Re: resizing and screen resolution

2000-09-23 Thread Gary Rathbone

Agreed. We've developed a number of CDROM projects for Mac and PC. Whilst a
couple of years ago 640x480 was a consideration, we now work to 800x 600.

I'd suggest sticking to this 'average' resolution and adopt the following :

i) center your stage to the center of the monitor (there are functions
available to help you do this)

ii) to avoid distractions fill the rest of the screen (border) with black

iii) make sure nothing happens if they click on the black border

Guaranteed users will focus on whats happening and not the border ( just
like my TV when I watch a 'wide screen' film).

If you ask users to change the resolution of the computer you're assuming
they know how to. 

I'm not a fan of people having to change their set up in order to cater for
my software. I'd prefer my software catered for their machines. However you
can't please all the people all the time...


Gary Rathbone

on 23/9/00 16:18, Kevin Miller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 21/9/00 4:48 pm, Mark Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I make a lot of projects for children, and it is important that they pretty
 much fill the screen, lest distractions occur.  I was dismayed when we got
 larger high resolution monitors (mac) and discovered the projects shrank to a
 tiny size at the new, higher resolution.   If you turn the resolution of the
 monitors down, the stacks grow back to their original size, but the rest of
 the computer looks funky, requiring a return to higher res after you finish
 the game.  
 We hope to soon branch out to a larger client circle, and if so, the
 resolution of the client monitors will be an unknown.  Ideally, I would like
 to be able to dynamically resize the projects.  Has someone already written a
 script/external which will do the calculations so that objects and cards will
 grow proportionally with windows, in a general way?
 If not, I could work for an "average" monitor resolution...what would that be
 these days...or preferably in about a year in the future?  What is the
 resolution of the newer imacs?
 And what about the windows world?
 Any ideas/ help will be greatly appreciated.
 My advice would really be not to worry about this too much.  People use a
 wide variety of monitor resolutions (on monitors that are bigger and smaller
 and so look different in themselves) and the best thing to do is to
 recommend people change the resolution, before loading the program, to an
 optimal value.  Trying to scale your work is going to be a non-starter.
 800x600 is a good resolution to develop for: almost everyone can do it and
 its not as small as 640x480.  Larger than that and you start to risk people
 not being able to switch to it.
 mark mitchell
 Runtime Revolution Limited (formerly Cross Worlds Computing).
 Tel: +44 (0)131 672 2909.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.
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Can of Worms...

2000-09-23 Thread Gary Rathbone

As a Mac developer I monitor both the Realbasic and Supercard lists. Whilst
I'm active (and hopefully have assisted people) on this list, there are
people using RB and SC who are asking questions which could easily be solved
using MC. Previously, as a long term SC user, an MC 'mercenary' had a quiet
word in my ear, and, poached me from the SC list many, many  months ago.
Although this person will remain anonymous I remain in their debt.

The question is 'Do I maintain my competitive advantage by keeping quiet...'
or 'assist by suggestion...'


Gary Rathbone

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Re: XML parsing (loads of data question)...

2000-09-21 Thread Gary Rathbone

I'm looking towards Valentina ( for a
relational database solution for MC. However you need to get the data from
the format its in, to the format suitable for Valentina import.

A solution I've use in the past is to index the records into a file
structure depending on the key, or keys.

A converter would be written to split the data into directories and
subdirectories so that smaller files exist in defined locations.

eg to search on a surname "Davis" MC could look into C:/d/a/v/info.dat
which should contain a relatively small file with names such as Davis,
Davies, Davison, Davidson etc. and therefore much easier and quicker to

Other issues writing to this file structure 'database' and/or how often you
need to convert the original/updated data.

Gary Rathbone

on 9/21/00 8:48 AM, David Bovill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I have large amounts of XML data (say 30-100MB), which I need to parse.
 The first thought was to load it into an array, at start-up and then get the
 keys, and loop through each key (using repeat for each line) - testing to
 see if there is a match and returning the value if there is.
 However I figure that this would nearly double the amount of memory that I
 would need and the full index of keys would be almost as large as the entire
 index. As there is no syntax for referring to elements in an associative
 array by numerical index (ie get the first, second etc), what would be the
 fastest, and most memory efficient technique? Should I use an external
 database like "Pandora" or whatever the name beginning with P I am searching
 for is? maybe i need my own relational database -:)
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Re: XML parsing (loads of data question)...

2000-09-21 Thread Gary Rathbone

Can't help too much on the Valentina specifics as I'm evaluating it myself.
Suggest you take a look at the site
and ask the guys there (they've been very helpful). I know Scott endorses it

Post dated 3/9/2000
--snip-- Anyone building (or contemplating building) applications that
require managing more than a few MB of data or that require sophisticated
query support should download [valentina] --snip--

 --snip-- This is a key technology for MetaCard developers to have in their
arsenal and we need to do what it takes to make sure that it works well.
Regards, Scott [Raney] --snip--

on 21/9/00 15:20, David Bovill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Gary...
 From: Gary Rathbone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:23:55 +0100
 Subject: Re: XML parsing (loads of data question)...
 I'm looking towards Valentina ( for a
 relational database solution for MC.
 How implications does working with Valentina have for memory issues. I ask
 because one of the reasons for converting the project from Java is to get it
 working on Macs with under 50MB of RAM.
 However you need to get the data from
 the format its in, to the format suitable for Valentina import.
 What sort of format is required? Tab delimited?
 A solution I've use in the past is to index the records into a file
 structure depending on the key, or keys.
 A converter would be written to split the data into directories and
 subdirectories so that smaller files exist in defined locations.
 eg to search on a surname "Davis" MC could look into C:/d/a/v/info.dat
 which should contain a relatively small file with names such as Davis,
 Davies, Davison, Davidson etc. and therefore much easier and quicker to
 Other issues writing to this file structure 'database' and/or how often you
 need to convert the original/updated data.
 Thanks for the tip.
 If I have large amounts of XML data (say 30-100MB), which I need to parse.
 The first thought was to load it into an array, at start-up and then get the
 keys, and loop through each key (using repeat for each line) - testing to
 see if there is a match and returning the value if there is.
 However I figure that this would nearly double the amount of memory that I
 would need and the full index of keys would be almost as large as the entire
 index. As there is no syntax for referring to elements in an associative
 array by numerical index (ie get the first, second etc), what would be the
 fastest, and most memory efficient technique? Should I use an external
 database like "Pandora" or whatever the name beginning with P I am searching
 for is? maybe i need my own relational database -:)
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File Uploads

2000-09-14 Thread Gary Rathbone

HTML (tags missing)

input type=file" name="tupload"

produces a text field and a "browse..."  button on a web page allowing the
user to select a file on their machine. When the Form is submitted my MC cgi
stack is passed the path of the file. Is there anyway to 'suck' the file up
from their machine (I've seen it done with PERL scripts).

Any pointers would be gratefully appreciated...


Gary Rathbone 

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Re: Trapping Errors ..Mac to do server stuff...

2000-09-14 Thread Gary Rathbone

Thanks for this David, I'll give it a go. The reason I don't debug first and
then run through a browser may also be relevant to your other post
"Subject: anyone know how to get a Mac to do server stuff offline?"

I'm running two browsers, an HTTP server (WebTen on port 80) and a Metacard
CGI server (on port 81) all on the same standalone Mac (G4 192Mb) .

Pages are served from WebTen with cgi requests going to port 81 and Metacard
creating custom HTML responses on the fly. The build involves the
simultaneous creation of HTML forms (with Javascript processing) and the
corresponding MC cgi processing and responses. All quite chaotic but good
fun, and also a VERY quick build !

As I don't have DNS on my machine all calls are put through my (self
allocated) IP number followed by  a port ref eg

For the actual project the processes will be split across numerous Mac's
with the only alteration being a change in the IP numbers...

I know you said 'offlist' but the Mac and Metacard are a killer combo and
the world needs to know !!!

on 14/9/00 7:13 pm, David Bovill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not quite sure why you don't debug first without running through a browser,
 Its all Mac based and I'm using MC as an HTTP server with additional code to
 process forms. It works a treat... until I make a mistake like a typo...
 If I type :
 on mouseUp
 put "thtml" ito "pageout"
 end mouseUp
 into the button script of any stack, its accepted ie no semantic error. When
 I click on the button however an error "Cant find handler" along with line
 number and other error info is presented in the Execution Error dialog box.
 Great - enough info to locate and fix the problem.
 Now if the above routine is called by a browser through a socket connection
 to an MC stack then MC doesn't present the same Execution Error box and the
 only clue that something is wrong is that nothing is returned to the
 browser. Hence manually searching through the code. Any ideas ?
 It should be possible to build in a debugger that works with the server, but
 figuring out how to do this/how the existing debugger works is not easy, and
 according to Scott is likely to be a moving target...
 An idea (if you have to debug online), is to put the cgi script into a
 variable and then have a go at something like
 repeat with lineNum = 1 to the number of lines of cgiScript
 put line lineNum of cgiScript into scriptLine
 do scriptLine
 catch errorNum
 put "Error"  errorNum  "on line"  lineNum
 end try
 end repeat
 It'll be slow, but might work?

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Trapping Errors

2000-09-13 Thread Gary Rathbone

I'm writing an increasing number of complex cgi's using Metacard (What a
tool !)
I submit a page from by browser and metacard processes the request and
returns the required result. However should I (an I often do) have a typo in
my script eg:

 "put thtmlpage ito thtmlout"

the browser 'sticks' as MC can't produce the results due to the error. In
this instance MC doesn't return any error information and I have to search
through the script line by line to hopefully find my mistake.

Q: Can I return a 'readable' MC error message to the browser or even put a
message into an error field on the stack ? I guess I need to write my own
error routines...If so can anyone give me any pointers ?


Gary Rathbone 

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Tired Eyes - Script Editor Type

2000-09-13 Thread Gary Rathbone

From my previous post re:
And just one more All these late nights working on MC code are hurting
my eyes. Does anyone know how I can change the default typeface of the
script window to something that I find more readable ?

I now use a button on my stack whose script reads...

on mouseUp
  edit the script of this card
  set the textsize of wd "Script Editor 1" to 12
  set the textfont of wd "Script Editor 1" to "Monaco"
end mouseUp

For me this makes editing my scripts easier and quicker as I don't have to
switch from the browse tool and can set the type according to how awake I

Not perhaps the most 'revolutionary' tip, but may be of use to someone...


Gary Rathbone

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Re: Query SQL database

2000-08-31 Thread Gary Rathbone

Continuing on the database access theme can anyone please tell me (briefly)
what PHP is and where I can get it ...

I currently evaluating Valentina from for new
projects but I would like to access existing SQL databases.


Gary Rathbone

 MacConsult [EMAIL PROTECTED] said, on 8/9/00 6:35 AM:
 Is there any way to get data from a remote server running a SQL
 Javier Miranda V.
 MC Multimedia

on 9/8/00 7:33 pm, Geoff Canyon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--snip--...but I think the solution I would try would be PHP... --snip--

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Re: http and cgi

2000-07-12 Thread Gary Rathbone

Further to this thread I'd like to thank Brian Yennie for his code and the
others who got back to me with my Flamethrower / SC query.

Anyone who has a similar query should download mchttpd from Although its light in documentation the code is well
written, commented and therefore easy to understand and alter.

A question however is how robust is an MC Web Server ? Whilst I appreciate
it maybe a 'guestimate' how many concurrent connections can it serve ? How
many hits per day etc

And just one more All these late nights working on MC code are hurting
my eyes. Does anyone know how I can change the default typeface of the
script window to something that I find more readable ?

Thanks Again

Gary Rathbone

Subject: Re: http and cgi
Date: Wed, Jul 12, 2000, 5:56 am

 Here's some code off the top of my head, which uses Metacard as it's own
 server (as opposed to a cgi which relies on a web server to send it requests).

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Re: Flamethrower for MC ?

2000-07-07 Thread Gary Rathbone

And this principle will work on a Mac server ?  (Thanks for the offer of code. I'll 
contact you off list.)



You will need to work with sockets to duplicate Flamethrower's functionality. 
I've ported a large Flamethrower project to Metacard with little trouble. I 
started with the httpd server stack (available at Metacard's site), became 
familiar with sockets, and then rewrote all of the cgi_X() functions I was 
using in Flamethrower in plain Metatalk. For example, to implement 
cgiReply(), you will need to write the appropriate HTTP headers to the 
socket, followed by your HTML source. In most cases, this is very simple.
I can share some of my code if it would be helpful.


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Flamethrower for MC ?

2000-07-06 Thread Gary Rathbone

I've used Supercard for years but much prefer MetaCard for numerous reason.  However 
Supercard and FlameThrower are a fantasic combo for writing CGI's on my Mac web 

I'm not sure how Flamethrower works but it bridges the gap between the HTTP server and 
the stack allowing easy scripting for the most complex cgi's. However SC lacks the 
power and flexibility of MC.

So, Is there a similar app to FlameThrower for MC ?  If not is there one in the 
pipeline ? Or is there another solution (maybe sockets which I don't know anything 
about). I don't want to use Applescript as I've had performance problems in the past. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Gary Rathbone

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2000-03-17 Thread Gary Rathbone

-- snip -
On October 16th 1999 Gary Rathbone Wrote :

I'd like to use Metacard as as Front-End and Analysis Tool for ODBC compliant 

-- snip ---

Glad to hear ODBC discussions are continuing. Although I found a work around for my 
project I have been in (brief) discussions with EasySoft  
who provide ODBC 'middleware solutions'. 

As I stated in my original email I'm more than happy to pay to have a solution(s) 
developed. If anyone else would like (!) to share the development cost then please let 
me know...


Gary Rathbone

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Re: Graphic Tool Style - Got It !!!

2000-01-10 Thread Gary Rathbone

Sorry all. Another read through the manual and I discovered the templateGraphic 

It seems what I was looking for was:

set the style of the templateGraphic to "curve"

easy when you know what you're looking for !!!


Gary Rathbone

This is a very simple question, with I'm sure a very simple answer. I've searched the 
help files and done the old "trial and error" but am still stuck.

I have a button

   on mouseup
   choose graphic tool
   end mouseup

Which defaults to a rectangle. However I require a 'curve' style. What I need is 
something like

   on mouseup
   choose graphic tool
   set the style to curve
   end mouseup

Its for a cross platform Mac - PC project to be delivered in 3 hours, so any rapid 
response would be greatly appreciated.


Gary Rathbone

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Re: Shared Text and Shared Scripts

1999-12-09 Thread Gary Rathbone

Gary Rathbone Wrote :

So, is there anyway to define different scripts to background fields 
? Or is the whole point that you can't or shouldn't ?


Gary Rathbone

Peter Reid Replied :

I'd be tempted to have a single generic script for all the fields. If 
each card contains a field which has a unique card number in it 
(assuming I understand you correctly), then simply use this value 
within the field scripts:

on mouseUp
   go cd (field "CardNo") of wd "Day"
end mouseUp


Thanks. The number stored in the field actually has no direct relationship to the 
number of the card in the separate window to which the field is linked. So I can't use 
a generic script.

I will however write the relevant reference in line 2 of the field (as only the top 
line is visible) and then use a generic script to call this...

I think my issue here is developing a Metacard project without full understanding of 
the Metacard language/environment.  But, hey, I guess its the best way to learn.. 
isn't it ?


Gary Rathbone

ODBC Integration

1999-10-16 Thread Gary Rathbone

I'd like to use Metacard as as Front-End and Analysis Tool for ODBC compliant 

Has anyone else any experience of this ?
Is there a suitable external ? 
If not is anyone interested in writing one ? (obviously for payment) 
Am I totally off track and should look at another solution ?


Gary Rathbone