Re: [MBZ] Linux software - was: Windows 10 upgrade failed again

2020-01-08 Thread fmiser via Mercedes
> > fmiser wrote:
> > 
> > I banish those specialty applications to a virtual machine.
> > And I have a bunch. [sigh]  The host is GNU/Linux.  From the
> > host (Linux) I have good software ...

> Craig askes:
> Are your "browser, email client, pdf viewer, pdf creating,
> image/photo editing, vector graphic editing, CAD, spreadsheet,
> word processing, music player, video player" all on Linux, or
> are some of the virtual machines for that?
> If those are on Linux, which programs do you use for them?

All Linux

Browser - Firefox and Chromium, but also occasionally links2, or
lynx, dillo or hv3

email client - claws-mail and thunderbird

PDF viewer - evince, but not since GNOME3. Now MATEs version
atril.  And xpdf.

pdf creating - ghostscript, pdftk, and imagemagick, and CUPS.  But
many programs have a built-in "print to file".

image/photo editing - bitmap.  the GIMP, krita, imagemagick.

vector graphics - inskscape

CAD - libreCAD

spreadsheet - libreoffice, openoffice, and gnumeric

word processing - libreoffice, openoffice, and abiword

music player - rhythmbox, mpd, vlc, mplayer

video player - vlc, xine, mplayer, ffmpeg

And I missed a couple in my list of "can't live without".

emac, a text editor and more.

xcircuit for schematic drawing, and other drawings that benefit
from pre-defined objects.

fcron, system scheduler.  I find it more flexible and usable than
anacron or cron.

synergy, current open-source port called barrier.  Not the new,
Synergy2 which abandoned open-source, but the older one.  This
allows sharing keyboard and mouse across multiple computers.  So
as I sit here with my desktop's keyboard under my fingers, I can
move my mouse off the right end of my screen and it shows up on my
laptops's screen.  Now I can type, mouse, copy/paste on my laptop.

Further explanation on a few of the ones I did list.

sshfs.  Kinda like nfs, but not.  nfs requires setting config
files, has various issues, transfers  files in the clear, but
seems to not mind if the network disconnects and re-connects.  In
contrast, sshfs can be setup in fstab, but I mostly use it on the
fly, no config, simple command.  Transfers are encrypted, but it's
pretty unhappy if the network fails and will not reconnect on it's

I use it to view, edit, move, copy files on remote computers
- which might be the laptop sitting next to me, but could be my
Android 'phone, or a computer in another state.  Because the far
filesystem is mounted locally, I get to use all my tools.  So on
my 'phone, by installing a simple SSH server and mounting it on a
directory on my desktop computer with sshfs, I get all my desktop
tools (find, grep, emacs, GIMP, etc) to work on files on the

Another slick use is to mount another users files as though they
were mine.  I have a system user (clicker) with limited privileges
that owns all the photos.  To protect these, none of the ordinary
users have write access.  So if I have photos on my 'phone that I
want copied to the photo directories I have a problem.  Clicker
doesn't have access to the phone ssh server.  I have access to the
phone, but don't have write access to clickers dir.  So I sshfs
mount the phone to Dir1, and sshfs mount as user clicker the photo
dir on Dir2.  Now I can just copy files from the phone to Dir1 to
Dir2 and all the permissions stay correct.

Unison - file synchronizing.  Fast and efficient.  And by default
shows me a list of all the files that will be changed, and whether
it's a real change or just a permissions change.


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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Virtual Box

2016-07-15 Thread Craig via Mercedes
On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 01:26:26 -0500 fmiser  wrote:

> > > I have downloaded the RHEL5 RPM file and can install that easily.
> > >
> > > What do I do then?
> Install the VirtualBox package, deal with the dependencies, and launch
> the GUI.  Then get out a MSWin installer disk, create a new guest
> machine, and proceed to install MSWin onto it. *smiles*

I have done that as root, by running the command "virtualbox". I had
thought it might show up on my Gnome menus, but I didn't see anything.

It seems, though, that I need to be root to run the virtual machine.
(I ran the virtualbox command as me and it showed no virtual machines

Can I set one up as me and have it work properly?

Once I got Win7 loaded, I started Internet Explorer and went to a Mozilla
site to get SeaMonkey. I had to enter the URL by hand because I could not
get copy/paste to work from Linux to the Win virtual machine. That crashed
the virtual machine. Now when I try to restart it, I get an error message:

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Win7.

Could not open the medium '/home/IDE1/Win7.vdi'.

VDI: error reading pre-header in
'/home/IDE1/Win7.vdi' (VERR_DEV_IO_ERROR).

VD: error VERR_VD_VDI_INVALID_HEADER opening image file

Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: MediumWrap
Interface: IMedium {4afe423b-43e0-e9d0-82e8-ceb307940dda}

Do I need to delete the virtual machine file and start over?

> The harddrive file can be "dynamically allocated" which makes a sparse
> file on the host, meaning the guest can be told it has a 20G harddrive,
> but the host "harddrive" file is only as big as what is used - up to
> the full 20G. Over time, it will grow, and there are tools to allow
> reducing the size.

The program during setup said making the hard drive file full-size was
faster in most cases, so that's how I made it.

> VirtualBox like to have RAM, but I run WinXP guest on a Debian host
> with 2G RAM, so it doesn't have to be huge amounts to work.

Strange. The setup recommended 512 MB RAM for the virtual machine. I gave
it 2048 MB.

> The guest NIC can be bridged or NAT.

I guess it's bridged by default. I was able to get to Google with IE
before the virtual machine crashed.

> Oh, I do recommend "guest additions" - which is software for the
> _guest_ to make it easier/smoother to manage it from the host.

>From where does one get that? The same place I got the Virtual Box RPM?
Will that help with copy/paste between my real and virtual machines?

> With it as a guest OS, all that is handled by the host.  Copy/paste
> even works between the host and the guest.

Please tell me how.

> One guest is only for my ancient Garmin.  It was a installall the bits
> to make it work - now it's "portable" in that I can "Export an
> Appliance" which is VirtualBox speak for making a portable copy that I
> can then open on any host.

That's one of the things I need to do, for our ancient Garmin and for a
new Rand McNally.

> I have a Linux guest with the harddrive set to "immutable" (it reverts
> every time it reboots) so the kids who can't read can use the computer
> and if they mess something it "fixes itself" *smiles*.

I can see why you would smile at that!



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Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

2014-09-06 Thread Tim Crone via Mercedes
On Sep 3, 2014 7:36 PM, Craig via Mercedes wrote:

 I had been using an EVGA 256-P2-N751-TR Geforce 8600gt 256mb 128-bit, but
 got tired of rebuilding the NVidia proprietary driver each time the
 kernel changed, so I removed the card and am using the on-board graphics
 adaptor (an integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200 on our ASUS M4A785TD-M-EVO

On my Fedora 20 box at work, I am using the akmod driver to avoid the
recompile step.  It works okay, even though I have issues with two cards
loading in Xinerama.

Of course, I'm not gaming on this machine, so I can't swear anything fancy
is working.


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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] Classic car lock, stock and mac

2014-09-03 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
That reminds me I promised Angie I'd install Ubuntu on a Dell laptop for her. 
Thats the Dell I've been running Puppy Linux from a key drive for 2 YEARS.

Strange thing about Puppy on the key though is if I watch YouTube long enough 
it'll crash my Wi-Fi router... Still, only a minor inconvenience.


I also included the Linux list, we haven't had any traffic there for awhile.

 From: Craig
To:; Mercedes Discussion 
Cc: Linux Discussion List 
Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Linux] [MBZ] Classic car lock, stock and mac

On Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:33:39 -0400 Archer75--- via Mercedes wrote:

 Seems like there used to be a lot of discussion on this list about
 Linux distros.  Are the Linux users quiet because they aren't having
 problems? Gerry

Must be ...  :-)

My system is running fine. Even Shirley uses Linux; she would be lost
with Windows -- it's a foreign concept to her.


P.S. Note that I have included the Linux list on my reply (as well as
 appropriate trimming and bottom posting! :-) ).

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Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

2014-09-03 Thread Rick Knoble via Mercedes
Original Message  
From: Meade Dillon via Mercedes
Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 10:44 AM
To: Mercedes
Reply To: Meade Dillon
Subject: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

Does Linux allow iPhone contacts/pictures back-up to the PC?  I've only
vista computers at home, considering going to win 7, partially to gain
iPhone compatibility

It did, years ago. Not so much now. 
After one of the iPhone os changes, that was long gone. 
Can't have a for profit company's machine compatible with open source software 
now, can we. 
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.


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Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

2014-09-03 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
I don't think so. I think everything to do with the iPhone has to go through 
iTunes. Another reason I was excited to get rid of my iPhone. I really dislike 


 From: Meade Dillon via Mercedes
To: Mercedes 
Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 11:44 AM
Subject: [MBZ] Linux (was Re:  Classic car lock, stock and mac)

Does Linux allow iPhone contacts/pictures back-up to the PC?  I've only
vista computers at home, considering going to win 7, partially to gain
iPhone compatibility

Max Dillon,
Charleston SC

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Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

2014-09-03 Thread clay via Mercedes
I brought my kids up on Mac.  #1 boy won a Sony laptop on a M$ lotto that he 
used for college.  I had been running a few distros of Linux for a few years as 
diversions, and donated a trailing edge Gateway for him to do linux with.

Last night we wasted hours building a whole new gaming box for him.  He had 
sourced almost all the parts and we had to plug all the power wires and data 
cables, install the CPU and cooling apparatus.  Got past my bedtime and his 
before we got close to done.  He has not sourced a GPU, so not going to know if 
it worked for a few weeks


On Sep 3, 2014, at 8:44 AM, Meade Dillon via Mercedes wrote:

 Does Linux allow iPhone contacts/pictures back-up to the PC?  I've only
 vista computers at home, considering going to win 7, partially to gain
 iPhone compatibility
 Max Dillon,
 Charleston SC
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Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

2014-09-03 Thread Craig via Mercedes
On Wed, 3 Sep 2014 11:54:37 -0700 clay via Mercedes wrote:

 Last night we wasted hours building a whole new gaming box for him.
 He has not sourced a GPU, so not going to know if it worked for a few

I presume, then, that the motherboard doesn't have a built-in graphics

I had been using an EVGA 256-P2-N751-TR Geforce 8600gt 256mb 128-bit, but
got tired of rebuilding the NVidia proprietary driver each time the
kernel changed, so I removed the card and am using the on-board graphics
adaptor (an integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200 on our ASUS M4A785TD-M-EVO



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Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

2014-09-03 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
For most people the GPU is probably the least important thing in their 
computer. For gamers and video editors its a different story, my HP has what 
was and absurdly expensive GPU when it was new (well over $1000) but its 
basically unused 90% of the time.


 From: Craig via Mercedes
To: Mercedes Discussion List 
Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re:  Classic car lock, stock and mac)

On Wed, 3 Sep 2014 11:54:37 -0700 clay via Mercedes wrote:

 Last night we wasted hours building a whole new gaming box for him.

 He has not sourced a GPU, so not going to know if it worked for a few

I presume, then, that the motherboard doesn't have a built-in graphics

I had been using an EVGA 256-P2-N751-TR Geforce 8600gt 256mb 128-bit, but
got tired of rebuilding the NVidia proprietary driver each time the
kernel changed, so I removed the card and am using the on-board graphics
adaptor (an integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200 on our ASUS M4A785TD-M-EVO



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Re: [MBZ] Linux (was Re: Classic car lock, stock and mac)

2014-09-03 Thread clay via Mercedes
It does have onboard graphics, both HDMI and another digital port.  Since it 
will be used for games, the boy feels he needs at least a 2 gig GPU


On Sep 3, 2014, at 4:36 PM, Craig via Mercedes wrote:

 On Wed, 3 Sep 2014 11:54:37 -0700 clay via Mercedes wrote:
 Last night we wasted hours building a whole new gaming box for him.
 He has not sourced a GPU, so not going to know if it worked for a few
 I presume, then, that the motherboard doesn't have a built-in graphics
 I had been using an EVGA 256-P2-N751-TR Geforce 8600gt 256mb 128-bit, but
 got tired of rebuilding the NVidia proprietary driver each time the
 kernel changed, so I removed the card and am using the on-board graphics
 adaptor (an integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200 on our ASUS M4A785TD-M-EVO
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 All posts are the result of individual contributors and as such, those 
 individuals are responsible for the content of the post.  The list owner has 
 no control over the content of the messages of each contributor.


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Re: [MBZ] Linux boot doesn't smash Samsung laptops any more

2013-02-03 Thread Hendrik and fay

Well that's as clear as mud???

who does not have a Samy lap computer

On 03/02/13 18:48, Gerry Archer wrote:
Samsung laptops will no longer be irreparably destroyed when their 
users try to boot Linux on them, kernel chieftain Linus Torvalds made 
certain today.
The brainboxes down at Ubuntu-maker Canonical penguinery issued a 
warning over the incompatibility and have been tackling the nuclear 
bug that destroyed the whole Samusung laptop after just a single 
attempt to boot Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10.
Reports from distressed owners detailed how the laptops would 
completely corrupt and black out after attempts to boot Ubuntu in UEFI 
mode. Samsung laptops in the 300E5C, NP700Z5C, NP700Z7C and 530U3C 
series were affected.
Linux Kernel developer Greg Kroah-Hartman who helped develop the 
original driver described what went wrong in a post on his Google+ 
Who would have thought that just randomly poking memory of a laptop 
would brick it. Long ago Samsung told me that it was just fine to be 
doing this, and that there would not be any problems (I based the 
samsung-laptop driver on code that Samsung themselves gave me.)

Kroah-Hartman suggested:
If you have this hardware, just blacklist the Samsung-laptop driver 
and all should be fine.
It may take several weeks for the changes to work into the 
distribution trees of the affected OSes so it's recommended that users 
should always use the UEFI firmware's Compatibility Support Module 
(CSM), which emulates a BIOS mode, when booting on affected laptops.
The fault was eventually narrowed down to the kernel's efivars module 
and its interaction with Samsung's firmware. The driver's source is 
here. ®

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Re: [MBZ] Linux boot doesn't smash Samsung laptops any more

2013-02-03 Thread Gerry Archer

From: Hendrik and fay
Well that's as clear as mud???
who does not have a Samy lap computer
Previous message:
How to destroy a brand-new Samsung laptop: Boot Linux on it

Linux users accidentally bricked their new Samsung laptops by booting their
favourite open-source OS on the shiny computers.
A kernel driver for the Sammy machines crashes when users start up from an
Ubuntu 12 USB key - although other distributions may be at risk - giving
them the dreaded black screen of no activity whatsoever. After the operating
system froze, users held down the power button to force the laptops to power
In some unfortunate cases, when the computers are switched on again, the
firmware - stored in a chip soldered to the computer's circuit board -
refuses to start up the laptop, effectively ruining the product.

Gerry.who can never remember if its yesterday where you live or 

On 03/02/13 18:48, Gerry Archer wrote:
Samsung laptops will no longer be irreparably destroyed when their users 
try to boot Linux on them, kernel chieftain Linus Torvalds made certain 
The brainboxes down at Ubuntu-maker Canonical penguinery issued a warning 
over the incompatibility and have been tackling the nuclear bug that 
destroyed the whole Samusung laptop after just a single attempt to boot 
Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10.
Reports from distressed owners detailed how the laptops would completely 
corrupt and black out after attempts to boot Ubuntu in UEFI mode. Samsung 
laptops in the 300E5C, NP700Z5C, NP700Z7C and 530U3C series were affected.
Linux Kernel developer Greg Kroah-Hartman who helped develop the original 
driver described what went wrong in a post on his Google+ profile:
Who would have thought that just randomly poking memory of a laptop would 
brick it. Long ago Samsung told me that it was just fine to be doing this, 
and that there would not be any problems (I based the samsung-laptop 
driver on code that Samsung themselves gave me.)

Kroah-Hartman suggested:
If you have this hardware, just blacklist the Samsung-laptop driver and 
all should be fine.
It may take several weeks for the changes to work into the distribution 
trees of the affected OSes so it's recommended that users should always 
use the UEFI firmware's Compatibility Support Module (CSM), which emulates 
a BIOS mode, when booting on affected laptops.
The fault was eventually narrowed down to the kernel's efivars module and 
its interaction with Samsung's firmware. The driver's source is here. ® 

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Re: [MBZ] Linux is where it's at

2012-06-09 Thread John Reames
And the NSA has contributed a security framework for it in the past.

Two points:
  There is no real security in obscurity.
  Unix learned lessons years ago about buffer overflows and unchecked 
parameters in operations involving escalation of privileges.

On the second point, many shops moved from UNIX to windows NT because of MS 
marketing pointing out that NT did NOT have those bugs (which plagued UNIXes 
back then) and because it was easier to administer.

The question is whether that is still the case.

John W Reames
Home: +14106646986
Mobile: +14437915905

On Jun 8, 2012, at 23:10, Rick Knoble wrote:

 On Jun 8, 2012, at 10:00 PM, Gerry Archer wrote:
 After a malware attack on the Air Force's Windows-based drone-control system 
 last year, there has been a wholesale move to Linux for security reasons.
 Which sucks because now the Chinese, Russians, and anyone else that writes 
 virii will be coding for Linux now. 
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Re: [MBZ] Linux is where it's at

2012-06-09 Thread Allan Streib
Nearly any operating sytem that comes under a focused attack by a
nation-state or especially the NSA is unlikely to withstand it.

John Reames writes:

 And the NSA has contributed a security framework for it in the past.

 Two points:
   There is no real security in obscurity.
   Unix learned lessons years ago about buffer overflows and unchecked 
 parameters in operations involving escalation of privileges.

 On the second point, many shops moved from UNIX to windows NT because of MS 
 marketing pointing out that NT did NOT have those bugs (which plagued UNIXes 
 back then) and because it was easier to administer.

 The question is whether that is still the case.

 John W Reames
 Home: +14106646986
 Mobile: +14437915905

 On Jun 8, 2012, at 23:10, Rick Knoble wrote:

 On Jun 8, 2012, at 10:00 PM, Gerry Archer wrote:
 After a malware attack on the Air Force's Windows-based drone-control 
 system last year, there has been a wholesale move to Linux for security 
 Which sucks because now the Chinese, Russians, and anyone else that writes 
 virii will be coding for Linux now. 
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1983 300D
1979 300SD

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Re: [MBZ] Linux is where it's at

2012-06-09 Thread Dave Walton
If you fire up Metasploit you will find many known exploits for NT.

-Dave Walton

On Jun 9, 2012, at 9:38 AM, John Reames wrote:

 And the NSA has contributed a security framework for it in the past.
 Two points:
  There is no real security in obscurity.
  Unix learned lessons years ago about buffer overflows and unchecked 
 parameters in operations involving escalation of privileges.
 On the second point, many shops moved from UNIX to windows NT because of MS 
 marketing pointing out that NT did NOT have those bugs (which plagued UNIXes 
 back then) and because it was easier to administer.
 The question is whether that is still the case.
 John W Reames
 Home: +14106646986
 Mobile: +14437915905
 On Jun 8, 2012, at 23:10, Rick Knoble wrote:
 On Jun 8, 2012, at 10:00 PM, Gerry Archer wrote:
 After a malware attack on the Air Force's Windows-based drone-control 
 system last year, there has been a wholesale move to Linux for security 
 Which sucks because now the Chinese, Russians, and anyone else that writes 
 virii will be coding for Linux now. 
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Re: [MBZ] Linux is where it's at

2012-06-09 Thread Peter Frederick
They all use the same guts these days ; that is, a Unix compliant  
kernel, often based on the Mach Ten BSD kernel, at least a few years  
back when I paid attention.  Apple does too, it's not a secret.

The difference is the rest of the OS -- Apple and Linux (in all the  
various flavors -- it was started as a class project in the late  
80's by Linus Torvalds as a Unix compliant system NOT based on ATT  
code) have been aware of virus and malware vulnerability and hence  
were built from the ground up to be protected from stupid things like  
processor overflows and buffer over/under runs leaving gaping holes  
for the malware to get root access and so forth.

None of the non-Microsoft programs like Firefox, etc. allow root  
access to Javascript or Active-X or whatever that stupid thing  
Microsoft did with their office suite that give programs unlimited  
root user access -- this is just stupid programming and one of the  
main reasons I avoid Microsoft products whenever possible, they are  
VERY badly designed and written, usually in a great rush to be first  
and set the standard, whatever that means.

The very idea that a stack overflow will leave an OS in an  
undetermined state or allow non-kernel processes root user access is  
hilarious, one of the first things any decent class on operating  
systems should teach is error and exception trapping.  Not a  
Microsoft exclusive by far as we have a program running one of our  
analyzers that will crash the OS with a divide by zero error  
occasionally , but for a company that used to shout about their  
excellence and how much money they spent on research to have  
malware exploit a stack overflow or buffer overslow (which shouldn't  
happen anyway with decently written software) is an indication that  
the people in charge don't understand computer programming.   
Obviously, Gates didn't since he didn't finish any of his computer  
science classes.

Things are better with MS now that Gates is gone, I suspect, if only  
because they don't control the market anymore and will have to  
actually compete.


On Jun 9, 2012, at 8:38 AM, John Reames wrote:

And the NSA has contributed a security framework for it in the past.

Two points:
  There is no real security in obscurity.
  Unix learned lessons years ago about buffer overflows and  
unchecked parameters in operations involving escalation of privileges.

On the second point, many shops moved from UNIX to windows NT  
because of MS marketing pointing out that NT did NOT have those  
bugs (which plagued UNIXes back then) and because it was easier to  

The question is whether that is still the case.

John W Reames
Home: +14106646986
Mobile: +14437915905

On Jun 8, 2012, at 23:10, Rick Knoble wrote:

On Jun 8, 2012, at 10:00 PM, Gerry Archer wrote:

After a malware attack on the Air Force's Windows-based drone- 
control system last year, there has been a wholesale move to  
Linux for security reasons.

Which sucks because now the Chinese, Russians, and anyone else  
that writes virii will be coding for Linux now.


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Re: [MBZ] Linux is where it's at

2012-06-08 Thread Rick Knoble
On Jun 8, 2012, at 10:00 PM, Gerry Archer wrote:

 After a malware attack on the Air Force's Windows-based drone-control system 
 last year, there has been a wholesale move to Linux for security reasons.

Which sucks because now the Chinese, Russians, and anyone else that writes 
virii will be coding for Linux now. 

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Computer cpu swap and Linux

2011-09-08 Thread Gerry Archer

Two votes for AntiX.  Definitely must try it.
'83 300D
'83 240D

From: Walt Zarnoch

AntiX is great! Forgot all about that one. It runs on old hardware (1997
era) just peachy, and does just as good on new silicon.
I didn't have the time to swap over a working system to it though.

Download the LXDE or XFCE4 version of Debian.
It takes up very little space, and runs quite well on minimal hardware.
You can also use Arch if you really like to tinker.

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Computer cpu swap and Linux

2011-09-07 Thread Curt Raymond
AntiX is also a good lightweight, Mepis but lighter.

A 2.4Ghz machine should run it adequately under most all circumstances. I even 
had it running well on an 800Mhz PII.


--- On Wed, 9/7/11, Fmiser wrote:

 From: Fmiser
 Subject: Re: [Linux] [MBZ] OT: Computer cpu swap and Linux
 To: Mercedes Discussion List
 Cc: Linux Discussion List
 Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 1:38 PM
  Gerry Archer wrote:
  Parted out lightning struck Dell with 2.4Ghz Pentium
  4 Celeron cpu.  Put that cpu in another Dell
 which had
   a 1.4Ghz Pentium 4.  Both cpu's have 400
 fsb.  The 
  Celeron has a 128K cache, and the Pentium 4 has 
  256K L2 cache.   Seems faster, but not
  Want to use that desktop computer for Linux.
  Damn Small Linux (DSL) met that description about 
  five years ago, but not sure about now.
 DSL and Puppy are the two that I know of that are super
 Both will do okay on Pentium I.  You could probably
 get by with
 any major distribution if you install using XFCE as the
 manager rather than KDE or Gnome.  And use gnumeric
 and Abiword
 instead of OpenOffice,  maybe use hv3 instead of
 Firefox.  Etc.
 But if there is a fair amount of RAM, a Pentium 4 should
 a decent user experience.
 I'm cross posting to the Linux list - where the last post
 end of June.
 --  Philip
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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Computer cpu swap and Linux

2011-09-07 Thread Walt Zarnoch
AntiX is great! Forgot all about that one. It runs on old hardware (1997
era) just peachy, and does just as good on new silicon.

I didn't have the time to swap over a working system to it though.

On Sep 7, 2011 2:10 PM, Curt Raymond wrote:
 AntiX is also a good lightweight, Mepis but lighter.

 A 2.4Ghz machine should run it adequately under most all circumstances. I
even had it running well on an 800Mhz PII.


 --- On Wed, 9/7/11, Fmiser wrote:

 From: Fmiser
 Subject: Re: [Linux] [MBZ] OT: Computer cpu swap and Linux
 To: Mercedes Discussion List
 Cc: Linux Discussion List
 Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 1:38 PM
  Gerry Archer wrote:

  Parted out lightning struck Dell with 2.4Ghz Pentium
  4 Celeron cpu.  Put that cpu in another Dell
 which had
   a 1.4Ghz Pentium 4.  Both cpu's have 400
 fsb.  The
  Celeron has a 128K cache, and the Pentium 4 has
  256K L2 cache.   Seems faster, but not
  Want to use that desktop computer for Linux.
  Damn Small Linux (DSL) met that description about
  five years ago, but not sure about now.

 DSL and Puppy are the two that I know of that are super
 Both will do okay on Pentium I.  You could probably
 get by with
 any major distribution if you install using XFCE as the
 manager rather than KDE or Gnome.  And use gnumeric
 and Abiword
 instead of OpenOffice,  maybe use hv3 instead of
 Firefox.  Etc.

 But if there is a fair amount of RAM, a Pentium 4 should
 a decent user experience.

 I'm cross posting to the Linux list - where the last post
 end of June.

 --  Philip

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Laptop Question

2010-09-20 Thread Tim C
Some of the Toughbooks are not so durable, CF-45 (or 7?) come to mind.
 Wife also killed a -27 in fairly short order, though it worked well
for me for several months before she got it.  Thinkpad held the laptop
wife life record, no other marque came close.

I have noticed functioning Itronix P4s are now consistently $200 on
eBay.  Those things are literally rugged and shockingly well-built in
person, and help build upper body strength when you try to move them.
I bought one for my wife (when they were a lot more expensive), who
made the choice to go desktop rather than install a hoist to lift it
onto the bed; we sold it on CL and bought a nice C2D desktop instead,
which is still running. :)  Liked it while I had it, though, so I
eventually plan to get a pair for the kids when they outgrow their


On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Dave Walton wrote:
 Panasonic Toughbook

 Many models over the last decade to choose from. I use CF-29's with 
 touchscreen for my autistic nephew, although that model is slow by today's 
 standards. They can take quite a beating - literally.

 -Dave Walton

 On Sep 19, 2010, at 5:59 PM, Rick Knoble wrote:

 A quick laptop question for the knowledgeable members of the list.

 I am going to purchase yet another used laptop. I don't need the latest and 
 greatest, it will be for web browsing and emails. I will also be used by my 
 teen aged sons, one of whom is extremely tough on equipment. Extremely. Like 
 bordering on abusive. Anyway, what laptop manufactured in the last several 
 years can take a beating, specifically the jacks for power and headphones? I 
 am leaning towards a Dell d610, d620, d630 or IBM t40 or t41.
 Any suggestions?

 With two dead laptops to fix...

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Laptop Question

2010-09-20 Thread Rolf
I bought the cheapest laptop with the most expensive warranty. My wife 
never used it (other than dog chewing up ps). It like tarps and camping. 
You put them up to prevent the rain :D


On 09/20/2010 03:29 PM, Tim C wrote:

Some of the Toughbooks are not so durable, CF-45 (or 7?) come to mind.
  Wife also killed a -27 in fairly short order, though it worked well
for me for several months before she got it.  Thinkpad held the laptop
wife life record, no other marque came close.

I have noticed functioning Itronix P4s are now consistently$200 on
eBay.  Those things are literally rugged and shockingly well-built in
person, and help build upper body strength when you try to move them.
I bought one for my wife (when they were a lot more expensive), who
made the choice to go desktop rather than install a hoist to lift it
onto the bed; we sold it on CL and bought a nice C2D desktop instead,
which is still running. :)  Liked it while I had it, though, so I
eventually plan to get a pair for the kids when they outgrow their


On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Dave  wrote:

Panasonic Toughbook

Many models over the last decade to choose from. I use CF-29's with touchscreen 
for my autistic nephew, although that model is slow by today's standards. They 
can take quite a beating - literally.

-Dave Walton

On Sep 19, 2010, at 5:59 PM, Rick  wrote:


A quick laptop question for the knowledgeable members of the list.

I am going to purchase yet another used laptop. I don't need the latest and 
greatest, it will be for web browsing and emails. I will also be used by my 
teen aged sons, one of whom is extremely tough on equipment. Extremely. Like 
bordering on abusive. Anyway, what laptop manufactured in the last several 
years can take a beating, specifically the jacks for power and headphones? I am 
leaning towards a Dell d610, d620, d630 or IBM t40 or t41.
Any suggestions?

With two dead laptops to fix...

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Laptop Question

2010-09-20 Thread Allan Streib
It probably makes sense to have a good warranty/service plan for a
laptop.  They are just so much more likely to get dropped, banged
around, etc. than a desktop.  Just be sure it covers stuff like having a
coke spilled on them; pretty much lethal for a laptop whereas on a
desktop you've at worst only killed the keyboard.  Some plans only cover
failure of components, not damage caused by the user.


On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 15:56 -0400, Rolf wrote:
 I bought the cheapest laptop with the most expensive warranty. My wife
 never used it (other than dog chewing up ps). It like tarps and
 camping. You put them up to prevent the rain :D


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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Laptop Question

2010-09-20 Thread Rolf
Most of the guys here at work get the scratch and dent dell's and then 
get the extended warranty for same price as the new ones...


On 09/20/2010 04:09 PM, Allan Streib wrote:

It probably makes sense to have a good warranty/service plan for a
laptop.  They are just so much more likely to get dropped, banged
around, etc. than a desktop.  Just be sure it covers stuff like having a
coke spilled on them; pretty much lethal for a laptop whereas on a
desktop you've at worst only killed the keyboard.  Some plans only cover
failure of components, not damage caused by the user.


On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 15:56 -0400,  wrote:

I bought the cheapest laptop with the most expensive warranty. My wife
never used it (other than dog chewing up ps). It like tarps and
camping. You put them up to prevent the rain :D


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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT: Laptop Question

2010-09-19 Thread Dave Walton
Panasonic Toughbook

Many models over the last decade to choose from. I use CF-29's with touchscreen 
for my autistic nephew, although that model is slow by today's standards. They 
can take quite a beating - literally.   

-Dave Walton 

On Sep 19, 2010, at 5:59 PM, Rick Knoble wrote:

 A quick laptop question for the knowledgeable members of the list.
 I am going to purchase yet another used laptop. I don't need the latest and 
 greatest, it will be for web browsing and emails. I will also be used by my 
 teen aged sons, one of whom is extremely tough on equipment. Extremely. Like 
 bordering on abusive. Anyway, what laptop manufactured in the last several 
 years can take a beating, specifically the jacks for power and headphones? I 
 am leaning towards a Dell d610, d620, d630 or IBM t40 or t41.
 Any suggestions?
 With two dead laptops to fix...
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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] OT what to do?

2010-09-08 Thread Fmiser
 Rich Thomas wrote:

 My mobo got fried 3 or 4 weeks ago in a lightning storm, some
 bolts hit nearby, not sure if the power lines got a surge or
 it was just EMP, but whatever it killed the mobo.

Ugh.  Don't discount the possibility of it coming in the some
other connector. Serial, usb, ethernet, modem (heh).

 I sent the dead board back, supposed to be getting a
 replacement for it, so I will try to get the machine running
 again on that board, but I would really like to get that new
 faster board working.  Any suggestions?


I am forced to run a bunch of AudioVideo control programs that
are MS Win only.  I have been functioning without a MS Win boot
for more than a year and a half.  So far it's working
perfectly.  MS Win sees various Linux directories as network
drives (via Samba) on a host only network. (no connection to
any physical connector).  I also use USB, serial, and to connect
to various hardware - all working fine.

VMware is another option, but its not quite open source and I
had trouble getting it to work with Debian Lenny (5).

-- Philip

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Re: [MBZ] Linux webserver botnet pushes malware

2009-09-14 Thread Walt Zarnoch
The infected machines/vm's were probably behind on software updates.
Linux still has that fatal flaw called the user, if the user doesn't
update when a bug is found and patched, then the system stays

In all, what probably happened was a service on the servers was
vulnerable in some way, the attacker rooted the box, and then
installed nginx(which is not a virus, it's a legit web server) on a
non-standard port, and Bob's your uncle, you got a place to serve
whatever ya want.

Just my 2 cents.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Loren Faeth wrote:

 Uh, Wonko, what was that about no virus on linux.  We all know it is
 invincible because it is open source...


 At 03:23 PM 9/12/2009, you wrote:

 Attack of the open source zombies
 A security researcher has discovered a cluster of infected Linux servers
 that have been corralled into a special ops botnet of sorts and used to
 distribute malware to unwitting people browsing the web.
 Each of the infected machines examined so far is a dedicated or virtual
 dedicated server running a legitimate website, Denis Sinegubko, an
 independent researcher based in Magnitogorsk, Russia, told The Register. But
 in addition to running an Apache webserver to dish up benign content,
 they've also been hacked to run a second webserver known as nginx, which
 serves malware.

 What we see here is a long awaited botnet of zombie web servers! A group
 of interconnected infected web servers with [a] common control center
 involved in malware distribution, Sinegubko wrote here. To make things
 more complex, this botnet of web servers is connected with the botnet of
 infected home computer(s).
 The finding highlights the continuing evolution of bot herders as they
 look for new ways to issue commands to the hundreds of thousands of infected
 zombies under their control. It came the same day anti-virus provider
 Symantec reported Google Groups was being used as a master control channel
 for a recently discovered trojan. Four weeks ago, a researcher from Arbor
 Networks made a similar discovery when he found several Twitter profiles
 being used to run a botnet.snip

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 Loren Faeth

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Re: [MBZ] Linux webserver botnet pushes malware

2009-09-14 Thread Loren Faeth
My point exactly.  Every OS is vulnerable in some way.  (Many ways) 
You tried to worm out by saying the malware was not a virus.  THen 
you went on to say they probably installed a rootkit.   It is 
malware, and malware is malware, whether some piece of it is legit 
or not.  Linux is vulnerable to malware.  Those who claim otherwise 
are fools.  Whether the malware is technically a virus or not is immaterial.

At 04:49 AM 9/14/2009, you wrote:

The infected machines/vm's were probably behind on software updates.
Linux still has that fatal flaw called the user, if the user doesn't
update when a bug is found and patched, then the system stays

In all, what probably happened was a service on the servers was
vulnerable in some way, the attacker rooted the box, and then
installed nginx(which is not a virus, it's a legit web server) on a
non-standard port, and Bob's your uncle, you got a place to serve
whatever ya want.

Just my 2 cents.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Loren Faeth wrote:

 Uh, Wonko, what was that about no virus on linux.  We all know it is
 invincible because it is open source...


 At 03:23 PM 9/12/2009, you wrote:

 Attack of the open source zombies
 A security researcher has discovered a cluster of infected Linux servers
 that have been corralled into a special ops botnet of sorts and used to
 distribute malware to unwitting people browsing the web.
 Each of the infected machines examined so far is a dedicated or virtual
 dedicated server running a legitimate website, Denis Sinegubko, an
 independent researcher based in Magnitogorsk, Russia, told The 
Register. But

 in addition to running an Apache webserver to dish up benign content,
 they've also been hacked to run a second webserver known as nginx, which
 serves malware.

 What we see here is a long awaited botnet of zombie web servers! A group
 of interconnected infected web servers with [a] common control center
 involved in malware distribution, Sinegubko wrote here. To make things
 more complex, this botnet of web servers is connected with the botnet of
 infected home computer(s).
 The finding highlights the continuing evolution of bot herders as they
 look for new ways to issue commands to the hundreds of thousands 
of infected

 zombies under their control. It came the same day anti-virus provider
 Symantec reported Google Groups was being used as a master 
control channel

 for a recently discovered trojan. Four weeks ago, a researcher from Arbor
 Networks made a similar discovery when he found several Twitter profiles
 being used to run a botnet.snip

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 Loren Faeth

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Loren Faeth 

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Re: [MBZ] Linux webserver botnet pushes malware

2009-09-14 Thread Walt Zarnoch
I didn't try to worm-out of it, I was just correcting the article's
mistake in saying that the webserver that was installed was mallware.
It was just the means of putting the malware on the net.

When I said they rooted the box, I was referring to gaining access to
the root account, analogous to the admin account on windows, which is
usually done through an escalation of privileges that is brought
around by a buffer overflow or some other vulnerability in a piece of
software that is running on the machine. My apologies for not
clarifying that in the original message.

It would be like someone doing the reboot to safe-mode admin account
workaround on XP home edition, creating a new administrator account,
logging into that account, and then enabling remote desktop and
sharing a folder on your computer that was filled with malware. In
that case, there was no root kit installed, no malware installed, and
yet there still was a security breach.

It's not technically a virus, or malware that got them in, it was a
clever exploitation of a vulnerability, that may or may not have been
there because of a lack of upkeep and maintenance.

I agree, every system is vulnerable in some way, some systems are just
more hardened than others, and Linux/Unix/Mac are currently more
secure, on average, than windows.(at least XP through 3.1, vista made
some small leaps with UAC, and I can't speak for windows 7)

But again, in the end, it comes down to the user/sysadmin keeping the
system up to date and patched.

For the record I am a Linux user, and therefore am slightly biased,
but I try to keep my opinions out of matters and deal with the facts.

I hope nothing I've said comes across as arrogant or leaves the wrong

On 9/14/09, Loren Faeth wrote:
 My point exactly.  Every OS is vulnerable in some way.  (Many ways)
 You tried to worm out by saying the malware was not a virus.  THen
 you went on to say they probably installed a rootkit.   It is
 malware, and malware is malware, whether some piece of it is legit
 or not.  Linux is vulnerable to malware.  Those who claim otherwise
 are fools.  Whether the malware is technically a virus or not is

 At 04:49 AM 9/14/2009, you wrote:
The infected machines/vm's were probably behind on software updates.
Linux still has that fatal flaw called the user, if the user doesn't
update when a bug is found and patched, then the system stays

In all, what probably happened was a service on the servers was
vulnerable in some way, the attacker rooted the box, and then
installed nginx(which is not a virus, it's a legit web server) on a
non-standard port, and Bob's your uncle, you got a place to serve
whatever ya want.

Just my 2 cents.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Loren Faeth wrote:
  Uh, Wonko, what was that about no virus on linux.  We all know it is
  invincible because it is open source...
  At 03:23 PM 9/12/2009, you wrote:
  Attack of the open source zombies
  A security researcher has discovered a cluster of infected Linux
  that have been corralled into a special ops botnet of sorts and used to
  distribute malware to unwitting people browsing the web.
  Each of the infected machines examined so far is a dedicated or virtual
  dedicated server running a legitimate website, Denis Sinegubko, an
  independent researcher based in Magnitogorsk, Russia, told The
 Register. But
  in addition to running an Apache webserver to dish up benign content,
  they've also been hacked to run a second webserver known as nginx,
  serves malware.
  What we see here is a long awaited botnet of zombie web servers! A
  of interconnected infected web servers with [a] common control center
  involved in malware distribution, Sinegubko wrote here. To make
  more complex, this botnet of web servers is connected with the botnet
  infected home computer(s).
  The finding highlights the continuing evolution of bot herders as they
  look for new ways to issue commands to the hundreds of thousands
 of infected
  zombies under their control. It came the same day anti-virus provider
  Symantec reported Google Groups was being used as a master
 control channel
  for a recently discovered trojan. Four weeks ago, a researcher from
  Networks made a similar discovery when he found several Twitter
  being used to run a botnet.snip
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  Loren Faeth

Re: [MBZ] Linux webserver botnet pushes malware

2009-09-14 Thread Loren Faeth
You are technically right.  But for most of us the distinction 
between malware and software used to install malware is a distinction 
without a meaningful difference.  Nice explanation.

I bestow on you one of my highly coveted detail awards otherwise 
known as the anal retentive award.  It is the highest honor I bestow 
in the IT world.  I have not given one out for years!  One guy earned 
one with such high distinction that no awards have been given 
since.  He became the reigning king, and the monthly awards were 
ceased, because all contestants concurred that nobody could beat 
him.  Congratulations.  (That is serious and sincere.)  You seriously 
and sincerely gave a great explanation!  I apologize for using the shortcut.

I tend to group malware of any form and the distribution of such all 
under the term malware.  In my outlook, legit software used for 
malicious purpose is still malware.  Technically, you are 
correct.  From the perspective of the result, it really doesn't 
matter if legit software is used for malicious purpose or if it was 
malicious software, the result is still a malicious attack.  That is 
my shortcut.

Probably you are right about not updated, but then there are all the 
things that some updates break, and that leaves most of us jaded 
and reluctant to install updates, particularly on the winders 
platform.  I have advocated on Windows to not install a SP until the 
next SP is out.  By then , the patches may be patched enough to not 
cause big problems.

It is scary out there.  Using a Non-M$ platform is one defense, but 
that defense is not infallible as many have claimed.  Using a non-M$ 
browser is another defense, but there are still lots of 
vulnerabilities and attacks not addressed by those two strategies.

At 12:38 PM 9/14/2009, you wrote:

I didn't try to worm-out of it, I was just correcting the article's
mistake in saying that the webserver that was installed was mallware.
It was just the means of putting the malware on the net.

When I said they rooted the box, I was referring to gaining access to
the root account, analogous to the admin account on windows, which is
usually done through an escalation of privileges that is brought
around by a buffer overflow or some other vulnerability in a piece of
software that is running on the machine. My apologies for not
clarifying that in the original message.

It would be like someone doing the reboot to safe-mode admin account
workaround on XP home edition, creating a new administrator account,
logging into that account, and then enabling remote desktop and
sharing a folder on your computer that was filled with malware. In
that case, there was no root kit installed, no malware installed, and
yet there still was a security breach.

It's not technically a virus, or malware that got them in, it was a
clever exploitation of a vulnerability, that may or may not have been
there because of a lack of upkeep and maintenance.

I agree, every system is vulnerable in some way, some systems are just
more hardened than others, and Linux/Unix/Mac are currently more
secure, on average, than windows.(at least XP through 3.1, vista made
some small leaps with UAC, and I can't speak for windows 7)

But again, in the end, it comes down to the user/sysadmin keeping the
system up to date and patched.

For the record I am a Linux user, and therefore am slightly biased,
but I try to keep my opinions out of matters and deal with the facts.

I hope nothing I've said comes across as arrogant or leaves the wrong

On 9/14/09, Loren Faeth wrote:
 My point exactly.  Every OS is vulnerable in some way.  (Many ways)
 You tried to worm out by saying the malware was not a virus.  THen
 you went on to say they probably installed a rootkit.   It is
 malware, and malware is malware, whether some piece of it is legit
 or not.  Linux is vulnerable to malware.  Those who claim otherwise
 are fools.  Whether the malware is technically a virus or not is

 At 04:49 AM 9/14/2009, you wrote:
The infected machines/vm's were probably behind on software updates.
Linux still has that fatal flaw called the user, if the user doesn't
update when a bug is found and patched, then the system stays

In all, what probably happened was a service on the servers was
vulnerable in some way, the attacker rooted the box, and then
installed nginx(which is not a virus, it's a legit web server) on a
non-standard port, and Bob's your uncle, you got a place to serve
whatever ya want.

Just my 2 cents.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Loren Faeth wrote:
  Uh, Wonko, what was that about no virus on linux.  We all know it is
  invincible because it is open source...
  At 03:23 PM 9/12/2009, you wrote:
  Attack of the open source zombies
  A security researcher has discovered a cluster of infected 

Re: [MBZ] Linux webserver botnet pushes malware

2009-09-14 Thread Rich Thomas
As Scott McNealy once said at a large gathering of Lotus folks 10 or 11 
years  ago, There is no privacy any more.  Get over it.

So, I got over it and no longer worry about it.


Loren Faeth wrote:
You are technically right.  But for most of us the distinction between 
malware and software used to install malware is a distinction without 
a meaningful difference.  Nice explanation.

I bestow on you one of my highly coveted detail awards otherwise 
known as the anal retentive award.  It is the highest honor I bestow 
in the IT world.  I have not given one out for years!  One guy earned 
one with such high distinction that no awards have been given since.  
He became the reigning king, and the monthly awards were ceased, 
because all contestants concurred that nobody could beat him.  
Congratulations.  (That is serious and sincere.)  You seriously and 
sincerely gave a great explanation!  I apologize for using the shortcut.

I tend to group malware of any form and the distribution of such all 
under the term malware.  In my outlook, legit software used for 
malicious purpose is still malware.  Technically, you are correct.  
From the perspective of the result, it really doesn't matter if legit 
software is used for malicious purpose or if it was malicious 
software, the result is still a malicious attack.  That is my shortcut.

Probably you are right about not updated, but then there are all the 
things that some updates break, and that leaves most of us jaded and 
reluctant to install updates, particularly on the winders platform.  I 
have advocated on Windows to not install a SP until the next SP is 
out.  By then , the patches may be patched enough to not cause big 

It is scary out there.  Using a Non-M$ platform is one defense, but 
that defense is not infallible as many have claimed.  Using a non-M$ 
browser is another defense, but there are still lots of 
vulnerabilities and attacks not addressed by those two strategies.

At 12:38 PM 9/14/2009, you wrote:

I didn't try to worm-out of it, I was just correcting the article's
mistake in saying that the webserver that was installed was mallware.
It was just the means of putting the malware on the net.

When I said they rooted the box, I was referring to gaining access to
the root account, analogous to the admin account on windows, which is
usually done through an escalation of privileges that is brought
around by a buffer overflow or some other vulnerability in a piece of
software that is running on the machine. My apologies for not
clarifying that in the original message.

It would be like someone doing the reboot to safe-mode admin account
workaround on XP home edition, creating a new administrator account,
logging into that account, and then enabling remote desktop and
sharing a folder on your computer that was filled with malware. In
that case, there was no root kit installed, no malware installed, and
yet there still was a security breach.

It's not technically a virus, or malware that got them in, it was a
clever exploitation of a vulnerability, that may or may not have been
there because of a lack of upkeep and maintenance.

I agree, every system is vulnerable in some way, some systems are just
more hardened than others, and Linux/Unix/Mac are currently more
secure, on average, than windows.(at least XP through 3.1, vista made
some small leaps with UAC, and I can't speak for windows 7)

But again, in the end, it comes down to the user/sysadmin keeping the
system up to date and patched.

For the record I am a Linux user, and therefore am slightly biased,
but I try to keep my opinions out of matters and deal with the facts.

I hope nothing I've said comes across as arrogant or leaves the wrong

On 9/14/09, Loren Faeth wrote:
 My point exactly.  Every OS is vulnerable in some way.  (Many ways)
 You tried to worm out by saying the malware was not a virus.  THen
 you went on to say they probably installed a rootkit.   It is
 malware, and malware is malware, whether some piece of it is legit
 or not.  Linux is vulnerable to malware.  Those who claim otherwise
 are fools.  Whether the malware is technically a virus or not is

 At 04:49 AM 9/14/2009, you wrote:
The infected machines/vm's were probably behind on software updates.
Linux still has that fatal flaw called the user, if the user doesn't
update when a bug is found and patched, then the system stays

In all, what probably happened was a service on the servers was
vulnerable in some way, the attacker rooted the box, and then
installed nginx(which is not a virus, it's a legit web server) on a
non-standard port, and Bob's your uncle, you got a place to serve
whatever ya want.

Just my 2 cents.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Loren Faeth wrote:
  Uh, Wonko, what was that about no virus on linux.  We all know 
it is

  invincible because it is open source...

Re: [MBZ] Linux webserver botnet pushes malware

2009-09-13 Thread Loren Faeth

Uh, Wonko, what was that about no virus on linux.  We all know it is 
invincible because it is open source...


At 03:23 PM 9/12/2009, you wrote:

Attack of the open source zombies
A security researcher has discovered a cluster of infected Linux 
servers that have been corralled into a special ops botnet of sorts 
and used to distribute malware to unwitting people browsing the web.
Each of the infected machines examined so far is a dedicated or 
virtual dedicated server running a legitimate website, Denis 
Sinegubko, an independent researcher based in Magnitogorsk, Russia, 
told The Register. But in addition to running an Apache webserver to 
dish up benign content, they've also been hacked to run a second 
webserver known as nginx, which serves malware.

What we see here is a long awaited botnet of zombie web servers! A 
group of interconnected infected web servers with [a] common control 
center involved in malware distribution, Sinegubko wrote here. To 
make things more complex, this botnet of web servers is connected 
with the botnet of infected home computer(s).
The finding highlights the continuing evolution of bot herders as 
they look for new ways to issue commands to the hundreds of 
thousands of infected zombies under their control. It came the same 
day anti-virus provider Symantec reported Google Groups was being 
used as a master control channel for a recently discovered trojan. 
Four weeks ago, a researcher from Arbor Networks made a similar 
discovery when he found several Twitter profiles being used to run 
a botnet.snip

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Loren Faeth 

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] Linux security vulnerability - Now other OSs, too

2009-04-29 Thread Craig McCluskey
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 07:27:36 -0600 Craig McCluskey

 On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 07:33:44 -0400 Archer
  Linux Adobe users imperiled by critical Reader flaw
  highest  rating on a five-tier scale. 
 So, 9.1 didn't fix all the problems!
 Make sure you go into the preferences and turn javascript OFF!

It also affects Windows and Mac OS X versions. See:

One suggestion is to use another PDF reader. You can find them at


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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] Ubuntu 8.10 install

2009-01-11 Thread Trampas Stern
I am running 8.10 64 bit as primary OS on my laptop. I do run XP in a
virtual box setting. I personally have had some issues with 8.10 on my
laptop, mainly with network manager but most of it is semi-working.

Virtual Box is the greatest thing since sliced bread! I use a electronic CAD
package that only runs in XP and I swear it runs faster in Virtual Box than
native, due to linux's disk caching.


On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Craig McCluskey wrote:

 On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 21:17:44 -0600 Luther wrote:

  I'll second that on Ubuntu 8.10.

 So, on Ubuntu, how often do things change?

 How long is each version supported?

 Do they have 64-bit versions that will concurrently run 32-bit apps?


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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] Ubuntu 8.10 install

2009-01-10 Thread Craig McCluskey
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 21:17:44 -0600 Luther wrote:

 I'll second that on Ubuntu 8.10.

So, on Ubuntu, how often do things change?

How long is each version supported?

Do they have 64-bit versions that will concurrently run 32-bit apps?


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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] head slapper

2008-12-04 Thread OK Don
Feed the cat to something big with gills, then eat the gilled critter
--- everyoone wins (except the cat).
Anything much newer than the one on the bookshelf is going to get a
bit hot up there --

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:44 PM, Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd put it into the bookshelf (lid closed) like I do with the old laptop
 that is running my server. See pic. Gray thing on the left is my web

Norman, OK
There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and
mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.  - Ernest Hemingway
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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] [Vets] Project car clearance sale

2008-11-19 Thread Donald Snook
Kaleb wrote: Yea it figures after I get rid of the 124 gasser.  Its actually 
cheaper to drive a 300E than a 2.5 turbo right now.

You need a very nice 1990 Volvo 240DL 27 mpg and the safest car on the road to 
transport the younguns.

Donald H. Snook

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] [Vets] Project car clearance sale

2008-11-17 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin
Yea it figures after I get rid of the 124 gasser.  Its actually cheaper 
to drive a 300E than a 2.5 turbo right now.

Curt Raymond wrote:

Totally. Wanna trade for a 240D?

With the price of gas what it is I'm totally considering a gasser. 
Unfortunately it seems like all the gassers around here are 126 or 201. There 
are some 114s but they're all carbed...


--- On Mon, 11/17/08, Ali Al-Abbasi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Ali Al-Abbasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Linux] [Vets] Project car clearance sale
To: Banned List [EMAIL PROTECTED], mercedes Mailing List, SL Discussion List [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Mercedes-Benz Veterans List [EMAIL PROTECTED], Biodiesel Discussion List [EMAIL PROTECTED], Linux Discussion List [EMAIL 
Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 7:12 PM

Oh man, I have to do the same.
Anyone interested in a 72 Mercedes Benz 280CE (Euro 4 speed with D-Jetronic

From: Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 5:44 PM
To: Banned List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mercedes Mailing
List; SL Discussion List
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz Veterans List
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Biodiesel Discussion List
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Linux Discussion List
Subject: [Vets] Project car clearance sale

Got some interesting cars that I need to get rid of.  Have them running

under 2 difference seller accounts because ebay is out of control.

-- Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 92 300SD, 92 300E 4Matic, 91 300D, 91 300E, 89 560SEL,
 87 300SDL x2, 85 380SE 5.0 Euro, 85 190D, 84 190D x2,
 84 300D euro manny, 81 240D, 80 240D, 76 240D,
 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250, 66 220SEb

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Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG - 
Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.0/1779 - Release Date: 11/10/2008 7:53 AM

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 92 300SD, 92 300E 4Matic, 91 300D, 91 300E, 89 560SEL,
 87 300SDL x2, 85 380SE 5.0 Euro, 85 190D, 84 190D x2,
 84 300D euro manny, 81 240D, 80 240D, 76 240D,
 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250, 66 220SEb

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] [Vets] Project car clearance sale

2008-11-17 Thread Curt Raymond
You need a 190D 2.5 turbo...

I drove Fred's, what a hoot! Imagine what the crazy Finns could do to one.


--- On Mon, 11/17/08, Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Linux] [Vets] Project car clearance sale
To: mercedes Mailing List, Linux Discussion List 
Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 10:02 PM

Yea it figures after I get rid of the 124 gasser.  Its actually cheaper to drive
a 300E than a 2.5 turbo right now.

Curt Raymond wrote:
 Totally. Wanna trade for a 240D?
 With the price of gas what it is I'm totally considering a gasser.
Unfortunately it seems like all the gassers around here are 126 or 201. There
are some 114s but they're all carbed...
 --- On Mon, 11/17/08, Ali Al-Abbasi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Ali Al-Abbasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Linux] [Vets] Project car clearance sale
 To: Banned List [EMAIL PROTECTED], mercedes
Mailing List, SL Discussion List
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Mercedes-Benz Veterans List
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Biodiesel Discussion List
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Linux Discussion List
 Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 7:12 PM
 Oh man, I have to do the same.
 Anyone interested in a 72 Mercedes Benz 280CE (Euro 4 speed with
 From: Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 5:44 PM
 To: Banned List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mercedes
 List; SL Discussion List
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz Veterans List
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Biodiesel Discussion List
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Linux Discussion List
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mercedes
 Subject: [Vets] Project car clearance sale
 Got some interesting cars that I need to get rid of.  Have them
 under 2 difference seller accounts because ebay is out of control.
 -- Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
  92 300SD, 92 300E 4Matic, 91 300D, 91 300E, 89 560SEL,
  87 300SDL x2, 85 380SE 5.0 Euro, 85 190D, 84 190D x2,
  84 300D euro manny, 81 240D, 80 240D, 76 240D,
  76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250, 66 220SEb
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 Internal Virus Database is out of date.
 Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database:
270.9.0/1779 - Release Date: 11/10/2008 7:53 AM

-- Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 92 300SD, 92 300E 4Matic, 91 300D, 91 300E, 89 560SEL,
 87 300SDL x2, 85 380SE 5.0 Euro, 85 190D, 84 190D x2,
 84 300D euro manny, 81 240D, 80 240D, 76 240D,
 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250, 66 220SEb

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Wonko the Sane
Nice distro, isn't it?:-)

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to say a big thanks to whomever it was that recommended PCLinuxOS
 2007 (Lt Don?)

 I got fed up with trying to sort out my browser probs with Ubuntu and
 this one. After a whopping 7 minute install I was up and running and have
 been rock solid ever since!

 A...that's better!!

 Jeff Zedic
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LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Jeff Zedic
I'd like to say a big thanks to whomever it was that recommended PCLinuxOS
2007 (Lt Don?)

I got fed up with trying to sort out my browser probs with Ubuntu and tried
this one. After a whopping 7 minute install I was up and running and have
been rock solid ever since!

A...that's better!!

Jeff Zedic
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread jgiels
I have used this version and have it on a hard drive that I swap to at 
times. though it doesn't do the windows media on the above the w sites well. 
I really have hopes that soon it will.
Love this version and want more to improve.

- Original Message - 
From: Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

 Nice distro, isn't it?:-)

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to say a big thanks to whomever it was that recommended 
 2007 (Lt Don?)

 I got fed up with trying to sort out my browser probs with Ubuntu and
 this one. After a whopping 7 minute install I was up and running and have
 been rock solid ever since!

 A...that's better!!

 Jeff Zedic
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 LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Gary Hurst
that would have been me.  i've been recommending it for the last decade

On Feb 15, 2008 7:53 PM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to say a big thanks to whomever it was that recommended PCLinuxOS
 2007 (Lt Don?)

 I got fed up with trying to sort out my browser probs with Ubuntu and
 this one. After a whopping 7 minute install I was up and running and have
 been rock solid ever since!

 A...that's better!!

 Jeff Zedic
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread OK Don
Decade of dog months, that is ---

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Gary Hurst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 that would have been me.  i've been recommending it for the last decade

Norman, OK
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
-Benjamin Disraeli and/or Mark Twain
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Wonko the Sane

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Gary Hurst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 that would have been me.  i've been recommending it for the last decade

 On Feb 15, 2008 7:53 PM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'd like to say a big thanks to whomever it was that recommended
  2007 (Lt Don?)
  I got fed up with trying to sort out my browser probs with Ubuntu and
  this one. After a whopping 7 minute install I was up and running and
  been rock solid ever since!
  A...that's better!!
  Jeff Zedic
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LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Jeff Zedic
On 15/02/2008, Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nice distro, isn't it?:-)

It certainly is!! I recommend it highly!
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Gary Hurst
to be honest, i'm really mostly going with ubuntu because of the quantity of
resources available.  if i become proficient or ubuntu fails me, i'll pick
something else.

ubuntu as been going ok for me.  basically, if it's not part of the built in
downloads, find a version of the program you want in a .deb, and it is as
automatic as windoze if not even easier.

On Feb 15, 2008 9:29 PM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 15/02/2008, Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nice distro, isn't it?:-)

 It certainly is!! I recommend it highly!
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Jeff Zedic
That's very true Hursty. I really like the fact that built into the OS is a
software search tool and it's all legit and FREEoh, yeah, and it works!

Jeff Zedic
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-15 Thread Gary Hurst
most anything you could need, but where i get in trouble is if i'm used to
running a program and it's not on the list, i have to go search for a linux
version in .deb.

it's just silly to pay for any software in this day and age.  i remember
paying $2k for an at clone.  i remember paying $200 for nearly obsolete

today, you just spend $200 for a recent refurb at microcenter and load it
with linux and get all the free software for free.  now you are happily set
for the next few years.

if that's too much investment, get something for free and have wonko figure
out what to do to make it useful.

On Feb 15, 2008 9:48 PM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's very true Hursty. I really like the fact that built into the OS is
 software search tool and it's all legit and FREEoh, yeah, and it

 Jeff Zedic
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Allan Streib

Give PC-BSD a try.  I was awfully impressed by it last time I tried

Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Well I have to say that my UBUNTU is acting up. I've installed it
 three times now and it runs Firefox fine for a while and then
 nothing. Try another browsernothing. No splash screen no nuthin'.

 Not pleased. It did this with and without installing the 185
 updates it says I need. Very strange.

 I've put it on the back burner for now while I do more important
 things. Any ideas?

1983 300D
1966 230

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Allan Streib
Craig McCluskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ... and it just escaped me why Yahoo was worth whatever billion$ they
 would spend on it.

 To compete in the web-searching business, trying to put Google down?

Who uses YAhoo to search the web anymore?  I agree, why spend that
much money on an internet has-been? 

1983 300D
1966 230

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Peter Frederick
Yahoo services mysteriously don't work so well on non-Microsoft  
platforms NOW, it will really be bad later.

Good thing is that there are alternative.


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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Ed Booher
On Feb 9, 2008 1:34 AM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 internet and can d/l updates etc, but no browser will open. Not Firefox,
 Opera and not even Epiphany!

Instead of starting the browser via link/icon, open a terminal window and
start it via command line. From CLI (command line interface) it will show
you app loading and error alerts. (When starting from an icon, it still
voices those things, but they are lost to the ether.)

My only assumption at this point is that it is a networking issue that is
confusing the browser, ie the networking stack is refusing to answer or it
isn't properly passing the information. Either way much more information is
needed. An application does *not* just refuse to open. Something is catching
it and either terminating it, or sticking it in a never ending loop.


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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Jeff Zedic
Thanks for the info Ed!

Do you know the command for firefox? Are the commands similar to DOS? I
really should learn those too!

Jeff Zedic
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Fmiser
It seems than at Sat, 9 Feb 2008 01:34:20 -0500, Jeff wrote:

 Id/l'd from the Ubuntu site as well, so it's weird that it's
 like this. It runs fine for the first few boots and then no
 browser at all. I still have internet and can d/l updates etc,
 but no browser will open. Not Firefox, not Opera and not even
 I wonder why..very strange.

Sounds like questions for the Linux list...

If you run it from a command line, what does it say when it fails?

And/or what do the logs say?

--  Philip

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Wonko the Sane
either firefox or mozilla-firefox, depending on what that distro uses

On Feb 9, 2008 2:15 PM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the info Ed!

 Do you know the command for firefox? Are the commands similar to DOS? I
 really should learn those too!

 Jeff Zedic

LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Gary Hurst
anyone who sees your hotmail account will presume you are a retard or
criminally insane sex offender until you prove otherwise.  why bring that
upon yourself?

On Feb 9, 2008 4:43 PM, Rick Knoble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i deal with email addresses all day every day and i can tell you that the
  quality of the yahoo and hotmail user is the pits and the quality of the
  google user is very high.

 My primary account is a Hotmail account. I also have a Yahoo account.
 Perhaps some users of these services are illiterate Neanderthals, but not
 all. I take offense. G If it is any consolation, my home page is an
 iGoogle page, customized to my liking. Should I have a G-mail account to
 vindicate myself?

 Rick Knoble
 '85 300 CD
 '87 190 DT

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-09 Thread Rick Knoble
i deal with email addresses all day every day and i can tell you that the
 quality of the yahoo and hotmail user is the pits and the quality of the
 google user is very high.  

My primary account is a Hotmail account. I also have a Yahoo account. Perhaps 
some users of these services are illiterate Neanderthals, but not all. I 
take offense. G If it is any consolation, my home page is an iGoogle page, 
customized to my liking. Should I have a G-mail account to vindicate myself?  

Rick Knoble 
'85 300 CD
'87 190 DT

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Hendrik Fay
Guess Micro$oft has dug it's own grave, I remember not so long ago Billy 
or Stevo saying that they did not count Linux as a threat, are they 
still maintaining that line?
Closed source is all very nice if there is no real alternative but 
people are not gonna pay for something if they can get something for 
next to nothing, are they?


archer wrote:
 From: Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will crash is 
 substantially reduced.
 Also:  Inspector Clouseau will be happy:
 French police plan Windows-free jails, offices
 The French gendarmerie has blown a big framboise at Microsoft by ditching 
 Windows XP in favour of Ubuntu.
 The paramilitary police force is to switch 70,000 desktops over to the Linux 
 OS, two years after switching its browsers to Firefox, and three years after 
 dumping MS Office for OpenOffice.
 Deputy director of the force's IT department Colonel Nicholas Geraud said 
 the change will be gradual, according to the AFP. 5,000 to 8,000 machines 
 are to make the switch this year, with the rest swapping over the next four 
 Geraud cited familiar reasons for the switch: diversifying suppliers, 
 reducing costs and gaining control of the software. He claimed the switch to 
 open source products was saving the department around ?7m a year.
 The 100,000 strong force's leap to open source software is thought to be one 
 of the biggest yet by a public organisation..snip
 Note:  Also read somewhere that Microsoft is hard at work on Windows 7.


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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread andrew strasfogel
Vive la France!

On Feb 8, 2008 8:11 AM, archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will crash
  substantially reduced.

 Also:  Inspector Clouseau will be happy:
 French police plan Windows-free jails, offices
 The French gendarmerie has blown a big framboise at Microsoft by ditching
 Windows XP in favour of Ubuntu.
 The paramilitary police force is to switch 70,000 desktops over to the
 OS, two years after switching its browsers to Firefox, and three years
 dumping MS Office for OpenOffice.
 Deputy director of the force's IT department Colonel Nicholas Geraud said
 the change will be gradual, according to the AFP. 5,000 to 8,000 machines
 are to make the switch this year, with the rest swapping over the next
 Geraud cited familiar reasons for the switch: diversifying suppliers,
 reducing costs and gaining control of the software. He claimed the switch
 open source products was saving the department around ?7m a year.
 The 100,000 strong force's leap to open source software is thought to be
 of the biggest yet by a public organisation..snip
 Note:  Also read somewhere that Microsoft is hard at work on Windows 7.

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread andrew strasfogel
I don't think I will ever bet against MSFT (or invest in their stock,
either).  Both are risky propositions...

On Feb 8, 2008 5:46 PM, Hendrik  Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Guess Micro$oft has dug it's own grave, I remember not so long ago Billy
 or Stevo saying that they did not count Linux as a threat, are they
 still maintaining that line?
 Closed source is all very nice if there is no real alternative but
 people are not gonna pay for something if they can get something for
 next to nothing, are they?


 archer wrote:
  From: Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will crash
  substantially reduced.
  Also:  Inspector Clouseau will be happy:
  French police plan Windows-free jails, offices
  The French gendarmerie has blown a big framboise at Microsoft by
  Windows XP in favour of Ubuntu.
  The paramilitary police force is to switch 70,000 desktops over to the
  OS, two years after switching its browsers to Firefox, and three years
  dumping MS Office for OpenOffice.
  Deputy director of the force's IT department Colonel Nicholas Geraud
  the change will be gradual, according to the AFP. 5,000 to 8,000
  are to make the switch this year, with the rest swapping over the next
  Geraud cited familiar reasons for the switch: diversifying suppliers,
  reducing costs and gaining control of the software. He claimed the
 switch to
  open source products was saving the department around ?7m a year.
  The 100,000 strong force's leap to open source software is thought to be
  of the biggest yet by a public organisation..snip
  Note:  Also read somewhere that Microsoft is hard at work on Windows 7.

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Allan Streib
archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Note:  Also read somewhere that Microsoft is hard at work on Windows

That's because Vista has been a FIASCO.

1983 300D
1966 230

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Gary Hurst
i think ubuntu is a threat.  it is nearly foolproof and much easier to
install than XP.  it seems to do a better job picking up and configuring
itself to various hardware, which is the one thing that XP was supposed to
be king at.  I find it easier to use than XP.  etc, etc.

last time i installed XP on a machine, it asked me to do that confirmation
thing.  then it told me that my system was already confirmed.  did the same
thing again next day.  after 30 days, it just flat stopped working.  who
exactly needs this crap?

any group that is paying for software is idiotic to keep to the microsoft
OS/browser/office suite model, when they can do better for free with ubuntu,
firefox and open office.  granted, corporate decision makers are among the
stupidest people who walk the earth, but even they can't be so stupid as to
not understand that better for free is a superior choice to worse for big

what the hell is microsoft gonna do when home users figure this out as well?

you'd think microsoft would have learned about hubris from history (see
General Motors), but power is just this corrupting and blinding.  i will
enjoy watching them get their due.

On Feb 8, 2008 5:46 PM, Hendrik  Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Guess Micro$oft has dug it's own grave, I remember not so long ago Billy
 or Stevo saying that they did not count Linux as a threat, are they
 still maintaining that line?
 Closed source is all very nice if there is no real alternative but
 people are not gonna pay for something if they can get something for
 next to nothing, are they?


 archer wrote:
  From: Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will crash
  substantially reduced.
  Also:  Inspector Clouseau will be happy:
  French police plan Windows-free jails, offices
  The French gendarmerie has blown a big framboise at Microsoft by
  Windows XP in favour of Ubuntu.
  The paramilitary police force is to switch 70,000 desktops over to the
  OS, two years after switching its browsers to Firefox, and three years
  dumping MS Office for OpenOffice.
  Deputy director of the force's IT department Colonel Nicholas Geraud
  the change will be gradual, according to the AFP. 5,000 to 8,000
  are to make the switch this year, with the rest swapping over the next
  Geraud cited familiar reasons for the switch: diversifying suppliers,
  reducing costs and gaining control of the software. He claimed the
 switch to
  open source products was saving the department around ?7m a year.
  The 100,000 strong force's leap to open source software is thought to be
  of the biggest yet by a public organisation..snip
  Note:  Also read somewhere that Microsoft is hard at work on Windows 7.

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Wonko the Sane

Now that you are among the elect you might want to give this a look.


On Feb 8, 2008 8:47 PM, Gary Hurst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i think ubuntu is a threat.  it is nearly foolproof and much easier to
 install than XP.  it seems to do a better job picking up and configuring
 itself to various hardware, which is the one thing that XP was supposed to
 be king at.  I find it easier to use than XP.  etc, etc.

 last time i installed XP on a machine, it asked me to do that confirmation
 thing.  then it told me that my system was already confirmed.  did the
 thing again next day.  after 30 days, it just flat stopped working.  who
 exactly needs this crap?

 any group that is paying for software is idiotic to keep to the microsoft
 OS/browser/office suite model, when they can do better for free with
 firefox and open office.  granted, corporate decision makers are among the
 stupidest people who walk the earth, but even they can't be so stupid as
 not understand that better for free is a superior choice to worse for big

 what the hell is microsoft gonna do when home users figure this out as

 you'd think microsoft would have learned about hubris from history (see
 General Motors), but power is just this corrupting and blinding.  i will
 enjoy watching them get their due.

 On Feb 8, 2008 5:46 PM, Hendrik  Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Guess Micro$oft has dug it's own grave, I remember not so long ago Billy
  or Stevo saying that they did not count Linux as a threat, are they
  still maintaining that line?
  Closed source is all very nice if there is no real alternative but
  people are not gonna pay for something if they can get something for
  next to nothing, are they?
  archer wrote:
   From: Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will
   substantially reduced.
   Also:  Inspector Clouseau will be happy:
   French police plan Windows-free jails, offices
   The French gendarmerie has blown a big framboise at Microsoft by
   Windows XP in favour of Ubuntu.
   The paramilitary police force is to switch 70,000 desktops over to the
   OS, two years after switching its browsers to Firefox, and three years
   dumping MS Office for OpenOffice.
   Deputy director of the force's IT department Colonel Nicholas Geraud
   the change will be gradual, according to the AFP. 5,000 to 8,000
   are to make the switch this year, with the rest swapping over the next
   Geraud cited familiar reasons for the switch: diversifying suppliers,
   reducing costs and gaining control of the software. He claimed the
  switch to
   open source products was saving the department around ?7m a year.
   The 100,000 strong force's leap to open source software is thought to
   of the biggest yet by a public organisation..snip
   Note:  Also read somewhere that Microsoft is hard at work on Windows
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LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Gary Hurst
yeah, i've been running that on your recommendation

On Feb 8, 2008 9:59 PM, Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Now that you are among the elect you might want to give this a look.


 On Feb 8, 2008 8:47 PM, Gary Hurst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  i think ubuntu is a threat.  it is nearly foolproof and much easier to
  install than XP.  it seems to do a better job picking up and configuring
  itself to various hardware, which is the one thing that XP was supposed
  be king at.  I find it easier to use than XP.  etc, etc.
  last time i installed XP on a machine, it asked me to do that
  thing.  then it told me that my system was already confirmed.  did the
  thing again next day.  after 30 days, it just flat stopped working.  who
  exactly needs this crap?
  any group that is paying for software is idiotic to keep to the
  OS/browser/office suite model, when they can do better for free with
  firefox and open office.  granted, corporate decision makers are among
  stupidest people who walk the earth, but even they can't be so stupid as
  not understand that better for free is a superior choice to worse for
  what the hell is microsoft gonna do when home users figure this out as
  you'd think microsoft would have learned about hubris from history (see
  General Motors), but power is just this corrupting and blinding.  i will
  enjoy watching them get their due.
  On Feb 8, 2008 5:46 PM, Hendrik  Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Guess Micro$oft has dug it's own grave, I remember not so long ago
   or Stevo saying that they did not count Linux as a threat, are they
   still maintaining that line?
   Closed source is all very nice if there is no real alternative but
   people are not gonna pay for something if they can get something for
   next to nothing, are they?
   archer wrote:
From: Wonko the Sane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will
substantially reduced.
Also:  Inspector Clouseau will be happy:
French police plan Windows-free jails, offices
The French gendarmerie has blown a big framboise at Microsoft by
Windows XP in favour of Ubuntu.
The paramilitary police force is to switch 70,000 desktops over to
OS, two years after switching its browsers to Firefox, and three
dumping MS Office for OpenOffice.
Deputy director of the force's IT department Colonel Nicholas Geraud
the change will be gradual, according to the AFP. 5,000 to 8,000
are to make the switch this year, with the rest swapping over the
Geraud cited familiar reasons for the switch: diversifying
reducing costs and gaining control of the software. He claimed the
   switch to
open source products was saving the department around ?7m a year.
The 100,000 strong force's leap to open source software is thought
of the biggest yet by a public organisation..snip
Note:  Also read somewhere that Microsoft is hard at work on Windows
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 LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Wonko the Sane
Good move.

On Feb 8, 2008 9:11 PM, Gary Hurst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 yeah, i've been running that on your recommendation

LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Rich Thomas
I think Google is gonna clean their clocks before long, somehow someway, 
maybe with a Linux OS coupled with open-source apps and net-based apps, 
and that Yahoo thing is a last gasp of trying to stay relevant.  I read 
an article yesterday in WSJ about the weenie that came up with the deal 
( a go-go ex-IBMer) and for the life of me I could not figure out 
exactly what it was they were trying to do.  And I have a fairly 
signifcant history in the high-tech business, and it just escaped me why 
Yahoo was worth whatever billion$ they would spend on it.


Gary Hurst wrote:
 what the hell is microsoft gonna do when home users figure this out as well?


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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Wonko the Sane

On Feb 8, 2008 10:23 PM, Rich Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 it just escaped me why Yahoo was worth whatever billion$ they would spend
 on it.

LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Craig McCluskey
On Fri, 08 Feb 2008 22:23:56 -0600 Rich Thomas

 ... and it just escaped me why Yahoo was worth whatever billion$ they
 would spend on it.

To compete in the web-searching business, trying to put Google down?


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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Ed Booher
On Feb 8, 2008 11:23 PM, Rich Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 and it just escaped me why
 Yahoo was worth whatever billion$ they would spend on it.

Well, Yahoo! still has a bit going for it. As far as mind share and product
placement is concerned, Yahoo! is still a well known brand. No matter how
mind-bogglingly cool Gmail is, Yahoo! Mail still has a larger subscriber
base. Ok, 90% of *those* users are spammers, but the point is if you are
looking at pure numbers Yahoo! has more mail users and just pushes more mail
period, right now.

Heck, because of the SBC Yahoo! deal, and my DSL account, I have something
like 9 Yahoo! Mail accounts for me and my family. (Although the Yahoo!
account that I use is forwarded directly to my Gmail account, but I

You also have the Yahoo! Groups, which are widely used for alternate mailing
lists. Yahoo! Messenger also is running toe to toe with AOL IM for largest
user base as well. All in all it's all about the numbers. Even if 50% of the
accounts in Yahoo! are duplicates (like my 9) and 50% of *those* are used
primarily for sending spam until they are turned off and a new one opened,
the numbers are still astronomical when viewed on paper.

That's what Microsoft wants to buy. The numbers that appear on paper. The
millions of email users, the hundreds of thousands of Y!IM users, etc. Pull
them into the Microsoft fold, make half of the ads in all Yahoo! mail and at
the bottom of the Yahoo! searches Microsoft related, and try to win back the
eyeballs and minds of the unsuspecting public.

Hell, they have spent more than what they offered for Yahoo! in trying to
keep the Xbox and now the Xbox 360 alive to battle Sony I think.


I'm a Night Elf Mohawk! - Mr. T.
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Gary Hurst
i deal with email addresses all day every day and i can tell you that the
quality of the yahoo and hotmail user is the pits and the quality of the
google user is very high.  yahoo mail can have 100 times the number of user
accounts, but they have still lost this battle.

dialup, microsoft, 800x600, yahoo -- all dinosaurs now and no longer
relevant.  the only people who know anything who still have any interest in
microsoft are people who are making money off of it.  everyone else is moved
on or soon to move on.

vista sucks?  who cares.  it's almost like saying hand cranks on dodge
brothers cars suck.  it's dying technology and shouldn't even be of any
interest to computer users anymore.

On Feb 9, 2008 12:06 AM, Ed Booher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Feb 8, 2008 11:23 PM, Rich Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  and it just escaped me why
  Yahoo was worth whatever billion$ they would spend on it.

 Well, Yahoo! still has a bit going for it. As far as mind share and
 placement is concerned, Yahoo! is still a well known brand. No matter how
 mind-bogglingly cool Gmail is, Yahoo! Mail still has a larger subscriber
 base. Ok, 90% of *those* users are spammers, but the point is if you are
 looking at pure numbers Yahoo! has more mail users and just pushes more
 period, right now.

 Heck, because of the SBC Yahoo! deal, and my DSL account, I have something
 like 9 Yahoo! Mail accounts for me and my family. (Although the Yahoo!
 account that I use is forwarded directly to my Gmail account, but I

 You also have the Yahoo! Groups, which are widely used for alternate
 lists. Yahoo! Messenger also is running toe to toe with AOL IM for largest
 user base as well. All in all it's all about the numbers. Even if 50% of
 accounts in Yahoo! are duplicates (like my 9) and 50% of *those* are used
 primarily for sending spam until they are turned off and a new one opened,
 the numbers are still astronomical when viewed on paper.

 That's what Microsoft wants to buy. The numbers that appear on paper. The
 millions of email users, the hundreds of thousands of Y!IM users, etc.
 them into the Microsoft fold, make half of the ads in all Yahoo! mail and
 the bottom of the Yahoo! searches Microsoft related, and try to win back
 eyeballs and minds of the unsuspecting public.

 Hell, they have spent more than what they offered for Yahoo! in trying to
 keep the Xbox and now the Xbox 360 alive to battle Sony I think.


 I'm a Night Elf Mohawk! - Mr. T.
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Gary Hurst
what version are you running on what hardware?

if you downloaded 7.10 and installed it, you shouldn't have required 185

On Feb 9, 2008 12:06 AM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well I have to say that my UBUNTU is acting up. I've installed it three
 times now and it runs Firefox fine for a while and then nothing. Try
 browsernothing. No splash screen no nuthin'.

 Not pleased. It did this with and without installing the 185 updates it
 says I need. Very strange.

 I've put it on the back burner for now while I do more important things.

 Jeff Zedic
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Jeff Zedic
Yes, it is 7.10 the latest and it still says 178 or 185.

I'll look into the Pclinux os.

Id/l'd from the Ubuntu site as well, so it's weird that it's like this. It
runs fine for the first few boots and then no browser at all. I still have
internet and can d/l updates etc, but no browser will open. Not Firefox, not
Opera and not even Epiphany!

I wonder why..very strange.
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-08 Thread Gary Hurst
i just don't know much about it as i'm a newbie to ubuntu myself.  i had a
little trouble early getting it to work with the audigy2 sound card, but
that was easily solved and no trouble since.  i've been using it daily as
well as my main system as i like the sound of it over my powermac.

On Feb 9, 2008 1:34 AM, Jeff Zedic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, it is 7.10 the latest and it still says 178 or 185.

 I'll look into the Pclinux os.

 Id/l'd from the Ubuntu site as well, so it's weird that it's like this. It
 runs fine for the first few boots and then no browser at all. I still have
 internet and can d/l updates etc, but no browser will open. Not Firefox,
 Opera and not even Epiphany!

 I wonder why..very strange.
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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-07 Thread Wonko the Sane
If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will crash is
substantially reduced.

On Feb 7, 2008 7:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-07 Thread Frederick W Moir
Gives a whole new meaning to Blue Screen of Death.
I hope and pray that all vehicles Don't use it.
Fred Moir
Lynn MA
Dieselitis Maximus.

At 08:56 PM 2/7/2008, you wrote:
If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will crash is
substantially reduced.

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-07 Thread Wonko the Sane
If you read the article closely (or even from a distance), the issue isn't
that Linux works or doesn't, it is that they are having difficulty making
Linux talk to existing Windows apps.

Uh, I have an easy solution!

On Feb 7, 2008 8:10 PM, Frederick W Moir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gives a whole new meaning to Blue Screen of Death.
 I hope and pray that all vehicles Don't use it.
 Fred Moir
 Lynn MA
 Dieselitis Maximus.

 At 08:56 PM 2/7/2008, you wrote:
 If nothing else, the chances that the Linux-based vehicles will crash
 substantially reduced.

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LT Don

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-07 Thread Gary Hurst
i once knew a guy who tried to run an elevator on linux with uncle, but that
was back then

On Feb 7, 2008 8:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Re: [MBZ] Linux fans rejoice

2008-02-07 Thread Allan Streib

Back in December it was being reported that the Army was integrating
more Macs into its infrastructure...

Could be they're doing both, to achieve a more heterogenous
environment, so attacks on any one platform will not be as debilitating.

1983 300D
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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] this weeks used parts auctions 6/24/07

2007-06-24 Thread Luther
0 items

On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 19:52:27 -0500, Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Luther   KB5QHUAlma, Ark
'87 300SDL (272,xxx mi) head case
'85 Ford F250 6.9 diesel (x58,xxx mi)
'82 300CD (166 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) getting donor engine-sold
'85 300D (280,176) parts car sans engine

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Re: [MBZ] [Linux] this weeks used parts auctions 6/24/07

2007-06-24 Thread OK Don
20 items for me ---

On 6/24/07, Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 0 items

 On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 19:52:27 -0500, Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Norman, OK
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise
of fighting a foreign enemy.
-James Madison
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] [Linux] this weeks used parts auctions 6/24/07

2007-06-24 Thread Luther
I see them now.

This item is a hoax, anyone with a brain can make one:)

On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 21:28:36 -0500, OK Don [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 20 items for me ---

 On 6/24/07, Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 0 items

 On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 19:52:27 -0500, Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Luther   KB5QHUAlma, Ark
'87 300SDL (272,xxx mi) head case
'85 Ford F250 6.9 diesel (x58,xxx mi)
'82 300CD (166 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) getting donor engine-sold
'85 300D (280,176) parts car sans engine

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] [Linux] [SL] This weeks Ebay specials

2006-07-15 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin
Thats nice, and those parts being sold is what pays for you to enjoy 
these lists you are on.

David Lemke wrote:

Bid late and bid once - 5 seconds to go is the way to get it cheaper, early
only kicks the price up for others.

on 7/13/06 6:31 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Bid early, bid often

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL, 87 300SDL,
 85 380SE, 85 300D, 84 190D 2.2, 83 300TD, 81 300TD, 81 240D,
 76 240D, 76 300D, 74 240D, 73 280SEL 4.5, 72 250C, 69 250

Re: [MBZ] [Linux] Reply if you are getting this message.

2006-06-06 Thread Luther Gulseth


On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 23:34:53 -0500, Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Need to make sure everything is back online.

Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (236 kmi)
'82 300CD (160 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) needs MAJOR work

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-17 Thread Ed Booher
Well  I'm in if you guys are starting the list, don't know how many 
people you are up to now. 

On 9/8/05, Bill Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I'll join and hope it covers Sun's Solaris.
 1981300 TD

Knowledge is power... Power Corrupts. Study hard... Be Evil.

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-17 Thread LT Don
Quite a few of us over there now. 

On 9/17/05, Ed Booher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well  I'm in if you guys are starting the list, don't know how many 
 people you are up to now. 
 On 9/8/05, Bill Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, I'll join and hope it covers Sun's Solaris.
  1981300 TD
 Knowledge is power... Power Corrupts. Study hard... Be Evil. 
 For new parts see official list sponsor:
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-17 Thread Ed Booher
Just added my name  suppose I should be saying this to the other list 
now :)

On 9/17/05, LT Don [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Quite a few of us over there now. 
  On 9/17/05, Ed Booher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Well  I'm in if you guys are starting the list, don't know how many 
  people you are up to now. 
  On 9/8/05, Bill Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Yes, I'll join and hope it covers Sun's Solaris.
   1981300 TD
  Knowledge is power... Power Corrupts. Study hard... Be Evil. 
  For new parts see official list sponsor: 
  For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
 1977 240D
 1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle
 For new parts see official list sponsor:
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Knowledge is power... Power Corrupts. Study hard... Be Evil.

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-13 Thread Marshall Booth

LT Don wrote:

Bill, Luther, OKDon, Debbie and me.

On 9/8/05, *Kaleb C. Striplin* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

5?  I only see 1

I'd subscribe!

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Pharmacology  1300 BST
Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin
You know, when I first set up the hosting I had it on a windows machine, 
but it didnt take long to switch to linux.  For one thing, these lists 
would not run on a windows machine with the software we use.

Luther Gulseth wrote:

welll, I'll be a monkey's uncle-Kaleb's more resourceful
 than I thought
-Original Message-
From: Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sep 8, 2005 10:52 PM
To: Mercedes mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Linux

it is run on a linux server

Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (happily running diesel/WVO mix)
'82 300CD slate grey, black interior, 152,xxx mi

For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 89 560SEL, 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL, 85 380SE,
 85 300D,  83 300TD, 81 300TD, 81 240D, 81 240D,
 76 450SEL, 76 240D, 76 300D, 74 240D, 69 250
Okie Benz Auto parts-email for used parts

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin

Im not stupid, I just dont like to reveal my shear genius.

JabbaHursty wrote:

we all tend to underestimate kleb just because he is stupid

At 09:56 AM 9/9/2005, you wrote:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 89 560SEL, 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL, 85 380SE,
 85 300D,  83 300TD, 81 300TD, 81 240D, 81 240D,
 76 450SEL, 76 240D, 76 300D, 74 240D, 69 250
Okie Benz Auto parts-email for used parts

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread LT Don
Uh ... Kleb, you are making it sound like the server is in YOUR house. I 
know differently. 

On 9/9/05, Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You know, when I first set up the hosting I had it on a windows machine,
 but it didnt take long to switch to linux. For one thing, these lists
 would not run on a windows machine with the software we use.
 Luther Gulseth wrote:
  welll, I'll be a monkey's uncle-Kaleb's more resourceful
  than I thought
  -Original Message-
  From: Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sep 8, 2005 10:52 PM
  To: Mercedes mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [MBZ] Linux
  it is run on a linux server
  Luther KB5QHU
  Alma, Ark
  '83 300SD (happily running diesel/WVO mix)
  '82 300CD slate grey, black interior, 152,xxx mi
  For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
 Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 89 560SEL, 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL, 85 380SE,
 85 300D, 83 300TD, 81 300TD, 81 240D, 81 240D,
 76 450SEL, 76 240D, 76 300D, 74 240D, 69 250
 Okie Benz Auto parts-email for used parts
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread LT Don
There are two differences here.

1. You will be asking Linux questions of folks you already know from the 
Mercedes or Banned list.

2. There will be less Linux traffic on the car lists. 

On 9/9/05, Craig McCluskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:15:01 -0400 (EDT) G.E. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sounds like alt.os.linux
 Or comp.os.linux.hardware, setup, x, networking, ...

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread Craig McCluskey
On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 20:30:09 -0500 Kaleb C. Striplin

 Im not stupid, I just dont like to reveal my shear genius.

When you write it (the next-to-last word) like that, one's mind veritably
spins at the possibilities of meaning.


P.S. I think you mean sheer.

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread OK Don
Just a display of his cutting wit -- 

On 9/9/05, Craig McCluskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 20:30:09 -0500 Kaleb C. Striplin
  Im not stupid, I just dont like to reveal my shear genius.
 When you write it (the next-to-last word) like that, one's mind veritably
 spins at the possibilities of meaning.
 P.S. I think you mean sheer.
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Norman, OK 
'87 300SDL
'81 240D
'78 450SLC
The FSM created the Diesel Benz

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread LT Don
It means that Kleb is a cut above the rest. 

On 9/9/05, Craig McCluskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 20:30:09 -0500 Kaleb C. Striplin
  Im not stupid, I just dont like to reveal my shear genius.
 When you write it (the next-to-last word) like that, one's mind veritably
 spins at the possibilities of meaning.
 P.S. I think you mean sheer.
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-10 Thread Craig McCluskey
On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 22:35:53 -0500 Richard Smith

 Bad...that was just plain bad. I am glad you trimmed your response

Yes, I do make a habit of that, as I have for years.


Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-09 Thread Bill Gallagher

Yes, I'll join and hope it covers Sun's  Solaris.

1981300 TD

LT Don wrote:

How many folks would support and participate in a Linux discussion 
email group?

Kleb wants a head count before he goes thru the effort.


1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-09 Thread LT Don
That's five. 

On 9/8/05, Bill Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I'll join and hope it covers Sun's Solaris.
 1981300 TD
 LT Don wrote:
  How many folks would support and participate in a Linux discussion
  email group?
  Kleb wants a head count before he goes thru the effort.
  1977 240D
  1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-09 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin

5?  I only see 1

LT Don wrote:

That's five.

On 9/8/05, Bill Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, I'll join and hope it covers Sun's  Solaris.

1981300 TD

LT Don wrote:

  How many folks would support and participate in a Linux discussion
  email group?
  Kleb wants a head count before he goes thru the effort.
  1977 240D
  1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle
 For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 89 560SEL, 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL, 85 380SE,
 85 300D,  83 300TD, 81 300TD, 81 240D, 81 240D,
 76 450SEL, 76 240D, 76 300D, 74 240D, 69 250
Okie Benz Auto parts-email for used parts

Re: [MBZ] Linux

2005-09-09 Thread Bill Gallagher

You should count me as a half since my other interest in is Solaris ...
4 1/2 or 1/2 depends on how you count 


Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:

5?  I only see 1

LT Don wrote:


That's five.

On 9/8/05, Bill Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Yes, I'll join and hope it covers Sun's  Solaris.

   1981300 TD

   LT Don wrote:

 How many folks would support and participate in a Linux discussion
 email group?

 Kleb wants a head count before he goes thru the effort.


 1977 240D
 1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

   For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:


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