Re: Mersenne: Why is trial factoring of small exponents slower than large ones?

2003-02-06 Thread Richard Woods
Geoffrey Reynolds wrote:
 For the exponents currently being assigned from primenet
 it takes this machine about 12 minutes to factor from
 2^57 to 2^58.

 I thought I would try factoring some small exponents
 (under 1,000,000) from the file. I put
 FactorOverride=64 into prime.ini and started mprime as
 usual but progress is _much_ slower, it will take about
 8 hours to factor from 2^57 to 2^58.

 Can someone tell me why the time difference is so great?

Any factor of a Mersenne number 2^p-1 (with p an odd prime) must be of 
the form 2kp+1, whete k is some integer and p is the exponent of 2 in 
the Mersenne number.

If p is small, the potential factors are closer together, and thus there 
are more of them in a given range (such as between 2^57 and 2^58), than 
if p were larger.

E.g., for 2^19373911-1, the values of 2kp+1 are 38747823, 77495645, 
116243467, ..., spaced 38747822 apart.

For 2^757-1, the values of 2kp+1 are 1515, 3029, 4543, ..., spaced 1514 

In any given interval (such as between 2^57 and 2^58) there are about 
26,000 times as many of the 2*k*757+1 candidates as there are of the 
2*k*19373911+1 candidates.  So trial factoring between 2^57 and 2^58 for 
2^757-1 takes about 26,000 times as long as trial factoring the same 
range of candidate factors for 2^19373911-1.

Prime95 trial factoring code uses various sieves to eliminate some of 
these candidates before actually trying to divide by them, but the 
proportion thus eliminated is roughly the same regardless of exponent 
size, so the ratio of trial factoring times remains roughly equal to the 
inverse ratio of exponents.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #1038

2003-01-30 Thread Richard Woods
falsely attribute untenable opinions to that person.

 That's the trouble with climbing into a pulpit to preach
 to others, it often has a habit of swinging back around
 and biting you.

_I_ don't feel bitten.

 And before you go off and waste hours trawling through
 all the masses of data on the project files to try and
 work out if I have ever poached any numbers, I'll save
 you the bother. Yes I have. How many? - can't remember,
 less than 20 or so. Will I do it ever again? - don't

I hadn't even _thought_ of trawling through files to see whether you had 
ever poached any assignments, until I read that last paragraph of yours. 
 Thank you for your revelation -- I commend your honesty.

Earlier I separately posted my comments (Mersenne: 80% instead of 
100%?) on the contrast between this last paragraph and your previous 
claim about trustworthiness of Mersenne prime discoverers.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Poaching -- Definition

2003-01-28 Thread Richard Woods
Aaron wrote:
 For the most part though, it seemed that once upon a time there was
 a problem with poachers who just took small exponents from people
 who were actually still working on them, and simply ran them on a
 faster machine or something.  That's the sort of thing that gives
 us respectable poachers a bad name. :-D

... and that's the sort of thing that happened to me.

 Still though, IANAL but it would seem that since these numbers are
 public domain, and nobody can be said to have any special claim to
 any of them, you probably wouldn't have much legal standing if you
 wanted to go after someone who poached a number from you that
 turned out to be a prize winning prime.

Poaching in GIMPS/PrimeNet isn't a matter of legality;  it's a matter of 
rules of the game and fair play.

Richard Woods

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Poaching -- Definition (was: Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #1038)

2003-01-27 Thread Richard Woods
Paul Missman wrote:
 I know that this might be earth shattering news for you,
 but there is no such thing as poaching.

I think that folks who've been following the poaching discussion from 
the beginning know that there is indeed such a thing, and what it is.  
But let me post a refresher for the sake of newcomers.

(Sayyy ... this ought to be in the PrimeNet FAQ!  I'll volunteer to 
write it up as such, once the discussion has proceeded to the point 
where it seems that we have sound definitions.)

In the context of GIMPS/PrimeNet, poach is used by analogy to certain 
more widespread uses of the verb.

From Webster's Third New International Dictionary [the square-bracketed 
words are expansions of the dictionary's abbreviations]:

poach // [verb] ... 3a: to trespass on (a field
[poach]ed too frequently by the amateur) -- often used
with _on_ or _upon_ (what happens to a poet when he
[poach]es upon a novelist's preserves -- Virginia Woolf)
b: to take (game or fish) by illegal methods ... [verb
intransitive] ... 3: to trepass for the purpose of
stealing game : take game or fish illegally (had taken to
[poach]ing as a means of supplying fresh meat for the
table -- H.D.Quillin)  4: to play a ball in a racket game
that should normally be played by one's partner

In GIMPS/PrimeNet, what is being trespassed upon is an exclusive 
assignment by GIMPS (represented by George Woltman) or by PrimeNet to 
L-L test a specific Mersenne number for primality.  Since GIMPS/PrimeNet 
is not a government entity, instead of laws we have rules, so instead of 
illegal we mean in violation of the established rules for 

Our preserves are the GIMPS/PrimeNet assignments.  Our game or fish 
is the privilege to be the exclusive tester of the specific Mersenne 
number which has been assigned.  That privilege includes the right to be 
the first person to know the result of a first-time Lucas-Lehmer 
primality test, and, if that result is that the number is prime, the 
right to be designated as the discoverer of that particular Mersenne 
prime.  The latter right is of considerable importance and weight within 
the world of mathematics, and thus is deemed to have a high value, not 
at all trivial, in our context.

For doublechecking assignments, the privilege associated with an 
exclusive GIMPS or PrimeNet assignment includes the right to be the 
first person to know the result of a doublechecking Lucas-Lehmer 
primality test, and, if that result is that the number is prime, the 
right to be designated as the discoverer of that particular Mersenne 
prime if it turns out that the first-time result of nonprimality was 

Also, the GIMPS/PrimeNet assignment system can be considered analogous 
to rules for determining which partner in a racket game is to be the one 
to play a ball.

 Neither GIMPS or PrimeNet have any license to these

But they have rules of the game, and poaching is a violation of those 

The GIMPS/PrimeNEt assignment system was established for at least these 
reasons: (a) to make work on Mersenne numbers efficient by avoiding 
needless duplication of effort, and (b) to provide world-wide incentive 
for people to participate by establishing the privileges listed above. 
Poaching works against those goals.

Pretending that GIMPS/Primenet poaching concerns the laws of a 
governmental entity, or that governmental legality is relevant to our 
discussion would be a straw man type of argument.

 nor are they the only entities testing large numbers for

They _are_ the established clearinghouse for testing _Mersenne_ numbers 
for primality.

The M in GIMPS stands for Mersenne.  Neither GIMPS nor PrimeNet 
attempts to make assignments for any other category of number.

 If my sister reads from her math book a method of
 testing large primes, knows nothing of PrimeNet or
 GIMPS, tests the numbers on her home computer, and
 finds a large prime, she is gonna publish it.

... and (provided the number were a Mersenne prime in particular) she 
would not be deemed to have poached if she did so in ignorance of 
GIMPS and Primenet.

But the poachers with which this discussion is concerned are those who 
_do_ know about the GIMPS/Primenet assignment system but nevertheless 
deliberately choose to violate its assignment rules.

 She might choose to send any results to GIMPS, or not.


 She might double check it using GIMPS provided software,
 or not.

If she did, it would weaken any claim of ignorance of the assignment 

 But for sure nobody has any reason to prevent her from
 doing any of this.

... _if_ she genuinely was working outside GIMPS/PrimeNet and was not 
aware of the GIMPS/PrimeNet assignment system.

 There simply is no real problem here that is begging for

Some folks who _have_ followed this discussion and have participated in 
GIMPS a long time might like to pretend so.  But, yes, there is a real 
problem here.

Richard Woods

Mersenne: 80% instead of 100%? (was Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #1038)

2003-01-27 Thread Richard Woods
As I finished reading Gordon Spence's latest post, I was startled by his 
last paragraph.

Gordon Spence wrote:
 And before you go off and waste hours trawling through
 all the masses of data on the project files to try and
 work out if I have ever poached any numbers, I'll save
 you the bother. Yes I have. How many? - can't remember,
 less than 20 or so. Will I do it ever again? - don't know.

So I checked digest #1038.

There, Gordon Spence wrote, in response to an earlier question of mine:
Is there any particularly _special_ relationship between
being a Mersenne prime discoverer and being trusted not to

Unless there is some such special relationship, I imagine
that thousands of non-discoverers could also be trusted not
to poach.

Well in actual fact, there *is* now that you come to
mention it. As a Mersenne Prime discoverer I am given
immediate notification of any new MP immediately it is
reported, ie *before* it is verified. We are trusted to
keep it quiet.because when we discovered ours we
proved that we were capable of _discretion_

Back to Mr. Spence's latest post -- in item 11, just four paragraphs 
above his last one which I quoted above, he wrote:
My point is that there are a small number of people who we
know for 100% certain can be trusted to act with
discretion when sensitive information is involved.

Now, to me, until I got to the final paragraph, it seemed that Mr. 
Spence had been claiming in this discussion that Mersenne prime 
discoverers could be _more_ trusted not to poach than other people 

But let's look at that final paragraph again:
 And before you go off and waste hours trawling through
 all the masses of data on the project files to try and
 work out if I have ever poached any numbers, I'll save
 you the bother. Yes I have. How many? - can't remember,
 less than 20 or so. Will I do it ever again? - don't know.

In other words, the man claiming that he could be especially trusted 
admits _having already poached, perhaps up to 20 or so times_.

I suppose I should commend his honesty.

So, maybe only 80% of Mersenne prime discoverers during the GIMPS era 
can be trusted not to poach, instead of 100%?

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Re: Mersenne: Communication between GIMPS Forum and Mersenne mailing list

2003-01-26 Thread Richard Woods
I wrote:
 The point I wish to make is that this sort of thing will continue to
 happen as long as GIMPS has significant discussions in independent
 media without extensive (and probably not practical)

This is not necessarily all negative.  Along with the needless 
duplication of effort also comes new ideas that did not rise, or might 
not have arisen, in the separate discussion.

But IMO we still need to consider whether the separate discussions are 
best for GIMPS in the long run.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Poaching and related issues...

2003-01-26 Thread Richard Woods
Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
 Early GIMPS and the other project (Slowinski/Cray) had
 no common agreement or method for avoiding duplication.

 Umm, I've not been in this project _that_ long, but at
 least a year or two before Primenet got integrated into
 the main client. At least at that time, all communication
 was done by e-mailing George requests for ranges (a list
 of free ranges was available on the GIMPS website),
 George solving conflicts if two people requested the same
 range. (All results were also handed back to George via
 e-mail, of course.) Are you talking even older than that?

What I was referring to was not overlap of work within GIMPS, or 
duplication of effort by two different GIMPS participants. I was 
referring to there being no agreement, at that time, to avoid 
duplication between (a) George Woltman and (b) the team of David 
Slowinski and Paul Gage (who were testing Mersennes, independently of 
George, on Cray computers).

George Woltman just _barely_ missed out on becoming a Mersenne prime 
discoverer back then.  (But he was not a poachee bcause there existed no 
reservation system between Slowinski  Gage, and him.  It was just 
happenstance that Slowinski and Gage completed L-L testing M1257787 
while George was in the midst of L-L testing that very same number.)

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Poaching and related issues...

2003-01-25 Thread Richard Woods
Nathan Russell wrote:
 Okay, to start with, GIMPS lost the very first prime we ever found
 to a member of another project who beat George to finding the
 exponent by a matter of hours. This is simply the way math and other
 fields of research work. Darwin's theory of evolution was very
 nearly duplicated by another researcher working independently. So
 were some of Edison's improvements on the telegraph.

But with regard to Primenet poaching, there is a crucial difference
from each of the three cases you cite.

Within Primenet, just as within many other distributed computational
projects, there is a reserving/assigning system for the purpose of
minimizing unnecessary duplication or overlap of work.

The cases of conflict you cite had no such method for avoiding
duplication/overlap. Early GIMPS and the other project
(Slowinski/Cray) had no common agreement or method for avoiding
duplication.  Darwin and the other guy (Wallace) had made no
arrangement to work on separate theories. Edison was in frank
competition with other inventors; he wouldn't have even tried to
cooperate for nonduplication, I think.

However, Primenet cannot _enforce_ its nonduplication/nonoverlap
policy. Primenet can control exclusiveness of its assignments (who
shall perform this work unit), but the exclusiveness of its
reservations (only one participant shall perform this work unit while
assigned) depends on voluntary cooperation by participants.
Poaching, in the Primenet context, is noncooperation with the
voluntary, cooperative reservation rules.

 If a 'poacher' beat me to a prime I'd be very upset.

That's one reason why some of us want to prevent poaching if possible.

 It's not likely to happen to me, because I run an Athlon XP 2000+

Yes, slow systems are more likely to get poached.

So users with slow systems may be more motivated to try to prevent
poaching than users with fast systems.

 That doesn't mean poaching is right, it does mean you're making
 yourself something of a tempting target.

Increasing the difficulty for a poacher to _find_ a tempting target
would mean other participants could be less concerned about making
themselves into such a target, and just concentrate on doing the work
they considered most suitable within the rules.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #1036

2003-01-25 Thread Richard Woods
Gordon Spence wrote:
 Of course, as this is a *public* volunteer project, there
 are a lot of us, who have been in the project for a long-time
 (6+ years)

... which got me wondering when I started,

which was: Sun, 08 Dec 1996

(at least that's when I requested my first range)

6 years, 48 days as of today.

 who regularly look through these for no other reason than
 we *want* to.

Okay, I *want* to, too.

But suppose there's a correlation between ability to
browse _other_ people's assignment status info (you can
always see your own complete assignment info), and ability
to select poaching targets on the basis of other people's
assignment status info?  It seems worth discussing possible
ideas for reducing the second even if it means reducing the
first, not necessarily by the same proportion.

 That would deny target-selecting information to would-be
 poachers, right?

 No. If I was setting out to poach numbers - which in
 itself is a moot point. You don't *own* an exponent, they
 are after all simply numbers.

I think there's a fairly well-established consensus that in
the context of GIMPS/Primenet, to poach means to run a
(L-L, usually) test while it is assigned by Primenet to a
different GIMPS participant or something similar.  There's
another consensus that Primenet assignments mean something
like a reservation as is used in other cooperative
computational projects to avoid duplicated effort.

 If I was setting out to poach numbers, then I would
 simply setup a few 3.06 Ghz P4's and just start at the
 bottom of the list (smallest exponents) and let rip.

So, unlike many other poachers who've declared themselves
and their motives on this list or in the GIMPS Forum, you
wouldn't care whether any of those exponents were, say,
only 2 days from completion by the Primenet assignee?  Is
that correct? You wouldn't take the trouble to distinguish
between an assignment that has an estimated 2 days to
completion and one that had 200 days to completion?

 Complete an exponent every day or so. So some of them
 might be completed before me, so what, we then have a
 triple check.  If someone wants to do it, you won't
 stop them.

My proposal was not aimed at stopping that sort of blind
poaching.  (And I disclaimed that it would stop ALL of any
type of poaching.)

 You are missing the point about it being useful to have
 triple checks.

No, I'm not.  I readily agree that triplechecks have some
value.  Perhaps you and I differ as to how that value ranks
relative to values of some other things, like the value of
a poach-free Primenet assignment?

 Make the current assignments report password-protected,
 then substitute a new public assignments report that
 omits the above four items.

 Do the system administrators currently need the eyes and
 attention of others to detect stragglers _about whom
 action needs to be taken_?  If not, then why provide
 this information to poachers? If so, just give some
 other trusted individuals the password for the full
 assignments report.

 Are you putting yourself forward as one of the trusted

Trusted not to poach (as is meant in this context) -- yes,
just as would thousands of other GIMPSers be, I imagine.

But I don't have time to devote to the sort of report
monitoring or usage that some others do, so I wouldn't
request report access or volunteer to monitor in the first

 Or how about myself, as one of the *very* exclusive club
 of people who have actually discovered a Mersenne prime?

As long as you could be trusted by system administrators
not to poach, sure.

Is there any particularly _special_ relationship between
being a Mersenne prime discoverer and being trusted not to

Unless there is some such special relationship, I imagine
that thousands of non-discoverers could also be trusted not
to poach.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Communication between GIMPS Forum and Mersenne mailing list (was: Poaching -- Discouragement thereof)

2003-01-25 Thread Richard Woods
Mikus Grinbergs wrote:

  several good ideas 

 mikus  (not looking at the GIMPS forums)

Mikus is just one of the contributors to the Mersenne list discussion
who has not only independently reached some of the same conclusions
posted slightly earlier on the GIMPS Forum, but also come up with new
wrinkles that I don't recall having seen there.

This is not unexpected; it makes sense that there would be both 
parallels and differences between two separate discussions that had been 
seeded with the same proposal.

But consider the potential loss of ideas, as well as needless 
duplication of effort, because some readers of each medium will not see 
the discussion in the other medium.

The point I wish to make is that this sort of thing will continue to 
happen as long as GIMPS has significant discussions in independent media 
without extensive (and probably not practical) cross-communication.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #1037

2003-01-25 Thread Richard Woods
Gordon Spence wrote:
 I think there's a fairly well-established consensus that in
 the context of GIMPS/Primenet, to poach means to run a
 (L-L, usually) test while it is assigned by Primenet to a
 different GIMPS participant or something similar.  There's
 another consensus that Primenet assignments mean something
 like a reservation as is used in other cooperative
 computational projects to avoid duplicated effort.

 I think we all agree on how it's supposed to work

So you agree that there should be no poaching of Primenet assignments
-- right?

Or by it, were you not including Primenet?


 they are after all *just numbers*. Nobody owns them and

So by they and them you _do_ mean just the numbers, without any 
consideration of GIMPS or Primenet - correct?

 anyone in the world can work on whatever they want

Well, sure.  But that's irrelevant to my proposal.  My proposal 
concerned the GIMPS/Primenet system, not the whole world.

 without anyone's permission.

Isn't there something in the current GIMPS/Primenet software along the 
lines of if you use our software, you agree to abide by our rules?  
It's actually more complicated, and it wasn't there in its present form 
when you used GIMPS software to discover that 2^2976221 - 1 is prime, 
but isn't that the gist of the current provision?


  If I was setting out to poach numbers, then I would
  simply setup a few 3.06 Ghz P4's and just start at the
  bottom of the list (smallest exponents) and let rip.

 So, unlike many other poachers who've declared themselves
 and their motives on this list or in the GIMPS Forum, you
 wouldn't care whether any of those exponents were, say,
 only 2 days from completion by the Primenet assignee?  Is
 that correct? You wouldn't take the trouble to distinguish
 between an assignment that has an estimated 2 days to
 completion and one that had 200 days to completion?

1) Do you care to give us a direct answer to any of the questions I 
posed in the above paragraph, so that we have a clearer idea of just 
what you were referring to when you used that in your next sentence?

2) When you wrote bottom of the list, were you referring to a list 
derived from a Primenet-generated report?

 If anyone wanted to systematically poach, then that is a
 very simple approach.

By that, do you mean an approach that excludes checking whether any of 
the Primenet assignments were very close to completion?


  Or how about myself, as one of the *very* exclusive club
  of people who have actually discovered a Mersenne prime?


 Is there any particularly _special_ relationship between
 being a Mersenne prime discoverer and being trusted not to

 Unless there is some such special relationship, I imagine
 that thousands of non-discoverers could also be trusted not
 to poach.

 Well in actual fact, there *is* now that you come to
 mention it. As a Mersenne Prime discoverer I am given
 immediate notification of any new MP immediately it is
 reported, ie *before* it is verified. We are trusted to
 keep it quiet.because when we discovered ours we
 proved that we were capable of _discretion_

Only the very, very few people who had the luck to choose, or to be 
assigned, to L-L test a Mersenne number that happened to be prime, along 
with a small number of others who were directly involved in the 
verification process, have had the very exclusive chance to demonstrate 
their discretion during the post-discovery verification phase.  None of 
the other thousands of GIMPS participants have been given even a 
_chance_ to demonstrate that particular, very exclusive type of 
discretion.  Can none of the latter category be trusted not to poach?

Is there any special reason _why_ discretion during the Mersenne prime 
verification process should have a stronger correlation with nonpoaching 
trustworthiness than any other demonstration of discretion has?

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Communication between GIMPS Forum and Mersenne mailing list (was: Poaching -- Discouragement thereof)

2003-01-24 Thread Richard Woods
Recently I wrote:

  I asked this in the GIMPS forum, but haven't seen any answer
  there yet.  So will you please point out what I overlooked?

... to which Brian Beesley replied: 

 Sorry, I don't read the forum. It's inconvenient  expensive for
 those of us that have pay-as-you-go dialup access; whilst I'm at
 work I simply don't have the time to mess with such things. There
 is no cable service within 40 miles of me, the nearest
 ADSL-enabled exchange is about the same distance away, satellite
 broadband is ferociously expensive  still depends on a dial-up 
 line for outbound data; the density of population round here is
 such that there's almost no chance of a wireless mesh working,

I hadn't meant to suggest that Mr. Beesley should actually go look at
the GIMPS Forum discussion.  I meant only that I'd failed to get an 
answer when I posed my question elsewhere.

BUT ... put that together with:

Earlier in Mr. Beesley's response, he suggested something (time limits 
on right to an exponent assignment) that happened to have already been
significantly discussed in the GIMPS Forum.  In fact, if I correctly 
interpret the Forum discussion of that idea, it seems almost certain 
that that function will be added in the next Primenet server software 

So Mr. Beesley and anyone else who hadn't read the Forum, whatever their 
reasons, _didn't yet know that a major Primenet server software change 
had already been discussed in the recent past and had practically been 
decided-upon_, because none of that Forum discussion had been reported 
to the Mersenne mailing list.


It looks to me like we have the potential for a major information schism 
between the Forum-haves and Forum-have-nots, if there continue to be 
major Forum discussions that go unreported to the Mersenne mailing list.


What should/can be done to ensure that those who can't/don't read the 
Forum are alerted to, and can contribute to, important topics discussd 
on the GIMPS Forum and are informed of important announcements/decisions 
posted on the Forum?

Richard Woods

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RE: Mersenne: Poaching -- Discouragement thereof

2003-01-23 Thread Richard Woods
 I sometimes make forecasts about number of exponents in some ranges
 to be checked in in particular periods. Just for fun.

So the system administrators could either (a) provide you the password 
for the full version of the assignments report, or (b) produce a report 
with aggregate data that is adequate for your and similar purposes, 
without details for any particular assignment.

 I believe the number of poached exponents is very low.

One's perception of low might depend on whether one were a poachee or 

I've been poached eight or nine times, and I'm tired of it.

 When a milistone is within reach a few last ones are sometimes
 poached, but it is not a structural problem imho.

Recently we just had 26 or 28 (I think) such assignments poached.  Is 26 
or 28 a few, if you're one of those who had been steadliy working on 
an assignment for a year and was almost finished?

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Poaching -- Discouragement thereof

2003-01-23 Thread Richard Woods
Brian J. Beesley wrote:
 Sure. So would eliminating the report altogether.

1) Exaggeration is unnecessary.  My proposal was not that extreme. :)

2) After much discussion on the GIMPS forum, I've withdrawn my
current proposal (which had been extended from the initial one I
sent to this mailing list) because I have a better idea that needs
mulling-over before publication.
 I detect righteous indignation here.

So?  Poaching is an official GIMPS No-No, in case you've forgotten.

 Might I respectfully point out that, if you stick to LL test
 assignments, it makes practically no difference whether you get
 poached, since there will eventually have to be a double-check

Even though I've explained at least one other significance difference,
some folks just don ...

Let's put it this way:  Maybe you don't give a fig for fame, but
some of the rest of us do.  A chance at real, honest-to-gosh
mathematical fame has a value not measurable in CPU years, but
poaching steals that.

I don't have the hardware to climb the Top Producers list, and I don't 
have the financial resources to acquire much, but GIMPS was intended
to give even a humble system the right to reserve Mnumbers to L-L test. 
Poachers steal that.

I've loved mathematics ever since I learned what numbers were.  I was 
locally considered something of a math whiz kid.  My first college 
major was mathematics.  If fate hadn't intervened, I could have been
a math professor now.

I'll trade you 50,000 CPU-years and the $100,000 prize in exchange for 
being the honest-to-gosh, no-cheating-involved discoverer of a new 
Mersenne prime.

Have you no soul?
 I might also point out that there is sufficient information in the
 other reports (particularly the hrf3  lucas_v database files) to
 enable the poachers to be identified,

Better read my proposal again.  Its intent was to _PREVENT_ (not 
perfectly, but to some extent) poaching, not identify it after-the-fact.

BTW, exactly which data fields in either the HRF3.TXT or LUCAS_V.TXT 
file provide information about currently-assigned, in-progress, 
incomplete assignments (which are the poachable ones)?  I asked this
in the GIMPS forum, but haven't seen any answer there yet.  So will
you please point out what I overlooked?

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Poaching -- Discouragement thereof

2003-01-22 Thread Richard Woods
Here's what I've just posted in the GIMPS Forum.

- - -

_IF_ PrimeNet has automatic time limits on assignments, ordinarily 
requiring no manual intervention to expire assignments or re-assign
them, then why would any GIMPS participant, other than a system 
administrator or a would-be poacher, need to know someone else's:

(a) current iteration,

(b) days-to-go,

(c) days-to-expire, or

(d) last date-updated?

If there's no non-poaching non-administrating user's need-to-know for 
those items, then just stop including them in public reports. Include
them only in administrative reports and private password-requiring 
individual reports.

That would deny target-selecting information to would-be poachers, 

I'm not claiming this would stop poaching, just that it denies poachers 
the information they currently use (I presume) to select straggling 
assignments to poach. A poacher could still target the assignments of 
userids that had historicallly been slow or simply the ones he/she'd 
poached before, but then runs a greater risk of poaching a LL that's 
actually on-schedule, perhaps even one that's running on that user's 
freshly-upgraded faster system the poacher doesn't know about.  Then the 
would-be poacher might need to consider that his/her efforts would (a) 
fail to help achieve milestones, and (b) more obviously interfere with 
GIMPS's orderly progress. (We could help the denser poachers figure this 
out by publishing this reasoning. :) )

- - -

Indeed, couldn't my suggestion be done NOW?

Make the current assignments report password-protected, then substitute 
a new public assignments report that omits the above four items.

Do the system administrators currently need the eyes and attention of 
others to detect stragglers _about whom action needs to be taken_?
If not, then why provide this information to poachers? If so, just give 
some other trusted individuals the password for the full assignments 

Does anyone see any problem with this scheme? (... other than that some 
individuals' curiosities would go unsatisfied?)

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Index of Mersenne Digest number vs. date - part 2b of 4

2003-01-09 Thread Richard Woods
 285  =  1998 January  1,2,3,4
 286  =4,5
 287  =6,7
 288  =9
 289  =   12
 290  =   13,14,15
 291  =   15,16
 292  =   18,19
 293  =   20,21
 294  =   22,23,24,25
 295  =   25
 296  =  1980 January 1, 1998 January 25,26,27
 297  =  1998 January 27,28
 298  =   28,29
 299  =   29,30,31
 300  =  1998 January 31, February 1
 301  =   February  1,2,3
 302  = 3,4
 303  = 4,5
 304  =  1996 January 10, 1998 February 5,6
 305  =  1998 February  6,7,8
 306  = 7
 307  = 8,9
 308  = 9
 309  =10,11
 310  =11
 311  =12,13,14
 312  =15
 313  =15,16,17
 314  =17,18,19
 315  =19,20,21
 316  =21
 317  =22,23,24
 318  =24,25
 319  =25
 320  =26,27,28
 321  =  1998 March  1,2,3
 322  =  3,4,5
 323  =  5,6,7
 324  =  7,8
 325  =  8,9
 326  =  9
 327  = 10,11
 328  = 12,13,14,15
 329  = 15,16
 330  =  1997 December 17, 1998 March 17
 331  =  1998 March 18,19
 332  = 19
 333  =  1997 March 22, 1998 March 19,22,23,24
 334  =  1998 March 24,25
 335  = 26,27,28
 336  = 28,29
 337  = 29,30,31
 338  = 30,31
 339  =  1998 March 31, April 1
 340  =   April  2,3
 341  =  3,4
 342  =  5,6
 343  =  7,8
 344  =  9,10,11
 345  = 12,13,14
 346  = 14,15
 347  = 15,16,17,18
 348  = 19,20
 349  = 21,22,23
 350  = 23,24
 351  = 24,25,26
 352  = 26,27
 353  =  1998 April 28,29,30, June 29
 354  =   April 30, May 1
 355  =   May  1,2,3
 356  =5
 357  =7,8,9,10
 358  =   10,11,12
 359  =   12
 360  =   12
 361  =   14,15,16
 362  =   15,16
 363  =   17,18
 364  =   18,19
 365  =   19,20,21
 366  =   21,22,23
 367  =   24,25
 368  =   25,26,27
 369  =   28
 370  =   28,29
 371  =   29,30,31
 372  =  1998 May 31, June 1
 373  =   June  2,3
 374  = 3
 375  = 4,5
 376  = 7,8,9
 377  = 8
 378  = 9,10
 379  =11,12
 380  =14,15
 381  =16,17
 382  =17,18,19,20
 383  =19,20
 384  =20,21,22
 385  =21,22,23,24
 386  =24,25,27
 387  =28,29,30
 388  =  1998 June 28,30, July 1
 389  =   July  1
 390  = 2,3,4
 391  = 4
 392  = 5,6,7
 393  = 7,8
 394  = 8,9
 395  = 9,10,11
 396  =12,13
 397  =14,15
 398  =16,17,18
 399  =19,20,21
 400  =21,22
 401  =23
 402  =26,27
 403  =28,29
 404  =  1998 July 31, August 1
 405  =   August  2,3
 406  =   4
 407  =   6,7,8
 408  =   9,10
 409  =  11,12
 410  =  13,14
 411  =  16
 412  =  18,19,20
 413  =  20,21,22
 414  =  23,24,25
 415  =  25,26
 416  =  26,27,29
 417  =  30,31
 418  =  31
 419  =  1998 September  1,2
 420  =  3,4
 421  =  5
 422  =  7,8
 423  =  4,8,9
 424  = 10,11,12,13
 425  = 14,15
 426  = 15
 427  = 15,16
 428  = 16,17
 429  = 16,17
 430  = 17
 431  = 13,17,18
 432  = 18,19
 433  = 19,20
 434  = 20,21,22
 435  = 22,23
 436  = 24,25,26,27
 437  = 27,28
 438  = 29,30
 439  =  1998 September 30, October 1
 440  =   October  1,2,3
 441  =4,5
 442  =6,7,8
 443  =8,9,10
 444  =   11,12,13
 445  =   13,14
 446  =   14,15
 447  =   15,16
 448  =   17
 449  =   18,19
 450  =   20,21,22
 451  =   22
 452  =   22,23,24
 453  =   25,26,27
 454  =   26,27
 455  =   27,28
 456  =   28
 457  =   29,30
 458  =   30,31
 459  =  1998 November  1,2,3
 460  = 3,4
 461  = 5,6,7
 462  = 9.10

Mersenne: Index of Mersenne Digest number vs. date - part 2a of 4

2003-01-09 Thread Richard Woods
  96  =  1997 January  2,3,4
  97  =6,7
  98  =7,8
  99  =9,10,11,12
 100  =   12,13,14,15
 101  =   15
 102  =   16,17,18
 103  =   18,19
 104  =   19,20,21
 105  =   21,22,23
 106  =   23,24
 107  =   25,26
 108  =   26,27
 109  =   27,28
 110  =   28,29
 111  =   29,30
 112  =  1997 January 30,31, February 1,2
 113  =   February  2,3,4
 114  = 5,6
 115  = 6,7,8,9
 116  = 9,10
 117  =10
 118  =11,12
 119  =12,13
 120  =13,14,15
 121  =15,16
 122  =13,16,17,18
 123  =18
 124  =18,19,20
 125  =20,21,22,23
 126  =23,24
 127  =24,25
 128  =25,26,27
 129  =  1997 February 27,28, March 1
 130  =   February 18,20, March 2,3,4
 131  =   March  4
 132  =  1996 December 4, 1997 March 4,5,6
 133  =  1997 March  6,7,8,9
 134  =  9,10,11
 135  = 10,11,12
 136  = 13,14,15,16
 137  = 14,17,18
 138  = 18,19,20
 139  = 20,21,22
 140  = 20,22,23
 141  = 23,24,25
 142  = 25,26
 143  = 27,29
 144  = 30,31
 145  =  1997 April  1,2,3
 146  =  3,4,5,6
 147  =  6,7
 148  =  8,9
 149  = 10,11,12
 150  = 14,15,16
 151  = 16
 152  = 17,18,19
 153  = 20,21
 154  = 22,23
 155  = 24,25
 156  = 25,26
 157  = 27,28
 158  = 28
 159  =  1997 April 28,29,30, May 1
 160  =   May  1,3,4,5,6
 161  =5,6,7
 162  =8,9,10
 163  =   11,12
 164  =   13,14
 165  =   15,16,17
 166  =   19
 167  =   20,21
 168  =   February 22, May 22,23,24
 169  =   May 25,26
 170  =   27
 171  =   March  1, May 29,30
 172  =  1997 March  4, June 1,2
 173  =   March  7, June 3,4
 174  =   June  4,5,6
 175  = 8,9
 176  =10,11,12
 177  =12,13,14
 178  =16,17
 179  =17,18
 180  =19,20
 181  =22,23,24
 182  =24,25
 183  =26,27,28,29
 184  =28
 185  =  1997 June 29,30, July 1
 186  =   July  1,2
 187  = 3,4,5
 188  = 7,8
 189  = 8,9
 190  = 1,9,10
 191  =10,11,12,13
 192  =13,14
 193  =15,16
 194  =16,17
 195  =17,18,19
 196  =20,21
 197  =22,23
 198  =23
 199  =  1980 January 10, 1997 July 24,25,26,27
 200  =  1997 July 28,29
 201  =29,30
 202  =  1997 July 31, August 2
 203  =   August  4,5
 204  =   5,6
 205  =   7,8,10
 206  =  11
 207  =  12,13
 208  =  15,16
 209  =  18
 210  =  19,20
 211  =  13,20,21,22
 212  =  24,25,26
 213  =  26,27,28
 214  =  28,29
 215  =  1997 August 31, September 1,2
 216  =   September  2,3,4
 217  =   August 22, September 4,5
 218  =   September  5,6,7
 219  =  6
 220  =  7.8
 221  =  8.9
 222  =  9,10
 223  = 10,11
 224  = 11,12,13
 225  = 13,14
 226  = 13,14
 227  = 14,15
 228  = 15
 229  = 16,17
 230  = 17,18
 231  = 18,19,20
 232  = 22,23
 233  = 23,24
 234  = 25,26,27
 235  = 26,27,28
 236  = 28,29
 237  = 29
 238  =  1997 September 30, October 1
 239  =   October  1,2
 240  =2,3,4
 241  =5,6,7
 242  =7,8
 243  =9,10,11
 244  =   12,13
 245  =   14,15
 246  =   16,17,18
 247  =   18,19,20,21
 248  =   21,22
 249  =   22
 250  =   23,24
 251  =   24,25,26
 252  =   26
 253  =   28,29,30
 254  =  1997 October 29,30,31, November 1
 255  =   November  2,3,4
 256  = 3
 257  = 4,5,6
 258  = 6,7
 259  = 7,8
 260  = 9,10,11,12,13,14
 261  =14,15,16,17,18
 262  =21,22
 263  =24
 264  =25,26
 265  =26,27
 266  =26,27,28
 267  =

Re: Mersenne: trial factoring

2003-01-08 Thread Richard Woods
Norbert.Pfannerer wrote:
 Why is the range 219. not included for TF?

Before Christmas, for several weeks it looked like someone was 
systematically working through 2191 (and maybe earlier -- I didn't 
check) to 2194, judging by weekly changes to and  My guess is that someone has reserved the 219x range 
by e-mail with George W.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Index of Mersenne Digest number vs. date - part 2 of 2

2003-01-08 Thread Richard Woods
Did anyone on the Mersenne mailing list receive either of the two 
postings I sent to the list yesterday with the subjects Mersenne: Index 
of Mersenne Digest number vs. date and Mersenne: Index of Mersenne 
Digest number vs. date - part 2 of 2?

If not, then apparently I've discovered yet another of my ISP's e-mail 

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Index of Mersenne Digest number vs. date - part 0 of 4

2003-01-08 Thread Richard Woods
Thanks to those who responded to my inquiry about my 2-part posting.  
Since no one seems to have received either of those parts, I'm going to 
try again with a 4-part posting.  If that doesn't work, ... hmmm ... 
I'll try reformatting the index text.

So stay tuned.  My next posting to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will have the 
index's introductory heading and number vs. date for the first 95 
Digests (through the end of 1996).

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Index of Mersenne Digest number vs. date - part 3 of 4

2003-01-08 Thread Richard Woods
 490  =  1999 January  3,4
 491  =4,5,6
 492  =6,7
 493  =7,8
 494  =9
 495  =   10,11,12
 496  =   12,13
 497  =   12,14,15,16
 498  =   16,17,18
 499  =   19,20
 500  =   24
 501  =   26,27
 502  =   28,29
 503  =   29,30
 504  =  1999 January 31, February 1,2
 505  =   February  2,3
 506  = 4,5,6
 507  = 7,8,9
 508  = 9,10
 509  =11,12,13,14
 510  =15,16,17
 511  =16,17,18
 512  =19,20,21
 513  =22,23,24,25
 514  =25,26
 515  =26,27,28
 516  =28
 517  =  1999 February 28, March 1,2
 518  =   March  2
 519  =  2,3
 520  =  2,3
 521  =  4,5,6
 522  =  7
 523  =  2,7
 524  =   February 8, March 7,8
 525  =   March  8,9
 526  =  3,8,9,10
 527  = 10
 528  = 10,11
 529  =   February 12, March 8,11,12,13
 530  =   March 13
 531  = 14,15
 532  = 15,16
 533  = 16,17
 534  = 17
 535  = 18,19
 536  = 19,20,22
 537  = 22,23,25
 538  = 25,26,30
 539  =  1999 March 30,31, April 1
 540  =   April  1,2,3
 541  =  3,4,5,6
 542  =  6,7,8
 543  =  8,9,10,11
 544  = 11,12
 545  = 12,13,14,15
 546  = 15,16,17
 547  = 17,18,19
 548  = 20,21,22
 549  = 23,24,27
 550  = 27,29
 551  =  1999 April 30, May 3
 552  =   May  3,4,5
 553  =4,5,6,7,8
 554  =8,9,10
 555  =   10,11,12
 556  =   11,13,14
 557  =   14,15
 558  =   14,15,16
 559  =   16
 560  =   16,17
 561  =   18
 562  =   18,19,20,21
 563  =   21,23,25
 564  =   25,27
 565  =   28,29,30,31
 566  =  1999 May 31, June 1,2
 567  =   June  2,3,4
 568  = 4,5,6
 569  = 5,6,7
 570  = 7,8
 571  = 8,9
 572  = 9,10,11
 573  =10,11
 574  =11,12
 575  =12,13,14
 576  =13,14
 577  =14
 578  =14
 579  =14,15
 580  =15,16
 581  =15,16
 582  =16,17
 583  =17,18
 584  =18,19
 585  =19,20,21
 586  =18,20,21,22
 587  =22,23,24
 588  =24,25,26
 589  =26,27
 590  =27,28,29
 591  =  1999 June 28,29,30, July 1
 592  =   July  1,2,3
 593  = 3,4,5,6
 594  = 5,6,7,8
 595  = 8,9
 596  = 9,10,11
 597  =12,13,14
 598  =14,15,16
 599  =16,17,18
 600  =18,19
 601  =20,21,22
 602  =22,23
 603  =23,24,25
 604  =25,26
 605  =26,27,28,29
 606  =28,29
 607  =29,30,31
 608  =  1999 July 31, August 1,2
 609  =   August  3,4
 610  =   4,5
 611  =   5,6,7
 612  =   7,8,9,10
 613  =  10,11,12
 614  =  12,13,14,15
 615  =  15,16,17
 616  =  17,18,19,20
 617  =  19,20,21
 618  =  21,22,23,24
 619  =  24,25,26,28
 620  =  29,31
 621  =  1999 August 31, September 1,2,3
 622  =   September  4,5,7
 623  =  7,8,9
 624  =  9,10,11,12
 625  = 10,11,12,13,14
 626  = 14,15
 627  = 15,16,17
 628  = 17,18,19
 629  = 19,20,21
 630  = 20,21,22,23
 631  = 22,23,24
 632  = 24,25
 633  = 19,25,26
 634  = 26,27,28
 635  =  1999 September 28,29,30, October 1
 636  =   September 30, October 1,2,3
 637  =   September 22, October 3,4,5
 638  =   October  5,6,7
 639  =7,8,9,10
 640  =   10,11
 641  =   11,12
 642  =   12,13
 643  =   13,14,15
 644  =   14,15
 645  =   15,16
 646  =   16,17
 647  =   17,18,19
 648  =   19,20
 649  =   20,21
 650  =   21,22
 651  =   21,22,23,24
 652  =   24,25,26
 653  =   26,27,28
 654  =  1999 October 28,29, November 1
 655  =   November  1,2,3
 656  = 3,4,5,6
 657  = 6,7,8
 658  = 8,9,10,11
 659  =12
 660  =13,16
 661  =16,19
 662  =  

Mersenne: Index of Mersenne Digest number vs. date - part 1 of 4

2003-01-08 Thread Richard Woods

Mersenne Mailing List -- Digest Number vs. Date Index

   The date range listed for a digest issue is that of the messages
posted within that issue, and does not necessarily include the
publication date in the issue's header.

   There are anomalous dates in some message headers.  Example: In
digest Volume 1, Number 171, published on 1 June 1997, one of the
posted messages is dated Sat, 1 Mar 1997.  Was that message actually
posted three months after it was sent, or was it mis-dated by the
sender's software for one reason or another?
   Rather than try to determine what happened, I simply index all
message header dates as they appeared in the digests.

   On each line of this index, the message dates within each digest
are listed in chronological order, but the messages were not
necessarily posted in that order in the digest.  Also, more than one
message with a given date may have appeared in a digest issue, but
this index lists each unique date only once for each digest issue.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Before first digest issue  =  1996 April 21 through 1996 July 1

- - -

Volume 1,
   1  =  1996 July  7,8,9
   2  = 9
   3  = 9
   4  = 9,10,11
   5  =11
   6  =11,12
   7  =12,13
   8  =14,15
   9  =16
  10  =18,20
  11  =22
  12  =25,26,27
  13  =  1996 July 30,31, August 1
  14  =   August  2
  15  =   4,5
  16 (Number 16 contained only spam and responses to it.)
  17  =   8,9,10
  18  =  14,15
  19  =  15
  20  =  15
  21  =  15,16,17
  22  =  17,18
  23  =  18,19
  24  =  20,21
  25  =  22,23,24
  26  =  26
  27  =  1996 September  1
  28  =  3,4
  29  =  3,4,5
  30  =  5,6,7,8
  31  =  9,10
  32  = 10,11
  33  = 12,13
  34  = 16
  35  = 18
  36  = 19,20,21
  37  = 22,23,24
  38  = 24,25
  39  = 27,28
  40  = 29,30
  41  =  1996 October  1,2
  42  =3,4,5
  43  =6
  44  =8,9
  45  =   10
  46  =   14,15
  47  =   15
  48  =   17
  49  =   24,26
  50  =   28,29
  51  =   29,30
  52  =  1996 October 31, November 1,2
  53  =   November  3
  54  = 5
  55  = 7,8,9
  56  =10,11,12
  57  =12,13
  58  =14
  59  =17
  60  =19,20
  61  =21
  62 (Number 62 contained only repetitions of earlier messages.)
  63  =21
  64  =21,23
  65  =24,25,26
  66  =26,27
  67  =28,29
  68  =29,30
  69  =28,29,30
  70  =  1996 November 30, December 1
  71  =   December  1,2
  72  = 2,3
  73  =   November 29, December 1,3
  74  =   November 29, December 3,4
  75  =   December  3,4
  76  =   December  5
  77  = 5
  78  = 5,6
  79  = 6,7
  80  = 7,8
  81  = 8,9
  82  = 9,10
  83  = 9,10,11,12
  84  =11
  85  =12,13
  86  =13,14
  87  =15,16
  88  =17,18,19
  89  =18,19
  90  =19,20
  91  =20,21
  92  =22,23
  93  =24,25
  94  =26,28
  95  =  1996 December 29,30

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Mersenne: Index of Mersenne Digest number vs. date - part 4 of 4

2003-01-08 Thread Richard Woods
 807  =  2001 January  3,5,7
 808  =7,8,9,14
 809  =   15,16,17
 810  =   19,20,22
 811  =   22,23,27
 812  =  2001 February  2,3,4
 813  = 3,4,5,6
 814  = 6,7,8
 815  = 8,9,10,11
 816  =11,12,13
 817  =13,15
 818  =15,17
 819  =17,18,19
 820  =20,21,22,23
 821  =23,24,25,27
 822  =  2001 February 27,28, March 1,3
 823  =   March  3,4,5,6
 824  =  6,7,8,9
 825  =  9,10
 826  =  2001 March 10,11, 2002 March 11
 827  =  2001 March 11,12
 828  = 12,13
 829  = 13,14,15
 830  = 16,18
 831  = 18,20
 832  = 20,21,22
 833  = 25,26,27
 834  = 27,28,29
 835  =  2001 March 30,31, April 1,2
 836  =   April  2,3,4
 837  =  5,6,7
 838  =  7
 839  = 10,11,12
 840  = 15,16,17
 841  = 17,18,19
 842  = 20,22
 843  = 22,23,24,25
 844  = 25,26,28
 845  =  2001 April 28,29, May 1
 846  =   March 31, May 2,6
 847  =   May  6,7,8,9
 848  =9,12
 849  =   12,13
 850  =   12,13,14
 851  =   14
 852  =   13,14,15,16
 853  =   15,16
 854  =  1998 January 29, 2001 May 16,17,18,19
 855  =  2001 May 19,20,21
 856  =   21,22,25
 857  =   25
 858  =  2001 May 31, June 1,2
 859  =   June  3,4,5,8
 860  = 8,9,10,11
 861  =12,13,17
 862  =  2001 June 17,18,19, 2002 June 19
 863  =  2001 June 20,21
 864  =22,23,25
 865  =26,27,30
 866  =  2001 July  1,3
 867  = 5,10
 868  =17
 869  =18,20
 870  =21,22,23
 871  =23,24,25,26
 872  =26,27,28
 873  =28,29,30
 874  =  2001 July 30,31, August 1,7
 875  =   August  8,9,12
 876  =  14,16
 877  =  17,18,22
 878  =  22,29
 879  =  2001 August 30,31, September 3
 880  =   September 3,4,5,6
 881  = 7,8,9
 882  = 9,10
 883  =10,11,12,13
 884  =17
 885  =21,22,23
 886  =22,23,25,26,27
 887  =27,28,30
 888  =  2001 September 30, October 1,2
 889  =   October  3,4,5
 890  =6,7,9
 891  =9,10,12
 892  =   12,14
 893  =   14,15,16,17
 894  =   19,20,21
 895  =   21,22,23,25
 896  =   25,26,27
 897  =   27,28,29
 898  =  2001 October 29,30,31, November 1
 899  =   October 31, November 1,2
 900  =   November  2,3,4
 901  = 4,5
 902  = 5,6,7
 903  = 8,9,10
 904  =10,11,12
 905  =12,13,14
 906  =14,15,17
 907  =17,18,19
 908  =19,20,21
 909  =22,23,24
 910  =24,25,26,27,28
 911  =27,28,29
 912  =  2001 November 30, December 1,2
 913  =   December  2,3,4
 914  = 4,5
 915  = 5,6
 916  = 6,7
 917  = 7,9,10
 918  =10,11,12
 919  =12,13,14
 920  =14,15,16
 921  =17,20
 922  =20,21,22
 923  =22,23,24
 924  =25,26,27
 925  =28,30
 926  =  2001 December 31, 2002 January 1,5
 927  =  2002 January  6,8,9
 928  =   10,11,12,13
 929  =   13,14
 930  =   14,15,16
 931  =   16,17,19
 932  =   23,26
 933  =   26,27,28,30
 934  =  2002 January 31, February 1,2
 935  =   February  2,3,4
 936  = 4,5,7
 937  = 7,8,9,11
 938  =11,12,13
 939  =13,14,15
 940  =15,16,17
 941  =17,18,26
 942  =26,27,28
 943  =  2002 February 28, March 1,2,3
 944  =   March  2,4,5
 945  =  1,7,8,12
 946  = 13,15
 947  = 16,17,18
 948  = 18,19,20
 949  = 20,21,22
 950  = 22,23,24
 951  = 24,25,26,27
 952  = 27,28,29,30
 953  =  2002 March 30, April 1
 954  =   April  2,8
 955  =  8,13
 956  = 13,14,15,16
 957  = 16,21
 958  = 22,23,24
 959  = 25,26,27
 960  =  2002 April 27,28, May 1
 961  =   May  4,8
 962  =9,10
 963  =   21,22,24
 964  =   24,25,26
 965  =   26,27,28,30
 966  =  2002 May 31, June 3
 967  =   June  3,5,6
 968  = 6,7,8,9
 969  = 9,10,11
 970  =12,13,14,15
 971  =

Re: Mersenne: Dissed again

2002-10-30 Thread Richard Woods
Let's not be _too_ eager to emulate SETIhome's popularity
and user-friendliness --,224985,20269509,00

Cheats wreak havoc on SETIhome: participants

SETIhome administrators are allegedly ignoring claims that the
project is being sabotaged by miscreants who are threatening to
derail its reputation and that of many valuable Internet-based
distributed computing projects.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Hyper-threading

2002-09-21 Thread Richard Woods

Daran wrote:
 Could this feature of forthcoming Intel processors be used to do
 trial factorisation without adversely impacting upon a simultaneous

This was discussed in March, starting in Digest Number 945.

Short answer: no.

Medium answer: If an application were not already optimized for
maximum pipelining, hyperthreading would allow another application
to use unused pipeline capacity.  But Prime95 is already so optimized.

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Re: - the world test

2002-09-18 Thread Richard Woods

Try accessing the Primenet status summary report directly at

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Primenet status summary report Exponent Range

2002-09-18 Thread Richard Woods

Speaking of the Primenet status summary report at ,

someone needs to allocate another couple of columns to Exponent
Range if it's going to be reporting on exponents over .

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Order of TF and P-1

2002-09-12 Thread Richard Woods

Daran wrote:
 When the TF limits were originally decided, it was assumed that a
 sucessful TF would save 1.03 or 2.03 LLs.  I can't remember whether
 George has ever said whether they have been lowered to take the P-1
 step into account.
to which Steve Harris replied:
 I don't think the TF limits were ever lowered; it seems they may
 have been raised, as I have gotten several 8.3M DC exponents which
 first had to be factored from 63 to 64

Whether it's raising or lowering depends on which way we're looking at
the TF limits: (a) the upper limit on power-of-two to which Prime95
TFs a given Mnumber, or (b) the lower or upper limits on Mnumber
exponent for which Prime95 TFs to a given power-of-two.

Recent Prime95 changes raised (a) for some Mnumber exponents, and
thus lowered (b) for some powers of two.

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Re: Any Comments On The Significance For GIMPS Of The New Kanpur Primality Algorithm?

2002-08-10 Thread Richard Woods

 Referring to the work, recently in the news, of Mssrs. Manindra
 Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena.

This is the same work to which Jens Pfeiffer referred in a
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 17:37:27 +0200 posting with subject
Mersenne: find primes in polynomial time?

Parallelling Paul Leyland's response then:

The Lucas-Lehmer primality testing algorithm in GIMPS software is
restricted to only a very special form of prime, 2^p - 1.  In contrast,
the new AKS algorithm applies to _all_ primes.

On primes of the form 2^p -1, the Lucas-Lehmer test in GIMPS software
is *MUCH, MUCH* faster than the new AKS algorithm.  However, the new
AKS algorithm will work on other forms of primes to which the
Lucas-Lehmer test is not applicable.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Re: P-1 limits

2002-07-17 Thread Richard Woods
 by P-1 
factoring are more complicated than the simple ( number of squarings = 
exponent - 2 ) one used for L-L test cost because P-1 factoring 
operation is inherently more complex than L-L testing.  Furthermore, 
Prime95's P-1 operation differs according to how much memory is 
available -- it will perform a tradeoff of more memory use for faster 
operation when possible, and this tradeoff is taken into account by the 
limit-choosing algorithm.

Outputs from the algorithm: optimal B1 and B2, total number of squarings 
for a P-1 run using that combination, and probability of finding a 
factor using that combination.

Though both P-1 and L-L costs are dominated by the number of FFT 
squarings required, the nonlinear dependence of P-1 squaring cost on 
exponent and bounds means that there can be a discontinuity in chosen 
bounds when the exponent passes from the range for one FFT size to that 
for another FFT size -- the balance point shifts differently for P-1 and 

Richard Woods

P.S.  When replying to this message, check that your reply's To: field 
contains [EMAIL PROTECTED].  My ISP's mailer has been mangling the 
Reply-To: field of messages I send.

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Re: Mersenne: Re: P-1 limits

2002-07-17 Thread Richard Woods

Recently I wrote:
 Well, if a Mnumber has been trial-factored to 2^63 (with no success,
 or else we wouldn't be considering P-1 now), then P-1 will not 
 find any factors of 63 bits or less.

Tom Cage has reminded me that he and others have found factors with
P-1 that are smaller than the posted bit limit in the current
nofactor.cmp at

AFAIK, the number of such findings is too small to make any significant 
difference in the probabilities calculated by the P-1 limit-choosing 
algorithm, but it would be well to remember that it can still happen.

Richard Woods

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Re: Mersenne: Re: P-1 limits

2002-07-14 Thread Richard Woods

Brian J. Beesley wrote:
 Shouldn't make much difference

Of course.

By Daran's example (quoted here in reverse order),
  7714127B1=4, B2=65
  7786567B1=4, B2=64
one can easily see that the effect of differing FFT sizes (384K for 
exponent 7714127, 448K for 7786567) on choice of P-1 limits was small in 
this case.

But Daran's question was about why the the _smaller_ exponent should get 
the _higher_ B2 limit at all.  My point was that that was a result of 
the FFT difference on the algorithm's output.

 P-1 computation rate is directly linked to LL testing computation
 rate, since the same crossover points are used and the main cost
 of both is FFT multiplication.

True, but the question here was about the choice of B1 and B2 limits.

 I think the most likely cause is that the P-1 limits depend on the
 relative speed of P-1/LL computation speed and trial factoring speed.

No.  Neither trial factoring speed nor its ratio to P-1/LL computation 
speed enters into the P-1 limit-choosing algorithm.

 If RollingAverage was slightly different, the relative computation
 rate might be guessed to be different enough for the P-1 limits
 to vary slightly.

No.  The P-1 limit-choosing algorithm does not consider RollingAverage 

Richard Woods

P.S.  When replying to this message, check that your reply's To: field 
contains [EMAIL PROTECTED].  My ISP's mail handler has been mangling 
the Reply-To: field of messages I send.

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Mersenne: Mersenne-digest numbering

2002-06-28 Thread Richard Woods

Ahem ...

Will the Mersenne-digest following Volume 01 : Number 999 be Volume 02 
: Number 001?

Richard Woods

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Mersenne: Mersenne-digest numbering

2002-06-28 Thread Richard Woods

How will the Mersenne digest following Volume 01 : Number 999 

Richard Woods

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