[meteorite-list] AD-Fantastic Auctions Ending This Afternoon And Tomorrow

2010-10-19 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 auctions ending today, all started at 99 cents with no reserves.  
There are some excellent specimens in this week's batch.  There are many that 
are only at the opening bid while some others have no bids at all so take a 
if you are interested in some real bargains. 

I also have some make offer pieces ending tomorrow.  This may be a good 
opportunity to pick up larger pieces including a few main masses.  Do not be 
afraid to make an offer if you see a piece that interests you.

I am going to try to make it the field this weekend so will not being running 
auctions for next week.  

Link to all auctions:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team Lunar  Rock
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[meteorite-list] AD -Check it Out

2010-10-11 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 15 auctions ending this afternoon and 54 tomorrow.  The ones ending 
are priced with the buy-it-now option enabled.  Tomorrows auctions were all 
started at just 99 cents with no reserve. I have several other auctions due to 
end within 10 days with the make offer option enabled.  

You may want to take a look if you have time.  There are some great pieces and 
my sales inventory is very limited.

Link to all auctions:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team Lunar  Rock
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites Hunting in NW NV.

2010-10-11 Thread Adam Hupe
Yep, there are parts of Nevada that I believe have never been explored, at 
by modern man.  It is nice to drive 100 miles down dirt trails and not see a 
single sign of recent human inhabitants.  No trash, no fences, no noise 
pollution, no light pollution and no cell phone connections. You can actually 
see the Milky Way, something I have not witnessed on a regular basis since I 
a kid.  

I remember four wheeling it with some friends last Spring who pointed out wild 
life running in herds. I realized that it could easily pass for a safari in 
Africa but here we were in Nevada.  This state has barely been touched as far 
meteorite hunters go and I would like to see it remain open to meteorite 
for generations to come. It would be a shame if a few lazy gold hunters leaving 
gaping holes behind make it off limits for other purposes or too much talk of 
monetary value starts an unwanted amateur meteorite hunting rush out here.  If 
you see one of these idiots, remind them to fill their holes and pick up their 
trash.  I think if we all respect the landowners and their land that this area 
will be open to meteorite hunters for at a least a couple of more years.

Happy Hunting,


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[meteorite-list] Test - Ignore

2010-10-08 Thread Adam Hupe
Just testing a new computer - pleas ignore
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[meteorite-list] AD - 112 Items

2010-10-05 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 auctions ending this afternoon.  All were started at just 99 cents 
with no reserve.  Many do not have bids yet or are still at the opening bid 
price so take a look if you are interested in some very low prices. I also have 
58 other items listed with the buy-it-now or make offer options enabled.  My 
stock on several items is running low or completely out so you may want to pick 
up a piece while you still can.

Please take a look if you have the time.

Link to all auctions:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team Lunar  Rock
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Re: [meteorite-list] Official Announcement NWA 6077 is Paired with NWA 5400

2010-10-05 Thread Adam Hupe
Congratulations John,

It is great to hear that you really appreciate what this meteorite represents. 
do not have any financial interest whatsoever in this rare and scientifically 
valuable find.  I am surprised at the most reasonable price it is being offered 
for.  Even if several more kilograms is confirmed, it is extremely rare; 
millions of times rare than diamonds and infinitely more important as far as I 
am concerned.

One just has to look at the GRA stones found in Antarctica that were once 
mistakenly thought to plot on the TFL.  The scientific community was scampering 
to get pieces of it after the press was misinformed about were they plotted.  
Now the real deal has shown up and from Northwest Africa, unquestionably the 
most important source for scientifically important new meteorites the last 

Appreciate these meteorites while you can because new finds are being made at a 
mere trickle compared to five years ago in both Antarctica and Northwest 

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Official Announcement NWA 6077 is Paired with NWA 5400

2010-10-05 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Martin and List,

Here is the meteorite oxygen chart you requested:



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[meteorite-list] NWA 6077, NWA 5400, NWA 5363 - O2 Plotting Diagram

2010-10-05 Thread Adam Hupe
Here is a chart showing where NWA 6077, NWA 5400, NWA 5363 plot.  Thank you 
Bernd for updating the chart I provided earlier.

Here is the link:


Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Candidates for the 2010 Elections

2010-09-29 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

I was privileged to serve with Norbert as an officer on the board of directors 
for the IMCA.  During these three years, I observed how diligent, hard working 
and fair Norbert is. He is a founding member and worked tirelessly to advance 
the IMCA.  He devoted probably thousands of hours without pay or personal gain. 
He did it for the love of meteorites. Even if you are not an IMCA member, you 
should be made aware of the hard work and dedication Norbert put towards this 
great avocation.

He is a true credit to the meteorite community and reflects kindly in 
environment that isn't always that friendly or clear cut. 

I wish him the best,

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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 (BRA) IS paired to NWA 5400 !

2010-09-28 Thread Adam Hupe

Shawn wrote:

Now the slight problem I have with NWA's is that you really don't know  how 
of that stuff is out there. That can work in your favor and  against you. So 
lets say you found an NWA and its about 1000g and you  get it tested and its a 
new NWN. Now you can say its rare because there  is only 1000g, but do you 
really know that for sure? From what I have  seen, its not the case, and NWAs 
keep getting paired with each other  more time then not I think that's why 
tend to stay away from NWA's  for that reason and others.

This issue is not unique to NWA meteorites. The same thing could be said for 
Antarctic or other desert finds.  Yes, Antarctica is a desert.  The same issue 
applies to falls. How much Allende is really out there? Nobody knows for sure, 
the same can be said for Murchison.  You can make the same claim for just about 
any fall.  I have seen collectors financially burned on falls many times, 
among them.  I have lost more value by collecting new falls than I have 
collecting finds.  This is why I tend to stay away from new falls.  The price 
drops off sharply within a few months once the initial excitement disappears. 

I lost a small fortune on New Orleans and Claxton by letting the market 
determine the value by putting them up for auction with no reserves.

Happy Hunting, Long live the finds because without them we would have no lunar 

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[meteorite-list] AD -Many Great Auctions Ending Today

2010-09-28 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 great auctions ending today started at just 99 cents with no reserve. 
I also have some fixed price auctions with the make offer option enabled.

Please take a look if you have time.

Link to all auctions:
Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.
Best Regards,
Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team Lunar Rock
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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 (BRA) IS paired to NWA 5400 !

2010-09-28 Thread Adam Hupe
Pairings are found throughout, regardless if found or witnessed. It is just 
falls require much less scrutiny since the find location is enough to make a 
pairing conclusion. The pairings are very rarely recorded for a fall after the 
initial entry in the bulletin.  NWAs on the other hand, require much more study 
to determine pairings.  The find locations are known for most NWA meteorites, 
same for any other area of mass concentrations. The Nomads and hunters go back 
to these same locations time and time again.  Sometimes the shifting sands 
reveal more material. Same for dry lake beds and Antarctic finds.  They are 
named the same way as NWAs regardless whether coordinates are given or not.  
They are all given serial numbers following the nomenclature.

It doesn't make one rarer than the other.  It could be argued that a lot of 
pairings are lost with time making the TKW for finds less than that of falls.  
It cannot be concluded that one is rarer than the other due to nomenclature 

The TKWs given for falls are way off unless they came in as a single stone.  
just needs to look at Park Forest where the weights were recorded in the 
Meteoritical Bulletin before the main mass and many others were found.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Shawn Alan photoph...@yahoo.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, September 28, 2010 8:45:40 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 (BRA) IS paired to NWA 5400 !

Adam wrote:

This issue is not unique to NWA meteorites. The same thing could be said for 
Antarctic or other desert finds. Yes, Antarctica is a desert. The same issue 
applies to falls. How much Allende is really out there? Nobody knows for sure, 
the same can be said for Murchison. You can make the same claim for just about 
any fall.

Adam the difference between NWAs and all the other falls is that NWA nobody 
knows where the strewn fields are. As for the rest, there is data on strewn 
fields and correct documentation that is used to asses the fall or find. 

But with a NWA I find that people say that only buy my NWA because its the real 
deal and the pairs are inferior. The problem with that is with NWAs are 
collected and through out the months or year the same meteorite gets recycled 
back to dealers and in a since every NWA stone has to be classified cause of 
collection process. 

Good example is NWA 2999, I think this meteorite has 2 other pairings if not 
more and think how many pairs it will have in a few years from now? And another 
good example is NWA 5400 which could have a few pairs, which are very likely. 

Now when people bank of there NWA as being rare cause of low TKW it seems that 
it this could be misleading cause of the circumstances that NWAs present to 
science and they way they are collected.
Shawn Alan 
IMCA 1633 

[meteorite-list] NWA 6292 (BRA) IS paired to NWA 5400 !Adam Hupe raremeteorites 
at yahoo.com 

Tue Sep 28 09:22:26 EDT 2010 

Previous message: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 (BRA) IS paired to NWA 5400 ! 
Next message: [meteorite-list] NEW RELEASE - The Day the Meteorite Fell in 

Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] 

Shawn wrote: 

Now the slight problem I have with NWA's is that you really don't know how much 
of that stuff is out there. That can work in your favor and against you. So 
lets say you found an NWA and its about 1000g and you get it tested and its a 
new NWN. Now you can say its rare because there is only 1000g, but do you 
really know that for sure? From what I have seen, its not the case, and NWAs 
keep getting paired with each other more time then not I think that's why I 
tend to stay away from NWA's for that reason and others. 


This issue is not unique to NWA meteorites. The same thing could be said for 
Antarctic or other desert finds. Yes, Antarctica is a desert. The same issue 
applies to falls. How much Allende is really out there? Nobody knows for sure, 
the same can be said for Murchison. You can make the same claim for just about 
any fall. I have seen collectors financially burned on falls many times, myself 
among them. I have lost more value by collecting new falls than I have 
collecting finds. This is why I tend to stay away from new falls. The price 
drops off sharply within a few months once the initial excitement disappears. 

I lost a small fortune on New Orleans and Claxton by letting the market 
determine the value by putting them up for auction with no reserves. 

Happy Hunting, Long live the finds because

[meteorite-list] Neat Article Recognizing NWA Planetary Material

2010-09-25 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I read this article today and was impressed with the creative ideas and 
approach of bringing awareness of planetary meteorites to the rest of the 
world.  It is interesting to note how scientists, Canadian astronauts and other 
principles are using NWA planetary material to achieve a Guinness world record 
and in the process, involving the public.It looks like a mutually 
beneficial, win-win situation for everybody. 

Link to article:

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Neat Article Recognizing NWA Planetary Material

2010-09-25 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Bernd and List,

I must have missed the meteor reference.  Another very minor error the press 
made is that the main mass is at the ROM.  

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: bernd.pa...@paulinet.de bernd.pa...@paulinet.de
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sat, September 25, 2010 8:48:15 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Neat Article  Recognizing NWA Planetary Material

Hello Adam and List,

 I read this article today and was impressed with the creative ideas and 
 positive approach of bringing awareness of planetary meteorites to the
 rest of the world.

Agreed! But the media shouldn't call a meteorite a meteor ;-)

= A fragment of NWA 998, a meteor from Mars =

Best wishes,


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Re: [meteorite-list] Who owns the meteorite?

2010-09-24 Thread Adam Hupe

Mike G Wrote:

If profit is the focus of our activities then the government is  always going 
come knocking with it's hand out and the regulation  pen in the other hand.

I could not agree more.  This is one of the reasons that I am so vocal about 
of the media attaching seriously overinflated price tags to every meteorite 
instead of balancing the subject with other more important attributes.  The 
price doesn't need to be mentioned at all unless unwanted attention is the 
desired result.  A meteorite can carry its own weight without attaching a 
ridiculously high price tag to it in public.  Unfortunately, putting up a price 
tag and playing the sound of the cash register drawer opening is a very cheap 
yet effective way to improve viewership, especially in an economic downturn.  
my opinion, it is very irresponsible but may be good for ratings, just not the 

You notice that professionally done series like Chasing Mummies doesn't attach 
price tags to anything found.  They do not need too.  The treasure hunt, 
and culture are all that is needed to keep an audience interested.  They also 
inform the viewer of the laws concerning the antiquities so that a free-for-all 
doesn't break out.

Lately, most of the people coming forward with suspected meteorites seem to be 
only attracted the monetary aspect of it, thinking they are lying everywhere 
like an Easter Egg hunt,  ready for the picking.

Happy Hunting while you still can,

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[meteorite-list] AD - Well Over 100 Auctions-Some Ending Today!

2010-09-21 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

This week, you will notice that I loaded twice as many auctions as normal. Half 
of these were started out at just 99 cents with no reserve.  These are due to 
end this afternoon and many do not have opening bids yet so take a look if you 
have a chance.  The other half are priced very reasonably and have the make 
offer option enabled for those who like to wheel and deal.  There are many 
pieces that are the last of my inventory or the largest pieces I have 
available.  This may be the last chance for many to get planetary pieces well 
excess of over a gram for reasonable prices. If they fail to sell within the 
30-day window, many will be broken down into more affordable units for 
liquidation purposes or placed in an international auction house. There are 
some rare main masses mixed in.

I am attempting to reach my eBay goals this Fall so that I can move onto other 
things. I will be clearing items out of my safes and liquidating specimens that 
will not become a permanent part of my collection so keep an eye out for very 
high quality pieces. Thank you for the affording me the opportunity to 
in this forum. 

Please take a look if you have time.

All Auctions Can Be Found At This  link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team LunarRock
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Re: [meteorite-list] Stranded on a Large Island - With a Dry Lake Bed on It

2010-09-21 Thread Adam Hupe
That's easy.  Richard O. Norton's Rocks From Space  This book has done more 
promote meteorites in a positive manner than any other form of media.  I must 
have read it five times and still learn something each time.  I have loaned out 
copies to others and all are well used.

Happy Hunting,


- Original Message 
From: Thunder Stone stanleygr...@hotmail.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, September 21, 2010 12:45:42 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Stranded on a Large Island - With a Dry Lake Bed on It


If you were stranded on a large Island and could only bring one Meteorite 
Related book with you... what would that book be?

Greg S.
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Re: [meteorite-list] Crazies

2010-09-19 Thread Adam Hupe
Yes, it is scary that this guy has access to a very expensive R.O.V.

I had an old man who was terminally ill send me some metal pieces that he 
claimed came from a troubled donut-shaped flying saucer that ejected molten 
metal over Vashion Island and on a fishing vessel in Washington State.  He 
claims the only casualties were a dog that was on the boat and the boat itself. 
This occurred  a week before the Roswell incident.  It is funny that the UFO 
Hunters show devoted an entire episode to this alleged incident and could not 
find the old man or any metal. Supposed a plane transporting some of this 
material caught on fire and crashed.  I do not normally watch this kind of show 
but heard they were covering an incident that was only a few miles from where I 
used to live.

Why is it that they never seem to come up with any hard evidence and yet can do 
dozens a episodes?

The metal looked like melted aluminum blobs to me.  I still have them somewhere 
but forgot where I put them when I moved.  No scientist was interested in 
analyzing them and I was embarrassed to even bring it up but I promised the old 
man I would look at them.  This is when my curiosity got the best of me.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Rob Wesel nakhla...@comcast.net
To: Meteorite List meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 11:36:03 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Crazies

Only need to watch the first 2 minutes

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

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Re: [meteorite-list] Crazies

2010-09-19 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Sterling,

You are right, it is spelled Vashon.  Maury island is actually attached to 
Vashon Island and is more of a peninsula than a real island.  It is a ten 
ferry ride from where I used to live on the Puget Sound across from Point 
Defiance.  I do not recall the old man's name but Harold does ring a bell, 
from the mail I received or from hearing it on the show.  I will look for the 
envelope and metal pieces next time I go through my collection. 

My point is that these crazies really believe what they are telling everybody 
simply want 15 minutes of fame or both.  I took a scientist friend's advice, 
not encourage them.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Sterling K. Webb sterling_k_w...@sbcglobal.net
To: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com; Adam 
Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 1:14:51 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Crazies


This is a long-evolved and complicated piece of the UFO
folklore. You appear to be referring to Vashon Island
(not Vashion), now referred to as the Maury Island

You will note reports of rock-like slag being dropped
and thin sheets of white metal, not metallic blobs.
Your old man wasn't Harold A. Dahl, was he?

Sterling K. Webb
- Original Message - From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Crazies

 Yes, it is scary that this guy has access to a very expensive R.O.V.
 I had an old man who was terminally ill send me some metal pieces that he
 claimed came from a troubled donut-shaped flying saucer that ejected molten
 metal over Vashion Island and on a fishing vessel in Washington State. He
 claims the only casualties were a dog that was on the boat and the boat 
 This occurred  a week before the Roswell incident.  It is funny that the UFO
 Hunters show devoted an entire episode to this alleged incident and could not
 find the old man or any metal. Supposed a plane transporting some of this
 material caught on fire and crashed.  I do not normally watch this kind of 
 but heard they were covering an incident that was only a few miles from where 
 used to live.
 Why is it that they never seem to come up with any hard evidence and yet can 
 dozens a episodes?
 The metal looked like melted aluminum blobs to me.  I still have them 
 but forgot where I put them when I moved.  No scientist was interested in
 analyzing them and I was embarrassed to even bring it up but I promised the 
 man I would look at them.  This is when my curiosity got the best of me.
 Best Regards,
 - Original Message 
 From: Rob Wesel nakhla...@comcast.net
 To: Meteorite List meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 11:36:03 AM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Crazies
 Only need to watch the first 2 minutes
 Rob Wesel
 We are the music makers...
 and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
 Willy Wonka, 1971
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 Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Crazies

2010-09-19 Thread Adam Hupe
It looks like the UFO Conference has moved to Phoenix, Arizona from Laughlin, 
Nevada.  I will miss all of the saucer enthusiasts getting sauced at the Loser 
Lounge and the Aquarius Casino.  Although I would never attend any of the 
seminars, it is beyond entertaining listening to all of the abduction stories 
and sightings while they are in town at the local bars.

I heave heard heated arguments ranging from how to best protect their daughters 
from aliens, the art of bringing a flying disk down with nothing but a shovel 
and where did the six million dollar man's bionics really come from?  

Here is the link if you live in the Phoenix area and want some cheap 

Best Regards,

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[meteorite-list] AD-Large Rare Specimens-Still No Reserves!

2010-09-14 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

You will definitely want to check out the auctions I have ending this 
afternoon.  I loaded some very large pieces of very rare meteorites and started 
them out at just 99 cents with NO RESERVES.  You may want to take advantage of 
these great deals while they still exist.  These type of auctions will be 
to end soon.

All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Some  Planetary Highlights:

Largest piece I have left of DAG 735 Martian  meteorite :
Large .254 gram thinly cut part slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 908:
Awesome .194 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 911:
Great  .168 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 1085:
Nice .092 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite NEA001:
Almost Out of Stock - .104 gram part slice of Martian meteorite NWA  1110:

Rare - .224 gram slice of Martian meteorite NWA 1195:
VERY RARE LOW TKW- .150 gram slice of Martian meteorite NWA 2626:

Crusted and Large - .388 gram specimen of Lunar meteorite NWA  3163:

HUGE PIECE - .328 gram specimen of Martian meteorite NWA 4468:
Ultra Rare - .182 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 4884:

Legendary - .324 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 5000:

Scarce - .270 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 5406:

260 milligram fragment of signature Martian meteorite Shergotty:

And Too Many to List Very Rare Classifications Can Be Found At This  Link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe  Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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Re: [meteorite-list] AD-Large (?) Rare Specimens-Still No Reserves!

2010-09-14 Thread Adam Hupe
I consider anything over 200 milligrams (1 carat) large for planetary material, 
some with a Total Known Weight of only 26 or 42 grams as is the case with a few 
pieces. A 388 milligram specimen is almost 2 carats.   I don't see anybody 
listing 2 carat diamonds starting at just 99 cents and this material is 
of times rarer.

I am not trying to mislead anybody.  These are very large specimens for most 
collectors and will not disappear into thin air if one sneezes.  I do not see 
anybody else listing pieces this large without protecting them with some kind 

I guess it is just a matter of perspective.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Michael Fowler mqfow...@mac.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Cc: Michael Fowler mqfow...@mac.com
Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 8:33:16 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD-Large (?) Rare Specimens-Still No Reserves!

Hi Adam,

When I saw your post for Large  rare specimens starting at 99 cents, and no 
reserves, I was starting to get excited, my mouth salivating at the 

Then I saw that the largest was only 388 milligrams and all the others were 
smaller.  Oh Well.  Maybe next time.

Mike Fowler

Proud owner of:

DHO 025 Lunar full slice 7.34 grams
NWA 2727 Lunar full slice 4.02 grams

 Dear List Members, 
 You will definitely want to check out the auctions I have ending this 
 afternoon. I loaded some very large pieces of very rare meteorites and 

 them out at just 99 cents with NO RESERVES. You may want to take advantage of 
 these great deals while they still exist. These type of auctions will be 

 to end soon. 
 All Auctions Can Be Found At This link: 
 Some Planetary Highlights: 
 Largest piece I have left of DAG 735 Martian meteorite : 
 Large .254 gram thinly cut part slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 908: 
 Awesome .194 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 911: 
 Great .168 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 1085: 
 Nice .092 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite NEA001: 
 Almost Out of Stock - .104 gram part slice of Martian meteorite NWA 1110: 
 Rare - .224 gram slice of Martian meteorite NWA 1195: 
 VERY RARE LOW TKW- .150 gram slice of Martian meteorite NWA 2626: 
 Crusted and Large - .388 gram specimen of Lunar meteorite NWA 3163: 
 HUGE PIECE - .328 gram specimen of Martian meteorite NWA 4468: 
 Ultra Rare - .182 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 4884: 
 Legendary - .324 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 5000: 
 Scarce - .270 gram thinly cut slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 5406: 
 260 milligram fragment of signature Martian meteorite Shergotty: 
 And Too Many to List Very Rare Classifications Can Be Found At This Link: 
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Re: [meteorite-list] AD-Large (?) Rare Specimens-Still No Reserves!

2010-09-14 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

I appreciate all of the kind comments. I was not really offended by the size 
remark.  Everybody is entitled to their opinion.  After all, if everybody could 
afford complete slices of planetary material, then these would be considered 
small. Unfortunately, the economy dictates what collectors can really afford.

I expressed my opinions yesterday about crazies and I am sure not everybody 
would agree with what I said.  I don't expect them to.

Meteorites are not a necessity for most.  A collector can make it as cheap or 
expensive as they want.  They can simply collect images of meteorites or they 
can go all out. It depends on what they are after or what they can afford.  
Right now, a 388 milligram planetary specimen may be more than what most can 
afford or if you are very fortunate, could easily be perceived as a minuscule.

I appreciate any specimen, large or small.  My brother in law recently found 
first meteorite after 8 years of intermittent searching.  It may be small at 
less than 5 grams to some but it is larger than life to him.  I couldn't be 
thrilled with his find. The smile on his face could not be taken away for 
  I could of said, wow, look at how small it is but I simply do not think 
way.  I have seen the largest and maybe the smallest meteorites found in 
Nevada.  They are all great and I don't think the owners would trade them for 
mere planetary pieces.  It is all a matter of personal perspective.

Happy Hunting,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Rust Question about my stone meteorite. BKF is the best :)

2010-09-13 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi List,

Most museums and notable collections realize that proper preparation is the key 
to preservation.  Slices should be polished on both sides to reduce surface 
which can and will trap moisture. A properly applied polish is the most 
important step in preserving any cut meteorite that contains metal. Tap water 
containing chlorine should never be used in the cutting or polishing processes. 
They should be stored in an area that doesn't experience huge temperature 
swings.  Specimens do better in very low humidity. A lacquer coating should 
never be applied.  Some less knowledgeable dealers apply a lacquer coating as a 
shortcut.  Although, it may make the specimen look more desirable, it will 
provide a substitute for a professionally applied polish. As a mater of fact, 
actually traps moisture inside the specimen, will yellow over the years and is 
just plain bad.

I learned the hard way.  I had a several thousand dollar Brenham Pallasite 
dissolve into a pile of crap in a few short years.  The slice actually flexed 
when I remove it from the safe.  The only thing holding it together was the 
lacquer coating which held long enough for me to throw the specimen into a 
can.   I was so disgusted that I never purchased from that dealer again.

Hope this helps,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Crazies on eBay

2010-09-13 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

It is interesting to note that 50% of the the top ten meteorites in price 
on eBay are not meteorites at all. It is a shame that these bogus offerings 
interfere with genuine pieces. It is obvious that they self appraised these 
pieces after listening to overinflated and unrealistic values given by the 
media.  They think meteorites are lying around like an Easter egg hunt. After 
watching too much TV and barely hiking around the block,  they feel that 
meteorites are everywhere, ready to be picked anytime and any place.  Any pile 
of rocks is now seen as a strewn field, ready to plucked and profited from.  It 
like snagging a sucker out of a babies mouth.  All of sudden, they are experts 
and don't need laboratory confirmation.  There is no way that any of these 
sellers would ruin their multimillion dollar dreams by following proper 
that is available to anyone with a google search engine and who can read.

The only confirmed piece to show up after all of the recent press was qualified 
by UCLA before the IMCA was even contacted. And then, the finder only contacted 
the IMCA to locate the best place to cut it.  The fortunate individual did his 
homework online before contacting anyone. I guess a 1 in 10,000 ratio makes the 
process worth while for some.  I would rather put my money into a slot machine 
(One Armed Bandit) and pull the handle.  The odds are much greater of actually 
winning something substantial than a real meteorite showing up.

I am not pleased with all of the false offerings allowed on eBay.  This is why 
many dealers do not bother with it anymore.  Who wants to compete in a sea of 
fakes?  With over 4,500 meteorite listings, first class material barely stands 
out and is why most sellers are protecting themselves with fixed prices.  
it was the China Syndrome of iron ore.  Now it is the Who wants to be the next 
millionaire clan as seen on TV?

Its feels like I have been bounced around like a baby with a nasty diaper, 
taking a lot of the enjoyment out of selling on eBay.

Sorry, just needed to vent after being contacted yet again by another crazy.  
seems to be almost a daily occurrence and a complete waste of time.  This is 
what happens when you sell on eBay.  Instead of inquiring about the genuine 
meteorites I have for sale, these extremely rude people use eBay to ask about a 
meteorite wrong they have found.  

Best Regards,

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[meteorite-list] Another meteorite millionaire wannabe

2010-09-12 Thread Adam Hupe
Another meteorite millionaire wannabe who watches too much TV, thinks he will 
become rich beyond belief and won't take no for an answer.  Read his responses 
to parties inquiring about his $5,000,000.00 auction with $1.00 postage.  It 
must be real, it looks just like what he saw on TV.  More negative backlash.  
is idiots like this that clog the classification systems with crap.  Expect 
laboratories to close their doors as mountains of meteorite wrongs come in.

Link to auction:

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Another meteorite millionaire wannabe

2010-09-12 Thread Adam Hupe
Honestly, meteorite wrongs do clog up the system.  I have wasted hundreds of 
hours on them myself. I can only imagine what a University who studied these 
wrongs goes through. I was told that the IMCA is tying up a huge amount of 
resources on meteorite wrongs these days when only few inquiries would come in 
month when I was on the board.

ASU meteorite services is now closed to the public. If I recall properly, they 
even posted an image of a mountain of meteorite wrongs on the Rocks from Space 
Picture of the Day not too long ago.  Now they announce a discontinuation of 

Over 700 a year were coming to ASU if I read this properly,
WUSTL meteorite wrongs:

It takes more time to explain why a meteorite wrong is not a meteorite than it 
takes to determine what it actually is. Then it has to be packaged and sent 
to the disbelieving owner.  All of this takes time.  Multiple it by thousands 
and they certainly will clog up systems.  They get way more meteorite wrongs 
than rights so what is tying up more time?  This goes back to the 
over ratings thread. These people who are selling meteorite wrongs could care 
less about the meteorites, only the overemphasized amount of money they may get.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Greg Catterton star_wars_collec...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; Adam Hupe 
Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 10:41:24 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Another meteorite millionaire wannabe

Another ebay winner!
I honestly doubt this clogs anything as one look will show its not a meteorite.
From my experience, Most places that test wont even bother with a sample if 
dont think its a meteorite - thats without even doing any testing and just 
on how it looks.

As many people like this who come out (due to meteorite men tv show or not - 
they were here before the show also) there is a great impact that the show has 
made. Not once do I go out and as soon as the subject of meteorites comes up I 
hear I saw that show about meteorite men on TV or something close is 
mentioned. The more that see it means the more that are interested in it... 
can only be good over the long run for anyone who sells. I usually get 1-2 
per week from people who see the show and go searching on the internet for more 
info. I even use the search term meteorite men now as it does bring hits and 
sales to my website.

hope everyone is good!

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WanderingStarMeteorites

--- On Sun, 9/12/10, Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Another meteorite millionaire wannabe
 To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 1:28 PM
 Another meteorite millionaire wannabe
 who watches too much TV, thinks he will 
 become rich beyond belief and won't take no for an
 answer.  Read his responses 
 to parties inquiring about his $5,000,000.00 auction with
 $1.00 postage.  It 
 must be real, it looks just like what he saw on TV. 
 More negative backlash.  It 
 is idiots like this that clog the classification systems
 with crap.  Expect more 
 laboratories to close their doors as mountains of meteorite
 wrongs come in.
 Link to auction:
 Best Regards,
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Another meteorite millionaire wannabe

2010-09-12 Thread Adam Hupe
I forgot to mention NAU is now off of the public classification services list 
along with ASU; two very prominent meteorite classification powerhouses now 
within the last year and both from Arizona.  They seem to be dropping out one 
one at an alarming rate.

I am not trying to be overly dramatic.  I just see things going the wrong way 
the last couple of years.  More and more land is now off limits including my 
home state of Washington.  This really upsets me because I tied a goal around 
finding one there.  The late Richard O. Norton warned that this could happen 
over a decade ago.  He was one of the first to recognize that responsibility 
would translate into preservation if managed properly.  I listened to him for 
several hours at a private party in Tucson over ten years ago and his points 
were well received.  I feel almost guilty for being so complacent but now will 
openly mention issues that bother me.

Best Regards and happy Hunting,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Crazies

2010-09-12 Thread Adam Hupe
My personal favorite is the multimillion dollar blown out toilet plunger 
meteorite wrong.  Actually, I have no idea what it was.  The toilet plunger 
guess came from this list.  A member surmised that maybe the 120 plus degree 
temperatures out here may have melted it the unrecognizable shape it is in now.

Here is the link to the controversial piece that was sent to me and caused a 
of grief: 


The proud owner would not take no for an answer.

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Witnessed fall lunars?still no clear answere

2010-09-08 Thread Adam Hupe
I think most of it comes from lack of recognition. Lunar meteorites do not seem 
to lose as much of their mass when entering the atmosphere so probably do not 
produce huge bolides.  Chondrites, on the other hand generally burn up 90% or 
more, if they survive at all.

For some reason, Martian meteorites tend to be larger in size so probably put 
out more light.  For the most part, they have very black glossy crusts (Eucrite 
like) which makes them very easy to recognize.  

The Moroccans have proved that once a searcher has been taught what to look 
success is soon to follow if a reasonable effort is put forth.  If I read 
Randy's site correctly, no lunar meteorites were found in Northwest Africa last 
year and the peak was around 4 or 5 years ago.   Each and every lunar meteorite 
found in the hot deserts was a tough pull but it can be done.

Now that we have gained all of this knowledge from the NWA gold rush which is 
now over, it is time to work the next plateau which most believe is the Mojave. 

Happy Hunting,


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Re: [meteorite-list] ASU suspends public meteorite identification program

2010-09-08 Thread Adam Hupe
Yes, it was just a matter of time.  You can only tie up your resources looking 
at so many meteorite wrongs before it interferes with budget and time 
management.  I no longer look at solicited/suspected meteorites from unknown 
parties for the same reasons. Most think their finds are going to make them the 
latest millionaires and do not want to hear the truth.  Dreams are free unless 
you are the one characterizing the object. Some get very angry when you tell 
them what they have is not a meteorite and they are not that easy to find 
regardless of what they saw on TV or read on some website. You can only be 
abused so many times before the process becomes less enjoyable. 

Here is to finding real meteorites!

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[meteorite-list] AD - 54 Auctions Ending In A Few Hours

2010-09-07 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 auctions ending this afternoon.  All were started at just 99 cents 
with no reserves. Many do not have bids so there will definitely be some 
bargains to be had this week.

Please take a look if you have time.

All Auctions Can Be  Found At This link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team  LunarRock

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[meteorite-list] AD - Great Stuff - No Reserves

2010-08-31 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 great auctions ending today. You will find many sizable planetary 
pieces and other rarities started at just 99 cents with no reserve.  I loaded 
some larger pieces worth several hundred dollars so they are definitely worth 
checking out.  These kind of bargains will not last forever since most dealers 
have moved to fixed pricing on eBay for items worth more than a few dozen 
dollars. Real auctions with no reserves are quickly becoming a thing of the 

Please take a look if you have time.

All Auctions Can Be  Found At This link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team  LunarRock
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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites, TO BE OR NOT TO BE?

2010-08-31 Thread Adam Hupe
I think they will BE.  As most scientists and knowledgeable collectors will 
you, a meteorite doesn't care where it lands.  I think they will be greater 
appreciated when the economy gets better and there is very little left to argue 
about.  They are not mere commodities as some would like you to think and they 
are not a readily renewable resource.  I feel it was very fortunate for them to 
fall in Northwest Africa where the climate preserves them well and the world's 
best recovery team was there to collect them. The gold rush has been over for 
some time reaching its pinnacle a few years ago.  It is time to find the next 
plateau, will it be the Mojave or Mexico? 

Happy Collecting.


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Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Elections and my status

2010-08-28 Thread Adam Hupe
Greg made this statement;


The IMCA was started when Lunars were selling for well over $2000 per  gram... 
you can now buy them all day long for as low as $200 per gram.  Times have 
changed and the IMCA needs to change with them, or get left  behind. We can 
amend the US constitution, we can amend the declaration.

I am not sure that the prices of lunar material have anything to do with the 
IMCA. $200.00 a gram? Come on! You can't even purchase Lunar meteorites 
from the Moroccans for this price anymore.  I paid more than this for lunaites 
from the Germans that were found a long time ago in Oman.  You would be lucky 
find a Martian at this price due to there being five times as much available.

Please provide us with the dealers names who are selling all day long at this 
price so that I can take advantage of them.

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil DONT THINK SO!

2010-08-26 Thread Adam Hupe
These permits are free, just a huge hassle in order to get one.  They want to 
know everything about your visits afterward on reports that need to be sent in.

Stay out of any area that requires a permit if you do not have one.  We learned 
the hard way. Our team was snitched out by a competitive hunter from L.A. when 
we did not know you needed permits.  A gate leading to a lake bed was left open 
with the permit required signs on the back of it obscured when we went through 
it. When we tried to exit the lake bed at the end of the day, the gate was 
closed and a BLM truck on the way.  Needless to say, this catch em alive trap 
worked very well.  I now research every area I enter and look carefully for 
signs. If I see a BLM truck, I ask questions first.

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - August 26, 2010 thanks to the Hupes

2010-08-26 Thread Adam Hupe
Thank you Steve and other List Members for the positive remarks.

I am pleased to see material from Northwest Africa being embraced by major 
institutions and collections. The only piece in this beautiful collage that 
from my collection is NWA 5000.  TCU and the Adler Planetarium also have great 
representative samples of NWA 5000 in their collections.  It is a win-win 
situation when both private and public sectors can share in a find.

Here is an image of Dr. Tony Irving and NASA Apollo 16 Astronaut/Moonwalker 
Charlie Duke holding the Ambassador slice of NWA 5000. This slice is being used 
in part to promote future missions to the Moon.  I can not think of a higher 
honor.  It is great when personalities of the highest esteem have no problem 
whatsoever of where a meteorite landed so long as it was obtained legally.   
image is little grainy since it is a scan of an original:


Best Regards,



- Original Message 
From: Steve Dunklee steve.dunk...@yahoo.com
To: m_gr...@yahoo.de; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Thu, August 26, 2010 8:00:36 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - August 26, 
2010 thanks to the Hupes

I can see more contributions here by the Hupe Brothers. A thanks and 
congradulations. Clear skys. Steve

On Thu Aug 26th, 2010 5:44 AM EDT Mirko Graul wrote:

Hi Laurence and list,

wow, what great pieces!
A very beautiful composition!
My personal favorite is the Isheyevo slice 421g. ;-))

Best regards,


Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 
E-Mail: m_gr...@yahoo.de 
WEB: www.meteorite-mirko.de 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Michael Johnson mich...@rocksfromspace.org schrieb am Do, 26.8.2010:

 Von: Michael Johnson mich...@rocksfromspace.org
 Betreff: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - August 26, 
 An: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Datum: Donnerstag, 26. August, 2010 05:11 Uhr
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 Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Search for first U.S. lunar meteorite

2010-08-24 Thread Adam Hupe

It is true that if you depend on a magnet, you will not find a planetary 
meteorite.  I found the small 50 gram half of NWA 1195 in a Moroccan discard 
pile, same for other planetary pieces.  It was placed there because it was not 
magnetic and did not have a crust. They sent rocks that bothered them from 
discard piles to have us look at them.  They have an outstanding memory and 
we told them that one of the stones was an incomplete Martian and forwarded 
an image of it, they searched and found the larger half a few meters from where 
the the first was found.

We told the Moroccans to send us any out of place stones and stop depending on 
magnets.  They soon began to put more value on the visual characteristics which 
in turn increased their yield greatly. The problem is that a lot of terrestrial 
rocks started showing up in our loads and we had to explain why they were not 
meteorites. This process took years until they became experts at finding them.  
It cost my brother, Greg and I tens of thousands of dollars to study these 
pieces with an occasional surprise showing up.  We would then patiently explain 
what characteristics to look for when a winning piece showed up.  

Being able to recognize Lunar/Martian meteorites in the field is a process in 
which the Moroccans have become experts.  The yield has dropped significantly 
the last few years so most of the readily accessible areas have been searched.  
They have to go further and further out in order to find them and there comes a 
point where this becomes logistically impossible.   Just over a decade ago, no 
planetary meteorites were recognized as coming from NWA.  

It is time to search North America before it becomes off-limits.

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil DONT THINK SO!

2010-08-24 Thread Adam Hupe

Believe it or not, It is illegal to carry a magnet on a stick or any other 
searching device into some areas of California for the purpose of locating a 
resource. Get caught with a magnetic cane or no permit on Ivanpah Dry Lake bed 
for example and you will be in big trouble with the BLM.  Any place that has 
artifacts in California which includes most dry lake beds is now off-limits to 
using a magnetic cane or metal detector for searching.  This is what I was told 
by a BLM officer in the Needles California office when I tried to pin them down 
for answers and permits.

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil DONT THINK SO!

2010-08-24 Thread Adam Hupe
I know these laws don't always make sense. I think they are trying to protect 
the Indian artifacts more than anything else by these no searching device 
The last I checked, these artifacts were made of stone not metal so who knows 
what the lawmakers were thinking. Most listen too much of what they hear on TV 
and have no reality of what really is going on. 

I have a question.  Does anybody know why Roach Dry Lake is closed in Nevada?

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: R N Hartman rhartma...@earthlink.net
To: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
Cc: Meteorite Central meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, August 24, 2010 2:28:10 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil DONT THINK SO!

They (the BLM) don't want to allow meteorite collecting but they will allow 
ATV's to race and tear up the lake bed.

- Original Message - From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil DONT THINK SO!

 Believe it or not, It is illegal to carry a magnet on a stick or any other
 searching device into some areas of California for the purpose of locating a
 resource. Get caught with a magnetic cane or no permit on Ivanpah Dry Lake bed
 for example and you will be in big trouble with the BLM.  Any place that has
 artifacts in California which includes most dry lake beds is now off-limits to
 using a magnetic cane or metal detector for searching.  This is what I was 
 by a BLM officer in the Needles California office when I tried to pin them 
 for answers and permits.
 Best Regards,
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Search for first U.S. lunar meteorite

2010-08-23 Thread Adam Hupe
I have been training my eyes for well over a decade to recognize Lunar and 
Martian meteorites. I can hardly wait to get into the field full-time once I 
reach my sales goals and can give up eBay.  I am planing a super Mojave Desert 
Hunt this fall, just like I used to do with the Team LunarRock hunts of the 
distant past which were always productive. The more eyes, the better the 
chances.  I can hardly wait to test some new equipment and get much needed 

Let the hunt begin while most of the Mojave is still legally accessible to 

Best Regards,

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] WAS Cyanobacteria in meteorites? NOW: Life in Meteorites

2010-08-21 Thread Adam Hupe
Martian meteorite NWA 998 displays an abundance of these fossils and is 
proving to be much richer than ALH84001:

If the scientific community ever completely embraces the idea, then we will 
witness another surge in the importance they represent.  In any case, all of 
talk of Martian fossils and life helped lift Mars into the forefront making it 
easier to justify all of the missions taking place there.  In my opinion, 
ALH84001 and the scientists who studied it are mostly responsible for the 
renewed interest in Mars.

Here is a link to a recent article on NWA 998:

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Meteorites USA e...@meteoritesusa.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sat, August 21, 2010 12:15:39 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] WAS Cyanobacteria in meteorites? NOW: Life in 

Perhaps... But, are you referring to the Orgueil meteorite claim of 
bacteria, Murchison, or the whole claim of fossilized microbial life in 
meteorites all together?

We already know that microbial life can survive in space. The question is for 
how long.

The conclusion sounds accurate enough to say...

Plausible: Life is not restricted to Earth, nor is there evidence that says 
empirically that life could NOT survive in the harshness of space. In fact 
is more evidence that suggested it's probable than not.

Based on the fact that it has already been observed that life can survive in 
space without the insulative protection that asteroid, meteoroid, or ejecta 
material could provide. Look at this:

Granted that's only 2.6 years, and we brought it back to Earth. What's to say 
wouldn't have survived in the camera longer if left alone, or if it were 
cocooned within the safe confines of a meteoroid or asteroid that it couldn't 
survive for millions of years.

There's an interesting article on survival of microbes in space in the Journal 
of Cosmology titled Microbial Survival Mechanisms and the Interplanetary 
Transfer of Life Through Space.

And the Plausibility of Martian Microbes - Which was posted/linked to on the 
Met-List in 2004
Original Article: 

Also good reads from LPI, NASA, and Astrobiology Magazine.

Fossil Life in ALH 84001?

Evidence of Ancient Martian Life in Meteorite ALH84001?

And these articles on extremophiles and other extreme life propagating environs:

The evidence of life transfer from reputable sources is growing.

The more we learn about meteorites the more we realize that they are the key to 
understanding everything.


On 8/21/2010 10:18 AM, Charles O'Dale wrote:
 Apparently this is a hoax, sorry about that guys !!  : (
 - Forwarded Message 

 From: Charles O'Dalecodale0...@rogers.com
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Sent: Fri, August 20, 2010 8:35:04 AM
 Subject: Cyanobacteria in meteorites?
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[meteorite-list] AD - 54 Auctions Ending Today - NO RESERVES!

2010-08-17 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 Auctions ending this afternoon.  All were started at just 99 cents 
with no reserves.

Please take a look if you have time.

All Auctions Can Be Found At This  link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team  LunarRock

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Re: [meteorite-list] The emperor of angrites

2010-08-17 Thread Adam Hupe
I thought this meteorite was to be sold to a would be benefactor for around 3.5 
U.S. million dollars and was donated to a University in Oregon.  They claimed 
weighed 5 lbs which equals 2,270 grams. At $3,500,000.00, this would amount to 
whopping $15,418.50/gram.  I think we are talking about the same meteorite here.

I guess the press got it wrong once again by throwing out ridiculously large 
numbers.  It is no wonder why Oregon is one of two states currently designating 
their land illegal to hunt meteorites.   It seems that good news has once again 
turned bad.  I canceled a hunting trip to Washington/Oregon this summer due to 
these poorly thought out laws or new interpretations of old ones. Even though 
this meteorite was not even found on U.S. soil, the large numbers seem to have 
attracted or contributed to unwanted attention.

Here is the article:

Maybe I read it wrong but it seems blatantly clear to me. It is even headlined 
Multimillion Dollar Meteorite

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] The emperor of angrites

2010-08-17 Thread Adam Hupe
Sorry, I added an extra 0.  The price per gram would still be a whopping 

- Original Message 
From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 5:19:17 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The emperor of angrites

I thought this meteorite was to be sold to a would be benefactor for around 3.5 
U.S. million dollars and was donated to a University in Oregon.  They claimed 

weighed 5 lbs which equals 2,270 grams. At $3,500,000.00, this would amount to 

whopping $15,418.50/gram.  I think we are talking about the same meteorite here.

I guess the press got it wrong once again by throwing out ridiculously large 
numbers.  It is no wonder why Oregon is one of two states currently designating 
their land illegal to hunt meteorites.   It seems that good news has once again 
turned bad.  I canceled a hunting trip to Washington/Oregon this summer due to 
these poorly thought out laws or new interpretations of old ones. Even though 
this meteorite was not even found on U.S. soil, the large numbers seem to have 
attracted or contributed to unwanted attention.

Here is the article:

Maybe I read it wrong but it seems blatantly clear to me. It is even headlined 
Multimillion Dollar Meteorite

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

2010-08-16 Thread Adam Hupe
Thank you, Greg,

It is both a desert patina and fusion crust. The gray area is where the fusion 
crust was etched very thin by the prevailing winds and sand over the 1,000 year 
period it spent in Western Sahara.  You can still observe contraction cracks in 
the gray areas where the crust is so thin that you can see the matrix through 
it.  Most collectors do not realize that Lunar meteorites, for the most part, 
have brown fusion crusts.  A few Mare pieces have smooth black fusion crusts 
a few Highlands have translucent green fusion crusts. This is one of many clues 
that we have a prospective Lunaite in front of us.  You will never see a 
Eucrite-like black fusion crust on a lunar meteorite.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Thunder Stone stanleygr...@hotmail.com
To: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 10:27:33 AM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world


Very impressive.
Is that a fusion crust on NWA 5000 or desert varnish?

Greg S.

 Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 15:31:50 -0700
 From: raremeteori...@yahoo.com
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

 The question was presented. How many dealers have a personal collection?

 My brother Greg and I started out as collectors and continue to this day. I
 believe we have more planetary main masses than anybody in the world.

 Here is an image of part of the Hupe Planetary Collection.


 We have a few more planetary main masses that are not included in this image,
 either because they were out on loan or too small.

 Enjoy and Best Regards,

 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

2010-08-16 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Mike in CO,

Magnetic susceptibility is a difficult question to answer. A CEREGE (CNRS), 
Geophysics and Planetologyscientist from France flew out here to Laughlin, NV, 
U.S.A. to conduct magnetic susceptibility studies on several of our planetary 
pieces including NWA 5000.  He spent hours plotting hundred of points on NWA 
5000 to create a susceptibility map.  All I can tell you is that numbers his 
instruments measured were different for each and every point on the rock.  I 
guess we will have to wait for the results and magnetic map to be published.

If you are asking how attracted it is to a magnet, then my answer is as 
NWA 5000 contains more metal than any rock from the Moon discovered, yet a 
magnet will barley stick to it unless you are in direct contact with a piece of 
elemental metal.  I have magnets so powerful that the small amount of iron in 
breakfast cereal is enough to make the pieces of cereal stick to them, same for 
dry dog food.  For the most part, planetary meteorites are not all that 
attracted to standard magnets. 

I recommend liberating a piece of a suspected planetary meteorite and then 
testing it with a magnet therefore preserving the rest of the mass for future 
study.  A magnet will orient some of the dipoles into a new North South 
direction making some future studies impossible.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Michael Murray mmur...@montrose.net
To: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
Cc: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 2:02:36 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

This is probably the 'dumb question of the year'  but, is there any magnetic 
susceptibility detectable on NWA 5000 or, for that matter any of your planetary 
pieces?  See, told you it was going to be a dumb question.

Mike in CO

On Aug 16, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Adam Hupe wrote:

 Thank you, Greg,
 It is both a desert patina and fusion crust. The gray area is where the fusion
 crust was etched very thin by the prevailing winds and sand over the 1,000 
 period it spent in Western Sahara.  You can still observe contraction cracks 
 the gray areas where the crust is so thin that you can see the matrix through
 it.  Most collectors do not realize that Lunar meteorites, for the most part,
 have brown fusion crusts.  A few Mare pieces have smooth black fusion crusts 
 a few Highlands have translucent green fusion crusts. This is one of many 
 that we have a prospective Lunaite in front of us.  You will never see a 
 Eucrite-like black fusion crust on a lunar meteorite.
 Best Regards,
 - Original Message 
 From: Thunder Stone stanleygr...@hotmail.com
 To: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 10:27:33 AM
 Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world
 Very impressive.
 Is that a fusion crust on NWA 5000 or desert varnish?
 Greg S.
 Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 15:31:50 -0700
 From: raremeteori...@yahoo.com
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world
 The question was presented. How many dealers have a personal collection?
 My brother Greg and I started out as collectors and continue to this day. I
 believe we have more planetary main masses than anybody in the world.
 Here is an image of part of the Hupe Planetary Collection.
 We have a few more planetary main masses that are not included in this image,
 either because they were out on loan or too small.
 Enjoy and Best Regards,
 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

2010-08-15 Thread Adam Hupe
The question was presented.  How many dealers have a personal collection?

My brother Greg and I started out as collectors and continue to this day.  I 
believe we have more planetary main masses than anybody in the world.

Here is an image of part of the Hupe Planetary Collection.   


We have a few more planetary main masses that are not included in this image, 
either because they were out on loan or too small.

Enjoy and Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

2010-08-15 Thread Adam Hupe
I find that most collectors do need or want the very best specimens, far too 
expensive. They desire a nice example that represents a certain type with the 
proper study, preparation, ID cards and provenance.  They demand good service 
which they are entitled to.  Very few are able to step up and spend thousands 
during this very poor economy.  Second best would be an excellent acquisition 
and museum quality in most cases.  I have several very small specimens in my 
collection that I am completely happy with that would not even come close to 
being second best or 20th best for that matter. 

If somebody desired one of our collection main masses and could afford it, I am 
sure we would reluctantly part with it. They do very little good sitting in 
deposit boxes and have nearly cost us our life savings. We have parted with a 
few main masses after enjoying them for awhile with a couple sitting in 
museums.  We could have made far more by cutting them completely up but our 
desire to preserve ponderable masses has prevented us from doing so.  I make 
largest pieces available first and then break them down into more affordable 
pieces with time so everybody has a shot at a first class specimen. The main 
masses are set aside after cutting and a few are made available every year.  
collection is dynamic, changing all of the time so the very best specimens do 
come up sometimes.  It would be very limiting if this thin market only demanded 
the very best specimens which very few could afford anyway.

I see no conflict whatsoever with dealers maintaining personal collections. It 
demonstrates a sincere interest in meteorites that goes far beyond the monetary 
aspect of it.   If it were all about money, they would not bother collecting 
them at all and dispose of every piece as quickly as possible.   

Best Regards,


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

2010-08-15 Thread Adam Hupe

I find that most collectors do not need or want the very best specimens, far  


It should have read do not need instead of do need.

Sorry for the error and repost,


- Original Message 

From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sun, August 15, 2010 5:55:31 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

I find that most collectors do need or want the very best specimens, far too 
expensive. They desire a nice example that represents a certain type with the 
proper study, preparation, ID cards and provenance.  They demand good service 
which they are entitled to.  Very few are able to step up and spend thousands 
during this very poor economy.  Second best would be an excellent acquisition 
and museum quality in most cases.  I have several very small specimens in my 
collection that I am completely happy with that would not even come close to 
being second best or 20th best for that matter. 

If somebody desired one of our collection main masses and could afford it, I am 
sure we would reluctantly part with it. They do very little good sitting in 

deposit boxes and have nearly cost us our life savings. We have parted with a 
few main masses after enjoying them for awhile with a couple sitting in 
museums.  We could have made far more by cutting them completely up but our 
desire to preserve ponderable masses has prevented us from doing so.  I make 

largest pieces available first and then break them down into more affordable 
pieces with time so everybody has a shot at a first class specimen. The main 
masses are set aside after cutting and a few are made available every year.  

collection is dynamic, changing all of the time so the very best specimens do 
come up sometimes.  It would be very limiting if this thin market only demanded 
the very best specimens which very few could afford anyway.

I see no conflict whatsoever with dealers maintaining personal collections. It 
demonstrates a sincere interest in meteorites that goes far beyond the monetary 
aspect of it.   If it were all about money, they would not bother collecting 
them at all and dispose of every piece as quickly as possible.  

Best Regards,


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
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[meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites - Notes and Image

2010-08-11 Thread Adam Hupe
Martin Wrote:


With lunaites I see a shallow trough. I think mainly caused by the
expectations  of the collectors, that due to the impact of the large-tkwNWA
5000,  Moon would be available at unseen low rates.
Such little troughs  happened with lunars also in past (remember the Dhofar
depression),  but are always of a very temporary occurrence. Best indicator
for the  latter is, that those lunaites of particular interest due to their
rare  subtypes and special properties, remained constant in price and demand.

It is interesting that one stone can change perceptions proving that we are 
indeed in a very thin but growing market.  The predictions that NWA 5000 would 
somehow ruin the market are unfounded. I knew from the beginning that the TKW 
was more than the meteorite collecting community could bear all at once and is 
one of the reasons I pursued other markets with this meteorite.  Fortunately, 
Lunar meteorites do not depend entirely on the meteorite collectors market and 
are greatly desired in other venues.  In other words, you do not have to 
collect meteorites in order to appreciate the unmatched scientific and 

qualities on NWA 5000 or any other lunaite for that matter. This meteorite is 
currently the largest and most sought after certified moon rock in the world 
rating number one in desirability on 

non-biased appraisal surveys.  The insurance value was set higher on this 
meteorite than 

an other in the world.

The only complete slice of NWA 5000 (The Ambassador Slice) has been traveling 
around the world promoting meteorites in a positive manner.  Several 
institutions have taken advantage of our willingness to loan out the Ambassador 
slice and it has been booked solid since it was prepared.  Here is an image of 
astronaut and Moon Walker Charlie Duke using the complete slice on NWA5000 to 
promote future missions to the moon:


Best Regards,



- Original Message 
From: Martin Altmann altm...@meteorite-martin.de
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 2:21:51 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites

Hi Rob  list,

a well-arranged list of the Lunars and Martians sorted by pairings you have
available on Norbert Classen's pages: http://www.meteoris.de/

Lunar list:

Martian list:

A comprehensive list with extensive information on each lunar stone, you'll
find at Randy Korotev's famous lunar meteorites site - the best place for
lunaites in the whole web:

and there the lunar listings:

The Martian pendant to Randy's pages are in progress, set up by Tony Irving:

Depending on who is deciding which meteorites are paired, there
will be variability on how many unique Martian meteorites there

Martians and Lunars are the only meteorite classes, where due to their
special meaning, pairings are always and immediately established quasi as
part of the classification process.
That's possible, cause they count among the most investigated and known
meteorites and there doesn't exist something like an anonymous Martian or

Thanks for the compliments for NWA 6162 :-)

Indeed our experiences don't coincide with that said here on the list about
the demand for Martians and the individual sizes of the specimens the
collectors prefer.
From NWA 6162 currently only 2 grams (six smaller cuts) are left and it went
so fast like before NWA 5789, for which we hadn't to make advertizing
neither or like NWA 5990, where only a little is still left.
Hence one could think, that these are special cases,
NWA 6162 outshines all shergottitic finds known before regarding freshness
(and aesthetics IOHO)
and NWA 5789 and 5990 both were petrological novelties,
but also e.g. with the demand for NWA 4925 we are content.

With lunaites I see a shallow trough. I think mainly caused by the
expectations of the collectors, that due to the impact of the large-tkwNWA
5000, Moon would be available at unseen low rates.
Such little troughs happened with lunars also in past (remember the Dhofar
depression), but are always of a very temporary occurrence. Best indicator
for the latter is, that those lunaites of particular interest due to their
rare subtypes and special properties, remained constant in price and demand.

With Martians all in all we observed raising prices during the last 4 years.
well, I'm not Captain Blood, but I wouldn't wonder, if he would recommend in
one of his next Market Trends that it's now the time to buy lunaites and
Martians, cause that they'll get 

Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites - Notes and Image

2010-08-11 Thread Adam Hupe
Here is an image of the NWA 5000 Ambassador Slice before the base was 
completed.  You will note in the previous image that I posted that the metal 
base is finished.  I have not seen this slice in over a year since it has been 
on constant loan.  I have only seen it four times even though I own it in the 
last three years.

Link to frontal image:

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Michael Fowler mqfow...@mac.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Cc: Michael Fowler mqfow...@mac.com
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 9:42:48 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites - Notes and Image

Hi Adam,

Could you post a (frontal) picture of the Ambassador Slice to the list or on 


Mike Fowler

 The only complete slice of NWA 5000 (The Ambassador Slice) has been traveling 
 around the world promoting meteorites in a positive manner. Several 
 institutions have taken advantage of our willingness to loan out the 

 slice and it has been booked solid since it was prepared. Here is an image of 
 astronaut and Moon Walker Charlie Duke using the complete slice on NWA5000 to 
 promote future missions to the moon: 
 Best Regards, 
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Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites - Notes and Image

2010-08-11 Thread Adam Hupe
It is the worlds largest complete slice of the moon weighing 575 grams and 
19.25cm X 14.5cm X 1cm (7-3/8” X 5-11/16” X .4) 

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Steve Witt stelo...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; Adam Hupe 
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 2:08:12 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites - Notes and Image

Hi Adam,

Do you know offhand the weight and dimensions of this specimen?


Steve Witt
IMCA #9020

--- On Wed, 8/11/10, Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites - Notes and Image
 To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2010, 1:22 PM
 Here is an image of the NWA 5000
 Ambassador Slice before the base was 
 completed.  You will note in the previous image that I
 posted that the metal 
 base is finished.  I have not seen this slice in over
 a year since it has been 
 on constant loan.  I have only seen it four times even
 though I own it in the 
 last three years.
 Link to frontal image:
 Best Regards,
 - Original Message 
 From: Michael Fowler mqfow...@mac.com
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Cc: Michael Fowler mqfow...@mac.com
 Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 9:42:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Martian vs. Lunar meteorites
 - Notes and Image
 Hi Adam,
 Could you post a (frontal) picture of the Ambassador Slice
 to the list or on 
 Mike Fowler
  The only complete slice of NWA 5000 (The Ambassador
 Slice) has been traveling 
  around the world promoting meteorites in a positive
 manner. Several 
  institutions have taken advantage of our willingness
 to loan out the Ambassador 
  slice and it has been booked solid since it was
 prepared. Here is an image of 
  astronaut and Moon Walker Charlie Duke using the
 complete slice on NWA5000 to 
  promote future missions to the moon: 
  Best Regards, 
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] The most expensive meteorite per gram?

2010-08-10 Thread Adam Hupe
It does depend a lot on size.  I remember a 4 milligram speck of NWA 011 
for over $500.00 when only 58 milligrams was available.  This is would 
extrapolate to a mere $125,000.00 gram.  The only other meteorite I think to 
beat this price was Calcalong Creek which could at one time be had for much 
and only in milligram sized specimens.

It depends on how much is put on the market at any given time.  I only managed 
to get around $10,000.00/gram for Calcalong creek after offering very small 
fragments for several weeks.  It started out high and then decreased each week 
in a thin market until my supply was exhausted.  Now, I cannot get any more now 
matter how hard I try. 

In larger sizes over a gram, lunar is and will  always be king according to the 
Smithsonian Magazine, Mining for Meteorites.  If all of ALH84001 or Chassigny 
were to be released at once, I doubt they could maintain record setting prices 
for very long. Most collectors would be satisfied with sub-gram pieces because 
the material is similar throughout meaning a larger piece would not provide 
more variety of clasts than a small one.Lunaites, on the other hand, are 
highly variable, much more aesthetically pleasing and display a wider array of 
characteristics.  People seem to relate more to the Moon, have admired it since 
ancient times and do not have to be into meteorites to desire a piece. You have 
heard the saying,  I would giver here the Moon if I could.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: countde...@earthlink.net countde...@earthlink.net
To: Melanie Matthews miss_meteor...@yahoo.ca; Galactic Stone  Ironworks 
Cc: Meteorite List meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, August 10, 2010 10:52:51 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The most expensive meteorite per gram?

Melanie asked What is the most expensive per gram...?

Gram sized and larger individual specimens of NWA 5000, Nakhla, Shergotty and 
Chassigny, just to name four planetaries, have brought up to $4,000 a gram 
depending on attractivness of size, weight, shape, lithology, fusion crust, 
preparation and documented provenance.

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536

-Original Message-
From: Melanie Matthews miss_meteor...@yahoo.ca
Sent: Aug 10, 2010 1:38 PM
To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks meteoritem...@gmail.com
Cc: Meteorite List meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The most expensive meteorite per gram?

Wow,, and the Sylacauga Hodges stone is just an ordinary chondrite.. Can you 
imagine if it were a rare achondrite or a Planetary meteorite, with a limited 
amount available to collectors?! @_@  

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

I eat, sleep and breath meteorites 24/7.

- Original Message 
From: Galactic Stone  Ironworks meteoritem...@gmail.com
To: Melanie Matthews miss_meteor...@yahoo.ca
Cc: Meteorite List meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, August 10, 2010 5:29:53 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The most expensive meteorite per gram?

I once paid $100 for 1mg of the Sylacauga Hodges stone.

On 8/10/10, Melanie Matthews miss_meteor...@yahoo.ca wrote:
 Good evening/morning all
 What is the most expensive meteorite per gram, to date? The Lunar Calcalong
 Creek? After that which ones are next in line?

 IMCA: 2975
 eBay: metmel2775
 Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

 I eat, sleep and breath meteorites 24/7.

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone  Ironworks Meteorites

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Re: [meteorite-list] The most expensive meteorite per gram?

2010-08-10 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Anne and List,

We are talking about the most expensive meteorites here, not the rarest.  I 
bought and sold both Lodran and Winona and their prices are nowhere near 
comparable to those of Lunaites in the last few years, especially with the 
release of more Winonites and Lodranites from NWA.  I was only able to muster 
$500.00/gram for a gram-plus piece of Winona and only realized slightly more 
Lodran.  The price of Chassigny has dropped like a rock since the discovery of 
NWA 2737. Although there are more Lunars by number than Martian, the total 
available weight of Martian meteorites is much greater.  Do not get me wrong, I 
appreciate all meteorites.  I am just stating that there is much more excitment 
over a discovery of a new Lunar meteorite in NWA than any other type, even a 
possible Earth to Earth meteorite.  The Moroccans know that they will get more 
for a new Lunaite than any other type and they are the number one suppliers in 
the world right now.   

I am quoting what the article in Smithsonian Magazine said,The most desirable 
meteorite is a dislodged piece of the Moon.   Desirability translates into 
price per gram.  

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Most expensive meteorites!

2010-08-10 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Ed and List,

I don't think collectors are all nuts, just showing a passion for exceedingly 
interesting objects. The price of fine art has plummeted, more so than the 
of housing or meteorites. There comes a point when the history of an object 
becomes over-hyped and cannot maintain its value long-term.  Many large auction 
houses' reputations are not what they used to be, they got caught over hyping 
among other things.  Meteorites are no different.  I think a good history 
increase the price, but not a 100 times like we often see in meteorites. This 
precisely why I do not collect falls any more unless they fill a type gap in my 
collection.  An ordinary chondrite with a  great history may sell for over 
$1,000.00/gram but will not hold this value for very long.  If two pieces come 
up for sale at the same time, the price will drop in half as the market is too 
thin to support these prices. Pricing of planetary pieces is not as vulnerable 
to hype and volume doesn't' seem to affect the pricing as much.  They have 
maintained there value throughout this tough recession with some increasing in 
price as the supply thins out.

One comment that Anne made bothers me:

Yes, Martians and Lunars are still high priced now, but not at all as high 
as they  were, and it is still a novelty thing. Some day people will realize 
that  they are not rare any more. Just look at the Met Bulletin: 

My response is that Lunar and Martian meteorites are millions of times rarer 
than diamonds and are far more than just novelties.  Ask any meteoritist and 
they will tell you the same.  The price of planetary meteorites corrected four 
years ago in consideration of the additional weight being found.  Even with 
correction, they are still higher than any other type for the volume sold. They 
do not need history hype in order to increase the value which has been 
remarkably stable during a downturn in the economy. Imagine if a lunar 
was witnessed as a fall.

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Auctions Ending Today and Personal Notes

2010-08-08 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

Please take a look at the auctions I have ending this afternoon if you want to 
secure rare and valuable pieces for your collection.  I never run reserves and 
start most items out at just 99 cents incurring risks that are great. In most 
cases, this material has been selling seriously below my costs this summer.  I 
run these auctions for three reasons.

1.) To recover a portion of the enormous investment I have into this avocation.

2.) To share my enthusiasm for these rare specimens with others

3.) I believe that the public has the right to share in these rarities  
These auctions have been taking up a lot of time and making it difficult for me 
to get in as much field time as I like.  Once I reach my arbitrary goal of 
20,000 specimens sold this fall, I will reevaluate my situation, probably step 
down and enjoy other aspects of this great hobby.  I will then solicit the rest 
on my non-personal inventory for sale all at once or donation depending on an 
accountant's input.  I will keep you informed.  In the meantime, enjoy the many 
bargains that will be available over the next few months.   

All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Some  Planetary Highlights:

Very nice .118 gram part slice of Martian meteorite  DAG 476:

Great .174 gram thinly cut part slice of Martian meteorite DAG 735:
Awesome .132 gram thinly cut part slice of Martian meteorite Dhofar  019:
Gorgeous .140 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar908:
Gorgeous .140 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar911:
Gorgeous .156 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar1085:

Largest Piece Left - .124 gram thinly cut part slice of Lunar meteorite  NEA001:
Largest Piece Left - .104 gram thinly cut and crusted part slice of Lunar  
meteorite NWA482:

Large - .252 gram part slice of Martian meteorite NWA 1110 - ALMOST  OUT!:
Large Piece - .106 gram part slice of Martian meteorite NWA 1195:
Ultra Rare Worth Over $900.00 - .376 gram lot of Martian meteorite NWA  2626:

Crusted - .228 gram specimen of Lunar meteorite NWA 3163:

Fresh - .164 gram specimen of Martian meteorite NWA 4468:
Very Rare and Fantastic - .136 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite NWA  4884:
MUST SEE!!! - .328 gram part slice of Legendary Lunar meteorite NWA  5000:
Awesome - .192 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 5406:
26 milligram fragment of signature Martian meteorite Shergotty:

And  too many other rare bargains to list can be found at this link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe  Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Laughlin, NV Crater?

2010-08-08 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

I observed what looks somewhat like a large impact crater surrounding me right 
here in sunny and friendly Laughlin, NV.  I was checking out the Colorado River 
for the Rockin the River Regatta next weekend on Google Earth and noticed I 
on the edge of a giant circular formation.  Here is the Google Earth link: 


Possibly, a hike is in order or it is just my imagination prompting me to 
challenge the hot weather.  It has cooled down to around 116 degrees so maybe a 
backyard mountain hike is in order.  I do not know what the circular structure 
is, my guess a natural formation not related to an impact.  Maybe somebody with 
more knowledge of the geology in this area can clue me in. 

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Personal Notes

2010-08-08 Thread Adam Hupe
Thank You Richard and Other List Members,

Collectors are the main reason I continued to offer auctions on eBay long after 
the losses started stacking up. Moving onto other aspects of the hobby will be 
helpful to me.  It was never my intention to become a dealer. I collected and 
prepared specimens for years before ever offering them. It became very 
expensive, almost an addiction.  In order to acquire new specimens, others had 
to be sold.

I am not blaming anybody, the market will bear what they are really worth from 
monetary standpoint, especially in a poor economy. The scientific value is 
being realized.   I enjoyed preparing the specimens and making them available 
others who appreciated them.  The costs keep increasing while the demand 
static even though supply has been reduced and there has been much publicity.  
After all, how important is it to purchase a meteorite when so many are in 
danger of losing their houses?  I mainly deal in rare items, having to cut them 
into ever smaller pieces in order to make them affordable.  In the process, the 
work load, cutting loss and costs have increased while the price per gram has 
dropped.  It takes just as long to prepare a high priced auction as it does a 
couple of dollar one.  I should easily reach my 20,000 item goal this fall.  My 
current plan is to inventory what is left, make it available all at once, take 
my final loses and move on. If I manage to sell a key piece from my personal 
collection at a profit, then I will probably donate the rest of the sales 
inventory for a write off.

I believe the prices will skyrocket once the economy recovers but I cannot wait 
any longer to get out into the field and make some cold discoveries. It is my 
strong belief that most federal and state land will be off limits in a short 
years and I do not want to miss out.  There has been far too much publicity 
started out good and is now turning ugly.  The truth is that I see the hunting 
part of this avocation coming to a close, the same way amateur treasure hunting 
went a few decades ago.  

I don't want to talk about the good old days, I want to live them.

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Laughlin, NV Crater?

2010-08-08 Thread Adam Hupe
Thank You Richard,

Nice resource and I learned something.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Richard Kowalski damoc...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; Adam Hupe 
Sent: Sun, August 8, 2010 8:54:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Laughlin, NV Crater?

Hey Adam,

The Geologic Map of Laughlin Area (2000 Faulds, House  Ramelli)


shows the structure as the Mirage Pluton. Not an impact structure.

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

--- On Sun, 8/8/10, Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Laughlin, NV Crater?
 To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 8:22 PM
 Dear List,
 I observed what looks somewhat like a large impact crater
 surrounding me right 
 here in sunny and friendly Laughlin, NV.  I was
 checking out the Colorado River 
 for the Rockin the River Regatta next weekend on Google
 Earth and noticed I live 
 on the edge of a giant circular formation.  Here is
 the Google Earth link: 

 Possibly, a hike is in order or it is just my imagination
 prompting me to 
 challenge the hot weather.  It has cooled down to
 around 116 degrees so maybe a 
 backyard mountain hike is in order.  I do not know
 what the circular structure 
 is, my guess a natural formation not related to an
 impact.  Maybe somebody with 
 more knowledge of the geology in this area can clue me in.
 Best Regards,
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Laughlin, NV Crater?

2010-08-08 Thread Adam Hupe
Now, that was worth a good laugh or should I say Laugh-lin!

Yeh, all the billions he made one quarter at a time in the slot machines 
the giant circle under the sheer weight.

Take Care,


- Original Message 
From: Wayne Holmes holm...@frontiernet.net
To: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com; Adam 
Sent: Sun, August 8, 2010 10:17:13 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Laughlin, NV Crater?

This was caused when Don Laughlin opened the Riverside Resort.
- Original Message - From: Adam Hupe raremeteori...@yahoo.com
To: Adam meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 8:22 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Laughlin, NV Crater?

 Dear List,
 I observed what looks somewhat like a large impact crater surrounding me right
 here in sunny and friendly Laughlin, NV.  I was checking out the Colorado 
 for the Rockin the River Regatta next weekend on Google Earth and noticed I 
 on the edge of a giant circular formation.  Here is the Google Earth link:

 Possibly, a hike is in order or it is just my imagination prompting me to
 challenge the hot weather.  It has cooled down to around 116 degrees so maybe 
 backyard mountain hike is in order.  I do not know what the circular structure
 is, my guess a natural formation not related to an impact.  Maybe somebody 
 more knowledge of the geology in this area can clue me in.
 Best Regards,
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Quick Ebay Note - Leaving Town Until The 6th

2010-07-28 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

Just a quick note to let those who have purchased items from me on eBay and 
not yet paid for them know that I will be leaving town tomorrow night and will 
return on August 6th. I will be able to ship items paid for by tomorrow 
Any items paid for after this will be shipped when I return on the 6th so if 
need these items before then, please pay as soon as possible.

Thank You and Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Excellent Auctions Ending - NO RESERVES!

2010-07-25 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 great auctions ending this evening, all started at just 99 cents with 
no reserve. The specimens are larger than I normally run so take a look if you 
are interested in some excellent bargains. I am having them ending Sunday 
instead of my normal Tuesday in order to allow for a few extra days so that I 
can get ready for trip. 

All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe  Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 The King of Angrites for sale -...

2010-07-21 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Jason and List,

I do not refute Melinda Hutson's article that was never peer reviewed and 
contains several errors according to the classifying scientists.  I asked 
scientists about the article and they stated, it is obvious that she didn't 
the original peer reviewed abstract carefully, even mistaking the type of 
petrology that was discussed using formulas that simply do not apply to the 
texture NWA 2999 exhibits. 

There were several prestigious coauthors listed in the original paper; Unique 
Angrite NWA 2999: The Case For Samples From Mercury.

Who am I to argue with the world's best?  I will keep an open mind and hope for 
some ground truth that will hopefully settle it once and for all.  I think the 
authors were making a point of having an open mind and that the subject should 
be debated possibly stimulated more scientific interest in Angrites.  It took a 
long time to win over the scientific community that some of these meteorites 
were actually from Mars.  It was debated to death and now nobody argues about 
the Shergottite parent body any more.

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - 54 Auctiosn Ending Today - GREAT STUFF!

2010-07-20 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have 54 auctions ending this afternoon, all started at just 99 cents with no 
reserve. Please take a look if you have time as you will find several bargains. 
I also have a set ending Sunday.  I will be traveling at the end of the month 
the reason I have some auctions ending Sunday instead of next Tuesday. This 
gives me a few extra days to ship everything before I leave.


All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe  Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Be Careful - It is hot!

2010-07-15 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

For those who are thinking about hunting the Mojave this time of year, be 
prepared to hunt at night when it cools down to around 100 degrees. They never 
report accurate temperatures on the news here in the Summer because it is bad 
for tourism.  There is only one temperature gauge that is not buried 
in the Laughlin/Bullhead City area and it read an astonishing 130 degrees 
yesterday at 1:30 pm, not even the hottest part of the day which is around 4:00 
pm.   The sign was in the shade so I can only imagine how hot it would be in 
sun.  My engine temperature gauge was registering 140 degrees before I even 
started the cold engine that had not been run since the day before!

Image of sign I passed yesterday at 1:30 pm:

Best Regards,

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Be Careful - It is hot!

2010-07-15 Thread Adam Hupe
I know humidity makes a big difference.  Luckily the humidity around here is 
usually in the single digits which is perfect for meteorite storage but when 
monsoons hit this time of year, the humidity can suddenly jump up to around 
50%.  Add this to temperatures in excess of 120 degrees and it can become 
sweltering.  This is the only time I see the local deserts rats ever sweat.

The locals have adapted to these kind of temperatures and it does not seem to 
slow them down at all.  They say it is all relative and that it is hard to tell 
the difference between 115 or 130 degrees once you get used to it. I see people 
barbecuing at the beaches, drinking beer and going about business as normal 
without cracking a sweat. I think the slight breezes wick of the perspiration.

They do give heat advisories so that tourists don't die of heat stroke but they 
spend most of their time inside the air-conditioned casinos or are out cooling 
down in the Colorado river.Swimming pools are of very little comfort 
it is like jumping into a hot-tub unless they are cooled down.  Even my cold 
tap water is like taking a hot shower.

The point is that, you should carry several gallons of water, have a working 
conditioner in your vehicle and above all else be cautious when traveling the 
Mohave this time of year.  The meteorites will still be there in the fall when 
it starts to cool down.

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - 54 Auctions Ending - No Reserves!

2010-07-13 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear Meteorite List Members,

If you have time, please take a look at the 54 auctions I have ending this 
afternoon. All were started at just 99 cents with no reserve. Many only have a 
starting bid or no bid at all so I am sure there will be plenty of bargains to 
be had. July is the month to get the very best prices.

All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:


Thank  you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe  Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD-Very Rare Items Ending Today At Fraction Of Value!

2010-07-05 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

Please be sure to check out the 18 very special auctions I have ending today 
the 54 thatt are due to end tomorrow. I listed  well over $10,000.00 worth of 
material and started all of the auctions  out at just 99 cents with reserve. 
They are currently only bid up to a very small fraction of what they would 
realize elsewhere.  Be sure to take a look since this will be the  last time 
some of these items will ever be available.

All  Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Some  Highlights:

.554 gram slice of NWA 5000 Lunar - Worth Over  $750.00 - Started at 99 Cents - 

.142  gram thinly slice of Lunar  meteorite NWA 5406 - Started at Just 99 Cents 

.994 thinly cut complete slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 908 Lunar  Rosetta 
Worth Over $1,000.00 - Started at Just 99 Cents:

Huge Rare Crusted NWA 1877 Olivine Diogenite Specimen- Started at  Just 99 

Largest Piece Left of NWA 2626 LOW TKW Martian - Started at Just 99 Cents:

Rare and Largest Piece Left - .974 gram specimen of NWA 4590  Angrite:

Worth  Over $3,300.00 - Last Enigma Specimen Started at Just  99 Cents with  NO 
RESERVE - The last, best and only complete slice left - I had four people  
interested in the slice but did not want to cut it so will take a chance and 
the market decide.  The rest has all been sold for  between $250.00 and 

And Too Many to List Very Rare Classification Specimens Can Be  Found At 
This Link:

Thank  You for looking and if you are bidding, Good Luck!

Best  Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Super Museum Quality Specimens

2010-05-26 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,
Please take a look at some great auctions due to end in a few days after 
for 30 days. Why wait for museum quality specimens to be listed in a major 
auction house at more than twice my asking price?  I listed some extremely 
and rare specimens.  They are all priced very reasonably and the make offer 
option has been engaged. Do not be afraid to make a reasonable offer since I am 
motivated after a 30-day run time.

All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Planetary Highlights:

Very nice .240 gram part slice of Martian meteorite 
Dhofar 019:
Great .994 gram thinly cut part slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 908 
(Rosetta version):
Awesome 2.104 gram thinly cut complete slice of Lunar meteorite Dhofar 
Largest Piece Left - Gorgeous .466 gram crusted part slice of Lunar 
meteorite NWA 482:

Largest Piece Left - .246 gram thinly cut part slice of Martian meteorite 
NWA 1110:
Rare and Largest Piece- 8.378 thinly cut complete slice of Martian 
meteorite NWA 1195:
Fantastic - 5.364 gram part slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 3163:

Must See - .Largest Piece Left 19.2 gram crusted part slice of Martian 
meteorite NWA 4468:

Ultra Rare - 2.172 gram thinly cut complete slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 

Legendary - 1.478 gram part slice with metal of Lunar meteorite NWA 
Scarce - 8.656 gram thinly cut complete slice of Lunar meteorite NWA 
30 milligram fragment of signature Martian meteorite Shergotty:

And Too Many to List Very Rare Classification Specimens Can Be 
Found At This Link:

Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.


Adam Hupe
The Hupe 
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Alien Spirit

2010-05-23 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,
I thought the below image might be interesting or somewhat entertaining to 
a few. Dr. Bunch took this image on a recent expedition here in Nevada along 
with several other great shots. This alien spirit was good luck as a new 
meteorite cold find was made the next day by my brother-in-law, his first 
meteorite find ever.  I will post more images and a recount later on when I 
more time.
Click on this link to see our meteorite spirit guide acting as a sentinel 
over our two trucks:
Best Regards,

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Great Material Ending at Auction

2010-05-18 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

Thank you, once again, for the opportunity to 
advertise in this forum.  This week, you will find that I started out all items 
that are ending today at just 99 cents with no reserve.  There are excellent 
Lunar and Martian 
specimens listed with a compliment of some of the rarest types you will find 
on eBay.  I added a few new selections as I run out of stock on others so 
you will always find something interesting every week until I run 

Please take a look if you have time.  Be sure to check out the But-it-Now and 
Make Offer listings for larger specimens.

All auctions can be found at this link:

Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Our next major source of meteorites?

2010-05-11 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

Believe it or not, most Saharan meteorites are not found in the dunes.  They 
are found in areas where other rocks are found. The nomads have already 
searched the accessible areas and have strayed off of the trails about as far 
as they can go, the limiting factor is how far from a source of water they can 
go.  They can go much deeper into the desert than somebody with a 4 wheel drive 
vehicle unless a super expedition were to be put together with logistically 
placed supply drops. The Sahara is definitely close to being done. There will 
always be a few rare lucky finds to come out but only a mere fraction of what 
has already been produced.

I think the Mojave Desert has barely been tapped, with most hunters 
concentrating on dry lake beds when there are far better places to look.  I 
just returned from a successful mini-Mojave expedition driving over 700 miles 
and let me tell you, the Mojave is no where near searched. To reach some places 
places, we had to drive over 60 miles of dirt trails just to get to them.  It 
was worth it having discovered a new cold meteorite find and some very 
interesting breccias.

You know you are in the middle of nowhere when the last sign reads, no gas for 
180 miles

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Galactic Stone  Ironworks meteoritem...@gmail.com
To: Pete Pete rsvp...@hotmail.com
Cc: meteoritelist meteoritelist meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, May 10, 2010 10:15:44 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Our next major source of meteorites?

Hi Pete,

Yes, that is true.  Dunes march and they cover up exposed meteorites
and reveal meteorites that were buried.  The problem is, the
meteorites are being in harvested in numbers that greatly exceed the
new fall rate.  At some point, (and we are already seeing this), the
numbers of recovered meteorites are going to decline.  I fear that it
won't be long before the law of diminishing returns rears it's ugly
head.  If one looks around the world and tries to find a region that
duplicates the meteorite potential of the Saharan Desert, one has a
hard time finding another source to match (or come close) to the
Sahara.  We have the Gobi in Mongolia and China, but don't expect the
Chinese to be as lenient as the Moroccans.  The Atacama has
meteorites, but not on the same level as Morocco/Western Sahara.  I
think we are lucky to be collectors during these bountiful days of the
Saharan Rush, but I really don't think there is another Morocco
waiting in the wings.

Best regards,


On 5/10/10, Pete Pete rsvp...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Greetings, List,

 Doesn't the Sahara sand continually drift, thereby revealing buried
 meteorites under previously searched desert areas?


 Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 09:48:19 -0400
 From: meteoritem...@gmail.com
 To: miss_meteor...@yahoo.ca
 CC: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Our next major source of meteorites?

 Hi Melanie and List,

 Enjoy the Saharan bounty while it lasts. There will not be another Sahara.

 Geography and politics make Morocco unique for meteorites. Once the
 Sahara is depleted, this period of meteorite history will

 Best regards,


 On 5/10/10, Melanie Matthews wrote:
 Were abouts in the world could it be? The Atacama desert in Chile (where
 some areas it never rains and hasn't rained for thousands of years)?

 I'm talking about when it gets to the point that so few can be found
 the Sahara.

 IMCA: 2975
 eBay: metmel2775
 Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

 Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
 you're gonna get!

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone  Ironworks Meteorites
 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 MSN Dating: Find someone special. Start now.


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone  Ironworks Meteorites

Re: [meteorite-list] Discussions About Meteorite Collecting on BLM Land

2010-05-06 Thread Adam Hupe
Thanks Paul,

I will have to read it more carefully when I return from the field on Monday. 
Apparently, there is not much case law judging from the lack of meteorite 
references, only two in California.  It looks like none of the two cases made 
it to supreme court and basically the finders just gave up when confronted or 
the judgment was reversed if I read the excel sheet in regards to Younger v. 
Meade correctly.

In any case, any meteorite laws will serve to undermine searching or reporting 
scientifically valuable finds.  My guess is that the first North American Lunar 
will be found on private property or in a long-forgotten rock collection 
regardless of where it was found, especially if it was found in Oregon or 
Washington state.

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New position on hunting BLM lands

2010-05-05 Thread Adam Hupe
The Smithsonian doesn't own all meteorites found on BLM land. The Antiquities 
law doesn't cover meteorites. The only reason the Old Woman was taken by the 
Smithsonian is because it exceeded the annual weight limit of 250 pounds for 
any mineral.  The finders should have kept it secret, hacked off 25 pound 
pieces each for 8 days in a year to reach their combined 500 pound limit and 
then returned in subsequent years.

The twisting of the old 1906 law to cover meteorites is grasping and would 
never stand up in federal court.  Several politicians are avid rock hounds and 
would not stand for it.  I am glad to live in Nevada instead of a state like 
Washington where I used to live who seem to have no problem violating personal 
rights by making such statements on their uniformed website.  It seem 
un-American to me.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Jason Utas meteorite...@gmail.com
To: David Norton renov8hot...@earthlink.net; Meteorite-list 
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 6:47:33 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New position on hunting BLM lands

 The previous / current (AZ BLM website) allowed for
 non commercial collecting of 25 lbs per day and a 250 LB annual maximum.

Well, the problem is that you have a statement like this: National
parks and public lands generally prohibit removal of rocks from them
-- and it's just not true.  Well, people aren't allowed to rockhound
in national parks, I'll grant them that, but they have other pages
that state that rockhounding is clearly allowed on BLM land:


So...the 25 lb per day/250 lb per year regulations are probably still
in effect, since that page refers to older regulations in its

 This new posture very clearly states that National Parks and Public lands
 generally prohibit removal of rocks from them followed by Report illegal
 collecting or vandalism.

Right, but take a look at what I said about those statements in my
last message.  It's debatable as to whether or not the 1906
antiquities act *could* apply to meteorites, since every reference it
contains pertains to archaeological artifacts and sites.
If you read the text of it, that much is clear.  And note that every
meteorite found on public land has been the property of the
Smithsonian, again, since...well, since at least 1976 (Old Woman).

If you're saying this policy is new, how did the Smithsonian manage to
claim the Old Woman meteorite?  What different law were they evoking,
and if it was a different one (i.e. 'things have changed'), does it
really matter, because even if there has been some sort of a policy
change, if the end result is that the Smithsonian can claim finds...I
see no difference.

If, on the other hand, you're suggesting that their approach to
regulating the collecting of meteorites from public lands has changed
in that they are now stating that it is illegal, whereas before the
meteorites found simply belonged to the Smithsonian...and somehow
keeping and selling them for a commercial gain was considered
legal...well, again -- I'll consider this a problem when I hear about
someone getting arrested for collecting meteorites on public land.
It's one thing to say something on a website, and it's another matter
to make it active policy.

 National Parks have always been off limits, but
 not public lands in general. The website clearly characterizes all
 collecting on public lands as illegal.

Again, take a look at the page for which I just included a link.
Rock collecting in general is clearly allowed.


 -Original Message-
 From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
 [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Jason Utas
 Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 5:55 PM
 To: Meteorite-list
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New position on hunting BLM lands

 Hello David, All,
 I spent the weekend camping with some friends and somehow managed to
 get type-A strep. by the day we returned, so I'm just getting back
 into the swing of things.  I have a few other emails to get back to,
 which I'll do in short order.

 This is nothing new, and has been the policy of the government/BLM
 with regards to meteorites for time indeterminate.  It's why the
 Smithsonian was able to claim the Old Woman meteorite, but, to date,
 they haven't bothered to confiscate (m)any others, to my knowledge.

 The current wording of that BLM site is a little unsettling, though,
 because it states, To report illegal collecting or vandalism call...
  Even if meteorites found on BLM land belong to the Smithsonian, that
 shouldn't necessarily mean that collecting them is illegal.  As has
 been noted in the past, the vast majority of meteorites found in the
 US are classified and named, and in most, if not all cases, it is no
 question as to who found or owns them.  If the only thing keeping
 these meteorites from the Smithsonian is the fact that the Smithsonian

[meteorite-list] AD - Super Auctions Ending Today - MUST SEE!

2010-05-04 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,
Please take a look at this week's auction, you will not be disappointed. I 
loaded extra large pieces of very rare material including large Lunar and 
Martian specimens and started them out at just 99 cents.  I also loaded 
many world class specimens with the buy-it-now or make offer options enabled.  
This is a rare opportunity to pick up larger pieces before they are broken 
down.  It is rare to see multi-gram planetary pieces listed on eBay.  Many of 
the auctions do not have an opening bid yet so somebody is going to walk away 
with some true bargains this afternoon. 

Please take a look if you have time.

All Auctions Can Be Found 
At This link:

you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.


Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
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Re: [meteorite-list] Wisconsin vs Tamdakht and other NWA falls

2010-04-30 Thread Adam Hupe
Hi Aziz and List,

Attempting to figure out meteorite pricing is a difficult challenge.  The very 
best you can do is follow trends.

In the case of new falls, hype will increase prices only temporarily then they 
tend to plunge dramatically. I stopped trying to figure out the hammer stone 
thing a long time ago. I can not figure out why, New Orleans which penetrated a 
house top to bottom only sells for between $25.00 to $40.00/gram when there was 
only a single stone in which very little was released.  Claxton which weighs 
much less than Peekskill and hit a smaller target is currently selling for less 
than this new fall which is just an ordinary although beautiful chondrite.  
Completely crusted Pultusk peas only sell for about $40.00/gram at most and 
offer significant historical value.

Although Moroccan meteorite falls sell for much less, they are none the less 
rare. I have done much better investing in Moroccan falls than North American 
falls, neither of which I invest in anymore.  I no longer chase falls and 
haven't for years.  These days, I usually pick up a single specimen of each for 
my collection after the hype has died down.  I have lost money on nearly every 
recent fall I have ever invested in by jumping in too soon.  I learned the hard 

I find it much more enjoyable pursuing cold finds with hopes of nailing down 
the first North American Lunar.  I guess if a fall were to hit here in Nevada, 
I might chase some of it down but would get out before things turned ugly.  A 
lot of Nevadans love their guns and it is not uncommon at all to run into 
people in the field wearing them on the the hip, cocked and ready to rock.  I 
hear people shooting off guns in the desert all of the time here in Laughlin, 
Nevada.  Even the local preacher can be found plinking cans out in the desert a 
few blocks from my house. Luckily everybody I have run into out in the field 
here has been friendly so far.  I think this would change if they ever felt 
they were being ripped off.   I am surpised with all this talk of big money and 
meteorites, nobody has been shot yet although I have heard of a few close calls.

The dollar cost averaging statement that was recently made makes no sense at 
all to me.  When did meteorites become commodities?  Dollar cost averaging down 
doesn't seem like a sound investment. From a collector's standpoint, I think 
showing some restraint and waiting is a better move than paying when the hype 
is maximum.  If you think of meteorites as mere commodities, you are missing 
the real value.  Sometimes, things are worth more than just the price tag 
somebody has arbitrarily attached to them and I am not talking about monetary 

Best Regards,

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[meteorite-list] AD - Lunar/Martian/Rare Items Ending at Auction

2010-04-27 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,
Thank you, once again, for the opportunity to advertise in this forum. I 
returned the auctions to Tuesdays now that I am back from the field.  This 
you will find that I started out all items at just 99 cents with no reserve. 
There are excellent Lunar and Martian specimens listed with a compliment of 
of the rarest types you will find on eBay.  I added a few new selections as I 
run out of stock on others so you will always find something interesting every 
week until I run out.
Please take a look if you have time.
All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.
Best Regards,
Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185
Team LunarRock

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[meteorite-list] World Record Moondust Images

2010-04-26 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,
All of this talk (baloney) that we never visited the Moon reminded me of 
the tremendous Northwest Africa 5000 cutting loss. I thought a few of you might 
be interested in some images of a record amount of sterile Moondust.  At over a 
pound (470 grams), it exceeds the weight of all the Luna missions combined 
totaled 326 grams.  Now, what to do with all of it.
World Record Images
Image a:
Image b:
Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites

2010-04-26 Thread Adam Hupe
Only a trickle is coming out these days. The sharp decline started over three 
years ago.  Many Moroccans who used to deal meteorites have now gone back to 
their old jobs since there is no longer enough to support the trade. Others 
have raised their wholesale prices beyond retail of a few years ago.  The 
Saharan gold rush days are definitely over with only a handful of wholesale 
suppliers left.

Best Regards,



- Original Message 
From: Greg Stanley stanleygr...@hotmail.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 10:19:44 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites


Is it me or does it seem the number of NWA meteorites available is dropping?

Greg S.
Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your 
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Re: [meteorite-list] Moo-n Made From WI Cheese?

2010-04-26 Thread Adam Hupe
I don't think that was a lama at all.

It looks like a well-known meteorite hunter and camera ham incognito to me.  I 
can tell by the bad toupee, lamb-chop sideburns, goatee and Billy-Bob teeth; 
take them away and you he still looks the same; pretty clever but no cigar!  
The only thing missing is the mullet haircut.

Best Regards,



- Original Message 
From: Greg Hupe gmh...@htn.net
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 10:52:18 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Moo-n Made From WI Cheese?

Dear List Members,

Thought I would take a little break from playing email catch-up. Here are a 
couple of humorous photos from my Wisconsin meteorite hunt:

Wisconsin Cheese?
Cow #2995 from the fertile hunting grounds (reminded me of [NWA] 2995, the 
lunar meteorite).

Got Meteorites?
In this cow pasture, as Bob King mentioned on his blog, these cows were 
particularly interested in our wandering about in their turf.

Curious Cows!
Michael Cottingham photographing his first Wisconsin meteorite find with a 
couple of very curious cows. Just seconds after this image was taken, one of 
the cows licked his hand almost taking the meteorite!

Molly the 'Meteorite Finding Lama' of Wisconsin, or at least a group of us were 

Horse pasture where I found my one 33.7g find.

It was a great pleasure to meet up with old and new friends in the pursuit of 
the newest of meteorites on planet Earth. I was able to meet people in person 
who I have only communicated with over the Internet or have never had the 
privilege to talk to. I have learned a lot from these dedicated individuals in 
the pursuit of these celestial messengers. After reading much of the emails 
posted to the List over the last week, I realize that unfortunately I did not 
run into quite a few people. I am very happy to have met, hunted and talked to 
everyone I encountered during this hunt, what a rush!

Looking at the horses munching on the grass reminds me that I need to go mow 
the lawn after nearly a month on the road hunting different locations.

Thank You, once again to the friendly folks of Wisconsin and the dedicated 
meteorite people who contributed data to make the hunt a success!!!


Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions: 

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[meteorite-list] AD - Check Out These Great Auctions

2010-04-19 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have many excellent auctions ending this 
afternoon instead of my normal Tuesday.  Several specimens are the last I 
have in inventory.  You will also find several thousand dollars worth of 
planetary and rare material in true auction format with no reserve.  You 
may be able to pick up some great bargains since most expect these auctions to 
end tomorrow and there are a lot of collectors in the field chasing the new 
fall that will not be bidding against you.

All of today's auctions were started at just 99 cents and some do not 
have any bids.

All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

will resume my normal Tuesday auctions starting next week when I return from 

Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best Regards,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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Re: [meteorite-list] First recovered meteorite from the April 14, 2010 Wisconsin fireball.

2010-04-16 Thread Adam Hupe
Excellent work! What took so long? Just kidding.

Just got back from the field tonight and getting ready to go out for several 
more days, read this post and was impressed at the efficiency.  Unfortunately, 
I will be working a completely different unannounced strewn field.  

Now that the most prestigious goal of finding the first meteorite of the fall 
has been accomplished, it is time to nail the main mass!  My wild guess is that 
it will weigh 8 kilos and be found at one end of a 20 mile long strewn field.  
I am basing this guess on the slow velocity and multiple break ups so larger 
pieces may have survived.  

It will be interesting to see what happens.

Hunters, Start Your Engines, The Amazing Race Is On!

Wishing all success,


- Original Message 
From: Michael Johnson mich...@rocksfromspace.org
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Thu, April 15, 2010 9:46:30 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] First recovered meteorite from the April 14, 2010 
Wisconsin fireball.



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[meteorite-list] AD-Auctions Ending Today Instead Of Tuesday

2010-04-12 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,
I have many excellent auctions ending this afternoon instead of my normal 
Tuesday.  You may be able to pick up some great bargains since most expect 
auctions to end tomorrow.  All of today's auctions were started at just 99 
and many only have opening bids.
I plan on heading to the field later this week and next week to do some 
long overdue meteorite hunting. Next weeks auctions will also end on a Monday 
for the same reason.  This gives me an extra day in the field each week and 
keeps my shipping in sync for those who pay fairly quick.   
All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.

Best Regards,

Adam Hupe
Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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Re: [meteorite-list] Chinese return from Antarctica with 1, 618 meteorites

2010-04-11 Thread Adam Hupe

That means the average sized meteorite/fragment found at the Grove Mountain, 
Antarctica site weighs only 10.5 grams. I think if we counted every fragment 
from the hot deserts, the recovery number would be near 500,000 by now.  I have 
over 15,000 individuals/fragments in my inventory alone weighing just over 200 
kilograms averaging about 13.3 grams each.



- Original Message 
From: drtanuki drtan...@yahoo.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sat, April 10, 2010 3:21:21 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Chinese return from Antarctica with 1, 618 meteorites

Dear List,

  More news: 

the Grove Mountains area teams 
collected 1,618 meteorites, weighing 17 kg. So far, China has a 
number of Antarctic meteorites totaling 11,452,
ranking third in the world after the Japanese and Americans


Best Regards, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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Re: [meteorite-list] New American Lunar on ebay

2010-04-09 Thread Adam Hupe
Wow, I better break out the checkbook. It sounds like this guy knows what he is 
talking about.  It is like all of the other strange multimillion dollar 
offerings on eBay lately.  I noticed that none of these fake stones look like 
Dimmitt or any other ordinary chondrite, only high-priced pieces. 

Just like I suspected, the guy who I returned the 4 million pairing to Sonny's 
stone is not pleased with me.  He still holds onto the hope that it is exactly 
like the one on TV and claims it even smells the same even though he has never 
smelt Sonny's stone.  He claims I kept a piece for myself  since the weight is 
different after I returned it and he will be watching my auctions to make sure 
I don't sell any of it.  I think the tar ball may have dried out a little 
during transit. It would not surprise me at all to see it on eBay.

My advice is stay away from these people and do not encourage them.  They 
having been coming out of the woodwork like mad lately.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Richard Kowalski damoc...@yahoo.com
To: meteorite list meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Fri, April 9, 2010 3:19:37 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] New American Lunar on ebay

Supposedly paired with NWA 5000, and only with an opening bid of $63, from 
a seller with no feedback.


By the looks of the additional material in the background of the photo, this is 
but the first slice to be offered.


Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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Re: [meteorite-list] New American Lunar on ebay

2010-04-09 Thread Adam Hupe
I should be pleased that his price per gram is highest on the NWA 5000 
pairing.  He only rates his NWA 998 pairing at $1,000.00/gram.  With this 
guy's fantastic run of luck, he should soon have a  pairing to ALH84001.

I can hardly wait,


- Original Message 
From: Norbert Classen riffr...@timewarp.de
To: Richard Kowalski damoc...@yahoo.com; meteorite list 
Sent: Fri, April 9, 2010 4:28:23 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New American Lunar on ebay

Richard  All,

He also has a nakhlite for sale:


And a new chassignite too:


Go figure!

Take care,
Norbert Classen
President IMCA Inc.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-

Supposedly paired with NWA 5000, and only with an opening bid of $63,
from a seller with no feedback.


By the looks of the additional material in the background of the photo, this
is but the first slice to be offered.


Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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[meteorite-list] NWA 5405 Images - Check Them Out

2010-04-07 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,
My brother, Greg wanted me to post these images of NWA 5405, a spectacular 
Johnstown-like Diogenite. 
NWA 5405 Links to images:
Best Regards,
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[meteorite-list] AD - Respectable Selection Ending At Auction

2010-04-06 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

I have a lot of great material due to end at auction this afternoon. You 
will find a respectable selection of planetary, rare achondrites and chondrites 
started at just 99 cents with no reserve.  You may want to take advantage of 
some of these bargains while they still exist as I am running out of certain 
types on a weekly basis.  Once they are gone, I have no way of replacing 
There are not too many dealers left offering true auction style listings on 
pieces that are worth several hundred dollars each because they can only afford 
to take losses for so long.  Please note that I always run several grams in 
total of planetary material every week and start them at just 99 cents 
regardless of whether I show a profit or not.  I let the market decide the 
in most cases but cannot guarantee I will have this material in stock for much 
longer.  Please take a look if you are interested in saving some of your hard 
earned money. 


All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:
Thank you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.


Adam Hupe
The Hupe 
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185

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Re: [meteorite-list] Earthquake SD

2010-04-05 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

I felt yesterdays earthquake up here in Laughlin, Nevada although I was not 
sure at the time.  I was sitting outside next to a swimming pool on a plastic 
chair on a concrete slab enjoying Easter with some friends when it hit.  It 
felt like the chair was swaying back and forth beneath me. It lasted so long 
that I thought I must be imagining it or that the wind was buffeting me. I even 
looked down to see what was going on with the concrete slab.  Nobody else said 
anything when it stopped so I thought that maybe my equilibrium was a little 
off from attending the Blues and Brews festival the night before. 

Although it was nothing like the 2001 Nisqually Quake in Washington State that 
I experienced, it was a little unsettling to my stomach as Michael Blood 
described.  I did not think to look at the water in the swimming pool to see 
what it was doing but it probably would not have mattered since it was windy 

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] My new Lunar !

2010-04-01 Thread Adam Hupe

Must be an April Fools day joke.  There is a Eucritic clast at the top.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Marcin Cimala - PolandMET mar...@meteoryt.net
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Thu, April 1, 2010 5:15:38 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] My new Lunar !

I think I have new Lunar.
Happy Holidays :D

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
http://www.Meteoryty.pl marcin(at)meteoryty.pl
http://www.PolandMET.com   marcin(at)polandmet.com
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com  GSM: +48 (793) 567667
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

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[meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

The four million dollar meteorite showed up that I mentioned yesterday. The 
sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these are real 
meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his is exactly 
like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that he did his 
research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a professional must 
have missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a coffee can and smelled 
it a couple of days later. He stated that he could detect the unmistakable 
smell of Murchinson that only carbon type meteorites give off.  I believe this 
object is made out of tar and that is what he is smelling or he has been 
sniffing the sauce (drinking too much alcohol).  Either way, this is another 
heartbreak in the making.

Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news that 
he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his granddaughter's 
medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..   

Here are some images for those who may be interested:

Link one:
Link two:
Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread Adam Hupe
Yes, it would be funny but this kind of person will rarely take no for an 
answer.  It would not be surprised at all to see it on eBay half priced at two 
million dollars after I return it.  I can imagine the description now:


Qty one spent comet, complete with degassed chamber. Be the only person on 
Earth, the only planet that serves beer, to own one.  Be the envy of every 
planetary scientist in the world. Free shipping.

Best Regards,


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[meteorite-list] AD - Lunar, Martian, Achondrites and Chondrites

2010-03-30 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,
I have a lot of great material due to end at auction this afternoon. You 
will find a great selection of Lunar, Martian, Achondrites and Chondrites 
started at just 99 cents! This week's specimens are a bit larger than I 
run so a cursory look is definitely in order. There are still a few Buy-it-Now 
type listings for those looking for a bargain and do not want to wait for an 
auction to end.
All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.
Best Regards,
Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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Re: [meteorite-list] ATTENTION: Scientists and Researchers Who Classify Meteorites.. Urgent

2010-03-30 Thread Adam Hupe
I already addressed this in a old article for IMCA insights.

Try this link:


Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite-like rock strikes near Rist Canyon home

2010-03-30 Thread Adam Hupe
I like how the woman commented that maybe if they pick it up, there might be a 
million under there.  If it were to be a blueberry sandwhich from Mars, then 
maybe she would be correct. 

Speaking of million dollar meteorites, I have some fellow from Nevada insisting 
on mailing me one that he found last month. I told him not to bother but he 
sent it anyway after getting my address from buying a piece from me on eBay. It 
looks just like the black one he saw on TV but much, much bigger therefor more 

He figures, it is worth at least four million judging from the size but will 
let me have it for a mere two million if I do not return it within two weeks.  
I will take pictures of it when it arrives and immediately send it back 
registered mail. This fellow believes it is a gift from the heavens that will 
pay his granddaughter's medical bills.   I have told him repeatedly not to get 
his hopes up and take it to a university for study. The last thing I want is 
people sending me unsolicited pieces after getting my address from an eBay 
transaction.  I actually feel sorry for this poor fellow.

Best Regards,

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[meteorite-list] Treasure Hunter Code of Ethics

2010-03-23 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,

One of the reasons Meteor Crater was closed to hunting was due to a few 
meteorite hunters disrespecting land owners wishes. Holes and excavations were 
left behind without being back-filled and I read that a steer was injured.  The 
BAR T ranch complained that cattle gates were being left open and trash left 
behind.  ...and you wonder why it is now off limits.

If meteorite hunting is going to be portrayed as a form of treasure hunting on 
TV, then maybe the treasure hunter's Code of Ethics should be brought up.  It 
may help to preserve a portion of this hobby which is in grave danger right 
now.  A disturbing recent development is that two states felt the need to 
protect federal lands from meteorite hunting even though none have been found 
on federal land in these two states as far as I can tell.  What prompted this? 
You publicly treat meteorites like treasure and so will state and federal 
governments.  You attach mega dollar price tags and you sometimes garner the 
wrong attention.

Everything you say or do has a backlash that needs to be considered. What is 
good for TV ratings may not be good for the hobby. 

Treasure Hunters have been around for a long time and learned their lessons the 
hard way. Perhaps, we could learn something from them.  

Here is a link to a good interpretation of the Treasure Hunters Code of Ethics:


Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 22, 2010

2010-03-22 Thread Adam Hupe
A lot of viewers are clinging to the hope they will become overnight 
millionaires. Most of them will not listen when you tell them their prized new 
Moon rock is a piece of quartz or their new Pallasite is nothing more then 
slag. They will become increasingly angry when you try to explain why. They 
know it is real because it looks just like the one they saw on TV and will not 
be told otherwise.

I do not even respond any more as I do not like to be put in a position as the 
bay guy who has to break the news that their worthless rock will not make them 
the latest millionaire.  This is what happens when the media focuses too much 
on the monetary aspect of meteorite collecting. It out weighs any educational 
benefit this type of show may have  provided.  The state Washington and Oregon 
suddenly announced their no collecting policy on federal land; the timing is 
uncanny.  A lot of scam artists will also attach themselves if the smell of 
easy money is present.  One just has to look at the most expensive meteorites 
on eBay to see this effect.  Now, there is always a few fakes listed in the top 
dollar page.

I would hate to see meteorite hunting/collecting go the way treasure hunting 
did 25 years ago when the avocation almost went extinct, mainly due to the 
press.  Professional  treasure hunters now avoid the press when values are put 
up. Just look at the Mel Fisher group who had to fight for a decade to keep a 
good portion of their major find due to the fact the press attached a billion 
dollar price tag to it.  Everybody seemed to have a claim on it when they 
didn't lift a finger to find it.  The press made it look easy when in fact Mel 
suffered many hardships including the loss of his sons life.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: mich...@rocksfromspace.org mich...@rocksfromspace.org
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, March 22, 2010 6:20:26 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 22, 2010



Thumbed On My BlackBerry
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Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 22, 2010

2010-03-22 Thread Adam Hupe
, and they will also weed themselves out.

The Meteorite Men show has also grown the collector base! Lest we forget. More 
collectors divided by same amount of material for collecting, creates higher 
demand equals market growth. Some people don't want to see this growth as the 
believe it will undermine the science, but I believe it will be an ultimate 
boon to science by interesting more people about meteorites, and the knowledge 
one can learn. It's hard to say how many people will be motivated to become 
next generation scientists, but the simple fact is MILLIONS of people now have 
a chance to own a meteorite and they are becoming more interested in the 

Regardless of how you feel about the Meteorite Men show, I think this will be a 
positive thing in the future. People are becoming more aware of their world, 
the science, and the adventure. If people can make a living doing it too, then 
I say go for it! Keep in mind there are lots of kids and young adults that 
watch too, they are in school and will be motivated to become meteoriticists, 
astronomers, astrobiologists, or even astronauts. They could become the next 
generation engineers which launch toward a manned asteroid discovery team which 
may land a human being on an asteroid! Manned space flights to a nearby comet 

I say yell it from the rooftops! Stream live video around the world. Let 
everyone know about meteorites, and the wonders they bring to human kind!

Oh yeah, meteorites are cool... ;)

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

On 3/22/2010 9:59 AM, Adam Hupe wrote:
 A lot of viewers are clinging to the hope they will become overnight 
 millionaires. Most of them will not listen when you tell them their prized 
 new Moon rock is a piece of quartz or their new Pallasite is nothing more 
 then slag. They will become increasingly angry when you try to explain why. 
 They know it is real because it looks just like the one they saw on TV and 
 will not be told otherwise.
 I do not even respond any more as I do not like to be put in a position as 
 the bay guy who has to break the news that their worthless rock will not make 
 them the latest millionaire.  This is what happens when the media focuses too 
 much on the monetary aspect of meteorite collecting. It out weighs any 
 educational benefit this type of show may have  provided.  The state 
 Washington and Oregon suddenly announced their no collecting policy on 
 federal land; the timing is uncanny.  A lot of scam artists will also attach 
 themselves if the smell of easy money is present.  One just has to look at 
 the most expensive meteorites on eBay to see this effect.  Now, there is 
 always a few fakes listed in the top dollar page.
 I would hate to see meteorite hunting/collecting go the way treasure hunting 
 did 25 years ago when the avocation almost went extinct, mainly due to the 
 press.  Professional  treasure hunters now avoid the press when values are 
 put up. Just look at the Mel Fisher group who had to fight for a decade to 
 keep a good portion of their major find due to the fact the press attached a 
 billion dollar price tag to it.  Everybody seemed to have a claim on it when 
 they didn't lift a finger to find it.  The press made it look easy when in 
 fact Mel suffered many hardships including the loss of his sons life.
 Best Regards,
 - Original Message 
 From: mich...@rocksfromspace.orgmich...@rocksfromspace.org
 To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.commeteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Sent: Mon, March 22, 2010 6:20:26 AM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 22, 2010
 Thumbed On My BlackBerry
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[meteorite-list] AD - Outstanding Material!

2010-03-16 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List Members,
Please be sure to check out my auctions ending this afternoon. You will 
find an outstanding assortment of many rare and valuable meteorites started at 
just 99 cents with no reserve. I also loaded many buy-it-nows or make-offer 
listings. Of the 18 planetary pieces I loaded a couple of weeks ago, only 6 
remain after offer acceptance. A week ago, I loaded 18 different very rare 
achondrites.  This week I concentrated on rare chondrites.  There is something 
for everybody so be sure to take a peek.
All Auctions Can Be Found At This link:

you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck.


Adam Hupe
The Hupe 
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185
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