MD: Comments on the Sony MZ-E95?

1999-12-05 Thread Niels Schenk


could someone please give some comments on this player?



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Re: MD: the Internet Minidisc by Sharp

1999-12-05 Thread richard_f

Hi Ralph,

 Voquette sells you a $70 analog cable!

Yes, you are right - $70 for a cable is a lot. However I look at it differently.
Voquette provided me with a new way of using my MD. Since I have their 
VMM software and NetLink adapter, I look at WEB Audio in a different way. 

I schedule the VMM software to record for me Cnet Radio ( 
and some other programs every day at 6:00AM, so by the time I wakeup 
I have My Customized WEB audio programs on my MD. 
So I can listen to it during my commute.

For me it's a Killer App!!

Yes - I agree, it seems a little too expensive for something that seems
to function as a cable. However it's a cable Plus.

I leave my MD on during the night (for Automatic overnight recording of my WEB 
without their "cable" I would probably run out of battery juice, 
however their NetLink Adapter powers the MD from the PC. 
(so no need for external wall power adapter).

(I opened their Adapter.. well it's not just a cable :-)

To summarize my take on this: 
I wish here were more people like Voquette bringing us good solutions, benefits and 
new ways to use our MDs.

As one who paid Real Networks several tens of $$ for G2 Plus I feel that although its 
a little expensive I get full return for my investment (my commute time is now better 

... sorry to be so protective (but as you can see - I just like it).


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MD: Headphone Amps

1999-12-05 Thread Jeff Medin

An addition to my reply on head phone amps.. Se my review ( within the
last 2-3 weeks in the digest) on the ETYMOTIC 4S earplugs.  These phones
CANNOT be driven by most portie MD/CD players.  

You MUST have and amp and I FEEL that HEADROOM makes the best.

I have no relationship with Headroom or Etymotic Research what-so-ever.

Good luck,

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Re: MD: Why Sharp ATRAC sucks (a review)

1999-12-05 Thread Christopher Spalding

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

There was only one case I heard of where a person could reliably tell
whether the recording was from a Sharp or Sony ATRAC, and
unfortunately we never substantiated that with outside experimenters.

If the differences are in general as strong as you suggest, I think
others would have picked them up by now too. In any case, would it be
possible for you to post to a web page some short, 44.1khz, 16 bit PCM
(i.e. CD audio) segments of recordings made with both the Sharp and
Sony that clearly exhibit the differences so that we can all listen to
them side by side?


 Eric Woudenberg wrote:
  Thanks for the long article. It's well written and I like it, except
  for one thing: I think your MD-MS722 was defective. The differences
  between modern ATRAC encoders from the various makers are subtle,
  really. If you have a situation where the MD recording sounds like a
  bad 128kbps MP3, something is wrong. My suggestion: repeat the
  experiment with another Sharp unit (the Sharp MT83x, MT82x and MS72x
  all have Sharp ATRAC 6, the MS70x is Sharp ATRAC 5).
 Hmm, I don't know if I can do that.  I bought it from and
 they only have a 7 day return policy.  I don't want to claim it's
 defective and then look like a fool if my theory about Sharp ATRAC being
 a lousy encoder is right.  Maybe I can ask them if they can send me a
 loaner unit to verify my suspicion?  With the reliability of modern
 electronics, I can't imagine anything being defective in such a subtle
 way, though.. Then again, with all the UTOC errors people have been
 complaining about with Sharps, who knows?
 Or maybe their ATRAC really isn't that great..  After all, it's subtle
 enough that maybe nobody noticed.  I haven't seen anyone say anything
 other than "they both sound the same to me, but I don't have very good
 hearing", or even worse, "Sharp's at version 6 and Sony's at version 4.5
 so Sharp must be better!"  Most importantly, I haven't seen anyone doing
 serious double-blind tests between Sharp ATRAC and anything else.
 What if Sharp knows their encoder is no good but they see people are
 still buying it?  How many people can tell a bad 128kbps MP3 from the
 original other than musicians with trained ears?  For most people, the
 quality loss is apparent at a subliminal level.. you might think that
 128kbps MP3 sounds ok, but try playing low bitrate MP3's for 8 hours in
 a row and then putting in an original CD, and the improvement is
 stunning!  Maybe that's the case here.

In my experience with the Sharp portable units 702, 722 and 831, there is a 
discernable instability in the high frequencies when it is played back 
through the unit on speakers of a reasonable quality, sounding somewhat akin 
to MP3 compression, i'd agree.  Yet it is not noticeable on the sony 520 
deck.  I haven't yet had the opportunity to try the R55 sony portable 
through speakers.

I'm not entirely certain it is to do with the encoding, because when you 
play sharp recorded discs on the sony, you can't hear it, and when you play 
sony recorded discs on the sharp you can.  My conclusion therefore is that 
it is either a) sharp ATRAC DEcoding, b) Sharp portable output stage (ie 
headphone amp) or c) some filter that sony put over their output stage in 
the decks.

At a guess, i'd say c) and/or b) because it's inaudible with the 
sharp-provided earbuds, which are what the unit is primarily designed for 
use with, so sharp may have cut some corners.  but that is just a guess.

Christopher Spalding
Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.

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MD: copying names in transfer

1999-12-05 Thread David W. Tamkin

I'd written in an earlier post,

 I'm very sure that the MDS-W1's MD SYNC function will copy titles from a
 premastered disc ... one way to find out, I guess.

Yesterday I finally got around to testing it.

The function will dub audio but not copy titles from a premastered disc.  It
will dub audio and copy titles from a recordable disc, regardless of the po-
sition of the source disc's write-protect.

The W1's Name Copy facility requires getting into the Edit Menu for the
source disc, so it cannot be used to copy a title from a premastered disc nor
a protected disc.  Thus the only way on a W1 to copy titles from a premas-
tered disc is to read them and rekey them.
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Re: MD: John Balint's SB bracket instructions

1999-12-05 Thread Ryan Shoemaker

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I was looking for this awhile ago and found someone on 
the list that had saved a copy of it. 

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Re: MD: Comments on the Sony MZ-E95?

1999-12-05 Thread Taky Cheung

E95 looks ugly and big.  I just purchased E90.  looks slick and tiny.

- Original Message - 
From: Niels Schenk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 4:11 AM
Subject: MD: Comments on the Sony MZ-E95?

 could someone please give some comments on this player?
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MD: Known Problem Database

1999-12-05 Thread Steffen Hung


MiniDisc Switzerland ( has a big relaunch with better
design and much more information about MiniDisc
- Database with over 200 entries (more will be added soon)
- Top 10 lists (for example smallest, thinnest), all are DB generated
and always up to date
- Known Problems database
- Discussion forum
- MiniDisc market
Everything is database generated. This will allow me to add much more
features later (if you know something about MiniDisc that you want me to
realize, just let me know).

I have a wish and you can help me. It's about the known problems
database. I hope to provide all MiniDisc fans with a big database with
known problems about MD equipment. It's very useful for people who wants
to buy a unit (new or second hand) and for people who have a unit and
want to know if the problem that they experienced are normal for this
unit or not.
If you have experience with some problems, it would be nice, if you will
submit it at
You can add problems for new units, add problems for units which are
already in the database and add remarks to problems other people have
And... from all people who submit their experience, I will send a
package with some Swiss chocolate to 3 people! So just submit your
experience with your MiniDisc units on MiniDisc Switzerland, and with a
little bit of luck, you will have original Swiss chocolate the next
weeks in your mailbox! And... if you submit more "known problems",
you're chance to win gets bigger!

Best regards

Steffen Hung
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - MiniDisc Switzerland
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Re: MD: A little non-scientific ATRAC Sharp vs. Sony test

1999-12-05 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

Hash: SHA1

My recorders: Sony MZ-R30, Sharp MD-MS702mk, always using a digital link
with both.  Playback is primarilly with high-end Sony earbuds (same buds
with both recorders).  Honestly, the difference between the two is
negligible.  I expect that few will hear a significant difference in a side 
by side comparison.  Those that do most probably have convinced themselves
that they will hear a difference before the comparison, and in so doing
ensure that they will hear what they want or expect to hear, rendering the
comparison invalid.

Or at least that is my opinion.  That and a $1.50 will get you a cup of
coffee at the local donut shop :).
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MD: 80 min. md's

1999-12-05 Thread Dodge

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Yes, those md's are for real.

Just bought one, but a strange thing happened when recording in mono... 

could almost get 3 hours (=180 min!) fitted on one 





dunno is this is normal, but it's okay by me ! 


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MD: MZ-R55 For Sale??

1999-12-05 Thread MoparGT1

Is there anyone out there that has a Sony MZ-R55 That they are willing to 
sell for $250 or less. Does anyone know a website where I can get one under 
$300??? If so e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have one more question, Does 
anyone think or know if stores will have a sale on the MZ-R55's after 
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Re: MD: 80 min. md's

1999-12-05 Thread Jeff DeMaagd

--- Dodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, those md's are for real.
 Just bought one, but a strange thing happened when
 recording in mono... 
 could almost get 3 hours (=180 min!) fitted on

80 min stereo ~= 160 min mono ~= 2 hrs 40 min, and the
rated capacity is a probably a minute smaller than its
real capacity...

Any questions?

Also, where and at what price are these available? 
I'm not sure if it would be worth much of a premium,
esp. if it is only an 8% longer play.

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RE: MD: 80 min. md's

1999-12-05 Thread Mark I. Ross

Hi Jeff,

I've seen them in quite a few places - namely Fry's Electronics in the USA
and a local store here in Toronto, Canada

the blank 80min MD's were real expensive in Toronto ($40/5), but were much
more reasonable in the USA (don't recall the exact price)...

mark  ;)

-Original Message-
Subject: Re: MD: 80 min. md's


80 min stereo ~= 160 min mono ~= 2 hrs 40 min, and the
rated capacity is a probably a minute smaller than its
real capacity...

Any questions?

Also, where and at what price are these available?
I'm not sure if it would be worth much of a premium,
esp. if it is only an 8% longer play.


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MD: Player for exercising

1999-12-05 Thread Matt Wall

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Howdy all,
I'm kinda new to the mailing list so i'm sorry if this has been =
discussed to death.  I'm love my md players, but i am looking for one a =
little more rugged.  I do a lot of running, biking, rock climbing, and =
sometimes i can really beat on the players.  I've looked into the =
Panasonic SJSW90MDS.  It appears to be a pretty good one for what i'm =
looking for.  If anyone has good/bad experience with this unit or other =
players and would suggest something different it would be greatly =

Matthew Wall

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MD: MiniDisc Weekly News for 5 December 1999

1999-12-05 Thread MiniDisc Community Pages Weekly News

MiniDisc Community Pages News for 30 November 1999

 o Peter Ravn points out a [1]press release for C-3D, a company 
   boasting technology for storing 140GB on a CD-size carrier, [2]using 
   multiple storage layers.


 o Charles Snider submits a helpful article on [3]MD shopping in Hong 


 o Garth Colasurdo spots Opcode's [4]SONICport Optical, a USB to 
   TOSlink I/O interface.


 o The T-Station updates its [5]MD-Blanks gallery. 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 1 December 1999

 o Robert Berardino spots Sharp USA's [1]Internet MiniDisc page, 
   covering their hardware/software package for recording Internet 
   audio to portables with analog synchro-start. He notes that it's 
   available for $70 from [2]


 o Charles Snider creates an exemplary [3]JVC XM-R70 page that includes 
   the unit's user manual.


 o Mathew Caughron finds N2MP3 encoder documentation covering [4]MP3 to 
   MD recording on the Macintosh.


 o On January 1st [5]Minimaniax will open shop and become the first 
   German Internet MD retailer. You can sign up now to receive special 


 o Hussain Sekha gives tips for [6]recording movie soundtracks to MD.


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 2 December 1999

 o Bruno Guers points out the [1]proMD1 professional audio adapter they 
   have designed (and its [2]insides ), it is available from Marenius 
   in Sweden (price?).


 o MiniDisc Switzerland offers [3]DB generated top-10 lists (e.g. 
   lightest, cheapest, etc.) of MD equipment.


 o Pyo Ilwoong finds Tagram's [4]Mambo-X P300 portable MP3 CD/CD-RW 
   player. Available in December, it also plays regular CDs and runs 
   for 14 hours on two AA cells (price?). 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 3 December 1999

 o Gerald Tomyn aka Mike Rofone sends in a nicely scanned [1]Sony 
   MZ-R37 User Manual.


 o Keith Wilson spots an odd duck: the [2]Amstrad MCR2500MD, a 
   bookshelf system replete with 60 CD changer, qwerty keyboard, and 
   dockable Sharp MD-MS701 portable recorder. 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 4 December 1999

 o Tim Boswell's [1]TradeCheck site is designed to foster MD trading 
   and features a trader ratings database.


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 5 December 1999

 o Yoon Dae-Hee points out the MiniDisc page for [1]Saehan, a Korean 
   blanks manufacturer that supplies Sony, Alpine, Aiwa, Clarion, JVC 
   and Yamaha.


Minidisco-  Free-range MiniDiscs, Humanely Raised
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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #447

1999-12-05 Thread Jeff Medin

It is quite possible that you may have done PERMANENT DAMAGE to the MD
by using too high of an input voltage to the power supply.  The SAME
AMOUNT OF VOLTAGE goes to the unit, even when it is in the "Charging
Cradle".  You probably have to have the unit repaired.

You my try going back to the original vendor if they "GUARANTEED" that
the unit  will run on US power without any type of "power conversion". 
Please my ORIGINAL MD-LIST POST post of this SHARP MD-MT831 Power
Problems.  It outlines the volt levels involved.  Send this to your
Vendor where you originally purchased the unit.  It should not be that

My vendor said there would be "NO PROBLEM", but yet I discovered this
OVER VOLTAGE abnormality in some SHARP 831's.  It DID in fact have a
problem and the vendor was WRONG.

Sorry your having problems, I LOVE my 831 and have had NO problems since
changing the adapter -- as soon as I noticed the problem

Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 21:56:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: MD: Sharp MD-MT831-A


Hoping some one can help me, I purchased a brand new MT831 from Hong
Kong 2
weeks ago and i have had no joy from it yet.  Firstly I discovered the
power problem, where it will not recognize mains power going directly
the unit, but I have been able to overcome this by using the cradle. 
major problem that I have now is that it will not actually read any of
discs that I put into it,  I keep getting a 'cantreada' error.  The user
manual that came with the unit does not explain the error mesages in
english, and as far as I can tell it doesnt even explain an error 'a' in
Japanese. Initially I was not having this problem, it started doing it
intermittenly about a week ago and now will not read any discs at all.

I am holding out on going to a technician because it is not under global
warranty.  But I now fear that it is a fault with the laser and I may
have any choice but to take it in.

Anybody's help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.  


3jane, a very unhappy MD user!

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MD: Minidisc Canada

1999-12-05 Thread Matt L

Has anyone bought anything from Minidisc Canada?  Any comments on their
service and products or anthing about them? thanks in advance.

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