Re: Dumb sort question

2002-12-05 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab
This might be a dumb response, but if you are generating the data, can 
you generate it in a transposed form?




On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at 04:59 PM, 

Dumb sort question But how can I sort a variable featuring 4 lines 
with several
hundreds of items in each, so that (for instance) items of
line 4 are sorted numeric ascending, and (that's important)
items of other lines being moved according to the new
position of each item of line 4 ?

Mark Luetzelschwab	(512) 232 9477 (v)
Database Coordinator	(512) 232 2322 (f)
Texas Ctr for Reading and Language Arts	 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

metacard mailing list

Re: Testing on multiple platforms

2002-11-11 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab
Dang, Glen, you beat me to it -

One Mac OS X box with Connectix Virtual PC can give you:

OS 9.2.2

Win 95,98,ME,2000, and I think XP, if you are brave. I have 95 98SE, 
and 2000 on mine and all run well.

I've found the virtual machines to be somewhat sluggish, but capable 
and comparable to owning hardware for testing purposes.

That being said - we keep a few old macs around for other OS - 
partitioned to boot into various flavors of OS 8.

Plus its really cool to give a demo to anti-mac people of your 
software and to be able to push a button to show them the windows 
side of things...


From: Yates, Glen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Testing on multiple platforms
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 07:56:23 -0800

 It does not matter which OS I have.  My testing will always be on
 that one specifically.  Unless you have 5 or 10 computers, you CANNOT
 test on all OS's.

 A Window's developer would need at least 4 to test on the various
 flavours of Windows.  Minimum.

Or one copy of Connectix's Virtual PC. :-)

-Glen Yates


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End of metacard Digest

Mark Luetzelschwab(512) 232 9477 (v)
Database Coordinator(512) 232 2322 (f)
Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts	[EMAIL PROTECTED]
metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #377 - 9 msgs

2002-10-29 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Hi Guys,

Im porting a rather large neural network (NN) program written in C++ to
Metacard to do some stats...

Im looking for tips regarding porting variable redirection (pointers and
pointers to pointers)
and c-style struct variables. The key to porting these is speed as NN
require speed and ease of
scripting as MC is all about that!

Why not write an external? You'll be much happier with the speed - 
and you already have the hard part done.  NN code is going to be 
pokey in MC compared to C++ - you can still do the hard part (the 
GUI) the easy way in MC.


metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-21 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab
Shari - this is a common problem for people who skip the 
auto-configure when setting up a mac.

I have one last thing to try.  And quite a few bugs to squish that
aren't going to be easy ones.  Apparently the script to go to an URL
fails on some.  Printing too.


Did not work to go to website---had to force quit, then it asked me
if I was set up for internet access. Was connected via DSL.

Check for the existence of a file something like Internet Addn Prefs 
(look in the prefs folder - double check the name, I'm working from 

If its there, all is fine.

If its not, the finder brings up a dialog in the background *but does 
not notify you or switch to the finder*. This is the hanging that you 
are experiencing. So..

1. Check for the file
2. If its not there on 9.x, then

	a. Warn the user (They MUST click ok, or all fails)
	b. Activate the Finder (using appleevents)
	c. Hope that they click ok.

It might not be necessary - try using the open location instead - 
it should work on 9 - and may bypass this.

Good luck


-- She's testing on system 9.x.  Another fella with 9.x succeeded
with no troubles.

on goURL
   global tURL
   if tUrl is empty then
 exit goURL
   end if
   if tURL contains @ then put mailto:; before tURL
   if (the platform) is MacOS then
 get the systemversion
 set the itemdel to .
 if item 1 of it = 10 then # OS X
   put open location  quote  tURL  quote into s
   do s as AppleScript
 else # MacOS
   send tUrl to program Finder with GURLGURL
 end if
   else if (the platform) is Win32 then
 set the hideConsoleWindows to true
 put empty into theTitle
 if NT is in the systemVersion then
   set the shellCommand to cmd.exe
   put quote  quote into theTitle
 end if
 get shell(start  theTitle  tURL)
 # local intApp
 # local EXE_off
 # put
into intApp
 # if char 1 of intApp is quote then clear char 1 of intApp  #
strip leading quote
 # put offset(EXE,intApp) into EXE_off
 # put char 1 to (EXE_off+2) of intApp into intApp
 # launch tURL with intApp
   end if
   put empty into tUrl
   set the itemDel to comma
end goURL
--Shareware Games for the Mac--


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End of metacard Digest

metacard mailing list

Re: Fun With ImageData, MaskData and AlphaData

2002-07-07 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab
Title: Re: Fun With ImageData, MaskData and


Thanks for sharing these functions about imageData, etcthey
were always in the arena of when I might have some
time...but now they are quite within my grasp!

Two items:

1. The order that you had in your example for making the 50%
transparent blue image:

repeat with i
= 1 to 400
put binaryEncode(,255,0,0,0)
after iData
put binaryEncode(C,128) after
end repeat

did not work for me on my Mac, using 2.3.2

I had to switch the order:

repeat with i
= 1 to 400
binaryEncode(,0,0,0,255) after iData
binaryEncode(C,128) after aData
end repeat

2. Just for fun - I added a red-to-blue can add to
your page if you so desire!

(this is for a 16 x 16 image - will require some more
calculations for other images)

repeat with i = 1 to 256
binaryEncode(,0,min(i,255),0,max(255,255-i)) after
 put binaryEncode(C,128) after
 end repeat

Thanks again - your work is most appreciated!



Mark J. Luetzelschwab

Texas Center for

(512) 232 9477
Reading and Language Arts
(512) 232 2322

Applescript and MacOS 8.1

2002-05-21 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Anyone know if

send tAddress to program Finder with GURLGURL


  put tell application   quote  Finderquote to open file 
quotefilePath quote  into tScript
   send tScript to program Finder with sysodsct

will work with Mac OS 8.1? I have a user that can't do either of 
these, though Applescript is enabled. Both were supported in 
Applescript v1, so is this probably just a bum installation of 



Mark Luetzelschwab
Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts
metacard mailing list

Re: Interarchy for PC?

2002-04-18 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Thanks Andu, Chipp, Michael,

I'm really not sure what a radio lan is..I asked for more 
clarification on that point to see if it was the actual company or 
just a wireless ethernet.

Chipp, I'd be interested in chasing down that satellite issue - we 
can talk off list about it.  I'm going to try a standard wireless 
ethernet connection some point next week to make sure that those work 
(can't really see why not).

Andu - I'm still looks promising..does 
this ring a bell?

Thanks again..I'll post if I find anything.


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 12:50:24 -0500
From: Mark Luetzelschwab [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Interarchy for PC?


I have a user in England for one of my MC products who is using a
radio lan and a PC to connect to the internet. The first call of the
MC program is to download a web page into memory. This call fails,
but the user can view the same page using a web browser.

Is there a tool like Interarchy for the PC that I could have this
person use to monitor the difference between the browser's request
and MC's request?

Or, does anyone know how a radio lan might be affecting this?



metacard mailing list

Interarchy for PC?

2002-04-17 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab


I have a user in England for one of my MC products who is using a 
radio lan and a PC to connect to the internet. The first call of the 
MC program is to download a web page into memory. This call fails, 
but the user can view the same page using a web browser.

Is there a tool like Interarchy for the PC that I could have this 
person use to monitor the difference between the browser's request 
and MC's request?

Or, does anyone know how a radio lan might be affecting this?



Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 9477 *new*
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322
metacard mailing list

Re: Launching Acrobat twice

2002-04-09 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Hi Ken, (and others)

This is the end result - it seems to work quite well on 2000 and 98. 
Quite a bit simpler than using query registry, etc. Works for any 
kind of file *that is properly associated with an application*.

I still have to add the error handling in case I get an error from 
the shell script.

Both mac and PC code are here - the mac uses AppleScript

function system_OpenFile filePath

   if there is a file filePath then
 switch the platform
 case Win32
   # hide the console window so you don't get the flashing black box
   set the hideConsoleWindows to true

# important - strip the quotes, or the shell wont deal with it
   replace quote with empty in filePath

# make the path a DOS path (ah, the wonders of windows)
# then make a start filename shell script
# funny thing is, shell doesn't seem to mind the / instead of the \
   put startshortFilePath(filePath) into sCommand

   put shell(sCommand) into sError
 case MacOS
   # convert the MC file path to a mac path
   replace / with : in filePath
   if char 1 of filePath is : then delete char 1 of filePath

# tell the finder to open it.
   put tell application   quote  Finderquote to open file 
quotefilePath quote  into tScript
   send tScript to program Finder with sysodsct
   put the result into sError
 end switch

 put error_file_not_found into sError
   end if
   return sError

end system_OpenFile


How are you launching Acrobat? You mentioned the registry, but can you post
the code?


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 9477 *new*
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322
metacard mailing list

Launching Acrobat twice

2002-04-05 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Hi Everyone,

I have a need to launch multiple files in Acrobat 5 in Windows - at 
the user's request.

Launching the first one works great. (using the registry, etc. to get 
the proper path etc.)

Launching the second one either does nothing (XP) or crashes Acrobat (98).

How is this supposed to be done?  In other applications that I have 
done in MC, I just killed off Acrobat (or word, or whatever) and 
relaunched it. This is not an option in this project.

Any ideas?



Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 9477 *new*
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322
metacard mailing list

Re: metacard for CGI

2002-03-06 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Andu wrote:
-the main disadvantage you see in using metatalk/rev for CGI scripting
*besides some difficulty with debugging*

As someone who took a look at MC and decided to go with are 
some things that I would really miss if I went back to MC (in the 
order of importance). Everything that I mention can (is) be done 
using cmc.exe - but its a pain.

1. Request.Form / Request.QueryString
These allow me to grab the form data by name and any items in 
the query string.  No parsing necessary.

Possible Syntax:
Request_QueryString(user_id) would return 10101

Similarly, if you posted the data instead of putting 
it in the URL..
Request_Form(user_id) would return 10101

If these got separated far, far away from the read from stdin, you 
could write a debugger far, far easier by simply simulating the input 
and output.

2. Server Variables
Is it a POST, GET, who from..

Possible Syntax:

3. Session Variables
Not really necessary if MC is acting as a server to other MC 
clients, but very necessary for any kind of web applications that 
have more than one page -- using hidden form elements is the other 
option, but a pain.  Session variables stay alive between pages - but 
are only available to the person who started the session.

Possible Syntax:
put Session_Get(variable_name) would return 10101

Sure, MC can be a decent database - but its really nice to be 
able to do the database connections.  All I really need is a 
connection, a way to execute queries, and a table of the outputs. 
Simple enough ;)

4. XML support, though I'm still whacking away at an xml_lib, so that 
might be a non-issue.

Hope this helps.


metacard mailing list

Re: tabbed button question

2001-09-28 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Turn on the sharedHilite property of the tabbed button.

You can set the menuHistory to an integer to select the tab

set the menuHistory of button my_tab to 2

selects the second tab (and will go to that card).

If you want to dress up the tabs, you can get the same behavior with 
radio buttons in a group, with the added advantage that you can set 
the icon/hilitedIcon of the radio buttons to some hides 
the OS radio button and just displays the image.


From: Rodney Tamblyn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: tabbed button question
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 14:02:16 +1200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

How do you get the tab hilight to be shared when a tabbed button is 
placed in a stack background on multiple cards?


Make a tabbed button with three tabs

Add a script:
on menuPick what
go card what
end menuPick

Put into a stack background and place on three cards named the same 
as the tabs.

When you click on the tabs you will jump to the named cards.  The 
hilighed tab of the button will show whatever tab was last hilighted 
on this card (rather than the name of the card being displayed) ie 
the hilighted/selected tab is not shared...

Is there a syntax to select a tab of a tabbed button 
programmatically? Something along the lines of: select tab/line 
whatever of button button ?

Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362 ~

--- END metacard.v004.n473 ---


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

FTP uploads

2001-09-27 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

tried out the FTP uploads...had some trouble..

on mouseUp
   put url file:///Macintosh HD/Desktop Folder/Movie 
Browser/web/index.html \ into url 
ftp://myuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/d.txt;
   put the result
end mouseUp

it tried to STOR it as /d.txt..permission was denied

STOR /d.t

Using Fetch, it called:

STOR d.txt

and it was ok.

Is there any way around this?

This same problem did NOT appear on another ftp server (the second 
one spit back a long path /Library/Web Server/ etc...) and I was able 
to use MC to ftp to it. However, upload a large quicktime movie, then 
download using Fetch, the movie was corrupted. (the movie is 
flattened, etc, so binary transfer should have been ok). Any ideas?

Also, how do you check the status of an ftp upload?  Urlstatus does 
not return expected results.




Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: More Quicktime problems

2001-09-24 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

I've run into a very similar thing when I switched to 2.4 and was 
messing with it over the weekend.

I have found a workaround which seems to work ok, but I will still 
report this as a bug.

The problem, I think, comes when the player checks its own size...and 
it returns the size - the controller when it sets the 
rect of the new movie (I am assuming that you are swapping movies 
into one player) sets it to the smaller size.  Repeated calls 
shrinks it by 16 or so pixels each time until you have a lot of very 
short, fat people in your movie :)

So, a couple of things to try:

1. Do not call show player if the player is visible. It will cause 
the player to walk down the screen. If lockLocation is on, this will 
also shrink it. If this doesnt work, try..

2. Set locklocation to false, and set the fileName of the movie to 
empty when you are done with it...and before you set the fileName to 
something else. This seems to alleviate most size reporting bugs. 
BUT, it can cause flashing.


Ken Ray a Ècrit:

  Did you set the lockLocationi of the player object to true?

I tried both options (true  false), among many other things
(like setting the filename of the player, as well as its height 
width every time I want to start it), but problem remains...

BTW I forgot to mention that problem occurs not only with
.mov files, but also with .swf...

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 6034
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Stepping through a Quicktime Movie

2001-09-23 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Am I missing something obvious?

How can you step through a quicktime movie, frame by frame 
(NextInterestingTime-no audio) IF THE FRAME RATE is NOT Constant.

Is there a step command that I am missing?

All I really want is the total number of frames in a movie.




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Re: Urgent MC QUestions

2001-09-11 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab


At the some point, the app will need to launch the default browser
to open an HTML file located on one of the local volumes (CD-ROM
or HD).


Make the url file:// instead of http:// to open a local file. This 
will actually launch plug-ins and helper apps, too.

Not sure about the other two. Good luck.

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 6034
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Update Events?

2001-08-31 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Subject: Re: Update Events?
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 18:44:28 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Yes, the real problem is that the mac lib wants to crash whenever I give it a
GWorld instead of an ordinary window. Maybe I'm missing something...
Anyhow, I actually got a pointer to the window in a more round-about way: I
used the pixMapID of the stack and looped through the window list, looking
for it's owner. Not sure how I missed the windowID property, but now I know

Did you try making an ordinary window and moving it offscreen (set 
the globalrect to -500,0,0,500) or using an invisible window?  The 
first one should work better...


Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 6034
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: libURL-use in other stack/security

2001-08-31 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

From: Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]


3) How does one go about implementing progress bars and feedback from the
libURL handlers? Do we need to go in and add code ourselves? Seems like that
kind of tampering by a novice could be dangerous,, does libURL send
messages that we can trap for? and if so, what are they? Basically all I
want is something really simple...OK, your FTP upload worked. Done. or
Sorry, problem, your FTP upload didn't work Downloads are
transparent...either you see the data/file you tried to fetch or not... but
uploads are mysterious without feedback.

I do this with load url by repeatedly (every 0.2 seconds or so) 
sending a message to my stack to check the urlStatus and then 
converting the loading x,y to a number, which then sets the scroll 
of a progressbar. I am not sure if there is a parallel for 
urlStatus() for FTP, but I'm going to have to find out for myself 
pretty soon.

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Texas Center for(v) (512) 232 6034
Reading and Language Arts   (f) (512) 232 2322

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: sockets

2001-08-27 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

From: Rodney Tamblyn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: sockets
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 17:08:59 +1200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I have been having fun working with sockets in Metacard, and in 
general everything seems to work fine.

Some socket questions:

When using sockets to read and write I have been using the following 
approach: write the length of the packet on a line followed by the 
data, at receiving end read for one line, then read for the supplied 
number of characters.  What approaches do others use?  You can also 
read without specifying a for condition, a specified handler will 
be called when data arrives.  Are there any advantages/disadvantages 
of one approach over the other?

read from socket s with message newData

is probably the best threads the socket reading, so your 
program doesn't come to a halt.

You just need to handle the newData message (or whatever you want to 
call it) which has the data and the socket.  You should wrap your 
communications in something (i use reply/reply so you know when 
you have all of your data (i.e. if its a bunch of data, you might get 
a couple of messages with only part of the info).

As far as leaving them open, I tried leaving them open for short 
bursts...something like
Computer 1  Computer 2
Process Request
Send OK or more data
if OK, close socket
if data, process and send back ok or data

and continue until one says OK.

Unless you are doing something high-speed like online gaming, I think 
that its smarter to close sockets...but I could be wrong at that..

Hope this helps!


In general, if you have two stacks that are going to have an ongoing 
series of communications going backwards and forwards, is it better 
to leave the socket open, or always close the socket after each 
communication.  I've assumed the latter. 

Presumably there is a limit on the number of sockets MC can have open?

When MC has an open socket, does it periodically attempt to verify 
whether the remote party is still present?

Any other comments or tips from people who are experienced using 
sockets in Metacard would be appreciated.

Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362 ~

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Family Behaviour for A Group of Buttons

2001-06-21 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Gregory Lypny wrote:

  Hi Everyone,
  I've created a group of three rectangular buttons that I would 
like to have behave like a family of grouped radio buttons, that is, 
only one can be hilighted at a time. How can I do that? The three 
buttons will be used in a navigator panel with each button taking 
the user to a different card. When the target card opens, I want the 
button (named after the card) hilighted as a location reminder.

If you are using regular buttons, use the scripts others have sent, 
if you are using custom icons, you can group a bunch of radio 
buttons, set the icons (hilite/not), and be sure to set the 
sharedHilite of each radio button to true (not doing this creates 
some really interesting behavior!).  When you do this, the radio 
button itself will not be shown, but the icons will.  This is how I 
have a custom navigation panel on my stackworks quite well.

script is something to the effect of (in the group)

on mouseUp
go card (the short name of the target)
end mouseUp


Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: XML everything

2001-04-18 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

The reasons that I am planning on adding better XML formattings for 
my applications are (these may or not be directly applicable to your 
situation, but it may help to see other's reasoning)

1. Everything I work on will be integrated with the internet at some 
level. Knowing that most server platforms have some support for XML 
parsing, I know that if I have to communicate with something other 
than an MC server, the parsing code should be relatively simple on 
the other platform. My goal is to have all communications between mc 
client and mc server stacks to be in XML so I can jump servers 
quickly if necessary.

2. Backup files are easy to create, easy to parse, and...sometimes 
more important..easy to read (human reading :).  I.E. I have a 
database of references...these are all stored in XML...XML files can 
be read by Internet Explorer 5 as a hierarchical tree...makes it easy 
to poke through a backup file.

3. Data sets that have varied (loose) formats and embedded structure 
are easier to deal with.. i.e. things like
main_idea There are three points:listliPoint 1/liliPoint 
2/liliPoint 3/li/list/main_idea
Something like that is difficult to deal with with simple key structures

Like others who have posted, the processing is done in other formats 
(i.e. arrays,etc) that are native to MC...but, this is really the 
case for all systems (i.e. try multiplying two XML elements together 
without first converting them to numbers).

In your specific case, your structure is quite similar to XML, and if 
it doesn't need to be shared with other apps, then you really have no 
reason to change over (and there is quite a bit of code that makes 
reading key structures easy).  Well..other than you could impress 
fellow party-goers that you are using XML ;)


Using XML for the lesson content probably makes good sense. But the
program also has to output various student data such as test results,
lesson progress, etc. Currently, this is done in typical key/value
style. E.g.:

Should I change this to use XML? Right now, I can't see any good
reason to, so I probably won't. But I think I'm likely to face the
question, "Why aren't you using XML for this?"  My answer right now
is a shrug of the shoulders. So what do you think? Should I change it
to XML or not?

Dave Cragg

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Urgent Request: Selecting Tabs

2001-04-16 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Hi All,

(v 2.3.2, Mac Windows)

How do you select tabs on a tabbed button from somewhere else?

set the effective label of button "card_tabs"  to "whatever"
set the label of ...etc.

does not work.

I have to have this working by tomorrow...I can send a click to the 
appropriate location (this works) but this is a hack.


Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

XML functions

2001-03-21 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Hi All,

Before I take a crack at writing XML-like functions in MC, what has 
everyone else been doing? Does anyone have a library to share?

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Ultimate MetaCard Server Platform?

2001-03-12 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

If you could pick any server for MetaCard-based server application, 
what would you pick and why?

(I am putting together a budget proposal)

1. For CGI handling (i.e. processing of simple forms)
2. For handling MetaCard client requests (not http, some 'custom' protocol)

Other requirements:
1. Run Apache
2. Easy to set up and maintain (I know enough Unix to be dangerous, 
but not enough to fix that which I screw up)
3. More or less, out of the box solution.
4. 80,000 requests per minute

Right now I use a MacOSX server for non-metacard stuff...but am 
unsure of the future of mc on OSX server. I assume that it will come 
out once the OSX (desktop)  and the new OSX server interface are out 
(May?), but am hesitant to gamble on vaporware (OSX)


Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

POST and ASP and others...

2001-03-12 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Hi All,

I saw a couple of postings related to POST and ASP...and never really 
saw an far as I can tell, this solution works for ASP and 
some other web servers (HTML/OS) that accept a POST command.

This example works for modifying the httpHeaders just ever so 
slightly. The addition is:

  set the httpHeaders to "Content-type: 

make a field with the name "Earl" and put the url into it (i.e. 
make a field with the name "data" and put some text in there (i.e. hi )
make a button and put the following script.

on mouseUp
   set the httpHeaders to "Content-type: 
   # The trailing return is the key...without it, this spits back all 
sorts of errors.
   put field "Earl" into mURL
   put "myText="field data into tText
   post tText to URL mURL
   put it
end mouseUp

The ASP file (i.e. http://localhost/default.asp)

should have:

% Language=VBScript %
Response.Write Request.Form("myText")

The html, head and body tags arent really necessary.

It should just spit back what you put in the data field.


Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Digest metacard.v004.n225

2001-03-07 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

From: Simon Lord [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 stuff deleted
For CBT developers this would be great as it allows for total control
over the text and other elements in a stack (just like a browser
there is only 1 repository).  If you shipped a CD ROM and decided to
change a graphic then you'd be toasted.  If you change an element on
the server then all stacks running around the globe get the update
the moment the stack calls it.

Not necessarily *toasted* with the CD just need 
to keep track of it.  In my case, I have to reach teachers in *all* 
parts of Texas (i.e. where a phone line is a luxury :), I am putting 
all of the media on a CD, *but*..the system logs in to a server and 
gets *updates*. The updates are either stored locally (user choice, 
downloaded in the background) or I just store a link. Then, each time 
that I am about to load a resource, I check to see if the 
image/stack/movie/external object has been updated, and if the update 
is local or remote. If it is remote, then I grab it from the server.

Of course, if we update *everything*, then I'm doing what you are 
doing, only slower :)

I'm telling you, MetaCard will really make it easy for us to deploy
anywhere and still control our content. You can do this now but you
really need to build a finely tuned script to keep track of all the
resources being copied to the disk (you may want the user to cache or
actually store a copy as they run through your stack - depends on the
content, such as large movies (why download more than once in a

Tracking is kind of a pain, but not technically difficult.

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Digest metacard.v004.n226

2001-03-07 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: image url one-liner?
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 23:09:24 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I know we can put text into a field from a remote URL in one line:

   put url "" into fld 1

but is there a one-liner for setting the source file for an image object?

put url "" into image 1

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Grey Printing?

2001-03-01 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Though this would qualify as a hack, it might solve the problem. Try 
putting an all white graphic or image in the background

My guess is that the print GWorld is erased before the background 
color is set, or pulls the background color from some other stack. If 
you put an all white image on the card, it will draw that AFTER the 
erase (using a foreground color) and should blank it out fine.

No promises...its just a guess.


--- MESSAGE metacard.v004.n215.4 ---

From: Peter Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Grey Printing?
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 18:06:23 +
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

I have a sub-stack which I'm using for printing purposes.  If I
display a card on the screen everything looks fine, with a white
background.  However, if I then use Print Card, I get a mid-grey
background behind the card contents when printed?!

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Group Owner

2001-01-24 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

ThanksI looked and this computer was running b4.  Works great, now!


I had this problem, and there have been a few emails back and forth about
this about 2 months back. As far as I remember Scott fixed/altered this in
2.3.2 so that the owner returns the long id rather than the name. I think
this is the case now...

What version are you using? Otherwise there are some workarounds like
defining your own function "myowner" and getting the function to return the
long id of the target and then calling this function from your groups...

  From: Mark Luetzelschwab [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 17:09:07 -0600
  Subject: Group Owner
  Hi Everyone,
  Quick Question:
  I have two groups (custom scrollbars) that have the same name as each
  other on one card

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Group Owner

2001-01-23 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Hi Everyone,

Quick Question:

I have two groups (custom scrollbars) that have the same name as each 
other on one card

Each group has a graphic which needs to access customProperties of 
the parent (owner) group.

If I get the OWNER of the graphic, I get the name...any operations on 
that affect only the first group with that name.

Can I get the OWNER ID (and no, "put the id of the owner of me" does 
not returns the same value for both groups).

The workaround is to remove the NAME of the group...and the owner 
returns the correct id.  But I have to reference the group by name at 
some point, so its only a temporary solution.

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Sockets Made Easy .. sort of

2000-11-15 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Since I have been mucking around with sockets (as others on this list 
have), I decided to make a simple stack that acted as both a client 
and a server and could send any data between the two.

My current plan is to make it a stack that can act as a library so I 
can use it at either end and make updates to it without messing with 
the rest of my stacks.

In its current form, it lets you send data up to the stack acting as 
a server, send a simple command to request data from the server, and 
to send a file to the server.  (remember, its the same stack, just 
running on two machines...and you hit "start server" on one). The 
conversation between the two continues until the client or server 
says "OK" the server can send error messages or whatever back to 
the client.

Feel free to use it, take it apart, make it better (lots of 
room).it should be a pretty good intro for someone who is just 
learning sockets, but also useful for someone who doesnt want to 
learn too much about them (and just wants to move small blocks of 
data between stacks).  I'll post the library stack once I figure it 
out for my purposes.

Detailed instructions are on the page...but in it on 
two computers, click on start server on one, type the IP of the 
server into the client, then send some data!

Download from:

Let me know what you think.

Mark J. Luetzelschwab   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology(f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.