I assume this is the guy who can detect differences in sound which even the
highest quality measurement instruments cannot-- and hear nuances in the
playback of 40Khz tones and defects in 16, 20 and even 24bit ADC storage.

No, he can hear the difference between Sony and Sharp ATRACs, a very easily
measurable and quantifiable difference.  Actually, there's probably more
difference there than between a line-out and a headphone out, but Sony still
sees fit to separate them.


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RE: MD: Analog Recording Questions

1999-08-17 Thread John Chrapowicki

Colin wrote:

| Actually, there's probably more
| difference there than between a line-out and a headphone out, 
| but Sony still sees fit to separate them.
| -cb

Sony don't always separate them.   My E30 (a playback-only unit) has a
single line-out / headphone out port.   Not sure about the latest E-series
portables though.

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RE: MD: Grundig MD deck

1999-08-17 Thread tommie

Ralph - can somebody send me all the Dutch newspapers of the past one and a
half years so I can catch up a little bit?
Why not look on ;)

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RE: MD: We need a revolution!

1999-08-17 Thread Matt Dramowicz

HEHEHEHE Gaz..i hope this was a mistype!!!

Prince Gaz wrote: ...set the SCMS status of their dicks to no digital

Although it does sound like an interesting process!


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MD: separate line-out and headphone jack (was analog recording questions)

1999-08-17 Thread David W. Tamkin

Colin wrote:

B Actually, there's probably more difference there than between a line-out
B and a headphone out, but Sony still sees fit to separate them.

John answered,

C Sony don't always separate them.   My E30 (a playback-only unit) has a
C single line-out / headphone out port.   Not sure about the latest E-series
C portables though.


With no exceptions that I know of, Sony has a single analog output jack on
its portable MD players (such as the E30) but separate line-out and head-
phone jacks on its portable MD *recorders*.

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MD: Ananlog Follow-Up Question

1999-08-17 Thread DoctorWu51

Some have said that I can copy through the headphone jack with good quality 
sound(and I'm too old to be a golden-eared boy).  Is it correct that 
forgetting to turn off the bass boost feature would effect that, but that 
having the bass boost on would not effect anything if the recording were made 
through a "line-out" jack?
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MD: JE520 analog input levels...

1999-08-17 Thread Timothy P. Stockman

Here are some questions and observations regarding analog
recording on the JE520.  Does anyone know what tradeoffs
are involved in using the analog input level adjustment on the
setup menu?

I don't think there's any way on the JE520 to adjust the
input level to the A/D converter, so it would seem that
one looses resolution when a low-level signal is applied
and boosted with the adjustment in the setup menu.
OTOH, the converter may be overloaded when a
high-level signal is reduced with the setup menu level

My experience to date is that it is best to adjust the input
level with an external pot so that the setup level adjustment
can be left at 0.0.  Using the setup menu to boost the level
doesn't seem to leave many sonic artifacts, but I haven't
tried "difficult" material (like low level solo piano).  Using the
setup menu to cut the level seems to be the kiss of death,
because I think that the A/D gets overloaded.

Given that one usually likes to maximize the level on the disc
to make the best use of the available disc (is this indeed true
with ATRAC encoding?), does it make sense to ever adjust
the record level setup to less than 0?

Does anyone know exactly where in the digital signal path
the record level setting is applied?  A flow chart, showing
the order of processing steps along with word length (# bits)
and sample rate (1x, 2x, etc) would be very helpful...

Unless I hear a reason not to do so, I'll continue to leave the
setup level adjustment at 0.0 and make the adjustment with
an external pot.

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MD: 702 Microsurgery

1999-08-17 Thread Ian Horsey

 === The original message was multipart MIME===
 === All non-text parts (attachments) have been removed ===


Having just performed a succesful piece of surgery on the innards of my =
beloved 702, I just thought I'd post a little warning to other Sharp =
owners, and to a large extent all MD owners.


The reason I had to take mine to pieces was because I'd been =
experimenting and as a result, I had pushed the digital receiver out of =
alignment, and I had to re-position it.  So hopefully I will have =
learned a lesson here, but I doubt whether it will stop me from =
tinkering with my bits of kit.

Anyway, at least I have learned how to strip a 702 down, and so if =
anyone else finds themselves in a position whereby they need to =
dismantle theirs, e-mail me, and I will send you a list of invaluable =
pointers!  I will try and get these put onto my website also.

Patient has recovered from the anaesthetic and is functioning perfectly!

Have a nice day

Ian (who is going to lie down in a darkened room with a cold compress on =
his head)

Tape is dead - long live MiniDisc

ICQ : 41782725

 === MIME part removed : text/html; ===

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Re: MD: Grundig MD deck = OT: Dutch newspapers

1999-08-17 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Ralph - can somebody send me all the Dutch newspapers of the past one and a
 half years so I can catch up a little bit?
 Why not look on ;)

Hmm, last time I "read"(1) the telegraaf, it was still that same kind of gossip
that it was a few years ago. Besides I've got since short (about 1 month ago)
the WWW in my home. I only have e-mail at work!

Anyway, thanks for the note!

Ralph - using AvantGo to fetch the NOS teletekst each day and download it to
his PalmIII so I can read the latest news at work!

(1) The language used in the telegraaf resembles Dutch. I try to understand what
their writing, but I get confused by all the bold, italic, underlined, big,
small, fonts used at the same page.
Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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RE: MD: Grundig MD deck

1999-08-17 Thread tommie

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

I'm afraid you are mistaken. Philips dropped Grundig about 1 and a half year 
ago when the company couldn't make a profit for about 4 years. After Philips 
bought of the contract with Grundig, Grundig seems to prosper again and now it 
enters the MD market. Perhaps even to show Philips they were wrong ?

BTW other brands "owned" by Philips: Magnavox, Aristona, Denon (Yes, a 
japanese company which has been making MD stuff for years, so they've actually 
produced MD for quite some time)

= Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

 Hi people,

 Today I saw a Grundig deck in Dixons here in the UK for  149 - it didn't
 look like any other I've seen ( i.e a Kenwood/Sharp clone or a

 Anybody know anything about it?



Philips entering the MD market using one of their camouflage brands

(The German brands Grundig, Schneider and Telefunken are Philips products
in an other jacket!)

Ralph - who chased his cat for one hour this morning in the garden

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
   -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: We need a revolution!

1999-08-17 Thread J. Coon

  Prince Gaz wrote: ...set the SCMS status of their dicks to no digital
 Think of it as a new form of birth control.

I would think that digital transfer in itself would be a form on birth
control.  After all, just how many digits do you have? and how  many
does your partner have?
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1999-08-17 Thread Jordan Cullis

I'm happy to see another satisfied user.  From my experiences when somebody
buys a car deck like the KD-MX3000, the intention is not to leave the rest
of the system in factory state.  Essential of course are the speakers, but
even the best car speakers in the world will still only achieve an average
sound running off the decks amps.  If you really want a good sound, you'll
need some much better amps.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: MD: [none]

  I've had that unit since januari this year. (Images on my page:

  I agree it´s a nice piece but I have/had some problems with it:

 The volume knob sometimes "locks". No matter how I turn it, the volume
stays the
 The display sometimes starts to flicker or does not turn on.
 Both errors occur because of the contactplates on the back of the
flipfront gets
 dirty or "worn" (my theory...).
 When I remove the front and replace it, It's usually OK again.

 Also, I do not like the amplifier. Even if the unit has 4*40W it's to

 But its damn cool...


  Only yesterday I had the pleasure of installing a KD-MX3000 JVC Car Unit
  into a friends car.  From my brief encounter with the unit I have only =
  good things to say about it.  The construction seems very good, and I =
  find it very easy to navigate through menu options.  All other things =
  put aside, IT LOOKS GREAT, and is completely feature packed (although =
  not all of them are very useful)..  In short, it's well worth a =

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MD: We need a revolution!!!

1999-08-17 Thread PrinceGaz


If CD / music publishers decide they want to set the SCMS status of
their dicks to no digital transfer, then wouldn't it be worthwhile for the
hardware only manufacturers to produce consumer grade decks which
ignore SCMS?

This will undoubtedly be illegal in certain countries but couldn't it become
a bit like the shortwave radio / scanner market where the models come
in numerous variations due to individual countries' laws.  Where SCMS
laws are different which they must be in different countries, why not have
decks which ignore SCMS.

Here in Britain is perfectly legal for shops to sell and for consumers to
buy radios which have unlimited receive coverage, in any mode.  A 150KHz
to 1650MHz scanner with AM, FM, LSB, USB is perfectly legal to sell,
buy, and own.  The only catch is that it is illegal to use it other than to
listen to broadcast stations and radio hams.  You break the law *every
time* you tune out of certain narrow frequency bands.  The law is stupid!!!

Actually there's quite a few things to do with radio transmission that is legal
to both sell and buy in Britain but illegal to use.  What do they think we do
with these things?  Look at them?!  Similarly with telephones too!

I know Germany and many other countries restrict coverage on both scanners
and shortwave radios for legal reasons, isn't it just possible that quite a lot
of countries would consider SCMS legality irrelevant and allow decks to
automatically defeat it.  An ex-work colleague I knew visited Brunei each year
and copyright law there was non-existent.  Any computer software you wanted
costed the price of a CD-R plus a nominal copying charge!

So to come to the point, why don't companies without a CD distribution
interest produce models of digital recorders (inc. MD of course) which
ignore SCMS and distribute them to places where that is legal?  Then we
could import from that country and take our chances if the recording lawyers
come knocking on our door.

The twin combo of "SCMS no-copy" discs and the US making strippers
illegal could potentially destroy MD just as it is really taking off.  I don't visit
strip joints but guys, I think this SCMS no-copy thing is a serious problem
to the further mainstream acceptance of MD.  My father (64) is now an MD
fanatic and loves his JE-520, titling tracks once copied from CD with no
problems at all.  He was gonna go for a MIDI system with tape/CD but I
converted him :-)

There's probably 100K+ guys in "developed" countries who will buy into
Let's all support this campaign against V2 and show everyone we *WILL
in fact we will firebomb their offices and warehou...  ignore that last bit please,
I'm a peace-loving guy and wouldn't like violence of any sort.  You know me.

PrinceGaz -- "Seriously guys, peaceful protests always work better.  No
petrol bombs please

ICQ: 36892193

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RE: MD: Grundig MD deck

1999-08-17 Thread Simon Mackay

 BTW other brands "owned" by Philips: Magnavox, Aristona, Denon (Yes, a
 japanese company which has been making MD stuff for years, so they've
 produced MD for quite some time)

Marantz is another brand fully owned by Philips but they have introduced a
few MD products mainly in the form of CD-MiniDisc combo decks.

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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Re: MD: Ananlog Follow-Up Question

1999-08-17 Thread PrinceGaz

 Some have said that I can copy through the headphone jack with good quality
 sound(and I'm too old to be a golden-eared boy).  Is it correct that

If you have a dedicated LineOut (aka Sony portie) use it

 forgetting to turn off the bass boost feature would effect that, but that
 having the bass boost on would not effect anything if the recording were made
 through a "line-out" jack?

The LineOut on Sony porties is unaffected by Bass Boost or Volume settings,
proving it skips many unnecessary circuits that Shark and Aiwa users outputs
go through.  As I've said (many times) b4, Sony is best for reccie porties.

PrinceGaz -- "The dicks (sic) with no diggy transfer was one of my increasingly
worryingly common, delibrate misspellings.  Maybe I do need therapy..."

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Re: MD: no new SCMS standard

1999-08-17 Thread PrinceGaz

 I have had the originals go bad on me too, and sometimes, I hadn't
 bothered to make a back up copy.  This has happened with the old
 fashioned 5.25" as well as the newer 3.5" floppies.  I have also messed

Me too, though I wasn't too bothered as I just "borrowed" another set from
work.  Errm, please ignore this paragraph.

 up more than one Minidisc because of that stupid archaic END SEARCH
 function that Sony insists on putting on their portables.  I know,
 someone will say put the write protect on, but have you ever tried to
 title with write protect on, also, you can't add more music to a
 minidisc with the write protect on.

I'm not the sort of guy to say that if someone doesn't know how to use their
gadgets, then they shouldn't own them-- but if you haven't learned to use
ES as a standard step in an Append (as against Replace) recording session
then you sho..   Hey guys I'm just joking, each to their own-- I accept ES as
Sony also give me a dedicated LineOut on their porties.  I don't believe the
Sharks et al internally switch if they detect a high impedance load on the
phone socket esp after someone said volume and bass boost still affect
the output.

The Shark Aiwa etc porties all send the phone/line out sig thro loads of
circuits those clever guys at Sony skip in their LineOut.  Now if only Sony
added an LED at the back of the LineOut and made it dual function like
the Line In... I can dream of a dual diggie/annie LineOut I suppose...

PrinceGaz -- "Hey, just a thought-- how many others here would buy a MD
portie with a dual diggie/annie line out like I described above, and if anyone
from Sony / Aiwa is listening [I bet they each have a lurker] why not do it."

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MD: V2 and SCMS from Soybomb.

1999-08-17 Thread SpongeBob SquarePants

I see that SCMS is once again a hot topic. The V2 boycott is still in
motion. This is a strange company. They have remastered the digitally
blocked CD and are offering me an exchange, a good first step but I am not
here just for my own personal gain. I want all of us to be able to record
our CD's to MD in the future. I will not be bought. My other terms were they
either put on their website or in the MD list and newsgroup a statement that
they will adhere to the AHRA 0f 1992 which allows a first generation digital
copy and will replace all CD's bought by us that were not in accordance with
their own seemingly hidden policy. They have sent many of us a post stating
it was a mistake and they do adhere to this standard, they also offered a
free CD to many boycotters, the CD offered was the one in question
(Chocolate Genius - Black Music). Since they will respond personally and
state their policy is to allow a first generation digital copy on all their
CD's why won't they make it public? I sense a hidden agenda here. If I
forward their message it lacks credibility. If they post their policy it
comes straight from the horses mouth and they can be held somewhat
accountable in the future if they pull this crap again. In order for the
boycott to end V2 must prove responsible enough to make their so called
policy public and to offer a trade in on all digitally blocked CD's (they
did inform me they would trade in all digitally blocked CD's). Unless they
do this in days and they have been advised of my terms since the start (many
months ago) a webpage goes up. The address will be placed here and the page
will have a few surprises as to who you can write and a few other facts that
I do not want to disclose in case V2 is actively reading this list.
Bombshell effect and all that.

A web site is in the works and will be up soon unless V2 meets my reasonable
terms. I thought we were done months ago and indicated so but they just will
not tell the world, or at least us minidisc'ers their own internal policy in
a public forum. When they just whisper it to us few in private for some
reason it must be a secret. I think most of us can figure out why. Remember
this is the same company that first told us that home recording in any form
was illegal. They seem to like their digitally blocked CD's and don't want
to tell the world that their policy is to allow a first generation digital
copy. Can we actually find V2 sincere when they hide their policy behind
private e-mails on the internet? They stated to me privately that the V2
spokesperson who said all home recording was illegal was wrong and sorry for
the misinformation. Who is to say they will not say this about their
supposed policy to allow a first generation digital copy? Remember these
were both personal emails to me and a few others and they retracted the
first, I have great worries if they will not make their second policy public
(first generation recordable CD's) they will just retract it like they did
with their first. If they make it public it makes it much harder to retract
and maintain any sort of credibility, this is what I would expect is the
reason they will not make a public statement. If they do not intend to pull
this digital block again what do they have to hide? A post from V2 in this
list would only gain them more sales and with a post to the MD newsgroup
would end the boycott.

My questions

1. If anyone received the free CD offer from V2 was it digitally blocked? If
so that does not seem like a good faith effort to show that they do not
engage in this type of behavior by sending out a CD with the very problem
many of us are protesting. I need to know this for the webpage. If you have
one that was part of the offer please try to digitally record it and let me
know if it is a 0 digital copy SCMS setting.

2. With all the boycott work I have not had much time to read the MD list.
What is all the talk about SCMS. Is there other CD's and or companies now
doing this?

Please send all e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I don't have time to read
this every day until the boycott ends.

Thanks, We are still getting somewhere but V2 seems to have a hidden agenda
and it is not to hard to figure out the reasons behind it.

Soy " Mark" Bomb

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Re: MD: Buying MDs in Chicago (was in NYC)

1999-08-17 Thread David W. Tamkin

In the past people have posted here about finding MDs for sale at K-Mart and

The local K-Mart here still doesn't carry them.  Walgreen's has Sony 74s at
$7.99 (down from $9.99 not long ago); Osco [the second largest drug store
chain in the region] carries two-packs of them at $14.99.  Both probably
wonder why they don't sell.

I finally did find them at the Target in Evanston (OK, the subject line says
"Chicago", but it's right on the border street between the two cities): a
two-pack of Sony 74s for $7.99.  And yet the Osco in the same plaza tries to
sell the same item for $14.99.

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MD: Last Newbie Question

1999-08-17 Thread DoctorWu51

I'll ask this, then I will return to lurk mode.  In terms of running or heavy 
exercise, does MD hold up w/o skipping?  I know there are 10 second memory 
cushions and up to 40 second cushions to prevent skipping, but I'm not sure 
how effective they are under duress.

Thanks to all who have tolerated my "newbieness"
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Re: MD: JE520 analog input levels...

1999-08-17 Thread David W. Tamkin

Timothy Stockman wrote,

| Here are some questions and observations regarding analog
| recording on the JE520.  Does anyone know what tradeoffs
| are involved in using the analog input level adjustment on the
| setup menu?

AFAIK, none.

| Given that one usually likes to maximize the level on the disc
| to make the best use of the available disc (is this indeed true
| with ATRAC encoding?), does it make sense to ever adjust
| the record level setup to less than 0?

Yes, if the analog input is, without adjustment, loud enough to peak above
0 dB and get clipped.  (For digital input, there is no reason to set the gain
below 0 dB; if the source is already clipped, nothing can undo that and bring
back the original waveforms.)

| Unless I hear a reason not to do so, I'll continue to leave the setup level
| adjustment at 0.0 and make the adjustment with an external pot.

If the external pot doesn't affect the sound any other way, then that should

Somebody emailed me privately once that he believed in setting the levels
very low just to be absolutely safe from clipping, and then boosting them
with the volume knob at playback, and he saw no downside to that.  Somehow I
feel concerned that one would lose dynamic resolution that way.  In any case,
whether the goal is to peak at 0 or to average -12, my problem is evening out
tracks from assorted CDs when I make a compilation.

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Re: MD: JE520 analog input levels...

1999-08-17 Thread PrinceGaz

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

[May I first make quite clear pot is potentiometer before wading into
a bog full of silliness]

Timothy Stockman asked and David Tamkin replied:
 | Here are some questions and observations regarding analog
 | recording on the JE520.  Does anyone know what tradeoffs
 | are involved in using the analog input level adjustment on the
 | setup menu?

 AFAIK, none.

 | Given that one usually likes to maximize the level on the disc
 | to make the best use of the available disc (is this indeed true
 | with ATRAC encoding?), does it make sense to ever adjust
 | the record level setup to less than 0?

 Yes, if the analog input is, without adjustment, loud enough to peak above
 0 dB and get clipped.  (For digital input, there is no reason to set the gain
 below 0 dB; if the source is already clipped, nothing can undo that and bring
 back the original waveforms.)

 | Unless I hear a reason not to do so, I'll continue to leave the setup level
 | adjustment at 0.0 and make the adjustment with an external pot.

 If the external pot doesn't affect the sound any other way, then that should

I'm uncertain if that is wise advice David.  Use of pot will probably distort the
listeners perception of the music being recorded and advocating the use
of drugs illegal in most countries isn't a good idea.

PrinceGaz -- "It's near to bedtime for me, These really late emails from me are
sometimes unintended / mis-sent."

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Re: MD: Last Newbie Question

1999-08-17 Thread PrinceGaz

MD is generally much better than CD at shock resistance.  Both
due to the smaller disc size and larger memory buffer.

But no size of buffer memory will prevent constant hard vibrations
from interuptting playback.  In tems of uninteruptted playback I
would rate the three main portie formats CD(worst) - MD - CC
(best).  Sorry guys but can you really say any MD player could play
under the same vibration a tape could?  Lets be honest here okay.

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

ICQ: 36892193

- Original Message -
 I'll ask this, then I will return to lurk mode.  In terms of running or heavy
 exercise, does MD hold up w/o skipping?  I know there are 10 second memory
 cushions and up to 40 second cushions to prevent skipping, but I'm not sure
 how effective they are under duress.
 Thanks to all who have tolerated my "newbieness"

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