Re: [Mimedefang] compare mimedefang to mailscanner

2007-01-17 Thread Josh Kelley

On 1/16/07, David F. Skoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) Disk I/O:  MIMEDefang will use less disk I/O than Mailscanner because
you're not queueing every mail message twice.  In fact, if you have a modern
version of Sendmail with SuperSafe set to PostMilter and MIMEDefang rejects
or tempfails a message, that queue file won't be sync'd to disk.

Sorry for going OT, but this is the first I'd heard of the PostMilter
option.  Is there any reason not to enable that with MIMEDefang?
(Even if the server crashes before the queue is sync'd, the sender
will retry, so no data loss should occur, correct?)

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] File descriptors and error handling

2006-11-06 Thread Josh Kelley

On 11/3/06, David F. Skoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Josh Kelley wrote:

> Any other ideas on how to track this problem down?

Not really..

Try turning of embedded Perl.  If that fixes things, I'd leave
it off.  Embedded Perl isn't actually all that much of a win.

Thanks for the suggestion; I'll give that a try.  The problem is
intermittent enough that it may be a couple of weeks before I see if
that change helps or not.

As an RFE/bug report, can mimedefang-multiplexor be modified to keep
failed working directory under more circumstances?

Can and should mimedefang-multiplexor be modified to not close file
descriptors on forking?


Josh Kelley
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[Mimedefang] File descriptors and error handling

2006-11-03 Thread Josh Kelley

While trying to track down a problem on my mail server, I found a
couple of questions/problems regarding MIMEDefang:

First, a problem with MIMEDefang's error handling:  I'm getting some
errors "Unknown command '...' in RESULTS file" and "RESULTS file did
not finish with 'F' line" in my syslogs.  It looks like MIMEDefang
deletes working directories after this error occurs, even if
KEEP_FAILED_DIRECTORIES is set.  MIMEDefang should probably keep the
working directory for "RESULTS file did not finish with 'F' line",
"Overlong line in RESULTS file", and possibly "Failure in cleanup" and
"Unknown command '%c' in RESULTS file."

Second, I'm apparently having problems with my file descriptors
getting mixed up in MIMEDefang.  Binary data of an unknown origin is
being written to RESULTS, nss_ldap's getpwnam lookups are trying to
read from a PTY that's opened for one of my mimedefang-filter's child
processes, and output intended for that child process is showing up in
syslog.  The problem seems very intermittent and only (or primarily)
seems to happen if nscd isn't running.

I'm wondering if some of the problem is caused by
mimedefang-multiplexor's closing all open file descriptors after
forking.  As part of its initialization on my system, it makes some
nss calls, which results in nss_ldap opening and leaving open an LDAP
connection; I'm guessing that nss_ldap is then running into trouble
(such as trying to read from a child's PTY or, perhaps, writing binary
data to RESULTS) after a fork because it's trying to use this
connection that it thought was still open.  I ran into similar
problems before with syslog trying to hold a file descriptor open
(fixed in MIMEDefang 2.42).  I'm starting to wonder if it would be
better if mimedefang-multiplexor not close file descriptors on a fork,
to avoid problems like this, since I don't see any good way for it to
know what FDs SpamAssassin, nss libraries, and so on have opened.

Any other ideas on how to track this problem down?


Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] SpamAssassin from MIMEDefang vs. spamd

2006-06-16 Thread Josh Kelley

On 6/14/06, Fredrik Nyberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

running spam_assassin_check() on mail produces different results than
dumping said to spamd; very different results indeed. Configs seem to be
loading correctly and has been loaded. Sometime bayes test seem
to differ, too.

MIMEDefang always runs SpamAssassin checks as the defang user (or
whatever user you configured mimedefang to run under).  This means
that you only use defang's Bayesian database and don't use per-user
SpamAssassin configurations.  spamd uses separate Bayesian databases
and checks for separate SpamAssassin configurations for each

MIMEDefang also loads its own file by default; that
may affect its configuration.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] sa-update

2006-04-27 Thread Josh Kelley
On 4/24/06, David F. Skoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonas Eckerman wrote:
> > +my $LOCAL_STATE_DIR = '/var/lib';
> That works for FreeBSD, but look at Mail-SpamAssassin's Makefile.PL.
> It contains a subroutine "_set_macro_LOCALSTATEDIR" that supposedly
> sets the default for LOCAL_STATE_DIR.  If anyone doesn't think
> SpamAssassin is an evil piece of code, _set_macro_LOCALSTATEDIR should
> remove all remaining doubts.
> If/when I find a general-purpose way to detect what the [EMAIL PROTECTED]&$&#$
> LOCAL_STATE_DIR should be set to for a given SpamAssassin installation,
> I will patch MIMEDefang to use it.  If I can't figure it out, I'll
> just use /var/lib.

sa-update knows what LOCAL_STATE_DIR is, and sa-update is simply Perl
code, so how about just taking its setting of LOCAL_STATE_DIR and
eval'ing it?

my $setlocalstatedir = `grep '^my \$LOCAL_STATE_DIR' /usr/bin/sa-update`;
$setlocalstatedir =~ s/^my //;   # Remove leading "my" so that
$LOCAL_STATE_DIR isn't scoped locally to eval block
eval $setlocalstatedir;

Or is that too much of a hack?

Josh Kelley

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Re: [Mimedefang] MUA tracking?

2006-03-09 Thread Josh Kelley
On 3/9/06, Philip Prindeville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you interested in just what your users are using, or what is still
> out there?
> If the former only, then you'll want to either just look at stuff
> coming in that's authenticated, or coming in on your submission port,
> or else coming from your internal networks... Or on messages that
> have no Received: lines...

Just what our users are using.  I was already planning on doing
something like what you suggested (although I really hadn't figured
any details yet - thanks for the suggestions).

Josh Kelley

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[Mimedefang] MUA tracking?

2006-03-09 Thread Josh Kelley
I'm interested in gathering statistics on which MUAs our users use (so
we can find out what mail clients are popular enough to officially
support, which old clients we can drop support for, who's using old
versions and should be gently encouraged to upgrade, etc.).  I figure
that MIMEDefang can track this by grabbing the X-Mailer: header of
messages as they go through, and I thought that I'd ask the list to
see if anyone's already done this before I go write some code.

Alternatively, would there be a better way of doing this?

Josh Kelley

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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang and clamd configuration problems - SOLVED

2006-01-02 Thread Josh Kelley
On 12/28/05, David F. Skoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the RPM case, you need to explicitly set the appropriate %Features member
> in your filter.
> I should document this better in the man page (and on the Wiki.)

I'd also suggest documenting it in the sample filter.

Josh Kelley

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Re: [Mimedefang] FTC asks ISPs to crack down on zombie PCs

2005-05-26 Thread Josh Kelley

James Ebright wrote:

On Thu, 26 May 2005 15:20:33 -0400, WBrown wrote

Ummm wouldn't TLS only encrypt the traffic between the two servers 
involved at the moment, ie, your mail server and theirs as you relay 
though it?  Encrypting the contents of the message would keep it out 
of their hands.

It encrypts the transmission of the message(s) from MUA through to Final
Delivery MTA Assuming every MTA in the middle can handle TLS, once a non TLS
MTA is hit from there on it is regular ole plaint text. 

Sorry, I don't think this is correct:

My MUA doesn't know the final delivery MTA, so it can't encrypt a 
message for viewing by the final delivery MTA only.  Instead, it uses 
TLS to encrypt the entire SMTP conversation with my local MTA.  My local 
MTA then takes the plaintext message and passes it on to the next MTA in 
the delivery chain.  If the next MTA supports TLS, then the message is 
re-encrypted, passed across the wire as part of an encrypted SMTP 
conversation, and again decrypted by the next MTA.  And so on to the 
final location.  TLS encrypts traffic across the wire, but each MTA in 
the chain sees the message.

Like WBrown said, if you don't want ISPs reading your mail, encrypt the 
messages, don't rely on TLS.

This is at least my understanding.  If I'm missing something, please let 
me know.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Virus scanning: ignore text/plain and text/html?

2005-05-18 Thread Josh Kelley
Matt Cuttitta wrote:
It makes perfect sense to me to skip over the text/plain and text/html parts
as I'm not sure how they could contain viruses.  However, I haven't seen or
heard of anyone else doing this.
Anyone else looked into this?  Comments?

In addition to others' comments, virus scanners like ClamAV and (I 
think) uvscan can catch some phishing scams.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] HUGE problem with mimedefang

2005-04-22 Thread Josh Kelley
Kenneth Porter wrote:
Both Fedora and RH should use an RPM approach, which means finding all 
the prereqs. You can either install all the Perl prereqs using CPAN 
and then --nodeps (not --force) the MD RPM, or download and repackage 
them as RPM's with cpanflute2 (part of RPM::Specfile). (I recall 
having trouble with a package or two because cpanflute2 expects a 
certain naming convention that they don't follow.)
Dag's RPM repository ( offers all 
of the necessary Perl prereqs prepackaged as RPMs.  I've been using 
those for a while and have been quite happy.

He also provides a Mimedefang RPM; it's out of date at the moment, but 
generally all it takes to get an update is an email and a one or two day 

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] HUGE problem with mimedefang

2005-04-22 Thread Josh Kelley
Sven Schuster wrote:
The only other thing which was a pain in the a** were the modules
included in the perl rpm packages, which made it quite hard to update
them without running into problems with rpm (giving collisions with
the perl package when trying to rpm -Uvh for example Digest::MD5).
But I made my own perl spec where things like Digest, Digest::MD5, and
some others resulted as separate rpms, thus making it easy to upgrade
those modules via rpm.

Would you mind posting your perl specfile (or emailing it privately)?  I 
just built MIME-Base64 as a regular RPM then did a force install over 
top of the perl package, but that approach has obvious disadvantages.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Compliance

2005-04-14 Thread Josh Kelley
alan premselaar wrote:
I'd be interested in at least looking at it.  Currently I'm using 
procmail for local delivery and its Quota handling is kludgey at best.
I'd really like to get something working within MD.  Since the method 
Jan uses calls the perl module for Quota directly, I don't think 
setting setuid on the quota application will make any difference 
(although I haven't looked at the Quota module code either)
Here you go.  A brief explanation:  we're only really interested in 
checking quotas for students, since faculty/staff don't have quotas.  
Students use their student IDs for their usernames, with 
firstname.lastname set up as an email alias, so we have to check 
aliases.  We test for numeric usernames to see if the account is a 
student (instead of testing something sensible like the account's gid - 
I don't know what I was thinking).  Rather than checking current space 
usage against the message size, as Jan did, we just check to see if the 
user has already exceeded their soft quota and has exceeded their grace 
period (i.e., grace is 'none').  This means that the occasional 
over-the-quota bounce still gets generated (for messages that exceed the 
hard limit before the grace period expires, or for messages so big that 
they exceed the hard limit for users currently below the soft limit).  
This hasn't usually been a problem, but sometime I'll go back and add 
Jan's enhancements - thanks, Jan, for posting your code.

sub filter_initialize() {
   $quota_dev = Quota::getqcarg('/var/spool/mail');
   tie(%alias, 'DB_File', '/etc/aliases.db', O_RDONLY, 0);
sub filter_recipient($) {
   my ($recipient, $sender, $hostip, $hostname, $first, $helo,
   $rcpt_mailer, $rcpt_host, $rcpt_addr) = @_;
   # For local students, check quota
   if ($rcpt_mailer eq 'local') {
   my($real_addr) = lc($rcpt_addr);
   # Chase down any aliases
   while ($alias{$real_addr . "\0"}) {
   $real_addr = $alias{$real_addr . "\0"};
   $real_addr =~ s/\0$//;
   # Only check students who don't forward mail.
   ($real_addr =~ /^\d+$/) or return ('CONTINUE', 'ok');
   my($uid, $homedir) = (getpwnam($real_addr))[2,7];
   (-f "$homedir/.forward") and return ('CONTINUE', 'ok');
   # Check the quota.  We have to query by UID, since numeric
   # usernames confuse the quota binary.
   my($quota) = grep { /^\s+$quota_dev/ } split(/\n/,
   `/usr/local/bin/wwwquota $uid`);
   if ($quota =~ /\*.*none/) {
   return ('TEMPFAIL',
   "$recipient... User mailbox is full, cannot deliver",
   '452', '4.2.2');
   return ('CONTINUE', 'ok');
Hope this helps.
Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Compliance

2005-04-12 Thread Josh Kelley
Alan Premselaar wrote:
On what system do you have this implemented? (linux? kernel?)
I'm playing around with an implementation on RedHat ES 3.0 and the 
problem I'm running into is that MIMEDefang runs as the defang user, 
Quota::query is only allowed to get quota information for other users 
if run as the superuser.

did you run into these kind of issues? do you have a work around?
We use a setuid copy of /usr/bin/quota to do quota checking on our Red 
Hat server.  (We use a copy rather than making /usr/bin/quota setuid 
since any updates to the quota package would reset the setuid bit.)  
It's probably not the most efficient setup, but I thought that it would 
be simpler than a quota daemon.

I can post my code if anyone's interested, although it's not as fancy as 
Jan's.  For example, we don't do any checking on ESMTP SIZE=, we just 
bounce for people who have exceeded their quota and exceeded their grace 

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] for mcafee lovers

2005-03-23 Thread Josh Kelley
Joseph Brennan wrote:
--On Tuesday, March 22, 2005 14:29 -0500 "Kevin A. McGrail" 

 Since defang is a single user, you just need 1 license but 5 is the
minimum to purchase.
I never tried this one with vendors!  They accept this?
The consensus seems to be that McAfee at least does.  See the following:
FWIW, our sales rep gave the same answer - one server or username (don't 
remember which) running MIMEDefang, so one license.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] for mcafee lovers

2005-03-22 Thread Josh Kelley
Damrose, Mark wrote:
I run Clam on MD acting as a relay to an Exchange server running McAfee.
Before I upgraded to a version of Clam that would catch phishing e-mails,
the McAfee would regularly catch them.  There is still an occasional one
that McAfee catches that slipped past Clam.  I have no clue if the Unix
version catches them.
I checked; the Unix version does catch phishing.  We also used to use it 
to catch phishing before ClamAV updated.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Which Virus Scanner?

2005-03-07 Thread Josh Kelley
Jonathan Maliepaard wrote:
I know this is good ;-) But I am not convinced that McAfee is being
used. My CPU's are so fast, I never see Uvscan appear in "top"
Is there a way to work out if it is being used (like increasing a log

Assuming you haven't mounted your disks with the noatime option, you can 
check the access time on the uvscan binary to see if it's being called:
ls -l --time=access /path/to/uvscan

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang/SA and SURBLS

2004-12-02 Thread Josh Kelley
Mike Carlson wrote:
I didnt get a URIBL score at all.

Check that you've installed a recent enough version of Net::DNS.  For 
example, version 0.31, which ships with RHEL 3, is too old.  SURBL 
checks will silently fail if Net::DNS is out of date.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Warning: unable to close filehandle LOGF properly.

2004-09-02 Thread Josh Kelley
Tory Blue wrote:
Did a search and a few people see this but no answers.
Did I miss something running Mime 2.44/clamav/sendmail 8.13 on a Linux box
mimedefang-multiplexor[15477]: Slave 1 stderr: Warning: unable to close
filehandle LOGF properly. 

I think that it's related to this problem and the related bugfix:
Mimedefang makes certain that it closes the filehandle used to talk to 
syslog, and I think that it occasionally closes it even when the 
filehandle isn't open, which prompts this warning.

I first noticed messages similar to this after adding the bugfix listed 
above, so I'm pretty sure they're related.  The warnings should be 
harmless, so I've just ignored them.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] curly brackets - security risk?

2004-06-21 Thread Josh Kelley
Chris Masters wrote:
I know the default extension regex does not allow open
curly brackets ('{'). I assume this is a security
What about filenames? I know they're legal in both
unix and windoze, but do they pose a security risk?

Windows lets you put a classid (hexadecimal string identifying the file 
type) in curly brackets and use that as a file extension.  At least one 
virus has used this technique to hide its extension.

See, item 8, for more details.
Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] How to determine if SendMail is configured with MILTER support...

2004-05-24 Thread Josh Kelley
Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Suggest you use RPM with RHES.  Download the latest source RPM (last I did
this in November, it was sendmail-8.12.10-1.src.rpm )
Run rpmbuild --rebuild sendmail-8.12.10-1.src.rpm
Then you will have a sendmail-devel RPM in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
This will give you the MILTER support from the RPM.

Also note that the most recent updates to RHEL 3 include a 
sendmail-devel RPM, so if that's all that you're lacking, you don't even 
need to rebuild the source RPM.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Poll: Time to drop Trophie support?

2004-04-29 Thread Josh Kelley
Jerome Tytgat wrote:

One point I prefer Sophie/Sophos vs Clamav is because I can
get a newsletter from Sophos indicating new release of IDE
(viral signatures).
I've set up a procmail catch up which download new IDE as they
are released.
So I think I'm more uptodate with Sophie/Sophos than with Clamav.
ClamAV offers an email list of virus signature updates as well:
It's been my experience that ClamAV updates their signatures VERY fast; 
much faster than McAfee (the only other antivirus program that I have 
much experience with).  Bugtraq indicates that they've been faster than 
Sophos too:

I'd recommend that you give ClamAV a try; as others on the list have 
pointed out, you can set up MIMEDefang to use both virus scanners for a 
while, so you can test out ClamAV and make sure that it isn't letting 
anything through to Sophie.

Josh Kelley

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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang not calling virus scanners sometimes

2004-04-22 Thread Josh Kelley
Bill Maidment wrote:

Because File-Scan identifies the NetSky virus and variants with that 
name and ClamAV identifies the same viruses as SomeFool, I would have 
expected the first virus scanner (which happens to be File-Scan) to 
always pick them up give them all the same name (NetSky in this case). 
However the logs show a mix of NetSky and SomeFool names (see attached 
graphdefang image), which leads me to the conclusion that for some 
reason File-Scan is not picking up the virus first and so it is caught 
by ClamAV. That's not so bad, but yesterday we had an older virus 
(Welchia-B) get through both File-Scan and ClamAV, even though it was 
known to both.
I haven't used File::Scan, but from using NAI uvscan and ClamAV, I've 
noticed some differences in how virus scanners handle bounced messages, 
error messages, etc.  A bounce or error message may contain a virus, 
part of a virus, or remnants of a virus after an ignorant virus scanner 
removed it.  Because there are so many different variations on how these 
emails may appear, and because some of these emails aren't properly 
formatted, I suspect that no virus scanner can properly handle them 
all.  I've seen ClamAV (very rarely) miss a virus that NAI uvscan 
catches, and I've seen uvscan may miss a virus that McAfee VirusScan for 
Windows (also an NAI product) catches.  I would guess that this is 
what's causing you to see a few viruses slip through.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] command line notification of failure of mimedefang or similar

2004-04-16 Thread Josh Kelley
Lucas Albers wrote:

I am currently using swatch to monitor my mail log for clamd errors.
If mimedefang or clamd stop working I cannot email notify anyone.
Does anyone use a command-line mailer/script to connect directly to
another mail server in this situation?
For cases in which the local mail server is not functioning?


I haven't used it, but it sounds like nullmailer should do what you're 

We've had good results using sendpage to page us via modem if email goes 

Josh Kelley
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[Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems - bugfix

2004-03-24 Thread Josh Kelley
I think that I've found and fixed a problem in MIMEDefang's embedded 
Perl mode.

The problem:  The MIMEDefang multiplexor uses the openlog and syslog 
functions to write to the syslog.  These functions use a file descriptor 
kept in a static variable somewhere to do the actual writing.  However, 
when the multiplexor forks off a child, the child closes all open FDs.  
If the Perl filter then opens a file, it may happen to get the same FD 
that the openlog/syslog functions expect to use.  Bad things ensue.  (On 
my system, the FD conflict was causing slave processes to hang.)

Solution:  Add a closelog() call to mimedefang-multiplexor.c's 
activateSlave function, just before "Close unneeded file descriptors" loop.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-22 Thread Josh Kelley
Lucas Albers wrote:

You should show this sort of command arguments when you run

ps axuww|grep mimedefang

/usr/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor -p
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/ -E -m 4 -x 9 -U defang -i
30 -b 600 -W 1 -l -q 10 -s
Notice the -E.
Verify that it had embedded support when it was compiled.

I've verified that the -E is listed in the ps auxwww listing, and I've 
verified that embedded support was compiled in.  Any other suggestions?

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-19 Thread Josh Kelley
Lucas Albers wrote:

What version of perl are you running?

5.8.0, the version that ships with RHEL 3.

Look at the shared memory, it will indicate that each slave is sharing 2/3
of it's memory with the master.
Like such:
defang 9   0 31992  31M 19972 S 0.0  6.3   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 31040  30M 20600 S 0.0  6.1   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 30220  29M 29740 S 0.0  5.9   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 30212  29M 29732 S 0.0  5.9   0:09 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 4   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
See the number after 31m that is 20m or so?
You can see te 3rd and 4th slave aren't using any extra memory, they are
sharing all from the parent.

That's what I was looking at.  The 5th column for the 
mimedefang-multiplexors was only 3m or so, the same as it is when I have 
embedded Perl disabled.

You need to specifically enable the embedded option with the -E switch on
the multiplexor startup script.

I'm using the provided init script for Red Hat, so I can set the 
appropriate option in /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang to make the init script 
pass the -E option.

I've confirmed that ps lists the children as "mimedefang-multiplexor" 
rather than "perl", which should mean that embedded Perl 
is enabled.

Josh Kelley
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[Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-19 Thread Josh Kelley
I'm trying to get the multiplexor's embedded Perl mode to work, since 
messages on the mailing list indicated that it would save a lot of 
memory, and our mail server (running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3) is a 
bit limited on memory.

First, a minor point:  it doesn't seem to be helping the memory usage 
any.  I'd read on the list that embedded Perl mode should cause the 
"shared" column of top to be much higher, but it seems to be about the 
same as in non-embedded mode.

Second, a major point: when I enable embedded mode, slaves apparently 
tend to become busy and never report that they're done.  Slaves will 
still sometimes work, so some mail goes through - I haven't been able to 
figure out why things sometimes work and sometimes don't.  Eventually, 
though, all of the slaves become busy, up to MX_MAXIMUM.

Any idea what might be causing this?  Any suggestions on how I could 
track down the problem?


Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] perl runtime flags

2004-03-09 Thread Josh Kelley
Chris Masters wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to debug some of my filter code and I'm
getting a lot of warnings to stderr that are
redirected to syslog - which is fine.
The main errors I'm getting are to do with bitwise
operators and byte arrays. I can't reproduce these
errors when running the same code outside of
So, what warning flags is MIMEDefang run with (looks
like it's just -w in the process list)? We're running
with non-embedded mode.

The -w flag to Perl enables the warnings that you're seeing.  You can 
add " -w" to the "#!/usr/bin/perl" line of your test stub to have your 
test stub print the same errors, or you can add "use warnings;" to the 
beginning of your code to have the same effect.

The "ugly hack" way to get rid of these messages is to add "no 
warnings;" to your mimedefang-filter to disable the warning messages.

Your use of IO::Socket::INET that you quoted looks okay, so I wouldn't 
think that the warnings are coming from there; I'd guess that they might 
be coming from wherever you initialize your socket.  But I'm not very 
familiar with IO::Socket::INET, and without seeing your code or the 
exact warnings, I'm just guessing.

Hope this helps.

Josh Kelley
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang 2.40 is released

2004-03-08 Thread Josh Kelley
Stephen Smoogen wrote:

On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 12:37, Josh Kelley wrote:

1.  Most mass-mailing viruses are sent directly by the virus, in which 
case no one will see any bounces generated.

Right and Wrong. Most mass mailing viruses are sent by the virus, but
with a spoofed email address that can be either something in the mailbox
or some other item. I get about 20 you sent this virus that I couldnt
have sent every week.

I'm not suggesting sending out "you sent this message" notifications; I 
know that's a bad idea.  I'm suggesting using action_bounce, which 
rejects the message at the SMTP level, instead of action_discard, which 
accepts the message and silently discards it.

In this case, the only time someone would see the bounce is if the virus 
sends a copy of itself through unprotected mail server A, unprotected 
mail server A tries to relay the message to protected mail server B, 
which rejects the message, so then unprotected mail server A tries to 
generate an error message to the forged sender address.  The proper fix 
for this problem, I think, is for mail server A to add virus protection, 
not for mail server B to start silently discarding email that it can't 
guarantee has no valid content.

2.  Bounces will be generated anyway, if a mass-mailed virus is sent to 
an invalid email address, so avoiding action_bounce won't stop bounced 

If it isnt sent.. then it wont create anything. The discard kills the
SMTP session.

If the virus sends a copy of itself through unprotected mail server A, 
and unprotected mail server A tries to relay the message to an invalid 
email address on mail server B, then mail server B will reject the 
message regardless of how it handles viruses, and then unprotected mail 
server A still tries to generate an error message to the forged sender 
address.  So viral bounces can still get generated whether the mail 
server bounces or discards viruses.

3.  If the the virus is, for example, a Word macro virus, it shouldn't 
be silently dropped.

Eh? I dont know if that is correct either. You still have to assume that
you are sending the bounce to the correct person. If people could/do put
in such conditional rules (if binary-virus->kill else if word->bounce
then the spam/child-porn/mafia/anyone-else-making-money-of-viruses would
just then use that as a new novel way to get mass mailings done. [Send
bad email with porn/spam/etc with word-macro-virus and have the forged
sender be the person you want to send the spam to in the first place..
bang you are assured that person will get tons of your spam because
people are going to bounce it to the recipient.]

My argument is that if a mail server silently drop all viral messages, 
it risks losing valid content.  I don't know of a good way to prevent this.

Your argument is that if a mail server bounces viral messages, then it 
can conceivably used to spam people.  This can be prevented by adding 
virus protection to mail servers and by various anti-spam methods 
currently available.

4.  To summarize, in the man page's words, "It's almost never a good 
idea to hide a problem."


No it isnt.. but it doesnt really not hide the problem. Most of these
viruses I see here have already been sent through 1-2 mail-relays and
the original host/sender is impossible to track down. I cant tell who
sent the virus so I cant tell them to clean their machine. Me sending
back a bounce that goes to an innocent 3rd party who didnt send the
email just makes the problem worse.. as they have no idea why they are
getting this email.

Most of the viruses that I get at my mail server come directly from 
infected computers, if I'm reading my mail server logs correctly.

I'm not particularly interested in tracking down the original sender of 
the virus.  I am interested in letting someone know that their email was 
rejected if they try to email a viral message.

Again, I'd like to know why the recommendation in MIMEDefang 2.40 was 
changed from action_bounce to action_discard.

Josh Kelley

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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang 2.40 is released

2004-03-05 Thread Josh Kelley
David F. Skoll wrote:

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, Josh Kelley wrote:

he mimedefang-filter manpage still recommends using action_bounce
rather than action_discard.  Is action_bounce no longer recommended?

Right.  I should fix the man page.

I'm sure that this topic has come up many times on the list before, and 
I'm sorry for bringing it up again, but the last time I remember seeing 
it discussed here, I thought that the general consensus was that bounce 
was better, for roughly the following reasons:

1.  Most mass-mailing viruses are sent directly by the virus, in which 
case no one will see any bounces generated.
2.  Bounces will be generated anyway, if a mass-mailed virus is sent to 
an invalid email address, so avoiding action_bounce won't stop bounced 
3.  If the the virus is, for example, a Word macro virus, it shouldn't 
be silently dropped.
4.  To summarize, in the man page's words, "It's almost never a good 
idea to hide a problem."

Why the change in recommendation?

Again, sorry for rehashing old material.

Josh Kelley
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang 2.40 is released

2004-03-05 Thread Josh Kelley
David F. Skoll wrote:

* Default action for viruses (in the sample filter) is now discard.

The mimedefang-filter manpage still recommends using action_bounce 
rather than action_discard.  Is action_bounce no longer recommended?

Josh Kelley
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] action_quarantine_entire_message

2004-03-02 Thread Josh Kelley
Dirk Mueller wrote:

On Saturday 28 February 2004 21:48, Dirk Mueller wrote:


Quarantines  the entire message in a quarantine directory on the mail
server, but does not oth­erwise affect disposition of the message.  If
"$msg" is non-empty, it is included in any admin­istrator notification.
To my surprise, it seems that action_quarantine_entire_message's parameter,
$msg, is added inline to the actual message. That was... ehh, quite
surprising, since the messages were politically incorrect debug messages,
and which confused the hell out of the actual recipient, since they
suddenly appeared in the middle of a legitimate, nonspam, nonvirus email.

Could anyone confirm that this is a bug in mimedefang ?

I believe that I can confirm.  I haven't had anyone complain, but I've 
seen messages bounced for other reasons that have had the quarantine 
notifications added inline, when that's not at all what I would expect.

Josh Kelley
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MIMEDefang mailing list

[Mimedefang] [OT] SBL

2004-02-25 Thread Josh Kelley
I realize this is a bit OT, but I've seen SBL recommended here before, 
and I'm not sure where else to ask...

I'm trying to reconfigure our mail server to start blocking spam instead 
of tagging it with SpamAssassin and trusting our users to set up their 
own filters based on SpamAssassin.  Blocking messages based on the SBL 
seemed like a good first step.  In the week or so since I've started 
using the SBL, it's caught about half of the incoming mail to our 
campus, but it's also caused 4-5 false positives (a spammer's company 
that happens to put out a good newsletter, legitimate mailing lists 
hosted by spammers, a legitimate company that uses a spam-friendly ISP 
as their hosting provider).  This surprised me, since I was under the 
impression that the SBL was probably the most trusted and most 
conservative of the blacklists.

Should I give up on blocking via the SBL?  Or should I just accept that 
if I'm going to block mail, I'm going to block a few legitimate ones by 
mistake?  I know that others on this list use the SBL - have you had any 
similar problems?


Josh Kelley
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Solaris And Syslog issues.

2004-01-30 Thread Josh Kelley
David F. Skoll wrote:

However, sending INT to the multiplexor to reread the filter is
deprecated.  Instead, you should use:
	md-mx-ctrl reread

The Red Hat init script in redhat/mimedefang-init still uses kill -INT 
and so should probably be updated.

Josh Kelley
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MIMEDefang mailing list