Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-06-02 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Regardless of how the script editor was implemented, was it modal?  It's 
been a while since I've used it, but I had the impression it was 
modeless, so that one could leave the window open and get back to the 
stack.  But if it was modeless, how does the ss handler know to suspend 
activity when it opens a script editor window?  And what triggers it to 
resume again?

It was modeless, but HC itself suspended script execution whenever the 
"edit" command was issued. It automatically resumed where it left off 
when the editor was closed, so stopping for each script during the 
"searchscript" handler was automatic.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-06-02 Thread Richard Gaskin

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

At 12:02 PM +0200 5/31/2007, Robert Brenstein wrote:
Just for curiosity, I just launched HC and checked it out. Script 
Editor is modeless. The search script handler has

if the script of this stack contains pattern then edit script of this 

repeat with curBgnd = 1 to the number of backgrounds

All objects are checked the same way, so apparently the script 
suspends while script editor is opened and continues after it is closed.

If I remember correctly, this is because the HC script editor is a 
self-contained external (a "version 2.0" external - which has some 
capabilities that the MC/Rev interface lacks). Since the script editor 
in MC is a stack, it can't take advantage of this. (Darn.)

Regardless of how the script editor was implemented, was it modal?  It's 
been a while since I've used it, but I had the impression it was 
modeless, so that one could leave the window open and get back to the 
stack.  But if it was modeless, how does the ss handler know to suspend 
activity when it opens a script editor window?  And what triggers it to 
resume again?

Been a long time since I used it, so I may just not be recalling it 

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-06-01 Thread Tariel Gogoberidze

On Thu, 31 May 2007 15:20:55 -0400 Shari  wrote:

So that means any MC solution cannot take you from script to script to 


If you really want HyperCard style "ss" search,  try the  solution I 
posted  2 days ago on this list.
It's a hack but if you would not open and close stacks  while handler 
takes you from script to script, it would work.  When you close the 
script window the handler would take you to the script of next object 
that contains the search string.

If something goes wrong or you want to stop handler taking you from 
script to script,  just press command + shift key simultaneously.

Below is modified HyperCard "ss" handler.
You can include substacks in search by "put the substacks of this 
stack" and loop through resulting list as well.

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

on ss tSearchWhat,stackName
  global ScriptFindString -- HyperTalk global variable
  set lockRecent to true
  push card -- remember where we are
  if tSearchWhat is empty then
ask "Search for what string?" with ScriptFindString -- ∆
if (it is empty) or (the result is "Cancel") then exit searchScript
put it into tSearchWhat -- otherwise use it as the search 

  end if
  put tSearchWhat into ScriptFindString
  set lockMessages to true -- avoid open messages
  if stackName is not empty then
go to stack stackName
  end if
  set lockMessages to false
  if the script of this stack contains tSearchWhatthen then
edit script of this stack
  end if
  repeat with curCard = 1 to the number of cards
if the script of card curCard contains tSearchWhat then
  edit the script of card curCard
end if
repeat with curControl = 1 to the number of controls
  if the script of control curControl contains tSearchWhat then
edit the script of control curControl of card curCard
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
end ss

on HoldTheExecution
  set the cursor to iBeam
  put number of lines of the OpenStacks into N
  repeat until number of lines of the OpenStacks < N
if the commandkey is down and the shiftkey is down then exit to top
wait for messages
  end repeat
end HoldTheExecution

best regards
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-06-01 Thread Robert Brenstein
If I remember correctly, this is because the HC script editor is a 
self-contained external (a "version 2.0" external - which has some 
capabilities that the MC/Rev interface lacks). Since the script 
editor in MC is a stack, it can't take advantage of this. (Darn.)

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wonder whether it could be possible to call the script editor as a 
modal window when doing the all-script search. This would essentially 
reproduce the HC functionality me thinks.

metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-31 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 12:02 PM +0200 5/31/2007, Robert Brenstein wrote:
Just for curiosity, I just launched HC and checked it out. Script 
Editor is modeless. The search script handler has

if the script of this stack contains pattern then edit script of this stack
repeat with curBgnd = 1 to the number of backgrounds

All objects are checked the same way, so apparently the script 
suspends while script editor is opened and continues after it is 

If I remember correctly, this is because the HC script editor is a 
self-contained external (a "version 2.0" external - which has some 
capabilities that the MC/Rev interface lacks). Since the script 
editor in MC is a stack, it can't take advantage of this. (Darn.)

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-31 Thread Shari
One way to keep track is to just keep an eye on the titlebar of the 
script editor, which will tell you where you're at. The search stack 
I wrote for myself also retains the selection of the script that's 
opened, so that also provides a clue. (Did I send you that one?)

I do, however, use the "ss" command in the message box to bring up 
my search stack. It's a handler in my custom backscript, which loads 
when MC is launched.

on ss
  palette "searchScripts"
end ss

I don't have it, no.

If it searches all substacks in a stack, I'd like to give it a whirl :-)

Windows and Macintosh shareware games
BIackjack Gold
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-31 Thread J. Landman Gay

Shari wrote:
Right, it's built into the HC engine. MC and Rev don't do that, since 
their editors are just stacks. The script editor in HyperCard was a 
dialog resource built into the application and controlled specially by 
the app code.

Jacqueline Landman Gay

So that means any MC solution cannot take you from script to script to 

Well, maybe there is a way but it would be tricky to implement. That's 
why all the examples you've seen have provided the results in a separate 

One way to keep track is to just keep an eye on the titlebar of the 
script editor, which will tell you where you're at. The search stack I 
wrote for myself also retains the selection of the script that's opened, 
so that also provides a clue. (Did I send you that one?)

I do, however, use the "ss" command in the message box to bring up my 
search stack. It's a handler in my custom backscript, which loads when 
MC is launched.

on ss
  palette "searchScripts"
end ss

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-31 Thread Shari
Right, it's built into the HC engine. MC and Rev don't do that, 
since their editors are just stacks. The script editor in HyperCard 
was a dialog resource built into the application and controlled 
specially by the app code.

Jacqueline Landman Gay

So that means any MC solution cannot take you from script to script to edit?

One of the biggest issues I've had with list-based search scripts is 
that I often have dozens of hits spanning multiple stacks.  After 
changing the first three or four, I lose track of which link I 
clicked on and end up starting over.  Plus doing the whole manual 
Open, Edit, Save and Close script dozens of times :-)

Windows and Macintosh shareware games
BIackjack Gold
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-31 Thread J. Landman Gay

Robert Brenstein wrote:

All objects are checked the same way, so apparently the script suspends 
while script editor is opened and continues after it is closed.

Right, it's built into the HC engine. MC and Rev don't do that, since 
their editors are just stacks. The script editor in HyperCard was a 
dialog resource built into the application and controlled specially by 
the app code.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-31 Thread Shari

Short-term:  My Standalone Ranger is a front-end to MC's Standalone
Builder, which lets you save the settings to a custom prop in the target
stack's first card (yes, I know it's  prop, but it's optional and you're
made aware of what it's doing; no behind-you-back property hijacking).
If you promise to provide feedback I can email it to you.


Did you get my emails taking you up on this offer?  If not, I'll bet 
I'm in your junk folder :-)

Windows and Macintosh shareware games
Blackjack Gold
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-31 Thread Robert Brenstein

I have asked several times since using MC about searching all scripts,
and never got a really good solution.  I MISS the Hypercard ss
function.  That was awesome!  It just took you to each instance,
let you change it, then moved on to the next one.

Was HC's script editor modal?  I'd thought it wasn't.  If not, how did
ss suspend while the script was being edited?

Just for curiosity, I just launched HC and checked it out. Script 
Editor is modeless. The search script handler has

if the script of this stack contains pattern then edit script of this stack
repeat with curBgnd = 1 to the number of backgrounds

All objects are checked the same way, so apparently the script 
suspends while script editor is opened and continues after it is 

I don't have MC here to check.

metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-30 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

On Tue, 29 May 2007, Tariel Gogoberidze wrote:

1) Wilhelm Sanke wrote excellent stack "SearchDocs XML" a 
while ago.

Unfortunately it can process only pre vs 7.x Rev documentation (in 
operates on vs 2.6.1 to be precise) but it covers almost all my needs 
and the great strength of this solution is that it finds all instances 
of the search word, even in descriptions and comments. In a way it 
makes instant cross indexing of the whole documentation (Dictionary + 
FAQ + Topics) by given search word.

After the change of the file format of the Rev documentation I was busy 
with other things and not sure whether the Rev team would not change the 
format again in the near future. Therefore I personally continued to use 
my last "Searchdocs" stack, which I still use rather frequently, and 
discontinued any effforts to adapt the SearchDocs tools.

I will take a look ar Björnke's stack.

2) For the latest docs (Rev 2.8.1) I use a stack from  Björnke

Best regards

As a fast script-search tool I have used my private "MCBrowser", which I 
did not offer as a public tool as there were other similar or equivalent 
tools around (e.g. Klaus Major, Richard Gaskin). I have now put it on my 
website for download, inspection, and possible improvement. The stack is 
from 2001 with minor bug fixes later and is a really very fast 
script-search tool. There maybe some bugs in it, which did not hurt me 
much as I used the stack only as a personal tool.
It think it could be easily enhanced to include substacks, but my 
present work demands prevent any further development at the moment. From 
the description on my website:

"The Metacard version of the above "RevBrowser". It is basically an 
enhanced and refined Metacard "Control Browser" with an added 
fast-search function that lets you search all scripts of a stack. The 
search tool lists all found scripts lines - with the searchstring 
colored - along with the addresses of the objects. Clicking on the 
object address enables you to edit the respective script. (Stack is from 
2001, may have some bugs, and especially is unable to deal with 
"unplaced" groups)."

You can get the stack from here:

or from page "Tools and Samples for Development"


Wilhelm Sanke

metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-30 Thread Shari
Concerning stack wide search, I guess like many of us,  I wrote my 
own a while ago. It's sort of enhanced "control browser" that shows 
the structure of multiple stacks of interest and their substacks at 
once and can search scripts across them, even searches the script of 
unplaced Bg Groups if any. The problem is that the interface is ugly 
and definitely not user friendly. Besides, anything like such stack 
would deviate from the philosophy of a lightweight IDE. it's more 
like personal tool.

I had something similar that somebody created.  It would list every 
object in a separate window.  I would start opening the objects to 
edit their scripts, but after the first few would forget where I left 
off in the list not uncommon to have dozens of objects with a 
particular word or phrase I wish to change :-)

Windows and Macintosh shareware games
Blackjack Gold
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-29 Thread Tariel Gogoberidze

On May 29, 2007, at  08:55:36 -0700, Richard Gaskin wrote:

1.  Search (and edit) all scripts in a stack, including substacks
2.  More advanced standalone saving
3.  More detailed info in the Help docs
  a.  Often the Help Index assumes you know something already,
sometimes I want to learn something new, and the Help Index doesn't
give me enough to even make the attempt, I must search thru the online
archives in the hopes that somebody posted detailed code in answering
somebody else's question.  Even a line or two of example code would be
useful, but often isn't there.

Great summary.

I think the path forward is an invitation to the open source advocates
in the Rev community to put up:

With Klaus maintaining his role in coordinating things (thank you
Klaus!), we could use owners for these components just as we've had
owners for other components (e.g. Ken's done a wonderful job managing
the Variable Watcher).

I'm willing to be owner of the Standalone Builder.

 Do we have folks
here willing to take on Search and Docs?

Concerning Docs it's sort of done already.

1) Wilhelm Sanke wrote excellent stack "SearchDocs XML" a 
while ago.

Unfortunately it can process only pre vs 7.x Rev documentation (in 
operates on vs 2.6.1 to be precise) but it covers almost all my needs 
and the great strength of this solution is that it finds all instances 
of the search word, even in descriptions and comments. In a way it 
makes instant cross indexing of the whole documentation (Dictionary + 
FAQ + Topics)  by given search word.

2) For the latest docs (Rev 2.8.1) I use a stack from  Björnke

It works fine in MC (just drop it in MC plug-Ins folder, set the 
externals of this stack to "RevXML" and follow it's set up 
instructions. Stack would create folder with about 1500 XML files in 
it, but I can leave with that. It even has built in tool to customize 
it's own layout and I believe it can be easily adopted to use Ken's XML 
library instead of RevXML if needed.

Concerning stack wide search, I guess like many of us,  I wrote my own 
a while ago. It's sort of enhanced "control browser" that shows the 
structure of multiple stacks of interest and their substacks at once 
and can search scripts across them, even searches the script of 
unplaced Bg Groups if any. The problem is that the interface is ugly 
and definitely not user friendly. Besides, anything like such stack 
would deviate from the philosophy of a lightweight IDE. it's more like 
personal tool.

As for HyperCard style "ss" script search, I think it should be 
possible to do in MC. All it takes is to hold execution of the "ss" 
search script while user edits the script of the object that contains 
search string. Execution can be hold with "wait for messages", the 
problem is what should be the "release" trigger.

 Off the top of my head here is the ugly hack that would imitate 
HyperCard "ss" script search behavior

on searchScript tSearchWhat,stackName
-- ... snip..
 repeat with curControl = 1 to the number of controls
  if the script of control curControl contains tSearchWhat then
edit the script of control curControl of card curCard
  end if
end repeat
-- ... snip...
end searchScript

on HoldTheExecution
  put number of lines of the OpenStacks into N
  repeat until number of lines of the OpenStacks < N
if the commandkey is down and the shiftkey is down then exit to top 
-- just in case something goes wrong

wait for messages
  end repeat
end HoldTheExecution

The idea is that when script editing is done, the user closes "Script 
Editor" stack by pressing enter key and "searchScript" handler moves to 
the script of the next object that contains search string.

Now, there must be a lot of better ways to do that, I'm just saying 
that if one really wants to have the HyperCard style  "ss" script 
search  it should be possible to do it in MC.

Best regards

What other areas might we consider?

The philosophy of a lightweight IDE continues to hold appeal for 
developers.  If we can elevate MC's usability and affordances to meet 

exceed Rev's while still holding true to that philosophy, I see no
reason why any switching couldn't be happening in the other direction,
just as it is with Galaxy.

There are many who expound on the benefits of open source.  This is an
opportunity to demonstrate those benefits, delivering an IDE which is 

Rev what Firefox is to Internet Explorer.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation

metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-29 Thread Shari
It hurt all of us, and none more so than Apple (yet I doubt they 
have anyone left with enough imagination to understand what it could 
have been; the world is bigger than Widgets).

I thought I heard rumor recently of some new thing Apple was working 
on.  I remember thinking that if they came out with any sort of xCode 
product, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole because I wouldn't 
want to be ditched again.  So yes, they did hurt themselves as well. 
I remember people were begging them to open source HC.  It could have 
lived on and been expanded.  In a way, it actually did, through all 
the efforts and hard work of Metacard.  MC is what HC should have 
become, but never did.

Long live the Revolution.

Hear, hear!  Long live the Revolution!

Historically the MC IDE project had maintained a mandate for minimal
change to preserve the things we liked about it.  As a baseline I think
that mandate still has some value, but I have to admit that it's too 
sparse to let me get my work done efficiently by itself, which is 
why I invested the time making devolution.

I've heard of Devolution and Galaxy, but really don't know what they 
are.  It is very confusing.  Are they alternate IDE's, replacing the 
Metacard IDE?  Or are they plugins to the MC IDE?

Even if your stacks could be moved back and forth without error, why 
bother with the extra work?

You hit upon the exact reason I thought it was worth looking into the 
Rev IDE.  With the thought of an eventual switchover.  But I just 
couldn't be happy in it, not now, not at this time.  It's too 
irritating.  (sad smile)

Remember, Rev has one-click builds because Ken and I have been using my
Standalone Ranger for so long we insisted on it. :)

Short-term:  My Standalone Ranger is a front-end to MC's Standalone
Builder, which lets you save the settings to a custom prop in the target
stack's first card (yes, I know it's  prop, but it's optional and you're
made aware of what it's doing; no behind-you-back property hijacking).
If you promise to provide feedback I can email it to you.

I would love to.  I'm getting ready to turn the Happy Stack into a 
standalone in the next couple weeks (or more likely on Thursday.) 
It's an update, and has been made into a standalone maybe 20 versions 
by now?  So it's an old pro.  If any stack could give your SR a 
workout, this stack would ;-)  If SR survived this project, I'd say 
it was built like a tank :-D

Agreed.  Ideally we'd get a volunteer to be the owner for the
mcDictionary project.  There's an earlier version in MC Yahoo Group
which grabs all the thousands of tiny XML files and puts them into a
stack which can take advantage of the performance and flexibility of the
object model.

I thought there was something like this in the works already?  I seem 
to recall hearing about it a year or two ago?  But I hadn't upgraded 
to Rev/MC yet, so couldn't partake of it.  I seem to recall talk of 
something where anyone could share pieces of code, that would become 
part of a universal dictionary of sorts for Rev/MC.

So I started sketching out it's successor, DarksIDE: a Rev plugin with
just one button:  "Install MetaCard".  It would do all the steps we
currently do manually, from rebuilding the engine to downloading the 
IDE to importing the Dictionary content, putting everything into a 
new folder all tidy and ready to go.

This reminds me, does the Standalone Ranger also update the infoplist 
and pkginfo files on MacOSX so that we don't have to go into the 
Contents folder and do it manually?  Icons, too, by any chance?

I have asked several times since using MC about searching all scripts,
and never got a really good solution.  I MISS the Hypercard ss
function.  That was awesome!  It just took you to each instance,
let you change it, then moved on to the next one.

Was HC's script editor modal?  I'd thought it wasn't.  If not, how did
ss suspend while the script was being edited?

LOL!  I have no idea.  But no feature ever was missed more than this 
feature :-)

There are many who expound on the benefits of open source.  This is 
an opportunity to demonstrate those benefits, delivering an IDE 
which is to Rev what Firefox is to Internet Explorer.

Firefox?  Eh?  Vat iz dis?


Windows and Macintosh shareware games
Blackjack Gold
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-29 Thread Richard Gaskin

Shari wrote:

Richard wrote:

The meta-question implied by all of this seems to be: Why switch?

More specifically, what features in the Rev IDE make it interesting,
and  what could be done to the MC IDE to exceed it?

The logic was two-fold the Metacard GUI is supported by
volunteers. Anything supported by volunteers eventually gets
very stressed.


So.what are the odds that my beloved GUI will be around
for a very long time?

I hope my last post addressed that question.  I maintain the belief that
it's in the best interest of MC fans, Rev fans, and RunRev Ltd. to see
that the MC IDE continues to be maintained and expanded.

When a gene pool is too limited we get deformity.
Diversity is nature's guide to success.

I remember the disappearance of Hypercard, and the demise of that
program hurt me.

It hurt all of us, and none more so than Apple (yet I doubt they have 
anyone left with enough imagination to understand what it could have 
been; the world is bigger than Widgets).

With HC the whole product died.  The only thing that would prevent MC
from running would be the demise of RunRev, in which case it wouldn't
matter which IDE you'd been using.  But as long as Rev is kicking, MC
can continue dancing right alongside; they're both just a bunch of
stack, and they both use the same engine.

While it is a volunteer effort, the MC IDE is maintained by 
professionals who need to remain close to the engine.  As long as there 
are developers who appreciate the benefits of clearly discerning the 
difference between development and runtime and enjoy streamlining their 
work by reducing these differences to the barest possible, there will be 
a future for MC.

Long live the Revolution.

Let's see if we can make it revolutionary. Having addressed the "Why",
let's look at the "How":

The second part of the logic was that yes, the Rev GUI has a few
(and I do say few) things I seriously wish the MC GUI had.

Historically the MC IDE project had maintained a mandate for minimal
change to preserve the things we liked about it.  As a baseline I think
that mandate still has some value, but I have to admit that it's too 
sparse to let me get my work done efficiently by itself, which is why I 
invested the time making devolution.

Maintaining the minimal-change mandate makes sense in many respects, and 
 keeping it current lets use add the parts we want with plugins, which

means they can also interoperate with Rev and Galaxy as well.

This example is a good test case:

One is the Search All Scripts function.  This is pretty major.  I
cannot jump back and forth between the two GUI's to take advantage
of one function or another, if my programs don't work in the Rev GUI.

Even if your stacks could be moved back and forth without error, why 
bother with the extra work?

Short-term:  devolution has a GUI script search tool, allowing searches
of all objects in a stack or the current message path.

Longer-term: Who wants to write a Transcript equivalent of HC's ss
command?  Any problems with asking Klaus to put that in MC's backScript?

The ability to set parameters for a standalone and have it remember
my settings, so that every update I didn't have to do it again,
would be nice.

Remember, Rev has one-click builds because Ken and I have been using my
Standalone Ranger for so long we insisted on it. :)

Short-term:  My Standalone Ranger is a front-end to MC's Standalone
Builder, which lets you save the settings to a custom prop in the target
stack's first card (yes, I know it's  prop, but it's optional and you're
made aware of what it's doing; no behind-you-back property hijacking).
If you promise to provide feedback I can email it to you.

Long-term:  In my spare time I've been integrating MC's builder directly
 into my Standalone Ranger UI, with more options for an even easier 
build (taking advantage of RIP properties) and allowing it to be used in 
Rev as a plugin as well.  This will take a bit to finish, but it puts an
interesting twist on the build process which I think folks will find 
handy.  This more complete implementation will provide all of the 
conveniences of Rev's, and then some.

In some ways it has better documentation as well, though in others
it fails pretty seriously.

Agreed.  Ideally we'd get a volunteer to be the owner for the
mcDictionary project.  There's an earlier version in MC Yahoo Group
which grabs all the thousands of tiny XML files and puts them into a
stack which can take advantage of the performance and flexibility of the
object model.

If someone would be willing to do the small task of updating that for
the latest docs format (extra bonus points: convince RunRev to stop
changing the format ), it may be good to include it with the IDE
installation, perhaps replacing the outdated Dictionary stack it has now.

I'm sure there are other things I cannot think of at the

I have one:  simpler, smarter installation.

I started down this road with FlipsIDE, w

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-29 Thread Shari
But why not do what a lot of us have done -- create something in Rev 
exclusively. When I decided to learn Rev, I just jumped in at the 
beginning and made a whole project in it. I set aside one stack that 
I forbid myself to open in MC. You learn it quick that way. :)

 I don't have the time to figure out how to appease it.

I'm sure it is something simple, but without knowing exactly how it 
errors and where, it's hard to know what's wrong. If you feel like 
it, send me a copy of the problem stack, and I'll take a look at it 
in Rev if you want. I'm curious what errors you are getting and why.

I have a newer project that I will probably do this with, or perhaps 
simpler projects.  The adventure game can probably live harmoniously 
in both, as I haven't done anything weird with it yet.  I have other 
projects that can probably live harmoniously in both.

But the happy stack is highly complex, so many stacks, so many 
objects, and parts of the code are even hard for me to understand (I 
did that as an anti-piracy preventer).  It even stumps the Script 
Debugger at times, so I don't use that either :-)

Thank you for the offer, Jacque.  You are very sweet :-)

Windows and Macintosh shareware games
Blackjack Gold
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-29 Thread Jim Sims

On May 29, 2007, at 7:57 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

If Rev is a rose, compellingly colorful, MC is a lotus blossom,  
infinitely flowering.

I sense a sonnet, nay... an ode to MC is on the way...;-)

I've prepared a book cover for you:

Some time in the desert is a good thing Richard   ;-)


metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-28 Thread Richard Gaskin

J. Landman Gay wrote:

Shari wrote:
I pondered this question and figured that maybe, the time to 
contemplate a switch was NOT when I had no choice anymore. 

I see no worries there.  First there was MC, then Rev, then Galaxy, soon 
M2, then who knows.  Rather than no choice, the future seems moving 
toward an ever greater range of choices.

I think that's sound, whether MC IDE goes away or not.

MC has been around since long before Rev was born, and will be around at 
 least as long as Rev.

Knowing how to use Rev is useful, just like knowing how to  drive
any kind of car, whether it's an automatic or a stick shift.

Precisely why MC remains valuable.

MC may be lightweight, but it represents a very with-the-grain way of 
using the engine to develop, and its nimble nature makes it less 
intrusive and in many ways both more flexible and more instructive than Rev.

If Rev is a rose, compellingly colorful, MC is a lotus blossom, 
infinitely flowering.

While MC represents the engine in its barest naked glory, the Rev IDE 
represents the specific workflow methods of Kevin Miller and his friends 
circa 1997.  The engine is flexible enough to allow people to solve 
problems in a nearly infinite number of ways, and many have, and often 
in ways different than how Kevin did.  The Rev IDE represents just one 
set of possible options.

If MetaCard, Galaxy, and M2 went away, future generations of Rev users 
would only understand one mode of thought, the Kevin Doctrine.  I like 
Kevin and he's a very bright fellow, but for all the good things he has 
going for him he isn't is infinite.  Yet the engine is.

As Scott Raney used to say when he encouraged Kevin to publish his own 
IDE, "Let a thousand flowers bloom".

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-28 Thread J. Landman Gay

Shari wrote:
I pondered this question and figured that maybe, the time to 
contemplate a switch was NOT when I had no choice anymore. 

I think that's sound, whether MC IDE goes away or not. Knowing how to 
use Rev is useful, just like knowing how to drive any kind of car, 
whether it's an automatic or a stick shift.

I love the MC GUI.  It is hardy.  It doesn't clutter.  I am used to it 
:-)  And it doesn't throw up a gazillion illogical errors when I launch 
a happy stack :-)

I think your experience is pretty rare. There is the known thing about 
duplicate stacks, particularly ask/answer, but any other errors should 
be the same in either IDE. I routinely have stacks open in both MC and 
Rev (often at the same time, though that's dangerous.) I switch back and 
forth all the time.

I just thought that maybe, I should look into the Rev GUI without 
dismissing it so quickly, as I had done previously.  I thought perhaps 
it would take just a few small changes to appease it.  But after the 
quantity of errors I encountered, even after removing all embedded 
stacks, I am abandoning it once again.

I still think that once identified, it would be just a small change.

But why not do what a lot of us have done -- create something in Rev 
exclusively. When I decided to learn Rev, I just jumped in at the 
beginning and made a whole project in it. I set aside one stack that I 
forbid myself to open in MC. You learn it quick that way. :)

 I don't have the time to figure out how to appease it.

I'm sure it is something simple, but without knowing exactly how it 
errors and where, it's hard to know what's wrong. If you feel like it, 
send me a copy of the problem stack, and I'll take a look at it in Rev 
if you want. I'm curious what errors you are getting and why.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-28 Thread Shari


The logic was two-fold the Metacard GUI is supported by 
volunteers.  Anything supported by volunteers eventually gets very 
stressed.  I have worked for volunteer organizations (the Atlanta 
Macintosh Users Group - I used to take the minutes of their 
meetings).  Our homeowner association is also this way.  Somebody 
volunteers, and for life, they have a non-paying job that nobody else 
will volunteer for.  So... what are the odds that my beloved GUI 
will be around for a very long time?  I pondered this question and 
figured that maybe, the time to contemplate a switch was NOT when I 
had no choice anymore.  Not when it was a do or die thing, forced by 
the retirement of my GUI.

I remember the disappearance of Hypercard, and the demise of that 
program hurt me.  I still have software that was in beta testing in 
HC, almost ready for release, that is still just sitting there.  It 
doesn't just smoothly transport into MC.  It requires a lot of 
changes and major rewrites, at least the stuff that I have created. 
The correlation being that something goes poof, and many changes are 
required to move to something else.

The second part of the logic was that yes, the Rev GUI has a few (and 
I do say few) things I seriously wish the MC GUI had.  One is the 
Search All Scripts function.  This is pretty major.  I cannot jump 
back and forth between the two GUI's to take advantage of one 
function or another, if my programs don't work in the Rev GUI.  The 
ability to set parameters for a standalone and have it remember my 
settings, so that every update I didn't have to do it again, would be 
nice.  In some ways it has better documentation as well, though in 
others it fails pretty seriously.  I'm sure there are other things I 
cannot think of at the moment.

I have asked several times since using MC about searching all 
scripts, and never got a really good solution.  I MISS the Hypercard 
ss function.  That was awesome!  It just took you to each instance, 
let you change it, then moved on to the next one.  At this time, I 
have no working solution at all.  And this bites me a lot when I need 
to change something throughout several stacks, and maybe dozens of 
scripts, hoping I don't miss something and thus create a bug.

I love the MC GUI.  It is hardy.  It doesn't clutter.  I am used to 
it :-)  And it doesn't throw up a gazillion illogical errors when I 
launch a happy stack :-)

I just thought that maybe, I should look into the Rev GUI without 
dismissing it so quickly, as I had done previously.  I thought 
perhaps it would take just a few small changes to appease it.  But 
after the quantity of errors I encountered, even after removing all 
embedded stacks, I am abandoning it once again.  I don't have the 
time to figure out how to appease it.  Obviously it is a project that 
would require days, not an hour or two, and I have a LOT of 
programming to do :-)

If I were to boil it down to the basic features I wish for:

1.  Search (and edit) all scripts in a stack, including substacks
2.  More advanced standalone saving
3.  More detailed info in the Help docs
  a.  Often the Help Index assumes you know something already, 
sometimes I want to learn something new, and the Help Index doesn't 
give me enough to even make the attempt, I must search thru the 
online archives in the hopes that somebody posted detailed code in 
answering somebody else's question.  Even a line or two of example 
code would be useful, but often isn't there.


Stepping back to look at the big picture, the meta-question implied 
by all of this seems to be: Why switch?

More specifically, what features in the Rev IDE make it interesting, 
and  what could be done to the MC IDE to exceed it?

My hunch is that for any compelling element in the Rev IDE we can 
find a way to support the same benefit in MC, with the added 
benefits MC has long provided in terms of flexibility, simplicity, 
and leaving custom props for custom use.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
metacard mailing list

Windows and Macintosh shareware games
Blackjack Gold
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-28 Thread Richard Gaskin
Stepping back to look at the big picture, the meta-question implied by 
all of this seems to be: Why switch?

More specifically, what features in the Rev IDE make it interesting, and 
 what could be done to the MC IDE to exceed it?

My hunch is that for any compelling element in the Rev IDE we can find a 
way to support the same benefit in MC, with the added benefits MC has 
long provided in terms of flexibility, simplicity, and leaving custom 
props for custom use.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-26 Thread J. Landman Gay

Shari wrote:
Long story short, I am now wondering 
if it did indeed delete the right Answer etc. stacks, from my project 
rather than Rev.  But Rev launches, so ?  Is there any way that 
somewhere in the stack, Rev found a remembered path in my stack to the 
MC GUI stacks, and deleted from there?

No, not likely. Remember, Rev uses the same engine as MC. If you tell it 
to delete a stack, it looks in the currently open stacks and tries to 
find it. If you provide a long file name, it will look there.

Because when I tried to create MC 
2.8.1, it (Metacard itself) wouldn't launch either, and threw up an 
error about damaged or missing components.

What did the error message say exactly? This sounds like a different 
issue, related to moving the engine into the MC IDE.

Yes, there are several different password protected stacks involved. 
Some are embedded in the standalone, others reside outside the 
standalone.  The standalone launches these stacks or gets data from them 
during launch. If it cannot access these stacks, then no, the project 
wouldn't launch.  I remember that I couldn't find the Passkey button to 
edit the scripts, and I figured it just got moved someplace else in 
Rev.  That frustrated, too :-)

Opening password protected stacks should work fine, it's Rev's search 
feature that can't always work with protected stacks, and a few other 
things will fail too (though I can't recall what they are right now, I 
never protect my stacks in the IDE.)

To set a password, look in the standalone settings in the Stacks pane, 
at the bottom right. Tick the checkbox "Encrypt with password" and type 
in the password you want to use. It will be applied to whatever stack is 
selected in the list directly above. You need to repeat for each stack 
in the list you want to protect.

Does the Rev standalone builder allow you to set different passwords for 
different stacks which are embedded?  What about stacks that are not 
embedded?  Relegated to the message box?

Each stack can have its own password. I always set passwords on 
non-embedded stacks via message box, same as in MC.

I had taken all of them out, everything but my own created embeds. Saved 
and quit.  Relaunched.  And it wouldn't even launch.  Maybe at that 
point it was the password issue.

Doubtful, protected stacks should function normally except that "copy" 
commands will throw an error and exit. But there is something else going 
on, the challenge is to find out what. If it were my stack, I'd set a 
breakpoint as early in the script as possible (preOpenStack or 
openStack) and step through line by line until I could see what is 
erroring. "Won't launch" isn't enough info; does the stack open at all? 
Or does it open and then do the auto-quit you mentioned? Or maybe the 
main stack launches, auto-hides as planned, and then the substack 
doesn't open? Do you get any error messages, and if so, what are they? 
If MC is doing the same thing, it is at least consistent.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-26 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Tereza,

yes, extremely wonderful hint!

Chapeau, monsieur! :-)

What an elegant solution!  Simple, elegant, I love it!


I, too, changed the look of MC's ask and answer and embedded them  
in my standalones. I found a general solution to this problem that  
I've been happy with for a long time:
- Rename your custom ask/answer dialogs to something line "MyAsk"  
and "MyAnswer" and make them substacks of your "standalone" stack.

- In the "startup" handler of your standalone, put statements like:
 if not(there is a stack "ask") then set the name of stack  
"myAsk" to "ask"
This means that while you're in the IDE, you'll see the Rev/MC ask  
and answer dialogs, but in your standalone your custom dialogs  
will appear. No conflicts. Ever!


Tereza Snyder
Califex Software, Inc.


Klaus Major

metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-26 Thread Shari

What an elegant solution!  Simple, elegant, I love it!


I, too, changed the look of MC's ask and answer and embedded them in 
my standalones. I found a general solution to this problem that I've 
been happy with for a long time:

- Rename your custom ask/answer dialogs to something line "MyAsk" 
and "MyAnswer" and make them substacks of your "standalone" stack.

- In the "startup" handler of your standalone, put statements like:
 if not(there is a stack "ask") then set the name of stack 
"myAsk" to "ask"

This means that while you're in the IDE, you'll see the Rev/MC ask 
and answer dialogs, but in your standalone your custom dialogs will 
appear. No conflicts. Ever!


Tereza Snyder
Califex Software, Inc.

Gypsy King games for
metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-26 Thread Tereza Snyder

On May 26, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Shari wrote:

As for the Ask/Answer issue, they were embedded because I changed  
the look slightly to be more in line with my program.

I, too, changed the look of MC's ask and answer and embedded them in  
my standalones. I found a general solution to this problem that I've  
been happy with for a long time:

- Rename your custom ask/answer dialogs to something line "MyAsk" and  
"MyAnswer" and make them substacks of your "standalone" stack.

- In the "startup" handler of your standalone, put statements like:
 if not(there is a stack "ask") then set the name of stack  
"myAsk" to "ask"

This means that while you're in the IDE, you'll see the Rev/MC ask  
and answer dialogs, but in your standalone your custom dialogs will  
appear. No conflicts. Ever!


Tereza Snyder
Califex Software, Inc.

metacard mailing list

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-26 Thread Shari
Rev doesn't change anything in your stack or your scripts, so I'm 
not sure how that could happen. The SB doesn't touch your stack at 
all, except to add a few custom properties that are harmless. Maybe 
it's those IDE embedded stacks causing trouble? Best to remove the 
ask/answer and file selector stacks in MC before the stack ever even 
sees Rev. If you have two stacks with the same name, the engine 
can't tell which one you are refering to. Some of the errors may be 
due to this confusion. Rev tries hard to avoid the problem, and it 
is mostly old MC stacks that are an issue. Rev users generally don't 
embed any IDE stacks, and Rev doesn't even provide a GUI to do it.

I deleted them via the Control Browser, or whatever Rev calls it. 
The heirarchy was listed, and I deleted from there using the 
Right-Click menu on the mouse, I think.  I did discover however, that 
somehow, when I aborted the plan and tried to build Metacard 2.8.1 so 
that I could go back to the happy way, it failed.  Long story short, 
I am now wondering if it did indeed delete the right Answer etc. 
stacks, from my project rather than Rev.  But Rev launches, so ?  Is 
there any way that somewhere in the stack, Rev found a remembered 
path in my stack to the MC GUI stacks, and deleted from there? 
Because when I tried to create MC 2.8.1, it (Metacard itself) 
wouldn't launch either, and threw up an error about damaged or 
missing components.

I go back to an earlier save.  Launch, remove embedded stacks, 
quit. But this doesn't appease Revolution.  It doesn't like my 
stack.  It breaks it.   Once I launch it, it will launch the first 
time, but no matter what changes I make inside of it, once I quit, 
I cannot relaunch it.  It attempts a launch then quits.

I have a vague recollection that duplicate stack files will cause 
this behavior. Once you remove the embedded IDE stacks in MC, save 
the stack before opening it in Rev. If you just remove them in the 
Rev IDE, you may accidentally remove the IDE stacks rather than the 
ones embedded in your own stack. Also, remember that MC's ask/answer 
stacks are not the same as Rev's, and haven't been updated for a 
long time. There could very well be code confusion when the two 
version clash.

It always launched the first time, even with the embeddeds.  But 
after diddling around in it and quitting, it wouldn't launch a second 

The earlier save yet again.. I try to find the script it is 
triggering (and shouldn't be) thru the nifty Search All Embedded 
Stacks, but the script isn't found.  The script in question 
automatically quits if the main stack isn't loaded.  The main stack 
should absolutely be loaded.  So Revolution changed something, and 
now the external stack doesn't recognize the main stack.  (There 
are both embedded stacks and external ones.)

Is your stack password protected? Rev can't always work with those 
and may not be able to find scripts in a protected stack. Remove the 
password, and instead set the standalone builder (in Standalone 
Settings) set the password for you on build. This is another thing 
that is different from MC.

Yes, there are several different password protected stacks involved. 
Some are embedded in the standalone, others reside outside the 
standalone.  The standalone launches these stacks or gets data from 
them during launch. If it cannot access these stacks, then no, the 
project wouldn't launch.  I remember that I couldn't find the Passkey 
button to edit the scripts, and I figured it just got moved someplace 
else in Rev.  That frustrated, too :-)

Does the Rev standalone builder allow you to set different passwords 
for different stacks which are embedded?  What about stacks that are 
not embedded?  Relegated to the message box?

I'd be very surprised if Rev changed anything in your stack, I've 
worked back and forth between MC and Rev for years and have never 
seen that happen. I routinely write in MC and build in Rev. However, 
I never set passwords on stacks I will build as standalones (I let 
the SB do it for me) and I never embed IDE components. Those are 
about the only two rules I can think of.

I had taken all of them out, everything but my own created embeds. 
Saved and quit.  Relaunched.  And it wouldn't even launch.  Maybe at 
that point it was the password issue.  I had spent hours on it 
battling error after error after error, and just ended up with my 
happy Metacard in the end.  Nothing makes you appreciate the Metacard 
GUI more than a day in the Rev GUI :-)

I figure that maybe I can do new projects in Rev, I had really looked 
forward to the standalone part, where I enter the info and it 
remembers forever.  But this project, which is pretty complex... and 
I don't want to rework a lot of it, just update it every now and 
again I guess it needs to just stay with Metacard.  I had wanted 
it to be happy in both.  I really thought a few minor adjustments 
would suffice.

As for the Ask/An

Re: The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Shari wrote:

First thing I notice is... I must open the stack to create the 
standalone.  Eeeech.  The last thing I do before turning into a 
standalone is run a series of resettings then quit.  Revolution requires 
the stack to be open, which resets all the settings.

Do all your custom setup, save the stack, but don't quit. Then build. 
That should do it. Many of us have a script we run just before building 
that sets everything up.

The next thing I notice is that I can't get around this, because 
Revolution doesn't like that I have embedded Ask/Answer stacks already, 
as well as File Selector and the whole shebang of embedded stacks for a 
standalone.  They have just always resided in the stack. But it won't 
let me run any code that uses them.  It doesn't even offer the option.  
It growls out error after error.  Okay, so I'll take them out and 
reinstall them on Standalone Build, right?

Remove the ask, answer, and other IDE stacks, but leave any that you've 
custom created for your standalone. Then go to "Standalone settings" in 
the File menu and make sure that the ask, answer, and any other IDE 
libraries or stacks you need are checked. They will be included in your 
standalone when it is built. I no longer embed any IDE stacks in my 
work, Rev can't tell the difference between its own and the ones in your 
stack. Best to just omit them.

I used to resent this too, but now I think it is a better way to do it. 
Whenever bug fixes are made to ask/answer, you know the latest version 
is always included in your stack when you let the SB do it.

Browse through the panes of the standalone settings and make sure all 
the info is correct for each platform you will build. Once saved, you 
will never have to enter any of this info again. Do the standalone 
settings stuff before you do your custom setup stuff, then save the 
stack immediately before building. (If you don't, the SB will ask you to 
save before it continues. Generally you should say yes.)

But the application stack doesn't stay open on launch.  It's just a 
Hello window, and launches an embedded stack.  So I'm in the embedded 
stack, is Rev going to install any standalone needs into it rather than 
the mainstack?  I dunno.  I don't want to find out by experimenting.

The stack that will be the "engine" is listed in standalone settings. By 
default, it should be the mainstack. But what I'd do in the multi-line 
message box is:

 lock messages
 toplevel myMainStack

Then open standalone settings if necessary, or just build.

I try finding a comprehensive tutorial on creating standalones in 
Revolution, nothing.  I tried every search option available except 
Google.  Nothing.  Far as I can tell, the help docs don't offer up 
anything, and the search functions miss the wonderful tutorial I know 
that Jacqueline wrote.

Funny, I don't even remember that. ;) Isn't the info you need in the 
User Guide that ships with the documentation? I'm not able to 
double-check right now, but I thought it was.

I quit out of the stack to ponder this further.  I get a ton of errors, 
because I have stacks embedded that it doesn't like.

You'll need to decide whether you will be building in Rev or not. If so, 
ditch the IDE stacks.

I've been creating standalones for years, this shouldn't be hard!

It isn't hard, it's just not what you are used to. Just set up 
standalone settings, then build. You can't use MC methods though; Rev's 
SB builder is based on different principles.

I'm not ready to give up, changes mean bumps, so I have an epiphany. 
Launch it, remove the stacks, and surely it will let me put them back in 
during the app build.. I can't find anywhere in the stack 
preferences window to allow me to custom install chosen stacks.

Not preferences; Standalone Settings in the File menu. First pane, under 

But this fails.  Revolution did something to the stack on the first 
launch, so now that stack won't even launch.  It is broken.

Rev doesn't change anything in your stack or your scripts, so I'm not 
sure how that could happen. The SB doesn't touch your stack at all, 
except to add a few custom properties that are harmless. Maybe it's 
those IDE embedded stacks causing trouble? Best to remove the ask/answer 
and file selector stacks in MC before the stack ever even sees Rev. If 
you have two stacks with the same name, the engine can't tell which one 
you are refering to. Some of the errors may be due to this confusion. 
Rev tries hard to avoid the problem, and it is mostly old MC stacks that 
are an issue. Rev users generally don't embed any IDE stacks, and Rev 
doesn't even provide a GUI to do it.

I go back to an earlier save.  Launch, remove embedded stacks, quit. But 
this doesn't appease Revolution.  It doesn't like my stack.  It breaks 
it.   Once I launch it, it will launch the first time, but no matter 
what changes I make inside of it, once I quit, I cannot relaunch it.  It 
attempts a launch then q

The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

2007-05-25 Thread Shari
My update is finished and ready to be turned into a standalone.  I 
have ALWAYS used Metacard for this.  But my version of Metacard 
didn't have Macintel options, so I downloaded v.2.8.1 and decided to 
try something different:  creating the standalone in Revolution 
rather than Metacard.  Call it the hassle factor avoidance, of 
turning 2.8.1 Rev into 2.8.1 Metacard.  I figured this was the 
perfect time to really dig into Revolution, as I knew there were 
things it had that the Metacard GUI was lacking, that I wanted. 

First thing I notice is... I must open the stack to create the 
standalone.  Eeeech.  The last thing I do before turning into a 
standalone is run a series of resettings then quit.  Revolution 
requires the stack to be open, which resets all the settings.  Okay, 
I can get around this.  Not a critical issue.

The next thing I notice is that I can't get around this, because 
Revolution doesn't like that I have embedded Ask/Answer stacks 
already, as well as File Selector and the whole shebang of embedded 
stacks for a standalone.  They have just always resided in the stack. 
But it won't let me run any code that uses them.  It doesn't even 
offer the option.  It growls out error after error.  Okay, so I'll 
take them out and reinstall them on Standalone Build, right?

But the application stack doesn't stay open on launch.  It's just a 
Hello window, and launches an embedded stack.  So I'm in the embedded 
stack, is Rev going to install any standalone needs into it rather 
than the mainstack?  I dunno.  I don't want to find out by 

I try finding a comprehensive tutorial on creating standalones in 
Revolution, nothing.  I tried every search option available except 
Google.  Nothing.  Far as I can tell, the help docs don't offer up 
anything, and the search functions miss the wonderful tutorial I know 
that Jacqueline wrote.  I could find it without Rev's help, I've got 
it bookmarked I'm sure, but (snotty attitude) hey, part of what I 
wanted from Rev was to be able to find answers for me from within the 
app.  This was supposed to be a feature.  As Seven would say:  It 

I quit out of the stack to ponder this further.  I get a ton of 
errors, because I have stacks embedded that it doesn't like.

I've been creating standalones for years, this shouldn't be hard!

I was pretty gung ho on giving the Revolution GUI a real chance.  I 
was excited.  I'd be gaining things.  I was actually considering a 
complete move from the Metacard GUI to the Rev GUI...  But.. 
Metacard is looking happier and happier.

I'm not ready to give up, changes mean bumps, so I have an epiphany. 
Launch it, remove the stacks, and surely it will let me put them back 
in during the app build.. I can't find anywhere in the stack 
preferences window to allow me to custom install chosen stacks.  I 
never got to the actual standalone window.  But I figure this will 
sort itself out somehow.  Right now, the goal is to just be able to 
launch the stack without triggering errors, and set the standalone 
building preferences.

But this fails.  Revolution did something to the stack on the first 
launch, so now that stack won't even launch.  It is broken.

I go back to an earlier save.  Launch, remove embedded stacks, quit. 
But this doesn't appease Revolution.  It doesn't like my stack.  It 
breaks it.   Once I launch it, it will launch the first time, but no 
matter what changes I make inside of it, once I quit, I cannot 
relaunch it.  It attempts a launch then quits.

The earlier save yet again.. I try to find the script it is 
triggering (and shouldn't be) thru the nifty Search All Embedded 
Stacks, but the script isn't found.  The script in question 
automatically quits if the main stack isn't loaded.  The main stack 
should absolutely be loaded.  So Revolution changed something, and 
now the external stack doesn't recognize the main stack.  (There are 
both embedded stacks and external ones.)

Then my mouse breaks.  Or Revolution freezes.  I don't know which.  I 
replace the batteries in my mouse.  Nada.  No cursor movement.  I try 
replacing them again with non-rechargeables.  Still nada.  I'm 
getting the snotty feeling that it's a Revolution freeze.  I finally 
resort to a wired mouse and I am miserable.  It wasn't Revolution, my 
mouse batteries went poof.  (Or maybe it stomped on them, too?)

I poke around a few more times, trying to appease Revolution.  All I 
wanted to do was create a standalone from an existing, happy stack. 
But Revolution is like an ogre, stomping all over the place huffing 
and puffing, and it hates me.

Now I give up.  This is ridiculous.  This shouldn't be so hard. 
Geez, I've done this a million times.

Half the day is gone and I've accomplished nothing.  So now it's back 
to turning Revolution into Metacard, so me and my stacks can float 
happily along again.

To all of you who maintain the incredible INCREDIBLE Metacard GUI,