Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations discussion

2007-09-04 Thread Redghost
There was a nice half page article about the decline of the hunter  
population and how that is forcing the state wildlife agencies to  
suffer underfunding due to decrease in hunter fees.  Since the  
agencies are supposed to manage the wildlife, they no longer have the  
funds, since all the liberal wienies are against hunting.  Also noted  
that so many urbanized families no longer have hunters who can bring  
up the next generation of hunters, so less cash for the agencies to  
spend on helping the animals the hunters went after.  Vicious cycle  
because the hunters funded the same conservation efforts much more  
effectively than the anti hunters ever could but demanded they be  

Which leads to man no longer interacting with animals in a natural  
setting, the animals being acclimated to once more running rampant  
and populations of prey being unbalanced.  Which is good for the sale  
of ungulate be-gone or deterrents.  These keep the pests that were  
once food from getting into the greenies gardens and munching  
veggies.  Since no hunters are allowed access, there are fewer  
hunters, and populations grow into former wildlife areas.  Prey  
species explode, and predator species grow with them.  Attacking  
small pets, children, bicyclist, and other recreational users.

If we had more hunters there would be fewer problems.  Or as my BiL  
found out yesterday, the hunter can become the hunted really  
quickly.  He was out in a great little area we found over the weekend  
for bagging a deer.  Archery season and we were bummed that the deer  
were just not to be found as easily as before.  He was in wait for a  
deer, when he became the stalkee of a cougar.  Lucky for him he was  
able to draw on it and there was a cougar wandering about with an  
arrow for a day.  Mr. Puma was a bit too good at finding a place to  
pass on, and has not been found.

On 2 Sep 2007, at 13:01, billr wrote:

 We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump in  
 here this time. In general you make some good points.  For  
 population discussions you need to remember that in areas with no  
 social safety net children are the only answer to watching yourself  
 starve to death when you can't grow your own food due to age,  
 illness or weather.  In terms of the latter, you might also lose a  
 few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing all the girls  
 would be moving to another home and at least some of the boys would  
 die as infants or children would you chose to have only one or two  
 children?  10 kids = 5 of each, and the girls will leave = 5 boys,  
 with perhaps two dying prior to being able to farm.  3 is a 'safe'  
 number as long as there is no warfare and they are willing to stay  
 on the farm instead of moving to the city [doesn't happen much  
 anymore].  Prior to suggesting controls on those who have so many  
 children make sure you would be willing to starve and watch your  
 spouse starve in order to keep the population low.  I'll forgo  
 comments on the state of medical care in the 2/3rds of the world  
 that is poor, or the economic history of such regions, but you are  
 certainly correct that it is the relative inequity of access to  
 resources and lifestyle that feed the problem.
 Jacksonville FL

 -Original Message-
 From: archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sep 2, 2007 9:55 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva

 From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ok, it's the earn a living argument. In the sub-Sahara, earning  
 a living
 is probably the equivalent of $300.00 / year or so and most would  

 The steady flood of immigrants from South of the border has  
 nothing to do
 with earning a living. It has everything to do with a huge  
 standard of
 living difference, separated by something as trivial as a border.  
 And the
 same differences have driven population migrations from the  
 beginning of
 time. History is full of examples of people moving for a better  
 life, the
 more recent in this country being the massive immigration from  
 Europe into
 this country over the past 300 or so years, the gold  silver  
 rushes out
 west and the move westward.

 If we want to stop immigration from South of the border then we  
 need to
 figure out a way to improve their economy.
 Whether it's Mexico, India, Africa, China, Malaysia, Turkey,  
 Morroco, or
 nearly any other third world country; a big problem that no one  
 seems to be
 able to do anything about is the birth of more people than the  
 countries can
 support.  This drives down the quality of life and their citizens  
 move to
 richer countries when they can.
 Should Western industrial nations such as the U.S. permit this  
 First generation immigrants work hard without complaint for low  
 businessmen love 

Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations discussion

2007-09-04 Thread Redghost
I concur.   The kalifornication of rural towns into disneyfied  
tourist traps is a shame.  The urbanites move to tiny towns, buy  
large estates, build mcmansions and quit growing crops, just  
providing more idiots to populate the gift stores that line the  
olde west' main street.  Said stores are loaded to the gills with  
crap made in china for the liberal greenies to decorate the homestead  
in pseudo country kitsch.

They need to commute to these vacation homes in monster SUVs and  
consume two tanks of fuel just to get there.  Then they drive into  
town and eat at the  brew pub (which did make good beer) go to art  
shows and do the same silly stuff they could have done at home.

All the while the local economy is changing to a service and low wage  
with no future or valuable training for local people.  Soon the only  
jobs become flipping burgers, catering to the bored urbanite,  or  
selling junk.  No more farms or orchards to support the feed store or  
the schools, since once summer is over most of the underage  
population heads home, or shows up for long weekends.

On 2 Sep 2007, at 13:38, Rich Thomas wrote:

 Problem is, you start elevating the level of living of the other 90%,
 they are gonna want cars, computers, air conditioning, microwave  
 washing machines, Playstations, Lombards, etc etc, and then global
 climate change is going to accelerate because they sure ain't gonna be
 using PV arrays on the roofs of their Priuses or buying carbon offsets
 from Algore.  (cf. China and India).  So, best to keep them down where
 they are, burning cow dung (no net CO2 inputs!) for fuel.  It's  
 best for
 their future, you know.


 billr wrote:
 We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump  
 in here this time. In general you make some good points.  For  
 population discussions you need to remember that in areas with no  
 social safety net children are the only answer to watching  
 yourself starve to death when you can't grow your own food due to  
 age, illness or weather.  In terms of the latter, you might also  
 lose a few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing all  
 the girls would be moving to another home and at least some of the  
 boys would die as infants or children would you chose to have only  
 one or two children?  10 kids = 5 of each, and the girls will  
 leave = 5 boys, with perhaps two dying prior to being able to  
 farm.  3 is a 'safe' number as long as there is no warfare and  
 they are willing to stay on the farm instead of moving to the city  
 [doesn't happen much anymore].  Prior to suggesting controls on  
 those who have so many children make sure you would be willing to  
 starve and watch your spouse starve in order to keep the  
 population low.  I'll forgo comments on the state of medical care  
 in the 2/3rds of the world that is poor, or the economic history  
 of such regions, but you are certainly correct that it is the  
 relative inequity of access to resources and lifestyle that feed  
 the problem.
 Jacksonville FL

 -Original Message-

 From: archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sep 2, 2007 9:55 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva

 From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ok, it's the earn a living argument. In the sub-Sahara,  
 earning a living
 is probably the equivalent of $300.00 / year or so and most  
 would never

 The steady flood of immigrants from South of the border has  
 nothing to do
 with earning a living. It has everything to do with a huge  
 standard of
 living difference, separated by something as trivial as a  
 border. And the
 same differences have driven population migrations from the  
 beginning of
 time. History is full of examples of people moving for a better  
 life, the
 more recent in this country being the massive immigration from  
 Europe into
 this country over the past 300 or so years, the gold  silver  
 rushes out
 west and the move westward.

 If we want to stop immigration from South of the border then we  
 need to
 figure out a way to improve their economy.

 Whether it's Mexico, India, Africa, China, Malaysia, Turkey,  
 Morroco, or
 nearly any other third world country; a big problem that no one  
 seems to be
 able to do anything about is the birth of more people than the  
 countries can
 support.  This drives down the quality of life and their citizens  
 move to
 richer countries when they can.
 Should Western industrial nations such as the U.S. permit this  
 First generation immigrants work hard without complaint for low  
 businessmen love them, and they help make prosperous countries  
 even more
 prosperous.  However, the second and third generation become  
 citizens with the same expectations as the general citizenry.   
 The result is
 an increase of 

Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva -populations discussion

2007-09-03 Thread LarryT
Tom wrote:most scientists are now
jumping off the global warming band wagon.

Actually, the majority of scientist have been undecided or in disagreement 
with the sky is falling crowd for a long time.  The way the initial report 
was written had a summary written that distorted the findings.  Since few 
are going to spend the time to read the 1200 pg report they depended on the 
summary which was written *after* a large number of scientiist has signed 
off on the report.

Even that great bastion of Liberal Causes, the BBC, has produced a video 
called, The Global Warming Scam.

It goes thru the evidence step-by-step and rebutes each one.  It's usually 
on the various video providers -

If you cannot find it let me know  I'll upload it -

Larry T (67 MGB, 74 911, 78 240D, 91 300D) for Oil Analysis and Weber Parts
Test Results
Weber Carb Info

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Mercedes Discussion List'
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva -populations 

 In case you've not been following the trends, most scientists are now
 jumping off the global warming band wagon. And the reason? All agree that
 the climate is changing but good scientific analysis cannot correlate 
 activity with climate change. The consensus is moving towards natural
 climate change, possibly long term cycles in weather that we are just
 beginning to understand.

 Also, the two smoking guns have been disproved, or at least 

 The first, that the hottest year in history occurred in the last 20 years
 (1988, from memory?) was disproved this year. NASA just recently reviewed
 their records  discovered that the hottest 2 years were 1930 and 1931.

 The second, that the greenhouse gas CO2 that's supposed to be causing the
 whole thing is not in high enough concentration to cause a rise in
 atmospheric temperature. Unlike oxygen, which is somewhere around 31% 
 memory), atmospheric CO2 is in the PPM range.

 There is also a theory gaining popularity that states that the rise in CO2
 is due to CO2 being released from the oceans as they warm. If this is true
 then the rise in CO2 levels is the results of temperature rise and not the
 cause for temperature rise.

 Tom Hargrave

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Rich Thomas
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 3:38 PM
 To: Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations

 Problem is, you start elevating the level of living of the other 90%,
 they are gonna want cars, computers, air conditioning, microwave ovens,
 washing machines, Playstations, Lombards, etc etc, and then global
 climate change is going to accelerate because they sure ain't gonna be
 using PV arrays on the roofs of their Priuses or buying carbon offsets
 from Algore.  (cf. China and India).  So, best to keep them down where
 they are, burning cow dung (no net CO2 inputs!) for fuel.  It's best for
 their future, you know.


 billr wrote:
 We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump in here
 this time. In general you make some good points.  For population 
 you need to remember that in areas with no social safety net children are
 the only answer to watching yourself starve to death when you can't grow
 your own food due to age, illness or weather.  In terms of the latter, you
 might also lose a few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing 
 the girls would be moving to another home and at least some of the boys
 would die as infants or children would you chose to have only one or two
 children?  10 kids = 5 of each, and the girls will leave = 5 boys, with
 perhaps two dying prior to being able to farm.  3 is a 'safe' number as 
 as there is no warfare and they are willing to stay on the farm instead of
 moving to the city [doesn't happen much anymore].  Prior to suggesting
 controls on those who have so many children make sure you would be willing
 to starve and watch your spouse starve in order to keep the population 
 I'll forgo comments on the state of medical care in the 2/3rds of the 
 that is poor, or the economic history of such regions, but you are 
 correct that it is the relative inequity of access to resources and
 lifestyle that feed the problem.
 Jacksonville FL

 -Original Message-

 From: archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sep 2, 2007 9:55 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva

 From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ok, it's the earn a living argument. In the sub-Sahara, earning a

Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva -populations discussion

2007-09-03 Thread Tom Hargrave
Anyone interested needs to read the following link:

Tom Hargrave


-Original Message-
From: LarryT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 2:23 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva -populations

Tom wrote:most scientists are now
jumping off the global warming band wagon.

Actually, the majority of scientist have been undecided or in disagreement 
with the sky is falling crowd for a long time.  The way the initial report

was written had a summary written that distorted the findings.  Since few 
are going to spend the time to read the 1200 pg report they depended on the 
summary which was written *after* a large number of scientiist has signed 
off on the report.

Even that great bastion of Liberal Causes, the BBC, has produced a video 
called, The Global Warming Scam.

It goes thru the evidence step-by-step and rebutes each one.  It's usually 
on the various video providers -

If you cannot find it let me know  I'll upload it -

Larry T (67 MGB, 74 911, 78 240D, 91 300D) for Oil Analysis and Weber Parts
Test Results
Weber Carb Info

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Mercedes Discussion List'
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva -populations 

 In case you've not been following the trends, most scientists are now
 jumping off the global warming band wagon. And the reason? All agree that
 the climate is changing but good scientific analysis cannot correlate 
 activity with climate change. The consensus is moving towards natural
 climate change, possibly long term cycles in weather that we are just
 beginning to understand.

 Also, the two smoking guns have been disproved, or at least 

 The first, that the hottest year in history occurred in the last 20 years
 (1988, from memory?) was disproved this year. NASA just recently reviewed
 their records  discovered that the hottest 2 years were 1930 and 1931.

 The second, that the greenhouse gas CO2 that's supposed to be causing the
 whole thing is not in high enough concentration to cause a rise in
 atmospheric temperature. Unlike oxygen, which is somewhere around 31% 
 memory), atmospheric CO2 is in the PPM range.

 There is also a theory gaining popularity that states that the rise in CO2
 is due to CO2 being released from the oceans as they warm. If this is true
 then the rise in CO2 levels is the results of temperature rise and not the
 cause for temperature rise.

 Tom Hargrave

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Rich Thomas
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 3:38 PM
 To: Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations

 Problem is, you start elevating the level of living of the other 90%,
 they are gonna want cars, computers, air conditioning, microwave ovens,
 washing machines, Playstations, Lombards, etc etc, and then global
 climate change is going to accelerate because they sure ain't gonna be
 using PV arrays on the roofs of their Priuses or buying carbon offsets
 from Algore.  (cf. China and India).  So, best to keep them down where
 they are, burning cow dung (no net CO2 inputs!) for fuel.  It's best for
 their future, you know.


 billr wrote:
 We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump in here
 this time. In general you make some good points.  For population 
 you need to remember that in areas with no social safety net children are
 the only answer to watching yourself starve to death when you can't grow
 your own food due to age, illness or weather.  In terms of the latter, you
 might also lose a few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing 
 the girls would be moving to another home and at least some of the boys
 would die as infants or children would you chose to have only one or two
 children?  10 kids = 5 of each, and the girls will leave = 5 boys, with
 perhaps two dying prior to being able to farm.  3 is a 'safe' number as 
 as there is no warfare and they are willing to stay on the farm instead of
 moving to the city [doesn't happen much anymore].  Prior to suggesting
 controls on those who have so many children make sure you would be willing
 to starve and watch your spouse starve in order to keep the population 
 I'll forgo comments on the state of medical care in the 2/3rds of the 
 that is poor, or the economic history of such regions, but you are 
 correct that it is the relative inequity of access to resources

Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva -populations discussion

2007-09-03 Thread E M
I read that some of the early scientists who signed on are suing to have
thier names remvoed from the report.


On 03/09/07, LarryT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tom wrote:most scientists are now
 jumping off the global warming band wagon.

 Actually, the majority of scientist have been undecided or in disagreement
 with the sky is falling crowd for a long time.  The way the initial
 was written had a summary written that distorted the findings.  Since few
 are going to spend the time to read the 1200 pg report they depended on
 summary which was written *after* a large number of scientiist has signed
 off on the report.

 Even that great bastion of Liberal Causes, the BBC, has produced a video
 called, The Global Warming Scam.

 It goes thru the evidence step-by-step and rebutes each one.  It's usually
 on the various video providers -

 If you cannot find it let me know  I'll upload it -

 Larry T (67 MGB, 74 911, 78 240D, 91 300D) for Oil Analysis and Weber Parts
 Test Results
 Weber Carb Info

 - Original Message -
 From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Mercedes Discussion List'
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 7:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva -populations

  In case you've not been following the trends, most scientists are now
  jumping off the global warming band wagon. And the reason? All agree
  the climate is changing but good scientific analysis cannot correlate
  activity with climate change. The consensus is moving towards natural
  climate change, possibly long term cycles in weather that we are just
  beginning to understand.
  Also, the two smoking guns have been disproved, or at least
  The first, that the hottest year in history occurred in the last 20
  (1988, from memory?) was disproved this year. NASA just recently
  their records  discovered that the hottest 2 years were 1930 and 1931.
  The second, that the greenhouse gas CO2 that's supposed to be causing
  whole thing is not in high enough concentration to cause a rise in
  atmospheric temperature. Unlike oxygen, which is somewhere around 31%
  memory), atmospheric CO2 is in the PPM range.
  There is also a theory gaining popularity that states that the rise in
  is due to CO2 being released from the oceans as they warm. If this is
  then the rise in CO2 levels is the results of temperature rise and not
  cause for temperature rise.
  Tom Hargrave
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
  On Behalf Of Rich Thomas
  Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 3:38 PM
  To: Mercedes Discussion List
  Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations
  Problem is, you start elevating the level of living of the other 90%,
  they are gonna want cars, computers, air conditioning, microwave ovens,
  washing machines, Playstations, Lombards, etc etc, and then global
  climate change is going to accelerate because they sure ain't gonna be
  using PV arrays on the roofs of their Priuses or buying carbon offsets
  from Algore.  (cf. China and India).  So, best to keep them down where
  they are, burning cow dung (no net CO2 inputs!) for fuel.  It's best for
  their future, you know.
  billr wrote:
  We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump in
  this time. In general you make some good points.  For population
  you need to remember that in areas with no social safety net children
  the only answer to watching yourself starve to death when you can't grow
  your own food due to age, illness or weather.  In terms of the latter,
  might also lose a few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing
  the girls would be moving to another home and at least some of the boys
  would die as infants or children would you chose to have only one or two
  children?  10 kids = 5 of each, and the girls will leave = 5 boys, with
  perhaps two dying prior to being able to farm.  3 is a 'safe' number as
  as there is no warfare and they are willing to stay on the farm instead
  moving to the city [doesn't happen much anymore].  Prior to suggesting
  controls on those who have so many children make sure you would be
  to starve and watch your spouse starve in order to keep the population
  I'll forgo comments on the state of medical care in the 2/3rds of the
  that is poor, or the economic history of such regions, but you are
  correct that it is the relative inequity of access to resources and
  lifestyle that feed the problem.
  Jacksonville FL
  -Original Message-
  From: archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations discussion

2007-09-02 Thread billr
We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump in here this 
time. In general you make some good points.  For population discussions you 
need to remember that in areas with no social safety net children are the only 
answer to watching yourself starve to death when you can't grow your own food 
due to age, illness or weather.  In terms of the latter, you might also lose a 
few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing all the girls would be 
moving to another home and at least some of the boys would die as infants or 
children would you chose to have only one or two children?  10 kids = 5 of 
each, and the girls will leave = 5 boys, with perhaps two dying prior to being 
able to farm.  3 is a 'safe' number as long as there is no warfare and they are 
willing to stay on the farm instead of moving to the city [doesn't happen much 
anymore].  Prior to suggesting controls on those who have so many children make 
sure you would be willing to starve and watch your spouse starve in order to 
keep the population low.  I'll forgo comments on the state of medical care in 
the 2/3rds of the world that is poor, or the economic history of such regions, 
but you are certainly correct that it is the relative inequity of access to 
resources and lifestyle that feed the problem.  
Jacksonville FL 

-Original Message-
From: archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sep 2, 2007 9:55 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva

From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ok, it's the earn a living argument. In the sub-Sahara, earning a living
 is probably the equivalent of $300.00 / year or so and most would never 

 The steady flood of immigrants from South of the border has nothing to do
 with earning a living. It has everything to do with a huge standard of
 living difference, separated by something as trivial as a border. And the
 same differences have driven population migrations from the beginning of
 time. History is full of examples of people moving for a better life, the
 more recent in this country being the massive immigration from Europe into
 this country over the past 300 or so years, the gold  silver rushes out
 west and the move westward.

 If we want to stop immigration from South of the border then we need to
 figure out a way to improve their economy.
Whether it's Mexico, India, Africa, China, Malaysia, Turkey, Morroco, or 
nearly any other third world country; a big problem that no one seems to be 
able to do anything about is the birth of more people than the countries can 
support.  This drives down the quality of life and their citizens move to 
richer countries when they can.
Should Western industrial nations such as the U.S. permit this migration? 
First generation immigrants work hard without complaint for low wages, 
businessmen love them, and they help make prosperous countries even more 
prosperous.  However, the second and third generation become industrialized 
citizens with the same expectations as the general citizenry.  The result is 
an increase of citizens, usually poor, in the industrial nations, who do not 
work hard for low wages without complaint.  Often unemployed and poorly 
educated, they become a liability instead of an asset to the country.

Usually, as in Mexico, the population exceeds the ability of the arable land 
to support them, so even if Mexico should suddenly become a well organized 
democratic country instead of an oligarchy of wealthy families (Carlos Slim 
of Mexico has recently become the richest man in the world); the constant 
increase in population would still lead Mexicans to immigrate to the U.S.

Population increase seems to be a major worldwide problem which no one knows 
the answer to.  Historically the answer was the Four Horsemen of the 
Apocalypse: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.  Science has eliminated 
famine, pestilence, and early death in much of the worlds population. 
Unless someone comes up with a better solution, it looks like the remaining 
Horseman, War, might be the eventual result.  Not a good solution IMO.

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Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations discussion

2007-09-02 Thread Rich Thomas
Problem is, you start elevating the level of living of the other 90%, 
they are gonna want cars, computers, air conditioning, microwave ovens, 
washing machines, Playstations, Lombards, etc etc, and then global 
climate change is going to accelerate because they sure ain't gonna be 
using PV arrays on the roofs of their Priuses or buying carbon offsets 
from Algore.  (cf. China and India).  So, best to keep them down where 
they are, burning cow dung (no net CO2 inputs!) for fuel.  It's best for 
their future, you know.


billr wrote:
 We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump in here this 
 time. In general you make some good points.  For population discussions you 
 need to remember that in areas with no social safety net children are the 
 only answer to watching yourself starve to death when you can't grow your own 
 food due to age, illness or weather.  In terms of the latter, you might also 
 lose a few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing all the girls 
 would be moving to another home and at least some of the boys would die as 
 infants or children would you chose to have only one or two children?  10 
 kids = 5 of each, and the girls will leave = 5 boys, with perhaps two dying 
 prior to being able to farm.  3 is a 'safe' number as long as there is no 
 warfare and they are willing to stay on the farm instead of moving to the 
 city [doesn't happen much anymore].  Prior to suggesting controls on those 
 who have so many children make sure you would be willing to starve and watch 
 your spouse starve in order to keep the population low.  I'll forgo comments 
 on the state of medical care in the 2/3rds of the world that is poor, or the 
 economic history of such regions, but you are certainly correct that it is 
 the relative inequity of access to resources and lifestyle that feed the 
 Jacksonville FL 

 -Original Message-
 From: archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sep 2, 2007 9:55 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva

 From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ok, it's the earn a living argument. In the sub-Sahara, earning a living
 is probably the equivalent of $300.00 / year or so and most would never 

 The steady flood of immigrants from South of the border has nothing to do
 with earning a living. It has everything to do with a huge standard of
 living difference, separated by something as trivial as a border. And the
 same differences have driven population migrations from the beginning of
 time. History is full of examples of people moving for a better life, the
 more recent in this country being the massive immigration from Europe into
 this country over the past 300 or so years, the gold  silver rushes out
 west and the move westward.

 If we want to stop immigration from South of the border then we need to
 figure out a way to improve their economy.
 Whether it's Mexico, India, Africa, China, Malaysia, Turkey, Morroco, or 
 nearly any other third world country; a big problem that no one seems to be 
 able to do anything about is the birth of more people than the countries can 
 support.  This drives down the quality of life and their citizens move to 
 richer countries when they can.
 Should Western industrial nations such as the U.S. permit this migration? 
 First generation immigrants work hard without complaint for low wages, 
 businessmen love them, and they help make prosperous countries even more 
 prosperous.  However, the second and third generation become industrialized 
 citizens with the same expectations as the general citizenry.  The result is 
 an increase of citizens, usually poor, in the industrial nations, who do not 
 work hard for low wages without complaint.  Often unemployed and poorly 
 educated, they become a liability instead of an asset to the country.

 Usually, as in Mexico, the population exceeds the ability of the arable land 
 to support them, so even if Mexico should suddenly become a well organized 
 democratic country instead of an oligarchy of wealthy families (Carlos Slim 
 of Mexico has recently become the richest man in the world); the constant 
 increase in population would still lead Mexicans to immigrate to the U.S.

 Population increase seems to be a major worldwide problem which no one knows 
 the answer to.  Historically the answer was the Four Horsemen of the 
 Apocalypse: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.  Science has eliminated 
 famine, pestilence, and early death in much of the worlds population. 
 Unless someone comes up with a better solution, it looks like the remaining 
 Horseman, War, might be the eventual result.  Not a good solution IMO.

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Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations discussion

2007-09-02 Thread Tom Hargrave
In case you've not been following the trends, most scientists are now
jumping off the global warming band wagon. And the reason? All agree that
the climate is changing but good scientific analysis cannot correlate human
activity with climate change. The consensus is moving towards natural
climate change, possibly long term cycles in weather that we are just
beginning to understand.

Also, the two smoking guns have been disproved, or at least disassociated.

The first, that the hottest year in history occurred in the last 20 years
(1988, from memory?) was disproved this year. NASA just recently reviewed
their records  discovered that the hottest 2 years were 1930 and 1931.

The second, that the greenhouse gas CO2 that's supposed to be causing the
whole thing is not in high enough concentration to cause a rise in
atmospheric temperature. Unlike oxygen, which is somewhere around 31% (from
memory), atmospheric CO2 is in the PPM range.

There is also a theory gaining popularity that states that the rise in CO2
is due to CO2 being released from the oceans as they warm. If this is true
then the rise in CO2 levels is the results of temperature rise and not the
cause for temperature rise.

Tom Hargrave


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Rich Thomas
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 3:38 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva - populations

Problem is, you start elevating the level of living of the other 90%, 
they are gonna want cars, computers, air conditioning, microwave ovens, 
washing machines, Playstations, Lombards, etc etc, and then global 
climate change is going to accelerate because they sure ain't gonna be 
using PV arrays on the roofs of their Priuses or buying carbon offsets 
from Algore.  (cf. China and India).  So, best to keep them down where 
they are, burning cow dung (no net CO2 inputs!) for fuel.  It's best for 
their future, you know.


billr wrote:
 We have been over this territory about a year ago, but I'll jump in here
this time. In general you make some good points.  For population discussions
you need to remember that in areas with no social safety net children are
the only answer to watching yourself starve to death when you can't grow
your own food due to age, illness or weather.  In terms of the latter, you
might also lose a few of the children.  Given such choices, and knowing all
the girls would be moving to another home and at least some of the boys
would die as infants or children would you chose to have only one or two
children?  10 kids = 5 of each, and the girls will leave = 5 boys, with
perhaps two dying prior to being able to farm.  3 is a 'safe' number as long
as there is no warfare and they are willing to stay on the farm instead of
moving to the city [doesn't happen much anymore].  Prior to suggesting
controls on those who have so many children make sure you would be willing
to starve and watch your spouse starve in order to keep the population low.
I'll forgo comments on the state of medical care in the 2/3rds of the world
that is poor, or the economic history of such regions, but you are certainly
correct that it is the relative inequity of access to resources and
lifestyle that feed the problem.  
 Jacksonville FL 

 -Original Message-
 From: archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sep 2, 2007 9:55 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Don Wills has invited you to join Kiva

 From: Tom Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ok, it's the earn a living argument. In the sub-Sahara, earning a
 is probably the equivalent of $300.00 / year or so and most would never 

 The steady flood of immigrants from South of the border has nothing to
 with earning a living. It has everything to do with a huge standard of
 living difference, separated by something as trivial as a border. And
 same differences have driven population migrations from the beginning of
 time. History is full of examples of people moving for a better life,
 more recent in this country being the massive immigration from Europe
 this country over the past 300 or so years, the gold  silver rushes out
 west and the move westward.

 If we want to stop immigration from South of the border then we need to
 figure out a way to improve their economy.
 Whether it's Mexico, India, Africa, China, Malaysia, Turkey, Morroco, or 
 nearly any other third world country; a big problem that no one seems to
 able to do anything about is the birth of more people than the countries
 support.  This drives down the quality of life and their citizens move to

 richer countries when they can.
 Should Western industrial nations such as the U.S. permit this migration?

 First generation immigrants work hard without complaint