Balasan: Re: [media-dakwah] Program Text Arab

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Eltrina Esdin

Pak Yusuf Rinaldi, saya sudah coba dikomputer saya (Pentium IV, Windows XP) 
tapi nggak ada ARABIC fasilitas bahasanya. Apa harus diinstal dulu? 

Terima kasih

yusuf rinaldy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kan 
di Windows XP sudah ada fasilitas itu. Tinggal diaktifkan saja. Start - control 
panel - regional  language option - languages - details - setting - add - 
tinggal pilih deh, arabic. 
   untuk mengetiknya pencet terlebih dahulu, letf Alt + Shift, pencet yang sama 
untuk kembali ke tulisan latin
 Amri Munthe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ya..., kebetulan juga saya sedang mencari software tersebut.
 Rekan-rekan di milis..., mohon dibantu..
 Terima kasih,
 - Original Message - 
 From: Fadhilah KH 
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:03 AM
 Subject: [media-dakwah] Program Text Arab
 Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
 Mohon bantuan kepada smua yang ada di millis ini,
 Kami sedang mencari program untuk menulis text Arab
 pada microsoft word. berikut panduannya.
 Jika ada yang tahu, mohon kami beritahu.
 TErima kasih sebelumnya
 Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
 We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love 
 (and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures list. 
 No virus found in this incoming message.
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 Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get 
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Wassalammualaikum Wr Wb 

Ina Eltrina

Katakan sesuatu yang bermanfaat atau diam saja

Sekarang dengan penyimpanan 1GB

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] America, Supplicant to Iran? - by Hossein Askari

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
America, Supplicant to Iran?
by Hossein Askari
01.16.2007 (dimuat di The National Interest)

In his speech to the nation on Wednesday, President Bush made one thing crystal 
clear: he has no intention of adopting the major recommendations of the Iraq 
Study Group. More precisely, he is going to do the opposite: he will increase 
troop levels in Iraq and he will not talk to, but will instead confront, Iran 
and Syria. 

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave further details in her congressional 
testimony on Friday: President Bush authorized in a presidential finding (and 
it would now appear in anticipation of the ISG report) the active pursuit and 
detention of Iranians operating in Iraq. 

The United States has made good on the finding, detaining two groups of Iranian 
officials in Iraq without the approval or knowledge of the allegedly 
“sovereign” government of Iraq, thereby angering the government in Baghdad. If 
the United States should ever want a dialogue with Iran in the future, the Bush 
Administration has certainly worsened those prospects.

Why is Mr. Bush taking such action now? Is this a prelude to blaming Iran as 
well as the Shi‘a-dominated Iraqi government for U.S. failure in Iraq and to 
maybe even undermining a Shi‘a government in Baghdad? Is the goal to provoke 
war on another front to deflect criticism at home? Is it to impose total U.S 
hegemony over the region through an all-out regional war? What Mr. Bush’s real 
intentions are, I don’t know. However, one thing is clear, Mr. Bush has never 
intended to engage in rapprochement on a basis that any Iranian leader could 

Secretary Rice’s stated reason for declining a dialogue with Iran was the fear 
that the United States might appear to assume “the role of supplicant.” I think 
Secretary Rice has missed the point: the United States has more problems than 
appearing to be a supplicant. I, for one, would even talk to the devil if I 
could save a human life, as should any devout follower of Jesus.

Iran’s calculus

U.S. actions are clearly pushing Iran’s national-interest calculus in the wrong 
direction. If Iran believes the United States will behave towards it as it has 
in the past, then it is in its interests to try to weaken the United States in 
Iraq and get ready for war. 

If war with America seems inevitable, then Iran would be better off facing a 
U.S. adversary now, while it is weakened by the Iraq imbroglio. If, on the 
other hand, Iran believes that Washington wants to change direction, abandon 
interference in internal Iranian affairs and promote freedom and 
self-determination, then it is in Iran’s interests to work toward stability in 
Iraq and pursue collaboration with the United States. 

It is President Bush’s choice. His actions have indicated that he wants war.

The United States has deployed its forces over 6,000 miles to surround and 
threaten Iran from Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, some former 
Soviet republics from the north and from an ever-increasing armada in the 
Persian Gulf. It is waging a colonial-style war on Iran’s border in Iraq. 

The United States tolerates a nuclear-armed Pakistan, embraces a nuclear-armed 
India and does not mention that Israel is nuclear-armed; but it bullies Iran to 
forego what its leadership claims to be peaceful enrichment, and Washington 
will not even talk with Tehran unless it first suspends that enrichment. 

Meanwhile, Washington continues to back pliant and “moderate” Arab dictators. 
Iran sees a United States that has not adhered to the rule of law, reserves the 
right to overthrow regimes, does not follow the Geneva Convention, has been 
belligerent toward Iran and now surrounds the country on all sides—can anyone 
blame ordinary Iranians for feeling insecure?

Further, over a span of fifty years the United States has overthrown one of 
Iran’s constitutionally elected governments; gave enthusiastic support to the 
oppressive, Shah-led government in Iran; and backed a madman that killed over 
500,000 Iranians. That madman, otherwise known as the late Saddam Hussein, was 
used as foil against Iran after the revolution, due to the perception that Iran 
threatened the Al-Sauds (favored U.S. clients) and could roll-back America’s 
Persian-Gulf hegemony. 

For decades there was no concern for the human rights of the Shi‘a majority in 
Iraq. The West and the United Nations acquiesced to Saddam’s trashing of the 
rule of law and undermining of international treaties and failed to condemn him 
for his atrocities and use of Western-supplied biological and chemical weapons. 

When Saddam Hussein was no longer useful, the United States and its partners 
invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq—ultimately resulting in a mess that is now 
conveniently blamed on Iraqis, most recently Shi‘a Iraqis, and on Iranian 

So how should Iran now perceive its interests? Should it be friendly and 
complacent or should it take precautions, in case the United 

[media-dakwah] Tentang Dr. Brian Yuliarto

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Ema Amalia
Dear pembaca mailist media-dakwah, daarut-tauhid, dan penulis lepas,

Hari ini, 18 Januari 2007, di suplemen PR yaitu Kampus, ada artikel tentang 
Dr. Brian Yuliarto. Di suatu waktu di masa lalu, saya pernah tahu dan kenal 
beliau ini. 

Yang menarik adalah karya beliau di bidang solar cell dengan teknologi nano, 
juga ide batubara sebagai energi alternatif. Selain nuklir, ada baiknya 
dikembangkan energi solar maupun energi batubara. Paralel aja untuk berbagai 
kebutuhan. Hal-hal tersebut adalah langkah-langkah untuk save our nation 
secara lebih kongkrit, dan ingat, berantas korupsi sampai akarnya. Karena, 
negara tanpa fungsi melindungi rakyatnya, buat apa ?

Saya kira, karya-karya anak bangsa seperti karya Akhi/saudara Brian tersebut 
sebenarnya banyak, tapi nggak dapat dukungan dari sistem yang korup dan 
berfikirnya kebanyakan hanya jangka pendek dan lebih mirip calo.

Sistem di negara ini sudah nggak memungkinkan seorangpun suci dari korupsi. 
Untuk ngurus KTP, untuk ngurus SIM, dll... Mudah-mudahan hal yang sangat 
merugikan ini bisa dihilangkan dengan cara taubatan nasuha nasional. Mudah-
mudahan Alloh Swt. menerima taubat kita... amiin. 

Seperti kata Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi waktu kunjungannya ke Indonesia baru-baru ini, 
Indonesia diberi bencana bertubi-tubi, karena Alloh Swt. masih sayang sama 

Sekalian mengingatkan, bahwa tanggal 20 Januari 2007 adalah tanggal 1 Muharram 
1428 Hijriah. Siapa tahu pada lupa... 


Ema Amalia

[media-dakwah] ilmu (tafsir) - SEMUA TELAH Tertulis.

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Mas No
Firman Allah:
Tiada suatu BENCANA pun yang menimpa di BUMI dan pada DIRIMU sendiri melainkan 
ialah TERTULIS dalam Kitab sebelum Kami menciptakannya. Sesungguhnya yang 
demikian itu adalah MUDAH bagi Allah . Supaya kamu JANGAN BERDUKA CITA terhadap 
Apa yang LUPUT dari kamu, dan supaya kamu jangan TERLALU GEMBIRA terhadap apa 
yang diberikan-Nya Kepadamu. Dan Allah tidak menyukai setiap orang Yang sombong 
lagi membanggakan diri. Yaitu  Orang -orang yang kikir dan menyuruh manusia 
Berbuat kikir. Dan barang siapa yang berpaling maka  Sesungguhnya Allah Dialah 
yang mahakaya lagi maha Terpuji. (QS. Al-Hadiid:22-24)




Allah swt. Mengabarkan tentang takdir-Nya yang telah ditetapkan perihal 
ciptaan-Nya, sebelum penciptaan itu selesai. 



Tiada suatu bencana pun yang menimpa di bumi dan pada dirimu sendiri melainkan 
ialah tertulis dalam kitab sebelum Kami menciptakannya Yaitu sebelum Kami 
menciptakan manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya.

Qotadah mengatakan: 

iada suatu bencana pun yang menimpa di bumi, maksudnya adalah kemarau yang 
panjang. dan pada dirimu sendiri, maksudnya adalah yaitu  rasa lapar dan 


Lebih lanjut Qotadah mengatakan: 

Ada sebuah riwayat yang sampai kepada kami dan  mengatakan bahwa :

tidak ada seorang pun yang tertusuk kayu, kakinya terkena batu, dan uratnya 
putus melainkan karena (disebabkan) oleh dosanya (sendiri). Dan yang Allah 
maafkan dari dosa itu  lebih banyak. Ayat yang mulia yang agung ini menjadi 
dalil  yang paling jelas untuk membantah paham (aliran) Qadariah yang menafikan 
ilmu yang telah ditetapkan terdahulu. 


Imam Muslim  meriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash yang mengatakan, Aku 
mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

Allah telah menetapkan beberapa ketetapan 50.000 tahun sebelum menciptakan 
langit dan bumi.  Ibnu Wahab menambahkan,Dan Arsy-Nya berada di atas air.

(Imam Tirmidzi mengatakan: ini Hadits Hasan-Shohih)



Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah.

Yaitu, sesungguhnya ilmu Allah tentang segala sesuatu  seblum terciptanya; dan 
catatannya yang sesuai dengan peristiwa  yang akan terjadi di saat peristiwa 
itu terjadi adalah mudah saja  bagi Allah karena Dia mengetahui apa yang telah 
dan akan terjadi.  

dan suatu yang tidak akan terjadi yang kalau saja terjadi maka pastilah Allah 
telah mengetahuinya.



Supaya kamu jangan berduka cita terhadap apa yang luput dari kamu.

Maksudnya Kami telah memberitahukan kepadamu tentang ilmu Kami yang telah 
terdahulu dan catatan Kami yang telah ada terlebih dahulu tentang segala 
peristiwa sebelum terjadi, dan ketetapan Kami terhadap alam ini sebelum 
terwujud, agar kamu 

mengetahui bahwa apa yang telah menimpa dirimu itu bukanlah untuk menyalahkan 
dirimu. Dan sesuatu yang tidak dialamatkan kepadamu maka tidak akan menimpamu. 
Oleh karena itu, janganlah kamu berputus asa terhadap sesuatu 

yang luput darimu karena kalau saja Allah menakdirkan suatu  perkara maka 
pastilah terjadi.



dan supaya kamu jangan terlalu gembira terhadap apa yang diberikan-Nya


Maksudnya, janganlah kamu lantas menyombongkan diri kepada orang lain dengan 
nikmat yang telah diberikan kepada-mu itu. Karena nikmat itu datang bukanlah 
karena usaha dan jerih payah kamu. Sesungguhnya itu terjadi adalah dengan 
qodrat Allah dan rezeki-Nya juga. Janganlah kamu jadikan nikmat Allah itu untuk 
 berbuat keburukan, kesewenang-wenangan, dan kamu jadikan wasilah untuk 
menyombongkan diri di hadapan orang lain.



Dan Allah tidak menyukai setiap orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri.

Maksudnya, takabur dihadapan orang lain dan mendudukan diri lebih tinggi dari 
mereka, akan tetapi hendaklah disambut kebahagiaan itu dengan rasa syukur, dan 
kesedihan dengan rasa sabar.



Yaitu Orang -orang yang kikir dan menyuruh manusia berbuat kikir. Maksudnya, 
kikir terhadap sesuatu yang telah diwajibkan kepada  mereka untuk diberikan 
(kepada orang lain) dan menyuruh orang lain untuk berbuat yang sama (kikir).


Sumber: Tafsir Ibnu Katsir






PT. Tri Wall Indonesia

Kaw. Ind. Jababeka 1 Cikarang - Bekasi



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] Anjuran dan larangan dalam urusan jenazah

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik suryati
Anjuran dan Larangan dalam Urusan Jenazah

Prosesi jenazah dalam Islam memiliki makna yang sangat besar. Selain
bisa mengingatkan orang akan kematian juga mempunyai keutamaan dan bisa
mendatangkan pahala, sebagaimana sabda Nabi Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam,
yang artinya: Barangsiapa yang mengantarkan jenazah seorang muslim
karena iman dan mengharap pahala sedang ia selalu menyertai jenazah
tadi, sampai di shalati dan selesai dikubur, maka ia akan membawa
pulang pahala dua qirath, sedang satu qirath adalah sebesar gunung
Uhud (Shahihul Jami' No. 6136)

  Demikian besar keutamaan mengikuti prosesi jenazah ini, namun perlu
diketahui, bahwa untuk memperoleh keutamaan tersebut tentu kita tidak
boleh sembarangan dalam melaksanakan proses mengurus jenazah tadi.
Karena pahala tadi dijanjikan oleh Nabi Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam,
maka tentunya prosesi jenazah yang dilakukan harus mengikuti
petunjuknya sebab merupakan suatu yang aneh jika kita mengharapkan
pahala atau keutamaan, namun cara yang dianjurkan untuk memperolehnya
tidak dilakukan dan bahkan cenderung menyelisihi.

Tulisan singkat ini akan memberikan beberapa penjelasan mengenai
hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan jenazah, perkara-perkara yang dibolehkan
dan juga beberapa hal yang dilarang berkaitan dengannya, semoga

* Dibolehkan seseorang yang akan meninggal untuk berwasiat
memberi-kan hartanya (kepada selain ahli waris) dengan batas maksimal
sepertiganya, dan bagi orang yang menunggui di saat menjelang
kematiannya di sunnahkan untuk menuntunnya membaca (mentalqin) kalimat
syahadat, la ilaha illallah supaya ucapan di akhir hayatnya adalah
kalimat tauhid. Rasululloh Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam bersabda, yang
artinya: Barang siapa yang akhir ucapannya adalah la ilaha illallah
(tiada sesembahan yang haq kecuali Alloh) maka dia masuk surga. (HR:
Abu Dawud dan al-Hakim dari Muadz bin Jabal Radhiallaahu anhu ) Yang
demikian adalah bagi orang yang mengucapkan, meyakini serta mengamalkan
konsekuensi kalimat tersebut semasa hidupnya, dan dia tidak pernah
melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yang d apat membatalkannya. Ini merupakan
salah satu dari tanda-tanda husnul khatimah, dan selain itu, ada
beberapa tanda lain dari husnul khatimah seperti meninggal ketika
sedang melakukan amal shalih, syahid atau meninggal fi sabilillah,
meninggal karena tha'un (kolera/pes), sakit perut, tenggelam, terbakar,
TBC, tertimpa reruntuhan atau longsoran. Juga meninggal di masa nifas
bagi wanita setelah melahirkan.

  * Jika ia telah meninggal dunia, maka dianjurkan memejamkan
mata-nya, menutupinya, dan memohonkan rahmat kepada Allah untuknya,
kemudian keluarganya (ahlinya) supaya bersegera dalam melaksanakan
prosesi jenazah, tidak perlu disemayamkan sampai berhari-hari. Bagi
keluarganya juga di haruskan untuk cepat-cepat menyelesaikan hutang
yang ditanggung oleh si mayit (jika ia berhutang).

  * Dibolehkan membuka wajah orang yang meninggal, lalu mencium
dahinya (antara dua matanya), dan bagi keluarga yang ditinggal supaya
bersabar atas takdir Allah yang menimpanya, janganlah mereka marah
(meratapi) atas musibah tersebut.

  * Disunnahkan berwudhu bagi orang yang mengangkat jenazah atau
membawanya dan tidak wajib baginya mandi. Jenazah hendaknya di bawa
dengan tenang , khusyu' sambil mengingat akhirat dan kematian.

  * Disunnahkan memasukkan mayit ke dalam kubur, dengan meletakkan di
atas lambung kanannya, serta posisi wajah menghadap ke kiblat, seraya
  Artinya, Dengan menyebut nama Alloh, dan atas jalan Rasululloh.

  Setelah itu ditimbun dengan tanah, kubur hendaknya dibiarkan apa
adanya, yakni tidak boleh dimarmer atau di semen, kuburan juga tidak
boleh ditinggikan atau di bangun, lalu dicat atau dikapur.

  * Bagi orang yang hadir di kuburan hendaknya jangan terburu-buru
untuk bubar, namun supaya diam sejenak untuk mendo'akan mayit dengan
cara masing-masing berdo'a sendiri-sendiri, bukan salah seorang
berdo'a lalu diamini oleh yang lainnya. Rasululloh Shalallaahu alaihi
wasalam bersabda, yang artinya:Mohonlah ampunan untuk saudaramu
(mayit yang baru selesai di makamkan) dan mohonkanlah untuknya agar
Allah menetapkannya (dengan kalimat tauhid) karena dia sekarang sedang
ditanya. (HR: Abu Dawud dan Al-Hakim)

  * Disyariatkan untuk ta'ziah (mengibur) keluarga mayit dengan
kalimat-kalimat yang baik dan sesuai, dan ta'ziah ini boleh sampai tiga
harinya. Contoh kalimat untuk menghibur/ membesarkan hatinya misalnya:
Sungguh hanya milik Alloh apa-apa yang Dia ambil, sama juga apa yang
Dia berikan adalah milikNya, segala sesuatu adalah hanya milikNya, dan
pasti ada batasnya sampai ajal yang telah ditentukan, maka sabarlah dan
mohonlah pahala atas musibah ini. Dan kalimat-kalimat lain semisal
yang tidak menyelisihi syari'at, namun pada intinya adalah untuk
menguatkan hati keluarga yang ditinggal supaya bersabar, menerima dan
ridha dengan takdir Alloh, sehingga tidak larut dalam kesedihan yang


RE: [media-dakwah] Ibadah Haji

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Ketut Junaedi
Saudaraku Mas Aria yang InsyaAllah di rahmati Allah SWT, artikel ini
saya ringkas dari buku Sentuhan Kalbu Penghantar Mencapai Pencerahan
Jiwa karya Ir. Permadi Alibasyah , kalo dilihat dari daftar pustakanya
diringkas dari buku HAJI  karya Dr. Ali Shariati, penerbit Pustaka,
Jl. Ganesha  Bandung.


Tentang Hadist nya InsyaAllah nanti ana cari dulu, dan mohon bantuan
akhidan ikhwan wal akhwat rahimakumullah untuk membantunya , karena
keterbatasan pengetahuan dan referensi...



Jazakumullahu khairan kastiran

Wassalamu'alaykum wr wb





From: Aria Subekti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 4:31 PM
To: media dakwah
Cc: Ketut Junaedi
Subject: Re: [media-dakwah] Ibadah Haji


mas ketut, 

tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat saya tolong dunk saya dikasih tau kisah
tersebut dalam kitab apa? apa hadits atau apa mas?

juga gimana kedudukan hadits yang mas sebutkan Rasulullah SAW , telah
bersabda, bahwa Iman manusia itu amat mudah
berubah, yaitu laksana bulu ayam yang digantungkan di padang pasir. 

maksud saya menanyakan ini bukan meragukan keilmuwan mas ketut, hanya
untuk memastikan khobar tersebut shahih apa tidak mas,

sekali lagi maaf bagi yang kurang berkenan,

- Original Message 
From: Ketut Junaedi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bangun Wahyudi [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Eko Pujiantoro
Hafnizal [EMAIL PROTECTED]; M Yamin Suharsono
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Putut Dwidjoseno
Sutoro [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Suprihatin
Syaiful Suhab [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sri Raharjo
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Syahrial Hanafiah
Widji Purwadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tri Priyono
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:07:06 AM
Subject: [media-dakwah] Ibadah Haji


Alkisah, di padang Arafah Ali bin Husain bertanya kepada Zuhri, 
Menurut engkau , berapakah kira-kira orang yang wukuf disini?

Kata Zuhri,Menurut perkiraanku ada sekitar empat atau lima ratus ribu
orang. Semuanya Haji, mereka menuju Allah dengan harta mereka dan
berteriak-teriak memanggil-Nya. 

Ali bin Husain pun berkata, Hai Zuhri, sebenarnya sedikit sekali yg

Zuhri tentu saja keheranan,Sebanyak itu apakah sedikit?

Ali lalu menyuruh Zuhri mendekatkan wajahnya kepadanya. Kemudian Ali
mengusap wajahnya dan menyuruhnya melihat kembali.

Zuhri terkejut. Kini ia melihat monyet-monyet berkeliaran dengan
menjerit-jerit. Hanya sedikit manusia diantara kerumunan monyet-monyet

Ali mengusap wajah Zuhri kedua kalinya. Ia kini menyaksikan Babi-babi,
dan sedikit sekali manusia.

Pada usapan yang ketiga, Zuhri melihat banyaknya serigala dan sedikit
sekali manusia.

Berkat sentuhan orang Salih, Zuhri dapat melihat kebalik tubuh-tubuh
mereka yang sedang wukuf di Arafah. Tuhan berkenan menyingkapkan tirai
baginya, sehingga pandangannya menjadi sangat tajam. Ia terkejut dan
kebingungan, karena begitu banyaknya orang yang tampak lahirnya adalah
manusia, tetapi hakikatnya binatang. Ia pun berfikir, apakah kebanyakan
kita hanyalah manusia secara tampilan, dan binatang secara hakiki?.

Ibadah Haji adalah perjalanan manusia untuk kembali kepada fitrah
kemanusiaannya. Rupanya kesibukan pada dunia telah melemparkan kita dari
kemanusiaan kita. Kita jatuh menjadi mahluk yg lebih rendah; bukannya
menjadi khalifah Allah SWT, tetapi justru kita menjadi Monyet, babi, dan
serigala. Oleh karena itu, para jemaah haji dari satu sisi dapat dilihat
ibarat rombongan binatang yang ingin kembali menjadi manusia.

Para jamaah haji semestinya meninggalkan segala sifat kebinatangannya.
Seperti ular, mereka harus mencampakkan kulit lamanya agar menjalani
kehidupan baru. Baju -baju kebesaran, yang sering dipergunakan untuk
mempertontonkan kepongahan, harus dilepaskan. Lambang-lambang status, yg
sering dipakai untuk memperoleh perlakuan istimewa, harus dikubur dalam
lubang bumi. Sebagai gantinya, mereka memakai kain kafan, pakaian
seragam yg akan dibawanya nanti ketioka kembali ketempat asalnya.

Para jemaah haji harus meninggalkan intrik-intrik monyet, kerakusan
babi, dan kepongahan serigala. Mereka harus menjadi manusia lagi.
Seorang haji adalah ibarat anak kecil yg baru dikeluarkan dari perut
ibunya, yaitu : suci dan telanjang; yg selanjutnya ia akan melangkah
dengan langkah-langkah kesucian, kejujuran, kerendahan hati, dan

Marilah kita renungkan , berapa banyakkah diantara jutaan orang yg
beruntung dapat terhimpun di Arafah adalah Haji, dalam artian manusia yg
sudah kembali kepada fitrahnya? Berapa besarkah 


2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


source: says US will 
attack Iraq in May
Says War on Iraq Would Benefit the Region 
Iraq soon, Sharon aide says Urges US to 
Attack Iraq: Sooner, Rather than Later To 
U.S.: Don't Delay Iraq Attack
Admits US will attack Iraq 'for Israel's sake' is pushing 
for the USA to attack Iran for Israel spurring Congress to 
pass sanctions bill against Iran says Iran 
close to having a nuclear bomb 
warns on Iranian nightmare the next 
nuclear threat stirs up 
conflict with Syria and Iran, 
Libya, Syria are next? instructs 
America to attack Iran and Syria
Israel That Syria And Iran Are Next 
is not in U.S. interest Recruits US 
Mercenaries Against Syria 
Wants U.S. Action Against Syria
WMD 'possibly in Syria' Says US Should Also Disarm 
Iran, Libya and Syria 
urges harder int'l line towards Iran

Israeli foreign minister calls for international action against Iran in 
light of elections urge 
U.S. to stop Iran's nuke goals would be a 
catastrophe for the United States to pull out of Iraq, a leading Israeli 
legislator warned.'Israel
will take out Iran's nuke facilities if US does not',7340,L-3150318,00.htmlAccording to 
al-Watan, Israel made it clear that it would only be able to wait until a 
certain date next year and would strike at Iran if no progress is made by 
that time.
says Syria regime change in world's interest officials call for 
changes in Syrian rule leaders 
call for regime change in Syria after assassination report blasts 
Syria-Iran 'axis of evil' Says 
Rockets Shipped to Hezbollah Says Iran 
Nuclear Race Reaches Point of No Return,7340,L-3177833,00.htmlSharon: Israel 
will not accept nuclear Iran 
Iran nukes may require military response chief: Diplomatic 
pressure on Iran unlikely to succeed
expands war arsenal to deal with Iranian nuclear threat Aides Warn U.S. Not To Drop 
Ball on Iran 
pressures Bush Administration to attack Iran's nuclear facilities Iran to have nuclear 
capability within 2 years

[media-dakwah] 9/11 Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

   9/11 Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War

Chris Floyd, Atlantic Free Press


January 10, 2006

If you want to see the depravity and filth that festers in the core of
the Bush Administration made plain , read the story below. The regimen
of torture and suffering being inflicted on captives in Bush's War of
Terror is not some sort of aberrant overreaction to concerns about
national security and public safety: these specifically designed,
deliberately induced tortures are the expression of the President's
deepest desires and clearly stated wishes. Just as the war of aggression
in Iraq is his war, these crimes against humanity are his crimes. They
are happening because he wants them too. 

The only possible response of a sane society to the depredations of this
man is his impeachment and removal from power. There is no other course
of action for any responsible, patriotic member of Congress to take.
Unfortunately, the American Establishment has clearly gone insane — so
deranged from decades of bloated power and privilege that it can no
longer act even to save itself from the general ruin that Bush is
bringing upon the country. Unfortunately, there are very, very few
responsible, patriotic members of Congress. 

Witness the empty bluster behind the latest Democratic opposition: in
the face of Bush's imminent escalation of the war — with a surge that
cannot possibly succeed in doing anything but increasing the bloodshed
and hatred in the other nation he has ruined — they are offering a
series of symbolic votes that would do nothing in practical terms to
stop or even hinder this insane course, as the NY Times reports. The
ever-hapless hairpiece hero, Joe Biden, believes this witless flapping
of arms will demonstrate to the president that he's on his own — a
realization that will somehow spark real change.

But Bush already believes he is on his own — and he likes that way. He
has already asserted that he will continue his course in Iraq even if he
is deserted by everyone but his wife and dog. And his little mouthpiece,
Tony Snow, has just announced that the President is an autocrat who
cannot be restrained by any action of Congress whatsoever: The
President has the ability to exercise his own authority if he thinks
Congress has voted the wrong way. (Via Cenk Uygur by way of Steve

Symbolic votes won't stop Bush. Even substantive actions — such as
cutting off funding — will not stop him. He will clearly provoke a
constitutional crisis and continue the war (and the tortures in his
gulag) by any means necessary. He is probably willing to attempt to
overthrow the government altogether with a military coup if he feels he
is being thwarted in his sacred duty as Commander-in-Chief to protect
the nation, which, in his mind, means waging aggressive war, torturing
people, spying on us all and looting the treasury on behalf of his
cronies. The only possible way to derail his destructive and criminal
course is impeachment. 

But how will that happen with the weak reeds and blathering hairpieces
now in charge of Congress? What will it take to light a fire under them
and force them to do what they are legally and morally bound to do —
uphold the Constitution? Will they really let Bush go on and on, in
slaughter and torture, escalating the war crime in Iraq and very likely
launching a new war against Iran? 

If the past five years is any indication, the answer is yes, they will.
Consider that most leading Democrats are even more hawkish in their
saber-rattling at Iran than the Bush Administration, which is even now
methodically preparing for war with Tehran, either via a direct U.S.
strike or else in reaction to the inevitable Iranian response to an
attack by Israel. How can the bellicose Democrats object when Bush puts
blood and iron to their rhetoric? A strike on Iran would be the perfect
way to restore bipartisan unity on the Hill.

Yet we live in hope and die in despair, as Brother Edsel always says. So
keep pounding the drum: impeach, impeach, impeach. Make it so loud that
one day it might even pierce the hairpiece of Joe Biden, and convince
the cowardly lions of Congress to do their duty. The alternative is too
ghastly to contemplate — although that grim reality may well be thrust
upon us. But for God's sake, let's not go down without a fight.

Guantánamo's  Lost Souls  (Guardian). By American lawyer George Brent

Excerpts: The day after tomorrow marks the confluence of two ignominious
anniversaries. The first is the five-year anniversary of the opening of
the notorious prison camps run by the US at the Guantánamo naval air
station in Cuba. In the five years since the US started 

[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 22 Dhul-Hijjah 1427 H (12.1.07)

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

   Who Rules America?

In the broadest and deepest sense, understanding how the US political
system functions, the decisions of war and peace are taken, who gets
what, how and why, requires that we address the question of ‘Who rules


   9/11 : Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

Here's what demolition experts use in steel framed buildings, the linear
shaped charge ... It generates around 3,000,000 psi pressure ... at a
speed in excess of 27,000 feet per second ... There are over 1000
different types of explosive ... With the use of delays we can
control ... where the debris lands ... vibration ... noise level.
WMV video download (680kB)

The job of a shaped charge is to cut steel H-beams. The way we do this
is by cutting the beam at an angle which through a series of beams cut
at the same angle will tend to make the building shift over and 'walk'
WMV video download (670kB)


  9/11 : The Israeli Spy Ring

Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring
inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a
harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget
from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American
taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what
the US spent to go to the moon.


 9/11 :  A voice from Gitmo's darkness

A current detainee speaks of the torture and humiliation he has
experienced at Guantanamo since 2002.

JUMAH AL-DOSSARI is a 33-year-old citizen of Bahrain. This article was
excerpted from letters he wrote to his attorneys. Its contents have been
deemed unclassified by the Department of Defense.

Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba - I AM WRITING from the darkness of the
U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo in the hope that I can make our voices
heard by the world. My hand quivers as I hold the pen.


9/11 : Guantanamo detainee speaks of the torture and humiliation he has
 experienced since 2002

I AM WRITING from the darkness of the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo
in the hope that I can make our voices heard by the world.


 Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War

If you want to see the depravity and filth that festers in the core of
the Bush Administration made plain , read the story below. The regimen
of torture and suffering being inflicted on captives in Bush's War of
Terror is not some sort of aberrant overreaction to concerns about
national security and public safety: these specifically designed,
deliberately induced tortures are the expression of the President's
deepest desires and clearly stated wishes. Just as the war of aggression
in Iraq is his war, these crimes against humanity are his crimes. They
are happening because he wants them too.


  9/11 : Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

Video : Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic
Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the
horrors that were committed in Iraq?


   9/11 : Guantánamo inmates ‘driven insane’

Prisoners held at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp in Cuba are being
driven insane by a tightening of conditions and the situation of their
indefinite detention without trial, according to lawyers and rights
activists involved with the US camp.


   9/11 : Guantanamo Unclassified: Prisoner # ISN 940: 8 Minute Video

Adel Hamad, husband and father, aid worker and teacher, has been
detained at Guantanamo Bay since 2003.


9/11 : CIA says it cannot reveal interrogation method documents

The CIA cannot reveal alternative interrogation methods used on
terrorists because doing so would cause exceptionally grave damage to
national security by telling enemies how the agency gathers
intelligence, the government has told a judge.

[media-dakwah] PUASA MUHARRAM

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Surata


Ulama Ahlussunnah sepakat bahwa pada hari 10 Muharram disyari'atkan
untuk berpuasa. Ibnu Abbas mencerita-kan : Rasulullah shallallahu
'alaihi wasallam tiba di Madinah, lalu beliau melihat orang-orang Yahudi
berpuasa pada hari Asyura' 

(tanggal 10 Muharram), maka beliau bertanya: Hari apakah ini?

Mereka menjawab: Ini adalah hari yang baik. Ini adalah hari dimana
Allah menyelamatkan Bani Israil dari musuhnya, maka Musa shallallahu
'alaihi wasallam  berpuasa pada hari itu karena syukur kepada Allah. Dan
kami berpuasa pada hari itu untuk mengagungkannya. Nabi shallallahu
'alaihi wasallam  bersabda:

Aku lebih berhak atas Musa daripada kalian, maka Nabi berpuasa Asyura'
dan memerintah-kan puasanya. (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)


Harus Menyalahi Ahli Kitab

Para sahabat berkata kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam :

Ya Rasulullah, sesungguhnya Asyura' itu hari yang diagungkan oleh orang
Yahudi dan Nasrani, maka Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam

Tahun depan insya Allah kita akan puasa (juga) pada hari yang

(HR. Muslim (1134) dari Ibnu Abbas).


Imam Ahmad meriwayatkan dari Ibnu Abbas dari jalur lain, sabda
Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam : Berpuasalah pada hari Asyura'
dan selisihilah orang-orang Yahudi itu, berpuasalah sehari sebelumnya
atau sehari sesudahnya.

 (Fathul Bari, 4/245).


Keutamaan Asyura'

Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ditanya tentang puasa Asyura', 

maka beliau menjawab: Ia menghapuskan dosa tahun yang lalu. 

(HR. Muslim (1162), Ahmad 5/296, 297).


Karena itu, pantas jika Ibnu Abbas menyatakan :

Saya tidak pernah melihat Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam
berpuasa pada suatu hari karena ingin mengejar keutamaannya selain hari
ini (Asyura') dan tidak pada suatu bulan selain bulan ini (maksudnya:
Ramadhan). (HR. Al-Bukhari (2006), Muslim (1132)).


Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam  bersabda : Puasa yang paling
utama setelah Ramadhan adalah bulan Allah yang bernama Muharram.


Wallahu'alam bish showab


Catatan : 

Insya Allohu Ta'ala tanggal 9 Muharram 1428H adalah 

hari AHAD (28-01-07). Jadi kalau ada yang mau puasa sunnah, silahkan
mempersiapkan diri

Best Regards,
I will do my part, ALLOHU TA'ALA  WILL DO HIS PART
(Forget past shadow, Reach for very bright future dream)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 29 Dhul-Hijjah 1427 H (19.1.07)

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank

A creeping transfer in the West Bank and a measured genocidal policy in the 
Gaza Strip are the two strategies Israel employs today. From an electoral 
point of view, the one in Gaza is problematic as it does not reap any 
tangible results; the West Bank under Abu Mazen is yielding to Israeli 
pressure and there is no significant force that arrests the Israeli 
strategy of annexation and dispossession.


Terror and starvation in Gaza

Pilger on the genocide that is engulfing Palestine as bystanders silently 
look on.


9/11 Torture and the Future : Perspectives from the Humanities

This series of events addresses the critical issues surrounding the use of 
torture by the most powerful democracy in the world. The series will focus 
on four areas: the devastating effects of torture conducted by democratic 
societies on the concept and practice of democracy; the consequences of 
state-sanctioned torture on the principles and practices of scholarship and 
education; the role of mass media in the increasing acceptability of the 
use of torture; and the relationship between torture used in US-run prisons 
abroad, and human rights violations on American soil. The series features 
scholars whose work on torture and human rights effectively crosses the 
disciplinary gap between the humanities and social sciences, as well as 
artists, activists and lawyers whose work is committed to an ethics and 
politics of response and resistance.


9/11 Strange Bedfellows: Torture  Democracy

cover_torture.jpgIn April 2004, vivid photographs of American military and 
intelligence personnel torturing Iraqi detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison 
facility were leaked to the press. Instantly iconic, the images became 
political rallying flags for terrorist recruitment throughout the Arab 
world, and within the United States they inspired shock and disgust.

Yet for all their brutal immediacy—or perhaps because of it—the Abu Ghraib 
photographs occupied only an isolated place in the American discussion of 
torture. Today, despite documented evidence of other American-ordered 
torture, Abu Ghraib is not just the signal scandal of the Bush 
administration’s extraordinary interrogation practices, but the only 
scandal. Journalist Mark Danner, who wrote what is now—and will likely 
remain—the authoritative account of Abu Ghraib in his book Torture and 
Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror, described this curious 
fact in a recent essay


9/11 : New Pentagon detainee manual could lead to executions based on 
'hearsay evidence'

According to a breaking report on MSNBC, a new Pentagon detainee manual 
could allow executions based on hearsay evidence.

We have learned that the Pentagon has just completed a manual for the 
coming detainee trials that would allow suspected terrorist to be 
imprisoned or executed using hearsay evidence or coerced testimony, said 
Nora O'Donnell, the chief Washington correspondent for NBC News' 24-hour 
cable news network. In other words, could be put to death on hearsay 


Claim: Bin Laden Told Hamza Al-Qaeda Not Behind 9/11

Statement dovetails with Osama's previous attempts to distance himself from 
attack responsibility

A claim attributed to a friend of one of the six men accused of plotting to 
detonate bombs on London's underground tube system on July 21 2005, 
suggests that Osama bin Laden personally told hook handed cleric Abu Hamza 
that Al-Qaeda was not behind the attacks of September 11, 2001.

The London Independent today reports that Steven Bentley, a school friend 
of accused would-be suicide bomber Yassin Omar, was told by Omar that he 
did not think Bin Laden was behind 9/11. Omar based his conclusion on what 
he was told by extremist London cleric Abu Hamza, currently serving a 
seven-year prison sentence for soliciting murder and inciting racial 
hatred, who had personally met Bin Laden.

Bin Laden's apparent attempt to distance himself from involvement in 9/11 
dovetails with statements made shortly after the event in which he told a 
Pakistani newspaper that he was not involved in the attacks.


Dictatorship : Gonzales live, The Constitution does not say that every 
citizen has the right to habeas corpus.

gonzales : Are you shitting me?

Je repete: “[GONZALES:] The Constitution does not say that every citizen 
has the right to habeas 

[media-dakwah] Republika: Mengantisipasi Bencana Rumah Tangga

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik aris solikhah

Mengantisipasi Bencana Rumah Tangga 

Oleh : 

Dosen Institut Pertanian Bogor

Harian Republika (7/1/2007) melaporkan bahwa delapan
dari 100 keluarga, bubrah. Laporan ini menunjukkan
semakin tingginya angka perceraian yang pada 2005 lalu
mencapai 8,5 persen, sedangkan tahun 2000 pada angka
6,9 persen. Banyaknya infotainmen yang menayangkan
kawin-cerai selebriti di media elektronik barangkali
lebih memperjelas hal tersebut.

Fenomena ini terjadi dengan berbagai sebab, di
antaranya adalah perubahan nilai di masyarakat. Pada
tahun 2000, cerai talak sebesar 64 persen, sedangkan
tahun 2005 cerai gugat justru meningkat menjadi 63
persen. Kemandirian (ekonomi) perempuan disinyalir
sebagai salah satu perubahan tersebut. Pada kondisi
tersebut perempuan tidak lagi takut untuk menjadi
janda atau single parent. Yang juga menarik untuk
dicermati ternyata selingkuh menjadi penyebab utama
terjadinya kasus perceraian yaitu 9,16 persen atau
rata-rata setiap dua jam ada tiga pasangan suami istri
(pasutri) bercerai karena selingkuh. Jauh melebihi
angka poligami sebagai penyebabnya, yang pada lima
tahun terakhir bertahan pada kisaran 0,5 persen.

Dampak perceraian
Dalam pandangan agama (Islam), perceraian adalah
sesuatu yang dihalalkan (boleh) tetapi dibenci oleh
Allah, atau dengan kata lain sebagai pintu darurat.
Hal ini dapat dipahami karena besarnya dampak
perceraian yang tidak hanya menimpa suami-istri,
tetapi juga anak-anak. Anak-anaklah yang sangat
merasakan pahitnya akibat perceraian kedua orang
tuanya. Perkembangan psikologi anak-anak brokenhome
yang tidak sehat, seringkali berujung dengan narkoba.

Kurangnya perhatian orang tua (tunggal) tentu akan
mempengaruhi perkembangan jiwa anak. Merasa kasih
sayang orang tua yang didapatkan tidak utuh, anak akan
mencari perhatian dari orang lain atau bahkan ada yang
merasa malu, minder, dan tertekan. Anak-anak tersebut
umumnya mencari pelarian dan tidak jarang yang
akhirnya terjerat dengan pergaulan bebas.

Demi mendapatkan kasih sayang dari sosok sang ayah
yang tidak pernah dirasakannya, seorang siswi SMU rela
menjadi pemuas nafsu om-om hidung belang. Akibatnya,
aborsi di tingkat remaja mencapai angka yang
fantastis, yakni dari kasus aborsi yang mencapai 2,3
juta per tahun, 20 persennya dilakukan oleh remaja.
Lembar fakta yang diterbitkan oleh Perkumpulan
Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI), United Nations
Population Fund dan Badan Koordinasi Keluarga
Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) menyebutkan bahwa setiap
tahun terdapat sekitar 15 juta remaja berusia 15-19
tahun melahirkan. 

Orang tua sebagai pendidik pertama dalam sebuah rumah
tangga, mempunyai tanggung jawab besar untuk menekan
terjadinya dekadensi moral di kalangan generasi muda
tersebut. Jika mereka (orang tua) lebih disibukkan
dengan permasalahan perceraian --soal harta gono-gini
misalnya-- maka wajar kalau masalah putra-putri mereka

Antisipasi bencana
Perceraian dapat dikatakan sebagai prahara atau
bencana yang menimpa keutuhan rumah tangga. Pernikahan
yang dilangsungkan untuk membina keluarga yang
sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah, diharapkan nantinya akan
membangun sebuah masyarakat yang tangguh. Betapa
tidak, generasi unggul akan lahir dari keluarga yang
baik dan umumnya kerusakan generasi juga berawal dari
kehancuran keluarga.

Mengantisipasi terjadinya prahara dalam rumah tangga
merupakan tanggung jawab semua pihak, baik itu negara,
masyarakat, terlebih pasutri itu sendiri. Bagi calon
pasutri, pemahaman yang mendalam tentang pernikahan
dan segala hal yang terkait di dalamnya merupakan
bekal untuk menjaga keutuhan biduk rumah tangganya,
sebesar apapun badai yang menghadang. Riak-riak kecil
yang dihadapi adalah bumbu yang akan menjadikan
hubungan suami istri semakin solid.

Rumah tangga merupakan ladang untuk memperbanyak
pahala. Bahkan di rumah tangga lah ladang jihad
perempuan, sebagaimana sabda Nabi. Pandangan yang
demikian akan senantiasa menghiasi rumah tangga yang
dibangun dengan niat untuk beribadah. Kesenjangan
ekonomi antara suami-istri yang sering terjadi karena
istri bekerja, seharusnya tidak menjadi masalah. Rumah
tangga adalah tanggung jawab bersama, tidak perlu
menonjolkan siapa yang lebih berjasa atau lebih banyak

Tanggung jawab berikutnya ada pada masyarakat atau
lingkungan sosial tempat pasutri tersebut berada.
Kontrol sosial yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat sekitar
akan membantu meluruskan jika terjadi penyimpangan,
misalnya kepedulian tetangga untuk turut menjaga
sebuah keluarga yang suaminya bekerja di luar kota
atau berlayar yang memakan waktu bulanan, misalnya.
Kondisi tersebut sangat berbeda dengan era sekarang,
di mana antartetangga pun tidak saling mengenal,
alih-alih melakukan kontrol sosial.

Berikutnya adalah negara, sebagai institusi yang
menaungi rumah tangga dan masyarakat. Departemen Agama
misalnya, bertanggung jawab melakukan pembinaan agama
bagi masyarakat termasuk di dalamnya makna 

Re : [media-dakwah] PUASA MUHARRAM

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik asvdsti

Jadi kita mestinya puasa pada tgl. 9 atau 10 atau 11 Muharram ?
atau 2 hari berturut-turut dari hari-hari tsb ?

Kenapa Ulama Ahlussunnah mensyari'atkan berpuasa pada 10 Muharram ?
Padahal sudah jelas hadist Rasulullah SAW, bahwa Beliau 
men sunnah-kan puasa pada tgl. 9 Muharram ?

Mohon penjelasan kepada kami yg awam ini.


on 01/19/2007 01:52 PM ---

From: on 01/19/2007 11:15:05 AM ZE7
To: Media Dakwah
Subject:[media-dakwah] PUASA MUHARRAM


Ulama Ahlussunnah sepakat bahwa pada hari 10 Muharram disyari'atkan
untuk berpuasa. Ibnu Abbas mencerita-kan : Rasulullah shallallahu
'alaihi wasallam tiba di Madinah, lalu beliau melihat orang-orang Yahudi
berpuasa pada hari Asyura' 

(tanggal 10 Muharram), maka beliau bertanya: Hari apakah ini?

Mereka menjawab: Ini adalah hari yang baik. Ini adalah hari dimana
Allah menyelamatkan Bani Israil dari musuhnya, maka Musa shallallahu
'alaihi wasallam  berpuasa pada hari itu karena syukur kepada Allah. Dan
kami berpuasa pada hari itu untuk mengagungkannya. Nabi shallallahu
'alaihi wasallam  bersabda:

Aku lebih berhak atas Musa daripada kalian, maka Nabi berpuasa Asyura'
dan memerintah-kan puasanya. (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Harus Menyalahi Ahli Kitab

Para sahabat berkata kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam :

Ya Rasulullah, sesungguhnya Asyura' itu hari yang diagungkan oleh orang
Yahudi dan Nasrani, maka Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam

Tahun depan insya Allah kita akan puasa (juga) pada hari yang

(HR. Muslim (1134) dari Ibnu Abbas).

Imam Ahmad meriwayatkan dari Ibnu Abbas dari jalur lain, sabda
Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam : Berpuasalah pada hari Asyura'
dan selisihilah orang-orang Yahudi itu, berpuasalah sehari sebelumnya
atau sehari sesudahnya.

(Fathul Bari, 4/245).

Keutamaan Asyura'

Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ditanya tentang puasa Asyura', 

maka beliau menjawab: Ia menghapuskan dosa tahun yang lalu. 

(HR. Muslim (1162), Ahmad 5/296, 297).

Karena itu, pantas jika Ibnu Abbas menyatakan :

Saya tidak pernah melihat Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam
berpuasa pada suatu hari karena ingin mengejar keutamaannya selain hari
ini (Asyura') dan tidak pada suatu bulan selain bulan ini (maksudnya:
Ramadhan). (HR. Al-Bukhari (2006), Muslim (1132)).

Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam  bersabda : Puasa yang paling
utama setelah Ramadhan adalah bulan Allah yang bernama Muharram.

Wallahu'alam bish showab

Catatan : 

Insya Allohu Ta'ala tanggal 9 Muharram 1428H adalah 

hari AHAD (28-01-07). Jadi kalau ada yang mau puasa sunnah, silahkan
mempersiapkan diri

Best Regards,
I will do my part, ALLOHU TA'ALA  WILL DO HIS PART
(Forget past shadow, Reach for very bright future dream)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[media-dakwah] Ekonomi syariah

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Ema Amalia
Assalaamu'alaikum wr. wb.,

Walaupun para pemirsa mailist media dakwah dan daarut tauhid ini tentu udah 
banyak yang tahu, yaitu tentang masyarakat ekonomi syariah sbb.:
Ya, anggap saja email saya ini seperti reminder...

Selain teknologi seperti dalam email saya sebelumnya tentang Dr. Brian 
Yuliarto, barangkali solusi bidang lain adalah ekonomi. Sistem ekonomi yang 
telah terbukti tahan guncang dalam situasi Krismon paling buruk 1998 - 2000 
adalah sistem ekonomi syariah. Ketika banyak sekali bank konvensional tumbang, 
bank syariah justru bertahan bahkan berkembang.

Seorang kenalan pernah memberi lontaran, setengah bercanda, bahwa mestinya 
Bank International Indonesia juga minimal punya BII Syariah... Memang hanya 
obrolan ringan saja... tapi, why not ?
Mungkin, entar bakalan ada BCA Syariah, dll...


Ema Amalia

[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 27 Dhul-Hijjah 1427 H (17.1.07)

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Ex-Muslim claims he killed 223 in terror acts: MP seeks review of Christian 
convert's citizenship status

WINDSOR, Ont. -- An Ontario MP says he will be asking Canadian immigration 
officials to investigate how professed former terrorist Zachariah Anani got 
into the country and how he obtained his Canadian citizenship.

Mr. Anani claims he was a terrorist. That's his background, Windsor West 
MP Brian Masse said after a news conference held by members of the Windsor 
Muslim community. Masse said he will ask for a ministerial review of 
Anani's citizenship and claims for refugee status.

Anani angered Muslims last Thursday night at a lecture he gave titled The 
Deadly Threat of Islam, in which he used passages from the Qur'an to 
support his view that Islam preaches violence. Anani, now a Christian 
convert, claims to have killed 223 people while a militant Islamic militia 
leader in Lebanon. According to an article on the website, 
Anani came to Canada in 1996 claiming refugee status after he converted to 

How is it that someone who has openly admitted to killing 223 people in 
terror attacks is able to walk around freely? For our part we doubt Anani's 
story to begin with, but his public statements of killing so many people 
makes us wonder why he is  not behind bars. Does his Christian faith 
protect him from prosecution?
Montreal Muslim News Network -


CAF calls for concrete measures against rise in racism

Toronto - The Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) finds it distressing, though 
it does not come as a complete surprise, that the recent Sun Media poll 
revealed that Canadians have the lowest opinion of the Arab community. This 
poll comes at the heels of a 2006 report from the Canadian Labour Congress 
that found unemployment rates were highest among Arab and West Asian 
populations in Canada at 14%, followed by Blacks at 11.5%.
Montreal Muslim News Network -


US Racist : Muslims say they were profiled by airline

Claiming they were unfairly profiled, a group of Michigan Muslims said 
today that they were not allowed to board a flight to Detroit while 
returning home from a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

At a press conference this morning at a mosque in Dearborn, the group said 
they were unfairly treated because of their religion and background.


US Racist : Yet another example of racial profiling

We got this posting from a reader yesterday. The person did not want his 
name posted:
I just flew out to the States for an interview last week.Out of the whole 
crowd of over 200 people that were in line, I was the only one they singled 
out for a random search. They patted me down, did a chemical test on 
all my bags and wasted time rummaging through my meager belongings which 
amounted to a jacket, a laptop an Ipod full of
Simpsons episodes and a book on Marketing. The white-trash red-neck 
high-school dropout who opened my bag picked up my book and said Looks 
like a book in a sinister voice.

It's extremely embarrassing when you are the only one they pick out of a 
line of hundreds because you are brown skinned and have a beard.

Montreal Muslim News Network -


Hate Crime : Congressman Demands Iraqis Be Converted To Christianity

New Hampshire’s North Carolina’s 8th District congressman has a winning 
plan for Iraq: Convert all the Muslims to Christianity! In the past, only a 
few brave public intellectuals such as Ann Coulter have offered this only 
obvious solution to our 3-1/2 year bloodbath occupation of Iraq, so it is a 
proud moment for America that Rep. Robin Hayes is the first politician to 
deal seriously with our disastrous war.

full article at:

see also:  Chris Hedges: America’s Holy Warriors


Hate Crime : Windows broken at Montreal Muslim school; police investigating

MONTREAL (CP) - Police were searching for leads after more than a dozen 
windows were broken at a Muslim school in Montreal.

Spokesman Laurent Gingras says it's too early to say if it's a hate crime 
and police are treating it as mischief for the time being. A school 
official says it's not the first time the private school has been 
vandalized and she worries about students' safety.

The name of the school is : Les Jeunes Musulmans Canadiens.

See also: Saint-Laurent Council condemns the acts of vandalism committed 
against L'école Les jeunes musulmans canadiens

[media-dakwah] The War Becomes More Unholy : USA Criminal in Iraq

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The War Becomes More Unholy

by Jamail

with Ali al-Fadhily

FALLUJAH – A stepped up military offensive that targets mosques, religious 
leaders and Islamic customs is leading many Iraqis to believe that the 
US-led invasion really was a holy war.

Photographs are being circulated of black crosses painted on mosque walls 
and on copies of the Quran, and of soldiers dumping their waste inside 
mosques. New stories appear frequently of raids on mosques and brutal 
treatment of Islamic clerics, leading many Iraqis to ask if the invasion 
and occupation was a war against Islam.

Many Iraqis now recall remarks by US President George W. Bush shortly after 
the events of Sep. 11, 2001 when he told reporters that this crusade, this 
war on terrorism, is going to take a while.

Bush's tongue 'slipped' more than once when he spoke of 'fascist 
Islamists' and used other similar expressions that touched the very nerve 
of Muslims around the world, Sheikh Abdul Salam al-Kubayssi of the 
Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS), a leading Sunni group, told IPS in 
Baghdad. We wish they were just mere slips, but what is going on 
repeatedly makes one think of crusades over and over.

Occupation forces claim that mosque raids are being conducted because holy 
places are being used by resistance fighters.

A leaflet distributed in Fallujah by US forces late November said mosques 
were being used by insurgents to conduct attacks against Multinational 
Forces, and that this would lead to taking proper procedures against 
those mosques.

The statement referred to daily sniper attacks against occupation forces in 
Fallujah in which many US soldiers have been killed.

Local people refute these claims made by coalition forces.

Fighters never used mosques for attacking Americans because they realize 
the consequences and reactions from the military, a member of the local 
municipality council of Fallujah told IPS on condition of anonymity. 
Nonetheless, US soldiers always targeted our mosques and their minarets.

During Operation Phantom Fury of November 2004, scores of mosques in 
Fallujah were damaged or destroyed completely. Fallujah is known as the 
city of mosques because it has so many.

Many of these are Sunni mosques. AMS leaders are now enemy number one for 
US occupation forces as well as the Shi'ite-dominated government.

Through continuous arrests of its members and the raids against mosques all 
over the Sunni areas of the country, including their headquarters on the 
outskirts of Baghdad, the AMS has often expressed feelings of persecution.

On the other hand, the occupation forces have been supportive of clerics 
who took part in the political structure that the US coalition created in 
Iraq. These include Shi'ite clerics and political leaders like current 
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of the Dawa Party. Maliki has called AMS 
leader Dr. Harith al-Dhari a terrorist leader and a murderer.

Many Sunnis who are more secular also feel persecuted by the occupation.

I am not a follower of al-Dhari or any other leader, Prof. Malik al-Rawi 
of the National Institute for Scientific Research of Baghdad told IPS. In 
fact most Sunnis do not literally follow any leader for religious reasons. 
Yet after we found Americans targeting our religious symbols, we had to 
stand together around the man who did not sell us to the occupation.

Dr. Rawi, avowedly a secular Sunni, told IPS that the number of Iraqis who 
believe the occupation is waging a religious war increased dramatically 
after the 2004 attacks on Fallujah.

Those sieges, along with all the events that followed in Samarra, 
al-Qa'im, Haditha and now Siniya have led people to think of the crusades, 
he added. Americans do hate us for some reason and we do not find any 
reason but religion.

It is not just Sunni Iraqis who claim that their mosques are not respected 
by occupation forces. The mostly Shi'ite city of Najaf was exposed to 
massive US military assaults during August 2004. Many attacks came 
dangerously close to the sacred Imam Ali shrine, damaging its outer walls.

Other US raids on Shi'ite mosques in Baghdad have infuriated Iraq's Shi'ite 

Some Iraqi analysts say the perceived religious conflict seems to have 
expanded as the occupation has progressed.

The world must be aware that this US administration is pushing the 
situation to the black hole of a new religious conflict by giving the green 
light to their soldiers to attack mosques and arrest clerics whenever they 
feel like it, Kassim Jabbar, an Iraqi political analyst from Baghdad 
University told IPS.

Even people with the highest education standards are wondering why US 
leaders have not restricted attacks upon religious symbols in our country.

Ali al-Fadhily is our Baghdad correspondent. Dahr Jamail is 

[media-dakwah] Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank

By Ilan Pappe

Intifada On this stage, not so long ago, I claimed that Israel is 
conducting genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip. I hesitated a lot before 
using this very charged term and yet decided to adopt it. Indeed, the 
responses I received, including from some leading human rights activists, 
indicated a certain unease over the usage of such a term. I was inclined to 
rethink the term for a while, but came back to employing it today with even 
stronger conviction: it is the only appropriate way to describe what the 
Israeli army is doing in the Gaza Strip.

On 28 December 2006, the Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem 
published its annual report about the Israeli atrocities in the occupied 
territories. Israeli forces killed this last year six hundred and sixty 
citizens. The number of Palestinians killed by Israel last year tripled in 
comparison to the previous year (around two hundred). According to 
B'Tselem, the Israelis killed one hundred and forty one children in the 
last year. Most of the dead are from the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli 
forces demolished almost 300 houses and slew entire families. This means 
that since 2000, Israeli forces killed almost four thousand Palestinians, 
half of them children; more than twenty thousand were wounded.

B'Tselem is a conservative organization, and the numbers may be higher. But 
the point is not just about the escalating intentional killing, it is about 
the trend and the strategy. As 2007 commences, Israeli policymakers are 
facing two very different realities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In 
the former, they are closer than ever to finishing the construction of 
their eastern border. Their internal ideological debate is over and their 
master plan for annexing half of the West Bank is being implemented at an 
ever-growing speed. The last phase was delayed due to the promises made by 
Israel, under the Road Map, not to build new settlements. Israel found two 
ways of circumventing this alleged prohibition. First, it defined a third 
of the West Bank as Greater Jerusalem, which allowed it to build within 
this new annexed area towns and community centers. Secondly, it expanded 
old settlements to such proportions so that there was no need to build new 
ones. This trend was given an additional push in 2006 (hundreds of caravans 
were installed to mark the border of the expansions, the planning schemes 
for the new towns and neighborhoods were finalized and the apartheid bypass 
roads and highway system completed). In all, the settlements, the army 
bases, the roads and the wall will allow Israel to annex almost half of the 
West Bank by 2010. Within these territories there will be a considerable 
number of Palestinians, against whom the Israeli authorities will continue 
to implement slow and creeping transfer policies -- too boring as a subject 
for the western media to bother with and too elusive for human rights 
organizations to make a general point about them. There is no rush; as far 
as the Israelis are concerned, they have the upper hand there: the daily 
abusive and dehumanizing mixed mechanisms of army and bureaucracy is as 
effective as ever in contributing its own share to the dispossession process.

The strategic thinking of Ariel Sharon that this policy is far better than 
the one offered by the blunt 'transferists' or ethnic cleansers, such as 
Avigdor Liberman's advocacy, is accepted by everyone in the government, 
from Labor to Kadima. The petit crimes of state terrorism are also 
effective as they enable liberal Zionists around the world to softly 
condemn Israel and yet categorize any genuine criticism on Israel's 
criminal policies as anti-Semitism.

On the other hand, there is no clear Israeli strategy as yet for the Gaza 
Strip; but there is a daily experiment with one. Gaza, in the eyes of the 
Israelis, is a very different geo-political entity from that of the West 
Bank. Hamas controls Gaza, while Abu Mazen seems to run the fragmented West 
Bank with Israeli and American blessing. There is no chunk of land in Gaza 
that Israel covets and there is no hinterland, like Jordan, to which the 
Palestinians of Gaza can be expelled. Ethnic cleansing is ineffective here.

The earlier strategy in Gaza was ghettoizing the Palestinians there, but 
this is not working. The ghettoized community continues to express its will 
for life by firing primitive missiles into Israel. Ghettoizing or 
quarantining unwanted communities, even if they were regarded as sub-human 
or dangerous, never worked in history as a solution. The Jews know it best 
from their own history. The next stages against such communities in the 
past were even more horrific and barbaric. 

[media-dakwah] Claim: Bin Laden Told Hamza Al-Qaeda Not Behind 9/11

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Claim: Bin Laden Told Hamza Al-Qaeda Not Behind 9/11

Statement dovetails with Osama's previous attempts to distance himself from 
attack responsibility

Paul Joseph Watson Planet
Thursday, January 18, 2007


A claim attributed to a friend of one of the six men accused of plotting to 
detonate bombs on London's underground tube system on July 21 2005, 
suggests that Osama bin Laden personally told hook handed cleric Abu Hamza 
that Al-Qaeda was not behind the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Independent today reports that Steven Bentley, a school friend of accused 
would-be suicide bomber Yassin Omar, was told by Omar that he did not think 
Bin Laden was behind 9/11. Omar based his conclusion on what he was told by 
extremist London cleric Abu Hamza, currently serving a seven-year prison 
sentence for soliciting murder and inciting racial hatred, who had 
personally met Bin Laden.

Bin Laden's apparent attempt to distance himself from involvement in 9/11 
dovetails with statements made shortly after the event in which he told a 
Pakistani newspaper that he was not involved in the attacks.

I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in 
the United States, 
Laden told Ummat, As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had 
no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent 
women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly 
forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a 
practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle.

The supposed Osama confession video in which the terrorist leader 
discusses how the attacks were carried out has been debunked as a 
hoax. On closer analysis, the individual in the tape is clearly not Bin 
Laden and he makes statements completely inconsistent with Bin Laden's 
previous public comments. Other so-called Al-Qaeda tapes have been 
traced back to the Pentagon and Donald Rumsfeld.

Though the information provided by Bentley is third or fourth hand, it 
makes interesting reading nonetheless when compared with previous 
statements from individuals with close ties to Bin Laden

The White House regularly intones that critics of President Bush are in 
some way aiding the enemy but it was not until recently that the media 
picked up on a similar tack in trying to smear anyone who questions the 
official version of 9/11 as being sympathetic with Al-Qaeda or even a 
recruiting aid for terrorists.

One day after the alleged liquid bomb plot to simultaneously blow up ten 
transatlantic airliners, 
reporter Christiane Amanpour blamed alternative documentaries about 9/11 
for radicalizing many Muslims in England and around the world, and leading 
them to 'succumb to conspiracy theories.'


Related Link:

1. FBI says, it has No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11

2. Fake Al Qaeda The Phony (Mossad) - Al Qaeda Cell in Palestine

3. The Fake bin Laden Video Tape - YOU ARE LOOKING AT A US GOVERNMENT LIE

4. The Fake bin Laden - Audio Tape

5. 9/11 : The Fake 2004 Bin Laden Video Tape

6. Al Qaeda Tapes: Direct Link To Military Psyops And Donald Rumsfeld

7. U.S. Government Caught Red-Handed Releasing Staged Al-Qaeda Videos


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] revert Brother need HELP

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

From: Nazia Shaheen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: revert Brother need HELP


There is a revert Brother whose name is John Smith He is 26 yrs of 
age.. He is a needy muslim brother from England but now in Malaysia 
since he accepted Islam his parents have forced him to leave Islam n handed 
him over to the ChurchHe had to escape from his land and go to 
Malaysia...He has no means to stay now.He is really in need of 
Muslim Brothers who can help him inshaALLAh...jus try to mail him n 
assist him in his difficulty plzz n try to post this brothers condition in 
ur Yahoo Groups ! so tht other Muslim Brothers can help him inshaALLAh

this is his mail address...plzz contact him.he is in dire need...

InshaALLAh Allah will reward u if u assist this Brother in Need...[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]


-muslim voice-

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