RE: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Tony Antoniou

Even the majority of untrained ears appreciate a good sounding
format/system. I've had that commented to me on many occasions when I've
happily demonstrated my car setup fronted by my 8900. From the reactions I
get out of that alone, it is proof enough for me that you don't have to be
an audiophile to appreciate a good sound. Probably a good reason why most of
them went about actually investing in MD's themselves 3#-)


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

-Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Shawn R. Lin
Sent:   Monday, 24 January 2000 18:18
Subject:Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

Sure, maybe to YOU and select audiophiles that really care about sound
But mass acceptance and becoming mainstream have very little to do with
sound quality.  MP3 would not be nearly as popular as it is now if sound

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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Robert Torres

At 02:07 + 24/1/00, Magic wrote:
but unless Sony wise up and do
some serious marketing I see MD being threatened quite seriously you'll
still be able to get blank MDs for years though, I can still get Betamax
video cassette and that format has been all but dead for years (more's the
pity IMHO).

Hey folks - time for the de-lurk.  Anyway, as a recent MD adopter, I
thought through all of this stuff rather seriously. My decision was
MP3 player versus MD - I wanted a small, portable format since I'm on
the go a lot.  When I compared the two for many reasons (sound
quality, cost, versatility, functionality...the list goes on...), I
went MD and I have absolutely no regrets.  Everyone that I've showed
the MD stuff to thinks it is "the coolest little thing in the world."
My wife, skeptical at first, was an immediate convert, so off we went
for another portable unit!  So I think that Sony and the others could
really make a convincing case for the MD.  But I do agree with most
posters that some level of computer integration (USB, etc.) would
make the MD stronger...

But with the right marketing, Sony (and others) could really kick
some ass here - even as MD exists currently.  And I have some level
of comparison, being that I live in Spain now and visit the US
frequently.  In Spain - in Barcelona at least - there was a MD
'campaign' with spots before the movies and billboards.  Most
electronics chains carry a varying range of MD equipment, and at
Christmas time, the stuff seemed to be moving rather quickly.  I
couldn't even get near most of the MD displays in the bigger stores;
it was just too crowded.  I'd say that among the teenager-under30
group here, most people here know what MD is and think it is cool.
Compare this to the US where no one really knew what my MD player
was, where equipment was somewhat harder to find, and where publicity
wasn't quite as strong...well, you get the idea.  So come on, Sony,
get on the ball and market!  With the right push, MD will be here to
stay without a doubt.

best regards, and thanks to all for many informative and entertaining messages.


p.s.  copyright debate stuff aside (I don't want to start another
holy war), are there any folks on the list in Spain/Barcelona who
want to swap MDs?
Bob Torres
Ph.D. Candidate - Development Sociology
Department of Rural Sociology
Cornell University, 133A Warren Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853 USA
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MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread DoctorWu51

It is, of course, all about money.  If MD makes money for someone, it will 
survive.  I don't know if Sony will carry the ball, but maybe one of the 
other companies will pick it up if Sony drops it. Hope so.

Blanks may actually be where the money is made on MD.  If this is the case, 
there will be monetary incentives to keep the format going for a while.  I 
agree, though, that marketing(at least in the U.S.)has never been good and is 
getting worse.  I don't think it matters whether or not it makes sense to 
"either/or" MD and MP3, it is how the masses perceive things.  MP3 is making 
a pretty big splash here and MD has never made a ripple.

Chris Callahan
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MD: Case for Sony MZ-R55

2000-01-24 Thread Wayne Loden

Hello all

I am looking for a carrying case for my MZ-R55. I would like
a case that is like the "walkman" style, fits around the MD
recorder snuggly and has a strap for carrying on my shoulder
for jogging. Preferrable the case would leave the control
buttons on top exposed for access. Does anyone know where
I can find something like this?

Wayne Loden
Southaven, MS USA
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Re: MD: Re: Additional Battery

2000-01-24 Thread Jonathan Irwin

 I once heard some argument to the effect that rechargeable batteries
 are sometimes not recommended for certain equipment because their
 internal resistance is different (lower?) and so could drop more
 current into some circuits than they should take. Is this a bogus

It may be partly true: as far as I know, NiCd batteries (don't know about
NiMH) will produce a very high current when short circuited, or with a
resistance of less than one ohm across them, but most electronic equipment
has much higher resistances (eg 100 ohms) so this should not be a problem.

I also heard somewhere that Li-Ion batteries can be ruined by shorting
their terminals, due to a buildup of pressure that can't be vented quickly
enough, although I'm not sure if this is true or not.


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MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread J. C. R. Davis

The subject says it all: am I the only person in the world -- or even
here -- that hates MP3? I mean, yes, it has definite advantages, such as
trying out music or getting it free by downloading; but I hate having to
depend on my computer so much. I think that a music medium shouldn't be
so tied in to computers.

I don't mind MP3 as long as it keeps its place: behind MD and CD.
Portable MP3 seem stupid to me because ... well, it's tough to explain.
It just seems so much easier and smarter to just transfer MP3s to MD (or
CD). To me, that's the only reason it should be used -- and not as a
stand-alone medium. It's so computer-intensive!

Does anyone see what I trying to say here?

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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Andrew Hobgood


 Tape cassettes are virtually dead any more.  Most of my younger friends
 don't have a single tape playing device.  The market is very narrow if

Ever look at a car?  Most cars (in the US, anyway) have tape decks, and
*only* tape decks.  Car CD players are still prohibitively expensive,
and I know a number of folks who keep many tapes to listen to in the 
car.  Also, If you go to any major music store (Tower Records, Record Town,
etc.) you *will* find huge selections of cassettes.  If the market isn't
there, they wouldn't have a selection that big.


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Re: MD: Re: Additional Battery

2000-01-24 Thread kmiller

I worked at an electronics dealer in technical sales support for a number
of years, and this sort of question came up a number of times. However,
regardless of the amount of current a power source can supply, the
equipment in use will draw what it needs. If a power supply can provide 3.5
amps, but the equipment only draws 500 mA, then that's what it will get.
The only time I can think of that something else would happen would require
a malfunction/short circuit within the equipment itself, but that is still
not a battery or power supply problem.

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RE: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Andrew Hobgood


 an audiophile to appreciate a good sound. Probably a good reason why most of
 them went about actually investing in MD's themselves 3#-)

After playing my '702 for a number of friends, at least 7 of them have since
gone out and purchased MD units (either 702, 722, 831, or R55).  Why?  They
saw the size of the discs, the *durability* of the discs and the units, saw
that you can not only play back but *record* in the palm of your hand, and 
that the quality was practically indistinguishable from CD, even on a set 
of high quality headphones (I usually demo my MD with my Sony MDR-V600 


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Re: MD: 702 crash.

2000-01-24 Thread Peter Wood


It gets skips and dropouts, and has trouble writing the TOC... playback of
old discs works just fine, so I think it's just the record head that might
be out of alignment... is there a testmode option to get the head to realign
itself, or will I have to send this in for real repairs?
Could be the UTOC error, or maybe it needs a re-adjust...

Goto for that info ;) Follow link in bar to
MiniDisc's ;)

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Re: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread Andrew Hobgood


 The subject says it all: am I the only person in the world -- or even
 here -- that hates MP3? I mean, yes, it has definite advantages, such as
 trying out music or getting it free by downloading; but I hate having to
 depend on my computer so much. I think that a music medium shouldn't be
 so tied in to computers.

I agree wholeheartedly, actually.  MP3 is great if I want that one random 
song, or if a friend tells me, "check it out, this is a cool track," and if
I like it, I go purchase the CD, or add it to my CDnow gift registry and
hope that someone else buys it for me. =)

[shameless plug: I turn 19 on Thursday, so if anyone feels like getting me
 a gift, even though I've never met any of you, go to
 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =) ]

 I don't mind MP3 as long as it keeps its place: behind MD and CD.
 Portable MP3 seem stupid to me because ... well, it's tough to explain.
 It just seems so much easier and smarter to just transfer MP3s to MD (or
 CD). To me, that's the only reason it should be used -- and not as a
 stand-alone medium. It's so computer-intensive!

I know what you mean... also, MP3, unless at 192kbps or higher, sounds 
much crappier than the CD.  My MP3's are around for a very simple reason...
when I'm at my computer and I'm too lazy to reach into my CD's to find a 
particular one, I just find a directory of mp3's and play 'em.


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Re: MD: 702 crash.

2000-01-24 Thread Andrew Hobgood


 Could be the UTOC error, or maybe it needs a re-adjust...
 Goto for that info ;) Follow link in bar to
 MiniDisc's ;)

Wouldn't the UTOC error also manifest itself on playback as well?  I've 
already done the AUTO adjusts (AUTO1 and AUTO2), and they both give an
"ADJ. OK" ... Oy. =)


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Re: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread brynmore williams

I second that.  As far as portability goes, every time i rush into my house, 
and rush out again with a complete change of music, i thank the lucky stars 
for MD's cause if i have to sit infront of a computer and pick what songs i 
want, and then wait for the download i would be very miserable.  Mini discs 
are the bomb!!

if you do like MP3's and love dance music, check these out: (17.6 MB) (16.9 MB) (17 MB)   (14.4 
MB)  (18.1 
MB) (17.6 MB)

Pan Sonic Mixes 
Pan_Sonic-MP3/Pan_sonic_Activation_By_DJ_brynmore.mp3  (8.5 MB) 
Pan_Sonic-MP3/Pan_Sonic_Transposition_By_DJ_brynmore.mp3  (8.1MB)


  The subject says it all: am I the only person in the world -- or even
  here -- that hates MP3?

The middle man does not add value, just cost.

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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Shawn R. Lin

Andrew Hobgood wrote:
  Tape cassettes are virtually dead any more.  Most of my younger friends
  don't have a single tape playing device.  The market is very narrow if
 Ever look at a car?  Most cars (in the US, anyway) have tape decks, and
 *only* tape decks.  Car CD players are still prohibitively expensive,
 and I know a number of folks who keep many tapes to listen to in the
 car.  Also, If you go to any major music store (Tower Records, Record Town,
 etc.) you *will* find huge selections of cassettes.  If the market isn't
 there, they wouldn't have a selection that big.

Maybe smaller cities are more technologically ahead?
Most newer cars are ordered with factory CD players any more from what
I've seen.  Even my old 1990 Pontiac has a factory CD player.  Most new
GM cars have a combination CD/tape player in a double-DIN slot.  Every
single one of my friends and both my sisters yanked out their factory
tape players and put in aftermarket CD players a long time ago.  That
seems to be the case with almost everyone I've met that are in Sony's
prime target age group for MD marketing.
No such thing as either Tower Records or Record Town around here.  Just
Hastings, Best Buy, Circuit City, and what use to be Blockbuster Music
is now Wharehouse music or some such thing.  None of them have many
prerecorded cassettes anymore.

Shawn Lin
NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
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MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Dave Helgerson

MP3 is hot because the internet is hot.  I don't know anyone who has an MP3
player, so I can't get any first-hand info, but I wouldn't be surprised if a
lot of people who buy one quit using it after a few weeks.  Especially
people who bought it as an audio device, vs. a computer toy.  I could see
hardcore computer users continuing to use them, but the person who is more
an audio lover and not a computer lover might get frustrated pretty quickly
by constantly having to download and transfer files.  Does anyone else have
a feel for the long-term satisfaction of MP3 users?

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Re: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread Matt White

I think you make a very valid point that should be made in the "Will MD 
Survive?" thread as well.  Namely that the majority of the world does not 
want to use their computer for a stereo or otherwise rely upon their 
computer for everything.

Digressing from your post a bit, I think what MD proponents need to 
emphasize more than anything is how much of a pain in the ass CDs actually 
are.  They are big, awkward, prone to damage and skipping -- and CDRs are 
even worse.  Solid state devices look nice until you start talking about 
media cost ($200 for a 64MB memory stick?  Are they serious?).

Anyway, what will sell a format is its convenience.  I'm not sure sound 
quality is really going to get it for us.  Let me join with the others in 
saying that I really, really want a USB MD drive.  Or an ATAPI drive that 
does MD-Data too :).

Hmmm...what an utterly horrible post.  I usually am more coherent than this 


--On Monday, January 24, 2000 10:25 AM -0600 "J. C. R. Davis" 

 The subject says it all: am I the only person in the world -- or even
 here -- that hates MP3? I mean, yes, it has definite advantages, such as
 trying out music or getting it free by downloading; but I hate having to
 depend on my computer so much. I think that a music medium shouldn't be
 so tied in to computers.

 I don't mind MP3 as long as it keeps its place: behind MD and CD.
 Portable MP3 seem stupid to me because ... well, it's tough to explain.
 It just seems so much easier and smarter to just transfer MP3s to MD (or
 CD). To me, that's the only reason it should be used -- and not as a
 stand-alone medium. It's so computer-intensive!

 Does anyone see what I trying to say here?

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RE: MD: Re: Additional Battery

2000-01-24 Thread Tony Antoniou

But there's only so much current a particular chemistry can handle putting
out before it dies a premature death. A perfect example of this was Makita
power tools which were released with NiMH batteries. Their battery packs
died within 3 months of usage and so they were recalled and replaced with
NiCd's like they used to use without any ill effect thereafter.

Proof in the pudding is in the tasting.


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

-Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Sent:   Tuesday, 25 January 2000 2:41
Subject:Re: MD: Re: Additional Battery

I worked at an electronics dealer in technical sales support for a number
of years, and this sort of question came up a number of times. However,
regardless of the amount of current a power source can supply, the
equipment in use will draw what it needs. If a power supply can provide 3.5
amps, but the equipment only draws 500 mA, then that's what it will get.
The only time I can think of that something else would happen would require
a malfunction/short circuit within the equipment itself, but that is still
not a battery or power supply problem.

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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Daryl O.

  It's the old Betamax vs VHS argument again. Betamax was undoubtedly the
better format - smaller size tapes with higher quality pictures and sound,
and the tapes were slightly longer!(Stainless Steel Rat)

Actually, Betamax had a *shorter* recording time than VHS, and that is the
main reason why VHS won out over Beta.  When VHS was first introduced,
Betamax could only record one hour on a tape (versus VHS's two hours), which
was impractical for Americans who wanted to tape television movies.  As the
competition intensified between the two formats, VHS continued to pull ahead
in recording time.  Betamax didn't have a chance because Sony was too stupid
to consider surveys indicating the American preference for longer recording

As for the MP3-MD debate, Sony would be smart to consider bundling a cheap
portable recorder with an optical out sound card.  That would put its
product in electronic stores' PC departments so that minidisc could compete
with MP3.  At Best Buy at least, MP3 players are merchandised in the Home
Audio Department as well as in the PCHO Department, and in the PCHO
Department, MP3 players can be found on a prominent front endcap, in the
back lock-up wall, *and* (beginning this week) in the multimedia peripherals
section.  Sony desperately needs to play catch up if it wants to win this
popularity contest!


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RE: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Martin Schiff

I agree completely. I think that market could be completely replaced by MD
over time.

-- Martin

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Andrew Hobgood
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: MD: Will MD Survive?


 Tape cassettes are virtually dead any more.  Most of my younger friends
 don't have a single tape playing device.  The market is very narrow if

Ever look at a car?  Most cars (in the US, anyway) have tape decks, and
*only* tape decks.  Car CD players are still prohibitively expensive,
and I know a number of folks who keep many tapes to listen to in the
car.  Also, If you go to any major music store (Tower Records, Record Town,
etc.) you *will* find huge selections of cassettes.  If the market isn't
there, they wouldn't have a selection that big.


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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Microtiny7

I still maintain that if here in North America we could somehow magically 
plant a portable MD in everyone's hands for just one weekend..MD 
would be the biggest thing since Marge Simpson's hair..there has 
never been a sexier audio medium than the minidisc.period!


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MD: MiniDisc saves the day: a brief experience

2000-01-24 Thread J. C. R. Davis

There was a get-together for the youths in our congregation last Saturday
night. During the evening, something went wrong with the DJ's CD player
(so I'm told), so he begged us to bring our portable MiniDisc player, a
Sony MZ-R37. He connected it and we gave him a quick once-over. He was
very impressed.

Additionally, a singing artist named Veronica something-or-other was
present as well to perform a few songs. The medium chosen for her music?
You guessed it: MD. We briefly talked about the format, and I learned
that she keeps all of her music on MD. 'It's the way to go,' she said.
Incidentally, she owns an R30.

Don't give up hope, mailing list folks!
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RE: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Simon Gardner

 Blanks may actually be where the money is made on MD.

I doubt that - I pay less for blank (branded) MDs than branded CDR, and the
MDs come in their plastic jackets, with the shutter + labels, etc. MD has a
smaller potential market too, so there's no economy of scale going on. It's
hardly like Iomega where they charge a fortune for blank media (Zip 100
discs over 7UKP!) because they have a captive market.


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RE: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread Simon Gardner

 The subject says it all: am I the only person in the world -- or even
 here -- that hates MP3? I mean, yes, it has definite advantages, such as
 trying out music or getting it free by downloading; but I hate having to
 depend on my computer so much. I think that a music medium shouldn't be
 so tied in to computers.

In a small uni bedroom, my computer's always there and always on when I'm
awake. Over the summer I ripped all my (200ish i guess) CDs to MP3 and
burned them onto 20 CD-Rs. Now instead of taking 4 hefty cardboard boxes
with me to uni, I can get it all in one shoebox. Even if I had the time to
put them all on MDs, that'd cost a lot in media and would take up more than
twice the space of the CD-Rs.

Stuff I particulary like I've already put on to MD (got about 25 discs here
at the moment)- any new stuff I download (and like enough) goes on there

 I don't mind MP3 as long as it keeps its place: behind MD and CD.
 Portable MP3 seem stupid to me because ... well, it's tough to explain.
 It just seems so much easier and smarter to just transfer MP3s to MD (or
 CD). To me, that's the only reason it should be used -- and not as a
 stand-alone medium. It's so computer-intensive!

I'm just not organised enough to have time to get a playlist of tracks I
want, re-encode them (my own rips are all at 160 or 192k - too big for a
portable MP3 player), then wait while they transfer to the player. I'd much
rather grab my R55 and a couple of discs and be out the door.

 Does anyone see what I trying to say here?

Kinda, but don't write the format off just because it's of limited use to



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MD: really loud concerts

2000-01-24 Thread Chris Carfagno


Jerry Jelinek wrote:


 Also, we have a new product of interest to anyone using microphones to record
 very loud shows. Our new High SPL (sound pressure level) power supplies, when
 combined with the Audio Technica microphones, allow undistorted recording to
 be made up to 145dB - 150dB (depending on model).

 I would STRONGLY encourage anyone doing recording at this EXTREME volume
 to ALWAYS wear some sort of ear protection.  A minimum of ear plugs, but
 more preferrable some sort of over the ear sound protection.

 Volumes at this magnitude WILL DO serious damage to your ear drums VERY


Agreed. Hopefully, this goes without saying, but it is worth mentioning.
Best regards,

Chris Carfagno
The Sound Professionals

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Re: MD: 702 crash.

2000-01-24 Thread Ian Horsey

 Wouldn't the UTOC error also manifest itself on playback as well?  I've
 already done the AUTO adjusts (AUTO1 and AUTO2), and they both give an
 "ADJ. OK" ... Oy. =)

Yes it most probably would.  Send me an e-mail off list and when my exams
finish on Wednesday I will give you some instructions on how to have a go at
fixing it.

Have a look at and follow the links for
a brief explanation with some photographs.


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MD: corporate mergers

2000-01-24 Thread David W. Tamkin

Peter Wood brought up,

| On another note, I don't perticulary like the way the music industry
| is developing either, I saw the news this morning when I got up... EMI
| and Time Warner joining... EMI is the biggest music compnay in the
| UK...

The only non-Sony labels from which I've ever seen premastered MDs were
owned by either CEMA or Warner.  So now we have them not from three of the
Big Five but two of the Big Four [assuming that the Warner EMI combination
will go through].

Almost all pop music from the 1940s came out on Capitol, Columbia, Decca, or
Victor.  Now we're coming full circle to the current owners of the same four

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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread J. C. R. Davis

Tom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
I still maintain that if here in North America we could somehow magically

plant a portable MD in everyone's hands for just one weekend..MD 
would be the biggest thing since Marge Simpson's hair..there has 
never been a sexier audio medium than the minidisc.period!

Response: I agree with this comment. It seems to me that most people that
I've come in contact with are just ignorant about MD and it's advantages.
Not to mention that the populace is just too confused to decide which
format is best (e.g. MD, CD-R/RW, MP3). I just wish Sony and other
MD-supportive companies would get on the ball with heavier advertising.

I believe MD is the natural evolutionary progression from CD, and I see
no reason why they can't live in peace together -- with MP3 as a *side*
format for either playing on computer or transferring to MD or CD-R(W)!

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RE: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Jon Deutsch

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

While this is absolutely true, I find it {humorous/ironic/something} that
one of the big sticking points for MDs initial acceptance as a medium was
that it wasn't "truly CD quality" (esp. ATRACT v1.0).  So many mags were
like "yeah, MD is cool and all, but the quality isn't quite there."
Meanwhile, even the very first MD is lightyears ahead of most MP3 quality. 

It just goes to show that digitally downloading pirated songs is the "killer
app" -- not portability.

Jon Deutsch

 -Original Message-
 From: Shawn R. Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 2:18 AM
 Subject: Re: MD: Will MD Survive?
 Sure, maybe to YOU and select audiophiles that really care about sound
 But mass acceptance and becoming mainstream have very little 
 to do with
 sound quality.  MP3 would not be nearly as popular as it is 
 now if sound
 quality was a significant factor.  All my MP3 loving friends 
 sound quality isn't as good as MD or CD.  They don't care.  
 Not a single
 one of them.  "It's good enough for me", or "I can't tell the
 If the average consumer asks an electronics store employee about a
 product's sound quality, "Yes, it's pretty good" is usually an
 acceptable answer.
 Shawn Lin
 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
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RE: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Jon Deutsch

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Dave brings up a very good point:  MP3 players are purely tech-toys (at
least at this point).  It's the PalmPilot of music.  I think that it will
succeed as a portable computing device dedicated to music reproduction.
This is quite different than CD or MD, which are portable music devices.

Jon Deutsch

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Helgerson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 2:09 PM
 Subject: MD: Will MD Survive?
 MP3 is hot because the internet is hot.  I don't know anyone 
 who has an MP3
 player, so I can't get any first-hand info, but I wouldn't be 
 surprised if a
 lot of people who buy one quit using it after a few weeks.  Especially
 people who bought it as an audio device, vs. a computer toy.  
 I could see
 hardcore computer users continuing to use them, but the 
 person who is more
 an audio lover and not a computer lover might get frustrated 
 pretty quickly
 by constantly having to download and transfer files.  Does 
 anyone else have
 a feel for the long-term satisfaction of MP3 users?
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Re: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 1/24/00 11:09:39 AM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ I think that a music medium shouldn't be so tied in to computers. /|\/|

  Oy, I hate mp3s. Well, not so much the *idea* of mp3s, but the people who 
love the format despite it's obvious shortcomings -- because it's just the 
'hip new thing'. 

  Many people mentioned on the "Will MD survive" thread that sound quality 
really doesn't matter with the average consumer.  That's the problem -- it 
doesn't. And in the end, a $99 boombox wins out over $900 home theater setup. 
 Cost also plays into it. So free mp3s off the net or from your CD will win 
out over much better quality MD (or DAT, even). 

  I think MD can survive despite the mp3 onslaught. Many others have already 
hit upon the solution: marketing MD's strengths to as many people as possible 
- something the previous US MD ads just haven't done.  

  MP3, being the new cool 'next thing' in the media, gets free advertising. 
(Free advertising being pointing out its strengths while ignoring its 
weaknesses.) MP3 players may win on cool factor for being so small and 
shock-resistant, but they lose out on every other single comparison point to 
MD or even CD, in my mind: You can't record without a PC; you can't do real 
time recordings, even on a super-fast PC; the music can't be edited; the 
media cost is too high... And the very last but not least point is that 
nagging lack of decent sound quality. Actually, it's first in my mind but 
last in everyone else's... If it were an issue, cassettes would have died out 
YEARS ago. Either that or even cheap walkmans would have Dolby S. :)

  But anyway, back to the subject. I don't like mp3's sound quality, or the 
fact it takes my computer about 25 minutes per song to encode an mp3... Or 25 
minutes to download the file off the net. ;-) Not all of us can afford DSL 
and a Pentium III 800 MHz processor to speed things along. Plus, if I want to 
move a song from CD to an mp3, it's about 6 steps. From CD to MD, it's about 
3.  In the time it takes me to rip a song from CD and encode it, I could have 
recorded half the CD to MD, digitally.

  Maybe when there's a real-time mp3 encoder that integrates into my home 
stereo setup, that can encode @ 256 kbps stereo, *realtime*, on a storage 
medium that meets or exceeds 80 mins (and costs $4), then MD will die. But 
until mp3 surpasses the benefits of other consumer music 'units' like MD, 
DAT, CD-R and cassette, it will just remain the bain of techie nerd-types, 
gadget collectors and others who remained glued to these wonderful boxes we 
call computers. :)

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Matt Wall

MP3 is hot because the internet is hot.  I don't know anyone who has an MP3
player, so I can't get any first-hand info, but I wouldn't be surprised if
lot of people who buy one quit using it after a few weeks.  Especially
people who bought it as an audio device, vs. a computer toy.  I could see
hardcore computer users continuing to use them, but the person who is more
an audio lover and not a computer lover might get frustrated pretty quickly
by constantly having to download and transfer files.  Does anyone else have
a feel for the long-term satisfaction of MP3 users?

This is a very interesting idea that i was able to explore a while back.  As
a private contractor i had to place a very large order of computer
components and i must have overspent enough because they didn't argue with
me when i was done when i told them that they should throw in a rio because
i spent so much.  anyway after getting it i did a short review for on portable MD vs MP3 (the review is long gone from
the site) anyway the rio just plain old sucks.  It's laying around here
somewhere and never gets used.  there are just to many things wrong with
it that i dont like, the sound of it sucks mainly.  that and the fact that
if you want more than 25 minutes of music on it that doesn't sound like AM
radio in a tunnel you have to pay an outragous amount of money for mem for
it.  I'm not gonna go over everything here that i didn't like about it, that
would take way t long.  As for long term MP3, i feel that i will be one,
but only listening to a song to see if i like it, if i do then i'll but the
CD :) other than that i personally really dont like the format that much.  I
feel like when i come home and want my stero on, it's my stero that's on not
a computer playing a bunch of music that sounds worse than FM most of the
time.  another thing if people complain 1 more time about not being able to
listen to a variety of music and wanting a whole jukebox at home i'm gonna
kill someone.  I contend that it's that these people just dont have enough
cd's or do not have a descent cd changer, even a 20 cd changer will give you
enough music to last quite a long time, and with sony's 200 cd changer, if
you run out of music listening to that, then there is something wrong, these
people who have to have all thier cdr's filled with mp3's will never listen
to all these, they are just 3l33t little warez dorks.

sorry about that last little rant there.


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MD: MD Blanks in Australian

2000-01-24 Thread Lynch, Jason JD

For you aussies out there...

As i mentioned just before, i'm new to this whole MD thing. I was wondering where you 
buy your MD blanks from?? The best price i've found anywhere was at a local 
computer... i paid $22.50 for a box of 5 TDK's ($4.50 each). There has to be better 
prices in the country doesn't there? Or is it best to get them over the net from the 
states or somewhere?



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Re: MD: MZ-R91 is the poo.

2000-01-24 Thread J. Coon

"Lynch, Jason JD" wrote:

 . I'd like to see Sony get off their bee-hinds and make the MD more popular. In the 
last 5 days, i've showed my MD to quite a few friends and they can't believe the 
thing. They all want one.

I showed mine to friends and talked about it and even using two hands and two feet, I 
can't count the number of people that ran out and bought one because of mine.   I have 
yet to hear any of them say they were disappointed with the format.

 But MP3 still rocks, i got over 8GB (along with VQF), hooked up to a few hundred 
watt hifi system, great for partys... i don't see why MD and MP3 should "compete".

Did you ever try to make your own MP3?  You gotta record analog to minidisc, transfer 
it to computer, anduse a program like CoolEdit to make the MP3 file.

Here is my sample

I couldn't have done it with out the MD recorder.

Jim Coon
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page

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MD: Attention Sony Marketing Department

2000-01-24 Thread Paul Kowtiuk

I was showing someone my MD home deck the other day and they didn't know
that it could *record*.  They thought the format was playback only.  I've
said this before: does ANYONE at Sony READ this mailing list?  I hereby
invite them to REPLY ON THIS LIST!  It would be comforting to know that they
care about public opinion.

Paul Kowtiuk

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Re: MD: Attention Sony Marketing Department

2000-01-24 Thread J. Coon

Paul Kowtiuk wrote:

 I was showing someone my MD home deck the other day and they didn't know
 that it could *record*.  They thought the format was playback only.  I've
 said this before: does ANYONE at Sony READ this mailing list?

If they did, they would have gotten rid of the stupid END SEARCH button by now.

Let's see, where did I put my flame retardant clothing?

Jim Coon
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page

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RE: MD: MD Blanks in Australian

2000-01-24 Thread Victor Bouch

Hi Jason,

Living in Sydney, I have found that there are not many places that sell
discs at anything near a reasonable price. Your best bet if you want to buy
locally is somewhere like JB HiFi. There are a couple of them about the
country and they do have quite a good range.

Altertanively, as you mentioned, buying them from the US is a good option.
The thing to watch out for is the shipping charge. Places like Minidisco
seem to charge an exorbitant amount to send out 20-30 discs to OZ. They are
best used for larger $$$ orders. The best deal I found was about US$12 for
40 discs from Atlanta. (And that was for TDKs at about US$2.00 each.) Prices
change so you need to look around. I have not bought blanks from the same
place twice!

Hope this helps,


PS. Also try and get friends to bring you some back from their travels. They
are small enough to throw 10-20 in a bag for you. And almost anywhere is
cheaper than here!

-Original Message-
From: Lynch, Jason JD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 25 January 2000 1:09 PM
Subject: MD: MD Blanks in Australian

For you aussies out there...

As i mentioned just before, i'm new to this whole MD thing. I was wondering
where you buy your MD blanks from?? The best price i've found anywhere was
at a local computer... i paid $22.50 for a box of 5 TDK's ($4.50 each).
There has to be better prices in the country doesn't there? Or is it best to
get them over the net from the states or somewhere?



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RE: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread Simon Gardner

To add something to this - UK's Radio 1 had a report earlier tonight
(Monday) saying that  vinyl was the fastest-growing format over here (may
have been the only one with growth - can't remember the details), largely
fuelled by young people buying dance music on 12s.

Now it's a *real* hassle to MP3 them.. or just plug your MD in and slide
that red switch over ;)


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Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

2000-01-24 Thread Albert Tanone

Man. The way you guys talk about MDs vs. MP3s you'd figure it was a 
national crisis But hey, who am I to say? I'm about to throw my own 2 
cents into the pool...

I'm still using my R30 (just recorded a Broadway performance this past 
Sunday!) but I'm now in the market for a portable MP3 player. Why? 
Simplicity and portability. Oh, MD is portable allright. But it's time 
consuming and annoying as hell to make my own compilations each time I want 
to go on the road. I don't listen to the same songs every day of the year 
and a compilation I made two months ago isn't gonna cut it for this week. 
With the mp3 player, it's one device; the ultimate in rewritability and 
simplicity. No more shuffling MDs for "that one" compilation that I made 
yesterday or who knows when. On my desktop, I have a winamp playlist that 
changes content, oh, every week or every other week or so. And the songs 
included on the list aren't always my "newest acquisitions" either. Heck, 
sometimes there's nothing new on it either.

I still remember the first time I researched MDs on the now "MD Community" 
page and reading Rick's comment about the future of portable audio and 
solid state equipments. Little did I suspect that it would come so fast.

Sound quality? Yeah, MD sounds great. Heck, I'm still saving up for an R90 
and an MD deck later on. But sound quality? For on the road listening? 
Hell, MP3s are good enough. With the bus/train/car/plane noise that exists 
when I "listen on the go," I can't worry about reproducing that one 
particular frequency of that one song with test tones in it.

Yes, MP3 ties you to a computer. Most people who collect MP3s are heavy 
computer users. I currently share an apartment w/ another person and I've 
got my system in my room, which I spend a lot of time in. So 
computer... audio... VOILA! I'm not going to spend my money for a stereo 
set when I can use that money for something else (e.g., save up for that 
R90 and the MD deck!).

At 22:04 01/24/00 , you wrote:
enough music to last quite a long time, and with sony's 200 cd changer, if
you run out of music listening to that, then there is something wrong, these
people who have to have all thier cdr's filled with mp3's will never listen
to all these, they are just 3l33t little warez dorks.

I've seen people with over 500 CDs. What are they? Old geezers who'll never 
listen to all their classical music?

I have yet to burn any of my MP3s to CDs because it defeats the whole 
purpose of having everything in one location...


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RE: MD: Attention Sony Marketing Department

2000-01-24 Thread Simon Gardner

 I was showing someone my MD home deck the other day and they didn't know
 that it could *record*.  They thought the format was playback only.  I've
 said this before: does ANYONE at Sony READ this mailing list?  I hereby
 invite them to REPLY ON THIS LIST!  It would be comforting to
 know that they
 care about public opinion.

 Paul Kowtiuk

If I had a pound for every time I've heard "but there's no need a
replacement for CD", I'd have... ooh, enough for a MXD-D3 or something :)


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Re: MD: MZ-R91 is the poo.

2000-01-24 Thread J. Coon

Albert Tanone wrote:

 At 22:47 01/24/00 , you wrote:
 Did you ever try to make your own MP3?  You gotta record analog to
 minidisc, transfer it to computer, anduse a program like CoolEdit to make
 the MP3 file.
 Here is my sample
 I couldn't have done it with out the MD recorder.

 Hmmm. My first reaction was go, "Pop in a CD, use Audiograbber (it's only
 $25!), take a coffee break, and run the mp3 encoder overnight."

I think you missed the point.  You can't record live music yourself and have
it on CD.  First you record it, then you play it back to a computer or CD
burner from the recorder.  THEN you can make an MP3 of it.

Jim Coon
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page

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